Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, January 13, 1910, Image 1
VOL. 56—NO 2 ITEMS CONDENSED. Nearly $2,000 was distributed among the employes of the Reading paper mills recently, following an annual custom of giving each employe $1 for each year he has been in the plant's employ. Carl Lee, of California, who fell off a trestle seventy-five feet high, while he was doing some work on it, is ex pected to recover from the injuries he received. He sustained serious hurts about the head, had one hip fractured and the other dislocated. F. R. Baruum,superintendent of the Houston Run mine of the Diamond Coal and Coke company, near Wash ington, and Thomas Jenkins, foreman of the colliery, have been held ill SSOO bail each for alleged failure to observe State laws on mine ventilation. James Gordon was held without bail at Wilkes-Barre for murder in the first degree for the death of his mother-in avv, as the result of the verdict of the coroner's jury. The man shot at his father-in-law, it. is said, and a small wound to the aged woman's arm re sulted. She died from fright. Ebenezer llunsicKer, a huckster of Bristol, to keep his horse from slip- | ping,drew women's stockings over the j animal's hoofs aud as a result has a j broken arm and a badly cut head. The horse went all right until the stock ings partly wore through,then it turn ed a somersault. Ebenezer was lead ing the nag and went down with it. Somo unknown fellow in Chester fired five shots at James P. Connell.of Philadelphia, after Ellen Smith, aged 18, had asked him to escort her be-1 cause she was being followed by the j mysterious man. While she and Con- j noil were walking together lie noticed j their shadower put his hand towards his hippocket. He told the young lady J to run into a house and stepped be hind a polo when the fellow fired. The man with the revolver escaped. When John Morton's horse fell dead on the railroad tracks at Pittsburg he was so bemuddled as the result of im bibing to freely that ho had no thought of danger but clamly got down from the set of his carriage, entered the vehicle and went to sleep. A police man happened along in time to save the outfit from being struck by an ex press and when he wakened up the slumberer that individual was found to have thought that his horse was merely asleep. Morton wept copiously when told of his loss. Pittsburg bakers will support Chief ! Chemist Harvey W. Wiley, of the de- j partment of agricnlthure, in his fight against bleached flour. Norman Miller, of Boyertown, was set on fire when a ladle of molten i metal tilted. His follow workmen tore j his clothing from him aud saved him j from fatal injuries. Daniel S. Emerich, a Reading bar- j her who has been collecting butter flies, locusts and other insects for I twenty-five years, now has several thousand from all parts of the world. I Rev. L. F. Taylor, pastor of the | First Baptist church at Kittanniug, j bit something hard while he was eat- j iug and oysetr and found it to be a j pearl. Ho will have it mounted on a j stick pin. Philip Hocli ami Andrew Most, of Pleasantvi lie, have shipped 2,000 musk rat .skins aud 1,500 skunk pelts to Lon don, England. They have gathered over 100,000 pelts since they started to buy them from Berks county trappers. Pittsburg's Young Men's Christian association has started a campaign to raise $300,000 for buildings |in various portions of the city and for the exten sion of work generally. It is hoped to raise the amount in ten days after the work starts on January 25. Misses Gertrude and Margaret Davis of Sharon, have made application for recognition by the Carnegie hero fund commission because they saved tlie life of Charles Bodamer, a wealthy real estate owner. He slipped on the ice in front of a fast approaching train aud they pulled him off the tracks. Arrangements have been completed by Secretary of Agriculture N. B. Critchfield for the annual meeting of the State board of agriculture which will be held in the State oapitol the week of January 24. Governor Stuart and other State officials will attend as well as representatives of every agri cultural society in the State and many men identified in general farming work. Mrs. Annie Munce, of Darby, was held up by a nergo and gave a vicious fight to retain the possession of her handbag which contained a consider able sum of money. She was walking with another woman when they were approached by the man who asked sorno ordinary question. He made a grab at her handbag and she showed fight. At last he grabbed the handle from the bag, the rest remaining in her hand, and made his escape. The other woman fled screaming. Mrs. Munce is suffering from shock and bruises and three suspects have been arrested. BUTTER! IN DEMAND The recent introduction of butteriue into Danville litis brought about a new condition affecting the demand for butter. The latter at present, quota tions is little short of a drug. Evid ently there will have to be a readjust ment of prices. It has been scarcely throe months since the first butterine was advertis ed for sale at the local stores. In this short interval it has gained a foothold among our working people that prom ises to be permanent. One of onr Mill street stores affords an illuminat ing object lesson. Here, where former ly hundreds of pounds of butter were sold weekly and where the supply brought in by the farmers was rarely sufficient to meet the demand, on Sat urday night were found seven to eight hundred pounds of butter in stock, all brought in during the week or so past for which there is no demand at the prices quoted—thirty-two cents per pound. The merchant explained that nearly all his butter trade has gone over to butterine. Ho exhibited some very fine samples of the latter, which sells at 25 cents per pound. Although a great deal of the butter on hand at the store was of a choice quality yet the difference in the price is too great anil people, especially those of limited means, turn to butterine. Butterine, like butter, varies in qu ality, and while the best retails at 25 cents there are other grades that sell at 20 cents per pound or even lower. The merchant in question stated that taking in the general run of butter that comes into the stores there is a fair proportion of it that is below good butterine in quality. He had not the least idea of what he would do with the tremendous accu mulation of butter in his store unless lie should sell it at a loss. Unfortun ately the same conditions prevail over pretty nearly the entire State and the market in neighboring towns that the merchant used to supply when over stocked are like those in Danville glut ted with butter. A visit to the other stores revealed the same state of affairs. At places where buttorino is not sold the effect is perceptible in the diminished de mand for butter. Every store is well stocked up. In the curbstone market Saturday thirty-two cents were generally asked, although some butter of first class quality was sold at thirty-five cents. A great deal of butter remained un sold, although toward the close of market it was offered as low as twen ty-eight cents per pound. The local dealers explain that the supply of butter was inadequate to meet the local demand and that the prices— thirty-eight to forty cents per pound—were nearly prohibitive. They were, therefore, compelled to deal in a substitute for butter, just as they were obliged last fall to ship t liou sands of bushels of potatoes into Dan ville to supply the trade at prices which people could pay. Although bntterine is a very good substitute for some butter it will nev er win out in the race with good but ter so long as the difference in prices is not too marked. Under the present schedule of prices, however, it is ob vious enough that butterine has wholly the advantage. As stated above, ob viously, there will have to be a read justment of prices if butter is to re tain its hold on the local market. SHOT POULTRY THIEF Mrs. James Gotshall of South Dan ville on Tuesday night rid the com munity of a dangerous poultry thief. Incidentally she demonstrated that a woman can be as good a marksman as > a man. i For some time the residents of the i south side had been missing poultry, Mrs. Gotshall especially being a heavy | loser. On Tuesday night Mrs. Gotshall was home alone with her little son. About 10 o'clock she heard the chickens in her yard cackling and making a great noise. She determined to investigate i and seizing the toy rifle of 22 calibre belonging to lier little son she rushed j out to the hennery. Upon opening the door she was con fronted with two fiery eyes, which ! was all she could see in the darkness. 1 Instinctively raising the gun she blaz ed away, shooting four times. ! When a light was produced it was discovered that the chicken thief was ! an opossum, considerably bigger than | a house cat, which lay on the ground dead, each of the shots having taken effect. Trolley Co». Chose Same Officers. At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Danville and Blooms burg and the Columbia and Montour electric street railways companies, these officers were elected for both companies: E. R. Sponsler, president; W. P. Lowry, M. I. Low, C. M. | Creveling and A. W. Duy, directors. DANVILLE- }PA., THURSDAY. JANUARY 13,1910 FREE WATER FOR CHURCHES At the request of the borough solic itor the preliminary step for the legal establishment ot the disputed bound ary line between the borough of Dan ville and the township of Mahoning was taken by council at its regular meeting last night. On motion of Mr. Everhart the fol ! lowing resolution was adopted: | Whereas all efforts to amieally ascer tain and establish the disputed lines I or boundaries between the borough of I Danville and the township of Mahon ing have proved unavailing and in i effectual and Whereas, It is to the manifest in terest of the said borough that such lines and boundaries be leaglly ascer tained and established without further delay; therefore be it Resolved by the town council that the oliief burgess and secretary of said borough be hereby authorized, em ; powered and directed for and as the J official act of said council and borough j to sign, execute, serve and deliver all I notices, the petition, the bond aud all ' other papers aud legal process and do ' whatever else may be found necessary | aud proper to be done in the foregoing I premises. j A petition representing live different ; churches and signed by members of j church boards, councils, trustees and vestrymen was presented to council J last night praying that the borough i furnish the churches the water they ! need free of cost, thereby encouraging congregations in their work for the j general good of the community. On motion it was ordered that the borough furnish the churches proper ! the water they need free of cost. On motion it was ordered that legal notice be served on the Danville and ' Sunbury Transit company to lemove the rails on East Market street within sixty days. On motion of Mr. Cleaver it was ordered also that the borough solicitor and the borough engineer be instructed to prepare plans for paving and curbing of East Market street, to the end that there may be no delay when the Heason arrives for bogimiing the improvement. On motion Robert Farley was re- j elected as a member of the board of , health to represent the fourth ward. The following members were pres ent; Messrs. Schatz, Curry, Marshall, j Everhart, .Tones, lies, Pursel, Cleaver andJDeutsch. • The following bills were approved for payment: BOROUGH DEP ARTMENT. Freight and hauling $ 1.70 i People's Coal Yard 5,75 George F. Keefer .. .. 80.00 Mrs. Rebecca Clark 24.00 Ronton B. Brown.. 8(l.7"> Dr. C. Shultz 25.00 WATER DEPARTMENT. Washington Fire Co * People's Coal Yard 105.50 Friendship Fire Co 11.70; D. L. & W. Railroad Co . .. 17.00 DIRECTORS ELECTED The annual meetings of the three national banks in Montour county were held Tuesday for the purpose! of electing boards of directors. DANVILLE NATIONAL. At the Danville national bank the | following directors were reelected:! William J. Baldy, Esq., Alexander t Billmeyer,Frank C. Angle, Charles P. j Hancock, D. R. Ecknian, Thomas J. j Price and Robert Adams. The election of officers will take place at noon to- | day. FIRST NATIONAL. At the First national bank the fol lowing board of directors was elect ed: I. X. Grier, Esq., R. M. Oath cart, C. G. Van A leu, H. T. Heclit, j John F. Tooley, J. B. Cleaver, D. O. i Cotner, Samuel Mourer and W. H. | Orth. FAMRERS' NATIONAL. Tho stockholders of the Farmers ua ; tional bank, of Exchange, chose the | following directors: James L. Bren uen, A. H. Litchard, James F. Ellis, William Brennen, William Houghton, R. Scott Ammerman.Esq., Alex. Bill meyer, John Herr, D. R. Rishel, Wil -1 liam Ellis and J. Harvey Litchard. The directors organized by elect ing James L. Brennen, president; A. H. Litchard, vice president,and James F. Ellis, cashier. SLEIGH AS GIFT As a most appropriate gift at this time, when the sleighing is almost un surpassed, came a present the other | day to Rev. \\. J. Kohler, the pastor of the Trinity Reformed church at | Strawberry Ridge, of a fine sleigh and j bells. | Rev. Kohler is the possessor of a horse, but his congregation thought his equipment needed a sleigh and forthwith voted the money for the purchase. They got the finest cutter that money could buy. The pastor is very proud of his new possession and thankful to the donors. The churches are specially active in their chosen work just now. JANUARY COURT BOTJO CASES Court convened at 10 o'clock Mon day morning with his Honor, Judge Evans, aud Associates Blee and Wel liver on the bench. The constables of the county being called and sworn presented their re ports. Following custom Judge Evans called the constables before court and questioned each one separately as to the full observance of the law in his jurisdiction. W. E. Young of the first ward of Danville was the first constable ex amined. After reporting that ho had visited each place in his ward where liquor is sold at least once per month since the last term of court and that ho had discovered no violations of law he was asked by the court if he knew what a slot machine is. The constable replied in the affirmative. He was then asked il' lie had discovered 110 slot machines in his ward. The constable replied that he had found 110110 in the hotels, although they were maintain ed at some other places in the ward. The court informed the constable that it was as much his duty to report slot machines where found as to report illegal sale of liquor and other viola tions of law. The constable was in structed at the next term of court to report every place v> here slot mach ines are maintained together with the names of witnesses. The maintenance of slot machines, the court reminded the constables, is in direct violation of the law. Such machiues, Judge Evans said, are most demoralizing in their effect. There is scarcely a week but the court is in receipt of anonymous letters —mostly from women—charging that slot mach ines are maintained in Danville. Judge Evans said it is to be regretted that these writers do not sign their names so that some clew might be obtained that would bring out all the facts. Each of the other constables were thou addressed individually and hav ing satisfied the court that they had visited all the places in their districts where liquor is sold at least once a month as required they were enjoined to look up t'le matter of slot machines and wherever these may bo found to report them together with the names of witnesses. William Curry was appointed fore- j man of the grand jury, which being j charged by the court at 10:40 o'clock , retired to its room, in charge of Harry j Yagel, who had been appointed as tip- J staff to wait upon the grand jury. Clark Kern, William lies and Jesse I?. Wyunt, 11averse jurors, were excus ed from attendance at court. 11. M. Moser, Esq., of Mr. Caruiel, was admitted to transact business at j court. The civil list was gone over, when it developed that there was not a sing- ! le case ready for trial. Tlio entire list i was continued. In the case of Commonwealth vs. | John E. Everitt, the charge being j larceny, a nol. pros, was allowed. In the case of Commonwealth vs. 1 Perry Mazeal, also, a nol. pros, was entered. The two Commonwealth cases in which John Beyers is defendant, one charging desertion and uou support and the other surety of the peace,were continued until next Saturday. District Attorney C. P.Gearhart re ported that repairs have been made in each case where roads in Derry and Liberty townships were reported in bad condition by the constables at the last term of court. At 11 :20 o'clock the grand jury re ported on the case of Commonwealth vs. Isaac Gresh, returning a true bill. This was the only case that went be fore the grand jury. A jury was im paneled and ttie intention was to pro ceed with the trial of tho case im mediately after the noon intermission. Court reconvened at 1:45 o'clock. It was discovered on taking up the case that the defendant, Isaac Gresh, was without counsel. Tho court appointed Ralph Kisner and William Kase West to defend him. Mr. Kisner made an I effective plea for a continuance of the ' case, emphasizing the gravity of the | charge and tho necessity of greater . preparation, if full justice were to be i done to the defendant. Judge Evans ; very much disliked to grant a continu . ance, but under the circumstances he finally decided to do so. i Thus it transpired that there was not ' a single case on the Commonwealth list for trial. This is all the more re markable since at the previous term ! of court the jurors were notified not : to appear and no cases were tried. At the direction of the court six jur ors were drawrt from the panel to sit at two inquisitions in lunacy that will |he held in the court room at 2 and 3 j o'clock, respectively, this afternoon. The six men chosen are as follows: j Alfred Litchard.O. M. Leniger, George | Kear, Curtis Cook, George Bedea and j William Blecher. i The rest of the traverse jurors wore j discharged. SCHOOL BOARD IN SESSION It developed at the regular meeting of the school board Monday that ov ercrowding in the third ward schools has not proven to be such a weighty factor as was expected. It will not be necessary to employ an extra teacher nor even to transfer pupils to any con siderable extent. Overcrowding in Miss Lawrence's | room, it was believed, would result j from tlio influx of small children who J had reached the school ago by the j holidays The reports of the schools ! taught by Miss Lawrence and Miss j Boudman were produced at the mee' j ing to show that the number of pupils j is well within the limit. The average j attendance in Miss Lawrence's room j is 42. The average attendance in Miss ! Bondman's room is 41. It was the i sense of the board that a few pupils j could be transferred from Miss Law- J rence's room to Miss Bondman's room, j if such a measure should prove to be I necessary. Borough Superintendent j Dieffenbacher,however, stated that he did not think in view of present con- j difions that Miss Lawrence will have j any difficulty in taking care of all the j pupils enrolled in her room. Mr. Fischer complained that in some j of the schools of the borough the prac- | tice of raising the windows is indulg ed into an extent that proves harmful to the pupils. A good many cases of | earache and bad colds have resulted, j The matter will be brought to the at- I tention of the teachers by the borough | superintendent. The furnaces of the fourth ward school building were reported as in- , adequate to meet the demands. It was the sense of the board that it would not be practicable to install new fur- j naces at this time of year and the fur- i liaces at present in use will have to J answer until the end of the term. 112 The following members were pres ent: Sechler, Ortli, Sidler, Swarts, j Burns, Pursel,Fischer,Heiss and Cole. The following bills were approved for payment: Charles G. Bryan $ 10.02 , U. S. Ex. Co 40 1 J. W. Griffiths it. 00 i Welliver Hdw. Co 2.75 ■ William Miller 2.00 j Danville Sto. & Mfg. Co 2.40 ; Erza Haas 1.65 | C. E. Voris (Com.) 45.00 j Interest on bonds 122.50 Standard Gas Co 4.88 j On motion of Mr. Pursel it was ord ered that following fumigation the school rooms be warmed up to the prop er temporature and that if under those conditions the presence of tie 1 gas used causes discomfort to the teach er and pupils, then the schools be dis missed at once. GRAND JURY REPORT The grand jurors presented their re port and were discharged at 2:80 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. They pass ed upon the single case that was sub mitted to them on Monday. Tuesday ■ forenoon they examined the public buildings and the river bridge. In their recommendations to the county commissioners tliey introduce i a little variety by urging that the I inter-county bridge bo divided into i two sections, one of which shall be long to Montour and the other to Northumberland county. The grand jury's recommendation in full, as embodied in the report are as follows: "We have examined the courthouse, jail and river bridge and find them all j in good condition. "We recommend that curtains be placed on the windows on the south sido of the court room. "At the jail we recommend that the sheriff's office be papered and that the iron work be painted; also that the jail be lighted with electricity; that the cement floor be repaired where needed and that a small table be pur chased for one of the cells. "We recommend that the county commissioners of Montour county ar range with the county commissioners jof Northumberland county to divide ■ the river bridge into two sections and that each county keep in proper repair its.separate section. "We also recommend that a retain ing wall be built between the bridge ami the water works." FOURTEEN INCH ICE J Cutting ice on the river was in full I swing yesterday. John Jacobs' Sous had several teams hauling from the river at the foot of Ferry street. The ice was generally of good quality, of from twelve to fourteen inches in thickness. ,T. L. Kline, A. M. Peters and Theo dore Hoffman were cutting ice farther up stream, at the foot of Mowrev stieet. The ice obtained at that point has never been sur]>assed by any har vested in the vicinity of Danville. The ice is the thickest that has formed on the river in the five years since the great ice gorges occurred. The water is still comparatively low. MILK LICENSES ARE UNPAID The matter of collecting the milk li cense from the dairymen under the rules and regulations at present in force is giving the board of health no little concern. From what can be learn ed the dairymen object to the rules and regulations relating to tho license and that as a consequence during tho present year they have refused to pay the license fee. Section 1 of the rules and regula tions provides that no person, firm or corporation shall sell cream or milk in the borough of Danville without first annually before the first day of March, making application to the board of health, which application shall set fortli the name and route of the dairy man, the owner of and location of the dairies and such other information re lating to the production and eare of cream and milk as may be deemed necessary by the board of health. In addition to making said application, which is to constitute an agreement for faithful compliance, the dairymen are required to obtain from the board of health a license to carry on the business, which license shall be dis played in every wagon from which milk and cream is sold, the fee for said license to be $lO per annum. Back of the rules and regulations of tho board of health is the borough or dinance, which provides that every person selling milk or cream on the streets of Danville shall take out an annual license of $lO. The section pro vides that any person violating this provision shall be restrained as the law directs and shall also forfeit and pay a fine of not less than two dollars nor more than ten dollars for each and ev ery such offense. The milk license lias always been a source of more or less contention. As tar back as when it was collected by the borough, under tho ordinance, dairymen, who denied that they pur chased milk from other dairies,claim ed exemption from the payment of li cense on the ground that they sold no milk or cream but was of their own production. The milk licenses were generally collected,however, un til the present rules and regulations of the board of health went into effect. During the year beginning March 1, 1909, we are informed by the secre tary of tho board of health, no milk license has been paid. The dairymen who claim that they sell milk of their own production only refuse to comply. Others who object to this discrimina tion refuse to pay a license until ail pay, while still otl ers withhold pay ment on tho broad ground that the rules and regulations as they apply to milk license are unjust and of ques tionable legality. Such seems tp be the status. Obvi ously a clash is pending. Council de clares that under the present law it lias nothing to do with the collecting of the milk licenses—that it is a mat ter which is wholly up to the board of health. The latter body up to tho present has not assumed any such re sponsibility, but has held that the bor ough council is back of it and must take the initiative in adopting what ever measures may be necessary to collect the overdue milk licenses. De velopments in the matter will be watched with a good deal of interest. FIELDS BARE Notwithstanding the coating of ice that covers the highways [affording good sleighing many of the wheat fields between here and Berwick are bare, which causes some solicitude among the farmers owning them as to the condition of next year's wheat crop. Wheat fields should be well protect ed by snow during weather such as we have had since New Year's. Fre quently failure of crops can be traced to the exposure of fields during win ter. In the immediate vicinity of Dan ville, it is said, as a rule the wheat is well covered with a coating of ice and snow. Sleighing Party in Anthony Twp. Taking advantage of tho splendid sleighing a party ot Schuyler people drove to the tine home of Wm. Albeck in Anthony township Tuesday even ing, where they were very pleasantly entertained. Those on tho load driven by Bruce Smith were Mr. and Mrs. John M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Smith and sons Ralph and Ray uiond.Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dildiue, daughter Mary, and sous Myron, Lloyd and Frank, Bruce Smith and daughter Breta, Mrs. John Drumheiser and sou Laurant.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watts and sons Hunter, Lawrence and James. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Shade, Theo. Reynolds, Sadie Rey nolds, Miss Allie Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hagermau and son Frank. John Winsborough, of Pen Argyl, has bequeathed $-1,000 to the Good ' Shepherd home at Allentown. ESTABLISHED IN 1855 BRINGS ACTION OF ASSUMPSIT An action of assumpsit is brought by Joseph Baylor against Mahoning township to recover the aggregate sum of S4OO with interest thereon from October 5, 1905. The plaintiff's statement shows the following facts: That prior to its issue of certain bonds the defendant township through its supervisors duly petitioned tho county commissioners to make applica tion to the State highway department for the cooperation of the State in the reconstruction of the highway leading from Danville to the Valley township line near Mausdale, lying within the defendant township, said supervisors agreeing to assume for it, the said de fendant, its proportionate share of the expense. In pursuant of said application tho section of highway was reconstructed under the contract, direction and con trol of the State highway department; that in such reconstruction and im provement the defendant thus incurred its proper and legal liability for its proportionate share of the cost. That for the purpose of defraying its proportionate share of the cost and expense the defendant on Oct. 5, 11)04, duly issued its series of ten certain bonds of the denomination and par value of SIOO each, and in tho aggre gate sum of SIOOO. That since their issue and prior to their maturity the plaintiff purchased of the said defendant, through its official and proper representatives at that time Nos. 7, 8, '.) and 10, respect ively of the series of bonds at their par value of §IOO each. That of the said bonds, Nos. 7 and 8 were redeemable after Oct. 1, 1908, and Nos. 9 and 10 after October 1, 1909, at the pleasure of the supervisors and payable with interest at the rate of four and one-half per centum. That the defendant through its offi cial representatives has paid to the plaintiff the first year's interest, but that, neither it, they, nor their suc cessors in office have ever redeemed or attempted to redeem and pay the said four bonds, Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10, resp ectively, or any more interest on them whatsoever. That the said defendant through its supervisors duly and legally levied a special road tax of one mill and des ignated it as the ' 'road improvement tax" for the express purpose of re deeming and paying the said bonds and loans secured thereby and that the said defendant lias now on hand suffici ent available money and funds to pay the said plaintiff's entire claim. That all of the four bonds. Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10, respectively, an- now due and payable; that since their maturity the plaintiff has duly demanded their payment with interest 1 lit that the defendant through it official and proper representatives has refused to pay to the plaintiff the aggregate de nomination and par value of said bonds or any part thereof or any in terest still due. DEAD IN SLEIGH Isaac Timmerman, tax collector for Union township, Snyder county, was found in his sled Tuesday afternoon, frozen to death. He had left home early in the day on a tat collecting tour, and called at several places. Dur ing the afternoon a farmer driving along the public highway, met Tim merman's horse which was jogging along at a comfortable gait. Timmer man sat in the sleigh apparently asleep. Later in the day the man was found by others who saw and stopped the horse. Timmerman was dead, having perished from the cold. STRICKEN IN WOODSHED ,T. H. Hartman, a widely known farmer, was stricken with paralysis yesterday afternoon, and now lies at his home in the southern part of Madi son township, Columbia county, near New Columbia,in a critical condition. 1 Mr. Hartman was chopping wood in , the wood shed yesterday afternoon. : About :) o'clock his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Cleveland Hartman, went to the shed and found Mr. Hartman lying on the floor. He was carried into the house and Dr. Snyder, of Washingtou ville, was summoned. Last evening ho was still unconscious and his condi tion scarcely improved. PATIENTS OUT SLEIGHING ! Along with others the patients at ! the hospital for the insane are enjoy j ing the good sleighing. Each day this week several sled loads have been tak ! en out. i On Monday a number of female pati | ents were treated to a sleigh ride; on Tuesday the male patients were taken out. Yesterday was women's day again. Five sled loads, sixty in all, were taken out. The day was pleasant and a ride of several miles over the hills was enjoyed.