Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, May 07, 1908, Image 4

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    Montour American
Iw\ \k i Wll I I'liftMsi
hunt lilt. I'ii,, la) • 7. I'iwi
Imm fer tVamofita
A 1 * I itre|« tttt i"italrlati
l»r« t t I • Mtiti ! t 112 lainit
te li«*» I.- iit-etM it >rr««tt oltli-lt I*
a. t-r |«ti.a
Ri>rtron I in a n ' i ttt hh'tnf- Ifforr tin
Mi Ileal •* t* of Antaret it >W
»t,or -ai -fiKl hl»i> ilf <i iim
»lßi'» n»n« tttter' 1 of li*« «nute by e*
(•in i ntivitf 'i> aaliii*H Trial*
wrt" tl ■ii I ti lb" l*aiat I'l *abrtti
an I Htw> vt ihaiii letpital* "112 the •»!»»•
lit Several of the pain t» treated
With the new *<-ram »>tf •offering
from neii mini :a 111 an ail vail 'tugp,
an « real- habitual ilrniikm l*,
Which ale ay* gneily In rea<e» the
k'raTitv of the danffar. In every • »<•>>
the »erl»us nytiiptow* t»i re eompletely
art 't 'il within |> hour*, while at tin
•am" time the t> mpi ralure and pnlni
1 » aui" nortnal Thone rptult* were
rittairi i with a total d»«e of the mhiih
not exceeding right eabic < • ntimetre*.
injected in dnoen of one or two centi
metre* at a time. There ia no other
kn w i nerom which take* effect wheu
injected iu iwrh small • inatititi*>e, nor
Hlii tfivpß fiii h iii.iiirili.itt atviMitif*
factory ii«nlt«. Doi tor Bertr.ind"* di
eovery ha*, therefore, been accepted a*
an n| rrant uir tmtioii t inodiru aelence, tint further test* will
lis ue -e**ary before lite world will Ie
•at -t There have hi i n i ma::y re
ported i oimumption. and catice. i ur<-.
wh: -h have fail 1 Bfter thorough and
prolonged t its to nuke g >l, that ;t
will not be well tn a. cept the an
nouncement of a pneumonia cure t m
Teadilr. Pneumonia is one of the dead
liest enemies with which the human
race ha« to contend with in the Unired
States. It strikes at both sexes in
discriminately,and ts approach is un
tie raided, as a rule, by auv warning
Notice in Divorce.
Maud M Farnsworth vs Dcke F.irus
In the court of Common Pleas of Mou
tour County, No. 33, January Term, •
1908. Divorce a. vm.
To Duke Karnsworth,
Respondent above named :
You are In reby duly notified and re
quired to be aud appear in the Court
of Common Pleas of Montour Conutv
on the fourth Monday of May, A. D.,
IHCB, (the same the 25th day of
May, A. D., 19CS), then and there to
auswer the complaint of Maud M
Farnsworth the abovenamed Libel
lant in the above-stated case, aud to
show cause, if auy you have, why you
should not be divorced from the bond
of matrimouy entered into with th g
B aid Libellant according to the prayere
of the petition or libel filed iu the
above-stated case.
D. C. WILLIAMS. Sherifl,
Sheriff's Office, Danville, Pa . Apr.
4th, 1908.
Ktii»TKirs Noririf*.
I KHSIIVS I NTI i:i>tkll—Notice t« hereliy u'iven
tlmt the following naiiied persons diii'on tin
date attlxed to their names, tile the iic-eoiints
nf their ndmliilsirHtlon to the estate of thnsi
persons,decea»ed,and (iuardian
whose names art- hereinafter mentioned in
the offii-eof the Register for tlie Frotmie of
Wills and granting of Letters uf Adininis ».
tlon, In ami fur tin* County of Slpntour, and
I hat 1 he same will lie presented lot he orphan's
Court of said c-lunty. fur continuation and
allowance, on .Hominy, tin- ' *"» 111 day ~112
."lay -A. I)., itm*. at the meeting 0 " In-
Court in the aflernt»(>n.
March 4. First and Final Account of
James B Korreit. Adminis
trator d. b. n, c. t a of
Joseph Hartman. late of the
Borough of Danville, Mon
tour County, deceased.
March i. First and Final Accouut of
William C Feiuour, Ad
ministrator of Matthias Fe
inour. late of Liberty Town
ship, Montour Couiity, de
March 12 First and Final Account of
William L Crossley Admin
istrator ot' Thomas Crossley,
late of Valley Township,
Montour County, deceased.
April '-M. t irst aud Final Account of
Solcmou Moll, Surviving Ex
ecutor of James Robinson,
late of Liberty Township,
Montour County, deceased.
Aj ril 20. !• irst and Final Account of
William C. Starner, Admin
istrator of B. C. Starner,
late of Liberty Township,
Montour County, decease,'!.
April I ir- r and Final Account of
Frank <' Angle, Adminis
trator tl P. n. c. r. a. of
J.liz il • th Voung, late of the
Horouuii of Danville, Mon
tour County, deceased.
April 2,">. I"'irsr and Final Account of
l-fanjier llartuian and Isaiah
W. liruiii, Kxecutora of Jac
ob Hartman lare of Coojier
Township, Montour Countv,
April 23. First and Final Account of
James B. Pollock and Wal
lace Robinson, Executors of
Harriet Laird, late of the
Borough of Washiugtonville,
Montour County, deceased.
W M. L. SIDLER, Register.
Register's Office,
Danville, Pa., April 25th, I'.»OS.
Radium Bathing,
The Australian minister of agricul
ture has decided to create a radium
bathing Institution at Joachlmsthal in
order to utilize radium water for thera
peutic purposes. Proposals have al
ready been made to the government by
the Carlsbad municipality and, says ii
contemporary, by an English syndicate
for the organization of radium baths,
but the minister of agriculture lias de
termined to retain control of the under
Family Retainer—Oh, sir, something
terrible has 'appened! Your daughter,
Miss Gwendolyn, sir, has eloped with |
the chauffeur, sir, an' they're off in the
motor car. sir. The Old Man-Thank i
the Lord! Maybe I can save a little I
money now that the girl and the ma
chine are both gone.—Puck.
v .i■ t loenthlt Martin tfart
IV i low hip A .1 Wtnteiotei n
>t mm R < i' • ■ 1
« It «ia»t >l. Lai tlr «• I latit. »•
|I»«. .1 U.;p|*alt Pell I Kriwlermath
Danville, tnil ward Davit) l< «t|
t c: Ctitf I -t. iHaul I ■ 111 1
mail. Jnhii ('all
Danville, rd ward Koi-rt Wll
Ilex 1 I'a* d Hi 111, Han n ; 1 Moltein, I
.1 W Kwlratert, Jaiii«»*Mallin,(' U
Dantilla, nit ward Albert Hook
Derry loWKilll| .Ittltli A t'ooper.
Cbarh • W. Hlaintn. Dat el Hillinetrr,
t'hrialopher Kprlnger.
Linie«tnne*fnwii«blp- .1 W,;Deen
I.iin ti* ti wnili | Will am * Bill
meyer. F W |Hlllmeter,Peter;V M
Crai ken, Uoberl S Mnrrav
Mahoiiii'_ tow iieliip Pett r Mottern,
11 nub Mct'affr> v
Valley I w inhip Ray L. (10l ••r.ll.
W Fi a«t"r, J. A Oonway.
We«t llemln k townihip—Auuustu»
Shu It*.
W'a*hin«tonvilb T V. Corswelt.
William Mailt
Anthony township- Derr.
Ct o|>er tow i ship— William Racp,
Pete r i"asbner.
Danville, I ward—Harry Pliile,
WIUiMB E :iie'lidson.Haytlii W' -odside.
I'Ruvllle.Srd wan!— Robert J. Pegg,
Claren e I'rii e. Edwai 1 Coleman, C
D. Lerch.
D.i villi', th w.trd—A' drew Magill.
Oi rga Haney, Th mas D> mi -ey,
Willia 11. Ortli, John Hi'jkmiller,
William O. M -yer.
Derry t wnship—George J. Pi diner.
Liberty township—E. O. Taylor,
Ji<nathan Dewalt.
M.ih- uing towuship—Joseph Mot
Mavberry township—lsaac Adams.
Valley township-Horace Sidler, 1!
F. Bennett, H. X. Beyer
Well-TJnown Veteran Dies.
James L. Baylor, a well-known vet
eran of the civil war. departed this
life at the residence of Charles Form v.
Pine street, at 7 :50 o'clock Saturday
morning after a brief illness.
The deceased was a native of Dan
ville. but following the war ho spent
the most of his life at Mt. Carmel.
He was twice married, his last wifj
living some live years ago. About East
er lie came to Danville prepared to
spend his declining years with rela
tives here. Soon after his arrival he
j was taken ill of grip, which was fol
lowed with a stroke of paralysis.
Death, however, was due to heart fail
The deceased enlisted in Company
E, Twelfth Regiment,U. 8. Inf. ;Sept
ember 5, 1861, from Montour county.
He was discharged October 12, 1862
and re-enlisted Jnlv :i, 1563, iu Cap
tain Chalfaut's company, 53rd regi
ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers He
was honorably discharged at Reading
on August. 20, 1863.
Mr. Baylor was a member of Bnrn
; side Post, No. 92, G. A. R., of Mt.
1 Carmel,
The deceased was aged 6S years, 10
[ months and 20 days. Out- sou, Jacob
r Baylor, of Mt. Carmel,survives, along
with the following brother and sisters
of the deceased : Peter G. Baylor, of
South Danville; Mrs. Jennie Mills, of.
this city: Miss Kate Baylor, of Cata
wissa. and Mrs. Ahbie Hartman, of
Carl R. Frank, aged 19 years, fell
dead near his home at McKees Rocks,
Allegheny coutuy, on Monday morn
ing, while running to board a street
car. His father fell dead near the same
place fifteen years ago while running
to get abroad a ferry boat and his
grandfather also fell dead on the street
In Monaca, several years before that.
The Parmer s Wife
£3 very careful mt her churn. She
scalds It thorn -hlv after using, and give*
it a stm :.atli to sweeten it. She knows
■iiit h-r churn Is mur it wi!i taint the
inner that is made in it. The stomach is
1 i.uru. 111 the stomach and digestive
id .> 1 1.r:ti ve tracis are performed pro- .
- hi'-U :.:■•! , Imost exactly like the
<iri:;i.g of butter. Is it not apparent
■ that if tliis st mach-churn is foul It
~ 'ill all which is put into it?
I'hf ■ill 112 a 112 .111 stomach is not alono
• had t:i*te In the raouth and the foul
reath caused by it. hut the corruption of
.0 pure current of blood and the dissem
itii'ii of disease throughout the body.
I »r. l'icrce s (iokleu Medical Discovery
nakes the sour and fuul stomach sweet. !
It does for the stomach what the washing
and sun bath do for the churn—absolutely
removes every tainting or corrupting el* j
Blent. In this Way it cures blotches,
pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings,
sores, or open eating ulcers and all
humors or diseases arising from bad blood. |
If you have bitter, nasty, foul taste in
your mouth, coated tongue, foul breath,
are weak and easily tired, feel depressed
and despondent, have frequent headaches,
dizzy attacks, gnawing or distress in stom
ach. coiistipati-d or irregular bowels, sour 1
or bitter risings after eating and poor
appetite, these symptoms, or any consider
able number of them, indicate thatyou itre
Sun i'l"! nu from biliousness, torpid or lazy
liver with the usual accompanying indi
gestion, ordyspepMa anil tin ir attendant
lU]tixomliU»'ns. lis iuTSTiUIn- tin;"writing
r.vtY.Lls (iiddea SUdica
niM»viax> That this Is absolutely truo 1
will be readily proven to your satisfaction
if you will but mail n postal card request
to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y., for a
free copy of his booklet of extracts from
j the standard medical authorities, giving :
the names of all the Ingredients entering 1
Into his world-famed medicines and show*
ing what the most eminent medical moo '
of the age say of them.
c. w. niii
•riMt.n I n) <>) fit# «•( Mitntrtm i
I titv at Hp triennial i mum 'lit ~112
iirlnttl Iot« lirlil •) tit# nun
ttntlw, DMtllk T« ••»'««■ nfli-titoon
fl •to *< I»n i »tii!lout.*, hat Mr
tVrr vi on <.tii nti Ibe flr«t hallol
1 llVMll M>ll WHS . I(Ifllft
»t 8 .t't-lwl It* (Invnlr K«|ii<fltltrttilrti!
I»etr, lIM IlirM
I'. K V"I- 112 l.lbrrlv touli
i tldfi v 1 •< i) i hatrinan of tI < inn
> Ml , . , |l \ Snllrr if Valb v .
to* ti«M|> ml I*. K. «■ 112 I»imr i
«i hip town* i|i, «i«rr i ho«i it •ci'itlir'
lit* roll of director* w»» itllett,
when it mi hnuit that flftv -1 x mil
of Hip entire tiuinb~r,*lity ihrw, were
pr< •< tit At tltr mn»i lit mti Them Irml
Alii i »n- much better limit UM.nllv o
cor- w hen run tit y -operliirendrntu are
Tlt« chairman looaMitd that the
convention w«» i *tly to preici <1 with
tlii* election itm! tint' iioiii: it at ion, win
ill order. Allan Watson of Anthony
tow iiKhlp uou)inat#d C W iN*rr and
Hi >rgi Cii'iuic of Waidiingt itoville,
Klmer 8 Cottier
1 The'eouvention theu proceeded to
irlfrt hup of the candidates " viva voce
I? a nm.oritv i f tlip whole number of
directors preti nt. " The roll wa* cull
ed. when lined op with
tint « ' i and .dates as follows
O. W, Derr— K. Z. tfuyder, Levi
Former, Samuel Dewald, Allan Wat
*ou, and Jacob Kreamer, of Anthony
township: llarr.v Kei-i r, H. Parton
Food. William Kern, I. H. Weaver,
J». Ob M. Sliiili/ aud Alfred Bleclier,
of Cooper township O. P. Cntuer,
Derry towuihi| "W. C Bobbins, Wil
liam Bobbins, Benjamin Mcfeseramith,
William Lazarus aud H. J. Lindner,
of Liberty township: George Van
Orilstrand, John 11. Herr aud P. F.
Conn in.of Limeftone township Peter
Mottern,Howard Kryling.W. S Kocli
er and .Tames Lewis, of Mahoning
township: J. W. Vastiue, C. J. Cleav
er, George W. Faux, Isaac Adams, of
May berry township: C F. Ploeli. B.
P"" Bennett, 11. jN. Beyer, H. A. Mid
ler. .T. P. Snyder and J. A. Conway,
of Valley township; B. Heacook. Geo.
B. Holdren, of Washingtonvllle;
Charles Arnwine, William Snyder,
William Moore, \V. Boyd
Thomas Oething, Jacob t'mstead, of
1 iVest Hemlock Charles B
Bine. N. S. Keefer, Edward Taylor.
Norman Taylor, of Pine Grove Inde
pendent District.
1 Elmer T. Cotner—William Lobach,
J. G. Cotner. ! Ed ward* Bogart, Derry
township; Johnl.Coleman. Liberty
township; L. D.lSohaeffer, Limestone
township ; Michael Breckbill, Mahon
ing township: J.* M. Vought, May
berry township: George Crom is, Wash
v ingtonville; J. Hoffman anil J. Dal
Cotner, Pino Grove Independent Dis
The chairman announced that Mr
Derr had received forty-five votes anil
Mr, Cotner eleven.
e C. W. Derr receiving the majority
K of votes was declared elected county
superintendent for the ensuing three
years. On niotiou of Michael Breckbill
his electiou was made unanimous.
Mr. Derr enters upon his'third term
1 as county superintendent.
s Marcavich to Hanc June 30.
112 Governor Muart. Saturday morning
{ fixed June 30th as the date for the ex
ecution of Marcavich, who
[ was convicted of murder in the first
degree in the".Northumberland county
j The crime of which Marcavich is
convicted was one of the most brutal
aud atrocious iu Northumberland
• county's blood stained history—the
murder of the'["aged Springfield cob
, bier. Ever siuce iiis arrest, however,
, Marcavich has stoutly denied that lie
, : committed the murder and it was only
. upon circumstantial evidence that a
first degree veridct was secured by the
The mau who will haug in the North
uiuberland county jail yard on .Tuue
30th is not more than J2 years of at:e
aud presents a boyish appearance.
Among those who followed the trial
closely" there were a number who
showed a marked degree of couuuis
seratiou for Marcavich, and many are
inclined to believe him when be says
that lie did not strike the blow that
killed the Springfield cobbler.
In luarken contrast to the present
demeanor of Marcavich is that of
Henry Fisher, the other convicted
murderer now in the Sunbury jail.The
lattnr raves at times and again sings
ribald German songs aud on occasions
becomes so unmanageable that it is
necessary to confine him iu the dun
geon below ground.
Cough Syrup
Rellavei Cold* by working them Mt
of the system through a copious ami
healthy action ol the bowels.
Relieves coughs by cleansing OH
mucous membranes of the throat, fthaal
and bronchial tubes.
"As pleasant to Ike taste
as Maple Sugar"
Children Like It#
Difltri UiM) ui BUM* nfe-tan mi Ml
For Sale by Panics &"Cc,
mi®,rat of
Of Montour Count) forth*
N cnr i«>oN.
IIUI of [icfMo,* nttil Afint In
*#tliWft MHI tMliliM# K" it* Wftlvn fc't-
Hiaiijti*, r«Mtttndlltrft, or pff*i»« of
• li»n v« rkm i itr iminri i•>»><lll■ u noil
<! 'ik l>ti«iii*>« in the Comity if M< n
Mm mi I if l*< in■ * tvmim *i*
\ N til' i.N V I'OVWKHIP.
il. I!•«t > >l. I III>III AM 111 till 11, W
H HiWtno, XV. lloagbtnti, U.irgi
Hill, Hut d I HIPWI, M,»« I. Wagner
C. D Uktrlnnl,
DAN V11.1.K, FlliSl W \l!l»
A C, Au i -U.ry , Mr- L. M Hum li,
Mr> JrnulP 1-nrry. .t O. Cmlk»h»Bk,
S. M Diet*. B. M lurin, T A
KtMl, .lanib On*». J O Gosh «V Co ,
Grand I'll lon Ti it Co . A. H. (iruDf,
O F. Hancock, A. ti 11 writ >, Daniel
I!. Hiddens. C. Heddi-ns, I). I!.
Iluut, CJ. Slioop iluiu, U. Y. .lamp*,
John Jicntn' Son*, PaulJEoocli, .? IV
Karlton.O. M l-rUifcpr.S. Lowinstcin
A Co , E. T. Llnnard, High r I). MOT
IT. U. I). Mag ill, Daniel Maths, John
Martin, .1, ,T. Newman, K. M. UMIII,
A. M. Philips, t*» • 'rn'* ft' Boat, Marl
H. Scbram, 11. M. Sc! och Est And
rew Sclial?. (ienrge 11. S-cliler, ]
Shannon. bt wnlitni Ga« t Irviti A.
Suvil' r, JiiM pli Smith, Kitnnor Tlioni
a*. Trumbower & Werkln »er, W. C,
\Villiaiun. H. K Wenck.
E. L. Aten, H. E. Esterbrook, Rus
s>'!l Fourl, John M. Gibbons, F. H
Harnpr, Theodore Hoffman. ,!r ,
George Hoffner, T. 11. Johns, Albert
Kcmmt r, E. 11. KOOUR, Abrani Lnßue,
Samuel Mills. Geo. Orudnrf, C. C.
Kilter, A. 15. Kussell.W. H. N. SValk
E. I). Ateu & Co., Cliai. Bcckhnlt
er, William E Fell, Foyer Bros.,
Charles Beyer, 11. Beruheiuier, Boet
tinger & Dietz, Peter Comick, Jesse
F. Cleaver. H. T. Cromwell, J. H.
Cole. Frauk L. Cocbell, Colien Eros.,
L. C. Dietz, Henry Divel, John Hosi
er's Sons, Wm. C. Dougherty, L J
Davis. James Dailey, .Tames Daltou,
Harry Elleubogen & Frog , John Eisen
harf, D. R. Eckman, G. W. limerick.
T. J. Evans, Jacob Engle, J. 11. Fry,
Foster Bros, H. W. Fields, W. L.
Gouger, J. B. Gcarhart, David Haney,
Fred W. Howe, J. it F. Hetirie, O. C.
.lohnsou, .Tno Jacobs' Sons, Plioebe
Kinn, John Krainak, Walter Lunger,
Harvey Longenberger, C. S. Lyons,
J. W. Lore. Wililam E. Limberger,
G. L. Mcl.nin, F. J. McCaffrey, J.
H. Miller, Carl McWilliams, Charles
Miller, E. A. Moyer," Ellas Maier,
R. L. Marks, J. C. Montgomery, P.
C. Murray & Son, *" Mayan Bros.,
Ge< • • > A. Myers, 'Clarence Peifer,
T l "'- •i & Co., V. Palmisano, J. J.
-. A. M. l'eters, I. A. Persiug,
R. . gg, A. Rosenstiue, B. Ros
enstii R. Rosenstiue, James Ry
an, F. H. Russell, W. J. Rogers.
George A. Rossmau, S. P. Ricketts,
George F. Reifsuyder, J. W. Swarts,
George F. Smith, Jnsepti Smith, P.
P. Swentek, William Spade, Thomas
A. Schott.Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, John
F. Tooley, John Udelhofen. Jr., R. C.
Williams, S. J. Welliver. .Tames
John Bruder, B. H. Harris, Mrs.
John McCarty.
Thomas Garnhart, Richard B. Mos
er, Charles Mowrer,] H. A. Snyder,
G. D. Vognetz
D. R. Rishel, S. E. Snyder,
W. G. Ford, Bart .Tames, Wm. Eck
W. C. Heller, William Jordan.Mary
J. .Tames, John E. Roberts.
Cyrus Adams, Henry E. Bohuer.
S. K. Antrim, E. S. Delsite, W. S.
Lawrence, Fr.iucis Sheatlcr, W. D.
George W. Cromis, C. L. Cromis,
G. B McC. Diehl, C. P. Gibson, E.
W. Gibson, A. L. Heddens, George
K. Heddens, Fanny Heddens, W. J.
Messersmith. Kiißsell Murr, Fred
Yerg, T. B. Yerg, L. P Wagner. W.
Cohen Bros , Third Ward; Heddens
Candy Co., First Ward: G. Weil,
First Ward; Grand Union Tea Co.,
First Ward; Atlantic Refining Co.,
Third Word; Jacob Engle, Third
Ward; J. 11. Goeser & Co., Third
Ward; Miller & Curry, Third Ward ;
Welliver Hardware Co.. Third Ward.
J. C. Cruikshank, First Ward ,• E.
T. Linnard, First Ward; D. O. Mc-
Cormick, Third Ward ; Irvin A. Sny
der, First Ward; John Udelhofen, Jr,
Third Ward; 11. li. Wenck, First
Ed. F. Fallon, Third Word ;B. Mar
tin, Third Ward; Sloop & Mellin,
Third Ward.
Notice is hereby given to all con
cerned in this appraisement that an
appeal will be held at the Commis
sioners' Office at the Court House in
Danville, Pa., on Friday. May 2D,
1908, between the hours of 9a. m.
and 4 p. m.,wlien and where you may
attend if you think proper.
Mercantile Appraiser.
Danville, Pa., April 80, 1908.
thrt fimtlt tM»I at I 111 alone MMti
Mm. J. n * m«1 tor « ui Miurn-I >•< n.» *m»l ( !|», tiwy »fi» surprised in j
ON t*bl« !«<r t«» »"»«• wtlttra
li* .lul l-. «rhlrh til < ftert -tuleii li'.il
h« liitt gill* it till llitl tli«) * i il Id
IIP» r hi in a|i hi li. A i tlbflic in
. Idi n» i niiin ctfil *i»li Hip iimin dm
atH irmiii' «•« tin 112 i t tb«t In"l ad
fl*> I i'ii fiiinfii iln< nlfl I and iarti«
<d rt vrral attle* full nf i nal up frnni
i lie i filar, w' i'ii (i I»• 112 i .till! g|'ii •
«lile »tiP «t«rr tin bad r|on>d the lmOH»
fir lb» right an bad fixed i ti<rything
ill ordei ai. Ibnngb befiif taking tbp
ha; into eti'i nity In- bad d< oilpil to do
t« IHUPII n« pimpiblii 112. r the lu**d otii".
lie left beli; lid
All the man's Clothing w.i« |pft .«i
iln- bonie except l'ie »int nf working
ulotlim which be wore. I.very pair of
shot* he owned \va« f' Blid in iln «e
--iHtniiM dpi i'p. it pair of gum boots
alotii being missing
t search van at on< e iustituled but
no tr». ■ of the mail could be found.
In view of the note It It behind by
JOOM the conviction became general
that he I. id eivied if all" bv leaping
into the river, which at that time was
I very high.
All that the family could do was to
send out notices explaining the man'-
disappearance and asking that the
' body be returned, if found. As stated
yesterday one of these communicn
tions was received by Chief Burgees
Rogers and the identification and t
covery of followed as then -
The 14-year-old sou of Abram W
•Tones arrived at this city on the 12 :51
D L. & W. train Tuesday afternoon
lb' removed'the last shadow of doubt
as to the identity of the drowned man
Nut only did he identify each article
of clothing as that worn by his fath
er. but he also accounted for the slip
of paper on which wai written the
name. "Peter Jayash" that was found
in the drowned man's pocket. The
handwriting, the «ou declared, was
! plainly that of his father.while "Pet
jer Jayush" was the name of a man
| who sometimes worked for his fattier,
j The body was shipped by Doster
i Bros., the undertakers, in a hermetic
ally sealed casket, to Plymouth ves
! terday morning.
By virtue of a writ of iieri facias is
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Montour Couuty, Pennsylvania.and
to me directed, there will be sold at
Public Sale at the Court House in
Danville, said couuty nud State, on
Saturday, May 16th, 1908
1 at 10 o'clock A. M , the following de
| scribed Real Estate :
All that certaiu'messuage, tenement
aud tract of land'situate in tlio Town
ship of Valley, County of Montour,
aud State of Pennsylvania, bounded
aud described as follows, viz. :
Beginning at a post in the public
road leading from Danville to Wash
| ingtonville, thence along said public
| road, which'separates the said tract
I herein lauds formerly
j of J. Feustermae.her, South forty-two
■ degrees East, twenty-four and five-
I tenths perches; theuce Soutli forty
| seven degrees East, thirty-six and five-
J teuths perches to a rock oak; theuce
| south sixty-four degrees West, forty
j seven perches to a post: thence by lauds
| now or formerly of Griffith J. Davis,
j South thirty-six liegrtes East,one hun
| dred and twenty and live-tenths perches
| to a point: theuce South fifty-eight de
j gives West, thirty-one aud five-teuths
! perches to a pine; thence by lauds now
|or formerly of said Griffith J. Davis,
j South thirty-six degrees East, forty
| eight perches to a post; thence by
| same and land now or formerly of
] Henry Snyder, North fifty-four de
! grees East,one-hundred sixteen perches
to a post; thence by land now or
formerly of Geo. A. Frick, North
thirty-six degrees West, two hundred
aud eighteen aud six-tenths perciies to
a post: thence by land now or former
ly of Thomas , South fifty-two
degrees East, twmty-eight aud five
enths perches to the post, the place
of beginning. Containing ONE HUN.
SEVEN PERCHES, strict measure.
Whereon is erected a
bank-barn, wagon-shed, ice-house,
hog-pen,chicken-house, choppiug-uiill,
and other necessary out-buildings.
Seized and taken into execution at
thp suit of Hugh H. Vastine, vs Wil
liam Fenstermacher, aud to be sold as
the property of Wm. Fenstermacher.
D. C. WILLIAMS, Sheriff,
Danville, Pa.
11. Spencer Vastine, Att'y,
April 18th, 1908.
Fire Destroyed Farm House.
Fire, which had its origin in a de
fective flue, completely destroyed the
home of Isaac Rantz, near Rhorsburg,
Tuesday afternoon. The loss will be
about 52000, partially covered by in
Funeral of an Infant.
The funeral of Benjamin F , thejin
fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kooher
was held yesterday afternoon from the
home, on Fonst street, Rev. L. W.
Walter officiating. luterment was
made in Fairview cemetery.
lit... ui vwtr* of i;« Additional
J»tw« for tin Mar term.that tie mil
, j eretl In tl e roort «n Satar«lay last w*»
MMllflletrd < • list lit Jut* I'.llllltl • |
• Inner* Ant** and K»*rnt Those
Hra#ii w<H He ti < d not* In lite lllet
-1 i flrii trial The list follow*
\ NTHUNV Tnwssmi'
Fouler, P. ter Umbel, .low ph
H*eil»r, Will ism Hinbel, lvlward
Caahner, t'lvde Krantet, U }> llill,
William Oerr. '!h«t e» (ttii Alfrtii
11 Del anl
• Miebail Konst, .Tolitt K. Is nun in,
!. Henry Movtrer. Jtihn M Shultr.
i <"liarl»'« Hlshel William Kern.
William M Herder. (lr»tit W Rout,
' Wilbur Kohl r, W. O. Hun van, Wll
' 11hiii 1. Sr u'rr, Iniali B. Hilkert.
K I'stil Andrew*. Josepli W. K' ely,
Frank C H rr. I)ennl* liricht, .lease
I H. Wvant. ViaiMl HmMT, William
Fallon A t'. Ainenburv.Thom i't (Jur
v j ry, John Keiin, C. P. Ilaneock, Sam
j uel W Arm*, Charles Kolnon, ,la*pr-r
j, i'err.v, William 11. Smith. John H.
„ Hruttler, Frank Jameson, Kllis Kee.«,
(iui-tive Weil, William (t. Brown,
~ , T ame* M Irland, Thoma- Knif nyder,
„ | Kdwai I Dlehl, (.ieorue M. (ie.trhart,
p Thomas A. Evans,
1 Wesley Hart/el, A. Larue, Kvan
■ Thomas, L. V. Ray, Wllliatn A. Sech
ler, C. O. Hitter, William J. Heese.
R. H. Boody, George Kocher. Elmer
Pett-rs, Stimuli Mills, William J.
Davis, Henry W. Kramer, John D.
'I Evans, Daniel Fetteruian, Grant
i- Feusterma iter.H.A. Stohler,Sylvester
>1 Barry, Harry Swank, Harry Woodside,
1 Samuel Marks, Gilbert Voris, Harvey
P Lonuenberger, Abraham Berger. Wil
'• | liam lies.
I ; Jacob Haney, Joseph Leclmer, WIL-
I liam Russel, Dr. George A. Stock,
•lames V. Wilson, W. D. Holloway,
, ! Charles Murray, B. O. Mi-Lain, David
Shelhart, William Kase Theodore
Hoffman, Sr., Grant Aten.W. J. Rog
ers. O. F. Yonng. P. H. Dougherty,
M W. Ilurtman, John Eisenhart,
Frederick Jacobs, A. Delcamp, How
-- •
ard Moore, William L. McClure,James
Dailey, Jacob H. Miller,Samnel Bloch,
|W. F. Bell, J. W. Kinney, George
| Stickle.
John Roundeley, Calvin Eggeit,
| Thomas Bracelin, .'Harry " Yerrick!
Francis Hartman, Clarence Bloiin"
s . William Rnssel, George Beyers, W'il
ls liam McVey, John Scott, William
id j O'Blosser, James Grimes, David Haney,
,t Albert Lloyd, Peter Mayan, Frank
u Rnssel, Jacob Strauser, William Jor
don, Sr., David Gibsou, Fred Wendel,
c Jr., John Undenhofer, John Mowery.
e " W. W. Conard, James C. Smith,
Charles A. Wagner, Charles L. Goug-
II ; er, J. C. Wagner.
~1 | Frank Dieffenderfer,Jacob H.Diehl,
; John Zettlenioyer, Cyrus Bower, Aud
io j rew Kelly, J. J. Anten, E. H. Robin
: son, Henry Simington, W. H. Cley
io well, Charles Heddens, G. N. Taylor,
'y Joseph M Ritter, William Christian,
! ° John White, John Dyer, William W.
e " Dlehl, John C. Foust, Joseph Baylor,
?' .Tames O. Warner, Charles West, Sam
e" uel Krumm, William P. Foust, David
:e Krumm, Clarence Phillips, Jeremiah
r " Foust, Joseph Geringer.
j' J. W. Vastine, William Bird, ,T. M.
?s I Vought. William Unger.
is Joseph Churm, Philip Kline. J.
w Hurley Beutield. William Lawrence,
s, Pierce Gearhart. Robert Blue, Geo.
j- W. Kuapp, William Churm, C. A.
iy Comelifeon, Raymond Pursel, L. V.
)f Beyer.
s W. B. Billheim, William Lobach,
ir D. F. Orossley, W. B. Moore.
o Geo. W. Cromis, W. D. Seidel,
r . George Keller, Tltonas Polick.
5- Notice in Divorce.
0 Vermi'Kleanor Hetrick vs Oliver Roy
1 j Hetrick.
tour County, No. 43, January Term.
19CS, Divorce a. v. rs.
g To Oliver Roy Hetrick,
Respondent above named :
' | Y'ou are hereby duly notified and
' required to be aud appear in the
j Court of Common Pleas of Montour
J* I County on the fourth Monday of
May, A. D , WOS (the same being the
,S | 25th day of May, A. D., 1(108), then
! and there to of,
Verna Eleanor Hetrick the above-nam
" ed Libellaut in the above-named case,
and to show cause, if any you have,
why you should not be divorced from
the bonds of matrimony entered into
with the said Libellant according to
1 \ the prayer of the petition or libel
e ! filed in the above-stated case.
' D. C. WILLIAMS. Sheriff,
e i Sheriff's'OHlce, Danville, Pa.,
- Apr. 4th, 1908.
Mrs. Margaret J. Vogenitz, of Al
liance, Lehigh county, faged 78 years,
i- fell down the cellar steps at her home
r on Saturday and sustained injuries
e that caused her death within three
honrs. Her husband was killed by a
s locomotive at Catasanqua several yeats
\ lmlf i urttniii nlw4 tramp
m • «C f«at* •» ilm 4 I
! 11. I A W t 112 ri**n | nllril
i*nv from II «* »(murn s <t>ir>' n • • rii
ing which f»U< it In* lifr tn 11 i I m l
■fnt a thrill of l.tirror through the
jwoplf standing <<ti tlic platform
liift'l w»< nhM'iin I hI • ul llil
■ tution daring tin' (lav A* •mm ■* ti c
train .tarted up in leaving tb« >uinm
lii> WM *<> pn to jump ■|«m Hi" earn*
rut her. where lif cltiti. , a* lli" ti mi
hi t> a.iug In *!••'• "I, mot"4 rlnwu t
ward Church »treet
K c li moment it m>ni«d that he wuulii
hi unable tu retain Ilia hold and ill
roll down under the win «l* The eii|i
Ineer, however, had observed tin' man
and a« noon a* pom i hie stopped the
train, when the reek less and II glitly
fi-llow was drugged from hi* perili
Tin* train Mart" I up again. Itut no
sooner liad it got in motion than the
jolly hobo waving hi* hat at the crowd
and with it laugh of derision made a
dash for tin- train,mounting the hum|
er* lietween the mail and the baggagi
There was no platform on the cat
and the hump rs afforded the only foot
hold that the man had. Home iron
work about tin outside ot the car,
however, gave hint a support for hie
hands mid thus lie might have ridden
to Northumberland, if not to tipsy to
maintiiin his perch.
The conductor, however, saw the
j fellow as he jnrnpeu oar aud
. signalled the engineer to stop. For
the second time the train was brought
112 to a standstill aud the tramp was
dragged from his porch. The thing
was becoming slightly monotonous by
t this time and iu order to give the
r train crew an opportunity to get away
a couple of bystanders seized the hobo
112 and held him until the train got at a
safe distance.
The tramp seemed well pleased with
the idea that he had thrilled the crowd.
Hi was from the Philippine Islands,
he said,and was need to such exploits
I Initial Shipment on Saturday.
.. : The rolling mill of the Pennsylvania
. Brake Beam company in this city has
started up and on Saturday the initial
shipment of product rolled in the mill
. j was made.
g As explained in a previous article
the rolling departnn nt had to be wltol
e } lv re-equipped in order to turn out the
special shapes needed. An immense
amount of work was involved in re
moving the old furuaces and rolls and
installing the new.
. | The rolling department now includes
. one rail heating furnace, 20 by 9 feet,
fired at both ends, in which bitumin
u ous coal is used. Eighteen to twenty
. standard rails of any length op to
k twenty feet can be placed in the fur
j nace at one time,the rails being charg
, l ed at the rear door aud drawn from
the front.
The furnace is twenty-seven feet
from the rolls, which are 3-high and
of twenty-four inch size. The com
pany has already successfully rolled
two of the three shapes used for brake
beam purposes, namely, s}-4-inch deck
• and the 6-inch special re-inforced oval
'• section.
: On several occasions the rolling mill
has beon started up running for a day
or so at a time as the product might
be needed. The brake beams rolled
i and shipped Saturday are a part of a
large order, the balance of which will
. go forward as soon as it can be roll
i_ ed.
,] There are now about twenty men
I, employed at the plant and the number
will be increased by the company as
fast as conditions warrant it.
A big rat in'the store of John Hib
bard, in West Chester, has become so
tame that it will emerge from its hole
• at times aud eat morsels from the hand
! > of one of the employes.
A Reliable Remedy
- if MY-FEVER >)
tiy s Cream Balm y
is quickly absnrhDd. m
I, Gives Reliul al Once.
It clean-. -, k .th V
ltoals and pr, gtammmmtJk
the disenseit mem
brane resulting i> ui Catarrh and drive?!
away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores
5" the S> uses of Tie-to aud Sim 11. Full size
5(1 cts. tit Dniggists or by mail. Liquid
i_ Cream 1! dm for u<o in atomizers 75 cts.
El\- Brothers, 5(! Wttrieu Street, New York.
R I P A-N-S Tabule
d Doctors find
r A good prescription
112 For Mankind.
e The 5-oent packet is enough for ustta
occassious. The family bottle («»0 cents
ootitains a supply for a year. All drug
I \v T. HKL'BAKKR. Manager.
I Midway between Broad St. Station
and Reading Terminal on Filbert St
A convenient s *"'l homelike place
tostay while in the city shopping.
An excellent restaurant where
good service combines with low
ay and up
The only moderate prli-ed hotel ot
reputation and consequence In