local time tables ] DANVILLE AND BLOOMSBURG STREET RAILWAY. Care leave Danville: First car leaves Grovauia for Blooins bnrg at 5:50. 1 First car leaves Grovania for Dan ▼ille at 5:50. Leaves Danville at 0 20, 7:00, 8 00, 8 00,10:00. 11:00. A. M. P. M 12:00, 1:00, 2 00 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00. UiHat oar Saturdays 11:00 to Blooins bnrg. „ Last ear Saturdays 12:00 to Grovauia only. Sunday first car leaves Danville at A- M.and every honmntil 10:00 P. M. 11:00 to Grovania only. Care leave Bloomsbnrg same time as a: Danville. Pknn'a. R. R cast. west. J 11 A M A " M ' (in • is "I • SUNDAYS 0.17 a. U 4,81 p * M * D. L. <* W. R R CAST. JTKST. 7 07 A. M A ' M ' tJX •• 12.44 P. M 111 P. M 5.48 " SUNDAYS 7 07 A. M. 18 ** p M ' 1W P. *• »•<* PHILA READING R. R. NORTH. SOUTH. 7.58 A. M. 11.28 A. M. 8.59 P. *. „ 6 - 3R pM BLOOM STREET 7.55 A. M. 11- 81 A Mt 8.58 P M. ®« 88 P WERE MARRIED J READING The many friends in this city of Miss Veata Williams, formerly of Danville, will be much interested to learn of her wedding to J. O. Potts, which took place in Reading on Monday morning. The bride is the sister of Mrs. W. A. Seohler, market square, and a daught er of W. D. Williams, formerly sup erintendent of the Mahoning Rolling Mill, this city. With her parents she removed to Pottsville soveral years ago. The following aocoont of the wedding is taken from the "Pottsville Republican" of Monday: A quiet wedding took place at 11:80 o'olook this morning at the parsonage of St. Barnabas Episcopal church, at Beading, when Miss Vesta Williams and J. O. Potts.both prominent young people of Pottsville, were made man and wife. The ceremony was perform ed by the Rev. J. B. May, rector of that churoh, and formerly assistant rector of Trinity Bpisoopal church, of town. In attendance were a number of the relatives of the bride and groom. After a wedding dinner they departed on an extended wedding >oor to points of interest and upon the conclusion of their trip,will return to Philadelphia, to make their home. The groom is the eldest sou of the late Oapt. W. W. Potts and of Mrs. Kliz* Potts, and is well known and reipected hy a large number of Potts ri'le friends in which town he has al ways renided. Until aboat a year aso he hald a responsible position in tie paymaster's department of tiie P. & R U. & I Co , aud resigned to accept a positiou with Swift & Co. ,at Phila delphia. Since going to that city he hat met with excellent ►access and has reoeived several promotions. He is a member of Pulaski Lodge, F & A M., of the Pottsville Lodge of Elks,of which tie was Leading Knight, prior to his removal to the city. During the Spanish war he served in the Fourth Regiment as a member of the drum eorps in the Porto Rico campaign. In the National Guard since the war, lie wai for several years bngler of the Bigbth Regiment and was promoted to the Brigade staff in the same capacity with the rank of sergeant. The bride is the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Williams, of North Third Street. She is the possessor of manv talents,notablyamong which is a wonderfully fine contralto voice which haa attracted considerable favorable comment not only in the oounty but in Philadelphia, where she is the solo ist of a professional qnartette in the Broad and Oxford street Presbyterian church. Miss Williams participated in a leading role in most of the am ateir musical productions in Potts ville,her pergonal beauty adding great ly to the effect of her rare vocal tal ent. The wedding was witnessed by a number of relatives from Pottsville. The bride was becomingly attired in a traveling suit and was attended bv Mr*. Lillian P. Bowen, as matron of honor, and the groom by S. N. Potts, as best man. Ths young conple receiv ed numerous presents from their many friends and all join in extending to Ihem their heartiest congratulations. Reformed Synod at Allentown. The next triennial cession of the General Synod of the Reformed Church of the United States will be held in Zion Reformed church at Allentown, beginning May 16, and continuing about ten days. The session of 1902 was held in Baltimore. About 3o goto Su'ibury in large numbers on Wednesday, April 3flth a>id will take a prominent part in the parade. Jos eph H. Mackey ha* been re-elected Krand secretary of the grand lodge of Pennsylvania, he having no opposi tion. The only contest was between Rev. B. H. Hart, of Harrisburg, and G. R. McGlatherty, Philadelphia, for grand warden. The returns from a big majority of the lodges of the state give Hart a big majority, that cannot bo overcom*. A FORGOTTEN WELL UNCOVERED A forty-five foot pole, belonging to the United Telephone and Telegraph Company at the Heddena House stood right on the line to be occupied by the curbing required in connection with the new pavement to be put down in Mill street and it was ordered ro be re moved Monday. It proved neatly an all-day job for the linemen. The plan adopted was the usual one of digging another hole alongside the pole nearer to the buildings and when a suftloient depth had been attained to force the pole, heavily loaded with wires, over into the new hole where it would be oat of the way of the curb. In attempting to sink a hole yester day a curious discovery was made. A depth of several feet had been attain ed less thau a yard away from the pole when an opening appeared under the digging implements and oue of the men remarked they were in good luck, as they had just uncovered an old post hole, which could be reopened with little difficulty A "post hole'" it proved to be indeed, oue that could have nearly swallowed the big pole and several others like it. The opeu ing was an old well, which having seived its day and generation in the early days of the town was covered over some time in the past and the spot from time to time filled up a- required by the improvements on the street. The well was found to be securely walled up aud so far as coukl be de termined by the linemen was very deep. The opening was re-covered and another spot alongside the well select ed for the pole. Men of advanced years who have lived in Danville all their lives to have no reoollectiou of the well, which undoubtedly was maintained in oonnection with the Union Hall hotel In the earlier part of its history. It would not be strange if the old well passed out of use fifty years or more ago. TIME IS THE TEST. The Testimony of Danville People Stands the Test. The test of time is what tells the tale. The public soon find out when misrepresentations are made, and merits alone will stand the test of time. Danville people appreciate metit, and many mouths ago local citizens publicly endorsed Doan's Kid ney Pills; they do so still. Would a citizen make the statement which fol lows unless couvinced that the article was just as represented? A cure that lasts is the kind that every sufferer from kidney ills is looking for. David B. Jon»s,printer,of 401 Church St., says:"l think very highly of Doan's Kidney Pills. They cured me of an enervatiug backache and lame ness across the small of my back. This trouble comrneuoed with sharp twinges just over my hips and later I had con siderable rain all over my back even extending to the lop of the head, in fact, I never knew where the pain would strike me uext. 1 saw Doan's Kidney Pills highly recommended and procured a box at a drug store. It only required a short time to show thar they were helping me, aud after tak ing the treatment for a time the trou ble left me entirely and I have had no return of it for years. I made a state ment to that effect in 1896 and that statement stajds as good today as it dirt then." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milbum Co., Buffal •, N Y , sole agents for the United States Remember the name— Duau's— and take no other. Council's Wrong Action. With commendable public spirit the Northuuub rland Press opposes the ac tion of the council of that borough in imposing: restrictions upou the right of way of the Northumberland County Traction Company through the bor ough limits. Upon this subject it says: " Assuming that the people would make it an advatanga to the town, we advocate the granting of the right of way to the trolley line, desiring it be oaose a majority of our taxpayers want it. And how may we make it beDefloial to the community By com peting with other communities in business, thereby keeping trade at home, and in all ways possible attract ing people to the town, instead of ■ending them away from it. No town isolated from other towns can improve to any extent. This is unmistakably true. The best oppor tunity Northumberland haß been given for great improvement in many a day is by the desire of the Northumber land Ooonty Traction Company to have a route through the town, aud a better opportunity will be presented to us when several other lines desire passage through the borough." A Guaranteed (Jure For Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or protrud ing Piles. Drnggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in oto 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn't it send 50c in stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid by Paris Medi cen Co., St. Louis. Mo. A Fatal Encounter. An episode which occurred in the Kentucky Mountains and one tint is causing much uewspap«r comment, is a raid on a band of moonshiners r at terminated in a thrilling and fatal en counter. The flgli* was a t> rrffio one, aud although tl.e rugged moui t nin t r~ put up a struggle, those who were not killed were captured bv the daring sheriff's depone*. This combat between t>rave and fear less in»n tikes place niglitlv with -m li realism as toappeir t t he life itself at the Lvnian H. Howe Moving Pit tur s. Howe's Moving P ctnres will appear iu this city on Saturday, April 29th. To Oure a (Jold in One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. All druirgiats r-fund a» >ney if it fails 11 cure. E W. Grove's signa ture is on each box 25c. Dentists Will Convene. Local dentists, who ar»> members of the Pennsylvania State Society, have received the call for the annual con vention to be held at the Bellevue Stratford Philadelphia from Jane 27th to 2»th. The committee propose mak ing the event notable. 11. C. A. BOYS' BIBLE CLASS The regular montlily recepton of the Thomas Beaver Boys' Bible Class of the Y. M. O. A. was held in Associa tion Hall, Tuesday, with an attend ance of nearly four honored persons, one hundred and sixty of the number being members of the class. The audi ence was the largest of the season and taxed tlie hall to accommodate the crowd. The program was in charge of Mrs. T. J. Rogers and Mrs. Jesse Shannon, who deserve credit for the way in which they coudncted the exercises. Mrs Emma McHenry was the accom panist for the Bible Class, and Mrs Wesley Morrall accompanied those who took part in the entertainment. The program was opened with sing ing b» Mie Bovs' Bible Class, followed by reading of the Scriptures by Mrs. Jes«e Shannon aud prayer bv General Secretary sVilliam D. Laumaster. Af ter another song by the boys there was a very fine drill given by girl mem b rs from the South Danville schools, taught by Miss Pfahler and Miss Camp bell. This was a very fine feature and was enjoyed by all present. W. J. Rogers gave a recitation iu German dialect, which struck a re sponsive chord in his hearers. Two delightful vocal solos were rendered by Miss Corabel Hendrickson. A piano duett was a plea«ing number,exeouted by Anna E Imondson, Phoebe Curry, and Mary Rogers, after which follow ed a vocal solo by Miss Bertha Rudy. The closing number was a violin solo by George Wildsmith. The entertainment was a success in every way, and was enjoyed by every member of the large audience. Forget About Your Stomach. If your digestion is bad the vital or gaus of your body are not fed and nourished as they should be. They grow weak and invite disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Core digests what you eat, cures indigestion and all stomach troubles. You forget you have a stomach from the very day you begin taking it. This is because it gets a rest—recuperates and gradually grows so strong and healthy that it troubles you 110 more. Sold by Panles & Co. Social and iluslcal. A cobweb social and musical was hell at the First Baptist church on Friday evening. It was largely at tend d. The program, which was ex cellently rendered, was as follows: Piano Duet, "Sunflower Danoe," Misses Miles and Sechler. Solo, "Whisper," Miss Bertha Evans. Cornet Solo, ...."Oh Golden Land of Peace," Mr. Latituer. Drill . .. The Doll's Lesson Eight Girls. Solo, "O Tliou Sublime, Sweet Evening Star" Mr. Russell. Recitation Selected Mr. Rogers. Solo, "Burst Ze, Apple Bads" Miss Ammerman. Piauo Solo, .. ." Lilies of the Valley Miss Jenkins. Solo, "Faces in the Firelight" Mr. Heirington. Ii cita'ion, Selected Mr. Rogers. Doet, "As Pants the Heart" Mrs Sober and Mrs. Lonaberger, Miss Miles aco< mpanist. The Right Name is DeWitt. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cools, soothes and heals cats, barns, boils, bruises, piles and all diseases. K. E. Znkefoose, Adolph, W. Va , sus: "My little daoghter had white swelling so bad that piece after pieoe of bone worked oat of her leg. De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cored her." It is the most wonderful healing salve in the world. Beware of counterfeits. Sold by I'aules & Co. A Big Electric System. Electric light franchises have been granted in Saubary, Selinsgrove and Middlehorg to George W. Wagensel ler, of Middlebnrg, and David Golt stein, of Pittsburg. It is proposed to organize a company called the Middle Creek Electric Company of which P. H. Harter, of Snnbury, is to be trea surer,and combine the local companies of the three places and also of North umberland, to famish electric light by means of a water power in Middle Creek, two miles below Selinsgrove, where a tunnel will be dag through Naishe's Mountain for a distance of 1200 feet. A trolley line will be bailt from Sanbary to Miffliotown. Frightful Suffering Relieved. Suffering frightfully from the virul ent poisons of undigested fool, C. G. [Grayson, of Lula, Miss., took Dr : King's New Life Pill-, "with the re sult," he writes: "that I was car d." All stomach and bowel disoiders give way to their tonic,laxative properties. •Jso at Panles & Co's drugstore Guar- I nteed. Reading's New Baggage Rules. The Reading Kail way Company has inaugurated a crusade against pa-seng ers inclined to occupy more than their |«h ire of i are in coaches. Hereafrei they will bj compelled to keep their hand baggag" in the sears with them or .I e place their grips ar their feet Ii no ein;umt-auoi'S svill thev be per mitted to place them in the aisles. Won a Name of Fame. DbWit '- I ittle Early Risers,the faui ou- little pills, have been made fam ous by tln-ir ceitain yet harnnless and ti nfle action upou the howels and liv er They have no equal for bilious ness, constipation, t to. They do not weaken the stomach, gripe, or make yon feel sick. Once used always pre f> r• il They strengthen. Sold by Panlt-s . A N'ght Attack. Last night the little daughter of Mrs. Brown, as she sweetly and peacefully slept in her little b'd near the win dow, wai attacked by a death-dealing demon known as Croup Whooping COURII, and but for the timely usa of Kennedy's Laxative Houry aud Tar, which she always keeps handy, the life of the little one might not have been saved. Kennedy's Laxative Hon ey and Tar is different from all of the old-time couah syrups and is best for children because it acts on the bowels, is harmless, safe and certain - Contains no opiates. Sold by Paules & Co. Cerebrospinal fleningltis. The mysterious disease of meningitis that has been puzzliug the prople, and some of the physician*, the past few months, is now on the decliue. The New York World in commenting upon the ravages of the disease says: "Cerebrc-spinal meningitis is an im perfectly nnderstood inflammation of the membranes envi loping the brain and the spinal marrow. It is most to be feared in poor and olos -ly crowded quarters of great oities, yet in rural Silesia it h»s been so sovere that the peasants have fled from its ravages,aud in New York a railroad pre«idtnt has died of it in a fashionable hotel. It is very sudden in its ata* k and causes ex oessive suffering. New York will not soon forget the description of the agonies suffered by a poor girl who had contracted meningitis and was wrongfully putin a cell for alcohol ism. The disease is doubtless in some manner communicable. " Half a century ago oerebro-spinnl moningiris was as little known bv name as appendicitis, though as "spor ted fever" it hart done some execution It appears to be at its worst at the en Ins he'd destroyed, in the haods of Sc alers, may be used for dis play purposes, but the factory brand and caution notice must also be de stroyed it' the dealer wishes to sell or give away such boxes." A deal -t iu cigars who buys cigars properly hrauded with the proper cau tion notice thereon, and the required revenue stamp, the cigars being thus in a legal cjudition, and such dealers sells all the cigars from sucii box it is his dutv to at once destroy the revenue stamp OM sach box, and if he deiir—»— i ■ i>r»'wnwiMM——— Acer's You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, all your folks, used it. They trusted Sarsaparilla It. Their doctors trusted It. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. ••I .nffore.l terribly from Indication and thin hiood 1 found no relief unit! I took Atpr's Samapartlla. Four bottles perma uontli cured inf." >lllß. F. H. HART, Mt. Ktsco, N. T. ?l no a bottle. .t. o. ATKR ro„ •"•"SI""""'"" fop Rich Blood Ayer's Pills are gently laxative. They greatly aid the Sarsaparilla.