Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, December 22, 1910, Image 1
VOL. 50— NO fxi ITEMS CONDENSED. DARKEST HA Y— Saturday was one of the darkest dtys In the history of Pittsburg Electric sign- were burning as if It were tni<lniiflit. stores and offices were lighted ami headlights on the street cars were allium'. Many ac cidents occurred, hut no deaths were reported Tram* were delayed and there was much confusion In tin- han dling of railrrad wotk. PiUshnrg with its pall of sraoke was the centra "112 the (OR Report* from town* ten miles away said that the nun wan shining. INVESTIGATIONS—Dr. J. H. Bennett, chairman of the Sanitarv committee of the York city council, declared at the meeting of the body that Certificates of successful vaccina tion nre Vicing furnished by certain physicians of that city to school chil dren who have never heen inoculated An investigation has never been or dered and prosecutions will he brought against those medical men found guil ty of the praetioe. REVENGE OR MALICE?—WhiIe he was delivering r. package at a West Knd home, two foreigners jumped in- I to the grocery wagon of E. L. Bianco, of York, aud drove oil rapidly. At a railroad culvert half a mile beyond the oity they stopped,and one deliberately flred two shots from a pistol into the borses's head. The animal was dead when Bianco reached the spot,and the strangers had disappeared. OLEDBT MOTORlST—Schnyklill comity claims the oldest active mot orist in Pennsylvania. Ho is Robert Allison, of Port Carbon, a trustee of 1 the State hospital at Fountain Springs, a spleudidly-preserved man who play- ! ad a public game of cricket for char- ! ity, when he was past 70 years of age, : and is an active motorist, who will be 83 years of age on the 25th of the pre- ' sent month, Christmas day. GAINS 138 PER CENT.—The bor ough of Eniaua, founded in 1742 by ; Count a place of refuge : in the new world where the Moravians i might worship without tear of mol estation, olaims to be the banner town for increase of population for the last ten years. Its popnlation in 11)00 was 1,408. Under the new census it is 3,501, : a gain <Jf 138>£ per cent. FIRKS SELF IN SLEEP.—WhiIe sleeping in the motor pump house of the Blue Mountain Consolidated Wat- j er company at Saylorsburg, Charles j Derhasimer, attacked by a nightmare, knocked over a red hot stove and mj in | a critical condition from burns. FORTUNE FOR MINER—While at work ic the mines at Throop, a ham- j let near Soranton John Stewart Hash es, a miner, Saturday received word that liis almost forgotten great aunt ; who had died in Scotland, had let't him : a fortune of $75,000. CLOSE CALL—While washing his hands at his home Arthur Anderson, paying teller in a Chester bank, not iced an obstruction poked through the wire Hereon leading to ttie waste pipe. He then discovered that the largest of the three diamonds in his ring was missing. He tammonod a plumber who found the diamond in a trap af ter a uearoh of over three hours. CHAMPION PALLBEARER—J J. ; Brennan, of Mahanoy City, represent- I ative recently elected to the Legisla- ' ture, holds a unique record.He claim to be champiou pallbearer of that sec- j tion, he having served in that capac- | ity at the laet.44 funerals of members of Severn post, G. A. R. A 810 PROJECT—The Johnstown Chamber of Commerce has taken up the propected electric railway lino to ! Kbeusburg and is endeavoring to raise j the amount tecessary—s2oo,ooo—to : complete it. AGREED— Th« Everett Press sa.vs ' that the man who has discovered that carrots can perfectly supply the place of eggs in cooking should have a pen sion now and a monumont later. COLORED CLUB—Color: I people ! of Scrauton have decided to raise j $40,000 to buihl a handsome club house. Over $20,000 has already been raised. PREPARED—A tramp attired in a tennis suit topped off with a straw hat attracted much attention in Ches ter, as he passed through that city on bis way to Florida. MARRYING CRAZE-In little Sharpsburg ton schoolina'ains have married and quit their desks since September. STIFF HAT SAVES—A stiff bat that he wore doubtless saved the life of Eugene Royer when a big mass of fro Ken earth came clashing down from an overhanging ledge while he was in structing some men at his father's stone quarries Millardsville. Some of the stones, however, cut throngh his bal and inflicted a two-inch gash in bis bead. lllnnUiut American. WILL ENACT AN ORDINANCE The ordinance providing for the grading, paving with vitrified brick i and curbing with stone of that part of Last Front street between tl e western tmihling line of Perry street and the ' eastern building line of liailroad street j was approved on Its second and third i reading at a regulars meeting of the horongh council Ptiday night. The ordinance was adopted on its ; first reading at the previous regular I meeting. On motion of Mr. Heini Jasr i night it was adopted oil second read ing. after which on motion the rules of council were suspended and the or dinance was adopted on its third aud I final reading. Mr. Curry voiced a protest against ilie practice of the trolley companies in throwing by the operation of their sweepers onto the crossings aft ei the latter have been shoveled off. \ It was decide I that the trolley com i panics be required to keep the cross ings clear of snow. Uu motion the I atrtet commissioner and chief of police were instructed to see to it that the order is carried out. A communication wasieceived from W. H. Lyon in which lie took excep tion to the action of council at its last meeting, in which it ordered that the East Market street paving bo not ai,- cej>6ed and that Mr. Lyon be held re sponsible for the interest paid on money that it may be found neces sary to borrow by reason of the 'act that what is due the borough from property owners for the paving can not be collected. What Mr. Lyon ob jects to is the payment of interest. He claims that he lias complied with all I that is required of him aud has fully protected the boiough by giving his bond with sureties. He claims furth er that there is no legal obstacle in the way of the borough collecting the assessments in tiie premises. Last night was the date set a:iart for the hearing of objections to tho prop- | osition to grade, pave with ritrifled brick and curb with stone that part of Bloom street between the eastern ' building line of Perry street and the western building line of Chuzcli street and to consider the propriety of the 1 enactment of the necessary ordinance j for suoh purpose. No one, however, j appealed to ofler any objections. On motion of Mr. Connolley a res olution was adopted providing that ! due notice of the fact of the aud approval of the ordinance be post ed and that any person interested may 1 appeal to the court within 60 days. On motion of Mr. Connolley it was resolved that whereas council after due consideration has determined to make such improvement as is required I by the petitioners, the committee of ! law in conjunction with the borough ! solicitor be directed to prepaie and re- I port into council at its next regular I meeting the necessary ordinance for further action of conncil. The following members were pres- j ent: Cleaver, Price, lies, Jones, Mar shall, Curry, Heim, Conuoiley, Von Blohn and Deitz. On motion it was ordered that an | incandescent light be placed at the i Continental engine house. The following bills wort ordered j paid by council last night: BOROUGH DEP'T Regular employes . |175.50 Labor and hauling 127.45 George P. Keefer . 7(5.00 Danville Pdy & Machine Co 11.53 George P. Reifsnyder 101.07 T. L. Kvaus* Sons 22.65! D. L. & W. R. H. Co 10.02 I J. H. Cole 12.02 I C. A. Stickle 50 1 B. 13. Brown S.OO , Boettinger & Dietz .. 5.90 I Welliver Hdvv. Co 1,43 | Labor in Light Dept 14.50 | Walker & Kepler 31.54 General Electric Co 37.12 ' Wallace Hoover 80.00 Cement Resit uCo 10.14 I WATER DEP T Regular employes $101.40 W. T. Shepperson 14.28 J- H. Cole 13.82 Peoples' Coal Yard 4.00 NEW YEAR'S DAY j Jauuary Ist, or New Year's, like | Christmas, of course, falls on Sunday | this year. New Year's day, like Christ mas therefore, will be observed on Monday. As indicated by the calendars, which have marked January 2nd as a holi day, Monday will be observed by the business world. Accordingly there will no doubt be a general shut down of industries and the closing of stores. The importance of the day in Dan ville will be greatly increased by rea son of the Mummers' parade, which now is an assured faot. Kind-hearted Mayor Weaver, of York, is imposing sentenes upon minor offenders this week of such length that they will expire before Christ mas. DANVILLE. PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER TJ, 1910 AT THE END OF LIFE'S JOURNEY Itohert Adams, nearly a life long ' and widely known citizen, died at his I home, Kerry street, at 0:10 o'clock I Saturday evening, following a brief ! illness of a complication of disease*. Mr. Adams was a citizen that all were proud to honor. Whether in pnb lio or private life, whether dealing with matters political or social his ■■very act reflected the soundest prin ciples and unswerving honesty. His lil w:is tilled with examples ot self command and self sacrifice. He was essentially kind, condemnatory of wrong hut charitable always. In the community ho stood for those things i that make for equal justice, social ' purity and civic righteousness. He was a man of line business talents, in ilnstrious and painstaking, well in formed and intelligent. He was ever in sympathy with the young and loved to assist and counsel those who were worthy. Robert Adams was born in Parrauds ville. l*a.. May 22, 1838, and at the time of his death, therefore, was aged 72 years, ti months and 25 days. He 1 came to Danville wlien a mere child. He was educated in the Dauville Academy, graduating in 1856. When eleven years of ago he entered the employ of E. W. Conkliug, the bookseller and stationer. He was first employed as a boy in the store, but later became clerk. In lSlii! ht» entered into a partnership with Mr. Conkliug. Por many years ho was the local agent of Adams' Express company. Indeed, he was connected with the company from the yenr 18fi4 until he retired from business some fifteen years ago. Although he always showed an in terest in public affain. yet he never sought office. He was, however, elect ed to both council arid the school hoanl ami as a member rendered the public valuable service iu each body. Mr. Adams was the son of Kobert Adams and was the youngest iu a family of five children. All have pro ceded him to tiie grave with the ex caption of one brother, Peter Adams, Kerry street, this city, who survives at an advanced age. KICKED BY HORSE Harry Garner of suffer ing from the effects of a painful accid ent sustained at the lumber camp of L. W. Welliver it Co. .about ten miles from Kxchange ou Thursday morning. Harry and Uoy (iarmer aro two brothers, mere boys, employed by the lumber company as teamsters. The ac cident happened before daylight Thursday morning, just as the two young fellows,each with a heavy load of lumber, were ready to start for Wstsontown, twenty miles distant. It was below zero at tiie time. Harry was in the act of adjustit u the harness when one of the horses kicked him breaking his jaw and knocking out four teeth, two of which were swallowed. Harry was obliged to return to his home nearby, while Roy undertook and carried through an un heard of thing. With both teams in charge he start ed for Watsoutown. The loads were exceptionally heavy aud on the road are many steep and daugerous hills. How he accomplished it is a puzzle to even experienced teamsters, but whol ly unassisted lie reached Watsoutown in safety unloaded the lumber and with both teams returned to the camp reaching there about 10 o'clock at night. HORRI3LE DEATH As she sat in ;» chair at her homo, Sunday evening, smoking a pipe, -Mrs. Aaron Yoder, of Numidia, Columbia county, was stricken with apoplexy and bofoto assistance arrived sparks from the pipe ignited her clothing ami she was hurned to death. The charred body was found hy her daughter, Mrs. j Jacob Miller, with whom she lived ; hut who was absent from home at tlie j time. The position of the body when I found indicated that the unfortunate woman had managed to arise from her chair and had staggered toward the door with her clothing ablaze. When Mrs. Miller arrived the carpet was blazing and other articles in the room had been burned. Mrs. YOder's cloth ing had been burned off her body from the knees up. Practically tho entire body was burned to a crisp. Mrs. Yoder was aged about seventy years. TWICE OPERATED ON Samuel Arujes, the well-known | painter, is seriously ill at tho German Hospital. Philadelphia, where he lias been undergoing treatment for the I last seven weeks. Mr. Armes has undergone two oper ation for internal trouble, the first | operation being performed soon after entering the hospital ami the second about a week ago. A letter was received by Walter Armes, the sou, yesterday, the tone of which did not indioatethat the oondi tiou of the patient was very favorable. WILL BEGIN THE SURVEY TODAY The weather |w>rmittliig, Horongh Surveyor Keefer today will begin the survey to determine the i>r<>l>nlil»< omt of diverting the effluent of the sewage disposal plant at the hospital frnrii tlir> riv« r to tlu« bomnith sewer, which last summer was completed an far a« the eastern end *>f town. Tim survey in pursuant to -tn action of uonncii tak-'ii at a regular meeting held Nov ember istii when mi motion it was re solved that a monster petition lie ad dressed to the State legislature pray- i tiif that it .make an appropriation of money sufficient to cover the post of diverting the hospital effluent as above described. Dr. P. C. Newhsker, representative elect, appealed before oonncil at its last meeting reminding that body that the State legislature will convene in a few weeks' tim.' and that prompt act ion will ho necessary ~ the part of the borough, if it win. ;S to have the big petition ready when the proper time comes to present it. One of the necessary prerequisites will be to know something about the cost of the pro posed sewer which is to servo as the conneotiug link between the hospital and the borough systems. To obtain this data, therefore, the borough sur veyor, will make the survey at once. Kepresentative-elect Newbaker was present at the meeting of the hospital trustees last Thursday aud found that the Superintendent of the hospital and the board of trustees are friendly to the proposition to divert tho effluent from the river as above proposed, will next be put sqnarely up to the law making body. The petition to the legislature is now prepared and dur ug the next few weeks will be circu lated for signers. The matter at issue concerns every man. woman and child in Danville and practically every one i is expected to sign the petition. TEN BILLIONS In computing the high cost of liv- j ing, or the cost of high living, do not by any means neglect the expense of Christmas. Figures just submitted by ' statistic sharps who have studied con ditions in all parts of the country in dicate that the American people will spend the enormous sum of ten billion ; dollars for Christmas presents. Talk about your billioj dollar Congresses! \ Hut it is also said that presents in ; the from '! luxuries are fewer than j ever before, such articles as automo- ! biles, expensive jewelery and high j priced decorations having given away to those of more general use. In a word Santa Claus is a little more con- i siderate of the proprieties and of the | actual spirit of Christmas. The old fellow has been going at a pretty rapid j gait aud be found it decidedly wine to j call a halt. So it is quite possible that eveu j though Christmas will cost ten bil lions this year it will be in most re- ; spects a useful Christmas. It is m t best to make it too useful. Father I should have a little something besides . a couple of collars and a pair of socks, aud mother's gifts should not be con- j tlned to ruchings and felt slippers. ! These are all right in their way, but i occasionally some foolish little gift j which is of no actual use to either is j appreciated. Loosen up just a trifle, j but he careful that yon don't loosen ' too much. That's where the anger lies. MILL STREET AT NIGHT Never did Danville, with its well stocked stores and tastefully decorated windows, present a more seasonable and inviting appearance on the Hp proach of Christmas than it does at present. This is especially true of the stores during the evenings, when, un der the bright light, they show off to the veiy best advantage, not only ev ery article in the windows lint the heavily laden shelves and counters along with the busy clerks being visi ble from the street. In the first place all this is tnade pos sible because Danville has capacious store rooms with modern fronts, and in the second place,because its merch ants are progressive and wide awake. The appearance of the business street at night, with everything in full swing, affords a striking contrast to the same thoroughfare after dark during the early closing season. Un doubtedly a great deal of Christmas shopping will be done during the evenings this week. The stores them selves are an attraction.and the weath er being fair shoppers will be out in numbers. Proposed Trolley Extension. It was learned yesterday that nego tiations havo been opened looking [to the extension of the line of the Lew isbnrg, Milton and Watßontowu Trol ley company to Allenwood, Montgom ery and Munoy. Indications are that the plans will be carried through suc cessfully and that work on the exten ion will be started early next spring. THE SUBJECT OF CONSOLIDATION There am a good many people oil the | south side who would like to sen Riv i erslde borough and South Danville ! annexed to the borough of Danville, if the proposition were found practic able. A resident of Riveiside yester j day deplored the fact that a step in this direction has not been taken ! There would not beany question as to | support, he said. The sentiment in favor of consolida lion is based on a desire to seenre for the residents and property owners on the south side municipal water and light along with a system 'if file nnd police protection, without which the two communities labor uuder a josi tive handicap, in the face of which growth and prosperity are impo sible. In the ma'tei of police protection, especially, both Riverside and South Danville have little to boast of. As a matter of fact they are at the mercy of the lawless elenunt. The lack of fire protection is anothei drawback. A sense of insecurity is always present among property owneis, and that de structive fires have not occurred he fore this is regarded merely as a mat ter of good luck. The movement to organize a chemical fire company on the south side set on foot last summer, it appears, has not yet resulted in any definite action. The system of government in a small borough like Riverside, tlie gentleman urged, is essentially narrow, if not wasteful, and ho favored consolida tion not only for the sake of police protection, etc., but also for effecting desirable economics. He did not be lieve consolidation would affect taxa tion to any extent, but for his part,lie said, he would rather pay more taxes, and obtain efficient fire and police pro tection for his property and his family than to pay less and do without it. The subject of consolidation, it ap pears,is being discussed somewhat just j as it had been periodically in the past. Whether any definite action may result remainß to be seen. FUNERAL OF ROB'T ADAMS All that was mortal of Robert . Adams was consigned to ith last rest- 1 ing place in Fairview cemetery Tues- ' day atternoon. A large number of our : townspeople tamed out to pay their j last'tribute to the memory of this lion- I ored anil representative citizen. The services were held at the late j residence, Kerry street, at 'J o'clock, the Rev. George S. Womor officiating. , The honorary pall hearers were: \Y. J. Haldy, Esq.. .Tanji'S Scarlet, Esq., T. J. Price, Captain U. W. Forrester, j D. R. Kckman and Augustus Woods, i The active pall beareis were: W. A. i Sechler, Ira Everhart, M. O. Young- j man, John R. M. Curry, F. P. John- . son and William M. Sechler. WELLS ARE DRY While many people aie hoping that j cold weather with snow and ice may : continue indefinitely during the win- : ter there are others who would wel- j come a good rain even if a general j breakup might be the result. The fact is, water is low at many i places throughout, the country. Some I of the farmers on the south side of tho river are put to a good deal of in convenience owing to a scarcity of water, while conditions threaten to become worse if cold weather con tinues. A number of the wells in Riveisida are dry. The water gave out dur.'u* , August or September, and from that j time to the present there has not been i enough rain to replenish them. Sever- ' al of the property owners there bored j deep wells last summer, going down to a deptli that insured an abundant supply. These wells relievo the situ ation somewhat, furnishing water ' enough to meet the general demand, j although a great deal of inconven- i ience is entailed. ATTRACTED BY WINDOWS Four sled loads of female patients from the hospital for the insane paps ed through Danville Tuesrday after noon, all seeming to be having a good time. They liad evidently caught the "Christmas spirit" from the great in terest and delight they manifested in the store windows just now resplend ent with the pretty things that be long to the holiday trade. There was hardly a store that did not catch the eye of some one in the procession of sleds and evoke good natured com- I ments, more or less relevant. In tho aggregate sinoe the snow fell j a large number of patients have al- j ready been treated to a sleigh ride. None, male or female, who are fit to be taken out will be omitted. Elmer Oberholtzer, of Mainland, Montgomery county, broke the reooid by shoeing sixty horses in a single week. GHRISTMAS AT TIE HOSPITAL The ('hllfttms* dinner for the big family of nearly two thousand per -•is will he setteil nt the hospital for the insane on Saturday, although the hnililav proper will not be observed until Monday. To lie more definite be tween 1850 and IHOO persons will lie fed at tlio hospital, Ohr'stnias. neces sitating ao enoiuious amount of prep aration, which will cover several days The day just preceding the feast is the busiest of the lot. Therefore, to have served the dinner on Monday would have necessitated crowding a g rent deal nf work into Sunday. As the best way onf it was decided to hold the dinner on Saturday. The dinner will be a duplicate of the'Tl Hiik«irivi|ig «'ii err i in' ' | net* cally the same as has been served for year's past. Turkeys were'diHicnlt to obtain. They were purchased in four different counties—Snyder, Lycoming Columbia ami Montour. In all 230 tur keys aveiai/iiii? |o ponni's u-i>re neei'- ed. Jnst now they are baking mince pise at the hospital; of these just 500 are required and they are big ohl-fash ioned pies. 10 inches in diameter, a' that. 'lt 'requires twenty bnshrls of potatoes, which are served mashed.for the big Christmas dinner.Other things arc used in proportion, including nine barrels of cranberries and ten barrels of ginger snaps, 'baked at the institu- tion. There are few homes in which Christmas nipaiis more than at ttic hospital, where so many hopeless peo pip are incorcerated. Through the self sacrificing efforts of those in charge the happy Yuletide at tlip hospital is the one season of the year wl en, at h'ast, a few rays of sunshine and hope enter tlie dark lives of those who abide within the grim walls. About twenty Christmas trees will be elected in the wards Saturday. In i addition the walls will be trimmed ! with spruce, laurel etc. Packages containing presents from i loved ones at home are already arriv ; ing at the hospital and will be distrib uted on Sunday. There are not pres ents for all, however ;for it is a fact I that there are a good many friendless | ones at the hospital, who never bear i from home. It is on account of this i doubly unfortunate class that so much j is done yearly by the hospital to | bring real Christmas cheer into the in stitution that may reach and gladden j the hearts of all alike. The series of cntertainmAts for 1 Christmas week while probably not so ' extended as in the past nevertheless were never more interest ing. | On Tuesday evening a (vmiedy in ; three acts,entitled a "Breezy Point " | will be given in Amusement Hull, in which every one of the performers i« , a patient. On Thursday evening there will I a minstrel show in amusement I.MII.'JI which all of the performers am ew j ployes of the hospital. The best talent | available, has been selected and all ; have been well drilled,so that it is be | lieved the performance will be much | above the average. j On Friday evening there will bo i chapel exercises, which will bo fol ! lowed with a musical entertainment I in the chapel Saturday evening. The patients are being drilled for the performance of the musical com edy by Miss Benford, the musician. All show remarkable talent and are I deeply interested. The comedy will be the leading attraction of the series. rviISS TRUMBOWER A BRIDE ' Miss Florence Klizabeth Trumbow er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hany j Tiumbower, of this city, and Mr. Andrew H. Cannon, of Philadelphia, were united in marriage in the latter place, at five o'clock Saturday even ing last. The ceremony took place at the par sonage of the Church of the Holy Com munion, the pastor, Rev. Dr. Pfottich er, officiating. Mrs. 11. E. Trumbower.of Danville, mother of the bride,attended the wed ding. The bride is a graduate of the local high school, and has a large circle of friends in this city. She has for sever al years been a resident of Philadel phia. Mr. and Mrs. Cannon left on Tues day on a trip taking in Washington, Norfolk and othet pointy. They will reside in Philadelphia. Arm Burned. Charles Shellenbergor, a moulder, employed at the stove works, was burned on the arm while pouring a tlask yesterday afternoon. The injury is not serious. Bloom Loies Prominent Citizen. Following au extended illness of six months the death of Harvey H. Grotz, a prominent Bloomsburg lawyer, aged 70 years, occurred on Tuesday after coin at 5 o'clock. ESTABLISHED IN 18. 5 FARMERS WOULD MAKE MORE MONEY STATK OOLLKOK. Dec. »1. More than 3(0 farmer*. repiei-entmg forty-seven coo at le* of the state ami I outsiders from a half dotco other , states, ar»< here fur the Farmers' Week it State College. Tin gathering is one ■if till- Isrgirt since the annual Instroc tion meetings tor farmeis were in augt* i at ed. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, chief of the National bureau of Chemistry, war the piiin i|iul spi al>i r at a mass meet HIK last night. Ill* utiliji ft wan "Why tli J'aruier Does Not Make More Money." He mid that colli storage mi ti joggled | nccs and held the farm ei Imok, while Mime of the agricultur i-ts failed to take advantage of the oppqituuities olTeud them iu there , Milts of extensive tests and eiperi meiits carried on in every branch of j farming. "It is the rold storage people, how : ever," said Dr. Wiley,"who are hurt ing the farmer most, although the I cla--s is confined to those raising per ishable products. The poultryman is 1 unable to market his chickens aud ! eggs at the prices he should receive. Ho finds the markets glutted by chick j ens and eggs that have been living on j ice for a year or more." Prof. Alva Agee, acting dean of the school of agriculture of State, also spoke at the mass meeting and told of the needs of the department. "We shall soon have a thousand young men study agriculture," he said, "but there must soon be a iimit to admission unless the state provides more buildings. A new horticultural building with greenhouses, a judging sta'Jd with a seating capacity of 12,000 and a dairy barn are the immediate needs. Moreover, in view of the work the college is doing |for the farmers, the state should bear the expense of sending out professors for lectures,the educational trains aud the co-opera tive experiments." NO MOKE EGGS As the result of an order received from the State department of health the local tuberculosis dispensary has discontinued the use of eggs and as far as practicable is substituting olive oil and meat. This move on the part of the State has been made imperative by the high price of eggs which was cutting very deeply into the department's appro priation. The sauie order has been re ceived by every tuberculosis dispen sarv in the statu. When it is explained that about eight thousand dozen of rggs are used in the tuberculosa dispensaries of Pennsylvania each month it will be i eeu how gieit i saving has been ef fected. Not only olive oil but also meat is a good substitute lor eges, the latter probabiv being quiM as good and much less expensive. Kggs when plentiful are preferred for the reason that they supply iu a condensed form the ele ments needed by tuberculosis patients. The demaud for eggs created by the tuberculosis dispensaries, it is believ ed, has had much to do with causing the high price that has prevailed dur ing a couple of years past. Now that this enormous demand ceases a good many persons are watching the effect., believing that eggs will .soon fall iu price. COURT NEXT MONTH There will be court in Jannary.cou veiling ou the second Monday or the Hth of the month. It is not probable that there will be much business on hand. Besides the case involving the importation of cat tie without the proper certificate con tinued from the last term there will be very few Commonwealth cases be fore court. There are a couple of civil cases on the list, but whether these will be attached or not is uncertain. Thero are four prisoners iu the county jail, all of whom arc doing time. AT POOR HOUSE David Krum, steward of the alms house of the Danville and Mahoning Poor district, dropped into this office yesterday. At present, iie says, there are nine teen inmates—ls men and 4 women— at the alms house. The products of the farm this year, he states, are abun dant aud there is plenty for all to eat. Thus far they have killed nineteen hogs. Ou Tuesday they slaughtered one that tipped the scales at 551 pounds. There are still thirteen in the pen, which will be butohered during the next few weeks. Improvements from time to time are being made at the poor farm that are highly appreciated. One thing still needed that would facilitate the con duct of affaits very much is a tele phone and it is believed that the board of overseers will see the% way clear to install one before long.