Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, September 13, 1906, Image 1

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    Hie Pajer
—For We Home
t lie circulation *»l tins ji.qier is 111-
n asi i.i|ndly It will |»ay you
•«> .idveitiM' in tli«- AMERICAN
hi: IliVlM; 11.1 KNMNGS.
i»t.\ i iti 'J -
#j*<« //»<% r»
t 1/ ; 1/ U'i Mill st
/' 1/ to it' W J l.t n till*. /'<i.
I «HI I.l'/. >1
4' • Mil l v l , lUSVII 11. I'*.
««• -nt tlit- Mmimeh <
| «*<• I :ll t V
III\III .\si.n M:\VS.
>. j t«mtter's hot «av« is here
Willi.-1 i- approaching,but the south
ap|iriiM'li i»«»t yet
lif ..:ui v<iu panl youi taxes ami
i that uv# per »« iit off
NoUtv oaght to growl aliout the
*, «tl • t ... iii**- handout these days.
Tl •r« «i fi'\v umbrellas that ran
t<«:i< 1 « much rain ou Sundays as on
■ ill* r ilai- of tin* week
i! • ii, tn win) ha- offended you is
ti<. la-t t forgixe you
An ii! iii tiriiMT claim- to have a
1.. u that lavs eggs with the date on
t'.' iii might lie a flood sort ot
!»■ a for a farmer, hut it city jieople
ph— t'.. • Ji:- 1111 • \ cat were
laid tl* y would quit eating eggs,
it a 112 ird j-ih to find anything in
lie d 112 • new-pajx-r- nowadays be
~id« - th« |«ihtn al news.
from all ovi-r the Slate ot
. iim iiil iln ml- don't look like rare
-hi i.u- in Pennsylvania.
It -i. ulv tlie time to jierfume the
.utaian < r with tl*- motli halls thine
t,ll in o • coats and like wearables.
Tin- ii «n who borrows is a big nuis
»ie • hi the housewife who plies the
-aiu*' tr.i lf.
Tl • n- i- somewhat of a grim joke in
tin irn » -d a deputy fish warden uj)
,n tl it itliera part of the State ou
tin- « har_« ..t illegal fishing,
i ! .in i Kdwin '1 t'owell, of Dor
■ l«-tei, .1 »- , recently elected presi
dent '.I the United State.- Veteran
-igualO ii- A-sociafion is a «reat
t rail' I-■ n • d Delmrah Santjtsoii, the
ulv w> iii regularly enlisted as a
.lii r tit the War • 112 the Revolution
Harry I Wolf, who has announced
ti i iii -I If . t candidate fur the Demo
rati II in mat ion for Congress from
th*- Thud M ir\land District, began
i.t i a ih-w -Ikpv Ih- is only 2R years
Id and In- practiced law tor five
'II..- Stati Health Department is pro
*. 1 sitt; with vigor in requiring the
.iitj :ovt-nii ut o! -ewer systems through
out ttie State Over l.jO |ieruiits for
ie w -vsteni- have n i- ued mi far
and aiiu«»-r- too numerous to mention
have b»*eii Corrected
Mr and Mrs John A. Deibert
<h t • \teud thanks to the friends
in I in t».i who so kindly rendered
*--:-t*li ■ during tln-ir recent hereave
Numerically tl*- Farmers' union is
larger than aii\ other ill the country,
tie! i- growing at the rate of a thou -
-in ! mem In i i dav In Texas, where
ih. tii-t wa irgMiiized, there are 4,000
1 al organizations, with a total mem
t»r-hip of ftNI.UNi
M inv i mail - neighliors have ju«t
%> i.t the - tine opinion of him as lie
has ot tin in
.hi:_'iiii.' from the large number of
.intv. fair* that in- coming it is a
1.1. inn that tie |icanuts are so plenty,
lie Ooiilil railroad lines, with liead
( trier- it Pittsburg, have hung out
a sign "Wanted 5,000 men for rail
fi til work " 1 lie men are needed on
ti,. W. -t.-rn l'a< iti< railroad, which is
, lilt ill liet w ecu Salt Lake City
and San Franci mo by Mr Gouhl.
The -i l. x.l (Mipulation of New \'ork
r» * I.i - in trlv «o(i,u*i, or nearly five
tune tin- total iiumU'r of ]teo|tle in
tl* i 11y of Scrantou. 75.000 pupils
w.-re put on half time toilay, at the
.|Hitiug tie -.l* to I term, owing to
ale koi accommodat n its.
(■lite Warden Frank Knwe and an
c - t tni in atteiuptiiiK to arrest two
112. ri-i truer- in tr Sugar Notch on Satur
:«v 112 r killing song lurils, were shot
hv one ..t tlie foreigners iii resisting
ti.-i net th> n the name warden drew
a r< . ilver and a bullet pierced Adam
Knil a mI he fell dead Public opin
Ii uOtler the i I rcuiu-talices. Will ap
prove tin ut ion of Warden Rowe.
The reason wh\ burrowed books are
-• Idom returned i« Hint it is easier to
ret tut the lunik- than what i*« inside
oft hi 111
lie t' lnmissloners of Columbia
rouiitv live ).-ue.| evplicit directions
to the a-- —his in the coal district of
tti* i iiintv to plat i- an assessment on
all .a! pmpertv at its true and actual
t asli x alne It is asserted that coal
la . ii the |ia-t have l.ei ii asse—.ei| at
U'it .mi. than one fourth the amount
if farm lanu
I'ruliibitionlsts nt ISlnoitKhuri;.
«»u I riday afternoon at I o'clock the
rr itithitinn jiartv conferees of this
ngr- -- iiuial district w ill meet at the
<'l •• ot M I'. l.utz A Son in lUooiiiK
t.iirj.l for the pur|m-ii of -electing a
r <ndidate for congress
In .oiitrast to many conferences held
this this meeting promises to
i» one ut great harmony There is no
k. en rivalry tor the nomination but
it the other hand there is not even a
audi.late in the field up to date. Just
whom will lie selected it 1 imjiossible
to foivltdl
While no applicants have yet come
t->rward it is thought hv partv leaders
that the nomination will to either
M iituur or Northumberland couuty.
iHontiiur lmcric<m.
- n
oi„ rr.!-No :>7,
The deadlock in the contest for wat
er commissioner is still on The mat
ter in the natural order of business
came up before council Friday. It
was found, however, that l)r. Sweis
fort, one of Fusey's supporters, was
absent front the meeting. This would
have broken the deadlock, but council
was not allowed to take a vote. Mr.
Boxer moved that council proceed to
take a vote on the old candidates, but
the motion was lost.
Mr. Kiseuhart then moved that
council drop both candidates and take
up IV. (». Pursel. A vote was taken
to see whether or not the old candi
dates should he dropped ; the motion
wa- hist. Thus council by its own ac
tion was prevented from voting on the
old candidates, also from dropping
them for the purpose of taking up
new ones. The water commissioner
ship, therefore, had to be dropped for
the uight.
tin motion of Mr. Jacobs seconded
by Mr Eisenhart it was ordered that
tlie clerk lie instructed to send bills to
all parties in the first ward ou the bor
ough sewers who are not paying rent
al, tie* bills to cover the entire period
of time intervening since the sewer
ordinance went into effect.
On motion of Mr. Vastine Mrs.
Streetmather was ordered to lay a dry
walk in front of her property on B
Mr. Jacobs stated that many persons
object to the use of cinder in repair
ing the streets As a good many re
pairs are needed he moved that the
clerk obtain prices on limestone and
that the use of cinder be discontinued
for the present. His motion prevailed
and it was so ordered.
On motion of Mr. Vastine it was
ordered that the authorities of Mahon
ing township be notified to keep the
gutter Q])eu at the head of Cherry
street and tlfus prevent flooding in the
borough in times of rain.
On motion of Mr. Boyer it was ord
ered that the Pennsylvania Telephone
company be prohibited from planting
or resetting poles in the borough until
it pays the arrearages for pole tax and
secures the necessary permission.
On motion of Mr. Jacobs it was ord
ered that iron pipe be sunk at the cor
ner of Cherry and Bloom streets; also
oil the north side of Rloom street be
tween the two old cemeteries.
On motion of Mr. Bertea it was ord
ered that the Hanover Brewing com
pany be instructed to repair the side
walk ou Spring street; also to keep
obstructions off the sidewalk.
Mr. Boyer of the committee on
streets and bridges reported that it
had made an estimate of the cost of
(taving or concreting Swentek's alley
and that they found the cost of eitliei
would approximate #l3O. Mr. Bedea
moved that the borough proceed to
pave the alley in question with brick
of the same quality as used on the
crossing. Mr. Hughes secouded the
motion. It was carried by the follow
ing vote: Yeas —Dietz, Bedea, Kiseu
hart, Jacobs, Finuegan, Gibson and
Hughes. Nays—Angle, Russell, Vas
tine, Boyer.
On motion it was ordered that Front
street be repaired and the gutter be
putin good condition at Myerlv's
Mr. Boyer reported that gutter oil
north side of Bloom street between the
P. <?t R. crossing aud Ferry street has
been found inadequate to carry ofl the
water in times of rain and that the
projierty owners there are put to much
inconvenience by reason of having
their pavements flooded aud in some
instances their cellars filled with wat
On motion of Mr. Jacobs as a mea
sure loosing toward relief it was ord
ered that the committee ou streets aud
bridges obtain estimate ou the cost of
24-inch terra cotta pipe to bo laid
from Bloom street down Church street
to carry off the excess of water.
Ou motion of Mr. Jacobs it was ord
ered that the Danville and Blooms
hnrg street railway company be re
quested to the disused track
on Bloom street between A street and
the P. A. R crossing and to at once
repair the street, fixing it up in the
same condition in which it was orig
inally found
<ln motion of Mr. Boyer, seconded
hy Mr Hughes, it was ordered that
Clerk H. I). Patton be sent to Harris
burg to interview the Stjtt»- highway
commissioner relative to beginning
work on tlie reconstruction of North
Mill street.
The following hills were approved
for payment:
Regular employes ... 159. 15
F. H. Foust 22.75
Francis Hartinan 12.25
(Meaning wells 09.50
Wall at water works ft?.so
F. & H. Coal Co .. »•» 75
11. 8. Express(Jo ,B0
Danville Fdy. Mch. (Jo. 24.87
(<arlock Packing Co 2fi 93
Tax on Oitv Hall 158.19
Regular Employes 115.00
Atlantic Refining (Jo 1.15
Standard (itw (Jo 8.0-1
A. M Peters H.(i*i
(). Kdw. Roat 12.00
Franklin Hoyer 24.54
Joseph Lechner 59 «9
Eureka Fire Hose Co $1301.90
The (ietn 13.50
James Gibson 1.50
Huuisey Elec. Mtg Co J 1.40
The big I*. & R. switch engine No.
11115 was derailed in the yard of the
Structural Tubing works on Saturday
evening and Trainmaster A. R. Anth
ony with his crew had nearly an all
night job in getting the locomotive
back upon the rails.
The mishap occurred about 5 o'clock,
just above Fast Mahoning street, as
tlie switcher was about riinniugon the
trestling leading to the covered bridge
over tlie canal. They were making a
Hying switch, when the big engine
jumped the track. Engineer John
Bickert quickly shut off steain and
jumped. In falling be struck his
shoulder against a bank of slag, but
escaped with slight bruises.
The derailment hardly could have
occurred at a worse point. On one
side was a high embankment formed
by the old cinder tip, while on tlie
other side was a declivity or drop in
the surface several feet deep. Had the
engine gone five feet farther it would
have been on tlie trestling when the
accident would have been attended
with serious consequences. The loco
motive and tender were two feet or
more off the rails and lay in a sort of
a twist, so that they were firmly lock
ed together in one mass.
Such was the problem that Train
master Anthony found himself con
fronted with when he arrived on the
sceue with the wreck outfit about
Hour after hour passed before any
thing like order was gotten out of the
tangled mass. Meanwhile the fruitless
operation afforded entertainment for a
large crowd of townspeople, who came
and went. It was impossible to em
ploy the steam derrick to any advant
age, which had to work on the trestle
and could not swing the engine nor
roach the tender at all Early in the
evening the I). L. & W. switcher was
brought around from the rear ami
hitched to the tender with the hope
that it might be able to get it hack
upon the tiack. The switcher was too
light and was unable to move the ten
der, which was tightly locked in the
The only way in which the w reck
ing outfit could be employed to any
advantage was by "hawsering" the
tender back until it could be got be
side the rail when the "retracker"
was used. Before this could ho done,
however, the tender had to be "jack
ed" up so that it could he uncoupled
from the engine. Several hours were
consumed on the tender alone.
The engine weighed forty-five tons
and the best the steam derrick could
do from its position on the trestling
was to raise the heavy mass so that it
could be blocked up,in which position
after innumerable breakdowns and de
lays it was successfully "hawsered"
hack to a point where it could be "re
tracked". It was after midnight when
the job was completed.
A Dangerous Runaway.
A runaway occurred Saturday night
that took in a large part of the bor
ough and was attended with several
narrow escajnis.
The horse, a young animal, attach
ed to a buggy, was being driven by a
young man named Johns, who resides
in Toby run hollow. The young man,
accompanied by a lady, was coining
into town and had just reached the
crossing near the gas house at the hos
pital for the insane when they heard a
freight train approaching. The horse
was known to be afraid of the cars and
to insure against accident Mr. Johns
jumped out and took the horse by the
As the train came up the animal be
came so badly frightened that the
driver could not hold him. While the
horse was plunging the lady leaped
out of the carriage and the next mo
ment the animal broke loose and dash
ed down the road toward town. The
runaway horse caused consternation as
dliverless he dashed down East Mar
ket street. There were a good many
vehicles on the street and at several
places it seemed that there would sure
ly be a collision. Escaping obstacles by
only a hairsbreadth, the horse thread
ed iiis way i ii and out among the car
riages and reached Market square be
fore anything happened Herein mak
ing a short turn down Ferry street
several sjiokes were broken out of one
of the wheels. The horse dashed down
Ferry street and eastward on Front
At Julius Heim's residence the ve
hicle was caught by an obstruction
and badly wrecked. The horse de
tatched himself from the vehicle but
before he ran much larther was caught
and taken to Pattons' livery stable,
where he was held pending the own
er's arrival.
Indue time Mr. Johns came along
and took charge of the horse. He bor
rowed a wheel at Hunt's carriage shop
aud with some assistance was able to
patch up the buggy -which was in a
manner new—so that it could lit; driv
en home.
(iave a I'lay In fht* Park.
The ladies' missionary society of the
Trinity Lutheran church gave a very
novel entertainment at Columbia park
yesterday. The society conducted a
picnic excursion to the park ami in the
afternoon presented a play in the park
Over 3(H) people took in the trip,
most of them leaving on two special
cars on the Danville and Bloomsburg
trolley, others going oil the regnlai
cars during the day. The play, whii It
was the principal feature of the day's
entertainment, was called "The Last
Loaf," aud was very creditably pre
LLK. PA., 'l'll IJIiSDA V, SKI'TKMUKi: i:t. I'.HMS.
I »A N V
The fall tournament of the Danville
gun club was held at the fairgrounds,
this city,yesterday. There were marks
men present from Milton, Shamokin
and other neighboring towns. George
C. Staid of Milton, acted as clerk aud
cashier. Some exceptionally good
scores wore piled up.
There were twelve regular money
prize events, fifteen in each event.
Hon. F. A. Godcharles, of Milton,
was high man "Doc," of Shamokin
was second and William T Speiser,of
this city, was third man. Following
is the score in full:
First event —Speiser, 12; Godcharles,
14; Fulton, i*; "Doc," 13; Hov.
Harris, K; Rishel, 15.
Second event Speiser, 15; God
charles, 13; Fulton, 8; "Doc," 12;
Hoy, 13; Harris, ♦'•; Rishel, 13.
Third event—Speiser, 12 ; Godcharles,
13; Fulton, 4; "Doc," II; Hoy, ID;
Harris, ('•; Rishel, 11.
Fourth event—Speiser, 10; God
charles, 12; Fulton, 11; "Doc," 13;
Hoy 12; Harris, 5; Rishel. 12.
Fifth event — Speiser, 12; God
diaries, 14; Fulton, 10; "Doc" 11;
Hoy, II ; Harris. M; Rishel, 10; Diet/.,
6; Haney, 11.
Sixth event—Speiser, 12 ; Godcharles,
II ; Fultou, 13; "Doc" 13; Hoy, 12;
Harris, ; Kishel, 12; Dietz, 10;
Haney, 8.
Seventh event—Speiser, 14 ; God
charles, 13; Fultou, 10; "Doc," 12;
Hoy, 11; Harris, II; Rishel,(s; Dietz,
13; Haney, 12.
Eighth event —Speiser, 11; God
charlos, 10; Fulton, 12; "Doc," 12;
Hoy, 11 ; Harris, 10; Rishel, 12; Dietz,
10; Haney, 10.
Ninth event Speiser, 10; Godcharles,
13; Fulton, 12; "Doc." 10; Hoy, 12;
Harris,s; Rishel,-12; Dietz, 11; llaney,
Tenth event Speiser, 11; God
charles, 11; Fultou, II: "Doc," 11;
Hoy, 10; Harris, 8; Rishel, 10; Dietz,
'J; Haney, 11.
Eleventh event —Speiser, 12; God
charles, 13; Fultou, 11; "Doc," 12;
Hoy, 12; Harris, 8; Rishel, 10; Dietz,
10; Haney, 12; Lawrence, 11.
Twelfth event—Speiser, 13; God
charles, 11; Fulton, 12; "Doc", 13;
Hoy, 10; Harris, 8; Rishel, 11; Dietz,
11; Haney, !i.
Speiser broke 111; missed, it*!; God
charles, broke 151; missed,2o; Fulton
broke, 123; missed, 57; "Doc" broke,
MR; missed, 31; Hoy broke 133; miss
ed, IT; Harris broke 112; missed 88;
Rishel broke 131; missed IR; Dietz
broke, 83; missed 37; Haney broke 78;
missed 42; Lawrence broke 11; missed
1. In the Hunter Silver medal shoot,
twenty singles and five pairs of doub
les William T. Speiser of this city was
the winner.
Two events were shot. Speiser broke
25; missed 5; Godcharles, broke 23;
missed 7; Fultou broke 20; missed 10;
"Doc" broke 24; missed R; Rishel
broke 20; missed 10; Hoy broke 21;
missed 'J.
The Hunter medal will be shot for
at the Milton Rod and Gun Club
Tournament to be held at Milton on
September 18th and Jtttli.
Professor Patton Delivers Address
Professor 11 D. Patton, candidate
for lieutenant governor on the Prohi
bition ticket, addressed a rather small
though very attentive audience in the
courthouse last night.
The speaker was introduced by Rev.
Harry Minsker, pastor of the United
Evangelical church. Mr. Miusker's
own remarks were not without a point,
in touching upon the drink evil and
the general attitude of church people
toward it, he said he found it difficult
to understand why religious people
will so bitterly assail other forms of
evil and yet not raise their voices
against the sale and manufacture of
Professor Patton is a pleasing ami
forceful speaker, who impresses one
with his zeal and earnestness. The sub
ject, although an old one, was present
ed in a new phase.
He reviewed the action of the two
great political parties in getting iu
line for reform during the last year.
At present he declared they are a unit;
their platforms are practically identic
al and there is no issue between the
parties. Either Mr. Stewart or Mr.
Emery could drop out of the light aud
the followers of the two parties collec
tively could vote for either of the
leaders and get precisely the same
At the present, when both candid
ates are committed to reform,the Pro
hibitionists are asked to come over
ami join the "Fusionists." Mr. Pat
ton's discourse had mainly to do with
the quest ion why prohibit ionists should
disregard the call ami stick to their
standard. The request is, be said: i
"We have a great man this year, drop 1
youi party and come and vote with
lis." He asked his audience to con
sider whether the Fusionists would
return the compliment and the year
following vote with the Prohibitionists
He agrood that the prohibitionists
stood for the rime thing.-, as the Demo
cratic and Republican party, but said
they stood for a thousand things be
side He added. "The old parties
will coax you to destroy your vote, to
scatter your party and then ridicule
you when you have done it."
Music was rendered by the Keystone
male quartette.
Do you think North Mill street will
be paved this fall?
Miss Rachel Owens, of Harrisburg,
is the guest of Miss Annie Bedea,East
Market street.
Mrs Ralph Foulk has returned to
Johnstown after a visit at the home of
her mother, Mrs. S M. Trnnibower,
East Market .street.
Miss Alice Moyer has returned from
a trip to Philadelphia and Atlantic
Charles Mellin.of Wilkes-Barre,spent
Sunday with relatives in this city.
Miss Gussie Doster has returned
from a visit with friends in Tamaqua
and Pottsville.
Mrs. William Hall and daughters,
Florence and Laura have returned to
Philadelphia after a two weeks' visit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J.
Payne at Mausdale
Mrs. G. J. Payne and children,
Thomas, Walter and Louise, of Maus
dale, have left for a visit with friends
iu Philadelphia.
(Raymond Herrington,after spend
ing his vacation at Eagles Mere, has
returned home for a two weeks' stay
in this city prior to returning to the
University of Pennsylvania.
H. C. Rentz and fa'Mily, of Pitts
burg, are visiting at the home of Mrs.
Sarah Hoffman near Mausdale.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hay man and sou
Donald, of Eaglesuiere, are spending
several days with friends in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Hay man are touring in
their Rambler car.
Miss Harriet Albeck will leave this
morning for Wilkes-Barre where she
will attend the funeral of her cousin,
Mrs. Walter Marshall.
Miss Edith Mitchel left yesterday
for a visit with friends in Jackson,
Thomas Vausaut, ot Liberty town
ship, was a visitor in this city yester
D. O. McCormiek left last evening
for a business trip to Philadelphia.
Misses Sadie Laidaker and Valeria
Baker have returned from a pleasant
visit with relatives in Pitfshnrg.
Mrs. Benjamin Cook spent yesterday
with friends in Berwick.
Mrs. George Wertman called on
friends in Berwick yesterday.
Norman Thomas,of Hazleton, is vis
iting Arthur Reifsnvder, East Mahon
ing street.
Miss Josephine Beaver, of Philadel
phia, arrived yesterday for a visit at
the home of tier parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Beaver, Pine street.
Changes on the Reading.
Within a year the Catawissa and
Shamokin divisions of the Reading
railway will be equipped with the Hall
system of block signals, which is the
best method now in use. The Hall
signals are now in use on all parts of
the Reading railroad system except
these two divisions.
Under the new system the move
ments of trains will be governed by a
series of semaphores, operated by elec
tric currents.
The Catawissa and Shamokin divi
sions are at present operated by w hat
is known as the telegraph block sys
tem. The introduction of the Hall sys
tem will displace a large number of
employes as operators,but it is expect
ed that each one of them will be giv
en a new position in the maintenance
of the new system. Those who are re
tained and instructed iu iheir new
duties will receive larger salaries than
they are now receiving.
The Catawissa division is »!7 miles
in length, extending from West Mil
ton to East Mahauoy Junction, while
the Shamokin division is 104 miles
By the Hall system an engineer is
aware of the condition of the track
three blocks ahead. A broken rail, a
misplaced switch or any physical ob
struction on the rails sets the danger
Party from Milton.
A hack load of Milton people spent
Saturday at the home of Mrs. Sarah
Hoffman, near Washiugtonville. A
very pleasant day was spent by all.
The party was entertained by music
on the phonograph, organ and banjos.
Those present were: Daniel Weiden
hainer, Win. Weideuhamer, Mrs. Mary
E. Mauser, Mrs. Kate Hill, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Hill, Mrs. John Heck and
son Charles, Mrs. Chas. Haas, Mrs.
Chris Tuefel,Misses Belle Cnrzen, May
Mauser and Lizzie Hielman, all of
Milton; Miss Lydia Wendel.of Lewis
burg; Mrs H. W. Gibson.Mrs. Anirose
Miller, Mrs. Jane Smith and daugh
ter Erma, of Limestoneville; Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Miller, Mrs. Chas. Gibson,
j Miss Sarah Gibson, Mrs. Kate Wagner,
, Mrs. Edward Borgor, Mr. and Mrs.
:Kd Hoffman, Mrs. Sarah Hoffman,
Lewis Hoffman, Blanche and George
| Staum, of near Washiugtonville.
(ietting l ! p Steam.
J. W. Buchanan, of Philadelphia,
tin* contractor, who has charge of the
new work at the hospital for the in
sane, arrived at this city yesterday
and spent last night at the Montour
house. The hospital will be a busy
place today.
Fires were placed under one of the
boilers yesterday and steam will be
gotten up today. Unless something
uuforseeu occurs the electric light will
be turned on at the hospital tonight.
ir sen
The school board Monday held its
first regular meeting since the begin
ning of the school term. There were
a lot of troublesome details to be at
tended to relating to the opening of
the schools and the session was a
lengthy one.
First of all the members found them
selves confronted with a long list rep
resenting each of the schools of the
borough that comprised a great assort
ment of articles needed in the daily
conduct of the schools. Among the
many things requested were soap, bas
ins, toweling, table covers, umbrella
stands, sponges, window curtains,
brooms, etc.
The long list was quite a revelation
to the new members, as the articles
speci tied,collectively seemed sufficient
to stock a small store. It was the sense
of the board that some of the articles
ought to he eliminated,and on motion
the requisition was referred to the
supply committee, the members to act
in the premises according to their
Borough Superintendent Gordy call
ed the attention of the board to the
fact that there are 155 pupils eurolled
in the high school which is about tlie
seating capacity. Even now in order
to accommodate the pupils it is neces
sary to adopt the recitation system of
seating,by which at all times the seats
of the recitation rooms are occupied.
He said the time has coma when we
should adopt some regulation that will
prevent overcrowding next year.
On motion of Mr. Pursel it was ord
ered that henceforth pupils from our
grammar schools on graduating to the
high school be given preference over
non-resident pupils.
On motion it was ordered that the
physicians of town he notified to ob
serve the law literally by not granting
a certificate until vaccination is known
to be a success: also that the school
board will refuse to aocept any but
the regular form of certificate approv
ed by the State board of health.
Oil motion of Mr. Fischer the teach
ers were requested to observe the law
relating to vaccination very strictly.
On motion of Mr. Trunibowerit was
ordered that Railroad street instead of
Cedar street he selected as a dividing
line between the first and second wards.
tin motion of Dr. Harpel
Maun was elected pupil teacher of the
Danville schools.
On motion of Mr. Ortli it was order
ed that a car load of limestone spalls
he purchased of tlie Silver Springs
quarry company at Almedia for the
purpose of repairing the first ward
school grounds, which were reported
as in very had condition,causing much
mud and dirt in times of rain. An ex
periment with the material will be
made at the first ward school building
and if it is found to be a success there
it w ill be applied to the school grounds
in the other wards, which are in very
nearly as bad a condition as the first
ward grounds. The material can be
purchased ut »50 cents per ton, which
with freight, aud hauling will run the
total cost u]) to about $1.25 per ton.
Oil motion of Mr. Fisher the build
iiii.' and repair committee was ordered
to 11rocure an additional table for the
laboratory of the high school.
On motion of Mr. Orth the commit
tee on building and repairs was in
structed to have the roof of the fourtl;
ward school building repaired.
The following directors were pres
ent at the meeting; Burus, Orth, Har
pel, Swartz, Pursel, Fish, Fischer,
Lutz and Trnnibower.
The following bills were approved
for payment:
Ezra S. Haas i 2. (K)
Holdren Pat'd Book Cover 109.12
Thompson Brown &Co ... 31.00
Chas. Scribner's Sous ... .. 15.10
D. Apple ton & Co. 13.20
Standard Gas Co . .80
U. S. Express Co. 1.00
U. L. Gordy 8.25.
A. C. Roat. l.« 0
H. G. Sainton 3.1)0
A. E. Adams .. .. 1.25
Adams Express Co 1 10
O. M. Leniger . 74 50
I. Pitman & Sons ... 30.66
American Book Co .. .. 337.24
Educational Pub. Co 7.78
E. K. Pensyl 12.50
On motion a bill from R. G. Miller
was referred back with instructions
that it be dated and itemized.
Will Take Seven to Penitentiary.
The over crowded condition of the
Columbia couuty jail will be some
what relieved today when Sheriff
Black w ill take the seven prisoners,
sentenced at this term of court, to the
eastern penitentiary. Four assistants
were granted by court and they will
accompany the sheriff with the pris
oners to Philadelphia. The assistants
are U. <\ O'Blosser and William Mc-
Bride, of Bloomsburg; Dice Bobbins,
of Center township, and Mr. Eyerly,
of Scott township.
The prisoners are as follows :
John Middleton, Sr., and John Miil
| dleton, Jr., of Berwick, sentenced to
i 15 years each; Claud Dawson and Earl
Thomas, of Bloom, each sentenced to
, 3 years; James Sample, of Espy, who
will serve two years; Archie Lundy, 3
years and Steve Deiterick 2 years. The
latter two are from Berwick. This is
the largest number of prisouers that
| Sheriff Black has ever taken at one
tune to the penitentiary.
The county fair is couiiug into its
' own in many parts of the country.
The reconstruction of North Mill
street was first agitated last Septem
ber or oue year ago and now although
the near approach ot' tall is at hand,
the actual beginning of the work is
still indefinitely in the future. It be
gins to seem a matter of grave doubt
with the vast amount of red tape that
yet remains to be complied with,
whether or not the street can be recon
structed this fall.
It may be pleasiug enough for per
sons to delude themselves with the
fancy that the street can be finished
this fall and that during the winter
instead of the rough and muddy road
bed that has proven an annoyance in
the past we will have smooth and clean
paviug to drive over. At the same
time it might be worth while to stop
and consider what remains to be done
before a beginning can be made at the
lii the first place it must be home in
mind that the State highway depart
ment has a number 01 propositions on
hand similar to ours—that it is crowd
ed with work; also that each of the
counties interested have to await its
turn. Add to this the fact that we are
near the middle of September, which scarcely more than two months
daring which such work maybe push
ed with any advantage.
If all preliminaries were attended to
it might be differeut. The plans and
specifications are not completed ; work
upon them lias not yet been started
nor have we any assurance that there
will not be a further delay before they
are begun. Following precedent the
specifications will be in the hands
of the printer a couple of weeks.
Sc »hi.t without making allowance for
probable delay it will be October be
fore bids are invited. The advertise
ments must run for twenty days, and
his along witli other official formality
to be complied with will have the ef
fect of standing off the actual begin
ning of work until nearly the last of
October or more likelv the beginning
of November.
The object aimed at is to show that,
while the reconstruction of Mill street
with State aid seems ail assured fact,
it would be only by the most fortunate
combination of circumstances that the
work could be started at a date early
enough to insure its completion this
A Sudden Death.
William Sechler, a widely known
and honored citizen of Derry town
ship, died suddenly at his home about
a mile and a half from Strawberry
Ridge between four and five o'clock
Tuesday evening.
Mr. Sechler was apparently in his
usual good health and the entire neigh
borhood was stunned by the sudden
ness of the shock. He had just brought
the cows in from the field and placed
them in the barn. He entered the
house and a moment later returned to
the barn. He did some chores and
then started toward the home. He had
scarcely more than entered the yard,
when he was heard to utter a peculiar
sound. Those of the family who were
nearby glanced in that, direction just
iu time to see him throw up his arms
and fall to the grouud They ran to
the spot but he was to all appearances
already dead.
Dr. Sndyer, of Washiugtouville,was
called and arrived iu a very short time.
Death was instantaneous. The doctor
pronounced the cause of death heart
The deceased was 72 years of age and
is survived by his wife; also by oue
sister, Mrs. Simon Kocher, of East
Danville, and two brothers, Rev. Jo
seph Sechler, of Lena, 111., and John
M. Sechler, of this citv, who for a
month or so past has been visiting
relatives iu the West, but who today
intended to start on his journey home,
lie was expected to arrive in Danville
on Friday, when it was planned to
have his brother, the deceased, meet
him and to spend the day with him at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Rick
etts, Ferry street.
Mr. Sechler's unexpected demise
makes four deaths that have occurred
in the immediate relationship during
a few months' time. Mrs. Hannah
Morrison, sister of the deceased, died
last spring, following in three weeks
the death of Mrs. John M. Sechler, a
sister-in-law of the deceased. Rebecca
Sechler, another sister-in-law, depart
ed this life in June.
Quiet Wedding.
Miss Winifred Eva Shires, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shires,Sr., of
Strawberry Ridge,and Raymond Win
tersteen, of West Hemlock township,
were quietly married yesterday at
noon. The ceremony \v\s performed
by Rev. W. J. Holder at the parson
age. Mr. and Mrs. Wintersteen left
for a wedding trip after the ceremony.
Taken Into Custody,
Jack Small was arrested by Officer
Miucemoyer last night and placed in
the lock-up to await the arrival of an
officer from Lycoming county, where
Small is wanted on a charge of purlo
ining a wrench and other tools, the
property of J. R. Stewart.
There is no good reason why Octob
er 12—the day Columbus discovered
America—should not be made a legal
holiday in honor of the man but for
whom we might all have been Rus
sians, Spaniards or Abyssiniaus.
The office ot the AMERICAN
being furnished with a large
assortment of job letter and
fancy type and job material
generally, the Publisher an
nounces to the public tnat he
is prepared at all times to ex
ecute in the neatest manner.
Of all Kinds and Description
Our well-known merchant, Frank
G. Schoch,met with a serious accident
yesterday forenoon, which effectively
illustrates how at all times we are ex
posed to danger even in moments when
we fancy that we are most secure. As
a result of a slight misstep he fell on
the floor, sustaining a combined frac
ture and dislocation of his right ank
le, injuries that will incapacitate him
for an active participation of business
for weeks to come.
The accident occurred between 9
and 10 o'clock yesterday morning. Mr.
Schoch in the delivery wagon belong
ing to the store, drove over to the
warehouse of the Welliver Hardware
company on an errand. Leaving the
wagon in front of the warehouse, Mr.
Schoch entered the building and pro
ceeded to the rear end, where in com
pany with Arthur Campbell, oue of
the employes, he was about to ascend
to the second story. He placed his
right foot upon the first step, but did
not notice that his foot hold was very
insecure. He was about taking anoth
er step upward when his foot on the
lower step, which was held merely
by the toe,slipped causing the mau to
fall heavily to the floor. Unfortunate
ly, leaning against the wall with one
end ou the floor about three or four
inches from the lower step was a large
step ladder; as Mr. Schoch's foot
slipjied from the step it dropped into
the narrow space between the step and
the bottom of the ladder and there
was held imprisoned, exposing his
ankle to a terrible strain as he fell
Mr. Sclioch was assisted to his feet,
but he was unable to walk, while he
suffered the most excruciating pain.
Mt> wun asci«fr«<l to his wagon and
driven to his home on East He*rfc?t
There the family physician was call
ed, who immediately saw that the in
jury was a serious one and caused
help to be called in. In all five physi
cians were in attendance—Drs. Ogles
by. Patten, Newbaker, Curry and
After considerable difficulty the in
jury was found to consist of a frac
ture of the fibula or smaller bone and
a dislocation of the tibia, or larger of
the two bones, at the ankle joint. The
setting of the broken bone and the re
duction of the dislocation proved a
difficult and delicate operation—one
attended with the most intense pain
to the patient. It was necessary to ad
minister chloroform before attempting
the operation.
The bone was set and the dislocation
reduced by Drs. Newbaker, Curry and
Patten All that is needed now is
time, when nature will effect its own
cure. While the injured man may be
able to move about with the aid of
crutches in a week or so it will be a
much longer time before he will have
the use of his limb.
Plenty of Game.
That there will be an unsurpassed
abundance of game of various species,
ready for gunners, when the "game
law" barriers are dropped October 1,
is the belief of Coleman K. Sober of
Irish valley, a member of the Penn
sylvania State game commission.
Never before in his recollection,and
Mr Sober lias been a close student of
natural history for over a score of
years, can he recall such an apparent
supply of grouse, suijie, quail, wild
turkey and deer..
"From every indication,"said game
commissioner Sober recently, "I can
safely predict that gunners this year
will be appalled by the amount of
game. _ _
"I have taken close observation of
tlie promiscuous breeding of birds in
Northumberland and Cumberland
counties,and the results are surprising.
The forest and woodland virtually
abound with them.
"The winter was not especially
hard on game. In regions where the
birds suffer most farmers provided for
them by scattering, daily, bags of
feed in the woods. This act of the
fanners saved hundreds from starva
tion. There was plenty of food this
spring and summer, and the birds
simply did nothing but eat and grow
fat, so as to he in good trim for the
gunner iu October.
"When the game season closes it
will show that the season of 1906 was
t lie best for many years.''
The Red Light Burned.
The Red light burned in front of the
V. M. C. A. last night for the first
time since the beginning of the mem
bership contest. The Reds intend to
keep the color as it was last night,
notwithstanding the fact that the
Blues are thoroughly aroused and are
lighting hard to once more forge ahead.
Proposals lor Coal.
The county commissioners invite bids
for (10 gross tons of good coal, Nos 8
and -1, ;{() tons to be delive»ed at Court
House and 30 tons at County Jail.
Bids will be received at Commission
er's office until Saturday, September
22nd at noon. The right is reserved to
reject any or all bids.
The anti-vaccination sentiment
throughout the State is very much
stronger than should be the case in a
commonwealth whose people are as in
telligent as ours. A relaxation of
official vigilauce, followed by |an old
time epidemic of small-pox, would
probably work a change of heart, but
it would be too costly an exjieriment.