Montour American FRANK C. ANGLE, Proprietor. Danville, Pa., Oct. 20, 1908. ■••Ood Save the Commonwealth." Election fi liation ! 1 D O. Williams. High Sheriff of Montour County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the County aforesaid that a Geueral Klec tion will be held in the said County Of Montour on Tuesday. 1908 (being the Tuesday next fol ow ing the first Monday of said ni°iith for the purpose of electing the several persons hereinafter named. Thirty-four persons for Presidential E One 0 person for Judge of the Superior °°One person for Representative in Congress for the Sixteenth Oongrt ss- Three persons for County Comrnis -8i Thr r ee persons for County Auditor* The qualified;, voters of Montour couutv are hereby authorized re quired to vote by ballot printed, wr t tenjor partly printed and partly en, for sucii of fch© following ua ■ persons as tl.ey see fit: For President and Vice President. Republican. For President aud "Vic© President TAFT AND SHERMAN Presidential Electors. iMark 34) Benjamin Franklin Jones, Jr. Morris Lewis Clothier. John Burt. Howard Atlee Davis. I Frederick Taylor Chandler. Ellis A. Gimbel. George Jay Elliott. Edward Wagner Patton. ! George Christian Hezel. Joseph deßenneville Abbott John Watts Baer Bausman. Reese Albert Phillips. ' Theodore Leonard Newell. John Isett Mathias. Adam Hain Miller. William John McCabe. George Wallaoe Williams. David .Tewett Waller, Jr. William Strode Settle. Robert Chrisman Neal. Jacob Oroyle Stiueman. Thomas Shipley. William Frederick Reynolds. Andrew White McCullough. John Timothy Rogers. Edward League Dawes. Jerome Francis Dowuiug. Herman Simon, 112 Theophilus Lowry Wilson. Perry Clifford Ross. Oscar Schulze. Oscar Holmes Babcock. Alexander Roland Peacock Houiei David Williams. Deinooratic. For President aud Vice President BRYAN AND KERN (Mark 34) Joseph P. MeCs,llen. Albert .T. Barr. I Daniel F Carlin. Edward B Seiberlich. Aarou G. Krause. Clarence Loeb. .Tames T. Nulty. Michael .T Howard. John C. Ferrou. John Howard Dannehower. Lcuis N. Spencer. Alexander W. Dickson. John T. Flaunery. Oliver Perry BechteL Harrv D. Schaeffer. Charles A. McCarty. John Franklin Stone. John I. Welsh. Cyrus G. Gelwicks. George Derr Kraues Samuel M. Hover. Henry Washers J. Hawlev Hair. John K. Holland. John F. Pauley Howard S. Marshall. Robert X. Browu. Howard Mutchler. William Lewis Neal. Fred A. Shaw. Henry Meyer. Wesley S. Guffey. Deuuis J. Boyle. Casper P. Mayer. Prohibition. For President and Vice President CHAFIN AND WATKINS Presidential Electors iMark 34) Elislia Kent Kane. John Duff Gill. John B. Heston. Francis Magee. Samuel K Felton. Irving Woods Huckius, Rolaud M. Eavenßon. Jonas K. Shultz. Charles L. Huston. Howard Leopold. Daniel S Von Neids. Wm H. Richmond. W. B. Bertel". William H. Malerry. John Peter Schneller. Justus F. Warner. Jauies Mansel Franklin P. Johnson. Jeremiah S. Vaukey. Silas 0. Swallow. John L. Edwards. Cyrus S. A. McAlpin. Lewis Cass Wick. Johi O. Stoner. Milto i S Marqiis. Isaac Moudarau. George F, Kline. W. G. Freeman. Edwiu ,T. Fithiau. Jimes P. Knox. Knox 0. Hill. Robert S Glass. Thomas P. Herschberger. Sooialist. For President and Vice Presidt-nt DEBS ANI) HANFORD Presidential Electors. I Mark 34) Edward J. Oook. Edward J. Higgins. George Fitoh. Robert M. Green. R. Barclay Spicer. George Nau. John Zellhorn. August Mahieu. Martin Flyzik. William O. Price. Charles Herwegh. George Lodge. Charles O. Alter. Henry Peter. Krnil Gnwang. Joseph M. Tohhammer. Percy Vize. Fred W. Whiteside. Martin J. Bienneu. George Davies. Jerome F. Buck. Jess W. Green. Andrew Hunter. Cornelius F. Foley. George W. Guthrie. Angus Moßae. Arthur J. Dennis. Frederick G. Rother. E. Howard Deal. Dauiei K. Youug. Julius Weber. Thomas Thatcher. Simon Libros. Howard P. Hunter. Independence. For President and Vice President HISGKN AND GRAVES. Presidential Eleotors. (Mark 34) John L. Barrett. William Bonghteu. Robert G. Cathcart, Jr. Charles B. Connolly. Joseph M. Crouch. John P. Correll. William F. Craig, Jr. Edwin B. Depuy. Thomas Dolan. Herman L. Duhring, Jr. Theodore Eichhorn. James A. Fulton. James P. Gaffney. Jesse Willis Galbreath. William J. Griffith. John ti. Harding. Samuel M. Heiligman. George F. Hildebrand. Edmund W. Kirby. Johu W. Fafferty. William La Fontaine. Owen E. Lally. George V. McDonald. Edward J. Mahel. James Frederick Martin Newell H. Motsiuger. Joseph F. O'Neal. Stanley J. Oran. Wheeler H. Phelps. John A. Phillip?. Robert Miles Robinson. Silas Edgar Trout. Samuel F. Wheeler. William H. White. Socialist Labor. For President and Vice President GILHAUS AND MUNRO Presidential Electors. (Mark 34) Herman Spittal. j ,T. G. Gardner. L. M. Laepple. John Drugmand. W. H. Thomas. Thos. Wielding. Tmido Mori. August Clever. George Pearse. Grant Hughes. George Snyder. Otto Marowsky. Chas. Rupp. L. B. Barhydt. J. A. McConnell. Jas. A. Gray. P. H. Grunagle. Arthur Losev. W. I. Marshall. Wm. Peak. Fred Uhl. Wm. Cowan. P. Rowan. Wm. Staley. Peter Auiler. Ernest Hildebrandt. Jacses Clark. W T m. Hughes. Chas. A. New. George Staley. John Haiidlore. Geo Ohls. Chas. Durner. Wm. Crum. Judge of the Superior Court. (Mark one) William D. Porter. Republican Webster Grim, Democratic Daniel Sturgeon, Prohibition Thomas H. Kennedy. Socialist Luther S. Kauffman, Independence Representative in Congress. (Mark one) Edmund W. Samuel, Republican John G. MoHenry, Democratic J. E. Wolf, Prohibition Representative in the General Assem bly. (Mark one) Robert Scott Ammerman,Republican Robert Scott Ammerman, Democrat ic Robert Scott Ammerman, Prohibi tion District Attorney. (Mark one) Chas. P. Gearhart, Democratic Conntv Commissioners. (Mark two) Geo. Rudy Sechler, Republican Jonathan F. Mowrer, Republican John Coleman, Democrat George W. Miles, Democrat Stephen N. Nevius, Prohibition Thomas B. Yerg, Prohibition County Auditors. (Mark two) J. Harry Woodside, Republican Ben L. Dlehl, Republican Ben L. Diehl, Democrat Thomas M. Van Sant, Democrat VOTING PLACES. I hereby also make known and give notice that the places of holding the aforesaid elections in the several Wards of the town of Danville and Townships, within the County of Montour, Pa., are as follows, viz: Anthony Township, at. Exchange Hall. Cooper Township, at Keller school. Derry Township, at Billmcyer Ho tel, Strawberry Ridge. Dauville, First Ward, at Court House. Danville, Second Ward, on Front street mar school house. Danville. Third Ward, at corner of Pine aud Walnut streets. Danville, Fourth Ward, on Ash street next to J. M. Kelso. Liberty Township, at Mooresburg, house of C. S. Middleton. Limestone Township, at California Grange Hail. Mahoning Township, at corner of Bloom and Railroad streets. Mayberry Township, at Sharp Ridge school house. Valley Township, at Mausdale, at publio house of David Wise. West Hemlock Township, at Elec tion Booth near C. F. Styer. Washinatonville Borough, at public house of Fanny Ileddens. NOTICE is hereby given "That every person, excepting justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States or of this State, or any city or incor porated district, whether a commis sioned officer or otherwise a subordi nate officer or agent, who is ,or shall be employed under the Legislative, Executive or Judioiary departments of this State or United States or of any city or incorporated district; and also that any members of CongreßS and of the State Legislature, and of the Seleot and Common Council of any oity.or commissioi er ( of; ny inoorpoi• ated district 10, by law, iu> you want to know something of the composition and character of that which you take Into your stomach whether as food or medicine l Most Intelligent and sensible people now-a-days insist on knowing what they employ whether as food or as medicine. Dr. Pierce believes they have a perfect right to insist upon such knowledge. So he publi«hesS>suii of the diseases for which it is claimed to be a cure. You mav read what they >ay for ynvrtel.f by sending a postal card request for a free booklet of extracts ?rnm the leading authorities, to Dr. R. V. f'l.r'p. Invalids Hotel and Surgical In- Hnffalo. N. V..and it will come U> - Charles Neeb, of Reading, has been secretary of Qermauia lodge, I. O. O. F. for a period of forty-one years and an employe of the Reading Railway company for forty years. John Keuworthy, a prominent man n'aitnrer of Norristown, who died a fiw days ago, provided by will that his tombstone shall be plain and not more than twenty-seven inches high. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm BSfZuS is quickly absorbed. COtO* Gives Relief at Once. It cleanses, soothes, CL heals and protects brane resulting from Catarrh and drives ' J away a Cold in the Head quickly, ll -njiu CCUCQ stores tho Senses of Tin 1 I !»t Lll Taste and Smell. 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