Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, February 09, 1905, Image 4

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FRANK C. ANGLE. Proprietor.
Danville, Pa., Feb. q. IWS.
official announcement was made today
•112 the appointment of M. Kubeku, di
rector of the Imperial Library as Presi
dent of a councilative commission for
the reason of the laws governing the
censorship aud the press. The com
mittee included three Senators,the as
aiatant Minister of instruction, six
representatives of the Academy of
Sclense aud four editors
* The appointment of this commission
i> an act which has immense possibili
ties in the wav of Russian progress
One of the greatest enemies to the ad
vancement of the lower classes ha«
been their inability to obtain through
iheir owu medium of information the
pr« «s news of what was being done in
the higher classes of the empire. There
has been an iron-bound censorship on
•11 news printed in Russian papers
•ud this censorship has precluded the
publication of anything which would
be for the marked benefit of the work
ing and middle classes.
Now and thrn an editor, more dar
ing than his fellows, would publish
an item giving an insight into official
mismanagement. Such an editor how
ever generally proved the last of that
paper. The sincerity of the govern
ment in this new step appears to be
confirmed by the personnel of the com
mission which will consider the im
provements noted. With four editors
on the commission there is every like
lihood that the Russian press of the
future will be an entirely different in
stitution than that of the past.
Then, too,this step seems to presage
the adoption of other aud perhaps more
important reforms by the government.
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or protrud
ing Piles. Druggists refund money if
PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any
oase, no matter of how long standing,
Id 6to 14 days. First application gives
ease and rest. 50c. If your druggist
hasn't it send 50c in stamps and it will
be forwarded post-paid by Paris Medi
cine Co., St. Louis. Mo.
Y. n. C. A. NOTES.
From Mr. 01-veland's address at the
P. R. R. Y. M O. A. :
"This occasion is full of inspiration
for those who delight in the success
and growth of a good case The con
templation of the moral, intellectual
•nd educational results which the
Young Men's Christian Association of
Philadelphia has wrought within its
life of fifty years is a cure for pessi
mism and serves to reinstate our belief
that the valne our people place upou
the things to be desired is not alto
gether measured by immediate returns
In money or selfish indulgence. As we
»ijw the unprecedented American rush
for wealth aud trade advantages, we
•re apt to give entrance to the fear
that patriotism and good citizenship
•re let behind in the race. We do uot
always see through the dust and tur
moil that the instrumentalities of civil
righteousness are still holding their
own. We hear the din and shouting
Of money-getting aud we are not al
ways certain that iu the midst of it all
the steady voice of conscience is plead
ln« for better things. It is well,there
tore, that occasions like this in which
ve today take part should be appoint
ed, to the end that we may more fully
learn that moral achievements should
be added to phenomeual success iu
taking an inventory of our country's
valuable possessions."
Will Try Again.
HARRISBURG, Feb. 8 -An effort
to secure the passage by the legislature
today of a resolution requesting the
board of pardons to commute the death
aentence of Mrs. Kate Edwards to im
prisonment for life was defeated in the
boose on a technicality, and will be
offered again. It recites that the fact
has been ascertained that she is an
•pileptic aud therefore irresponsiole ;
that her husband had threatened her
life and she was impelled by nervous
apprehension to take his life, and
finally. that it is the sense of the legis
lature that capital punishment of a
woman has a generally demoralizing
effect upon the community and should
be avoided.
Sleighing Party.
A sleighing party was pleasantly
entertained at the home of Mr. and
Mra. J. A. Croons, near Ottawa, on
Thursday evening Refreshments were
■erved and an excellent tim-3 enjoyed
by all. Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Risliel and son George.Mr.
and Mrs. D. A. Cox, Mr. and Mrs
Jkoob Holdreu, Mr. and Mrs. Levi
Fenstermacher and daughter Anna,
Mr. and Mr*. W. O. Krumm and
daughter Mabel, Mr and Mrs W. C.
MoVicker, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Litch
•rd, Mr. and Mrs. William DiefJen
bacher, Schuyler Irwin, John Hart
■um. Robert Carey, aud Miss Lizzie
Tour Party's Mishap.
While the State Sabbath School As
•ociation Tour Party were on their
••y to Mausdale, to hold services in
8t John's Reformed church, Satur
evening, a runner oil their sleigh
broke Not being able to repair the
broken part, the company was obliged
to walk from Hooter's Park, where the
accident happened, to Maosdale.
After the service S. W Herr kindly
tarnished a sled in which the com
panj made the return trip to Dauville.
Poison In Food
Perhaps you don't realize that many
pain poisons originate in your food,
but some day you may feel a twinge
•112 dyspepsia that will convince you.
Dr. King's New Life Pills are guar
anteed to cure all sickness dux to
poisons of undigested food—or money
baofc. 25c at Paules & Co'sdrug store.
Try them.
Sleighing parties are on the go—and
mu the come, too, apparently.
Word received in Dauville yesterday
Iroiu the committee appointed to notify
the Rev. James Henry Dtrlingrou, 1).
D., of Brooklyn, of his election to the
Bishopric of the new EpisocpU dio
cese of Harrisnnrg,states that theKev.
Darlington acoepts.
The following are the members ot
the committee who on Tuesday notifi
ed Dr. Darlington: Rev. Walter R.
Breed, D. D , rector of St. James, ot
Lancaster; Rev Charles R. Morison,
rector of St. Matthew's, of Sunbuiy;
A. P. Peril y. Christ Church, Will
iamsport.and George S. Comstock, St
Lube's, Mechanicsburg. The commit
tee notified the bishop-elect at Christ
Church rectory, Brooklyn.
Dr. Darlington s home newspapers
speak of his election in flattering
terms. The Brooklyn Eagle printed
the following the day after his elec
tion :
"In the choice of Dr. James 11.
Darlington as bishop of the Harrisburg
diocese, the clergy of that district
have shown wisdom. Dr. Darlington
is the rector of Christ church in this
city, a large and influential p rish,
and his clerical experience covers 38
years. During that time he has be
come thoroughly conversant with
church matters,but he has al>o proved
himself an alert and publio spirited
citizen ;he has been chaplain of a local
regiment, trustee of a college, a mem
ber of conservative,yet progressive so
cieties and bodies, and has kept
i himself informed upon great ques
tions. He is a man of agreeable per
sonality, and his career in the pulpit
lias been marked by scholarship and
dignity. Ho will be no mere figure
head as bishop,but will prove that the
honor which has come to him nn-ought
has been properly awarded."
The Brooklyn Times uttered the fol
lowing on the same day :
"It is yet uncertain whether or not
the Bishop-elect will accept the honor
that has been conferred upon him.
j Such acceptance will iuvolve more
than ordinary sacrifice on the part of
Dr. Darlington. Many and close tie
bind him to Brooklyn, which has b en
his home during the greater part of
his career, and strong pressare will be
brought to bear upon him to iuduoe
him to remaiu with his own people.
Bat Dr. Darlington is peculiarly qoali
| fied in many rt spects for the work of
a bishop. He is more practical in his
methods than is commou in his pro
fession ; ho is, above all tilings, sane
anrl reasonable, and has the tact and
diplomatic skill which the bishop is
in need of who would avoid frieti n
with the clergy of his dijeese.
"There was much regret among those
of the clergy on Long Island who
knew his qualifications when his home
diocese failed to name him as the suo
| cessor of the late Bishop Littlej ihn,
although, if he should accept the hon
or conferred upon him yesterday by
the Harrisburg Diojesan Convention
Long Island's loss will be Pennsyl
vania's gain. The members of Christ
i church and the community in which
he ha'* long been an active worker m
every movement for moral, social and
religious b tteiuient, will deplore his
depaiture.but t ere are none who will
say that tho Harri-b'jrg diocese lias
not made a wise choice."
Tue readers of this paper will be please' 4 to
learn that there Is at least one dread- dls
jase that science has been able to cure In all
ts stages and that Is Catarrh, flail's Ca
tarrh Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Sure is taken internally, acting directly up
on the blood and mucous surface of the sys
era. thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease and giving the patient strength
by building tip the constitution and assisting
nature in doing the work. The proprietors
have so much faith in its curative powers
that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any
Case that it falls to cure. Send for list o
F. J. CHENEY Sc CO ,Props.. Toledo. O .
Hall's Family Pills are the best
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
New Electric Bell at Y. fl. C. A.
In order to maintain perfect order in
the game room at the Y. M. C. A., an
electric bell has been installed, which
is used to remind those engaged in
playing the games (when they become
too boisterous) that quiet must be re
stored. If at the first ring of the bell
the unnecessary noise is not stopped,a
second ring stops the gam<» It is
found neoessary for some such arrange
ment, uot only to secure proper con
duct, but to prottct hoys and young
men who desire to »lijoy the games in
a more quiet manner. No discrimina
tion will be niade, and tho-e who fail
to keep the rules must suffer tl.o con
sequences of their behavior. The lull
was presented by Mr. Will Shoop and
the wiring and work was done by Will
G. Brown, who also furni.-hed tie*
material and give his services gratis.
The Association appreciates tins kind
ness and retnr-is thanks to both gentle
The Pneumonia Season.
Coughs and Colds in children as well
as adults are frequently dangerous at
this season of the year, and a little
precaution now may save much trou
ble, worry and expense. Kennedy's
Laxative Honey and Tar, a combined
cough and cold cure—a new scientilic
discovery in medicine—is a certain
cure for Coughs, Colds,
ing Cough, etc. The coughs and colds
are cleared out of the system bv gent
ly moving the bowels, and at ttie same
time the throat, chest, lungs and
bronchial tubes are so strengthened
that there is little probability of dan
ger. Kennedy's Laxative Homy and
Tar is pleasant to take. Contains no
opiate*. Hold by Paules &Co
Trouble Ahead.
Some time ago the Snydi rtown S< tool
Board built a one story school house
and later the lo ige of Odd Fellow- ot
that place built the second s'otv fr:i
ternitv lodge room Ree nrlv the
School Board purchased the (J Id F< l
lows" portion for $1750 and now the
taxpayers are up in arms. The Odd
Fellows intend erecting a handsome
uew building for their lodge room.
The onlv case that attracted more
than passing attention at the February
t. rui of Criminal Court at Sunbury,
was the Milton assault a.ul batterv
ca«>e in which the two Bucknell stu
dents, Boyer and Smiley, were the de
fendants. The two students told their
story of the occurrence and denied be
ing guilty as charged by the com
pany's employes who were on the
street car at rlie time. They produced
a number of character witnesses' and
the ca-e was bitterly fought "on""both
sides. The hearing of the testimony
was completed shortly after 4 o'clock
and a short time after Judge Savidgt
charged the jury a verdict was agrees
upon, finding Rover and Smiley guilty
of assault. Wednesday morning Judge
Savidge gave both students
niand and set aside the verdict against
Smiley, suspended sentence on Royer
but directed the latter to pay thecosti
of prostration witlnu twenty days
No Need to Fear a Return.
The pain returns to the aching back
when you think you are well rid of
it. No need to fear snch'a jeturn it
Doan' Kidney Pills,are used. They
make bad backs well and weak backs
stioug and keep them so. The testi
mony of Dauville people proves'[this
claim a fact. You can readily verify
such proof as the following :
Thomas Lewis, retired, of fils Mill
St , says:"l can only reiterate" my
former r-tatemenr made in 18!)l> about
Doan's Kidney Pills. They cured me
eight years ago} and the cure then
made has b< en lasting and I have hao
uo return of my old trouble...'Before
using them I was greatly troubled
with bickache. I used everything re
commended but got no relief. The
lameness over the kidneys and the ter
rible aching continued in spite of ev
erything ttiat I diil and there seemed
to be no relief for me. I learned abou
Doan's Kidney Pills and read the
statements nude by people who had
used them,and concluded to try them.
They not only removed the lameness
aud backache but they benefitted my
health in general. They also relieved
the headaches to which I bad bt ei
subject for a considerable length of
tune. 1 eau recommend Doan's Kidney
Fills a reliable backache and kidney
For sal" by all dealers. Price 50
cent-. Foster-Milburn Co , Buffalo,
N. V., sole agi nts for the United
Remember the name —Doan's—and
t»ke no other.
Birthday Surprise Party.
A very pleasant surprise was recent
ly tendered to W.O Krumm of Straw
beri y in honor of his 48i h,birth
lay. Refreshments were served, an
gimi'S aud niu«ic helped to enliver
the Those present were:
Mr nil Mrs. W. O Krumm, Mr am
Mrs P. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs j
Welliiiiitji) Durlin, Mr and Mr-. Cal-j
vin Dorr. Mr. and Mrs. Fraik Hart - i
man, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent 'Shultz, . Mrs.
Norman Djilin,Misses Norma 1)□ r 111■,
Blanche Durlin, Mayl Wag tier i' Ella j
Suvder, Mabel Krumm. Anna Bell 1
Hartman, Mes-rs. Roscoe Blaine,Frank
Funk, Elmer Fouik, and Wilmer
The Sunshine of Spring.
The Salve tiiar cures without a scar j
is DeWitt's Witch Ha/ 1 Salve. (Juts, I
Burns, Boils, Bruises and Piles disap- ;
pear before the use of this salve a j
snow befoie the sunshine of spring.
Miss 11. M. Middletou, Thebes, 111.,
say-.: "I was seriously afflicted with a ,
fever sore that was very painful. De- |
Witt's Witch Hazel S»lve cured me it'
less than a week." Get the genuine, i
So'd by Paules & Co.
More Coming Says Mart/.
Eliu« Hartz, the Reading goore bone
prophet, several weeks ago pre ietfd i
the recent blizzard. Thursday he said : j
"I warned people early in the fall to
fill their coal bins, and many heeded 1
my warning. I told them we would ;
have a blizzard in January. Do no'
be alarmed when I tell you that there i
is another one on the way, and I ex- j
peot it about the middle of February. !
It will be more severe than the recent j
one in every respect."
Give Yonr Stomach a Rest.
Your food mu-t be properly digested
and assimilated to be of any value to
you. If your stomach is weak or dis
eased take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It
digests what you eat and gives the
stomach a rest, enabling it to recuper j
ate, take on new life and grow strong
again. Kodol cures sour stomach, gas, j
bloating, In art palpitation and all;
digestive disorders Sold by Paules &
Millers to March at Inauguration.'
Two hundr d miners marching in
their workii g clothes aud torch caps,
will constitute a unique feature of the
inaugural parade at Wa-hitigrou on
March 1 A delegation of miiier- re- |
turning Irutn the convention of the |
United Mine Workers, at Indian-j
apolis,submitted the plan to the Presi- j
dent aim he heartily approved it.
Districts I, 7 and 9 will t,e represent
Agonizing Burns
aie instantly relieved, and peifoctly
healtd, by Puckhn's Arnica Salve'
0 Itivenh.rk, Jr., of Norfolk, Va. j
write-: "I burnt my knee dreadfully j
that it blistered all over. Bucklen's
Arnica Salve stopped the pain, and j
healed it withour a scar." Also heals'
all wounds and sor< s 25c at Paules I
Co , druggists.
In the last four weeks in the jiarr of
Philadelphia where the filters are us- !
ed ih ■ leduetion ID typhoid fever cases : '
is shown to be 100 per cent, for three i
weeks and 74 per cent, for one week, ]
as compared with the rest ot the city. 1
In other words, the filtered wat« r dis
tricts had one case of typhoid to he- |
tween 8J and cases elst w here.
I To Cure a Cold in One Day ill Two Days. I
I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ppv /, on every I
I Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This signature, box. 25c. I
HALIFAX, Feb. B.—The brat 'on-
S taining Captain Gorst, four passeijg
| era and feu members of the crew of
the Furness line steamer Damara j
which put off alter the vessel ban
struck on the rocks at Mosquodoboit,
thirty miles to the east war! of 11>i ~
place yesterday has not .yet been heard
from. The other boat HI charge of
First officer H. J. Nuttall and con
taining eighteen men reached Point
Pleasant yesterday after an experieuc<
with cold wind and sea which will
uot soon be forgotten.
The agents iu this city of the
line notwithstading the ahsen e oi
news from Captain Gorst, hold cm
hope for the safety of the commanrlet
and those with him. They say there
is a possibility of them having reach
ed some place along the coast anrl m;iv
have to travel a considerable distance
to a telegraph office. The agents think
the Damara has found red. She car
ried 34 persons in all.
Personally Conducted Tour via Peunsyl
vama Railroad-
The second Jacksonville tour of the
season via ennsylvania Railroad,
allowing two weeks in Florida, leaves
New York. Philadelphia and Washing
ton liy special train February 14
E enrsion tickets, including railway
transportation, Pullman accommodati
ons (one berth), and meals en route in
both directions while traveling on the
-ipecial train.will be sold at the follow
iug rate New York,sso.oo; Buffalo,
?">4,25: Rochester, £~»4-()0; Elmira,ssl.4s
Erie. $54.85; Williamsbort, wilkes
barre, $50.35; and at proportionate rates
from other points.
A similar tour will be run February 28
. For tickets, itineraries, and fnllinfor
mation apply to ticket agents,or address
G. W. Boyd,General Passenger Agent.
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
Notice is hereby given that an ileo
tiou will be held by the stockholders
of the "Colonial Spinning Mills In
corporated)" at their office in the Bor
ough of Danville, i'a., on Tuesday.
February 28th, 1905, between the hours
of 5 and ft for the purpose of electing
a Board of Directors for the ensuing
vear ami for the purpose of transact
ing such other business as may come
before them.
ED. J. HAKTMAN, Secntarv
| -
14 A Devil's Lane/
"All theworld loves a lover" and there
i.) certainly an interesting pair of lovers
in "A Devil's Lane." Two young people, j
representativi a of rival families who are
j expected to perpetuate the ancestral j
feud but who unexpectedly fall in love
with each other, and then the fun com
i mences in earnest.
»"A Devil's Lane" is a four-act comedy,
I introducing new and tuneful musical
numbers, excellent specialties and ele
«unt stage settings.
reparations are being made by the
employes of the railway mail service j
i tor weighing the mails,an event which \
! occurs every four years. This is a task
! which is put upon the railway postal
| and transfer clerks for the purpose of
I determining-on what basis the con
i tract with the railways for the carry
• mg mails shall be made by the govern
| ment.
Every contract made with a railroad |
! for carrying mails is for a period of
j four years. When the time comes for
'the renewal of contracts the officials in
J the post office department require a
knowledge of just how much mail is'
being handled by the railroads at all
of the principal points, and to obtain
| this information the mail is weighed
j for a preiod of forty dtys. Every sack
| of mail that is put on a train or taken
I off, must be weighed, and a recoid
| kept of it.
; The labor of the transfer and postal
j clerks is just doubled by the weighing
;ot the mail, and to help out the ap
nointment of extra clerks is authoriz
ed by the Postmaster General.
At present preparations are being
made to weigh the mails in the second
division of the railway mail service, j
which includes New York, Pennsyl
vania, New Jer-ey, Delaware, the pen
insula of Virginia, and Maryland and
Porto Kico.
l h"y are >till discovering the wives
of Johaun Hock,the latest count being
2S), with a possibility that several may
have escaped before they were enum
H <a y *s* £*/ ■«'„ * iCILIAN
ALLS [fair Renewer
Why not stop this falling of your hn.r? At this rate you will soon
he without any hair' Just rememh r thai ihi!!'s Hair Renewer
tups falling hair, and makes hair » row . . ' -
Y. n. C. A. Special Cntertainment [
ill' 1 la - J number HI the -peeial course
of entertainments under the aaspioes I
j <>f the Y. M (J. A., will l>r» givfn in
Association Hall, Tlinrnlav evi'iiinu,
j February Hitli, at X o'clock Tickets
15 cents; f< r hale at Y. M. C. A. and
aunt's Drag Storo. Tbe Beidsville
(N. C.) Review savs
"Miss Klorenc.) Kth-Jium, who ap-
I'' '1 as realer, probably entertained
tbe audience better than any other one
of the company. She is rhe best elo
cutionist ti at ever appeared before a
Reidsviile audience.
Services at Strawberry Ridge. j
Iliere v\ill b< n-rvio sin Trinity Re- '
formed Church, at Strawberry Ridge !
at next Sunday. Rev. (J. D. Lercb j
of Danville, will preach. Members!
Will ple.isi) take notice.
There ought to tic enough ice to"go |
around" next summer.
— i HOTH
HOTH »• >.
e\ >j\ i i rj it- NOi n,• is hereby fri veil,
that tbe following named persons did on the
ciatf utlixi-d to I heir tinni. lilt-the m-eounts I
of I heir administration to the *-tute of ttio««-
|«'i-on-, (li>ceasi il,an(t nurd inn Ai'i-onnts,cVe.
whose iire Inn in it'tcr mentioned, in
th. Olliri <«r tin Kt-iMcr for tin- I'rotiatr of
Wills and i;r>iiitiii<; of 1 .<•!tcrs ol Adininistru
t ion, m and fort In* l'ount\ of Montour, and
I hat tie same will lit- | >rt >.nted to ttiei irptmns'
i curt 'it s.:id I'ounty, fin confirmation and
ailowani i , ol: -■>! oml «y, (Ik \J7fl, <llls* of
A. i»., 1*.i05, at the meeting of tlia
Court 111 the afternoon.
Dec. 11 —First and final account of
( hirli s E. Shires, Executor
of Catharine Shires, late of
Derry township. Montocr
county, deceased.
Dec. 28.—l irst and final account of
Lloyd \V. Wetliver,Executor
of Levi Lose, late of An
thony township, Montour
County, deceased.
Jan. 17 —Second find tinal account of
William H. Kratntn, Execut
or of William Kraium, late
of Limestone township, Mon
tour county, deceased.
lan. 2o.—Fir-t and final account of
John B. McMaban, adminis
rritor of Sarah A. McMaban,
iat'' of Valley township,
Montour county, deceased.
Jan. 24. Firßt and fiual account of B.
R. Gearhart, surviving trus
t-e under the will <>f Nancy
M. I.(land, late of tbe Bor
oagli of Dauville, deceased,
a- filed by Mary I.onisa
112 io'trhart. F \ C"; utri xof Kaiil
B. 1!. (i< arhai t. now dt ceas
Jan. 28.—First and final account of
Annie E. Ellis, Adminis
tratrix of James J. Ellis,
late of Anthony township.
Montour county, deceased.
Jan. 28 —First and final account of
Jon .r an S. Deen, Adminis
trator of Margaret Deen,lute
of th He j ' ugh of Danville,
decease I.
'AM. i.. SIDLER,
Regi.-ter's Office.
Danville, Pa., .lan'y 28th, 1905.
Strictly High < la« '
Fully Guaranteed '
Willi m a [igi co„
Are due to inaig-r 'tion. t-ii: »tv-rine of every
one hundred people who have heart trouble
| can remember when it was simple indiges-
Ition. Its a scientific fact that all cases of
heart d:~ease, not organic, are not only
tradable to. but are the direct result of indi
. gfstion. All food taken into the stomach
i which fads of perfect d ."istion ferments and
swellsthe stomach, puffing it up against the
heart. This interferes with the action of
> ths heart, and in the course of time that
' deiicafe but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr. D. Kauble. of Nevada. 0., says: I had stomach
I trouble and was in a had state as I had heart trouble
with it. I took KoHo! Dyspepsia Cure for about four
months and It cur»d me,
Kodol Digests What You Eat
and relieves the stomach of all nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure.
Bottieson!) £ 1.00 Si«-h" ding 2Vi times the trial
3i:e, which s- !s fcr 50c.
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & CO., OHICAQO.
Sold by Panles <ft Co.
Iu ail Its
Ely's Cream Baling"™"M/
cleanses, Boot lies and hc-.i's m
the ti licit-• I uiembi-Miic. *;.,•»**, I
Crciim Itnlm Is j lacotl 'nto the nostrils, spreads
over tlic membi ue and!■» .-t - irln d. ltelief is im
mediate and a cure foi 'ows. ft is not drying—dues
nut produce tueezimj. !*. < S.y:c, s'l cents at llrug
gift* or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents.
EIA" BROTHERS, s<» Warren Street, New York
gammm \i'i-- Jt -w.—a .
i KlLLthk COUCH 1
. re
■ Fun I OUGHS and 50c&$1.00
r VOLDS Free Trial.
I tiurebt r.nd Uiuckest Cure for all
muammmt iumb
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition, beauty, vigor
, , - and cheerfulness soon
<. V disappear when the kid
— ne^s are ou< °' orc * er
m\M Jjjtf-- or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
" _ ~V that it is not uncommon
//AvV fI H for a child to be born
jifafflicted with weak kid
'•JjP Vv, neys. If the child urin-
ates too often, if the
urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child
reaches an age when It should be able to
control the passage, it is yet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon it.the cause of
the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
cent and one dollar
sizes. You may have a 8 : -ok&S
sample bottle by mail
free, also pamphlet tell- Home at Swamp-Root
ing all about it, including many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmei
& Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and
mention this paper.
Don't make any mistake, bnt remem
ber the name, Swanp-Root, Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Root, and the addres
Binghamton, JN.Y on every bottles.
Be It ordained and enacted by the
Chief Burgess.and by the Town Coon
ci 1 of the Borough of Danville, :'n the
Connty of Mon'oor and State of Penn
sylvania, in Council assembled, and
it is hereby ordained aud enacted by
the authority of the same as follows:
SECTION 1. That all sewerg con
structed bv the slid Borough of Dan
ville be and the same are hereby de
clnre«l to ba open for public use and
for proper connection therewith.
SECTION 2. That each and even
owner of property in the said Borougli
of Dan ville abutting on or adjoining
any meet or alley in which are any
one of tt.e said public sewers thus con
structed are hereby required to make
at his, her, its, or their own sole cost
and expense uniform and proper con
nection with such respective and pro
per st'wer within the period of three
months from the date of the service ol
written notice from the Secretary ol
the said Borough of Danville of the
enietment ot this ordinance requiring
such connection to be thus made, aut!
that upon the failure or refusal of eacl
and everv such owner or owners tc
thus make such connection then and in
that event the said Borough of Dan
ville shall thereafter make such con
nection aud shall collect all cost there
of from suoli owner or owners as othei
debts due to the said Borough nre bj
law collectable.
SECTION :5. That each and everj
owner of property in the same respec
tive locality if the said Borough ol
Danville but whose said property does
not thus abut or adjoin any such street
jr alley in which are any one of thf
said public sewers as aforesaid, shal
also have the right and privilege tt
thus make connection with and us<
such respective and proper sewer uu
der the same regulations, upon the
same conditions and at the same prices,
respectively,as those whose properties
thus abut on or adjoin such street!
and alleys as aforesaid and which said
regulations, conditions and prices,
respectively, are hereinafter more
specifically set forth.
SECTION 4 That the manner and
regulations, relative to all such con
nections shall be uniform throughout
and that all of such connections shall
bo thus made under the sole supervis
ion aud direction of the Committee ol
the said Town Council ou Sewers in
conjunction with the Superintendent
of the Water Works of the said Bor
ough of Danville, out of such materi
als, in such a manner, at such place
aud places only aud in strict accord
ance with such orders and specifica
tions as the said Committee on Sewerf
shall require, designate and provide,
aud that in the proper making of all
such connections the following specific
and unitorm regulations shall obtain
and prevail:
SECTION 5. That the following
regulations shall govern the planning
of all house connections with all of
the said sewers:
1. That all such connections with
the said respective aud proper sewer
diall be made by the tue of glazed or
vitrified, teria cotta pipes of adequate
dimension aud capacity,properly joint
ed, ventilated and tapped, accessible
for convenient inspection throughout
and laid below the reach of frost.
a. That every sink drain shall have
a proper and sufficient grease trap
3. That all water-closets,bath tubs,
wash basins and all other like appoint
ments and receptacles shall be drained
into the said respective and proper
sewer in accordance with all mode-n,
sanitary requirements, and shall be
properly connected with fi©-h water
supplies sufficient to thoroughly flush
the same at any and all times.
SECTION 0. That all draius from
breweries, factories, nulls, slaughter
houses, laundries and other like es
tablishments shall be properly con
nected with the said respective and
proper sewer through glazed or vittil
ed terra cotta pipes for the conveyance
of sewage matter and waste water
therefrom, hut in all connections with
such breweries, factories,mills,slaugh
ter houses, laundries aud other like
establishments the owner or owners,
operator or operators thereof, respec
tively. shall provide suitable and de
fective traps or catch basins for ar
lesting grease, or any other substance
which has a tendency to adhere to,
settle in, or clog, the pipes of the said
respective and proper sewer.
SECTION 7. That like connections
may be made with the said respective
aud proper sewer for tlie draining of
privy vaults, cesspools and cellars but
all such connections must he properly
ventilated and trappid so as to prevent
the escape of sewtr gas or of deleter
ious or offensive odors.
SECTION 8 That the placing and
connection of all soil and water pipes
-liall he as direct as the circumstances
wi 1 p op rlv permit and in such a
mam <-r that they can he the most
readily examined and repaired.
SECTION it. That it shall he uu
lawful for any person or persons,firm,
company or corporation to throw or
deposit, or cause or permit to be
thrown or deposited in any vessel or
lecoptacle thus connected with the
said respective aud proper sewer any!
i garbage, offal, ashes, rags, cotton, re
| lu.-e, waste, 01 any otlier than liquid j
i and properly sewage matter
i SECTION 10. Tl at it shall be un
! lawful for any jcrson or persons,firm,
I company or corporation to make or
cause or permit to be made any ehange
or repairs in such connections when
once made without a written permit
from the said Committee on Sewers
for each specific purpose first had and
obtained and then only uudi r the per
sonal supervision and direction of the
said Superintendent of Water Works.
SECTION 11. That before any
drain shall he laid from any building
or premises and thus connected with
the said respective and proper sewer
the owner or own rs, occupant or oc
cupants of such building 01 premises,
or some other person or persons in Ins,
her,its or their behalf,shall fir t make
prop* r application in writing to the
said Secretary of thf said Borough,
and upon the payment to him of the
rappage fie as hereinafter prescribed
for the u*e of the said Boiough, the
said Secretary of tfie said Borough
shall issue to such person or per-ons
thus applying for the same, a written
permit for the purpose ot laying such
ttrain and making such connection
And that before proceeding to lay such :
drain and make such connection with
the said respeetivi and proper sewei
in pursuance of such permit such per
son or persons thus authorized to Jay
and make the same shall give at least
five days notice of such purpose to the
said Superintendent of Water Works,
and that no drain thus laid or connec
tion thus made shall he covered aud
completed until the said Committee
on Sewers shall have inspected and
approved the same.
SECTION 12. That the said tap
page fee or charge for thus connecting
witn the said lespective and proper
sewer shall be respectively,the follow
ing, viz:
For each building to one connection
the sum of Ten Dollars,
For each connection to one building
the sum of Ten Dollars,
Together with the following addi
tional and yearly charges for each con
nection. And which also shall be paid
to the said Borough by the said owner
or owners of the said respective prop
erties and premises,
For each dwollii g the sum of Three
Dollars per year,
For each store room the sum of
Three Dollars per year,
For each shop the sum of Three Dol- i
lars per year,
For eacl oftire the sum of Three
Dollars per year.
For each | uhlic hall the sum of Five
Dollars per year,
For each rtstaniant the sum of Five j
Dollars per year,
Koi each hotel the sum of Ten Dol
lars per year,
For each bottling works the sum of
Five Dollars per year,
For each brewery the sum of Twenty
five Dollars per year,
For each factory the sum of Twenty
five Dollars per year,
For each slaughter house the sc.m of
Ten Dollars per year,
For each laundry the sum of Ten
Dollars per year.
For each railroad station the sum of
Ten Dollars per year,
For each liveiy stable the sum of
Ten Dollars per year
That the yearly charge for all sew
age aud drainage connections not here
inbefore specifically fixed and specified
shall also be uniform and shall be j
made by the said Town Council.
SECTION 13. That any person or;
persons, firm, company or corporation
or any employe, manager or agent j
thereof who shall violate any of the i
several provisions of this ordinance J
shall forfeit aud pay a fine of Fifty i
Dollars for each and every such of i
fense. And as an additional penalty
the said Committee on Sewers shall
cause any uulawful connection with !
any sewer to be disconnected at the j
further cost and charge cf the delin- J
quent and offending person or persons, [
firm, company or corporation.
SECTION 14. That all fe» s, yearly
charges, fines, penalties and costs im
posed by any of the several previsions!
of this ordinance may be sued for,col
lected and recovered before any Justice
of the Peace of ttie said Borough of
Danville as debts of like amount and
fines aud penalties imposed for the
violation of Borough Ordinances are .
now by law collectable and recover
able, and shall be paid over to the
Treasurer of the said Borongh of Dan- j
ville for the use of the said Borough. :
SECTION 15. That all ordinances |
or parts of ordinances inconsistent!
with or contrary to the provisions of!
this ordinance are hereby repealed;!
hut none of the several foregoing pro- !
visions of this ordinance are to be in
any wise constructed as in any man- j
ner affecting any of the several provis
ions of a certain other ordinance of l
the said Borough of Danville, so far
as the same relates to sewers,approved j
-January 19th, A D., 1894, entitled,
"An ordinance for the better protec- !
tiou of life aud health and to prevent
the spread of contagious and infec-j
tious diseases in the Borough of Pa'i
ville, County of Montour and £tate of
Pennsylvania,aud regulating th<* pow- j
ers and duties of the Board ot Health
of the said Borough. Created in and :
by virtue of the provisions of an Act j
of the General Assembly passed the ;
third day of May A. D. 1893."
APPROVED the 27th day of Jan
uary A. D. 1905
Chiel Burgess. !
Secretary of the Borough of Danville,
Council Chamber, City Hall, Dan
ville, Pa., January 27th, 1905.
R I P A-N S Tabula
Doctors find
A good prescription
For Mankind.
The 5-cent packet is enough for usual
occasions. The family bottle (60 cents) 1
contains a supply for a year. All drug j
gists sell them.
Magazines should have a well defined purpose.
Genuine entertainment, amusement and mental recrea
tion are the motives of THE SMART SET, the
Its NOVELS (a complete one in each number )are by tha
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Its SHORT STORIES are matchless—clean and full of hu
man interest.
Its POETRY covering the entire field of verse—pathos,
love, humor, tenderness—is by the most popular poets, men
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Its JOKES, WITTICISMS, SKETCHES, etc , arc admittedly the
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No pages are WASTED on cheap illustrations, editorial
vaporings or wearying essays and idle discussions.
Subscribe now— $2.50 per year. Remit in cheque, P.
O. or Express order, or registmd letter to THE SMAR I
SET, 452 Fifth Avenue, New York.
N. B.—Sample copies sent free on application.
Low-Rate Personally-Conducted Tours via
Pennsylvania Railroad.
For the benefit of those desiring to
visit Pineliurst, N. C., during the
height of the social and golf season,
the Pennsylvania Railr< ad Company
has inauguarted a serie- < 112 personally
conducted tour- to this at tractive mid-
South resort
Iwo tours will be ruu this season,
leaving New York,Philadelphia,Balti
more,and Wa-h nyton Fe ruary 10 and
March 81, by sjecisl tra u. The rates
for these tours, including railway
transpoitation in both directions, Pul
lman berth, and meals in dining car on
going trip only, aud time days' board
at the Hotel Carolina, will bo: New
Yoik, $32.00; Philadelphia, £3O 00;
Haltimoie and Washington, $29.00.
Proportionate rates from other points.
For tickets itenararies.aud other in
formation, apply to ticket agents, or
to Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger
Agent, Broad Str<" t Station, Philadel
| phia.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Mon
tour County, No. 68 September
Term, 1904.
Respondent above-named.
So answer the complaint Alice Grey
Y'ou are hereby duly i otified and re
quired to appear in the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Moutour County on the
first day of the nest term of the afore
said Court (the same lit ing Monday,
February 27th, 1905) then and there to
answer the complaint of Alice Grey,
the above named Libelant in the above
stated case, and to show cause, if any
you have, why you should not be di
voroed from the bonds of matrimony
entered into with the said Libelant
! according to the prayer of the petition
or libel filed in the above stated case.
Sheriff's Office, Danviile, Pa., Jan
uary 4th, 1905.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Mon
l tour County, No. 28 September
Term 1904, Divorce.
Respondent Above Named.
You are hereby duly notified and re
quired to appear in the Court of Com
mon Pleas ot Montour County on the
first day of the next term of the afore
said Court (the same being Monday,
! February 27th, 1905) then aud there
to answer the complaint of Alvaretta
Mong, the above-named Libelant in
j the above stated case, and to show
| cause, if any you have, why you should
i not be divorced from the bonds of
j matrimony entered into with the said
Libelant according to the prayer o'
the petition or libel filed in the above
i stated case.
GEO. MAIERS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Danville, Pa., .Tan
uary 4th, 1905.
Executor's Notice.
The undersigned has been appointed
executor of the estate of Wm. Cripps,
late of Mahoning township, Mon
tour county and Sta'e of Pennsyl
vania, deceased. All persons having
claims agaiust the estate will present
the same to; aud all persons indebted!
'o the estate must make settlement?
with the undersigned.
Executor, Danville, Pa.
Estate of Margari t Y. Grove, late of
the borough of Danville, Pa., de
-1 ceased.
Notice is hereby givt n that letters
of Administration d. b. n. on the
above estate lave been granted to the
| undersigned. All persons indebted to
the said estate are required to make
; payme M t. and those having claims
against the said estate, will make
known the same without delay to
M. G. YOUNGMAN. Administrator.
Easy and Quick!
To make the very best soap, simply
dissolve a can of Banner Lye in cold
water, melt 5% lbs. of grease, pour the
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put
aside to set.
Full Directions on Every Package
Banner Lye is pulverized. The can
may be opened and closed at will, per
mitting the use of a small quantity at a
time. It is just the article needed in
every household. It will clean paint,
floors, marble and tile work, soften water,
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes.
Write for booklet "Uses of Banner
Lye '' —free.
The Pcnn Chemical Works. Philadelphia