HcrChrislmas Pudding l( Opened Ihe Way to an Unexpected Pleasure liy CLARISSA MA(KIE i'o|>»rl*lit t»in lir AU'rlrm IV « Aspm-tntlofi Tied aiitigly In a round big, the Christum* pudding bubbhil merrily In the big pot on the uh* range Noting llrs Hell tripped lightly to and fro •bout the tiny kitchen, her lieurt full of Vulettile cheer and gentle gracious ncs' It was her first Christum* a* ll i h u "»ifc, nnd the llttlp tint wn» spick i •nil span with clennllwaa Laura Itell lifted (ho pot lid HIHI pc> red lit the fragrant pudding "My, hut that doe* *uiell t'hrlsf maay!" sighed Laura a* she replaced 'hf lid and proceeded to uasli the mountainous urrny of dishes In the sink. "I never lieiieied I could nnt!• 1 pate nn enjoyable Christinas away from Lakeviilc nnd the home folks, but I begin lo thing we two are t dlig to have a lovely Mine, INCH If we lire ali alone ill this big. strange elt.v." That night at dinner Timothy Itell loaned back In ills clialr nnd surveyed the remains of his iv eilt nt meal v\ Itl manifest approval. "So the pudding was a success dear?" he Inquired. "Light II s a feather, and so spley r Said his wife proud!}. "I'd shit t" you, Tim, only I've tied it up again and put it out on the fire escape to keep cold. I shall boil It for an liout tomorrow, just before dinner, so it wil! lie piping hot." "Now tills is Christmas eve. I*o you want togo out tonight?" "I'd like togo out and mingle with the crowds, although my own shop ping was finished a Week ago. it seemed strange to prepare my gifts se early and send them through the mail instead of running around with them i the way I've always done iu Lake vllle. I rather miss the excitement ; and fun of it all. Now, Timothy, dear, ' don't look so solemn, lteall.v I'd rath- j er be here lu New York with you to , day than away out in Minnesota with everybody else if you were not there. "I've a miml to try it on every man, ! woman and child I meet in the corri "A BLESSED OLD IM.'UDINQ." dors tomorrow," said Laura daringly ' as she cleared away the meal. "What i do you suppose they would say?" "Probably complain to the janitor," | grinned Timothy, gathering a pile of , dishes and whisking them into the | kitchen. "Hurry up, sweetheart. Let the dishes wait till we come home. Oot on your tilings and let's join the crowd. If we can't have a I.akeviilo Christmas we'll have the New York kind, oh?" "Of course we will." agreed his wife. The Belis enjoyed their excursion j into the shopping districts. The broad avenues were ablaze with light anil | color, and the moving multitudes of j Christmas purchasers formed con- , stantly changing pictures thnt delight- I ed the country bred eyes of Timothy nnd his wife. More than once Tlmo- | thy's hand went down into his pocket j to add a mite to some Salvation Army j kettle on u corner or to dispense holi- j •lay comfort to some one whose need ! of food or warmth was apparent to \ tils observing glance. Once he and ! Laura convoyed a party of four rag- I ged urchins into a little toyshop and made four children radiantly happy with simple gifts. When they reached homo again the clocks were striking 11 and Laura's e£os were sparkling wj!h haioiness, while Timothy felt a quiet satisfaction in the pleasure the evening had brought them. As they waited for the elevator a young man and a cirl entered the building and stood near them. Timothy's keen glance noted that the man was well dressed, but rather thin ly clad for tlie season. His face was j thin and pale, as if he had recently j been 111, while his dark eyes wore a 1 brooding, discouraged expression that was out of ':eepin<r with the spirit of the approaching festival. The girl, who wore n wedding ring on one slender ungloved hand, watched him with a pretty air of motherly anxiety. She was a brown little thing, with hair and eyes of a warm russet hue and a charming face that attracted fjiura Bell's attention. As they glided up in the elevator Laura found herself watching the girl with Interest. There was a snd look when the young man's glance was turned away from her uplifted face, nnd Laura noted Utile tense lines almnt the mobile lips. The elevator stopped •t the BeTU* floor, and as they left the car Mrs. Bell turned with a sudden Impulse and nodded In the friendliest manner at the little brown girl. "Merry Christmas!" she called. The door slammed us the car mount ed up, but the brown girl leaned for ward nnd called bnck inn low, sweet ▼oice, "Merry Christmas to you!" "I did It, Timothy," sang Ijiura as they entered their own cozy fmt. "I knew some of these flat dwellers were human—even If you doubted It." "Wrong again and glad of it—this time," admitted Timothy as he turned ' milt Miff'tff fif most It# doff intilfW." 4#- etsred Mr- Mr ft, ft in* it Htw (iff •« Shout h®r ptcfoli 112 form "Thcfc | tr» ft thing to <1 n fiifWnffiiW Pi eft to f' f•' the ffi'elfiMt, I""it ftp I'" (*!• Win* <1 ml rrtoh «i>ttie VPrl"b!e«." tmnrn noil to t'»e window that o|Hti«l on i fife pwafte mid If Then she Bftefed a fnlnt «hrlol» of durnifiy mill turned to her hit*h'ifni "It » gone''* she cried dramatically I "What the pudding ■" Timothy ap I prnached the wltnlow nnd made scare, fill examination of the Impromptu re frtperstor Nothing lo re; n»t n blsmcd pudding of nn» kind," he reported fon didn't bring It Inside nnd forget about It?" I.llirn opened the pantry door snd revested Its eiiplwmrd like Interior. There Here the plump thicken mid the dell.-ntely tinted celery mid the > rim son crnnlierry sauce mid bowl of fruit, but there was no sign of tlinf snugly bn'-'tred plmil pudding that was lols» the i lief d'oeiivre of the l lirHtituis feast. The hour that followed t*i-« an ot ' Iting one for tlie Metis. They searched high mid tow, lu the most Impossible place", for the delectable pudding that l,aurti had made, but In vain. At last Timothy « 'tit down to the basement nnd consulteil the genial Jiitiltor. who llsteniil with Intel i t io his tnle of wop. but offered no sol e e. It w is after 7 o'clock on t'hrlsim.is morning when l.aiira was awakened by a ringing of the hall bell. Throw- Inrr on n warm wrapper anil thrusting her feel Into fair? slippers, she Im • 'e led Into file |ia"l'o« hall, careful not to disturb her sleeping hu- bund. Laura opened the door the merest crack and peered ltH|tiiMtively throi, a What she w cuii -eil her to throw the door open with cordial ho.-pitailtj ">lcrrj Christmas! Come in, do!" she said to the little brown girl who ; SIIHHI there, looking rather pa! • nnd frightened. •l or iust n monieiit. 'I le r • «m »• thing I must explain." r ullppcd i:i- i j side and sank Int < • the chair Unit I. <u- ! ra olTered. I know you will think it j j strange Hint I have come, a perfect ! stranger, but the janitor said ymi had ! ' lost a pudding." "1 have. Hill voit find it?" cried ' I.nuni eagerly. "It's the greatest mys- ' | tery what has become of it." j The girl smiled sadly, and a flush ! I reddened her cheek for a brief in- | | stunt and was gone. "I shall have to ! \ tell you about ourselves." she Mild, ; ( with iligutt.i. "so that you will under- | stand Why we have eaten half of j ; your pudding. We're nil alone, bo ii | ! of us. and we've lind bad luck ever ■ , since we were married. In September ; i Paul was taken down with typhoid i fever and lost his position as book- ; keeper. He's just aide to get around i i now and look fir work, and he hasn't been at all successful. Tilings have been going from bad to worse, and we're going to move out the first of the year. We've been running low for a long time, nnd the last two days we haven't had much to eat, so there just milk or something like that. To j night before we went out the dumb waiter whistle sounded, ami when I j opened the slide there was our bottle of milk, with a plum pudding in a bag. [ "I thought—honestly 1 did- that sume ! body had sent it up to us. though i we're not acquainted with a soul here, : and so I heated it up, and we ate half of It, It was lovely. A little while ago the janitor came and inquired if we'd seen a plum pudding, so I came right down to tell you, as Paul is asleep. I don't know what to say to you." "Ilon't you dare say another word about that pudding," commanded Lau ra. "If you only knew how lonesome wo are today you and your husband would come down and spend the day with us. We were wishing we knew somebody in the house here to ask. I'm so thankful about that pudding. Wlr\ If I hadn't put It in the dumb waiier Instead of the tire escape (I'm very absentiuinded when I'm busy) you would never have received it.and wo might never have been acquainted. Isn't it a blessed old pudding?" These two lonely young women hug ged each other delightedly, and after ward Laura went to arouse Timothy that he might accompany her to the floor above, where tlie I'.obinsons lived, and add his persuasions to bear against the pride of Mr. Paul Robin son. "You might find a position for him in the office, Timothy," suggested his wife hopefully. "I think that will tie easy." prom- i Iscd Mr. Bell. It was a merry little gather; j that did justice to I.aUl'iljs Christinas d]n nor The tragedy that was beneath the eating of half the pudding was quite forgotten In the joy of the pres ent and the hopeful outlook for the future. When the day was over and the Robinsons had returned to their rooms, cheered in mind ami purse by Timothy's delicately proffered gener osity, Laura slipped her hand in her husband's arm and leaned her head against him, saying: "It's been different from any Christ inas I ever spent Timothy, and I've been wondering what might have hap pened to them if that blessed pudding hadn't opened the way." Chihuahua Dogs. The true Chihuahua breed i.-> tht ■■mallest race of dogs in the world. They .ire also tlie most highly strung, sensitive and valiant of their kind. Their sense of sound, sight and smell Is developed to a marvelous degree, and they have a bark which would r've supreme übove the noises of a boi.'ot shop. A strange step sets one of the little lmlr trigger animals into a frenzy of ear splitting rage, and yet they ari so keenly intelligent thill they can dis tinguish between friend and foe al most nt first sight, sound or whiff Long before the duller senses of man can detect a foreign presence tliesi little marvels of nerve force will have "sized up" the intruder, and if not satisfied that all is well their staccato warning will wake the echoes.—Los Not at All Necessary. "What was the cause of the quarrel with your husband?" "I want you to understand, judge, that when we want to fight we don't have to have a cause."—New York I'ress. A sip Is the most thnt mortals are permitted from any goblet of delight.— Aleott i; LITTLE MERRY ; j! CHRISTMAS ;! 'l Itnw ii Will'« (.rfrtlni Mvfd V ]| Mlnrk C«r<lnn'4 1.1 ft ( l Ji h» tiioiror 11mi ihi mi Wai ail I ftwUM MM I Ii • MfM I 1 A ' • " ( I "M»-rry Ctiflaltnas!" "lltih! What's •#»»»r The gruff vol c fook *ome of ♦ H«* enthusiasm "11 112 of • li»« clilldhh trebtp. and II faltered somewhnt weakly In repetition "Merry Chftstma*. sir'" The big bearded man stared nf the diminutive speaker and for mi lu ntntit Ihf linrd drnwti lines mi lh>" heavy face threatened to reins, Iml a moment Inter n *|ia*m n* of pain *hot IcrnM It, mill the voire grumbled "There l«n*t nnj merry t'hrlstma* not In thl« worlil! Whoever taught jr. II mull an Idea? Ilnli! Merry Chiisttnns! I haten't si • n "iie for forty j ea r«, ll i'ii" The little white. drawn fn e lind an Intense appeal to It, hilt It fell ll|K>n H hard, KII iiv twtiire The forty years of liliril life hill! llrli'il ll|i the well springs of sympathy, and the gruff miner stumbled nwiiy, h avltig the Imy Ii tliitte wltlifn* to one of the tftlgcdlcs of life. A few minutes later the rhtlil turned i>ml walk-d In the oppiwite direction. There were no lenin In the wondering . int !!■ • i' 'ip'.i e i» .•! ' TKKUR WAH A 1.1 ITLIS CUV OF KX.L'I.IATION. Ed sorrow of a wounded animal. Twice the little logs halted as If too weal; to carry the slight body, and once the boy dropped on a fallen log and stared ahead of him. It was unlike any Christinas the child had ever before experienced. Christmas had always been ushered In by snow, sleet, rain or cold north winds, but in this strange new land the flowers were in bloom In the dead of winter, and northern birds warbled and cooed from nearly every leafy bower. It was hard to realize that In the faraway northern city the land was wrapped in the icy embrace of the frost king. A little pang of dis appointment crept into his heart, and unconsciously he sighed for the old familiar scenes. "Black" Carston stumbled down th" slope of the hillside after leaving the boy, a growing anger and rage disturb ing his mind. lie was in no mood ''.at morning to have the festive season of the year recalled to him Only the night before the sluice which lie had constructed had been washed away by a mountain torrent and tilled v. h loosened stones r. :i(l huge bowlders. Ii was only one of a long series of accl dents which had followed his nil lucky ventures, and at first he had no copied it philosophically. Hut the piping voice of the child had made his ill luck more acute. "Merry Christinas!" He muttered the words umler his breath and kicked viciously at tlie loose stones When he came to the wrecked sluice lie glared nt It sav agely and finally sneered: "Well, what's the odds? There's no gold here anyway not a cent's worth —and I've only got the disappoint ment a littie earlier than I expected. I'll pull out tonight and make another try over at Copper creek." Then, with a grin: "And that young ster wished me a merry Christmas! Huh. what a foolish kid he is!" The man dropped moodily on a rock and refilled Ills pipe. He sat there a lonj; time smoking. Somehow his thoughts drifto l away from the scarred mountainside, and in- forgot the work ahead of him. His di-orguiiixed camp lay around unheeded. If any emotion stirred within him it was manifested only by quicker putts from his black pipe. It was I'iir ' l.tas <1 i. Chri-tnias in the great mining region where "Black" Carston had worked and tolled for years without appreciable result. The calendar had ceased to hold any mean Ing for hin\ and Christmas was an mi known holiday to him. He didn't know, and lie didn't care, whether it was Christ mas or Memorial day. i>nc «luy was like all others to him. But the merry greeting of the stray child from the east had impressed it upon his mind that others In the great world of work and trouble still held to the observances of holidays He knew little of the boy's history - Just a few snatches of rumor that had reached him. A poor little derelict of a great city, crushed and worn out prematurely by disease and environ ments, the child had been rescued by some charitable society and sent west to find new health and strength In the more congenial climate. Why had the boy selected this morn lng to greet him with words that seemed to drive the Iron deeper into his soul? "Merry Christmas! Hull! There was no merry Christmas in this world—not for such outcasts!" For an hour the man was absorbed In strangely perplexing thoughts. Then he rose slowly and picked up his few belongings. He threw them into a I'lcl'in! vlHnnOv I' ' |»« 112 mul 112» i t r.rti|Hine||.i»> f „t i t tfrtfll'V# t'p III.' Iwml nf Ihe tltllih »hoi Hie lw«'i»»((iIn I'irrent nf lh»* nltfltt I • frtfr* h i! 11l »'*l lb' l Ihihlilp > Bli' Wll-Pfl nttl lll» rultiti be 112 ll ■ft hi* |M< imi half M*Kml Ni ii iiri* tie fe«i iff-1 i| from lltf din nnd utntet •nd i« n fmrtfiiß llnn l nl Ihe rtn •( fm It* nlil<ii hut d< Hii| I- n be *ttn the linplMM' lit dei'p Into llwlf »lil«-« The |>l' It cftt«h«*l Mifmiiih the «Ml < 112 the r™ ke #'» e *ily Hint the man *! utirl lo»| hl« b'llitie# I "Merry ChH«' •• i«. eh"' he urnnied | "Merry rhrteiinn*'" He wlllnli* w ihe pi# k nnd stnrteil I walk awtiy * siigtot me/Inn #>f r : fmm ihe wnf fsu*i-d by his pick at j tm> ted bis nft«'nl|on fie fttr#*«l nt II j ' «nd then me»-h«nlcnlly slivhh-.) in ex : smlne ihe gmvel nml splintered r#» I With n little g««p of surprise he «rith »r<*l Mbotber hsndfttl sml sprend the pl#* es mil nn his rough pulm Three limes he dim lip till lie cmild h"ld In nne palm and repentisl Ihe opetalloii Stlddenli n fierce tlirlit shot Into hl« eyi's. nnd his fsce ii" -timed the et rer. frosty |o#ik #tf n wild animal on tin 1 seen lof *lllll#* helpless pre\ lie drop i po«l nn Itnttds nnd knees nnd dug at lit. •and nnd rock until the blnnl seep#"l ; from scarred fltnrers nml dyed the 1 rn. ks lie was for all the world a wlli! lM*;t«l (<• iritej and rending a blimil less Vielltn t'i death. Again and again he in ltl the sample close in his <o i*s and ea# h lime gruiit I , with satNfnetlnn lie out •> 1 ihe koto and at' i M ike roH his heavy miner** pick. The I I >ws I fell with shaqi, metallic sounds; lint i , unmindful of the noise, the mi ' | worltod feverl»hl> and stuliliornly at ! the ev ivai l 'ii ft was m ec| of , n> all , The man held within his hand a sin pie of dull yellowish rock thai si-ni the i j lilisid coursing rapidly through hi reins. The freshet of the nlffllt ha I I uncart he i a vein of gold \\ hieh proitt I Iscd to bring true till Ids \ Islnns of tlie i I past. ! D'vper anfl deeper Into the bowels of 1 the earth lie ilnir, following the course I of the vein and irrittifintr his satisfac | tlon al each fresh discovery. Had he j not been carried away by bis greed an I excitement he would have hesitate I ! and withdrawn from his perilous po--l j tlon. His expert knowledge of mining ! would have told him that lie was court | lug a terrible danger. I Hut the good fortune which had come j to him afler forty years of disappoint 1 ment made lilin temporarily crazy, and i he forgot everything <'xcept th<» gold I which lie was unearthing. Then a stn! i den blow from his pick loosened a tor | rent of sand, and the rocks above hi | head groaned and settled down. Carston was Instantly alert and real i | ized In a flash his danger, lie sprang j back toward the month of the opening. • leaving his pick and samples of gold ! behind. Mul the avalanche of rocks ! | and dirt was too quick for him. It j fell around and over him until the light ' I of day was shut from view. A heavy ! bowlder rolled over on ills leg and pin i loned him to the soft sand, j Tin- roar of the descending avalanche j subsided, nnd the miner drew n decp ! er breath when he realized that nil - Immediate danger was passed An ' i overhanging ledge had partly protect j | cd him, and lie had a space of a few j . feet In which to breathe and move. ] The wall of loose stones and rocks ■ j conid not be very thick, for he saw j | glimmers of light shining through. But when he attempted to extricate ! himself from the prison lie found that ! n worse fate had befallen him than 1 he Imagined. Ills right leg was crush ! Ed and held In a viselike grip by a j huge bowlder that had settled down ; | on him. In vain he tried to move the rock J I and pull his leg free. But the bowl- j j dcr was Immovable, and the cxcruclut j lng pain made Idm faint, sick. For hours lie tore at the sand and gravel at his feet and snapped and snarled i at the rock which held him a prisoner. Then, faint and exhausted, he lay back and rested. The pain grew past endurance, and unconsciousness merci fully relieved him. When his senses returned he renewed the struggle, but with the same ho|H»less effort His j prison was located far tip on the niotin | tain side where no human creature I would be likely to stray for weeks or J months at a time. "Black" Carston was a man of Iron | will nnd rugired constitution, and lie ! did not yield easily to despair. Dur j lng the long hours of the day he , fought and struggled with almost su j perhutnan I'ffort. Then the pain, loss ! j of blood and exhaustion broke his ' lii-'rJi, ,\Vi;U u ISttU • b Uu droi'UA'd | ills head back on the rucks and ro j signed himself to his fate. | "So this is Christmas day! Merry I Christmas, eh!" | The child's tnornlnc greeting had I clung to Ills mind, and it sprang to : | his lips unbidden again and again, j Tljpii his thoughts wandered, and he ] | muttered over in Ills troubled dreams: \ j "Merry Christmas, merry Christmas! Ha, ha! Merry Christinas, yoting- I ster!" i In his agony he rolled over and 1 j wrenched the tortured limb until relief ; j tame again through sheer exhnustlon. "on. ARP. YOU AI.IVE?" During the few lucid momenta of mind Carston tried to think connected ly and plan for some t.ielhod of escape, but his strength was unequal to It. Homan nature yielded gradually to the t-train The wukiim. lucid moments Rfi-rv Pt *i|.| 111 IIMUI itt|,*if«ii Mi* iftiful i< *n>l< >#vt ~ ipf tti<- fm«t lie kW »mt '*(IM i«i Hi* «b«|i \i il>r<oo '' ■ nf-mh", i 112" r'it hi« I'litHm ni-nt in ••Hint in ♦hem t lien fftn tr >t ■ >nrri in!| h'* •ft'l ht I, I . i>« nli cit «.i..ihinl hi* mlml l!i t«. nil Mtifln* ihe r* tmin Mn» iii »rTi. t iiini m* ftni tftn* morn in* ' Unt dixivp mi tv»*- other* n rtilldl'fc vnl< e *-iftl Hp «n* In' htirrli lb#- \ nice wn* that #«f * child i>f nf an nittrcl, i r»l in cmi i| n»l ' 4 which "I wl«h fit n merry Christmas' I wl*h )nti n ttt«rry Chrlnlmsa' 1 »t«h yon n merry. merry, merry, merry rtre ry iliri«tms«!" Alfnmt itn#-<m«ieloii.lr the innn'« fw framed (li« nurd* and r> |« 'iled "a m*r ry, merry rhrl«imn<"' li wan r«r ft** a merry Christmas in him lyln# imprl mted in the r>« li». with im» t«*. cm«hoil. Imi hi- Wii* past physical jw.n' hn« mill It win only the tnl'iil which tnnk coumlKattce nf Min world nh'Sit Thru the hlnh. piping voir* changed It witinl lo e#mte from n creator dl« tanee. vague. -hadowr mid nlnm t In fimlll■'«. i 'arsiini strained Ill* i-m* It win nil mil Fit mil In r H»IN». nod the word* stirred n responsive chord In llilll: "Oi oU n<»* on I'hriotma* m-.rnlnit' »h. ,h1.,1,,.n Chrl i inn burn In llethlchetn Ami I* living n< w Mini here." Tim voice nml song trailed off until Inst entirely In tin- car. Winn • ilelne fill iil'iiuiiil I lit* man wmticly Winnli'nil If till* were death. 11l- (mil often thought of death. lie had mi 'l'll It In *n iiiiinj iliiii'ii ni form* that tin- fi-nr of It had M ilium disturbed him. Now ho dreaded Ii no; wished for It, fur the l»nin wns past endurance, nml iheif «•* no release from Ii . prison. lie seemed to wait and listen cn«erly for the song again. but nil wns sllem e nroiiml. A ureal ilrearj bhittk drifted ncross his liiiiul, and lie will Ulieoil- M'liiits of |>.l;ti or Mllf.Tlnß. Ilnw lons tlii< stupor la-ted he eoiild 110 l My, lint when cinmeioimni'Kn returned niraln an nffonlzint; pain hliol through his lei; i""l iioil.v. lie irrnnned mid tried to >T~. ..'"ir.s po T;!oti. Then close to his lips n little KobbitlK voiee ' rled out. "(ill. are ,\"ii allveV I thought 1 was too late. Wait a minute and I will pet I lie leg free." II was dark nil nround. but Ciirstoti, lookini: lip, saw stars shining over head. They en me thrnuKh a iiiu hole la llie wall of rocks. I lis leg was so 11 uiii 1 > tiial feeling was nearly gone, but lie was cons ions of little hands and tearing at the dirt beneath the crushed limb. Then suddenl;. a weight was lifted from It and the little sobbing voice said "Now pull \. iili me." How tin? little hands worked the dirt and rm ks leose from the bowlder and how the two of them strained and pulled to extricate the man's body friitn the deal It Irap Carston could never clearly understand, but after an hour of agony lie felt himself lying on the surface of the earth with a little, slim, slender creature by his side, gasping and panting from exertion. Tiny drops of moisture trickled on Carston's face, hut they were blood from lacerated hands and not tears The little solis were dry and tearless. Carston swooned again in spite of his heroic will lo light back the weak ness. In the interval the stars shone down upon him in their cold, hard blilllauce, and the soft, cool air tilled Ids panting lungs with healing strength. They carried the man to the uearest mining camp and gave him such med ical attendance ns he needed. After a week of fever and delirium Carston's strong constitution brought him through successfully. Ills llrst thought was of the i iilid who had rescued him "Bring that merry Christmas young ster to me!" he almost shouted. "Where Is he? Don't keep me wail itig" Itugged old Carston, black bv mime and character, flung his arms nround the slender neck and. wiih a great sch In his vole, cried: "Merry, merry QUdIUAOaI -V met r;- Chsl«tmn», young uter, and <ic«l bleu* you!" Itut even then he did not know lint his faint "Merry Christina:-.;" uttered in Ills feverish dreams when Impris oned In the rocks had llrst . ttu 'il the little singer's attention aid vas responsible for Ills rescue Tli it was long ago. and Carston now celebrates the Christmas season with religious r.eal and ceromony. and there Is al ways a little "Merrj Christmas'' to help him. for nothing could satisfy hltn but to nickname his rescuer "Merry Christmas." How Far Can You See? What Is the farthest limit to which the human vision can reach? Power In Ills book, "The liye and Sight," gives the ability to see the star Alcor. situat ed nt the tail of the Great Bear, a* the lest. Indeed, the Arabs call it the test star. It is most exceptional to be able to see Jupiter's satellites with the linked eye, though one or two cases are recorded, the third satellite being the most distinct. Peruvians are said to be the longest sighted race on earth. Ilutnboldt records a case where these Indians perceived a human lig ure eighteen miles away, being able to recognize that It was human and clad In white. This Is probably the record for far sight. Probably He Wouldn't. A country rector, coming up to preach at Oxford in his turn, complain-* ed to I »r. Ilouth, the venerable prlncl- . pal, that the remuneration was very Inadequate, considering the traveling j expenses and the labor necessary for tiie composition of the discourse. "How much did they give yon?" In quired l»r. Ilouth. "Only £5." was the reply. "Only £"i?" repeated the doctor. I "Why, I would not have preached tlint sermon for fifty!"—Brlc-a-Itrac. Hens' Teeth. "Your composition, ns a whole," said i the professor of literature, "deserves a great deal of praise, but I must oh- j Jeet to the expression, 'as tine as hens" j teeth;' it is not merely uncouth, but i also suggestive of nature faking, for It is cotntnou knowledge that hens' teeth do not exist." "I do not see why they don't exist," muttered the composer. "Don't combs have teeth, and don't hens have combs ?"—C h lea go News. Patience, persistence and power to ; ilo nre only in quired by work.—Hoi- J land. LEMONS, k Slanq Etprps*ion I pari* to a Serious Dlitnrier. ■r CLAMI6SA MACRIK. p'»f!»n*iit, I'Hi ht Amertmtt t'ir- A*i« « Mii.<n | Am) WlnilrM n-ri nil tl«» tdi i> fcilh n I'MtSiwl ftn*H, nml thl* mn imieiil *n» not en I tt; ti leit t IIK MK< >••»»»«• ti» •»(>?•«» »nAnv in | »• Why nhoiihl her luver mud an u Inp of Hits ellnms fruit? Ami ult.i should he IMIJ ' tlomlby," ntnl WIH IP was tie (.niitg? All these «|Uixt tram Amy ti -k• •• I n( the empty nlr, nml the elnpti tilt in i.■. ho rpvpotino Btie Si|iipi-rpit tlip IUIKI.I , • Itltn « Mn> Ixitl ntnl tossed II Into Ihe t\nste pn|M<r l«anket Ju l as her v 1 1"'- broitu-r piitpred the Itlirnr\ Sin.rt nml Do kxpt nml «nuti no ■ ' and m uliliy wn* little Itcrt \\ Inlt-' i but be fairly MSMIHSI filth the «l. Ire In Impart ktn»w listire of every desi riptloii. nmt his foil lit aI II of wtmlom wns pi"' pelustly saniliPil from the various forms nf literature tint found tholi soun-e In the dlscariled bont.s nn I maga tups that he tishcil ft>»m itm II brary WIIHIP pa(ier basket. Amy In iked up now with her plea ant stripe, "t'olng anyMipre near the station today, llert?" "Nope." returned the seeker nfier knowlislrc "1 may po t'iini>rrov Hioitph. Why?" tie iltoppisl on Ms knis-s beside Hie table and proped In the waste paper basket. "I'm expertitijt n box or a crate or somethlii -. I don't tut knov. what." "What's in tt V" dpmamled llert, with a brother's privilege, "I.enions," returned Amy. ••Lemons?" repeated Itcrt "Wli- ' nre yon potng to do with letnon*- Soitielioily been handing von a tennm' tie askinl. rev i'rtinjf to common slang "I don't know vviiat you mean." n piled tils sister with dignity •'lttrr some one litis sent me a l">x of lemoin and"— "It was Tisldy Newton." de<'larrsl llert, spreading out tlie crumpled ••ele pram on his knee. "Ain't lie tin* limit?" "Say 'ls he not' instead of •ain't."" corrected Amy, "and how do yon innnv feddy sent them?" "Is lie liot?" repeated llert obedient ly. "And fin reading the telegram, and \ v>six\\ S V CALLL.D TTTE 800 lIY KAMI, ttmt's how I know. Say, lie's fierce. Amy. ain't he—is he not—l mean?" "I think it is very thoughtful In Tod to send down lemons," said Amy cold i,v. "He knows we are alt fond of lemonade." "Ah h!" stiorNsl llert scornfu l; "I»on't you sop any other meaning Iti that lues-.age. Amy? Why. lie's ghi.ig you the stial c don't you see?" "llert Winlield. what do you mean? 1 shall tell fattier what you have said!" cried Amy indignantly. "Tell liini." retorted llert gloomily. "What did you mean about the lem ons, Itcrt V" insisted his sister uneasily. 'I must explain almitt what •handli:-- the lemon' menus," returned Itcrt di dactically. "It's a ipilet way of telling a feller you have no use for him. You see. Teddy says lie's sending lemons by express that means he's shaking you at once, right away iu a hurry • and don't he say goodby? You're slow." Slowly Amy gathered the conviction that her little brother was ripht. Her lmibtlnjt U.:art tuiii. Ucc iU;»t..T."d 1 be tired of tier. They had quarreled little the last time he had en 1 Uml. ami she hail not heard from hint since. II" was tired of her. and this cool, con temptuous way of dismissing their beautiful romance turned ait her ten der love to bitterness. The next day llert returned from ih;> express otlice with the < heerful an nouncement that there were no lemons awaiting Ills sister. Several days -a week passed, ami no lemons arrived for Amy Wltifield. and so the dread conviction that v !i" had been JUted came to lie an estab lished fact. Then It was that Amy went around looking very pale and wan and. path erinp one by one the treasures that she had cherished as pifts from Ii >r lover, bundled them together and sent them back to Teddy Newton with 1 telegram as brief as tils own and |v: tlieHcally Imitative 6rn>ltnp lemons by exprrsn AMT. About tliis time little Bert Wtnfield came into possession of a dog. the handsomest bit of cauiue blood and flesh that one might see- an Irish bull, pure white, with yellow spots and a kindly, ugly face and protruding eyes of faithful brown. "isn't he the dearest?" murmured Amy. kneeling before the dog and sub mit! tag to the caresses of his velvet pink tongue. "Where did you get him, Bert?" "Uncle Abe gave him to me. Sayr he bought him off the express agent iti Traytnorc. He's my birthday present. I did want n collie, you know. Amy. but I suppose Uncle Abe did the best he could. Uer'inns this limp r..n.»- ' WwS I" H mNM »#i r1" *<M H<<H - htinllt "< limM tilm Mil * 'I llvii lh» »a*t | Hl#- |n< * trlmp Iti Nu t*« m< book " '■ * crimp v ir« tiili' Awl i* "\ hut Is Hint llitl IIHI Shut# "t'm hW*' frl ifto rt tti-rt \IMI •hull I inniK tht-O 'H \rnjl I th nwiit Holm- of » fiiittty titio lnl*t* W fcut ft* ><ni think t' " Win ' 112 i p»«l Ml** Win field I <l l - nil Hit) I f'flMil lull 1» I name hlln »hcf T«Mf NmMl" "Alt li fmrnirtl H<-i i dlstfwMrdtfi "I nii'dtil dtipf T<shlj Mtmwvpli j "Uttm .1 want »■< nam* •< dog nftee I Teddy NefHnn*" "IVrliii|» hf im* • rottm* dpnr." *u* e<"t'il A<ii> "ttsvi* y«m trtod calling | him by whim- names?" • Snro* I've . atipit him l-'lrtn mi 4 I inn nmt n«i am! Drann nml t*o»r in«l pi iii fiid I in# Twt, unit iir »nnl I cmne mi n h» *pi« mid* lli> must i haven mini' i>f mttnr kind I'm iNll| in begin to nill hlni Ti*lt< If \I>I» 1 don't ntlfnf ton inn h, »(«,*" hp ml • list ninmnnimoii'lv "i'nil Mm anything ymi tike. deaf." milil \im «idtj. nmi vr»n.pfhin ß tn hi* tulip notw| ftpii li* > nil emit ton "I M ill > nil him Trstdv after nnv > hndy, 1 fin nl« amt*>tv Mini wilt m>nd lemons ton rlri and ilo II h.v tele •tram U'*ll iN nil, «|r iliinn, | say! | T.n- k it* him. •!«:- T' p dug HI ltiii ptai fully over hi* HI HP master. «ii res -it him with iiiin Ullll fntv l|#> ami hived Mm Wtltl Soft brown I'jr- "I'll i 'l him Uup for awht'e." •- •! fjprf ami flip ninilpr tit« settle ! A n" 112, i* • t * m fti'Hvnl II mil her it1*«Tlll»»* III'- tch rnl» from linr or«t- Wh(le li»vpr Whv nf • i ' • -ns** Th.vt';|if IP jilptiup ; yo«. IKK. Tn wi i'i Mi Winffctd pave milch thought. inntiv bitter to im nml the fnl to wine IncM rcpty: K'-Hmi'il n>> own 1.-m •«in mi ; Am much frfpnstHi AMY. \inl in till'" time • iiiip HIP following I message: l.otm n-- iiAt n IvM Ii datr Chrtnc* jrour mini) aixl kcvp. TKI>. Its ii'|il,v. "lipi'isjon irti'viii-nlilii; cuinllij Amy." liroupht forth mip uioro liippnim from Mr. NYwton. nml ii lio spoke Hint cpiillpninu's niiisli-rfnl ills position: N»> ilfi i ion llrovoi iIOP hi it" u-n art concerned W alt till IM. e you. TKD. "The luip»>riliH>mv:" caspoil Amy In ' diennntly. "1 shall not sti> htui If lie OOIIIPN ! Aflor Jlltlnc mo in that lioart less ninntiiT. to miitoavor to ignore ihft, : matter nml make it up never, never ! never!** That same ila.v Miss Winlletil eriveil mi express package ciiiitaiiiinit tlio objects she liail IIHI i lei I to Mr. Newton all the books ami music and the etipiponiont rini» and even the lore letters, which any man mtpht hare been excused from retrtevlnp ! wtien the opportunity offered. Rut | Tciiily was si|tiarp iu smne ihincs. Amy rrad«injtly egeeed, and so she I put the treasures away with a little decree of comfort, for these latter weeks bail lieen full of storm and stress and very dilTerent from those I earlier, happier weeks of her ensrajro | tuent. j Then one evenltiß when the first frost lay sparkling on the parden Amy, wrapped in shnwls. stood at llie pate entranced with tli- witchery of the moonlight. She was there when Mr. ! Tidily Newton stride up tn the pate j and in his masterful way took her In ■ his arms and kissed away her pro | tests. "What is the mailer «ith you. dear | est? Wu've had me half crazy. 1 i lusi stole the i line to run down and , try to square our uiisunderstaudins. Surely you di n i harlHir aimer over j that little quarrel"- "What maili- you hand me the leiu i ons'" sobbed Amy In ills bosiiui. while j Mr. Newton «-ast iiis cyi-s aloft In amnxeme-it. ' "Iland you ih*' ieunm> . Kxplain. Tell uie all about ii. There is some mistake." he SIHUIIIHI her And so she told the story of the teh'-rains and the elucidation of that wiscarre. llert. i aud when hitd COUCIIUKhI Mr. N.nv | tou burst Into such a roar of laughter | that once more his sweetheart was in dtpnaut. "Let me explain—there. After our ijuarrel l wanted to send a peace offer- > | Inir, and so I bought you the best dog | 1 could flud—l.emoiis by name. If you ; please. Sent him down by express and by a series of accidents have dis covered that lie \M iii astray tag gone , ! from crate-niul fetched up at Tray j more station. Tin- agent kept hltn I awhile and. bii;> _. 112 tittl'-i iiatit.n'. [ | sold htm to your TTnvte AI>C. who pre i ! sented him to llert tin- little rascal!* ; He'll lose the pup. Amy. for he Is 1 i yours Ittdu't you get the letter I sent' | lief •re the telegram V" | "Never." said Amy I "It's ended alt right, anyway." poni- I mented Mr Newt.-n philosophically. | "Just to prove that !iis name is t.eni- I eus" lie vrli'stlcd -'i t ;.ly ami < allvd | the dog by name There was a scurrying of little feet on the gravel path and the bull pup flushed upon them and into their mu tual embrace. :oMom p j A Reliable TO SHOP rot all klnol of Tin Roofing Spoutlnc nnd Conorol Job Work. Storos, Hoators. Ranatoo, Fumaoos. oto- PRICES TAB LOWEST! UNLIT! TBBIBST* »i JOHN HIXSOJV SO. 1W E. FRONT ST.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers