Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, December 15, 1910, Image 2

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    L(l< 41, ri •%». I ABU *.
|»r«« » 1 H»T. wtmr.
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Fred !{ Fettig, special inspect! r
and demonstrator for the division of
zoology. d(>| artnicnt of agriculture,
accompanied by John D Ki«euhower,
ol Myers! own, was in this city yester
day morning on liis way to John How
den's farm in Knsli township, where
an orclianl demonstration in hooked
for tlie 14th and lath inst.
The two men had jusf come from J.
K. Kishel's farm about 2' B miles from
Milton, where on Monday and Tin s
day they conducted, a demonstration.
Following the demonstration on How
den's farm a meeting will be held in
the school bouse nearby, to night,
where a lecture will be given. The
fatraors will be instructed what sites
to select for an orchard as well as
what trees to select from the nurser
ies; also how to prune the roots as
well as the tops They will be tangl t
bow to rejuvenate old trees that
through neglect have become diseased
—how to take care of them and bring
them to a hearing state. On Friday
and Saturday, up to noon, tl » two u
spectors will give a demonstration on
the farm of J. Miles Derr near Potts
The early winter with its deep snow
aud zero weather is not exactly what
the orchard demonstrators had reckon
«il on but the meetings were schedul
ed and have not been declared off ;
nothing, therefore, remains for the
two men to whom the work was as
signed but to give lbe demonstrations,
making the best of the inconveniences
and discouifoi ts entailed.
The orchard demonstration for the
control of the various fruit tree pests
will conclude Saturday. Mr. Fertig,
the State inspector, invites the atten
tion of our readers to an announce
ment of State Zoologist H. A. Surface
made public yesterday, which is to
the effect that with the conclusion of
the demonstrations the inspectors are
to undertake the supervision of about
■one thousand orchards, which have
been placed in the care of the state.
The list of orchards so put within
control of the state authorities is the
largest ever known and includes every
The supervision of orchards will in
clude inspections and advice and as
sistance to farmers and fruit growers.
Where possible preventive measures
will he taken to show owners how to
care for trees.
It is proposed to resume the demon
stration of orchards of the State in
Febiuary or March. Three hundred
orchards are listed to he visited be
fore the buds burst.
The Proof That Danville Readers Cannot
What could furnish strouger evid
ence of the efficiency of any remedy
than the test of time? Thousands of
people testify that Doan's Kidney Hills
cure permanently.
Home endorsement should prove un
doubtedly the merit of this lemedy.
Years ago your friends aud neighbors
testified to the relief they had derived
from the use of Doan's Kidney Hills.
They now confirm their testimonials.
They say time lias completed the test.
.1. W. Swart/., jii Church Street,
Danville, Ha., says: "Several years
ago I was caused much suffering by
pains in my hack and kidneys and
often there was a lajieness and sore
ness across my loins. Nothing gave me
much relief until I took Doan's Kidney
Hills, procured from Huut's Drug
Store. They restored my kidneys to a
normal condition and after this was
done the pains and aches ceased. Since
then, when my back lias bothered me,
I liave taken Doan's Kidney Hills and
they have always helped me at once."
For sale by all dealers. Hrice 50
cents. Foster-Milhurn 00., Huffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Kemember the name—Doan's—and
take no other.
Farmer*' Week.
Farmers' week at Pennsylvania State
college wilt he held this year from
December littli to 24th, inclusive.
Lectures on live topics will he giv
en by men who have had practical ex
perience as well as scientific knowl
edge. In addition to the lectures,
many practical demonstrations in
judging dairy cattle, beef cattle, horses,
sheep, swine and poultry will be giv
en. The program is so arranged that
any individual can attend lectures
during period upon such subject
which interest him most.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCoy and Mrs.
Alfted Voris, of this city, aud Miss
Etta Cressman, of Philadelphia, left
yesterday for a short visit with Mrs.
Clarence Voris, Milton.
The following interesting mi I tim
ly nrllrle writtin by K I. M"N*tt,
i past muster car|>enter of Orange No
■ I'tl was real lief ore the l,ye<iiti mi
enmity Pomona and I tinted In llie
Pennsylvania < >rang'
) Much thought Is being givrti I \
statesman and philanthropists in tin
large ileath roll caused by tti'>erculn»i*
and evrry effort I* being made to stamp
out or greatly reduce the large ntim
her of deatll* from the gleat white
plague; but another gieat death roll,
entirely prtentable, is pas.. ,| t, v j„
silence -no warnings are sent out to
the people, no Red Cross stau.p» are
sol I to help fight this agency of tile
grim renjter, yet annually hundreds of
! our fellow men are hurled in the midst
of life tu instant death by this means,
and no steps taken to | sevent it. This
is the death crop of the trespassers oil
oar railroads; men who violate the
right of private property ami trespa s
on the railroad aud are run down b\
some passing train, ft Is tl.e terror (it
every engineer and trainman. Deatl
rhl"S with them on . very trip, uu
they ale evel on the lookout to save j
. I their fellow men from their folly. \
train swings around a curve aud a
, per.-i n walking on the tiach is. witl
out au instant's notice, hurled out of I
I the world. A t raln is >u a . ( 111,g wa t* >
illg for a fast line to pa-, on a dark I
| ai.d stormy night; a patty of yonug
and joyous p-nple returning from some
social i vent aie passing and t! ■ fast '
line dashes through them crushing oul 1
. their fair young lives. A freight train !
j stops to du some switching in the I
, night, and the engine backs d »»n be- j
side its train and some pedestr au |
■ steps in ahead of the backing engine (
ami is ground to pieces. These are ev- i
er> day occurn nces, and no commenti
is made it is a strange fact, vet one '
which thirty-six years' experience on
, the railioad proves to be true, that
. nine out of ten people will, when a
publii road aud a railroad run paial- j
lei, walk on the railroad in preference
I, to their own roads, notwithstanding
. that notices are posted forbidding the
. same. These notices are posted for the !
benefit of the people and solely to pie- I
vent this awful needless loss of life j
i and limb. In the old countries no one
is evei allowed to walk on tin* roa ls 112
and it would he far better if the rule
was enforced iu this country,but tail
road companies are loath to enforce
the laws as it is to their interest to re
tain the good will of the public, aud
it is only by appealing t«> the common
sense of the people that the situation
can be improved. Can we citizens of
, Pennsylvania allow this loss of life?
Few realize how great is the trail of
death from this cause. On an average
three people, trespassers,yield up their
. lives each twenty four hours on the
| Pennsylvania system alone. Only by a
correct public sentiment can we expect
I to check tills evil. It is not all tramps
; and knights of the road who suffer,
; but it is largely farmers and the mem
bers of their families. Much can be'
".done by the Orange to remedy the I
| evil. If. in every Grange the members |
i would pledge themselves to use only I
, i the public roads on which to walk the I
I battle would be half won and if they I
jdo not do so they need not complain !
■ if more repressive measures are used,
t | A trespasser on state lauds can be and
,i is arrested by the warden without a!
warrant, and heavily fined, aud yet
his only offense is perhaps the killing
i of a bird or beast or fish. Why should
their lives be so much more sacred
112 than those of the people, and should
not the poeple lie protected from the
fruits of their own folly. If each track
foreman was authorized to arrest ev
ery person walking on their tracks
what a howl would go up from the
people against t'ie railroads, yet it is
■> no more than the forest wardens are
, doing. I jet the people give thought to
j the matter that they are trespassers'
every tiiue they walk on the railroads, i
■ j a crusade againsr the habit he car- ;
, ried on through the Orange and much
11 can be done to alleviate the evil."
j W T. Suter of Suunyside Farm
drove into town Monday morning
with u colt one and two-thirds years]
old attached to a sleigh. The colt, a
' most lieantifu) animal and one not
lackiug iu spirit, was driven without
I blinds and yet it showed not the least
I skittislmoss even on Mill street where
112 j the trolley cars were passing.
Indeed, Mr .Suter only occasionally
I found it necessary to use the lines,
rhe colt is governed almost entirely
, by word. It is petfectly obedient to
I Mr. Suter's voice, stopping suddenly,
slowing up or dashing ahead accord
ing as it may ho diiected by its mast
i Air. Suter is not only a fancier ol'
| fine stock but as a trainer of domestic
animals he has probably few equals.
i "Good-bye, Sheriff," said Klnier
; Halderman, as Sheriff Zohner, of
liloonisburg, started to leave tie safe-
I blower who had just started serving
of his sentence of not less than la
years nor more than (10.
| Good-bye," called back the sheriff
and then Ilalderman added, with just
1 a tremor to his voice: "I'll never get
out of her, alive, sheriff. "
As the sheriff and attendants enter
ed the penitentiary with Baltic, the
' Earnests and Halderman, a guard,
1 recognizing Halderman, exclaimed:
"Well, Halderman I seo you couldn't
stand it out of here."
"Nope," was the extent of his re
The trip which was made by Sheriff
' Zehner anil three deputies escorting
four prisoners, was made without in
' cident and the prisoners gave them
not the least Double.
Z W. H. Clark, station agent of the
Pennsylvania railroad, at South Dan
ville, in company with a number of
other agents will leave today for New
i York city, where as guests of the rail
-1 road company they will inspect the
recently completed passenger teiminal
and the freight terminal.
I , »• '» nf the f'Htr gteat dt> ndm tight* ,
111 | tIH est lit lilllldlllg fot Hie t'lllleilj
."tales navy progressed about thlee p< I
cent, towards the finishing point dm
lug the month of Novenher. At this
rate the battleship I'tah Will he rum
plrteii in about three months and her
sister ship, the Florida. In aliont six
mouths The Dtith Is lieing built by
the New York Shipbuilding company,
aud Is to.l per cent completed, while
the Florida.building in the N> w Volk
navy yard. Is Hil.itA |ier cent finished
The navy department has announced
that it will require an appropriation ot
about #4OO (SMI more than the fit,lK*),l** 1
originally authorized iu order to coin
plete the Florida.
The sister ships. Wvnmttig and Ark !
ail-as, both of which are being hulli
hy private contract., are 411. .'1 and .VJ s
percent completed, respectively.
The torpedo li>at destroyer Htetret
is practically complete and wilt he de
livered to the government will in a
few days. She has already had I• :
acccptaiHf mill. an.l the navy depart- '
| mint i-s||ed orders that she be placed
, iii 'iiiiinssh'ii at lhe Huston navy
| vurd as soon as piaetieable after In i
[delivery bv the contractors.
| The torpedo boat destroyer McCall
will shortly l e ready fi i naval set
vice. She went through her accept
| ii:' ■ t,-1:• Imi Saturday lultl c official
port of the event had not yet been
i n ened by the department. Neatly
ill if the torpi do boat destroyers ate
| HI an advanced stage of completion.
| The submarine torpedo boat liar- :
! racudn, which is T.'i percent, eomplet
!"d, heads the list of that class of ves
sels, so far the advancement of work
1 is concerned.
| Zero weather has not been potent
enough to hold up work on the com- |
pletion <>f the West Front street sewei, ,
! which has been under construction !
since last summer. This is because the
finishing touches that remain to be
applied lie for the most part a matter
of sixteen feet below the r'uface.
When it was found necessary to sus
pond work on the West Front street I
sewer in order that the sewer exten- ,
sion on Fast Mahoning stieet might
bo completed before winter set in, the
pipe bad been laid from tie main sew
er at the foot of West Market street to
the water works, where the two small
sewers to be diverted from the river
cross Front street.
It is not intended to carry the sewer
any farther than the water works at
'present, although it is constructed
along lines that will make it possible
|to extend it along East Mahoning
| street whenever it may bo petitioned ,
I for. About all that remains to be ac
' complishod now is connecting the
two small sowers with the West Front •
I street extension. In this, however. a|
great deal of work is involved.
In order to adapt the sew er to points
as far east as the silk mill, at the
water works it was necessary to lay
the pipe at a depth of fourteen feet, j
more than double that of the small ;
sewers to he connected. The method |
adopted for taking in the latter was;
the sinking of a manhole or reservoir 1
some six feet sqnare and sixteen feet
(deep, into which the sewage that con- i
| verges at that point will be received
i and from which it il will be conduct- j
I'd by the West Front street extension.
| It is m the shelter of this pit that the
men are now working in defiance of
the riogrous weather. Tlie work will
be completed in a week.
The following interesting item from
Minneapolis is going the rounds:
Carrots are used as a substitute tor |
eggs in the evening class of the public
school cooking school.
Necessity brought about hy the in
creased cost of living is the mother of j
the startling discovery. The teacher, |
Miss Frich.has been obliged to curtail j
the use of eggs as the price has soared.
She got aloug nicely until the ap
proach of the holiday season when the
students wanted to kuow how to cook
English plum pudding. Lots of eggs
are needed in plun pudding and Miss
Fric.h found she could not afford to
teaoh the students a plum pudding |
course unless she found a substitute
for eggs.
After a long series of experiments
Miss Fricli solved the problem. She
found that mashed carrots are an excel
lent substitute for eggs. The results
are equally satisfactory. The man who
oats the product does not know the
difference, she deolares, and the sav
ing in cost is wonderful.
Witmer For District Judge.
If the apjiointmeut of Judge K. W.
Archbald, of Scranton, as one of the
members ot the now commrece court
is confirmed by the senate, as it prob
ably will is believed that United
States District Attorney Charles H.
Witmer, of Sunbury, will be appoint
ed judge of the United States district
court to succeed Judge Archbald. The
Sunbury Daily Item, which is looked
upon as Witmer's official organ, an
nounced Monday night that it had in
formation that Witmer will be appoint
ed. Ho is said to have the hacking of
Senators Penrose and Oliver.
Mrs. W. 11. Treas, South Danville,
spent yesterday with her daughter,
Mrs. D. F. Pursel, Sunbury.
C. W. Kepner has returned to Han
over after a visit with Danville
1 At a meeting of Hi** Snmlay school
| wnikim nf Montisbem hi-ld Friday
| evening At till l IllKM* nf Mr Hllll Mt».
.lame* Mc William*, » Men'* Adult
! Illble ('lim V» n» ni|t*m/<d Which |>r<t
j itil*P* lo llpentH* All tic II VP 112 I'M tun Ol
jihewotk in Liberty township. Atthtit
Bennett pri silled and conducted a «ong
«en IPP nt tlif opening of tln> meeting,
Mi" Hoheil Sitiuiigtmi n»'i«tnig nt
Hit" piano. " B|p*t HP the Tlf that
Binds" was *nllg. tin* fitnt p»alm w»»
rend by William It On*l* nml then,
I after n prayer by Arthur Bennett, the
; iMfttno plprtpil tlip following oflii<er*
Tpwrlipr, Willi n in II Davis; prp* •
ili nt, Arthur BemiPtl ; vice pre* lilt n',
, James Cnrryj reoretaiy. Walter A
Bennett; treasurer, William Curry.
1 The clas* name chosen hi tin
■'Men's Ailiilt UIMP Class " "Fot s
i Sin il Cause" ww chosen as thp i
I unittii
Aihltisses, w hloll aroused a good
•I• ■ s«I nf put IIIIMHKIII, wire IIIIHIP by
Ihiihs MCWlllimuis, .1 11. IHKIII, Hob
it S tumuli 11. .Tiilm Me Williams
\rtli nt lb mutt nml m-vi ml others.
The fill low i iik chatter members are
mi tlip toll: Hp*. .lames Army, Sam
iii*l ( urry, \ll ur Bennett, William
lli Hi-, Wnlii i A. Bennett, .l.iini '
i niry, William ( III\, Clarence l,in
in tt, .loft ph Rohiisou, Benjamin
Mi ■ - ■ r-in ,T i - - - Mi ssersmlth, Geo.
si r nii.Pi, .1 nun s M!• WIIII II m-. .1 • ili II Mi'
Williams Will ih in ('link, Howaitl
IlilkiTt, James Milkett, .1. 11. Diclil
: W. (' Bobbins. Robert Siuiingtou. 11.
1 .1 James, KdW.lld Robinson.
You Munt Read This If You Want the
,1 W. (ireer, (ireenwood, La., Mill
• •nil with a M'VI IP cane of lnmhago.
; 'The |hi ills \v pre mi intense I whs
forced to hypodermic inji otions tor
relief. These attiioks startpil with a
paill in tlip small of my hack which
gradually became fairly paralyzing.
! My attention was attracted to Foley s
, Killne_\ Remedy ami I am glad to say
| after us ng this wouilerful uieiliciue 1
mil no longer bothered iti anv way liy
mv old enemy lumbago." For sale by
Failles A. Co., Pharmacy.
I The funeral of Mrs. Howard Klin ti
er took place from Trinity Methodist
Episcopal church Saturday afternoon
and was very largely attended.
The services were conducted by the
pastor, the Kev. Charles Cameron
Suavely, and were most impressive.
I The male quartette rendered thrpe
beautiful selections. The pall hearers
were: Harvpv Ueiinger, John Mngill.
i William Price, John Kilfoil. Edward
lies and John hake.
The (lowers were very beautiful at
testing to the uobility of diameter and
the Christian virtues of the deceased.
Among the offerings were flowers from
the Sunday school class taught by
! Mrs. Klinger, ftom the Kpworth lea
gne, the Ladies Aid Society, Jtlie Orp
i lieus Glee club, the Modern Woodmen
of America and others.
The following persons from out of
two attended the funeral: Elias Kliug
| er, Mr. and Mrs. William Dunmoyer,
i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klinger, Mrs.
t Harry Mutchler, Mrs. William Fisher.
I Mrs. Win. Fuller, Mrs. Jennie Harris,
i Raymond Klinger, Harold Klinger, j
Edward Klinger, Mrs. Frank Met'/, ot
! Shainokiu; Mr. and Mr-. Edward
Stettler and Misses Minnie and Alice
Settler, Oliver Stettler, Mi. and Mrs
Clinton Stettler and Mrs. Beruii.e
Cook. Mr and Mrs. George R lrvin.
and daughter Carrie, of Bloouishurg ;
Mrs. Roy Weaver, of Rupett; Mr. and
Mrs. Charles lrvin and children. Mr
land Mrs. Albert Vou Bloliu, Mr. and
Mrs. John lrvin, Mr. and Mrs Frank
lrvin,ot West Hemlock township; Mr,
and Mrs John Messersmith, ot Potts
grov , Mr and Mrs. George Barnhart.
lof Rushtown; Mr. and Mrs. John
, Lormor, of Cooper township; aurt Jas
I pet Philips, of Hlooui road
| The farmers are taking advantage of
| the good sleighing. Yesterday a large
j number of sleds loaded with lime
i might have been seen passing through
j town, the most of theui going over to
! the south side.
' Lime is an article indispensable on
| the farm that in many iustuuees has
Ito he hauled miles and the farmers
leach winter like to lay in a simply for
the next year's fertilizing while snow
is on the ground, as it is more easily
handled in sleds than in wagons.
The present, therefore, is übsy u
time at the lime kilns, which are most
ly working overtime. Among the sleds
observed yesterday were some home
ward hound early in the day,implying
that they had started out at an early
In order to avoid a long wait at such
times as the present when the rush is
on an effort is made to get to the kiln
lirst. Many farmers, who have a con
siderable distance to drive start from
home before daylight. That such a
drive with mercury at or below zero
carries with it no little discomfort it
is hardly necessary to add.
Broke Her Arm.
Mrs. Francis Treas, formerly a resi
dent of Danville, at preseut living in
Sunbury, had the misfortune to fall
on the ice at that, place last week
fracturing her right arm. On Satur
day she was reported as doiug very
well, although it is dilticult to tell
just when the fracture may
Mrs. Treas is an elderly woman.
Frank Edmondson returned last
evening from a trip to Philadelphia.
A 'inntniitiue agnitirt drift* it. ay lie
e*ti»ldi«i P'l nvi't a if* portion ot the
terntoi \ lying between Danville mill
Nottliiiuib"!land b* tftxw of an on'
break of table* that ba« oeitirred din
lug a week or so past A inieroxcopii
lti«|»'ctlnn of HIP head of the dog that
ran atnnck reveal* that 'lip animal
*n atTlli'fed with rabies A large
number of otlitr dog* are known to
have been bitten
One day la*-t week a shepherd dog
appeared at l.ithla sptings exhibiting ,
symptom* of rahle* At the residence I
ol John Rluv|i>« lie tried to *prlng j
through a window at a little child ,
playing inside The dug wa< shot but
not until he bit another dog hclotigiuit
to Mr. Rhode*
The State Live Stock Sanitary board
beard of tin* afT.iii and sent an agent j
to Point township to procure the !
dog's head and to get what informs .
tion could be obtained ronpcriiing tin !
animal's movement-.
The dog had bei n buried but the ■
head was exhumed and at to the
laboratory of tlip St t-a l.ivpstock
Sanitai v board at Phllmtelpliia Ii
w i< Hseertnini 1 that the dog belom.-e I
to Paul Hiirgeustock. who necnpii - |
the firm owned hv William Va«t III '
of this pitv and that the animal ran
amuck on November 30tb.
The dog is known to have run some
fifteen mill's covering a circuit Ten '
dogs at least were bitten; how many
more is not known.
Last Moudav the dog's head WW '
sent to the laboratory. tin Thursday |
a re|Kirt was received, which stated
that the examination revealed eviden
ces of rabies
Naturally the,re is ijuile an excite
mont down the river. As soon us the
report from the laboratory was receiv
ed all the dogs known to have been
bitten, not uln alv killed, were at
once put out of the way.
It is feared, however, that a good
many dogs may have beeu bitten, of
which no account has been received
a id that indue time lal ies will hitak
out again. It was learned from an
agent of State Live Stock Sanitary
Board yesterday that an order may be
issued declaring all the dogs of Point
township ami probably of adjoining
territory to be in a state of Quaiautiue
for the usual perio I of one hundred
A Simple Safeguard For Mother*.
Mrs D. Gilkeson, Il'Jii Ingles Ave.,
Youngstown, Ohio, gained wisdom by
experience. "My little girl had a se
vere cold and coughed almost contin
uously. My sister recommended Fol
ey's Honey and Tar. The lirst dose I
1 f.'i»ve her relieved the iuflauiamtiou in
her throat and after using ouly one
bottle her throat and lungs were en
tirely free from inflammation. Since
then 1 always keep a bottle of Foley's
Honey and Tar in the house. Accept
no substitutes. For sale by Panics &
Co., Pharmacy.
Thomas Madden of Mahoning town
lisip was appointed mercantile aprais
er for lilll at a regular meeting of the
county commissioners held on Satur
day. George Hedea. of this city, was
last year's appointee.
' There was not much business on
hand at the county commissioners'
meeting Saturday ami the session was
a short one.
Get the Genuine Always.
A substitute is a dangerous iniiki •
1 shift especialy in medicine. The gen
ome Foley's Houcy and Tar cures
coughs ami colds quickly anil is m a
vellow package. Accept no substitutes
For sub' by Panics <S Co., Pharmacy.
Party in ValUy Towmhip.
Mr. aud Mrs. Edward Volkman,
Valley township, entertained a num
ber of friends at their home on Friday
{ evening. Dancing and other amuse
] mcuts were iudulgt d iu, the music lie -
| aig furnished by Ed Delsite and Fied
: Smidley. Refreshments were served,
j Those present were Mr, and Mrs. Nor
man Kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Volkman and children Ethel, Clarance
and Florence, Misses Hessie ard Flor
! euce Wilson, Mary Jackson, Atta Jack-
I son, Margaret Jacksou, Bessie Cooke.
, Margaret Stettler. Li/.tie Gething,
Margaret Dcightniiller. Nellie Height
j miller, liertha Wagner. Olaia Cope,
Lulu Yeager, Messrs. Walter Wilson,
I Hairy Fry, Clyde SiiHer, Raymond
1 Kitchen, Blaine Hartinsn, Raymond
Yeager. Lor tie Y eager, Harold Kiteh
| en, Ambrose Blue, Walter Blohn, John
; Miller, Harry Kashner. Morgau Her
| man and Walter Gething.
Worse than an alarm of fire at night
is the metallic cough of croup, bring
ing dread to the household Careful
mothers keep Foley's Ilonev ami Tar
iu the house aud give it at the lirst
sisu of danger It contains no opiates.
For sale by Pan les i\: Co., Pharmacy.
Visited Local Store.
Lester Clasen, a member of the flrui
of the Manufacturers Outlet Clothimr
company, spent Saturday in this city
going over the affairs of the local store
with Manager Kaieu. He expressed
himself as much pleased with trade |
conditions in Danville.
The Manufacturers Outlet Clothing
company has stores in Danville, Wil
liainsport, Huntingdon, Hellefonte,
Ixiek Haven and Mt. Uulou. The head
uarters of the firm is at Lock Haven.
Susquehanua University's Athletic
association voted at its aunual meet
ing last week to virtually abandon
foot ball for all time. The aetiou of
the athletic association was not
unanimous, however.
\V«||a Fi Her, ef i
hnrv, Hitntdiiv *ti lling wa* t'lttlnl :
MaJ'it ot llip Twelfth kkiuo lit iiilau
tl,. National gnaid I'< im«vliann ,
*iea Ma jot W ill lain II Helm.who wi> |
plaei'd on llir retiM lint al In. own |
Ihe election wa« held hv I'olonel !
William II Fullmer, Twelfth tigi
nu nt, inlaiilry. in the natlot of tlie
ImWlibniii I'lnh. at l.ew i«hnig. al T ,:m
o'clock There wap a laig» attend*
aiioe, Minohg the idetlor* hi ing ''a| |
lain F M llnrinitton First Lieuten
ant Hubert Y t.narhait. and Stcoiul
l.ieut.niint Herbert Drelfnss, Com• '
panv F. Twelfth regiment, this city, i
who left for Lewisbvrg on the 4:11 I
Peii«ylv:,iiii, train S.itntdav afternoon ]
and ■• turned home yesterday morning
i'aplain Ket'ir wm the nuaniitious
choice tor major, lie being the ouly
|iet* Hi named foi the |"lSltton Fot
lour ;it« p i-' lie lias hi 1 11 Hi 1 oin
maud 11 <'oin| iiiv K, Twelfth Ki-gl
ment, N. F.. ol Sunbury. He * .i>-
lormerlv a ri -idem ol l.ewisimi;; anil
was lirsi lieutenant ot t'oiupany A < 1
that phMN Altogi Iher lie lii.~ I .mJ {
iiiueteen years' < \| crien e 111 the na
11 on;il giislil
Majiir i et/.'r an art ive and )n'
lie spirited cit./.en, prominiu* in pub
lic affairs. He i> superiut* 'uient of ,
I lie sohooN ol N'orthuinbi 1 l.unl conn
ty. and.l- an iustruetoi of tl • lining
stands iu tiie trout raul -■
t'aptain llerrington and Lieatenanls
l Seal hart and Dreifus- speak very high
ly of the mauncr in which they \»rr>
entertained hv the l.ewisburg clnb <lll j
the occasion of the election
CAtarrh C«nnot Be Cured.
j .'hey cannot reach the seat of the ills
ease. Catarrh is a blood or I'mistitu-
S'jonal disease, and iu order to cure it]
' you must lake internal remedies.
Hall's Catitrih Cure is taken intern
j allv. and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces Hall's Catarrh
Cure is not a quack medicine. It was
prescribed hv one of the best physic
. inns in this conn try for years and is a
regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined
with the lust blood puriflers, acting
directly on the mucous surfaces. The
petfect combination of the two ingre
dients is w hat produces such wondet
t'ul results in enriug Catarrh. Send
for testimonials free.
V.l HKNKV A 00.. Props. Tol
j odo, O.
I Sold hv Druggists, price 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills fot oou
, stipation.
The tentative schedule for the spring
1 inspections in the Twelfth regiment
. lias been announced by Col. Folltuer,
I placing the insjiection for the local
j company on Jannarv l!>th. It is the
j plan of the headquarters at Harris
j burg to have the new olive drab over
-1 coats her i in time for the inspection.
In preparation for the spring ltispec
-1 tiou the members of Company F will
' tie hard at work from now on until
after the ISth. Starting next week
two drills a week,instead of one, will
be held —ou Tuesday aud Thursday
I The tentative schedule of spring in
i spections i» as follows:
1 ,lau. US—Company A. Lewisburg;
'Jan IT—Company ii. Williauisport;
/Jan. Is —Company C. Milton; Jan. IS>
Company K,Danville ; Jan. Ul>—Coui
pany K-, Sunbnrv; Jan. 'Jl—Corn panv
1 L, liellefoute . Jan. :.'tt—Company B,
Williamspmt; Jan. 'J-l. Company L.
Sunbury : Jan. i.»— Company H, Link
Haven: Jan. Jt!—Company I), Wil
liamsport; Jan. i" —Company I, Wil
liamspoit; Jau '-i^—Compauy M. Lew
Take Care !
Remember that when your kidneys
are affected, your life i>. iu danger.
M Mayer.ltochester.N V.says: "My
1 trouble started with a sharp shooting
pain over uiy hack which grew worse
1 daily.l felt sluggish aud tired, my
1 kidneys net]oll was irregular and in
I fre tuent. 1 starteii usiujf Foley Kid
! uev Pills Kaeli dose seemed to put
] new life aud streugtli luto m». aud
uow lam complete, cured and leel
better and stronger than for years."
Fin smlh by Paules <X: Co., Pharmacy
Clark Christian, a well known and
prospeious funnel of Madison tow n
ship. Columbia county,was found dead
in his chair Monday morning.
I Mr. Christian transacted business iu
Bloouisburg Saturday aftenoon. He
j was then in no way indisposed. Sat
urday evcuing he retired iu his usual
health. Beiug unable to sleep about
10 o'clock he arose and went down to
the sitting room. One of the family
later followed him dowu stairs and
fo.iud him sitting iu a rooking chair.
He explained that he was troubled
with insomnia, but that he otherwise
felt perfectly well. He asked to he left
aloae, explaining that he would retire
iu a short time. The rest of the fami
ly, therefore.all retired oontidaut that
hit would follow them to bed in a
short time
Monday morning Mr. Christian
was sittiug in his chair dead, having
expired during the night. Death was
due to apoplexy.
The deceased was aged 5a years. 4
months and 8 days. He was a widow
er, and is survived by two sous, John
and Boyd, and one daughter. Sadie,
all of whom reside at home.
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in act
ion. quick iu results, aud restore the
natural action of the kidneys and
bladder. Thev correct irregularities.
For sale by Paules & Co.
Do You Oct Up
Willi « l.oinc llncli 7
Rldncv TrntiM* Make* Ymi Mil* rMe.
Almml rm\nnr know <•, Tlf, Kll t'i
Wtntnii'HiMt, ihc vitit kit• , llvi t i it I
q i. t *
irV 1""
I i Pi «"" •" • ,r *' ■"*
3i 11 .VI I R'»rt ii »lm>«t
J » i( J.' «•' «. r> v. ill OVt ; ■
n,\7! 1 I iiwmng t'nn tmti'iri,
Ik )l 1 '' i pal* in Pie h» k, kill
ifl'rl I""*• ~vrr'
ujifr-jl | Snil i-Vftl {1(1 rt of til*
n J1 ' lITI Mil r \ p,l«Sflp». Tl
" cwtrrts inability to
hold watrr and «i «1 11nn psiti l'i pawing It,
or t>ad effect* following it w of liquor, win*
or brer, mi<l •trrromi'i tint ttnpl«*s.,nt
nMrmliji of I wing compelled b> R" often
lkl*l|k tlie d*X, llld to pi up many
time* during Hip night.
Swnmp-Hont i>i not recommended for
mrvlhinu liui if »m have kidney, liver
or hliitilrr trouble, it will be found hist
th«* miwilr vou nnsl, It Iws hern tfior
oiighlv tested in private practice, mi't Han
proved i«o miciessful n special ar
rangement Ixsen in.nU' by v.liirlt all
rtnlfn nf this paper, who have not al
ready tried it, m iv have a Simple bottle
wnt free b> mail, also n book telling
more about Swamp-Root, awl bow t*»
find out ii ynullavv kid-
\Vh"iiwr ' iiMmntiin 5
oil r in tin -;• >!>i'r ami
•send vi-'ir ;. Mrc ■ to
l>i Kilmer s Co.,
Itiuv'i.imton, N. V. The regular fifty-cent
ami one-dollar !iw liottb s nr< sold by
nil dni;''i«ts. I><m't make any mistake
but i .mctnltcr the name, Swainp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Sw.imp-U >ot, and the ad
dress, Uiughamton.N. Y.,ou every bottle.
North Amercan Christmas Num
ber Has an Entirely
Novel Feature.
The ('hristnias number of The North
American,which will be published on
December IS. promises something al
thogether unine in the way of a sptc
ii»l supplement. All buyers of the pa
jir-r of that issue, excepting mail sub
scribers, will receive free u sheet of
Christmas cards reproduced from some
of the greatest (Huntings of the age.
There are six cards in the sheet, which
when out apart may be used for send
ing with gifts or for mailing as me
naentoes of the holiday season.
The curds are reproduced very ar
tistieally by photogravure process and
the subjects are chosen with a view of
suitiug almost auy taste.
Tlve North American Christmas
number will be uuusuallv attractive
in text and illustrations. Its special
numbers are always of the highest
.Standard. This one promises to be just
a little better than those that have
preceded it.
Hearing in Bankruptcy Case.
Proceediugs in bankruptcy were held
yesterday at Lewisburg by Attorney
C. F. Clement, of Sunbury, referee in
baaukruptcy for the creditors of Con
gressman B. K. Focht, who recently
went bankrupt. The liabilities of Mr.
Focht are in excess of $350,000. His
assets are estimated by him at $175,-
000. Most of Mr. Foclit's debts are
notes in numerous hanks throughout
Central Pennsylvania.
* rong constitutions and cause, among
I other evils, bhsi \ c itarrh. a tiou li
-1 touie and offensive disease. Sneezing
an 1 suuffliug, cnugbing and diftioult
i iireathing, an<l the ilrip, drip ot the
112 ml discharge into the throat—nl! aie
ended Iv Klv's Cream Balm.This hon
est remedy contains no co 'iaue, mer
cury, nor other harmful ingredient.
The worst cases yield to treatment in
a short time. All druggists. 50c , oi
mailed by Fiv Bros , ait Warren Street
New York.
Till KM"AY. i:m. .«.» —■.». H. m. Diaries
I l mil«» > *ath of l» on Pegg
furin wIU-ell « .iul* 1 . Miiclilntvy aud
tloiiM'tu Ul DSehi. auctioneer
\VM»\*A\ Mit roll l--\» 10 a. n , M.
\ (it »r|iur . it ' i\ i.onaef rm, main road
from Utn. >i »w n to \V :isliii<Ktonvihf will
i »t»ll ilorM-s. • ttin'. Iloiis ami FarrniiiK Ini*
• p omiMits. Oifhi. hiu*iltiiii t*r>
riU Usii.w . March "2—Charles Sinrl'ujr,
i VW st lit in iH'k T»vp , near Swemxht, at «.» M.
| m.. v\i! N.-il lu.rsi-s. < ows» lmph nifin « un«t
I IJtiiiKfhoiii Uootis Purse 1 auctioneer.
j s\u lihvv, Mar. b I—J. It. Blddle. be
-I\m» 'i Wbtie »iail and I»t rry church, will
s»-i Shirk ami l'aro Implement*. i Uhl.
! auctioneer.
Tl Km>.\Y. Match a— Aaron l>letrleh. on A.
1. litiiiit-bs larin, l»**t ween >t raw Uerry h'dtio
antl K» chain;*, at 10 »t. m .will sell Hurses,
I'attlf Mo«n. Karmlug 1 implements, etc.
j lMehl A Kreppt noeck. auctioneer^.
THI'IMtW. Mar/h 9 Calvin W l) t » rr
i win lon near ( itlilornia
| HalU in Limestone Township, at 10 o'clooa,
• linvcivt. Tattle. Hotfs, Poultry, Farm Imple
\ •iiiiii.", lltkiiM hold iJimhls. nearly new ;t h. p.
I *«;tsollm* F.uv'ine .iml n Inch <'hopp||iff Mil!,
t ie St idehi auciloueem,
rKIIMY. March 10— Howard Vognda, Lib
vcxy towuahip. -t miles south west of Whnli
ini(tonvilie. m*ar Oak Urove. at lo a m., will
sell Horses. Cattle and Farm Machinery,
luehi, auctioneer.
SAWKDAY. March IS s. F. Wei liver.
Bwyd Farm. 2 miles west t»f Waahlngton vlile,
at K> a m wit Hfli valuah e farm machinery
And household tfoodn. iMehl Sc K.rtrp|>eiineck.
TUESDAY, March 21—James- VV. Lowlc,
Strnwl»erry at 9 a. ni. will sHI Horses.
Oattle. FarmliiK Machinery um! Household
UtHHls. Diehl auctioneer.
TCEBDAY, March JS-F. H Mv« rlev, K. K.
I>. No.-t. Frosty Valley Kuad, "l mile from
Straub's church, will Horses. Cattle
Farming ImplemeutM and; Household (ii>od h
Mrs. Julia Bibby aud Mrs. Hulh
tJetzinger ot' Catawwisa. spent yester
day with Mis. Marlba Chambers, East
Market street.
Miss Ruth Shuuian and Mrs. Am
hrose Shumau, of Catawissa, spent
yesterday with Mrs. Carl Kuokel.Finn
si ret>t.
Mrs. C.'*reuce Frazier, of this city
and guest Mrs. Frank Wilhelin, of'
Sunbury,will leave today for a week's
visit with relatives iu and