Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, February 18, 1904, Image 3
ANNUAL STATEMENT r»F THE ill 111 Ml Mill —OF THE Borough of Danville, Pa., FOR 1903 BOROUGH. Geo. W. Miles, Receiver of 1896 Borough and Dog Taxes for Ist and 2d Wards. DR. To balance due per last statement 56 73 CR By cash paid to the Borough Treasurer during 1903 1 85 By balance due at set tlement 51 88 Edward W. Peters, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1901. DR To balance due per last settlement 1>93. CR- ' By cash paid to the Borough T reasnrer during 1903 144 4. By balance due at set tlement 14 90 Edward W. Peters, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1902. DR. To balance due per last statement 1359 48 To 5 per cent penalty added Jan. Ist, 1903 6T 97 CR. 15v cash paid to the 'Borough Treasurer during 1903 750 00 By balance due at set tlement 677 45 Edward W. Peters, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1903. DR. T total duplicate. Bor ough 13264 08 r>,„, 88 50 _ 1H353 58 CR. rv 5 per cent, rebate ~ii taxes paid within 60 days '39 22 By cash paid to the Porough Treasurer ',-ithin 60 days 10245 05 By cash paid to the Borough Treasurer \v ithin 4 months ... 500 (Hi Bv taxes entered at the (' unty Commission ers office 16-»0 Bv bal inee due at final th-inent ... 2051 81 ITarrv EUenboren, Borough Treasurer. Danville. Pa . Dec. 31st. 1903. DR. Fund for Relief of disabled Firemen. To cash received dur ing 1903 from the Auditor General of the State 15a 01 CR. By S. A. McCoy, Treas urer, order No. 1.... la ; i 01 Harry Ellenbogen, Borough Treasurer. "Danville. Pa., Dec. 31st, 1903. BOROUGH FI ND DR Cash on hand Jan'y Ist, 1903 112 286 21 To J. C. Mincemoyer. Market License... 1335 50 To Harry B. Patton. City Hall rents .. 666 90 To Geo W. Miles 1896 taxes 9 To To ED W. Peters, 190 l taxes 144 4T To Ed. W. Peters, 1992 taxes TSO 00 To Ed. W. Pet. rs, 1903 taxes 10745 05 To County Treasurer, Hotel Licenses. .. 3078 00 To Justice Oglesby, Fines '. 52 00 To Justice Bare Fines 63 00 To Win. G. Pursel, Theatre License 263 00 To Wm. (4. Pursel, Othor Licenses 75 00 ToB B. Brown, Health . Officer 6 00 To Standard Electric Light Co., for uole license 203 40 To United Telephone A. Telegraph Co.,pole license 188 40 To Harry B. Patton, Milk Licenses... . 127 50 To (ash from sale of new bonds 20000 oo To Keystone Sand Co.. Royalty on sand 13s *7 To H. B. Deen, Street refuse .25 To interest on deposit in Danville Nation al Bank 60 (HI To E. S. Miller,old slate .75 To W E. Young, bat tery .40 To J R. Bennett, old hose 1 00 To Chas. Moser.oil cups 200 To cash for sand sold 33 34 3H2HO 74 CR By orders paid *25293 06 By coupons paid 310 00 By old bonds paid No. 1 ami 2 200 (HI By interest paid 011 Boro. certificates NT 30 By Borough certificates paid (Mrs.L. Bloch) 3000 00 By Borough certificates paid (Jos. Longen iiergerl 300 00 By mortgage and inter est paid (Estate of Joseph Hunter 1.. 2015 11 Bv cash on hand Dec 31 st, 1908 .. 6825 07 BOROUGH EXPENDITURES. BOARD OF HEALTH. B B. Brown. Health Officer $ 33 65 Dr. C. Shnltz. Secy. . 25 <MI Expressage. etc 1 50 G A. Rossman, fluid. 32 50 J. W. Crossley, watch ing 18 00 .T W Dt'shay, watch ing 19 25 J. H Cole, oil heater 4 00 Trumbower & Werk heiser, lumber, etc .53 H. (4. Salmon, oil for heater 4.42 James C. Heddens, meals, etc 10 (Hi FIRE DEPARTMENT FRIENDSHIP Co. NO. 1 Appropriation * 130 00 i: • r: Joseph Lechner .73 John R Hughe-, 20 00 SUPI'MES United Telephoie ;n> • Telegraph ' 1M 00 Welliver 1 6" CI > \ I. Frank Buyer... 12 05 A (/. Amesbur\ 23 50 WASHINGTON CO NO ;. ppropi'iatiou 1 50 oo REPAIRS. Danville Stove & Mfg. Co 14 D. C. Williams 2 oo F. P Startzel . 124 Boettinger & Dietz . . 1 50 SUPPLIES. United Telephone and Telegraph Co ltf 94 COAL. Frank Boyer ... 42 42 J. H . Yor'gv & Co 6 96 CONTINENT Ai. Co. No. 3. Appropriation 150 00 SUPPLIES. United Telephone and Telegraph Co. .... 1(5 93 J. H. Cole 1 24 COAL. Frank Bover*... 33 15 201 34 GOOD WILL CO .NO. I. Appropriation 150 oo REPAIRS. George W. Hendricks. .75 SUPPLIES. United Telephone and Telegraph Co 16 95 .las. Boyd & Bro 430 oo COAL. A. C. Amesburv 2 9 > Frank Bover • • 5 90 J. H. Yorgv & Co 3 90 Chief Engineer. Tlios. Trainor, Jr ,)2 00 Executive Board 2.> 00 Total Fire Dep t... 112 13i. 90 STREETS AND BRIDGES. H. B. Deen, St. Com. 2(H) 00 E. S. Miller. St. Com.. 400 00 LABOR. James Riffle 18 19 John Stranb 323 29 Frank Lechner 2 50 Frank Love 1 23 Harrison Paugli 13 01 Ben Livzey 125 Harry Marshall 03 E. S. Miller 3 75 Daniel Cashner 11 85 A. T. Cashner 8 45 Ed. Lunger 1 SN John Herman T 20 Chas. Mottern 1 8 s B H Waite 16 John Dugan ' 50 John W. Freeze 0 88 Peter Snyder 3 ~i John Reppert I 88 Ah. Burger 125 James Long 125 Hurley Mover 125 David Grove 23 64 George Derr 37 19 William Byerly is 44 John Walleze 8 T5 Ed Rishel 2 50 Ed. Wertman . 3 13 Laf. Welliver 125 John Corman .. 21 88 William Maiers 4 38 Robert G. Miller 25 01 George Lenhart 30 32 John Albeck 5 25 Rufus Schntt. 9 38 John McCall 31 9o William Childs 3 13 Clyde Snyder .... 8 75 Uriah Grove 63 Harry Smith s 13 Chas Foster 2 19 Ben Smithers 1 88 John Bates 1 23 Tell Hei ms 125 Elisha Bell 12.'. Frank Etter 94 HAULING. James Riffle 4T6 To Wm. Shepperson T Chas. Mottern T 88 Ellis Rank T1 33 Laf. Welliver 14 25 Friendship Fire Co. .. 100 6T9 04 SUPPLIES. D. L.&W. R. R. Co.. freight on limestone. 156 OT Wm. Sechler, salt ... 4 oo Geo. Sechler, salt I 35 J. H. Cole, sundries.. 11 51 Trumbower & Werk lieiser, lumber, etc. 6 31 Silver Springs Quarry Co., crushed lime stone 152 55 Chulasky Iron & Ce ment Co., cinder ... 118 86 Thos. N. Reifsnyder, lumber and work.... 42 20 Boettinger & Deitz, re pairing tools 40 Keely & Trumbower, repairing tools 4 61 Wm. S. Kocher,repair ing tools . ■ 2 TT SURVEYING. George F. Keefer 98 00 2458 46 STREET LIGHTING. Standard Electric Light Co 541T 35 POLICE DEPARTMENT. .) C. Mincemoyer,Chief of Police 600 00 J. G. Voris. Assistant Police... 600 00 SUPPLIES. Pettibone Bros. Mfg. Co., batteries 5 40 H. Ellenbogen & Bro.. helmets 12 00 J. H. Cole, sundries.. 1 00 is 40 FEEDING PRISONERS. J C. Mincemoyer 13 91 Total Police Dep t. 1232 31 HIGH CONSTABLE. B B. Brown, salary .. 32(H) B. B. Brown burying (logs 3 00 TOWN HALL BUILDING. REPAIRS. Seidel & Bauscli Ml 24 Joseph Lechner 9 30 J. II Cole 52 15 John Hixson 35 85 Thos. N. Reifsnyder. 191 09 Wm. G. Brown 30 A. Rosenstine 1 00 Harry Mowrer 46 50 George Crosslev 34 (HI George Hendricks *44 MISCELLANEOUS. Standard Gas Co., gas 30 60 E. W Peters taxes for 1903 131 82 H. L. Gross, interest 100 00 Joseph Hunter, irterest 40 00 Sarah McCuen, clean ing 5 00 Pnrsell Montgomery mats, for cleaning 2 10 Total Town Hall Bid g T6!i 3^ COUNCIL CHAMBER A. C. Amesbury, coal 9 80 R. J. Pegg, c0a1....... 310 A. C Roat , repairs to furniture 5 9m LOCK UP. REPAIRS. George Hendricks 1 TO Thos. N Reifsnyder... 8 44 Joseph Lechner 1 T1 I I M, SUPPLIES. A. C. Amesbury, coal OM7 Robert J. Pegg. coal 3 10 J H. Yorgy & Co..coal 2 95 S. J. Welliver,sundries 1 42 I J. H. Cole, sundries.. 225 Total Lock Up. 31 2 PRINTING. Morning News ... 16 50 G. Edward Roat 6 00 Wm F. Murphy's Sons IT 30 UK) 00 LEGAL EXPENSES. Edward S. (Jearhart >o (HI R. S. Ammerman. 35 00 * _ s:, (Mi TOWN CLOCKS. Eil. Lunger, winding. St. Josephs Church. winding 30 (HI f,(l (XI AUDITORS D. R. Williams I 00 4 00 TAX COLLECTOR S COMMISSIONS. Edward W Peters 299 62 STATIONERY. Alex. 11. Grone -0 *»'•> Mrs. Jennie Persing, Treasurer, interest on Josiah Wolf, bequest MISCELLANEOUS Harry Ellenbogen, Bor ough Treas.. salary. ,5 (HI HarryEllenbogen, Bor ougli Treas . state tax on Boro. Bonds.. ss 00 Danville Nat ill Bank rent for safe deposit 1., >X a oo Harry B. Patton, Secy of Council, salary. l s o <m» Harry B. Patton, Secy of Council, making 1!H)3 tax duplicate. 1"' 30 Harry B. Patton. Sec y of Council, issuing milk licenses 50 Hany B. Patton. See y of Council, postage stamps 17 • -"» United Telephone ami Telegraph Co., phone rent 26 30 Thomas G. Vincent. Prothonot arv, rec< >r<l ing bond - 0" W. B. Linville,making copy Berwick trolley ordinance ">0 E<l W Peters, share for tax books 8 00 •SEWER JOB LAHOR AND HAULIN<; Harry Ellenhogen, Bor ough Treas., orders for Pay Rolls on all Labor and Hauling 3t>s4 o."> SURVEY IN*.. George F. Keefer.. -.18 <'o Wm. G Yetter HOO MATERIALS. ETC D L. & W. R. R. Co freight on lumber 30 To Edward Corman. bar rels •: oo H. B. Gaskins, wheel barrows it 00 Hoover Bros., lumber. etc 20 02 Creasy & Wells, lnm her" 293 T» Danville Bessemer Co. lumber 332 *3 Tlios. N. Reifsnyder. lumber, etc '.MI 23 S. Bailev ik Co., lum ber...* 23 70 Truinbower A: Werk lieiser, lumber, etc.. 15 99 H. Rupp, work ami materials 18 55 Ellis Rank, planks . :{oo Reading Iron Co.. r> fined iron ss T'i Welliver Hardware Co sewer pipe, etc 0!t Danville Structural Tubing Co., coal, etc 13 64 Frank Samuel, coal ss «.»;• Joseph Lechner. work and materials 112 13 Wm. J. Rogers, boots. 12 oo O. G. Mellin. repairing tools 6 70 Jesse Craft,cent, pump 119 TO John Keim, bricks— '*2 *0 Curry & Vannan, ma terials and work 325 03 John Hixson. work and materials 3 00 11. R. M<Hire,"materials 11 T"> J. H. Cole, cement, etc 193 3T Washington Fire Co , freight and hauling. 13 *5 Warren Foundry and Machine Co., iron sewer pipe 746 43 Andrew Schatz, boots. H 00 Wm. G. Shoop, rubber gloves 2 oo Curry &■ Peter-i. steam engine 230 oo Boettinger & Deitz, re pairing tools, etc .. 400 R. J. Pegg, coal 11* S. J. Welliver, pipe, etc 13 26 John F. Tooley, gaso line 1 so Keely & Trumbower. repairing tools, etc 26 69 Dr. P. C. Newbakcr, services rendered.. . 400 fisai) TT Total cost of sewer 12764 H2 B< )R( )l"( ill RECA PIT U LAT ION 1908. Board of Health 148 83 148 85 FIRE DEPARTMENT Friendship No. 1 223 90 Washington No. 2 221 21 Continental No. 3 201 34 Good Will No. 4 082 43 Chief Engineer 52 00 Executive Board 25 00 STREETS AND BRIDGES. H. B. Deen, St. Com.. 30000 E. S. Miller, St. Com . 400 00 Labor 6*o T9 Hauling 5T9 04 Supplies 300 63 Surveying 9M 00 Street Lighting 541T 35 P< >LICE DEPARTMENT Salaries 1200(H) Snpplies. 18 40 Feeding prisoners 13 91 HIGH CONSTABLE. Salary 32 00 Burying dogs 3 00 TOWN HALL BUILDING. 1 Repairs .... 459 N7 Miscellaneous 309 52 Council Chamber. 18 88 Lock Uji 31 24 Printing 100 00 Legal Expenses H5 00 Town Clocks 60 00 ' Auditors 4 (Hi ! Tax Collector's Com -.. 299 62 Stationery 20 69 Int. on Wolf bequest . T2 (HI I Miscellaneous. 41T 55 | Sewer Job .... 12764 82 25293 06 THE BOROUGH OF DANVILLE, PENNA. December 31st 1903. ASSETS, i Taxes entered at the j County Commission ers office prior to 'O3. ITI 12 i 1903 taxes entered.. 1" 50 Balance of I*9*; taxes due from George W. Miles 51 88 Balance of 1901 taxes due from Edward W. Peteia HOo Balance of 1902 taxfs due from Edward W. Peters (577 45 Balance of 1903 taxes due from Edward W. ' Peters 2031 Ml Fire Engine Houses ~ WOOO 00 I Steam l ire Engine— 3000 00 Fire Hone :iOOO 00 Small Hose 35 00 Sundry Supplies 175 00 Tools for Street Work. 40 00 Town Hall Building. *OOO <»«• Furniture 2">o 00 Lock Up 100 00 Barn 011 Friendship lot 1 ;, >» 00 City Hall Rents.. .. 150 00 Sewer 127i>4 s\! (of the above amount of Sewer, have on hand in the way of pipe, engine and materials SISOO 001 Casli balance on band Deo. :?lst. HKW ii*2s 07 t:!44M 55 LIABILITIES. H. L. Gross, mortgage on Town Hall Bldg. -'SOO 00 :> per cent, bonds issued Nov Ist, l'.ioo 14000 00 :\k jier cent, lmnds issu ed .Jnlv Ist. l(IO:t ... 2'KKK) 00 — :«!.-)(H) (X) Assets exceed Liabilities (i'.llH 11 VV AT I: R I>EPA RTM ENT. (Jrorge W. Miles, Receiver of l vl Jti Wat er Tax for First and Second Wards. DR. To bal. due per last statement •»" 4H CR. By cash paid to the Borough Treasurer during 1903 4 *5 Bv bal at settlement :S4 IW ;{9 4s Edward W. Peters. Receiver of 1901 Water Taxes. DR. To balance due per last statement 71 94 CR. By cash paid to the Borough Treasurer during 190:{ :?7 By bal due at settle ment 9 57 71 94 Edward W. Peters, Receiver of 190*2 Water Taxes. DR. To balance due per last statement K47 OH To 5 per cent penalty added after Jany Ist, 190:? :t\f CR. By cash paid to Boro. Treas. during 190:!.. 5550 00 Bal. ilue at settlement <129 4o Edward W. Peters, Receiver of 190:! Water Taxes. DH. To duplicate ; I ( H7 4H CR By 5 per cent rebate on taxes paid within 60 days 146 liv cash paid to Boro. Treas. within 60 days 27*7 77 By cash paid to Boro. Treas. within 4 mos. 200 00 By taxes entered at Co. Com'rs offiice 1 56 By bal due at final set tlenient 478 4:1 :>6l7 1* | Harry Ellenbogen. Borough Treasurer. Danville. Pa.. Dec. 31, 190:! WATER FUND. DR. To cash on hand Jan 1. I<JO:{ :}7:t9 4:'. To H. B Patton. Re.- of water rents 11750 97 To Ed. W Peters. 1901 taxes 6'2 .'!7 To Ed. W. Peters. 1902 taxes .... 350 (K1 To Ed. W Peters. 19o:t taxes 2987 77 To cash from P. J. Keefer. old pump sold vi on To cash from P. J. Keefer, old iron sold. 12 50 To cash for use of pump 12 00 To cash from H. B. Patton, Rec. corpor ation cocks . 71 f>o To cash from H. B. Patton, Rec. barrels sold 1 ;o To cash from Pawnee Bill, water 2 00 To cash from Curry (X: Yunnan, fire plug... 00 To cash from George Hullihen, c0a1... . 300 CR By orders paid 7007 3-1 By coupons paid 2554 50 Bv bonds Nos. 18, 56. *B7, 110, 119, 210. 224, 226, 228, 230, 244,260, 316, 326, 329, 337,339, 360 and 369 (with in terest) paid 4010 HO By old bonds Nos. 215 & 2:15 paid with in terest to July 1, 1900 to F. N. Batik 220(H) To cash bal. on hand Dec. 31st 1903 4t»6S 70 Water Dep't Expenses for REGULAR EMPLOYEES. ENGINEERS. Jacob Byerly 773 50 Edward Bell 778 06 <4e<>. Hullihen 8 60 FIREMEN. (»eo. Hullihen 564 10 ' 'has. Bryan 555 65 Ed Wertinan 6 75 1126 50 P. J. Keefer. Sup't salary 660 o*l 11. B. Patton, Receiver salarv 4HO 00 - 1140 (Kl 3H27 26 AUDITORS. Edward Purpur 4 00 MISCELLANEOUS. H. P. Patton, postage and box rent 44 50 H. B. Patton, making 1903 tax duplicate.. 12 -">0 Harry Ellenbogen Bor ough treas. salary. .. 75 00 Harry Ellenbogen, Bor ough treas. for State tax on water bonds.. 332 00 U. S. Express Co., Ex. H."» TAX RECEIVER'S COMMISSIONS. Edward W. Peters.... 103 86 HOROt*(;H SOI.KTTOR. Eldward S. Gearhart 50 00 Repairs. LAMOK i MATERIALS. Setli Lonner 79 5u Thos. Williams 9 7"> Wm. Hullihen 35 00 E.A.Adams 12 23 Joseph Lechner 15 55 Curry & Vaiinau. 4146 I). < Hunt • 75 Ed. Wertinan 25 50 David Rank 7 50 Jesse Craft • ■ <6O Richard McConnick :! 13 Ben Liv/.e> 2 50 Chas. Giblxiiis 120 Samuel Sainsbury ! 00 Ed. Sainsburv • 20 Tell Heim 75 Chas. Foster 7 > John Herman .. 7 ">o H. R. Worthington 32 10 E. Heim ... 300 Trumbower iV Werk heiser 1 18 John Hixson 9 2-3 Thos N. Reifsnyder H 45 SIIM'LIKS Atlantic Refining Co oil 135 54 Standard Giis ('ll. gas its 20 A. M Peters, ice 22 lo Buffalo Meter (met ers. etc 17 52 (). S. J a 11111- \ t.V Co soda ash 1 19 Quaker City Rubber (Hiindries '.'l 64 Rensselaer Mfg. CO . hydrants i) 4 so E. Keeler Co., rubber belting . 7 75 J. H. Cole, sundries... 10 10 J. H. Goeser & Co, sal soda . . 1 50 Cherry Chemical Co.. boiler compound.. 7 s 55 U. T. & T. ( 0. phone rent 24 00 Curry \ \iinnan. waste 20 71 H. R. Moore, Sundries. 30 05 Harrison Bros. A: Co.. Inc , alum .... 297 7.3 Finance Co of Pa, coal 94 7o C. J. Callahan, coal 2*9 31 A. C. Aniesbury, co;il 33 01J Cross & LefHer. coal.. 22 05 Mrs. M. T LeDuc.coa] 041 20 Rohrbach & Stannert, coal 109 76 Irish Bros.. coal 10 81 S. J. Welliver,sundries 2H hi Ellis Rank, wlieelbarw 3 00 Danville Struct. Tub ing Co., rubber belt ing 4 44 Emanuel Price, castor oil 1 50 Haines Jones & Cad bury Co, cor. cocks. 15 90 F. E. Fitts Mfg Co., steel barrow 13 00 Jos. Lechner, varnish. 75 Ed. Gorman, sundries. 5 00 STREET W< >RK Repairs and extensions to mains, etc. | LABOR MATERIALS. Joseph LEclmer 65 21 Wlll. Hullihen 3 75 Frank Love ... 150 George Lechner 4 50 Wm. Patigh OH* Sam 1 Waite . ■ 125 Emanuel Price 125 Coleman & James 20 Dan'l MeClow 60 John Lechner 1 00 Keely & Trumbower. 1 70 19l 9l 09 I FREIGHT .V DRAYACE. Washington Fire Co.. 17 6" P. <& R. Railway Co.. 121 HO Penn'a R. R. Co l s '» o J. H. Yorgy & Co 45 H ; . Ellis Rank 35 8-^ Wm. Shepperson. 24 2o Samuel Mills 0 3y PRINTING. Morning News 12 00 Intelligencer . 25 00 G. Ed R<>at 1 H 00 STATIONERY. Win. F. Murphy's Sons Co •' 13 00 F R. Miller Blank Book Co -J 75 WATER RECAPITI'LATK>N 1903. Regular Employes. 3H27 20 Auditors 4 00 Miscellaneous 104 85 Tax Receiver's (Join lo:{ nt; Borough Solicitor.... 50 0o Repairs 834 '23 Supplies 2202 61 Street work, materials etc 91 09 Freight & Drayage. .. 467 61' Printing 55 (Ml Stationery 16 75 \\ ater Department.—Assets. All Taxes entered at County Couimissitm ers (iflice prior to 1903 231 67 19o:{ taxes entered... 4 50 Bal. of IH9O taxes due from Geo. W. Miles. 34 63 Bal. of 1901 taxes due from Ed. W. Peters. 9 57 Bal of 1902 taxes due from Ed. W. Peters. 329 l ; ! Bal. of 1903 taxes due from Ed. W. Peters. 47H |:i Water Mains 1(mono on Fire Hydrants 12300 00 Building, Machinery, Wells . «2HH7 00 Filtration Plant com 17500 00 Cash bal. on hand Dec 31st. 1903 4668 70 LIABILITIES. 3 per cent bonds issue of July Ist, 1900 -.. 77000 00 Assets exceed Liabili ties 121393 99 We, the undersigned, the Finance Committee of the Town Council of the Borough of Danville, having been di rected to audit the accounts of the re ceipts and expenditures for the year 1903. do certify that we have examined thealmve statement and find it to 1»' correct. THOS. J. SWANK, F I ALBERT LLOYD, -Com. GEORGE F. REIFSNYDER. S We, the undersigned, Auditors of the Borough of Danville, County of Montour and State of Pennsylvania, having ex amined the above statement of the re ceiptsand expenditures of the Borough ana Water funds for the year 1803, do certify that we find them true and cor rect. CHARLES G. CL.< >1 Di Auditors I). R. WILLIAMS * We, the Chief Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Danville, County of Montour and State of Penn sylvania. do certify that the above statement of receipts and expenditures of the said Borough and Water Funds are true exhibits as shown by the books of the Secretary and Treasurer, and the Receiver of Water Rents, according to our knowledge and belief WM. G. PURS EL. Burgess. C< LUNCILMEX. GEO. REIFSNYDER, -I 11 GOESER. WM. DAVIS, L) A. MONTGOMERY, AMOS VASTINE JAS. D(U'<;IIEKTY. T. J. SWANK. ALHEIM LLOYD. THOS. WELLIVER. DAVID CIMSON. G. FENSTERMACHER. JOS. GIUSHN. LL.M I MS I I« ITOII'S \OTH'K Estate of William X Simiugton, late of Liberty township. Montour county. Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration 011 the oboveestate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the said estate, will make known the tame without delay, to R. M. Simiugton, Admin of W. N. Simiugton deceased EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Kstatu of Jacob Reaser, late of the Townshipof Mahoning, in the Coun ty of Montour and State of Penn sylvania, deceased. Notice is herbey K'ven that letters testamentiii v on the above estate have been granted lo the undersigned. All persons indebted to the said estate are ieq 111 red to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the said estate will make known the same without delay fo DR. P. O. NEWBAKKR, Executor of Jacob Reaser, deceased. P. (J. Address Danville, Pa. IL §TATBHBHT 01 'l'll K DIRECTORS OF THE POOR OF Danville and Mahoning l'ooi Dis trict lor the N ear Kndiiig Jan. i, I'jo . I I". I'.AKE, Trea«iirt-r. lit:(<•<■< >ti tit wit li the Directors of tin- liitn \ ille ittnl Miihoniiiff I'oor I i i«-t I Hi. I'i> Ilst11• • line Dirietors at hi.-l srltle ■ ■it'llt tJ7mi ii > To cacli received lrom h. \4' l'eters on duplicate for IMOI i;:(5 Tu rash received from E. \V l'eters on duplicate lsto;: tv) DO 11) rash received from K. W. l'eters on duplicate for L!*i;i 171* I;H lo cash received from Wm. K. Dyer on (luplicate for 11102 IT Ut To cash received from Win. K. I>yeron duplicate for IHOB l• i ■ •.-1~11 received from Mrs. (Joiner Thomas so ltd I'o cash received from Nam I'ickins wtiOO Toeish received from Eli Kosenthal . 2100 I'o cash received from . Tooley... 28 00 I'o cash received from Montour J2 r >o I'o cash received from still well •'!! (K) I o cash received from other Districts... til Ho cash received from Steward lor pro duce sold 4SH t*> i'o cash received from John K. Tooley to I-175 ♦ «:i*» :f7 CIl. l'.y whole amount of orders paidihy the Treasurer during the year IMOX s()88 93 ISal due Directors at present settlement «1250 41 Directors cf Daneille and Mahoning I'oor District in At count irith the District. IHi. To balance due from Treasurer at last settlement .. 2TOO ti! To balance due from W. E. Dyer at last settlement for the year 19(12 17 99 To balance due from K. \V. l'eters at last settlement on duplicate for the year I'.xil s2 71 lo balance due from K. XV. l'eters at last settlement on duplicate for the 1902. li.lK To amount »t duplicate issued E. W l'eters for the Borough of Danville lor the year 190-i 3078 &s I'o Penalty of 5 per cent on StilH »i:idup licate for the year 1903 30 tCI A luouiit of duplicate issued to Win. K. Dver for the Township of Mahon ing for the year 190.'J 7(t» 02 'l'o cash rec. irom Mrs. Otimer Thomas so 00 i'o cash received froin Sum Pickens 9l> 00 cash received from Eli Kosentlial. 2100 cash received Irom C. Tooley. . 3SUO cash received from Montour Lodge.. 22.10 lo cash received from Stiihvell HI oo cash received from other Districts.. 04 93 "ash received from Steward lor Pro duce sold 491 <». I'o cash rec. from John I-'. Tooley A Co. 43 n % 10733 V s 111. I!y Commission allowed Wm. K. Dyer oi 3 per cent on &17 9!) on duplicate for the year l'.Hr.' 90 Abatement allowed Win. E. Dyer of 3 percent on 540K.10 on duplicate for the year 1903 . .. 2:110 ( ominisslon allowed Wm. E. Dyer ot per cent SH4 70 on duplicate for the year IMB 18 84 i t >ui miss ion allowed Win. E. Dyer of 3 per cent on 4100 00 on duplicate for the year 1903 300 I'.alance due froiu Wm. E. Dyer on duplicate for the year 1903 1 'I 92 Exonerations allowed E. W. Peterson duplicate for the year 1901 11 >7 l'.y commission allowed E. W Peters of per cent on (41 83 on duplicate for year 1901 2 2s l'.y balance due from E. W. Peters for |!H)| 23 51 liv connnission allowed E. W. l'eters of 5 j>er cent on *473 OS on duplicate for year 1902 2-3 fiS Mr balance due Irom E. W. Peters dupli cate l!*r_' I*l ss l'.y abatement allowed E. W. Peters of •"> percent 011 $4740 10 on duplicate tor year 1808 23730 By commission allowed E W. Peters oi 2 per cent on ♦! jOH.sti on duplicate for 1903 no 18 commission allowed E. W. Peters of.l per cent 011 S3II so on duplicate for toe year IMS 13 7t Balance due from E. W. Peters on tin plicate for 1903 017 4« By orders paid by Treasurer during the ' year Wl 93 By balance due Directors at present settlement 1230 41 10753 58 Sfatemtnt of Orders issued during the] ijtoi '■><). l'ii id mid outstanding and purposes for tchich the same irere issued. Directors Salaries ♦ 300 00 Steward 900 00 Physicians 140 00 Attorney 35 00 Treasurer 73 00 Clerk 75 00 Auditing and Duplicate 18 00 Transient Paupers 10 57 Ex. in settlement ot cases 47 41 Justices 8 27 Miscellaneous Items 18 13 Printers hills 51 04 Kent 30 10 Horse hire incurred by Directors in dis charge of their official duties 8 00 Insurance 170 23 ¥1315 79 Outside Ih litf ns Foliates: Medicine * *«0 Coal and Wood 127 49 Shoes and Clothing 42 10 I'ndertaker 20 10 Insane at Hospital 2903 75 (ieneral Merchandise " 823 32 *3991 30 For )/<' in h a once of I'oor llouse and Farm. Seeding Grain and Plants t 2924 Dime and Manure 107 07 shoes and shoe Repairing . 29 40 Blacksmith bills 80 12 House and Farm Hands 380 ,< Farm Implements anil Hardware . 350 97 Flour and Feed 120 03 (ieneral Merchandise 207 57 (Mothing 139 tin Meat bill 98 07 Coal 17750 Improvements and repairs «V 4(» ■!._ Tobacco 54 45 Live Stock 00 30 Drug Store bills 15 7.1 Beds and Bedding 187 45 (lutstanding orders at last settlement. 427 ((t ders issued during the year 1903 sosl 06 Paid by Treasurer during the year 1>« i.Wiss 93 P. M. KERNS, i THKO. HoFFMAN, Directors •II Will KM AN. * We, the Auditors of the Borough ot Danville and Township of Mahoning have examined the above accounts audtiud them correct D. K WILLIAMS,! i . i;. ( LtH'D, -Auditors. BKNJ. 1.. DIKHL, 1 Statements of Real Estate and Personal l'i n/ii rtff on hand at date of Settlement. KealEstate ♦22500 00 House and Kitchen Furniture 078 00 Hay anti drain 1407 2" Farming I'tensils 1200 80 Live Stock 1243 80 Vegetables 174 00 Meat a nit Lard 134 00 Clothing and Material 47 00 Fruit. Preserves, Sic 1320 Vinegar 24 00 Flour 11 25 Sauer Krant 0 00 Tobacco lo 00 Coal 0100 I.umber .10 00 Syrup 1 °0 .Medicine 2 00 ♦27712 S3 I'roduci liaised. 45 Tuns Hay * 450 00 291 bushels Potatoes 142 00 437 bushels of W heat 350 40 HW bushels Oati 101,90 2030 bushels Corn ears 512 50 870 bushels Beets. 175 00 12 bushels Onions 12 00 I bushels Onion sets 2 00 700 Heads Cabbage 2100 12 bushels of Turnips 8 80 112.1 lbs Butter 28125 330 Do/. Kggs 3130 Bundles Corntodder 172 50 *2405 85 Stock Raised. 8 Calves ♦ 3000 ti Pigs * 124 ♦•() 24 Ducks 12 00 75 Chickens 30 00 *222 00 Paupers admitted during the year Pit!... 8 I.eft ,5 I lied Number in llou-i Jan. Ist. lou; I • Jan. Ist. 1904 14 Tramps Believed during the ye ir 190.> >s Night lodgings fiiinished Tramps .11 Meals furnished Tramps 100 J. J. BROWN, THE EVE A SPECIALTY Kyes tested, treated, fitted with glass es iiid artificial eyes supplied. Market Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hours —10 a. ui to 5 p. m. 1 lie Canhrn Nut. 'J he c.isheu nut serves a unique pur pose :»s a cosmetic in tie West Indies, where women desiring to remove ex eessive tan anoint ihe skin with an oil from the outer surface of the raw nut. For two weeks the patient must retire from society, for Ihe face and bands so treated turn black At tlie end of a fortnight's seclusion, however, the wo man who has undergone the cashew treatment emerges, observers state, "with skin and complexion as fair as a babe's." A VMIIIMMC Aftfliet. It was after her husband's failure. "She acts as it' she expected to re trieve their fortune," was the com ment "Have they any assets left?" "Oh, yes!" was the reply. "What?" "A daughter who is pretty enough to be quoted liiuh in the matrimonial market." Chicago l'ost. Extremely Smull. Tom You called • >ll Miss Milyun last night, didn't you? I >ick Yes. Tom Spent Ihe evening indulging in "small talk," eh? Di. k Well, her talk was entirely 100 small. She said, "No,"—Philadelphia Press. sn«ld«* ii lii u. Professor (discussing organic and in organic kingdoms) Now, if I should shut my eyes so—and drop my head - so- and remain perfectly still, you ! would say I was a clod. But I move, I le:ip. Then what do you call me? From the Hear—A clodhopper. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TIME TABLE In Effect Nov. r. ~<V7m.IA.M.I*7>L F Scranton( DStH)lv s<> .> ;« 471 I t'J ;4 2s Pittston ,l " 705f l 1 I.') Si 810 "• M M A. M.!P. M. P.M| Wilkesbarre,.. 1 v ti ? 25 §lO 2 4,i it 00| Hlyin'th Kerry " 7 ;r.' 11042t2 52 f8 »)" Nanticoke 742 10 Vj 30t 6 17 Mocanaijua " 801 11 07 32n 637 Wnpwallopen.. " SlO 11 I'i 331 647 Ne.«coi>cck ar Sis 11 'ii; 842 7On A.M. A.M. pM-i I'otisville lv SSO fill •» ' | Hazleton '' 7 05 2 45 i'l 45 Tomhicken " 722 305 805 Fern (lien " 724 315 3 15. Kock (ilen .... "| 7 ;i5 322 3 22 ( Nescopeck ar 802 | Catawissa 4 00 4 Oo A M A. M P. M P M ~ Nescopeck lv is If Jll 20 ■; 42 «7 00 Creasy ■ *3! It 30 352 700 Espy Ferry... ' t A 4: 11 4ti f4 02 7 30' E. Itloomsliurk " x 47 It 5o 4 Oti 72> Catawissa Iv 856 11.571 418 730 south Danville "I '4 12 15 431 751 Sunbury ar 035 12 4o 4 55; sls A. M. P. M. P. I>l RM. Sunhury lv 942 4K jj SIK j t .-,3 Lewisburg.... ar 10 l.'f 14' o+■> 1 Milton •• lu 0* 1:«» 541 in 14 Williauisport.. 11 0o 141 64010 00 Lock Haven... " U 6!) 2 20. 737 Kenovo " A.M. ■' 00 830 Kane "1 8 25 ' P.M. P.M. I.ock*.l2 10 i 3 45' ! Beilefonte 105 ' 444 .... i Tyrone " 210 •> 00 Phllipshurg " 510\ 802 Clearfield.... " 554f 545 ' Pittsburg " 655 810 45 A.ivT P. M P. M. P M Suntiury lv 960 si Ist) ■> lOHB 31 Harrisburu.... ar 11 30 *) 3 15 , 0 50,10 10....... ~ P. M. P. M. P. M. A M Philadelphia., ar i> 317 623 I '.) 2> 123 Baltimore ",S 311 600 04 ■ 2 211 Washington... "jjj 4 30j|, 7151055 830 rsr p. M. Sunbury lv §lO 00 § 2 15 Lewlstowu Jc. ar 11 45 405 Pittsburg •• 655 $lO 45 _ A.M. P, M. P. M. P M Harrisburir lv 11 46 0 2<l || 720 *llOs P. M. A M. A. M. A M Pittsburg ar 655 >| 150 j| 1 50. SSo i ' P. M. P M A M A ftl Pitteburg lv 710 <) 00 3 W||B 00, |A.M AW PM| Harii3burg.... ar 200 4 So;ill 25 I 3 K' ... P..M A M| Pittst>Ulg lv 'J 10 '• 8 00 A.M. P M Jc. Jc. " ; 7 30 ; 3 00' Sunbury ar '; »2" 5 4 60 P. M. A M A »1 A M Washington... lv 10 40 1 7 soi 10 50 Halt I more " 11 00 3 440 840 11 4.) Philadelphia... " 11 40,J 4 2.". 83U 11 40 A. M.j A B1 A. M. P W: — Harrisburg.... Iv 335 J 7 55'i1l lu ; 3 25. Sunbury ...... at 500 t» 36, 1 6 13j 'P. M.I A MAM ; Pittxlmrg 1\ *l2 45 i 00 s S 0o Cleariielil " ; 3 :#•: #2o l'hiiipshurg.. " 135 i lUi Tyrone " 701 810 12 2> Beilefonte.. " 8 lti] ! *.) i'i j 1 {■>< Lock Haven ar 9 15| 10 30| 2 10, P.M. A M A M P At' Erie lv J 5 35 1 I Kane, " 845 \'i 600 .( Kenovo *' 11 5" ■, 6 40. 10 30 S 1 li Look Haven.... " 12 3h ' 7 :X) U25 2 oO:* A. JVI-; |P M ; , Wllliamsport.. *• 211 8 2". *l2 10 ».« ... Milton ' 2 23; 013 1 SB ; 438 Lewisburg " V) 05 1 1> 4 221 Sunbury ar 330 9 45j 161 605 ~... ATM. A M P M P M i Sunbury lv s ti 45 [ 9 55 i 2 00 s 5 25|..... South lianville" 7 11 10 17 221 j 550 '.... Catawissa *•' 732 10 35 2 3tii 8 081'.... K Hloomsburg.. " 737 10 43 ; 243 015 '.... Espy Ferry....'- 742 110 47 .if# 19 ".... t'reaßy k> 752 10 6fl 2 v>s b .'lO .... Nescopeck " 802 11 05j 305 840 .... T"M A M P. M. P M ! Catawissa lv 10 38 ...... _ ..... Nescopeck lv 823 . IS 505s 705 ".... Kock (Hen ar 11 22 7 38 '.... Fern (Hen " 851 11 2*l 532 734 ... Tomhicken " 85K 11 :i.S 5 iiS 742 ... Hazleton " 919 11 57 559 , 806 ' PottSVllle "I 10 15 150 655 AMAMP M P M ~~ Nescopeck Iv : 8 02 11 "5 s 3 05 * 8 10 8 lit 11 20 320 662 Mocanaqua " 831 11 32 i3O 701 Nanticoke •' 851 1154 349 719 P M Ptym'th Ferry i 9 02 12 3 57 112 7 28 ■■■ Wilksbarie . 910 12 10 405 735 AMPM P M P M PittSton(l)AH) »r 9So 12 29 451) 804 scranlon M " lo 08 Mis .1 24 829 5 WeekdavN. lia ly 1 Flag station. Pullman Parlor an.! Sleeping Cars run on through trains between s>.r''ury, Wllliamsport and Eric, between Sunbury on,*. Philadelphia and Washington anil between Marrisbur;*. Pitts burg and the West. For Inrther information il'ldy to Ticket Agents W. vv. ATTEKHt P.V I K. WOOH, tieni Manager l ass. Traffic M^r. (;Kn. W HOYM. t-ci, Passenger Aeent. JOHTSr W. FARNBWORTH INSURANCE Lite Fire iccidem and Stem Boiler; CXWce: M«nteom*ry Bufldlnf, MID Street, Danville, - • Penn'a l T ACKAWANNA RAILKOAI). BLOOMSBURG DIVISION * W KHT. A. M. A M. A. M. P. .V New Wk lv 20i 10 00 140 P M. si ronton ar 617 1 50 P. M Buffalo Ivll 30 245 M. •Scranlon ar 558 10 05 A. M. A. M. P. ftl. P. W Scran ton iv th3s *iolu tlsfi *6 Believue Taylor h44 10 17 LO3 814 l.ackawanna t. Ml 10 24 210 650 Huryea .. 6»3 10 2h 213 8 5.3 PittMton 658 10 33 217 657 Susquehanna A\e 701 10 37 219 659 West Pittston 705 10 41 223 702 Wyoming 710 10 4»> 227 707 Forty Fort 2 31 Bennett 717 10 52 284 714 Kingston ar 724 10 56 240 720 Wilkes-Barre ar 740 Ii 10 250 7HO Wilkes-Barre .Iv 710 10 40 280 710 Kingston lv 724 10 56 240 720 Ply mouth June Plymouth 735 11 05 249 7T* Nanticoke 743 1118 258 737 Hun lock's 749 11 19 806 748 Sliickshinuy 801 11 31 820 753 Hicks Ferry 811 (1143 830 18 03 Beach Haven 819 11 48 337 809 Berwick 827 11 54 844 I Briarcreek f8 32 .. ;. f8 50 .... Willow Grove 36 .... f3 54 fe 24 Lime Kidge 840 H2 09 858 re 28 Espy 846 12 15 4 M 884 Bioomsburg 858 12 22 412 840 Kupert 857 1225 415 845 Catawissa 902 12.32 422 BtU Danville 915 12 44 433 905 Cameron 924 fl2 67 443 Northumber d ar 985 110 455 930 EAST. A.M. A. M. P. M. P. 4! Northuinberl' *6 15 fIOOO t150*52t Cameron . . 657 .... 12 U1 IS 84 Hanvllle... 707 1018 211 '«» Catawissa 721 10 32 223 556 Kupert 726 10 87 229 601 Bioomsburg 753 10 41 288 606 Espv 788 H'4H 240 818 l.ime Kidge 744 fios4 f2 lti f8 20 Willow (Jrove f7 48 f2 50 Briar, reek 7 52 12 58 112 627 Berwick 757 11 05 258 684 Beech Haven M-J fil 12 803 841 Hicks Kerry 811 fllt7 309 647 shickshlnny 822 1181 320 f6 5» Hunlock'! 88:1 ...1 IB fiu# Nanticoke 838 nil 3 ;i8 111 Avondale 841 j42 722 Plymouth 845 115' i 347 728 Plymouth June 847 .... 352 .. Kingston . ar 855 11 59 400 738 Wilkes-Barre ar 910 12 10 410 750 Wilkes Burre Iv 840 1140 350 780 Kingston iv 855 11 $9 400 738 Luzerne 858 al2 02 403 742 Forty Fort f9 0C .... 407 Wyoming 905 12 08 412 7il West Pittston 910 417 75* Susquehanna Ave .. 913 12 14 420 7 1>8 Pittston 919 12 17 424 »i'l Huryea 923 429 Bi ß Lackawanna 926 432 hit Taylor "32 440 BJ7 Believue .... Bcrantou 942 12<15 450 Bid A M. P. M. P. M Hcranton lv 10 25 t' .... 1! 10 A. M Buffalo ar 755 7 0 A. M. P, M P.M A..VI Seranton lv 10.10 >2i4o tS* *Bl6 P. M. II M I'.M A *• New York ar 330 5.00 735 650 *l>aily, tl>aily except Sunday, rstops 011 signal or on notice Jto conductor, a stops on signal to take on passengers tot New York. Binghamton and points west. 1 T. E.CLARKE T. W- LEF (4en. Huuerinteudent. (Jen.? Shoes Shoes ; Stylisli I Ciieap I xSeliable I Bicycle, Cymnasiwrri and Tennis ShoO|S. THE CELEBRATED Carlisle Shoes AND THE* Proof Huhbei* HohIS A SPECIALLY. A. SCKLA.TZ, SBl III! A Reliable TIW SHOP Tor all kind of Tin Roofing, Spoutlne and Ctneral Job Work. Stoves, Heaters, Ranees, Furnaces, etc. PRICES THE LOWEST! QUALITY TOG BEST! JOHN HIXSON NO. 118 E. FRONT BT. PEGG The Coal Dealer SELLS WOOD —AND COAL | —AT— -344 Ferry treet I