808 Paper -—■ For lie Heme Ihe circulation of this paper is in creasing rapidly. It will pay you to advertise in the AMERICAN. SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER YEAR DR. IRVING H. JENNINGS, OJflct Uovrs 9A. M.to 12 M. 104 Mill IP. M.to iP. M Danville. Pa, IHVLTZ, M. 425 Mn.l. ST., DASVII.I.K. I'A. OiMMmefl of the Stomach nrni Intesiinet A Spwialt*' OR C. H. REYNOLDS. DENTIS— T-288 Mill St.. - Danville, Pa. Ltouttatry lu *ll ltc braucnriv Charge Moderate •»ml all work < •oaranteed CONDENSED NEWS. WANTED.—By Chicago wholesale and mail order house, assistant man ager man or woman for this county and adjoining territory. Salary S2O and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant ; i*>si tion permanent. No investment or ex perience required. Write at once for full particulars and enclose self-ad dressed envelope. Cooper & Co., 132 Lake Street, Chicago, 111. One of the pleaasnt features of the season is the decline iu the price of eggs. The open winter has stimulated the hens to action. In that maelstrom of activity, be it sooial, political, economic, criminal, what you will,that is identified on the map as New York City, one may al ways look confidently for something new, startling, instructive, piquant. Men with honest convictions and the courage of them an* wanted in council. Sunbury is to have a Municipal League ticket at the spring election. Even the best men are none too good for the school board. Don't help to elect inferior ones. A Washington, Pa..woman has with drawn her suit for divorce on condi tion that her husband tell the truth. If all hiubands told the truth the divorce coorta would be overcrowded. This oaae must not be regarded as a preced ent. WANTED—Bright ,* honest young man from Danville to perpare for pay ing position in Government Mail Ser vice. Box one, Cedar Rapids, lowa. Dennis Breslin, a brakemau who did I railroad work for twenty-five years and who never met with au accident, fell on an icy pavement at Hazleton on Wednesday ami was so badly injur ed that he died. The Agricultural Department reix>rt on ''records of dairy cows in the United States," shows that one farm er made $2.30 tor every dollar invested iu feed for his cows, while a neighbor made $] and another lost 50 cents. All had the same soil and same market. The Lackawanna lias recently had a goodly share of corn traffic from the Wabash, and as the loads averaged about 65,000 jxmmls to the car, the re venue derived was large. Some of the cars carried as much as 85,000. Dairy and Food Commissioner War ren will receive the hearty support of the public in his crusade for pure food products. Those who use deleterious preservatives should be forced to the wall. Sunbury is figuring on an electric fire alarm box system. From now on it is iu order to expect a gradual increase in jxditical activ ity. Good morning. Has your landlord increased yor rent yet? Well, after all it has been a decided ly easy winter on the coal pile. Washington society is agog over the coming wedding at the White House. The belief of sundry congressmen that the railroads receive too much money for transporting the mails seems to date only from the resolve of tlie ailroade to get more money for trans porting congressmen. Home Made Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. ROYAL 6AKINU PQWO6R CO., NEW YORK, Montour 3Vmrricim. "THIS COUNTRY WILL NEVER BE ENTIRELY FREE UNTIL IT SUPPLIES ALL OF ITS OWN DEMANDSWITH ITS OWN PRODUCTIONS." > OL. 52-NO 4. COUNCIL HOLDS IUW SESSION George Kocher, the new Chief En gineer of the Fire Department,appear ed before Council Friday and call ed attention to supplies needed by the fire department. The spray nozzle be longing to the Continental Fire Com pany is out of repair, he said, and car not be used. Repairs are also needed at the Goodwill engine house. He al so called attention to the need of a "smoke protector" for use in the Bor ougli. At the fire at the Stove Works the need of such a device,he declared, was very much needed and would have enabled the firemen to render much more efficient service. The lire pluf? at the Stove Works he reported as too low and said that under certain weath er conditions its efficacy might be much impaired. On motion it was decided that the matter of spray nozzle l>e referred to the Fire Committee and the repairs at the engine house to the Building Com mittee of Council. City Clerk Pattern was instructed to open a correspondence with dealers to ascertain at what price smoke protect ors could be purchased. Concerning the fire plug at the Stove Works it was the sense of the members that the Danville Stove & Manufact uring Company should interest itself in the fire plug at its plant, raising it to the height required to insure the best service. Mr. Feustermaclier stated that the annual statement of the Borough will ready for publication in a few days and he moved that the statement be printed in the "Montour American" and the "Danville Intelligencer." Mr. Goeser»secouded the motion, which carried unanimously. On motion the Chief-of-Police was ordered to procure new legs for the stove in the lock-up,which happens to be out of repair. The indemnifying bond of five thou sand dollars given the Borough by the Danville and Bloomsbur# Electric Railway Company was on motion of Mr. Vastine, approved by Council. A communication was received from R. H. Koch, General Solicitor of the Danville and Bloomsburg Street Rail way Company, relative to the imrove ments ou A street. He proposed that the Borough take the improvement off the Street Railway's hands and for a consideration do the work itself. He nsked also that the Borough vacate Cross street. Ou motion of Mr. Goes er, seconded by Mr. Vastine, it was ordered that the Borough take no part in the improvements,declining remun eration and that the Danville and Bloomsburg Street Railway Company comply with the original agreement with the Borough and fix up the street according to specifications. Iu regard to vacating Cross street Coun cil decided that it would not be ad visable to relinquish that thorough fare until the improvements on A street are completed. Borougii Treasurer Ellenbogen pre sented a statement of finances to date, which showed a total cash balance on hand of |6230.01. Mr. Feustermaclier reported nuis ance on Nassau street, caused by par ties draining waste water into the street, which lies in the gutter and be comes offensive to citizens. He asked something be done to abate the uuisauce. No action was taken. The'followiug communication was received and read before Council: Gentlemen :—Your attention is here by called to the fact that there is no pa~ement on West side of Ferry street lietween projierty of John Jacobs and that of Erwiu Hunter on South side of old canal bed. As to the necessity of a pavement there I think you will agree and give it your prompt attention. JOHN R. WALLEZE. On motion of Mr. Vastine the com munication was referred to the Com mittee on Streets and Bridges. The following members were pres ent: Gibson, Vastine, Sweisfort, Boy er, J)ietz, Feustermaclier, Reifsnyder, Goeser, Hughes and Jacobs. THE SlfflliS I HNTERTAIN The Sinker Club, a body of young - men banded together for purposes so - cial, and including on its roll only 3 members of the Y. M. C. A., planned - and executed iu a most charming man - uer Saturday, a very delightful and i out of the ordinary evening's enter -1 tainment —a ladies' night. The painstaking care of the mem i bers' preparation was easily discern ■ able in the smoothness with which i each of the features of the evening were carried out.aud iu the never lag i ging interest and enjoyment of the i occasion. ; I The large auditorium on the second i I floor of the Association building was beautifully decorated with the nation- j al colors, and divided into two rooms j by a large American flag; the smaller compartment being the lunch room. 1 Suspended over the platform from a large festoon was the emblem of the club—a string of doughnuts. A brief but most pleasing program had been arranged for the early part of the evening. Prof. J. W. Taylor recit ed "The First Battle With the In dians," from "The Courtship of Miles . Standish." A vocal solo by Miss Mar garet Ammermau was followed by a cornet solo by Harry Latimere. An address by General Secretary Johnson was the last number. The collation that was served is de serving of a most especial mention,and demonstrated to the young lady guests that their sterner sex hosts were past masters in the art of good cheer. The dainty menu approves the statement: Chicken Salad—Wafers. Sandwiches. Olives. Ice Cream —Cake. Coffee. Mints. Later in the evening Mrs. Arthur L. ' Pierce, who is a guest at the home of 1 her mother, Mrs. C. F. Johnson, en- ' tertained the young people with a ' piano recital of the college and popular ( songs and national airs, all joining in ' the singing. The guests of the evening were: ' Miss Freda Cook, of Renovo; Miss , Mary Lyons,of Wolvorton ; Miss Emily Voris, of Pottsgrove ; Miss Katherine < Vastine, of Bucknell University and 1 from Danville: Misses Clara Fischer, t Florence Price, Hattie Kase, Bertha t Kase, Emma Foust, Jennie Woodaide, t Anuie Miles, May Johnson, Ethel c Woods, Elsie Bennett,Mary Fry, Edith s and Jessie Kramer, Elizabeth Vastine, i Jessie Kimerer, Katherine Gearhart, t Margaret Ammermau, Marion Jones, i Loraine Philips, Sara Beaver, Pearl Vastine, Mary Wetzel, Mary Jameson, s Florence Trumbower. i The affair was in charge of two com- t mittees. The reception committee j planned and served the refreshments i and was composed of Robert M. Ja- t cobs, Vincent Evans, Jay Sechler. Harry \ i Orth, Ray Hauser and Edwin Maloy. 112 The entertainment committee was as u follows: Frank Brown, Harry Lati- ( c mere and Will McCov. 1 v Passenger Bus went Into River. The Pennsylvania Railroad bus at Berwick, which carries passengers between that town and the Pennsyl vania station at Neseopeck, yesterday morning, about 7 ::$0 o'clock met with a mishap which would have resulted seriously for at least some of its half dozen occupants and the driver, had these not jumped in time to save them selves. When the bus had reached the Nes copeck side of the river on the ferry, and had started up the hill, one of the horses was seized with a fit of ob stinacy. The animal reared and plung ed, backing the bus down the bank towards the water edge, and drag ging its mate with it. The bus was occupied at the time by two men passengers, besides the four ladies composing the Harmony Ladies' Quartette, who gave a concert at Berwick Tuesday evening. The ladies became terrified and in their alarm jumped from the vehicle to the ground. The two men more calmly followed their example. The driver was powerless, and the horses aud bus went into the stream. When the bus had reached the depth of several feet it upset, and the pas sengers' grips and suit cases were set adrift in the river. For a time it look ed as if these would be lost, but be , fore they had time to sink or float far down stream they were all recovered. Some of them with their contents were badly damaged. The cool water evidently had an effect on the vicious horse, as both an imals were led out after they had reached the depth of a couple of feet. The bus was badly damaged. When it was*fished out the top was found to be all smashed, the wheels injured, aud other damage done. The harness also was somewhat used up. Valley Township Nomination. The Democrats of Valley township have made the following nominations: School director, tliret- years. Charles Ploch and Norman Beyer. Road supervisors—one year, P. K. Maus ; two years, David Wintersteen, : Sr. ; three years, D. R. P. Chi ids. i Poor director—Levi Feustermacher. i Auditor—Harrv Wintersteen. Tax receiver—F. P. Appleinan. Justice of tiie Peace—Harry Porn wait and Thomas Crossley. i Judge of Election —Edward Delsite. Insj>ector —Edward Volkman. DANVILLE. I'A., THURSDAY JANUAKY 25, 190(3. IPROCEEDIMCS OF |i SCHOOL ItOAKD i : The proceedings at a regular meet ing of the School Board Monday'uight were slightly out of the ordinary. The I present method of marking employed where absence from school is concern ed, which is distasteful to some of the patrons, again came up before the board. James Scarlet, Esq. .appeared before the Board to protest against the rule in force in the schools, which in its operat ion as generally understood takes off five for every recitation missed. He inveighed very heavily against the rule, which lie considers very perni- I cious. First, because on children who are i sick, in effect, it operates to retard re | covery, keeping them in a continual worry over the loss of percentage. Secondly, because the rule is coer cive and in effect operates to keep children in school when they are in disposed and ought to be at home. He cited cases where pupils developing infectious diseases,fearing loss of per centage, were constrained to remain in school until very ill, thereby jeop ardizing their own lives and expos ing the other pupils to the contagion. Mr. Scarlet said lie was not before the Board to urge a return to the form -ler test of final .examinations. He did insist,however,that the rule be modifi ed and lie raised a question whether in the case of pupils kept-out of school by illness, on their return, taking up their studies and making the usual good averages, some plan could not be adopted whereby the boy or girl might be permitted to pass and be obliged to stand examination only in those branches or portions of the studies af fected bv the period of absence. A protracted discussion followed in which the members generally took part. They took Mr. Scarlet's sugges tions very kindly. They explained to the attoruev the real difficulty of the problem that they are faciug, taking care to show that the present system of marking was adopted as a substitute for the final examination,which when it was in force proved as big a bugbear to the public as the nresent system. Dr. Harjiel took the view that the system of marking is imperfect ly un derstood and is unjustly criticized. He denied that "five" is "taken off" for being absent. The fact is, he said, that the pupil is simply credited with . the time present, full attendance counting a hundred. When he is ab sent, of course, he receives no mark for his recitations, on the principle that the laborer receives no pay for work not doue. After Mr. Scarlet's departure the subject was discussed in all its bear ings, nearly an hour being spent in this way. The Board would like to please the public, which was so feel ingly and ably represented by Mr. Scarlet. At the same time it feels that its own experience and that of the faculty and Borough Superintendent must not be ignored. The Board is considering the matter deeply and just what course it may decide to pursue in the premises will not be known for a day or so. Oil motion it was ordered that the janitor of the First ward hereafter at tend to fumigation of school buildings in the First and Second wards, and that the janitor of the Third ward at tend to fumigating thy Third and Fourth Ward buildings. There are now two generators em ployed in the district and they are be ing kept in pretty constant use. Some doubt was expressed whether the generators are properly used and the best results obtained. The fact was cited that in several instances janitors have been seen seated in the rooms be ing fumigated while the apparatus was in operation. Under the circumstances it was not believed that fumigation WHS thorough. A committee representing the Seuior class, of the High School,appeared be fore the Board, asking the consent of that hotly to inaugurate a departure at the coming High School commence ment. The proposition is to have a class day, which implies a cutting down of the regular commencement program, aim having a class play, which in all probability will be a Shakespearean performance. On motion tlie proposition was re form! to the High School committee of the School Board, in conjunction with the faculty of the High School and the Borough Superintendent. The committee of the Senior class made the further request that the Seuior class be permitted to place its class pennant 011 the High School building. The privilege was refused, as it was believed that it would lead to tlie usual rivalry and contention among the classes that would militate very strongly against the success of the schools. The following members were pres ent : Adams, Orth, llarpel, Burns, Werkheiser,Fischer,Trumbower, Heiss and (Irone. The following hills were approved for payment: H G. Salmon #2.85 Ezra S. Haas. .50 O. M. Leuiger . 6.40 Danville Stove it Mfg. Co. . 1.05 1 Montour Democrat . 1.50 American Book Company ... 10.88 Arbutus in Hloom. Reports come from Glen Summit, Retreat, Laurel Run and Dallas that trailing arbutus is already in bloom there. This is indeed a rarity, as arbutus is hardly ever in bloom before the latter part fo April PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mapstone, of Suubury, spent Sunday with relatives in South Danville. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hess, of Bloomsburg,spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Rebecca Hess, Bloom street. Lewis Thornton and daughter, Miss Laura, r spent Sunday with relatives in Berwick. Miss Elizabeth Bucher, of Suubury, spent Sunday at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bucher, Riverside. John Scott spent Sunday with friends at Shamokin. Mrs. M. Cain lias returned to Bing hamton, N. Y. after a visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. •John Straub, Ferry street. John Danuer, who is employed on a trolley survey at Honesdale,spent Sun day with friends in this city. Miss Emily Voris, of Pottsgrove, spent Sunday at the home of G. Fred Jacobs, Mill street. John B. McCoy, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Thomas, Mrs. A. M. Butterwick, Mrs. Louisa Nice and Mrs. Mary Jane Gartland, will leave today for Lewistown where Mr. Mc- Coy will cater for a big party to be given today by Mrs. H. W. Sweigart. James F. Ellis, of Exchange, wan a visitor at the Court House yesterday. O. F. Ferris, of Berwick, transact ed business in this city yesterday. John G. Waite left yesterday for a business trip to Harrisburg. Miss Maine Beaver is spending the week end with friends at Berwick. Thomas Samuels, of Bloomsburg, transacted business in this city yester day. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Arms are vis iting their son Walter in Suubury. Miss Belle Hendrickson returned yes terday after a sojourn in Philadelphia. W. A. Sechler returned yesterday from a business trip to Chicago. Miss Mabel Rank, who has been the guest of Miss Maud Golder, at Suu bury, returned to Danville yesterday. O. B. Sweitzer left yesterday after noon on a business trip to Philadel phia. Mrs. William Pease and daughter Evelyn, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred Smith. Mill street, returned yesterday to their home in Philadelphia. Edward W. Peters will return this morning from a business trip to Har risburg. J. W. Bishop, of Reading, was a business visitor at the Reading Iron Works yesterday. Miss Elizabeth Good, of Berwick, is the guest of Mrs. Richard Metherell, Lower Mulberry street. Miss Margaret Breckbill and Miss Bertha Welliver will leave today for a visit with friends at Muncy. Clinton Shellhamer.of St. Clair,who attended the funeral of his brother Thomas Shellhamer, in this city re turned home yesterday. Miss Katherine Rea left yesterday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. John Dorris, at Huntingdon. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Laßue, of Jermyn, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Laßue,East Front street. Plot to Kill Pennypacker. WASHINGTON, Pa. ,*Jan . 24. —That Governor Pennypacker, of Pennsyl vania, and Governor Pattisou, of Ohio, as well as prominent officials in other parts of the country, were marked for death by a band of anarchists was learned yesterday, when Washington county officials raided the headquar ters of a society of anarchists and found convincing proof that assassination had been planned The plot to kill the State's Chief Executive was unearthed while the officers were hunting for the murder ers of Michael Carrazola, a wealthy Italian, who was mysteriously shot at Dunlevy, this county, last week.. The incriminating evidence was discovered in an old shanty located in a dense swamp at Baird, a small mining town ten miles east of Washington. Letters and papers were found which implicate anarchists at Paterson and other parts of the country and show that the plot was an extensive one. The first clew to the conspiracy was obtained when George Barli, au Ital ian, was arrested Monday night near Biard, charged with complicity in the Carrazola murder. In his pocket was found a paper on which had been drawn the plan of a small house where evidently he and others had been meeting. Had not the local band bungled in this one respect the plot would probably not have been revealed. FAR REACHING CONSPIRACY. Officers are endeavoring to suppress the importance of their discovery, but they admit they have evidence enough to implicate anarchists in all parts of the country. In the room where proof of the plot was discovered were found letters writ ten to leaders of the local society by men from Paterson and other cities. These letters show that the Washing ton band was delegated to get rid of Pennvpacker and Pattison and similar bands in other parts of the country were entrusted with the assassination of other officials in their territories. It is the untaxed dog which makes a nuisance of himself and keeps the citi zen awake at night OPPOSITION TO FIXINGSALARIES Unexpected opposition to the two salary bills came before the House yesterday morning when the bill to fix the salary of the Insurance Com missioner at .<(>,000 was on third read ing. Mr. Stroup, of Dauphin, moved to postpone consideration of the bill. Mr. Fow rose to a point of order that the Governor's call recommended abolishing fees only in the offices of the Insurance Commissioner and Sec retary of the Commonweatlh and that lie said nothing about raising the sal aries. Mr. Fow later withdrew his point and seconded Mr. Stroup's mo tion. Mr. Pusey, author of the bill .replied sarcastically. He said that the Dem ocratic members are alTobstruetionists. Messrs. Eaton, of Philadelphia ; Bol ton, of Clearfield; Hitchcock, of Tioga and McClain .of Lancaster, all spoke on the question. Mr. Crout, of Philadelphia, said that the present incumbents will not be affected by the present bills. "The proper thing to do is to abolish fees now," he said, "and allow the regu lar session next year to fix the sala ries. '' Mr. Creasy, of Columbia; Mr. Hob man, of Cambria, and Mr. McClain, of Lancaster., all took part in the dis cussion. When the viva voce vote was taken the Speaker hesitated in his de cision ; a division was called for, re sulting in 129 votes for postponement j and thirty-two against. Mr. Hoke, of Franklin, offered a bill providing that no more than $750, 000 shall be spent each year by the Board of Public Grounds and Build ings in erecting or rebuilding county bridges. TREASURY REGULATION BILL . Mr. Jackson, of Armstrong, intro duced the administration bill to regu late the State's moneys. It was prepar ed by Attorney General Carson at the instigation of tne Governor. The amount in any one depository shall not exceed $500,000; interest is fixed at two j>er cent. ; using State funds for ulterior purjioses is made a misde meanor, punishable by a fine of §SOO and one year's imprisonment. OTHER SALARY BILL POSTPON ED. When the bill to fix the salary of flie Secretary of the Commonwealth came up Mr. Stroup moved to postpone for the present, as he did 011 the other salary bill. The viva voce vote was apparently overwhelmingly iu the affirmative. Mr. Mover, of Lebanon, insisted on the yeas and nays. Mr. Creasy, who advocated postpone ment of the other salary bill until the status of the actuary and his fees should be laid upon each member's desk by tlie State printer,spoke against postponing the Secretary of the Com monwealth's bill, since everything connected with that department is clear to the House. Mr. Maust, of Cumberland, charged Mr. Creasy with gross inconsistency iu his attitude to both bills. The vote to postpone resulted: Ayes, 144; noes, 48. " RIPPKR" REPEAL PASSED FIN ALLY. The.house yesterday morning passed finally the Philadelphia "Ripi>er" re ntier, which is similar to the Scott bill, passed finally in the senate Tues day. One or the other of the bills will be sent to the governor immediately, and within a day or two the Philadel phia charter created by the act of 1885 will be re-enacted and revived. Death of Hrs Thomas C. Curry. Mrs. Phoebe Curry, wife of Thomas C. Curry, West Mahoning street, de parted this life at 8 o'clock last night. Mrs. Curry was iu ill health for ten years. For two years preceding her death she was in an exceedingly week ly state. Her condition during yester day diil not seem unusually critical and it was not until a very short time be fore her demise that the family realiz ed that the end was at hand. Heart failure was the cause of death. Mrs. Curry was a native of Montour county. During the greater part of life she resided iu Danville. She was a Christian woman, a kind neighbor, <1 generous and sympathetic friend, be loved alike by the members of her own family and those with whom she min gled in the church and in the commu nity. The deceased was seventy-two years of age. Besides her husband she is sur vived by seven sous and one daughter. The latter is Mrs. Lizzie Fisher, who resides at the parental home. The sons are as follows: Hugh and Ralph Cur ry, of Brooklyn; Dan. M. Curry and Dr. E. A. Curry and John Curry, of Danville; Thomas Curry, Jr., of Sun bury and William Curry, Esq., of Scranton. Due notice of the funeral will be given. .Surprise Party. A surprise party was tendered Ed ward Dietz, at his home on Chambers street, Saturday evening in honor of his 3'Jnd birthday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ashley and daughter Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz and son Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shutt, Mrs. Frank Wigerman and son Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Chaun cy Hollister, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kriner, sou and daughter, Mrs. Cyrus Dietz, Mrs. Mullen,Robert Dietz. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Everett and son Paul, Kathryn Shutt and Charles Riechline, of Bloomsburg. ESTABLISHED IN 185") TO ERECT FIRE PROOF BUILDING A force of carpenters was put to work at the plant of the Danville Stove and Manufacturing Company yesterday repairing the damage caus ed by the fire at the plant last week. The fire, which originated on the first floor, damaged the storv above to such an extent as to render the floor wholly unsafe in view of the weight that it is destined to carry and it was found necessary to replace it—joists and all with new. The damaged woodwork yesterday was nearly wholly removed. The Danville Stove and Manufact , uring Company has decided to build a large fire proof building to hold the patterns. At any manufacturing plant the patterns represent the bulk of val ue. Those at the Stove Works could not be replaced for much less than £30,000 and yet as is well known at the recent fire they escaped destruction only by the mere turning of a hand. Under the circumstances it is thought worth while togo to some expense in order to insure their positive safety. Accordingly it has been decided to erect an entirely fire proof building at a point convenient to the foundry where the patterns will at all times be kept. Where the patterns are stored at present—on the second story the wing extending northward—they are neither safe nor convenient. Addi tional room is needed in the ware house ami by removing the patterns to a safer place the space vacated cau be used for storing stoves. &c. The fire proof building intended for patterns will be of brick, 100 feet by 36 feet, one story in height. There will be no windows in the walls, the interior being lighted by skylights on the roof. General Manager W. A. Sechler yesterday stated that the intention originally was not to begin work on the fire proof building until spring, but that in view of the mild weather he did not think it unlikely that they might enter upon the work this winter —probably as soon as the repairs now on foot are completed. Cast House in a New Role. W. A. Shepperson is utilizing the timber in the cast house and the eleva tor shaft which he purchased at the Bessemer blast furnace being disman tled in the erection of a barn on his farm, Valley township, to replace the one destroyed by fire a few months ago. The timber is as good as new and many of the beams are of extraordi nary length. The trusses supporting the roof, which are held together by iron bolts, are very easily taken apart and can be conveniently hauled to the farm, where they will be put together again and used precisely as in the cast house. The big trusses, sixty-five feet long, lend themselves very convenient ly to the construction of the barn, which will be built on the old founda tion and will be a very commodious structure. The cast house is pretty well dis mantled. The elevator shaft has not as yet been attacked. The high struc ture contains a vast amount of good timber and will more than suffice to complete the barn, affording not only heavv timber but also weather boards. Want Passes For Hanging. Sheriff Ritldell, of Lycoming county says that next week he will solve the problem of how he will select from the 900 or more applicants the persons to whom he will give passes to the execu tion of James Salerno, the murderer of Elizabeth Carney, which will take place at Williamsport on February 8. The sheriff will cull out the ones that he thinks proper to refuse and passes will be given to the writers of the ap plications that are not iele.;ated to the waste basket, whether the number be large or small. "I will have no idea how many passes I shall issue," states the sheriff, "until I go through the big pile of ap plications in my possession. The num ber is increasing, too. lam surprised at the large number of requests to see the hanging that I have received from far-away places. There are a number from residents of Muncy, Montgomery, Salladasbnrg, Moutoursville, Jersey Shote and Sunbury, and other places more distant. A Derelict Ferry Boat. The remains of an old ferry boat broken and battered from contact with the rocks came down the river early yesterday morning and was caught by the well known riverman,Frank Ross. The boat is wide enough for one vehicle only, while in lengtli it is sufficient to accommodate three horses and carriages standing end to end. It is believed to be the boat that was car ried away at Berwick a few weeks ago and was partially wrecked on the rocks that form the riffles a short distance below that town. The derelict yesterday morning lodg ed against one of the piers of the riv er bridge, where it was boarded by Frank Ross, who piloted it down stream and brought it into shore this side of the creek's mouth. Richard.-Husnagle. Mr. Charles W. Richard and Miss Bessie Husnagle, of Pottsgrove, were united in marriage at the Reformed parsonage Wednesday morning by the pastor, Rev. Robert O'Boyle.—Sun burv Dailv. JOB PRINTING The office ot the AMERICAN being furnished with a large assortment of job letter and fancy type and job material generally, the Publisher an nounces to the public tnat he is prepared at all times to ex ecute in the neatest manner. JOB PRINTING Of all Kinds and Description DETECTIVE I GETTING BUSY A P. & R. officer was in this city yesterday endeavoring to detect the I'arty guilty of setting tire to freight cars in the yard of the Structural Tub ing Works. The latest attempt at incendiarism iu the Structural Tubing yards was made on Tuesday when only timely discovery prevented a valuable house car from being consumed by fire. It was a few minutes nfter 7 o'clock in the morning when the car, which was standing near the mill, was dis covered burning, tlie flames having al ready gotten a firm hold upon the woodwork at one corner. Several buck ets of water in the hands of the work men sufficed to extinguish the flames. A few minutes more, however, and the car would have been enveloped and other property, belonging to the Struc tural Tubing Company, probably set on fire. The car will have to be partially rebuilt. Scarcely two mouths have elapsed since the other fire in the same yard when a house car was nearly half de stroyed and the fire department was called out. Both fires seem to have started in the same way. in one corner of an empty car. On the first occasion an empty smoke-stained bottle that had contained kerosene was found in the car. On Tuesday there were no such plain evidences of incendiarism, but it is not doubted that both cars were wilfully set on fire, although it is not clear whether the motive was spite or the fire was started by a mere degenerate actuated by a love of mis chief. The full problem will no doubt be solved by the detective. Winding Up His Business. John Hooley, who lias accepted a position as General Manager with the Thatcher Furnace Company at New ark, N. J.,is getting ready to wind up business at his foundry on East Mah oning street, which from the present outlook may stand idle for an indefi nite time. Mr. Hooley has been doing work for the Thatcher company and between the present and the close of the month will ship all the patterns that lie has been using back to the home plant. By February Ist he himself will fol low, entering immediately upon his new duties as general manager. Mr. Hooley is unable to state def initely what the future will be of his conveniently situated and finely equip ped little plant in this city. Just as he is about closing up he realizes that there is an unprecedented demand for the several lines of work that his foundry turns out. Every bit of the product is sold. Under the circumstances it would be a loss to the town if the fonudry were to close up for the want of a good ex perienced man to take hold of it. It is hoped that some means can be de vised whereby the plant can be kept in operation. It is a problem for the Board of Trade. Snyder, Too, Has Bridge Trouble. Before the new s<>2,ooo bridge across Penn's creek, above Selinsgrove, will be accepted by Snyder county, the con tractors will have to explain some points in its construction. County Commissioner J. G. Lesher said Tuesday that the specifications call for a concrete floor and easy ap proaches. Instead of a concrete, a plank floor was laid, and wlmt is more peculiar, the planks were purchased by the contractors from Harrison Moy er, one of the retiring commissioners. The approaches to the bridge are not up to specifications. Loam and clay were used in their construction, while the specifications called for approach es built according to State road require ments. The approaches are so steep and muddy that a dozen teams were stall ed on them Monday, the horses sink ing in the mire knee deep. Commissioner Lesher says that the specifications must be carried out to the letter before the bridge will be accepted. Conference Announced. President John Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers of America, an nounces that he had arranged a con ference with the operators of the an thracite region to be held February 15. The place has not been determined up on but will likely be New York. Mr. Mitchell has been in communication with the operators since the Shamokin convention, when a committee repre senting Districts Nos. 1, T and 9, in cluding Mitchell, was appointed to meet with the operators. This is the first news of the negotiations having resulted favorably and a date of meet ing having been selected. I Small Blaze Causes Excitement. A slight blaze in a back kitchen, on the premises of John Mowrey, East Market street, caused a ripple of ex citement about 5 o'clock yesterday af ternoon. The family was absent from home at the time. Smoke was seen issuing from the building. Some neighbors made an investigation,found the blaze and extinguished it with a few buck ets of water. Meanwhile the fire bell was rung and the (Washington hose company responded. They had their hose unreeled and were ready to apply the water when they were informed that the fire was extinguished. No one can account for the origin of the fire.