Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, September 08, 1910, Image 1
Itttmtntif JAmrriran. VOL. 56—NO 37 TEMS CONOENSEO. Every mail has a ready-made excuse when his yellow streak shows up. It's easy for a man to write a long love letter to a woman—if he isn't married to her. DIED ON STAIRS.—'No hiding; come down and get my dinner." in this joking manner, Albert Stoiner, a Washington borough farmer called to his wife from the foot of the stairs. He saw her seated on the sec ond floor landing with her head part ly hidden behind a partition. Receiv ing no reply,he hastened up stairs and was shocked to find her dead. Steiner had just returned to his home from work and Mrs. Stiener was alone in the house when she died. A water pitcher was grasped in one hand. While she was .about to descend the stairway she was stricken with heart disease, which proved fatal. CLEVER SCHEMES.—In Pennsyl vania connties a new swindling scheme has developed. Well dressed men can vass towns to secure valuable umbrel las and parasols for the purpose of putting on new covers. Handles with gold, silver, or other valuable mount ings are looked up and taken away in order that the old covers may be re placed, and that is the last the owner sees of the property. The whole scheme is to get possession of the high-priced handles. It is stated that in Lock Haven line gold and pearl handled rain and sun protectors fell into the hands of the thieves. ALLEN COMPANY ARRESTED. —Thirty foreigners armed with Springfield rifles and organized as a military company, were drilling in a vacant lot near Pittsburg, when a deputy game warden captured them, guns and all. They were all taken to Monongahela and locked up. All the prisoners are members of a Polish so ciety. When arrested they refused to tell what they had been drilling for. They are subject to a line of ifi.") each and the loss of their guns. WOMAN ELECTROCUTED.—Mrs. George Dukestein, aged 50, of Speers, was electrocuted in the basement of her home. Mrs. Dukestein was accid entally killed while turning on an electric light. A piece of wire was lound in one hand and it is supposed that she had held this wire while she attempted to turn on the light ami that the electric current passed ♦hrongh her body. The electric light vas found to be out of order. Mrs. )ukestein is survived by 10 sous. IN A DEN OF RATTLE SNAKES. —William Fitclier, Donald Smith,Ray joiid Faust, Zeke Dodson aud Alex Drumtra,boys residing near Ilazleton, 'iad aii exciting experience when they •an into a den of rattlers while out for a ramble. The snakes put up a fight. For half au hour they battled and at the end of that time the ground was strewn with the reptiles,the larg est having 18 rattles. GOT THE DOUGH.—Carrie Yates, a colored woman from Bethlehem, ised to see her employer. Dr. Joseph ■■•win,draw money by writing checks, lie stole about twenty checks from he check book but being unable to write got her pickaninny granddaugh ter to till them out. She secured sever al hundred dollars before getting aught. DETERMINED BURGLARS—Bur ,'lars entered Mrs. Lina B. Shearer's iome at Lancaster by scaling a bal cony. Mrs. Shearer aud daughter, who were alona had their bedroom door ocked and the intruders being unable o force it returned to the balcony and were forcing the shutters, when dis covered by neighbors. A shot drove hem oft. BUGKILLER FATALLY BURNS. -While exterminating vermin with asoline Mrs. Mary Frie probably was latally burned at South Sharon. The 3an of gasoline exploded when she truck a match to watch the effect it ■ iad on the bugs. The tire department saved the house from total destruction. TOBACCO POUCH NOT SAFE.— Thompson Hanua, living near Oxford, is mourning the loss of S3OO. lianua .vent to a bank in Oxford and drew the money to pay off the mortgage on his farm and placed it in a bag in vvliioh he carried chewing tobacco. While walking along the road on the way home he was met by a stranger •vho asked him for a chew of tobacco, and when Hanna pulled the pouch roin his pocket the man snatched the ,)ouch and ran away. Wedded at Corning, N. Y. Word has been received here an nouncing the marriage of Miss Emma Florence Miller to Mr. J. Malcolm Rathmell, of Williamsport. The cere mony was performed at Corning, N. Y,, September 3rd, by Rev. Burton M. Clark. After a short lake trip they .vill locate at Painted Post, N. Y., where the groom is a mechanical eng ineer with the Ingersoll-Raud Co. Mrs. Rathmell is well known in Danville. She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Sarah Cruikshank. THOMAS C. CURRY CLAIMED BY DEATH | Thomas Cousart Curry, a prominent | and honored resident,died at his home, | West Mahoning street, at 7 o'clock, I Saturday morning, after a protracted illness. With the death of Mr. Curry Dan ville loses a citizen whose activities extending through a long career were potent factors in raising our town and community successively to higher planes industrially, socially and mor ally. Born in Point township, North umberland county, April 25, 1830, he came to Danville when' 23 years of age. Ho learned the trade of machines! at the plant now known as the Reading Iron works. About 1872 he became a member of the firm of "Oruickshank, Moyer and Co. Twenty years later, when the firm went out of business, Mr. Curry retired. About this time his health began to fail. For practic ally twenty years he was an invalid. Periodically his condition was very serious. His last attack was com paratively brief, death being due to uraemic poisoning. Thomas C. Curry was a man whom the people trusted and he was always prominent in affairs. The allurements of office did not appeal to him, how ever, and beyond serving a couple of terms in the school board of town, he did not figure very extensively in the administration of public affairs. From the year 1862 until his death he was an active and consistent mem ber of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal church. He was also an Odd Fellow, being one of the oldest members of Montour lodge, No. 10!), of this city. The deceased was a man of rare strength of character. He was a staunch prohibitionist and an aggres sive worker in the cause of temper ance. He was a man of wide intellig ence, whose innate kindness and be nevolence were reflected in every act. He was one of those persons whose vigor of spirit and grasp of mind, whose volume of life and outlook on the beyond seemed actually to increase with advancing years. No one could fail to detect the unwavering religions faith that inspired and sustained him in the earlier struggles of his business career as well as during his declining years when death and physical ills laid a heavy hand upon him. And now comes rest; he has gone hence, and all that remains of him among those with whom he once aioved is the memory of a life well spent. On the 25th of April last together with his twin brother, Hugh C. Curry, of Kalamazoo, Mich., the deceased celebrated his eightieth birthday an niversary at his home in this city. Both brothers seemed to have a pre monition that before another birthday anniversary arrived they would be parted by death. The wife of the deceased preceded him to the grave four years ago. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher, and six sous: Hugh C. and Ralph Curry, of Brooklyn; Dr. Edward A. and John R. M. Curry of Danville; Thomas C. Curry.of Sun bury; aud William M. Curry ~ Esq., of Scranton. Besides his twin brother, Hugh C. Curry, of Kalamazoo, Mich., he is survived by one sister, Mrs. Anna Redline, of this city. Funeral of Mrs. Comly Young. The funeral of Mrs. Comly Young took place Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, services being conducted by Rev. William H. Frazer and Rev. Garner. Interment was made in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Among those from a distance who attended the fun eral were: Mr. and Mrs. Abe Jones, of Scranton; William Grimes, of Wilkes-Barre; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Syrles and daughter Bertie, of Sha mokin; John H. Russell, of Philadel phia; Mrs. Alice Smith, Mrs. Annie Diggs and daughter Sarah, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Still, Mrs. H. Brown, Miss Garner and Miss Annie Weaver, of Bloomsburg. Masonic Temple at Jersey Shore. The Masons of Jersey Shore have awarded a contract for the erection of a J35.000 temple at that place. When furniture and fittings are in place there will bo a considerable addition to this figure. The building will be one of the finest in the borougti. Ellis Goes to Wilmington. B. O. Ellis, formerly general man ager for the Columbia Power, Light and Railways Co., has taken a posi tion with the John G. White Co., and will locate at Wilmington, Del. Yellow Front. A. M. Peters is repainting and re papering bis oyster house on Mill street preparatory to the opening of the season. The front has been painted yellow, the color that has distinguish ed the stand for many years past. Admitted to Hospital. Miss Catherine Moyor, of this city, was yesterday admitted to the Joseph Ratti hospital at Bloomsburg. DANVILLE, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1910 WILL EXTEND BOROUGH SEWER With the recurrence of low water the mouth of the borough sewer in the river has become a source of much an noyance and a menace to public health. It was the subject of action in the bor ough council Friday night The following petition to the bor ough council was read by the secre tary : "We, the undersigned citizens and taxpayers of West Mahoning and West Market streets,hereby request that the sewer terminating near the end of West Market street be extended 300 to 400 feet into the current of the river, i On account of the deposit on the edge of the stream the stench about our homes lias become insufferable, while at the same time our families are gravely threatened and exposed to the dangers of disease, which arise from such a source. We,therefore, respect ful petition your honorable body to give the matter your immediate atten tion and take such steps as will afford quick ami permanent relief." The petition was signed by forty three residents of the two above nam ed streets. On motion of Mr. lies seconded by Mr. Finnigan. it was ordered that the petition be accepted and the request complied with. THE WATER QUESTION Mr. lies referred to the shortage of water that occurred a few days ago and said that the big mill is unjustly accused of taking the water. Mr. Marshall said the impression is general that the big mill is taking great quantities of borough water. President Cleaver said that in com pany with others lie had visited the big mill and had been informed by Superintendent Heclit that, unless ho were permitted to use some borough water, it would be necessary to shut down the plant. Water Commissioner Dallas Hum mer reported that lie has investigated matters at the big mill and is convinc ed that the company is unjustly accus ed, as he has discovered that the part of only one stream is being used and that the Reading Iron works is now taking less water than formerly when no shortage of water occurred. PAVING CONTRACT On motion the contract for paving tiie two additional squares on East Maiket street, between Mill and Pine streets, was awarded to W. 11. Lyons at $1.77 per square yard, Watsoutown brick to be used. On motion of Mr. Everhart it was ordered that a brick crossing be laid ou Railroad street at Foley's court. PAVING ON WEST MARKET STREET On motion of Mr. Everhart it was resolved that at least 12 days' public notice by not less than 12 handbills posted on the line of the proposed im provement be given that council will meet in council Chamber September l(i 1910, at 8 o'clock, p. m., for the pur pose of hearing objections to the pro position to grade, pave with vitrified paving brick and curb with stone West Market street in the first ward from the western building line of Mill street to the western side of court house alley,and to also then and there consider the propriety of the enact ment of the necessary ordinance pro viding for the same,at which time and place all persons may attend and be heard. The following members were pres ent: Cleaver, Finnigan, Everhart, Jones, lies, Marshall, Heim, Price and Dietz. The following bills were approved for payment: WATER DEPARTMENT. Regular employes.... $117.50 Sewer extension 211.811 George F. Keefer 96. 00 Wallace Hoover.. 5.751 J. G. Lake. ~ .75 C. E. Voris (Com) (>.25 B. B. Brown .... 8.00 Standard Gas Co 50 W. ,T. Rogers 10.00 BOROUGH DEPARTMENT Regular employes *153.50 Freight on coal 48.50 Washington Fire Co 2.80 Standard Gas Co 1.66 Peoples Coal Yard 5.00 D: L. & w. R. R. Co aoo Boyer Bios 25.23 A. M. Peters 6.24 Labor & Hauling 166.25 Labor in Light Dop't 23.75 Washington Fire Co 5.65 Will Restore Workmen's Tickets. General Manager Polie, of the Col umbia Power, Light & Railways com pany, has announced that on and aft er September 15th, and until further notice, the workmen's tickets will be restored. Books will be sold which will givo 30 return trips between Dan ville and Bloomsburg for $7.50. Miss r Abigail McKinney, Ferry street, left yesterday for a visit with relatives in Middlebnrg, Md. LABOR SUNDAY WELL OBSERVED ! 1 Labor Sunday was observed with ■ special sermons at a number of our churches Sunday. Even where no | theme was announced in most inst ances there was something in the thought, advanced morning or evening to dignify and exalt labor, to inspire in the toiler, hope, and to convince him however humble, that he is not despised. The clergymen of Danville are con scientious and hard working men, im bued with the love of humanity and there was nothing needed but the op portunity to bring out their best thought on the subject of labor in its various relations and to show their sympathy with those who do the world's work. All were greeted with good-sized congregations including, in response to invitations many not reg ular attendants. Following is a brief synopsis of the sermon at each of those churches where Labor Sunday themes were announced. The Rev. James Wollaston Kiik, pastor of the Mahoning Presbyterian church, founded his remarks on Mat thew 23:8: "All Ye Are Brethren." This service is not so much for the study of a test as to come to the mu tual understanding of a principle. The "church" is au organization of people on a divine or revealed plan to express au attitude towards God. "Labor" is an organization of people to express an attitude towards society. Both the Church and Labor are appointed of God and are as old as man. The principle to be recognized and the one essential to the proper adjust ment of all difficulties and strife be tween labor and capital is the brother hood of the race. The text asserts it and the Apostle Paul confirmed it when he said to tlie Athenians that God "had made of one blood all na tions of men for to dwell on the face of the earth." On this principle the Church is working in her far reaching missionaiy efforts. Out of this prin ciple also grows the mutual depend encies and helpfulness of life and so ciety. Then what is labor? Ono per son in the seclusion of the most pains taking study plans and details a great bridge. Oth'rs in the open lay the masonry, forge the steel and construct the bridge. The one has toiled and ex hausted brain power and the others have toiled and exhausted physical en ergy. It lias required both to do the work. Both are toilers. All are brib ers. The present attitude of the Chnich to organized Labor is not learned from a local church but from the church in her official capacity. In recent years there has been formed "The Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America." What this council says is practically what all the churches of this country say and is to be so in treperted. A little over a year ago this is what that council of the church es said—"The Church must stand— First, For a release from employ ment one day in seven, that it is the right of every man to have one day in seven for rest and recreation of body and mind and soul and it is the ob ligation of every Christian employer so to arrange his business that each of his employees may have one day holi day injseven, without diminution of wages. "Second, The gradual anil reason able reduction of hours of labor to the lowest practicable point, and that de gree of leisure for all which is a con dition of the highest human life. "Third, A living wage as a minim um in every industry, and the highest wage that each industry can afford." THE ONLY SOLUTION The Rev. George S. Worner, pastor of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal church, took as his text, Ruth 2:4: "And Behold Boaz came from Bethle hem and Said unto the Reapers. The Lord Be With You. And They Answ ered him, The Lord Bless Thee." The theme ot the discourse was:"The Only Solution of the Labor Problem. " We are in the midst the great wars of history. The war for industrial freedom is being waged not in our own country only or 011 the continent of Europe but it has reach ed Asia anil the Pagan peoples. The race has attained unto religious free dom. The struggle for political free dom is sure to win and now following close 011 this is the struggle for in dustrial freedom. Capital and Labor are thejtwo forces that have divided the millions of the earth. The struggle has gone on long enough. Enougli lives have already been sacrificed. It is time for settle ment. That settlement can come only on the principles of Christianity. Boaz was a mighty man of wealth and he made au ideal employer,kind and gen erous with his employes, merciful to the poor,just and righteous acoording to the law of the nation. That was because his life was controlled by the Continued on Page 4. FIREMEN TO VISIT DANVILLE | A company of firemen known as j Friendship Steamer No. 4, of Read i ing, will spend a day and a night in 1 this city—arriving on October 6th and j leaving the day following—as guests of the Friendship Fire company. A committee consisting of H. W. Eisenbise and John W. Morrison, of Heading,arrived in this city last even ing to make arrangements for the en tertainment of the company while in Danville. The two gentlemen are reg istered at the Baldy House. The tour is a ten-day one made an nually by the members of Friendship steamer No. 4 and takes in a wide ter ritory embracing portions of New York and Pennsylvania. The Friendship fire company by which the visitors will be entertained while in Danville, in the past has been well taken care of by Friendship Steamer No. 4 when it was in Read ing and it is very anxious to recipro cate on this occasion. The visiting company which, may include as many as eighty members, will be accompanied with a band and its sojourn in town will constitute an episode to be remembered. It is one of the leading and best equipped fire companies of the State. AFTER 72 YEARS Many instances have occurred dur ing the last few months in which men born at Danville after prolonged ab sence have returned to revisit the scene their early life. In eacli of these instances a great deal of interest attached to the visit. In the matter of long absence, how ever, llarmau Baylor, of Valparaiso- Ind., has all other old timers beat by many years. To explain, the man who is now looking up the place of his birth, was born here' seventy.four years ago; with his parents he remov ed to the west when two years of age, the present is his first visit here. That after seventy-two years not a trace of his old home remained in Mr. Baylor's memory it is altogether need, less to state. All his lay in the west, and it was only at long intervals that his mind revetted to the place where lie was born. He was slightly familiar with the names of a few of the landmarks, hut only as he heard them alluded to by nis parents in conversation. Some months ago, it will be recall ed,a son of P. G. Baylor on the south side captured a bird that was describ ed as an eagle. An account of the af fair was printed in the Morning News and widely copied by other papers. The story on its round caught the eye of Harman Baylor, who at once recog nized the locality and was impressed with similarity of names. He opened a correspondence with the Baylors of the south side, which resulted in the discovery that the fath er of the young man that caught the bird ami himself were first cousins. He became intensely interested, and as the time of life had arrived when lie could afford to improve leisure by sight seeing he decided to take a trip east. He arrived during last week; he is now a guest at the home of Peter G. Baylor and is enjoying himself im mensely. His father —long deceased— was George Baylor and the homestead farm, where Harman was born, near Riverside heights is now occupied by C. W. Gear hart. Bible Class Outing. The third annual outing of the Men's Bible class of Sliiloh Reformed church, Rev. Joseph E. Guy, teacher, was held Friday at the grove of the Union church at Ridgeville. The day was spent with base hall, quoits and other amusements and all enjoyed a fine time. Prof. D. N. Dieffenbacher and Prof. E. O. Bickel were present as guests. Members of the class present were: Dr. Jno. Sweisfort, William Heller, Frank P. Startzel, Joseph Ritter, John Fonst,William B. Startzel, Harry Bal liett, Landis Goss, Jerry Fisher, M. P. Scott, William Foust, Frank Sch ram. Walter Marshall, Henry Christian, Frank Orossley, Enos Stronse, Anthony Fonst and Horace Rudy. Albeck—Geiger. George Nelson Albeck, formerly of Danville, anil Miss Harriet B. Geig er, of Milton,were nuited in marriage at the latter place on Thursday even ing ot' last week. The nuptial knot was tied at the parsonage of Christ Lutheran church by the pastor, the Rev. 1. P. Zimmerman. The newly wedded couple will reside at Milton. Fred Ikeler Quit* Bible Class. Fred Ikeler, the well known Blooms burg lawyer, who for a number of years has been teacher of the bible class of the First Presbyteriar church at that place, has tendered his resig nation. He gives no reasons for the resignation. NEW PASTOR AT THE GROVE The Rev. William Kerr McKinney, who was recently called to the Grove Presbyterian church, this city, has entered upon his pastorate. He oc cupied the pulpit Sunday morning and evening, his sermon on each oc casion being very acceptably received. The new pastor was greeted with a large congregation at the morning ser vice. His sermon was founded on Isaiah, 6:1-4, and had as its theme "Isaiah's Vision of God." Following is a brief synopsis: This chapter gives us the initiation of Isaiah into the office of a prophet. It'explains his mission, his'power, his place in history. Where did Isaiah find the inspiration for his ministry, and the impetus for service that enabled him to toil for weary years amidst the opposition and persecution of a hard and stiff necked people? His vision of God The vision was undoubtedly an act ual experience. It was something act ually seen by the prophet; not by bod ily eye, but in a prophetic trance. "In the year that King Uzziah died." It was a great transition period in the life of this boy-patriot. He had seen the prosperity of this noble monarch and,doubtless like many a youth in whose breast dwelt the love of country, he had looked upon his king as eternal aud his fatherland as immovable. But the good king now becomes a leper aud is cast forth from the house of God. He who sat upon the throne ruling prosperously becomes a weak ling and the kingdom that seemed im pregnable is retreating before the enemy. Uzziah, like other men,passes out of life into death. The young prophet-patriot is overwhelmed. But he has another vision. "In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord." This is the temporal giving place to the eternal, the material van ishing before the scriptural. The Jlesson taught is true today; true in the realm of kingdoms and truejin the sphere of the church. Her members may pass away; her minist ers may come and go, but behind and beyond ministers and members we note the presence of the unchanging Christ. Here we have God in his uniqueness dwelling in light unapproachable, aud yet the source of all life and power. He delights in the worship accorded by the sons of men. He loves to meet His children, sanctified by the spirit of the Master. A beautiful syitbol or picture of the way In which God wants to fill every life. For our bakes JHe became Em anuel—God with us—God in u-. THE LAST RITES The funeral of Thomas O. Cnrrv took place from the family resi< • ucr. West Mahoning street, at - n'do-k Monday afternoon aud wi;« largely ut teniled. The services were conducted by the Rev. George S. Womei, pastor of bt. Paul's Methodist Episcopal church, assisted by William D. Lanmaster, the evangelist. Six sons of the deceased acted as pall bearers: Hugh C., Dr. Edwin A., Thomas C., William M., John R. M.and Ralph Curry. Among those from out of town that attended the funeral were: T. Curry Fisher, Roanoke, Va., Robert Curry, Point township, Northumberland coun ty ; the Misses Rebecca and Clara Gulick aud Miss Jennie Forsyth, of Northumberland ; Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Curry anil Mrs. James McWil liams of Mooresburg. AGREEABLE WEATHER. The humidity of the atmosphere, which had been very oppressive yes terday gave way to more agreeable weather conditions. It is not until now that we have been able to rightly appreciate the benefit of the recent rain,which has removed the last trace of the drought. During the few days following the rain the lawns about town have green ed up more than during a whole month while sprinkling was in progress, showing that any method of watering is a poor substitute for the rain fall ing from the clouds. This was never better demonstrated than during the present summer wfien many persons while watering their lawns copiously were disgusted to find that the sod meanwhile was taking ou a sere and unhealthy look even if it was not dy ing. Farmers state that the pasture fields which had become bare at places, aro greeniug up very nicely and will assist in keeping the cattle supplied with food between the present and winter. The corn along with vegetables of different kinds has taken a fresh start since the rain. Should we escape an early frost crops that it was feared would be a failure will produce near ly a full yield. Evon the out and outman has his inning. ESTABLISHED IN 1855 147 ENROLLED IN HIGH SCHOOL The public schools of the borough opened yesterday with ;au enrollment of 10SI7, as against 1150 last year. Whooping cough is believed to be re sponsible for the falling off. In the high school there was an en rollment of 147, which is just three less than was figured on. Included are forty-two freshmen. Non-resident pupils enrolled number thirty-seven. The commercial department seems to have the preference among the fresh men. Twenty-six of the forty-two have taken up the commercial course, which promises to tax the capacity of that department to the limit. The attendance in the 'grades is as follows: First ward, lf>8; second ward, 282; third ward, 281; fourth ward,2o7; Welsh Hill, 12. { Borough Superintendent. Dieffen bacher last evening stated tliat in all j probability at least fifty pupils are ' kept out of school by whooping]cough, j The'most of the pupils detained home :by this disease are in the third and I fourth wards. On Welsh Hill, where only twelve pupils are enrolled, the attendance should have been nearly j three times that number, as at the j close of last term twenty-three were j left over. Especial care is given to the drink • ing water,which at each of the school I buildings is being boiled before it is | given to the pupils. Pursuant to the order of the school board two sets of drinking cups are provided to be used alternately. Kach set of cups after one day's use is to be sterilized by the j janitor. The water coolers are to be j cleansed in the same manner at regular ; intervals. CANDIDATES COMING j William H. Kerry and D. Clarence | Gibbony, candidates for governor and j lieutenant governor, respectively, on i the Keystone party ticket, are schedu led to visit Danville ou Saturday, J September 17th. Word to the above effect was receiv j ed in Bloomsburg yesterday from Wil ' liam T. Creasy, a member of the Key | stone State organization, who stated l in his message that the candidates would appear in Berwick, Bloomsburg lid Danville on tlmt date, j There is a strong possibility that Mr. : Creasy may yet enter the race for the office of State senator in this district, although Mr. Creasy will not confirm the rumor. It is also a likelihood the Hon. John G. McHnery, who is run ning foi congress on both the Republi can anil Democratic tickets in this dis» trict, will have opposition in the form oi a Ke\ i: ■ j nrtv candidate. Both of • •»e questions will likely ibe decided at a meeting of the Key stone State organization to be held at i Harrishurg on Friday of this week, when legislative and congressional candidacies will >• discussed. DEATH OF MRS. SNYDER Mrs. Samuel Snyder, a well known Sand highly esteemed resident of Riv erside, departed this life at N :45 o'clock last evening, following a protracted illness. Death was due to a complica tion of diseases. For the last eight months of her life tlie deceased was blind. j Mrs. Snyder was aged tlo years. Be j sides her husband she is survived by j one son, Samuel Snyder, of Philadel ! phia, and five daughters, Mrs. Cyrus Drake, Derry township; Mrs. J. W. Gibbs, of Bloomsburg; Mrs. George I Belford, Mrs. Clyde Sliultz, and Miss ! Frayne Snyder, of Riverside. | Due notice of the funeral will be j giveu. EXCAVATION FINISHED The paving of East Market street between Pine street and Cook's court j is now ou the home stretch and with anything like fair weather the job will be completed in a week. I The excavation is now completed as * | far as Cook's couit. The trolley track i is also blocked up the greater part of the way and even the brick are laid j for a considerable distance along the last square. if begins to look as though a period would intervene between the comple j tion of the paving under way and the I meeting of council when the next step j will be taken in the procedure relat- I ing to the paving of the two senates I between Mill and Pine streets. Street Repairs. ! Some much needed,improvements are j being made on East Mahoning street, iOn the square east of Pine street a I course of lime stone is being applied |to fill up the hollows. East of that point the gutters have been cleaned out and the road bed scraped near the high school building. The weather man most be working off a belated consignment of July temperature.