Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, December 15, 1910, Image 1

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    VOL, r»U NO AO
H<'HOOfiM (tHlNli DOWN —Thai
mine cbtp« threaten the destruction of
nun' •r H runti'ii dionl building «
ill- it»»ri I when larg« cr-iekii appear
ed til the wall* of No. 17 school, nil
K' Vn-r avenue. Mid It would not !•«» I
«urpri*lug if »e««ion* in tin- building .
urn di«ooutiun«d. Whether IIm« i»
■loon depend* upon the result of the
"paner te«t." applied Monday l.v
officials. Strip* of paper Imve boon
placed over the cracks on tin- Inside
of tti« building aud fastened b> strong
ftillu-Mvr Tin- strips will I •• w»i. lied,
ami if they are broken tho session,
will bo discontinued, because it will
be evident tlmt the settling continue*
A few ilhv* ago Die flio<- of John Can
terburv's cellar, a Hhort distance from
the school, dropped several feet.
JUST RETURNED—When the <"iv
il war broke out over 60 yearn ago,
William Neady left his home, Ht Ply
month township, Luzerne county, am!
went to the front. After the war he
drifted to the west Hi*family believ- .
ed that he had died on the battlefield.
The father and mother died, a* di.l
several brothers and sisters William
Neady prospered in the west, and a
week ago decided to visit his old
homo. Last Wednesday he arrived at
Plymouth, where the postmastei told
him that there was living at Five |
Forks, in Plymouth township, a man
named Neady. William Neady went j
to the place and found that the man
in question was his brother.
VISIONS— Is an address to the Min- |
ifiteriuni at Altoona, Rev. Dr. Charles
W. Carroll, of Harrisburg, president
of the Pennsylvania Anti-saloon Lea
guo, declared that he was sure of 98 :
votes for the local option bill in the
next legislature. He said that 75 meui- j
bars were already pledged to such a
bill, nine Keystone Party assembly- i
men would support it, nine others not
pledged were personally favorable to j
the bill,and five others can bo brought
into line. He believes the necessary ,
majority of 104 will he attained,
sylvania State Teachers' association
will meet in Harrisburg December 28.
and HO. The general sessions will
bo held in the Board of Trade. Vari
ous department meetings ami round
tables will be held also, beginning
with the High school department on
the evening of December 20. These j
department meetings will be held in j
the Board of Trade, the High school
and the caucus rooms of the capitol. ,
acre demonstration farm, an agricult- !
ural school, fruit exchanges and cold j
storage houses are among the things ;
planned to make the Lykens valley,
Dauphin county, one of the richest j
agricultural and fruit sections in this j
oouutry, incidental to the building of j
the Midland Pennsylvania railroad i
from Millersburg to Ashland.
A FEW LEFT—There are stili a
few sticks of timber left standing in
the forest seotions of Pennsylvania,
but at the present rate of destruction
a primival pine or hemlock tree will !
soon be a ouriosity. Samuel Boyce, a j
lumberman, has just completed the j
job of cutting 500,000, feet of lumber
at Dimeling, Clearfield county.
ris Cope, of East Bradford, was driv- j
ing home in a sled, with his wife on
the hack seat, she w*b thrown into a
onow drift and her husband drove
quite a distance before he discovered ,
her absence. She was wrapped in a j
large robe which prevented her from j
making an outcry.
Oil City the Polanders seem to be pro- j
gressive. They have let a contract for j
an |B,OOO brick building two stories
high. The lower floor will bo used for I
tenement purposes and the upper one |
for a dancing ball The latter will he
equipped with a spring floor anil ,
strictly up to date.
buffalo belonging to Buffalo Bill,win
taring on the Charles Trego farm at
Ooatesville, died yesterday. The big
fellow was one of a herd of ■ v■■ ti and
died from an attack of paralysis.
Kichter, a rural mail carrier, of Han
over. is at the York police headquart
ers waiting action by the postal au
thorities upon the charges that he has
been systematically robbing the mails.
His wife informed the authorities of
his alleged peculations.
oause his customers experienced trou
blo iu anil pronouncing his
name. Max Berkowitz had the Luzerne
county court change his name to Max
IT WAS NATUKAL— A wandering
umbrella mender whom Chief Brum,
or Bloomsburg, sheltered over night,
stole the chief's best umbrella when
ho departed in the morning.
oows which sold at auction in Dovles
, town brought an average of |55.70 per
iUontouv American.
The nervine* in nearly nil the church
e* of Danville I»«t Simdav evening
Were ti iiqni' in that the s line theme
v»a employed for the sermon* mil
ill it the pulpit in ea< h Was I C Upie I
hv »oa e otl e than is own pa .tor.
It win What was Known a< . M
i\ A liight when the services have
special reference to the association
it* object and its urgent need of sup
put. The services were arranged by
tl e Danville M>u«t rial asso 'iatinii at
il last meeting. It wait decided that
at all of the churches the same theme
should be employed—"The Young
Mm." and that each congregation
should be asked to contribute an otter
ing for the Y. M. C. A
1' wa- also decided that there should
lie a general exchange of pulpits on
the occasion. The allotment was left
to a committee of one member,who in
assigning to the ministers churches
fir their special effort was to employ
the scriptural method of casting lots
All hud agreed that no minister was
to be informed of bis assignment un
til 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
With very few exceptions, there
fore, none of the congregations of
town, last evening knew who was to
address them until they entered their
respective places of worship.
The sermons preached last evening
without exception were very effective,
aiming to impress upon those present
the need of an active and well organ
ized Y. M. C. A. in every community
to look after the moral and religious i
welfare of the young men and boys;
also the responsibility that devolves on
the community to see to it that the as
sociation recieves adequate support. i
Assignments were made as follows
by the committee:
Shiloh Refoimeil church. Kev.
George S. Womer.
Trinity Methodist Episcopal church,
Kev. J. H. Musselman.
Pine Street Lutheran church. Rev.
Charles Cameron Suavely.
St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal
church. Rev. A. J. Itey, D. D.
Mahoning Presbyterian church, Rev.
Joseph E. Guy.
First Baptist church. Rev. C. 1).
United Evangelical church. Kev.
.Tatues Wollaston Kirk.
Charles E. Reigel and Charles Rote, |
the two patients who escaped from 1
the hospital for the insane Monday, !
were captured aud returned to the in
stitution Tuesday. Each of the |men I
paid a penalty for his indiscretion in j
attempting to escape duiing zero I
weather; both of Reigel's feet were '
frozen. Rote was a little more fort- 1
unate, only one foot being injured by !
the rrost, although, like his com pan- '
ion, he suffered great discomfort. i
Tuesday morning the two men were |
found in the barn of Peter Dyer about I
a mile from Pottsgrove on the Mon- j
tandon road. The men bore the ap- 1
pearance of having been on a tramp j
and were in a deplorable condition, |
their feet being frozen as described
It did not take Mr. Dyer long to
discover that the two men were escap
ed patients, lie did what he could to
make the poor fellow comfortable, en
dcavoriug meanwhile to inform the
hospital authorities that the patients I
had been captured. He entrusted his
| message to a milkman, who on arriv- '
I ing at Danville in turn telephoned the
news to the hospital.
; Tuesday afternoon the hospital au
i tliorities sent a conveyance out to the
, Dyer faiui aud brought the elopers
hack tithe institution.
The two men escaped early Monday
; afternoon. Reigel's home is near Lew*
i isburg and there is little doubt that
the two men were bound for that des
l tination. They were too cunning, how
; i-ver, to follow the beaten routes of
j travel, but iu leaving the hospital
struck out northward through the
snow. Crossing Bloom road they kept
on till they came to Frosty Valley,
whence they proceeded in the direct
ion of Lewisburg without incurring
much danger of detection.
Julius Motisohlin one of the pro
prietors of the Cold Spring Brewery,
at Sunbury,died suddenly at his home
in that place yesterday morning at 4
o'clock. He was aged about ti!s years.
Death was due to heart trouble.
Mr. Moeschlin was born in Ger
many, and came to this country in
181)7 and a vear later located at Sun
j bury, where he has since resided. He
j was well-known iu Danville.
The funeral will bo held Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Titer tn be a lingering snspic
ion that ainolii.' the multitude that fall
into the police dragnet about thi* tune
of vear are a goodlv number botn with
a natural aversion to work who would
a little rutin r putin a month or «o
behind the bats where there is steam
hi it and three meals a day than to as
sume the responsibility of looking out
! ir themselves during this zero weath
. r In order to give this class a proper
reception it has been decided to adopt
■i bre i I ami water diet I >r certain
cases at Poit Start/.ell.
This d.ies not imply that roast beet
or turki v with cranberry sauce is ord
inarily on the menu at county prisons,
hut it does suggi st that the daily bill
of fare at those placi s is of a sort that
proves very satisfying to the fellow
who is used to subsisting without
woi l>.
The new order of things went into
effect at the Montour county prison
yesterday when Charles Rainier was
committed for thirty days. Rainier
has given the officers a good deal ot
trouble for some time. He is charged
with being drunk, in additiou to which
he became an annoyance by violating
the rules about the Continental engine
bouse. Frequenting or loafing in this
building at night is strictly forbidden.
Rainier possessed the secret of getting !
into the building whenever be want
ed to and was often found there after i
it had been locked up.
He was arrested'by officers Mince- j
tnoyer and Voris and arraigned before
Justice Dalton Monday morning. He
was sentenced to pay tine and costs, j
In default of payment thereof he was
committed to the county jail for thirty
days to be kept on a bread and water j
The fact of Danville's announcing j
no Mummers' parade for the approach- j
ing News Year'-- day is being received
as good news in a number of the towns |
in this section where demonstrations
will be held ami which expect to have
Danville paraders and sight seers swell i
their big times.
In Bloomsburg the celebration is be- i
ing boosted by the Athletic associa- j
tion, with Thos. B. Moore, as pu si- |
dent. A Marathon race will also be
held iu connection with the celebra- 1
tion in Bloomsburg.
Over in Milton the Mummers com- j
mittee has promised three bauds, tire
works in the evening aud a big parade j
participated in by Milton and out-of
town organizations.
At Mt. Carmel,where the New Year j
parades have always been elaborate, !
the committee announces that this |
year's event will eclipse all previous
efforts and that $560 has alteady been j
raised for the pageut.
The funeral of James Boyd, one of
Ilarrisburg's most prominent men and
a former resident of Danville, who j
died Monday afternoon at. 5 o'clock,at ;
Weymouth, Moore county, N. 0., will j
be held from his late residence, 21 i
North Front street, Harrisburg, this j
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Kev. Dr. Geo. j
S. Chambers,pastor of the Pine Street
Presbyterian church, which Mr. Boyd
attended and Rev. Edwin Mulock,
pa -tor of the Paxtang Presbyterian
church, which Mr, Boyd attended iu ,
the summer time, while living at his
summer home, Bonnymeade, near
Paxtang, will officiate. The interment
will be made in the family plot at tlie
Harrisburg cemetery.
The honorary pall bearers will bo:
Governor Edwin S. Stuait. Judge
Nathaniel Ewing, "of the Railroad
Commission ; Judge William R. Roeka
fellar, W. K. Alricks, O. M. Copelin,
Dr. Hiram McGowan,.T. S. A. Ruther
ford, Casper Dull, Vance C. McCor
tnick. Charles A. Kunkel, Lane S.
Hart, James M. Cameron. A. J. Dull.
William B. McCaleb, T. F. Weirman,
Lyman D. Gilbert, Daniel C. Hen.
Northumberland Co. Directors
The directors of the schools of North
umberland county will assemble at the
courthouse at Sunbury ou Wednesday
morning, December 21st, at 10:45
o'clock, in their annual meeting. The
following program will be rendered :
Opening address by the president, John
Wildsmith, Transaction of general
business. Address. Dr. Shawkey. Ad
dress, Superintendent Pierce. The
officers of the association are: Presi
dent, John Wildsmith,Riverside; vice
presidents, H. W. Brace. Trevorton;
Fred Swope, Lewis township; secre
tary.H. W. Armstrong,McKwens'ville ;
assistant secretary, W. J. Uass, Sha
| mokin township; treasurer, C. P.
I Rinchart, Upper Augusta township.
When a woman holds a man in the
hollow of her hand she can palm off
any kind of talk on him.
The school hoard held a regular meet
ing Mond«v night. Chairman W. A.
Heclili r being absent J. N Pursel was
chosen president pro tetli. Beside Mr.
Pnrsel other members were present as
follows: Or'li, Hwaits, Burns, Mark*,
Sliultz, Heiss and Cole
On motion of Mr. Hums, owing to
the Christmas holidays, it was order
ed that the teachers and jatiitius be
paid on Dec >mher .'lst for two » ■ eks
Borough Superintendent Dieflin
bacher presnnted his report for the
thltil month of school, ending Decern
her 7th.
Number ot hoys registeied during
month, 574; number of girls, B;i7; to
tal, 1111.
Average at tendance of bovs during
month. 582; average attendance of
gitls, 4*.»4; total, 10211.
Percentage of attendance by boys
during month, U4; pereentuge of at
tendance by girls during month, !I2;
average, U!l.
Number of pupils not absent during
term to date, 46!!; number of pupils
not tardy during term, to date, si! 2.
Number of pupils absent during
mouth, -lit), number of pupils tardy
during the month, 171.
Cases of tardiness by pupils, 1!'!!;
cases of tardiness by teacher. 1.
Number of pupils reported to truant
officer, 2!!.
Number of visits made during the
month, 57.
There were no cases of corporal pun
ishment during the month. There were
no cases of suspension.
Mr. Pursel reported that there is ,
still a great deal of whooping cough
in the schools; in fact that iu some of
the schools "they are all coughing."
It was reported that the recent
Teachers' Institute was something of
a disappointment,not only to the town
teachers,but also to some of the teach
ers from the rural districts. Mr. Pur
sel thought the matter ought to be in
vestigated. The institute, he said,
costs the Danville school district thru
hundred dollars, and if it can not be
demonstrated that it is a benefit to tie
teachers it becomes-—n«»U<>r for veiy
serious consideration by the board.
On motion of Mr. Burns il was ord
ered that the public schools close Dec
ember 2iird for the Christmas vacation
and that they reopen Tuesday, Jan
uary 3rd.
On motion of Mr. Burns it was de- 1
cided that the school board will not
hold itself responsible for any indebt
edness incurred by the High School '
Athletic, association. Also that it is
opposed to the association presenting
a play.
The following bills were approved |
for payment:
F. C. Derr #50.00 1 j
Paulino Farnsworth 32.50 j
J. H. Woodside 3.75 ;.
EzraS. Haas ... 2.00 j
Thomas G. Vincent 12.50
Danville Stove & Mfg Co 4.80
The team of grey horses belouging I
to the McCormick bus line and driven
by Edward Risbel caused some excite j
ment by running away about 7 o'clcok
Tuesday evening.
The team escaped from the driver
while he was putting the mail bag oil
the train at the Reading station. They
came down town at a very lively gait.
On Mill street Benjamin Miller, the
junk dealer, jumped on the real step,
and succeeded in getting into the bus
He was unable at first to reaah the
lines, which were tied up in front, as
the end window fit tightly and could '
not be raised uutil after repeated ef
Meanwhile the horses were begin- j
ning togo faster and faster. They j
dashed by the Montour house and,
evidently bound for the Pennsv sta- !
tion, began to descend the hill. Mi. ■
Miller did what he could to stop the j
horses by repeatedly calling out
" whoa!" hut they paid uo attention
to him. Finally after an herculean
effort the man succeeded in getting !
the frout window opeu, after which I
he grasped the Hues and stopped the j
Father of Mr«. R. H. Fouit.
Isaiah Rabert, father of Mrs. R. H.
1 Foust, this city, died yesterday at his
I home at Bloomsburg, aged 07 years.
: The deceased had beeii an invalid for
j several years. He was a retired under
j taker.
For the Serious Moment.
"1 hear he refused to take chloroform |
when he was operated on."
"Yes; he said he'd rather take it j
when be paid his bill."
A Precaution.
He—They're weighing the anchor.
She—l don't blame tbeiu. The trades
people areu't to be trusted nowadays.
—Century Magazine
Alfred Kennedy, a resident of the
third ward,was sentenced to two days'
imprisonment Tmsdav lor failing to
keep bis child in school as required by
law other patrons who are indilfei
ent a* to whether their children attend
school or not would do well to heed
the warning, as the school authorities
have a duty to perform ami declare
that in every case they Will apply the
remedy | rovided by the law.
Kennedy was arrested by Chief ot
Police Miiteemoyer on a warrant sw hi n
out iv Attendance officer W K.
Younu! The information charges tl at
Alfred Kennedy is the father of Aditie
Kennedy, a minor child between 8 and
Hi years of age, who does not attend
school as required by law. also that
the father had been notified as is pro
vided by the act of assembly.
Kennedy on being arraigned before
Justice Dalton pleaded guilty, but he
averred that it was impossible for
Itim "to work and watch bis children
to see whether they went to school or
not."; The attention of the defendant
was invited to the compulsory school
law, which provides that the pupil
must be present seventy-five per cent
of the time it belongs to school; also
that for every neglect of duty imposed
by the act upon conviction thereof the
person in parental relation offending
shall forfeit a fine not exceeding two
dollars on first conviction and a tine
not exceeding five dollars on each sub
sequent conviction and that in default
ot payment of said tine the defendant
mav be committed to the county prison
for a period not exceeding two days
for the first conviction and a period
not exceeding five days for each sub
sequent conviction.
The tine in Kennedy's case was two
dollars. He was also obliged to pay
the costs, which amounted to three
dollars. He made an effort to secure
the money but was unable to do so.
Nothing remained but to carry out the
provision of the act and accordingly
Kennedy as above stated was committ
ed to the county prison foi two days.
A good many of the sidewalks are
already in a very icy condition due to
the melting of the snow on the roofs.
At many places the rain pipes seem
to be ot little service in carrying off
the watel that accumulates from the
melting of snow Eailv iu the season
the pipes become clogged np with ice
and water from thereof drips down
over the eaves onto the sidewalks
where it freezes into a solid mass,
making very dangerous for pedes
The icv places can be avoided iu the
daytime, but at night when they are
concealed by darkness one must exer
cise very great caution, indeed, if he
would avoid the danger of falling.
There is ejMpely a square on some of
our streets ir. which such icy places
do not occur.
Under such conditions asfprevail at
present, it behooves persons to exer
cise the greatest care iu walking or
even iu stepping outside their doors.
Many a fall maybe thus averted, while
a broken bone, especially in the case
of a person on iu yeras, means much
suffering and probable permanent in
| The Rev. Elmer G. Baker, for the
past two years pastor of the First
Methodist Episcopal church at Espy,
died suddenly at his home at that
j place Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock,
death was due to neuralgia of the
heart aud Bright's disease. He was
aged 58 years and besides his widow
|is survived by a son Harold who re
sides at home.
Prior to being appointed to the
Espy-Lime Ridge charge. Rev. Bak-
I er's charge was at Baresboro, in the
1 Altoona District. Owing to illness he
! was superannuated in 1907, and for a
'year resided at Williamspoit, coming
from that place to Espy.
Funeral from the church at Espy on
Friday afternoon at 1 ;!!0 o'clock.
Burial in the Almedia cemetery, with
the Rev. R. H. Gilbert, officiating.
Convicted of Murder.
Bert Delige.tlie negro who assaulted
I and killed Mrs. John Baudis at Scotia,
j was convicted of murder in the first
j degree iu the Centre county court
j house, Bellefonte.on Saturday. Delige
, made a full and complete cot'ession
of his heinous crime and since has
taken little interest regarding the dis
position of his case.
The prettier a woman is, the less she
believes love is blind.
I Jam is Boyd, a native of Rush town
ship, Northern! i rland eonnt> and one
of llarrisbutg's wealthiest and most
.prominent citireiis, died Monday att
i ernoon at 5 o'clock at Weymouth,
Moore count v, South Carolina.
Mr. Boyd went from Harrisburg to
i Weymouth, in tie Southern Pines, last
Thursday. lie was accoui) allied bv
his son, John Y. Boyd, and bis daugh
ter, Mr-. Dull, who were with him
, when he die I.
Word was received at Harrisburg
Monday that Mr. Bovd was ill, and
Mrs McCormick, the other daughter,
started at once for the south. When
she arrived at Weymouth death had
A telegram was rcoeivrd by Mrs. D.
M. Bojd, this city, yesterday morning
apprising her of Mr. Boyd's death.
The deceased was born on the home
stead fatm at Boyd's station. During
bis boyhood he attended school at the
. Danville Academy. He became a civil
engineer and early in life left Danville
for Sliaiuokin, where lie became in
terested in the development of coal
lands owned by bis father.
He later went to Sunbury where lie
| opened a wharf for the shipping of
! coal to Havre de Grace, Md. This was
I before the days of the railroad. He
, was a mail of rare business ability and
i being gifted with foresight he sue
: ceeded in his ventures and eventually
became a coal king. He later opened
au office at Harrisburg and entered up
on the shipping of coal oil a large
scale. As a member of the firm of
| Boyd, Stickney & Co., his name be
came familiar over the entire country.
He amassed great wealth.
Five or six years ago he retired from
business. He continued to reside at
Harrisburg, although he maintained
a residence at Southern Pines, South
Carolina, where he spent much of his
James Boyd was about 7!' years of
age. He was a widower, his wife dy-
I iug at Southern Pines one year ago
last March. lie is survived by one
sou, John Y. Boyd of Harrisburg,who
:is a member of the railroad commis
sion of this state; also by two daugh
ters, Mrs. Helen Dull and Mrs, Mary
McCormick, of Harrisburg. He is also
survived by one brother, Joseph Y.
Boyd, of Millville.and one sistei.Mrs.
McClure, wife of the late Col. Wil
liam McClure of Columbia. The late
D. M. Boyd of this city was a brother
I of the deceased.
The snow ojiens up a new source of
j exercises and diversion for the patients
at the hospital for u . insane. The
male patients find diversion in shovel
ing paths around the institution while
both males aud feniab s whose condi
tion warrants it are regularly treated
to sleigh rides
The walks al out the hospital,u bud
with every snow tall have to be shov
eled open, iu their aggregate foot up
l an enormous length. To remove the
; snow is slight and pleasant work af
fording a relief from the tedium of
life within the hospital walls. With
every snow, therefore, there are plen
ty of volunteers for the shovel bri
gade. _
Yesterday afternoon thirty female
patients were taken out sleighing.
There were three sledloads, the usual
route, out beyond Mausdale returning
through Danville being adopted. The
patients were securely wrapped in
1 warm shawls aud seemed to enjoy the
experience. *****
! Today iu all probability a corres
ponding number of men will be taken
out for a sled ride. As long as sleigh
ing lasts.even should the snow lie till
next spring, the practice will be con
tinued. A sled ride with its pleasant
diversion and outlook into the world
beyond the grim walls of the hospital
at regular intervals will be within
reach of every patient, who is not in
the violent class and whose physical
condition warrants it. Instead of
three, six or more sleds may be em
ployed daily.
Sho Had Courage.
A self possessed young womau who
knew no French strolled into one of
the larger downtown cafes. Sho spoke
to the waiter iu that decisive tone
which distinguishes the initiated and
glanced over the French bill of fart
with the nonchalant air of a I'si
"I'll have." she began firmly as she
plunged into the sea of French dishes
—"I'll have—let me see. Oh, yes, I'll
have some bisque tortoni, a sultana
roll, pouimes de terre and a little of
that fromage. And, garcon, you might
as well bring me a cup of coffee."
The waiter gasped. He started to
speak, but the young woman froze him
with one of those icy stares peculiar
to the thoroughly sophisticated.
And the order arrived—two kinds of
ices, boiled potatoes and a piece of
cheese. But she ate it as if she had
been used to that sort of diet all her
I life.—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
That there tiro a number of people
hi Danville who arc not willing that
Ni w Year'* should |>ll -without the
customary Muoum r'.« parade has been
made unite iiuiiiit' -i I'V • %fiitM flint
have occurred during the hist couple
of ilayn,
A meeting «u held in the City hotel
last mailt hn the ri—ult of which nn
entirely new movement looking to i»
New Year's demonstration was net on
foot. The whir, was tak
en hv a conmiltten of citizens consist
ing of Chief Huigetg A C. Ameslmry,
K. ( i Feteis.proprietoi of City Hotel,
E\ Hnrgess W. .1, Rogers, Prothono
tary Thomas (I. Vincent, Chief of-
Police .l C. Minepmoyer and Officer
John Orier Voris. The Washington
Fire Comimny. which was the origin
ator of the Mummers' parade in Dan
ville. it will he recalled, took the in
itiative in a similar movement a cou
ple of wcil;s ago, hut although
it made a diligent elTort, it was uot
accorded the kind support that would
have justified it ingoing aimed with
arrangements Accordingly nothing
was done.
At this juncture theJJ above named
citizens got interested. At their re
quest the Washington Fire company,
whose hearty co-operation can always
be relied upon in matters of this kind,
Tuesday night called a meeting and
appointed a committee to meet with
thegabove named citizens at the City
hotel last night.
The following proposition was made
to the fire company, that the citizens,
named above, who in effect become the
financial committee, will assume the
responsibility of raising the money
and financing the New Year's demon
stration—furnishing the music,prizes,
&c.—if the firemen will arrange the
parade, or, in other words.assume the
responsibility of getting up the dem
onstration, filling the various parts.
&c. It was the sense of all that suffici
ent time yet remains in which to get
up a creditable New Year's parade.
The meeting was held at City hotel
at ><:2o o'clock last night. Thomas (3.
Vincent was chosen chairman.
The following committee represent
ing the Washington Fire company was
present: Ralph White, president, and
Harry Jones, secretary, of the corn
pin.v, ,1. Haekenberry, Stuart White,
Chailes Elliott, Charles Crumb, Wil
liam Jones, Grant Swayze, Russell
Gibbt nv.
A mummers' association was organ
ized by electing Thomas G. Vincent,
president; Harry Jones secretary, anil
A. C. Ameslmry treasurer.
All the plans as outlined by the
citizens were approved by the lire
men's committee, the members of
which on behalf of the fire"company
pledge themselves to get up the parade
if the money needed is forthcoming.
President Vincent appointed Ex-
Hurgess W. .1, Rogers, Chief-ot'-Police
J. C. Mincemoyer and Officer John
Grier Voris as a committee on finance
to solicit funds.
Plans relating to the parade in gen
eral weie discusseil'aud from the in
terest manifested there seeins to be lit
tle doubt but that the demonstration
will be a fine success. »
HARRISBURG, Pa.. Dec. 14
State Zoologist H. A. Surface yes
terday announced that with the con
clusion of the orchard
for the control of various fruit tree
pests on Saturday the demonstrators
would undertake the supervision of
about 1000 orchards which have been
placed under the care of the state. The
list of orchards so put within the con
trol of the state authorities is the
largest ever known, and includes ev
ery county.
The supervision of orchards will in
clude inspections and advice and as
sistance to farmers and fruit growers
for the extermination of San .Tose scale
and other pests which cost the state
an annual loss of hundreds of thou
sands of dollars, according to Doctor
Surface's estimates. Where possible,
preventive measures will be taken to
show owners how to care for trees.
It is proposed to resume the demon
strations in orchards of the slate in
February or March as early as possible
and 300 orchards are listed to be visit
ed before the buds burst.
This woik has been in progress sev
eral years and has resulted iu marked
success iu holding down damago of
pests in ma ly sections of the state.
Numerous fruit exhibits from farms
where state methods have been follow
ed will bo shown here next month dur
ing the meeting of the State Horticul
tural Association.
Chicken Thievet Meanest.
Judge Endlich, of Reading, pronounc
ed a chicken thief one of the meanest
.iriminals that the court is called to
ileal with. Walter Fracht, who stole
three chickens from a neighbor, was
fined if'.'O and given a year fn jail.