Johnstown weekly Democrat. (Johnstown, Cambria County, Pa.) 1889-1916, July 05, 1889, Image 5

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    I/The Democrat. |
I FRIDAY. JULY 5. 188!). i
I flow tli* People VV •)•. Fml ttinl ClotUeil si
the CommUsiirleH.
| The call for help which went up from
| the survivors of the great disaster ot May
: 31, 1889, iu Johustown and vicinity was
! responded to by the people of the whole
country in such a manner, as, for chris-
I .tian charily and liberality, to stand un
paralleled In the history of the world.
Tin - large contributions of food, clothing
and household supplies sent here are be
iug faithfully and impartially distributed
among the needy. This distribution is
now so thoroughly systematized that to the
deserving poor tnese supplies are easy of
access and to the impostor public expos
ure is reasonably sure. The manner of
distribution may prove interesting to many
contributors who are unable by reason of
, distance to come and see for themselves.
* The city and adjoining towns are divid
ed into proper Commissary districts,
which the distribution is made. For ex
ample just opposite the Pennsylvania
Railroad passenger depot, is Commissury
No. 3, known also as Prospect ilill Depot.
Tills Commissary is in charge of Lieut. W.
T. Richardson, of Mahanov City, Pa., as
sisted by Commissary Seargcunt D. E.
Briadle, of Carlisle and R. 8, Magee,
. Quarter .Master Seargeant, of Wiglitsville,
and an efficient corps of assistants. The
contributions arc sorted out at tlie
railroad stations and a portion sent
here for distribution. The Commissary
named is so divided that there
is separate apartment for gro
ceries. meat, bread, flour and other pro
visions, as well as for boots and slious,
gents clothing, ladies wear and house
hold goods. Daily distribution being
' made from each department. In the trro-
, eery and provision department of Lieut.
Rich.rdson's commissary, tickets are
given to sucli persons as are entitled to
relief, these tickets have the name, res
idence and number of persons in the fam
ily, and the days of the month beginning
■with the 12th and ending with the iiOth of
June. The holder of the ticket is entitled
to receive provisions daily for the num
ber of persons named ypon presentation
of the ticket. When the provisions are
supplied the date is punched out and
nothing more can be gotten on the date
In the clothing department, a competent
man is in charge of the passage way who
ascertains the present and former resi
dence of the applicant and suelt facts as
are necessary to detesmine whether or not
the relief should be exteuded. If lite ap
plicant is entitled to assistance he or she
is given a ticket upon wnieh is written a
list of articles wanted, which the holder
takes from department to department,
until all the articles are obtained, when
the ticket is lifted. In case all the articles
can not be obtained, the bolder retains tiie
ticket, the articles supplied having been
stricken off.
The household goods are distributed by
receiving the applications for articles
needed, and, if after proper examination
the applicant appears to be entitled to re
lief. the goods are delivered at such
plac Aas are designated, and a receipt
taken therefor.
A complete list is k-p' of all -neb per
sons as hold tickets, together with the
number of person- comprising the family
auil the number of peisons housed who
were flooded out as also of all persons re
ceiving household supplies.
When Lieut. Col. Spangler, now As
sistant Commander General of Pennsyl
vania, took charge of thesupnlies on June
2d nil was confusion and excitement, and
it was impossible to systematize the dis
tribution at once, bill a few days brought
order out of chaos and when depot No.
!{ was placed in charge of Lieut. Rich
ardson, who is nil experienced grocer, it
was fortunately placed in the hands of an
energetic man possessing rare executive
ability in this direction, and through
whose efforts this commissary lias gained
.the respect and admiration of the whole
The Fir.. Limit Ordinance.
This outrageous ordinance should be
wiped out at once. It lias been, and as
long as it remains as one of our borough
laws, will be against lite prosperity of
Johnstown. It discriminates unfavorably
against our own people. It will prevent
improvements, and drive those with little
means from ourcitv. Poor people are not
able 'o erect brick buildings, but many of
them can put up comfortable and hand
some wooden structures. The enforce
ment of the "fire limit ordinaee" will
only benefit the grasping land sharks from
Caitih/m Iron Company.
The old chestnut —one that has played
its part in the affairs of nieti for ages, that
"corporations have ni souls," is com
pelled by current events to take a back
sent. Not only have the hank* of Phila
delphia, in proffering the loan of a mil
lion dollars for the relief of the flood
swept districts of the State, given it a
black eye. but the noble stand takeu by
the authorities of Cniubria Iron Company
in encouraging its thousands of employees
with the promise of a speedy resumption,
and in affording immediate relhf to the
suffering, throws the old threadbare say
ing square on its buck. Ls officers here
with Mr. James MeMilleu, Cyrus Elder,
Esq., John Fulton, Esq., ami others, and
Mr. Powell Stackbouse of Philadelphia,
have done very much to re-assure our
people and inspire confidence; and the
assurance that the Wire Mills will be re
built at the earliest possible moment lias
bad a wonderful effect in bouyiug up the
spirits of our hundreds of artisans.
Jtenl It state.
lint little real estate has yet been on the
market, owners being undecided as to
what to do. The flood has undoubtedly
caused a boom in real estate at Moxliam.
and it. is said that very few lots are for
sale there any more.
Our liiterehtM.
Nearly every department of the Cam
bria Iron Company is again running full
time, atid the Johnson Works are also in
full blast. The department of the John
son Works which was recently removed
from Wood vale, is also in full blast, and
our people are nearly all back at their
regular employment. And yet it is only
five weeks to-day since the great flood.
The t'uhleiitlHed J>ead.
The bodies of two girls were recovered
yesterday, one behind the M. E. Church,
and one back of ttic Morrell Institute.
Neither was identified, but pieces of the
clothing of each was preserved. Great
care is taken in this respect by Under
taker Henderson and any article that will
I likely lead to Identification is preserved,
and in each case a piece of clothing to
gether with a careful description of the
I body is recorded and numbered.
Tlie IS 111 Kulit-f Money.
The Finance Committee yesterday sent
: out checks to the sufferers at South Fork,
| Mineral Point, East Cotietnatigll, Frank
-1 lin. Conemaugh borough, and Johnstown,
I Fourth ward, for the payment of §lO to
1 each. To-day they expect to complete
' the work and all who are entitled to re
lief will litul their checks in the post-otfice
to-morrow. The checks are on the First
National Hank and they will he cashed by
that institution. A rigid examination
was made of the lists, and quite a num
! her of persons who had registered were
i decided not to he entitled to relief. Oth
er eases are under consideration, and
some of them may yet be allowed.
Tlit? Comnii*?t>rio>.
A large amount of suffering has been
relieved by the prompt and efficient work
of those in charge of the different Com.
tnissaries, and General Hastings and his
Quartermasters are highly complimented
for the manner in which they performed
their work. The Commissary at the sta
tion under the charge of Lieut. W. F.
Richardson, was probably the largest and
it was well kept. F. J. Snyder, Esq., of
Clearfield, Pa., deserves especial credi t
for his faithful work here, as he gave over
three weeks of his time for which he
would take no compensation, and iu
addition contributed freely to those .in
need from his private purse. Capt. 11.
11. Kuhn has charge of all the Commis
saries now, and everything is moving
along nil right.
Flood Incident*.
They are simply multitudinous; many
of them not only startling but marvel),
ous. and. if not so well verified, would
seem impossible. Columns upon col.
iiiuns could be printed, and still the num
bers would not be exhausted. Thrilling
and hair-breadth escapes could bo gath
ered up by the many thousands, as nil
■ ho were saved out. of the seething mass
of matter that rolled down the Conemaugh
to the stone bridge, and then carried up
the Sionvcreek over 'into Kornvillo. were
,-<ived in a miraculous maimer.
l>ut while so unity real incidents could
be added to those already in print, there
is certainly no excuse for publishing so
much that lias n > hum latum in The
silly s'uif sent <>ir from hero to city pu
pen about hanging utnl shu 'ting of iluns*
•.v:is the result of lively imaginations; and
the "great avenger," so styled, existed,
simply in tlie minds of certain reporters.
V .Morgue ttmpliiyuil Ktlteil- I'lisi. Itufne r
|)it'K 111 tilt* iflMpltill.
Abouc. soV'Mi o'clock ycstordiy in rniu £
one of the carriers at the .Vlillvillc Morgue
was mangled by a west-hound freight
train and injured so bully that lie died
during the forenoon. He was taken to
the Hospital hut his legs were both cut
oil', and Dr. W. B. Bowman, who wa
summoned, found that he could do
ing for him. N one of iiis fellow work
men knew where he was from, but it is be
lieved that he was from Troy, New York
lie had been working here for some time
and said that lie had an uncle on the New
York police force. Undertaker Hender
son telegraphed to the Chief of Police in
New York, and if nothing is heard from'
Ids relatives he will be buried here to-day.
Titos. Kiifner who was taken to tlie
Hospital on Tuesday died yesterday, and
his body was taken in charge of by rela
tives and interred at New Florence-
Tli.' Work <ll MH'olii tlKi-mm-1.-Vagrants
i'Hi to Work.
Although there has at no tune been a
large force of men employed in Cambria
borough, much progress lias been made
toward cleaning up that town, kor the
past two weeks only twenty men have
been employed, althoughthe citizens have
appealed for more help, and they have
been promised sixty men (tine anil again.
As the men have not been sent, the people
are beginning to feel that undue discrimi
nation is used against them.
The borough officials, however, are
alive to their duty, and at a meeting rff
Council on Wednesday evening they de
cided to ask General Hastings for picks,
shovels and other tools, so that they could
put loafers to work. Accordingly yester
day about a dozen vagrants were arrest
ed, and us they were unable to pay their
lilies, a guard wa placed over them with
a shot gun. and they were put to work, on
the streets. A s<|uud of militia under the
lead of the local police, paraded the
streets during the day and arreste-.l every
idler they saw, and the effect of this radi
cal treatment will no doubt prove bene
Where? Right here in Johnstown.'
Who? Not common sneak thieves —not
well known jail birds ; nor do they be- !
long to the much abused Huns. But un- j
fortunately belong to a class who aspire
to be reckoned among honorable and lion- !
est people. Where are they from ? Not
many of them from lown, but from coun
try districts in this and adjoining coun
ties. Are they poor, and is it poverty
tbat drives them to commit acts that
should land them, one and all, into the
Penitentiary? No; but on the contrary
they are men and women who live well
aud have plenty.
They belong to a class of human vul
tures who seem to think that the more a
community looses, the more it should
loose; and the greater its sufferings the
more easily does it become the prey of
the thieves and robbers. We have trust
worthy authority for saying that arm fulls,
basket fulls, and even wagon loads of
household and store goods have beon car
ried into the country by these low-lived
vagabonds, that infested the town ever
since the Hood. A farmer—an honorable
aud honest farmer—living some twenty
miles from town being asked if lie had
been in Johnstown since the washout, re
plied he had not, nor did he wish to
go there in view of so many of his neigh
bors bragging about how many things
they had picked, up—enough, they said,
to supply them with goods for the next
year or so.
Another class but a little less criminal
are the relic hunters. While honorable
exceptions, people who willingly pay
liberally for all they get are found among
them others of them pilfer everything
they can quiety lay hold of.
Since writing the above one of out-
Main street merchants says two la'lux
were in his shoe store ou Monday forenoon
when one of them was detected in steal
ing two pairs of shoes. A friend from
Somerset laid a light overcoat, worth
$25.00, on a desk n.-ar a front window in
our office, which was stolen in broad-day
In view of the many complaints of this
kind from every part of the town, should
there not he better police regulations?
Or shall the tow i he given over to the
thieving hordes ?
The New htou'n on the Park.
The blocks of two story frame buildings
erected by the State on the Public Square,
are iu six sections, each section contain
ing six rooms or thirty in all. At 2 o'clock,
Thursday afternoon they were allot led to
our business men as follows:
Fronting tin Main street, —Knnlle, drug
gist; John W. Owens, grocer ; Airs. M.
S Maloy, grocer; fcsetii E. i'liillips, dry
goods; J. AI. Perkier, millinery ; Geo.'
Keiper, dry goods; E. T. Eclioff, dry
goods; Kin ll K. Hoili, dry goods • Airs.
Dnnges, millinery ; K. ('. Lorenlz. boots
and shoes: ii. T. DeFrance. druggist.
I'ark Place—Alls. Lei ten burger, confec
tionery; Kramer Bros.. paper; W, A.
Kraft, jewelci ; Larkin.& Co., jewelers ;
J. W. Stevenson, jeweler; .Mrs. Susuii
Young, jeweler, Air. Adolpli Lucklntrd.
jeweler; Irwiu Uutledge, slati.uierv:
Frank Devlin, grocer.
Locust M reel—Geo. K. Siiryoclc, tin
ner; T. G .stewarl it Co., grocers; J. D.
Edwards it Co.. hints and shoes; T. K.
.Morgan, music store; Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company: W. W. Porch, music;
J. P. Da'dcy. grocer; 11. C. .Miller, gro
eel : \v I! Tiee, iruggist.
FIIP.UIO SIIV. I -U. A. Zimmerman,
diuggipl.; Ilrieger, grocer; L. Haunter, |
grocer: J. li. Cover, giocer ; J. Al. j
Young, grocer; i liurles IJnuvu, grocer,
'l'. ( Davis, grocer ; J. I>. ijluUT, drug
The offices up-s'nirs were 1101 nil taken,
tlx ii- being more than enough to supply |
nil applicant! l .
Tin- Alm-giie*.
In the organization of the Fourth ward j
school house morgue, next to the Itev. D. j
J. lleale, D. ])., Chairman of the Com- |
mittee on Morgues, too much credit can. I
not be given to Mr. William Cover, of litis |
city, and Mr. James Russell, undertaker, j
of ljt iuldock. The carriers, the washers, j
the undertakers, the police, the drivers j
and the clerks did difficult and faithful j
work, receiving, preparing for burial, de- I
scribing and recording and sending on'
301 bodies.
The Presbyterian church morgue at- I
tended to about 100 bodies. I)r. Jessop, i
of Kittanuiug, was in charge most <>f the j
The morgue at Keruville, South and ■
Napoleon streets, was conducted by A.
1,. Davis and Dr. Wagoner. There were
passed through this morgue 153 bodies.
ik'sides these there have been large
morgues at Cambria City and Morrell
ville, aggregating several hundred bodies.
The Altllville morgue alone is now
open, and Air. John Henderson is in
charge of it. About 400 bodies have been
received here.
The labors of those in charge of these
dead houses have been most difficult and
delicate. Ail proper efforts have been
made to identify the dead. To this end
most bodies are embalmed and kept for
public view tor several days. So correct
were the entries of the unrecognized thai
Dr. J. C. Duncan, from the description
given in one of the morgues two weeks
after the death of his wife went to the
grave where a female answering to the
description of his wife was interred and
upon uncovering the grave he recognized
the deceased as his wife. It would not
be surprising if in the midst of the greut
excitement some mistakes bad been made,
but in general the work has been well
done. All valuables found on the bodies
were turned over to the committee on
Of titmice and Fare.
Miles. Fare, i
jolinstown to Altoona. :tf y tl 18
•jOhnstown to Uarrlsburg ITOy 5 11
Johnstown to Philadelphia 275 S 28
.Johnstown to Itlalrsvlfle Int iMJg 74
Johnstown to Greensburg 47 1 41
Johnstown to Pittsburgh 78 2 84
Johnstown to Baltimore 255)4 7 85
Johnstown to Washington 287 7 75 j
Leaves. (Dally.) A r rives.
Pittsburg 3:00 a. m. I Altoona ... 0-35 a.m.-
Johnstown 5:27 a. m. Uarrlsburg ..10:20 a. m. j
I Phil'a 1:25 p. in.
I New York 4:00 p. m I
Leave*. (Dally except Sunday.) Areives.
Johnstown .. 5.85 a. m. 1 Altoona 6:n&a. m.
I Harrtsburg. .11:40 a. m.
| Philadelphia 8:15 p. in.
connects with branches at Bellwood, Tyrone,
Huntingdon. A local train.
Leave*. (Dally.) Arrive*.
Pittsburgh... 5:30a. m. I Altoona 10:20a. m.
Orcensburg.. 8:85 a. in. I Harrtsburg.. 7:00 p. m.
Lai robe 7:00 a. m.
Blalrsv. Int.. 7:35 a. m.
Johnstown .. 8:20 a. m. |
Connects with branches at (jreensburg, lllairs
vllle Intersection, Altoona. Bellwood. Hunting
don. A local train.
Leaves. (Dally.) Arrive*.
Pittsburgh... 8:00 a. m. j Altoona 11:40 p. rn
East Liberty. 8:10 a. in. Harrtsburg.. 3:20 p. m.
Greens burg.. 8:58 a. m. Baltimore ... 8:45 p. m.
Latrobe 9:15 a.m. Washington. 8:1X1 p, m.
Blalrsv. Int.. 9:35 a. in. Philadelphia. 8-50 p, in.
Johnstown .. 10:13 a. m. New York. .. 9:35 p. in.
Connects with branc les at Greensburg, La
trobe, C res son, Tyrone, Lewlstown. A through
I train.
Dally except Sunday )
Johnstown 12:01 pm
C'onemaugh 12:07 pin
VVUmore 12:38 pm
cressou i:oopm
Altoona 1:40 pm
LeavM. (Dally.) Arrive*.
Pittsburgh .. poop. m. ' Altoona 8:00 p. in.
Greensburg . 2:22 p. m j Harrtsburg..lo:4s p. m.
Latrobe 2:47 p. m. |
Blalrsv. Int.. 3:18 p. in. |
Johnstown .. 4:11 p. m.
connects with branches at Greensburg, La
trobe, cressou, Altoona, Tyrone. A local train,
Leaves (Dally.) Arrives.
Pittsburgh .. 4:30 p. m. j Altoona 8:55 p. m.
Greensburg.. 5:42 p. m. Uarrlsburg.. 1:00 a. m.
i.airobe 0:00 p. m. | Philadelphia 4:25 a. m
Blalrsv. Int.. 8:28 p. in. | New York ... 7:10a. m.
Johnstown .. 7:18 p. in. |
connects with branches at Greensburg, La
trobe, Blalrsville Intersection. An express t rain,
making a tew local stops.
Leaves. (Dally except Sunday.) Arrives
Pittsburgh .. 3:10 p. in. i C'onemaugh . 7:11 p. m.
Greensburg.. 5:16 p. in. |
Latrobe 5:42 p. in. i
Blalrsv. int.. 8:13 p. in. ;
Johnstown .. 7:05 p. m. |
connects with branches at Greensburg, La
trobe, Blalrsville Intersection. A local train.
Leave.*. (Dally.) Arrives.
Pittsburgh .. 7:15 p. m. I Baltimore ... 4:55 a. m.
Altoona 10:50 p. in. j Washington. 8:05 a. u
liarrlsburg.. 2:25 a.m. Philadelphia 5:25 a. m
| New York... 7:30a. m
Uaves.. (Dally.) Arrives.
Pittsburgh .. 8:10 p. m. i Altoona 11:55 a. m.
Greensburg.. 9:12 p.m. Harrtsburg .. 3:30a, m
Latrobe 9:30 p. in. | Baltimore ... 8:15 a. m.
Blalrsv. Int..00:00 p. m. Washington. 9.25 a. m,
.Johnstown ..10:30 p. m. Philadelphia 8:25 a. m
| New York ...11:30 a. m.
connects with branch at Greensburg. A
through train.
Leave*. (Dally except Monday.) Arrive*,
Johnstown...3:42 a. m. | Pittsburg 0:10 a. m.
Leaves. (Dally.) Arrives.
New York... 7:00 p. m. j Pittsburgh.. 8-15 a. m.
Philadelphia 9:50 p. m. j
Washington. 8:10 p. m. I
Baltimore ... 9:16 p. m. I
Uarrlsburg.. 12:6 p. m. |
Altoona 4:40 a. m.
•Johnstown .. 5:23 a. m. |
This I rain will stop at Blalrsville Intersection.
Latrobe, and Greensburg only to let off through
passengers rrom the East or take ou passengers
for west of Pittsburgh.
Lean'*. (Dally except Sunday.) Arrives.
C'onemaugh.. 8:45 a. m. i Blalrsv. Int.. 7:18 a. it.
Johnstown .. 8:52 a. m. | Latrobe 7:47 a. m
I Greensburg.. 8:48 a. iu.
Pittsburgh . 10:20 a. in.
connects with branches at Latrobe. oreens
burg. A local train.
I.rairs. (bally except Sunday.) Arrives.
Aitoonu 7:4sa. m. | Johnstown... y.os a. m.
• cmui-uts Willi branches at Altooua, Creßson.
A local train.
Leaves. (Dally.) .1 1-rites.
New fork... 8:00 p. IU. i lilalrsv. int. 10:04 a. m
Phlladel'a ...11:05p. m. | I.alrobe 10:58a. ni.
Washington. 10:lXJ p. m. i ureensburg.. 11:04 a. in.
Daltlmore ...11;05 p. m. | Pittsburgh . 10:45 p. n.
Itarrlsburg .. 8:10 a. in. i
Altoona 8:05 a. in.
.Johnstown .. 0:38 a. in. |
connects with branches at Tyrone, Ulalravllle
intersection, l.atrohe. Ureensburg. A local and
through train.
Philadelphia 4:80 a m
Uarrlsburg 8:15 a in
Altooua 1:55 pni
Johnstown 3.30 p ni
Hlalrsvllle interseetlon t:3s p in
ureensburg 5:00 p m
Braddock 8:00 p ill
Pittsburgh 8:50 p in
Leaves. (Dally.) Air Ives.
I i'hlladelphla. 7:00 a. in. . Blalrsv. Int.. 8:10 p.m.
Uarrlsburg..ll:ooa,ni. ! Latrohe 8:43 p.m.
i Altoona 8:40 p. m. . ureensburg.. 7:11 p. m.
i .lohnstowu .. 5:18 p. la. | Pittsburgh .. 8:10 p. in.
i connects with branches at Lcwlstown, Hun
i ilngdon, Tyrone, tteliuood, Altooua, cressou,
Ulalrsvlue Intersection (lor Indiana Branch
I only), l.atrohe. A local' train.
Leaves. (Dully except Sunday.) Airives.
I Mtoona.■ 7:50 p. m. i Johnsiown... 9:00 p. m.
Leaves. (Dally.) .I .rives.
1 New York.... 9:00 a. m. ; .Inhnsunvu .. 9:3! p. in.
! i'hllartel'a. ...11.50 a. in. 1 ~l'eeu.slinrg..lo:s4 p. in.
Washington. 9:50 a. in. i Mast I loony. 11:48 p. in.
| Ballliuore ...10:13 a. in. Pittsburg....ll:ss p. in.
Ilanlsh'irg.. 8:"i p. In
! Altooua. 3:1 p. In.
I connects wiin at t ewnstown, Uuu
! tlngdon, Tyrone. B*sll .Mills. Altoona. A
| through train.
It. w O. it. 11.
\ The Express leaves llockwood dally at 5:30 .v.
' m., arrives at .lOluistowu at 7:oa A. M.. and leaves
1 at 8:40, arriving a: ltockwood at 10:55.
jhe natt ii atn leave -, nock wood at 11:35 A.M..
] urnveiul .loim.-town :.i lr. a., and leaves
ni 3 9. in, arriving at ltockwood at 4:55.
i i here are no t rains on Sunday.
IL£A HFIf.IJ) & •.TTJSSOM is. ft.
Uisbino. and t are.
yllles. Fare.
Johnstown to cressou f 71
•'onnst.ovm to cualport 48.8 l 48
, Johnstown to Irvona b. .3 1 54
.'.■ ■if. % h'usl. Leave*
(l)atly except Sunday.)
Johnstown 5:30 a. in. . Irv-ina 8:45 a. rn.
Cre.K.soh 9:111.1.10. <■(>.■'. port.... 8:53 a.m.
I Comport 10:38 a. In. rressan. 8:15 a. m.
Irvn i i. arr . . 10:15 a. in. : .1" nsi a, arr 9.33 a. m.
Ivace East. [van West.
(Dally e-.eepi Sunday.)
Joiinstown.... 4:ii p. m. : irvona 3.:wp. m
cressou 5:00 p. m. j conlitort, 3:48 p. m.
Coalport 8:43 p. m. j iTe.-vion 4:05 p. in.
Irvona,arr.... 8:50 p. m. ! Jo'nst'n.arr 5.13 p. m.
A mixed train leaves cressou northward, ex
cept 011 Sunday, at 13:10 p. m., arriving al Irvona
at 3:io p. in.
iin Sunday, trains leave Creason at 8:50 a. m.
and 1:30 p. til. The morning train arrives at Ir
vona ,t' io:05 a. 111.. ar.d the evening 1 rain arrives
at coalport at. 5:33 p. 10. on the same day. .Morn
ing train leaves coalport at 7:30 a. m., and the
afternoon train leaves Irvona al 13:50 p. in., ar
riving at cressou at. 8:40 a. m. and 3:10 p. m.
Cor. of Krauklln and Lincoln *t roots,
Drugs, Medicines,
ooods selected with care and warranted as i
represented. I
■ .--1 .. 1
\ Wc have just received the
J atest in Men's Kan
| Shoes. Our 'Prices are'the
! No. 260 Main St.
| Blacking, Whol
e & Kress' Ale and Porter Brewery
i- •'• :', 'i '■• • j
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AJso, Dealers in Malt and Hons,
Nos. 510, 512, 514 Market St., and 27 Fifth Ave.
The Leading Millinery
Offer the following line of
Ladies' and Children's Straw Hats, Fancy Drapery Silks, with Fringes
Ladies' and Children's Trimmed to match,
Hats, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear,
Ladies' and Children's Wraps and Dress Shirts, Woolen Shirts, at all
Jackets, prices,
Ladies' and > liildren's Corsets of all Hosiery, over 800 styles, including
kincln. the guaranteed fast blacks, from
Lace Curtains and Portieres, 15c. to 75e. a pair,
Parasols and Umbrellas, 600 styles, Silk Underwear, Siik Hosiery,
Silk Mitts and Gloves, l!)c. to sl, 1,500 doz. Ladies' Ribbed Vests, 13c.
Kid Gloves, -lie. to $2 a pair, 15e., 18c., 22c., 25c.. the great-
Dress Trimmings, Notions, Jewelry, est bargains ever offered any-
White Goods of all kinds, where.
Our Motto—Best Goods ; Lowest Prices.
Danziger fijllioenberg.
Important Announcement
We are now offering more than ordinary inducements to purchasers
in each of our seventy-tive departments, attention being paiticulaih di
rected to our
Our enormous sales in these departments require us to F.dd laige
lines daily, and as the same goods can be purchased now lower than the}
were much earlier in the season, we are enabled to otter our recent pur
chases at a corresponding reduction. ~ TTr> rvrwunnfi
We are the money-saving house for the peop.e. OLR ItNDA JiuiJo
Wo extend a cordial invitation to all out of town visitors to come
and see us. Mail orders receive prompt, and careful attention Samples
sent on application.
Successors to MORRIS H. DAXZIGER,
£(?, ,
Near Philadelphia. /ft /
Admits and classifies young men and boys at any time; fits them for Business, any CoHege. Polyteehnic £
SU oil for West Point or Annapolis. Advanced classes in Physics. Chemistry, ElcUriUl Of J
etc.. etc. More folly supplied wiih *n imy otber
swmifr S IS&TO&ETh. a.m. iu™.,. •
and Proprietor. Media. I'a. Circulars at this office.
NEKSIIIP. —Ttike notice. The undersign I
SIIII' heretofore existing bo&weon tlicm bt
mutual consent, Russell Ctrl withdrawing from
Haiti Ilrm, anil Hie business will be coutlnue I b\
Mrs M K. Clark under t lie name of joilNS-j
TuNV.Nr. t onrci:coAu;ANV urH[
Johnstown, Pa., May 30, 1888.
' C. A. FIRt i \ FMKI
' Plumbers, Gas and dteam Fitters.
' Ml work truaruntesil and orders promptly at-
I tended to. COHNKIt OP B. ,to. K. 11. and UAIL-