Receipts and Expenditures of Montour County, Penn'a. For the Year landing January Ist, A, 8., 1906. ST aTE WENT SHOWING THE TAX ACCOUNTS OF THii SEVERAL COLLECTORS FOR FHE TEAR 1905 COUNTY TAX. STATE TAX. | l><> . TAX. i i i vi "ri i»'i'i' ' 1:1 •' »•• -- g 2?' 1 ' Panvir.eßocoogh Btw. W. Mn kus ... 05 MM W««N 80 WJ M»l tgSt y To " ,> :::::::: w'ViUKH.::".: >. -■ ?i\ «'® *« • "»i M 74 I jiwutnnr " (' it Lgviii . ....II - 4 •• •• • 50 - ,s -■»•»! • KS : ™ moo »» . i» »*|»f Mayit-rrv 44 ... .Icr miah Nought .. ••• \ 12 • 2 10 • l'» ' .... " J J , * , r ... Vallpg ** • |» \ imlcniaM •• Uo> 2. I>B 00 613 A s 10'Jl* 40 I Lo< 1 -•» il (m» i I 1•> *i* «• »' ... „ •• , A|»pu.iimn . 1» . •7, 15 ll.' ... «i (HI j:'. 841 Washingtonvllle Borough . t. L. « ronns z:r t \ i »«> •• • J A - . . ~'' ... i ]v ir 7 *in West UcmUjck Townsmp. I>lW nt rsteen 340 2:i; 9to 1u 4:. 2,1 > imm 1-t . • 22011 4,H ,1 12" 110 Total las aomuiit tor 1o > ]Ln» W 611 W, 32 >1 ,«m !•> s_o 210 86 10 M tt! 1«W N 5 »! «»'• 17 11 » Taxes ve1I:I»«mi. < oil. ■< tor. I>eiry Tow ship for 1901 for I»og Tax. fls.j:!. 5. K HOFFMAN, TREASURER. IN ACCOI M \N li ll HONTOUR COUNTY, DR.*TO CASH RECEIVED FROM FOLLOWING SOURCES: i BY DISBURSEMENTS AS FOLLOWS: CK. Balance on hand at last settlement .... £ 1024.32 . ~ , , . County Tax received for 1905 . 10000.10 Amount pa id on County orders during year 190.., as per the below County Tax received for prior years 214:175 , class Hie.l account ot expenchtures . . . . *20614.41 Stnte Tax received for 190") 1990 (*,4 Amount paid Commonwealth tor Mute Tax of 1900, for which there Dog Tax* received for Iftfi' was no order issued *2130.86 Dog tax received for ]>rior years 119.79 Treasurer s ( oinnussioi. on same 2151 County Tax received in 1905 on unseated land and collectors returns. :54.«9 Received from overpaid hills 1904 .. 10.1(! Commissioners of Northumberland County, balance for one half ex penditures on River Bridge and Ferry 1904 1009.02 Commissioners of Northumberland County, (on account) for one-half expenditures on River Bridge and Ferry *1905 .. . ... 256.36 . Reimbursements of State Tax for 1905 iitfull 1597.01 . ~ , . „ Rent fir 1; il Stall* • )r > 50 9 I' er on disbursement of . . .. 23614.41 T 1 '' ' ' " Less County's portion of Hotel Licenses Commission on same having Joseph Longenbcrger 1H . X in Treasurer's License account 926.25 Clara Longenberger .. . ... 000.00 Automobile Licenses ... .. ...... 12.00 .iu-wq w «I~ on Sundry Persons, old stone 98.36 24688.16 hi,.20 Commonwealth costs, fines and jury funds 31.25 Sale of Ferry Flat .. 20.50 Sale of Old Iron Posts 7.00 Sale of Iron Bridge (Creek's Mouth) 50.00 Danville Nat ional 1 Bank' 1 ' r " lp " ... ... !! ... 400a00 Balanff « iu l,ands of S - K - Hoffnmn ' Treasurer, January Ist, 1906 1480.06 Hotel Licenses for 1905, County's portion 926.25 ... 0 ., .. 29841.02 5. K. HOPFTIAN, TREASURER. IN ACCOUNT WITH LICENSES RECEIVED DURING THE YEAR 1905. To amount of Wholesale and Retail Mercantile Licenses . .. $1306.89 By amount Paid Commonwealth £4471.24 To amount of Pool Licenses 70.00 By amount paid for adxertising Mercantile List and Postage . 131.04 To amount of Hotel Licenses 6500.00 By Treasurer's Commission 443.36 To amount of Brewers and Distillers Licenses . 1400.00 By amount Hotel Licenses applied to County Fund, County's portion 926.25 To amount of Wholesale Liquor Licenses .. 400.00 By amount Hotel Licenses paid to Danville Borough . 3078.00 | By amount Hotel Licenses paid to Washingtouville Borough 228.00 By amount Hotle Licenses paid to Anthony Township 57.00 By amount Hotel Licenses paid to Derry Township 114.00 By amount Hotel Licenses paid to Liberty Township 57.00 jßy amount Hotel Licenses paid to Valley Township . 171.00 9676. S9 9676. 89 CLASSIFIED ACCOUNT OF EXPEND!rURES~
    v n . , ~, , . . .. , ~ 3,4.18 Attending Court. 7 days ' 21.00 Noithumberland County liable for one-half expenditures on Ferry. Proclamation, Generai Election 2.75 ( < OURT HOUSE EXPENDITURES: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, AUDITORS, &c. | County Printing and Advertising 223.11 Henry Cooper. Commissioner, 114 days at $3.50 399.00 I Gas 314.43 George M. Leighow, Commissioner, 132 days at $3.50 • .. 462 00 1 i D "• 19.23 Charles W. Cor,k. Commissioner, 126 davs at $3.50 441 00 ! r-i Vr S?'^ Horace C. Blue. Commissioners' Clerk " 600 00 William Kase West. County Solicitor 75 (X I 1 U '" mU * Court Honse 28.75 County Auditors and Clerk llasS ! A 3 pSe2 ?Je Jury Commissioners 109 80 I l-I;* "i . ./• v;. - 4.44 Traveling expenses incurred by Commissioners in ' ; General Repairs aiT^liS' 1 " iJs?J discharge of official duties 8.31 i Insurance olTcourt ... " 75 00 oojvj 471 IO.W | 11(^.71 ELECTION EXPENSES: I JAIL EXPENDITURES: Spring Election 490.46 ! Coal 34« 44 General Election 490.82 ils 35 80 Montour County Democrat for official and specimen ballots Water Rent and Water Repairs 39.50 for Spring and General Election 50.00 . Clothing, Bedding, &c 18 04 Election Blanks and Supplies 24.00 Medical Attendance, &c 30.50 . Telephone Rent o 00 ASSESSORS PAY: Handcuffs and Nippers ll'-,o Annual Assessment 285.00 l Insurance on Jail and Jail Barn 199 00 State Tax Assessment 100. (H) Registry of Voters 311.00 ! . virr^rra Registry.of Births and Deaths 66 55 Rprlemnti™ fc n , LLLANt.OIS: Registry of School Children 141 u 112""// . " ,,S ...1100.00 ] interest oil County Bonds 315.(X) ! Sliort Loans and Discounts and Interest on same 88(55.51 BRIDGE AND ROAD EXPENSES: State Tax on County Indebtedness for 1904 36.80 Road Views and Surveys Ut; 50 County Teachers' Institute 127 66 Road Damages 168 00 .School Directors' Association 42.00 New Road in Mahoning Township *.!!!... 60o!o0 Support of Convicts in Eastern Penitentiary 470.13 Advertising for Bids for Road in Valley Township .... .. . . lo!o<> Support of Convicts in House of Refuge 1.67 J. H. Cole, New Bridge at Alexander Billmever's ' 298 90 Support of Inmates in State Hospital 433.00 J. H. Cole, New Bridge at Exchange * roresi tt 89 02 Lumber and Material for Bridges 317!88 General Bridge Repairs 548 50 'oust. Damage, Breaking Through Bridge 100.00 1 2234.81 w l !??? a 8 J 1 " 0 ® 111 . Certifying Judgments, tVc 63.30 vv liliam L. Sidler,Certifying Mortgages and Recording Bonds 17.50 DANVILLE RIVER BRIDGE EXPENSES: [■ Evans' Sons, Concrete Pavement, Steps, &c 1565.50 Henry It. Leonard, services as superintendent of Construe- iCs'finintv 11 /"', 1110 '.Street Paving » 634.65 tion i. A-no lJues, County Commissioners Convention 5.00 Paid direct by Commissioners of Northumberland (j* 'r ' pi'' ' 'i' 1 ' l•^ t '' ' U^V 16.10 County "023 50 u. u Sweitzer Plans ami Specifications 5.(K) 3 Bridge Insjiectore apjiointed by tlie Court of Dau- Williani'V °(i h'/i v \ rV - \ " D "", 335.00 phin t-o rpo on »iniam v. Oglesby, Auditing Accounts of Prothonotary, Paid direct by Commissioners of Northumberland * ! * K'ster and Recorder and Sheriff 25.00 Co .. . adj 1 a 1 | ——— - 84 -'84.10 j Total amount of orders redeemed in 1905 25614.41 FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF MONFOUR COUNTY. Toaoouit of Bonded Indebtedness % ntnom P.. , ... .. ~. ~~ To amount due Commonwealth for Taxes on County Indebtedness'for' Bv outstanding State TolS' " ' ! * 18 °S ™ To amount due Danville National Bank imi'S! ul Taxes for 1905 .'i!.'.".'i I.'! .'i. ! 15000 To amount due Joseph Longenberger ..!! ,m lil V- ! " n ' '"V la T fnr nm «>»•'' To amount due Clara Longenberger . -no'no i f K ' fixes for 19c4 60.07 To estimated outstanding bills " -!!' « ,/ amouut ( lro " ( «»umionwealth for extinction of forest fires... 44.51 Mio.ot) hsy amount dnelrom ( ommissioners of Northumberland County 1043.75 By amount of Cash in hands of Countv Treasurer 1480.06 13232.40 Liabilities in excess of Assets ..... 8330 10 13232.40 s. K HOFFMAN'. I'llßVStlliKK, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE SEVERAL DISTRICTS FOB TAXES AISISING FBOM UNSEATED LANDS AND COLLECTORS RETURNS. Taxes rim i\. .j j„ UK Treasurer'* Cora mission of b peri HnmsfM b>- Treasurer to tl.e s.. v . Italatie.- still • » ... Tl'*2 78 4 o .. ;... "... " 4 , "i!', EM Jl™isE±E:E:;| E =}=':• r- h:~f nl 7> • II VKI Ks w COOK. ) Commissioners Attest : HOK I' KC. BI.CK, Clerk. TO THE HONORF Til F I "Df q - - or-OKon. y\ LhI«fHOW ) Montour County, THOS VAN SANT. [skaiJ ) Ut«t: HORACE C. BLt'E, Cl«r A MAN DUBC.BH ULTZ ArMW ««- ANNUALNTATEMKNT OK THE Directors of the Poor OK Danville and Mahoning Poor Distri t for the year erd:ng January ist, 19 5. .112. P. BARE, Treasurer, 111 account with the Directors of the Danville and Mahoning Poor District. DR. To Balance due Directors at last settlement $ 369.27 To cash received from E. W. Peters 011 duplicate for 1901 20.43 To cash received from E. \V. Peters on duplicate for 1902 150.00 To cash received from E. \V. Peters on duplicate for 1903 120.49 To cash received from E. W. Peters on duplicate for 1904 329.( X To cash received from E. W. Peters on duplicate for 190.3 4756. 11 To cash received from E. (I. Wertman on duplicate for 1904 99.88 To cash received from E. G. Wertman on duplicate for 1905 455.87 To cash rec'd from J. F. Tooley 118.00 To cash received from J. P. Bare, Hahu estate . 34.00 To cash rec'd from Mrs. Thom as . 50.00 To cash rec'd from E. Rosen thal . . 85.00 To cash rec'd from Gregorj dowery . \ 5(5.00 To cash received from other districts . 83.75 To cash rec'd from Elmer Cromley . 39.00 To cash rec'd from Ed. Wert man.. 22.25 To cash rec'd from B. Green case 471.89 To cash rec'd from Oomley Young .. 15.00 To cash rec'd from Farm 569.57 To cash rec'd from W. M. Seidel 5.72 $7800.31 CR. By whole amt. of orders paid by Treasurer during year 1905 ' 7462.07 Bal due Directors at settlement 338.24 Directors of Danville and Mahoning Poor District in account with the district. To ralance due from Treasurer at last settlement 369.27 To balance due from E. W. Peters on duplicate for the year 1901 21.51 To balance due from E. W. Peters at last settlement on dup. for the year 1902 184.88 To balance due from E. \V. Peters at last settlement on dup. for the year 1903 134.37 To balance due from E. W. Peters at last settlement on dup. for the year 1904 523.87 To amt. of dup. issued to E. W. Peters for the Borough of Danville for the year 1905 5614.39 Penalty of 5 per cent, on 500.90 <1 up. for the year 1905 25.04 To balance due from E. G. Wertman at last settlement on dup. for the year 1904 . 112.28 To amt. of dup. issued to E. G. Wertman for the township of Mahoning for the vear 1905 ' 685.5 C Penalty of 5 per cent, on 196.13 on dup. for the year 1903 9.81 To cash rec'd from J. F. Tooley * 118. (X To cash rec'd from J. P. Bare, Hahu estate 34.0( To cash rec'd from Mrs. Thomas 50.0 C To cash rec'd from Gregory dowery 56.0 C To cash rec'd from Elias Ros enthal 35. (X To cash rec'd from Elmer Cromley. 39. Of To cash from other districts. 83.7." To cash rec'd from Ed. Wert man 22.23 To cash rec'd from B. Green case 471.39 To cash rec'd from Comlev Young 15.00 To cash rec'd from Farm 569.57 To cash rec'd from W.M. Seidel 5.72 19180.60 CR. By com. allowed to E. W. Peters of 5 per cent on 21.51,dup. for the year 1901 1.08 By exnerations allowed E. W. Peters on dup. for 1902 28.08 By amt. returned to com. by E. W. Peters on dup. for 1902 6.80 By amt. returned to com. by E. W. Peters on dup. for 1903 7.54 By com. allowed E. W. Peters on 126.83 dup for 1903 6.34 By com. allowed E. W. Peters of 5 per cent, on 346.40 17.32 By amt. returned to com. E. W Peters on dup. for 1904 .. 6.17 By exonerations allowed E. W. Peters on dup. for 1904 71.52 By balance due from E. W. Peters on dup. for 1904 99.78 By com. allowed E. W. Peters of 5 per cent, for 445.00 dup. 1905 88.90 By abatement allowed E. W. Peters of 5 per cent, on 4678.95 dup. for 1905 233.94 By com. allowed E. W. Peters of 5 per cent, on 421.05 for 1905 21.05 By amt. returned to com. bv E. W. Peters on dup. 1905 13.49 By bal. due from E. W. Peters on dup. for 19035 525.94 By exonerations allowed E. G. Wertman on dup. for 1904 7.15 By com. allowed E. G. Wert man on 105.13 dup. 1904 . 5.25 By abatement allowed E. G. Wertman 5 per cent, on 331.25 on dup. for 1905 16.56 By com. allowed E. G. Wert man of 3 per cent, on 314. - 66 dup. for 1905 9.44 By com. allowed E. G. Wert man of 5 per cent, on 158.- 02 dup. for 1905 . 7.90 By balance due from E. (T. Wertman on dup. for 1905 . 2C6.04 By orders paid by Treasurer during the year 7462.07 By balance due Directors at present settlement 338.24 $9180.60 Statement of orders issued during the year 1905 paid and purposes for which the same were issued. Directors' salaries $ 300.00 Steward's salary 375.00 Attorney's fees and expenses 167.85 Treasurer's salary 75.00 Clerk's salary 75.00 Auditing and duplicate 18.00 Transient paupers and expenses in settlement of case 27.00 Justices 17.25 Miscellaneous items 13.51 Printers bills . 48.00 Rent 63.25 Insurance 25.25 Physicians . 140.00 Horse hire by the Directors in their official duties ... 10.50 $1345.61 OUTSIDE RELIEF AS FOLLOWS. Medicine ... $ 34.60 Coal and wood 114.30 Shoes and clothes . 4.00 Undertaker 34.00 Paid other districts 66.98 Insane at hospitals 3039.75 General merchandise 671.60 13965.23 FOR MAINTENANCE OF POOR HOUSE FARM. Seeding, grain and plants $ 73.25 Lime and manure . 175.90 Shoe and shoe repairing 12.75 Blacksmith and wheelwright. 99.22 House and farm hands . 381.21 General merchandise . 241.83 Farm implements and saddle ware ... 304.57 Clothing, etc 86.27 < 'oal 182.13 Tobacco 39.20 Now furniture "(3.10 Meat bills 142.07 Drag store l>iil io.8.00 88 bushels of onions 10.00 1 bushel of onion sets 2.00 330 bushels of wheat 271.20 120 bushels of rye 67.20 012 bushels of oats 273.60 19.-6 bushels of corn ears 446.85 720 bushels of beets 180.00 8 bushels of buckwheat 4.80 2700 bundles of corn fodder 108.00 800 heads of cabbage 24.00 Lima beans 4.50 10 bushels tomatoes 4.00 600 bunches of celery 15.00 820 pounds of butter - 205.(X) 150 dozen of eggs 37.50 ♦2171.65 STOCK RAISED. 5 turkeys S 12.50 100 chickens 40.00 2 calves 17.00 20 pigs .. 100.00 51H9.50 Paupers admitted during 1905 .. 4 Left during the year 1905 6 Died during the year 1905 . 2 Number in house Jan. 1, 1905 15 Number in house, Jan. 1, 1906 11 Tramps relieved during 1905 84 Night lodgings, tramps 84 Meals furnished tramps 84 SHERIFF'S SALE. Sheriff's Sale of all personal, mixed or real property and all the corp rate franchises and corporate rights of the Danville and Suubury Street Railway Company, a Corporation chartered July 14th. 1904, by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to construct,maintain and perate an electric Street Railway located and situate in the County of Montour and extending through said county into the counties of Columbia and Northumberland as hereinaftei described. By virtue of a certain Special Alias Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Montour County to me directed, I will expose to public sale at the Court House iu Danville, Montour County, Pennsyl vania on Friday, February 23, i 906 at 11 o'clock, A. M. All the personal, mixed or real prop erty and all the corporate franchises and corporate rights of the Danville and Suubury Street Railway Com pany, a corporation chartered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on July 14, 1904 to construct, maintain and operate an electric street railway in .Mie Counties of Montour, Northum berland and Columbia upon and over the routes nad highways hereinafter described ; and all and singular its line and lino* of railway already construct ed, routes, rights of way, extensions, rails, ties, bonds, wires, poles, cars, tools, equipments and all property and rights whatsoever which the said street railway corporation has or may have in the said counties of Montour, Col umbia and Northumberland The route, lines and rights of way and extensions of the said Railway Company being described as follows: Beginning on a point on the River Road being a continuation of Market Street in the Borough of Danville, Penu'a. directly opposite the State In sane Asylum in the township of Mah oning, Montour County, Pennsylvania, thence in a westerly direction over, along and upon said road to its inter section with the Borough line of Dan ville and line of Mahoning township and Market Street in said Borough, thence westerly over, along and upon said Market Street to its intersection with Mill Street in said Borough thence in a southerly direction on said Mill Street, to its intersection with the Danville-Riverside Bridge span ning the Susquehanna River, thence southerly over, along and upon said Bridge to its intersection of the Coun ty lines of Montour and Northumber land Counties, thence continuing ov er,along and upon said bridge in Gear hart township, Northumberland Coun ty, Pennsylvania, to its intersection with the continuation of Mill Street in said township, thence over, along and upon said continuation of Mill street to its intersection with Railroad or Hazleton Avenue in said township, thence southwesterly over, along and upon said Kailroad Avenue twenty-six hundred and forty-five feet to a point opposite the tracks of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company,thence south erly under the tracks of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company to Third Street, thence over, along and upon said Third .-treet in a southerly direc tion to its intersection with Avenue I "E" thence over, along and upon Ave nue "E" in the Borough of Riverside, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania three thousand feet to its intersection with Ninth Street thence southerly ov er a private right of way for the pur pose of avoiding sharp curves, danger ous crossings and increasing the physi cal condition of the property of"the said Railway Company, to a point near drive way around Park, thence southwesterly around and in line with said driveway to Avenue "D" where it intersects with Tenth Street, thence westerly to east line of Torrence's Lane, thence southerly over private right of way through lands of A. T. DeWitt for purposes aforesaid along Qast line of Torrence's Lane to lauds of Mrs. I. H. Torrence,thence souther ly over private right of way for the purposes aforesaid through' lands of Mrs. I. H. Torrence 700 feet to Station 77-36 thence southwesterly over, along and upon said public road to a run crossing said public road, thence west erly over private right of way for pur -1 >osos aforesaid through lands of Mrs. I. H. Torrence 296 feet to station 30-27 at intersection of lauds of Maggie S. Campbell thence southwesterly and westerly over private right of wav through lands of said MaggieS. Camp bell for purposes aforesaid 1704 feet to station 47-31 at intersection of lands of J. Deyer thence westerly over private right of way for purposes as aforesaid through lauds of J. Deyer to a point n public road tlieuco over private right of way for purposes as aforesaid through lands of W. H. Ammeriuan to a point marked "O" iu public road and thence over, along and upon said public road southerly to lands of H. L. DeWitt thence by private right of way for purposes aforesaid through lands of H. L. DeWitt southerly to east side of ice ponds to a chestnut tree thence southerly to a point north west of ground house thence northerly to Station K2-69 at intersection of lands of Philip Snyder thence southerly ov er private right of way for purposes aforesaid through lands of said Philip Snyder 568 feet to Station 88-37 at in tersection of land- of Miller Estate thence southerly over private right of way tor purposes aforesaid through lands of said Miller Estate 885 feet to Station 97-22 at intersection of lands of D. K. Kcknian thence southerly over private right of way for purpose's aforesaid through lands of D. R. Eck man 566 feet to Station 102-88 at intersection of lands of John Wands thence southerly over private right ot way lor purposes aforesaid through lands of said John Wands 1112 feet to Station 111 at intersection of lands of Dennis A. McGee thence south erly over private right of way * for purposes aforesaid through lands of said Dennis A. McGee 360 feet to Sta tion 117-60 at intersection of lands of .lames Wirtmau thence southerly over private right of way for purposes afore said through lands of said James Wirt mau 1760 feet to Station 135-20 at in tersection of lands of H. B. Foust thence southerly over private right of way for purposes aforesaid through lands of said H. B. Foust 400 feet to Station 139-20 at intersection of lands of Charles A. Gulick thence south westerly over private rij;ht of way for purposes aforesaid through lauds of Charles A. Gulick 1291 feet to Station 152-11 at intersection of lauds of Oliv er Weaver thence southwesterly over private right of way for purposes afore said through lands of Oliver Weaver 1585 feet to Station 167-96 toa point iu the public road above cider press thence over, along and upon said pub lic road 1004 feet to Station 184 thence southwesterly over,along and upon said public road 1070 feet to Station 194-70 thence southwesterly over private right of way for purposes aforesaid through lands of James Enterline 2410 feet to Station 2 8-80 at intersection of lands of Margaret Mettler thence southerly over private right of way for purposes aforesaid through lauds of Margaret Mettler 1074 feet to Station 229-60 at intersection of lands of Jos eph Gulick thence southwesterly over private right of way for purposes afore said through lands of said Joseph Gulick 800 feet to Station 236-20 at in tersection of lands of Philip Mettler thence southerly over private right of way for purposes aforesaid through lands of Philip Metier 2072 feet to Sta tion 256-92 at intersection of lands of S. Reeder thence southerly over priv ate right of way for purposes afore said through lands of S. Reeder 974 feet to Station 206-76 at intersection of lands of P. C. Deats thence south westerly over private right of way for purposes aforesaid through land's of said P. C. Deats 2802 feet to Station 294-78 at intersection of lands of Ash ley E. Lawrence Estate thence south erly over private right of way for pur poses aforesaid through lands of said Ashley E. Lawrence Estate 607 feet to Station 305-21 at intersection of lands ot Hannah Kulp thence southerly over private right of way for purposes aforesaid through lands of said Han uah Kulp 440 feet to Station 309-61 at intersection of lands of Emery Eck man thence southwesterly over private right of way for purposes aforesaid through lands of said Emery Eckman 1617 feet to Station 325-78 at intersec tion of lands of Mary D. Rockefeller thence southwesterly over private right of way for purposes aforesaid through lands of said Mary D. Rockefeller 3168 feet to Station 357-46 at intersection of lands of.l. D. Eckman thence west erly over private right of way for pur poses aforesaid through lauds of said J. D. Eckman 1222 feet to Station 359- 68 at intersection of lands of Frank P. Eckman thence westerly over private right of way for purposes aforesaid through lands of said Frank P. Eck man ICBO feet to Station 370-C8 at in tersection of lands of Forister Estate thence westerly over private right of way for purposes aforesaid through lands of said Forister Estate 642 feet to Catawissa Road thence southerly over, along and upon said Catawissa Road 792 feet to {Station 384-42 at intersec tion of lands of Mary Oberdorf thence southerly over, along and upon said Catawissa Road 1486 feet to Station 399-28 thence southwesterly over along and upon said Catawissa Road 766 feet to Station 406-94 at iutersection of lands of Charles Moore thence wester ly over, along and upon said Cata wissa Road 1977 1 a feet to Station 426- 71 at intersection of lands of L. C. Dover thence westerly over, along and upon said Catawissa Road 859 feet to Station 435-30 at intersection of lauds of J. S. Clark thence southwesterly ov er private right of way through lands of Isaac Snyder 1501 feet to Station 150-31 at intersection of lands of Sam uel Riland thence southwesterly over, »long and upon said Catawissa Road 534 feet to Station 456-65 at intersec tion of lands of J. S. Clark thence southwesterly over, along and upon said Catawissa Road 2273 feet to Sta tion 479-36 at intersection of lands of D. W. Barnhard thence southwesterly Dver. along and upon said Catawissa Road fronting on propertiesof said D. VV. Barnhard, Isaac Shipe, Maggie Lyons, and Lester Shipe 1830 feet to Station 497-68 thence southerly over, ilong and upon said Catawissa Road )32 feet to Station 503 at intersection )f lands of George B. Weaver thence southwesterly 504 feet to Station 508- >2 at intersection of lands of W. Houtz (Oyster thence southerly over.along and upon said Catawissa Road 1666 feet to Station 525-58 to intersection of lands >f William Kick and J. G. Bright thence southerly over, along and upon said Catawissa Road 1654 feet to Sta :ion 542-12 at intersection of lands of Francis Donnel thence southwesterly jver, along and upon the said Cata wissa Road 798 feet to Station 549-46 •hence southwardly over private right >f way to i in]trove the physical condi tion of its road through lands of Francis Donnel 350 feet to Station 552- Mi at intersection of lands of L. T. Rohrbach thence southwesterly over private right of way for purposes afore said and to avoid steep grades 1121 feet to Station 501-27 at intersection of lands of Charles P. Rinehart thence southwesterly over private right of way for purposes aforesaid through lands of said Charles P. Rinehart 1207 feet to Station 576-24 at intersection of lands of W. 11. Druckenmiller thence southwardly other private right of wav for purposes aforesaid through lauds of W. H. Druckeumiller 1027 feet to Station 586-51 thence southwesterlv 2000 feet, more or less to a point mark ed "O" thence westerly to a point marked "()" in Catawissa Avenue thence southwesterly over, along and upon Catawissa Avenue in Borough of Suuburv, Pennsylvania to its iutersec tion with Reagan Street thence in a southwesterly direction over, along and upon said Reagan Street to its in tersection with Fairmount Avenue thence in a southwesterly direction over, along and upon said Fairmouut Avenue to its intersection with Mark et Street; thence across the said Mark et Street in a southwesterly direction over, along and upon Tenth Street to its intersection with Wolverton Street, thence iu a northwesterly direction ov er, along and upon, said Wolverton Street to it> intersection with Chest nut Street, thence iu a northwesterly direction over, along and upon said Chestnut Street to its intersection with Fourth Street thence in a north easterly direction over, aloug aud up on said Fourth Street to its intersec tion with Market Street thence by the same route to the place of beginning, and the route thereof as set out in its charter, viz:— Beginning at a point on Market Street directly opposite the State In sane As ■ lurn in the township of Mah oning, Montour County, Pennsylvania, thence in a westerly direction over, along aud upon said Street to its in tersection with tlie Borougli of Dan ville and line of Mahoning township thence westerly along, over and upon -aid Market Street to its intersection | with Mill Street in the said Borough thence in a southerly direction on the said Mill Street to its intersection with the Bridge Spanning the Susque hanna River, thence over, along and upon said bridge in a southerly direc tion tu the County lines of Montour and Northumberland Counties thence over, along and upon said bridge in Northumberland County to its inter section with Railroad Avenue in the townslmi of Rush, Northumberland CountjJ thence over, along and upon said Railroad Avenue in said township in a westerly direction to its intersec tion with Montour Street in the Bor ough of Riverside, Northumberland County, thence continuing over, along and upon said Montour Street in a southerly direction to its intersection with Sunbury Street in the said Bor ough thence over, alonu Avenue "D" to j DeWitt's Park. Also No. 2. Beginning in the pub lic road leading from Danville to Cata wissa being the river road on the north side of the Susquehanna River directly southeast of the main entrance to the Hospital for the Insane and at the in tersection of the tracks of the Sun bury & Danville Street Railway Com pany in Mahoning township County of Montour and State of Pennsylvania, thence easterly along over and upon 1 said road through townships of Mah oning and Cooper, Montour County, Penu'a, and Montour township, Col umbia County, Penna, to a point at the main entrance of the north side of the Cataw issa River bridge at intersec tion of tracks of the Columbia & Mon tour Electric Railway Company, Mon tour township, Columbia County, la. Also No 'Ay Beginning at the inter section of and Hauover Streets in the Borough of Northumberland, ! Penu'a., thence southeastwardly over Hanover Street to the .Borough line at and near low water mark of the Sus j quehauua River. Beginning at a point at intersection |of main road leading from Danville, Pa., to Northumberland, Pa., and a I public road or extension of Market j Street, in Danville Borough thence I easterly over last mentioned road to West Market Street in said Borough thence to and over East Market Street to Ferry Street, thence northerly over Ferry Street to Mulberry Street,thence westerly over Mulberry Street to Mill Street, thence northerly over Mill Street to end of Borough line and main road leading to Mausdale, thence north erly over said road to Mausdale, thence westerly through the townships of Valley and Liberty over main road to Mooresburg, thence southerly over said main road through the township of Point, Northumberland County to Third Street iu Borough of Northum berland, Penu'a., thence over Third Street southwesterly to Queeu Street iu said Borough. Also, No. 4. Beginning at intersec tion of Sunbury Street and Avenue "E" in Riverside Borough, Penu'a., thence over Avenue "E" to Ninth Street, thence westerly over Ninth Street to Avenue "D," thence south erly over Avenue "D" to DeWitt's Park. And beginning at intersection of Avenue "D" and DeWitt's Park thence southerly on Avenue "D" to Hushtown road in Gearhart township, Northumberland County, Pa. And be ginning at intersection of Montour and Gearhart Streets thence eastward ly on Gearhart Street to Sunbury Street. Also, No. 5. And beginning at in tersection of Mill and Front Streets in the Borough of Danville, Pa., thence easterly on Front Street to Railroad Street, thence northerly ou Railroad Street to Market Street in said Bor ough. Also:— Two 14 bench open cars. One generator and switch-board. Three complete turn-out sets. About 28tK> Railway ties. 8148 pounds of 4-0 feed wire. One reel - B iu. spau wire. 1712 Copper bonds. 500 9-foot brackets. 38 Iron box lightning arresters. Lot of over-head material. Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as the property of the Danville 6 Sunbury Street Railway Company. GEORGE MAIERS, SHERIFF. JAMES SCARLET. GRANT HERRING, Attorneys. HQ Hi! A Flollablo TIN SHOP Tor all kind of Tin Roofing> Spoutlne and Caneral Job Work. Stoves. Meators. Ran««», Furnaces. «to. PRICES THE LOWEST! QIJLITY TOE BEST! JOHN HIXSON NO. 116 E. FRONT BT.