Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, October 06, 1904, Image 1

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    Home Paper
—.For tie Hone
I lie circulation ol this paper is in
creasing rapidly. It will pay you
to advertise in the AMERICAN.
Office Hours
9 A. .»/. to 12 M 10i Mill St.,
/ I'. UP. M. Danville, /'<«.
Slll LT/,, ,n.
diseases of the Stomach and Intestines
a Specialt"'
| \V. I». ANUL.K,
i-eth Extracted without I*
frown anil Bridge Work a Specialty.
Equipped with the latest and most improved
instrument*! mid prepared to execute tlie
moMt difficult work.
288 Mill - St., !>firvlle, Pa.
Dentistry in all its br mcM<- Charges
Moderate aud a «ork Uunranteed
Established \
Take a trolley ride.
Another frost last uijiht.
Only three more months of 1904.
October is ushered in auspiciously.
October is already quite autiunuish.
W. E. Nankeville's " Human Hearts"
at the Opera House tonight.
This town is on tho hurry-up wag
on, which is a very good sign-
Ideal crop weather is leported the
past few days for late cereals.
House plants are being potted and
taken in before Jack Frost gets a
chance to give them a nip.
October 21 will be autumn arbor
day, don't forget to plant a tiee. Do
better and put the roots of two trees
into the earth.
WANTED.—Special Representative
in this county and adjoining territor
I'*H, to represent and advertise an old
established business house of solid
financial standing. Salary s2l weekly,
with Expenses advanced each Mon
day by check direct from headquarters.
Horse and buggy furnished when nec
es ;ary position permanent. Address
Blew Bros. & Co.. Dept. A.. Motion
Bldg., Chicago, 111.
There are Indications of more frost
on the pumpkiu.
The home of R. L. Marks, Front
street, is being repainted.
A baby boy has arrived at the home
of George B. Jacobs, Ferry street.
Miss Nellie Geise has accepted a
position in the office ot A. H. Wool ley.
Harvest Homo services will be held
in Trinity Reformed church. Straw
berry Ridge, on Sunday October Si, at
2 :30 p. m.
The sere and yellow loaf is being
Ehed with startling rapidity.
Mr. and Mrs. .T. Y. Chidester who
removed to this city from Williams
port, Saturday last, will occupy the
Wetzel dwelling. Front and Church
The jack'-of-lamp, made out ot a
pumpkin, has made its appearance,
and tho small boy is correspondingly
Don't let Danviile improvements
stop or lag now. Keep them moving.
Tho gridiron gladiators will now
co/er themselves with mud, gore and
glory to their follest desire.
The movement to establish a home
for destitute volunteer firemen ot
Pennsylvania out of tho state relief
association fund is goiug to fail in
Erie this week. Many of the members
will vote again-t it on the ground that
Philadelphia firemen would reap prac
tically all the benefits.
A Roosevelt and Fairbanks Club was
organized at Shamokin, Monday even
ing, with over a thousand charter
members. A big demonstration will
be held at that place later.
The new iridescent revolving lamp
in Hunt'B drug etoie window attracted
oonsidreable attention from passers-by
last evening.
Another baseball player was killed
Saturday. Football will have to be un
usually strenuous to equal the baseball
fatality record this year.
Miss Annie Miles entertained the
Euchre Club at her home on Market
Square on Tuesday evening.
Absolutely Pure
'-V ' x
VOL. 4!>-NO 40.
The preliminary hearing in the mat
ter of tho grade IT issing at Mill street
bewail Friday morning at 10 o'clock
and continued throughout tho day, an
interested crowd filling tlie Oouit
room. Numerous witnesses a id experts
gave testimony and exciting events in
the work of Thursday oveuing, Sept
ember 23, when the frog was placed
liv trolley workmen and Danville citiz
ens eager for the trolley road's con
struction, wore exploited. Among other
sensational incidents was the flour
ishing of a revolver by aD. R .i W.
official. Close cr«~
brought out the many objections to the
overhead crossiug proposed by the rail
road people.
A large numbor of D. L. & W. offi
cials arrived on the 9:15 train. In the
party were E. M. Rine, Superintend
ent oi the Bloomsburg division, Chief
Engineer Liucoln Biush, Division En
gineer G. J. Ray, Division lioadmas
ter Scofield, General Roaduiaster P.
Dow ling, Chief Special Agent J. E.
Adamson, Survej'or M. H. Dowdy and
a large number of trainmen,engineers,
surveyors, etc.
The plaintiffs were represented by
Ex-Judge E. N. Willard of the Lack
awanna county court, A. D. McOliu
tok, of Wilkesbarre, and Hon. H. M.
Hinckley of this city.
Mr. Hinckley asked permission of
the Court that the sixth clause of the
bill in equity offered by the D. L. &
W. company be changed to read as fol
"That W. F. Pascoe, C. E. Lippe,
W. C. Billman, and R. H. Koch are
partners doing business under the firm
name of the Standard Construction
Company and are engaged under con
tract with the Danville and Blooins
burg Street Railway-Company to con
struct for said company its line of rail
way an 1 are now engaged in the said
construction, and have so located its
line of railway as to cross the railroad
of the plaintiff at grade on Mill street
in the borough of Danville and have
declared their intention to cross the
tracks of the said plaintiffs on Mill
street at grade and in said construc
tion, with that intention in view.have
almost reached the track of the plain
tiff at that point and have unlawfully
and by force torn up the rails of plain
tiff's railroad at said Mill street cross
ing and endeavored to place in posi
tion a grade crossing over the right of
way of plaintiff, greatly to the injury
of the plaintiff's tracks."
Counsel for both sides agreed that
the testimony taken in both cases
should be applicable to either: after
which Mr. McClintok read the differ
ent acts relating to merging of the
Lackawanna and Bloomsburg railroad
into the D. L. & W. railroad.
E. M. Riue, superintendent and A.
E. Dieiil, an engineer, testified that
the D. L. & W. railroad crossed Mill
street, after which Station Agent G.
W. Eggert was called.
Mr. Eggert's testimony was to the
effect that the crossing was used a
great deal and that much traffic passed
over it. He stated that eight passeng
er and six freight trains passed over
the crossing every week day, besides a
number of extras.
Division Roadmaster Richard Sco
field of Kingston, was next sworn. He
testified that it was necessary to be on
the track before a train could be seen
coming. And that at this point the
track was in sight for a distance of
750 feet in either directiou.
Mr. Rine on being recalled stated
that though business was rather dull
at present, it had a great possibility
of increase. He statefl that 38 trains
a week were now being run.
M. H. Dowdy, Engineer and W. O.
Moser, draughtsman were sworn to
identify a number of blue prints made
for the company by them. The maps
were offered as exhibits and showed
the location of various streets, build
ings etc , relative to the case, as well
as dimensions of Mill street in lengths
and widths from the culvert to Bloom
A number of photographs were also
offered as exhibits. There weie in all
nine views.
Division Engineer G J Ray testifi
ed that a view could be had of 588
feet east of the D. L. <Sc W. tracks
when on Mill street crossing and 680
foot west and that it was impossible
to see a train until within five feet of
the crossing.
At this point Court adjojrned until
1:30 p. m.
John Dineeu, the D. L. & W. cross
ing special watchman at Mill street,
was the witness when Court con
vened again at 1:30 p. m. He narrat
ed the events of the laying of the frog
at this crossing, which are all well
known to tho people of this city. He
testified that lie received a crack in
the forehead when removing tits,
which were thrown back on tho track
mor" rapidly than they worn taken off.
Geoige Kggert, the I). I*. & W. sta
ti< n master, who was on the stand
in iln' morning was recalled and gave
testimony similar to that of Dineeu,
but added that W. F. Kascoo directed
the work for the trolley company. He
told of tho arrival of the I) I*. W.
train from Sorantou at 3:85 a. tn. and
the running of the engine on the cross
ing while ties were being thrown in
front of it. Attorney Scarlet's ques
tioning brought out the acknowledg
ment that the witness had drawn a
r. volver, hut he denied pointing it at
Mr. Pacsoe or any particular person,
land said he drew it while on the coin
[ (Continued on Fourth Page.)
I slllOll FOR
The Council met in special session
Friday to ieceive plans and specifi
cations for the undergrade roadway at
A street, which the Philadelphia
j K uling Railway Company was ex
p"rtf 1 to present but the railroad offi
cials were not preseut. President Davis
was in the chair and all members of
Council responded to roll call : Messrs
Vastine, Reifsnyder, Swank, Boyer,
Fenstermacher, Goeser, Montgomery,
Deitrich, David Gibson, Lloyd and
Joseph Gibson.
Mr. Goeser, when the consideration
of the undergrade crossing matter was
under way offered a resolution to no
tify the Philadelphia & Reading Rail
way Company to putin writing their
proposition, and Burgess Pursel sug
gested having a meeting of the Coun
cilmen, railroad officials and trolley
people n6xt Wednesday night, prior to
the regular that intelligent
and definite action can be taken at the
regular meeting. The clerk was in
structed to commuuicate with the rail
road people to try to have them get
their lepresentatives here next Wed
A communication of Borough En
gineer George F. Keefer to the Board
of Water Commissioners was read ad
vocating the building of a slope oi re
taining wall from tho north abutment
of State highway bridge to the Water
Works. For a 300 foot wall with :i foot
bottom aud l'g foot top and an eleva
tion corresponding with the base course
of the Water Works building, footing
of concrete 4 feet by 18 inches to be 4
feet below the natural surface, the
estimated cost is $2,200. This includes
the county's share, or the cost would
bo sl,<ioo without the county's share
The estimated cost of a retaining wall
of the same length with 8 foot bottom
and 3 foot top is #;iO0O.
Superintendent Keefer of the Water
Works, urged the need of protection
and asked for an allowance of at least
|I,OOO to start the work. A motiou of
Mr. Fenstermacher to allow the Water
Commissioners to spend SIOOO on a
wall to protect the bank that is likely
to be carried away by the water wa<
carried after considerable debate, all
voting for it except Mr. Lloyd. The
plau is to protect the Danville part of
the bank aud lot the county side go for
tho present.
Laid to Rest
The funeral of tlio late Mrs. Levi 15.
Sechler took placo from the family
residence, Grand street, yesterday af
ternoon at two o'clock. The obsequies
were attended by a large number of
friends, many being present from a
The Rov. S. B. Evans of Saint Paul's
M. E. church officiated. The follow
ing nephews of tho deceased acted as
pall bearers: Charles Hunter, Charles
Kramer, Frank Bergner, Walter Swank,
.Toliu Kasliner and Claud Edraoudson.
Interment was made in the Episcopal
Those present from a distance were:
David Everson and wife, Mrs. Eliza
beth Blockshire and Mrs. Charles Ev
erson of Kingston; Mrs. Flem Hough
ton, Mrs. Bert Oemberling,Mrs. David
English and Mrs. Emma Miller of Sun
bury; Mrs. Adelia Willet, Mrs. Davis
and Mrs. M. K. Applemau of Blooms
burg ; Clarence Swank and wife, and
George Kashner and wife of Elys
burg ; Charles Kahler.wife and daugh
ter of Jameson City, Wilson Deshay
and wife of Shamokin, Mrs. William
Riffel of Harrisburg and Norris J.
Sebhler son of the deceased, from De
troit, Michigan.
Autumn Arbor Day
October 29th is the dato of the sec
ond annual reunion of tho Twelfth
Regiment Association of Spanish-Am
erican War Veterans. The meeting,
which is to bo held at Milton, will
doubtless be well attended by Danviile
veterans,since this city had an especi
ally strong company when the men
started out to down the Spaniards.
The Dauville company numbered 10t'>
Ttie first reunion of the Association
was held at Williamsport. It was an
interesting and altogether enjoyable
gathering, about 100 veterans attend
ing and among them a Danville dele
gation of creditable size. Notice will
be given soon of a meeting to perfect
plans for the local men to go to the
Milton reunion.
The arrangements for this year's re
union should secure a signally success
ful one. Tho effort will be made to
got a largo turn-out from Danville,
and if fifty or more men decide togo
a special Philadelphia & Reading train
will he chartered to take them to Mil
ton and hack.
Cars on Schedule
Cars on tho Danville ard Blooms
burg trolley lino will run on schedule
time this morning, the first car leav
ing tho Philadelphia aid Healing
crossing, Bloom street at <>:2o. Oars
will leave for Bloomshurg every 40
Yesterday brace bloc ks were put <>n
the curvo at the Fishing Oroek bridge,
and the guard rail was re-sot Alf-i.
one half mile of the overhead work
between t..e Fishing Greek bridge and
Bloomshurg was completed.
On Tuesday evening at the Reform
ed church parsonage Mr. Frank Love
and Miss Etta L. Mauser,both of Dan
ville, were united in the holy bonds of
matrimony, Rev. George K. Limbert.
officiating. Mi. and Mrs. Love will
begin housekeeping on Bloom street.
Cornelius Bairett, son of Mrs. Mary
Barrett, of Railroad street, near the
East end. was found dead on the Phil
adeplhia & Reading railroad between
| Spruce and Hemlock streets early Son
; day morning. His body was cruelly
mangled and mystery shrouds his
tragic end.
James Mullen, of First street, Welsh
Hill, claims to have stumbled upon
the body about 1:80 o'clock Sunday
morning, finding it lying between the
rails. Ho came to tho central part of
tho city and notified Olficer J. G. Voris
aud uight watchman Lewis Byerly,
telling them he had found Barrett's
dead body oil the track and taking
them to tho spot. Dr. S. Y. Thompson
was called about 2a. in. He found
the young man's body lying on the
grass on the north sido of the track,
whither it had been removed, and pro
nounced life extinct, attributing death
to hemorrhage. A thick line of blood
was clotted upon the cinders and the
dead man was so pale that it seemed
nearly all of the blood must have drain
ed out of his body.
Dr. Thompson examined Barrett's
body,finding ills left leg cut oft a short
distance below the hip joint. His left
arm was severely crushed about four
inches below the shoulder and his face
was lacerated as if his head had been
shoved into the cinder. His skull was
compressed above the right eye, fract
ured above the left ear and there also
was a fracture at the base of tho skull.
Either ot tho head wounds would have
caused death, Dr. Thompson states.
The young man's right arm and
right leg were not hurt. His right
hand was in his hip pocket, which
only adds to the mystery surrounding
his death, showing that it came with
such extreme suddenness as to keep
him trom even throwing out his hand
ami from this it might appear that he
fell upon the track in the path of a
'Squire James Dulton,acting as cor
oner, also wont to the place where the
lifeless body was found and turned the
remains over to undertaker John Dost
ers Sons to prepare for burial.
The deceased was aged years. He
is survived by his widowed mother
and three brothers, two of Danville
and one of Shainokin.
'Squire James Dalton, Monday
raotuing investigated the death of
Cornelius Barrett, whose lifeless body
was found ou the Philadelphia &
Reading railroad track earl}- Sunday
morning. He took the testimony of
James Mullen,who stumbled upon the
coiimo wliiui v%nikmg on the railroad,
and of persons who had seen Barrett a
few hours before ho was killed. His
verdict, was that death was accidental,
and he thought an inquest was not
Very Useful Tool
A us-ful tool, and one that
is destined to become an important
factor in the mechanical world is now
beiug manufactured at the Hooley &
Tierney foundry.
The device consists of a drill, anvil,
block aud holder combined aud is in
tended for the use of blacksmiths, tin
smiths and small shops where the pur
chase of separate tools can be elimin
It will bo found particularly useful
to farmers in making repairs on farm
machinery and its value is much in
creased inasmuch as it is portable and
can be carried about with ease. It
takes the place of four separate tools
and the retail prico, £20.00, brings it
witiiiu the reach of everybody.
Tlio machines are being built for VV.
L. Gouger, wlio in turn is selling
county rights. Three of them were
finished at tho foundry yesterday and
are very neat in appearance.
Two Piers Soon Finished
The bridge work yesterday develop
ed several new features and progressed
well. The construction company ex
pects by next Wednesday or Thursday
to have tlie abutment, first and second
piers on tho South Danville side com
pleted, provided that the stone arrives
when it should.
Yesterday an engine was moved from
the third to the fourth pier,where ex
cavation for a foundat ion will bo made
as soon as possible. On the third pier
the hig stones were putin place up to
the vqpter lino. Tin; coffer dam at the
first pier on the Danville side is now
being constructed and will be finished
in a day or so. On tho Danville side
the abutment is being rapidly razed.
Broken Tlain Closes Factory
Blocl£& Benzhacb's pants factory
was closed for a while yesterday aftor
noon and tho employes had a holiday.
The broken gas main near the Mill
street crossing was the causo of the
trouble, making it impossible to run
tho gas engine of tho plant.
This industry now employes about a
hundred hands. It. is having a busy
season and has a good outlook for fu
ture work.
Basket Ball Team
Tho junior o! of the r.anville High
School has organized a basket ball
team and elected Robert Arms as cap
tain and Morris Dreifuss, manager.
The first practice game was played
yesterday afternoon, the teams being
chosen from tho following boys :
Jacobs, Morris, McCoy, Kostenbaud
er, Welliver, Knglo, Spade, Dreitiiss
and Arms.
Mrs. Jesse Ammerman, Mill street,
is spending sevoral days with friends
at Catawissa.
William and Thomas Saul of this
city spent yesterday at Mexico.
Simon Vastine and daughter of Kush
township, were visitors in this city
Miss Tillie Phillips will leave today
for a visit at Millvillo.
Poor Director Joseph Hagenbach of
Liberty township, transacted businoos
at the Court House yesterday.
Clarence Cleaver of Roaring Creek
made a business trip to this city yes
F. G. Peters transacted business at
Harrisburg yesterday.
Joseph Hill of Lewisburg, called ou
fiiends in this city yesterday.
Misses Bossie Drumheller and Jos
ephine Cousart returned from a visit
to Suubnry yesterday.
William Oakes, Superintendent of
State road construction spent a few
hours in Sunbury yesterday.
Georgo B. Faux of Milton, circulat
ed among friends in this city yester
Sara T. Jackson of Scrauton, spent
Sunday with relatives in this city.
Thomas Irland of Plymouth, spent
Sunday with relatives iu this city.
Rassel Kelly of Saubury, spent Suu
day with relatives in Danville.
Miss Hilda Hornberger and guests
Misses Maud and Florence Kreiger of
Shamokin,visited friends at Catawissa
and Bloomsburg yesterday.
District Factory inspector J. K.
Robison, of Mifflintown, was in this
city yesterday.
J. F. Tooley transacted business in
Sunbury yesterday.
Harry Blee. Valley township, left
yesterday for St. Louis, Mo.
W. Kat>f West, Esq., transacted busi
ness in Sunbury yesterday.
Mrs. .Tames Kaso and daughter,
Miss Nellie of Greensboro, North Caro
lina, are guests at tho homo of Robert
D. Magill, West Market street.
C. P. Hancock atteuded tho Milton
fair yesterday.
Mrs. T. J. Rogers and Mrs. A. La-
Rue left yesterday for a visit with
relatives in Williamsport.
C. P. Harder was a Bloomsburg vis
itor yesterday.
Miss Margaret Hixsou returned to
Danville yesterday after a week's vis
it with frioudo in
Packer Hottenstein of Sunbury spent
yesterday with friends in this city.
Mrs. T. B. Yerg of Washingtonville
spent yesterday in Danville.
John Jones and wife of Bay City,
Michigan, are visiting at the home of
his sister, Mrs. Matthew Jones, East
Market street. This is Mr. Jonos' first
visit to Danville since 1872.
Harry Jones of Lewistown, spent
Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Jones, West Mahon
ing street.
Dr. Walter Drumheller, of Berwick,
spent Sunday in Danville.
Dr. T. B. Wiutersteen and wife re
turned last evening from a trip to
Mrs. Jennie Randell and Mrs.
Charles Hovies of Sunbury, spent yes
terday in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Angle will re
turn from Philadelphia today.
Dr. and Mrs. Cobleigh and Mrs.
Teter of Kingston and Mrs. Newell of
New York city, who composed the
automobile touring party who spent a
few days iu this city, loft yesterday.
Dr. and Mrs. Cobleigh and Mrs. Teter
returning to Kingtsou, Mrs. Newell
continuing the tour to Philadelphia.
Mrs. John G. Voris returned yester
day after a week's visit at the home
of Mrs. James B. Buchanau, Philadel
W. Y. Oruikshank.a former resident
of Danville, who now resides at Free
land, was a visitor in this city yester
H. W. Guyer of Sunbury, spent yes
terday in this city.
Henry Vincent of Valley township,
spent a few days this week in this city
with his sou, Prothonotary Vincent.
William R. Pursel of Frosty Valley
drove to town yesterday and viewed
tho improvements on the streets and
at the new river bridge.
Factory Inspector Pleased
District Factory Inspector ,T. K.
Robison of Mifflintown, made a round
of the various industries and public
buildings in this city yesterday.
Mr. Robison stated that at 110 time
wero the factories, mills and build
ings in so safe aud sanitary condition
as at present. Every phase of the law
relative to places of this kind has
been complied with.
Fire escapes have been erected 011
several of the prominent buildings and
a general order of cleanliness prevails
Mr. Ro'uson visits Danville lor in
spection every four months.
Will Leave Hospital.
Word was received in South Dan
ville yesterday that Frank Wilson,
who lost an arm through an accident
on the bridge here, will arrive homo
this week from the Sunbury Hospital,
having recovered sufficiently to leave
that institution
Just at this time wheu the politi
cians and candidates are making cal
culations as to the result of the ooua
i ing election, which will he held on
Tuesday, November the Bth, the fol
lowing statement of registered voters
in Montour county is of interest. The
j total number registered is 3GIB voters.
The appended table shows the num
ber of voters of each ward, borough
and township :
Danville, First Ward sfiS»
Danville, Second Ward 402
Danville, Third Ward ... . 580
Danville, Fourth Ward 44fi
Mahoning Township 814
Liberty Township 200
Anthony Township ... 232
Derry Township 188
Valley Township 181
Limestone Township ......... . 157
West Hemlock Township DO
Cooper Township. 84
Washingtonville Borough ... 64
Mayberry Township 51
Total 3KIB
The First and Third Wards of the
Borough have respectively 569 and 580
voters registered and it has beeu the
judgment of the electiou officers of
these wards that each should be divid
ed into two voting precincts, as thu
labor imposed ou the boucls as things
exist at present, is entirely too much
when it is considered that the pay of
election officers in a precinct polling
only 100 votes is the same as for those
where 500 votes are polled. This mat
ter should receive the attention of tha
proper authorities for the good of all
concerned and if deemed advisable a
division of the First and Third
wards into two precincts should be
Touring with Sousa's Band
S. Ross Millhouse, cornetist with
Sousa's concert band,sends the follow
ing newpsaper clipping from Mitchell,
South Dakota.
"Messrs. J. W. Richardson,K. Mill
house and Henry Heidelberg,members
of Mr. Sousa's baud have had their
first experience in shooting prairie
chickens and jack rabbits. They were
taken out Thursday by L. C. Thomas,
with whom they are stopping, and
given a touch of western bunting ou
tho prairie. They were successful in
bagging tour prairio chickens and
three jack rabbits, and they declared
it was the greatest siiort they evor en
joyed. Down in New York they said
they usually got prairio chickens after
they hnd h <ou killod a wool; ami tinit
they were hardly worth eating. The
party had great sport with Mr. Heid
elberg. The first jack rabbit that pop
ped caused much excitement and they
all shouted "see the wolf," for the
jack rabbits in this country are mam
moth in size. Mr. Heidelberg was so
afraid that it would not be shot that
he attempted to run it down, despite
the effort of Mr. Thomas to call him
hack. He tore along at an oxcitiug
pace while the jack would run a short
distance and then stop and look de
risively back at his panting puisuer.
Mr. Heidelberg finally gave un the
chase, and when the next two jacks
putin appearance ho took off his hat
to the fleetness of the South Dakota
jack rabbit, and went after him with
his gun."
Mr. Millhouse was engaged by Prof.
Sousa early in September. The band
is making a tour of the west, giving
concerts in all the large cities. From
Oct. 10 to 23, the baud will play in San
Francisco and will then work east to
New York city where a concert will
be given Christmas night. Un Wed
nesday, December 28th, the baud will
sail for England and will make a tour
of the British provinces and Ireland.
The European tour will close with a
two weeks engagement in the city of
Mr. Millhouse was born in Danville
and resided here until lie was twenty
years of age. Ho was a* one time a
member of Stoes' Baud and Strick
laud's orchestra
Here's a Good Record
The one solitary prisouer in the
Montour county jail must be having a
lonely time of it indeed. Sheriff
Maiers yesterday stated that he has in
custody now just one man out of all
Montour county and unless the tend
ency to law-breaking becomes stiong
er very suddenly this year will be a
record one for tho small number of
The fact that only one prisoner is in
the jail is especially significant at this
time. With tho improvements now
making being carried on by numerous
foreigners it would b ' but natural if
there were an unusual lot of disorder.
Danville citizens and the residents
generally of Montour county can be
gratified over this demonstration of
tho peaceful, law-abiding nature of
the community.
"A Break for Liberty."
One of tho best attractions coming
to Danville will be presented to tho
theatre going public of this city next
Saturday evening. it is the great
scenic melodrama in live acts, "A
Break lor Liberty," written on tho
daring escape, pursuit and subsequent
death of the late Biddle brothers.
Special scenery is carried for every
act and is complete with all electrical
The company is well chosen and
numbers some of thn lest known po :
pie in the profession. The produetinii '
comes to this city highly recommend- j
THE y. M. C. A.
A visit to the Young Men's Christ
ian Association of Danville these days
is a source of pleasure and profit. The
handsome Association quarters, as fine
as any in the state,now appear to bet
ter advantage than ever, having been
refitted and improved in a substantial
The early history of the Y. M. C.
A.,erected in 1888 by the late Thomas
Beaver,is well known to people of this
city, who are proud to point out the
fine structure to strangers. But many
of them go no farther than this, not
knowing what an excellent work for
boys and young men is being done by
( the Association aud not taking the iu
' terest they should feel iu the welfare
of the Y. M. C. A.
The Dauville Y. M C. A has stead
ily progressed evor since its institu
tion aud with the completion of the
interior changes that have recently
been uuderway it is second to none iu
the state. When the size of the town
is cousidered and the cost of carrying
on the work all who are familiar with
the doings of the Associations of oth
er cities admit that the results ob
tained in Danville equal the work ac
complished in auy place in the couu
try. The equipment of the entire
building is neat aud attractive. To
keep it modern, and of course being
up-to-date is an essential in success
ful work.eutails considerable expense.
It is understood that even now the
Dauville Association is a little behind
with current expenses as a result of
making improvements. Were the mer
chants of Dauville and others who are
able to do so to help even to a small
extent the Association could very
readily be placed on a sound financial
footing. Of course the institution is
a part of a world wide organization
aud is here to stay, but it is up to the
people of Danville to say how it shall
be conducted, whether in a way to do
the best work possible or just to drag
slowly along.
Popular institutions of this kind
play a prominent part in stamping a
city as a desirable place Merchants
who help support a Y. M. 0. A. need
not look solely to religions euds bat
doubtless can find commercial advant
ages accruing from whatever help they
may give. Their clerks unquestion
ably are improved through the Y. M.
C. A., which benefits the city gener
The Danville Y. M. C. A. is run by
efficient men. Secretary William D.
Laumaster has given nine years of
good service here and Physical Direct
or 0. 0. Carpenter for three years lias
helped the boys and men to acquire
strong, healthy bodies. The cleanli
ness and older of the local quarters are
noteworthy and the care of Janitor
Frank hiurguer is largely responsible
for this desirable condition.
What the Danvillo Y. M. (J. A. has
may be briefly summed up as follows:
A line hall that will seat 300 persons,
equipped with organ and piaso; num
erous cosy rooms for small gatherings;
a beautiful parlor with music bos aud
phonograph for entertainment aud
comfortable chairs for rest; a well
stocked reading room of periodicals
aud newspapers; a gymnas'um con
taining the best of modern apparatus.
The gymnasium is worthy of espec
ial notice. The shower b tths have been
enameled and fine white porcelain
tubs have been installed. A boiler
heats the water for the bathers aud a
larger one keeps the whole Y. M. C.
A. building comfortable in the cold
est weather. Bright aud cheerful, the
rooms are very attractive to the young
fellows on a sharp frosty night and
that they appreciate it is shown by
the large attendance. The gymnasium
classes now are at work aud the men
are enthusiastic than possibly
ever before.
With this noble physical work, a
good spiritual atmosphere attending
the men's meetings aud Bible classes
aud the Boys' Bible class of 200 mem
bers, and the social features of the
right kiud, the Y, M. C. A. is a safe
place for any boy. It is a help to any
young man. It deserves the support
of every citizen.
Be Careful of Your Vote.
Voters who desire to cast a ballot at
the olection in November must see to
it that their poll tax is paid. If the
voter has not paid such a tax within
the last two years,lie cannot vote this
fall. This is an important matter and
should be attended toatonce. Friday,
October 7th, is the last day on which
the poll tax can be paid. Voters should
immediately hunt up their tax receipts
and learn whether or not they are
eligible to vote at the coming election.
Work at Si Hubert Church
The addition to St. Hubert's Cath
olic church, Bloom street,is beginning
to show up as a solid and prettv struc
ture. The work on the new building
is not very far from completion and
the annex already greatly improves
the appearance of the church.
The slaters now are ready to start
on the roof, all ot the brick woik be
ing done. The lathers will also be
gin operations at ouce, so that it will
not be long before the inside of the
building will be finished.
Improving the Crossing.
The Philadelphia & Reading cross
ing at Bloom street vcsti rday was be
ing improved by the laying of new
timbers and the sidewalk also was be
ing repaired.
The office of the AMERICAN
being furnished with a large
assortment of job letter and
fancy type and job material
generally, the Publisher an
nounces to the public that he
is prepared at all times to ex
cute in the neatest manner
Of all Kinds anct Description
The initiatory stepito secure an un
dergrade crossing at 'A street was tak
en by Council last evening at a speci
al session attended by Philadelphia &
Reading railroad and Danville and
Bloomsburg trolley compauy officials.
Division Snp< rintendent Turk and
Station Agent P. H. Foust, of the
Reading, and W. P. Pascoe and At
torney Scarlet, looking after the trol
ley interests, met with the Council -
In the absence of President Davis,
Clerk Patton called the meeting to
order. Mr. Vastine was chosen Presi
dent pro tem. The members answer
ing roll call were Messrs. Vastine,
Reifsuyder, Boyer, Goeser, Montgom
ery, Dietrich, D. Gibson, J. Gibson
and Lloyd.
After the object of the meeting was
stated Mr. Pascoe was given the floor.
He stated that the trolley people and
railroad people had conferred with the
Borough Solicitor and decided to ask
for the passage of a resolution author
izing the ordinance committee and
Borough Solicitor to prepare an ordin
ance before the regualr meeting of
Council Friday evening, giving per
mission for the building of the A
street undergrade crossing, which will
be 80 feet wide, and the abolition of
the Cross street crossing after the Dew
one is completed and accepted.
Mr. Reifsuyder desired to learn
what expense thy proposed changes
would make for tlie Borough. Mr.
Pascoe showed plans and profile for
the undergrade roadway and explain
ed that the ordinance would be so
framed as to relieve the Borough of
any expense whatsoever. He stated
that the railroad and trolley compan
ies would stand all of the cost of con
structing the crossing and afterward
the trolley company will do just wha;
the ordinance recently passed requires
—keep and maintain the road between
the rails and two feet on either sido
of the track. Ho further stated that
the vacation of the Cross street cross
ing would not have to occur until the
undergrade shall be completed and ac
At this point the resolution offerod
by Mr. Pascoe was passed on motion
of Mr. Goeser, seconded by Mr. Reif
; snyder. Attorney Scarlet then spoke
of the need of giving tiie borough, the
railroad and the trolley company all
the proper protection which can be
secured by embodying in the ordin
ance all of the requirements.
Superintendent Tnrk stated that the
Reading people feel justified In asking
for the vacation of Cross street cross
ing in consideration of the large sum
the railroad company will have to
spend for the improvement. (As pre
viously published, the crossing will
cost about FSOOO.) Mr. Turk believes
the crossing will really benefit Dan
ville more than either the railroad or
the trolley. Of course, in this connec
tion it may be explained that the do
ing away with the Cross street cross
ing will enable the Reading to handle
the many traius passing over this divi
sion with greater dispatch.
Mr. Uoeser moved that the ordin
ance committee draw up a resolution
covering the matter by Friday. The
motion prevailed aod Messrs. Swank,
Reifsnyder and Montgomery will at
once start on the task imposed upou
Council at 8:30 o'clock,after receiv
ing an invitation from Mr. Pascoe to
take a trolley ride at 9 o'clock, ad
journed to meet Friday evening next.
Local Foot Ball Team Organized
A number of Danville boys have or
ganized a foot-ball team, and expect
to play a series of games this fall
Names prominent in the town's foot
ball history are included in the list,
so that a strong aggregation will be
developed from the material on hand.
At a meeting held Tuesday evening
Bert Slattery was elected captain and
Ben Johnson, assistant captain. Wal
ter Raver was chosen to manage the
team for the comiug season.
Challenges have been received from
Suubnry, Catawissa aud Berwick.
Diehl-Brondon Wedding
Ralph B. Diehl, clerk at the post
office and Miss Nan Brandon, daughter
of Mrs. Clara Braudon, East Market
street, were married yesterday morn
ing at 9:30 o'clock.
The ceremony was performed at the
bride's home by the Rev. Edward
Haughton, rector of Christ Episcopal
church. Only the immediate relatives
of the young couple were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Diehl left on the 10:19
D. L. & W. train for a trip to New
Yoik city.
Launch Tampered With?
George Hullihen's launch which his
son, Charles, has been operating, is
out of service, the air miser being
broken. Mr. Hulliheu believes some
one tampered with the boat aud dam
aged the machinery. He will try to
have it running by the end of the
Preparatory Services.
The Lord's Supper will be celebrat
ed in Shiloh Reformed church nest
Sunday. Preparatory services will be
held on Friday evening at 7 :30 o'clock,
at which time the Rev. J. E. Hutchi
son, pastor of the Mahoning Presby
terian church, will preach the sermon.
All the members of the church are
urged to be present.