Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, July 21, 1904, Image 4

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FRANK C. ANGLE, Proprietor.
Danville, Pa., July 21, 1904.
MKB Hill Kl.
JOHN P. ELK IN of Indiana Conuty.
Electors at Large—Robert Pitcairn,
Allegheny. Levi H M<*Canley, of Ches
I—Daniel itaugh 19— Wllliaut Lauilcr
2—Joseph H. Met 'all 211 Heorge I. Dear
-5 A leu \an Reu- dortl
srl Ihoi 21—J O Brookbank
4—John E. Key limn 22 J II Neg ley
6—David t\ Niale Stf Isaiah ttoori
ti—Edward Fattou 21 tieorge V. Law
7—J. T. N'onfender reiiee
»—Joseph Hotter : i't .M ' Sturgeon
5—J, D. Litudls 2t> Areeibald Jolin
10— E. W, Kleltz ston
11— F. C. Johnson 27—J F Ur»tl
12— W J Whltehuuse 2s .1 (' Milieu
la— C D Wesley 2V t' W Dohlinger
14—J H Hrowu 30—Ueorge Westing
16—E O Schlett'elln house Jr
IB—W C MeConnel Jl J Winford Holmes
17—W 8 Alexander 82 William M. Con
is—Jobu HayH way.
DR E W. SAMUELS, of Mt. Carmel.
CHIOAOO, July 19. The packers
today expressed themselves as confi
dent that there would be uo important
spread of the strike. They authorized
thin statement:
"Joseph W Morton, busiuess agent
of the International Brotherhood of
Stationary Firemen; international
secretary and treasurer C. L. Shainp,
of Omaha, and Charles H. Wall, of
Kansas City, chairman of the execu
tive council, have met a committee
representing the packers at the stock
yards with a view to ascertaining the
exact status of affairs.
"The packers' committee went over
the ground thoroughly with them,giv
ing them the exact data from the com
mencement of the controversy until
the end of negotiations 011 Satuiday
night last. It is understood that Messrs.
Morton, Shamp and Wall indicated
that they had not, up to this time,
fully understood the matter, and upon
the showiug made by the packers'
committee admitted that the right was
ou the aide of the packers. As a result
of ttie investigation made by Messrs.
Morton, Shamp and Wall, it is not
thought that the stationary firemen
will strike.''
"We still hope the packers will make
a little concession in retarn for all we
have made," said President Donnelly
today. "Men still at work are aux
tOQH to go ou sympathetic strike, hut
1 will not ask them to strike until all
means for a satisfactory arbitration of
the dispute has been exhausted."
Cotters, loggers and salesmen em
ployed iu the scattered wholesale
stores owued bj the packers have been
called out. About ItiO were overlook
ed in the first call for a strike. These
were at work iu the markets in Six
teenth and State streets aud iu Sooth
Water street.
Bread and ice are to be distributed
by the packers to needy families in
the stock yards district. In this way
the paokers are to help wives and chil
dren of the strikers. The plan was an
nounced by Arthur F. Evans,attorney
for Swift & Company,in the following
"It having come to the notice of the
packers that the families of their form
er employes now on strike were suffer
ing for bread and ice, Superintendent
Crosby, of the stock yards statiou of
the Chicago Bureau of Charities, was
immediately notified that a carload of
ioe and 1,000 loaves of bread were at
his disposal for distribution daily
among those iu ueed of help with the
understanding that further assistance
of the same kind would be rendered if
necessary "
OYSTKH HAY, L. 1., July lit— Af
ter a conference with President Roose
velt, which lasted far into the night
and was resumed early today, former
Secretary of War Elihu Hoot left Saga
more HiII today for Now York, hav
ing important business which made
necessary his return to New York to
Beyond the fact that the President
and Mr. Hoot considered the speech
which the former is to deliver on the
27th instant, in response to the notifi
cation of his nomination, little could
be learned about tlie conference. The
talk covered a wide range of subjects.
Soon after Mr. Hoot's departure from
Sagamore Hill the President, despite
the intense heat of the flay, began to
dispose of a mass of official business
and correspondence, which Secretary
Loeb brought to his attention.
Among the callers on thu President
today was the Hev. Father Chidwick,
United States navy, retired. Chaplain
Chidwick was on the battleship Maine
when that ship was blown up in Ma
vana harbor. His business with the
President was entirely personal
Drove 63 Miles,
Hictiard Leiby and William i'obias
are guests at the home of Mr. Luck
enbill, Valley township. Messrs. Leiby
and Tobias drove to this city from
Hamburg, a distaiice of »>3 miles.
Bpecial Y. M. 0. A, Singing.
There will be s|>ecial singing at the
open air meetiug under auspices of the
Y. M O. A., Sunday afternoon, at
3:80 o'clock, by a male quartette,from
Berwick,under the leadership of Prof
B. H Bower This will be an oppor
tunity of hearing some excellent sing
ing, Everybody invited.
ST. PETERSBURG, July 19. —With
out discussing in any way the interna
tioual question involved, the newspa
pers here are all rejoicing over the ex
ploits of the volunteer fleet steamers
in the Red Sea. The Novoe Vreiuya
say # s the work they are doing vindi
cates the wisdom of establishing the
fleet, which was begun hv national
subscription when the country was
too impoverished to build the vessels
attir the Turko-Kussian war. It was
the pioneer subsidized line ot aux
iliary cruisers which most countries
have since imitated.
1 lie Novoe Vremya adds that there
is plenty of scope for the fleet in Euro
pean, Atlantic and Pacific waleis By
threatening to deprive the Japanese of
arms and munitions it can compel the
detachment ot part of Hie Japanese
fleet. This is why the appearance of
the volunteer fle» t in the Hed Sea is
hailed v\ 1 rll so much satisfaction.
Besides tliH Smolensk, St. Peters
hiiry and Orel—the latter now lining
' lilted out as a hospital ship, ouiy the
Kherson, Saritutt and Moskva have a
speed of nineteen to twenty knots
Some (it the recently purchased trans-
Atlantic liners might, however, be
out lit ted as commerce destroyeis, and
six weeks ago the Priiss was informed
that such was the purpose ot the ad
MUKDEN, July lit—A loiter re
ceived here from Port Arthur shows
that the besieged have implicit confid
ence in the ability of Lieutenant Gen
eral Stessel to keep out the Japanese.
The writer says:
"Lieutenant General Stessel's cer
tainty of victory has imparted equal
confidence to all the troops and inhab
itants. Major General Fock is now en
gaged in resisting the pressure of ttie
Japanese at our advance positions and
the siege will drag 011 for a long time
General Koudratieff is adding to the
fortifications of Fort Arthur, making
them stronger daily. On hills pre
viously considered impossible to fortify
batteries and entrenchments have now
been constructed aud guns of both
large and small calibre have been
mounted. The co-operation of the
generals has made Port Arthur an in
accessible fortress."
How's This •'
We offer One Hundred Hollars lie ward of
any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by
Hall's Catarrh t'ure.
We the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and helieve him
perfectly honorable In all business tr an sac
lons and financially able to carry out any
, obligations made by their firm.
] O. W AI,DINO. KINNAN & MARVIN. Wholesale
Druggists. Toledo. Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mun us
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
: ree. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all drug
Hall's Family l'ills are the best.
The Pittsburg Gazette of Sunday.
1 July 17th, contains a large portrait of
i Julius Moyei, the widely known mali
nger of the Sharon Base Ball Club.
! The picture is an excellent likeness
and is placed at the top of the H;» a e
1 Ball news page.
| Mr. Mover has achieved great success
< with his club this season and much fa
vorable comment was made by all the
1 laige papers for his determined stand
against the Independent umpire sys
tem used by the Independent League.
The Sharou club was expelled but was
given the right by sporting men all
over the western district. Since that
time the Sharon club has been doing
an enormous business and playing to
larger receipts tliau ever.
Mr. Moyer was a former resident ot
Danville,leaving here hut a few years
ago. He is the owner of a large cloth
ing and gent's furnishing store at
Biver coal men say that coal is
scarce and hard to procure.
• And mail to The Cal-cura Company, Kennedy
; Row, ltoudout, N. Y.
Dear Sim: I think I i»m suffering from •
: Please provide me with '•
week's treatment with CAL-CURA SOLVENT, '■
• Name ;
• Address •
Any sufferer from Kidney trouble. Liver
complaint, Diseases of the Bladder, Con
stipation, or Blood impurity who really
desires to find a Permanent Cure, may
obtain FREE TREATMENT with Cal-cura
Solvent, Dr. David Kennedy's new medi
cine. Simply cut out the coupon above,
and mail to the Cal-rura Company, Ken
nedy Row, Rondout, N.Y.
Cal-cura Solvent is unequaled by any
preparation, and is Dr. Kennedy's greatest
medicine. It acts on an entirely new
Mr. William H. Miller, of Matteawan, N.
Y., says:—"l was seriously troubled with
my kidneys and bladder fur over three
years. Many doctors and various kidney
remedies, gave me no relief. But 1 finally
bought a bottle of Cal-cura Solvent of my
druggist,used a few bottles, and lam cured."
Ara due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of every
one hundred people who have heart trouble
can remember when If was simple Indiges
tion. It Is a scientific fact that all cases ot
heart disease, not organic, ara not only
traceable to, but are the direct result of Indi
gestion. All food taken Into tha atomach
which falls of perfect digestion ferments and
swells the stomach, puffing It up against the
heart. This Interferes with the action of
the heart, and In the course of time that
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr D. Kauble. of Nevada. 0.. says: I had stomsek
troubla and was In a bad atats a> I had heart troubla
with It I took Kodol Dyapepila Cure for about fauf
months and It cured me.
Kodol Digests What You Cat
and relieves the stomach of all ncrvoua
strain and the heart of all pressure.
Bottles only. SI.OO Size holdlrit 2H times the trial
•i7O, which soils for 50c.
Prepared by E. O DeWITT A 00., OHIOAQQ.
Sold bv <>osh|& Co . Panle & Co.
Thousands Ilave Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know it.
now To Find Out.
Fill a fcottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty four hours, a
sediment or set-
f.* * n A ' tling indicates an
| unhealthy condi
mT, 1 .4, yV tion of the kid-
Vy \ k V If neys; if it stains
iff A j y° ut lmen il is
H. i , I evidence of kid
2EL\\ i P ne y ,roub|e: ,o °
Sequent desire to
■ -• pass it or pain in
—b ac k j s a | so
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root. the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled togo often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists in 50c. andsl. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful discovery f' -.V""-
and a book that tellsfeta
more about it, both sent
absolutely free by mail
Address Dr. Kilmer & Homo of Swamp-Root.
Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men
tion reading this generous offer in this paper.
Don't make no mistake, but remeni
her the name. Swanp Root, Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Root, ami the add res
Binghamton, IV. V .. on every liottles.
By virtue ot certain writs of Fieri
Facias issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas ot' Montour County,
and to me directed, will expose to
Public Sale on the premises of Mary
Ann Welliver of Derry Township,
Montour County and State of Penn
sylvania on
Friday, August 12th, 1904
at '2 o'clock in the afternoon of the
said day the following described real
estate,v iz :
All that certain pieces, parcels or
tracts of land situate lying and being
in the Townships of Derry and Val
ley, County ot Mont .ur and State of
Pennsylvania bounded and described
as follows viz :
Beginning at a post thence by lands
of John Ben field north twenty-seven
degrees ten minutes east three hund
red perches to a stone; thence north
eighty-six and one-half degrees west
aloug lands of Jacob Sliult/. thirty
four perches to a post ; thence along
lauds of Mary Ann Weillver sooth
twenty-six and three-fourths degrees
west sixty-five and fourtcuths pirches
to a pine knot ; thence along the same
north sixty-five degrees forty minutes
west sixty eight and six tenths porch
es to a stone; thence along the same
south thirty-five degrees west nine
and three-tenths perches to it stone ;
thence south fifty-five degrees east
fourteen and four tenths perches to a
stone; thence along the same south
twenty-seven degrees west foity-sevt ti
and five-tenths per.'lies to a stone;
thence along the same north sixty
three degr-ies west fifty perches
to it stone 111 line of Nathaniel Hrit
tain and Joseph lleudrickson south
twenty seven and one-half degrees
west two hundred and eighteen and
seven-tenths perches to a pii.e; thence
along lands of Peter A. Mowror south
eighty-six degrees and ten minutes
east one hundred and forty-two perch
es to the place of beginning, contain
ing one hundred and ninety-three
acres and one hundred aud thirty-five
perches of land.
Also beginning at a post thence by
lauds of Jacob Shultz north eighty and
one-halt degrei s w< st one hundred
and thirty-four perches to a white oak
stump, south thirty degrees west forty
four and eight-tenths peiches to white
oak ; south twenty and one-fourth de
grees west thirty-one and three-ten
ths peiches to a stone; south sixty
three degrees east fifty perches to a
stone; north twenty-seveu degrees
cast forty-seven and tive-tenths perch
es to a stone, thence north fifty five
degrees west fourteen and four-tenths
perches to a stone; north thirty-five
degrees east nine and three-tenths
perches to a stone ; south sixty-five
degrees forty minutes east sixty eight
and six tenths perches to a pine knot;
north twenty-six and three-fourths
degrees east sixty-live anil four-tenths
perches to the place of beginning.
Containing forty-eight aerts and
twenty-five perches of land.
On which is erected a
Two-Storv Frame Dwelling House.
hank barn and othei outbuildings
Seized and taken into execution, and
to be sold as the property of Mary Ann
Welliver and N. Brittau Welliver.
GEO. MAI KKS, Sheriff
Bloomsburg, Penna.
Aunual Low-Rate Excursions to Atlautic
Oitv, etc., via Pennsylvania.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged for four low rate ten day
excursions for the present season from
Lock Haven, Troy. Bellefonle, Will
laiusport, Mocauaqua, San bury, Mt.
Caruiel, Shenandoah, Lykens, Dauphin,
and principal intermediate stations
(including stations 011 branch roads),
to Atlantic City, ('ape May, Ocean
City, Sea Isle Cits - , Avalon, Anglesea,
Wildwood, or Holly Beach, on Thurs
days, July 21, August 4 and 18, and
September I, JUO-l.
Excursion tickets, good to return by
regular trains within ten days, will
IHi sold a t very low rates 1 ickets to
Atlantic City will be sold via the Del
aware Biver Bridge Route, the only
all-rail line, or via Market Street
Wharf, Philadelphia.
Stop over can be had at Philadel
phia, either going or returning, with
in limit of ticket.
For information in regard to specific
rates aud time ot trains consult baud
bills, or apply to agents, or E. S.
Harrar, Division Ticket. Agent, Will
iauisport, I'h.
Special Officers Simmers ami Pursley
nf the P. & H. railroad arrived in Dan
ville yesterday to take charge of the
three tramps who were taken into
custody in this city on Monday,charg
ed with stealing the dinner (tails from
a section gang working near Potts
The officers arrived on the II:25 train
and proceeded to the jail where the
offenders were questioned. They would
give no information regarding their
whereabouts during the past few
weeks or as to where their homes were.
They were taken to Sunbury on the 4
o'clock Heading train where charges
of larceny and resisting an officer will
be preferred against them.
Frank A Handel and Mies Minnie A
Frazier, both of Danville,were united
in marriage on July 17, Kev George
E. Limbert officiating.
Alexander Tuchko and Calviu Scholl,
two boys from Shamokiu who after
being released from the reformatory
committed a daring robbery one day
last week, were sent back to the re
formatory by Judge Savidge, Mouday
Oentralia is again eutirely free of
smallpox, and the board of Health
gives the town a clean bill of health.
The quarantine has been raised from
the Uallagher home.
SECTION 1. Be it ordained and en
acted by the Chief Burgess, and by
the Town Council of the Borough of
Danville, in the County of Montour
and State of Pennsylvania, iu Council
a-isembled. and it is hereby ordained
and enacted by the authority of the
same: That the said Borough of Dan
ville be hereby duly authorized, em
powered and required to erect or in
stall, equip, operate and maintain in
proper condition and repair a municip
al electric lighting plant with all of
the necessary, proper and usual equip
J meuts, appointments, appliances and
I supplies whatsoever, including elec
j trieal apparatus,pole line construction
and steam equipment complete, and to
erect the necessary ]>oles, or to use
poles already erected, to string the
necessary wires,to make the necessary
attachments, all to be owned and op
erated by the said Borough of Dan
ville, solely, for the purpose of gener
ating, manufacturing, furnishing,
providing and supplying electricity
and electiic light for propeily lighting
and illuminating the several borough
buildings, borough property, streets,
lanes,alleys and all other public places
and parts of, iu, aud under the con
trol of, the said Borough of Danville,
aud to u*e and occupy all such build
ings, property, stieets. lanes, alleys
and other public places aud parts for
such respective purposes.
SECTION 2. That the Chief Bur
gess and the said Town Council for
aud on behalf of the said Borough,are
hereby duly authorized, empowered
and required to enter into proper writ
ten contract with any person or pei
sons, firm or corporation, to erect or
install the said municipal electric
lighting plant as aforesaid aud fur
nish and provide the same with all
proper and necessary electrical ap
paratus, pole line coustruotion and
steam equipment complete in every
esseutial detail, as well as with all
materials, and labor to be used aud
employed iu and about the erection
and construction thereof,at such price
or prioes, and upon such terms and
conditions, and according to such gen
eral stipulations, plans, specifications
and instructions as shall be mutually
agreed upon in the said contract.
SECTION 3. That the Committee
ot the said Town Council on Light
who shall be at all times subject to
the general direction of the said Town
Council shall have the charge, con
trol, management aud supervision of
the erection or installation, operation
and maintenance of the said municip
al electric-lighting plant in all its
several departments, aud shall employ
all labor and purchase all materials
necessary for the proper operation,
maintenance and repair of the said
municipal electric-lighting plant
SEOIION. 4. That all ordinances
or parts of ordinances inconsistent
with or contrary to the provisions of
this ordinance are hereby repealed.
APPROVED the 19th day of July
A D 11)04.
Chief Burgess.
Secretary of the
Horough of Danville, Pa
Council Chamber, Danville, Pa., July
19th, 1904.
A w „ _ I I Wake up your liver. Cure
l\ WJ 112 I lO your constipation. Get rid
im. yVI O 1 IHO 0f y° ur biliousness. Sold
* for (K) years.
■ WCAIUVIWVWAW INO ULITL ■ r use rirri cm, W «ww.i>n >D I nuu l w., MMIVI 11
Orphan's Conn Sale
Kstate of Priederika P. Rieck
late of the Borough of Dan
ville, Montour county,dec'd
By virtue of an order of the Orph
ans Court of Montour County granted
to her lor such purpose,the undersign
ed, Executrix of the above named de
cedent will expose to public sale upon
the respective premises situated in the
Third Ward of the Borough of Dan
ville, in the County of Montour and
State ot Pennsylvania on
Wednesday, August 3rd, 'O4
beginning at ten o'clock in the fore
noou of the said day the four follow
ing described messauges, tenements
ami town lots of land of the said de
cedent, to wit:
LOT NO. I. Beginning at the cor
uer of I). L. & W. Avenue and an al
ley, thence along D. W. avenue
Westward fifty-four feet to lot No. 2,
thence Northward ninety three feet to
lot No. 8, thence Eastward fifty-four
feet to an alley, thence Southward
along said alley ninety-three feet to
the place ot beginning Whereupon is
erected a
Lane Two Slorv Enck Hotel
together with the usual outbuildings.
LOT NO. 2. Beginning at a point
on D. L. tfc W. Avenue 54 feet from a
certain IK foot allev leading from Mul
berry street to the I). L W. R. K.
passenger station, thence Westward 34
feet more or less to lot formerly of 1.
W. Salmon, now owned by Andrew
Cromo, thence Northward along said
Andrew Cromo's hit 93 feet to lot No.
3, thence Eastward along lot No. 3 34
feet more or less to Lot No I, thence
Southward along lot No. 1 93 feet to
D. L. <fc W. avenue, the place of be
ginning. Whereupon is erected a
Two-Story Frame Dwelling House
with the usual out buildings.
LOT NO. 3. beginning at the North
east corner of Krick Dwelling House
fronting on Mulberry street about 32
feet and 8 inches from the corner of
Mulberry street and an alley, tlieuee
Westward along Mulberry street 55
feet and 4 inches more or less to lot of
Andrew Ciomo. thence Southward
along said lot of Andrew Oroiiio 57
feet to lot No. 2, thence Eastward
along lots No. 2 and 1 55 feet and 4
inches more or less to lot No. 4,thence
Northwa d along lot No. 1 57 feet to
Mulberry street, the jilace of begin
ning, whereupon is erected a
Two-Story Brick Dwelling House
with the usual out buildings.
LOT NO 4. Beginning at the cor
ner of Mulberry street and the alley
leading from Mulberry street to the
I). VV. R. K. Passenger Statiou,
thence Westward 32 feet and 8 inches
more or less to the Two-Story Brick
Dwelling House on Lot No. 3, thence
Southward line of Brick Dwell
ing House 57 feet to lot No. 1, thence
along lot No. 1 Eastward 32 feet and
8 inches more or less to an alley,
thence along said alley 57 feet to Mul
berry street, the place of beginning.
Ail unusualopportunity is here ott
ered to purchase a valuable Hotel
stand, adjoining the Delaware, Lack
awanna and Westt rn Railroad station.
This place has been licensed for more
than twenty years past,and has always
been a very valuable money making
place It is well located with a valu
able trade.
Terms of sale 10 per cent, of the
purchase money shall be paid in cash
at the striking down of the respective
properties 30 per cent, shall be paid
at the time of the delivery of the deed
and the remaining »">o per cent, shall
be paid in one year from the date of
the confirmation of sale, to be secured
by bond and mortgage on the premises
with interest from that (tale. All writ
ing to be paid for by ths purchaser.
Executrix of Friedericka P. Kieck,
deceased. Z •;
WM. J BALDY. Atty.
Via Pennsylvania Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged for four low-rate Sunday
excursions for the present season from
Lock Haven, Lowishurg, Williams
pott, Mocauaqua, Sunt ury. Dauphin,
and principal intermediate stations to
Atlantic City, Cape May, Ocean City,
Sea Isle City, Avalon, Anglesea,Wild
wood, or Holly Beach, on Sundays,
July 24, August 7 and 21, and Septem
ber 4, 1904.
Excursion tickets good going and re
turning on regular trains within live
days, will be sold at very low rates.
Tickets to Atlantic City will lie sold
via the Delaware River Bridge Route,
the only all-rail line, or via Market
Street Whart, Philadelphia.
Stop-over can be had at Philadel
phia, either going or returning, with
in limit of ticket.
For information in regard m specific
rates and time ot trains consult hand
bills, or apply to agents, or E. S.
Harrar, Division Ticket Agent, Will
iamsport, Pa.
Poles Reset.
The Standard Electric Light Com
pany yesterday reset the poles in the
vicinity of the Mill street culvert.
The removal of nearly two feet of
earth from about the poles when the
street was brought down to regulation
grade made I hem shaky and unsafe.
New holes weie accordingly dug and
the polos reset to their former depth.
Beet prices will not advance in Dan
ville, say the butchers.
In Partition in the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Montour County, at the
suit of Laura V. Kline, widow of John
M. Kline deceased, plaintiff against
Jonathan S. Decu and Minnie V. Deen
his wife, John Hunyan and Alvaretta
F. Runyan his wile, in right of said
wife, James Freeze and Margaret
Freeze his wife, in right of said wife,
W'illard Fetterman and Sarah Fetter
man his wife, in right ot said wife,
Charles Cruiksbank and Lillian Cruik
shank his wife, in right of said wife,
111 pursuance of an order of the afore
said Court the undersigned will ex
pose to public sale UJKIU the premises
hereinafter designated as Lot No. 1
situate at the northeastern intersection
ot Church and Water streets in the
First Ward of the Borougli of Dan
ville, Montour County, Penna., 011
Saturday, July 23rd, 1904,
beginning at two o'clock in the after
noon of the said day, all of the fol
lowing described premises, respective
ly, being all of the real estate in the
said Partition proceedings mentioned,
to wit:
LOT NO. I—All that certain mess
auge, tenement aud town lot of land
situate in the First Ward ot the Bor
ough of Danville, in the County of
Montour aud State of Pennsylvania
bounded and described as follows,viz:
Beginning at the northeastern inter
section of Church aud Water streets,
thence in a northwardly direction
along the eastern side of said Church
street one hundred aud sixty-five feet
to an alley, thence along said alley iu
an eastwardly direction fifty feet aud
three inches to the northwestern cor
ner of another lot of the heirs of James
F. Deen deceased, thence along the
said last mentioned lot in a south
wardly direction one hundred aud
sixty-one feet to the southwestern
corner of the said last mentioned lot
on the northern side of Water street
aforesaid thence iu a westwardly di
rection along the northern side of said
Water street, fifty feet to the said
northeastern intersection of Church
and Water streets, the place of begin
ning. with the appurtenances, and
whereupon are erected a
aud other usual outbuildings.
LOT NO. 2—Also that certain mess
auge, tenement aud town lot of laud
situate in the First Ward of the Bor
ough of Danville iu the County of
Moutoui and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded aud described as follows, yiz:
Beginning on the northern side ot
Water street at a point fifty feet from
the eastern side of Churoh street at the
southeastern corner of other lot of the
heirs ot James F. Deen deceased last
hereinbefore described, thence in a
northwardly direction along said last
mentioned lot one huuderd and sixty
one feet to au alley, thence in an east
wardly direction along said alley twen
ty-five teet one and one half inches to
the northwestern corner of another lot
of the heirs of James F. Deen deceas
ed, thence along the said last mention
ed lot in a southwardly direction one
hundred and fifty nine feet to the
southwestern corner of another lot of
the heirs of James F. Deen deceased
on the northern side of Water street
aforesaid, thence along the northern
side of said Water street in a west
wardly direction twenty-five feet to
the southeastern corner of the other
lot of the heirs of James F. Deen de
ceased last hereinbefore described, the
place of beginning,with the appurten
LOT NO. 3—Also all that certain
messauge, tenement and town lot of
laud situate in the First Ward of the
Borough of Danville,in the County of
Montour and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows,viz:
Beginning at the southeastern corner
of auother lot of the heirs of James
F. Deen deceased last hereinbefore de
scribed on the northern side of Water
street, thence iu a northwardly direc
tion along the said last ineutioned lot
one hundred and fifty nine feet to an
alley, thence along said alley in an
eastwardly direction twenty-live feet,
one and one-half inches to the north
western corner of auother lot of the
heirs ot James F. Deen deceased,
thence in a southwardly direction
along the said last mentioned lot one
hundred and fifty-seven feet to the
southwestern corner of said last men
tioned lot on the uorthern side of
Water sti'wK aforesaid, thence along
the northern side ot said Water street
in a westwardly direction tweuty-tive
feet to the southeastern corner of the
lot of the heirs of James F. Deen, de
ceased, last hereinbefore described,
the place of heginuing, with (lie ap
LOT NO. 4 —Also all that ceitain
iu< ssauge, tenement and town lot ot
land situate in the First Ward of the
Borough of Danville, in the Couutyo(
Montour and State of Penusylvauia,
hounded and described as follows,viz:
Beginning at the southeastern corner
of the lot of the heirs ot Jaiues F.
Deen, deceased, last hereinbefore de
scribed 011 the northern side of Water
street, thence aloug the said last men
tioned lot in a northwardly direction
one hundred and fifty-seven feet to au
alley, theuce along said alley in an
eastwardly direction twenty-live feet,
one and one-half inches to the north
western ooruer ot a lot of the heirs of
Margaret Deen,deceased, thence along
said last mentioned lot in a south
wardly direction one hundrtd and
fifty-one and one-half feet to the south
western corner of said last mentioned
lot. on the northern side of Water
street, thence alonu the northern side
of said Water street in a west wardly
direction twenty-five feet to the south
eastern corner of the other lot of the
heirs of James F. Deen, deceased, last
hereinbefore described, the place of
beginning, with the appurtenances.
LOT NO. s—Also all that oertain
messauge, tenement and town lot ot
land situate in the First Ward of the
Borough of Danville, in the Oouuty of
Montour and State ot Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows,viz:
Beginning at the northeastern corner
of lot now owned by Cordelia E. Van
gilder on the southern side of Front
street, thence along the southern side
ot said Front street in an eastwardly
direction twenty-five feet to the north
western corner of another lot of the
heirs ot James F. Deen, deceased,
theuce along said last mentioned lot
in a southwardly direction one hun
dred and twenty-five feet to an alley
at the southwestern corner of said last
mentioned lot, thence along said alley
in a westwardly direction fifty-three
feet more or less, to the southeistern
corner of the said lot of Cordelia E.
Vangilder, thence along said last men
tioned lot in a northeastwardly direc
tion one huudred aud tweuty six feet
to the northeastern corner of said last
mentioned lot on the southern side of
Front street aforesaid,the place of be
ginning, with the appurtenances.
LOT NO. —Also all that certain
messauge, tenement ami town lot of
land situate in the First Ward of the
Borough of Danville, in the County
of Montour and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded aud described as follows, to
wit : Beginning at the northeastern
corner of the other lot of the heirs of
James F Deen, deceased, last herein
before described on the southern side
of Front street,thence along the south
ern side of Front street in au eas.-
wardly direction twenty-five feet to
the northwestern corner of a lot of the
heirs of Margaret Deen, deceased,
thence along said last mentioned lot
in a southwardly direction oue hun
dred and twenty five feet to an alley
at the southwestern corner of said last
mentioned lot, thence in a westward
ly direction along said alley twenty
live feet to the southeastern corner of
the other lot of the heirs of James F.
Deen, deceased, last, hereinbefore de
scribed, thence along said last men
tioned lot in a northwardly direction
one hundred and twenty-five feet to
the northeastern corner of the lot of
the heirs of James F. Deen, deceased,
last hereinbefore described the place
of beginning, with the appurtenances.
LOT NO. 7—Also all that certain
messauge. tenement and tract of laud
situate in the Township of Valley in
the County of Montour aud State of
Pennsylvania, bounded aud described
as follows, viz: Beginning at a stone
in a private road at the corner of land
of the estate of John S. Snyder, de
ceased, thence along said private road i
aud laud of Eli Appleman north six!
and one-half degrees west forty-nine
perches to a stoue along toother road,
theuce along said last mentioned road
north seventy-eight degrees east one
perch to a stoue in the last mentioned
road and iu liue of laud of the said Eli
Appleman,thence along said last meu
tioued laud of Eli Applemau north six
and oue-half degrees west oue hundred
aud two perches to a stoue in liue of
land of Lewis Hort and Thomas Dyer,
theuce along said last mentioned land
of Lewis Hort and Thomas Dyer north
sixty-one degrees west forty six aud
five-tenth perches to a pine at a corner
of laud of Nathauiel Bennett, theuce
aloug said last mentioned litnd of
Nathaniel Bennett south five aud one
half degrees east one hundred and one
and two-tenth perches to a stone in a
road, theuce aloug said last mention
ed land of Nathaniel Bennett south
seven and one-half degrees east thirty
six aud one-tenth perches to a stone at
a coiner of land of Peter Koch,theuce
along said last mentioned land of
Peter Koch north sevrnty-eight and
three fourth degrees east forty-thiee
and four-tenths perches to the said
stone in the said private road, the
place of beginning, containing thirty
nine acres and seventy two perches of
land, with the appurtenances.
TEKMS OF SALETwenty-five
per cent of the purchase money shall
be paid in cash at the striking down
ot the respective properties and the
balance thereof shall be paid upon the
coutirmatiou absolute of such respec
tive sales. Deeds therefor shall be
duly executed aud t'elivered by the
Sheriff to the me purchasers
thereof upon such couthm triou abso
lute and the payment uf nil purchase
money, and the cost* (if vsriting such
deeds shall be paid by such respective
Edward Sayre Gearhart, Counsel.
Shjriff's Office, Danville, Pa.,
June 14th, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that letters
of administration ou the above estate
have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons indebted to the said estate
are required to make payment, aud
those having claims or demauds against
the said estate will make kuowu the
same without delay to
28 W. Main Street,
Plymouth, Pa.
A Tipsy Gypsy.
A rollicking, tipsy gypsy was ar
rested by Ohiet-of-Police Minoemoyer
last night and oonfiued in the lock up.
The gypsy, with his family, has
been encamped at Berger's Hollow
near Blue Hill for some time past aud
has been trading aud selling horses iu
this vicinity with qaite a degree ot
Last evening the fellow imbibed a
little too freely and the liquor got
the better of him. He became very
noisy aud quite profane. In order
to quell his boisterousness he was
placed iu the lock up. The lock up is
rather a warm place these days but it
is expected that he will cool off sottlo
ieutly to attend his hearing which
occurs this morning at eight o'clock.
The story that lumber will be cheap
er now that the platforms of all the
political parties have beeu built, will
not effect the saw mills hereabouts.
R I P A-NS Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5-eeut packet is enough for usual
occasions. The family bottle (00 cunts)
contains a supply for a year. All drug
gists sell them.
Easy and Quick!
To make the very best soap, simply
dissolve a can of Banner in cold
water, melt lbs. of grease, pour the
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put
aside to set
Pull Direction* on Every Package
Banner Lye is pulverized. The can
may be opened and closed at will, per
mitting the use of a small quantity at a
time. It is just the article needed in
every household. It will clean paint,
floors, marble and tile work, soften water,
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes.
Write for booklet "L'ses of Banner
Lye' J —free.
The I'Mi 11 Chen leal Wwki. Philadelphia
Magazines should have a well defined purpose.
Genuine entertainment, amusement and mental recrea
tion are the motives of TBK SMART SET, the
Its NOVELS (a complete one in each number) are by the
most brilliant authors of both hemispheres.
Its SHORT STORIES are matchless—clean and full of hu
man interest
Its I'OETR \ covering the entire field of verse—pathos,
love, humor, tenderness —is bv the most popular poets, men
and women, of the day.
Its JOKES, WITTICISMS, SKETCHES, etc , are admittedly the
moat mirth provoking.
No pages are WASTED on cheap illustrations, editorial
vaporings or wearying essays and idle discussions
Subscribe now- $2.50 per year. Remit io cheque, P.
O. or Express order, or registered letter to THE SMART
SKT, 452 Fifth Avenue, New York.
N. B.—Sample copies sent free on application.
Orphan's Court Sale!
By virtue of an Order of the Or
iphan's Court of Montour County
, granted to him for such purpose, the
| undersigned, administrator ot the said
I decedent will expose to public sale
(freed aud discharged from all liens
aud eucumbntuces whatsoever) upon
the respective premises situate in the
First Ward of the Borough of Dau
vilie, in the County of Moutour aud
State of Pennsylvania on
Saturday, July 23rd, 1904,
beginning at two o'clock iu the after
noon of the said day, the three follow
ing described messauges, tenements
aud town lots of laud of the said de
cedent to wit:
LOT NO. 3—All that ceitaiu mess
auge, tenement arid town lot of laud
situate iu the First Ward of the Bor
ough of Danville, iu the County ot
Moutour aud State ot Pennsylvania
bouuded and described as follows, viz :
Beginning at the southwestern corner
of the lot of the estate of Hannah Still
deceased ou the uorthern side of Wat
er street, theuce along the noitberu
side ot Water street iu a westwardly
direction twenty five feet to another
lot ot the heirs of Margartt Deen, de
ceased, thence aloug the said ia»t men
tioned lot in a northwardly direction
one hundred and fifty feet to au alley,
thence aloug alleyj in au eastwardly
direction twenty-five feet to the 1101 th
western corner of the said lot of the
estate of Hariuah Still,deceased,theuce
along the said la-t mentioned lot iu a
southwardly direction one hundred
and fifty feet to the said southwesteru
| corner of the said last mentioned lot
on the northern side of Water street,
J the place of beginning, with the ap
| purtenances.
LOT NO 4—Also all that certain
mis-auge, teneuieut and towu lot of
land situate iu the First Ward of the
j Borough of Danville, in the County of
I Montour aud Mtate of Pennsylvania
bounded and described as follows,viz:
Beginning at the southwestern corner
of another lot ot the heirs of Margaret
Dteu deceased last hnreiubefore de
scribed 011 the uorthern side of Water
| street, thence along the said northern
j side of said Water street iu a west
-1 wardly direction twenty-five feet to
| the southeastern corner of another lot
of the heirs of Margaret Deeu deceas
j ed, theuce aloug said last meutioned
i lot iu a northwardly direction one
; hundred aud fifty feet to an alley,
i theuce aloug said alley in an east
i wardly direction twenty-five leet to
. the uorthwesteru coruer ot other lot
| of the heirs of Margaret Deeu deceas
ed last hereinbefore described, thence
, along the said last mentioned lot in a
southwardly direction oue hundred
aud fifty feet to the said southwesteru
corner of said last mentioned lot ou
the northern side of Water street, the
place of beginning, with the appurteu
! auces.
; LOT NO. s—Also all that certain
messauge, tenement aud towu lot of
land situate iu the First Ward of the
Borough ot Danville,iu the County of
Montour and State of Pennsylvania,
hounded aud described as follows,
viz: Beginning at the southwestern
corner of other lot of the heirs of
Margaret Deen deceased last hereiube
| fore described on the northern side of
Water street, thence along the north
. eru side of said Water street in a west
wardly direction twenty-five feet to
! the southeastern coruer of other lot of
the heirs of Margaret Deen deceased,
theuce along said last mentioned lot
liu a northwardly directiou oue hun
dred and fifty-one and one-halt feet to
an alley, thence aloug said alley in au
eastwardly directiou twenty-five feet
! to the northwestern corner of other
lot of the heirs of Margaret Deen de
ceased hereinbefore described, thence
aloug said last meutioned lot in a
j southwardly directiou oue huudred
aud fifty feet to the said southwestern
coruer of the said last mentioned lot,
on the northern side of Water street,
the place of begiuuiug, with the ap
By a special order of the aforesaid
Court the said premises with the ap
purtenances are to be sold, freed and
discharged from alt liens aud eucuin
brances whatsoever.
is here afforded to those who contem
plate the building of residences or
tenement houses as all of the.-e lots
are admirably situated for either pur
TEKMS OF SALE —Tweuty-five
per cent ot the purcha>e money shall
be paid iu cash at the stiiking down
of the respecti\e propi-.riies, aud the
balauce thereof shall In- paid upon the
continuation ahvtiite ot the respective
sales. Deeds to hi deiitiued to the
respective purchusei 01 purchasers up
on such coutirmatiou absolute and the
cost of writiug such deeds respective
ly shall be paid by such respective
purchaser 01 purchasers.
Administrator of Margaiet d. Deen,
Edward Sayie Gcarhait, Counsel.
Danville, Pa., Juue 14th, 1904.
Notice is In re by piwu ti 1. letter
Testamentary upon the estate said
B. R. Gearhait have beeu grauted to
I the undersigned. All persons indebt
ed to said estate are requested to make
pay met t, ami those having claims or
demands against the same will make
them known without delay to
i.afcutrix, Danville Pa
jor to Robert i. Gearhart at bust Na
tional Bank. Danville, Pa