Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, June 16, 1910, Image 1

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    fttontout* JXmrriran.
Love joy, Indiana county, has at
least one resident who is upholding its
name. Samuel Clawson recently took
unto himself his fourth Iwife, in the
person of Miss Catherine Piper, of
John \V. Roberts, a young Chester
resident, after being deprived of the
sight of one eye for fourteen years on
account of its having been pierced by
a bullet from an air rifle, now sees as
well as ever, following a delicate op
eration by a Philadelphia specialist.
L. D. Nellis, a miner, lost both eyes |
in a recent explosion in the Blanco i
miuns, near Kittanning. The force of |
a blast had put out his lamp and he ]
was relighting it when a portion of j
the head of the match lie was using
fell into a can of powder and caused
it to explode.
M. A. Milliron, formerly superint
endent of the Somerset county schools,
now a resident of Kittanuing.has two
ohickens joined togther like the Siam
ese twins. They are the product of a
double egg and are joined at the sides.
One is a hen and the other a rooster
and they have many quarrels.
The wife of a Perry township, Sny
der county, farmer has discovered a
good cure for troubles caused by the I
pesky English sparrow. The birds were
destroying her young lettuce and, aft
er tryingjother remedies without avail,
she concieved the idea of soaking
bread with whisky and placing it in
tiie lettuce beds. This she did and
the birds devoured the food greedily.
They became so drunk that they lay
ou the ground in a stupor and she kill
ed them by the hundreds.
Paint is not good eating for cows.
Four Jersey bovines belonging to resi
dents of Scenery Hill, Washington
county, tried it and three died, while
another is in a serious condition. The j
can of paint was thrown in the pasture
and the next morning the generally
peaceful animals were seen rushing i
about tiie lot, attempting to gore the j
other cows. It was thought that they
had rabies and a veterinarian was
summoned. It was soon found, how- '
ever, that what was wrong with them
was paint.
William R. Sheppard, the fourteen- j
year-old boy charged with the killing j
of his stpefather, Jeremiah MoManus, '
at Rock Ledge was found guilty of in- j
voluntary manslaughter atNorristown
on Saturday. Judge Swartz allowed |
the boy togo on probation. Young {
Sheppard shot his stepfather while the j
latter was beating the lad's mother.
Seven-year-old Gerald Ninihan, of
Carnegie,was struck by an auto while
he was riding on his bicycle and sus
tained three fractured ribs and a
bruised left arm ; yet he crawled out
from under the machine, one wheel of
which had passed over him, and never
Contracts for new structural work
and car building to the value of $lO,-
000,000 much of which affects Pitts
burg, were placed this week.
Nesbit Wetzel, aged 1-1, of Salona,
Clinton county, suffered a concussion
of the brain,when, witli several other
boys he was leaning against the rail
ing of an old bridge and it gave way,
precipitating them to the bed of the
creek, eight or ten feet below.
Carmon Bosolina, aged 9 years, was
killed by an auto on the streets of
Wilkes-Barre recently. He is said to
have dashed from the sidewalk direct
ly in front of the car. It was driven
by Allan Glennon.who says it was go
ing slowly, with the horn being blown.
Lulu Eldridge, a 7-year-old evange
list, preached at one of the opening
services of the campmeeting of the
Church of the Poor, which began re
cently in Ketterman's grove, near
Mount Etna. She took as her subject
"The Bible During the Campmeet
The question as to whether counties
can apply for State aid in reconstruct
ing roads without concurrence of town
ship supervisors has been settled by
Deputy Attorney General William
Hargast, who has decided that they
cannot do so, except when roads Imve
been taken under the provisions of the
county road act of 1805.
Northumberland county commission;
ers have decided togo before the court
and ask that the Reading and Pennsyl
vania Railroad companies be made to
pay for part of the maintenance of
trespassers taken from freights and
confined in the county jail. At times,
as high as twenty to thirty persons
have been taken to the jail atone time
on the charge of riding freights.
In order to restrict the waste of
water, the Pennsylvania water supply
commission, in a report to the gover
nor, suggests that this State follow the
plan of New Jersey and levy a tax
when more than a certain amount of
water is used by a municifality each
day. New Jersey levies a tax of from
112 1 to #lO per million gallons for all
water used by municipalities over and
above the rate of 100 gallons per capita
per day.
I Trial of the Pursel case against the
j Reading Iron company was resumed
I at 9 o'clock Thursday morning. Three
I witnesses were examined, when, at
10:15 o'clock, the plaintiff rested and
Hon. Grant Herring for the defend
ant asked for a compulsory non-suit.
The witnesses heard were George
Perry, Sr., Harry Yerrick and A. G.
Harris. The two former were employ
es of the Reading Iron company,, who
with others, were sent by the com
pany to Pursel's slope, with wheel
barrows and horses and carts to fill
up the sink on the north side of the
public road. The cave-in was some
seven or eight feet from the public
road and"ran into the field." It was
30 to 40 feet across. A. G. Harris had
taken photographs for use in the trial
and was merely called to identify the
pictures and to describe the position
of the camera.
At the conclusion of the testimony,
when the plaintiff rested, the "subse
quent deed or agreement," on which
so much interest centered, was made
the basis of action.
At this juncture Mr. Herring asked
if the defendant was to understand
that the plaintiff declined to offer in
evidence the "agreement of 1883" and
whether it was not a fact that a rec
ord of said agreement was' in the
next room? Learning that the plain
tiff did not propose to submit the
agreement in evidence, he asked for a
compulsory non-suit, assigning seven
reasons, which in substance wore as
Ist. The plaintiff's statement on its
face shows that a subsequent agree
ment—of Feb. 10, 1883 —was made be
tween the heirs of Daniel Pursel,
dec'd, and the Montour Iron and Steel
Co. and that the present administrator
was not a party to it. The plaintiff's
declaration avers that the contract
with Waterman & Beaver "was modi
tied and changed," but persists in re
fusing to produce the modified con
•-.'ml. Persistent withholding of testi
mony constitutes ground for non-suit.
3rd. Proof is not sufficient to sup
port the allegation.
4th. The original argoement shows
that the royalties were to be paid to
Daniel Pursel, his heirs and assigns
and not to his administrator. There
fore, the proper parties have not
brought action.
sth. The evidence shows that after
the flood of June, 1889, the Montour
Iron and Steel company abandoned the
mines, the buildings were taken down
and the railroad was torn up. Yet no
protest came from [William R. Pursel,
whose administrator brings this suit.
Ho acquiesced, never making a de
mand, which showed that he consent
ed to the throwing up of the lease. It
is not until after twenty years, when
a purchaser comes in who has bought
the property at a sheriff's sale that
suit is brought and the Reading Iron
company is called upon personally to
pay under the agreement of 1883.
6th. That the defendant, a purchas
er at a sheriff's sale, never exerted
acts of ownership or sovereignty over
the property conveyed by said sheriff's
7th. The substituted agreement was
the one that was operated nnder for
six years, between 1883 and 1889. In
the sheriff's deed there were no words
to show that the grantee should as
sume any personal responsibility. At
this point Mr. Herring quoted the
provisions of the act of XB7B, relating
to the transfer of real estate on which
encumbrances exist.
In the course of his argument Mr.
Herring explained that tiie second ag
reement was made between the child
ren and other heirs of Daniel Pursel
and the Montour Iron and Steel com
pany in 1883, when in order to carry
on the mining of ore, it became nec
essary to sink the slope ninety yards
deeper and to incur considerable other
expense. The new agreement between
the parties provided that the royalty
on soft ore should be reduced fom 75
cents to 50 cents per ton and on hard
ore from cents to 25 cents per
ton; also that all minimum royalties
should be suspended during the time
that the company was engaged in
sinking the slope the additional 90
Mr. Herring held that the mere act
of tilling np the sink along the road
at the slope, although authorized by
the superintendent of the Reading
Iron company hero, did not constitute
exercising the right of sovereignty or
ownership. He denied that any act of
the superintendent's in the premises
could affect the proporty rights of the
Reading Iron company. Indeed, the
act of Ailing up the sink, which was
really filling up the slope, he held,
was only another evidence of the final
abandonment of the mine by the Read
ing Iron Co.
Immediately following the recon
vening of court after the noon inter
mission Albert W. Johnson of counsel
Continued on 4th Page.
w. i.. p.c. | w. h. r.c.
Danville. .II 1 .917 Nantieoke.. 4 * .500
shick'ny. 7 3 .700 I Nescopeck .3 6 .338
llloom 6 3 .667 Benton 2 9 .IH2
Berwick.... G 5 .MS | Alden 1 9 .100
Danville, o; Berwick, 2.
Shickshiuny, 4; Benton, 2.
Bloomsburg, Nantieoke, wetjgrounds.
Alden-Nescopeck, wet grounds.
"Reds" Metzler and his eight assist
ants helped boost the pennant, aspira
tions of Manager Hoffman's aggravat
ing aggregation on Saturday by oblig
ingly handing the home team the big
end of the 5-2 score. This too in spite
of the fact that "Reds" had his net
spread of the whole center garden—
and the holes all sowed shut.
A great game—from the spectators
view point—something doing all the
time. The fans putin a few anxious
moments previous to the opening of
the game, waiting for Sweeney—Kelly
was there. Time passed and various
opinions were being formulated as to
the honest truly reason for Sweeney's
non-appeaiance when —listen! Manag
er Laubach of Berwick and Manager
Hoffman of the locals got their heads
together. Laubach doffed his suspend
ers, borrowed a belt, snatched a cap
from a nearby head, disquised himself
in a sweater and walking like an um
pire, called the game. Hoffman agreed
to handle his share of the damage by
over looking the bases. Think of it,
dear reader.ever hear of such a thing,
two managers umpiring their own
game? Trouble? Nix. We want to say
right here that Laubach out-Sweeney'd
Sweeny and earned the honest regard
of every fan by the able and impartial
manner in which he ran the game.
And Hoffman circled the bases with
the runuers.
Considering the day, the crowd was
largo but not exactly so enthusiastic
the first portion of the game with Ber
wick a run ahead. In the seventh how
ever, Danville's stock took a jump and
the bleachers took the hint.
Brannen was there with his smile
and bunch of fascinators and his little
part of the winning may bo gleaned
from Berwick's lonely four hits and
his fourteen strike outs.
Mackert endeared himself to the
Danville base ball population by his
nifty playing in the field and his much
needed two bagger in the seventh,
starting the winning ruu getting. His
catch of Ash's drive to left in the
ninth and his phenomenal throw to
the home plate nailing Wagner, clos
ing the game was worth the five and
twenty entrance fee.
In the second Dooley got a ball on
the finger breaking it just below the
first joint. He heroically stayed in the
game however the remainder of this
and the following innings. The injury
will probably keep Dooley out of the
game for a month anyway.
The seven errors on both side were
largely due to the wet ball.
The happenings:
The penant chasers kept up theirjsus
ual habit of scoring, after Unilauf and
Livengood had been put out, Nipple
made a drive to centre field,stole sec
ond and crossed the pan when Wagner
hit a high one which Flaherty, Ber
wick's third baseman failed to gather.
"Honus" died on third and Hagy fan
ned. This ended the local run getting
until the seventh. To the interested
and disgrutled multitude of fans it
looked like a kink in the aspirations
of Hoffman's buncli when Berwick
secured one in the second and another
in the fourth. In the second round,
after Flaherty had been put out and
Tierney struck out, Metzler received a
present of a base on balls. He stole
second and strango to say, unbeliev
able as it appears, he hooked the third
bag. Horrible! 'Wager also took a
Weston promenade. On a series of Dan
ville fumbles, "Reds" scored while
Custer fell a victim to Brannen's
In the fourth Berwick tallied again.
Foster, the heavy hitting ex-Tri-Stat
er, connected for a two bagger to left
field. Flaherty hit a high one which
was to Brannen. Tircney placed one
through second which scored Foster.
Metzler struck out and Tierney was
caught at third. So ended the Berwick
end of the scoring although four men
faced Brannen every innings.
In Danville's half of the seventh
with Veith an easy ont.Mackert made
the feature hit of the game, a long
drive over right field wall, for two
bases. Kelly who replaced Dooley in
the fourth, popped a "Texas leaguer"
into right which brought the Snnbury
man-bird across the pan for the even
up score. Woof!
Brannen drove one to Heist who
gathered it- off his shoe strings threw
to first nailing Kelly in a lightning
double play and retiring the side.
In inning eight Danville put the
game on ice by finding Custer for a
pair of singles and a two bagger. Um
lauf first up, hit to Smoyer. The Cub-
Tiie coatract for paving East Market
street wai awardod to W. H. Lyon of
Sunbury it a special meeting of coun
cil Monday night.
The meeting was called to order at
7:80 o'clooi by President Cleaver, who
explained tlo object of the meeting,
which was tc tako action relative to
the paving ol East Market street and
the painting and other repairs in prog
ress at city hall.
A. H. Woolley, representing the
Danville and Sunbury Transit com
pany, appeared before council to ex
plain that his company had come to an
understanding with W. H. Lyon, the
lowest bidder for the work and had
agreed to award him a oontract for its
share of the'paving. He had the con
tact with Mr. Lyon with him, and it
was ready for execution.
Mr. Lyon was present and expressed
his villingness to comply with certain
stipulations relating to a full protec
tion of the borough in the premises in
sisted upon by the borough solicitor.
On motion of Mr. Curry, seconded
by Mr, Everhart, it was ordered .that
the contract for the improvement of
East Market street be awarded to W.
H. Lyon at $1.77 per square yard for
paving and 07 cents per lineal foot for
the curbing,the latter to beset in con
crete. On motion it was also ordered
that the agreement and bond relating
to the work be drawn np and execut
Proposals for furnishing paint for
the painting of city hall were receiv
ed from the Munoy Paint Co., J. H.
Oole, the Welliver Co. and the Wei
liver Hardware Co.
On motion of Mr. Curry it was ord
ered that the borongh purchase the
paint needed for city hall of the Wel
liver company at 95 cents per gallon.
The following members were pres
ent: Cleaver,Everhart, lies, Marshall,
Cuny, Connolley, Von Blohn aud
George W. Rishel, sixty-five years
of age, was .killed in the barroom of
the hotel last night, be
tween I) and 10 o'clock, by Oliver
Striokler, a young farmer living two
miles southwest of this place. Rishel,
Strickler aud Harold Barber were
drinking and the two younger men
began to tease Rishel. He finally be
came angered and threw a cracker jar
at Barber and the tray at Strickler.
The latter, infuriated by the blow,
hit Rishel in the face with his fist,
knocking him down. In falling Rish
el's head struck the bar railing anil
his skull was fractured, causing al
most instant death. Strickler and
Barber returned to their homes, but
this morning the former came here
aud surrendered to the proper author
ities. Mrs. Rishel is almost prostrated
as a result of thejshock.
au boy was unable to haudle it in
time to catch "Buck" at the first sta
tion. Livengood attempted to sacrifice
but popped a short fly which Ouster
was unable to get near. Nipple sacri
ficed advancing Ululauf to third and
Livengood to second.
Wagner hit through short scoring
two runs.
Cook who replaced Hagy in the sixth
Hied out to Metzler. Veitli slammed a
two bagger between short and third
scoring Wagner. Veith was a dead one
on second as Mackert lifted a foul
which Wager easily gathered.
The score:
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Umlauf, ss 4 1 0 1 4 0
Livengood, 2b 4 1 2 2 0 1
Nipple, lb 2 1 2 5 0 1
Wagner, cf 4 11 0 0 X
Cook, rf .. 2 0 0 0 0 0
Hagy, rf 2 0 0 0 0 0
Veith, 3b 4 0 1 2 2 0
Mackert,lf 3 11 11 1
Dooley, c 1 0 0 4 0 0
Kelly, c 2 0 1 11 1 0
Brannen, p 3 0 11 1 0
Totals 31 5 it 27 9 4
AB. R. H. O. A. E
Gilbert, If 4 0 0 2 0 0
Srnoyer, ss o 0 11 2 1
Heist, 2b 1 0 0 3 2 0
Foster, lb 3 11 7 0 0
Flahertv, 3b 4 0 1 0 11
Tierney, If 4 0 0 0 0 0
Metzler, cf 3 1 0 5 0 0
Wager, c 2 0 1 5 1 0
Ouster, p 3 0 0 1 2 1
•Ash 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 33 2 4 24 8 3
•Batted for Custer in tlio ninth.
Berwick 0 1 0 1 0 0 0,0 o—20 —2
Danville 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 x—s
Earned Runs-Danville 3, Berwick
0. Left on base, Danville s,'Berwick
7. Stolon bases—Nijple,Mackert,Flah
erty, Metzler 2, Wager 2. Double
plays—-Veith to Umlauf to Nipple;
Heist to Foster. Sacrifice hits—Nip
ple 2. Two base hits Nipple,Mackert,
Veith, Foster. Struck out by Brannen
14, by Ouster 4. Bases on balls—off
Brannen 0, off Ouster 1. Wild pitch—
Caster. Passed ball—Wager. Time
of game 2 hours. Umpires— Laubach
and Hoffman.
The regular meeting of school board
was held Monday eve. The following
members were present: Sechler, Orth,
Sidler, Swarts, Marks, Burns, Pursel,
Tischer, Oole, Heiss.
Committees were appointed by Presi
dent Sechler, to serve for the term of
1910-1911, as follows:
Finance—W. H. Orth,J. H. Oole, J.
W. Swarts, J. Newton Pursel.
Building and Repairs—Jacob Fisch
er, W. J. Burns, J. W. Swarts, Aug
ustus Heiss.
Supplies—W. J. Burns, J. H. Cole,
W. L. Sidler, W. H. Orth.
Printing J. W. Swarts, Jacob
Fischer, Augustus Heiss, S. Marks.
Bills and Accounts —J. H. Cole, S.
Marks, Augustus Heiss, W. L. Sidler.
Text Books—O. Shultz, M. D., W.
L. Sidler, J. Newton Pursel, Jos. M.
Transfers Augustus Heiss, C.
Shultz, M. D., J. W. Swarts, W. J.
Teachers, Janitors and Rules—J.
Newton Pursel, C. Shultz, M. D., W.
L. Sidler, W. H. Oxth.
High School—W. L. Sidler, Jacob
Fischer, Jos. M. Gibson, J. Newton
Grievance —Jos. M. Gibson, J. W.
Swarts, J. H. Cole, S. Marks.
The bill of W. V. Oglesby of *3.25
for services was unleieil pnlil.
On motion of Mr. Pursel it was ord
ered that all applications of teachers
for schools be in the hands of the
board by the time of next meeting.
The attention of the board was call
el to the action of a Mr. Brown, a
book agent,who lias been operating in
this city. An educational book is the
vehicle. The agent represents that he
is being backed here by the superin
tendent of schools and the school board,
the latter to deliver the books.
It was the wish of the board that a
written denial be made of any affilia
tion between the board and Mr. Brown.
The superintendent's report for the
year brought out the following inter
esting figures:
Number of pupils registered during
year, 1291; number not absent during
year, 108, of which 71 were high school
students; number of pupils not tardy,
719; lfi2 students were enrolled in high
school during year; 145 were enrolled
at end of year; the approximate num
ber of students that will attend high
school at the opening of the term. 152.
The athletic association reported
total receipts during year of SB7 85;
total expenditures, $87.85.
The faculty of the high school award
ed letters to 14 men during year.
No time has as yet been set for the
elections teachers in the Danville
school district. So far as known, how
ever, there will be no change in the
For a couple of years past a conges
tion has existed in the senior second
ary grade, which may be relieved by
the election of an additional teacher.
Last year in this grade there were
201 pupils, which was considered too
many for the four teachers and the
employment of a fifth teacher during
the term was agitated.
The present year in the senior sec
ondary grade there will be 22(5 pupils,
divided as follows: First ward, 47;
second ward, 49; in the third and
fourth wards, 130. An equal division
of the latter number gives the senior
secondary teachers of the third aud
fourth wards each 65 pupils—too many
for a teacher to handle successfully.
The proposition advanced is to em
ploy an additional teacher to relieve
overcrowding, installing her in a dis
used room in the third ward building.
There are a couple of reasons for the
steady increase in the number of pu
pils of the senior secondary grade. One
is the more rigid enforcement of the
school law, which prohibits pupils
from going to work undei fourteen
years of age; the other and chief rea
son probably is that each year more
pupils are being taken through the
grades in one year.
Harry K. Schoch, of this city, yes
terday received his master's degree
from Susquehanna university. Selins
Mr. Schoch has an enviable scholas
tic record. He graduated with highest
honors from the local grammar and
high schools and was an honor man,
class of 1909, at Susquehanna, receiv
ing the degree of A. B. Following
his completion of the four year class
ical course at that institution in three
years, during which time lie carried
away a number of medals, Mr. Schoch
i took post graduate work leading to
the degree of M. A.
Robbers carried a »100-pound safe
400 yards into the woods from the sa
loon of Stephen Matlock, at New
| Philadelphia, recently, but; were un
able to obtain the $12,00 that at held,
Myrtle Lodge No. 858, I. O. O. F.,
of this city, has purchased of Robert
Adams the three-story brick building
on Mill street ormerly known as the
E. W. Conkling building. The bar
gain was closed yesterday.
The property is an especially desir
able one, fronting on Mill street with
an L abutting on Library avenue. On
the first floor is contained a commod
ious store room until recently occu
pied by A. H. Grone; on the second
floor is a suite of rooms occupied by
James Scarlet as law offices; on the
third floor are lodge rooms,which will
be occupied by Myrtle lodge.
The lodge rooms are well arranged
and are suitable for the Odd Fellows.
For three years prior to 1874 the
rooms on the third stoiy were occu
pied by Danville Lodge No. 224, F. &
A. M. Later Calumet Lodge No. 279,
I. O. O. F., occupied the quarters.
Up to the present Myrtle lodge has
been renting of Montour Lodge No.
109, I. O. O. F. It obtains immediate
possession of the building and will
proceed at once to fit up and occupy
the lodge rooms. The store room will
be rented out.
Myrtle lodge was organized in 1873.
Frank Lee Miles was the first noble
grand, Miles W. Smith being vice
grand. William H. Byerly was secre
tary and the late ueorge W. Miles
was treasurer. For the first twelve
years Frank Lee Miles was representa
tive to the grand lodge.
Myrtle Lodge, lias prospered not
only in point of membership but also
financially. It has some two hundred
members and possesses sufficient funds
to make all payments. The present
officers are as follows: Noble Grand,
Roy W. Goss; vice grand, George W.
Fry; recording secretary, Miles W.
Smith; financial seoretarv, H. J.
Ward ; treasurer, 11. E. Seidel.
The building committee, which act
ed in connection with the purchase,
was as follows: Frank Leo Miles,
chairman; J. T. Fisher, secretary;
John C. Foust, Joseph H. Snyder,Hur
ley Baylor, David Reed and J. 11.
The advisory committee was as fol
lows: Landis Goss, Miles W. Smith,
Harry lvoous, P. J. Keofer, Ira Ever
hart, William Dentsch, H. E. Seidel
and J. R. Hughes.
A meeting of the managers of the
Susquehanna league was held at tlie
Hotel Morton at Berwick yesterday
afternoon at -1 o'clock,which hail been
called at the instance of Allien to de
cide whether or not the league would
continue to play a two game a week
The meeting was attended by a full
board, Assistant Manager Victor Vin
cent representing Danville. President
McOollum called the meeting to order
and stated the object. After a she rt
discussion it was moved that the two
game a week schedule be continued
for the remainder of the season and
was carried, all but Benton and Alden
voting in favor.
After a decision had been arrived at
Alden and Benton stated they would
be ruled by the will of the majority
and continue under present conditions
It developed at the meeting that
there is a very strong sentiment among
the managers of the larger towns of
the league in favor of increasing the
number of games to three or four a
week. The league games create more
interest than exhibition games, and
as most of the teams play three and
four games a week with the exhibi
tion games included, they might as
well be league games, is the principal
argument offered in favor of the move
Sunbury was chosen this afternoon
as the place of holding the Six-Couu
ty Firemen's convention next year.
The town is crowded, and there are
still thousands coming here. The big
parade will take place tomorrow af
ternoon, and will be the event of the
William F. Schutz, of Shenandoah,
was elected president of the Six-Coun
ty association to succeed John G.
Waits of Danville.
The nominees for vice president
were: G. A. McKelvey, Jr., of Col
umbia county; G. W. Hall, of Lack
awanna; William Jenkins, Luzerne;
Harry Rupp, Moutour;Joseph Fecker,
Northumberland, and James P. Foley,
Schuylkill. These were elected as
Secretary Yonngman and Treasurer
Kerehner, both of Hazleton, hail no
opposition and were elceted.
Daniel Skiles.aged 14, son of a wid
ow, for the second time has proved
himself to be the champion speller of
the 1,000 pupils in the schools of Char
tiers,township, Washington county.
Fourth of July is very stealthily
: advancing and it is hard to realize
that it is only a little over two wee
I distant.
i Up to the present we have heard no
; agitation as to a safe and sane obser
vance of Independence Day in Dan
: ville; neither have arrangements
! been made for any public demonstra
tion. The day here in all probability
: will be quiot enough,
j Burgess Amesbury yesterday stated
j that while no effort will be made to
| curb the sale and discharge of fire
works in Danville yet as on previous
j years a full observance of both the
| State law and the borough ordinance
relating to firecrackers and various
; other explosives will be rigidly in
j sisted upon.
Burgess Amesbury heartily approves
of an observance of the Fourth along
\ old-fashioned lines as is being plan
ned in New York, Williamsport and
many other cities. The plans for a
! safe and sane Fourth generally pro
vide historical exercises, carnivals,
j parades and fireworks as a source of
entertainment. In W'illiamsport it is
i planned to hold band concerts in the
\ park morning, afternoon and evening.
| The evening concert will be an espec
! ially attractive one.
! There is a great deal in the scheme
! proposed that should commend itself
Ito our citizens. An automobile par
! ade, which is being arranged in some
| towns for the evening of the [Fourth,
especially appeals to Burgess Ames
bury. There are some thirty automo
i biles in Montour county and no doubt
| many auto owners from neighboring
| localities would be glad to fall in
i with such a parade, if they were in
j vited. It would be a novel and at
! tractive feature, which could be got
ten up without expense in the short
i interval between the present and In
! dependence day. All that is needed
is for one or more enterprising own
! ors of motor-vohicles to take the init-
I iative; others will rapidly follow.
Another feature recommended by
the burgess is a concert in the park
with an address by one or more of our
; gifted orators. There might be music
by a band or by a chorus drilled for
the occasion. Danville lias famous
singers and in the past when heard in
) out-of-door performances they earned
' much applause.
' The above are thrown out as sug
! gestions. It remains for others, who
j represent or are in touch with owners
of motor vehicles, the musicians, &c.,
to take the matter up, if the proposi
tion appeals to the public and there is
any disposition to lespond. It is quite
certain that, if we are to cut loose
from the noise and*nanger that has
generally characterized the observ
itnce of Independence day in the past,
we shall lie obliged to substitute other
features that will entertain and ap
peal to the patriotism of the people.
A very creditable representation of
our fire left for Shenan
| doah yesterday to attend the Six
! County Firemen's Convention,
j The firemen assembled in front of
I the Armory and to the music of the
' drum corps of the Washington Hose
company marched over to the station
(where they took the 12:10 Pennsyl
vania train.
j Among the firemen were represented
! the Washington, the Goodwill and
Kescue boys. A good many members
of the Friendship and the Continental
! companies as individuals are also at
tending the convention.
The long-delayed and much desired
1 warm weather seems to have come at
1 last. Sunshine made its appearance
j Tuesday followed with a mid-summer
j temperature yesterday,
j People showed their appreciation of
the fine weather yesterday, although
j by no means sure that another change
may not follow in a day or so. Few
! remained in doors. At Memorial park
! last evening the seats were nearly all
j occupied by people who had turned
| out to enjoy the evening at that de
| lightful spot.
Diphtheria at Snydertown.
! Snydertown is in the throes of an
I epidemic of diphtheria and the resi
-1 dents are considerably alarmed over
the rapid spread of the disease. A
! large supply of disinfectants was sent
; there by the State but these became
exhausted Tuesday and it was neces
sary to procure more at Sunbury,
pending the arrival of others from
the State. One child has already suc
cumbed to the disease while a number
of others are seriously ill.
David Zeigler, a farmer of West
Penn township, Schuylkill county,
has grown on his own farm this year
some strawberries that measured, 7}±,
8, S and 8 5 s inches, respective
ly in circumference.