Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, October 12, 1905, Image 1

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    Some Pager
-—For 1 Heme
Ihe circulation ot this paper in
creasing rapidly. It will pas yon
to advertise in the AMERICAN
Pit. IKYIM; 11. .IKNMMiS,
I)(fire UmtrH
V A. V to VI .1/ UK', Mill St.,
/ I'. 4 J'. M JhiuvilU, I'll.
mii'i/i"/., M.
425 Mii.l, ST., I»AN V11.1.K. I'A.
Diseases of the Stomach mid Intes^nes
.1 Special t v
| H . I'. AKULK,
OvkH'K: 21S Miii vihkkt.
wtli Kxtriu-twi without I'
Crow ■■ unit Hridvit- \V • •« s | M ij« 11 \.
t'lcj«il|m-«t ii Ji il»t- latest .iinl n <>st !iiipr<»vtMl
J iiKlr i> -, it j 112 ami j.r*-j -•r •«i t«. • v« «i!<! lit
288 Mil Si.. - IKinvil!c. Ph.
Dentistry in ill it- t>rancnr--
au I all w'" I Jiinralllffd
Kii4*'il -
Clear and cooler today.
H outer* -ay c«nit' is
Chestnut partus are in
The hf»i\ rain yesterday flashed t • «-
brick jiari tt ont clt-an
The ■ioixters of Slianrakin have m
acfßreted a campaign against sir.
They will find pleaty to do.
SpeakiU£ of Lehigh jtotatoe-, the
VMch brothers, of Macung e.haivo-t
--ed 10,(i©0 bushels 4 < acre- and «.).
5. Shiner 7.000 frtm ;S acres.
Iu the llrv ( umtf court a
man was on trial Tor running a «ki
machine. Jo dge tk'eand pot -,n hiv mrkh
aod so did several joxx men, I at tli< re
«ra* nerer a «in. Tie man »*sffti
Milton to ha*e » ad. la-t wee*,
the bi»t < it and 1 air ev»«r |.<!d in
ihe Wt»st Branch vaU v. Oaring ' e
*>■*< ttie Mtendamci a»:£Te.f atp.l ;\-
Bmw t* a row on hrtnw t • atim-
W> »*>< l tt«e ar<hM9 femrd of \1 • <"sar
w»4 T*«e direrti-r* referee T i thr j
and-itaws Tor auditing Mill
t#t may be <wcd.
I Tlie 'irtfto mmrsri-r * o hftfvd m
a wrntfta thai girN au>e d«n.<e ar<e|
wt en tit* roafl *0 I av»n ha- tuvn
»mM before ft' <ra 4 N Ix v,,.,
Wf tto» tffttfe ¥* *'•' < « ■ %
|*e«|w>e *0 mai tl* a >'»«• <ls»'
Tt •#*•■***»■>*»»< •»>? k r».a'>> thvt t vyw* j
% *V-«- ax t.S >'» '•• *0 he IrvTv-Sj
4jexf.mor < 112 -• r» \t j*
* >» wart * r ;/> ».st n-e •
flw (hn-v ..j »W nS. 4 % ; b
br* a "fc J 4 <■ v«. . i,
O- K t 441s * !»'W*b * |
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*•*» fft«ihrA vm « x\f "v>i%s l v i-4. 1
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lw* **** >,* V'NV-y
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av.%' vi*-aiv <* \ > v wlv
!*(♦•» MMI v««h, »Nj| >. < »•»».» t.^
m**A.+ !%•> » \"T '" 1
>|? -a> Ml <i «,. * *S, T
1% IW « ■a'wt
J>** tftx
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v* X\»M.. N a k »K*» *a* ••>■'■■.■ AWvl
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*V+>K <.Hs '.n» W, •■»'.' %ft A ' } vV *\
«*' 4 k- t I tk«.t> ,-vvtVi.* VV *>
S»M»*fcvx vw K'tti ftfe vv*- |
vf Ibv >:*«,;■ it aI » uftlEwtiai ,
vtKki v»l #%aft«MH ftS*¥lix
IM ktr v* * it\ v
K«l\i ui ks !>«■
ivttv 11 >m l'»uU>v Tftk"
atli utl I* *ha ft* a tu vllv j 11
tiurf l>«fv»rv IIM 1 hj*|l
iijkiuv t«j<« »r«i mi ov*it)\>wtMt:
\ «>»»ev»s> m »n,im ftuvt for luurl r,
U MU HUIIf trvuu hti'au<» *K
oitft'vtuk'i v»f fthe fti-i-itu". of |ti> u-I k
* >wM |hr aou.v
is made of Grape
Cream of Tartar.
A bs ol 11 tely Pure.
Makes the food
more Wholesome
and Delicious.
iilontout lllllls 3Vwt K xicuix.
VOL. R>l--\<! 11
An ordinance was submitted to
Council by tlu> West Branch Electric
street ltiilwuy Company Fridayuight
providing for the rinht of way over
Northumberland sfrt't t from the Mah
oning township line to Mill street
where it will connect with the tract
of the Dnivillo and Btoimisbnr„' line.
On motion of Mr. Goesn* it was
ordered that4he ordinance be submit
te I to the Cjmaiiitee on Ordiuance
an I Holier, they lo act ill conjunction
Willi flip Horough Solicitor. An early
meeting was agreed njion in order to
get t!.e proposition under war. The
ordinance provides that the West
Branch Electric Railway Company
shall begin the exercise of its franchise
and privileges granted within nine
months from the parage of the ordin
ance and shall have its railway sys
tem fullv completed and in full and
actual operation within twelve mouths
ifter the passage of the ordinance.
On motion it was ordered that fifty
dollais be paid to Will G Hrown, for
ncht of way for Horough Sewer
through Ins property abutting on I'eiui
-tr-et, th<j deed to recorded.
H trough Tie»-uror Ellenhogen pie
-eU'"-'d his rcput, which showed a
»o!a' ca-h balance on hand of
\ communication wa- received from
the Danville Stove a d M «nu fact tiring
<"!o.upanv calling attention to the lack
ot lire protection at iis works, owing
to poor pressure a'id the fact that
there are but two plugs available for
use It wt- the s.ui-e of the members
tint fire protection at the Stove Wotks
s har.Jlv adequate and on motion of
Mr Magill the matter w referred to
the Oommittee on Water, thov to act
in conjunction with the Water Oom
uis ioner-, taking iuroeliato action
to s>cnr- b tier fite protection.
* ."omManicaftioii *** it-ceived fritw
(4 H Wirt, of to wlmiti
I i' 1 tial been presented 112 ir, the n>e
T • l<«l. vtrs tin engine wh ok
' !ia I been otili/. <? a motor for tbe
II 'r«--c' , -rr(nnd at IVvVitt's I'ark la-t
vnm tier. Mr. TVW;tibeld that the
bill renderei *»» contrary to the
rerTiv n't e «» irh tie ha.i lw>->n crant
o \ the use t.l the He stated
his willingness to pay for the ««.*
■>}t>:<»«n;inf InTiJiC the and
d ttiat a b»> wade e»n
tf>*t ha^is.
Mr RejSnv.fet <*f? —d t' at t?e had
ana- ■ aitt rn a- * vt> > ( a cont a«-t a- Mr.
it* t . to. <>n motion ol Mr.
£vs?v ivi**« %av or 'iwj Mi
5V X t'v ■tinitntfatJon be
••o 1 « « .ih a '•*»!*s .-t the
fot V a
i.-t »v i' • tr/v >d tat. «tth J
x.' '. •« hi and t X\* j
* n£ c«r, .?•>. ~-a 5 b Tone <%
•<••»$. ?*»e v • ~•• '•, at - •»«. r» >■■ aj».>4 ro
» %• • s ; , .>H. >c*
■* *0 h* a- t' ■ ».**»'?»■ acrva-fl «'>e«a
t ».<f K«e»-* Awetv
i^oxv* s wytnW by Mh VIPMMV, <
x.»> • -a . >«s a • s b* xV^-a
<*4 *■»; * K < t ' W X* >
' »> oe «#ra V fw- K tv
M a* A. v* * bjp»«v w4 a* *JI W : **■*!;
'> -• t V *»% V be *he v. 112
v» V u,- ■ tvw -,.. at »» \
A \\ s v*a i X N .' •, x»v xv a» ■ v^-v.
M» ftW! W ftdaex
W <i> ft- ' V s .. ~ v x"» k' v
\ax 112t v \ft •»> b.xt a v s
- ft ■ \*
«»¥>-• v % I ' • • v > K
ft 112 < * 4 -X Cr. ♦V* V>
»* •" •» v*h » ft >v *k %* , v .i
*ft a vvivxfs
Xftia M> *ft x» w
wsftxt b > V a* t\xab<v«
asa • I ftv' fta-» ►> V ■\*:»Mftsv «l ft*a- *»
*>< ,
*•>4 Ib v*JU IW aftftvaiftkM*
b » ve? ftl -a ftfc tv ft I*. v-va v
>» ••sft ftbvft a
V\ 112 vvj ftNftM W*v> xi k ft-i I* v.* >
xfti- 1 » g»» t a VlwAb *>v xftH >1 ftv
A a •<*» xin •',
A ft| * {■« VH--1 b V-tv
\ v «u ftl ftv* r >H >a ftft * ~ %** ■ v«m ft! 1
t>.'v v U>* vV'*». V»«V i.M'V
O';a*U"i V N Hvl' » »'»»» vhvmUIU'WX K'
Nttl'l V> v\ t I ft»» l-U« V i \t \ v>W
HV -ftftn *••!•-' (t • VS :lk ft • • *rl
V k i im >u >a ul Mi fth'v \'t »ft \\ v
vv|vbMf«Hl ftt vl fthv )t \a» I vkt llvah < fev
iioftUitil ftv» act iu fth*» jr wi* vu tit
U«* to |>u • |fn lU«Sft> r in ftlu*
hands of »!,•■ I- ;i'u<h •»..!:»< it >i.
Th« n." n' > v\ 1 » pr*-«
ent : *)!»■»->•», .If i'k, U x-r,
Hover, !1 > \.i»>r, \k ' \1 ».;iH,
Hutfhws ;*i»d K>'iix|t rai it hvi
'l'lm fi lh>a in.; t 1 llx >v it* an : vetl
112 >r »a\'Ni' ir
Kettultr Kiii||ov>s #lla()0
St;*n iar t t! »> I' >
David (Jut-t I*».7S1 *».7S
(Jarl Hilo! t»r 15.
ThiiMW W. Hfitxiivti r 14.411
J 11. Coh 14. «»1
Ua'iot an I II inline 'J Kfili
Ailaniiti Hftftttim On ttt,Bs|
KHIIIM'V hh'Ctnral Ml'j; 1 '<> S'J 50 :
St *:ii| «i.l KlMtriO ('• 1.9? I
(hirrr v*fc Co II s(>'
\V isliiiivt 'ii 1' 1r • ('i> 2.5"
\v ATKII ni:t'.\u 1 M I:N r.
Krgul it Kiniilovtw .■*! *7 (in
Labor at Water Work* 537.10 ;
P. h. & W. H H <-o «:t.7'.'
Haiueß, Jein>: «Xr ('» thury t'o it.SHi
S'andard (ins Uti t.s'>
A. M. Peter* t M
Fin (\> .DOj
H H. Home II ;t8«
.1 H. Oo!e <»s H 1
Tliotnax W. Keitsnvier is. 17
Ihirry 15 Patten
.l.'iiues tJihson 10 60
T\v< nty niinnt" miMila «'ii t' »n
--villii ami HlooinshnrK t r« !!•'>- during
Hhicinistmrn fair. [
! MAIIIIMM; ( 111 lull
i Tlio re-opouind of the Mahoning
Presbyterian church Sunday w.»s h n
event which wilt liuger a long while
in tlie memory of the good people of
that cougiegation. Heaven, indeed,
smiled anspioiously npnn the rededicn
tory and the memorial services, which
occupied pretty much the entire day.
The crisp autumn air was tempered by
the softest and most glorious sunlight
that ever stlearned oat of the blue
j depths above. The community seem
jed to take a deep interest in the ren-
I ovatiug and the re-opening of tlie
tine old church anl not only was the
I full membership of the Mahoning con
l gregation present, but also many per
sons belonging to other churches, not
ably members of the sister congrega
tion, the Grove Presbyterian church,
which :T< II m »tter of courtesy wai
closed daring the morning service.
By 10 :'JO o'clock every pew in the
large auditorium was filled.
After a prelude," Grande Offertorie"
the choir sang an authetn, "Glor
ia" with superb effect. Doxology
and invocation by the pastor, Rev. ,1.
E. lint bison, was followed b nspon
-lve reading and a hymn, when Rev.
Ii L. Stewart. 1). 1) , read the sciip
\ ture lesson, embracing portions of
j 12Jn I Psalm and also 12th chanter of
; Paul's Kpistle to the Romans. A so
prano solo, "Open tlie Gates of the
Temple," was rendered hv MKS Mar
-1 garet Ammrrmtn, after which Rev
William »McOormack, D I) , pastor
of the Grave Presbyterian clirocli,
offered parycr.
The rededicatory sermon wa« pr« ach :
. >d hy Rfv Robert B .lack, of Hazle
toil. He founded bis remarks on Kr.<
ra's prayer ana confession of sin*.
The text is fonn 1 in the iMh chapter
of Kzra. Sjh verse:
"And now for a little space grace
ha< h*en shewed I row the l.ord oor
Go! to leave ns a remnant to «-oape
anl to give a nail in His holy
t>lace, llist onr God mav lighten our
eyes and give ns a little reviving in
oor bondage. "
.Since the day* of ttieir fathers,
K»z« oont.-».-s»d, the feople of Israel
had N-en in tres|»ass and for their in
iqoities had they, tfieir kinc> and
tin it l» ■< n delivered to the
to >api;\ity and to spoil Pnt
nfi* God liad evtvnted mercy unto
thi ro and given th> wi arevtvm* to t
«fit h<' tienve ot their tiod.
K< * Jhwt !* h N>*N ot
>t*v>r>c *}o»»£ All
! '1 •v. hnt JIJVi V * v} fct
A» H«> *!.ihiv >•>***><» tort* y*<vrcc4vr
w»y hric'.Uy, iv«w4t£tt£ «ywri %♦*> r*
<4 tbf. v>T |vj n. Is <">« Onrmt
•*!H *II«I v» I w Ar ,v
l**MK»4 *iy
t<<r* B* H*A \M> **
> 'v taxfcftyvvjt *y* W* f»<»4 <***: *»»
*■> v * -rt» %Nrr* *'»> %v*&. -t*
* ■ t *v \ t * (r;>K-"v4.
to* 4*x-!t <W *» *vw*vt\
to* <*<«<* *>Vj}v* <**4 torf v-MMV* W*
•* ** W*w»s ,
*V» %» >«♦ 1-AW <?v»**«r<A Vv**
n I* « «v s*j| «voiMi)Mm W* to**W
*.,-.w s A** M*
*Mfcx* s *«nk *,-•* *v
v V •*> SV.*. * K **4 *W * A
*%♦> V J |
* V to Vs. w» \ H • vwv %M" **v- ¥
V l * |f> v* %*«t
t<>** *%* *v v.n*%* Wv* w*v* «**
H *<» s '-I ** ,V* >V *>At
»*♦ V* »*• fc<WlW* I%**
to**®.' v* to*4 v*<Mv#w« v*v* w* *j
v»¥ **£ to* \v :-v' vw-**.
»V> *»>■ -\* A V4j K***\ ;
v*M vJf *« tfe* ¥**s* v 4 VKHA s >*V
S\V* MIW V*» vV>X^
WKk «l w v V« W¥V* *M*i V'.WN
H» (k» V»t *>>» v*i vn* 1
■\ .|' w I J v *)»• vv »» Kv \
UI t N *». v* aw .41
v» !*< SS*vl V- vv* *»> H VV¥>vx Iv> »N
»K' «| V«,k4
H*xi «t||k wte*v » »>. (
>1 SN <IX\ H «V lh» VV vO! |k«o IS
Mw>v»i\ -VH| Ik
kxiM *»k| J>**tN xlmw «| «4tl)Y
V 0 W ! t>*l) vt\V
M> |I>V IV>Uvt* » !*tnl |! > qdf
»h,«.M> itivuK »u x hrk-»» J**su> vktiv
havt* bvtorv u*
'Vhv ulii* Hi»t Mr. J»oi Mt
v»>«y Miwly i*uU tl WiM |»fvsvwl
through hi* vt*N\ t.>ur>(<, %»-i iku
I'hiuclt «i»li Ks | rvst-at |K>w«r tort* (
«lr«iu mi) 4i«uiU if> t*
twiur at l*l*» .unt iliv> «r.>*iffut ,
rt ustitw iu >us jv>y Moll n»v*' i
ultvii»n*'*« to word* lik« tho#» eiuplo?- ■
ill 111 llio t«Kt
Th*» svnnon w»« tollowtd by Hi« n<
(U-iti .itam.wliu li was really v» ry iiu- i
jir««isivt<. Tli*» cvh'iuouy i-onsistfil of ,
r.'spoostvo rwaduiß with Mr. iluti h
liflii. liip |iH.«;tor *>( tlie cliuirli, on out'
>ute and the |n'o|ilu on Iho oilier. the
congregation standing meanwhile.
The last vers" in which the minister
and Iho people joined, was follows:
"TIIM house,which we have been i*<r
nutted lo re-lit through the gracions
i:tvor of divine providence we do now
solemnly redidieato to the womhip
and service of Al.n»trhty (Jod, The.
Father, The Son,at: I I'he Holy Oliost
Amen. "
In conclusion tl e choir lendereii
the following
tfoly, holy, holy! Lord (iod A 1
All 111 v works shall | r»is«i tliv naiue
in earth and sky and si a.
Holy, holy,holy ! merciful and mighty
| Continued on Fourth I'asje. |
Levi Ueiger.a well known and lead
! inn resident of Limestone lov. t»s!iip,is
hovering between life and death as tho
result of a fall from a roof,which was
sustained yesterday forenoon.
About 10 o'clock,assisted bv liis son,
) John, be attempted to stop a leak in
the roof of liis bog pen, a building
i some twelve feet high. While lie was
| at work a board supporting his weight
I tilted,which caused him to fall to the
! ground. He lauded on his head sus
| raining a bad scalp wound and being
rendered unconscious.
Ho was carried to the house and a
messenger dispatched po<t l.aste for
Dr. Patten at Washingtonville. The
doctor promptly arrived at the Geiger
home and fooud the injured man to be
suffering with concussion of the brain
and with a dislocated hip. Everything
possible was doue tor the sufferer but
it was impossible to restore liiui to
Dr. Patten paid another visit to Mr.
Geiger last eveuing. Keturniug home
he repotted that he found him still
unconscious, bleeding profusely not
only from the gash in the head but al
so from the nose. The physician con
siders his condition very grave.
Mr Geiger resides on the Limestonc
ville road about a mile and a half from
Washing ton vi lie. He is seventv years
of age.
New Pastor Elected.
Rev. Joseph K. Guy, of Shepherds
town. West Virginia, was chosen pas
tor of Sbiloh Reformed church yes
t« rday.
This church has been without a
pastor-inee then signation of Kev.
George E Lnnb. ct, some month- ago
During the summer the | nlpit ba«
been tilled by ministers from oilier
place-, tive of whom were candidates
The pastor-elect, Mr tinv, see no tl to
have the preference and the vote yt-•
terday was unammon-. Thoie s< cms
to be no doubt but that be will ac
cept and it is behoved that he will
find it pos«ible to enter nj>on hi*
duties a> pastor at Slnloh Reformed
church in the roar-*e of a month.
He l- a young man and has a wife
The olfaction w hHA at th«» morn
ing »rt*W yi>*ter.**v enn-titn
lion ot tlw K. formed oh«*vh ]* mitf
* <v>ncres:*tion to t*ke *ip only one
wi<n at * Tim*, an 4 The vote «M»* »>o
uttirfor or w*niM Mr. *i«\ w*j»
th*> fci>» wan W*M for.
Kff. IV. W C, S.-hacfti-r,, IVof. wot
*W V * T»w-.ilacS- mirnrv *» 3 **-
j- *>*4 * toWWt i, ' • tioiafcM
*i St >k* KrT. mm 1 v v-wv, u *v>.*w.lav,
*fc* M<Mx tV»>i»wn«iArt
a* ttwe *»or*i nc v, T) .mv> »
;mv- |r>' '^ v •» *
M(W *hxwN <HHW>wml>\
V'-e :U* KttH DNfc >*ilN xV«ft.
'***• J»*v * >1 M»
;»»<<>*» w» tofty* at tV> *v*
vVSftK ***** A >• fcfc****** \ **
}*»< **4 * *vi N-VI. M v»*Vf
>* **»% t w ** A
, <NH* V«3f $$ % , -V *> 4 *♦*>
y4f #| **+ w.\ l
******* *k#* **v ***** VvMv*-
Wtv * v w > V»t***\, v*-, . *f« My*
* v * s *.v4 ** *k *<***■■ <«*
|H|% It# W*tv* ttffcNNW M ****»■
*4* tvfsM* K>* %v+4. v* NM**vt.AW
>■■ y W [\ fc* >*> " V - ** • " W
>* Nw*. **v* t%*4 Atm Will 4*#
Mt I—til ** w*M*v*«. > <*vi>; «* t¥»
*V<I ix X V<¥ vv >«> t*V fcf*S MW* >*
t» *W w.vV*4 *>U <M
.> Wlfim *tt S-. ,vtvv> I'M
MtV** t*** H* %>v*> A* *** »*»**
l v W <NW*fcM x Vv
V»sVt4 %h.» vW »«»••> -» VA * *t ;
KNy *♦ fcw*
V VAIMW M > xvt %w%,
\\'.' *UvV \\>»*V V »- V v t\V X
M vm v
A': *' vtawv ! » N v »V A»
A AW S^ k Mi
KMktkU WVAIIX VktAJi'vi '«» * M •>*«
U *AX A kft
|>*VV h» W *x*4 kH tv » A v»A.V V li
OVH\A«U»M Al |h«> (*U
\V»>v M H »* xlAlvil l» M »».( I* AU> W»*W
W>w|iKw< Al *I»1' Kw»H»mc |K*
IwU *>\t*«wl v»t Mi Viv»\>>vi -v vv »vn»Ml\
Will W AJ'I m*AUH|.
I aincrx Mu>t l ishl.
'' \V l>Al » A («lWt't WktVk >l>l*V> las
Urv-tkArvl H> |WI» Uv>VX U »*>♦> S4U Jo**
svaW lO do who lias A »•, i||ltlKU «lu>
h» ultH j.N h»« orvliArd «t(U tKo rv>utl
(hat ll>t> oroliAnl of 11««* ttiAU wUo i-
»> ooiiiinwAlly rviu
foolbd from tl>t» QK'likrd *>t llu*
l>or who i- douiK uothuu vv;*»
*ui of I'rof. H A. Sui 112 n'*',St;»u< Kooii-
OIUIU ifoologist.
"Ail he has to ilo," was ilh» roply,
"is to notify tliin «h<|>ailmout of llie
facts ami the information will l>o con
sitlt-rv l ooutidential Tlu> de|iartincnl
will tlit<n coni|>t'l tin' iit fanner
to sjiray liis oroliaril and if ho rofuses
tho departuH'Ut will <l.i it and add t!i«
cost to his tax lull. If tlio iuf«>ted
orchard is too tarpon. t<> lit* saved this j
department will chop down and hum
it up. All this wo are autlioiizol t 4 >
do under the law. "
"Farmers wtio take Kood care of
their orchards" eaid Sulfa e
in conclusion "need not h> in liar <>f
infi'stment liom ■>•■ i|> iho 1114 11 r 1 »rd*
that are I if ihev will prompt- .
ly notify this dep ii tmcnt of their trou- !
Hloomshui't; peo| le arc fnr
I nUUHliine.
Kimly Voris, of Pofctsyrove
spint Sunday with frit'ii'ls in fciii
i «"y-
Miss May Mi HIT, of Willi.aiusporr.ii
visiting :it the home til Mrs. Sural
Oruikshank, Ferry street.
AIIIOH Oass, (if Soi)burv, s|•« lit Sun
| day with friends in this eilv.
Mr. and Mrs Uust.ive Messor speir
Sunday with friends at Nurthuinher
Mrs. P. M. Kelloy and daughter?
Ida and Ivy aro visiting fre nds t ai
Mrs. John Pritchard and Mrs
Thomas returned to Plymouth last
evening, after a sev» ral days' visit a
the heme of Howard R"|ijiert, Oliurcl
John 11. (toeser transacted husiuesi
at Ringtown yesterdav
William Hurley leit \; s t ■r<l ;* v In:
Rurnhain where In lit :> •i> . I ;
Ralph Wilson, of S mt'i DIMVIIV.
spoilt yesterday in S mh.iry.
Mr. and Mrs Arthur H i I'lhr, <n
Philadelphia, arrived in tlii- eii\ y -
terday for a vi»it at the home < f H.
A. Kiieihler, Vine str« » t
John Marshall Was a visitor in Sun
bury yesterilav.
Notuian Marshall, of Vlt ('trmd,
transacted husin ss in t!;|s city ye-t r
lie.ilge K'Her, of W aghlllgtOliVi 1,
spent yesterday afternoon in this city.
W. R. Heekmaii was a \i>
iter in this city yeeterdav afternmn
Mis K. P. Kepner, of Memphis,
Tenness.e, arrived yesterday for :i
visit at the home of I. r pari tits, Mi
and Mrs. O. *' Long. West Mahoning
Mr and Mr». Simon Kr b», of Snni
erset, arrived yesterday for a \ at
the home of Mr. and Mr«. t' I'. Ilati
»M>ck, West Mai kit striil
Mr. and O. Alvin Gnliek.
Philadelphia. * .il arrive in i .i* rit\
today tor a visit w ;th relativ. >■
Mi and Mrs Harry Hitter, ol
worr victor.- in tin*
oitv ye*ferd*\ afternoon
lair C«Htlin«cd.
*«r«<oah'y Hi. fir. Wirr iWav)
an. 1 . Use preliono >• ol \x.»aTl
*r * v, %ho are p -v. ■ • 1 h\
:nn V k. • V \ . Vt A \
t<i h a tairiN »'av a A a tfpi a' < ->• at
»tiat antfe in "'vvant vat*. vs a> n
renal- a; a d \vn
' v a divac<->e f*xt n «d
rt»<» of ffce - leal
vho*vr *>u 1* Vit\ *» , -i
M ffte vo, -rid ,v »aiw >
ffc* (Mt of wav
t*»a* fit w>anv pav* a> * *a--
at f»r."<v I *-.»>f.- t«ov a*- s r •
a* av fi, fa » *»a» *>. >a n
*av v for * * >,*) w***t
I 5 t*i*v a t »a* •• *y>
wWl* oxr*f o*o
aM f' IfNrU -,.w /•» A >
v ".>*.* 1 o> -
tofcWWfc -1 >V.* WO* Vsfit o*-¥i
VW V* . '-v\v
*o* VA VI >»svO*fv«A x
ot oV
\\\v f*>- \ «
- v W V V ,
N« %*!♦ |M|
ifc wav V*. v ' \ v-Vv a> fvx
A Vt v*, >\
x , - v \ v fc . v*
*« .* t> * * V > * * * *
i v A Vv -ft. * -V »> *\
I W taU *MN W t*» * V »k
v*WW x A t V •' * I*
»W IW \ s>o( % *V- X\x HS>W -\
H|| *>vvr *>)) <M
v*oaM \ i v*Vv > • vW- |fcv> w V
lx oxv*,
h" v (>v vv» \x>» *\
It WSx vHvhK ,1 *W * *« v « «Uvl
o\e*t»< tvs |i tVI J* *(*»
>lv V*»x *»eSMx t> O t % %XV
Wlvd to \VX< hUN \XH » X<k kl* x H"
d\V ftttvt »ti>x > tha' \V\IO | > *\V
K*'H OH U>Uv Ail t» - |M. |>r' A »«h(
tO>»Ot»OW *|i>l SO eH. ail th* *)V. x V
|h*lt OlfvWr t»vlH« «*OVv I * vt\V to'
««id "TUu will leave vw hue** ox
tor wtww no doahi one \*|
tl>« etOWdx ot the Week w»ll
*k* pies-nt Tl«* track. which wax p«»
i« good eoudltion Vuex lav, Wax oaro
Iwllv watohed \v>teidav and *»v>
Will bo xpated to have II IN »!u> I" -«
|Hivsihle shape tor luklm.V It IWi.s
" (Mklcsl Mason l»iea.
Ueorge Hums, Hiftul !M yeaivil o » x
poneiit of tiv«» piu»r«iiout an law *vil
od the distinction of being th» oldest
Mason 111 good standing in tb<> l ; nilel
State*,died Hi his homo at Seliusgrovp
He wax a member of Lodge No
of Sunhury ami a founder of Ohai'ter
101, of Watsontown. being fraternalii
ed in this order <".;» years. ll»< was a
great-aroat grandfather an«l ha 1 7.'
Nut Once Absent in II Years.
Charhx Knstciil audi r, who is ill with
typhoid It-V4 r at his homo on West
Mal.tming street, is i\ member of the
-Vi i >r <"!:iss at the High School, ami
until h" v\a-> compelled to j;o to ht«d,
ahout a »■> k he hail not missiil a
I half il iv of si;ho I in over 11 years.
' T. L I'l\ mii * Sons have lieen iloitij;
some courreto work on W. <». Shoop's
farm at Faraill^e.
The School Hoard had a delicate
que si irn before it Monday and in
(•o ning to a d cision c insiderihle
time was spent. A petition, signed
by 110 pupils, was presented to the
Hoard asking that the schools ho clos
ed on Thursday to give the pupils an
opportunity to attend the Hlootnsbnrg
fair. Ii appeared that the de-ire was
general among the pupils of all the
SJIIOO'S to have a holiday granted
Thursday lor the above purpose and
that several of the direetois had Item
asked to bring the matter before Hie
School Hoard.
The Hoard seemed pretty evenly
divided on the question, some think
ing the holiday should be granted,
while other* took the view that the
precedent would he a had one at.d
that it was a matter of doubt whether
more than a small percent »g>» of the
pupils would, after all, attend the
fair. If M ined to he the sense that
thn-. pupils who wish to attend the
fair an >r liberty to do so,but should
i \:'p tt i hue their percentage. On
motion it was ordi red by a yea and
ii a v voie that the petition be laid on
the table.
Tin »nt Oilier Young presented his
r-'| rt tor the I »-t month, which
siio.v.' t that titty pupils were oil the
si' k li«t; that twelve were ftnaiifs,
an I t!i %t five wore detained at home
for wait ot suitable clothing. Twen
ty notices were sent out.
Treasurer Schram presented re
port which showed a oasli balance on
hand of fi'ss2.2fv
On motion it ordered that the
President and Sectetaiy sign the
deed conveying the depot school prop
erty to the new | orehaser, James
Th« following »> iiilhhs w re i>rv«
fill A<i ;»*tiOrtli, Horn*. I'nrvol,
listing, Wei I'"I»cIH>I', TillM
bow.r, («tonr> Hurpol
Tho following l>i!l« »prc approval
for :
AI lon vV R*roi» ( it.|x
Sfun.lnnl Oo »><>
[ Onnvilli' Stnv* <V> 4.4 i
IV AptlotonA Oo R.fiO
A. SoJmmtt 44»v!M
Waslmiijtow How Oo
KfMinfton Tvpr> Wilier <V> SI
N O I'r. n»iv* 3iw
K <* Uhllo* i
j J<o«rph t»ich«f* >H.II
: K*w»v Slum? s *so
\« W«v|H Sn^lS.
»v» * V *rr * n £»■ w*n?>» to \is wo t 1
V*v|vr4%* t>*> ♦ **> £rvt<nft At %»** tVfttt 1
Uww. »¥< W<t» t <VI MIIVI <* WS !*V
ryS Mn> t:.w IV*<H ri+i>
>v*'i th>* Wft. "X rvvfttw k ij
' t -V.VV: ).' »."> <fc n A tt* * % <)%
Tl>* £<>y«ft*4 V* %%f I rw«<w:
iyvwan Hiv- »\i^oxo^'fHMl ♦*> V>» I
• j«iV IV* Hf> t"V
IffeMh vrfltf*** 4MM I
* 'ii»* \ •>>; * -,-v.>v |fc
v>< ¥>v x>»** * f-* ym* *•.-* NV»-vy WW
V- M ** U* * K t~vv*A
* < s v V v **4 **>* vsw* Vt
*** *V* *w »x %
*v \ **s >sn,, v v
! !> • 'V V I IVfc*l V ''-. Av\ *> K
*V> *** IV. * *W<<A Wk^XS
%vv W A vfes W* %* «>
V*M * |flWSfc >v«#*WM ******* tMfe
\ <>\ > *V« \+>i» \ -» .'*Kw
t H M MN» KV I sv*w A
>i\v tv-¥ »v* ««<4 » M
W ' V \ \ V i v v t * *\ * ! w\n
W v, U V #V* V fc* ** x V»v
V N . »* . ' >*V *v** % VW
A s \ »<M\ *xj .'■ * vl S -A
h>w\ tfcs t*x*l\vA W
M IK »*wo vV
« » ♦' |v' S vSV*lh»
vM\ | An, \hH> -V I V> \
V\m v \\ , •■»
M | V Ua».«^l
S v > >* H> >x | I
v,v Mmi fWNINiI IHMII \v|
HlfH \\ lx!<vx vv lk*m V®
,>» m | vi i »v v-'M
»w |l V\\w#*xxn«>, ix If'*>.v
v\ > i o> t . Mil S-v>! t I'l I IIV I K
s>»x iw »»>o fMIWIW lw M«lMlim Ibv
!ia», l 4 \t.fv»>v\ n ix iK»t Ukvlv |li*t
AMV Uv). X llv vy)|| fr ) lskXlvU-d VM
th«t ib*v(x* wiU fv mxu»
Uvm to pfas» fvH»t vi ton tbe | rv
l air Week Vttraxtion.
)l »x aUuox' nu u- hf'te *!■ a on. \ »•»*»
(.an make *o at a ditfefe»H , o ui a
p rx»n ax tie |ta<>t twelve nn*uth> luvo
in M N* H»e Keniii dv, ot K« n»>lv
tMaverx Vina w i- if. uionsirated to
a large tvudienee at tlie Acah iuv of
Muxk > laxt e\* "i'he notable <te
velopineut |>hvxical and artixtie, that
has taken i ! i •< in Mixx Kennedy, liax
ruixed her into the front tank of pop
ular autrexxei. Tne part *ln» e>saved
lsxt eveuuij; re«mire I versatility and
foret), and to these addt- l a dt-al ot
natoral grace. John J. Kiunedv did
a come ly put with all his wonted
humor, and the rest of the company
was a woll-haliiiii'.'il cast. Scranton,
I'a , Truth At the Hloouishurg Opera
House, every eveuing llii- \vct>l>. Ad
mission J">. ".'"i atid H5 c.'iits. A few
choice seats at ."id cents.
Harvest home Services.
The Ha-vest Home services at the
Bald Top Sunday School. Sunday
brought out a fair attendance. The
exercises were very interesting and
consisted of recitations, music and an
address by Itnv. (J. L) Lerch.
KS'I'A liI.ISI I K| > in
I ho outbreak of hyrlrojiliohia on the
' # rm of H. L. Diolil, Hloom mart, has
caused something akin to constorna-
t 'on among the people of lhat locality
for ir is well known that in addition
to tho horse that went mad other
animals including one or more dogs
wore bitten by the rabirt dog which
caused the infection.
The dog was tl e one that was killed
by John VV ier on West Mahoning street
last March. Whatever donbt may have
existed at the time as to whether or
not the dog was afflicted with rabies
is now removed. Six months, it is
true, is a long interval, but there ap
pears to be no limit after nine days in
which rabies may not develop.
The appearance of the mad dog on
the farm of Mr. Dielil last March was
thrilling in the extreme. He belonged
to a farmer living only a short dis
tance 9way and ran amuck early in
the dav. After biting a dog belong
ing to Ralph Leigbcw he ran in at
Mr. Dielil's. Entering the barn he bit
a valuable bull Mid passing through
the barn vatd came actoss the faith
ful family horse that bad just been
led from the stall. The horse in a
friendly way put his nose down to
ward the dog, which quickly snapped
and inflicted a slight wound on the
horse near the mouth. Mr IJiehl ««<
busy in the barn and his children were
also playing ahoot. At first it did not
occur to him that the dog might he
mad After th<s brut* bit the boll Mr
Dielil attempted to drive him out of
the ham and unconscious of danger
approached mar rnonph to ki. k at
After the horse waa bitten Mr Dielil
became -u-piciou« and followed the
dog down the road as far a« Henry
W ireman - While talking over the
matter here (lie dog came along and
-napi i d vicion-lv at Mr Wirnnan
He did not gra«p the flowh, however,
but mendv «.\? d the tron-i r- Fur
ther on W* bit .l*n>. s Morri«oM°> dog
and 0«< %l»ed
H t Mr. I . !w"txi« nn IMi Morrlmw
kill.d ttvfMr doc* Mr. !>♦»>♦• I in»>i
. vcrv (>r.>.Mitir>n |o*viM» »>11»»1 »n !h«
rtf »h«> b«|| i*nd tlw> h<ir«» .\M»T
> i.'«v<>nxh|«' | riixl. »io<*o*. r. tw» rtw
i - lni| I MiM lliflv w v tm t unv
)■*«»;> i of i«t • tion mi<l ii Vv I tr> thmi
mn. h M>»wl llip m*itr>»
<>n li*vi v "hv M' |1 i Ivttl
vi>d IhvM «v . ntrti«.i. <1 «Hli IH*«l%«lk
<>t <>«l |*i
« *f-'V 1 !i. hrt* K>lil l»»* l>Ww* t» M
tier nim<%l dnlii %n4
v n»Ht Mi O-. ,< tnv.xti
V*^ ,s i Mi l H*)»* lltc> i %v|
K-vm iHilym hl**i |(f AM tMI *N»W»I
XK «I t n fci- >v| «v rj»\\ ||, H.wn* M
V *il ll.i» |: •»! llfVi
v, vv V Ir | in |>y, v**|! »y, j|\ IV.
H • iWn %i * ••. ■•<, Y»| \ v
IWrw* t H-.*-
•• %* Iv UHI 1 .
** *tr>* ¥***•■ <»*i H<v
mw*. t\»v»*» V* Ifefe »**
-At • \* * fc t , > • t .
f'.- V <* «*%*, % *V <A v 4 V *
y* HiV >**♦**
%<** m \*v Hlo * iMmwm
*v**> ******* %*** % imtMHI *****
I S» v • * K .VM fcfcV*** Mw Ks *
\» i ■ ~ *,«. \ % .. * s.
* * w SI IV v*
s&** %**#* v mM * w*«.w
- *-..v\w \\ I*#
\\ \ ,v*
** tV <\ v* At > \s >*
*V> v\\y fcv *»\w l« W *H
M<NM v* **M Iwppn *v-\» HH
>*H \\ v - % »V t ,» *. N *4 > j
**> * w»* * v ni.-*\ v*-
• * * v » > , IV , \i
\\\x v 112 * tv»*vAft H> K l*V*N i
V M >• v fcvt < ■. v* » ♦ HH'
v\M *• V v | > v |k' >» ~\ |*« • v»v >
n4 v t*U vv »*ww»ilsu»s %mh%M I
H» v vWH » >• WH>
W xksy(*W t>V f%M I
m si wh< t. w k »v> A »»i\ i'
* v •• " *1 S»kV v» »hw k H4»>
nU\ % o * >: w U i • h* ■ u '\
Hlv *U vv| \|t 11ll l l l| V»t^s
«*u »<**■ ■> *■« »nUuK v«»l
I M* > «|i. Uw the *il| ix
IH'IIIM Ml m d K'l >t* I OlM\ \\
v\ * valual U- one
I he IUKI> Ivh nlilivvl
VI u*w found 111 H*» met tl \ 111
|I ■ oke OH SM».l.\\ oiotuiug h*> l-EVO
ivh air i »> John Keuiphei
Mi K >iu l erc i » lo Set mii« -> mie
liiue ago tioui Vliooua wheie ho had
livwl for mauv yeai> lie te*» a stMer
al Holhlvhom K» lupiier ».«< U>t *e« n
in Sciaaion i*ii» «i'»k* ago Suutlav,
hul I in ft hud* diil nol know wlure fie
* 'it or anvthie coucernmg his a<
lions thereafter. Ho was lakuu to
Scraoton where inteimeut was ma le
National tiuarU Officers Resign.
II VKKISHCitO. l»cl. 11. -General
orders were lulled from the headijuart
« is of the National Guard of IViuisvl
vaiiia yesterday, aoeepttug the rt>igna
lions of the following officers: Lieu
tenant Colonel Thoiuas Allen Gleuo.
aide-decamp ou the start of the com
mander- in chief; Second Lieutenant
Oliver J. Sproul, Company I, First
Regiment Infantry; First Lieutenant
William 11 Chapman. Company E,
Fifth Kegiiuent Infantry; Captain
George F. Foresuian, Company G,
Twelfth Kegiment Infantry.
Ten families were arrested nearGir
ardsville for stealing the Heading's
The otllea of the AMERICAN
being furninhed with a large
HMHortment of job letter and
fancy typ» and job material
generally, the Publiwher an
nounces to the public tnat he
i« prepared at all tinien to ex
ecute in the neatent manner.
Of all Kinds and Description
111111:1'. cocri.Ks
mill: IllPfV
The cozy home of Judge and Mm
Henry Djyel, C'hurcli street, was the
| scene of a very interesting wed
ding y( sterday when tlieir youngest
l daughter.Miss Anna B Divel, liecame
the bride of Amnion H Reiser, of thin
| city.
The ceremony took place at lugh
noon and wa« performed by Rev. M
L. Shindel, I). I). Mhh KIU Divel,of
Philadelphia, -1 rof the bride, wan
bride-maid, and Ji» ph liivel of this
city, brother <»f the bride, was bent
man. The ceremony was witnessed
only by the immediate family.
The bride wore white and the brnte*
maid's gown was pearl.
A wedding dinner was served, after
which the newly w»»dded roo| '• left
on the 2:11 1). L. A: W. train for a
trip to Buffalo, Niagara Fall* and oth
er poiuts
The bride is an accomplished youo*
lady of onr town ai.d has a wide circle
of friends. The groom, who hail* from
West Milton,where his parent* reside,
has b«>i n in Danville for a number
of years. He hold- a responsible poei
tion a- ticket ati> nt and telegraph op
erator at the D L..V W station He
is a young man of • xeel lent character
and of courteous inai tiers.and haa v«»ry
many friend*
Returning from their wadding tup
Mr and Mrs K«M>- r will lake op
their residence on Hloom street.where
a fornieh ■ I hoo«e awaita them
Mi»« I.'tti ' Mrrt>-ll,4u|M«t of Mr
and Mr«. .1 A Mertell, of Valley
township, and u M Dyer, of Wast
irigton, D were nn'ted in matri
mony ye«terdav The nuptial knot
wan tied hj R« * P D Lefrb at No
417 Mil street. at II to n'rhv-k Ttie
tvantifnl ring ««>r<nt*Ntf ».f the Re
formed htortM wx« empl vest Mtee
Mxrx V»»rr II . ' rr » tie httde. ««>
hrtd> -maid an 4 H M.frell, t»rn«h
f»r. * (rr*wf»t*m*n
l*r- nt ill I'• »• n-mnnt i»»r» Mr»
1 «' l>H>l? I ■■•< M<»
m*n. r»f thf» niv Yl<» hrt<to *%*
j M»r*. IfWlv V»in 4 (ft % M«* tr*r»l
*»»* - "'Hiwp M». t th* n»
n« *I v % tt*| !••> ». r» Atiivfi ftt
JMtiili mnvlll *»>• tf tfw
t? H* I*' nf t Irvw fwt v\ ft»fc»wc«n«
<> O , *1 fi>Hi v Hill r. »
11* l>» iv •- % \«T* t<*r«t*r %n*
«l' 1 !< Vno*w X *r»* tvl* %» •• %%%•%
* tt> l«r l*» t<* w< % *.• • »»«• » n#X%
a »*V w.f * * , frl<-*4fc ¥*•»
vr-v'fw '• • m--» v* *. ri rJf H*
H>| Hfr» ■•, |«MWH*»
»¥*> <•**•%* 4v* Wl#W| MmWtfWi
•AM ft %!»•> V<\ »'S»V**K * l-»«WW
J t
v \- -,> *.♦•,•! %v *«■>%+.
vM|f( Mv• X V**V «fc
> M %. W> n v-* 4 \ . I*.r#vv
%N t*V>v |v V V v <VhhS .r,
• -VM-" ,y«**»y. ' * I- -i*H ¥--<h
*i( Hi fcl* «i •• » *.\ % •
S* fc*.\ v** *»* W*
. %v W-a *v s-v.
v- • \ a-. VWfcV,
«Nt Vv *V I \ %VN ¥|fr» »Hf
I v 4 VMIfNNVNfe
MM %***>#% V» i ♦**#► *
H-*'' S feMf«S %•* Vs»»»lw»
W'V >*.\'\«.. s<M v\ % SN«*>'»4 HM
| «*♦. * - \> \W< N%WIWIi
V* S • • V* ♦-> «Nk «»%
.s** k \\\\ « >HV V»>* Dpk
A-. • 4» V\* S • - * IN
v> VI \<rt\
\ % V\ s,v , s kv I
4 ■ Mk W \'- \<HN^
I HmHUNk** vAVwWIMVt % *M»
« >y» . vv
IvV v \x X|. * \ V>|
*»> \ | * \< »\i sW**'H
» * < ' ' S W * J*K>-WA|
\ % a »>»»»»»»WMMkVK vw.W^ l *Mk
(» * V KM* H** > K*» v>»
v\4> * v
i v ; \» •»» * s't %k>\ « I*mi
v'» > MVv>! m <.* l H « UilMsK t«tM*
>U »u>»l x *Wv» kn « o
v 1 t ■>•**
h >1 I HI .1
W Ml c! <t I VV ittd««M> l« lb* * ! o4»
Ji 1 A*v4 A *<• hv ll<at T>«TOI* h# Ull
ll i y U'«i;> > l»«s «sole a JvlK«t lv> I*l4
tt > G«-Ol£* V* Bull* SlsMw HollkCttl
lurtst. ttlioctiim ln»w 10 llsil auvl *\
»u,i ■ lltv 'tiut aud la procur* li<m«
U>» tv r»»i ui«l »i it>« col
Mr Sol* r has i*keii thousauds ot
trees M\il|t<h>i| ||ih>«|k huudreds of
Oil the lIIOHMlaill Sides.!*l»d «>l*tl
.1(1 in With ll>«« raraftou. probably
tl .- I tKuii,--.uo chcsiitut knowu It
three or tout liwM lit** tin of the
commoner vwivlh* and bigger lhau
many lioise chestnuts, il» tl**or la de
I'tolf.vioj Surface made the trip IU
order to - CHIP kinwiiueiw of the par
asites which infest the chestnut trees
lie found four dilfi rvnt varieties which
arc now U'IUK unr»e<l at Inn laboratory
in the real estate building. while *
study of their habits in being made.
i rolley Extension.
Application was Tuesday eveoiug
made to tlie Borough Council of Ber
wick by the Columbia and Montour
Trolley Coiupauy for permission to lay
tracks for an extension of their line to
form a loop through West Berwick.
Last night an application was made to
the West Berwick Council for permis
sion to lay tie tracks in that place.