MONTOUR AMERICAN FRANK C. ANGLE. Proprietor. Danville, Pa., Aug 24, 1905 Republican State Ticket. TREASURER. J. Lee Plummer, Hollidaysbnrg. JUDGES OF SUPERIOR COURT, Charles E. Rice, Wilkes-Barre James A Beaver, Bellefonte. George B. Orlady, Huntingdon Republican County Ticket. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Thomas J. Priee. DISTRICT ATTORNEY Ralph Kisner. COMMISSIONERS. Charles W. Cook, Geo Rudy Sechler. AUDITOR. J H. Woodside. I Till; HIIIMi H Republicans of Pennsylvania Ready For An Aggressive Cumpaign. CLUBMEN ARE IN THE VAN Easton Expects a Great Crowd at the Convention of the State League of Republican Clubs. (Special Correspondence.] Philadelphia, Aug. 22. Within 10 days the Republican cam paign in Pennsylvania will bo well under way and work will bo begun In earnest to assure the election of tho eutire Republican ticket by largo ma jorities Much has already boon done In that direction In the preliminary canvass, and the September ultra as sessment out of the way, the cam paigning to Interest the voters In the Republican cause will be spirited aud unceasing until the IK>IIS close on the 7th of November next. Colonel Wesley It Andrews, chair man of the Republican state commit tee, states that tho county chairmen have never before accomplished BO much work thus early In a canvass, and his reports from every section of tho state aro exeetnllngly gratifying. His correspondence Is very large and a corps of stenographers are kept busy until late every evening running off on typewriters his letters to commlttetv men and other active Republicans In the several counties. Although this Is what Is styled an "off year." when it is not expected that there will be many mass meet ings, Chairman Andrews has already got a number of applications from young Republicans and many veteran orators efferlng their services to the state committee to address any mass meetings that may be held under the auspices of the state organization. The chairman will also be In a position to furnish orators to county meetings held by direction of the county chair men. Young Men to the Front. The state organization Is giving every encouragement possible to tho officers of the State League of Rf>pub llcan Clubs who ar* preparing tot their convention, which will be held la HoAton the xxiMvlltj of Utat tuiuilit. This promises to f>e one of the mosl Important conventions held In the his tory of the state league, and all pos» sible arrangements are being made for the entertainment of the visitors. There will b* full representation of the clubs and a large attendance of active and earnest party men—men who are In the party from conviction and principle, and not for personal gain The league always has been found on the side of clean and aggres sive Republicanism Moat of tho clubs have among the delegate* who will attend the annual convention those active young men who are looking ahead for promotion in our state and local politics. They are the working volunteer force of the party Neither faction nor dissension can swerve them from loyalty to the party which they place above and b*yond men and individuals The league Is a powerful and Im portant adjunct to the state commit tee and a political help to success The state ticket this year Is a good ticket, clean, able and Republican, and there la no reason why It should not receive the earnest and eealous suj> port of all good Republicans. It cer tainly will have the cordial untiring support of all the clubmen over the state. Campaign of Misrepresentation. As an Indication of how the Repub licans of the Interior of the state view the Philadelphia situation, this from the Pittsburg Gazette is of Interest. "In the history of Pennsylvania pol itics there has never been a* dirty a campaign of misrepresentation as that now In progress. There has been trouble in the city of Philadelphia. It began with a iis franchise ordinance and has gone to the extent of lnvolv lng some city contractors. Indue course and by due process of law the accused will be declared guilty or In nocent according to th"lr deserts. In the meantime, however, there Is a hue and cry sent out over the statu that these men are guilty, and their sins are laid at tho door of the Republic as party "The attack on the Republican party, however. Is of another color There is no mistaking that It etna nates from the committee of the whole of the Democratic party and Is boost ed along by the organization of misfits whosu motto Is rule or ruin Its v«ry absurdity has led to allowing It to go unchallenged for so long that it Is beginning to be accepted outside the state. The cuarge haa been taken up by a kit of blantant yellow Journals that try to carry political water on both shoulders, but which never los« a really good opportunity to thrust at the Republican party. That la all there Is to It There Is BO shadow of truth iu the claim and the Republican voters In November will ram It down the false throats that give It utler *nc«." Lorlt. Persons who believe in Inck and signs will doubtless agree that It la un lucky to be struck by lightning on Mondny, or take bold of a clscular saw in motion on Tuesday, or tumble down stairs with a coal scuttle on Wnlnes day, or bo hit by a trollfy enr 011 Thurs day, or fall overboard on Friday, or marry on Saturday, or be one of thir teen to dinner on Sunday when there k food Cor only tea. I SELINSGROVE MAN BEATEN OUT Of- S6OO Lewis K Amig, an aged and well to do citizen of Selinsgrove.a man who has had experience in all the various transactions that goto make up a life time, finally fell into as neat a little name of flim-flam as it has been our pleasure to report for some time. Monday was circus day at that lit tie inland village, and all the country tolk for miles around congregated there, for Snyder county does not of ten experience such a gala day. As is invariably the the vulture fol lows the caravan, crooks of all the fake games in the catagory of "good things" followed and located in Selins grove, with the stamping ground of the show as the headquarters. Mr. Amig came in contact with a pair of the gentry, apparently iu in terested conversation on a matter of advertising the show busiuess. The atteution of the Selinsgtove citizen was at once riveted by the sight of an envelope bulging with greenbacks,and around and about this were others containing less amounts —money in that little firm appeared to be uo con sideration. The big envelope mention ed contained #750, and the man who held it made things appear as though he and his companion had not met be fore. He was evidently trying to per suade the party of the second part to try his lack The game was a good one—each envelope was marked on the one side with the amount it contain ed, ranging from $5 to #SO, and one of them contained #7so,and this one was, before the opening of the game expos ed to view. The proposition was made to Mr. Amig that if he could cover the #SO he could play, and a trial for the fun of the thing was made. Mr. Amig first drew #lO, and then again #2O and again 50, all the while with the #750 in sight as a possibility when out of sight and in the game. He became more earnest and said he had no money with hiir, hut could secure it. The party to the second part then stated that if Mr. Amig would raise #KOO, he, the party to the second part, would raise #l6O and they would put the man with the little envelopes out of the business. This was planned iu secret. The result was that Mr. Amig secured the endorsement of G. R. Hendricks, drew the #<'«0() fioin the bank, met the fakirs in an alley, ac companied them to a secret place and it required but a few moments until Mr. Amig had bid a sorrowful fare well to his #tio(). Whether he will ever meet and greet it again will remain for the courts to decido, as he has had the offenders arrested. Free Anti-Toxin For Those Who Can't Pay Health Commissioner Dixon is now formulating plans for establishing de pots In every county of the Common wealth for the free distribution of anti-toxin to those diphtheria sufferers who cannot afford to purchase it. So far, the plans are incipient and about the one definite bit of in forma tion on the subject which Dr. Dixon has made public is that two or more depots will be established in each coun ty from which the anti toxin will be distributed upon application by a certificate from the nlivsician iu at tendance. Anti-toxin, in addition to being a cure for diphtheria, is also au excel lent preventative of the disease in those who have been exposed to con tagion and au effort will be made to establish a system of inoculation for those w ho have been so exposed. Unique Relic. Some months ago Captain H. H. Mertz found a land turtle 011 the bat tlefield of Gettysburg, which was in scribed with the insignia of tlie En gineer Corps, the American flag and "J. Lee, Company B, U. S. E." The newspaper articles that appeared rela tive to the strange find brought a claimant for the property in a man from Detroit, Michigan. Through a protracted correspondence it lias developed that tin: marking was cut ou the under shell of tin: turtle in 18fiD while the command lay at Taney* town, Md., then General Meade's headquarters of the Army of the Po touiac, and thirteen miles from where it was found, after a lapse of forty years. Captain Mertz took pleasure in ex pressing the turtle to Lieutenant Lee and doubtless the owner is proud of this unique relic of a personal experi ence daring the war Trolley Work Still Delayed. A car load of rails for the Danville and Sunbury Street Railway Company arrived at South Danville Monday and another car is expected to arrive this morning The agreement relating to the un derground crossing below the station has not yet arrived, a circumstance which makes it impossible for the company to proceed with the work of construction. The papers, .satisfactor ily signed, it is believed, will be 011 hand in a day or so. Far Away to Allentown Hair An excursion of between 300 and 100 people will journey to Allentown 111 September from Clinton county, ft) diana, to attend the Allentown Fair. The party will consist of Pennsylvania Germans who left Lehigh county many years ago and settled iu that, section Most of them are prosperous and many of them have grown old.and they want to come hack to Lehigh county once more. Principal of Orangeville School. Daniel Snyder and family and Mr. Snyder's mother, Mrs. H. M Snyder, of Riverside,left yesterday for Orange ville, where Mr. Snyder has accepted the principalship of the Orangovtlle school. Mr Snyder has been lor sev eral years principal of the Riverside school A Trip to the West. Our townsman, Henry L. Gross, is 011 his way to the West, where he ex pects to visit his sons, who are in busi ness there. Toledo is his lirst objec tive point and after a week there he will goto Kansas City, later proceed ing to Oklahoma. Notice in Partition. In the Court of Common Pleas of Montour County, No. 2 May Term 1905. Horace B. Bennett and Mary K. Ben nett, his wife, in rittht of the said Mary K. Bennett as the alienee of James Wands aud also as an heir at law ot Elizabeth Wands deceased,an heir at law of John Wands, deceas ed, plaintiffs. VS Samuel V". Thompson, Committee of David Wands a lunatic, John L. Lane and Arthur P. Lane as Administrat ors and also as heirs at law of Eliza beth Wands, deceased an heir at. law of the said John Wands, deceased, Elizabeth Crooker and James Crook er, her husband, heirs at law of Thomas Wands, deceased, John A Wands, James Wands, Alexander Wands, Henry Wands, Charles Wands, Mary Wands, Catherine Wands, Jo seph M. Gihsou, as husband of Jen nie Gibson, deoeased and also as Guardian and litem of Montgomery Gibson aud Jennie Gibson, the first named ol whom is above the age of fourteen years,minor children of the said Jennie Gibson, deceased, heirs at law of Alexander Wands,deceased and Lewis Rodenhoffer, Alienee of Christian Wands, deceased, respec tively, defendants. To John L. Lane and Arthur P. Lane as Administrators aud also as iieirs at law of Elizabeth Lane,deceas ed, an heir at law of the said Christ iana Wands, deceased, an heir at law of the said John Wands, deceased, Elizabeth Crooker and James Crooker her husband, heirs at law of Thomas Wands, deceased. John A. Wands, Alex ander Wands, Henry Wands, Charles Wands, heirs at law of Alexander Wands, deceased, and Lewis Roden hoffer, Alienee of Christiana Wands, deceased, and to all other of the above named defendants who may reside out of the said county of Montour. You and each of you are hereby duly notified that on the fourteenth day of June, A. D, 1905, at the suit of the above named Plaintiffs a writ in Partition was duly issued in the afore said Court against the above named defendants commanding them the said defendants to be and appear before the Judges of the aforesaid Court at Dan ville, Pa., in and for the said County of Montour, there to be held 011 Monday, Sept. 25 1905, to answer the said Plaintiffs of a plea, wherefore, whereas the said plaintiffs aun e d vital organs '>r the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles most always result fr m a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly ycfu can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The rriild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon reali/.ed. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold by ail druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may f' V 7"*, have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it. both n «mi> of Swamp-Hoot sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Bmghamton, N Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake. but remem ber the name, Swanp-Root, Dr. Ki) nier's Swamp-Root, and the add res Bingham ton. N.Y . on every bottles. Jurors for September. List of Jurors for September term of Court convening September 25th, 1905. GRAND JURORS Anthony township.—Levi Fottner, George Johnson. Danville, Ist ward —Thomas A. Evans, John O. Bryan, W. B. Startzel and Jesse K4ase. Danville, 3rd ward.. —John Rich ards, John W. Sweisfort, John Cruik shank. Danville,4th ward.—John Steinnian, Thomas Hale, Englebert Albert. Liberty township.— Daniel Hi tie. James Foresman, R C Auten, Bai tholomew James, Charles Bobbins. Limestone township.- C 1) Lavan. Mahoning township - George W Sandel, George !•'. Deibert, William Quigg. Valley township - A. J Stineman, Hiram VVertman. West Hemlock township. -Hiram Cromley. TRAVERSE JURORS. Anthony township.— Mont Derr, Jo seph Kuhns. Cooper township. —Jacob Shult/. Danville.lst ward.- Robert G. Mill er, Edward Coimaii, Paul Andrews,J. W. Lore, Joseph R. Ulmer, Heury M. Schoch, William E. Gosh. Danville, 2nd ward.—Franklin Boy er, Albert Kemmer, Waiter Russell. Danville, 3rd ward.— William N Russell, Jacob Byerly, James Smith, John Blue, James Ryan, W. Fred Ja cobs.Jacob Fischer.JFredrick Vincent. Danville, 4th ward. Walter Lovett, Patrick Scott, Silas Wolverton,Patrick Redding, Calvin Eggert, Thomas H Lee, Benjamin Cook, Millard Cook. Derry township.—John A. Kester, Grant W. Boat, John B. Smith, Elias Aiiplnman. diaries Beaver, Samuel Brittaiu. Limestone township —F J. White night. Liberty township.— Noah Stump,W D. Steiubach, Charles Geringer. Mahoning towuship William Dyer, Edward L White, John Litterer. Mayherry township—Peter S. Crom ley. Valley township —John Everett, K. P. Applenian. Washingtonville. —George K Hed- dens. West Hemlock township.—o W. Ancle, Albert Hartman. The Choice of a School. Many of oar readers are now select ing the school which they will attend* during the ensuing y< ar. We otter a word of advice SELECT THE IsEST Nothing elsi- Is so good as the best, it's true of schools especially It is our opinion that the Literary Institute and State Normal School, at Rloomsbarg, Fa.,has no superiors,and few equals. Send for a catalogue. Write the Principal. State how far you have gone in your education, what von do sir<' to prepare for, whether for teach ing, for college for business, or a course in music. You'll get help and good advice. Do it today. Plenty of Deer. Deer are more plentiful in Pennsyl vania than they have been for many years, according to the reports to the State Game Commission. Some of the game wardens report deer in localities where there has been none of those animals for many years The reports also indicate a iarj-i abundance of wild turkeys and pheas ants and an unusually small qnntity of quail. Nasal CATARRH Ei,rc;«;i a in.<^w clrfuis«'H, Hoottien and heal h W y m the diHt'Hseil in< luhruiir **** I It curt-tf catarrh and drives awfty a cold in the head 112 quickly. •■■■■■■■■■ Itii lin \a placed into tin nostrils,nprradM over the membrane and is absorbed. Helief it* im medmte and a cure follows. It i« not drying—doe« not produce sneezing. Large Size, f»o cents at Drug- i gists or l»y mail; Trial Size, 10 cents. KLY BKOTIJ KKB, 6«"» Warren Street, New York TST "27 £iT%. VEGETABLE SICILIAN fkiu JL/S Hair Renewer Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and Keeps it soft and glossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff". And it always restores color to gray hair. Sold for fifty years. "g** l ""' NIAGARA TALLS EXOURSIONS Low-rate Vacation Trips via Pennsylvania Railroad. The remaining dates of the popular Pennsylvania Railroad ten-day excur sions to Niagara Kalis from Wash ington and Baltimore are August 25, September 8 and 22, and October Jit. On these dates the special train will leave Washington at 7:55 A. M ,Haiti more 9:00 A. M., York 10:40 A. M , Harrisburg 11 :40 A. M., Millersbnrg 12:20 P. M., Snnhnry 12:58 P. M , Williamsport 2:80 P. M., Lock Haven 3:08 P M , Kenovo ;i :55 P. M , Em porium Junction 5:05 P. M , arriving Niagara Falls at SI :35 P. M Excursion tickets, good for return passage on any regular train, exclu sive of limited express trains, within ten days, will be sold at SIO.OO from Washington,and Baltimore ;$!• .35 from York ; §10:00 from Littlestown ; SIO.OO from Oxford, Pa., $9.35 fiom Colum bia; $8.50 from Harrisburg, SIO.OO from Winchester, Va : $7.80 from Al toona ;*f7.40 from Tyrone; $(>.45 from Bellet'onte; $7,450 from Ridgway; sl :n- when* lioni'Mt mid ••onsfifiitious .-mil ini ilical advice, correct anil scientific treatment. ami speedy ami permanent cures were assured. i >m! i>l t his dour have walked 1 liousutids. Hi 1 lie full enjoy meiit of health and length, wlmliad been given up asincur ihle by their family physician. This fuel lias made the name anil fame of DR. 112. I. J J. I. Am Known ;i it«l iu kiiotvli tlironuli out |||«* rutin eouutry ii» iiionl nim - i-4'MMfiil |iliv*th tiuiN In the cure of elirontf iiml iit-rioiiH tllMimes. J'he are proprietors of the well known in edict lie, |)r tireene's Nervura Hloud and Nerve Remedy. This famous Cure Is com pomuled and prepared under their own personal supervision and is guaranteed to be fully up the standard as regards strengt inefficiency and excellence The pubiie Health Lectures will he re sumed m the fall. brs I . A. \ .1. A Greene can he consult ed personally or by letter, without charge. jU mmm A ti II tln new posit tons created ! l»\ Railroad ami i'elegrapli Companies. ; W. want Y«»UMi M K.N and LAIUKs of good habits, to LEARN TELEGRAPHY / ND R R ACCOUNTING We furnish 75 per cent. of the Op rators and station Aglnts in America. (Hit ' m*la«m>lh are the largest exclusive I'elegrapli ' Schools in tile World. Kstahlislicd 'JUyear! imi endorsed hy all leading UailWh v t Mli eials, \V« execute a **J >o liond to every student to furnish liim or her a position paying I from ilO to s»U> a n 1011 1 h in states east of tin* Rocky Mountains, or from v. r » to SI(Ml a month in States we-»t oft iie Hockies, i immediately upon graduation. students can enter at any time. No va cations. lor full partieiiTars regarding an\ of our Schools w rite direct to our exe cutive office at i iucinnati, O. Catalogue free. The Morse School of Telegraphy. Cincinnati, Ohio. Ifiiffulo, N. Y Atlanta. l2 Bioom street, Danville, Fa Edward Savre Gearhart, Counsel. ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE. Estate of John R. Bennett, deceased. Letters of administration, o. t. a., on the estate of John R. Bennett, late of Danville, Montour County, Penn sylvania, deceased, have been granted to Ellen C. Bennett, residing in said place, to whom alt persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and these having claims or demands, will make known the same without delay. ELLEN O. BENNETT, Administratrix Danville, Pa., June 20th, 1905. Pennsylvania's New $5,000,000 Capitol IN FOUR COLORS Beautiful Lithograph Hounted and Suitable for F.aming- Worth sl. Sent Anywhere With One Month's Trial Subscription to the Harrisburg Telegraph FREE. Send us cents in silver, stamps, check or money order to pay for a month's subscription and the Picture will l>c mailed to you at ouce. fM Hsiipiis HI Central Telegraphic PFFLQSF UM IS NGWS Re P ortere Despatches What Happens El.-cwhere is Incident. Everywhere ____________ Both Complete in the Telegraph. That's why The Daily Telegraph is read in more homes in Central Penn sylvania than any other paper. Try it for a month and get the Picture. You'll jj;ct a Capitol Picture uwi a ( 'apital Newspaper. Special rates to Cluts THE DAILY TELEGRAPH. harrisburg, Pa. ITHE SMART SET A MAGAZINE OF CLEVERNESS. Magazines should have a well defined purpose. Genuine entertainment, amusement ami mentalirecrea tion are the motives of THE SMART SET, the M 0 T SUCCESSFUL OF MAGAZINES Its NOVELS (a complete one in each number )are< by tha most brilliant authors of both hemispheres. * Its SHORT STORIES are matchless—clean and hu man interest. Its POETRY covering the entire field of verse—pathos, love, humor, tenderness—is by the most popular poets, men and women, of the day. Its JOKES, WITTICISMS, NKETCIIKS, etc., are admittedly the most mirth-provoking. 160 PAGES DELIGHTFUL READING No pages are WASTED on cheap illustrations, editori vaporings or wearying essays and idle discussions. EVERY page will INTEREST, .'HARM aiul REFRESH you. Subscribe now- $2.50 per year. Remit in cheque, P. O. or Express order, or register!d letter to THE SMART SE T, 452 Hifth Avenue, New York. N. B.—Sample copies sent free on application. PEVER SITUATION IS MUCH riORE HOPEFUL New Orleans, Aug. 28 The situa tion in the city is more and more hope ful While the number of deaths for the week ending Aug. 12 was 48 the number for the week ending Aug. IV was only 12. Dr. J D. Devrons statement of the condition at Lecville published in this morning's Picayune, says: There are tiSt positive eases of fev er, 53 suspicious cases, and 145 cases of dengue fever. There are about 300 houses and families here, and I do not think there is a single house which has not one or more cases of siokoess. Patterson reports 15 new cases, Mis sissippi City reports three new oases. A signed statement has been issued by Dr. J. II Wliytte protesting against l)r Reginald B. Leach and his arson isation theory. There have been 1,503 cases in the city up-to-date and 214 deaths. There were 5; new cases yesterday and 8 deaths There are 31H cases under treatment SIS IIUM US 2 TO 15 HORSE POWER Strictly High Class ' Fully Guaranteed SEND FOR SPECIAL CATALOGUE liioiii fins [line Go. WILLIAMSPORT, PA. ■Easy and Quick! Soap-Making with BANNER LYE To ninkc lie very best soap, simply i;iii of r lye in cold watc:, MI ,i r,«. 1!>-.. of gicase, pour the - J .ye water i the grease. Stir and put - aside to set. t uil directions <>n Every Package JUtnm-r Iye is pulverized. The can may l !* i, in t the article needed in j ivi . . . .< : if.ld. It will clean paint, i! . . il len ml tile work, soften water, .. infect ink; closets and waste pipes 'i .>r booklet "Uses of Banner I' i I 'JC. • i.. i Vnii Clu-mlcal Works. Philadelphia Windso Hotel , Bet wei ii 12th and 13th Sts. on Filbert St Philadelphia, Pa. Three minutes walk from the Read > ing Terminal. Five minutes walk from s the Pcnna. R. R. Depot. EUROPEAN PLAN SI.OO per day and upwards. AMERICAN PLAN $2.00 per day. FRANK M. SCHEIBLEY, Manager | R I P-A-NS Tabula i Doctors find A good prescription For Mankind. The 5 cent packet is enough for nsnal occasions. The family bottle (60 cents) contains a snpply for a year. All drug gists sell them.