Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, December 29, 1910, Image 1

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. Resident*
Vlatiton, are
a corporation's
eir borough The
u is the I*acknwanna and
,g Valley railroad, a three-rail
road that com' pets Scranton
Ike* Harre For the past seven
it- Plain- station on the "l.aur
."as the road is known locally
ti listed as "Hancock," and
idents arc determined to endure
■tiger At a mass meeting held
/ it was decided to resort to
ut measures, and in a letter to
■1 Manager A. O. Oontl they
i that they Will plaoe large
i a Held near the depot to con
• information to the traveling
that "The name of this town
ns, not Hancock."
E TKHE—Probably the mc st
> Christmas tree in Peunsylvan
the sentiments its symbol ex
it was that which was deeoiated
Lincoln Dutton, of Darby, in
ry of his faithful old horse,
t," which was maliciously pois
last summer. At the foot of the j
ted steed's stall, Dutton, assist
"Son" Lawrence, J. M. Mor
aud Joshua Heaps, erected the
which was of the regular Christ
ree variety, and loaded it with
us articles used by the horse in
Hanging from the top bough was
mded its nose hag, in which it
ts feed; from another side hung
ridle, at the foot was a hag of
oats, its check weight, lioisu
aent, a bundle of straw, while
ed to the trunk was a ludelv
vied sheet of paper reailiug as fol- j
: "Old Jack, Merry Christmas ,
a Happy New Year, wherever 1
le horse was sixteen years old and 1
highly prized by its fonnei own j
IMK NOVELS DID IT - A masked !
jlar confronted Clyde Morrison, !
,1 agent of the Union News com- :
y, at Lancaster, when he entered j
home. The intruder ordered him j
.brow up his bands; but instead '
rrisou kicked the revolver from the !
n's hand and tackled him, making .
j prisoner. When unmasked he prov
to be Ross Muekle, IV years old, '
marly employed by Morrison, who j
ned him over to the polioe. When i
okle'a home was sea relied blood j
1 thunder novels were found, and I
parents says he has been crazed br '
ding trashy literature.
HT ON WATER—Hopes of an ad- j
iat« water supply to meet the needs i
the Juniata valley wore again
isted late yesterday, when the sem
rature suddenly fell balow the freez
;nt and clogged the channels
aarrylug a foot of thawed
he Juniata river is ho low j
dredges are cutting holes in 1
tnd oontinue their work out ;
j. Thi6 sand has an exception- !
h degree of grit, and is used j
'ely at this season of the year |
railroads under the driving j
TON CHRlSTMAS—Christmas !
.vices at St. Patrick's church, Pott- '
ille,resulted in the accidental reunit-
T of two brothers who had not seen
h other for 25 years. Dennis and
trick Donaghue immigrated from
and together, but one settled in j
York and the other in Chicago, I
ley lost all trace of each other, j
■gh they came to this country j
iys,b oth are now wealthy. j
■sNDlNO—Returning on Sun- '
ling to spend Christmas with
y, J. H. Geisel, a prominent
lan of Johnstown, was kill- j
ain wreck at Cambridge ,
. was ai inced yesterduy,that A. B.
tf'arquha .as made a ten thousand
dollar Christmas gift to the city of
York by presenting three open build
ing lots which adioiu Farquhar park
on the south Had these lots been
built op it would have spoiled tiio :
view from this breathing spot.
ClDE—Despondent because his sweet l
heart had failed to give him a Chiist- j
mas present, William Fortman, 50 j
years old, of Norristown, attempted
suicide by cutting his throat with a
raror. At the time when Fortman
made the threat they thought he was
joking. After the deed lie was hurried 1
to tho hospital,and, the physicians have
hopes of saving his life.
arms filled with Christmas toys and
candy for his wife and two little
ohildren, Myron Foster, aged 80, was
ran down by a Bessemer train at
Ijfcove City and ground to pieces. His
family was awaiting his return at the
house when news was brought to theni
the tragedy. Mrs. Foster is pros
* and ' 'n a serious condition.
Ul Ul%
Arrangement" have been forming fur
some day*, and are now practically
completed, fur » reception tie luxe for
the sixty members of the combined
musical elubs of the University of
Pennsylvania, which will visit this
up ' on Fritlay, Jaimnry tlth, giving a
c rfcert in the opera house on the
evening of that day. The preparations
tor the entert lintnent of the college
miiMCian- tim ing their sojourn in Dan
ville are in the bauds of the local I'.
of I*. Alumni association.
The preparations made will give the
visit a distinctly social tone. The
eluln- will arrive in Danville via the
Philadelphia A H ading by special
train at noon on the sixth. They will
all be entertained at private home*.
In the afternoon a tea will he given
in their honor by the wives and
ffriends of the University Alumni.
A list of patronesses is now being
prepared who will act a* sponsors for
the concert in the evening anil a num
ber of whom will chaperone a grand
ball to be held in the armory after the
At the request of the Alumni a
number of the Danville merchants
have consented to decorate their win
dows with the Red & Blue, U. of P. j
colois, on the day of the concert.
The personnel of the musical clubs '
is typically representative of one of
the largest and most famous institu- I
tions of learning in the world.
Among the members who will visit
Danville are such celebrities as Mer- ■
cer and Cozens, all American foot ball
players, Alton Bennitt, captain of the
Varsity crew; Barrett, also of the!
Varsity crew; Simpson, one of the'
few heavy weight manipulators with
a National reputation; eight members ,
of tho University's famous theatrical
organization, ' tho Mask & Wig club; !
Farrier, who took second place in the ;
high jump in the inter-collegiate I
games last spring, and a number of (
In each of the towns that the clubs
will visit on their trip elaborate prep
arations are being made for their en
tertainment. The arrangements which ;
are being perfected by the Danville j
Alumni indicate that the hospitality 1
of tho people of our town would uot ;
suffer were a comparison to be made.
William Auimermau Monday, was
arrested by Officer W. E. Young on a
uharga of assault, and battery preferr
ed by W. A. MoWilliams.
The information alleged that Am- |
merman in company with Jesse Riok- j
etts, who was arrested and committed i
to jail Saturday, appeared at the iesi- J
denoe of the complainant, W. A Mc- ,
Williams, Upper Mulberry street, on !
tho 33rd Inst., and attempted to "drag j
him out of his houso" also that they
"made threats. "
Amiuerman was arraigned before
Justice of the Peace Oglesby Monday.
In default of SHOO bail be was commit
ted to jail.
The good sleighing was enjoyed by
a large number of people yesterday.
The roads are so well worn that an
automobile ruus quite as well as a
sleigh, and a good many autoes have
been seen on the roads since last Sat
The warm sunshine Tuesday mado
a ride either by sleigh or automobile
most enjoyable.
T. Ij. Evans' sons have been award
ed'the contract for an imposing mau
soleum by the heirs of the late Dan
iel Edwards, which calls for one of
the finest pieces of cemetery work to
be found iii this section
Tiie mausoleum will be constructed
in the Episcopal cemetery at this
place and will be completed about the
middle of next April. It will be built
of light Bnrre granite. It will be 12
feet. <'• inches by 18 feet, 2 inches; its
total height will be 15 feet.
The corners will be constructed in
pilaster style, surmounted by carved
capitals. On either side of the impos
ing door way will be round polished
columns. On the apex stone the name
"Edwards" will appear in bas relief.
The roof stones will be the largest
that ever came to Danville, being 18
feet, 2 inches long by 8 feet in width.
Each stono will be a foot thick and
will weigh 15 tons.
The intorior will be builtjnf fine
dressed granite, with Italian marble
flooring. In the rear will be a stained
glass window of costly design made
by Tiffany. The mausoleum will be
enclosed by ornate bronze doors; it
1 will contain two granite tombs.
| American negroes possess and man
j age forty-eight banks of a total cap
' ital of $3,500,000.
Th«< dance held at Armory halt Ta»-
' iliiy night was n most delightful af
fair reflecting great oredit on tlie ef
| fort* of the committee of young ladies
who had lhi> nfTnir in < ha ge.
II was tin* first private indoor hop
•of the season and was largely attend*
nil, thrro Iwlnft about sixty couple*
present. Beside* the Danville contin
gent there were on the floot dancers
from Snnhniy, Northumberland,Cata
wi-sa. Berwick tinil Dloomshurg.
Tlih I>;ilI was tastefully decorated
fur the occasion, pennant* of the var
um* college* represented, anil the nat
ioual color* predominating. Three
cozy cornern in different portions nt
the large room, were vety Inviting a*
well an attlactive. The smaller hark
room was arranged as a card room tor
the convenience of those who iliil not
First class music, without which n
• lance is a success, was there in abut,
dance. The Ne-Cal orchestra, of Suu
bury, was in charge of this essential
feature ami the frequent encores tes
titleil to the pleasing reception of tlieir
The newly placeil floor was in flue
condition and there was not a dull
moment for anyone from the starting
of the dancing at 8:45 until the break
ing up in the wee small hours.
The committee to whose untiring
efforts, was due the success of the i
affair was composed of Misses Ida
Sweisfort, Kiueliue Lyons, Estelle
Doster and Maine Hoffman.
The pony belonging to Edward |
Price caused some excitement Tues
day afternoon by galloping through
town with an empty sleigh He came j
down Bloom street on a dead ruu, and i
turning up Mill street made a bee line |
for Patton's livery stable, where he
has a stall.
There was much conjecture to know
what had become of Mr. Price, who,
it was surmised, bad driven into the
country for a sleigh ride. All doubts
wore removed tiually when Edward,
accompanied by Stanley Wilkinson, !
came strolling down Bloom road.
In crossing the trolley tra«k at
Yoik«' farm one of the runner's i
caught in the rail, which caused the I
sleigh ta upset, throwing the twoj
youug men out into the Know. The
sleigh Insiaatly righted ; the pony as j
if appreciating the joke refused to ;
stop when the driver ualled bnt *tart- i
od for town as fast as he oouhl run. ;
Thu youujj men wore uot injured;
neither was the sleigh damaged.
The borough council will hold its
final meeting of the year next Friday
night, when all outstanding bills will
be paiit, and the reports of the chief
of-police and the chief of the fire de
partment will be received.
The meeting for winding up the
affairs of the borough is usually held
on the last day of the year, which
this year occurs on Saturday. Some
difficulty was anticipated iu getting
out a full attendance of council Satur
day night so that it was decided to
hold the meetiug Friday night.
The next regular meeting of council
will not occur until Friday night,
January 6th.
William O. Opp, of Mooreland
township, Lycoming county, and Miss
Edith S. Rishel.of Strawberry Ridge,
were united iu marriage on Saturday,
December 24.
The ceremony was performed at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Rishel. the Rev. W. J.
Kohler officiating
Mr. ami Mrs. Opp left on a trip to
New York and Philadelphia. On their
return they will reside at Strawberry
UNIONTOWN. Pa., Dec. 28.
Washington Height died early today
from a gunshot wound said to have
been inflicted by Daisy Meade whom
he followed to her home at Republic
last night.
The girl was at the home of William
Taylor, when Height entered,and it is
stated, renewed the suit so often re
jected. The girl became angry ami
Height attempted to walk homo with
When in front of her brother's houso
she says, he pulled a knife from his
pocket and attacked her. She did not
hesitate, but shot him.
Miss Meade hastened to tell of the
tragedy and the man was taken to the
hospital. The woman was arrested.
There were no witnesses to the trag
edy, but a part of the girl's story has
been substantiated.
E. D. Ilarshbarger of the Pitt Con
strurtion Company, while in this city,
yesterday, paid a visit to th > sewage
disposal plant at the hospital for the
insane,which was constructed by Mr.
Ilarshbarger'* company. The plant i*
operating succes«fnlly.
Mr Harshberger'* attention was
called to the bail condition of the riv
er water at this place ami the fact
that in the opinion of many the sontce
of pollution lies nt the hospital for
the insane. The Pitt Construction Co.
constructed the sewage disjtosal plant
according to certain plans and spec
ifications and that it comes fully up
to the requirements is attested by the
fact that the effluent after repeated
analyses has bt t n pronounced pure by
the experts. Mr. Ilarshbarger does not
put it down as an impossibility that
the otlor may originate in the laundry
at the hospital, but lie rather takes
the position that it remains to be
The Pitt Construction Co. has cou
structed seventeen such plants Htnl tin'
present is the lirst time that any com
plaint has arisen concerning the body
of water iuto whioh the effluent
drains. One of the plants is in Ohio
at an institution on the Scioto river a
short distance above Columbus, and
the latter city bears practically the
same relation to the plant there as
Danville does to the hospital for the
insane here; yet never a murmur of
complaint has been heard concerning
the condition of the water.
Henry Kramer Schoch, son of Mr.
and Mrs. F. U. Schoch,this city, has
been elected to the chair of Mathe
matics and science in Susquehanna
University, Selinsgrove, his alma
Mr. Schoch graduated at Susquehan
na University in I'A)S. Iu 19011 he took
a post graduate course obtaining mas
ter's degree. He will euter upon his
post January 4th.
Mr. Schoch is a young man of tine
talents and excellent traits of char
acter. Ho will be sure to succeed.
Mrs. Jerry Diulil, whose home is be
tween Strawberry Kid«® and Ex
uhauge, sustained a fall ou the Ice
while walking to the barn Tutsday
about uoon and fractured the large
bone of the right arm an inch above
the wrist and tor* loose the ligament
of the smaller bone at tie wrist.
Dr. Oorduer, of Kxohatge was sum
moned and at 3 o'clock Tuesday Ie
was dressing the injury. It was also
at :! o'clock two years ago Tuesday
that Mrs. Diehl underwent an ojiera
tion at Williamsport for a fractured
skull sustained in a fall down stairs.
Mrs. Dallas Cotner died yesterday
morning at r> o'clock at her heme iu
Liberty township, following a lengthy
About fifteen weeks ago Mrs. Cot
ner suffered a stroke, since which she
has been in a serious condition. She
was a noble woman and much beloved
by her family and neighbors. She was
born at Jerseytown on November 12th,
!804. Beside her husband she is sur
vived by three children : Mrs. Charles
Lazarus.of near Pottagrove; Anna and
Frank, at home. She was a member
of the Mexico Methodist Episcopal
The funeral will fake place from the
home Saturday morning at 10 o'clock
Interment will be made in the Wash
ingtonville Lutheran cemetery.
Family Reunion on Chriatrnas.
Simon Moser entertained at his
homo in Valley township on Christ
mas his children, grandchildren, and
great grandchildren. Those present
were John Moser, Mrs. A. I. Stein
man, David Moser,Mr. and Mrs. S»m
uel Fausey, Mr. and Mis. William
Fenstermacher, Mr. and Mrs. Lafa
yette Foust, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Vognetg, Kutli Steinman,Ethel Stein
man, Alexander Steinman, Allen
Steinman, Carrie Steinman, Charlie
Fausey, Stella Fenstermacher; the
great grand children present were
Florence Fonst and Ireue Vognetz. A
fine dinner was served.
Teacher 111; School Cloted.
Miss Mary Mnuro, daughter of Kev.
and Mrs. H. C. Munro.of White Hall,
and teacher of the White Hall school,
is critically ill with pneumonia, com
plicated with pleurisy. The White
Hall school has beeu closed for sever
al weeks.
People who try to practice all they
preaoh learn to cut their sermona
- - .. .. -
11l t«u jinuit'H of !n-krt |>hll v«m!
with the Bloomsburg AH Collegian*
on Monday, Hie Danville Y. M. C. A.
siiflered.ilefcat. The afternoon game
wan played at the Midwav in Blooms
burg, score 71 to 24; the filing game
was played at thi« armory in Danville,
score 4IJIo IH.
As tli« score indicates Blootnsbnrg
won handily in both contests. They
played With the skill anil effectiveness
of old, rnAKODeil basket ball players,
which they are. From the beginning
of both «ames Bloomsburg bail entire
ly the best of it and it was only a
question of how big their margin
would be.
Danville put up a game light, how
ever, and although plainly beaten,
never once did they stop playing the
game for all there was in it.
The Bloomsburg te 111 is much heav
ier than Danville's. In goal shooting
their accuracy was remarkable. Dan
ville was on the defensive the greater
part of the time, but when the locals
did get the ball, their cleverness in
passing was superior to Hloomsbnrg
in this department of the game.
In the evening game Tom Kyau nnd
Edward Price, members respectively
of the Lafayette and Lehigh foot ball
squads, were put into the game. Their
presence in the lineup, however.could
not stay Kloomsbnrg's goal getting.
Ryan and Price were responsible for
14 of the 1!» points scored by Danville
in the evening contest.
The lineups:
Danville Bloomsburg
Cooper forward.. . Hagenbuch
Hobinson forward Welliver
Winters Center Price
Snyder . Guard . Gilmore
Umlauf guard Appleman
Goals from Held—Cooper 1, Robin
son 3, Winters 3. Umlauf 8, Hagen
buch 11, Welliver 13, Prico K, Gilmore
1, Appleman 1. Goals from fouls-
Winters 4, Welliver 1. Referee—Hess.
Timekeeper—Hagenbuch. Time of
halves— 20 minutes.
Danville Hloomsbnrg.
Dai ley .. forward Hagenbuch
Winters . forward .Welliver
Ryan Center J. Price
E. Price guard R. Deimer
Umlaaf guard .W. Deimer
Goals from Held—R»»n Winters
2. 1". Price 2, Hagenbuch fi, Welliver 4,
. Prico 8, R. Ueiroar, Gilmore. Goals
from fouls —Wmt-ers, M»g«ubu«h. Ref
erue -Vi«Clui« Tim® of l.slv»-s -20
In the afternoon at the Dativilla ar
mory the Danville high sciiool team
met and defeated the Bloomsburg Ingti
school in a one sided game, score 6">
to 31.
The high school boys played all
around their opponents and were in
danger at no stage of the game.
The line-up:
Danville Bloom
Boyer forward lkeler
Shannon forward Williams
Swartz forward
Jacobs center Deilil
Sidler guard . Wagonseller
Snavely .. guard .... Dietrich
Deutsch guard
Goals from field—Bowyer 10, Shan
non 4, Swartz 2. Jacobs . r >, Sidler 3,
Snavely 7. Deutsch, Ikler 7, Williams
4. Diehl 4. Fouls—Jacobs, Williams.
Referee—McClure. Timekeeper— Rvau.
Marriage Notices.
Klmer E. Dewald and Miss Amelia
B. Mauger, both of Mooresburg, were
married on September 22nd, 1!)10, by
Rev. W. J. Arney, at the Presbyter
ian parsonage at l'ottsgrove.
Jacob Springer, of Washingtonvillo
and Miss Edna Millheim, of Moores
burg, were united in matrimony on
December 21st, 1910, at the Presbyter
ism parsonage,Pottsgrove, by Rev. W.
J. Arney.
Rev. Shannon pastor of the Luther
an church at Elysburg, performed two
wedding ceremonies last Saturday.
Arthur Tyson, of Slabtown and Miss
Annie Dimmick, of Bear Gap, were
wedded at the parsonage. Later in tlia
afternoon Ray Sanders, of Bear Gap
and Miss Harriet Woodruff, were mar
ried at the home of the bride's moth
er, Mrs. Fietta Woodruff,in Elysburg.
Death of Prominent Merchant.
Word was received at Bloomsburg
yesterday afternoon of the death in a
Philadelphia hospital of Emil Gelb,
junior member of the firm of Gelb
Brothers, who conduct stores in
Bloomsburg, Shamokin, Tamaqua and
Philadelphia. Mr. Gelb has lived at
Bloomsburg for the last six years.
Ireland has a yearly import trade of
$311,000,000 and an export trade of
1300,000,000. Of the imports |14G,000,-
000 are manufactures.
The mummers' parade is hilled iu
all our neighboring towns. The per
sons to whom the work of hilling was
entrusted on returning brought back
the most sanguine reports. At each of
the towns visited Danville's fine de
monstrations in the past are fresh on
the minds of the people, and many are
planning to he with us on New Year's
A prime consideration seems to be
that the prises offered by Danville
are of a substantial sort, effectually
eclipsing those of several neighboring
towns,which ate making a bid for the
crowds ou New Year's. Above all
Danville has the reputation of doing
things—of getting tip imposing dem
onstrations —of making good all pro
From every part of town as well as
from tlii" country inquiries concerning
the parade are received by the com
mittee daily, showing that widespread
inteiest has 1 aroused and that a
laige number of individuals as well
as clubs and other organizations are
qietly at work. In the country several
floats ate being devised, winch it is
believed, will be stunning in effect.
Chairman Vincent yesterday stated
that all indications point to what he
firmly believes will be the finest New
Year's parade that has ever been held
in Danville.
The Sous of Veterans drum corps ol
Sunbury will he present, making four
musical organizations that will be in
liue. Calhoun's Military band of Nor
thumberland will arrive on the 10:1!)
D. L. &W. train Monday morning
and will discourse music at intervals
all day.
The parade will form on East Mark
et street, at the Washington hose
house, at 1:30 o'clock; at 2 o'clock
it will move, following tho route
printed in these columns Saturday
The athletic event will consist of a
one-mile race on Mill street and will
take place immediately after the par
ade. The first prize will he a silver
loving cup valued at ten dollars; the
second prize, a silver loviug cup val
ued at five dollars.
Following are the judges: H. O.
Chester, and John Lesher of Sunbury;
George Hancock aud George Kessler,
of Northumberland; Charles Kaudall
of < 'atawissa; Hon. L. W. Welllver,
of Exuhange; Harry Hiilmeyer of
Washingtonvill«; Dr. F. 1. Davis, of
Ksrwick ;Charles Ent, of Bloon.shurg;
W, W. Oulick, Thomas .1, Price,
Johu G. Vastine. W. G. Pcrsel. Will
iam lies, E. V. Applebangh. Dr. Cam
eron Shultz, James Rv»u and Lewis
Diets, of Dauville.
Judge and Aide.
Foinier Sheriff D. C, Williams is
doubly honored by the Mummers, this
year, jln Danville, he has been chosen
by Chief Marshall Major C. P. Gear
hart as one of his aides in next Men
day's demonstration. In Bloomsburg
h> has been appointed as one of the
judges of the parade on the same day.
At a tecent meeting of Washington
camp. No. ;i«4, Patriotic Order Sons of
America, the following officers were
chosen to servo for the ensuing year:
President,Wm. Wertmau;Vice Pres
ident, Isaac Gross; Master of Forms,
11. Wertmau; Recording Secretary,G.
Kishel; Treasurer, Geo. E. Koat;
Financial Secretary, James Wilson;
Conductor, John Richard; Inspector,
Daniel Eyeriy; Outer Guard, G. E.
Itoat: Trustee, Gee. E. Boat.
Our streets have been in darkness a
portion of the time (luting a couple of
nights past caused by a partial shut
down at the water works incidental
to tho cleaning of the water tube boil
er. which had become pretty well
loaded down with sealo.
The boiler was cleaned last in Sep
tember. At many of our industrial
plants boilers are subjected to a regu
lar cleaning every month or so. Ow
ing to the manner in which even a
partial shutdown interferes with tho
lighting of tho town the boilers at
the water works are not cleaned any
ofteuer than is absolutely necessary.
On Monday night the streets were iu
darkness after 11 o'clock, ami pedes
trians had a hard time of it ou the icy
sidewalks. At sncli times bright light
is needed in order to avoid tho dang
erous spots.
Operated on at Bloomsburg.
Gus lioeh.a rougher at tho pi]ie mill
and son of Christopher Loeh, under
went an operation Tuesday at. the
Joseph Ratti hospital, Bloomsburg,
for an absoess on left arm. The abscess
is the resnlt of a burn received abont
a month ago.
The plant of the Catawissa t'ar and
Foundry company wild nearly destroy
i'il by Hie onrl y yesterday morning,en
tailing a loss of some |12,000. The
IMlilit I t»K« were insured.
The iiortion of the plnnt destroyed
consisted of the main building fiOxlOO
feet; the foundry 50x81 feet anil the
machine shop 10x50 fei t.
By dint of hard work on the part of
the firemen three building* were sav
ed:the office, the blackimiith altop,
and last and most important of tho
three, the pattern building with its
valuable supply of patterns
The tire was discovered at about
:t 15 o'clock yesterday morning. Its
origin is unknown. Half an honr be
fore it was discovered the watchman,
George Kvelaud, had made a thorough
inspection of all the bnildings. lie
hanked the tire and filled the boiler af
ter which he retired to the otHce. He
had just started on another inspection
when he found the machine shop
ablaze. Running to an electric light
plant nearby he caused an alarm to be
sounded. The tiro department respond
ed promptly. Practically the entire
town turned out and was presentnat
the fire. Despite the most effective
service the main part of the plant was
burned. The main building destroy
ed was 50x100 feet and contained the
steam plant, a car loading hoist and
all kinds of machinery for manufact
uring cais. The machine shop was
40x50 feet and was finely equipped
with modern appliances.
The foundry was 50x84 feet and con
tained a six-ton capacity cnpola, be
sides flasks, core ovens, itc.
Tiie car plant destroyed was owned
hv C. J. Fisher, C. P. Pfahler.and 1A
C. Mensch all of Catawissa. Unbuild
iug of the plant is being considered.
Nothing can be done toward cleaning
up the ruins until the insurance ad
justers get through with their work.
When running to its full capacity
the plant employed fifty men.
Fred C. Mackert, of Sunbury, a
brother of Masser Mackert, of the
Dauville base ball team, who is a
member of troop D of the state con
stabulary, after many an affray with
lawless foreigners iu which he sub
dued them ami checked their vio
lence, fell a victim to three drunken
Italians at PuuxKutawney on Saturday
He is now stationed at Pun«ntawn
ey, uud the foreigui r« were raising a
disturbance on the streets there when
he told them to move on aud behave.
One of them struck him over the head
with a bucket, while a second jumped
on his back aud stabbed him ill the
shoulder. He is now reported as doing
nioely and will recover.
The heavy blasting that was heard
yesterday forenoon was located in the
yard of Curry & Miller, junk dealers,
where several large pieces of casting'
were being broken np.
When the first blast occurred some
alarm was occasioned, as it was taken
for an explosion of some sort. When
the second and third reports followed
alarm subsided, as all judged that the
noise was occasioned by blasting. If.
was a peculiarity of the situation,) ow
ever, that while the explosions took
place in a well defined centre the hr
was so misleading that the sonnu
most instances was 'erroneously loea
ed. To the residents of one part of
town the reports seemed to come from
the south side; to those of other parts
of town the noise sounded like •.•an
nonading on Blue Hill or along the
side of Montour ridge.
Joseph Cnpp, a veteran of the oivil
war, died at the homo of his step
daughter, Mis. John Girton, No. 514
Walnut street.Monday afternoon, aged
83 years.
The deceased was a member of com
pany C, 77th regiment. He was for
merly a resident of Bloomsburg ami
belonged to Ent Post, No. 250 G. A.
R. He was a widower,aud is survived
by three sous and one daughter: als.,
by one brother. John Cupp, of Turk,>v
The funeral will take place at/iO a.
m., on Friday. Interment wpl be
made at Bloomsburg.
At First Baptist Church.
The annual business meeting for the
lection of the church officers for 19n
will occur on Friday evening. A soe
ial will follow when the members
sent will bo the guests of the S
B. Y. P. U.
On Saturday evening from 10:
til midnight a watch meeting *