Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, April 09, 1908, Image 2

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Penn'a. R. R.
<.BO a. 8.58 A.M.
•3,26 " 18.10 P.M.
2,24 P. M. 4.31 "
J. 57 " 7-48 '*
3.86 A.M. 4.81 P. M
D. L. St W. R. P..
*ast. west
7.05 a. M 9.07 A. M.
1J.19 " 18 51P.M.
i.ll P. M 4-33 "
5.44 " 915 "
7.05 A. M 18.51 P. M.
1.44 P. M 916 "
7.63 A. M. 11.88 A- M
' 1.56 P. M. 8.85 P. M.
(.55 A. M. 11-81 A. M.
<3B P.M. 6.83 P.M.
•ji;ave Danville 6.0 i. 8.40, 7.80, 8.90.
9.10' 10.00, 10.50, 11.40 a. ill. 12.50,
1.20, 2.10,8.00,3.50, 4.40, 5.81 5.20,
7.10, 3.00. 8.50, 9.40, 10.30, 11.21 m,
leave : iloomaburg 6.00, 8.40, 7.88, d.BB,
9.13, 10.03, 10.68, 11.43 a.m., 18.88,,3.03, 3.58, 4.48, 5.88, 6.88,
7.13, 8.08, 8.58, 9.43, 10.88, 11.80 p. in,
iTirat 0;»•/ Sunday morning 7.30.
Last jar, 11.20 at night goes to Oroya
nla only.
7m. R. Millar. Ghd'l Manager
Welcome to the gentle spring time,
when all nature is upspringing and
the little birds are singing.
April, as a rule, is a showery month
but this is a maximum with the mois
turo and vapors of the departing win
ter. Following many of the storms
there will he a change to cooler weath
er, with snow squalls and frost over
the central and northern sections of
the country. The storm period,central
the 31st of March, will ri ach its cul
mination during the first few days of
April. On or about the Bth a regular
Vulcan storm period will be due, and
heavy thunder storms will be in order.
The heaviest storms are likely to oc
cur during the last half of the mouth,
especially on or about the 20 and 23.
Full moon ocours on the 16th and
Easter Sunday is on the 19th, throw
ing it quite late this year; there is no
doubt but that a cold spell and unsea
sonable weather will occur about this
time, as there is generally a change to
cooler after the Full Moon.
The month begins with Moon in
Aries, the house of Mars, witli Saturn
a near neighbor, and there will be
twenty-one "high-Hood" days and
nine "low-ebb" days, therefore, from
the present outlook,the mouth will be
a very good one from a business stand
point: thore will be a noticeable im-
Xirovoment in the majority of indust
ries, and many fortunate results from
speculation. The markets will be very
active, but be careful and do not get
overbalanced. The suti being in sign
Aries is a good inducement for lambs
to bite. From about the 9th to the 15th
there are uncertain and threatening
times, with prices vaciliating.
Venus, the bright [shining star in
the golden west, will present a beauti
ful sight during the April evenings to
those who are fortunate enough to bo
where the clouds do not obstruct their
vision. Tho planet Jupiter will also
shine fortll with much brightness in
the west.
Friday, the 10th, and Saturday, the
11th, will be two very good days for
weeding and destroying all noxious ,
Thursday, the 2nd ; Wednesday, the
15th, and Monday, tho 27th, will be
very good sow or plant grain
seed,grass seed,all seed where a quick,
rapid growth is desired.
Tuesday the 7th will be an excellent
day to plant flower seeds, or to trans
plant vegetable plants, vines, ro'e
bushes, berry bushes, etc.
Vegetation of any kind planted at
the right time needs but littlo cultiva
tion ouly when the vital forces are at i
"high Hood.'
A Bad Back is Always Worse in
the Horning—Danville People
Are Finding Relief. -I
A back that aches all day and cause |
aiseouiiuiti <-. i night is usually worse
in the morniug. Makes you feel as if
yon hadu't slept at nil.
Can't cure a bad hack until you cure
the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills cure
sick kidneys—make you fetd better,
work better, rest better and sleep bet
Permanent euros in Danville prove
the merit of Doan's.
Mrs. Amelia Moore,living at 17 East
Mahoning street. Danville, Fa , says:
" Prior to using Doan's Kidney Pills
I had an almost continued dull aching
across the small of my bock ami nick
ed my usnal strength an. I uuihition
In the morning when 1 first arose, I
would often have to lie on the bed un
til the pains became less severe. My
kidneys were in a disordered condi
tion, and proof of this fact was evid
enced br the too frequent actiou of
the kidney secretions. Hearing so
muoli said in praise of Doan's Kidney
Pills I decided to give theui a trial
and proenred » box at Hunt's drug
store. Since using them there has beeu
a wonderful improvement in my con
dition, and I gladly give Doan's Kid
ney Pills the credit."
For sale by all dealers. Price 60
cents. Foster-Milburu 00., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name—Doan's—and
take no other.
Sunbary Ohurch Calls Pastor-
Zion'a Lutheran church in Sunbury
at a congregational meeting held on
Sunday, extended a call to Rev. J. M.
Francis, D. D.,of Springfield,lllinois,
to be the pastor of their church and
Buoceed the late Dr. J. H. Weber. Tho
salary was fixed at 91800 a year.
The Rev. William Brill, appointed
at the Central Pennsylvania confer
ence to succeed the Rev. M. K. s Fost
er, oconpied the pulpit at St. Paul's
M. E. church for the (list time Sun
day. A good-sized congregation was
, present and the new pastor made a
good impression.
As a sound and logical expounder of
the gospel,a direct and forceful speak
er, judging from Sunday's effort,
Rev. William Brill stands second to
none of the preachers who have oc
cupied the pulpit at St. Paul's for
many years past.
The text was embraced in the 6th
and 7th verses of the second chapter
of the epistle of Paul to the Collos
sians: "As ye have, therefore, receiv
ed Ohrist Jesus, the Lord, so walk ye
in him
'' Rooted and built up in him and est
ablished in the faith, as ye have been
taught, abounding therein with
Employing the text the speaker very
ably illustrated what constitutes the
essence of a genuine Christian life.
The beginning of a Christian life is
the receiving of Christ Jesus. It is
not making profession of religion, un
iting with the church, partaking of
the Lord's supper, contributing to the
church and living right in the com
munity, although all these things are
necessary. It is the receiving of Jesus
Ohrist himself. When a soul receives
Christ it receives wisdom, righteous
ness, and sanctification ; the personal
living Christ lives in him. Christ lives
in his people not as a precious mem
ory, as might be said of Washington
and other heroes cf the world's his
tory, but as a direct divine source of
spiritual life. The desires, and ambi
tions of the soul are all subject to His
will. Christ becomes the inspiration
of all the soul's activities.
England, America and many other
countries are spoken of as Christian
nations and yet the great mass of men
have not received Jesua Christ. Many
men, it is true, have embraced Ohrist
with the hope of escaping
world is not yet Christian in the ful
lest sense—has never received Christ
sincerelyNuid heartily as its Lord and
master. "ABye have therefore receiv
ed Jesus Ohrist, the Lord, so walk ye
iu Him."—which implies that we are
to grow up in Him. Wo are to walk
not in the teaching and doctrines of
Jesus Christ but with and ill Jesus
Ohrist,growing and advancing in Him
as a developing and transforming force.
In conclusion the sermon dealt witli
the condition and mode of the
Christian life. As implied by the
text,as a condition of his advancement
the Christian is to be rooted iu Christ
—not rooted iu spiritual doctrine but
rooted in Christ.
Many church members are iu the
habit of remarking that ou such a date
they sought religion as though the
bare act was alt that was necessary.
There was something iu their conduct
that suggested to the speaker the case
of a man who early in life was on
fortunate enougli to have the small
pox, but who in subsequent life found
satisfaction in adverting to the
circumstance as proof that he was im
mune from further attack of the dis
How inauy men and women of the
churches are more familiar with the
daily newspaper and the fashion plate
than the pages of the new testament.
How's Thts ? •
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that eau
uot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out .my obligations made
bv his firm. WALDING, KINNAN &
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75 o. per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
A Good One from Milton.
The following is a pretty good one
from the Milton Standard :
"Not lon£ since a well-known resi
dent received a letter from a mail
order liquor house asking him to send
the names of twenty-five or thirty
moderate drinkers in the town. As a
joke ho sat down and wrote the names
of about two dozen pronounced Pro
hibitionists and church people and en
closed them in the stamped and ad
dressed envelope that had been sent
with the request. The matter had al
most been forgotten, when he received
a letter the other day enclosing a check
for nineteen dollars from the firm. He
didn't understand what it meant and
wrote to them for an explanation.
They replied that it was a commission
on the sales they had made to the per
sons whose names ho furnished them. "
"E. C. D3'Vilt it Co., Chicago, II!.
Gentlemen—ln 1897 I had a disease of
the stomach and bowels. In the spring
of 1902 bought a bottle of Kodol and
the benefit received all the gold iu
Oeoruia could not buy. May you live
long and prosper. Yours very truly,
C. N. Cornell, Roding Oa., Aug 27,
1906." Sold by Paules & Co.
Sherman E. Hitler, Veterinarian,
Dr. Sherman E. Bitler, of Turbot
ville, was a guest of Dr. J. J. Kline
in this oity yesterday. Dr. Bitler, who
studied under Dr. Kline last summer,
on Friday graduated at the Ontario
Veterinary college.
DeWitt's Little Eatly Risers, the
famous little liver pills. Sold by
Paules & Co.
On Saturday morning the borough
made a payment of $2132.54 to the
State, the same being Danville's share
of the oost of reconstructing North
Mill street under the act of May-1,
1905. The money was forwarded dim:t
to the State treasurer.
North Mill street as reconstructed
under the act,it will be reoalled, con
sisted of two sections. One section ex
tending from Oentre street to the steam
flouring mill, 1200 feet in length, WHS
paved and the remaining section, ex
tending from the flouring mill to a
short distance north of the P. & R.
railway crossing, 813 feet in length,
was macadamized.
The State under the act could recon
struct a space only twenty feet in
width. Under agreement between the
State and the borough the former
was to defray three-fourths and the
latter one-fourth of the total expense.
The certification sent hero by State
Highway Commissioner Joseph W.
Hunter shows that the total cost of
the 1200 feet of paving as constructed
by the State was 15,718.92, Danville's
share under the agreement being $1,4-
29.73. The total cost of the 813 foet
of macadam was 52,811.23. Danville's
share being $702 81.
North Mill street is thirty-two feet
in width. Consequently there remain
ed a strip twelve feet in width over
and above the twenty feet that the
State reconstructed. For the rei- in
struction of this 12-foot strip tll"e bor
ough entered into a sepirnte contrnct
with D. J. Rogers to whom the State
had awarded the contract for tiir- pav
ing and macadamizing 011 North Mill
street. The cost of reconstructing the
strip twelve feet wide was approxiatc
ly S6OOO. This along with some extras
and the sum paid the State as one
fourth of the cost of thy work douy
under the act brings the total amount
paid out by the borough for its share
in the improvements on North Mill
street up to nearly S9OOO.
Receives Congratulations
You will soon receive the congratu
lations of your frieuds uoon your im
proved appearauco if you will take
Foley's Kidney Remedy as it tones up
the system and imparts new life and
vigor. Foley's Kidney Remedy cures
backache, nervous exhaustion ami all
forms of kidney and bladder troubles.
Comraeuoe taking it today. For Sale
by all Diuggists.
It is a fact much commented on that
there are more improvements being
made by property owuers in Danvil.'e
this spring than for some years past.
There is scarcely a street on which one
or more dwellings art not being re
modeled and 011 which new verandas
are not being built. In audition, the
usual number of minor improvements
are 011 foot, such as painting and pap
er hanging.
There is the usual brisk demand for
painters and paper Imagers and these
along with carpenters are rushed at
A Common Mistake
Many women mistake kidney and
bladder troubles for some irregularity
peculiar to the sex. Foley's Kidney
Remedy corrects irregularities and
makes women well. Miss Carrie Hard
en, Rowling Green, Ky., writes: "I
suffered much pain from kidney and
bladder trouble until I started to use
Foley's Kidney Remedy. The lirst hot
tie gave me great relief, and after
taking the second bottle I was entire
ly well." For Sale by all Druggists.
Dr. Ciunn's Latest Work.
Every disease to which the human
race is subject is fully and ably treat
ed in this exhaustive, new, revised
and enlarged edition of Dr. GOBI'S
household physiciau or home-book of
health. The author's name is famil
iar to every household in the land,
and no book published is more valu
able in the home. Tiie work rotails
everywhere for four dollars and fifty
cents. As an inducement to retain
old subscribers and establish new
ones, "The Philadelphia Press" has
made an arrangement with the pub
lishers of this volume that allows
them to offer, a short time only, the
Daily edition of"The Press" one en
tire year and this iudispenpable work
delivered to your door, with no other
charge, for four dollars and twenty
live ceuts. It uuaus a worth of seven
dollars and a half.
Cat out this notice and mail it with
your order at ouce if you desire the
advantage of this offer, as the price
is subject to advancement beforo an
other opportunity presents.
25th Aunivtrsary at the Globa.
The Globe warehouse, C. P. Han
cock proprietor, oue of the tinest and
most enterprising stores in this section
of the State, on Saturday evening be
gan the observance of its silver an
niversary. For the occasion the store
has been profusely decorated.
Saturday evening not less than a
thousand people visited the Globe
store, and on every side were heard
unstinted words of praise. The de
corations are of purple and white
festoons and flowered arches with
strings of incandescent bulbs iu varied
colors. The decorations, with the tine
displays of spring goods, produce a
strikingly beautiful effect.
The arrangements for the anniver
sary and the decorations of the store
were completed under the supervision
of the oompetent store manager, Bever
ly W. Musselman.
O. W. Dorr's term of office as coun
ty superintendent expires this spring.
On Tuesday, May sth, the sohool di
rectors of tiie county will meet in con
vention at the oourt house and seleot
viva vooe by a majority of all direct
ors prosent one person of literary and
soientifio acquirements and of skill and
experience in the art of teaching as
county superintendent of the schools
for three years.
O._W. Derr, the present incumbent
of the office, was elected six years ago,
succeeding W. D. Steinbach, who was
oonnty superintendent for many years.
Mr. Derr, who was re-elected three
years ago, is a candidate in the present
campaign and desires to be re-eleoted.
H. E. Ootner, son of former Oounty
Treasurer George P. Ootner, of Derry
township, is also a candidate for the
county superintendency. He is one of
the young teachers of the county and
is well-known.
As the time between the present and
the date of the sohool directors' con
vention is becoming short it is hardly
probable that any additional candid
ates will enter the race.
An Insidious Danger
One of the worst features of kidney
trouble is that it is an insidious dis
ease and before the victim realizes his
danger lie may have a fatal malady.
Take Foley's Kidney 's Kemedy at
the first sign of trouble as it corrects
irregularities and prevents Bright's
disease and diabetes. For Sale by all
Former Danville Man Wedded.
Henry Mitchell.formerly of Danville
and Miss Minnie Moser, both now of
A toona, were united in marriage re
cently, the Altoona Tribune giving the
following account of the wedding:
"Henry Mitchell and Miss Minnie
Moser, two widely known young peo
ple of this city, were married as 18
o'clock today at the iJarsonagM o£ the
Second Presbyteriau church by the
pastor, the Rev. Howard Henry Stiles.
The bridegroom is a salesman ami
window decorator at the clothing store
con;acted by Leopold & rtigley, and
the bride for some liijie has been au
instructor of music, being one of the
city's laleuted vi Upon re
turning from a visit to '.-astern points,
Mr. aud Mrs Mitchell wilt be at
home to their friends at 1107 Green
Important Decision
It is important that you should de
cide lo take only Foley's Honey and
Tar when you hare a cough or cold in
it will cure the most obstinate rack
ing cough and expel the cold from
your system Foley's llonev and Tar
contains io harmfui drugs. Insist up
on haviuv! it. For sale by all Drug
Daniel W.K-uoedy Wdl Kcturu Roiii*!.
Daniel W. Kennedy, who was ar
rested as incorrigible last summer a
year ago ..ud sentenced by Judge Evans
to the Glen Mills schools, will ho dis
charged from the institution tomorrow
the °th in-t., and will return to the
home of his parents in this city
It is Vi rv apparent that the boy has
been greatly benefited by his detention
at the Glen Mills school The very
bast of reports as to the boy's deport
meut and progress have been received
by the parents. While at home Daniel
refuted to attend sohool and he was in
a fair way of growing up without any
The letters received written in the
boy's own hand are models of neatness
and «oo I penuiai ship, and show that
he tms dev.doped a foudnesi for study
hnsi'los acquiring skill and proficiency
In manual wot It.
Affords l-'eifcct Security
Foley's Honey and Tar affords per
fect security from pueumouia and cou
sumption as it cures the most obsti
nate coughs and colds. We have never
known a single instance of a cold re
sulting in pneumonia after Foley's
Honey and Tar had been taken.
Pleasant Birthday Party.
A pleasant birtfiday party was held
at the home of Mrs. Albert Snook,
Cooper township, oil Tuesday. The
party brought its own provisions, and
after spending the day in a most de
lightful manner, they all returned to
ttieir homes wishing many happy re
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
John Springer, Mesdamas John Miller
Sarah Pfahler, George Leighow, John
Evanß, Warren Roat. John Pfahler,
A. Larue, Charles Hill, Sotli Freeze,
John Forney. Frank Heira, W. M.
Lunger, Johu Kudy, Mr. and Mrs
Edward Love. Jacob Elliott, Charles
Churm, Johu Anderson, W. M. Zeig
ler, Will Mourer, Mrs. Loander Koch
er, Dan Weidensau), Charles Arter,
W. M. Black, Wm. lies, O. O. Fisher,
Mrs. Sarah Kashuer, Lena Hortou,
Wm. Brent, Francis Kashuer, Ethel
and William lies, Madeline Fisher,
Dorothy and Henry Black, Lloyd
Weidensaul, Mildred Mourer, Marga
ret Pfahler, Beryl Boat and Edmond
old enemy, Nasal Catarrh, by using
Ely's Croaiu Balm. Then will all
the swelling and soreness be drivon
out of the tender, inflamed membranes
The fits of sneezing will cease and the
discharge, ns offensive to others as
to yourself, will be .stopped when the
causes that prodnce it are removed.
Cleanliness, comfort and renewed
health by the nse of Cream Balm.
Sold by all druggists for 50 cents, or
mailed by Ely Bros. ,56 Warren street,
New York.
The ohap who is fond of teliing
how much he has accomplished is sel
dom much of a worker.
AD event considerably out of the
ordinary took plaoe in this city Fri
day. A well-dressed stranger who
was unable to give an account of him
self was found struggling in the oreek
near the stove works. His life was
saved by a very narrow margin.
As Michael Mollale, a moulder, was
on his way to work shortly before 7
o'olock Friday morning on crossing
the culvert on the D. L. & W. rail
road near the water tank his attention
was attraoted by an objeot in the
creek, which upon investigation prov
ed to be a man.
The poor fellow was on all-fours in
the water. Mr. MoHale called to him
but he seemed to be in a stupor,if not
unconscious. At this juncture Fritz
Becker and John Sherwood, two other
moulders, came along and willingly
lent Mr. Mcllale assistance in lifting
the man out of the creek.
The fellow's clothing was saturated
with water while the temperature at
that hour was quite down to the freez
ing point. In order that he might be
given the benefit of the warmth and
his olothing dried, still unconscious,
the man was carried to the bath house
connected with the.foundry of the
stove works.
Here his clothing was hung up to
dry aud he was dressed in a suit which
one of the workingmen had worn to
work that morning. Meanwhile a mes
senger was sent for Dr. Stock, who ar
rived at the stove works indue time.
Dr. Stock notified Officer Voris of
what had occurred and the latter ar
rived at the stove works a short time
after the doctor followed in a few
minutes by Chief Mincemoyer.
Meanwiiilo everything possible was
done to bring the man back to con
sciousness but without much success.
On hi person was found a watch and
chain sf <i.os in cash three e'ean col
lars, an extra necktie and two pairs of
clean sock- He was fairly well dress
There was nothing to indicate that
the man had been drinking and the
physic inn could u l )' state for a cer
tainty what had brought about his mi
fortunate condition. In twidition to
tlm above named articles nu his jwr
son was found a time check of the
Greenwood mines at Miuoa*a, operat
ed h>' the D laware aud Hudson com
pany, which indicated that the man's
name was Michael Afahouey.
For rhe waut of a more suitable
placb the unconscious man was hauled
from the stove works to the hospital
room at the county jail, where ho was
put to br> . Here the Htrr.nger later re
gain-, d consciousness,although he still
seemed much bewildered and thought
he v as in Scranton.
It reasonably certaiu that the
man foil off the culvert into the creek,
but how long he had laiu in the water
when discovered is not known Mino
rca is about five miles from Scranton
aud in order to clear up the mystery,
if possible, the chief-of-police of Scran
ton wns called up by our officers Fri
day and acquainted with the affair.
In reply the Scranton chief said he
would send an officer out to Minooka
and see what could be learned about
the man.
Foley's Orino Laxative is best for
women and children. Its mild action
ami pleasant taste makes it preferable
to violent purgatives such as pills,
tablets , etc. Cures constipation. For
Sale by all Druggists.
The river, which had been high for
a month, has reached a normal stage
ouco more.
Several coal dredges are already in
commission and are scooping fair
quantities of river coal. The two ooal
diggers below the'water works owned
by Ituoh aud son aud the one above
the bridge owned by Forney brothers
started out on Tuesday aud all came
back well loaded.
DeWitt's Carbotized Witch Hazel
Salve it is especially good for plies.
Sold by Paules & Co.
A play that causes the managers of
theatres to ask for early return dates
must have something of more than
passing interest to commend it, but
that has been the record "The Arrival
of Kitty" has attained this season.
The piece is from the pen of Norman Swartout, a clever writer of com
edy, and is produced by C. S. Will
iams, a well known theatrical mana
ger. In every oity in which "The
Arrival of Kitty" has beeu seen thus
far this season, the managers of the
various tlieatros have requested that
au early return date be given them.
"It is the best oomedy we have played
in years" is tho universal comment.
Manager Edmondson of the Danville
opera house has secured this splendid
production at his theatre for tomorrow
State Buys Scranton Armory.
treasury today paid a warrant for |90,-
000 forth 3 purchase by the State arm
ory board of the armory at Scranton.
This is one of the best business prop
ositions made 6y the State in a long
time, as it secures the title to a prop
erty worth 1285,000. The armory,
which is for the Thirteenth regiment,
has been owned by au association
known as tl:e Scranton city guards'
association aud was built on contribu
Now that wo have passed from March
into April and the graßS is begiuu ng
to spring up on the lawns about town
it would Beem to be nbout time to re
sume work on the public park, which
in its unfinished state presents a some
what neglected and desolate appear
Although practically completed as
far as grading extends there is yet a
great deal of work to be done on the
park mostly in the way of laying out
the grounds, and tho arranging of
trees, shrubbery and flower beds.
The Petriken cemetery legally aband
oned last fall, is not wholly completed
and ready to be thrown into the park.
In addition a small portion of the
large tract still remains to be graded
and will require a considerable amount
of filling up.
The committee has planned to BOW
grass seed on tho park and this branch
of the work will be clone at the proper
season. The general plan also calls for
some additional trees as well as sever
al flower bods. Ono of the latter will
be placed in the triangle embraced be
tween the gravel walks leading from
the Bite of the soldiers' monument to
the pavement on each Bide of Upper
Mulberry street.
The liitcli that has occurred ill the
erection of tlie soldiors' monument, it
is feared,may have the effect of delay
ing the completion of the park. It was
learned, too, from the committee yes
terday, that all th© money subscribed
and paid into the park fund has been
used up in carrying the work to its
present stage aud that nothing more
can be done on the park until more
funds are received. From the very first
it was made plain that the borough
could furnish none of the money re
quired to establish the park. Tha
money ueertsil to put on the finishing
touches therefore, like that required
to pay for grading, &c., will have to
be donated by the pbulia;
Probably some action will be taken
on the matter at tiie meeting of coun
cil tonight. It would be unfortunate
if any delay were to occcr that would
hold back improvements. Tiie park
will not only be a beauty spot but it
will also constitute a recreation ground
very much needed in Danville and the
public have been looking hopefully for
ward to its completion at tho very
earliest day.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts
promptly yet gently on the bowels,
through which the cold is forced out
of the system, and at the same time it
allays inflammation. Sold by Paules
& 00.
Preparing for Summer Bathiag.
There is a movement on foot in the
V. M. C. A. and among others in Dan
ville to improve conditions on the riv
er as relate to bathing. The popular
idea seems to be to erect a building 011
the opposite side of the river to be
used as a dressing room and as a gen
eral headquarters for the bathers.
The best place ahrog the river for
bathing is on the opposite side just
below Blue hill. There the bottom is
the best and the water the cleanest.
Large numbers of people each summer
show their prcferouce by bathing 011
that spot.
It is believed that the river at that
point could be still further improved
as a bathing ground and those who
have tho bathing house in view con
template the building of a wall ami
the cleaning up of tho bottom of the
river also.
It is believed that a building stat
able for the purpose could be erected
if each person who baths 011 tho spot
should contribute a small sum The
number of bathers is so Jarge that all
tho money needed could be raised with
out anyone of the contributors feeling
The project is an admirable one. It
is a happy circumstance that the Y.
M. O. A. is linked with the move
ment. Under such auspices the best of
mauagement is assured and the pro
ject can hardly fail.
A True (ienlleman.
Read this over, some of yoa who
like to believe that you are gentle
men, and see if you measure up to the
standard :
A man that's clean inside and out
side; who neither looks up to the rich
or down to the poor; who cau lose
without squealing ; who can win with
out bragging, considerate to women,
children aud old people; who is too
brave to lie, too generous to'cheat and
too sensible to loaf; who takes his
share of the worlds' goods aud lets the
other people have'theiis—that is the
ideal conception of"a true gentleman.
CAMDEN, N. J., April 8.
" Joseph Wood, the eighteen-year-old
boy who lost week was convicted of
morder in the second degree for the
killing of Kthel Neviu.a nine-year-ohl
girl, hero last fall, was today sentenc
ed to thirty years in State prison. The
little girl'sjbody was a lot.
She had been maltreated andfher head
crushed "with a hatohet. The boy is
alleged to have confessed to the crime
immediately after his arrest.but deni
ed the alleged confession at his trial.
Alonzo Fox, treasurer of the New-
Castle township school board, i n
Schuylkill county, was on Moaday at
tacked by three masked men on a lone
ly road, beaten into insensibility and
robbed of funds that he had secured
to pay the teachers of the township.
His condition is critical.
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it.
Provalency of Kidney DUease.
Most people do not realize the alarm
jig increase and remarkable prevalency
I'r~< >| of kidney disease.
(>1 jfesx7s) ort^ers are l ' ie
iTm'i<xf most common
J s ? ases P re "
recognized by
-jHTI W patient and phy
*"sicians, who eon
* ~ tent themselves
mth doctoring the effect*, while the orig
inal disease undermines the system.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism,
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every part of the urinary passage.
It corrects inability to hold water
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled togo often
during the day, and to get up many
times during the night. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
is soon realized. It stands the highest
for its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug
gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes.
You may have a sample bottle and a
book that tells all
ri 112« nit it, both sen t 112 iree
hamton, N. Y. When Homo of Bwanip-Root.
writing mention this paper and don't
make any mistake, but remember the
name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and
the address, liiiighamtou, X. Y.
Don't make any mistake, but reinem
ber the name, Swanp-Root, Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Root, and the addres
liiiighHinton, N.Y.. on every bottles.
The children of the Od 1 Fellows
Orphans' home, roturued Sii crday
morning cheerful and happy from a
week's trip of giving entertainments,
during which time thoy wcu for 'them
selves new laurels and words of praise
and added the liaudaome sum oi one
thousand dollars toward the fund for
the new building at the Oipli.*4..»go.
The children left the orphanage last
Monday and gave a series of their de
lightful entertainra?nts at Scranton,
Carbondale and other places ill that
section of the State. At every place
where entertainments were given the
children were affectionately greeted
and they received the plaudits and
glowing words of commendation from
laige audiences.
All of the Odd Fellows' lodges in
tho towns where tiie children perform
ed have decided to take an active in
terest in the orphanage.
DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are
prompt and thorough and will in a
stort time strengthen weakened kid
uo.vs and allay troubles .".rising from
inflammation of the baldder. Sold by
Paules & Co.
Exchange Items.
Mrs .Elmer lvirkner and sister, Miss
Enin>a Armitage have returned from
Philadelphia, where the former under
went an operation at the Samaritan
Rev. S. G. McElroyjand wife have
returned from a visit to their former
home in Saratoga aounty, New York,
and will reside for the present with
their niece, Miss Liazie Wagner at Ex
W. H. Dildine is adding new mach
inery to his planing mill at Exchange.
C. C. Mohr, who has befu confined
to his home for some days with an at
tack of blood poisoning is improving.
Mrs. W. O. Houghton >s recovering
from an attack of grip.
Mrs. Oatherino Arnold and daughter
Lillian have returned from a visit
with friends in Montgomery.
There is nothing better than Kodol
for dyspepsia, indigestion, sour stom
aeli, belching of gas and nervous head
ache. It digests what yon eat. Sold
by Paules & Co.
At the capitol and at tho courthouse
it is stated that no timo nas been set
for arguing the reasons for a new trial,
in spite of reports to the contrary
about the capitol cases.
The attorney general's department
will await the filing of tho reasons
which will be on Saturday and Mon
day and then a date mutually agree
able will be fixed.
The man who is honestly and open
ly agaiust. vou may be trusted, but the
false friend, never.
| For the I
To succeed these days you B
must have plenty of grit, cour
age, strength. How is it with
the children? Are they thin,
pale, delicate? Do not forget
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You
know it makes the blood pure
and rich, and builds up the
general health in every way.
The children cannot possibly have pood health
utile** the bowels are in proper condition. < or
roct any constipation bv giving small l;ixattve
Uohca ot Ayer'H Villa. All vegetable, coated.
M Made by J. C. Ayer Co., Mmi.
JM Alio manufacturer of
/ 11 tO l*C * ril,E CU'W-
We have no uccreta 1 We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.