Johnstown weekly Democrat. (Johnstown, Cambria County, Pa.) 1889-1916, July 05, 1889, Image 7

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Ww York City a Ilviorl of Imlf tml
the Headquarters of Itlnny Visitors
In the Hot Months—Political Tllflnqs
, Nomowhat—Tile New Union
League Club House.
NEW YORK, . V ' -
The days that
f presage tho com
ing of summer
roll rapidly by,
echoing with saw
and hammer, and
the noise and
bustle of prepara
tion tells us that
our seaside re
sorts are soon to
open. More and
more each year
New York is be
coming a place
with special at
tractions for
con. p. o. LOVEEAND,pleasure seekers
PENSION AGENT AT and visitors. Ev-
NEW YOBK. ery phase of sum
mer hotel clusters around us and the
city itself is by no means the uninviting
spot that somo picture it. In the
crowded tenemont and business streets
one cannot expect comfort, but there arc
thousands of cool and shady spots on
bay, ocean and river that people are
• finding in the suburbs and even within
city limits. And our city hotels are not
empty in summer either. The rush to
section brings all of them trade and
visitors often make their headquarters
here when Hitting from ono resort to an
Political things languish. Since tho ad
journment of tho legislatures around us,
fewer politicians drop down here. Of
local interest, tho appointment of Col.
F. C. Loveland to be pension agent in
,citv and of John F. Plummer to Vie gov
ernment director of the Union Pacific
railroad are the only current theme of
' the kind. Both these men are very pop
ular here, and thus far few murmurs of
dissatisfaction are heard even of the
party sort.
The proposed construction of a new
Union League club house in Brooklyn is
worthy of mention in this connection,
showing as it does the wealth arm ag
gressive tactics of Republicans in Kings
county, which is to be a field for hotter
party battles than ever before. From an
"architectural point of view the new build
ing will be a credit to tho city, and so far
' as the Republican party may have an
interest in it, or can be responsible for its
erection, it will be a credit to the party,
for it will be one of the finest structures
of its kind in the country. Apart from
its political effect there is a side of club
organisation which excites admiration
and wins commendation even from those
who have no personal interest in them;
for they contribute to tho beautification
of the city, the enhancement of its tax
values, and the attractions of its social
life; and since the Republicans have de
termined to establish their Union League
clubhouse, they are at least to be con
gratulated by Democratic citizens on the
largeness of the plans adopted and the
I size and imposing character of the build
ing they propose to erect.
An unpretentious house on Henry
street, Brooklyn, attracts unusual atten
tion, by the way, since it became the dom
icile of the much-discussed ox-bank pres
ident and ex-convict .Tames D. Fish.
Since his occupancy of this quiet retreat
ho has been seen on the street only ouee
or iwr-e. I saw him out for a short walk
one evening during the past week, and
the sigiit of the clean shaven, now almost
decrepit old ma* revived memories of the
days when he sat in his cosily furnished
ottice it: the Marine bank in Wall street,
ami directed the affairs of that then most
trusted financial institution.
The name of Fish was then an honored
one. Its hearer had advanced step by
step to a lnence and iniluenoe. His
brother, with whom ho had been asso
ciated so many years in the ship broker
age and commission business on Maiden
I.ane had imbibed from him the-conserv
atism in methods so characteristic of all transactions.
Mr. Fish, it is claimed, has hardly re
cciv"d fair treatment at the hands of the
mess. Rumors without foundation
gained currency
stories of endless /
variety wore /
coined which J gp
tended to show
him in anything rW
but a favorable ! w~7
light. He was /
human with some fso'/
of the frailties'of
humanity. He
hud a kindly r JI |V 1
heart, was hos- m \\\/
pitable and char
italic. No man { y
could have the
legion of friends, y
who, when adver- P
slty overtook roHN F. PLUMMF.R,
him, never oov. DIRECTOR R. p.
ceased-to try RAILROAD.
and tx'gnin him bis liberty, had he been
a cold, selfish individual, as sometimes
assorted. During his prosperous days
be waa the roost accessible of the tinan
idaJ magnates. Hall bovs, janitor", isio
hlacks and newsboys all knew hi., .-no.
•he- had a-friendly word for all. Belll-b
men are not of this sort.
'lt was hoped by his family and friends
that When- ne emerged from prison the
crimes for which he had been punished
would cease to-be discussed in the news
papers, and thatihe would be enabled to
pass qnietly the remaining days'of Ids
r existence free from constant reminders
of his misstep ; but he is talked of almost
as much as ever. Many inquiries are
afloat as to why he selected Brooklyn for
a residence. It is easy to account for in
the fact that in a house three or four
doors away there lives a friend with whom
he was wont to spend many pleasant days
when Wad street revered him. Through
all the long days of ills trial, this friend
never forsook liim, and when the prison
bars shut him in, his hand v, us the last
he grasped. His name wu- among the
first ou the petition for the pardon sub
mitted to ex-President Cleveland, and by
his advice the present house was en
When gossip has subsided, and the ex
banker can go about without being is rumored that he will tie
provided with a modest clerical position
where his duties will not be very onerous
and where his declining days may be
made as peuuc-iul and quiet as possible.
c We hve had some pleasant talk over
the fact that William Walter Phelps is
mentioned as our probable minister to
Germany, just as Wldtelaw Reid appears
In Paris as minister to France. Mr.
Shanks, formerly of the Tribune, now
editor of the Star, told a ttory not long
ago indicative of the warm relations ex'
Utlng between Messrs Phelps and Rehl.
"In 1872, just after Horace Greeley's
death," said he, "Whitelaw Hold, then
acting editor of the Tribune, called t'.io
late John R. G. Hansard and myself into
his office. Hassard and I were then sub
ordinates of Reid. He handed us a cheok
of the Tribune association for $40,000 nay
able to himself for four shares of Trll jno
stock. 'Boys,' he Said, trying to laugh
away his grief, 'that represents my con
nection with the Tribune. It has been
sold to a syndicate represented by Wil
liam Orton, president of the Western
Union Telegraph company, and Vice-
President Colfax is to become editor to
morrow. He wishes you to remain.'
"Hassard fell to weeping, and I took to
cursing, und advised Reid to got out an
injunction against the illegal transfer.
While we were yet talking a messenger
handed Reid a dispatch. It was from
t he Tribune's Washington correspondent,
Zebulon L. White. It told that Oakes
Ames had exposed Vice-President Colfax
as one of the credit Mobilier gang, and
that Orton, breaking with Coll'ax, had
gone back to New York in disgust.
"Mr. Reid left the Tribune office hast
ily. He went to the house of a friend.
The next day ho had soon Orton and
bought his fifty-one Shares of the Tri
bune for $510,000. The friend to whom
he had hastily gone the night before, and
who furnished tho money to buy tho
control of the Tribune in its days of
doubt, and tribulation, was William Wal
ter Phelps, tho probable minister to
Germ any.
"A few years ago fraud brought disas
ter to the great, Second National hank of
this city. Millions had been stolen by
John Vino. Tho bank was on the verge
ot' ruin. The youngest director of it
saved it. He nerved the other rich di
rectors to put their hands in their pock
ets, pay the deficiency, save tho bank and
their own honor. At the last moment
the discovery of an additional forgery of
'-.)0,000 staggered the directors, and they
hesitated. 'Never mind that,' said the
plucky junior director, 'l'll take care of
that.' Ho hud already put up Ids full as
sessment of the loss to the bank by tun's
treachery, I think that that plucky di
rector is fully competent to be the minis
ter to Germany."
On the occasion of his great benefit at
the Comedie Franccise a week ago, Actor
Conuelin received a stream of congratu
latory cablegrams from admirers here.
Coquelin is loud in his praise and admi
ration of everything American, from the
women to the cooking, which he declares
to bo as good at Delmonico's as in any
place in Paris. The only thing he had to
object to was the way lie was treated by
•h" Tribune and Herald. He and Mr.
Jteid have met since the letter's arriva
in Paris, and, it is said, the new minister
to France expresses himself as regretful
for the severity of his critic. As to the
Herald, whieh simply boycotted Coquelin
and never mentioned Ids name at all, that
was Mr. Bennett's doings, he having
cabled peremptory orders forbidding his
dramatic critic ever to speak of Coquelin
in print.
I am told this was ono of Mr. Bennett's
private grudges whieh he used his paper
to gratify. Three or four years ago tho
two had some difficulty in Paris concern
ing a private mutter. The editor consid
ered himself the injured party, aud after
iiis fashion waited patiently for revenge,
and did succeed In annoying Coquelin
m if ■ tliu i he would like to admit by ab
solutely refusing to have his name men
ti mod in his paper.
Coquelin is passionately fond of pic
tures, and, like all wealthy Frenchmen,
li.i. n ambition to discover and introduce
to the world a new genius, as I hear.
The genius' name in this oase is Friand.
and Coquelin has somo twenty or more of
his paintings hung about his now apart
ments, among his Corots and Diazes, and
expects them to double themselvw over
many times in value in the next twenty
years He is going to make hie debut in
London as Petruehlo, in "The Taming of
tho Shrew," it, having long been one of
lis ambitions to create Shakepearean
110 hits a big law suit on hand with the
manager of theComedle Jhrancarise, whlAii'
will keep hlin busy all summer, and Tfr*
proposes to make a speech himself In
court when the trial eomes off.
Civil Metric* IthoA Ml 0
One of thwiuost Interesting sights to
be'ound In Washington is the examinu
tfou rooms of the civil SmrVice oommii
■>Uin'. Tile sdefTo is one of 1 intense, sup
pressed, excitement. Pretty girls are
iient over desks, some of them 'lennin.
their heads OQ their hands In dlseouruge.
inertia, and others driving away us if the
moment witf J before them
when they must lay down their pens and'
.imply wait 'results. Ybbtigmfu wltli
fashionable clothes and seated side by
side with old citizens who have passed
ps! time of l|fn wtiesi personal appear
ait he is rJtjirilM'as a matter worthy,or
much consideration. Like love, the
civil service examination levels all ranks
for the time being, and likely as not u
mail with twenty years of'business ex
perience Ls competing for the place with
a girl fresh from the atmosphere ot the'
high school. —Washington Critic.
Corporal Tantiar*'* WIS Commaadir.
Hore in Washington ls the place to sOe
the ups and downs of political life. Old
commanders during the war times be
came asters of their former subordinates
for offleeß In their gift after the shuttle of
a quarter of a century of politics. The
die in a great many instances lias become
the rank and the rank the flic. Oorpl.
Tanner, for Instate, became Commis
sioner Tanner, and Gen Bigel, his old
commander, litscamo Pension Agent Bigel
and one of his dnderllngs. "I tell you,
said Commissioner Tanner tho othor
night, "it was pathetic. I could remem
ber how Gen. Bigots horse had splashed
mud over me as 1 stood In tho ranks, sfnd
he galloped along the line with his splan
dtd staff, and here he was, a broken old
man, offering me his resignation.—Wash
ington Critic. _ ,
Home Foolinh I'eople
Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond
the reach of medicine. They often say,
"Oh, it will wear away," but in most
cases it wears them away. Could they be
induce 1 to try the successful medicine
called Kemp's Balsam, which we sell on a
positive guarantee to cure, they would im
mediately see the excellent effect after tak
ing the first dose. Price 50c and 81.00.
Trial site free. At all druggists. eow
'lax-Payers Take Notice.
Does prohibition prohibit? We claim
it does not ; the facts are on our sides j
Consult you friends in Maine, Kaneat and
finea. They will tell you it, is a farce and
increases taxes. Consult your own inter
ests by ordering Wi.vs and L>q>i <r direct
from headquarters. We nave yon moneys
give you better and purer goods, fill orders
more promptly, and prices are lower than
elsewhere. Silver A., r e absolutely pure
rye, endorsed by physicians, used in taos- !
pituls. Only 81.50 full standard quart.
ouckcnheluierPure lire, ft yr. oi. $i a > quart
(dtfsnn " e " lID "
overhalt " " 100 "
Kino 1i s ( lolden Wedding ti " too "
vtj bottles J5),
Ports, Sherries. Brandies, Whiskies, Gin.
etc., 50 cents quart tip. Goods shipped to
all parts of the U. S., carefully packed.
So extra charge for packages. Send trial
order. Write for complete Cataloguenml
Price list. Mention this paper.
No. 82 Federal St..Allegheny, Pa.
Omul)!! S.~ Co.
If you want a good situation write MAY
into I Oi.lM, Nura, rviii -1,. Urn-heater, N, V.,
asthev are lit want or hones and upright sales
men to sell their choice and hardy varieties of
Nursery stock.either >n sdar.v or commission,
tlany new and valuable varieties to oiler. Write
them at ouce lor terms.
jfcy .?S relinbie pill fur sale. Never Fail. \
/-S L Aak for CkicKtafr't \
® J/ Diamond Brand, In me-
Ksffll ,al "° boxes. with blue rib- YxFy
•J wjQflbon. At Drugfrtnt*. Accept V/
/ UJ nu "thcr. AII pllla ID paste- v
Jn boar<l bozos, piuk wrappert, art DaaßCCr
\ KP <"* counterfeit. Hciut 4c. (btampi) for
\ Tr* particulars and "ltellcf for I.adlea, n <'
- f~- Iriieir, by rvturn mail. 10,000 tcatl
monlttnifroin tAOIES who hae us-<l them. Name Pajer. tt
Chichester Cheialc*! Co., Jl<llonSq.,l'hll.,P*
OISEA3HS Ci" en .
Blood Polnon.Wlso(K I ney-.m ..Iderai-d.-there,
■tlilm, V>ekii<Ms,N-r-r—,-< I). illiy.lA-at Aluobuo-I re
jultßof Errors a You:". ROUFHH.i > andpormountiilT
cared. Con-ultutlon iintl oj'iunil
Address DB. G KINDLE, 171 W. 12th St., New York.
t r*do in all parity bvjl || |1
f in
IT /L I Elbe world, wilb all the attachments.
JJtVj 1 w Will alao send free a completn
HfEaJ.ll ■rLajUli t ' n * °' eur coat, Y • nd ▼■laable art
■ifiSHl I vilv/^A lr> return we A*h that yoa
St f'ft-i' \fff Ygi ft m * v call at your home.and after X
IA ahall become your own
▼lil ftoronertv. Thia arrand machioe la
lJjg 1 HA \ ahar the winner patenta,
■T hich have ran out; before patrnta
:rSt ~ V run out it aold for SOU, with the
A tachments, and now aella for
MFOft\ aartlr L ®"0. Best, strongest, aost uee
*rKtCl L|e>" r Ail machine in the world. All In
I DILI ■ llLwLwffeo. No capital required. Plain,
brief instruction* givm. I hose who write to ua at onca can ae.
cure free the b<-t sewing-machine in the world, and the
finest line of work* <>f high art ever ehown together in America.
TKL EAtU, Box 740, AuguaU, Maine.
i.u i-ly
iytiilr I k.o. Jw MCOl'X.Nuw York Ci tj
. lA>oa-
CItA CIW r*. m-IVIMt
rlEi #% ni.,i.iM.TuutAtegsHios
Igla H S.rS Sl.lhatl;. Comfort,
■bio. 111., book .proof,
free. Addreooor cell on t. UISCOX, bit Brudvai, I. T.
Resulting from the Error, of Youth, Folly, Vice. Ig-,
nor.nce, Ac., mar be cured at home without fall or
exposure. lafalllble and Ceofldeollel. Large
Treatise, 300 pages, oalyll by mail,.ealed, postpaid.
Small book, with endorsements of the press, free.
Send now. Addre*. the Feabody Medical Institnte,
or Dr. W.H.Parker, N0.4 Bolfluch Si.,Boston,Maes.
% A l rißt, Quart k} B Gallon !
muniH-:im ~T Jrr ,., i
Catarrhal Daifniis and Hay Fevar.
Sufferers are not generally aware that
these diseases are cobtaglens, or that they
are due to tlie presence of living parasites in
the lining membrane of tho nose and eus
tachian tubes. Mk'roscopic research, how
ever, has proved tills to be a fact and the
result is that a simplp fepiedy has been for
mulated wliereby eatarrli, cafatThal deafness
and hay fever are jwrmanently cured in
from one to three simple applications made
at home by the patient once in two weeks.
N. B.—For catarrluil discharges peculiar to
females (whites) this remedy is a specific.
A pamphlet explaining this new treatment
Is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H.
DIXON & SON. h West King St., Toronto,
Canada.—Scientific American.
Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should
lead the above carefully.
deciH-ly _
to canvass for the sole of Nursery stock! steady
. employment guaranteed, sntary ami ex,lenses
paid. Apply at once, stating age.
CHASE BROTH KKS. Rochester, N. Y.
(.Refer to this paper.) inayU
" Good morning',' Jack ! why I haven't
seen you for a mouth past. What in the
world is the matter with you ? You seem
to have reuewed your youth."
" Well Phil. I have. Don't you remem
ber the last time I saw you, how misera
ble I was ? Sick and blue, and in that
sort of mood a man gets sometimes when
he feels the most noble thing in life is to
go straight to the devil."
" Not so had as that, I hope ; at all
events you didn't go that way, you are
looking far too happy and hearty."
•• Thank goodness, no ! or rather, thank
Vinegar Bitters. Do you remember that
day fsaw you last, when you recommend
ed that remedy to me so persistently, and
Iw is first vex'd and then half convinced."
I remember it perfectly, and you
needn't say another word upon the sub
ject ; your looks tell me that you took the
"No doubt of it: everybody remarks
upon my improved looks and temper; but
I must really tell you all about it. I got
the old style, us you recommended, and
didn't minil the hitter taste at all. 1 fin
ished the bottle in about two weeks, and
was greatly improved, so much so that
I determined to change off and try the
new style.
" Well, how did you like it?"
" You told me your wife preferred th
new style, I believe;well, I must say lagre
with her. I like the old style very much
but the new is a finer, smoother, more ex
pensive preparation."
" I believe it is; in fact, 1 have heard
.10, and 1 wonder the McDonald Drug
Company sell it for the same price they
do the old style, because it is really a very
costly preparation."
" Well, that ilosn't concern us. Who
was it said that people fancied themselves
pious sometimes when they were only
bilious? No matter! I was only going to
suy that I believe people often seem wicked
when it is only their liver, or their stom
ach, or some other cantankerous organ of
the body so out of order they couldn't be
good if they tried."
" And if ail the miserable dyspepsia,
and victims of biliousness, headache and
the thousand and one ills that flush is heir
to would only take Vinegar Bitters, what
a happy world this would be ! "
" I should recommend the new style."
" I never go back on the old style."
" Well, they can pay their money and
take their choice, for both kinds work ad
Only Temperance Bitters Known.
The Great Blood Purifier
and Health Restorer. Cures all
kinds of Headache within thirty
minutes—Try it.
The only Temperance Bitters
known. It stimulates the Brain
and quiets the Nerves, regulates the
Bowels and renders a perfect blood
circulation through the human veins,
which is sure to restore perfect
health. ®STA beautiful book free.
Address, R. H. McDONALI) DRUG
CO., 532 Washington street, New
147"ANTED—Agents in every city
V T town and village of Pennsylvania'tor th
seiv England .Mutual Accident Association, o
U i iton, Mass., cheapest and besi accident, .isso
elation. Address I. it. B.AY TON, get. n
Fifth avenue. Pittsburgh. Pa
The only tureOnre forComn. flfopanll pnin. Fnimref
co iforttothufeet. 15c.atPrugprista. HiscoxtCo.,N.Y.
ITfivo TOO CnDffn, I)ii>nrmtii, Arfthnm. Indlire*rioii f Uio
|'io wor*rrnsoßamf n tnuTx'-rf r*nir<|y for nil Ills arising
from defective nutrition. Take in time. 50a ami 31.0a
JnOfenivieA and beautifies the hair.
-MffiNever Fails to Restore Grey
Iy'\'- Hair to Its Y >uthfjl Color.
Hlßß!S s 'toMfcW*to Mr~
jwmearr/VMFGauavr ~7
r.UPSRANCB DRINK in th. world. TRY IT.
Ask your Drufftst or Oroosr for It.
Aching Sides and Back, Hip, Kidney and
Uterine Pains, Rheumatic, Sclatlo, sharp and
Weakening Pains, relieved In ONE MINUIK by
nrst Cnticura Anti-Fain Plaster p
onlv Instantaneous paln-kllllng strengthening
plaster. 25 cts; 5 for $1- At druggists, or of I'OT
m Pimples, blackheads, chapped and pi DO
oily skin cured by COTICUKA SOAP, f liuO
• may3-4t
ttloob, iHorrell & <Co'e Store
Mammoth Store,
Near the P. R. P. Depot, Johnstown, Pa.,
Is conceded to be the Most Extensive and Best-Appointed Establishment of its class in
the United States.
Fot longer than twenty-six years the Company's Store has been the Leading Mer
cantile House in Johnstown, and its rapid growth is unprecedented. From a small
beginning it has developed into a concern of massive proportions, carrying immense
stocks of every variety of goods, and employing in all its departments more than one
hundred men. It has always been the aim of the proprietors to supply their custom
ers with the very best gooils in the market, at the lowest possible prices, and they
have reason to be proud of having made their guaranty indisputable.
lu their different Store Booms can be found a full and carefully-selected stock of
every class of goods in their line of business, additions to which are constantly being
made, so that their stock is always fresli and new. In the wide range of goods car
ried may be mentioned
The Attenlion of Conn fry Merchants
is invited to the Facilities of this Establishment for supplying every article in demand
By their customers, goods of all descriptions being offered
Their Goods beitm bought in large quantities, and on the most liberal terms, the
management are enabled to sell at the very lowest market prices, and to successfully
defy competition.
Ladies will find this spacious Store lloom fitted up with every convenience for
and a Stock that will equal in assortment that of the most complete Dry
I Goods and Millinery Stores in tho larger cities. A splendid assortment of Cloths,
Cnssimeres Trimmings, etc., may also he found in this department for sale by the
1 vard Carpets Oil Cloths, etc., are kept on the second tloor, accessible by elevator.
None but the best of Staple and Fancy Goods are handled, and " long measure" guar
.ll, teed.
In this Department Heavy Stocks are carried, selected especially for the Johns
'nwn trade. All goods are warranted to be of the very best material, well made
-tvlish and durable. The Stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods in general cannot be
From the Hop-nailed and Wooden Shoes of the workingman to the dainty Slip
p..,-s of the lady, the stock in this department is complete, and customers will have no
lifiicultv in coming to an 'understanding." Only the best of leather is used in the
iiaiiufacttire o these goods, and they will be found at once stylish and durable.
Shot*. Shop ami Leather Department.
On tlie second and third floors, witli convenient entrance by hallway from Wash
i'i-ton street is the Shoe Shop and Leather Department,where Fine and Coar.-e Boots
i "l Shoes are made to order, and where a large stock of Shoe Findings of all kinds,
a.i t a line assortment "f Upper and Sole Leather is kept constantly on hand.
iirocerirs, Vegetables, Hardware, Ltc.
Tlie stock of Groceries, Provisions, Etc., is unsurpassed in quality, arid is always
f esh, being turned ouce ever}' month. Only the very finest Teas, Sugars, Spices,
I'c.. in the market are purchased, and clerks are under orders to invariably give
Mown wti"ht" and "heaping measure." Tho stock of Queensware is large and
.-.-tried, and from tlie common Earthenware to tlie finest Porcelain atnFCiiiria Ware
ill • assortment is complete. An open stairway leads from the Grocery to the Vege
t Ic Department, where e .ery variety of Seasonable Produce and Green Groceries is
kept, Including Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Oysters, Fish, Etc. In tlie rear of the
Grocery are the Hardware and Tobacco Departments, and the buyer is assured that
h - ; will' lie offered the very best goods at the lowest prices.
Merchant Tailoring Establishment.
i ,ii
The Tailor Shop occupies several rooms in the second and third stories of the
building—entrance from tlie river side. Tlie Cloth Room is well stocked with Cloths,
It .-isiineres. Cheviots, Etc., and also a fine assortment celebrated Woodvale
B'onlens, which are without a rival in the market Clothing will be made to order
proaiptly and in Fashionable style. Inferior trimmings are never used, and satisfac
tion is guaranteed in every instance.
*'i . ,
This Department is located just east of the Main Store Building, and is one of tlie
la'st regulated Markets in the couutrv. Particular attention is paid to the selection of
every animal that is killed, from a lamb to a bullock. The slaughtery its model of
neatness,ls supplied with all the modern improvements, anil while the -Steaks and
Roasts are always tender and true, an air of invstery does not surround the Sausages,
Puddings, Etc., in the preparation of which the greatest possible care is exercised.
Venison and all kinds of Game are kept in season.
, " V' Ipl, ii| v
Here tons of Flour are stacked away, and huge bins are filled with Meal of every
description, for use in the house or stable. The stock is always fresh and good.
In this Department are kept a full assortment of Kitchen, Parlor and Bedroom
Furniture, from tlie lowest to the highest grades, and tlie customer will he promptly
supplied with House Fnrnishing Goods of all descriptions.
Our Entire Stores are presided over by courteous gentlemen, who are thorough
masters of their business, and strangers and citizens alike will Imve thei;- wants at
tended to promptly and intelligently.
Johnstown, Pa., Nov. 19,1879. M __ _