Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, December 22, 1910, Image 4

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    Montour American
I HANK C. ANOI.B, Proprietor.
Danville, I>R. |)EV. J], IVHI.
t Reunited!
A Kidnaplntf l.ead* to ■ F
O Happy Christmas
| - J
o o
• CopyitKlit. 19lt). by American I'l-en* •
0 Association. O
I have a faint recollection of stock
ing* hanging i" li><* mantle. n lovely
fare over my crib ntitl n lady taking
un> up and kissing '»<* passionately I
nmember illatlsi'll; tlmt she w-ns
weeping. Then sho put me down on
my pillow, and I wont to sloop.
This Is all I remember of a Christ
mns for many yours. I was brought
up by cny falhor ami had no know I
•duo of my mother. The Christmas
■enson. which was so enjoyable tooth
er children, never brought happiness
to mo. As it approached my father
grew gloomy, and I \\ as sent away to
■pond Christmas day at some other
When I became old enough to won
der why 1 did not have a mother like
other boys 1 wished to know, yet
dreaded to ask.
One day—lt was the last day of
atudy before Christmas, when 1 was
eight years old, coming from school
—a carriage drew up at the curb beside
me, the door opened, and a lady beck- J
oned to me to come to hor. 1 did so.
and, taking my hand, she gave me a
very sweet smile and drew me Into
the carriage. Then she shut the door
and ordered the coachman to drive on
Her expression was so lovable and :
loving that 1 had no fear.
The streets were full of shoppers
making their last purchases before
Christmas. There were children peer- j
tog Into the windows at the display
Ct wV.eli \vere TflreaOy t>eglnu!tfg |
to ue lighted artificially. Sitting by i
the lady, remembering the many dull j
Christmas flays t had spent and an i
other dull one before me, 1 felt a com '
fort, a pleasure, I had never ex perl
enced before. How* I wished that she i
could go home with me to make a
Christmas for me! She, too, seemed j
to me to lie thinking of the same :
thing. She said nothing to me. only ]
held tuy hand in hers. I longed to J
Uirow my arms about her neck ami
ask her if she would not be my mother
It was between 4 and 5 o'clock In the i
afternoon when I was taken up. nnd as i
It was winter, when the days are short,
U soou began to grow dark.
"I'm afraid." 1 said to the iudy, "that i
papa will lie worried about mo. He 1
a!»vays expects me togo home direct
from school."
The only response 1 received was n
pressure of the hand sho hold In ,i '
few moments 1 said again. "1 think I
will get out here nnd go home."
She replied to this by putting he.- !
arm about my waist. There was 6 Jine
thing in the act that indicated an i:i :
tention oa her part to prevent my le:i v I
Ing her. For the first time It occurred j
to nse that I was being kidnaped. 1 '
thought of my father waiting for me
and wondering why I did not come
home, aud this troubled me. but it did
not occur to me t hat I should meet
with any harm at ihe hands of th •
Presently the carriage drew up tt< j
front of ii dwelling bouse The ladv inn
out and. si ill holding my hand, drew
mo after her. She took me up t<> is
house and into a pretty room when .i
bright lire was blazing on a hearth.
"You are very kind." I said, "to take j
aie to ride and bring uio to your house
but I'm sure papa will be troubled j
about me. Unless I'm togo home at
o«iee I think you had better let me send ;
a message to him. Have you a tele- !
She thought a moment, then said: I
"Certainly. Telephone by all means." j
She took me to the telephone, looked
in the address book, found my father's
number and instructed the central of
flee to call it up. Then when the von
nection was effected she placed a stool
before the phone and handed me the
receiver, standing beside me as I
"Is that you. papa?" I asked.
My father was evidently relieved to
hear my voice and asked me at once
what bad happened and where I was.
1 told him that a beautiful lady whom
I had never seen before had taken me
to drive and then to her home.
"Tell him," said the lady, "that you
are to spend Christmas with me."
I did as she bid me and added at her
request that she intended to make me
some slight atonement for the many
Christmases that I had been deprived
of the pleasures common to other chil
There was silenco for a few no
vents; then my father asked me to
describe the lady. I did so, and he
aaked me If I could give him the street
and number, but I could do neither.
Ttien the lady told me to say to him
that she was Cornelia; that I would be
carefully guarded and he »«•< ' '» f""*
' aiKHii mi* at M I I ben *he hunt tip the
Ire rltff and led me back Into the room
I with the lire no the hearth
Now. the lei mi- ''ornrlla at one* *r
| rent ml mi hi I out lon \ year before
« lien I entered the third trrnile at
*• Ikhil iii) fniher hud brought dim n a
desk from the turret fur my use. I *m
to keep my books mill papers In It, nnd
It TS *ie lily Vu<!) fle*\ In tTT>
evening In clearing It out I had
looked over several old papers that
were In 11. and In one I had seen thla
mime Cornelia More than this, the
content* of the impcr had Impressed
mo I could not remember the name
signed to It. lint It was a woman's
name She was evidently very 111 and
very penitent about eotnr sin she hud
Now that my father knew I was
safe I sat down on n sofa Imklilo the
lady and before the cheerful Are She
put her arms about me and rested her
cheek iigslust mine. I was very
"So you are Cornelia." 1 saM.
"What do you know about Cor
nelia?" sho osked quickly. "Have you
heard your father s|ienk of me?"
"No. pnpa never mentioned the
name: I saw It on a paper-a letter.
' I think "
"What paper. What letter?"
"One I found In a desk papa had
the butler bring down from the garret
1 for me to use for a home school desk."
"What was written on the paper?"
"Somebody was very sorry for some
thing she had done to Cornelia. She
said she was very
I "Who was very slcu?"
"Why, the person who wrote the
letter "
"Who wrote It?"
"I can't remember the name."
The Indy asked the last few ques
tions feverishly. She eagerly asked
another. Would I know the name if
1 heard it? I replied that 1 thought
I would. Then she asked if it was
"Yes." I replied: "that's It. Amy."
! The lady gave me a fierce hug. then
asked tremblingly what I had done
j with the letter 1 told her that I had
1 put all the papers I had found In the
| desk together and given them to the
| housekeeper to put away.
! "Come with tne." said the lady. "I
i wish you to tell your father some
; thing." She drew me to the telephone,
I called up my father, then, placing mo
i In position to talk, told me what to
J say.
"Papa, ask Mrs. Crlmmins for the
papers I took out of my desk. You
will find one among them signed Amy,
with something In it about Cornelia
I will hold the wire till I hear from
I heard n click and knew that my
father had gone to do as I had indi
cated. Cornelia awaited another call
with feverish anxiety. Ten minutes
had not elapsed when there was a
ring. Then 1 heard my father's voice
"I have read Amy's letter. Since all
is explained I see no reason why your
location should remain a secret Tell |
the lady that if you give It to 1110 l
will come to Join you immediately."
I received permission to give the
street and number, and within twenty
minutes there was a sharp ring at the
doorbell. My father entered. He and
the lady stood regarding each other
for a few moments: then he knelt
fore her and said:
"Forgive me,"
He rose, bud they were clasped In
eacb other's arms.
But 1, having no mind to he left out
of these transports, rnnning up to
them, said:
"Won't you take me in too?"
My father took uie up and held nn»
in his arm*, while the lady put hers
about tne also, covering uie with
"To thluk," she said, "that you
should have been the means of brina
ing this matter to light!"
"1 have been a fool," said nty fa
ther, "to believe anything that Bend
said:" then to me:
"My boy. this is your mother
Prompted by a malicious woman who
wrote a confession which she had not
either the courage or sufficient time
before her death to send, I treated
mamma very cruelly."
"Are you the lady," I asked of my
mother, "whom I remember taking ine
up from my crib one night when you
were crying and kissing me?"
"That was a goodby, though you
were too young to know It. I left you
suddenly on Christmas eve."
"And 1 have a faint remembrance of
stockings hanging from the mantel."
"Everything was ready for your
first Christmas—that Is, the first yon
could appreciate—when—when"—
"1 listened to a she devil." said ui>
father angrily, "and caused all this
"It is all past now," my mother In
terposed. "Another Christmas is be
fore us. When I kidnaped our boy I
did not dream 1 was to bring about a
reunion for us all."
At that moment dinner was an
nounced, and my mother proposed that
we should ail sit down together. Hut
father would not hear of it. He had
a carriage at the door and Insisted
that we should goto the home from
which mother had been driven a
decade before and make the reunion
complete uuder our own rooftree.
Never can 1 forgot that Christmas
My mother in a short time made great
preparations, but it was not these that
were a delight to us all—lt was
we were a reunited family.
A Complicated Case.
"Of course, doctor, Gorman measles
are seldom serious?"
"I never met but one fatal case."
"Yes. It was a Frenchman, and
when ho discovered it was German
measles that tie had mortification set
Philosophy is nothing but discretion.
How It Is.
"How is it. if Love is blind, that we
hear of love at first sight?"
"It is after love at first sight occurs
that I.ove usually goes blind."-Chi
cago Record-Herald.
Cleante* and beeutifie# the hair.
Promote# a luxuriant growth.
Never Fall# to Reatore Gray
II air to lta Youthful Color.
Cuci wa!p ri watee It hair taliuig.
Til 111 la for men only, If wnmee
read It the) may laugh at lb*
men thereby rauslna family
disturbance* II t* about
Christina* snooping. In which women
are interested, but It la alHitil men's
shopping not women's B<> much has
been written concerning the matter of
women billing Christina* presents for
ti en that It seem* high time to show
the oilier side of the shield Amouit
all the domestic tragedies incident to
this life none la so |Miigiisutly pitiful
as the annual tragedy that t.ikes place
when Mr Man goes firth surrepti
tiously to purchase Vuletldo gilts tor
Ills ladylove, be she wife, widow or
"What would she like, 1 wonder?"
sigh* Mr Man. The sigh Is long
drawn out, like the linked sweetness
of the first kiss liy the time he en
ters ihe big, bewildering departineut
atoro which ho has passed by a thou
sand times without entering and
which Is to him an unknown wonder
hind he quits sighing and begins see
ing The Itrst things he sees are the
scores of pretty salesgirls, including
some not so pretty. Hut of course
not one of them Is half so pretty as
the girl, wife or widow for whom ho
is going to buy that - well, now, what?
He begins to sigh some more.
All, u box of gloves—the very
thing! And yet what size does she
wear? Suppose ho got her three sizes
too large tor her dainty hands! Aw
Then he goes to the other extreme -
or extremity—and resolves to get her
a pair of those beautiful satin slippers
which lie discovers on a counter Hut,
again, what size? If he should make
the sail error of gel ting a single size
too large she would stare sarcastically
ut him and Inquire;
"Do you think I'm from Chicago?"
Cloves and slippers are marked "ta
boo" In Ills calculations. Well aud
good. Her hands nnd feet are dispos
ed of Now. how about her head?
Why, a ael of those back and side
combs—the very thing! All women
like pretty combs, of course. Isut may
bo his particular woman is sensitive
and she might Imagine that he Imag
ines that she doesn't keep her hair
"Oh, 1 s'poso she knows when she
needs hntr combs!" sighs Mr. Man,
turning to the
j 7" 1 l next counter. Her
. p— head Is out of J
J the question. So
"C\\ far as Christmas
My A Mf J \ presents go. she
IVlNfl 7 j \ 1« decapitated
jT "nw'jl |i Well, that still
':;1 J leaves u consid-
L, f 1 erable portion of
p Hf the lady adapta
j ' 6 t0 adorn-
y ments.
l "Where are the
i . H Cremonaa?" asks
'X I & the man.
| \K \ ' "We don't sell
L L-'' jfccJNJ} violins In this
y st or e." replies
—-—■—— ... Miss Saleslady.
"Goto u music
... bouse.
CIiEMOSAS* ..... „ . _
"Viollnal Tm
looking for a lady's house dress, a sort
of wrapper"—
"Oh. you mean n kimono!" giggle*
the girl, passing on the giggle to the
next girl, who is likewise generous.
"Didn't 1 «ay kimono, miss?" th*
man says a little testily.
"Third floor: take elevator." saya th«
giggly girl.
Mr Man finally finds the kimono de
part menu The itock Is bewildering.
He never Imagined there were so
many kinds of kimonos In the world,
lie had associated the kimono with the
Japanese rtud supposed they were nil
Japs. He couldn't fail to get one to
fit. They were all so loose and flowing
that most anything iti the shape of n
Japanese kimono would fit any woman
an well as It was Intended to flt_ So
at last the search Is ended. Rureka!
"The latest and daintiest thing Is the
French flannel kimono." says the chief
saleswoman, whereupon she shows Mr.
Man a Inte and dainty creation tu
pink flannel
which looks no ~il
more like a Jap-
anese klino it o *>"- > n£)
than :i caterpillar V
looks like :i but
tin- saleswoman ! '] . ?
Oli. 'bout your | s
size—hundred u' i
twenty pounds." | a
swells She is
quite pluiup to cHATTtso amiably
begin with. EN ROUTR.
"I guess you're mistaken about her
being my size." she says somewhat
scornfully, secure in her possession of
the fact that she weighed 145 on tfce
penny slot machine only this morning.
Mr. Man is embarrassed and help
"I'll—l'll be back In a few minutes."
he says, having definitely determined
to get a French flannel kimono.
Mr. Man goes dowu to the tlrst floor,
wnere the giggly girls abound. For
ten minutes be wanders around through
the aisles, casting longing glances at
the salesgirls. Now and then he pauses
and eyes one girl In particular. Final
ly the floorwalker, who has been eying
Mr. Man. steps up and asks:
"Anything in particular, sir?"
"Yes; I'm looking for a girl about
Khe size of rav-1 mean tho ladv I'm
5?* 10 for CHI-chhstek S A
i Gold metallic t><>xes. sealed with Blue{o>
Ribt.°iv TAKE NO OTHER. Bn,rf,,urV7
Dnmlst ml nk tor <ll M 111 H.Tf It 1 V
DIAMOND lilt A Ml PILLS, for tweiity-flv
years regarded as Best. Safest. Always Reliable"
«yi.»it in tin; h (ircaem ,
'I*»•» t «"i«« !•»•*.» with ih» WHnt
I te«l half I* J«*t a limit ih<- *tfp
"W«M. what of Hf nalt* »!•*
"I want »n borrow that girl for •»«■«!
Ore minute* "
"The deuce fnti do!"
"I'm, to 8" npatalm to the frrttH
kimono *«•>■ 11«<ti anil try on a kimono
for im I mean for my—th* ot hi>r bid?
The floorwalkpr mi; atao hp *nillc*
Itut Chrl*lmna la coming. a>< id him
fpfl clipprful
"Hpre, Miaa 1.0u." aaya the floor
wnlkpr lo Hie billow? blond Ml** |.oii
accept* the assignment gracefully nr
couiptinle* HIP gentleman "I' •« *!»■•
third floor, i ha it liik amiably ptt route
nml trlpa on Krem It kimono afipr
French kimono Ai Hint otip III* snug
Mr Mutt pay* the price The dainty i
garment la hnti
dlpd up nnil ai-nt * ' "
lo 111* addreaa. I •
nnil lila trouhlpa 17
lire Kill are
they? Thprp'a n |
Rpiptol. It Imp Wgf
ppna thni Mr Man
Is buying I his ki Urn \
denreat girl In the Bj
become In* own j ¥j/ j[_
Now Year's ilny j I t r~
Slip hna cou tided / I I & j
to him thut Kill' I i
believes In useful I " - I
Chriatnina gifts. "v\
something dim* to
near, for In
stnncp, iiihl lip Mn "A* foksd
tins paid SlS.s."> Ttna NOTK.
for ii nice French flitnnpl kimono
Vpry well. It is three days till Christ
mas pvp That very night when he
reaches home Mr Man tinils tills note,
left by messenger:
Mr. Man—All la over Between us I
will *end your ring and the <lor collar
unit the bracelet tomorrow I was in
Goldensteln & Abraham's this afternoon
and saw you maKlng eyes ai halt the
plrls In the siore. then I saw you openly
ainlnK with a blondlned creature I drop- 1
ped my veil down so you couldn't recog
nize me. 1 heard you say "third floor'
when you went to the elevator with her
1 went up to the next car and watched 1
you buy a beautiful French kimono for j
that horrid wretch! Is It necessary for
me to say more? AL.L.YCE.
So you see there are tragedies 111
men's Christmas shopping
Hut did this really happenV
Aslt the tintti.
No Law's Delay Here.
In Pcrak. in the Malay peninsula,
lawyers lind no business, for a modi
fied form of trial by ordeal decides all
disputes. In place of the legal practi
tioner the pleader is a native boy who
Is assigned to one or the other of the
sides and is given a bamboo tube in 1
wbh !i is sealed the pleading of tho
person or party wliotn he represents.
When all is ready two stakes are
driven into the bed of a stream, and
by aid of a bamboo pole the heads of
tlie two boys are submerged at the |
same time. Hy grasping the stakes
they are enabled to remain under vva- i
ler for quite awhile after their natural :
Inclination would bring them to the
surface, but at last one of them gives
in and, releasing tils hold of the stake,
comes to the air. lie Is immediately
seized, and the tube he holds Is cast j
aside. The other lad Is led ashore, his
tube opened, and the document con
tained therein stands as the decision In
the ease.
Scott Relics at Abbotsford. I
The present estate of Abbotsford was
formed during the years 1811 to ISI7
from various small farms, the first ;
one purchased bearing tho "inharmo
nious designation" Ciarty lloie. After 1
Sir Walter Scott's death in 1534 a com
mittee of friends collected £B,OOO to
ward the redemption of the estate, and
Mr. • .'adell, the publisher, contributed
the rest on receiving the rights over
Scott's works. The library and mti
seuui had been given some years be
fore by the creditors. As his son. '
Lieutenant Colonel W. Scott, died ou
his way home from India, the prop
erty descended to J. It. Lockhnrt. his
son iu law, and thence to his daugh
ter's husband, J. It.l lope-Scott, whose
daughter held the estate for some
years. Many Scott relics are preserv- 1
ed in the house, notably his chair and
writing table In the study and his hat j
and gloves in the hall.—London Stand
Hard For tho Eskimo*.
One of the difficulties of the Mora
vian missionaries In Labrador Is to
make the old Testament, with Its
wealth of pastoral detail, intelligible
to the Eskimos, not one of whom has
ever seen a horse. "Sheep and cattle,"
says Uesketli I'rltchard in "Hunting
Camps In Wood and Wilderness,"
"they cannot realize or conceive of,
for there are no iloi est lea led animals
save dogs in that portion of the penin
sula. They comprehend the story of
Esau, the hunter, and that of Samson
and the lion, which animal can be j
translated at, polar bear, but of Abra- i
ham in the land of Mesopotamia they !
can form no picture. The nearest ap
proach to these ideas Is drawn from
the harvest of ihe sea, seals and lish
taking the place of tlocks and herds." 1
Mistletoe a Menace.
Few people who know mistletoe only ;
as a desirable feature of Christmas j
decorations understand that the plant
is a parasite dangerous to the life of |
trees in the regions in which it grows.
It is only a question of time after |
mistletoe once begins to grow upon a
tree before the tree itself will be j
killed. The parasite saps the life of j
the infected branches. Fortunately It !
Is of slow growth, tit king years to de
velop to large proportions, but when j
neglected it invariably ruins all trees |
It reaches. The only method of ester- !
mlnatlon is the cutting down of ills- ;
eased trees.—Exchange.
A Japanese Peculiarity.
"When a Japanese sen-ant is rebuk-1
ed or scolded," says a traveler, "he j
must smile like a Cheshire cat. The
etiquette In smiles is very misleading :
at drat. I often used to think that ;
Takl. my riksha 'boy.' nieaut to be Im- |
pertinent when he insisted on smiling
when I was augry at him. liut when j
he told me of the dealh of his little
child with a burst of laughter I knew I
that this was only one of the curlou* I
details of etiquette In this topsyturvy j
Christmas on
A Canalboat
"Ho# are We going lo apt ml Clirlal
lilai" ph i.. lined ihe good mitiiri'd Mi*
Ca.'ialn Hong*, seemingly a Im sur
prised Hi Hip question, fur eaiiallsial
folk are sensitive of any i litli lam aim
ed 111 lliell direction
"Why, were going to *|n-ud the day
jilsl like other folk Solne I 111 II Ii lie
cause we lite ou canal bout a we don't
have any eolnforta and eat like sin
aires. My. hut I'll a heap sight rather
lt«e down here Ihtlli In a lint like my
niece's She a got six rooms, and they
don t begin to tie as big hs mine
"If you think there ain't room Just
look here." and Mia. Hoggs dispia.iisl
the secrets of u suit of rootua. the In
genulty of the arrangement rivaling
the deli of tlip New \ ork bachelor girl
Out ol the mil 111 cabin, « lib served aa
living and dining room combined, two
alcovea Jutted, besides an llittiiltealmal
corner duhlied llie kitchen, but which
was even tinier than the modern apart
ment house kllebeliette.
While under ordinary circumstances
the kitchen was part of the cabin
proper, two doors 111 right angles lo
each other could be drawn out, which,
meeting, formed a room by Itself A
shiny colli stove or range quite liiled
the comparttncut. leaving just room
before it in which to work, while above
it every Im It of wall space was litll 17.1 «1
wlili pots and kettles ami kitchen uten
sils of every sort.
A low cupboard opening Into the
hold contained more articles of kitchen
use, as well as vegetables and canned
goods. Hunks were displayed in the
two other alcoves, which were iti open
view of the cabin. Hut from the re
cesses of the boat Mrs. Hoggs pulled
out a sliding door, which completely
divided the space into two rooms, and
w hen cumulus were drawn into the
cabin the occupants enjoyed all the
privacy desired.
A big divan could be opened up at
night into a roomy double bed, and an
other bunk, "just under the eaves,"
was sufficiently large to tuck two
small youngsters away. Chests of
drawers built In. wardrobes and cup
boards in out of the way places sup
plied room for bedding, clothing and
the boots and shoes of a family of
One of the biggest surprises in the
boat, one which conveyed a hint that
might be applied In small houses where
room is at a premium, was (lie pre
served fruit lockers.
"We all do up our own fruit," went
an Mrs. Hoggs "You see. while we
go up the canal we are In the country
most of the time, and It is much
cheaper to put up our own fruit than
buy It iu winter, ami tlliß Is « here wa
store It."
Ooing to the stairs up the companion
way, she pulled out liny drawers.
Small knobs jutted out from the face
JI each slip with which to open the
drawers, white within ihere was quite
room enough to allow pint fruit tare
to stand upright.
A ihiJil -ii rui,o room was nicked
away in ilie lIOIJ. info which « small
Joor hlioci I\. i. fv-et in ojiened.
The dining nil ie was a folding affair
which I units) up against the wall of
the cabin when not iu use
When seme surprise was expressed
at the presence of a sewing machine
in the room Mrs. Hoggs said: "Oh.
that's nothing: Many of the boats
have organs as v.ell. and there Is one
fitted up with a porcelain bathtub. So,
you see. wo have some of the luxuries
of city houses and plenty of good air
and sunshine A concert is to be
given ou one of the bouts here New
Year's eve, and if you should like to
come down we'd lie glad to have you
and show you a bit of caualboat hos
———————— I
Til Kit E is one way to make
a white Christmas even
though there may be tiot
a flake of snow In sight.
l,ct the whiteness be in your
haart. Put aside all thoughts o?
guile. Forget all the big or lit
tie bitternesses you may be en
tertaining against some other
person. Cast out all envy, all
covetousnpss, all unklnilness. En
deavor to harbor In your heart
only such thoughts and feelings
as the Nazarcue knew when he
dwelt by Galilee. Cultivate hu
man brotherhood. Practice Chris
tian charity. Look beyond and
above your workaday horizon.
Get out of yourself. Get into
the hearts of others.
Then you will be sure of a
white Christmas this year
fi SIT 111 t & Second only to sun light. The g A | 112 | |
I 1 ■ clearest, steadiest and best arti- 8 . II
Ifhyjlll Fam^,T««rHeOil i yMjyj
I I "froat"ch7mney. Coata no mora than S S I ■
Bill | IBS inferior tank-wagon oila. k I 1 9 IB
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■ 111 I SIS Attto Oil and Wnvurly OaaoUnea ||
Christmas In
A Scotch City
Oln«r r "» Hir commercial metropolis »112
Hrii»uin(j mit |> it* well it lull million hi
habitant*. run be i hnwo a* an interest
lull llliimruti«»n of iin> manner in whli li
oil*' fourth i>f tlii" |H'i1111#• uf iht- country
*|tend tin- holiday* Many day* before
the *tgr* (mm* on Ariryll street «
lliormfuhfari* a* liu«y ,i< any In the
In ml are irayly mill profusely d«w
filled Willi Hiillji nii*l evergreen*. Alhiv*
Hourly every pnimiiiv *lkii* of wei
romp mill i In- compllmenta of lli<a sea
*<ui are exhibited In holly leave* iiii
lhi I*! inn« cii' tin* plorfu keep open
lull" Cither nidi* of lit llmroUKhf ire
In ii mass of liliittlnu. cheerful Until,
mill there la h tnovltiK twins of liiitiiiin
lly liet ween llut when llit* stores
rinse they close milll tinting day All
the worktnn people now (jot their
I 'lirMnma holiday.
On Christmas forenoon the lortl pro
rout or mayor presides nt the minimi
meeting iiihl tirenkfuat jflvcn tiy the
director* ni the royal Infirmary. 11 In {
lordship make* it *|ieech, after w hl'h 1
there la n distribution of jtnod thlmrs j
to nil the (iiitlenta In the lante llislitu I
Hon Then lie visit* sundry other In I
»tlt nt lon* for the eare of the sleU nml j
poor, where them nre Christmas ireetna i
ii n«l feastlut:. lij the way. Christmas;
•1 i.v Is one of the lortl |irovoat'a busle-t
(iii.vs At 'J o'clock. iteeordlliK to iiii- |
nunl custom for year* past. he pre
side* 111 the iini*. till flintier given to
from ro poor ui<*u. wanton ]
nml ehll Iren In the rlty hall, Alliloti
stmel. Ills lorilshlp and the city
magistrates occupy the slase it nil tn!:i>
i dinner with the poor During there
pnst. which consists of Roup. beef, an
entree, plum pmltliug. ten or roiTee am!
fruit, stirring Srotch airs nre
on the bl:{ orpin hy the pity orgnnlst.
At tlie close his lordship tiutkrs a
speech. which Is reported verbatim In
the newspapers it is usually a mas
terly production.
Out wit idly the aspect of the city
resembles thai of Sunday Neverthe
loss thousands of people nre moving
about. 'I'll" myriad of riveters In the
miles of shipbuilding yards along the
Clyde have come to the rlty with their
i wives and families and are attending
(lie matinees or evening pantomime
; performances that have already been
running. These pantomimes nre a fea
ture of city life In Scotland during
| the winter Usually three open at
!lie big I heaters in Glasgow Christ mas
! eve. They are rehearsed for weeks
before. The playwright usually chooses
: as his theme a fairy tale. "Jack the
I Giant Killer.'' "All Baba and the For
tv Thieves" and "Aladdin and the
Wonderful I .amp" have been favorite
themes As a rule, the playwright re
tains enough of the tale so that the
: young folks can recognize the char
actors. but taken altogether the pro
ductlon becomes really a dramatic
burlesque of local life and character,
interesting, entertaining and even ele
I vntlng to old and young. Actors and
actresses of renown take the lending
1 parts, while there are dazzling cos-
I tumes, magnificent scenery and a gor
] geous ballet thrown in. No wonder
: It Is that often until the middle of
' spring the pantomimes enjoy u con
j lluuous ru.n. I.atterly they become
j in a sense classics, for their libretti
! undergo weekly Improvement at the
1 suggestion of local wits noted for the
i pungency of tlirlr sayings and the
| fund of dry Scotch humor they pos
sess. It is no exaggeration to say that
I these pantomimes are visited by some
' persons each nlt'ht ail the season
' through and by others fully a score of
i times.
| Then there is the usual exodus of
I your.K men lo the country nt Christ
! uiastlde. It Is a common saying among
Scotchmen that all ronds lead to I.on
I don. This Is changed to Glasgow In
some cases. There Is scarcely a fain
1 lly of note In the Highlands thai litis
not a sou at the universities of Glas
gow or Edinburgh studying for the
professions of law. medicine, the pul
| pit, the array or the home or foreign
1 civil service With what hope and
pride the adveut of the young student
Is looked for at the little railroad sta
' tlon up lu ihe mountains on Christ
mas eve or morning! If lie lives on
an estate the next day he Is given a
; side by his rustic countrymen In their
annual Christmas day football match
The game is usually a stoutly contest
j ed one. umpired and referred by the
j laird anil beads ot the estate. At the
■ corner of the Held is placed a cask of
| good Scotch ale. from which the play
! ers regale themselves at half time
! Then the game resumes, and the sec
] ond half is fust and f.irlous. Around
the ropes nre the young women of the
estate looking on with plensuro and
discussing their choices in the dance
! list of the evening —Brooklyn Eagle
Santa Clauo Ir ths Zoo.
Bald Santa Claus: " 'Tls Christmas eve
(The animals looked pleasant),
i And each of you will now recetve
His yearly Christmas present,
i Hut I'd be Blad If every truest
| Would mention what tied like the best."
j The tapir sa.d: "That pleases me.
I'll state succinctly, therefore.
I If I may be so bold and free.
The only thins I care for
Would be thoso matches on the shelf.
| With which I'd like to light myself."
j His wish was granted. Then up spake
A timid little adder
! "Sir. but a trifle It will take
To inaKa my Christmas gladder,
i A slate and pencil, if you please.
I Would let me ilo m.v sums with ease."
1 The reindeer said, "You may believe
I'd be a liappy fellow
j If 1 were sure I would receive
A good sized umberrellow,
| And also I d like four galochc.
Yes. and a rubber mackintosh."
—Walton Williams.
Surgeey and the Anstsmtf* In Iht
OHin Dsyt
f'nr a I >tik time Alexandria was lh»
mtly toed I «l center of the world anil
the physician ilali-n bom slsmt IW
A I)., had to Journey from Home lo
♦hi- Afrln: i rlty "ten to »<■# a ekele
ton II# 1 sent Ills mudetit* to the Ger
man battlefield* to dl«*«" t the leslles
of the tin 11' tin I I'ttemlew while lie him
self »t««*l a|te 4 n « im»*t r u-uihllftK bu
man lieing' 11 it matt dl«*«ctlnn « <
retired In H-i|n*na In the fmtftPe.itli
century, tt li e ;«>! 'in M iirvilin*
Inter tt!>« |irnft«< tr of anatomy tin
do ibteilli of th" 112 » women «1 »■
tor*. If in i the trr< I, 'ft. l.eoii>rd«
da Vim I, 'i't of""i - |«t Hup
per." « ■ ■ Ut but til*-
Se lion I . lileii Intit «'!• ii«e when
Vp« illti* t- '! r-v i i*l 't iilMint th«
Ml *.»!. ■ I ntiiry.
Kvt nln • larntp.!" n I. r i limes
anati : t- ! o|„ , the id net of at
ta l k« I»* t |e pillin e In l"t'*» l»r
John Hliti n of l'!il!» *t»i,tUlti wn*
mobbed : i g»i -e rol r I toctura'
riot* In 'ov ork «'i urreil tweut>
lhre.« j' l -r i 1 w • due lo the
belief lit .< t.- medical - tn'e.its rob
bril grc.\ .t. •-.'■vu.titv It was lb*
lack of of p Tin ilty lo ol»|t»1.1 «iib!eef*
re uirirly • :i i"d to tlm practice of
••rave r* : ' intr anil orl-'lnnted what
l>r l\i*' c;'Ts "a set of Hie lowe-jt
p>ilde \ In - 'h" resurreptioniata "
—New York World.
Ci You Help Others?
It In* Im e-i trlieh snld that for ev
cry one n'o stand* alone ihere are
twr've lo 1 n against him How I* It
with you? Are you one of thos*
air: Inst whom others lean for help and
encouragement, or nre you lenniug
against some one anil drawing your
inspiration and courage from him? I»
depends entirely on yourself whether
you take a positive attitude In your
work or whether your negative char
acteristic shall dominate. It Is muck
easier to po through life making as
little effort as possible, hut it is ■
poor way if we nre going to make
life yield even a small modicum of
what It hoids for ns. If you are work
ing earnestly and hoping for success
there Is ouly one way to nttiiiu It.and
that 1* through your positive cliarac
terlstics.—Philadelphia I.edger
Julius Caetar.
Cnesnr wns assassinated March 15,
41 B. C., and was at the time of his
death tifly-six years old It Is not
| alone as a military genius that his
famo endures. By almost common
consent b» was the most remarkable
| all round man of antiquity—masterful
ly great nof only as general, but as
writer, statesman and administrator
In addition to these high accomplish
ments he was a great mathematician,
philologist. ar"hlfect and Jurist. His
| conversational powers were extraor
dinary, and from all accounts he was
In his manner one of the most at
! tractive of men.
Henry of Navarre and ths Rod.
Ilenry IV. of France was a firm be
liver in the adage. "Spare the rod and
spoil the child." In u letter to the
governess of his son he wrote in Oc
tober. 1007: "Madame—l have to com
plain that you have not Informed me
lof having flogged my son. I deslrn
! and request that you will flog him
I whenever he Is disobedient or other
j wise troublesome, knowing as 1 do
| that nothing will do him more good.
| I speak from eij>erleuee, cs at his age
I was frequently bln-hed."—Paris Gnu
| lois.
Twenty Volume Novels.
The longest novels of today are |>ya
mies compared with those published
l in the seventeenth century. Mile, dtr
| Scudery's I.e Grand Cyrus" ran into
ten volumes. Its publication beiuc
spread over five years. And wbeu
jit was translated, or. to quote the title
' page. "Englished by a i'ersou of lion
j our." It appeared In five folio voiuuitw
of some suo pages apiece. Anothei
novelist of the same period, l.a Cat
prenede. was even more diffuse, oae
of his works. "Cleopatre." extending
over twenty-three volumes. These
novels found plenty of readers despite
their enormous length. The Paris pub
lisher of "Le Grand Cyrus" made
lOO.OCo crowns by the ilrst edition
alone. Ne. rly all the works of Seu
dery and Calprenede were tranilateti
into Engl.-'i as soon as they appeared
and many of them into Gemini na
well.—London Chronicle.
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