Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, May 31, 1906, Image 1

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    Dole Papr
-—.For the tan
Ihe circulation of tins paper is in
creasing rapidly. It will pay you
to advertise in the AMERICAN.
Ojfiee Itovr*
9 A. M WU Mill St..
J I'. M to S I'. M J hint il". /Vi.
i <iiin.T/„ m
4'J"> Mill I"., I' V N Vll.l K. PA.
of thf Stiiiimi'li aii'i Intesiiney
.. Specially.
Last week of bowliug season.
If you're wise you'll advertise.
The rains have done good at the op
oortune moment.
pretty laurel will soon crown
the Kerry hillsides.
llavt you observed that the crooked
man iSeldom smart enough to escape
the law - long arm?
Underlie post otlice appropriation
hill which Senator Penrose reported
to the Senate this week, rural free de
livery carriers are K» ve fifteen days
leave of absence each yf »r, exclusive
of Sundays and holidays, a'wl ST>OO,OOO
is appropriated to pay substitutes.
After a season of drouth and cessa
tion of servere storms, the winds and
clouds and electric forces have again
combined, and reports come of cy
clones, and terrible atmospheric con
tentions. In Texas and Nebraska a
number of lives have been lost, buihl
iugs demolished, country devastated
and crops ruined by hail, wind and
When swallows fly low,wet weather
may l»e expected, because the insects
which the swallows pursue in their
flight are flying low to escape the
moisture of the upper regions of the
You can always judge the worth of
a citizen by the appearance of his
home and his wife rules there, which
goes to prove the theory that the wo
man makes or breaks the man.
Houesdale is said to be one of the
prettiest and cleanest towns in tlie
State aud considerable of the credit
for this condition is ascribed to the
Women's Improvement Society, which
in the last year did its work at an ex
jiense less than S2OO. The society has
iu its treasury S3OO. «
The authorities of Northumberland
Qounty have discovered that one Au
gust Reitz, now in jail at Pottsville
on the charge of'eloping with another
man's wife is the same chap who is
wanted in their county for burglary,
having escaped from one of their ofli
cers two years ago.
Four of the lady teachers of the
Sunbury schools will not be applicants
for re-election owing to the very good
reason that they will be brides before
ttie time set for the school bell to
ring for the opening of the next term.
The friends of Stanley Morris, an
amateur gardener of Darby, are pok
ing fun at him because some tomato
seeds which he planted recently ami
tended with assidious care have devel
oped into sturdy maple trees.
There is reason to believe that elec
tric transportation is simply in its in
fancy. Perhaps if we could revisit this
locality a century hence we would be
<|uite as much surprised as our great
grandfathers would be if they could
return and look about them.
There is a probability that the $5
greenbacks will soon be reinforced by
goldbacks of the same denomination.
When these are supplemented by clean
backs for all paper currency there will
be cause for general congratulation.
A telegram from Mahanoy City de
clares that Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Swartman, who live near that bor
ough, are the parents of twenty-seven
children, of whom twenty-five are
living. Twenty of the number are
To all members of the Y. M. (J. A :
The baths are now in proper condi
tion for use.
".The mouth of June brides will soon
be here and the crop promises to be
The Herks county court lias granted
forty-nine divorces since January 1.
According to a bulletin just issued
by the Interstate commerce commis
sion, 1.109 people were killed on the
railroads in this country during the
last three months of 1905. Of :v»o vic
tims of actual train accideuts. :o were
passengers and |<er-otis employed in
baggage, express and mail cars.
The announcement is made that the
protracted drought and the pullutcd
condition of the streams have produc
ed an epidemic among the gam«' tisli
of Montgomery county, which are 'ly
ing in large numbers
The Spanish war lasted but a short
time and the deaths in active service
were very few, yet there are about
eighteen thousand pensioners already
'rom that war and about thirty-one
thousand more who have made ap
plications for pension*
The pamphlet of; passt-d at the
extra session of the legislature and ap
proved by the governor, together with
liis vetoes oil certain resolutions, have
just l>een issued in bound form from
the State printing office.
The coroner's jury investigating the
recent, boiler explosion on the Pennsy
line uear Herndou, found that the
engineer had tilled the boiler too
rapidly with cold water and was there
fore responsible for the accident.
Rev. Thomas|Kerr of Mnncy, whose
wife '.*efore marriage was Miss Sara
Cunningham of this city, lims accept
ed a unanimous call to the Upper Mc
torora church, Chester county. The
charge, which is a flourishing one, is
situated iu the country near the Lan
caster county line. The congregation
numbers some three hundred.
ill onto u? American.
» OL. .V.!--NO l! 2.
Rev. L. D. Ulrich preached the
memorial sermon to the veterans of
Goodrich post, tlie Sons ot Veterans
I and the Women's relief corps at Trin
ity Lutheran church Sunday morn
ing. The sermou was an able and im
pressive effort, there was a large at
tendance and the occasion in no re
spect has ever been surpassed since the
memorial sermon became a feature in
honoring the memory of the departed
Some forty-five veterans accompani
ed by half that number of sons of vet
erans marched from the post room to
the church bearing with them the post
flag and the handsome colors of Com
pany A, 132 nd regiment. Arriving at
the church along with the woman's
relief corps they occupied seats that
had been reserved in the fore part of
the auditorium. The post flag and the
flag of Company A were given
prominent positions, one on each side
of the pulpit. Above the speaker was
a large canvas on which inartistic
letters were the words: "Welcome
G. A. II." Just at the rear of the
speaker a large flag, gathered near the
bottom witli a black braid, despeuded
from the ceiling. In addition there
were numerous small flags and a pro
fusion of flowers gracefully arranged
about the altar.
The pastor took his text from the tith
chapter of Paul's letter to the Kphes
ians, 10th and 11th verses: "Finally,
brethren, be strong in the Lord and in
the power of His might, etc."
The text represents Christians as
warriors, contending with powerful
enemies,with Christ as captain. When
Christ came it was with a new ban
ner, to set up a new kingdom. In ral
lying under this banner the victory is
assured if we are courageous and
duteous, but it must be by continuous
warfare. Our wrestling is not in open
war, but with hidden forces, hidden
treachery, and wickedness in high
places. The pomp and the fashions,
corruption, ignorance and Inst after
the bad are so many influences of this
world that lend themselves to the pow
er of the adversaries with whom the
Christian is wrestling.
To the soldiers all honor, all glory,
for the preservation of our nation—
the greatest on the face of the earths
They have fought for the principle,
that are near to the human heart, but
they will clearly understand,the speakt
er continued, that they have fougli
and sacrificed their lives for a perish
able kingdom. Other nations have had
their day and ours iu turn will pass
away. A new heaven and a new earth
we shall see.
"You have assembled here," the
speaker said, ' to pay your respects to
those who have gone before—to those
who have drawn the sword with you,
but who have now mingled with the
dust. You fought not in vain—you
have conquered. Hut there is another
kingdom,that of Christ—for that king
dom he fought, lie bled ami he died.
Alone did he meet Satan in the garden
and alone on the cross did he bear the
pahg for you and me. He made the
sacrifice that Heaven demanded.
Satan knew that Christ had conquered
and entered the stronghold of hell.
" You have fought and won. You
have bequeathed to posterity, liberty
and equal rights. Your Lord and
Master has conquered and the gates of
his kingdom stand ajar for you to en
ter. His kingdom is an everlasting
kingdom. The greatest battle is yet
to be fought: your greatest and bit
terest foes are yet to be conquered.
Christ has made the conquest easy.
With His spirit, as expressed in the
text, and with that alone it will be
possible to overcome the jKJwers of
evil that assail us."
Rise in River.
The river, which began to rise on
Monday afternoon, during the night
following came up with a jump and
during yesterday if was over ten feet
above low water mark. Last evening
it was at a standstill and the probabil
ity is that it will fall rapidly today.
The sudden rise of the river Monday
night played havoc with the foot bosat
which lay uj>ou the shore at low wat
er. A considerable number were seen
going down stream, some from points
at the upper end of the borough and
others from towns above. William
Deutsch's boat was carried down the
river as far as Cameron, where it was
recovered. Frank Ross' naphtha launch
and two foot boats were carried away.
Luckily heavy stones were attached to
them which impeded the progress of
the boats very much. About daylight
they were detected out in the stream
by the crew at the water works, who
notified the owner. The boats were
recovered before they reached the
creek's month.
Annoyed by Explosions.
The residents of Sunbury street
Shamokin.are said to be greatly alarm
ed by the repeated explosious which
occur underneath their houses and
which at times shake the buildings to
a considerable extent. The explosions
are believed to Indue to the firing of
shots in flu' workings of the Cameron
colliery which working are now
thought to extend to Sunbury street.
It i- si id that the disli**> were shaken j
from the sideboard in the dining room j
of one residcnc*'.
I). L. Mauger Promoted.
1). L. Manger, for the past K5 years :
district passenger agent of the I'. & R.
Railway company, with headquarters
at Williamsport, will on June Ist., be
promoted to the position of district
passenger agent at Reading. The an
■ nonncement of Mr Manger's intend
ed departure from this district will
lie received with sincere regret by his
many 1 >anville friends.
Machines Arrive.
W. W. Welliver la~it evening stated
that the Welliver Hardware company
lias received a carload of Rambler
automobiles. The shipment comprises
three machines, one for W. (i. Fursel
of this city, one* for George Spousler
of Lime Ridge and the other for D.
A. Michael of Herwiek.
You neve recirculate a story unless
you know it's true, do you?
Monday was the date set for receiv
ing the sealed proposals for the erec
tion of a brick power house at the
hospital for the insane, but the con
tract was not awarded. The building
committee of the board of trustees
were on hand, but upon opening the
bids it was found that they were all
ill excess of the amount of money
available for the power house. Under
the circumstances a halt was inevit
After deducting the price of Buc
hanan & Go's contract and expenses
incidental it is found that only some
ten thousand dollars remain of the
State's appropriation of 1,000 made
for the heat, light and power plant.
This, it is explained, will not erect
such a building to house the heat,
light and power plant as is called for
by the plans and specifications adopt
ed. It will, therefore, be necessary to
modify the plans and specifications in
order to bring the cost down to the
limit of available money and to adver
tise anew for bids.
All is regretted, will consume
time, which at this stage of the work
is very valuable at the hospital. It is
safe to affirm, howevi r.that the build
ing committee just as quickly as possi
ble will procure new or modified plans
to the end that the building may lie
ready just as soon as needed by Buch
anan it Co.
Shortage of Ice is in Sight
If the large ice companies were per
mitted to have their way about it the
smaller cities that were not fortunate
enough to harvest a good ice crop
would be apt to experience an ice
famine before next fall. As the sea
son advances it becomes apparent that
the total of i"e in st >rage will fall
considerably short of meeting the gen
eral demand. The large ice companies
that, control the product of Pocono and
other mountain lakes evidently, if they
had it to do over again, would not
have contracted with so many parties,
but would have agreed to ship ice only
where they now see it possible to keep
up the supply needed during the sea
sou. Naturally these companies would
like to get released from some of their
smaller contracts so as to avoid the
danger of embarrassment in filling
their large contracts. The towns,there
fore, are fortunate that have dealer
conscientious enough to reject the ov
ertures of the ice companies and in
spite of the proffered terms to fulfill
their contracts with customers.
The Tobyhauua ice company, which
has entered into a contract with A. L
Delcamp, to furnish ice has made a
proposition to him asking to be re
leased. The company as a price pio
poses to pay Mr. Delcamp two dollar*
per ton for all the ice contracted foi
and not yet delivered. When it in
stated that Mr. Deleamp's contiael
calls for 1,500 tons and that but 20<
tons are delivered as yet, it is to bt
seen to what an extent he would bt
benefitted. The deal would simply nel
him $2,(500 and he would be relieved
of any further work or annoyance dur
ing the season.
Mr. Delcamp last evening stated thai
lie had decided to protect his custom
ers and that he, therefore, had notifi
ed the ice company that he could nol
accept their proposition. He also stat
ed that he would not raise the price
uf ice so long as the ice he has con
tracted for hoi Is out, which will be
until along in September or October.
The local ice dealers of Berwick,
have also been offered two dollars per
ton contracts to'leave the ice
in the company's storage at Mt. Po
•ouo. Averill Bros, have a contract
tor 1,200 tons and A. F. Martz for
I,<HH> tons and had these BerwicK deal
ers accepted the offer they would have
realized $2,400 and $2,000 respectively ;
liut like our Danville dealer they chose
to be true to their patrons, and held
he ice company to its contracts.
Umstead's Ditcher In Operation.
The AMERICAN some time ago
•ontained mention of a machine for
litchiug that was being perfected by
Walter Umstead, who resides with
James Lowrie, at Strawberry Bidge.
The machine has now been completed
tnd in its j>erfected state"'has been
patented by Mr. Uinstead and has
l>roven a most remarkable success.
A of this paper saw
lie machine in o[)eration on the farm
jf George W. Cottier,near Washington
t'ille Tuesday. |To draw it four horses
ire hitched abreast, one man drives
ind another walks behind and by
means of a wheel regulates the depth
if the cut.
The machine was making a ditch
Tuesday ♦> inches wide and 2 feet
leep, and the walls of the completed
trench, after the machine had passed,
were as clean as if built of concrete.
The dirt is rolled out to one side, not
i bit of it finding its way back into
the ditch.
A number of experts have been to
see Mr. Uinstead about the machine.
Due representative of a big farming
implement company told Mr. Cinstead j
that he had never before, seen a sue
■essful ditcher, but that he believed
that Mr. Umstead's patent filled .ill
the requirements and that !.-• had no
doubt but that the machine w.uM d"
the work admirably where the olhei
had failed.
According to a statement just made
by Health Commissioner Dixon, 7<H)|
persons die in Pennsylvania each i
month from cousnmpt ion, which is a 1
preventable disease.
DANViI.LK. PA., Till I{SI)AV MAY, 151 190<>.
A most sensational runaway occur
red between this city anil Washington
ville Tuesday afternoon, which end
ed in a terrific head-on collision be
tween the runaways and another team.
The runaway horses escaped, but one
of the other team was killed instantly,
pierced to the heart by a heavy*wagon
.1. A. Cromis, of Limestone town
ship,whose team it was that ran away
had been to Danville delivering a load
of hay. On the return trip he stopped
at Phil Moser's hotel at the top of the
hill im the old road to Washington
ville. lie fastened the animals with a
chain to the hitching post, and pro
ceeded into the hotel. While the team
was alone, for some reason unaccount
ed for, they became frightened, and
breaking away from the post-, dashed
off down the steep narrow road.
.Tust about this time Earl Renn, sou
of Elmer Reun, of Valley township,
returning from the Lycoming hills
with a load of lumbar, had arrived at
a point about half way up the hill.
He was walking between his wagon
and the railing that divides the road
from the steep side hill.
Suddenly he was startled by the
sound of loudly pounding hoofs, and
glancing up he saw, not a hundred
yards a way, the frantic, plunging team
dashing toward him. Hi' acted quick
ly. Turning his team in as near the
railing as lie could get, he mounted to
the top of the load of lumber, to save
himself from being caught under the
load if his wagon toppled over the
steep embankment.
No sooner had he reached his
perch than the runaways, going at top
speed,crashed with fearful momentum
and a horribly sickening thud into his
own team of horses.
The big tongue on the] runaways'
wagon struck the body of Reun's near
horse just hacK of the front leg, bury
ing itself three feet in the animal's
body and piercing its heart and lungs.
The horse gave a spasmodic leap into
tlie air and fell dead.
Keeping his presence of mind, Renn
jumped to the ground and dashing to
the heads of the runaways, pushed
them back and eoutroled them without
further trouble. Mr. Renn valued his
horse at #llO. it is a remarkable fact
that neither of Mr. Cromis' horses
was injured.
Rev. Dr. Shindel Resigns.
Rev. M. L. Shindel, 1). D., who for
some thirty-two years past lias been
pastor of the Pine Street Lutheran
church, was Sunday elected as pas
tor emeritus. At the same time Rev.
Lloyd W. Walter was elected pastor ol
the Pine Street Lutheran church.
On. May 7th. Rev. Dr. Shindel, ow
ing to advancing years, tendered 11is
resignation as pastor to the council ol
the church. From that date until last
week the matter was held under ad
visement, the council deciding to re
commend that the resignation not be
accepted, but that Dr. Shindel be
elected pastor emeritus. It also recom
mended that Lloyd W. Walter,a gradu
ate of Susquehanna university, who
has officiated several times in the
Pine Street church, be chosen as past
or. Both recommendations proved ac
ceptable to .lie congregation, which
proceeded at once to act upon them,
electing pastor emeritus and pastor as
above stated.
Dr. Shindel is much beloved, not
only by the Pine Street congregation,
but by all our townspeople. The hon
or conferred upon him yesterday comes
as a reward for long and faithful ser
Rev. Lloyd W. Walter, who will
succeed Rev. Dr Shindel in the ac
tive duties of the pastorate, will grad
uate at the Susquehanna university
this summer. He is a gifted speaker
and a young man of much ability. He
will come to Danville in a short time.
Lightning Rod Sharpers.
Lightning rod agents, who are op
erating this section of the State, swind
led Adam Waldman, of Collomsville,
out of £250 last week. Tile lirst of the
clever gang was through the Nippe
nose valley soliciting the orders for
the lightning rods and agreed to place
a sufficient number on Mr. Waldmau's
barn for the very nominal price of
7<». Mr. Waldman agreed to pay ]
this amount and was asked to sign a ,
contract, which he did. A few days
afterward the second man came along,
did the work, and presented the bill,
which by this time had grown to be
sioo, and the contract was found to be
converted into a lien on Mr. Wald
mau's pro|iertv. After much discus
sion the lightning rod man dropped to
$250 and Mr. Waldman gave him a
note for this amount,payable in thirty
days. This the men later cashed at a
Jersey Shore bank and then skipped.
They were reported to have been
seen in MilUm since then and are
evidently trying to work the same
game in that neighborhood.
At the African Methodist Episcopal
conference, in session at York last
week, it was decided that "young
colored people should be taught good
behavior, should be instructed to ap
pear less boisterous in public, and
should liit bv their loud talking at
tract it lent i. HI. '' The News moves to
undid the suggestion hereinbefore
n ite 1 I>% -nicking out the word "col
oi eil " In the matter of boisterous and
isj: ■ d• • I conduct there is no color
22 Companies Will Attend.
Twenty-two tire companies, have al
rea'lv signified their intention of at
tending tilt* four-county firemen's con
vention to he held in Bloomsburg next
Mrs. Harry Sheffer returned to Scran
tou yesterday after ;t visit with her
sister, Miss Fannie Hummer, Iron
Miss Bessie Evans has returned to
the Bloomsburg normal school after a
sray in tliis city as tin; guest of Miss
Florence Price.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dreifuss,Master
Leon and Miss Hae Dreifuss have left
for Detroit, Michigan, where they will
make their home.
Miss Lois Boyer will arrive today
from Plymouth for a visit with friends
in this city.
Dr. J. Sidney Holla, of Benton, cir
culated among friends in this city yes
Archie, the sou of Mr. and Mrs.
C. G. Voris, of Milton, is visiting
relatives in Danville.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Winters,of Sun
lniry, spent yesterday with friends in
this city.
Alex. Foster and his daughter Helen
left Saturday for a visit at Ocean
Mrs. E. W. Peters returned home
from a visit to Pittsburg Saturday
George Steiubreuner, of Wilkes-
Barre, sneut Suudav with friends in
Curry Fisher, of Westfield, New
Jersey, arrived Saturday for a several
days' visit with relatives in this city.
Mrs. Charles Watson. Sr., returned
to Philadelphia Saturday after a visit
at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. P. E.
Mans at Mausdale.
Dr. I. H. Jennings returned Satur
day from Allentown where he attend
ed the meeting of the State dental as
s< >ciat ion.
I'lie Street* of tin* City Keek With
u anil Odor*.
The streets of Korea are used for
every conceivable and inconceivable
thing. Down the middle of them or
on either side the city's sewage reeks
along a sluggish course, carrying with
it every !> >ssible thing but its own hor
rible odor. The houses on the main
streets, or what might for want of a
more descriptive name be called the
business streets, are all built with one
side open, as houses are built lu Japan.
There is little or nothing displayed for
sale iu any shops, and there is seldom
anything to detain a loiterer along tht
way. The Korean woman knows abso
lately nothing about the Joys aud sor
rows of shopping. She lives her life in
virtuous seclusion, or at least in seelu
sion, and the tradesmen must needs g«
to her and thrust their goods respect
fully through a small opening in tht
do >r of h t apartments. What slit
doesn't want -die thrusts out agalL
and then In _ r :cs with him over tin
price t,f v !t she has selected, witl
the li.ln !• not transparent partijioi
I. iWfen !. . i So there is little need
' ■■■ atlrn iivi' -li ip windows. Since tin
v > .• ; i:. lic the men's clothes,
11 . . ••! i i*. iciy the materials foi
• ii- •. 'timi I have really never
sec.i ;uy;!i''ig purchased iu a shop,
i: . Mill i.. . are built with the use
op ■• i > ,<•. and one can buy if
i. ■ i.. .iin .I, as foreigners so of
t i T!i ■ houses that are not of
!!:!• c!e c;- • >ii hi are not to lie seen at
a I.i iir_' !«■'. leu behind expression less
s vi i. c. : i'c.l with tiles aud
1 I v.!'! the tiniest possible gate
\ !■<..•< Weekly.
)'»,»• < ii > '<i " t \iM-iciit Official \eit
lu tlie Muyor.
Next t > t . • mayor tlie recorder is the
i .c, , i publ! ' otlicial in the i»ity.
iii . dates hack to the I >ongou
charie, . v -ii witli the authority of
Mil!' .■ 11.. il to the city of New
Yor\ iu Ap.'il. HI-" - .. The governing
Iio«!y of tiie city were the mayor, the
recorder aud the aldermen.
i'rea: ill. 1 recorder sprung, iu 18121,
lite ol.i court ol common pi -as, which
late: became the .-'iiprcme court. Orig
inally ti:e major and the recorder held
all tli.- court in .New York, both civil
aud criminal, the aldermen sitting also
to ai ■ in disposing of petty cases. The
recorder was a member of the board
of aldermen. One of his important du
ties was to pass on competency for citi
The lirst recorder was James Gra
ham, appoinied by charter. His duties
included t.iose of the present recorder
aud many more. (■ radualiy as the
court Inisin • ; increased the recorder
ceased to ad as an alderman, and lu
the subdivis'. <n of court work the
criminal cases, which, as affecting the
life and liberty of citizens, were then
regarded as of the graver Importance,
were retained by him, and the civil
eases were transferred to newer courts.
Thus the ollice of the recorder is
traditionally the primary safeguard
over the principles of the old common
law on which New York's modern
criminal jurisprudence is founded.—
New York World.
I !i«- S»« in ma mle r.
In Andrews' •• \needotes Ancient and
.tloderu" (ITs'.u one reads, "Should n
ula 'S house lire be kept up without ex
tinction for a longer term than seven
years there is 110 doubt but that a
salamander would be generated iu the
cinders." This probably accounts foi
the popular idea that a salamander
lives in the lire, a fallacy so far remov
ed from t• truth that the curious
lizard li beast so called cannot en
dure »n. 11 the In it of the sun, but
skulks avvay under stones to avoid it.
it will never IHe its reputation for
lire eating, though, which lingers still
in the heating utensil that is named
after it.
Conarrtntlon of F.nersry.
"You say you never gossip?"
"Never," answered Miss Cayenne.
"When I feel disposed to hear my
uelglibors dist used, I uierch mention
a name and proceed to listen."— \\ ash
ingtoii Star
Court convened at 10 o'clock Mon
day morning with his Honor Judge C.
C. Evans and Associates Blee and Wag
ner on the bench. Court immediately
go* down to business and proceeded to
dispose of the usual routine work pre
liminary to a busy session.
The constables made their returns.
None reported any violation of the law
with the exception of W. E. Young,
constable of the First ward, Danville,
who reported the Pennsylvania canal
bed as a nuisance. In regard to the
latter Judge Evans referred the matter
to the district attorney, whom he dir
ected to take such action as might be
The list of jurors was called, all re
sponding to their names. Clarence
Rishel was appointed foreman of the
grand jury, after which Daniel B.
Fetterman, a grand juror, was excus
ed. Judge Evans proceeded with hit
charge to the grand jury, which was
very lengthy and explicit, carefully
reviewing the legal processes by which
hills are brought to the grand jury, the
duty of the latter body in the pre
mises, the law govering their action,
G. W. Bennett was chosen tipstaff
to wait upon the grand jury and W.
E. Young and B. B. Brown tipstaffs
to wait upon the court.
A large crowd was attracted to court
bv the two homicide cases in which
Peter Dietrich and John Sees are the
defendants. Botli of these were
brought down to court by Sheriff
Maiers soon after 10 o'clock. Sees'
father was in the court room, while
several of Peter Dietrich's old friends
took occasion to shake hands with
him. Mr. Dietrich seems to have borne
up under liis ordeal very well. To all
who met him lie had a pleasant smile
and a warm handshake, which showed
that lie heartily appreciated the temp
orary release from the monotony of
prison life.
Mr. Dietrich was called before court
and upon hearing the indictment read,
entered a plea of not guilty.
John Sees was next called before the
har, wiio likewise pleaded not guilty.
Neither of the homicide cases will
be tried until Thursday and the wit
nesses in each were excused from at
tendance at court until that time.
In the case of Commonwealth vs.
Francis Woll the defendant was sent
enced to pay the cost of prosecution
and to stand committed until the sent
ence was complied with.
The first case attached was that of
Frank Morrall, in which a true bill
was found by the grand jury during
the forenoon. Morrall pleaded guilty.
His attorney, Ralph Kisner, made a
strong plea for clemency, urging that
sentence in tlie case be suspended.
Morrall was called before the court.
Judge Evans told the defend ant tha
he had pleaded guilty to a most ser
ious offense, for which, if the full
penalty were imposed, he could be
sent to the penitentiary for three years ;
in the present case the court was dis
posed to be as lenient as possible and
that therefore the full penalty would
not be imposed. The sentence of the
court was that Frank Morrall be sent
enced to pay the cost of prosecution, a
line of £IOO to tlie Commonwealth and
to undergo imprisonment in the East
ern Peneteutiary at separate and solit
ary confinement for a period of fifteen
mouths, to he computed from the pre
sent date.
The next case taken up was that of
Commonwealth vs, William Reuner,
the eleven year-ohl-boy accused of
breaking into the department store of
S. Lowenstein & Co., with intent to
commit a felony ou Sunday, May,
13th. The defendant being without
counsel, Ralph Kisner was appointed
by the court as attorney for the de
The plea of not guilty was eutered,
tfter which Joseph Lowenstein, S.
Lowenstein and Officer John Grier
S'oris were called as witnesses. All
the circumstances' which were fully
<et forth in this paper, at the time of
their occurrence, are still fresh ou the
niuds of our readers. The case was
soon disposed of, scarcely five min
utes beiug consumed by the opposing
ittorueys in addressing the jury,
ludge Evans was also brief in his
•harge and the case was given to the
jury at 3:20 o'clock.
At four o'clock the jury returued
,vith a verdict of guilty as indicted
rat recommended the defendant, Wil
iam Reuner, to the mercy of the
The next case attached was that of
Commonwealth vs. Daniel Kennedy,
mother juvenile case, in which the
lefendant was accused of forcibly af
ecting an entrance into the first ward
ichool building with intent to com
nit a felony on Saturday, May , r >th.
There were three witnesses in this
•ase, Ambrose Robinson and Robert
Campbell,who said they detected Ken
icdy in the act, and William Reuuer,
lie defendant in the preceding case,
vho alleged that lie was with Keu
ledy when he broke into the First
,vard school building. Young Reuner
laid they were both in the school
raildiug—that they effected an eutr
ince through the window and that to
gether they went through several of
he rooms. He told what articles were
lilfered and his story corroborated the
receding testimony of Masters Robin
ion and Campbell.
The jury was out about half an hour
ivhen it returned a verdict that Daniel
Kennedy was guilty as indicted.
The next ease called was that of
Commonwealth vs. George Beckley,
the charge being larceny as bailee.
Some time was spent in selecting a
jury in this case and at 5:30 o'clock
court adjourned to reconvene at :30
this morning.
A decree of divorce was granted in
the case of Dora E. Hobbins vs. W.
Edward Hobbins.
| Judge Evans Monday afternoon
made an order excluding all boys un
der sixteen years of age from the court
room. The order went into immediate
effect and there was a general exodus
toward the front door that took iu up
wards of fifty juveniles representing
nearly all ages up to sixteen. There
are a good many unsavory cases for
trial aud parents, if not the boys them
selves, are expected to take cogniz
ance of the order to the end that the
court room may be clear of boys from
now onto the end of the term.
Willie Renner, the boy, who Mon
day was found guilty of breaking in
to the store of S. Lowenstein & Co., 1
and was recommended to mercy was
called before court for the first thing
Tuesday morning.
In answer to several questions from
Judge Evans Willie explained that he !
was eleven years of age—that lie went '
to school as well as to church and to !
Sunday school.
The father, George Renner, was then
called. He gave his occupation as a |
chiropodist and said he was employed
about four days iu a week, earning
|1.25 to $1.50 per day. His boy, he
said was at home during the evenings.
The court made the following order:
Now, May 29, IWIHS, it appearing to
the court that the defendant is a neg
lected child under the age of 16 years,
and after the hearing, ,T. C. Mince
moyer is appointed a probation officer
to take charge of the defendant and
for the present to place him iu the
care and custody of his father, George
W. Renner, subject at all times to the
visitation of the probation officer.
Any bad conduct on the part of the
defendant or upon bad treatment by
the father to the child, the same to
be reported to the court. This order
to remain in force and effect until fur
ther order of court.
By the Court.
Daniel Kennedy, the eleven year-old
boy, who was found guilty of effect
ing a forcible entrance into the first
ward school building on Saturday,
May sth, was called before court,. Iu
reply to questions from Judge Evans,
he said he went to school "some
times"—"couldn't tell when lie was
at school last.'' He said he had been
in jail two weeks for breaking into
the school house. He said he did not
kuow it was wrong at the time, but
admitted that he was well aware of
it now.
Judge Evans told the boy that lie
would not seud him to the house of
refuge at this time, but would give
him another chance. At this juncture
he called the boy's father, who in
formed the court that he is .">1 years of
age and has four childreu. He declar
es that he looks after thetn aud that
they are in the house by 7 or 8
o'clock each evening. Judge Evans
took occasion to say that 7 or 8 o'clock
was the hour that all children should
be at home at night. He reminded the
father of his duty toward the boy and
told him if the court heard of any
further bad conduct on the part of the
boy or of any ill treatment on the
part of the parents it would take fur
ther action.
Judge Evans then proceeded to make
an order similar to the one in the case
of the Renner boy,stating that the de
fendant is a neglected child and plac
ing him under the care of Chief-of
police J. C. Mincemoyer as a proba
tion officer.
Court proceeded to take testimony
in the case of Commonwealth vs.
George Beckley, which was attached :
the evening before and for which a
jury had been selected. The charge '
was larceny as bailee, the allegation
}f the Commonwealth being that de
fendant, George Beckley, last spring
became a tenant on a farm on Bald 1
top owned by Francis Woll —that uu
ler the agreement Woll was to stock
lie farm —that Beckley was to farm '
the place on shares, having use of '
toll's team of horses and farming im
plements, which, at the expiration of j
lie lease, were to be returned to the
>wner in good condition. It was fur- 1
her alleged that during the season
he defendant sold one of the horses to
Frank Diehl, hence the law suit. '
\uiong the witnesses for the common- 1
,vealth were: Francis Woll, Mrs. Woll 1
tud Mrs. Shutt.
George Beckley, the defendant, up
m being called to the stand swore that '
A'oll had sold him the team of horses
or SBO and that when lie [disposed of
me of them the horse was solely in
lis possession. His testimony was fol
owed by others for the defense among
hem being his wife and sou, Howard
3eckley, William Diehl, Frank Diehl,
rustice of the Peace Dalton aud oth
>rs. The testimony was wholly con
radictory, both as to the condition of
he accounts and the nature of the
igreemeut between Woll and Beckley.
\bout 11:30 o'clock the case was given
o the jury.
At 10:30 o'clock the grand jury had
Kissed upon the last of the bills. At
he direction of Judge Evans it then
proceeded to examine the public buiki
ngs. At 11:30 the grand jury report
ed and was discharged from further
ittendauce at court.
The grand jury recommended that a
avatory system be installed in the
rout cellar of the courthouse ; that
lew closets be putin the jail building
ind that connection be made with the
jorough sewer: also that a new roof
The office of the AMERICAN
being furnished with a large
assortment of job letter and
fancy type and job material
generally, the Publisher an
nounces to the public tnat he
is prepared at all times to ex
ecute in the neatest manner.
Of all Kinds and Description
j be placed oil the courthouse.
Iu the case of Commonwealth vs.
William Buck a nol. pros, was allow
i ed upou the payment of costs.
Edward Burns, guilty of assault and
I battery, 011 Monday, was sentenced to
' pay cost* of prosecution and to stand
committed until sentence was compli
|ed with. Tuesday the sentence was
| modified omitting 4 ' that the defend-
I ant stand committed."
! Immediately after convening for the
j afternoon, the jury returned a verdict
of "not guilty" in the case of Oom
i monwealth vs. George Beckley.
j The case next attached was that of
j Commonwealth vs. George Beckley,
j the prosecutor b. .n ; Francis Woll, who
I brought the case tried in the forenoon.
I In the last case the charge was larceny,
j the allegation being that Beckley up
-1 on removing from Woll'sfarm on Bald
Tot) had taken with him a set of liar-
I ness and a gun belonging to Woll.
Mr. Woll being called to the stand
j testified that on Sunday, April Ist.,the
harness was still iu the barn on the
farm, but that on Monday it was
missing, along with a gun belonging
to Mr. Woll. Woll said he found the
j harness at Fry's livery stable. The
, pun, he said, Beckley had taken witli
him when lie moved, notwithstanding
i that he bad given instructions to Mr.
; Beckley's son, Howard, that the gun
jbe left on the farm. The harness was
| valued at £ls, the gun at $5.
William Diehl, present tenant on
Woll's farm, was sworn. Beckley, lie
said, showed hiinthegun—said it was
Woll's gun, but stated that he was go
ing to take it aloug with him.
Frank Fry, livery stable keeper, de
scribed the double harness that Bcek
ley had brought to his stable.
Levi Diehl, who assisted at the mov
ing, swore that the defendant said it
was "Doc's" gun, but that he was go
ing to take it along.
George Beckley, the defendant, was
called to the stand. He said he had
received the gun for hauling bones to
the junk stop. He was to have one
half of the proceeds, which in the
case cited were about $1.50. Woll pro
ceeded to pay him, but found that he
had nothing less than a twenty-dollar
bill. In settlement he asked Beckley
whether he would be satisfied to take
the gun at the valuation of $1.50.
Beckley consented and thus became
owner of the gun. The harness he was
accused of stealing, Beckley declared
he had purchased with the horse.
Howard Beckley was called, who
sustained his father's testimony
Frank Diehl, who purchased the
horse that figured in the preceding
case said-that he had purchased the
harness, paying the sum of ten cents
for them. By arrangement they were
left at Fry's livery stable. Several
other witnesses followed for the de
fense, but the case was disposed of in
an hour being given to the jury at 3
p. m.
At 3 :50 o'clock the twevle men re
turned a verdict of "not guilty,"
placing the costs upou the prosecutor,
Francis Woll.
Iu the case of Ephraim K. Hale vs.
Annie M. Hale on petition of respond
ent for allowance a rule was granted
by the court as prayed for, returnable
June V», 1906.
At 4 o'clock all cases were disposed
of with the exception of the two hom
icide cases. Judge Evaus announced
jhat tomorrow being Memorial day no
court would be held. He stated there
fore, that all jurors would be excused
until Thursday morning, when court
will again convene and jurors along
with witnesses ami others are expected
to be in their places.
New Equipment G. P.
When the national guard is equipped
with the uniforms now being issued
for the division encampment at Get
tysburg, July 21-28, the Pennsylvania
soldiers will be up to the standard of
the United Stated army ;arms, uniform
and other paraphernalia.
The new uniforms are of khaki, and
are an exact copy of the regular army
uniform. They are being manufactur
ed and issued from the State arsenal
in Harrisburg, under the direction of
Adjutant General Stewart and Col
onel Richardson,division quartermast
Forty-five companies of iufautry,
nine bands ami thirteen hospital corps
have already been supplied. The re
maining troops will be equipped with
in forty days.
Eighty-five thousand yards of cloth
are used in the making of the 10,000
uniforms required for the Pennsylvania
The blue uniforms will be detained
by the troops for winter wear and
dress purposes. The men will also re
tain the equipment of duck uniforms
issued after the Spanish-American war
for drudgery work about camp.
The origiual intention had been to
purchase the new khaki uniforms di
rect from the United States govern
ment. but the latter was unable to
supply tlieiu. Adjutant General Stew
art therefore resolved that tlie State
could do the work itself.
Building Removed.
\V. A. Slieppersou s.mj/lay remov
ed Dr. A. T. DeWitt's otlice from its
site near the family residence to the
park, where Dr. DeWitt will remodel
it into a cottage. The office is 20x 1♦!
feet and to move it so far proved no
easy job. It was loaded on two trucks
and was drawn by eight horses.
Stricken With Paralysis.
Daniel Mull, of Riverside, who was
stricken with paralysis on Monday
morning was in a very critical condi
tion yesterday and very slight hopes
were entertained for his recovery. He
is a well-known citizen sixty-one years
of age.