Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, July 07, 1904, Image 4

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FRANK C. ANGLE. Proprietor.
Danville, Pa.. July 7, 1904
Dtpiiii Mill Mel.
Fok Vice Pkksidknt,
For Sui'Kk.m 10 Cockt .Tcstici-:.
JOHN P. ELKIN of Indiana County.
Electors at I^arge—Robert I'itcairii.
Allegheny Levi G. MeCanley. ot ('lif
District Electors.
I—l>:t 11 it-l
2—Joseph It. McCall : 2U (teorge I. Hear
3—Alex Van Ben- j dortl
sellaer -I •• 1 > Itrookhank
4—John R. Iteyburn ■' II Nestles
s—David C. Null.- i < Isaiah Good
t; Edward I'atton 21 Oeorite V.
-7 .1. T. Nonfender rence
B—JoHt'ph lin>ler I <' si urirriiii
9J. 1> Landis Areelbaid John
10— K. W. rieltz sum
11 E. C. lohnson -* I FCrall
12 W. .1 VVhiteliouse 2s I*' Milieu
|.{_C |i Wesley 2!' C VV holillllßer
11.1 || Brown :«» <ieonre Westing
-li— E< • Schietlelin house 11
It; VV C MoConnel ;l .1 Win ford Holme*
17 WS A lesandei .'!2 William M.Cmi
18—John Hays way.
A dispatch from Lykens, Dauphin
county, says: Members of two hun
dred and fifty families who ate ice
cream at Fourth of July picnics at
Gratz Grove, in this place, and Mid
way Park, three miles from here,were
attacked with violent cases of illness
and writhed on the around in agony.
All the doctors of the northern part of
the county were summoend to render
The scenes in the parks were most
remarkable. Thoroughly sickened, the
prostrate forms of the sufferers were
scattered ovei the grass by the score.
The picnickers were present from
Elizabethville. Wiconisco, Williams
town and this and other smaller places.
Tho ice is alleged, was fur
nished by Mrs. \V. D. Frank,who con
ducts a largo ice cream manufactory
at Eli/.abethville. She has been en
gaged in the business for eight years
and has never before experienced any
trouble of this kind, and the general
impression is that she is not to blame.
A prominent local physician who
administered antidotes to scores of the
poisoned people declared tonight that
the ice cream, in all probability, con
tained formaldehyde, and it is believ
ed that this substance had been placed
in the pnre cream by farmers before it
was sold to Mrs. Frank so as to keep
it from souring over the Fourth of
When Mrs. Frank was advised of the
havoc her ice cream was creating she
telephoned to all retail dealers to
whom she bad sold it, not to use any
more of it. Several wagon loads of
the adulterated refreshments were tak
en back and accepted at Mrs. Frank's
establishment today.
i There were no fatalities among the
picnickers who wero taken sick. Sam
ples of the ice cream have been sent to
the State Pure Food Department at
Harrisburg for analysis ami prosecu
tions may ensue.
Dr. William Lehr. of Lykens, in an
interview yesterday, stated that he
thought the people were affected by
ptomaine poisoning, caused by freez
ing, thawing and refreezing and re
thawing of the milk and cream used
to make the ice cream, or possibly it
may have been caused by poisoning
from the receptacle.
When it became known among tho
inhabitants of the valley that so many
people had partaken of the tainted ice
cream the inhabitants of the entire
district, were panic ? stricken until news
was spread that physicians were saving
the victims, some of whom had nar
row escapes from death. In many
cases whole families were prostrated
and their lives were saved bv resorting
to home made emetics.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 7.—One
half of Armourdale, the packing town
in the suburbs on the Kansas side is
under water from the overflow of the
Kaw river. The water is still rising
at. a rapid rate and conditions ap
proaching rhe great flood of 11103 are
The stage of the river is still higher
than at any time since then. The low
lands of Agentine and Rosedalo, other
suburbs,also are flooded and hundreds
of laboring people have left their
West of Kansas City, tho Kaw river
is bank full and isdoing great damage
at North To]>eka. Lawrence and at
other |M»ints and its tributaries are ris
ing. There has been almost incessant
rain in this part of the southwest for
five days and for a month past heavy
rains have fallen.
COLUMBIA, Fa., .lulv 7 -Aaron
Timbers,ring leader of the four negroes
who made the fiendish assault on Mrs.
Kiddle, of Burlington,N. J .andJouas
Sims, his sixteen year old partner in
crime, were captured here early this
morning, fioth admitted their identity
and confessed to the crime. They are
in jail awaiting extradition. They
t.ohl a story of the outrage with such
detail aud so fiendish that their hear
ers could hardly restrain themselves
from keeping hands off them.
The free ferry at Catawissa is hung
up high and dry owing to low water.
The flat rt sts upon a mud-bank iu tho
channel and is being used by the trol
ley company as a landing place tor
their steamer. It will take a raise of
several feet in the river before the
boat can be run.
Station Agent W. R. Clark otolith
Danville has received a couple of in
teresting letters from his son, Howard
R. Olark, who about a month ago
landed on the Isthmus of Panama,
where ho lias joined one of tho en
gineering corps working on the great
canal which is to connect the two
Howard is so well known hero and,
so much curiosity centers in the great,
undertaking and the strange and far
oil land through which the canal is
being dug that every lino which ho
writes possesses interest which will
bold every reader. Mr. Olark, there
lore, lias been prevailed upon to allow
the Morning News the use of the two
letters, from which several extracts
are printed.
The iirst letter was written at Bus
Abispo, June 12th, soon after landing.
Howard says:
"This is my first. Sunday on tho
I-thmiis and thus far it has b<jen spent
very quietly. We remained on board
the Yucatan Wednesday night and
were nearly eaten up with mosquitoes.
On Thursday morning at N o'clock wo
loft Colon on the P. R. R. and came
Bas Abispo is nothing more than a
station on the I'. R. R. and the town
is composed of three Chinese stores
At present we have fine quarters up in
the mountains far above malaria and
mosquitoes. We are living in houses
built by the French engineers and one
can easily see where the seventy mil
lions of dollars of the French Com
pany has gone. This place is equip
ped with a shower hath and a concrete
swimming pool In the house are
stained glass windows and all around
each house is a wide veranda for each
of the two stories.
We have rain every day hut it is
warm water and does us no harm. The
days are hot, atlhough in the houses
! the thermometers seldom register more
: than s"). The nights are so cool that
' blankets are necessary in order to in-
I sure comfort.
We leave here soon for Alhajuelo, a
place further up in the mountains and
' about 12 miles north of us. There the
health conditions if anything will be
better than here. How long we will
remain there I can not say, but it is
to he a survey for a dam and we mav
build the dam which will bo a three
j years' job."
The second letter received was also
written at Bas Abispo on .Tune 2f>.
They had not yet left tor Alhajuelo
and wore hard at work. Tho lettor
; states:
"I do not think we will have much
work to do next week, as we are get
ting too far up 1110 Ohangoes
with our line and we have too far, to
walk going to and returning from our
work. I have not been affected' by the
climate as yet and am feeling fine.
I have been studying Spanish and
am able to do a little talking in that
The fellows have been seeing all
kinds of game such as deer,wild pigs,
and a few alligators."
Firstl Auto in Montour Uounty.
To Fred M. Owen, the Mill street
grocer,belongs the distinction of own
j ing the first automobile in Montour
county. Mr. Owen's machine, is an
Oldsmohile Light Tonneao, French
model, purchased through tho K. E.
Ritter Automobile Company of Milton.
It is a beauty of advanced construction
along all lines, containing tho feat
ures that will enter" into tho lltOo
, model. Nothing exactly like it has
! over been seen in this section.
Mi. Owen accompanied by Will G.
j Brown, who is one of the most skilled
j motorists in this section, went over to
j Milton oil July 4th and brought the
j Oldsmobilo over to Danville. During
I the evening with Mr. Brown as chauf
foui tho machine went dashing along
our streets in fine style. Mr. Owen
has already began to take hold and
there is no question but that in a short
time lie will bo one of the most skill
ful and enthusiastic autoists in this
The automobile is tho speediest of
wheeled vehicles and the Oldsmobilo of
Mr. Owen's model has a record of fifty
miles an hour. It is a ten horse pow
er machine and is built to carry four,
although live can very easily find
i room.
Being the first, in the county the
machine is numbered "1," which is
also the number of the licouse issued
to Mr. Owen.
filecessaryto Amputate Finder.
The doctors yesterday found it neces
sary to amputate the little finger of
David Racket's left hand, which was
badly mangled by being caught in the
cog wheel of au ice cream freezer on
July Ith. Tho operation was perform
ed by Drs. Stock and Curry.
Mr. Ruckel sorters intense pain as
the result ot his injury.
New Paint.
The handsome dwelliug of \N\ W.
Gulick, South Danville, has been giv
en a new coat of paint. The work was
done by George Tillson. The dwell
ing shows up very nicely.
And mml to The Col-cura Company, Kennedy
I Row, Itondout, N. Y.
Iknr Sirs: I think I am •iifforing from j
week's treatment with Cau-cuua Solvent, ■
1 • Name '.
■ Address ;
Any suffer r from Kidney trouble, Liver
complaint, Diseases of the Bladder, Con
stipation, or Blood impurity who really
desires to find a I'ernuineat Cure, may
obtain FREE TREATMENT with C.iUun
Solvent, Dr. David Kennedy's new medi
cine. Simply cut out the coupon above,
and mail to tho Oal-cura Company, Ken
nedy Row, Rondout, N.Y.
. Cal-cura Solvent is uneqnaled by any
j>r» pnrafion, and is Dr. Kennedy's greatest
medicine. It acts on au entirely new
Mr. William 11. Miller, of Matteawan, N.
Y . says —"I was seriously troubled with
iuy kidneys and bladder for over tlireo
years. Many doctors and various kidney
remedies, gave me no relief. But I finally
iKuiglit. a bottle of Cal-oura Solvent of my
druggist,used a few bottle*, and I am rurfd."
al correspondents at Liaoyang tele
graph that a Japanese lorce is now
enroute to Mukdou. The Russians are
reported to have occupied Talien Bass,
one of three passe-- taken by the Jap
anese last weok. L'lio Japanese are re
'ported in operation south of this pass,
their object being to capture Liaoyang
during the absence of General Kuro
patkiti. It is also reported that the
Japanese have «■ 11 \• loped Boit Arthur
aud Nowchang A correspondent at
tho latter place has telegraphed to
France appealing to France to send
warships there, as he tears the Eng
lish have designs on tho town
Liaoyang, July <». —A persistent ru
mor is current' here that the Russiau
Vladivostok squadron today encount
ered the Japanese squadron to the
north of Gensan, Koria, and that a
hot engagement ensued which result
ed in a victory for the Russians.
ST. PETERSBURG. July ('..—Over
200 Russians were killed or wounded
in a sharp battle near Motion Pass,
about thirty miles oa-t of Liaoyang,
on Monday. The Russians delivered
an attack intended to check the Jap
anese advance, lint were obliged to re
tire,owing to Japanese flanking opera
tions. The fighting was witnessed by
Lieutenant General Sakarotf, chief of
staff to General Knropatkin, who
makes the report to the general stall
here. The fact that he was present
indicates that, he is in command of the
forces at Liaoyang, which include the
army corps of Oonnt Keller. The light
ing was ot a desperate character. Ilia
Russians by bayonet charges repeated
ly driving the Japanese from their
TOKIO, Julv <»•— General Kuroki
reports that two battalions of Russians
attacked the Japanese outposts at Mao
tien Pass at dawn Monday under cov
er of a dense fog. Tho Russians were
repulsed,but they returned and charg
ed three times before they were final
ly driven otf. Toe Japanese pursued
them for throe miles to the westward
of Maotien Pass. The Russians left
thirty dead and fifty wounded on tiie
field. The Japanese lost fifteen killed
and thirty wounded.
How's This '
WeotTer One Hundred Hollars Reward of ,
any case of Catarrh that can not l>e cured I>y i
Hall's Catarrh Cure
We the undersigned. have known K. J. I
Cheney for the last IS years, and helleve him |
perfect ly honorable in all business trinsae
lons and financially able to carry out any ;
obligations made by their firm.
WKST & Tkcax. Wholesale DruiTßists.Toledo
t>. WAI.OINO. Kinn'AN Maiivin. Wholesale
llrußirists. Toledo. < >11 i• >
Hall's Catarrh Cure In taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and niuo us |
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
ree. I'rice 7> ■ p.-r bottle Sold by ill drug I
Hall's Family I'ilNare the best.
TOKIO, July i. —The Japanese boat
Kaiiuon struck a mine and sunk iu
Tailen Wan bay on July V
ST. PETERSBURG, July ?.-.">:0:{
p. m. Tho War Office denies that a
battle is in progress,as reported by the
Liao Yang corespondent ot the London
Daily Telegraph who in a despatch
under today's date said a severe battle
was proceeding twenty live miles from
there and that numbers of wounded
were being brought in from the moun
LIAO YANG,JuIy 7.—According to
a trustworthy report, Major General
Mistonchko on July •"> captured a large
convoy of Japanese provisions, prin
cipally Of rice. In the convoy worn
lifty head of cat tie.
In view ot the extreme beat most ot
the moving of troops is done at night.
Special sanitary measures are enforc
ed with rigor in alt the camps and an
abundant supply of boiled drinking
water is famished the soldiers. Up
to tho present time the health ot the
Russian troops remains good.
Little Sickness.
Health Officer B. B. Brown states
j that the town is remarkably freo from
! contagious diseases ot all sorts. There
has not been a single house placarded
where scarlet l'ever, diphtheria or the
like existed since sometime in May.
Onr doctors, hard enough worked
during certain seasons of the year, are
not complaining just now of being too
busy. This seems to b • the otf season
with the medical fraternity and they
are laying back for a little rest and
In Philadelphia on the <>th inst. in
St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran
church, bv the liov. Samuel Laird,
D. I).. the Rev. J. R. Grotf of Lyk
ens, I'a., and Miss Mary E. Hauhert
of Doylestown, Pa. The Rev. Mr.
Grotf wasfornietlv pastor of St John's
Lutheran church, thi~ city.
Not Yet Recovered.
Jesse Knorr of Valley township, who
was injured in a runaway last Mon
day, still retrains in a precarious con
dition. Internal injuries of a serious
nature are feared
Purchased House and Lot.
William • K Lunger, East Front
street, has purchased of William A.
Ashtoii, the bouse and lot, corner of
Front and Oedar struts, formerly
known as the George Kimi estate. Con
sideration *l.f)?o
Plans Completed.
The plans for the new annex ot St
Hubert'- Catholic Church have been
completed by Architect Brugler. Bids
are now being invited
(Jritically 111.
Charles G. llaughawout of South
Danville is very seriously ill. He is
afflicted with heart trouble.
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers ts sure to know of the wonderful
|i r cures made by Dr.
' ( ' | Kilmer's Swamp-Root.
I tW-'I the great kidney, liver
|J| VrtwT'v I- anc * bladder remedy.
"I 1! (112 \ / t -jr great medi
"l(mV nS ca ' tr'umph of the nine
|\vl \ lljliteenth century; dis-
Pfa — ✓ I covered after years of
i' x IT — '~t*V -01 scientific research by
'j If- - kVf'N! Dr. Kilmer, the emi
(l. J; " nent kidney and blad
der specialist, and is
wonderfully successful in promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found
just the remedy you need, it has been tested
in so many ways, in hospital work, in private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful in
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer in this paper and
send your address to
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- RqiMOTHiK SyHHtSB
hamton, N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and Home of
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
Don't make no mistake, but remein
her the name, Swanp-Root, Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Root, and the addres
i Binghainton, N.Y ~ on every bottles.
Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account Grand
Lodge, Benevolent and Protective
Order of Elks.
For the benefit of those desiring to
attend the annual meeting of the
Grand Lodge, Benevolent and Protec
tive Order of Klks, to be held at Cin
cinnati, Ohio, the Pennsylvania Hail
road Company will sell round trip
tickets to Cincinnati from all stations
jon its lines, July l r >, lfi, and 17, at
I rate of single fare for the round trip,
j plus SI.OO. Tickets will be good re
i turning, leaving Cincinnati not later
than July '2:5, when properly validat
; ed, for which no fee will be required.
Ky depositing ticket not later than
j July 2:!, and payment of fee of fifty
cents, an extension of return limit
may bn bad to August IS. For specific
information consult ticket agents.
Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account
Triennial Convention Ladies' Catholic
Benevolent Association.
On account of the Triennial Conven
tion of ttm Ladies' Catholic Benevol
ent Association, at St. Paul, Minn.,
; July 15 to SO, the Pennsylvania Hail
road Company will sell round trip
tickets to St. Paul or Minneapolis
from all stations on its lines July 12
to 10, inclusive, good to return until
! August •">, at reduced rates. For rates
and conditions of tickets consult ticket
i agents.
Bible Class Enjoys Outing.
The Thomas Beaver Boys' Bible
Class, some one hundred strong, pic
nicked at De Witt's Park yesterday.
Accompanied by General Secretary W.
D. Laumaster, Mr Carpenter, W. V.
Oglesby, Esq. .and a committee of Wo
man's Auxiliary the boys went to the
park about 111 o'clock yesterday fore
noon, returning home about dark.
The little fellows had a fine time,
playing ball and indulging in pastimes
of oilier sorts provided in the park.
The heavy shower toward evening
caused an interruption in the games,
but there was ample shelter and no
one got wet.
At one o'clock dinner provided by
the ladies was served to the boys. At
S :S0 o'clock ice cream and cake wore
All accounts agree that the St. Louis
fair is the most wouderful show this
nation has ever seen, and tliat means
a groat deal, for no other nation has
ever succeeded in giving a fair com
parable with that held at Chicago
eleven years ago. Great as the Chica
go fair was, the St. Louis world's fair
surpasses it in magnitude as well as
in beauty and varied interest It is a
larger investment and a more edifying
birdseye ot modern progress "as slia
is." But along with this unanimity of
testimony as to the magnificent com
prehensiveness of the show, there is a
no less marked unanimity of opinion
that the fair will not pav.owing to the
enormous outlay involved,and that its
financial failure will be an insuper
able obstacle to any more world's fair
projeots for at least a generation.
Special exhibitions we may have, but
that another exhibition on anything
like the scale of the St. Louis one will
bo attempted i-i most improbable. This
is a reason why everyone who has the
opportunity should avail himself of it
and visit St. Louis between now and
Open Air Meeting.
An open air meeting will be held at
the Grove Presbyterian church on
Sunday evening next at <5:80 o'clock.
It. will bo conducted by W. I). Lau
A Victim of Tetanus.
Boyd Kills, the 12-year old son of J
William Ellis, of near Exchange, who
sustained lockjaw as the result of :
treading upon a rusty nail a couple ot |
weeks ago, died yesterday morning
after most excruciating suffering.
Our Industries,
As is usual about the Fourth of July j
the Heading Iron Works has closed ■
down a week for mid-summer repairs, j
The Stove Works are also idle this
week for the same purpose. The j
<«r industries about town are moving j
along as usual, although all found [
time to putin a full observance of In
dependence Day.
A 9 The dose is one, just one pill
f\ XJ A I I at bedtime. Sugar-coated,
i~\ VLI OI HIS mild, certain. They cure
Mmi J
Want your moustache or heard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE
a beautiful brown or ricb black ? Use »U1 V CTH ur l>fcL(*<.ltiTH UU 1L 1' IL*IA * UO. M4&MVA. HML
Urpta's Court Sale
Estate of Friederika P. Rieck
late of the Borough of Dan
ville, Montour county,dee'd
By vlrtuo of an order of the Orph
ans Court of Montour County granted
to her for such purpose,the undersign
ed, Executrix of the above named de
cedent will expose to public sale upon
the respective promises situated in the
Third Ward of the Borough of Dan
ville, in the County of Montour and
State ot Pennsylvania on
Wednesday, August 3rd, 'O4
beginning at ten o'clock in tho fore
noon of the said day the four follow
ing described messauges, tenements
and town lots of land of the said de
oedent, to wit:
LOT NO. 1. Beginning at the cor
, ner ot D. L. & W. Avenue and an al
ley, thence along D. L. & W. avenue
Westward fifty-four feet to lot No. 2,
thence Northward ninety-three feet to
lot No. S, thence Eastward fifty four
feet to au alley, thence Southward
along said alley ninety-three feet to
the place ot beginning. Whereupon is
erected a
Largs Two Story Brick Hotel
together with the usual outbuildings.
LOT NO. 2. Beginning at a point
on I). L. & W. Avenue 54 feet from a
certain I<> foot, allev leading from Mul
berry street to the D. L. & W. K. H.
passenger station, thence Westward 84
feet more or less to lot formerly of I.
W. Salmon, now owned by Andrew
Cronio, thence Northward along said
Andrew Cromo's lot 93 feet to lot No.
it, thence Eastward along lot No. 3 34
feet more or less to Lot No I, thence
Southward along lot No. 1 93 feet to
D. L. & W. avenue, the place of be
ginning. Whereupon is erected a
Two-Slory Frame Dwelling House
with the usual out buildings.
LOT NO. 3. Beginning at the North
east corner of Brick Dwelling House
1 fronting on Mulberry street about 32
feet and H inches from the corner of
Mulberry street and an alley, thence
Westward along Mulberry street 55
feet and 4 inches more or less to lot of
Andrew Ciomo. thence Southward
along said lot of Andrew Cronio 57
feet to lot No. 2, thence Eastward |
along lots No. 2 and 1 55 feet and 4 !
inches more or less to bit No. 4,thence j
Northwa d along lot No. 1 57 feet to j
Mulberry street, the place of begin
ning, whereupon is erceted a
Two-Story Brick Dwelling House
with tho usual out buildings.
LOT NO. 1. Beginning at. the cor- ;
ner of Mulberry street and tho alley !
leading from Mulberry street to the !
I). L. & W. H. H. Passenger Station,
thence Westward 32 feet and 8 inches
more or less to the Two-Story Brick
Dwelling House 011 Lot No. 3, thence
Southward along lino of Brick Dwell- '
ing House 57 feet to lot No. 1, thence
along lot No. 1 Eastward 32 feet and
8 inches more or less to an alley,
thence along said alloy 57 feet to Mul
berry street, tho place of beginning.
All is here ott
ered to purchase a valuable Hotel
stand, adjoining the Delaware, Lack
awanna and Westf m Hailroad station.
This place has been licensed for more
than twenty years past,and hasalwavs
been a very valuable money making
place It is well located with a valu
able trade.
Terms of sale 10 per cent, of the
purchase money shall be paid 111 cash
at the striking down of the respective
properties. 30 per cent, shall be paid
at the time of the delivery of the deed
and the remaining 00 per cent, shall
be paid in one year from the date of
the confirmation cf sale, to be secured
by bond and mortgage 011 the premises
with interest from that date. All writ
ing to be paid for by ths purchaser.
Executrix of Frlodericka P. Rieck,
WM. J. BALDY. Atty.
Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account Im
perial Council Order of Mystic Shrine
On account of the Imperial Council,
Order of the Mystic Shrine,at Atlantio
City, July 13 to 15, the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will sell round-trip
tickets from stations west of Downing
town and Avondale, north ot Patker
Ford, south of Newark,Del.,and Port
er, Del., and north aud east of Tren
ton, Windsor, and Toms River, N. J.,
to Atlantic City, July 11 and 12, good
returning until July 23, inclusive, at
rate of single fare for the round tiip,
plus SI.OO. For stop-over privileges
and further particulars consult ticket
No appetite, loss of atrength, Mrvii»
ness, headache, constipation, bad brae A,
general debility, sour risings, and eataflli •<
the stomach are all due toindlgeatlon. K«d*i
j cures Indigestion. This new discovery repre
sents the natural juices of digestion u thev
exist In a healthy stomach, combined vttn
the greatest known tonic and reconstructive
j properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not
! only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but thla
I famous remedy cures all stomach troublai
j by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and
strengthening the mucous membranes lining
the stomach.
Mr. S S Ball, of Ravenswood. W. Vs., asfa:—
" I was troubled with sour stomach for twanty yasrs
Kodol cured me snd ws ars now usln( It la milk
I for baby."
Kodol Digests What You Bat.
Bottlesonly. $ 1 00 Sire holdlnf 2H flmsstha trial
site, which sells for 50 cant*
| Prepared by K. O. D.WITT * 00., OMIOAOO
I Sold by (Josh &Co . Paule & Co.
In Partition in the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Montour County, at the
suit ot Laura V. Kline, widow of John
M Kline deceased, plaintiff against
Jonathan S. Deen and Minnie V. Deeu
his wife, John Runyati and Alvaretta
F. Hunyan his wife, in right of said
wife, James Freeze and Margaret
Freeze his wife, in right of said wife,
Willard Fettermau and Sarah Fetter
man his wife, in right ot said wife,
Charles Cruikshank and Lillian Cruik
shank his wife, in right of said wife,
In pursuance of an order of the afore
said Court the undersigned will ex
pose to public sale upon the premises
hereinafter designated as Lot No. 1
situate at the northeastern intersection
ot Church aud Water streets in the
First Ward of the Borough of Dan
ville, Montour County, Penna., on
Saturday, July 23rd, 1904,
beginning at two o'clock in the after
noon of the said day, all of the fol
lowing described premises, respective
ly, being all of the real estate in the
said Partition proceedings mentioned,
to wit:
LOT NO. I—All that certain mess
auge, tenement and town lot of laud
situate in the First Ward ot the Bor
ough of Danville, in the County of
Montour and State of Pennsylvania
bounded and described as follows,viz:
Beginning at the uortheasteru inter
section of Church aud Water streets,
thence in a northwardly direction
along the eastern side of said Church
street one hundred and sixty-five feet
to an alley, thence along said alley in
an eastwardly direction fifty feet and
three inches to the northwestern cor
ner of another lot of the heirs of James
F. Deen deceased, thence along the
said last mentioned lot iu a south
wardly direction one hundred aud
sixty-one feet to the southwestern
corner of the said last mentioned lot
011 the northern side of Water street I
aforesaid thence iu a westwardly di
rection aloug the northern side of said
Water street, fifty feet to the said
northeastern iutersectiou of Church
and Water streets, the place of begin
ning. with the appurtenances, and
whereupon are erected a
ami other usual outbuildings.
LOT NO. 2—Also that certaiu mess
auge, tenement and towu lot of land
situate in the First Ward of the Bor
ough of Danville in the County of
Moutour aud State of Pennsylvania,
bounded aud described as follows, viz:
Beginning on the northern side ot
Water street at a poiut fifty feet from
the eastern side of Church street at the
southeastern corner of other lot of the
heirs of James F. Deeu deceased last
hereinbefore described, thence in a
northwardly direction aloug said last
mentioned lot one hunderd and sixty
i one feet to an alley, thence in an east-
I wardly direction along said alley tweu
| ty-five teet one and one half inches to
' the northwestern corner of another lot
! of the heirs of James F. Deen deceas
j ed,thence aloug the said last mention
ed lot in a southwardly direction one
buudred and fifty nine feet to the
southwestern corner of another lot of
the heirs of James F. Deeu deceased
on the northern side of Water street
I aforesaid, thence along the northern
! side of said Water street in a west-
I wardly direction twenty-five feet to
i the southeastern corner of the other
' lot of the heirs of James F. Deen de
ceased last hereinbefore described, the
place of beginning,with the appurten
LOT NO. 3—Also all that certain
, messauge, tenement and town lot of
i land situate in the First Ward of the
Borough of Danville,in the County of
Montour aud State of Pennsylvania,
hounded and described as follows, viz:
Beginning at the southeastern corner
of another lot of the heirs of James
F. Deen deceased last hereinbefore de
scribed on the northern side of Water
street, thence in a 'icrthwardly direc
tion along the said last mentioned lot
one hundred and fifty nine feet to au
alley, thence along said alley in au
eastwardly direction twenty-five feet,
one and one-half inches to the north
western corner of another lot of the
heirs of James F. Deen deceased,
thence in a southwardly direction
along the said last mentioned lot oue
hundred and fitty-seven feet to the
southwestern corner of said last men
tioned lot on the northern side of
Water street aforesaid, thence along
the northern side ot said Water street
in a westwardly direction twenty-five
feet to the southeastern corner of the
lot of the heirs of James K. Deen, de
ceased, last hereinbefore described,
the place of beginning, with the ap
LOT NO. 4—Also all that c. rtaiu
messauge, tenement and town lot ot
land situate in the First Ward of the
Borough of Danville, iu the County ot
Montour aud State of Pennsylvania,
bounded aud described as follows,viz:
Beginning at the southeastern corner
of the lot of the heirs ot James F.
Deen, deceased, last hereinbefore de
scribed on the northern side of Water
street, thence along the said last men
tioned lot in a northwardly direction
oue hundred and fifty-seven feet to an
alley, thence along said alley iu an
eastwardly direction twenty-five feet,
one and oue-half inches to the north
western corner of a lot of the heirs of
Margaret Deeu,deceased, thence aloug
said last mentioned lot in a south
wardly direction one hundrtd and
fifty-one and oue-half feet to the south
western corner of said last mentioned
lot on the northern side of Water
street, tlieuce along the northern side
of said Water ttreet iu a westwardly
direction twenty-five teet to the south
eastern corner of the other lot of the
heirs of James F. Deen, deceased, last
hereinbefore described, the place of
beginning, with the appurtenauces.
LOT NO. s—Also all that certain
messauge, tenement aud town lot ot
land situate in the First Ward of the
Borough of Danville, iu the Couuty of
Moutonr and State ot Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows,viz:
Beginning at the northeastern corner
of lot now owned by Cordelia E. Van
gilder on the southern side of Front
street, thence aloug the southern side
ot said Front street iu ail eastwardly
direction twenty-five feet to the north
western corner of another lot of the
heirs ot James F. Deen, deceased,
thence along said last mentioned lot
in a southwardly direction one hun
dred and twenty five feet to an alley
at the southwestern corner of said last
mentioned lot, thence along said alley
in a westwardly directiou fifty-three
feet more or less, to the southeisteru
corner of the said lot of Cordelia E.
Vaugilder, thence along said last men
tioned lot in a northeastwardly direc
tion one hundred and twenty-six feet
to the northeastern corner of said last
mentioned lot on the southern side of
Front street aforesaid,the place of be
ginning, with the appurtenances.
LOT NO. ti—Also all that certain
messauge, tenement aud town lot of
land situate in the First Ward of the
Borough of Danville, in the County
of Moutour and State ot Pennsylvania,
bounded aud described as follows, to
wit: Beginning at the northeastern
corner of the other lot of the heirs of
James F. Deen, deceased, last herein
before described on the southern side
of Front street,thence along the south
ern side of Front street in an eas -
wardly direction twenty-five feet to
the northwestern corner of a lot of the
heirs of Margaret Deen, deceased,
thence along said last mentioned lot
in a southwardly direction oue hun
dred and twenty-five feet to au alley
at the southwestern corner of said last
mentioned lot, thence in a westward !
ly direction along said alley twenty- I
live feet to tlie southeastern corner of
the other lot of the heirs of James F.
Deen, deceased, last, hereinbefore de
scribed, thence along said last wen
tinned lot in >i northwardly direction
one hundred and twenty-live feet to
the nprtheasteru corner of the lot of
the heirs of James F. Deen, deceased,
last hereinbefore desoiihed the place:
of beginning, with the appurtenance*, i
LOT NO. 7—Also all that certain J
messauge, tenement and tract of land
situate in the Townahip of Valley in
the County of Montour and State of
Pennsylvania, hounded and described
as follows, viz: Beginning at a stone
in a private road at the comer of land
ot the estate of John S. Snyder, de
ceased, thence along said private road
and laud of Eli Appleman noith six
and one-half degrees west forty-nine
perches to a stone along mother road,
thence along said last mentioned road
north seventy-eight degrees east one
perch to a stone in the last mentioned
road and in line of land of the said Eli
Appleniau,thence along said last men
tioned laud of Eli Appleman north six
and one-half degrees west one hundred
and two perches to a stoue in line of
land of Lewis Hort and Thomas Dyer, 1
thence along said last mentioned land
of Lewis Hort and Thomas Dyer north
sixty-one degrees west forty six and
five-tenth perches to a pine at a corner
of laud of Nathaniel Bennett, thence
along said last mentioned land of
Nathaniel Bennett south five and one
half degrees east one hundred and one
and two-tenth perches to a stone in a
road, thence along said last mention
ed land of Nathaniel Bennett south
seven and one-half degrees east thirty
six and one-tenth perches to a stone at
a corner of land of Peter Koch,thence
along said last mentioned land of
Peter Koch north seventy-eight and
three fourth degrees east forty-thiee
and four-tenths perches to the said
stone in the said private road, the
place ot beginning, containing thirty
nine acres and seventy-two perches of i
land, with the appurtenances.
TERMS OF SALE Twenty-five
per cent of the purchase money "shall'
( be paid in cash at the striking down 1
i ot the respective properties aud the
balance thereof shall be paid upon the
: confirmation absolute of suoh respeo- •
tive sales. Deeds theiefor shall te
duly executed and delivered by the
Sheriff to the le pe tive purchasers
thereof upon snch confirmation abso
lute and the pa> u.eut of all purchase
money, and the rots of writing such
deeds shall be paid by such respective
Edward Sayre Guarhart, Ooansel.
Sheriff's Office, Danville, Pa.,
June 14th, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that letters
of administration on the above estate
| have beeu granted to the undersigned,
i j All persous indebted to the said estate
are required to make pay meat, aud
those haviug claims or demands against
tlie said estate wilt make known the
same without delay to
28 W. Main Street,
Plymouth, Pa.
Wowk of Lightning Fatal to Three.
BOSTON, July s.—The fire which,
following a bolt ot lightning last night
cost three lives and destroyed the Bos
ton and Maine railroads grain elevat
or, docks and freight sheds, and the
Allan Line steamer Austrian, was still
burning today though litlle remained
for it to feed upon save the wreckage
resulting from the earlier force of the
Today's careful estimates of the
losses place the aggregate at about fl,-
000,000, nearly covered by insurance.
The double tracking of the Reading
road between Lewisburg aud New
> berry was completed last week and the
road is now prepared to handle much
more through freight than ever before,
i It is said that a strong bid is to be
made for the Wabash freight.
RIP A-N S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
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gists sell them.
Easy and Quick!
To make the very best soap, simply
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Pull tXr«ctl«Bi u Evary Package
Banner Lye is pulverized. The can
may be opened and closed at will, per
mitting the use of a small quantity at a
time. It is just the article needed in
every household. It will clean paint,
floors, marble and tile work, soften water,
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes.
Write for booklet "Uses of Banner
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EVERY page will INTERUS'
Subscribe now— $2.50 jx
O. or Express order, or regist
SET, 452 Fifth Avenue, Nt
N. B.—Sample copies seo
Orphan's Court Sale!
, My viitue of an Order of the Or
phan's Court of Montour County
[ granted to him for such purpose, the
undersigned, administrator of the said
decedent will expose to public sale
(freed and discharged from all liens
and encumbrances whatsoever; upon
the respective premises situate iu the
First Ward of the Borough of Dau
ville, iu the County of Montour aud
State of Pennsylvania on
Saturday, July 23rd, 1904,
beginning at two o'clock iu the after
noon of the said day, tlie three follow
ing described messauges, tenements
and town lots of laud of tlie said de
cedeut to wit:
LOT NO. 3—All that certain mess
auge, tenement aud town lot of laud
situate in the First Ward of the Bor
lough of Danville, in the County of
Moutour aud State ot Pouusylvauia
bounded aud described as follows,viz:
Regiuning at the southwestern ooruer
of the lot of the estate of Haunah Still
deceased on the northern side of Wat
er street, thence along the noithern
side ot Water street in a westwardly
direction twenty tive feet to auother
lot ot the heirs of Margaret Deen, de
oeased,thonce along the said la«t men
tioned lot iu a northwardly direction
one hundred and titty feet to au alley,
thence along alley in an ea»twardly
direction twenty-five feet to the not th
westeru corner of the said lot of the
estate of Haunah Sti 11, deceased, thence
along the said la-t mentioned lot in a
soutliwardiy direction ouo hundred
aud tifty teet to the said southwestern
corner of the said last mentioned lot
on the northern side of Water street,
| the place of beginning, with the ap
| LOT NO. 4—Also all that certain
mi s-auge„_ti'nemeut and town lot of
' land situate iu the First Ward of the
Boiough of Danville, in the County of
Montour and state of Pennsylvania
! bounded aud described as follows, viz:
Beginning at the southwestern corner
ot auother lot ot the heirs of Margaret
Deeu deceased last hereinbefore de
scribed on the northern side of Water
street, thence along the said northern
side of said Water street iu a west
wardly direction twenty-five feet to
the southeastern corner of auother lot
of the heirs of Margaret Deen deceas
ed, thence along said last mentioned
lot in a northwardly direction one
hundred aud fifty feet to an alley,
thence aloug said alley in au east
ward ly direction twenty-five feet to
the northwestern corner ot other lot
of the heirs of Margaret Deeu deceas
ed last hereinbefore described, thence
aloug the said last mentioned lot iu a
southwardly direction one hundred
aud tifty feet to the said southwestern
corner of said last mentioned lot on
the uortheru side of Water street, the
place of beginning,with the appurten
> LOT NO. s—Also all that certain
t messauge, teuemeut aud towu lot ot
land Biloate in the First Ward of the
Borough of Danville, in the Ooaaty ot
'/Montour aud State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows,
viz: Beginning at the southwestern
ooruer of other lot of the heirt ot
Margaret Deeu deueased last hereinbe
fore described on the northern side of
Water street, thence aloug the uorth
eru side of .said Water street in a west
wardly direction tweuty-five feet to
the southeastern corner ot other lot of
the heirs of Margaret Deeu deceased,
! thence along laid last mentioned loi
- iu a northwardly direction one huu
- dred and titty-one and oue-half feet to
, an alley, thence along said alley in an
eastwardly direction twenty-live feet
' to the northwestern corner of other
> lot of the heirs of Margaret Deen de
i ceased hereinbefore described, thence
aloug said last mentioned lot in a
southwardly direction one hundred
and fifty feet to the said southwestern
> ooruer of the said last mentioned lot,
on the northern side of Water street,
the plaoe of beginning, with the ap
By a special order of the aforesaid
Court the said premises with the ap
- purtenauces are to be sold, freed and
, discharged from ail liens aud encum
| brances whatsoever.
is here afforded to those who contem
plate the building of residences or
tenement houses as all of these lots
1 are admirably situated for either pur
pose. •
• TERMS OF SALE —Twenty Ave
per cent ot tlie purchase money shall
be paid in cash at Ihe ctrikiog down
of the respective properties, and the
balauce thereof shall be paid upon the
continuation absolute ot the respective
sales. Deed*.to delivered to the
i. respective puichasei or purchasers up
on such continuation absolute and the
cost of writing such deeds respective
ly shall be paid by such .respective
purchaser or purchasers.
Administrator of Margaret S. Deen,
Edward Sayre Gearbart, Counsel.
Danville, Pa., June 14th, 1904.
1 ~ Notice that letter
Testamentary upou the estate Jot said
B. R. Gearbart have been granted to
the undersigned. All persons indebt
ed to said estate are requested to maktt
paymeut, aud those having claims or
demands agaiust the same will make
them known without delay to
executrix, Danville Pa
or to Robert i. GearhartAt Fiist Na
tional Bauk, Danville, P*.
i well defined purpose,
amusement and mental recrea -
ae in each number) are by the
tchless —clean and full of hu
entire field of verse—pathos,
ly the most popular poets, men
ITCHES, etc., are admittedly the
, cheap illustrations, editorial
i and idle discussions.
■er year. Remit in cheque, P
tered letter to THE SMARI
ew York.
at free on application.