THE BACK OF THE NECK. Make It Proof Against Drafts and Colds In the Head. "When I was a boy," said a doctor, "I didn't believe In drafts. I thought that they who Imputed colds to drafts were cranks. But one November night at a concert I felt all the even ing a strong draft on the back of my neck. It was so strong It resembled a suction pump. 'Now,' said I to my self. 'we'll see If this draft will give yours truly a cold.' " lie shuddered. "For a week," he said, "I was laid up with so vile a cold that I couldn't breathe save with my mouth open. And now I am satisfied that nine out of every ten colds are solely due to a draft on the back of the neck. "I know how to prevent such colds. Ilenee I may practically say that I know how to prevent all colds. It is si fact that none of my patients, thanks to my method, know what a cold is. "They learn from me to do this—to bathe the back of the neck every morning in cold water. Thus the spot becomes hardened. It becomes draft proof. "And when a new patient, peculiarly sensitive to colds, visits me, my pecul iar treatment is to blow on the back of his neck with a bellows for several days in succession. The bellows, in conjunction with the Icy douche, frees him from all future susceptibility. Thenceforth his winters pass without that horrid winter pest, a bad cold."— New Orleans Times-Democrat. The SHillalah. The shillalah owes its name to the fact that the finest specimens thereof used to he grown in the pleasant groves of trees that formerly flourish ed in the barony of Shillalagh, in County Wlcklow. The best shillalah must be a root sprung sapling, for on# taken from the branches of a full grown tree would lack the necessary toughness. Being trimmed and "brought to hand," the young stick undergoes preparatory discipline by being placed in the chimney to season, thus becoming early acclimatized to the hot work in store for it. This part of the curriculum finished, it is rub bed until completely saturated with oil, after which It Is securely wrapped In a stout sheet of brown paper and , burled In a convenient hotbed. At this stage of its development It is an , object of unceasing watchfulness on the part of Its proprietor, who to fore- 1 stall any detrimental warp in the ob ject of his care visits It daily, correct- ' lng any youthful tendency to depart from a straight line and ultimately se curing ns straight a bit of timber as heart could desire.—New York Trib- , une Hot Scotch. The young wife dipped the ladle Into ' the porridge and smiled inquiringly at the overnight guest. "Will you have some hot Scotch, Mr. , Dash?" she asked. Dash laughed. , "Hot Scotch? Where is it?" said he. "Why, here, of course," said the ■ young wife in a perplexed tone. "Didn't you know that oatmeal Is ' called hot Scotch?" "Er- I" Dash stammered, and then the young husband caught his eye, and he was sileut. , "I didn't know it myself till last year," she explained. "I heard Ueorgo Inviting his cousin over the telephone 1 to meet him at the office and have a hot Scotch. I didn't know what hot Scotch was till you told me, did 1, George ?" George, very red, answered huskily: "No, my dear " Laughing at her own ignorance, the lady proceeded to serve the thick, pale hot Scotch.- New Orleans Times-Dem ocr.'it. Colored Preachers i ext. A colored man In Atlanta, On., is n preacher on Sundays and a barber on week days. One of his customers j makes It a rule to be first in the chair ; on Monday morning, when he is sure of being entertained by a resume of ! "T.'ncle Basins' " Sunday dissertation. At night the family always looked for the latest from the colored brother. I This was one of Ids recent effusions: "Yesterday I took for my text 'Clean liness am next t<> godliness,' and 1 j dun reach my < Umax wid dis argu ment: 'Now, what day follows Sun-1 day? Why, Monday. Monday Is | wash day in all well reg'lated fam hlles. Monday comes nex' to Sun- 1 day; so, my breddeti, that settles it j that the words of my tex' am true, "Cleanliness am nex' to godliness. j —Chicago Record-Herald. Too Much Quiet. On one occasion the hustling and j energetic archbishop of York. Dr. Maclagan, wrote to the vicar In an outlying village suggesting that be should lend his church for the purpose of giving the clergy of the district n "quiet day"for meditation and frater nal reunion. The witty vicar of this sleepy hamlet in the wolds promptly replied: My Dear Lord Archbishop—Your verj kind letter to hand. But what the peoplo In this village want most In their spiritual life Is not a "quiet day." but an earth quake. London Standard ' Brain and Muscle. According to Miss Loane, the author of "Prom Tbelr Point of View," more men are tramps and more women are miserable housewives If married or underpaid slaves if single because they cannot or will not use their brain power than because they are too lazy for itard bodily labor. The amount of purely unlntellectunl drudgery dimin ishes every year and the demand for Intelligent workers Increases. The author had one woman patient, I a worker among London poor, a chron ic sufferer, who managed to keep house and children in far more perfect order than vigorous neighbors always scrub bing and scouring. She was oneo asked how she contrived to do this, and she replied: "I makes my mind do three parts of It. It Isn't so much what I does, but what I stops from having did." Seeing the Scenery. "Did your wife enjoy the Swiss scen ery?" "I don't think she saw a bit of It. Bho was kept so busy adjusting her camera."—CleTeland Plain Dealer. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Bui and lief Dentil OF THE Borough of Danville, Pa., FOR 1908 BOROUGH. J. P. Bare. Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1906. DR. To balance due per last statement 928.04 OR. By cash paid to the Boro. Treae. 1908 '.123.04 ,T. P. Bare, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1907. DR. To balauoedue per last statement,... 3688.33 To 5 per cent penalty added Jau'y. 1908 181.67 OR. By cash paid to the Boro. Treas. 1908, 1700.00 By balaucedue aPfinal settlement . . . 211-199 J. P. Bare, Receiver of Borough and | Dog Taxes for 1908. DR. To total duplicate 19134.18 OR. By 5 per cent rebate on taxes paid within 60 days .... 770.0-1 By cash paid to Boro. Treas. within 60 days 14667.44 By cash paid to Boro. Treas. within 4 MOB 1200.00 By taxes entered at ( the County Oorn mrs. office 21.16 By balauoedue at fiual settlement 2475.54 Harry Kllenbogen,Borough Treasurer, Danville, Pa. December 81st., 1908. BOROUGH FUND. DR. To F. Q. Hartman. Brloks, 25.76 To Rob't. M. Farley. Bricks 12.42 To E. S.Miller,Market License, 1311.10 To Harry B. Pattou, Oity Hall Rents, . 1455.50 To Harry B. Patton, Sewer Connections 415.00 To Harrv B. Patton, Curbing N. Mill St. 65.97 To J. P. Bare, 1906 taxes, 923.04 To J. P. Bare, 1907 taxe5,......... 1798.00 To J. P. Bare, 1908 taxes, 15867.44 To Justice Oglesby, Fines, 98.00 To Justice Dalton, Fines, 20,00 To Win. J. Rogers, Licenses, 840 50 To Wm, ,T. Rogers, River front leaso,. 25.00 To returned taxes from the County Com missioners 39.80 To County Treasurer, Hotel Licenses, . 2964.00 To Standard Electric Light 00.,P01e Li cense 143.40 To Bell Telephone Co. Pole License,.. .. 109.20 To Western Union Tel egraph Co , Pole License. ... 3.60 To Wm. G. Shoop, Pipo 5,00 To Frazier & llaney. Blower .. 3.25 To M. J. Ryan, North Mill St. Paving 23.16 To American Telephone Co. .Removing pole 10.00 To Const B. B. Brown Impounding cows 8.00 To P. J Kesfer,Bricks, 6.50 To F. J. Keefer. Old fence, .. 2.00 To Danville Milling Co. .North Mill St, Paving 692 87 To Danville & Blooms burg St lly. Co., Bloom Sr. cross ings .. . 20. Co To cash for bonds sold 10000.00 To Sarah Moycr Est, Sidewalk repairs. 2.50 To cash from Monu ment Comm. for foundation 280.20 To cash from E. S. Miller, Shoveling snow 1.00 To cash from E. S. Miller, Cleaning gutters . .75 To cash from E. S. Miller, St. refuse 52.95 To cash loau from Dan ville National Bank 2000.00 To oash loan from First National Bank 4350.00 To cash from Elias Maier, Window frame, 2.00 To cash from Wonder land Co. .Electrical supplies 85.79 To cash from John Jacobs Sons, Elec trical supplies 19.98 To cash from Park ; Fund 72.00 i To ca9h from Florence Grone Paving lien 254.50 To cash from Jacob Fischer,(lag stone, 13.54 To cash on hand Jan'y. Ist., 1908 1733.14 OR. By orders paid 80341.67 By coupous paid 1686.00 By interest paid on bonds for April, . 24.66 By loaus with interest paid to The Dan ville National and First National Banks 4049.83 By loan with interest paid to The First National Bank,. .. 2358.62 By oash on hand Dec ember 31st, 1908 . 6745.58 FIRE DEPARTMENT. FRIENDSHIP CO. No. 1 : Appropriation, 150 00 REPAIRS. J W.Lore LOO Trumbower & Werk heieer 25.04 John Hlxson, 26 00 Geo. B»yer, 2.10 ; .T. H. Oole 42.95 S. J Welliver Sons Co 9.20 K. A. Adami 56.27 GOAL. A. O. Amesbnry 26.90 WASHINGTON CO.. No. 2 Appropriation, 150.00 REPAIRS. Trumbower & Werk heiser 28 13 J. H. Cole, 28 20 Wm. G. Brown 75 D. O Hunt 30 50 Danville Stove & Mfg Co 7 56 F. P. Startzcll 26 55 COAL. Boyer Bros., 14 13 A. O. Amesbury. . ... 100 Sam'l. Mills 8190 CONTINENTAL CO. No. 8. Appropriation, 150 00 REPAIRS. Trumbower & Werk heiser, 22 63 Jas. O. Oounolley 2 00 .Tas. G. Lake 5 00 John Hixson . 5 75 COAL. Rob't J. Pegg, 26 73 Boyer 8r05.,.... 5 40 , 217 51 GOOD WILL CO. No. 4. Appropriation 150 00 REPAIRS. Trumbower & Werk heiser ... 19 29 Geo. Beyer, 2 70 W. W. Mottern 39 50 J. H. Cole, 22 74 SUPPLIES Ja9. Bovd & Bro., ... 543 Chief Engineer, Wm. A. Shultz 52 00 Executive Board ... 25 00 Total Fire Dep't ... 1185 34 STREETS & BRIDGES. E. S. Miller, St. Com., 600 (HI LABOR Jas. Riffle 17 25 Wm. Ickes 6 15 Ed. Ickes, 3 50 David Rank 3 75 Elisha Bell 3 75 H. Elleubogen, Boro. Treas. Pay Rolls for Labor 2057 70 Art. Gearhart 3 75 Adam Hornberger, . 225 Geo. Sidler 11l 76 Wesley Orossley 81 01 Harrison Paugh, 49 88 Richard Shepard 29 63 Wm. Jones 3 38 Benj. Kneibler 24 19 Wm. McOanu 17 63 HAULING. Jas. Riffle, 143 11 Reading Iron C 0.,.. 16 25 Chas. Mottern,. . 86 88 Washington Fire Co. 2 40 SUPPLIES. Trumbower & Werk beiser. Lumber.. .. 20 Jos. W. Keeley, Tools and repairing 6 60 D. L. & W. R. P.. Co., Freight 337 94 Foster Bros, Shovels 90 D. J. Rogers, Time & Materials,.. 35 08 Welliver Hardware Co Pipe eto 9 00 Silver Springs Quarry Co., Limestone,... 746 45 J. H. Cola, Sundries, 25 29 Danville Foundry & Machine Co., Gut ter grates, 77 72 W. L. Sidler, Trustee, Bricks, 49 36 Ed. H. Sainsburv,Cen ter St. bridge contract painting 25 00 American Car & Foun dry Co., Drain pipes 19 44 F. Hartman,Sand, ... 8 40 C. H. Diehl, Posts, .. 89 00 Penn'a. R. R. Co.,Frt 17 52 Friendship Fire Co., Cleaning Mill St. 426 00 Williams Contractors Supply Co., Street Sweeper & new broom 290 00 Jos Leohner, Sundries, 30 Mrß. Rebecca Clark, Stable rent, 9 00 Frank Schrain, Repair ing fountain 2 25 Wm. G Brown, Time and Materials .85 Geo. F. Reifsnyder, Cinder & lumber, Friendship Fire Co.. Sprinkling & Hani ing ou North Mill St 4 00 Peoples Coal Yaid, Soft coal 10 47 SURVEYING. Geo. F Keefer, Pave ment grades etc . . 282 25 North Mill St. Con tract Work., D J. Rogers, -82 06 Wm H. Berry, State Treasurer 132 54 MUNICIPAL LIGHT PLANT. Newton Smith, salary 900 00 Frindßhip Fire Co., hauling . 20 71 H. J. Jones, hauling. . 22 06 T. L. Evans Sons, haul ing 18 00 H. Ellenbogen, Boro. Treas. Pay rolls for 1ab0r,... .. 517 21 I Jas. Gibson, labor 310 50 , David Rank, labor ... 11 25 Sam'l. Saliißbury,labor 88 00 I Oliver Wfrts, 1ab0r.,.. 83 00 Wallace Hoover lumber 8 97 iF. H. Stewart Elect, Co., supplies 276 65 • National Carbon Co., Oarbous . .... 57 00 jS. J. Welliver Sons Co., hardware 2 59 j Standard elect. Light Co., supplies, .... 30 22 Western Eleot. Co., supplies, 46 79 H. B. Foust, Pole 2 50 Water Dep't. c0a1.,.. 2604 35 Friendship Fire Co., Labor & Hg 28 00 Danville Knit. Mills Co., Waßte, 10 00 T. L. Evaus Sons, marble 1 35 Harrison Safety Boiler Works, Heater & separator, ... .... 863 35 W. M. Sechler Agt., Belt & expressage, 77 95 M. G. Youtigman Cash ler, On aco't. Al lis Chalmers con tract 4800 00 Allis Chalmers Co., Balance due on contraot 4222 05 D. L. & W. R. R. Co., freight 48 34 Atlantic Refining Co., Oil 136 77 Welliver Hardware Co Cement etc, 147 97 Buffalo Specialty Co., Mast arm!, 17 74 Silver Spring Quarry Co , Limestone, . . 119 98 Trumbower & Werk heiser lumber, . 45 99 L. E. Krorup & 00., Carbon* 108 60 F. Hartman, Sand ... 104 43 TAX COLLECTORS COMMISSIONS. J. H. Coin, Hardware 130 86 J. P. Bare,... ... 464 SO T. L. Evans Song, STATIONARY Cement 85 00 Alex H. Orone, 1 75 Walker & Kepler, Sop Mrs. Jennie Persing, plies 847 44 Treasurer, Interest Deane Bros., Materials. 6 60 on Josiali Wolf be- P. H. Fount Agent, quest 72 00 „ 10 60 MISCELLANEOUS U. S. Express 00., ex 8 03 „ ~ Frt <& Hauling . lit 53 '^Stt B ° r ° John Hlxson,materials 18 40 Treas. State tax on Oarlock Packing Co., Hlrr ß ,°f p ;; 171 J0 packing . ..I 10 86 Harry B. Pattou,Sec y .T. Woodring & Co., Postage & box rent 26 25 Materials 53 86 Harry B Patton.Sec'y Danville Foundry & . ° f Oouucil 240 00 Maohine Co. .Time Adams Express Co., ex 90 & Mats 671 50 u s- Express Co , ex 45 Jos. Leohner, Time & A Harris, Treas, Mats 75 7!) bo °*; . ... 350 Pliila. & Reading liy Wln - J Rogers Burgess Co., Pole License, aSO Expenses of Belf Emery Shultz, Hauling 335 and Comm. to Har Wm. F. Belt. Flour,.. 65 risburg, Pa, 13 48 H. O. Roberts Elect. 555 78 Co supplies, 3 15 BOROUGH RECAPITULATION POLICE DEPARTMENT ni'PARTM PVT J. C. Miucemoyer, „ . , r II{ V , ™F..2' Chief of Police, .. 660 00 wifiWn » P xr°" > .T (} Vnris \ss't ashington, No 2. ... 318 71 Police 660 00 Continental No 3 217 51 Tlios. Trainor Sr., nnpA'"'| N ° 4> BRO 8 RO ™ Chief of Police. 6 00 " h ' ef u K>neer, 52 00 Geo. B. Wintersteen, Executive Board 25 00 Ass't Police <>oo 1180 34 SUPPLIES. | E. S. Miller, St. Coin- Tlios. B. Evans, shot ' missioner 600 00 gun 10 00 Labor 2415 58 M. H. Schraui, Gun & Hauling, J!»8 64 Cartridges 34 45 i Supplies 21110 89 Jas. Dailey,Repairing surveying 232 25 watch, 25 North Mill St., Con- W. S. Hunt, repairing tract Work, . 282 06 eart 10 00 North Mill St. Con- S. J. Welliver Sons tract Work,.. ... 2132 54 Co., Batteries etc. 4 32 8051 46 M O. Lilley & Co., i Municipal light plant Helmets etu 9 85 expenses 16076 6!) Adams Express Co., ex 50 I POLICE DEPARTMENT. U. S. Express Co., ex 45 , Salaries, 1332 00 United Tel. & Tel. Co Supplies 71 12 extra phone calls 1 80 Feeding prisoners, 19 60 FEEDING PRISONERS. HIGH CONSTABLE. J. C. Miucemoyer, . in 60 B. B. Brown, Salary, 32J00 Sewer Work, 118 45 Total Police Dept 1422 72 Memorial park 616 12 HIGH CONSTABLE. Board of Health 276130 B. B. Brown 32 00 TOWN HALL BUILDING. TOWN HALL BUILDING. Repairs, 470 82 REPAIRS. Miscellaneous 819 04 Trurabower & Werk- ! Oounoil Chamber 20.71 heiser 38 37 j Lock up, 22^26 Geo. W. Hendricks. 13 48 I Printing 326^08 Mrs. J. Eisenhart, ... 1 19 Legal Expenses 346 65 Wm. G. Brown 1 40 Town Clocks 60 00 F. P. Startzell 30 13 Auditors 3 00 A. H. Grone 19 48 Tax Collectors Oom- Sam'l. Mottern 11 30 missions 464 50 Boyer Bros. 44 50 j Stationary, 1 75 W. W. Mottern,.. ... 15 68 { Interest on Wolf be- Wallace Hoover 25 60 quest 72 00 Frank Schram, 11 78 Miscellaneous, .. 555 78 J. H. Cole ... 14 83 2562159 Merritt & Co., 241 00 John Hixson 2 08 30*41*67 MISCELLANEOUS. I PENNA. DECEMBER 31st., Standard Gas Co., Gas 4 86 1908 ASSETS Sarah McOuen.oleauing 34 00 | Taxes enterted at the D. R. Williams, Insur- County Oouimis ance 73 50 sioners office prior W. H. Aintnerman & to 1908, 179*98 Co.. Insurance ... 99 80 1 1908 taxes entered, ... 21J16 J. P. Bare, Taxes for ; Balance of 1907 taxes 1908 106 88 due from J. P. Bare 2114 99 COUNCIL CHAMBER. doe from J.P. Bate 2475*54 Peoples Coal Yard, ' Fire Engine Houses, . 6000 00 Coal 14 71 Steam Fire Engine. 3000 00 Oscar Smith. Cleaning I Fire Hose 3000 00 carpet 6 00 • Small hose, 25 00 i Tools for street work, 20 00 810 57 ; Town Hall Building, 8000 00 UUMRN WORK Furniture 250 00 hbWl'.K UUKH. Lockun 100 00 LABOR, HAULING AND MATER- ! j} arn on Friendship iot 185 00 , T , ii , I Sewer 22041*59 Patton s Livery, Haok • g ewer Connections, . 161 60 „ ~r e „ ' ' K ' , Municipal light plant 23480J516 Geo. 1. Keefer, .sur j City Hall Rents 43100 T J e ?, ,n , K ni 7 Uin st Paving, Bor- J. H. Cole, Pipe, .... .t> i ough's share, ... .13639108 H. Lobach, Repairing M ,„ St p av ing Liens, 8688,32 £ :••• „• North Mill St., curb- B. Patton, Seo y.i j n g 1030 24 cen{ bonds issned £ r l i ar i w^ re ' i November 1, 1904 , 8800 00 i; • , cto j Four per cent bonds Freight issued May 1,1908 10000>» Geo. F Keefer,survey LTnited Telephoue & iu « _!L™ «,6 12 Telegraph Co.. I phone rents from BOARD OF HEALTH July Ist., 1907 to B B. Brown, Health Jau'y. Ist, 1909, 180 00 officer 157 08 52980100 Dr. O. Shultz. Secre j t-ary 62 50 ; Assets exceed Liabilities ...44061 54 Dr C. Shultz,Postage STATEMENT OF BOROUGH LIGHT & Express 122 j PLANT FOR THE YEAR 1908. Morning News ... 300 Valuation of equip- G. A. Rossman, Sun- \ ment previous to dries 52 50 _ 1008. 13478 85 LOCKUP during 1908 ...11850 00 REPAIRS. J. H.Cole 1 16 Total valuation . .24828,85 Trumbower & SVerk Amount paid out 1908, 16076.69 heiser .. 7 10 j Cost of materials car- SUPPLIKS. 1 ried from 1907 to Peoples Coal Yard, j ■ t ;oi- s 0- ' t Vi-.i 14 00 Interest 011 f1341 8 8.) at a3 , 6 3Si Per cent 471 76 PRINTING Interest on SIOOOO 00 G. Ed. Roat, 34 50 , 4 P er cent F. R. Miller B. B Co 6 75 'or 8 mos Montour Democrat . 50 00 !nterest 011 11850 (W at ! Morning News ... 39 83 W Per cent for 8 ! The Gem, 10 00 m °f ti;„ ii C. Hunt, .75 | it. Ellenbogen Boro. Treas , Labor Pay Rolls, 54.35 | H. Mueller Mfg. Co., 8 00 | Geo. F. Reifsuyder,. . 39 30 SUPPLIES. P. H. Foust freight 1805 95 S. J Wulliver Sons Co 540 J. Woortriug & C 0.,. 3 00 A. M Priteis, Ice 32 80 Danville Structural Tubing Co 11 07 Garlock Packing Co., 7 '"1 Cramlall Packing Co, 24 81 Standard Gas Co., Gas 46 68 Jos. Lechner, Suudries 29 84 J. W Karnswoith, Boiler insnrauce 50 00 Harrison Bros & Co., 281 26 J. H. Coin, Saudries, 51 t>7 Phila. Atlautic Refining Co., 183 19 Danville knitting mills Co . waste, ...... 10 00 Adams Express C 0.... 310 Chas. Miller & Son. 18 79 United States Express .30 Haines Jones & Cad bury Co., cocks,. . 27 06 P. J. Keefer Sup't , 3 00 J. H. tioeser & Co ~ « 75 The Bristol Co .charts 3 75 Danville Foundry & Machine Co !• 92 I Nat ional Meter Co , 14 00 |E. Keeltr Co., Hose, 44 80 j Rensellaei Mfg. Co., 189 60 Libertv Mfg.. Co., 126 25 I Buffalo Meter Co ... . 3 64 ' John Kilgus. boots, 5 00 STREET WORK Repairs and extensions to mains, etc. LABOR & MATERIALS, j Sam'l Sainsbury, .. 41 15 Oliver Werts 48 15 Elisha Bell, 61 65 David Rank 57 15 Ambrose Miller 17 25 Adam Hornberger,. . . 18 90 Johu Magill 13 80 Friendship Fire Co., 2 00 D. L. &W.R. R. Co. 15 66 Welliver Hardware Co. 9 25 American Car & Foundry Co., 454 41 Jos. Lechner. 123 15 Washington Fire C 0.,. 4 85 J. F Tooley, .70 H. Elleubogen, Boro. Treas Pay Rolls for Labor 227 00 Trutubower & Werk helser .25 Jos. W Keeley, .24 95 Beuj. Kelly, 1 23 WATER RECAPITULATION 1908. Regular Employes 4042 70 Auditors 3 00 Miscellaneous, 428 00 Borough Solioitor,. . 50 00 Printing . 216 66 Freight & Dtayage, 490 19 Repairs, 320 53 Supplies, 5684 30 Street Work, Materials 1121 50 WATER DEPARTMENT. ASSETS. All taxes entered at County Gommrs. office, 208 64 Water Mains 100000 00 Fire Hydrants, 12300 00 Building, Machinery, Wells 63818 64 Filtration Plant ... 17500 00 Oash balance on hand December 31st, 1908 2310 6!s LIABILITIES. ;i per cent bonds of the issue of July Ist, 1900 77000 00 Assets exceed Liabilities. ...119137 91 We the undersigned, the Finance Committee of the Town Council of the Borough of Danville, having beee directed to audit the accounts of the reoeipts and expenditures for the year 1908, do oertlfy that we have examin- Ed the above statement aud find it to be correct. •Tag. Finnigau, . Hob't H. Pursel, Com. Jesse B. Cleaver, > We tho undersigned, Auditors of the Borougli of Danville, County of Mon tour aud State of Pennsylvania, hav ing examined the above statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Borough and Water Funds for the year 1.108, do certify that we find them true and correct. John Ij. Jones, i A C. Amesbury, .Auditors. U. Grant Gulick, \ We the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Danville, County of Montour and State of Pennsylvania do certify that the above statement of reoeipts and expenditures of the said Borough and Water Funds are true ex hibits as shown by the books of the Secretary and Treasurer, and the Re ceiver of Water Beutß, according to our knowledge and belief. William J. liogers, Burgess COUNCILMEN. John L. Kussel, Win. L. Deutscb, John M. Marshall, Wm. H. Moyer, Ira O. Everhart, Jan. M. Jones, Jas. Fiunigan. Rob't B. Pureel, Jesße B. Cleaver, A. C. Angle, Audrew Schatz, Jas. P. Oonnolley. To the Red Runner. j Here, you paleface, quit ami boat It! Goon now and pound the sidewalk. You who think you are the only ' Thinff on earth—say. what's the matter?! ! Who's this Longboat. T. Oaffwagee? | Is he of the tribe Caucasian? ■ Is he of tho paleface people? I Bet your one best bet he Isn't. He's a red man; he's an Indian. But he got there, running lightly. Walloped nim who beat the beater Took the glory from the paleface, Planted it In his own feathers; Brought the red man from the bacls seat Where tho paleface thinks he's got him. Brought him back and. not half trying Got the paleface on the run and 1 Kept him going to a frazzle. Whoop the whoop for T. Cagwagee: He's American all over. Stars and stripes and big bald eagle. Glorious Fourth and constitution From the earliest beginning. He's the goods, the cheese, the dandy Whoop the whoop for T. Cagwagee' Way back yonder In the shadows Of our foretime Longboat's people Lagged it through this land of freedom. Legged the hills and legged the valleys* looped along the level reaches. Never saw a train or auto— Simply legged It to a ftnlah That's the red man, that's Tom l/onr boat. Who has legged himself to glory, Legged the paleface off the tanbark Haughty paleface, proud Caucasian Scalped of all your honors fairly. Take your head somewhere and hide It. Blush. O paleface, but your blushes Cannot make a red man of you. Longboat's It. The new world conquerv j With the red man on the deck Greece ain't In It any longer ; Rome has got it In the neck What He Enjoyed. | Mr. Makinbrakes was trying to say j something complimentary to the dis -1 Anguished actor to whom he had just | been Introduced. ! "What I particularly enjoy about | your acting, Mr Strutters," he said | "Is your perfect naturalness. You cai 1 take an old man's part, you know. I without the slightest necessity for I making up—that Is, I mean you don't | have to change your—your voice, you j know, or—why, take it In that play I j saw you In the other night, when you ' appeared n* nn old man. All you hud ' to do was to be just your natural—er selt\ though, of course, there were plenty of wigs and wrinkles you could have put on if you had er—needed them—which isn't quite what I was 1 trying to get at either - for anybody | could see how admirably you fitted the i —the part, you know, without any - and ali that sort of—what do you think of this new theory, Mr. Strutters, that a man can live on peanuts?"— Chicago Tribune. Reciprocity. | Men are enlisted for the lubor that 1 kills—the labor of war. They are count I ed, trained, fed, dressed and praised for that I-et them l>e enlisted also for the labor that feeds. Let them be j counted, trained, fed, dressed, praised | for that. Teach the plow exercise as ' carefully as you do the sword exercise i and let the officers of troops of life be | held as much gentlemen as the officers of troops of death, and all Is done. But ' neither this nor any other right thing j can be accomplished—you can't even ! see your way to it unless, first of all, | both servant and master are resolved , I that, come what will of it. they will do each other justice. People are per j petually squabbling about what will be j best to do. or easiest to do. or advlse ablest to do, or profltablest to do. but they never, so far as I hear them talk. ! ever ask what It Is Just to do. And j It is the law of heaven that you shall j not be able to judge what Is wise or easy unless you are first resolved to j judge what is Just and to do !t.--John i Buskin. Dreams of the Blind. In my dreams I have sensations, odors, tastes and ideas which I do not j remember to have had in reality i Perhaps they are the glimpses which my mind catches through the veil of sleep of my earliest babyhood. I have heard "the trampling of many waters." Sometimes a wonderful light visits rae in sleep. Such a flash and glory as It Is! I gaze and gaze until It vanishes. I smell and taste much as in my wak ing hours, but the sense of touch plays a less important part. In sleep I al most never grope. No one guides me. Even in a crowded street 1 am self sufficient, and I enjoy an independ ence quite foreign to my physical life. Now I seldom spell on my fingers, and It is still rarer for others to spell Into my hand. My mind acts independent of my physical organs. I am delight ed to be thus endowed, if only in sleep, for then my soul dons its winged sandals and Joyfully joins the throng of happy beings who dwell be yond the reaches of bodily sense.— Helen Keller in Century. rter Own Doctor. A Washington woman recently hired a negress. Going to the kitchen one day, she was amazed to find the ne gress sitting on the floor, with her hair standing out from her head like a black nimbus. The girl was pull ing one curly lock and then another in such a way as to suggest that she had suddenly lost her reason. "What on earth are you doing, Mary?" gasped the lady of the house. "Nawthln'. ma'am; only I ha»|sot a 112 aore throat an' was jest tryln' to find de lock dat would pull mah palate up an' relieve de tickle."—New York Her ald.