Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, December 06, 1906, Image 4

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    Montour American.
C. ANGLE. Proprietor.
Danville, Pa., Dec. 6, 1906.
As to President's Hessage,
No citizen should fail to give tlie
message transmitted to congress Tues
day Dy President Roosevelt, a careful
perusal. The president discusses many
of the questions which are today he
fore the country audit is improbable
that congress will enact into laws all
the recommendations he makes. Upon
the subject of lynching he makes some
very sensible observations, and if his
ideas are adhered to, and his counsel
taken,there is no reason why lyuchiui?
should not become a thing of the past
and one of the darkest blots ou onr
civilization erased. Ou this question
as with the others with which the
message deals the president's remarks
are for the perusal of his countrymen
at large as well as for their chosen
representatives. This is apparent in
his remarks concerning capital ami
labor,wherein lie takes occasion to ad
minister a few hard raps to preachers
of discontent, "The meu who seek to
excite violent class hatred agaiust all
meu of wealth." His words ou this
subject should be carefully poudered.
Ou the subject of the regulation of
corp iratious. the president gives con
gress to understand that Its work was
uot completed when ttie railway rate
bill, the pure fo d bill aud the beet
picking bill were passed. The passage
of these measures simply marked au
important advauce in the proper direc
tion, but he does not urge immediate
legislation on the subject. He, how
ever, at considerable length, tells of
the enforcing ami actual working of
the laws that have been passed. The
feature of the message which will
doubtless elicit the most comment and
perhaps criticism iB that relating to
au inheritance aud income tax. The
president goes on record as favoring
both, although on this subject, as on
that of the regulation ot corporations,
he does not urge immediate action ou
the part of congress. It will be time
enough "when next our system of
taxation is revised." In the meau
time, he gives us something to think
On the question of marriage and
divorce, the president hints at a con
stitutional amendment so that the
matter may be uealt with by congress
instead of by the variou States, with
the resultant differences in the laws
and the scandals and abuses. In the
matter of the subsidy shipping bill
which passed the senate last spring,he
urges its passage by the house at this
session. He also earnestly recommends
changes in our currency laws so that
some very serions defects may be
remedied, and he is equally emphatic
in urging the passage of a lower tariff
for the Philippines and the conferring
of American citizenship on the Porto
Those people who over six years ago
were wout to say that Theodore Roose
velt was impetuous and would pre
cipitate this country into war at the
first opportunity, ought to read what
he says about our relations witli the
Japauese. In dealiug with this delic
ate qnestion tie displays diploma :y and
statesmanship of the highest order,
aud his recommendations ought to be
speedily enacted into lavs by congress.
On the subject of Cuba, the Rio cou
ference, our foreign relatiousand var
ious domestic problems uot already
enumerated the President writes most
interestingly His views ou all public
questions are souud aud if congress
will bnt heed his advice.and euact in
to law the recommendations lie makes,
we will advance to a higher pl.iue
th m .ve have yet attaiue i.
»-i" a i ti
!■>.■ P-ti 1 h hi . f>r . e
-.4 *t: >r>l t . . > j - • i
»i«e< tl« f.liltiWl 14 i' . HI 1:1 " I I',**
the preiaut auau ii surp i* Oecide <
ly gratifying, it must be b irue in
mind that p riods ot oepres>iou may
come, when there vrili be a very mat
erial reduction. It would be a wide
stretch of the imagination to always
expect su< h good times as we are uov\
enjoying. In whatever manner the ap
propriations are increased by t te co »-
iug or legislatures, there
may in the years to come be the neces
sity of reduciug them to a b.isis pro
portionate to less favorable iudastrial
conditions. We are now at fi >od tide. "
Tlie Record's words are wise. They
should be heeded. Tlie coming appro
priations committee shou d be compos
ed of men who are disposed to mix
wisdom with liberality.
The McKeesport News makes some
remark which everybody ought to be
acquainted with,but which some lnve
yet to learn: "The newsp»per is for
everybody and hence must publish
something for everybody If you see
something which is of little interest
to you.remember that there are others
and that the entire paper is uot print
ed especially for you. The very thing
that is dull and uninteresting to you
may be the one thiug in the paper for
some other readers. There are whole
pages in the daily papers that are of
no interest to some, but they are to
others." It is very true that a news
paper which tried to please every read
er in every item it contained would
soon have very few readers.
8. B. Rliawa. of Catawissa, is the
owuer of an energetic and strong
minded hen which retired to private
life some tnree weeks ago so effectual
ly that she could uot be found Ou
last Wednesday she reappeared in pub
lic, but not aloue, for with her were
sixteen lively little chicks of which
she was the proud mother. Those late
comers into a chilly world are likely
to be snuffed out unless the efforts of
their mother to care for them are sti| •
plemeuted by human kindness.
Bishop O C McCabe addressed the
Methodist preachers of Philadelphia
last Monday and made an earnest plea
for concentration of effort toward the
extinction of the debts of the churches
of the city.
[Continued from First Page.]
ciuld be prevailed upon to expend a
small sum of money for supplementary
reading, if the teachers showed the
proper enthusiasm aud tactfully pre
sented the matter to the school direct
Oral reading is general in the school
room, although after our school days
nearly all our readiug is "silent."
Profess )r Lose advocated at least oue
exercise in sileut readiug duriug the
week in order to drill the pnpil in
gettiug at the thought.
Professor Lowdeu.who will be with
the institute all week, has attracted
much atteutiou by the depth of his re
searches and the originality of his
thought. His concluding talk yester
day afteruoon was a marvel in its
way. His topic was: "Tlie Literary
Instincts of a Child." The treatment
was psychological iu its nature.
The literary life of a child, he held,
begins with its first cry. This first
cry, he held, invariably represented a
vowel, which explains why the vowel
souuds predominate iu our language.
In the American babe the souud is
that of short "A": iu the babe of
Italy the first souud uttered is that of
Italiua "A". The first consonants ut
tered by tlie child aro "1""m" aud
"p", and they are the manifestation
of the first operation of instinct aloug
c*rtaiu lines. The literary life of a
child begins at the age of three years
aud succes ively passes through, the
rhythmic stage,the Mother Goose stage
the fairy tale stage, the Santa Claus
age, the stage when it should read all
the great myths of the world, after
which comes biography,which in turn
should lead into history. No attempt
is made to produce anything like Prof
essor Lowdeu's full talk here The
above outline will suffice to show the
origiuality of thought and the bol.l
uess with which he treats his themes.
The case agaiust Enoch Ososki, Just
ice of the Peace Hayden, of Mt. Car
mel and Authony Sliultz, of Franklin
township, Columbia county, took up
the atteutiou of the Columbia couuty
court the greater part of yesterday.
Ososki is charged with assault and
battery by Mrs. Joseph Potiery, of
Franklin township, with Hayden and
Siiultz as accessories. Hayden and
Ososki were found guilty and were
fined SSO each. Sliultz was acquitted.
The Columbia couuty jury yesterday
returned a verdict of "Not Guilty"
in the case again6t Contractor Elmer
Kelly, of West Berwick, confirming
his position that the father has a right
to inflict corporal punishment on a
minor daughter when the girl's moral
conduct is such as to require drastic
The case was brought by Mrs. Hallo
way, agent of the society for the pre
vention bf cruelty to children. Kelly
was charged with whipping his 17-
year-old caughter so that her back
was la:erated aud black marks were
left there for several days.
Iu some of the cities the friends of
the shop clerks are engaged iu a con
certed effort to presuade the general
public to do its shopping early in the
month. Iu New York the wives of the
lab ir unionists are being systematical
ly asked to make their purchases not
later tliau the loth. The idea is to give
tlie clerks a little less stienuous time
during the last teu days of the pre
holiday seasou, audit is a splendid
one. Can it be imitated to auy exteut
iu Dtuville? How mauy ate willing
to try?
Sued Borough.
The borough authorities of Suubury
aro no a citifr luted with a problem
mv dviutf tiie resp insibility for iu
jurie- s st i ie I by pedestrians on ac
c i i it' ii • veu -i lewalks
- . e ! . igo i, Suubury property
i r. . , h « -nlewilk to a grade
• < i.i b>i iu^li -urveyor. His
■ .1) i <1 if it raise the adjoining
s \ \n i I'ry.iu stepping
fi 1.,, si e« « k o to' otiier sprained
her ankle, aud uow e< ks to recover
damages lo (he extent of her doctor's
bill aud to p»\ for the time she was
unable to ssork.
Ii occurs to tlie Scraut >i« Tribune
that "the charity of early shopping
consists in the reiielt iat would be af
forded to salespeople, deli very men au.i
horses. Consideration for the willing
workers who distribute Christmas
cheer should be extended. There will
be plenty of work, at be t.fur prosper
ous times have tilled purses, aud the
approaching holidays will witness
greater expenditures fir gifts than
ever before iu the nation's history.
Let this immense work be spread over
the mouth, iustead of concentrating it
into three or four days. Inconvenience
of the public aud impjsitiou upon
faithful servants may be avoided by a
little forethought."
i oniplf oh ted Movement* of the 811-
loun of tlie Ocean*.
Those who see the rise and fall of
the tides in our Atlantic harbors sel
dom think of the wonderful course
of the ocean waves which cause the
tidili flux and reflux. Such billows not
only cross tlie sea, but flow from ocean
to ocean, iu this way complicated
movements are set going.
Thus, for instance, once in every
twelve hours the moon raises a tide
billow in the southern Indian ocean.
When this biliow passes the Cape of
Good Hope at noon its successor Is al
ready born, and by the time the first
billow has reached the Azores islands
at midnight the second m rounding the
cape, and a ihird has come Into ex
istence in the southern ocean. By 4
o'clock in the morning following its
passage of the cape the tide billow
reaches the English channel, and there
the shallow waters delay It so much it does not arrive at the strait of
Dover until 10 a. m. Here the nar
rowing channel causes the tide to rise
very hi hand almost puts an end to
the wave.
In the meantime another branch of
he billow runs around the western
side of flic British islands, rounds
the no"!h point of Scotland and moves
<!•>■•■!,, the eastern coast of Eng
land unMI it finally flows up the
Thames and hips > r harfs of Lon
don.—Pbilailelrihtn Herntvi
lTa>?ie Incident of tlie Aiioicnt
Custom of Carrying; i hiniltniuu at
Festivals Origin of the IMirafle,
"Holding a Camlle to Von. M
There was a panic of a curious origin
%bout the beginning of the eleventh
century. It was widely believed that
the year 1000 would witness tlie end of
the world, and this superstition caused
a very general stagnation of industry
nud commerce. Such panics bave oc
curred at irregular intervals ever since,
the last one being within the memory
of tlie present generation and inspired
by Mother Shipton's prophecy:
The world to an end shall come
In eighteen hundred eighty-one.
However, as soon as people became
conviuced that the world was not real
ly going to come to an end in the year
1000, they resumed their work aud
play, and the making of lamps and
candlesticks, like other manufactures,
entered upon an era of prosperity.
Monasteries were famous schools for
this work, as for all other forms of
handicraft, and paid peculiar attention
to the beautifying of lamps and can
dlesticks because of their usefulness in
church services. During the eleventh
century Dinant, iu Belgium, became
famous for its copper work, and some
of the most beautiful chandeliers of
this period were made there. At about
this time the "courouue des lumieres,"
or circle of lights hung from the ceil
ing, became a common device for light
ing a church, and some of these are
exquisite works of art.
In this period, too, various devices
for improving and shielding the light
came into use. Our ancestors were
very practical people, and if some of
their utensils appear to us somewhat
singular It is because we do not under
stand the purpose for which they were
used. It is rare indeed to find any
cumbersome addition to a lamp or
candlestick which has not its use. The
old time silversmiths and copper work
ers did not spend their strength on
mere decoration.
The sconce and tlie lantern were in
general use throughout the middle
ages The sconce was a light covered
and guarded from tlie wind, lifted
down by a handle, aud distinct from
the lantern, serving somewhat the
same purpose, but hung by a chain.
Lanterns iu tlie thirteenth century,
■were made of gold, silver, copper or
iron, according to the means of the
owner. The light in tlieni was shield
ed from the wind by thin sheets of
horn. Lantern making was an impor
tant industry in Paris.
At this time, too. noblemen and rich
merchants took to having luxurious
little traveling equipments made for
them, and among these were traveling
candlesticks and wash basins in this
fine enameled work, tlie secret of
which is now lost.
The custom of having servants carry
flambeaus at festivals al<o became
general about this time, and a strange
and tragic incident is connected with
this fashion. At a by 11 given by
Charles VI. the torches carried by
some careless servants came too near
the headdresses of certain persons
dressed as savages and set them ou
fire. The unfortunate guests were
burned to death, and the king at the
sight lost his reason, a madness which
had a serious effect on the history of
Magic lanterns were invented iu the
time of King Francis I. A device on a
somewhat similar plan was used as a
sign before shop doors to attract cus
Lamps fell into disfavor at the begin
ning of the seventeenth century and
were used only by the poor and in pas
sages and stables where the smoke
could evaporate and a great deal of
light was needed. Candles had then
reached tlieir perfection and candle
sticks their most exquisite form. A
candlestick of crystal given by Louis
XIV. to La Valliere is still in existence,
aud It was at thin time also that the
crystal pendants came Into fashion.
Street illumination was not seriously
attempted in Paris until about the mid
dle of the seventeenth century. In the
first years of that notable century tlie
streets of Paris were dark. The rich
were escorted by lackeys bearing
torches, the middle class folk picked
their way, lantern in hand, while the
poor slid along, feeling their way by
the walls. In his edict of September,
1007, the king provi led that candles In
closed in a cage of glass should be
hung by cords at tlie height of the first
story of tlie house, three lanterns for
every street, one at each end and one
in the middle. At the sound of a bell,
struck by a watchman, they were
Paris was, however, considerably in
advance of other cities of the world at
this time. In London link boys stood
about iu public places calling out in
lugubrious tones, "Gentlemen, a light!"
The origin of tlie phrase "holding the
candle to you" is somewhat doubtful,
but some authorities trace it to the
fact that, as the small light stand had
not yet been devised, auy one who de
sired to read in bed had to have a ser
vant stand beside him to hold the can
dle. One cannot imagine that reading
in bed under these circumstances
would be very enjoyable, certainly uot
to one who had been accustomed to sol
itude and a gas jet easily turned on or
off, but there is everything in habit.—
Gas Louie.
InduMtriouM Chlnewe Children.
The Chinese are a wonderfully in
dustrious people, and their children
learn very early to make themselves
useful. In the streets of a Chinese
town it is no uncommon sight to see
two children who are so young that
they can hardly talk trotting along
with a bamboo pole on their shoulders,
bv which they are carrying home a pall
of water. If one child is stronger than
the other the pail is hung near his
shoulder, for thus he takes the "heavy
end of the pole."
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For Sale iby i'au -js Ac Go
Trinity anil the Lmxl It Oeeupie*
Valued at ij* 12,r»0O t OOO.
Trinity church is valued at $12,500,-
000. This estimate includes the laud oc
cupied by the churchyard. It is in the
most valuable part of New York, if not
iii the most valuable division of prop
erty in the world.
St. Paul's church is valued at $5,500,-
Grace church, at what was once de
scribed as the head of Broadway, Is
valued at sf>so,ooo.
The First Presbyterian church, ou
Fifth avenue, between Eleventh and
Twelfth streets, is valued at $750,000.
St. Mark's church, on Second avenue,
sin old landmark in that neighborhood,
is valued at $275,000.
The Marble Collegiate church, Fifth
avenue and Twenty-ninth street, is
valued at $1,000,000.
The Church of St. Paul the Apostle
(the Paulist church), at Fifty-ninth
street and Columbus avenue, is valued
at $700,000.
The West Presbyterian church, on
West Forty-second street, is valued at
$450,000, St. Thomas' af $1,700,000 and
the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church,
0 and 11 West Fifty-ninth street, at
The valuation of the Temple Emanu
El Is $1,530,000, of St. Patrick's cathe
dial $15,000,000, of the B'nai Jeeshurun
synagogue $;500,000, of the Templo
Beth-El, at the corner of Fifth avenue
and Seventy-sixth street, $1,300,000, of
the Broadway Tabernacle, Broadway
and Fifty-sixth street, $700,000 and of
the Christian Scientist church, Central
Park West and Sixty-eighth street,
$300,000. New York Sun.
Odd I'nrlor Ornuineiils atnd a Very
Sultntantlal Dinner.
There is a practical minded million
aire who has invented a substitute for
valuable pictures which it is hoped will
not commend itself to others. He has
had a large number of bank notes
framed, and these are hung upon the
wall where the pictures should be.
In the drawing room Is one frame
that contains a bank note for £IOO,OOO,
and he says: "There is the money In
case I find a picture which is sufficient
ly valuable to pay that price for it
Meanwhile the note tells Its own tale
and saves me from explaining to my
visitors that 'this picture cost so much,'
as most other rich men do.
"The chief pleasure of these collectors
appears to arise not from the beauty of
the work, but from the cost of It; then
why not have checks or bank notes for
a large sum hung on the walls, as I do?
Besides, I find that It is much more in
teresting to my visitors, for most of
them look long and carefully at the
bank notes who would* but glance at
the work of art."
This eccentric man gave a dinner on
the same principle. In the soup plates
there was no soup, but sovereigns; for
fish were served five-pound notes, for
game checks and for sweets shares In a
thriving company, and there was not a
guest who di<l not enjoy this enter
tainment more than any he or she had
ever before been present at.—London
I)'»nu on
Dean Swift roundly* denounced the
poets of his day who had introduced
ihe ''barbarous custom of abbreviating
words to fit them to the measure of
their verses." Swift instances "drudg'd"
and "disturb'd" as mortal offenses.
The custom so introduced had begun to
dominate prose. Another cause—bor
rowed, Swift suggested, from the clip
ping process which he held had con
tributed to the maiming of the lan
guage, "is a foolish opinion advanced
of late years that we ought to spell ex
actly as we speak; which, besides the
obvious inconvenience of utterly de
stroying our etymology, would be a
thing we should never see the end of."
Atfe* Food and Temperature St-em to
Have \o llcMiriiiK on Size.
The Salvelinus fontinalis, which is
currently but inaccurately called brook
trout, was supposed for many years to
be a small fish. Agassiz was largely
instrumental in exploding this fallacy.
It is not an uncommon thing for an
angler with ordinary luck to get a six
or seven poind trout of this variety.
It is known that a trout may grow to
weigh eleven or twelve pounds. There
is. however, great difficulty in account
ing for its variation in-size.
In northeastern Canada there ure
large streams and lakes In which only
fingerlings have ever been found. In
the immediate vicinity of such water
three and four pound trout are quite
common, and seven and eight pounders
are not phenomenal. In all these wa
ters Crustacea do not abound; there are
no small fish of any kind except small
trout. All the fish are pure fly feeders.
At some places, it is true, frogs abound,
but, taken as a whole, the difference in
food supply is not an adequate expla
nation for the difference in growth.
There is no substantial difference in
the waters as to temperature, size, ori
gin and course. Climatic conditions
are the same. The small trout taken to
virgin lakes in which there are no fish
have sometimes grown to a great size,
have sometimes remained small and
sometimes have tut thriven. The an
glers who haunt these waters have not
yet found a satisfactory explanation
of this peculiar condition of things. It
is of the mysteries which lend
la-ci iation to the art. "You never can
tell what i- g >!ng t » happen when yon
• o L.-'lii x." St. Pan! Dispatch.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
HAKRISBURU, Pa , Nov. 24th.
Sealed proposals will be received by
the Stit? Highway Department of
Pennsylvania, under the Act approved
May Ist, P. 105, for the construction of
2,013 feet of road, extending from the
intersection of Centre and Mill streets,
along Mill street to the Mahoning
Township Line, 1,200 feet of which is
to be paved with brick, in Danville
Borough, in the county of Montour.
Plans and specifications can be seen at
the office of the county commissioners.
Danville, Pa., and at the oflice of the
State Highway Department, Harris
burg, Pa. Bidding blauks will be fur
nished by the State Highway Depart
ment upon request. Bids must be en
COUNTY," and received at the office
of the State Highway Department not
later than December 19th , 1906
State Highway Con mission* r
Temple Chambers In Which Oliver
4-ohl mmi Mi Aiinisrd llimmelf,
Few buildings link the London of the
present day with so many of the liter
ary characters of the London of the
past as doer; the house at 2 Brick
court, Middle Temple. The dominant
memory which clings around it is that
perpetuated by a handsome tablet on
f's front elevation bearing the words:
In these chambers died
Oliver Goldsmith
On the 4tli of Apt., 1774.
and a medallion of tlac poet.
G ddsniith's, however, was seldom a
lonely tigure, and he gathered around
him sit Brick court all the wit of the
metropolis of his day. In 17Go, on the
strength of the success of"The Good
Natured Man"and the fact that he
was making some £SOO a year, "Goldie"
expended £lt;o on chambers "up two
pair right" and fitted them with showy
carpets, irilt mirrors and furniture ex
travagantly upholstered in blue velvet.
Thus equipped, he embarked on a
course of ex pom!'t lire in which fine
clothes for himself, grand dinners to a
literary coterie and pretty trifles for
venal beauties all bore costly parts.
Johnson, I)r. Arne, Percy Reynolds,
Francis and Dlckerstaff were among
tlie frequent visitors ;.t 2 Brick court,
but their arrival was not the cause of
so much concern to Goldsmith's coten
ants as that of some other of the poet's
guests. It was the little supper parties
to Goldsmith's young friends of both
sexes that drew from the studious
Blackstone. hard at work on liis famous
"ConiLientaries" in the rooms below
"Goldie's," bitter protests against the
racket of his "reveling neighbor."
Both "Tie Traveler" and"The Vica/
of Waketiel 1" were published soon aft
er Goldsmith moved into Brick court,
but the income they brought him was
insufficient to withstand the drain inucis
on his resources by his extravagance,
his generosity and liis taste for gam
bling. Owing £2.000, unable to obtain
further advances from his booksellers
and seeing no way out of his embar
rassments, Gold-mith broke down In
spirits and health. lie had to leave
those windows from which he used to
watch the rooks in the grove, which
otve stood where now Is Kim court,
rn I. •'.! If wrote, "often amused my
feii' v\ith observing their plan of
policy." G.'ldsmiiii returned thither,
nevertholes to die. and though he was
<-H, ii d in !r resting place through
rows of we.-ping women the benches
of the Temnle appear to have valued
/liin ■ > little that the very place of his
hi"-!.-. I he-a'-.e forgotten. For that
neglect the 'iblet eame as tardy but
welcome reiinr n ti■ ■ n.- - Loudon Tribune.
Hip \\n> l! •• Slock Unite Imprmtrd
tin Kxi'iltMl frenchman.
Tigers are i: ipress!ve creatures, es
pecially when one meets them in the
forest. George Maxwell writes of
them:. "There is little doubt that al
m<-St i ery one has a peculiar sensa
ti > i "t the almost godlike beauty, pow
er, activity and strength of a tiger. A
tiger v. ill ove :;v. e and maVe conscious
of In - inferiority a man who would be
un.i.Ve>'t<'d by the hulk of an elephant.
'lhe feeling is, however, elusive of de
script ion. and 1 can perhaps best ex
plain it in the words of a most charm
ing l-'reneh gentleman who was once
manager oi' :i great tin mining com
pany in l'erak. We had juV finished
lunch when lie entered in a state of
tremendous excite.nent. Walking alone
and unarmed along an unfrequented
bridle path through tlie forest, he had
walked almost onto a tiger.
"lie gave us a most vivid narrative
of the encounter—how the tiger had
been lying down concealed in some
long lalang grassTeside tlie path; how
he was within ten yards of it before
he saw It; how then it rose and looked
at him; how it yawned at him; how it
then walked slowly across the path in
front of him and then stopped and
looked at him, again yawning, and how
it then deliberately walked away into
the forest, whose depths finally hid It
from view.
"Some one asked the Frenchman
whether it was a big tiger. lie au-
Bwered: 'Well, messieurs, I cannot say
If he Is a big tiger. My eyes see that
he is big, but I cannot say how big I
see him to be, and if 1 say how big it
is perhaps that I tell you a lie. But I
can tell you, messieurs, how big I feel
him to be. and I can tell you the truth.
When he is standing there in front of
me I tell you that I feel he is not less
than thir-r-ty feet high.' "—Exchange.
I iinlhiii|m'<l l.i tlrrx In F.nKlaad.
Many people are unaware of the fact
that the sender of an unstamped let
ter can be proceeded against for the
postage. The moment a person posts
an unpaid letter he becomes a debtor
to the postoflice. If it Is refused by the
addressed the sender is liable for the
postage. An enormous number of un
stamped letters are-posted every year.
N'o record is kept the exact number.
Many large firms give instructions at
the postortbe that unstamped letters
are not to be delivered to them They
are then returned to the senders, and
!n the case of frequent offenders legal
steps are taken.—London Lady.
Why lie Did Itenltru.
Sir William Wightmau held oflice In
the old < 'ourt of fp.U'vi's bench far l>e
youd the prescribed time, and at last,
on the eve of the "long vacation" he
took a sort of farewell of his brother
Judges. However, when "the morrow
of All ;<• ills' " eame around lie turned
up smiling at Westminster hall. "Why,
Brother Wight man." said Sir Alexan
der Cock bum. "you told us that you
Intended tc send in vour resignation
to the lord chancellor before the end
of August." "So | did." said Sir Wil
liam, "but when I went bovi and told
my wife she sa ! d. V '.Viiliam. what
on earth dc yo;i ihii ' we can do
with you messing ; out the house all
day?" So. you see, I was obliged to
conn' down to court again" Dundee
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Mary Crossley bite ot the
Borough of Danville, in the county of
Montour and State of Pennsylvania
Notice is hereby givdn that letters of
Admistration upon the above state have
been grant- d to the undersigned. Al!
persons indebted to the s iid estate are
r» quired to make payment, and those
having claims or demands against the
said estate, will maVe k-iown Mie same,
with m' f'elav. to,
Admin's! iator
M:> i y Crossley
Edward K-iyre Uearhart.
P. O. A .dress
Danville Pa.
The Way Yarfon* Scent* A«*t on the
Kerrcx r*i>< 1 llrnin. •
Nearly all perfume- have antiseptic
qualities and are valuable in keeping
away infection.
The perfumes \\ 'i are the most
agreeable to these i.-v are not always
the most helpful to the nerves. Am
bergris, for Instance, is positively of
fensive to many, yet it is said to pos
eess a wonderful power of clearing the
brain and driving away the blues. On
the other hand, attar of roses, with the
suggestion of glowing suns and gor
geous eastern colors, predisposes to
A faint odor of musk acts as a tonic,
for which the best antidote is the odor
of sandalwood. The fragrance of cit
ron is as soothing to nervous folk as
the sound of faroff music.
The scent of orange flowers is so de
pressing to the action •>! the heart that
It Is not safe for any one with disease
of that organ to inhale it for any
length of time. Reviving perfumes
came from herbaceo plants largely,
froyi the odors of mignonette, rose
mary and lavender, and soothe the
The perfumes of lilies, Jasmine and
acacia are pleasant and soothing to a
healthy sense, though delicate nerves
cannot enjoy them even in their garden
freshness. Brought closer In clusters
of blossom, their odor Is narcotic and
depressing, so that persons grow faint
at the smell of them and may be put
Into heavy slumber, as if drugged by
their odor.—London Express.
Remedies That Mny He Found In Na
ture's Druse Stores.
If chemists and druggists disappear
ed from the face of the earth humanity
could still worry along with the simple
remedies which nature yields, prac
tically ready made. There Is nothing
to beat rhubarb juice as a cure for
gout or rheumatism except water from
medicinal springs. All kinds of scurvy
and blood poisoning yield to the Juice
of lemons or of limes, which are the
greate t blood purifiers In existence.
Even doctors acknowledge that nat
ural. 112 esh cream from cows' milk can
give points to cod liver oil and similar
nasty liquids in treating consumption.
Common mustard used as a plaster or
poultice is the best cure for a cold 011
the chest, and the white of an egg with
sugar is the finest medicine for hoarse
ness. To cure a burn an application of
the white skin that lines the shell of
an egg is unbeatable, whde the raw
yolk is a capital tonic. In fact, gar
dens and roadsides are full of herbs of
which the juice or leaves afford reme
dies or palliatives for almost every dis
ease to which humanity is heir.—New
York Mail.
Mimicry of Color and Form Common
Among; Insects.
An official of the National museum
at Washington who has made many
trips abroad in the interest of that in
stitution states that In South Ameri
can forests the butterflies and the birds
are equally brilliant in their colors, but
that the butterflies, being weaker, fall
u prey to the birds. One very bright
lined species of butterfly, however, is
not disturbed by the birds on account
of the disagreeable odor that it emits.
Singularly enough, some other groups
of butterflies, which resemble in color
the ies 311 st described, also escape
persecution by the birds, although they
emit no odor. It Is evident that the
similarity of color deceives the birds,
aud thus serves as a shield for the but
terflies. This sort of mimicry of color
and form, which naturalists call "pro
tective resemblance," is uot very un
common among insects.
Another form of "protective resem
blance" which exhibits much contriv
ance and skill Is sometimes found
among birds. Some birds hide their
eggs among stones that resemble the
eggs in form aud color. The little "bot
tle til" in England weaves a bottle
shaped nest out of moss, lichens and
spiders' webs, and when placed in a
tree or bush the nest so closely resem
bles its surroiiudiugs that it can hardly
be detected. .The color and appearance
of the nest are imitations of the pre
vailing color and appearance of the
particular tree in which it is placed.
It Abound* lt> &raft Tlint Would Not
lie Tolerated Here.
If there !s any man on this earth,
white or black, who lusists that his
expenses in competitive sport must be
110 drain on himself, that man is the
Britisher. And he is quite right. An
amateur should be neither in nor out a
dollar. It is entirely proper that his
cluli, his college, his association or such
collection of bodies as he represents
should pay his legitimate expenses
when he is sent to compete for that
college or club or association or union.
England goes much farther and gives
much more latitude in the matter of
expenses than we do. In cricket, for
example, "amateur" players in England
whose services are desired for the
county championship series are liter
ally "found" during the entire season.
No graft of tliis kind couid exist in
America without raising such a storm
as would blow the whole thing to
kingdom come. Nor would we toler
ate the conditions that obtain in Eng
lish track : Y.e : s and "amateur" foot
ball, both of which are steeped in cov
ert profe- in !. :n. And as for Junk
et! i>g- why. that comes near to being
the Ki •".slinan's alter ego—lt Is a part
01 ;I:;■ F. 1 game. You might as
well cop-; ■ him of his dearest pos
session i i ?judice, for Instance—as
d p.*:•.*. !/:•■ of his junket. Let the
Stc >• ! s !'"*■ t< up how many good
American dollars have gone to satisfy
this national predilection through tha
medium of cricketers, golfers and oth
er English athletes that have visited
us.—Caspar Whitney In Outing Maga
Ely's Cream Balm
is quickly absorbed.
Gives Relief at Once. PLy FEVEr mg Jol
It cleanses, soothes
heuls and protects [p >
the diseased mem- S
briuio. It cures Ca- «V|
tarrli and drives
Head quickly. Re- UAV fFVER
stores the Senses of
Taste and Smell. Full size 50cts.,at Drug
gists or bv mail: Trial Size 10 cts. by mail.
Ely Brothers, 5(1 Warren Street New York.
I To Cure a Cold in One Day in Two Days, l
I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. £ (%// «v«y I
I Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 months. This Signature, DOX. 25c.
The Farmer oil the Hhine ami th*
1 >ifli4* 1111 lew He SnnuountN.
Going down the Rhine you get a les
i sou in farming. If you wanted to buy 1
I u farm in America you would go out
! witli a pick and spade and dig holes
all over a 100 acre tract to make sure
the soil was so and so and that there
was not more thai! one stone to the j
rood. Ou these cliff vineyards alonst ;
the Rhine it looks to you as if there
I was not more thau a bushel of earth
I to the rood and that the rest was all |
In America you wouldn't buy a farm
| ou the perpendicular surface of the j
! Grand canyon, yet you imagine the
; bluffs of thf Rhine seemed almost as
1 Impossible before the enterprising
| grapevines -.rot a start there. There
j may be a i''w i aches of spac«> on the
j cliffs where some Ge.:ran has not
; made a terrace big enori-h for a bunch
( of :'T. pes, but if any such spot has
| ' «■:, overlooked von i':;i:ed to discover
it ' your bi 1 >cu'.;:rs.
1 ic • are a- aii'arre in owning a
vh: ; r.l on t! Next to the
i:u. rr tl return . t! a chief advantage
lies in the glamour of romance that
hangs over the bluffs. Frowning cas
tles look down on y >u from the most
!e i>e"ks.
"V.'ho l ; v<-s in th t big brownstone
house?" yon a k a tJersnan passenger
on your stenaer us you round a bend.
"That the castl • of an old noble
• man who I- dnajjed a beautiful maid
and held Is *r p'isouer." you are iii-
I former!. "A lion th > knights of those
ilnys triad t > 1 le her, tlie old noble
man would sin.ply drop a big stone or
two up nt ••• i as they attempted to
dim 1 " the '•"7. one day while rolling
a st'-ae dav. ; v a knight the noble
man fe'l '!T :• ! wn killed."
"A id n ' ;■< f.v«rv<>. "I suppose
the plrteo t; lor •r. |».» you know
j how mil: ath• ad ti tr::lor —nnis for
I \tV- Cliicii • I ■<<'
That our American rorests abound in
plants which pc;sess t .<■ most valuable
medicinal virt a- s Is abundantly attested
by scores of the most eminent medical
writers and teacher;-. Even the untu
tored Indians had discovered the useful
ness of many native plants before the
aovent of the white race. This informa
tion, imparted freely to the whites, led
the latter to continue investigations until
to-day we have a rich assortment of most,
valuable American medicinal roots.
Dr. Pierce l>elieves that our American for
foa the most obstinate and fatal dis
eases. If wsLwirh' 1 properly Investigate them;
ana 1 o? this conviction, he
poltTto'wlth I in- »lmost. tnnrTelons
cures effected by b : i "li |)j<-
covery." which lii.s -n-itself to be
tnost efficient, llvpr
atnr. ar ' t on'c anci retrulator. an'l blood
cleanser kno ya wt; c,'''?! science. Pjspep
fla, or mdipobtion, icTpUrTTve?."functional
; and even vclvular and otlicr affections of
| the heart yield to its curative action. The
) reason why it cures these and many other
| affections, is clearly s iown in a little book
! of extracts from Pie standard medical works
| which is mai'ed to any address by Dr. R.
j V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y.. to all sending
request for tbe s&ie^.
Not less marvelous, in the unparalleled
! care» It Is constantly making of woman's
many peculiar affections, weaknesses and
distr€ss|ne der3t:;-«enients. is Dr. Pierce's
is amply attested
by thousar.ds con
tributed b>\i?3Teful who bare been
cured by It ( Lf atari)kil nelvir clrjdns. paiTTTiiT
periofis. irregularities, prolansns and oTlv.-r
b.v weakness. u!c< r
atlon ot uterus and kimTreTTalfectlons.
after many other advertised medicines, and
physicians had failed.
"O o
Both the above mentioned medicines are
i wholly made up from the glyceric extracts of
native, medicinal roots. The processes em
ployed in their manufacture were orisrinal
I with I»r. Pierce, and they are carried on by
1 skilled chemists and pharmacists with the
1 aid of apparatus and appliances specially
1 designed and built for this purpose. Both
I medicines are entirely free from alcohol and
all other harmful, habit-forming drugs. A
full list of their ingredients ib printed on
I each bottle-wrapper.
In E^quity.
Sy virtue of au Order of the Court
|of Common Pleas of Moutour Couuty
; granted to him for such purpose, the
undersigned will expose to public sale
upon the premises situate in the First
; Ward of the Borough of Dauville,
Couuty of Montour and State of Peuu
i sylvauia. on
Saturday, Dec. 29th, 1906
at two o'clock iu the afternoon of the
said day, the following described real
estate, to wit:
■1 All those two certain town lots of
laud situate in the First Ward of the
Borough of Danville, Couuty of Mon
tour aud State of Pennsylvania, bound
ed and described as follows, viz:
thirty aud five tenths feet ou Water
street on the South, two hundred aud
thirty two feet ou alley on the East,
twenty seveu aud uine teutlis feet ou
alley ou the North aud two huudred
and forty teet ou lot of laud hereiuaf
ter described on the West, being Lot
Number t'wo iu plan of lots laid out by
A. G. Voris.
on Water street ou the South.lot Num
ber four of Lewis Byerly ou the West,
an alley ou the North aud lot Number
two hereinbefore described ou the
East, containing iu trout thirty aud
live tenths feet ou Water street, two
huudred aud forty-eight feet ou Lot
Number four of Lewis Byerly, twenty
seveu aud uine tenths feet ou a I lev aud
two hundred aud forty eight feet ou
Lot Number two above described, be
ing Lot Number three iu plan of lots
laid Int by A G. Voris, and where
upon are erected a
Two-Story Brick Dwells House,
and other out buildings, with the ap
-1 purtrnances. To be sold at the suit of
Paul M. Smith vs. Dttuiel Smith et al.
TERMS OF SALE:—Twenty five
per cent, of the purchase money shall
be paid in cash upon the striking |
down of the property, aud the balauce
thereof shall be paid ou the confirnia
tiou of the said. Peed to be delivered j
to the purchaser or purchasers thereof i
upon confirmation absolute of the sale
aud the payment of the balance of the
purchase mouov. aud the cost of writ
ing deed shall be paid by the purchas
er or purchasers.
Only One.
Suvder couuty Jias but one colored
person w itliiu her borders, says au ex
••'lange. No Suyder county candidate
lor office can ever receive the vote of
colored man. "Old Black Harriet,"
.-•s sIM i - best known, has resided at
Selinsgn ve for at least 40 years. She
says that Sunday was her birtt)day
and that she was 116 years old. Like
nearly centenarian nergoes,Harriet
claims to have seen General George
W ashing'on. She declares that when
she was:> years old she saw the father
"I his c nintry ride iu a great parade
at Baltimore.
Orphan's Court Sale
By viitue of an order of the Or
phan's Court of Montour County grant
ed to h:m for such purpose, the under
signed Executor of the last will and
testament of the said decedent will
expose to public sale -(freed and dis
charged fr> m all 1 ens and encuin
brances whatsoever) upon the premises
situate iu tlie Township of Derry, in
the County of Montour and State of
Pennsylvania, on
FRIDAY, DEC. 28th, i 906
at ten o clock in the forenoon of the
said day, the following described real
estate ol tlie said decedent, to wit:
All of that certain messuage or tene
ment and tract of land situate iu the
Township of Derry, iu the County of
Montour and State of Pennsylvania,
bonude.l and described as follows:
beginning at a post in line of land of
John Morrison, tlience by lands of
John Blue, Jr., south seveuty-tnree
degrees ea«t twenty-eight and a half
perches, east sixteen aud a half per
ches south thirty-six degrees east sixty
aud s-f \< u tenth perches, south sixty
eight aud a half degrees west forty
seven perches, soutli twenty-five and a
half degrees east eighty-seven perches,
theuc" by lauds of Johu W. Gouuigal
j north sixty eight degrees east forty
and a iii.ll perches, thence by lands of
William Scnultz north eighteeu and
jone-touiili degrees north forty-eight
P rein north sixty-nine degrees east
five r.ud seven-tenth perches, north
twenty-one degrees west thirty nine
I pcrchi s, north fifty-three degrees east
uine ami eight teutli perches, north
six and a half degrees west thirty
eight perches,north forty degrees west
seventeen perches, north sixteen and a
I half (ie^rees west ten perches, north
thirty-oue degrees east eighty perches,
aud by lands of Peter Schultz north
fortv-three and a half degrees west
| seventy-one perches, aud by lands of
Philip Schultz south forty-fiv deegrees
j west sixty-four perches, north forty
-1 four decrees west nine and eight tenth
; perches, aud by lauds of John Mor
rison eioveu aud one-fourth decrees
j west ninety-four perches to the place
; of begii uing, with the appurtenances,
jcontaiuiug ninety-tliree acres and
sixty-eight perches, and whereupon
are erected a
a frame Barn, and other usual farm
By a >-pecial order of the aforesaid
Court tie said premises with the ap
purtenaunces will be sold freed aud
discharged from all liens and encum
brances whatsoever.
TERMS OF SALE: Twenty-five
per cent of the purchase money shall
be paid in cash upon the striking down
of the property,and the balance there
of shall be paid ou the confirmation
absolute of the said sale. Deed to be
delivered to the purchaser or purchas
ers thereof upon such confirmation ab
solute of the sale and the payment of
the balance of the said purchase money
i and the cost of writing such deed shall
j be paid by sucli purchaser or purchas
Executor of tie last will and testa
ment of Mary Lockhoof, deceased.
Nov. 27th. 1906.
Executrix Notice.
Estate of Michael H. Va'Uze, late of
the Borough of Danville, Montour
county, deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate pay
ment and those having legal claims
against the same, will present them
without delav in proper order for set
tlement to
Danville, Pa , Nov. Ist, 1906.
Windsor Hotel
Betw. 111 12tb and 13th Sts. 011 FilbertSt
Philadelphia, Pa.
minutes walk from the Read
ing T. i uiinal. Five minutes walk from
the Pt-nna. 11 R. Depot.
H 00 rer day and upwards.
#'2.00 per dav.
r-J.P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A prescription
Per Mankind.
Th- 5-cetit packet is enough for nsua
ooeasio is '1 he family bottle (60 cents
en tains a snpply for a year. All dru