Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, October 12, 1905, Image 2

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IANVILLE and bloomsburu
Qrovania for Danville 5.35 a. in.
Danville for Yorks 5.50 a m.
Danville for Robert* Store <>. 40 a in
Danville tor Bloomsbnrg tt.3o a. ui ana
every 40 minutes until \*.4o p. in.
Danville for Grovania 11 p. in.
irovania for Blooinsburg 5. .5 ) a. m.
Bloomsburg for Danville 0.00 a. ni. ana
every 40 minutes nntilp. ni.
V4O p. (Irovania only.
0.30 p. Danville.
Saturdays all cars will run through
rroin 7.00 a. m until 11.00 p.m. 11-40
p. Grovania only from Danville
and Bloomsburg.
SUNDAYS.—First car will leave
Danville for Bli<oinsburg at f*. J" a. 111.
anil every forty minutes until 9.40 p. in
11 00 p. ttrovania only.
First car will leave Bloouisburt; for
Danville at 8.30 a in.and every forty
minutes until ft.oo p. m. 9.40 to lirova
uia only. 10.30 p. Danville.
Special attention given to
car parties. Illuminated oars a special
ty. Rates on application.
Both 'Phones.
Win R. MILLER. Superintendent.
Pknn A R R.
Ml A. M. A. U.
va.l7 «• IS. 10 P. M
1.81 P M 4.31
** 451 *
1 H7 am Itl P.M.
J« I. * «" K K
I.(R A M * *•
lU* " 14.MP. *
i. 11 P. M « » *
%*S ** * M
r", N:»AY>
J <l7 a n 12 M P M.
i it P. K •
sorts s-^rra.
I S A M » *- M.
iKm «ssp. *
?.<S A M 3131 A.M.
i»P M * »P. M.
Tto ClUwi'i Ccws IIM
fK« Ml will kv;» ***
«h Uw «»» hp*# U
tuiM tx» «-M il»f rt»
liml, fcavtac AS suArv
iMAfe rf tMlllM A* r»*
lar*- sasetWr J At they ss*^>
tv are —»■ nmpkovxd a! V*r vartoas
iMIeMnM. Ron <iay or
■ : tar*. Tfef naw is to
M#vi llwtt a**a aa-itl-* following (lan
has be*a d<wt«2ai epca.
If agrwabte to tb# misuifrMl the
eoaanltM will *i» tO# men at the
varices works in tuaa, <-l<f\."ttߣ as
far as fossihi# tL# utva hour or ««*
other p-*iuvi that wit! interfere little
or uot at atl with the work.
The Daaville Stove ami Manufactur
ing Company was tlte one to take tl»e
initiative in the matter and the com
mittee was given fall prrmission to
enter the works. The committee ha*
altevly canvassed several departments
of the Stove Works, hot it has the
foundry yet to see. Th • noon hour
will be employed daring someday this
week in soliciting from the moulders.
The CommiUte is much gtatified at
the succeas alteadim tins method and
see in it a solutiou of the whole diffi
culty of raising money needed for the
Soldiers Monument. They have hopes
that those in cnarge of the other m
duatries of town will follow the ex
ample of General Mauager W. A.
Sechler and permit the so
licitors to see the employes at the
works, which is about the only time
that many of these capable and gener
ous fellows cau be seeu by the com
Hon. James Foster. President of the
Soldiers' Monument Committee.states
that it was decided at the last meeting
to print later on the full list of cou
tributors to the monument fund in the
daily newspaper.
riontour County Institute.
County Superintendent C. W. Den
was in this city yesterday and during
an interview stated that the Montour
County Teachers' Institute will be
held on the week of December 4th.
The sessions as osual will be held in
this city, the Danville corps of teach
ers as on former years participating in
the institute.
Among the instructors will be Hon.
Frank C. Powersox of Snyder county at
present member of the legislature, but
for nine jears previously, County Sup
erintendent. This gentleman is a
hustler.and there is nu doubt but that
be will keep thing* moving about the
institute. Among other instructors
will be L. K Magiunis. Superintend
ent of the Stfelton schools, and Prof.
Charles II Albert, of the State Norm
al School at Ploomsburg
County Superintendent Derr says
there will be no night lectures. His
experiente a couple of vears ago when
heavily was not of a sort to
inspire him with much confidence in
the outcomo of night lectures. Never
theless conditions hpve changed con
siderably since the last trial and a
good many persons are inclined to
think that the right kind of talent
would attract a paying audience dur
ing institute week It would certainly
add an attraction that would be ap
preciated by the teachers and others.
The rural schools are now open and
are pretty weil attended considering
that owing to the scarcity of hands
many farmers' children are detained
at home to a-sist in doing the'fall
work. The average ncm her of pupils
attending each of the rural schools is
twenty. A little later, after the corn
is husked, this number will probably
increase to thirty.
Qrapes Overhang Two Miles of
Carriage Drives.
Arbors loaded with Grapes, 2 miles
long and over 300 miles of vines train
ed on wires. This is the extent of
Speer's Oporto Giape Vineyard at
Passaic, N. J.
Indian Massacre Anniversary.
Preparations are being made at Lewis
burg for the elebration next Sunday
of the 150 th anniversary of the mas
sacre of Buffalo Valley. On October i
16, 1755, Indians swept down the West
Branch Valley and either killed or
captured every settler. i
Dr. P .0. Newbaker, President of
the Board of Health, was interviewed
yesterday on the subject of the old
canal, which occupied so much Hum
before Council at its last session. His
attention was called to the action of
Council requesting the local Board of
Health to take cognizance of the un
healthful condition of the old water
way and to lay the matter before the
State Board of Health.
Dr. Newbaker stated that alreadv on
two occasions the local Board of
Health had declared the old canal a
nuisance, which seemed to be the lim
it of their actiou. Iu the present in
stance the local Board have gone fur
ther and forwarded a communication
to the State Board of Health, a| pris
ing that body of the action of Council
Friday night and asking for enlight
enment as to what further action
would be advisable in the premises.
A reply is awaited with a good deal
of interest.
It seems pietty evident that from
now on the canal matter will be agi
tated pretty vigorously. The nuis
ani»e in the vicinity of Mill street is
bad enough, but it is no comparison
t« conditions which exist at the up
per end of the Borongh, where the
bottom of the canal is tilled with st w
age which impregnates the ataaosrhere
all a!nag its coorse. A n»eaab?r of
Oonneil is authority for the state
m<nttiiatat The next term the old
caoa! will be retoreed to conit as a
no ~A3ce by the constables of each of
tl* wards by which it is intersected.
child's Narrow Escape.
1)m foarlwn n<runhs cIA 4Kf) »r
«112 Mr ami Mrs. Grant Al*, P L A
W. *rf«Or.!.*» t**TJ IB *l3 eWWf-'ltngly
cnttcal (Mdiltm smk* ll<w#ny after
jkvw *s t • neseit of Si«v -■«£ »* %h «
rtmwjw * *ar« -1
ftHM. Ncthiac Nl III#
!•( <4 #s»rt*-s *»s «.e tinwly *m<r*2
.* tsw fkmcita >*Tfi J** <*>l4 3 ivy*
Q« Mo*® Jay *st- twaa ta :k •
tuwl «mKKM w» <»)*• <-•*« ■*■
«112 the Imc« * ili l - w #as
*-.*»d:»«S« SV*»* *>f » «• C\ RJ »?- -•; » #
■P(vr *fc*l«vs IM HtHl <U*fkl*r » >4"
i!m< u 3»*r f«*t jp(« «k*M t*s the Kv
tW of lb* lit poMM w> "vf I w
sJwit. IVter* the n»o»fc r :*als • d * *t
h»d jcr>m< th* «AtW h*l | tW
bottle to woiih as t >«*lK>w*<l
jwb-' of lh«>
l\irr\i»jn' saMitaatif ha* * 1 » ir
ritating a-ltoa on the Kvly ttssu«*»*j:d
tit# child BSUMIIt K'i'iU tv> H-iVf
frvtu ili# d«w. Mrs. Al« n cal't ! »»
some ot
uf nii'k an I whit sof * »t'W *K
auuistered as quickly a- possible Or.
Paules resp>nded to a hurry call mud
found Ih# child »n a tit critical eon
dilioo. dariat which tt nnmiwMl all
night. The »Bf#cl of tue jwisob w»s to
ulcerate the throat as the r -ult of
which the little oil' 1 nearly strangled.
Yesterday afternoon l>r. Paul- s -t*t> I
that the child was better ami he be
lieved that it would recover.
Dunn's Favorable Report.
Dunu's Weekly Review prints the
following favorable report in the cur
rent issue:
"Favorable trade ieports still pie
doiuinate and there is no anxiety re
garding the future. Higher temperat
ure checked retail distribution of
heavy weariug apparel and oilier rea
sonable merchandise, but preparations
for uuprecedeuted f»ll and wiuter
trade contiuue without diminution.
Superlatives are needed in comment
ing on real estate transactions, build
ing permits, bank exchanges and rail
way earnings, and tailure statistics
for the third quarter show a very low
commercial death rate. Industrial ac
tivity increases,a large tonnage of new
business assuring full time at the steel
mills still further into next year; foot
wear shops show much heavier ship
ments than in 1904, and the textile
taetories are well engaged. Better
crop news weaken d cotton and grain
prices slightly, but there will be en
ormous profits to the growers even if
quotations go still lower. No serious
weakness is feared, no matter bow
large the production, owing to the in
terest of exporters. Latest reports of
railroad earnings in September show
a small gain of 7 per cent, over last
year's figures, and foreign commerce
New York port provided an increase
of |2, 178,2fi0 in imports, and a gain of
$222,891 in exports as compared with
the same week of 1904 "
Madley's Moving Pictures.
The most recent moving pictures
will be seen here Saturday night when
Kdwiu J. Hadlev gives his entertain
ing exhibition. The picture* will cov
er a wide range of subjects including
the funny "chases," which are so pop
ular with theatre-goers. Mr. Hadley
needs no introduction, as he has. '"in
the past delighted hundreds of them
with his well shown picture". He
will give the performance at Armory
Hall, under the auspices of Company
Reformed Church. Strawberry
The Lord's Supper will be observed
in Trinity Reformed church. Straw
berry Ridge, next Sunday at 10:30 a
in. There w ill be preparatory services,
infant baptism and confirmation ser
vices on Saturday at 2:30 p. m.
Wards Off Pneumonio.
All coughs, colds and polmonai v com
plaints that are curable are quicklv
cured by One Minute Cough Cure.
Clears the phlegm, draws out inH tm
ination and heals and soothes the at
fected parts, strehgthens the lungs,
wards off pneumonia. Harmless and
pleasant to take. Sold by Paules<fe Co.
Entertained at Dinner.
Mrs. Oscar Va tine entertained a
nomher of her friends at dinner Sat
urday evening at her home in M tlion
ing township. present were :
Commissioner and Mrs. George M.
Leighow. Mr. and Mrs P. L. Diehl, .
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rishel, Mr. j
and Mrs. Frank Hagenbuch, Mr and
Mrs. Clarence Phillips, Mr. and Mi-.
Alfred Diehl. Miss Mary Diehl, Dav
id and Paul Diel.l
Matthew Law. an old and nearly
life long resident of Danville, died
i-uddenly from heart failure about 10
o'clock Saturday morning while sit
ting in the barber shop of Edward S.
Young, at Sunbury.
For the la-t year or so the deceased
was living with his daughter, Mrs
El ward Keefer, of No. 2J5. Awl
street, Suubury. He paid his last
vihit to Danville about Julv 4th,
spending a few days with his son, Jo
seph. on Hemlock street.
Mr. Law, who was eighty years of
age last July, left the home oi his
daughter at about :30 o'clock in his
usual health, and when he arrived al
the barber shop, he appeared to be iu
a 112 ttigue 1 condition. He was assisted
into the shop by a stranger, he
began to struggle for breath. Mr.
Young immediately summoned Dr. H
M Becker, who live* nearbv, but it
was too late.
When the doctor arrived, the last
spark of life had fled.
The deceased w»* a -oldifr in the
Civil War.and served witli distinction
in Company K, 173 Regiment Penn
sylvania Yolnnteers.
He is >orvived by nine children, as
follows: Joseph and Daniel, of Dan
ville; Matthew ot Milton; Mrs Kath
erine Hamilton, of Reading; Jani»s
and Robert of % ilkes-Farre; Mrs.
Philip Deck, ol Sri.nylkill Haven.And
Martin and Mr» E K Keefer, of Son
Hid Yosrsrif of UraeoMSMj Bmdtss.
Doa't hear ■nawvstsry hardeas.
of * bad hack are BBiw>-
ttfi rid of t»*ni
l\ %■"> Kila>ry Pihad ts;
OtsT* 1 i*n»e, wtM and artan« barks;
Osre every forwi of twwy ills
Lois of e-skcsMß! Nt to prove th:>
Nil«s K»y. of 4V>
Fust Sis, Bl«wi.'fc»iy. «ay» "the
I <t>t»M»>t I «t*Ae ra I>S ss aKttl all
I .-Mi s*v *»v ftpnw<v
i with IKvm V Kv4wy IMk I have not
'■-a : any * e stiwv I e*««4 tsv-aa
PelWMre takiim th»» rwwte4y I ha>d chills
*M wy S»i. tie l«-i!*s
. riMDei hy a * at# a* 4 <4*ll hot
;«m ar»l 1 cftwi lat |«i« tn my h*wi
as w*ll I was- also very moeh MM»oyv4
by t » ftv a, tiM rf the nJ*at
;tI *>»<! Many rvmeHie* with
Mt t>4tef awttt I e< IVvar s
Kutwr v p lis am 4 1 ofctai«*4 a K«,
T* - v *«revi amo I tvaw h».i wo
return tit th* tiowhle darirg tlx 1 112 a>t
• ? g * tt'Ms. I k«H>* of ««ve»al etl er
I p*o|<le it* Kleomshavf: who haw »msl
IV*n - Kt«i«ey Pills with ult*
I and who s|**k ot th*m in the very
t rmsv"
For sa><» by atl dealers. I'ri *e 50
i.-enrs. Foster Mtlhnrn Co . Futfalw
iN. Y., sole a«f«is tor tlw QaM
States, Kfuicmlvr tbenauK l
suid take no other
Injured in 3 Runaway.
Samuel Wett)man, wife aud thtee
childreu were injnM in a serious
runaway, which took plcae ni Ma
honing township, on Sanday. With
oue hors- they were driving from the
Bloom r >ad. across to their home in
Ftosty Yalley aud were descending a
lull whcu a dog ran out from a farm
house and began barking at the horse.
At the first appearance of the dcg the
horse t< <>k fright aud ran away. As
he dashed down the hill the wagon
upset and the cccupauts were thrown
All were liutt more or less, but
the worst injuries were sustained by-
Mr. Weidman and the youngest of the
childion, a mere babe. Mr. Weidman
had to be removed to his home on a
cot. No bones were broken, however,
but the injuries sustained by the man
are sntlioient to keep him in the bouse
for some time. The babe was doing
well yesterday.
Cabbage Worm not Poison.
Prof. H. A. Surface, of State Col-
lege, economic zoologist of Pennsyl
vania, declares that he is ready to eat
a cabbage worm to prove that a wide
spread belief that this particular kind
of worm, it eaten, will cause sure
death, is entirely unfounded. Many
of the worms have been found in cab
bage sold here this year.
It was recently reported from Blooms
burg that the entire family of Ambrose
Sitler, a farmer, was in dread of sud
den death because they feared that
they had eaten a cabbage worm.
When the attention of Prof. Surface
was called to this incident, he said:
"Such a worm is sometimes found in
cabbages, hut it is absolutely harm
less A few years ago the belief that
it wa- poison was so prevalent in lowa
that many farmers stopped planting
cabbage-. Prof. H. E. Summers, state
zoologist of lowa, to prove that the
worm, or snake, as it is sometimes
called, is perfectly innocent, ate of
them in the presence of respectable
witnesM-j. To show that the cabbage
worm is harmless,if auyoue will bring
lue one, I will, in the presence of wit
nesses, eat it as Prof. Summers did."
"Will you eat him alive?" he was
"Yes, I'll eat liiafailve." the pro
fessor replied, laughing.
liirthday Party.
A party was given at the home of
William M. Heddens, West Mahoning
street, Friday evening, in honor of
the Ci-!nil. birthday of Mrs. O. Sween
ey. Refreshments were served and a
most delightful evening spent. Many
presents were receive 1. Those present
wero: Mrs. Peter Mottern, Mrs.
Charles Hemerly, Mrs. Lloyd Cash
ner, Mrs. Jennie Mottern, Mrs. Ming
ing. Mrs. Thomas, Mrs A. H. Hanpt
| \liss lloats, Mrs. Persing, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Mottern and son Marvin,
Mrs. Heller and daughter Berth a,
Mi-« Amanda Shearer. Mrs. Watts,
\rthur H-ddens and Miss Beulah
Cattle Were Infected.
Veterinarian J. O. Heed, yesterday
received a letter from Dr. Schreiber,
the offi"ial in Philadelphia to whom
WIT-' sent the diseased Jers* y cattle
discovered in the herd at Castle drove,
which stat 'd that the cattle in ques
tion ha<i been slaughtered and wera ,
all found infected with tuberculosis
The Danville II S. foot ball team
was defeated Saturday afternoon at
DeWitt's Park by the tram representing
the Bloomsburg High School, in a
liard fought gauie that reflected upon
tlie local eleven nothing but glory.
Danville played their opponents to
a standstill throughout hotl» halves, it
beiug in tlie last few minutes of tha
second half that Bloomsburg was able
tn score, and then by reason of a lit
tle hard luck coupled with a slight
misjudgment on the part of the Dan
ville team in rushing the hall when a
tick might have taken the pig skin oft
of dangerous ground.
Both the offensive and defensive
playing of the High School team sur
passed the foudest hopes not ouly of
the coachers, but of the players them
selves. They did not know how strong
they were. During the first few min
utes of play Bloomsburg seemed to
gain ground at will, but the stage
fright soou wore off. and the D.II. S.
line was practically impiegnab'.e. Af
ter this it was only by end runs that
Bloomsburg could consistently ad
vance the ball.
Some hard practice will be given
the team this week, and an endeavor
made to elimma: > the faults shown
in Saturday's play.
The line op:
Danville. Positions Bloomsburg
Williams left end Girton
Swank l~ft tackle Sollid'T
Arm- .left guard Merckle
s|m«oo1 ovnt-r Manslell- r
Ryan . .tifftit guard McKelvy
Sechler right tacMe Fmokiaj
Hauser right end Gt-ddis
Moms quarter hack Alien
Sjaide .left half ba.k Hemingway
KjwwtsM right >,a!f ba k Rmker
Peters Ml ha~i Saltner.
Snorts Rl<wwr*ers Hijtfc School ft.
DaaviUe High fltlml ft. Tww**ew»,
Kmker Goal. A lie* R,»f*tw, Jk
eh*. r*pn*, Utd*
Hart mar. and IV ice
T* CM* a IV!.:» Oat I\*v.
WtellTinTt MDiO qontlNK
Tahirtsv A '. <Jracw*s nfn»l xwt
if st thai- t»K W tirviVv -
«•* les«« esaeh
Birth and IVath KIMVTJ,
Alter January Kt „ rt #v\l
ifwty birtt* *r I i« »l m Bli<> «4
(Vnttsylvatu* su *5 r> ported 10 tK*
e£kvr »not vrge «»f t v «rv~
in it «v»r> and wtitSvAi > is>«*d by
the authorities.
The late apprv*pti»tvd
for the e-tabllshMent of a
oentiat bureau of vital statistics to be
under the supervision of the state
board ot bvalth and have charge ot
the state rvgistrate of births and
deaths. The state urili be divided in
to wui»lri»tt(W distn t*. one for each
city, borough and township. This
uew department #1 I relieve the as-
INMN of a portion rf work, as here
tofore they have attended to the reg
istration of birUi» and death*. iecei»-
ing a fee of five c< n»s foi «ach one.
A state registrar. a medical prae
tioner for at least ten voars will be
at the head of tt« - deputoi* nt, a-id a
local registrar will preside over each
district. All deaths must be promnt
ly reported to him ami no one ran be
intern d uutil a death certificate has
been issued, giving the name and the
occupation of the deceased, tlie cause
of death, parents' names aud address
es, etc. Bach birth must also be re
ported and a certificate issued. In
ease of plural births a certificate
must be issued for each child. The
local registrar provides all blanks and
receives a fee of 25 cents for each
birth and death recorded. The state
registrar gets a salary of $5,000 per
year with SS,OOO lor four assistants
and |5.000 for incidental expenses.
Dizziness or Swimming of the Head Asso
ciated With a Sense of Fullness. Dull
Pain or Nervous Sick Headache is
a Certain Indication of an On
coming Apoplexy or
If the person subject to attack of
dizziness or swimming of the head,
commonly called vertigo, would only
stop to realize that these symptoms
are not a disease 111 themselves, not
temporary ailments, but the plainest
sort of warniugs from nature of grave
troubles of deeper origin, of an ex
hausted nervous system or of an 011-
coming apoplexy,epilepsy or paralysis,
the matter would receive prompt at
tention. l>r. A \V. Chase knew this
and provided the cure 111 his celebrat
ed Nerve Pill, a medicine that hiings
back the glow of health and strength
bv its power to furtiinh just what the
illy fed, half staived nervous system
needs, good, rich, whoicsone blood
aud uerve force or «u°tgv.
Mr. E. Smith, of No. 1 Union Stre t, Troy.
N. Y , says:
"I used to suffer constantly from
nervous headache and dizzy spells.
They came on at any time and in any
place—l was never safe from them—
stooping over always resulted ill verti
go—my head pained me as well. 1 got
a box of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve
Pill* and they cured the trouble rapid
ly, easily and completely. It is the
best medicine I ever took. I am as
sound as a dollar again in every par
ticular and very gla'l to recommend it
to any one in a similar condition as a
safe and certain cure " 50c a box at
dealers or A. A. Chase Medicine Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. Portrait and signature
of A. W. Chase,M. I, on every pack
age. Sold hy J. I), (iosh & Co., 101'
Mil street, Danville, Pa.
Athletics in sunbury.
The Philadelphia Athletics, whose
great fight tor the American Associa
tion base ball championship has at
tracted almost world-wide interest
will plav the Sonbary team at Sun
! bury the 18th of this month.
Residence Painted.
George S. Tilson ha« just completed
painting the residence of William M.
Heddens, West Mahoning street. The
colors employed ate Krencli grey and
silver grey ami the effect is much ad- .
The following extract is from a let
ter written by George W. Ward of
Philadelphia and printed in the "Kec
ord and Star" of Watsontown:
"Lew, 1 want to thank you and all
the boys up your way for the splendid
manner in which you entertained my
<•011, Ellsworth, and myself while on
out trip over tiie Heading road, par
ticularly Comrades Bo wit. Mart/., Al
bright, Baker. Eggert and Moutague.
Wo certainly had a good time. Our
stay ot one <iay in Danville was well
enjoved, for under the chaperonagc
of Richard vvc saw and painted that
town, and can now assure the hoys
that Richard is not a "has been."
Through his invitation we spent the
evening with t *-o 1 »dy friends and
were splendidly entertained by them
singiugand playing on the piano many
of the waybark songs of our child
hood as well as armv day>. among
them being "Seeing Nellie Home,"
"Old D.lll Tuclier," "La-t Rose of
Summer," "Trtmp, Tramp," "When
Johnny Comes Marching Home," (tc.
Richard also sang two or three antebel
luni songs and accompanied a little
tot of a girl on the piano and banjo
while sli • sang. Then at Tamaqaa,
Mrs. Maitz. i:i tlie absence of Joe, eu
tert lined cs a couple of bonis with a
historic description of Tainaqna. and
had a le-ili-tic display of the fire com
fames of the town for nor benefit
We certainly dil enjoy seeing the vol
unteer firemen "Jump Her, Roy*,"
a< in our boyhood days we had so ot
t. n with Tlie Xav-Aog llos* of
Snutos. Of , -«e, if all new
to Kll> «Mrt: . l«e never knc* »nv
thing but 5 vl ircHwn, as *> have in
Phil»itelp)ii». aiii I rrally 112 <>nsht tn«
hair w»- * t»r»«hter rod he saw it*e
n of<iqa<i "VVlKiop >r-«p"
in Irsc T«l*«nw sttif. We n:ot Jo^'
M*rts w» oer » **• t v?w *t * st%rt<*«
sowre mites »!v*v Yarwaqtt*. an.i tie
s*yv l»e ikmA< to tii .1, *n W tK
«uh »> thi« WrtMh J<A
XN.V» is «**» ■> of lb* *H MMMN 5
ilk MTtlimt to »•» oon«< j
H *tt i : wnc< v v\\ W »ri.
Nf« Curv tor CiiK^r,
A.l v *k »< » In «w
h« W runlK >»* I*xko*;l<n» < A«**«•*
J*v \\ % <4 <S»! V V* » i
- *' llviawvr «* *t li|< for
*» l K*H> ,
» V»«>*■» tw»l»A >». »«* •
t| >- *> U,"vk* ant <*t«»h> j
(m t »; 1 »l l'>»l - A
**©'(!: dlttS SjrtW
John \. HmvwS NOV Hold.
The Pwerto li Kaul# »»«»«-« d«*>
o» Son- wi>- lillt. print* aw artulo
KUIIIK to Jt> «» V II r s formMMtv
el will (■*> wail w«th in- j
tei>*t by Mr ft'Wt'* tuAt v friend*
u> tb:s ■ itt
Mr lit'O - r In* 112 > n a< Sail Juiii for
three years. nil lias acquired an »»-
v»-*t l*» »o|MS»l*luvu as a hotel nmtager. •
hotel, I. >s ISlnas. l* > 112 tin- j
tiuvst in tl»t' Indies. an \ ttie
lueeca ut tourists
The ailirlo. which i- printed in
Spanish au 1 Knglish in the Kagl® fol
lows :
"San Ju »n. September 17. —Mr. Jolm
A. Heaver, p '[rictur of the I lot*'l La* '
Paluias. for several wwks lias been
negotiating to acquire the lease of
tlie Hotel Olimpo property. He ex
pects to receive definite word from the
owners in Spain by the next mail.and
if he can secure the property he says
he inteuiW immediately to renovate j
the establishment and have it ready
for occupancy on December first.
"It is Mr. Btaver's plan to ruu the I
establishment on American principles, j
and as no other hotel has ever been j
conducted thus in Putrto will j
be a marked innovation. There are 5(5 .
rooms in the hotel and tnese are to be j
furnished new throughout. The ,
kiosko is to be converted into a bill- !
iard hall, the yard is to be cleaned up j
and the grounds made as attractive as (
possible. And. what is perhaps more ;
important, the cuisine is to be under
the direction of an experienced chef
who will be brought from New York.
"Mr. Reaver, if he receives favor
able advices from Spain, will leave
for New York at once to purchase the
furniture. He will continue Las
"The steamship companies are also
preparing for a rush this winter, and
it is J robable that more tourists will
visit the island than ever before. "
Plans to (let Rich.
are oltcn frustrated by sudden bieak
down, doe to dyspepsia or constipa
tion Dtace up and take Dr King's
N w Life Pills They tike out the
materials which are clogging your en
ergies,and give you a in'w stiit Cure
headache and <iiz/.i«e«»- too. At l'aules
iV: Co s drug -tore; 25c , giarauteed.
Bloomsburg Fair.
Tin Col imhia County Asncnltoral
Soc oty- \\ ill h'M its 51st annual ex
hibition oil October 10-11-12 and 13.
j From all indication* t!io coming Fair
! will eclipse all former cues. An at
tractive speed program l as been ar
ranged as follows: Wednesday, Oct
ober 11. 2 :1S Pacing, 2 ;27 Trotting and
! 2:40 rla»s for County horses. Thurs
day, October 12, 2:15 Pacing, 2:17
| Trotting, 2:21 Pacing and free for all
1 county horses. Friday, October 13. |
2 :10 Clas<,2 :22 Trotting and 2:22 Pac
i lllg.
Frto attractions will consist of
Parker's Trained Dogs, White and Lam
liart Acrobats,and Tessier on Wire and
Trapeze,making six acts,daily in front
of grand stand.
The Poultry department will be a
show in itself.
All are most cordially invited to
continue contributing to the success of
the Fair l.y exhibiting the products of
the Farm and Household.
A Pleasure to A I
No Pill is as pleasant and positive as
DeWitt's Little Karlv Kisers These
Famous Little Pills are so mild and
effective that children, delicate ladies
and weak people enjoy I heir cleansing
effect, while strong people say they
are the best liver pills sold. Sold hy
l'aules & Co.
The Geisinger homestead 011 Oenter
street, Saturday evening, was the
scene of one of the most brilliant and
enjoyable affairs ever held in Danville
the occasion beiug a dinner given by
Mrs. A. A. Geisinger in honor of tlie
choir of the Mahoning Presbyterian
Mrs. Geisiuger entertains the choir
each year,and the afta'r is always an
ticipated with a great deal of delight,
but this year Mrs. Geisinger not only
surpassed her previous efforts, but
entertained her guests in a charmingly
pleasant manner that lias seldom if
ever been equalled in Danville.
All the arrangements for the diuner
wore placed in the banns of .lolm H.
McCoy, and in the eclat of th<} func
tion was clearly discernable the touch
of his master hand.
The guests, fifty in number, were
all seated at one table. The decora
tions, beautifully arrauged in a color
scheme of pink and green.were of car
nations, roses and smilax Foulk's
orchestra furnished delightful music
during the eveninc.
During tlie dinuer James Scarlet,
Esq ~ responded to a toa-t on behalf
of the.choir, gracefully expressing the
appreciation of the members to then
The gnest* were: Heir, and Mrs
Robert L. Stewart, of Lincoln Un
iVf>r*ity, Rev. Robert B. Jack, Mrs
Alexander Jack and Mm Jack,of Haz
leton ; Miss Clark and Mr Lindsev, ot
Bilt>!>urg ; Miss Klsie Hick*, of Kspv;
Rev. and Mrs. James K. Hutchison,
Dr. and Mr». James IHtlesby, Mr. and
Mrs If. M. Hinckley, Mr. and Mrs
David Shelhart. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Hailey, Mr. and Mrs James Scarlet.
Mr and Mr*. Chatles Lyon, Mr. and
Mr* Theodore Doster, Dr and Mr*
n,- rjfi A fllwt, Mr. and Mrs Will
iam u. McClore. Mrs Kmma Mrlien
rv, Mr*. J H McCoy, Mi*> Hattie
Si Winston, Miss S»e the BhM
C*l„ KlJa and Anne Lyon Miss Lizete
K«M«|| t Mis* Jowphiw <\m>art. Miss
M ars*r>i Amnrerman. M:** Sara Ya*
nw. Ms* Julia Kac|t, Miss Berth*
W«»U»y r, J K Mnorr, Frank iVosart
and VSalt' T Rssw-11.
\vtoni>hint ItKiJenls.
It wa*. M ail t*er fwMs an a*t.*i
- jrt »r. N »'<l'f«* > t1 at Mr* I. K lUnt,
«t K *<p<\ , *» <«msl of h*t
lr> a Uttl wotnw "IKdlMIt"
arit v sx *»Ad «iw»
«ct»h*n wM tw the U«i Un
\\ 51; oVt ; * of tfc<r*p»»r Wt
iMtIMM, *K<l I Was A
<\etw el 4wtww*Nwejr% I I*-***
t - t.*v K5 trw l»stl*t* let tn*H»l
M«1 Itm t\> »»»
»vK - w «-t»t *4 I* *> I*'
At OMCV V*»t A»» »<>W «r<l»>»»»M»l* A*d
win* rt*u»r*d tw W»saltt» " Vt
l v A«:»* NV *V '* *t*»»r . pne* 3*V v
Foot llall shcJuk
Will M*l\t lia* |MNM>tt«llt
oo«u- Med llv seHedwle of ca»»« * to l«*
I!ay dby ilie lUuville High School
it' t hall I "*w IM* fell. The xcltod
n!t> whirl) follows »lw*« limt four
aioro gvu * arc to I* pi V» d in lhMi-
BlomttsUurit II S ai Danville. Oct.
Northumberland II S at Danville,
Oct. I4tl).
Bloouisbarg "• S. at HloftiMubmi,
Oct 21st.
Northumh -iland H.S . at Northum
licrUml, Oct. JJXtli.
Watson town H S. at Watsontowu,
Nov. 4tli.
Wat son tow ti 11. S. at Din»illo,
Nov. lllh.
On November 18th and 2Mb Dan
ville will play the Milton H. S., one
game here ami one at Milton. Ou
Thanksgiving Day the Notiual Seconds
will play at DeWitt's Bark.
A* a conseqneaoe of the weak points
shown in S»turday's game, a general
shak? tip will occur iu the team this
week, an 1 the men will be coached
strongly to overcome the faults that
have developed iu their play.
The plucky showing made by the
team iu the game with Bloomshurg
demonstrates that the boys have
plenty. of nerve, and with tint to
build on almost auythiug can bis ac
If tiie pupils make the most of their
opportunities the High School will
develop this year the best team it
has ever had.
For All Kinds of Piles.
To draw the fire out of a buru. heal a
cut without leaviue a scar, to cure
boils, sores,tetter,eczema aud all skin
and scalp diseases,use DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. A specific for blind,
bleeding,itching and protruding piles.
Stops the jain ui-tantly and cuie*
permanently. Get the genuii.e. Sold
by Paules & C\
Dr. Patten ."loves to Danville.
Dr. It. S. Batten, of Washiugton
viile, yesterday moved to this city
taking up his residence in the Bowyer
property on West Maiket street. I)r.
Batten's practice in Washingtonville
will be taken up by Dr. Snyder, of
New Columbia, cf whom the Miltou
Standard has the following to say:
"We are exceedingly sorry to learn
that our doctor is going to move out
of our town. Dr. Snyder has huilt up
a I i:.-je practice here'and is well lik
ed. He coit«iu!v understands his pro
les* ion.
Catarrh and May Fever.
Liqn 1 Cream Balm is becoming
■juite a- popular in many localities a*
Ely's Cuini I! «1 hi sol id. Itisprepar
r> I for ;i • hi
I r zei! by those who have been ac
cu-tomed to call upon physicians for
such a treatment. Many physicians
are using and prescribing it. All the
medical properties of the celebrated
Cream Balm are contained m the Liq
uid form, which is 7. r » cents including
n spraying tube. All druggists, or by
mail Ely Brothers, sf> Watreu St.
New York.
Leaving for liurnham.
Arthur Dietrich and family will
move to Burnhaiu tomorrow, where |
For several months Mr Dietrich ha* |
teen tilling a position with the Logan ,
Iron and Steel Company. Mr. Diet
rich was formerly connected with the
Heading Iron Works in this city as in- ,
qiector and ship|<er. ,
Danville is to have a bowline alley
and unless the projector* are unable
to carry out their plans before th» ad
vent of winter the game will h> added
to the li-t of amusements here to en
tertain our people during the long
season when indoor ap irts hold s*av
Flaying at howls is a very old (fame
and constitute- a hatmle-s and health
ful snrt of exercise. It his always
been popular in the larger cities, at
the Rammer resorts, & \ Recently it
has begun to spread anions the smaller
towns and now is becoming the rage
almost everywhere.
Messrs. Ach'-nbach and Moore, woo
want lo install an alley 111 tins city,
are highly tespectabl j and lopolar
yonng men of Hloomhsarg, who have
already an all-;y booming in thv
place. They entered upon the v. ;i
ture there a few weeks ago, in-tailing
an alley of the Brumwiok-Halkt ' >
lender Compiny, which a r e the tin ist
in the world. The alley is a very ar
tistic piece of woik bnishttl in (Jeorgia
pine, one hundred feet htDg by twen
ty feet wide.
The alley was opened three weeks
ago am: was popular from the -tirt,
the ladies a* well a- the genllenen
taking a keen lnt«*r» st in ttie game.
There is scaicely a dav Lot tint seme
of the best ladies of the place alone
Willi their gentlemen friend* maa In
neen hi the alley either seated a- -j -
tators, or actually taking a hand in
the game. Already then ariag< mi nt
are being importuned to iiiaugnant.
a"' la-lie*' day" once or oftciwr a w > ■ k
It safe to a-Minn" That t* ■ w* >• '
the genth-r sex Will b <W| u-i *ill
in the very near future awl tl a>
there will be a Pay."
* All this attests tti t»p. htv * i
which ihe bowline allc-v bnnnd<d i t
fwpalar favor in Hl* *i-! i g I
Mewo Aehonha- bawd M *r<
constrained ta believe that'l
will prove y»<> to tb g •t *1
ran ant that on v t , tan in mv
4 need it Kill boc.nd l«ba |ti*ll< I** '
Me'svrs. Aebewbaeh M >«*> la* ■
twxM? i* Danville <w * v> ral trs .a* ,
}<ookin« a vb» tcr »•* K «« al
Iwy, The* h*v->- **>*<■ ral *s ■ *
o**ti*w* s tHwfc ixne «d wht --h v I
««stable In a 4a* e» ** *■ m>-
thl«t *IU he e *<•»»
tn« tl»*
\ SpWtulid IJ«s«
A *ew idea i* a l\an«h Sa tw|- a I
xwnnawl in K« nned* * I axati*"- *
and Tat IV»« Iw enaalaimeic Va*v
line* kml * alvahl »m»w V I
I* v »' at lb
a *'i»l tth t>m» »v a« *
IIWH Ml llw l*»WtrK I* hlo>'» b'l
*»m*iu. »»d t»h > «4l nM»»hs
o«>l»l«. wwifh, < )>• \
ml rl«*><t hUw>tMu and lit# bone* v »*•
u mi everv l**»ulr »' tho lingual I ■***
live Cough Sarin -Kennel* » Uvti *
Honey and Tiat AM ileal remedy l>
children. .Volhers praise il. It is b- >l
tor all. Sold bv Faules A On.
Electric Light at 1111.
A modern elect no light plant is be
ing installed in the big j lanl of lie
Heading Iron Company in tins eit\
and the hundreds of workmen then
who froui the earliest days have kuowu
nothing better than eoal oil tor lies,
in a short time will have Ihe h< nebt
ot the best light in the wot Id.
The big works will require an »\
tensive 11izliC lystoiu, one th»r will
compare favorably with a plaut ri
quired for a small town. Tin re will
be thirty arc lights and out* hundred
and titty ineaude*c« nt lights di-tribu
ted aboot tlie nulls and the yards. The
en pi ne and dynamo, which wi 1 le
of the most modern an I improved
type, will be located on the northern
side of the plant in the neighborhood
of the spot where the fun 19 situated.
The work of installing the plant
has already practically begun The
arc lamps are on the ground ami ether
material will arrive as needed It i>
thought that the plant will be in
working order by the middle of Nov
ember or the first of December.
Most large plants of the present day
are lighted by electricity and have
their own plants installed. The
workmen at a big plant like the Read
iuK Iron Works, who have nothing
moie etlicient than torches to depend
upon at night labor under some dlsad
vantage while at their work. The
installation of electric light is not on
ly a step required to keep pace with
the progress o* the times, bat it is a
change that is being gladly wtloomed
by the men employed and its effect
will no doubt be apparent in the gen
eral results at the end of the year.
Faith Not Necessary
You may be just as skeptical and 1 cs
simistic as 500 please. Ivodol will di
gest what you eat whetlu r you eat or
not. You can put your food in a bowl.
pour a little Kodol Dyspepisa Cure on
it Hit I it will digest it tli< same its it
will in your stomach. It can't heln
hot core Indigestion am) Dyspepsia
It is raring hundreds and tliou-and*-
some had faith ami some didn't. Kodi I
will core yon it medicine can cure
yon, whether you have faith in it or
not. Sold by I'aules Co.
The Mad ley Pictures.
K-twin J. lladley's moving pictßicF,
unquestionably the best,are to be seen
at Armory Hall Saturday night under
the auspices it Company K. A featon
i of the Hadley exhibitions is the steadi
ness of the views shown. Inst«ad ol
dancing and jerking and thn* tiring
the eye to gaze upon them,the Hadley
views are practically tlntterless I'll is
alone is a gnat recommendation, but
there are so inniiy other superior 112« at
ures that the Hadley exhibition prac
tically >-ta.ids alone in a class all by
Pocket Pickets of sfi2.
F A. Moore.a New York State cat
tleman, is the first to fall a victim to
the light-lingered gentry at the lllnoms
burii fair, but this time the gentry
wore petticoats, two negro-st* torn
mg the trick at the fair giuonds M<i|i (
day evening, getting away with
As will h' -i en Iroin a perusal of
Council prore dmgr. application last
j night wh- in;.do by the We-t Hrauch
i lihetrie Si >et liailway Ooispiny
for right 112 way over Norlhum
lierlatid --tri trim l'luom street to
Ini' The charter was
fc 'rant< I fin this line on September
I'-' 1. I ■ Pascoe, one of the in
■:orp lator-, v <;i wain this city ye*-
terdav in t' ■ interest of the right of
; way, sr »ted tat the intention i» to
pio *i ed to In ild tho line.
The \S t Mrui h Electrical Hail
way < 'uiii ;ni will in reality bean
exteii-inii i i the Danville and
Hloomsburg 1. . -frit Railway Com
pany. It l- male up of the major
ity of lueiobi is i t the Danville aad
lilmini-i urg <'ompany signal
sui ( »in t Iu I ding of the latter
hi' iii- j i r*- -- niddence that the Dan
v »11 <ii N ihumberland line will be
Ij'i'lt *it h- ir- t at fr<i(*eutly
occur in mi -i iifn ~112 trolley roada
The propo- >| r il will !*» easy of oaii
oaii to the absen<e of
heavy grade* i.*twi«'ii Duiville % (M |
Noithuuit" r l . Neither Will
be any «112 - i liiat ne. t liiidging
He»t ol all j i i a ill lie no rail toad*
in the wav » ' 'nt the vexed question
of grade er « with it* con«i>«joent
litigation at I av will l«e entirely
I eliminated fo n the pmpoaittnn Tbe
■ I 'anvill ■ i Ni rthanfei rland line
W ill lie bu I g 1' nrnUßhly impmv
ed lines, tfi c* sand all ita e«|«if>-
ment being ■ r t eJa«» an«t mo !er« n
: alt r*-fcfei t«
VftWl ' - >i ng a trol
lev centei i t «o little " iwpmtanoe
N ' » • ' • igbt mi !»■»
ftofw X na i n. w•er - > nam. twin
I ' i-e m« ' ■ tor liarti«port la
» ' ' •.«!,. Will CO*
Hi » wi't > it* a <i tii>-»ee aitk
tiw> a >VMII i «.«».» w *>t I » .* l-niH or
!«*V?wa * w ill o|. a ef a'l t»r»
e» tt*l f»art »>i ttsr- Matf awd <• ow»xA
*i I »>b t a. whilt te thr
war . y»t « X rn. \m-a.l* MW onwwwMM
(oat * w * Maw "-a l r«
jat l I i«i.i * tb !•*>.•»% m a a*i>ra
lh*» ot i a- i i; N'a»-'i • ■ 'i. < and |WIMI
iesAim a.
A s »at"te ><»* l t (in
t l !'
irA v * M 1 Nt ■»
, wwatl* ' d d<ndmiit
M» t-" II • sax
j ea-w- «*d It yx<*W' dtwmM
iva>Mt > V' - xs«vr.v» awd tt wat|
ia \X » K |aa I fcv »V« Mv4t
»x aIV I a»v M,v
line I ttirv I id,
i . tl «• <l,ll Hi>l 11# tibial,
«Mttt> l»>i » i > • » <•> ot ik» v\ law
la a * • j.*x > . -.i at id tl»i-» «*at
Ih i»» i a e .» s- 11 >re Has thaa tl mi
In.v iii gti iii that Dual" * «|> to
tt . i. i fc »t HUM her, the laltat lar
»i»g »bi ;-a \\ »h I « imtaea
' al!> outde ol a* a lilt m
1111■« *. , >|» i, a l (I tber*- I as breU
diawn it i hi a Jot ol I oi«e« a«
evei , Hit !,• any lair in • hi- mhMiom
otll esiaie. Ai .l with an . utrt lut
»ueh »« lo I \a» tin re ev y reason
to h lieve t *t tl «- r * t* II la* the
best ever h hi in llu> > cticu
lull ct Trajcx Mraninic.
art t luiev troiu J II mmoin,e
Oasey, la.. Think what ought have
re-ultel from hi- tctrible < ugh if he
had net taken the medn tie about
whii h In write* "1 had a fearful
cough, that disturbed my t uht's rest.
1 trad tvt rythii g. but not' tug would
relieve it,until i uk Dr. King's New
Di«c<.tt ry for Consumption, Cough
and C< IK which com pi leiy cured
uie " ln-t iiitly relieves autl |*mnan
enlly cutis all throat and lung dia
ease* ; | reieuts grip and im unionia
At Fan ha .V C 0... drcggisi* guarau
teed; 50c and #i 00. Trial hoitle fr«e
Surprise Party.
Mr. and Mr-. George l» t.u.ig gave
a surpu-e party at tin ir home. Cherry
street Saturdav evening, n honor of
the Mb birthday of tin ir m.h Arthur.
Those present wore: Mr ai.d Mrs.
William Kux, Mr. ami Mr-, Albert
Cashmr, Atr. and Mis N tl dothing
and *on Theoilore, Mr. and Mrs. (Cal
vin Kline and daughter Florence.Mica
Amanda Havhir, May Fox. tnna Hreit
enba.di. Hhelnra Smith,Cht 111 n Smith,
Lacretia Hurgor, Helen F x, Walter
Currier. Ii y Angle, Julni i iherdorf,
Lutln-r Fox, (JiKiige It 1• \, Melvin
4 vers
To be sure, vou are crying
old. Rut whv let everybody
see it, in your cray hair?
Keep your hair dark and rich
and postpone age. If you will
Hair Vigor
only use Aver's Hair Vigor,
your grav hair \x ill soon ha\e
all the deep, rich color of
youth. Sold for W) years.
• 1 • - v ami 1 !»»*•
i • r « • h li t« «
J• *V T \ \ V U*««V '
!' I 1 N I I. Mltiti.
J for
White Hair
to nnifr t>» JT.>V» t«» yt'm
r , - ■
£I ~ rtain aiut
I | any 112 »rm
i ■ . I -leering, or
pmtrr. . ' vfi
ti«e n ' i •anti e it and if not
etin-d yKi . Mr. Caspir
Wolf ''M? < . ''j, I ltd., gays:
"Iw I I agn Ideal The strain
k 112 t»i • They it h«l
tlkllM N>*h:ngbelp«l
\ W.t lias* «Ointment
1 nl»'T * nil •U'
IJtKI ,». 1! i Talo,N Y.
Jr. &. v» £ case's Ointment.