Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, May 02, 1907, Image 4

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    Montour American.
FRANK C. ANGLE, Proprietor.
Danville, Pa., May 2 19()7.
The heroic rescue of tho seven men
entombed in the mine at Foustwell.
Cambria county, was officially called j
to the attention of the house cf repre- |
6entatives this morning ami a resolu- i
tion by Mr. Moulthrop, of Clearfield,
commending the bravery of the rescu- j
ers was unanimously adopted.
The resolution was as follows:
"Whereas, We are informed this
morning through the medium of the
public press of the rescue of the seven
miners entombed in tiie mine of the j
Berwiud-White Goal company at 1
Foustwell. Cambria county, iu this
Commonwealth, by a number of their |
brave and heroic fellow-workingmen
under most trying and dangerous cir- j
oumstances, during which time their j
lives were constantly in danger.
"Therefore, Be it resolved that this
legislature take cognizance of this act
and extend its approbation to the res
cuers and direct that this resolution
be euteied ou the legislative record as
a mark of public recognition of their
brave aud valorous deed."
No debate occurred on the resolution
it being adopted without comment.
An invitation from the citizens of
West Pittston to the representatives to
atteud Wrst Pittston's "golden jubi
lee" celebration in June was present
ed by Mr. Hnll.of Luzerue.aud unani
mously accepted.
The following bills were passed fin
Authorizing municipal corporations
owning rheir water systems to re-loc
ate road« destroyed by overflow of re
set voirs or otherwise and to acquire!
land to preserve the wat»r supply from j
Providing for an assistant State_vet
eriuarian and cleiks.
Making <1,500 a year the minimum
salary for poor directors in counties of
more than 150,000 population.
tfProv idiug that certificates jof vacci
nation or of having had small pox
shall not be required in auy locality
when smallpox does not exist there.
Senate bill to punish persons con
tributing to the delinquency ot chil
Providing for regulating foreign
corporations engaged in selling their
own securities or other
this State.
Nanticoke to Benton by Trolley
Plans are ou foot for the extension
at thA fitrAof- ruiluav of Kan. .
ticoke, from that town to Benton, by
the way of Shickshinny aud Hunting
don Mills,this tapping a rich section of
Columbia county.
R. H. Couover, of Nanticoke, secre
tary and treasurer of the People's
Street Railway company and manager
of the Susquehanna Coal company's
supply store at that place; H. M.
Smith, of Alden Station, president of
the People's Traction company, F H.
Kohlbreaker, superintendent of the
Susquehanna Coal company, E. B.
Sheeder, of Wanamie, and Dr. J. R.
Hess, of Huntingdon Mills, directors
of the same street railway company,
were over the proposed route in an
automobile yesterday and took dinner
at the McHeny house iu Beuton. They
were more than pleased with the out
look for a successful trolley line, now
that the trolleys have the right to car
ry freight, and they were unanimous
ly of the opinion that such a trolley
line would be a paying venture.
Surveyors have been at work on the
route from Shickshinny to Nauticoke
and have that work completed, the
gentlemen stated in an interview con
cerning the proposed trollev line. Dur
ing the present week they will be put
to work on the route between Shick
shinny and Huntingdon Mills. From
Huntingdon Mills the route of the old
Huntingdon Creek and Muncy railroad
survey will be followed to Benton.
This route was surveyed for a steam
road many years ago but was never
built, because of it being considered
too expensive for a steam road.
However, as soon as these men were
assured that a trolley freight bill
would become a law, they set to work
to make plans for the building of a
trolley line between the points named.
That it will be successful goes with
out saying, as a rich farming and lum
ber country is tapped, and should pro
duce a great deal of freight business,
in the way of produce and manufact
ured lumber.
There will be no change in the sys
tem governing primary elections in
the State before the law passed at the
special legislative session of 1900 gets
a test.
This was virtually decided last
night, when the senate elections com
mittee killed the Lydick uniform
primary bill,sent over from the house.
Early in the evening the committee
heard arguments against the bill by
Thomas Raeburn White and George
Burnham, Jr., of the Philadelphia
committee of seventy, and John H.
Fow, counsel for the city commission
ers. Immediately after the hearing the
committee took its action,and the bill
was returned to the senate with a
negative report.
'he Rev. C. R. Botsford, pastor of
! ty Lutheran church of Berwick
Hver a lecture on Thursday
May 2nd, at 7 :45 o'clock in
German Lutheran church.
10 cents. A30,M1,2.
* For Rent. *
By Constance D'Arcy Mackay. \
r Copyright, ISW7, by T. C. I'ureella. \
"Be sure it bus six light room 9, all
outside," abjured Grace.
"And remember it must be in a nice
neighborhood," added Molly.
Rowena sighed. "I'll try," she said
resignedly and, tucking her umbrella
under her arm, started down the stairs,
It was a cool day, with 11 pray sky and
a promise of rain in the air. Th»
streets and boulevards had the faded,
dusty look that late summer nlway«
wears before the lirst frost arrives to
sharpen and brighten things. \ ans
laden with furniture passed with a
frequency which proclaimed thnt mov
ing time had come.
"I must remember that all places
look less cheerful on a dull day," said
Rowena to herself, taking a list out of
her pocketbook and running over It
with a ruminating eye.
" 'Bright, attractive apartment, six
rooms and bath.' I think I'll try that
one, though they all advertise them as
attractive, and the reality is a lot of
stuffy little rooms overlooking an air
shaft on one side and somebody' 9
back yard on the other. But I'm start
lug awfully early in the season, aud
that ought to give me a better choice."
For a week Roweua had been flat
hunting, climbing endless flights of
stairs and Interviewing a seemingly
endless line of real estate agents and
Janitors. Each morning she set out
blithely, and each evening she came
back fatigued and disheartened. "The
price we want to pay and the kind of
an apartment we would like don't seem
to fit together," she wailed, recounting
her adventures to Molly and Grace at
nightfall. Aud this particular day prov- ■■
ed no exception to the rule. By 11
o'clock in the morning she bad tramp
ed miles and found nothing suitable.
"Is this the Edgemere?" she wearily
inquired of an elevator boy in an _
apartment building whose marble en
trance and artlstio greeu walls were
like a ray of hope to her dejected spir
"Yes'm," said he of the trim suit
and brass buttons.
"I'd like to look at one on the third
floor," said Rowena, smiling on him.
Rowena's smile was one of her chief
charms. It lighted up her piquant face
and showed a dimple lurking in her
cheek. It would captivate any one
from a king to an elevator boy.
The third floor of the Edgemere
proved desirable from every point of
view. Rowena was delighted. "And
all for SSO a month." she breathed.
The boy gaped at her. "Fifty dol
lars!" ho scoffed. "Why, these her®
apartments rents for a hundred and
"One hundred and fifty! You're cer
tainly mistaken. The paper said"—
She opened her pocketbook, found the
clipping and showed it to him. He
shook his head.
"Misprint, lady," he answered. "They
ain't no such price."
"Sure, that's Just what I've been
telling this gentleman," said a neat
looking scrubwoman, suddenly appear
ing in the doorway. Behind her tow
ered a fair haired young fellow, broad
of shoulder and firm of chin. He stared
at Rowena for an Instant.
"Why, Miss Holden," he cried, with
a boyish laugh of pleasure, "are you
on the trail too?"
"I should think you'd know it at first
glance." said Rowena tragically. "My
sisters tell me that my face has taken
on the expression of the New York flat
hunter—a look of grim despair that la
Dwight Curtis laughed again.
"I wonder if your trials are as great
as mine. I'm clubbing together with
two other fellows, and trying to fill the
wants of each and all is turning me
gray. Moreover, I feel I'm getting the
; rickets from sprinting up so many
flights of stairs."
"The building we're in uow is going
to be torn down, so we have to move,
and It's my turn to search," explained
Rowena. "And, oh. Mr. Curtis, have
you seen any reasonable apartments
j with light, airy rooms in a pleasant
: neighborhood not too far from the car
"I have not," Dwight answered grave
j ly, "though J repeat those phrases even
lln my sleep. I tell you what—why
: can't we hunt together? It will be a
l<* more Bociable, and two heads are
' better than one, you know. Besides,
| down at the beach this summer that
| Hawkins man monopolized so much of
' your time that it's only fair for me to
have my Innings now. Shall we goto
I Seventy-sixth street next?"
"Do you realize," said Rowena a week
later as they sat ou a bench on River
side drive, "that time Is flying and
we've found nothing—absolutely noth
j Ing—so far?"
'"But we've had a lot of fun," Dwight
replied, smiling reminlscently as he
thought of sundry strolls they had tak
en in the park, sundry luncheons tete
a-tete In the little casino, sundry car
rides to perfectly irrelevant places, and
all with the ostensible excuse of flat
"This Is good enough for me," he
went ou, with a look first at Rowena
and then at the river, where myriads
of water craft plied up and down.
Steam launches puffed portentously,
sailboats gleamed in the sunlight, and
an excursion steamer churned past, all
flag flying and a band playing lustily
on deck. The rows of stone houses
facing the drive were closed aud silent,
the lower windows boarded up, while
the half shut blinds of the upper ones
gave them a semblance of supercilious
drooping eyelids.
Rowena toyed with her parasol. She
was looking dangerously demure In pale
blue. A tip tilted, coquettish hat sa t
lightly on her well poised head.
"I feel like a perfect culprit when
1 return at night," she confessed. "The
girls fuss over me and say what a
hard day I must have been through."
"I know," echoed Dwight, grinning
sympathetically. "The fellows tell me
that I'm a brick and that they're no
end grateful, while as It is I'm baring
the time of my life! Must we really
go?" he pleaded as Rowena abruptly
gathered up her gloves anil parasol.
"I simply must decide 011 something
today," she said, a ring of determina
tion In her voice. "I cannot put it off
any longer."
"Let's try this, then," suggested
Dwight, looking up at a white stone
building on a side street. "This is 29.
It looks pretty spick and span, doesn't
it? I have an idea that it will do."
Rowena gave a regretful shake of
the head.
"It's too sn ail," she declared, glanc
ing about at the little drawing room.
"But, oh. what a darling! It's the
loveliest one we've seen anywhere!
With a little money and a little taste
it could be made a perfect Jewel box.
How the sun streams in, and how deal
and cozy this drawing room would
"With a window seat there," said
Dwight. "and a !>ookcase against the
"And some pictures and bits of bric
a-brac on the mantel!" Rowena glow
ed with enthusiasm.
"And a low round table and a read
ing lamp," added Dwight delightedly.
The voice of the ever present jani
tress broke in on them. "I think
you'd like it," she observed. "It's just
the place for young married couples."
Rowena gasped and retreated. Dwight
"Dear," he besought, "you know it's
exactly as she says—it's meant for us
and no one else. Ah. Rowena, won't
you say that the light which shines
through these windows will be our
home light? Won't you say that every
night at dinner time the woman I love
will lx» waiting here to welcome me 7
Won't you say"—and there was mirth
in his voice as well as tenderness—
' won't you say that, our flat hunting
is over?"
Rowena hesitated.
"I don't know." she began demurely.
"I hadn't meant to lease my heart so
soon, but since—since so desirable a
tenant has applied it seems only right
to oblige him with a permanent occu
pancy, provided he keeps it in good re
Pullman's Giant Passenger.
There was one story of his career
that Mr. Pullman used to tell with
manifest delight. One night, going
out of Chicago, a long, len:i. ugly man,
with a wart on his cheek, came into
the depot. He paid George M. Pull
man 50 cents, and half a berth was
assigned him. Then he kicked off bis
boots, which were of surprising length,
turned Into the berth and, having an
easy conscience, was sleeping like a
healthy baby before the car left the
depot. Along came another passenger
and paid his 50 '-cnts. In two minutes
he was back at George Pullman.
"There's a man In that berth of
| mine," said he hotly, "and he's about
ten feet high How am 1 going to
1 sleep there, I'd like to know? Go and
look at him."
~Tn wriit T-ntimnn—mna vrt. -lire tan, j
lank man's knees were under his chin,
his arms were stretched across the
bed, and his feet were stored comfort
ably—for him. Pullman shook him
until be awoke and then told him If he
wanted the whole Iterth be would have
to pay ?1.
"My dear sir," said the tall man, "a
contract Is a contract. I have paid you
60 cents for half this berth, and, as
you see, I am occupying It. There's
the other half," pointing to a strip
about six inches wide. "Sell that and
(don't disturb me again." And, so say
ing. the man with the wart on his face
went to sleep again. He was Abraham
Yellowstone Park.
The Yellowstone National park cov
ers an area of 8,848 square miles of
territory and embraces within Its boun
daries specimens of almost every kind
of natural scenery—waterfalls, raplda,
lakes, mountains, boilbig springs, mud
volcanoes, geysers, canyons, caves, ba
saltic terraces and giant bowlders worn
by erosion Into every manner and kind
of queer and fantastic shape that the
Imagination can conceive of. The Yel
lowstone Is at present by far and away
the largest park In the world.
Short Stay Neighborhoods.
A man who contemplated going Into
business for himself looked around for
a good location. He rejected the ad
vice of two friends who had suggested
neighborhoods which they thought de
"I don't like either of the places," be
Bald. "Business can't be good around
there I have passed through thow
streets many times, aud always I have
been struck with the frequency with
which the names on the shops are
changed. That doesn't look promising.
Wherever a man finds trade profitable
he tays; contrariwise, be moves. None
of the short stay neighborhoods for
me."—New York Post.
Literally Speaking.
Hi Ilarix—lleow be yore son glttin'
along sense ho went tew th' city? SI
Meadowgrass—Oh, he's flourlshin'. Hi
Harix— I'm powerful glad tew hear it.
he doln'V Si Meadowgrass—
He's a-teacbln' penmanship in one ov
them business colleges. Pittsburg
Hit Name.
Lawyer What Is your full name?
Witness—K. K. K. Karl Benson. Law
yer—What do all the K's stand for?
Witness Nothing; the minister who
ehrtstened me stuttered. Boston
On Tipping the Hat.
New Yorkers still cling to the an
cient custom of tipping their bats when
greeting a male friend or acquaintance.
It Is a common sight to see a staid,
prosperous looking business man as he
passes an acquaintance tipping bis hat,
although the other Is alone and unac
companied by a woman. It Is the
same after a party has been together
somewhere, at dinner, probably, or at
the theater. You will uotice that as
one separates himself from the others
he will say good night or au revolr and
then tip bis bat. Also when one man
Is Introduced to another It Is dollars
to a subway ticket that be will lift bis
chapeau. Wonder why it is. They
don't do it In Pittsburg.—Pittsburg
The Bore.
"I think Jones Is one of tbe worrt
bores that ever lived." "Why so?" "He
broke right In ind began talking about
himself while I was telling about a
thrilling experience I once had out
west."—lndianapolis Star.
5 $ By s> \
| Special License |
r Copyright, 1907, by P. i\ Fastment. >
Autumn was dying in a blaze of
crimson and gold. Everywhere color
fairly rioted, from the vivid blue of the
cloudless arching sky, against which
the green of scattered tirs stood sharp
ly defined, down to the wind blown
leaves through which the old white
horse shuffled his slow way. Squire
Godfrey, Justice of the peace for the
county and now out riding circuit, let
fall the reins while he gratefully In
haled long breaths of the clear Octo
ber air. The nuts must surely be
From the woods on his left rang out
the merry voices of children, and In
voluntarily the squire smiled. In those
very woods forty years ago he and
Hetty had gone a-nuttlng—Hetty, with
her dancing roguish brown eyes, lief
plain little calico frock and the deep
sunbonuet always hanging by one
string. How distinctly he could see
the little figure!
Then the shaggy gray eyebrows met
In a heavy frown over the keen blue
eyes. What was Hetty to him but the
girl who had flouted and mocked him,
driving him away from home for these
wretched ten years! Well, he had
come back and made a success of his
life, and the squire's frown smoothed
itself as he reflected on the prosperity
which was his. And Hetty had mar
ried Johnson Wetherby, who had died
not long after, leaving her with one
boy to educate and care for. She had
done It well, admitted the squire
grudgingly. Rut that young John
should have presumed to court his
Susie! The squire's frown became a
scowl as lie whipped up the old white
horse. He would have none of that
Luckily Susie was a good girl. She
submitted quietly enough to the thun
dering pronunclamento launched at
her head by the Irate squire. She was
not to see Wetherby, not to write to
him, except the one letter conveying
her father's decision.
"And you cannot marry him with
out my consent for three years yet/'
chuckled the squire, "for I won't sign
the license. Of course If you choose
to run ofT to some other county"—
But Susie shook her head. No, she
would not do that.
It was well that he had been so firm,
pursued the squire. He had been
proved in the right, for it was a year
now since Susie had even mentioned
John's name. She was cured. Just as
he predicted she would be; otherwise
he would scarcely have felt safe leav
ing her In charge of the office, accord
ing to former custom. But he could
trust Susie; she was his own child.
Perhaps the squire overlooked the fact
that he himself had not yet forgotten.
As he drew up at the little inn which
was to be his first halting place the
man was surprised to see a familiar
looking buggy already fastened In the
trim wooden shed. The tavern was a
quaint, homely building, white and
square, with tall pillars and green
shutters. At the rear ran a wide,
sunny veranda. The squire, going !
through the dark, chilly hallway, push
ed open the the swing door. Then he
stopped short. Facing him rose a
slim, white faced little woman clad In
dusty black botnbanlne. The worn
bands, tightly clasped together, shook
a bit, but the brown eyes met his own
with the old dauntlees look.
"Lemuel," she murmured.
"Hetty," responded the squire, be
wilderedly breaking the silence of
thirty years.
A sudden appeal flashed up Into the
thin face. Her fingers strained them
selves desperately In their cotton
"Lemuel." she began again, "I—l,
want to speak to you—l've wanted to
for a lonp time, but you wouldn't let
me. Then John told me that you would
probably stop here today"—
"Ah, yes, John," said the squire In'
an altered tone. "For the moment I
had forgotten John. It Is to him, then,
that I am indebted for this pleasure,",
his stubborn mouth wrinkling into a
sudden sarcasm.
Mrs. Wetherby regarded lilm with a
level glance.
"Yes, It is John," she said steadily.
"For my own sake I should never have
I pleaded. That you chose to take as
serious a bit of girlish folly, a child
ish pique which one kind word from
you would have melted, for all that—
let It go. The past Is past. But John,
my boy—must his life, too, be spoiled?
He loves your daughter. She loves
him." unheeding the squire's angry
Hush. "Must they lose their youth and
let life's sweetest years be sacrificed
merely to satisfy a dislike of me, Lem
uel?" A passionate energy Inspired
her eager words.
"Dislike," repeated the squire thought
fully. "Dislike. Was It really that?"
Whatever his faults, the squire was
truthful. "But, Hetty," a sudden
warmth breaking Into his own voice,
"Hetty, you said—you said 'spoiled
too.' Do you mean that cared?
Did you, Hetty?" with compelling eyes
on hers.
"Yes," said Mrs. Wetherhy Blmply,
"I cared. And you went awny, you
never wrote, and so—at last—l married
Johnson Wetherby. He was a good
husband." A sudden impulse of loy
alty toward the dead surged within
"And I married Susan Martin,"
mused the squire aloud, but ho was
conscious of what he was saying. A
great wonder held him fast. Was this
the aulet self repressed woman who
all those years had sat across the aisle
from him every Sunday morning In
church, this slender, vibrant creature,
trembling In the might of her demand
for happiness of her son? Was this
the woman whom be bad believed with
out feeling? In a sudden Hash of in
sight he caught himself, a man cherish
ing the hidden resentment which year
by year hardened character and face,
while she— A tender reverence slow
ly crept into the stern old eyes.
"Come," he said gently, "we'll have
some dinner, and then we can talk
about John."
When, a week later, the squire's bug
gy pulled up before the honeysuckle
laden porch of home, the owner's
brows were drawn together into a sem
blance of its former frown. The mouth
held its accustomed lines. Only In the
deep set hlue eyes a new light gleamed
lrropressibly. Rut Susie did not see.
The girl came slowly to the door. Close
behind followed a tall, slim young fel
low with steady brown eyes. The
squire stared.
"Father," announced Susie, pale, but
resolute, "I want to tell you at once
that I'm married to John. The blank
licenses for any oue needing them were
on your desk already signed. It was
only necessary to till in the names.
I—l hope you forgive me. Hut If you
don't," as her father still stared with
features unrelaxed, "I'm ready to go.
I couldn't leave the house alone, though.
And, besides, I wanted to tell you my
self. We were married this morning."
The squire's own defiant will beamed
from her blue eyes. She was his own
child, ali right, the squire recognized,
with an amused recollection of Mis for
mer thought, and lie could hardly sue
himself for issuing a license to a minor
without her parent's consent, his own
name being signed to the document.
The squire threw down his reins.
"Well," he capitulated, "if it's done,
it's done. And we were planning to
give you such a fine wedding too!"
Then as an amazed "we" broke from
the startled girl Squire Godfrey leaned
over and patted the curly head.
"I'm not going to scold," he declared
heartily. "Fact is. I'm married myself.
My wife's waiting now at the hotel for
you to come; said I must tell you my
self first. So run and get on your hat.
John." while a long, searching look
passed between the two men as their
hands met. "you've got to be doubly a
son to me now. Your mother has tak
en me at last."
Revenge Is Sweet.
In ordinary life he was a very Impor
tant i>ersou, for he was a Judge; but,
ulas, his liver got out of order just the
same as if he had been an ordinary
mortal, and a brother luminary had ad
vised him to take a Turkish bath. It
was a luxury he had not previously in
dulged In, and he noticed that the rub
ber was terrlhly rough. However, ho
patiently endured being punched, slap
ped and i>oked until he could stand
the torture no longer.
_ine —black and blue—all—over?"
panted his lordship.
"Never you mind; you're all right,"
responded the rubber, redoubling his
energy and grinning diabolically.
"Who (slap, groan) are (thud, groan)
you?" gasped the Judge, a horrible sus
picion dawnlug in his nilnd. "Your
(whack, groan) face does (whack,
groan) look fa—(groan) look fa—(groan)
miliar" (swish, groan).
"Oh. you remember me, do you?"
growled the rubber sarcastically.
"Well, mebbe you'd like to have the
chance to send me up for six months
agatu for prize lighting—whoosn." —
Pearson's Weekly.
Humors of Sculpture.
"When architects Insist on decorating j
the facades of public buildings with j
symbolical groups," remarked a New (
York philosopher, "they often add tin- '
consciously to the humor of everyday
life. Just look at those two cherubs
over the central window on top of the
hall of records, for example. How can
any one with a memory ever forget tho
scandals of the construction of that
building In looking at these two fig
ures? One of them Is plainly going
over the account books of the cost,
while the other one is peering down
ward, as if he were trying to get a
glimpse of that Imitation marble work i
that has been put up on the walls of |
the upper stories. And the best of It j
ts that such stories last. Who ever
went to Washington for the first time |
that he did not have to listen to that j
yarn about the statue of Columbus or ■
Washington or some one else that j
stands in front of the capitol, throwing
the ball up to the Goddess of Liberty on :
the dome?"— New York Press.
Grim Joke In a Blue Book.
A grim piece of humor appears in
the British blue book dealing with the
taxation of unimproved land values in
the colonies. The tax commissioner of
Adelaide, after referring to the Inac
curate returns, says:
"Side by side with /these inaccurate
returns It has been pleasing to note
the completeness with which others
have been prepared lu the minutest
particulars, and we cannot fail to rec
ognize the thoroughness of the tax
payer who returned that piece of land
of his, measuring nine feet by six feet,
in the cemetery, and under the
column 'Name of Occupier' gave that
of his departed wife."
wursmp noacu.
Paraffin wax models of all proposed
British battleships are used by the
admiralty for tests before the keels of
the ships are laid down, the minia
tures being tested In a great tank. The
models are from twelve to twenty-four
feet long, the tank being 400 feet long
and twenty feet wide. The models are
made of wax because it Is a material
which does not absorb water or change
its weight, so that alterations can be
cnslly made, and the material can be
melted up and used again. The Amer
ican naval authorities alfeo have mod
els of all their hulls constructed, but
these are much more elaborate than
the British, being formed of white pine
and fitted with rudders, false keels,
propeller shafts and all etceteras.
To Cure n tln<l Ha hit.
A way to cure a bad habit is thus
explained by the Rev. Samuel McComb
in tho New York World: If you have
a habit you wish to get rid of put your
mind upon it after going to bed. Re
solve to discard that habit at the mo
ment you are lapsing from semicon
sciousness into complete unconscious
ness. Repent th« operation several
nights, several weeks If necessary, and
cure will follow, provided that the day
after the llrst night the experiment is
started you obey the Impulse that will
come on you to avoid the accustomed
The Bud Place.
"What! Fishing on the Sabbath?"
exclaimed the clergyman reprovingly.
"Don't you know that little boys who
fish on the Sabbath goto the bad
"Huh, 1 guess (lat's right," replied
ihe bad boy disgustedly. "I couldn't 'a'
■truck no worse place dan d!s."—Phila
delphia Press.
Clever Scheme Carried Through by • : I
Plausible Woman.
An elegantly dressed Spanish lady ;
one day visited a specialist in mental j
diseases iu Madrid 011 behalf of her j
husband, who, she said, was a sufferer j
from religious mania. Having explain- (
ed the case, It was arranged that she
should return in about an hour with
the afflicted husband.
The lady's next scene of action was
a jeweler's shop In another part of the j <
city, where rflie selected diamonds to ,
the value of $5,000 on the understand
ing that she would buy them If her
husband approved. Would some one j
accompany her home in a cab and the j
money would be paid immediately? A 1
trusted clerk was sent, and with him
the lady drove back to the doctor's
house. In an anteroom she took the
stones "just to show them to her hus
band." Then, entering with sublime
assurance the doctor's study, she in
formed the specialist "husband
Mt-ttwnnteroom and ready to
be examined.
Leaving a visiting card, the lady took
her departure, and the doctor, bidding
the supposed patient enter, proceeded
at his leisure to ask professional ques
tions. The jeweler's man was puzzled
at first, but soon he realized that he
had been made the victim of a clever
fraud. The doctor, however, interpret
ed his agitation as caused by his com
plaint. and when after two hours mat
ters were finally explained the lady Im
postor had vanished with her spoils
without leaving any trace. London
A good many loafers imagine thejy
are philosophers.
You are very fond of your opinions.
Let other men enjoy theirs.
Parents will say their children are
bad, but won't stand it from others.
Enthusiasm is all right provided you
don't meet a man who Is full of It
when you are busiest
The average man has more respect
for a thief than a deadbeat. And
thieves are not held in high esteem.
When a man tolls his "story," always
remember that he exaggerates it and
that he Isn't fair with the other fellow.
Among the white races more than
seven-tenths of religion is confined to
women. Vet the men run things. Very
few men are really religious, while you
find few women who are not.—Atchison
A Fatal Error.
Borrower*—Nellie, hand me iny um
brella, will you? It has commenced to
rain. Mrs. B.—l lent your umbrella to
Mr. Sweetfern last night Borrowes —
What in thunder did you do that for?
Didn't you know it was his?— Spare
Did Her Worst.
Illcks—She threatened all sorts of
things, and finally he got desperate and
exclaimed. "Do your worst!" Wicks—
And what did she do? Hickß— Very
coolly she began to play the piano.
Wicks— l see. She took him at hla
Matrimonial Tendencies.
We always tend to run to extremes la
our social fashions, and It is therefore
not without some interest, one may
even say anxiety, that we shall watch
the very decided tendency of society
women to marry men very much youn
ger than themselves. There may come
a day when an age limit may have to
| be Instituted.—London World.
cleanses, soothes and heals
the diseased membrane.
It cures catarrh ami dr.vts
away a cold in the head
Cream Ilium is placed into the nostrils, opreada
over the membrane am! is absorbed. Relief Is im
mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying—does
not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug
gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents.
ELY BROTLIEES. 66 Warren Street, New York
Cough Syrup
Relieves Colds bv working them
out of the system through a copious
and healthy action ef the bowels.
Relieves Coughs by olsanslng the
mucous membranes of the thtc*.l,
chest and bronohW tubes.
"As plaasaat ts the taste
as Maple Sugar"
Children Like^U
For Sale bv Par ies * to
" The Blood is The Life."
Science has never gone beyond the
above simple statement of scripture. But
it has illuminated that statement and
i given it a meaning ever broadening with
the increasing breadth of knowledge.
When the blood is "bad" or impure it
j is not alone the body which suffers
through diseaso. The brain is also
clouded, mind and judgement are
effected, an evil deed or impure
traced to the
Impur^oT the Foul, impure blood
yan made miro by I')° " 112 I )r
Picrce's (.iolJ« ;i Medical Discovery. H
mipcfios :i rid purities "the blood thereby
curing, pimples, blotches, eruptions a.nd
other cutaneous affections, as eczema,
tetter, or salt rheum, hives and other
manifestations of impure blood.
® ® ® ® ® ®
In the cure of scrofulous swellings, en
larged elands, open eating ulcers, or old
1 sores, the "Golden Medical Discovery" has
performed the most marvelous cures. In
i j must's of old sores, or open ea'li g ulcers,
It is well to apply to the open sores Dr.
Pierce's All-Healing Salve, which pos
sesses wonderful healing potency when
used as an application to the sores in con-
I junction with the use of "Golden Medical
Discovery "as a blood cleansing consti
tutional treatment. If your drugpist
don't happen to have the "All-Healing
Salve" in stock, you can easily procure it
by inclosing fifty-four cents in postage
' stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, 603 Main St.,
I Buffalo, N. Y., and it will come to you by
return post. Most druggists keep it as
well as the "Golden Medical Discovery."
® ® ® ® ® ®
You can't afford to accept any medicine
of unknown composition as a substitute
, for "Golden Medical Discovery," which is
having a complete list of Ingredients in
plain English on its bottle-wrapper, the
name being attested as correct under oath.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate
and Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels.
Of Montour County for the
Year 1007.
List of persons and firms engaged in
selling and vending goods, wares,mer
chandise, coiuiuodities, or effects of
v hatever kiud or nature, residing and
doing business in tlie County of
Montour and State of Pennsylvania,
J. B. Do w 'TTnmas Deu liin, W.
H. Dildiufl, W. C. Houghton. George
Hill, Boyd E. Stead, Miss L. Wagner,
0. D. Garrison,
A. C. Ainesbury, Mrs E. M.
Bauscli, Mrs. Jenuie Barry, S. M.
Dietz, W. J. Evans, T. A. Evans,
Jacob Goas, James V. G ilia spy, J. D. j
Gosh & Co., Grand Union Tea Co.,
A. H. Groue, C. P. Hancock, A. G. |
Harris, Daniel B. Heddens, J. C. j
Heddens, D. 0. Hunt. G. Shoop
Hunt, U. Y. Jauies, Joiiu Jacobs'
Sons, Paul Knoch, O. M. Leniger,
Carl Litz, S. Lowenstein & Co., E
T. Linuard, Bigler D. Mover, R. D.
Magill, Daniel Marks, John Martin, I
J. J. Newman, P. M. Owen, A. M.
Philips, George W. Roat, Marc H. J
Schram, H. M. Schoch, Andrew ,
Sohatz, George R. Sechler, Jesse j
Shannon, Standard Gas Co., Irvin A.
Snyder, Eleanor Thomas, Trumbower
& Werkheiser, W. C. Williams, H. R.
E. L. Aten, H. E. Esterbrook, Russell
Foust, John M. Gibbons, F R.
Harner, Theodore Hoffman, Jr.,
George Hoffner, H. R. & D. C. Jones,
T. H. Johns, Albert Kemmer, Abrain
Laßue, Samuel Mills, 0. C. Ritter,
W. H. N. Walker,
E. D. Aten & Co.. William F. Bell,
George C. Bomboy, Franklin Boyer,
Charles Beyer, H. Bernheimer, Boet
tinger & Dietz, Peter Comick, Jesse B.
Cleaver, H. T. Cromwell, J. H. Cole,
Frank L. Cochell, Cohen Bros., A.
Delcamp, L. 0. Dietz, Henry Divel.
John Doster's Sons, James F. Dough
erty, L. J. Davis, Jamas Dailey,
James Dalton, Harry Ellenbogen &
Bros.. John Eisenhart, D. R. Eckman,
G. W. Emerick, T. J. Evans, Jacob
Engle, J. H. Fry, Foster Bros., H. W.
Fields, W. L. Gouger, J. B. Gear
hart, David Haney, Fred W. Howe,
J. & F. Henrie, O. C. Johnson, Jno.
Jacobs' Sons, Phoebe Kinn, John
Krainak, William Lovett, Wal
ter Lunger, Harvey Longenberger, 0.
S. Lyons, J. W. Lore, William E.
Limberger, G. L. McLain, P. J. Mc-
Caffrey, J. H. Miller, Carl McWill
iams, Charles Miller, E. A. Moyer,
Elias Maier, R. L. Marks, J. C.
Montgomery, P. C. Murray & Son,
Mayan Bros., George A. Myers, Clar
ence Peifer, Paules & Co.. V. Palm
isano, J. J. Powers, A. M. Peters,
L A. Persing, R. J. Pegg, B. Rosen
stine, R. Rosenstine, A. Rosenstine,
M. J. Riley, James Ryan, F. H. Rus
sell, W. J. Rogers, C. A. Ranck,
George A. Rossman, S. F. Ricketts,
George F. Reifsnyder, J. W. Swarts,
George F. Smith, Joseph Smith, P. P.
Swentek, William Spade, Thomas A.
Schott, Mrs. Z. Smith, John F. Tooley,
John Udelhofen, Jr., R. 0. Will
iams, G. B. Wintersteen, S. J. Wel
liver, James Tooey.
John Bruder, B. H. Harris.
Charles Beaver, Richard B. Moser,
Charles Mowrer, H. A. Snyder, G. D
D. R. Rishel, S. E. Snyder
W. Q. Ford, Bart James, Adolf
W. C. Heller, William Jordan, Joliu
E. Roberts,
Cyrus Adams, Henry E. Bohner,
S. K. Autrim, E. S. Delsite, W. S.
Lawrence, W. D. Wise,
George W. Cromis, C. L. Cromis,
O. Cromley, G. B. McO. Diehl, O.
; F. Gibson, E. W. Gibson, A. L. Hed
i dens, George K. Heddeus, Fanny Hod
dens, W. J. Messersmith Russell M irr
Fred Yerg, T. B. Yerg, L. P. Wag
i uer, W. Zeliff,
Cohen Bros., Third Ward: Heddeus
Gaudy 00., First Ward; G. Weil,
First Ward ; Grand Union Tea Co ,
First Ward; Atlantic Refining Co,
Third Ward; Jacob Engle, Third
Ward ;J. H. Goeser & Co. Third Ward ;
Miller & Curry.Third Ward; Welliver
Hardware Co., Third Ward;
E. T. Liuuard, First Ward; John
Udelhofeu, Jr., Third Ward; H. R
Weuck, First Ward;
J. K. Wyant,First Ward; Ed. F. Fal
lon, Third Ward; B. Martin, Third
Notice is hereby given to all con
cerned iu this appraisement that an
appe tl will bo Irdd at the Com iiis
xioners' Office at the Court House in
Danville, Pa., on Monday, May 27th,
1907, between the hours of 9a. in.
and 4 p. m., when and where you may
attend if you think proper.
Mercantile Appraiser.
Dauville, Pa. Mar Ist, 1907.
A tame crow escaped from a cage at
Poole, England, and tried to join a
colony of crows in a neighboring
grove. But the wild crows resented
the intrusion and killed it-
Lord Selborne is the first British
Cabinet Minister who has accepted an
appointment in the colonies.
Adam Funk is seriously ill nt his
' home on Canal street.
It Hum A 1 \\ it y h Been the Love Flat*
of the Apache Indian.
The flageolet is of peculiar Interest
to Americans, as from time Immemo
rial It has been the medium through
which the Indian youth courted their
sweethearts at a distance when they
were so unfortunate as to be unable
to gain a personal audience.
The love or courting flute of the Apa
che is made of a round 6tlck of cedar
about twenty-four inches long, split
lengthwise and hollowed to form an air
chamber, A bole is made on each side
of this tiianhraiMu and-ft nliallow air
fHHuTEn'e hole tothe other.
IflflTve it a cap of wood is placed tot
the purpose of covering the upper hole
and the air channel. The lip Is made
of a thin sheet of lead and the whole
bound together with a slender thong.
In the tube part or body of the Instru
ment are placed six linger holes, a
condition that points unmistakably to
the Influence of contact with the white
The flageolet, as ordinarily under
stood, may be described as a whistle
headed flute. In the seventeenth cen
tury English ladies often played on It.
Sometimes two or three flageolet tube#
were constructed with one head for tbe
purpose of Introducing notes in har
mony. These were called double or
triple flageolets, and a patent was tak
en out for this Instrument by on#
An old English diary of 1607 contain*
this quaint reference to the double
flageolet: "To Dumbleby's, the pip#'
maker, there to advise about the mak-
Ing of a flageolet togo low and soft,
and he do show me a way which to do
and also a fashion of having two plpea
of the same note fastened together, so
as I can play on one and then echo It
upon the other, which Is mighty pr»t»
ty."— American Inventor.
Auditor's Notice.
The auditor appoint
ed by the Orphan's Court of Montour
County to distribute the funds in the
hands of William Houser, Executor,
of the estate of Mary Lockhoof, de
ceased, raised by sale of the real and
personal estate of said decedent, to and
among the parties entitled thereto,
and to pass upon the exceptions filed
to his account will attend to tho
duties of his appointment at his office
No. 107 Mill Street, Danville. Penna.
on Saturday May 18th A. D. 1907.,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when
and whoro all parties interested are
requested to present their claims be
fore the undersigned or be forever de
barred from coming in upon the said
R. S. Ammerman, Auditor.
M 2, 9, 16.
Clerk of the Orphan's Court,
The undersigned, Sarah H. Morrall,
appointed Executrix of the last will
aud testament of Samuel Morrall, late
of the Borough of Riverside, North
umberland County, Pennsylvania, de
ceased, who was appointed Testa
mentary Trustee, by the last will and
testament of Sarah Morrall, late of
the Borough of Danville, Montour
! County, Pennsylvania, deceased, doth
make this her First and Final Ac
count aud Report of the management
of the estate of Sarah Morrall, de
ceased, and that the same will be pre
sented to the Orphan's Court of said
County for confirmation and allow
ance on Monday the 27th day of May
A. D. 1907, at the meeting of the
Court in the afternoon.
April 37th, 1907.
M 2, 9, 16, 23
Notice is hereby given that the Rec
tor, Chnrcli Wardens and Vestry of
Christ (Memorial) Church in Danville,
Presented to the Court of Common Pleas
of Montour County, Pennsylvania, their
petition praying the >aid Conrt to grant
under the provisions of the Act of As
sembly approv> d the 29th day of April
A. D. 1874, en it led, "An Act to provide
for the incorporation and regulation of
certain cor,.•orations" and its supple
ments, certvn amendments to the orig
inal charter of the said Christ (Memor
ial) Church, upon which petition an in
terlocutory decree has been made as
prayed for, and that an application will
be made to the s :id Court on the 27th
day of May 1907 as 10 o'clo k A. M- for
the final decree in t .e premises.
FRANK C. ANGLE. Solicitor
Notice hereby is given that the
Chillisqnaque Presbyterian Church,
Presented to the Court of Commo
j Pleas of Montour Coonty, Pennsyl
-1 vania, their petition praying the said
Court to graut under the provisions
of the Act of Assembly approved the
29th day of April A. D. 1874, entitled,
"An Act to provide for the incorpora
tion and regulation of certain corpora
tions" and its supplements, certain
amendments to the original charter of
the said Chillisquaque Presbvterian
Church upon which petition an inter
locutory decree has been made as
prayed for, and that an application
will be made to the said Court on the
27th day of May 1907, at 10 o'clock A.
M.for the final decree in the prem-
I ises.
Edwin Paul, Solicitor.
Winsdor Hotel
I Between 12th and 13th Sts. on Filbert St
Philadelphia, Pa.
Three minutes walk frcm the Read
ing Terminal. Five minutes walk from
the Penna. R. R. Depot.
$1 00 per day and upwards.
$2.00 per dav.
R-I P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For Mankind.
The 5-cent packet is < nougb for '
oocassiona. The family bottle (60
•X>ntains a supply for a year. Al