Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, February 11, 1909, Image 3

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Th» Way to Correct This Fault and
Get Beneficial Results.
"Reading can be made a much great
er source of pleasure to those who
now only read when they can find no
other pleasures," said a Columbia uni
versity lecturer on English literature.
"You have perhaps noticed with
what keen sense of satisfaction some
people read the newspapers. Do you
went to know the secret of their abil
ity to extract enjoyment iu this way?
Well, you have probably noticed that
those who can so rivet their attention
to the printed page arc the ones who
make It a point to talk about what
they have read.
"That is the secret. Try it. Read
something, then tell some one about
It. Do this with books as well as with
papers. Soon you will notice that in
reading a story you fix in your mind
the things you want, to relate. You
get the writer's point of view, then
you fix upon the points he has pre
"At the beginning your story telling
will lack the completeness of the story
as written, and you will notice that
your shortcomings in this direction
nre due to listless reading. This will
correct itself just to the extent of
your ambition to become a reader for
all there is in reading. 1 have given
this bit of advice before and have
N*eu thanked many times by those
Who followed my directions. Try it
anil mark the results."- Exchange.
Husbands to Burn.
The elderly spinster in the rear of
the drawing room car had no more
than settled In her seat when her at
tention was attracted to a woman a
little farther front who was garbed
In the deepest mourning. As Miss
Spinster adjusted her nose grabber
glasses for a better inspection of the
one in widow's weeds she saw the
conductor lean over and converse with
her earnestly for several minutes.
When the conductor got back to her
seat taking the passenger's tickets
Miss Spinster was consumed with cu
riosity about the woman In moorning.
"Conductor," she asked in her sweet
est tones, "what's the trouble with the
lady up there In widow's weeds 7"
"Oh, that's Mrs. Gettem!" replied
the obliging conductor. "She's J oat.
taking her third husband out to a
"Oh, how dreadful!" exclaimed MJss
Bptnrter. And then in a faraway voice
she added:
"And just think of It! Here I am
past fifty and never had a husband In
my life, while that woman up there
has them to burn!"— New York Times.
How the Culprit Was Detected.
Of a certain Harrow master whom
Mr. Tollemache In his reminiscences
refers to as Mr. Y. the following story
5s told. Dr. Vaughan was master of
Harrow at the time:
"Mr. Y.—l am sorry, Dr. Vaughan,
to have to report to you two of your
monitors for drinking. Dr. V.-—This is
a very serious charge. When and
where did it happen? Mr. Y.—This
afternoon In a public house iu Pinner.
Dr. V.—Did you catch them flagrante
delicto? Mr. Y. —No. Dr. Vaughan, I
was in my study. Dr. V.—But surely
yon cannot possibly have seen from
your study to Pinner? Mr. Y.—l have
a strong telescope. Dr. Vaughan. Dr.
V.—But how can you tell that it was
not water they were drinking? Mr. Y'.
-—lt was gin and water. I noticed a
•sediment of sugar at the bottom of
their glasses.
Skating is believed to have been in
vented iu northern Europe in prehis
toric times. William Fitz-Stepben
speaks of It in London toward the
end of the twelfth century, but it did J
not really catch hold until the cava
liers who had been in exile with
Charles 11. brought it with them from I
Holland. On Dec. l, 1 HdU. Mr. I'epys.
having occasion to cross the park. |
"first in my life, it being a great frost, [
did see people sliding with their j
skates, which is a very pretty art." ;
On the Bth he went purposely to see
the sight and again found it "very
pretty."—London Chronicle.
Works Both Ways.
"So you think it is an advantage to j
a man togo to congress for awhile?" j
"Yes." answered Senator Sorghum, j
"It gives the people In his own town
a chance to think he is a great man in I
Washington and the people in Wash- |
lngton a chance to think he is a great i
man In his own town."-Washington !
Theatrical Novelty.
A new method by which the au- i
dience at a theater can show Its ap- |
proval or disapproval of a play with- j
out disturbing the performance is be- !
lng introduced by the Italian drama- !
tist Traversi. Before leaving the thea- I
ter every person is to drop a ticket '
Into one of the three boxes marked
"Good." "Indifferent" and "Bad."'
Fishing With Microphones-
Experiments are being made in Eu
rope with a microphone for the discov- j
ery of the presence of shoals of fisli.
The instrument is sunk into the water,
and the constant tapping of the li.sli
against it as they pass warns the fish
A One Sided Complaint.
"This is the seventeenth time I've |
seen you before me in the dock," said I
a magistrate, looking at a prisoner
"Yes. For eight years now I've seen |
you sitting In the chair, but I've never ■
thought of complaining about It!" re i
piled the prisoner reproachfully.—Lon '
Plenty of Him.
"What sort of man is Jinks?"
"The Impression you get of Jinks de
pends on the circumstances under
which you meet him. If you're there !
to collect money you won't like him
But If you're there to pay money he
teems a lovely character."
His Way Out of It.
"He don't give nuthln' to the church
now ?"
"No. Somebody told him the Bible
"ays salvation Is 'free.' an' he says flit
be It from him to dispute the Scrip
tores!"— Atlanta Constitution.
I.lberty exists In proportion to whole
•one restraint —Webater. I
Plucky Football Player.
Burton Miller, right guard on the
Norfolk (Conn.) football team, Is the
j pluckiest man playing the game In
| Connecticut this season. On a recent
Saturday Miller had four ribs frac
tured, but played the game out before
| seeing a doctor. The other day, when
I Norfolk met Torrlngton, Miller sur
! prised players and rooters of the Nor
i folk eleven by appearing in togs for
I the fray, ne played right guard in
both halves. Norfolk lost by a score of
5 to 0, but It was not Miller's fault.
Disappearing Home Life.
The fiat dweller ought not to keep a
j dog. prefers not to keep a cat, cannot
j have a garden, has no chance of keep
j lng house, has no possible place for
I memories and, most emphatic of all,
| has no use or accommodation for
; babies. Although it may be possible
to make homes without kittens or
j bnbles or flowers or memories or
! cupboards, the spirir of home is hard
! to woo and win without any of them. —
I Fortnightly Review.
Old Laws.
| There still exists in London a bylaw
| which forbids a cask of beer to be un-
J loaded between certain hours, but no
| mention Is made of casks containing
i uny other liquor.
Lucerne has on Its statute books a
J law which is not enforced. It prohib
j Its hats of more than eighteen Inches
In diameter, forbids the use of artifl
| clal flowers and imported feathers and
j orders that a license of 75 cents a year
I shall be paid for the right to wear rib
' bons or silk or gauze.
Waiters on Horseback.
I In great French houses of days gone
j by dinner was announced by the blow
ing of hunting horns, and It Is on rec
ord that at certain gain feasts the
dishes were brought In by servants In
full armor mounted upon caparisoned
horses, a practice we could only look
for during the reign of chivalry. Of
the attendants at dinner the carver and
server took precedence over all the
others. They stood probably on each
Bide of their lord. The server, It may
be mentioned, was the officer who
nlaced the dishes on the table.
Then She'll Tell You.
"Tell me," said the lovesick youth,
"what's the best way to find out what
a woman thinks of you."
"Marry her." replied Perkbam
promptly. Philadelphia Press.
The Cause.
Wife- What was the matter? I
thought you would break down the
house. Husband I dreamed I was
frying to put on my clothes In the up
; Der berth of a Pullman - Life
There is more Catarrh in this sect
ion of the country than all other dis
eases pnt together, and until the last
I few years was supposed to be inenr
jable. For a great many years doctors
pronounced it a local disease and pre
i eoribed local remedies, and by con
j Htantly failing to cure with local treat
ment, pronounced it incnrahle.Science
has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's Cat
arrh Core.mauufctnred by F. J. Chen
ey & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional core on the market. It
is taken internally iu doses from 10
drops to a teaspoouful. It acts direct
ly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the Bystem. They offer one hundred
dollars for any case it fails to cure.
Send for circulars and testimonials.
Address: F. J. CHENEY &CO..
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists. 75c.,
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
Nursing Mothers and
Over-btirtlenptl Womea
In all stations of life, whoso vigor and
vitality may have been undermined and
i broken-down by over-work, exacting
social duties, the too frequent bearing of
children, or other causes, will find in Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription the most
potent. Invigorating restorative strength
river ever devised for their special bene
fit. Nursing#mothers wfßfind it especial
ly valuable iksustaining >t|olr strength
i\nd promotingxn atmndant nourishment
lor (he child. lixpVctantiuptvcrs too
will find it a the
Bystem for baby's coming and nTniiclng
the ordeal comparatively
ran do no linrm In any state, or condition
ttl the female system. * — 1
Delicate, liei'vous, weak women, who
suflar from frequent headaches, back
ache, dragging-down distress low down
In the abdomen, or from painful or irreg
ular monthly periods, gnawing or dis
tressed sensation In stomach, dizzy or
faint spells, see imaginary specks or spots
floating before eyes, have disagreeable,
pelvic catarrhal drain., prolapsus, ante
vertlon or retroversion or other displace
ments of womanly organs from weakness
of parts will, whether they experience
many or only a few of the above symp
toms, find relief and a permanent euro by
using faithfully and fairly persistently
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription.
This world-famed specific for woman's
and peculiar ailments is a
pure glyceric extract of the choicest na
tive, medicinal roots without, a drop of
alcohol In its make-up. All its ingredi
ents printed in plain English on Its bottle
wrapper and attested under oath. I)r.
Pierce thus Invites the fullest investiga
tion of his formula knowing that it will
bo found to contain only the best agents
known to tho most advanced medical
science of all the different schools of prac
tice for the cure of woman's peculiar
weaknesses and ailments.
If you want to know more about the
composition anrl professional endorse
men* of the''Favorite Prescription," send
post;it enrd request to Dr. It. V. Pierce,
Buff ilo V Y„ for his free booklet treat
ing ot s,: me.
You out'.': ifTord to accept as a substi
tute for tin ■ niedy nfknmi n mmpiwirtoit
t secret nostrum or unknown oompoab
Hon. Don't do It.
Cough Syrup
tokawM C«UU by laf fIMB «gl
•112 (W fitia * Mptoai mt
hmHhy a thorn Am tn«k
toitevw M«fiM hr atMMtat AH
araoooa wubwiw tt
WoacMftl tuba*.
"Ai to** Ml
Children Tilt* ft,
tm wwi-tui mm %
hftftOtaial mmam —3MI
For Sale by at
Often The Kidneys Are
Weakened by Over-Work.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re
sponsible for much sickness and suffering,
H vj. _ therefore, if kidney
VTjvJsk trouble is permitted to
continue, serious re-
SzyyTO'Vtiitiy suits are most likely
to follow. Your other
Vl organs may need at
\J 1 tention, but your kid-
I neys most, because
/ Li) AUyP they do most and
"jP" should have attention
. >6 first. Therefore, when
your kidneys are weak or out of order,
you can understand how quickly your en
tire body is affected and how every organ
seems to fail to do its duty.
If you are sick or " feel badly," begin
taking the great kidney remedy, Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will con
vince you of its great merit.
The mild an<l immediate effect of
Swamp-Root, the great kidney and
bladder remedy, is soon realized. It
stands the highest because its remarkable
health restoring properties have been
proven in thousanefs of the most distress
ing cases. If you need a medicine you
should have the best. <
Sold by druggists in
fifty-cent and one-dol
have a sample bottle
by mail free, also a^ HB
pamphlet telling you
how to iiud out if you have kidney or
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mis
take, but remember the name, Swamp-
Root, and don't let a dealer sell you
something in place of Swamp-Root—if
you do you will be disappointed.
Don't make any mistake, but remem
her the name, Swanp-Root, Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Root, and the addres
Binghamton. N.Y.. 011 everv bottles.
To Whcrn It May Concern
Notice is hereby given that the
Court of C. P. of Montour^Co., on the
11th day of Jan.. 1909, granted a role
to show cause why the said Court
should not enter a decree changing the
name of Ralph Winter Diehl to Ralph
Beaver Diehl.
Said rule returnable April 13, 1909,
at 10 o'clock, A M
Ralph Kisner, Att'y. A 8
ll■ k I 1
rff IIIIIK* Designs
R rfTY' Copyrights AC.
AnTon© sending a nketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention ts probably patentable. Conununlra
tlons at rlctly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patenti |
sent free. Oldest agency fur securniK patent*.
Patents taken through Munu A, Co. receive i
tpecUil not ice, without charge, iu the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nrircst clr- i
rulatlon c»f any scientific journal. Terms. fli a ,
year; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers, i
MUNN & Co. 36,B '°- d - a " New York
Brauch Office. C 26 F 8t„ Washington. D. C. 1
A Reliable Remedy
ri . A n , t HAYFtVER ))&J
Ely's Cream Balm V
is quickly absorbed. U
Cives Relief at Once. m.
It cleanses, soothes.
heals aryl protects
the diseased lac Til- j
brane resulting from Catarrh aud drives
away a Cold 111 the Head quickly. Restores
the Senses of Taste and Swell. Full size
50 cts. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid
Cream Balm for use in atomizers7s ets.
Ely Brothers, fill Warren Street, New York.
R I- P-A-N-S Tabule
Doctors find
A miod prescription
For Mankind.
The 5-cent. packet is enough for nsua
oocassions. The family .bottle (i'.U cents
oontains h supply for a year. All drug
W. T. I)ISI!HAKKIt. Manager.
Midway between Broad St. Station
and feuding Terminal on Filbert St
liuri»|Kan, SI .OO per da> and up
American, $2.50 per day and up
The only moderate priced hotel of
reputation and consequence In
W— ■ I —BEE
A R.ollable
for all kind of Tin Roofing
Spouting ind Canoral
Job Work.
Stoves. Hoators, Ran*os.
Furnaces, oto.
HO. 11# E. FBOBT ST.
Receipts and Expenditures of Montour County, Penn'a.
For the Year Ending January 4th., A. D., 1909.
COUNTY TAX. || STATE TAX. ji T>f>« Ttv —~
DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. ' abate-, TCStiect- , , , iSST3Su=EI i - — r -
J'" Tax ~rr c pm ~ ,,l | Tax I™, amount' Balance Tux feX™lam Bal
_.. _ returnd mIHH-.on V*»>_ j LartwaV mMon. , pSdT DM aj££d Du-
Anthony Township A.A.Love IMS 49 61 M ad t! ,W HI ! 101 10 -.III' -III' ima 1 :TT: '
cooper •• Alfred Hlecher 013 41; 26 Ml 15 76 19 27 881 77 ! I. n! V, M t S BO ««' 1 '" ! ™ «
Danville Borough I. 1\ Bare WOO Jii »« wi ! J.i 10 1711 »7i 7«t;i 7'»llcwti oi ivn ii 11" -* PL; 1 .■! ~ I,"i V" 1:11 W 24 70
Derry Townshil 11. K. Cot tier l;isi W SSL.. £7* law I»l : < ; m 'Si m •'.» » 107 »
Liberty •• William E. Hoyer 1077 07 »>«i 071 7ii 28 11 1230 an,' tlil'w'i '~l 77 '1 ".! Si *?! - 11 1v -
Limestone •• h. E. Krytulre 1986 IW 7S in:l -jm r>~ llooon Ki :<< 71 -,, ; ij. 'lt I:m 12 ihi as a®
Mahoning ' It him. Utterm lller 11211:1 v, fid :,j « lw ,S j 5 " !»* , v [] t «ou 125 71 -M no 204
May berry 1\ H. Cromley S#2 41 15 85 7i uln :«5 401. ,i -M no ■«', *2' r' * i - :::! V, 27 54
Valley M ...iR, E. liunn I*JUI to |9| t» :;«» Ji."» ti M'"' Kill i Tj » i •» •">•* i!,- 77 i 7 •>*
Wiisbitigtonvillc Borough r. L. Cronus -jtiH 2J 7 w mOl •J.'tO 311 ' it ti r_ ri ««•» 5 170 2 051 5271
West 110111 lock Township T. Al. Wlnterstcen aoo 61 11 M....... 7"J SS (Wj i;'jH si|j 11 7? J® 10 71, ;;;* j" ™ »» ,• w •
Total taxeareceivedduring theyear A. 1). 1908. lSitToo" " " " *"-{( ! !L | 72 55;
outstanding taxes in favor of count)* -...."77.........7 T~ 777 "M6l 7«i - "" *-*- I' 1 I wi
I Ksiimated exonerations and commissions on same !!. T.. 60
Actual amount of oatßtaodliig taxes in tevorofoounty... i—!' ——
N. 8.-Taxcs remaining due and unpaid for prior years us follows:-.!. I*. Bare, Collector of tl,e Itoroutrh of Danville Pa Cmintv Tux for i^r
Chas. Uttermiller, •• •• Township of Mahoning " • •• " » -^'oi
N. B. K. K. Frymlr«'. Collector of Limestone Township, has paid 8400.00, on al>ove Account Since Audit l ''" s l 4 S! '
Balance on hand at last settlement $ 558.70 UIbBURSEMENTS As FOLLOWS
County tax received for 1908 16720.05 Amount paid on County orders during year 1908 as per
County tax received for prior years 1721.55 l»elow classified account of expenditures. ... *"4OX7 (11
State tax received for 11108 2210.92Am0unt paid Commonwealth for State Tux 1908, for
Dog tax received tor 1908 :528.7l i r which there was no order issued ! $^404.51!
Dog tax received for prior years 72.55 : Treasurer's commission on same 24 or> ~,i
County Tax received in 1908 on unseated land and collectors' returns.. 22.97 '
Reimbursement noxious animals :5:J3.4l rr..,,-.. .
Reimbursement State Tax 1908 1785.88 TREASURER S COMMISSION, \IZ:
Reimbursement primary election 1908 .. 463.18 j 21 per cent on disbursement of * MOB7 c ,
Keimbursemen O M Lemger Burial of O G Mellin 50.<i0 Less county's portion of hotel licenses, commission on same
Reimbursement Win. B. Linville, oveipaid bill 1..1.t, having ljeen allowed in treasurers license account 897.75
| Reimbursement Columbia Co. Commissioners 30.0J
Reimbursement Penna. R. R. Co. damage to paper y.25 ; iaatftfi «fi- --a
CommonweaUh costs fines and jury funds 845.11 Balance in hands of A. .T. Steinman. county treas, Jan'y, 4th,'o«j7. ...... 1544.0^
! Hotel licenses for 1908, county S portion *97.751 - ' ,L
i Sale of old iron 28.40 i *^7^77^
Sale of old bridge 5.00! T«8o91.85
I Sale of old disinfectant 2.25 I
I Sale of old Cement 1.50
| Elias Maier, a loan 1000.00 j
' S. K. Hoffman, a loan 2000.00 i
I Toamount of wholesale and retail mercantile licenses *1302.17 By amount paid Commonwealth *-(409.3«
!To amount of Pool licenses 240.00 By amount paid for advertising mercantile list and postage... .... . . 126..5#
ITo amount of eating house licenses 11.30 By treasurer's commission 439.10
iTo amount of hotel liceuses 6300.00 By amount hotel licenses applied to county fund, county portion 897.75
To amount of brewers licenses *. 1300.00 By amount hotel licenses paid to Danville borough 2964,00
ITo amount of wholesale liquor licenses 400.00 By amount hotel licenses paid to Washingtonville borough 238.00
By amount hotel licenses paid to Anthony township.. 57^00
*9553.47 By amount hotel licenses paid to Derry township 114.00
| By amount hotel licenses paid to Liberty township 57.00
! By amount hotel licenses paid to Valley township 171.00
Qrand'Jorors. .. * 537.86 A Buchanan, Henry Bridge new * 844.00
Traverse jo tors 1014.06 A. Buchanan, Esohange Bridge 128.00
Constables making quarterly returns and tipstaves .. 157 44 j Nelson Construction Co. DsGreen Bridge 860 00
\<i. B. Linville, Court stenographer 259.18 ! A. Buohanan. Balance on Exchange Bridge 100.00
Win. M. Hoddens, Court Crier 102.50 i United Construction Co. Lobach Bridge 89100
John Reppert. janitor 216.00 Nelson-Merydith Co. Bridge at Washingtouville 2315.00
Ohas. P. Gearli'art.dietrict attorney 400.00 Nelson-Merydith Co., Lowrie Bridge .. 580.00
Thus. G. Viucent.fclerb of courts and prothonotary ..... 437.15 Road Views and Surveys 107 65
D. C. Williams, attending court 20 davg at 13.00 60.00 Lumber and Material for Bridges... 207.60
D C. Williams, sheriff.Conimouwealth costs 41.65 General Bridge Repairs . . 581.20 *6059.43
Oon's'tables 198 20 DANVILLE RIVER:
witnesses ■:::::.:: i::'.:::.:::::':::::::::::::;:: m.o» Lumber for side wait
George Maters, Deputy sheriff,attending court 2 days 8 00 fi 00 ; vieneral uepairs -ii.2l
Dismissed cases under art of June 25, 1906. .. .. 58 17 I Bridge 11.50
Supreme Court, expenses Dietrich ease ... 20i* 00 | Removing snow $ 67.6*
Lnzerne (bounty court Dietrich case .. 690 8t» COURT HOUSE EXPENDITURES :
Meats for Jurors Stationery and Blauk Boobs * 208.98
Guilford Case t. Ho County Printing and Advertising 215.75
Pardons Digeat • 18 00— *4943 01 ooft j _ " 7 183 00
D. C. WILLIAMS, SHERIFF: ■■■ ■■ 17.15
Boartling Prisoners and turnkey *738.20 Water Rent.. 27 50
Drawing and notifying jurors 216.70 Expressage I'reight and Postage 31 93
Washing for prisoners 61.80 General Repairs and Supplies.. .. 77.61
Removal of P. Dietrich from Penitentiary to Co. jail st» 92 Sundry Persons, Cleaning Court House 36. <4
Conveying of P. Dietrich to Wilkes Karre jail 19 40 Insurance on Court House 75 00
Bringing Prisoners from Mahauoy City 14.00 Xclephone service •• 25.10
Conveying prisoners to E. S. Penitentiary 189 62 t rieudsliip b ire Co., sprinkling 10.00
Conveying Prisoners to Reformatory 27 45 £*•. ™• Peters, ice 7.66
Henorts to Board of Public Charities 20.00- 11334 Oil Disinfectant 24.00
Jos Leclmer, 2 new furuaoes 720.85 11660.75,
Charles W. Cook Commisbioner *500.C0 c .
George M. Leighow, commissioner. 500.00 I Gas 82*92
George R. Sechler, commissioner 500 00 Water Rent
Horace O. Blue conimifsoner's clerk 720 00 Clothing and Bedding! "y/.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'...WW" .'. 39.'70
Edward Sayre Gearhart, County solicitor 241.28 Medical Attendance 32.00
Jury commissioners . J ' ! General Repairs and supplies 277.64
County Auditors and clerk . ..... ,h 40 (Insurance.. 175 00
Traveling expenses necessarily incurred by the Commission- I Disinfectant 24 00- 1830.88
ers in discharge of official dot ies .. 187.7i — *2119C9
ELECTION EXPENSES : j interest ou County Bonds ... { 175.00
Spring election *488.96 Short Loans and Discounts and interest on r-itine 986 83
General electiou 529.81 State Tax ou County indebtedness 22 38
Montour County Democrat for official and specimen ballots County Teachers institute 129.67
for spring and general election 60.00 School director's association ... 59 00
Election blanks and supplies 5"\75 Support of Cjnvicts in E. S Penitentiary 429.29
Primary election, held April 11, 1908 497.28 Support of convicts in House of Refuge 80.12
D. O. Wjlliams, sheriff proclamation 2.75 Support of conviota in Reformatory 100 92
Publishing sheriff proclamation 90 00 Support of Inmates in State hospitals 569.00
Ground Rent for Booths 38.00 Inquisition on John Mowrer 33.86
Repairing Booths. 32.21 *1789.71 Autopay on John Mowrer 50 00
Forest Fires 210 42
ASSESSORS PAY : Insurance on Jail barn 24.(0
Annual assessment *291.00 Subscription Democratic Sentinel •••• 4 25
Registry of voters 817.00 | Oar Fate tit Matthew Gartlaud .. 4.61
Registry of School ohildreu 119.(X) I Thos. C. Welsh, auditing the accoouts of the Prothonotary
State Tax Assessment 98 00 j and Register and Reoorder 25.00
C. Shultz. M. D. Local Registrar 187.25 Thos. G. Vincent, certifying Judgments &c 69 80
W. R Robinson Local Registrar 18.75 (081.00 Wm L. Sidler, certifying mortgages &0.... 13.40
Sheep damages 67.50
NOXIOUS ANIMALS : Burial of Soldiers and Markers for sauie 310.00
241 Weasels at *I.OO *241.00 Mtmorial Day Committee 50 00 - *3364 60
33 Mink at *1 00. . 33.00 I To amount of orders issued in 1908 124087.61
I Wild Cat at *4 00 4 00 — *278.00 |To amonnt of orders redeemed in 1908 24087.61
To amount of bouded indebtedness *5000.00 Bv outstanding County tax 1908 *2500 00
To amount due CommonweaUh for taxes on County indebt By outstanding County tax 1907 . 520.87
edness for 1908 20 00 By outstanding Dog tax 1908.... 160.00
To auiouut due S. K. Hoffman 20C0.00 jßy outstanding Dog tax 1907 14.89
To amount due Elias Maier 2000 00 j To amount due from Common wealth for extinction of For
Estimated outsanding bills 80.00 eat Fires 105.31
Unpaid appropriation to Soldiers Monument 0000.00— *14100.00 jßy amount due from Commonwealth for bounties paid for
killing noxious animals 267 59
'By amouut due from Commissioners of North'd. Co 38.83
' By amount due iu hands of Countv Treasurer.. 1544 08
} By amount due from Lock Haven Poor District. .. 417 55
1 Liabilities In excess of assets 8545 98— 114100.00
Taxes received in 190 S. Treasurer's Commission of 5 per .1 Amount paid by Treasurer to the Bev !l Balance si ill due the Several Du
cent, ou same. | eral Districts. | tncts, lueludinK balance on
iiisTßir-rs - - hand from prior years.
lilts Ml * M I | 112 112 l t-1 ~ ? i
Anthony Township I I 3 10| I
Cooper Township ... •£! u» 70 c, 4'J
Danville Borough 110 4" I»1 1 or, Ci no i u -,| 14 <js Ijo
Derry Township 11 1 IV 112, S2 525
Liberty Township - 12 CO 17 74 825 1 #0 so at j 11 40' ltl Bft 21 :l'i' 1
Mahouins Township 414 427 all 1 21 21 16 4 ss l <i 71 II N7 ;
Valley Township. ! 410 590 220 21 :u) : ii . ...... .... '.I H so; 15 W< r, it
West Hemlock Township 4is f> a-'l 29« ! J| '.'l :v»: i.',j . j .... :t <KV 6 f».v «251
Total _2ft 50. H4 S4| 14 • 126 _ j I! 12S I 7.V 7»| o<l _ | j I | il 33 42] 67 06l Hi :to> I 20!
We. the undeislcned Commissioners of Montour County. Pa., do hereby certify that the foregoing statement of receipts and expenditures ol said county tor the year ending January m,, A. IL, 1909
is true and correct to the tes' of our knowledge ami belief. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seal of oflice this 14th day of January, A. I>, I'.KW.
uKOKUK W. MILES, ) Commissioners
Attest: HORACEC. BLUE, Clerk. UKO K. HECHLKK. j Montour County,
TO THE HONORAILE THE JI'DGES OF THE CO! RT OF COMMON I'l HAS OK THE COt'NTY OK MONTOUR:—We the undersigned Auditors of Montour County, state of Pennsylvania, after hav -
lug been duly qualified aieortling to the law, respectfully reimrt that we have audited the accounts of the Treasurer and Commissioners of said Countv. and that the foregoing is u true anil correct state
ment ol the same, and ln« a balance due the said County on the 4th. day of January A. D„ 1909. by A J. Steinman, Treasurer, of One Thousand Five lluudred and Kortv I'our Dollars Eight Cent.
(t1.514.05) also a l>alance 4ue the several di-tricts of One Hundred and sixty Klve Dollars and Ninety-Eight Cents. (SIC.', 9s).
In witni'SM whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 11th day ol January, 190s.