Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, April 28, 1910, Image 1
VOL. 56—NO 17 TEMS CONDENSED. DO YOU waut to learn to RESIL VER OLD MIRRORS and MAKE NEW ONES? Pleasant easy work. Profit 5 dollars a day. Sample and particulars free. THE CROWN CO., 14;!2 S St.. Washington, I). C. Business is on the boom in Wasding on county. According to the mercan . ile appraiser's report there were 21!4 more places of business in the county his year than there were last. The operators in Westmoreland coun ty have decided to eject striking min ers from company houses, and on Thursday almost a half hundred writs ; if ejectment were issued from the | prothonotary's office. Wholesale discharges of employes of I !ie water, highway and other depart- , ments in Philadelphia have been found to be necessary because of the fact j that there is no money with which to 1 pay them. The Woman's Foreign Missionary I society of the Washington presbytery of the Presbyterian churoh is in ses sion at Washington. Miss Jennie W. Baird was elected treasurer for the thirty-fourth term. The Berry boom is under way. At Harrisburg a petition is being circu lated in the interest of former Deputy Auditor General Stanahan as a dele gate to the Democratic State conven tion in the interests of Berry for gov ernor. The leaving of a baby on the door step of a Chester residence lias been followed by the arrest of Ernest W. Collins and Anna M. Thomas at Wil mington,Del., the former on the charge of abandonment and the latter as a witness. While driving across a bridge near Greensboro, Washington county, John Doleny, a farmer, 43 years old, was thrown from his buggy and alighting on a gas pipe his neck was broken. He is survived by his widow and two chil dren. Paul A. Yoh, a freshman at Ursinus college, Collegeville, will finish the remainder of his life minus two fing ers. He had improvised a bomb for the purpose of frightening his schoolmates bnt the machine exploded and tiie joke turned. Yoh hails from Chambersburg. The department of health in Phila delphia lias started a crusade against delinquent physicians and midwives. It is said that during the year 1908 be tween 3,500 and 5,000 births were not reported and now warrants are being issued and arrests will bo made of the offending attendants. Frank Moscow, employed in the South Chester tube works, was recent ly the victim of a terrible accident. His coat canght in some machinery and he was whirled around a mammoth wheel a dozen times before the mach inery could be stoped. Nearly every bone in his body was broken but strange to j'elate he was not killed, al though his condition is critical A nail in its feed killed a horse that belonged to John It. Bradley, of near Marietta. State game ollioials at Harrisburg say tire rains last week came at an op portune time and did much to save the game birds. Dairy and Food Commissioner James Foust proposes to proceed against the alleged sellers of "tinted" oleo in Philadelphia. .Tames Mundy, Jr., aged 7 years, of Lansford, Carbon county, was caught under a pile of sills while watching companions at play, and his neck was broken. A lighted cigar, carelessly thrown to one side, is said to be the cause of a $:i,000 Are which destroyed the largo exhibition building at the Lehighton fair grounds Friday afternoon. An order has been issued from the adjutant general's department stating that what is now known as the "Sepa rate. Brigade" composed of the Fourth, Sixth and Eighth regiments will be officially known as the Fourth. John Shugal, proprietor of a hotel in the First ward of Mahanoy City, has his own troubles: Friday night the third attempt within a year was made upon his lite. The entire front of his building was wrecked by dyna mite. He fortunately escaped. It is said he knows who his persecutors are but is afraid to toll. The county superintendent of Lack awanna county has sent letters to the secretaries of the rural school boards of that county,urging them to do what they can to induce farmers' sons and daughters to enter tho high schools and be educated as teachers. He says the city bred teacher does not fit *iu the rural district, but just why is not stated. Two fatal accidents occurred in the freight yards of the Pittsburg and Lake Krie railroad on Sunday, John Bergi, aged 45 and unmarried,fell un der a train and was decapitated, and Steve Propokowitz, in stepping out of tho way of one train was struck by an other and instantly killed. Ho was ag ed (!5 years. ANNUAL HON 10 000 FELLOWS The Odd Fellows of Danville em bracing the members of Montour and Myrtle lodges, in a body, Sunday at tended worship in Pine Street Luther an church. The sermon preached on the occasion by the Rev. J. 11. Mussel man, pastor of tlie church, was an able and eloquent effort,abounding in orig inal conceptions, which aptly illustr ated the subject, adding to the dis course a charm and impressiveness that will cause it to linger in the memory of those who heard it interminably. We regret that we are unable to give more than a synopsis of the discourse, which here follows: '"Members of the I. O. O. F.,of Dan- ville, and Christian Friends: j I assure you that it affoids me 110 1 little pleasure to welcome you to this house of God today. For your Order i I certainly entertain the kindliest of feelings and the highest respect. The work which yon are endeavoring to do while not exactly one with the church yet certainly is a part of that great work which the church of Jesus Christ lias been, is now and will ever be busy trying to accomplish. Your order, like the church, believes in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man. Consequently your mission as I under stand it is to extend the helping hand to every needy brother whom you may chance to meet on life's pathway and thus help liini the better to bear his - sorrows and fight his battles and event- | ually win the crown of a blessed, hap- j py and successful life. This mission j surely all will grant is both noble and 1 praiseworthy, hence I do not hesitate j as a minister of the church to con- ! gratulate yon on your noble purpose ! and bid you God speed in your blessed [ work. Had I the gift and sufficient days I assure you that the highest ambition of my life would be but to paint.six great pictures, which were it possible, I should hang in every home, factory, place of business. The first would be a picture of the parable of the Prodigal Son, that all might therein see God's true relation toman and man's to God. The second would be of Calvary that all might read of the way of reconcili ation, the third would be the paiahle of the talents, that all might read of man's mission in the world. The fourth would be of the judgment that all might read of their accountability to God. The fifth would be the Resur rected Christ that all might be taught of the life immortal and last hot not least I should like to paint in all its vividness that wonderful picture pre sented to us in the parable of the Good Samaritan, that all might read there in their duty to their unfortunate fel- | low man. g To this great picture I desire to turn ! this morning and study with you the j great and precious truth so forcefully , taught. Christ possibly meant to do j no more by this story than to teach a i sneering lawyer what constituted true j brotherhood, but I desire to look at j the story stop by step and if possible I learn a lesson relative to a great fact ! of life. The first object to catch our atten tion is the man lying prostrate by the way, beaten, robbed, blooding and dy ing. 1 his traveler has not had a square deal. It was his right to travel this way from Jerusalem to Jericho un molested and unharmed but instead he is beaten, robbed and grievously wounded. This man is but the repre sentative of a great class which have been, are now,and perhaps will be for time to come in the world. Legion is the number of those who, like him, have fallen by the way for soruo rea son or other deprived of the right which should have been theirs. Tho harmony of earth's music and tho beauty of earth's fair scenes, is mar red by the cry of the suffering and the wounds of the unfortunate. Mortal man's suffering and misfor tune may justly be attributed to threo sources. First, those terrible and mys terious workings of nature's laws which are said to be of God,when tho elements seem togo on the rampage and we see earthquakes, tidal waves, and cyclones, pestilence and famine devastate whole cities and lands. But no such thing had befallen this travel er nor do they befall most travelers. Second, |that daring which has induc ed man to break tho laws of God lias reaped as its harvest an abundance of sorrow and suffering. Thousands there are who have been beaten, robbed and brought low on life's pathway by nono other things than their own sins. But this man was not so, brought low. Third, the poet says, "Tis Man's in humanity toman that makes tho countless thousands mourn." Thieves and robbers at that time ever skulked by tho way which led from Jerusalem to Jericho. The most of the fallen ones who lie by life's pathway today were brought down not by some mys terious providence of God or even by their own sins but by the hand of this merciless band of robbers who now boldly frequent life's pathway and do DANVILLE, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1910 MANGLED BY FREIGHT TRAIN I Monday brought forth another case to show the oft-told dangers of train I jumping, when Earl Hollobaugh, the ; seventeen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. I William Hollobaugh,North Mill street, | was mangled under the wheels of a j freight train on the Philadelphia & j Reading railroad, near Milton. ! Young Hollobaugh now lies at the j Mary Packer hospital, one leg gone, ' his skull splintered, and his life hang j ing by a very slender thread. ; Hollobaugh, in company with about j half a dozen other boys of his age, | caught the local freight, No. 61, Mon day afternoon about 2 o'clock for a [ ride to Milton. The accident occurred at the entrance to the Dongal yards on i the Milton side of the river. No one 1 is able to tell just how the boy came j beneath the wheels,but the crew a few j seconds later found his battered and unconscious body beside the rails. He was quickly placed in the caboose and hurried to West Milton where he received surgical aid. A special of an t engine and a caboose was made up and in less than a half hour after the ac cident the injured boy had been trans- ; fered to the special at West Milton and was speeding toward Sunbury. At the Packer hospital it was found necessary to amputate the left leg [ about four inches above the ankle. A j bad fracture of the skull was also op- j erated upon but failed to bring the boy | to consciousness. Hollobangh is employed as call boy at the Reading Iron works, this city. He is well known about town, having formerly been employed at Cromwell's grocery and was also a former Phila delphia newspaper carrier. He is high ly thought of by all who know him. The world is not particularly sym pathetic with the grumbler. their pernicious work both by day and night." At this point the speaker dwelt with great feeling upon the subtle agencies, which he likend to robbers, that as sail man along life's pathway, includ ing war, preventable diseases, etc. The priest and the Levite passed by ou the other side and from this the speaker eloquently deduced the lesson that not always for the needy does help eotne from the sources whence we might justly ex]>ect it. They are the representative ofs the calous-hearted, selfish, who reason that they did not cause the suffering and neither should they be expected to cure it. "Yonder comes another. 'Tis a Samaritan. He too sees the man. but he goes the priest and Levite one bet ter, for he not only looks on the man but has compassion ou him. And hence, beautiful sight to behold, we see him take his wine ami oil anil be gin his beautiful ministry. Somebody does care for the man who lias fallen by the way whether it has been by the mysterious providence of God or by his own hand or by the hand of some wicked robber that he has been brought low. Charity and much of it is in the world today doing her bless ed ministry through the great hand of the church, the State, those many benevolent organizations with which you are numbered besides thousands of individuals in whoso hearts there burns a love like unto that of the Nazarine. But grand and noble as it is to pour oil into the wounds of a fel low man is this doing our whole duty by him? I think not; for knowing so much of the Samaritan as we do we can legitimately conclude that he would liavo done even more than this had he been given the opportunity. I believe he was not only ready to pour oil into this man's wound after it was made by wicked hands but ho would have endeavored to prevent the robber inflicting the wound. An ounco of. prevention is better than a pound of cure is an old adage which the world too seems to bo be ginning to believe,for wo are living in an age when we aro endeavoring to cure suffering and the evils incident thereto, also trying to prevent suffer ing. For instance we are not simply trying to cure the wounds which dis ease make, but we are endeavoring to prevent the disease, not simply trying to heal the wounds that war makes but we aro trying to prevent war. We have come to believe that it is better to put a barbed wire l'enco at the head of the precipice than a hospital at the bot tom. In other words we are beginning to give our attention not alone to the fellow wounded and robbed but to the robbers who rob him. This is both Christ-like and Samaritan like. Man's inhumanity toman will nev er cease until he learns to truly love his fellow man as he loves himself. And this they only learn to do at the feet of Christ who loved all men. We can do no greater work for the world after all than to ntako bad men good. We shall destroy the robber by destroy ing the robber heart. This is the church s mission and this is your mis sion. " SCHOOL BOARD 111 SESSION The school board held a regular , meeting Mouday eve witli President W. iA. Sechler in the chair. Other mem j hers present were: W. H. Orth, W. J. Burns, J. W. Swaits.Dr. Shultz, Jacob j Fischer, Augustus Heiss, J. N. Pursel | and J. H. Cole. [ A communication was received from ! the Rev. George S. Womer, in which ; he formally accepted the invitation to deliver the address to the graduating class at commencement. A communi cation also was reoeived from the Rev. A. J. Irey accepting the invitation to preach the baccalaureate sermon. Air. Fischer reported that the gutter at the Welsh Hill school house is in a very bad condition. The borough, he said, promised to repair the washout beside the building but up to the pres ent it has given the matter no atten tion. On motion it was ordered that the solicitor be instructed to take the matter up with the borough council. C. E. Kelchner of Bloomsburg repre senting the jFormacone company ap peared before the school board in the interest of a new disinfecting appar atus. He gave a demonstration, after which on motion the matter was re ferred to the committee on supplies. It was the sense of the board that the furniture of the high school build ing is not well enough protected by insurance, considering that in the dif ferent departments are costly type writers, laboratory outfit, pianos, &c. Seven hundred dollars, the amount of insurance placed on the furniture, seemed ridiculously low. On motion the matter was referred to the com mittee on finances, it to report at the next meeting. Mr. Heiss reported that the disused "flat" school building lias been brok en open and is a rendezvous for boys who create great disorder in the build ing. The matter was referred to the committee. Mr. Burns raised the question wheth er there is enough mental arithmetic being taught in the schools. Borougli Superintendent Dieffenbachcr address ed the board explaining to what extent mental arithmetic is taught. The effort in the borough schools is, it seems, to tread along a middle ground, practic ing mental methods up to a certain limit but not permitting them to over shadow the written work. The bor ougli superintendent raised the ques tion whether the arithmetic at present in use is as practical and up-to-date as it might be. The following bills were approved for payment: United Tel. & Tel. Co s<>.oo Robert G. Meek ~ 2.50 American Book Co ... 1.38 A. B. Black 80 Emery Shultz 55 AFTER LONG ILLNESS Mrs. Rebecca Clark, a well-known and esteemed resident of this city, died at her home, East Market street, at s o'clock yesterday morning follow ing a long siege of illness. The deceased was the widow of Jos eph A. Clark, who died a number of years ago. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Jane Houtz and Miss Ijibbie Snyder. She was a generous, kind-hearted woman, ever ready to extend help and sympathy to those upon whom the heavy hand of afflict ion was laid. During a year prior to her death she was in feeble health, although confin ed to her bed only about a month. Tne funeral will be held on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment in Episcopal cemetery. SPEEDY CENSUS WORK WASHINGTON, April 27. Uncle Sam's census-taking will be finished on April 30, with what Dir ector Durand said today, will be the record for speed and accuracy. By May 15, it is expected, the returns from all over the nation will be in the hands of the expert tabulators in Washing ton. Durand attributes the rapid work mainly to the plan inaugurated this year, of sending advanced schedules to each householder in the country enabl ing everybody to be prepared with an swers when the enumerator arrived. A new wrinkle that also helped was the printing and distribution of copies of the president's census proclamation translated into a score or moro of languages. NOT SERIOUS Dr. N. M. Smith, the south side physician, who was in this city yes terday, stated that there is nothing alarming in the outbreak of scarlet fever on that side of the river. He has but three cases of scarlet fever under treatment and so far as ho knows no new cases have doveloped. The south side has a very active board of health which is quick to adopt measures to prevent the spread of disease. Interest in the happinss of others is sure to bring personal content. WILL REPAINT RIVER BRIDGE At a joint meeting of the commis sioners of Montour and Northumber land counties held at Snnbury Tues day it was decided to proceed to paint the river bridge. The work will go for ward during the next month or so. At the joint meeting it was decided also to place the contract for paint with the Joseph Dixon Crucible com pany of Philadelphia. In all it will require some twenty barrels of paint to complete the big structure. It is estimated that some twelve barrels of dark red paint will be required for the first coat. For the second coat, which will be black, eight barrels will be ordered. The commissioners representing Mon tour county were desirous of purchas ing the paint of looal dealers and held out for this as long as possible. They were finally overruled by the North umberland county board. The painting, of course,will be giv en out by contract. The bids invited will be for both cleaning and repaint iug the bridge. By cleaning is meant the removal of all dirt from the iron work, the scraping off of rust,blisters, &c. Bids for the painting will be open ed 011 May 21st. Work will begin as soon as precticable afterward. The bridge needs painting very bad ly, much of the iron work being in crusted with rust. ' Successive grand juries have recommended that the bridge be repainted. WEDDED AT SUNBURY Miss Grace Evelyn Brown, of Sun bury, the daughter of Mis. May P. Brown, formerly of this city, was wed ded at noon 011 Wednesday to Mr. Rob ert Simington, of Mooresburg. The ceremony was performed by the bride's uucle, Rev. Van Vleet Putman, of Syracuse, New York, assisted by Rev. J. E. A. Bucke, of Sunbury, at the homo of the bride. The ceremony took place in the pre sence of a large number of guests. Miss Mae Books, of this citv, accompanied the bride and Robert Moorehead, of Milton, was groomsman. Master Rob ert Sidler and Helen Sidler, son and daughter of Charles Sidler, of Sun bury, were ring bearer and flower'girl. Those from Danville and vicinity who attended the wedding were: Mrs. C. S. Books, Mrs. Henry Manger, Mr, and Mrs. Will G. Brown, of Danville; Mrs. Henry Simington, Miss Jean Cur rv, Miss Alice Bower, Mr. Oakley Simington, of Mooresburg. Mr. and Mrs. Simington left ou a trip to the South via Washington, D. C. ,and will be at home at Mooresburg after May 10th. FROM THE NORTHWEST C. C. Carpenter, formerly physical director of the Danville Y. M. C. A., who has acquired land under the home stead act in Saskatchewan, Western Canada, is spending a week or so in Danville as a guest at the home of his father-in-law W. G. Kramer, West Mahoning street. Along with his brother-in-law, Wal ter Kramer,Mr. Carpenter has been in the northwest for over a year. Each of the two have acquired a title to 320 acres of land, valuable alike for agri culture and minoral possibilities. The country is rapidly filling up and fine business opportunities present them selves to enterprising men. Mrs. Carpenter, who up to the pre sent, lias remained with her parents in this city, will accompany her hus band when he returns to Saskatche wan. Birthday Party. Mrs, Elizabteh Mover pleasantly en tertained a number of young folks at her home on I). L. & W. avenue, Tues day evening, in honor of her daugh ter, Katheryn's eighteenth birthday. Supper was served. Those present were Misses Henrietta Waite,Pearl Fenster maclier, Mabel Foust, Barbara Gross, Ivy Moyer, Ethel Reppert, Margaret Foust, Jennio Stewart, Bessie Moyer, Elizabeth Jones, Ethel Gerst.Florence Jones, Alice Moyer, Wanda Whapham, Ethel Foust, Mary Gaskins, Messrs. Frank Ross, John Newberry, John Reilly, Anthony F. Schulski, Grover Mincemoyer, Raymond Johns, Guy Hoke, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 11. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Moyer, Mrs. Gask ins, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mincemoyer, of this city; Miss Helen M. Rupert,of Bloomsburg; Miss Mabel Dietrick, of Washingtonville; Mrs. Ambrose Mill er, of Sunbury; Messrs. Albert Bar nett and Bruce Lioby, of Bloomsburg, and Robert Ballus, of Scrauton. Years' Savings Burned. Johnstown, April 27.—Two houses were destroyed, ono woman painfully burned and if 1,200 in paper money con sumed by fire at 5 o'clock this morn ing at Cassandra, fifteen miles north east. The money was the twelve years' saving of Mike Bura, boarding boss. The woman who was burned was his wife. GRADUATES OE RURAL SCHOOLS Twenty-nine pupils, completing eighth grade work in the rural schools of Montour county,successfully passed the final examination, held April 2nd, and will receive diplomas setting forth the fact that they have completed the prescribed course of study. It will be observed by perusing the list, which follows, that in several dis tricts the number of graduates are small. This is probably to be expected in the country where attendance at school is less regular than in town and the pupils are unevenly advanced. As a rule, none graduate under fourteen years of age, and the teachers send none to the examination who do not seem qualified to take it. The Illinois course of study with some modifications is used in the rural schools and is found very practical. The present is the sixth year that di plomas have been issued. County Sup erintendent Derr states that the grant ing of diplomas in the rural schools is fruitful of general good results. Esp ecially does it prove an inducement to keep boys and girls in school until the completion of the eighth grade in in stances where probably everything else would fail. Upon completing the prescribed course of study a large proportion of the graduates of the rural schools en ter one or other of the various high schools. On the diploma received they are admitted to the high school at Pottsgrove; also the high schools of Tuibotville and Jerseytown. Following are the pupils who passed the eighth year's work: Anthony township— Norman Maust, Anna Fortner, Bryan Mohr. Derry township—Blanche Shultz, Mollie Mowrer, Boyd McQuay, Allen W. Sliultz, Mabel Smith. Liberty township—Mary Robbins, Lewis Stahl, Leo. J. Malaney, Stella Ware, Margaret Curry, W. Earl Van Sant, Luther Richard, Dora Kirtner, John D. Daniel, Annie Manger, Cath erine Boyer, Isabel Roomsburg, Eloise Curry, Margaret Crossley. Limestone township—John Feinour, Myron Dildine. Mayberry township—Marvin Walter Bahner. Valley township— Coia Sandel. Washingtonville Lawrence Hed dens. West Hemlock township—Bessie Arn wine. At the township high school at Strawberry Ridge there are three graduates this year—Charles Cooper, Ralph Cromis and Herman Sliultz. Twenty-nine students were enrolled. While thejabove high pchool has been doing most excellent work i:nd is ;i success along every lino.Mr. IX-rt sa v s there is no probability ol' audit: iu.< township high schools being establi i,- ed iu Montour county, as at j-rc i»t the facilities afforded fur alten lit'" high schools are all that could I• ■ sired. Those eligible in Liberty t<mn ship find it couvi nient to attend ;,t Pottsgrove; Limestone township is near to Turbotville; those of West Hemlock and other townships attend the high school at Jerseytown., while still others, who probably constitute the largest number, find it convenient to enroll in the Danville high school. FINE MONUMENT T L. Evans' sons yesterday erected a handsome monument on Emanuel Sidler's lot in Straub's cemetery. The monument is of sarcophagus design. The bottom base is four by six feet and the monument stands five feet ten inches high. The monument is made of Barre granite; it is richly carved and is one of the finest pieces of work in the cemetery. On each side of the monument is the name" Sidler." IN ILL LUCK Our liverymen seem to be in ill luck. On last Saturday Mr. Patton lost a valuable horse and on Tuesday night- Li verymen George W. Hoke and C. O. Moyer each lost one. Mr. Hoke's horse, a sorrel, which died of indigestion, was one of the best in his stable. Mr. Mey er's horse also was valuable. River Damages Farms. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., April 37.—Farm ers having land along the lowlands of the Susquehanna river suffered con siderable loss Monday and Tuesday, when the rapidly rising river flooded their lauds and washed out much of the early planting, besides spreading quantities of calm sand and mud over the farms. A flood at this time of the year was so unexpected that the farmers had gone ahead with their 'planting, after repairing damages done by an early spring flood. The river reached twen ty-two feet above low watermark here this afternoon,and then began to slow ly recede. It is believed the worst of the damage has been done. Our western friends have been in the grip of the Frost King. ESTABLISHED IN 1855 THE MOTHER OE 19 CHILDREN John P. Patton, census enumerator, completed liis registration in the third I ward last evening, after being engaged \ days. By reason of the density of j popudlation as well as the fact that it contains the foreign quarter the third ! ward was considered the most interest ing division as well as the most diffi j cult proposition to tackle. Mr. Patton was granted an inter ! preter and|he got along in the foreign | quarter very nicely. As a matter of fact he found only some half a dozen families who, when it came to the tost, could not express themselves pretty clearly in English. The pres ence of the interpreter, however, in all cases, imparted to the answers the stamp of greater accuracy. The foreign ers seemed to understand what the enumerator was after and no difficulty was experienced in getting them to understand the importance of answer ing the questions correctly. Indeed, Mr. Patton states, throughout the en tire ward he had no unpleasant exper iences and was uniformly treated courteously by ladies and gentlemen alike, no matter what questions were asked. In the matter of age the oldest'man met with was one hundred and one years; the oldest woman was eighty nine. The youngest person was four hours old, the enumerator and the stork almost meeting at the threshold. The enumerator learned a few things relating to big families in tiiat part of town not generally known. He was amazed to discover one woman who was the mother of nineteen children— some of whom naturally are'not liv ing. ! He met with a number of families of nine children. This,he thought, was a reasonable limit, but a surprise awaited him toward 'the close of his J work, when he was confronted with a ; family of ten children, all of whom J were living at the parental home, the j family which gathered around the ! table at meal time'constituting a round ; dozen. | During the 10f a ' days that the census , enumerator was at work ;in the third ( ward, he states, ho wrote the word "Pennsylvania" 5264 times. BIG FLAT* BOAT The big fiat boat belonging to Forn ey Bros., which has been in building below the water works for some time past, will be 1 launched this Tnorning. It is forty-two by fourteen feet and with ono 05 two exceptions will be the largest flat afloat iu the fleet of coal dredges. It will he several days before the ri»ir will be low enough to permit the eoal diggers to resume work. Meanwhile the owners of the several outfits are busy overhauling the mach inery and flat boats iu anticipation of a busy and profitable season. The logical conclusion would be that the sixteen foot flood brought down a great ileal of coal. At the same time the possibility exists that the deposits which the dredges were drawing on so heavily prior to the rise may have been carried away by the high water. Whether as the result of the flood the dredges will prove to be the gainers or the losers remains to be seen. Watchman Saved by Wooden Leg. Pottsville, Pa., April 27.—When Levi H. Minuich, a crossing watch man, was struck by a shifting train yesterday and knocked under the wheels, persons who witnessed the ac cident expected to look upon his man gled body the next moment. In the fall his wooden leg was wrenched loose, and served to throw him clear of the rails, although he missed death by barely six inches' clearance. He escaped with a few bruises. Wedded Last Evening. Howard M. Freeze and Miss Eliza beth Jano Reed,both of this city, were married last evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Front street. The ceremony was performed before a few immediate relatives by Rev. Charles Cameron Suavely. Mr. and Mrs. Freeze will go to housekeep ing in a newly furnished home on Water street. Trimming Trees. Michael and John Everett, the vet eran tree-trimmers, yesterday were busy on the grounds of the county prison. The large number of young maples growing there needed trim ming very badly and the job was very artistically (lone by the two brothers. John Everett has followed the tree trimming business for thirty-five years and among othor trees has had the care of those at Thomas Beaver Free Library. Funeral Today. The funeral of Edward Kramer, whoso death occurred Monday, will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment in Fairview cemetery.