?hc §atotoum gcmucrat PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, No. 13ft FRANKLIN STREET, ./ TiVSTOWX, CAMIUIIA CO., PA. "RMS— SI.. *O per year, payable In advance ; e • Me tlie county, fifteen cents additional for t ■ e. If not paid within three monthsS'l will be targed. All 1 per can he discontinued at any t. I by paying arrearages, and nut otherwise. Ie failure to direct a discontinuance nt the e ptratlonof the period subscribed for, will he c isldered a new engagement. Sen nub/crlp. I' - w must be accompanied by the CASH. 1,. D. WOODRUFF, Editor and Publisher. FRIDAY, JUDY 5, IHSII. OUT Of THE FLOOD. After a force 1 suspension beyond the power of circumstances to control—a sus pension more inexorable than a Consta ble's warrant or a Sheriff's writ—after a suspension of over a month we are to the front once more. The tidal wave struck us—struck us hard—truck us to the tune of several thousands of dollars, causing quitea little li !e in our large reserve funds in the banks of the country. Being left with a sadly depicted pocket-book, in jured presses, a dcinoiished engine, a wrecked otflce, ve were reluctantly com pelled to take a few weeks of recreation, in the shape of worry, disappointment and hard work in erecting a temporary building, reiicr. ing printing materials uud repairing damages. But all obstacles have at last been over come, and with the assistance of a tried friend who has helped todo the writ ing for this 8.-ue, we are again where we intend to lie found hereafter —at least until an avalanche or a cyclone comes along. In such an event we may have to yield again to the inevitable, Willi sympn'hy for the bereaved, heart felt regret f <~ the dead, and kind greetings to the living, mil best wD'ies for the pros perity "f all we oner mo-e And otirselves seated upon the editorial tripod. THE RIGHT .MAN IN THE RIGHT PLACE. Among others who have displayed the attributes of good and efficient men, we take pleasure in naming Mr. Arthur J. Moxliam, of the Johnson Company. In the first several days succeeding the flood it was well we had in Mr. Moxliam the elements of a man capable of taking hold of our tangled affairs and bringing order out of confusion. With a well balanced brain, a clear insight into the miseries of those who survived the terrified shook of the angry wave, a full comprehension of what should he done and how to do it, and the nerve of a wise genera) in the orisis of a hnttle involving the life of a nation, lie restored municipal regulations, and organized forces for efficient work in recovering bodies, protecting properly anil collecting and distributing food, clothing and other necessaries of life. Unlike some who have figured in the world's history, who " dressed in a little brief authority cut such fantastic tricks, before high heaven as to make angels weep." he modestly and unassum ingly discharged all ditties devolving upon him to the entire satisfaction of all the people. His praise is justly and de servedly up :i every lip. WOKtv VET TO BE DONE. Vast as the work that has already been accomplished i:. removing wreckage and cleaning up sheets, a great deal remains to bo done. The principal streets 011 the Johnstown side are now open—at least sufficiently for teams to go through, but nearly all of the smaller cross ones, such as King, Potts, Union and Feeder, are still blocked up: while in Kernville some of the thoroughfares will take weeks of work to remcv■■ not only piles of debris but large buihiiugs that have lodged upon them. As to the aer-s. lying below Market street and exi nding from the Connc mnugh to Stony "cek, that are still cov ered by many few of wrecked buildings, large sr.w-logs j ;( es and cars, it looks as though months if hard work will be re quired to make much headway in getting the accumulation of stuff off. So over in sections of Kernville and up from Clinton, anil on through Conncinaugb borough the work to be done seems al most too overwhelming for human inge nuity and energy to undertake. But what has already been accomplished im parls confidence as to the final clearing up of the whole place. All foot by both Mr. Scott, of Pittsburgh, and Mr. Moxhnm, of Johns" town. When lie leaves us lie will carry with him and retain the grateful feelings of our whole community. T 1 n issue of the DKMOCKAT will he gent to all our Daily and Weekly suh sc-ihers, whose addresses we have. We wilt ci nit enee to issue the Daily on Mon dt ." mraing as before the flood. Any of 01 • ufrtii who fail to receive their pa ps'i rill plena notify us. TIIE MILITAIIY. A word in behalf of the too greatly censured soldiers of the 14th regiment of our State Guards. That they did good service in protecting property and keep ing order, at a time when all in and about Johnstown was in confusion, and when thieving hordes flocked to the town, does not admit of a doubt. It is possible that a few of the thoughtless among them were guilty of conduct un becoming eoldiers. but in the main their behavior was exemplary. If, as some say, their presence was an evil, we think the better judgment of the people will say they were a necessary evil. Their duties were of a somewhat delicate nature, but were generally performed in a delicate manner. Honor to whom honor is due. OI K SANItARY AFFAIRS. The health of this entire community may be said to be exceptionally good, not withstanding some cock and bull stories that regularly appear in some of the Pitts burgh dailies. Where they get their in formation is a query not easily answered. If not manufactured in Pittsburgh ofllccs, it must be the outcropping of a Johns town mind that is untrumelled with the limits of truth, or by the checks of con science. There are no epidemics—in fact no signs of one, and the general health of all is quite as good as it usually has been at this season of the year. Dr. Sheridan, of Sheridan Station, one of our oldest and bust physicians, said to the writer on Wednesday that the health of the people was almost exceptionally good. OL'lt BENEFACTORS. vVlio are they ? Their names are legions. Where do they hail from ? Prom everywhere. Not a city, not a town, not a village, not an industry, not a farming community in the land that has not con tributed to our relief. Money by the thousands has been raised; food and clothing by train loads have been pouring in upon us. Without such munificence the suffering caused by absolute destitu tion would bavebeen incalculable. Never in the history of any stricken section of this or any other country were the spon taniety aod liberality of the people of all creeds, professions, and callings up to what it has bccu in this instance in charity and good works. To one and all Johnstown and its vicinity arc under everlasting obligations. A NOTED INSTANCE OF GENEROSITY. Among the many hundreds of noble minded and charitably disposed men of the United States, we take pleasure in put ting the name of Colonel Shephard, of tiie New York Mail and, Express , ut the head of the distinguished list. While others have thoughtfully remembered our suf ferers by contributing their hundreds, lie has lavished upon the destitute among us money and goods amounting to thousands. In addition to sending sl,- 000 worth of tinware, and $402 worth of woodcnwarc, lie has handed to the Red Cross $10,0.0 in cash. If any other per son has been more muniftcient in his con tributions we have failed to hear of it. But the Colonel did not stop at this, as he lias complemented the whole by arrang ing to pay the expenses of twenty-live homeless women for one month at the sea shore. The party accepting the gen erous invitation departed for Asbury Park, under the care of Mrs. Hammond, of Stateu Island, New York, on Thurs day the 25th ult. A man with as big sou] and with such liberal impulses, as these acts indicate, is an honor to the race, and richly merits the success lie lias had in publishing and ed iting one of the leading dailies of our national metropolis. That lie is a credit to the newspaper world goes without the saying. To him Johnstown makes her most grateful how, with the sincere wish that the good Lord would make many move men like him. WELCOME, TIIUICE WELCOME VIS ITOKS. One of the most pleasing and beniflcent incidents connected with the flood's after math occurred last Saturday, on the oc casion of a hurried visit paid our devas tated town by three men whose souls are as big as mountains and whose impulses are us generous as those of white winged angels. The trio consisted of Hon E. A. Noonau, Mayor of St. Louis, C. E. Meade, Esq., his Private Secretary, and A. Reim ler, President of the German Singing So ciety, of St. Louis. On coming into town they called at the DKMOCKAT office, and distributed hun dreds of dollars in fives, tens and twenties to all the really needy sufferers pointed out to them. And then procuring a two horse rig, accompanied by the editor of the DKMOCKAT, drove through all our prin cipal streets lavishing mctoey upon all destitute women and children they could hear of. Proceeding to the P. R. It., sta tion they continued their good work of mu nificence until fully five thousand dollars had been bestowed as gratuities. All this was over and above what St. Louis had put into the general relief fund. To such fittingly do the words apply : " Well done, good and faithful servants." Here is an example, an illustrious one worthy of being copied, and we heartily commend it to others that they may "go," rather come, " and do likewise." We be lieve that the money thus distributed reached more worthy cases and did more good than if tt had been put into the gen eral relief fund. one m i \ kiiv. How and bv Whom the Work has been Done. Although our people were almost par alyzed by the enormity of the calamity that, had befallen them, a meeting jof a , number of the leading citizens who es caped death, was held near the corner of Main and Adams street early on Saturday morning. June Ist, to consider the situa tion. Mr. A. J. Moxham was made chairman of a citizens' committee, and other committees to look after the imme diate wants of the people were formed. Kev. 1). J. Beale, D. D., was made chair, man of the committee on morgues; Kev. j Father James P. Tahauey was appointed chairman of the committee on provisions, and Mr. W. C. Lewis was placed at the head of the committee on finahce. With this organization for a nucleus headquarters were established at Peters, Fourth Ward House, and the many wants of the people were looked after us best they could. Adjutant-General Hastings drove to town from Kbensburg on Satur day, and at once took charge of atfairs at the Pennsylvania Railroad station, and rendered much aid iu getting things sys tematized. Contributions i:i money, food and cloth ing came quickly, and the creature com. forts of our stricken people looked after by scores of willing hands. The first few (lays but little was done] toward clearing up the wreckage, all efforts'being ex pended in gathering up the dead, and looking after the wants of the living. On the fourth of June, Booth Jt Flynn. con tractors, of Pittsburgh, put a large force of men at work, and Mr. James B. Scott, of the Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce, was made dictator. Mr. Moxham being compelled to resigu his position on ac count of his many other duties. During the week that followed .much of the wreckage was cleared away, and on June 12th Adjutant-General Hastings took con trol of the work, the State having assumed the responsibility of cleaning up the town- Since then much progress has been made, and most of the streets have been opened, but there is a fearful umount of work yet to be done. The commissaries, which had been in charge of General Hastings, were 011 July 3d turned over to Capt. II 11. Kuhn, who now has charge of that department. General Hastings is still with lis, and working uobly to jbriug us out of the slough of despond, and his uo ble services are highly appreciated. As to when the State will complete the work it has in charge, it is hard to tell; but there is undoubtedly a great deal to do yet, and from the remark which General Hastings made the other day, that "he intended to stay here until somebody dis charged him," we infer that his forces will not be ready to leave for some time. THE WRECKAGE. The Herculean Tank Confronting Tlioe Who Are Removing It. Much of this tedious work has been done, hut much more remains to he done. When first tackled all the thoroiigfnres were packed, jammed, crowded with debris from six to twenty-five feet high. Where to begin, how to begin in the arduous work of clearing the streets was a problem not easily solved; and if solved the question of properly disposing of the refuse involved quite as great a rlif. ficulty. Thanks to the good, big-hearted people of Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and other cities and towns of this great country, nieftns and men came in from every quar ter. Our crying want of money, men, teams, engines and other needed appli ances was speedily and fully supplied. Our Macedonian cry for help had scarcely been heard until these necessary things for tackling and prosecuting thewwortk t came to us in such great profusion as to inspire confidence in the breasts of all. While some are disposed to criticise the slowness of the work and what they deem an unwise expenditure of money, we are strongly inclined to the opinion that such was the formidable character of the un dertaking, that the authorities have heeu doing quite as well as could he reasonably expected. And it is more than doubtful if those who are fruitful in complaints could have done as much. Like it was in the days of our late war, when there were thousands of generals that knew more about crushing the rebellion (in their minds) than the peerless Grant, so now there are men who can't tell a pick from a hoe and who never cleared a garden spot, quite voluble in telling how this and that should he done. The truth is the vest piles of wreckage at the point anil ou our streets iiavc been removed properly and ranidly; and the community ought to be grateful to the men who have superintended the work. Thousands of loads have been hauled oiT and numberless trees and logs collected and burned. Nearly all obstructions are takeu from the Johnstown streets, and commendable progress made in opening the thoroughfares in Kernville and the surrounding boroughs. Capt. W. It. .1 ones. Among the first to reach town after the flood was Captain W. It. Jones, formerly of tl is place, but now of Braddock. Com prehending as few did the extent of the disaster and the best means of meeting the emergency, he by common consent took charge, for the time being, of all our dis ordered affairs, and much sooner than could be expected had everything con nected with securing bodies and saving what little property remained reduced to something like system, llis wonted skill I and indomitable energies rendered us more than " yeoman's service." V $350,000 Worth of Men's Clothing 1 ' /\ cqn O more than shown by all other Pittsburgh stores combined, com- f I rK prising all the best and most popular styles of Suits, light Over- /,-j vX/ I Pants, hot weather garments, &c., must be sold fM 2 ~ with. Prices no object, as we must have the money g* CH I M S m fail. This is the greatest Clothing Sale oo TO H Uh 2•§ .2 \ record. Dealers supplied as well as consumers, y c 3 " O ' ' Ma < yj 4- r r J p t i. rt ' JJ2 m \C° me personally, or order by mail. yamS" £. m hU\\i\KAUFMANNS'/1f g f I ° g'KO: Hi!! 1111 lilf jj i($l,0BD,fl00)j slf I 5 ' W "IISSh P3\ ; °o£ e sBit) S T,^' jf IF e-?3 3 ! s' *UU z i timely sent, and others saving not one word was wired. History, as well as events con uccWil with the seething mass l hat swept down the valley, demands ilia! the truth should be brought out. high; is thrown upon the subject bv an item in another part of this issue. The fact htn given to the public for the lirst time fully confirms what the operator at South Fork claims 10 have done. This is the dis patch that was actually received at the Pennsylvania Kuilieud lower. '' Report from Conmmavgh /.(Mr at 13:10 .aye the tenter in running iw, ami the t.'nni mat/ give tray tit, ting moment. jS'otfy tin pimple of •lohiiHcotrti nt oil r to he prepared for the irorrt." The Population of Johnstown Is about 25,000, and we would say nl least one-half are troubled with some alfection of the throat and lungs, as those complaints are. according tostatislics. more imnieroii than others. We wovdd advise all not to neglect the opportunity to call on their druggist and gel a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs. Price 50c. and .sl. Trial size fire. Sold by all drug gists. eow Wanted. By G. M. Greene, the Leading Photog rapher, 103 Locusl street, opposite the Pork, near the M. H. Stone Church. Johns town, everybody to know lhat he is mak ing Fine Cabinet Photographs at is 1.50 per (loz. jylU-3m A Lady Remarked to a friend the other day tnat site knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped Iter cough instantly when others had 110 effect whatever. So to prove this and convince you of its merit, any drug druggist will give you a Sample Bottle Free. Large size 50c. and sl. cow The undersigned is the manufacturer of a Salve which is unsurpassed for healing wounds, caused by burning or scalding. A great many persons have tried it and pro nounce it the best salve ever made. Every person should have a box of it on hand ready for use in case of need. prices, large box 85cents. small box. 25 cents. WILLIAM Mutts, Johnstown. Pa. Ask your druggist or groce'- for it. fclillt ♦ ♦ ♦ The Honu'lU'Mt Mam in •fuliniitowai. As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist and get J'rn a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Con sumption. Price 50 cents and SI. cow The I'riue as a Sign in Disease. If there is one thing more valuable than anything else in this world it is good health. Doctor Keyset', who is one of the, best if not the very best diagnostician in the country says, "that the Urine is almost sure to give a correct clue to nearly every chronic disease especially those of kidneys as well as dropsffcal affections." 'lite Doctor is consulted in many intricate maladies and is sometimes taken to a great distance for his valuable opinion. Whilst the lungs and adjacent organs ltave re ceived from him the most direct attention, lie is no less master of all tedius and hid den affections, to which mo. physicians are indifferent. If you do not feel able to have him visit you at your home, by send ing a vile of UltlNE h.y express, with Three Dollars, he will send you a trial bottle of medicine suitable to your case. Doctor lvoyscr's otllce is at No. 2 corner of Miller and Clark streets, near Centre Avenue. The Wylie and Centre avenue cars pass close by the door. nov2:ly Ilea! Estate For Sale J JCHITSTCVK'S HEW sums. AJLox 1.1 a Ai. 4 LTHOUGR situated nearly two inUosfrom Liu- heart of town, it la cou- 1 necied wnil thesame by the Rapid Transit Railroad, on which trains run every Milrty minutes, and afler.lnlv Ist, v.ill run every Itfteen niliiuies. I lie rare In Hi" siune nsou the street ears, rive ceius- ilni" eight nilinlles. Ilils makes Mox li: in equal inn walk "f only fear squares from ;in- posi-oitioe; in addition to wiilcn, the new VALLEY PIKE runs tlirough the heart of i lie property and tonus tin-main UiorougiititiiMiitiklm; n sju>rt level drlu- > liuo -li litsi own over a good mud way and heavy si eel luldges. I '1 lie Puye number oi houses already ere led at Voxluiiii have JuMll'.ed every modern Improve- j men l. among widen may be mentioned A GOOD SEWER SYSTEM. The Wining sewer System has Ix-en adopted, wlih l lusli 'auks, over half a mile of sewer is nl read v laid. A a:o: DOHESTI: WATSS system J Has also been provided. The rates aie 'L> per cent, less than Johnstown rates. NATURAL GAS Hales are the same as In Johnstown. This, to get her Willi the WEL'..BATM INCAHEESCETT GAG LIGHT, tor home use. gives Moxham every modern fiiehlt.v. The well-known Von liUncn Grove. The summer evening resort of Johnstown, U sit uated in the ver;. hunt or the property, on one parr of the prolan> set by for the pur pose, ihere are a large .Steel Plant, a Foundry, and several other factories. employing together j from oo to HO.i men. unci several more likely to soon be located there. over islxt.\ tasty houses already built and this nuuiiH'r wlil be doubled this year. .he lots u e 10 bv lio feet. The streets laid out for a width of sixty feet, including side walks. TERMS LIBERAL. For prices and lulorma tlon apply to .loHNSoN AI.T.F.N. .Agent, lledlord Street Station, Johnston a, t it. maya-eod-tt lIA. ilMitl-iE -liNtt OHIO RAILROAD. AM' i>AMIfKIA. BBANOII. IMhtiinn* HIIII f ar#*. Miles. Fare. •lohnsinwn to lloovervlue I s $ 50 Johns'.owu to sioycstowa SJ$ 75 Johnstown to somerset so lot Johnstown to Kockwood Pi 8 80 Johnstown to .Meyersdaie 58 t 7V Johnstown to llyadiuan sn 1 4U Johnstown to cunitjerland i so Johnstown to Washington Shi 5 7f> Johnstown to Baltimore 380 7 31 Johnstown to connellsviue ssm 087 jonnstown to Pittsburgh 140 4 83 JOHNSTOWN MAIL EXPRESS, /.Wivs Xiirih. j Li-aim Abrtft. Kockwood... 5:30 a. m. j 1t0ekw00d...11:35 ant. Somerset.. • 8:58 a. ui. S somerset.... tfcss p.m. Stoyestown.. 7:31 a. m.Stoyestown.. 4:80 p.m I'MON'TOVVN W. & It. KXl'ltKtS. h*num. I Arriim. Pittsburgh .. 7:(to a. in. | Itoekwood...ll:ls a. m. MeKcesport. 7:80 a. m. | Meversdule. .11:45 a. in. W. Newton.. 8:35 a. ui. i Cumberland, lis p. m. cuuncllsvle. 9:30 a. m. i Washington. 7:30 p. m. Mi. Pleasant. s:4ita. m. | Baltimore ... s ; :jop. m. onto Py1e....10:15 a. in. \ Phtl'delplila. 4:Hia. m. LIMITED MAIL EASI. Leuwn. I /Irciacs. Pittsburgh...ii:3oa. in. I itoekwood... 8:53 p.m. MeKcesport .13.03 p. tn. j Meyersdaie.. susp. in. W'st Newtoul3:37 p. m. | Cumberland. 4:55 p. m. onnellsv'le. 1:30 p. in. i Washington. 9:35 p. 111. Mt. t leasaut. 1:55 p. m. | Baltimore.. 10:c-p. m. otiw- I'j'le 3:00 p.m. Phllaitelp'l.i. l:uou.m. LIMITED MAIL WL-I la-nre*. : Ai'nvfu. phtl'delphla.. 13:05a. tn. I Ohio pyte.... 4:17 p. m. Baltimore ... 8:00a. at. i conwilsville 1:55 p. rn. Washington. 8:55 a. m. | Mt. Pleasant 3:30 p. to. Cumberland. 1:35 p. in. , W'st. Newton 5:43 p. in. Meyersdaie.. 8:00 p. in. i MeKcesport,. 0:15 p. ill. Itoekwood... 3:37 ii. in. | Pittsburgh .. 0:50 p. in. L'NIOSTOWN X CI'MBEItLANt) ACCOM. Leamn. j .tn'flvs. Cumberland. 8:50 a. m. ' counollsv'e..l3:3sp.m. Meversdule.. 10:30 a. in. | W'L Newton. 1:30 p.m. itoekwood ... 10:55 a. rn. I MeKcesport. 3:11 p. m. Ohio Pyle... 11:50 a. m. | Pittsburgh..._B;Wp.m. BALTIMORE A WASHINGTON EXPRESS. Ijt'iiii's. i .4 criers. Pittsburgh. .10:30 p. m. i Meyersdaie.. 8:31 a. in. Mclieesport. 10:55 p. m. I Cumberland. 8:55 a. m. W't.Newton. 11:85 p. in. | Washington. s-,35 a. m. ConneUsv'le. 13:30 p. in. j Baltimore . U:lsa.in onlo Pyle... 13:50 a. m. i l'hltadelp'la. I:3d p. m. Kockwood... 1:55a. m. I CHICAGO EXPRESS, Leaves. Aivlufs. Phlladelp'la. 4:50 p. m. Ohio Pyle.... 4:3oam. Baltimore... S:()o p. m. I Conueilsvle. 5:10 a. m. Washington. 9:05 p. m. | W't Newton. 5:57 a. m. Cumberland. 1:30 a. m. I McKeesport.. 8:30 a. m, Meyersdaie.. 8:13 a. m. i Pittsburgh.. 7:io a. m Kockwood... 3:40 a. in. | New Picnic Grounds. KANTNEITS GROYE. near Som er.-et, I a., on the lineot the r>. Ueen thoiouglny cleaned out ami tlltiedup with cowred dancing platform, shelter, tables, ten,.-,bi>oihs.etc.,"lid > ill t' rented to plenle par ties at a moderate eh trjte. Ihe It. ii t>. It. It. will give special exrurslon rate.-to organizations and will ran spot tal trains to stilt any arrangements ih.it may ot made, rot Information address W. W. PICKING, Tratellnj; Passenger Agent is. ,v u. It. K., som erset, rti. mayso-mth J 18. A. M'Slli.h.lS. H. L. I'Ot'I.TKK. ricTHILLAN & CO., PH.U'TH'Ah PLUMBGSS, GAS AND ST2AM FITI3ES, 219 Main Street. healers In FINIS SANITAPY AI'I'I.IANCES. ti is FIX 11 llhs, and every tiling pertaining to the business tote .\gent and .tiaiiitfaotuier of the JUiINSON PATENT .i-.HA I hit I KYSTAL FOUNTAIN. mnyat FOli SALK The undersigned will sell at Private sale, 7 5 Valuable luildingLots situated In Hie West End of vorrellvilln. The lot • *lll he said on reasonable terms Tills Is pari of ilie late Join; P. Stkavkii Estate. npr-T-Sm sv ivmt ii nuts. VVM.J.FRIDAY >enlor Member of uu Lute SCHMIDT & Li-UAY DISTILLED AND JC32ES IN Fine Rye Whiskies, ASH IMPORTER OK ""ines, Brandies, Gins and Ales, US. :cc i:scm sr.. ?1TT:3529H. t'ANISL AIeCECST, Agect, Johnstown. noa _______ Ocean Steamship Passage lN1 FOREIGN DRAFTS. PASSAGE TICKK'''B TO OK FKOM KUKOPB BY PROMINENT STEAMSHIP LINES. Also, Drafts on all rails of Europe at Lowest Hates. W. C. LEWIS AT JOHNSTOWN SAVINGS BANK THi L&WiST RATES ON rHSOLCIi riCHETS 70 THE WEST and SOUTHWEST ALWAYS TO eE HAD VIA. The Tree .. 1 tirCarLiab The Hlutrtt'Ht anil liulcWe-t. KOU]' to 1 KANSAS OTTY, ST. JOSEPH,U3£AHA, AND ALL VOTKTS WEbT. For Tickets, Maps and furiber Intprn-atton ask your ticket agent 01 vyftie A. M. B ii ACS EN RID GE, CENTRAL PASSKNO KR AGENT, - COll. BEVENTU AVE. AND HMITHFIKLD ST., auglH PITTSBFUGH, PA,,