Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, February 11, 1904, Image 2

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PtNN K. R.
7.11 A. M 9.14 A.M.
10.17 " 12.15 P. M.
8.21 P M. 4.31
(1.50 " 7.51 '
10. 17 A. M. 4.31 l*. M.
D. L. & W K li.
7.07 A. M. 9-15 A. M.
10.19 " 12-44 P. M.
11l P. M. 4.33
5.43 " ilos "
7 07 A. M 12 44 P M.
5.43 P. M. (>r>
I 58 A. M. 11 *4 A. M.
\ M p. M. 6 05 P. M.
; 55 a. M. 11-22 A. M.
< W p m tt-04 P. M.
Major William P. Clark, inspector
Third brigade, N. G. P., announces
that the several companies of this regi
ment will be inspected in their respec
tive armories ou the following dates:
March 23. Co. K and field and staff
and hospital corps; March 24, Co. D
and field and staff and hospital corps;
March 25, Co. I and band ; March 2<>,
Co. E ; March 28, Co. B ; March 29,
Co. G ; Marcli 30, Co. H; March 31,
Co. C; April 1, Co. F ; April 2,C0. A.
Officers of field and staff and non
commissioned -tatf and members of the
hospital corps resident iu Williamsport
will be inspected at the armory of Co.
D, March 24. Those resident in Sun
bury on March 23. All others at their
respective home stations. All state
property, including arms, must be
ready for inspection at noon of I lie
day fixed for inspection. As far as
possible they will be inspected during
the afteruoon.
Y. M. 0. A. NOTES.
While every Youug Men's Christian
Association is doing more or less in a
quiet way to help men in straightened
circumstances to better their ways, it
does not advertise itself as an eeleo
mosinary institution. It it did the
men of self respect would steer clear
of it and the "bums" would steer
straight for it. The Association is al
ways ready to lend a helping hand to
the man having a hard pull and who
has not found his place and work. The
New York City Associations fouud
long ago that the streams of men com
ing to the city with great expectations
and small pocket-books,and many oth
ers wao through foolishness or worse,
were stranded,demanded their help in
larger numbers tnan they were able to
care for. So thirty-two years ago the
Bowery Branch was formed especially
for destitute men. Mr. Morris K.
Jesup who was then president of the
Association.suggested the founding of
this Branch and has since been one of
its largest supporters. Robert R Mc-
Burney, the first gpueral secretary of
the country at old Twenty-third street,
kept his membership in this Branch,
«nt of his deep interest and big-hearted
Irish sympathy witti men won . ...
down on their luck and needed a t
or encouragement from Christian men
to put tiiem on their feet. Last year
3,068 men were eutertaiued in the
Branch, the average stav being eight
days. Employment was found for 1,364
of them. There are 79 beds in the
dormitories which are strictly clean
and comfortable. Here a man with
out means inay be entertained tor a
week or so, free of cost, until he se
cures a position, then, if he will, he
may make a small payment for this
courtesv shown him. A man's self re
spect is thus maintained. Iu the
restaurant meals of good wholesome
food are served at five cents each, for
which he pays, if he is able. Last
year 18,000 meals were served, over
half of which were paid for by the
men. 700 men are thus fed daily at
a very small cost. Board is provided
at |2.50 a week. On Thanksgiving
Day, a free dinner was given to 480
men. Every man who comes to the
house is met by the secretary or one
of his assistants, who iias a frank talk
with him about his ability and condi
tion. These men have bocome expert
in advising with men out of employ
ment. A large amount of worn cloth
ing is quietly supplied those whose
wardrobes need to be replenished to
make them presentable and enhance
the possibility of securing employ
ment. In the coarse ot a year hun
dreds of garments are sent in by men
who proler to give away their partly
worn clothing than to sell it for a
song to a secoud-hand dealer. Men's
clothing of all sorts is constantly need
ed. A man can find no better satis
faction these cold days than to thus
put an unfortunate fellow in the way
of securing comfort and obtaining a
A Oure for Eczema.
My baby had Eczema so bad that its
head was a solid mass of scabs,and its
hair all cam" out. I tried many rem
edies but none seemed to do any
permanent good until I used DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. The Eczema is
cured,the scabs gone and the little
one's scalp is perfectly |clean and
healthy,and its hair is growing beauti
fully again. I cannot give too murh
praise to DeWitt's Witch Haze! Salve.
Frank Farmer, Bluff City, Kv In
buying Witch Hazel Salve look out
for counterfeits. DeWitt's is the or
iginal and the only one containing
pure Witch Hazel. The name E C.
DeWitt & Co. is on every box Sold by
Paules & Co., J. D. Gosh & Co.
Chicago surrenders the fire recoid 1
without a protest.
Nearly Forfeits his Life.
A runaway almost ending fatally,
started a horrible ulcer on tiie leg of
J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove. 11l For
four years it defied all doctors and all
remedies. But Btifklen's Arnica
Ba!ve had no trouble to cure him.
Equally good for Burns, Bruises, Skin
Eruptions and Piles 25c at Panics &
Co '» Drag Store i >
Ed. Montour Aiuericau As council
is about to pass an ordiuancg for th
paving of Mill streel a few thoughts
ou the matter, which may bo of in
terest to your readers, have suggested
rhemselvos to the writer of this ar
tide. For many years the subject of
road making has engaged the attention
of experts and various experiments
have been made in the United Stales
and elsewhere with broken stone, wood
en and granolithic blocks,concrete and
vitrified b:iek, witli the result that
each kind iu their way have produced
good results. Iu tow « of the '/.e
and traffic of Danville the question of
expense with durability is of primary
importance. There is also to be con
sidered the annual cost of mainte
nance, the ease with which the paving
can be removed and replaced for un
derground repairs to water, sewer and
Bus pipes, as well as to secure a sur
face in the material used,that will ad-
I mit of the cutest foot hold foi horses
I feet. A long series of experiments
made by municipal authorities lias
shown couclusively that all things
considered no better material can be
adopted than first vitrified brick,
laid odgways. upon a well rolled sub
stratum of crushed cinder, overlaid
with a few inches of coarse sand, ov« r
a cross section with a crown of six
inches for aB6 feet wide roadway on
'a 00 feet wide street. The driveway
| should be not over 36 feet in width and
the footways not less than 12 feet, the
! curb grade of which is made about
| level with tiie crown or centre line of
street and 5 or ♦> inches above the gut
terway. The sewer pipe on Mill street
should be laid outside cf the proposed
Electric Railway location and likewise
the gas pipes, so that in case of re
pairs, the railway track may nor be
obstructed. When the proposed im
provement of Mill street is completed,
our municipal body will be highly
commended for its wisdom in thus
adding to the comfort and convenience
of the people and the attractive feat
ures of the town. It is to be hoped
that this progressive spirit may de
velop further improvements until a
time will come when Danville shall
rank "as one of the best governed
municipalities in the Commonwealth.
X. Y. Z.
Hundreds More in Danville iu the Same
Tired all the time ;
Weary and worn out night and day;
Back aches; side aches,
All on acount of the kidneys.
Must help them at their work.
A Danville citizen shows you how:
Mrs. Nelson Hollister of fill Mill
street, says: "My son John was al
ways troubled with his kidneys, and
I was told by a doctor when we lived
in Lewisburg that he would always
have bother with them. He had pains
in his back, could not sleep and the
kidney secretions were annoying and
embarrassing. There were paius in
his head and he was depressed and
dead tired the whole time. Do«Va
Kidney Fills relieved him of the
for lameness iu his back and they gave
him immediate relief."
For sale by all dealers. Prico 50
cents per box. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y.. sole agents for the
United States.
Remember the name—Doan's—and
take no other.
Officers Installed.
At a recent meeting of Danville
Tent, Knights of Maccabees the fol
lowing officers were installed for the
ensuing term: Past. Commander, B.
F. Smith; Commander, Augustus
Heiss; Lieutenant Commander, J. D.
Hummer; Record and Finance Keeper,
A. R. Wildey; Chaplain, W. R. Kisn
er; Physician, E. A. Curry; Sergeant,
E. K. Hale; Master at Arms, E. E.
Boyer; First Master of Guards, Will
iam Miller; Sentinel. Charles W.
Heiss; Picket, H. Mapstone.
The Knights of Maccabees have
made wonderful progress in this city.
The annual report of the Supreme
Tent shows that the Maccabees are one
of the largest fraternal insurance org
anizations in the world. 70,200 mem
bers were added during the year 11)03,
making a grand total of 499,288. The
total amount of insurance paid during
15)03 was |a,054,584,(53. The death rate
was fi.fi9 per thousand members. £BOO, -
000 was added to the surplus in 1903.
The Maccabees have a total of 4'.i.'o
tents located in every state and ter
ritory in tlie United States.
Relief in One Minute.
One Minute Cough Cure gives relief
iu ouo minute, because it kills the
microbe which tickles the mucous
membrane, causing the cough, and at
the same time clears the phlegm,draw
out the inflammation and heals and
soothes the affected parts. One Minute
Cough Cure strengthens the lungs,
wards off pneumonia and is a harmless
and never failing cure iu all curable
cases of Coughs, Colds and Croup.
One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant
jo take, harmless and good alike for
young and old. Sold by Panics & Co.,
J. I). Gosh & Co.
Sleigh Ride to Milton.
The following party from Mausdale
enjoved a sleigh ride to Milton on Sat-
I unlay where they were pleasantly en
tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Strouse : Mrs. Thoma* Luken
ibi 11. Mrs (>. C. Jenkins,Mrs. Edward
Frazier, Mrs Robert Fa nsworth.M s
es Mary Lukonbill. Minnie Fn»zier.
Chrissie Frazier, Laura Farnsworth,
Raymond Frazier, Lake Fraziei and
Robort Farnsworth, Jr.
Mysterious Oircuiustances.
One was pale and sallow' and tin
other fresh and rosy. Whence the dif
ference? She who is blushing with
health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills
to maintain it By gentlv arousing
rlir» lazy orgaus they compel good di
gestion and head oft constipation Irv
them. Only '35 c.. at Panics & •<> *
There soonts to be some mituudcr
standing amoiii. tin pant ns i i 11•.
public schools r< Ini\t t the pro\i
ion> ot ih school law indi:ili;»; with
infectious disease*, which new mi l
then expose- the Borough Sup rin
tendent to the charge of acting tin
Brieth c\| r<--t I s'ction LXXYIII
provide* that no child i> in;. with
the familx of aii\ p< on t i n-iding
in the same house in which any per
son may bo h < ited who !-> suffer: g
from carlet I'evt r, typ' us It vcr.diph
theria, diphtheroid our , meiniuan
eous orotip, etc., shall be pei mil led to
attend any public, private, j <r- h.ul,
Sunday or other s hooi and all -eh 1
principals, Suiidax S hmd tfuj ei i»it« n
dents or other persons "in charge of
such Schools are required to exclude
such children from said -eliools, such
exclusion to continue Icr » period of
thirty da\ - following the dischaige
by lecovi i V oi d> alh i t lie ] or-on
last afflicted ms »id lions ■ or family
and the thorn ;eh d i '• t• c-1 i• ui t: the
premises. \ll tub children can be
permiti • ! !<> n turn to - le id oily by
furnishing to the piio ipal i-r oth r
poison in chare a > < rtificate signed
by the medical atle . int - tiing for'li
that the thirty day: imn'ioncd in the
above section have fully expired.
The misunderstand' ug may o u: in
this way: Familit inwhi lion el (In
above diseas s niakt sit- apj - name
in a desirt to prole i the community
faithfully liv up t' tin requirement
of the qn ir uit ine an i n due tmeat e
rewarded with tli removal of the
card; they undergo the necessary
fumigation and so far a.- the commun
ity is concerned tin \ liavi a clean bill
of health and are at lilurry togo and
come as tiny jjh a
There i- one < x epti n as will he
noted by the section ; tiie - liool law
quotid and tli" pupil i- not permitted
to return to s-lieol until thirty days
after the quarantine I- rai.-ed The
patron may not b- awai< ol' this and
the pupi 1 is scut back to school with
the result that h- or -Ik i- refused ad
There are other ca - where an un
derstanding is not - • easily i- ached. It
might as w> 11 l stated tl it physic
ians generally d■ u agri ■ with those
who framed tie school law a- to the
necessity for imposing tli o\ti »thirty
.days' quarantine nn the infected
family and probably lo- tig -ij_hr
of the ol too •-•tool law
and guided by what tii'ir ( • i ieiice
has taught tl-ni a- -ife and prop r
now and then a d<<( t r mini ! alely at
the close of quarantine furniohi such
a pupil with a certili'ate oil the
strength of who 'i it w<e:ld seem that
he or she ought to he !• admitte i to
Armed with this certih 'ate the pupil
I goes to school but is e\ lutl -d and the
superintendent is 1 ik> lv to he L Id up
as unreasonal le and arbitrary,wherea«
the fact is he is only doing hi- duty
I by upholding the .-chool law No mat
ter what his private views may be, he
I can admit no pupil who has not been
out of school the required thirty days
after quarantine and tli it is all there
. iu ahnnt it.
This artiel > j- jirint- d by rt qu< t in
order that the -dioo! law as it rilaie
) to infections di->-i-. - uiav be fully un
derstOi>l by the public.
P scaped an Awful Fate.
Mr. 11. Haggin- <>f Melbourne, 1 la.,
writes,''My ti<. t->r told me I had t'mi
sumption and nothing (nil I be done
for me. I wa- given up to die. The
. offer of a free t; :al bottle ot Dr.
King's New for Consump
tion, in luced no to try it. Results
were startling. lam now or. the road
to recovery and owe all to Di King's
New Discovery. It sorely saved my
life." This gu at cure is guaranteed
for all throat and lung diseasis hy
Panic- Ov; 1% ~ Druggists. Pro- •
cents and .<I.OO. Trial Botih - free.
Flags en Eeservatioii
Hereafter the suiierinteml- ut t>i ev
ery State Fon - try reservation will
raise the Ann ri an flag <v- rr morn
ing ami lower it at evening ou flag
poles to b.i ereci -d at th hcailquarters
of the rcsei\ ition, and tth t nsignia
will be employed t<> indicate the fact
that the reservations are und r state
The Board ha- d> hied to par base
the 3,000 acres in Adam- county, ad
joining the Caledonia tract recom
mended by Major 1 B. Prown, who
( inspected it It- w • .. Thi- ft ict ha-
a comfortable lious upon it and the
streams waft ring the rt serration take
their rise on it. The Board also (ie
cided to purcha-. 2,000 a re- of land
in Pike iwitl Wayne counties. After
June 1 no more land- adjoining the
South Mountain reservation will If
accepted by tie commission.
True Heart D/sease is a Rare Thine:.
The cause ot your palpitation is,
probably, pri - ure arising from gas in
the stomach that is, gastric indiges
tion. A few dose- of Cal-cura Solv
eat, Dr. David Kennedy s new trie Ii -
cine, will clean!" awiiv the foul ac
cumulations and the In ut wi i run
quietly and keep good time. Wrift to
theCul-cuia CoMipaov Bomlcait, N.
Y., for frt t ami le In 11 !•■
Work on Eebu ldin^.
The work of reiiuihiing t e em
plovt s' dormitory ami th • music d<-
parliDPiit iiuii lingtd lie 1 o.m-hnrg
Normal whi wa pr Imm lv ruined
by fire T'hur •'a aft run n v.a tart
ed Friday morning, flu \\ ;ilt being
under the chargo of the bti Idiiig ct'iii
iii it tee of tic I
Tiie building wie-n r- hui't will be
an f->.act dupli it" > I tl • 112 irin r oae.
H- comph t'-u will i! \c
Commod ui (i ■ iv. > t ; \ . I I :
tie who v. • t d veil ' 'it i-v the
; dames win I•tl 1 ■ i» ' 11.. I'll-.- !
j i artnieiit is I • ' "I i it isi p -
! orary quart* 1
S ill Oonlo ed !<> tiio House. •
111 1 'I ''i | - II WI ' ' I ao I
sprai ne lb: -.'d.!■ i v, 1
to the bt'toe ill Iis!•I •.' ! ■ to W I I I?
able to be about a- u-n il
St itr llihliwhv ''ommissionor Hunt
"i IIM .1 u>t ooaipMwl ln> ipponiofl
in lit 'I 111 I ri>>tl fluid Hpprctpi ii»t
i I !>\ tin l.inlsl.ltllti'. Of tlli> |
tpi'iopi iaii I for tln> first yo«r 10 ju<r
IHI i> FT <r in KI in tiittcmiitcc. IIIHI tlif
it 'untitling Is t • i t li«< reoon
st nut tun ot minis. Tht> apportionment
In ' i li i i ill 111 is III:»• I»« 111 N< C Milw.ce
\viil» milt njf of liinhw.iv> wit lit n its
InHiHil.'ii it- 11 j t ir t I to the
I >i-|i;irttin>llt. I'lif iiiiiou ll t H apportion
tn tli variciis count IT N of TIN* stiito
io\v tli- fact that tlitt contentions of
those to tin* now M.itu li»w
I I tt it is of inoit liniictit to thickly
! npul it. il townships tIIIIII to those not
lotvniK so jircHt ii |Kpuliition, ih iiri
ill II lit 11 il In ninny instances count ies
having a small population hut a largo
IIII'II ot tcrntory will receive twice nv
much as counties having more thnn :
• lon hit' the population.and not so large '
an area. Allegheny county for inn- I
I »iii i', |>t ts less than Columbia ami I
Philadelphia nets notie.
The apportionment for Montour and 1
n< ighlioiing counties in as follows:
Montour, with IJS4 miles.gets sl?t>l -
Ol't, Columbia, with 1475 miles of puti
lic i":in Is. gets $0,704.17 ; Luzerne, with
.'.O-'il miles, pets SS,, lilt.Bl ; Lackawan
na, wnli .18;) miles, nets $2,701.20;
Schuylkill, with 181.'{ miles, |8,; 1
and Northumberland with 12513 miles i
C. ts •J.V.f'O.SO.
Wt tmorelaml county, with 3644 j
miles of road, «ets the largest appor- |
tioumeiit, .*1(5,711.08, and Cameron, j
with 1(17 miles,pets the smallest STC.j. - |
'J lie total mileage of public roatls in j
the state is 5)8,1'2D.
Better Than Gold.
"I was troubled for several years'
wiili chronic indigestion and nervous {
debility," writes I l '. J. Green, of
f.:uica-'ter, N. H. "No remedy help
i 1 me cutil I began using K!ectric
Hitters, which did me more good than
ill the medicines I ever used. They
have also kept my wife in excellent
health for years. She say Electric
Hitters are just splendid for female
trouble; that they are a grand tonic
iiiii iuvigoratoi for weak, run down !
Women. No other medicine can take i
its place in our family." Try them, j
Only "i 0 cuts. Satisfaction puaiante- 1
ed bv Paules & Co.
Funeral of Harry Creglow.
The funeral of Harry II Creglow
was held fiotu the Mowery home, East
Mahoning street, on Saturday after
noon at two o'clock. The Rev. Harry
Curt in Harman conducted the services
which wire largely attended. There
wen many handsome floral tributes,
I i. uous among them being a large
ni->. sent by fellow workmen at the
lit Iron Works. The pall bearers
were selected from the department of
tlif works in which the ynung man
was employed. They were: James A.
Gib-oil, (i 'orge Robinson, Silas Ober
<lorf and Joseph
was made in the Lutheran cemeterv.
Thus ■ fiom a distance who attended
tli.' funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Creglow of Renovo, Mr. and Mrs. Al
beit Creglow of Nanticoke, Thomas
i.-i- o«.«riin„ M r au<l Mrs. William
Creglow, Mrs. Catharine Creglow,
Sherman Creglow, Mrs. Kate Hitman
and George Derr of Shamokin.
Have You Indigestion.
11 you have Indigestion, Korlol Dys
;i psia Care will onre you. It has cm
t i tlion-mils. If is curing people
ev> iv day—every hour. Vou owe it
toy ursclf to give it a trial. You will
•i.iiiinue to -utter until you do try it.
l'l I- i- no other combination of di
gest nits that digest and iebiild at tbo
same time. Kodol does both. Kodol
cim -, strengthens and rebuilds. Sold
li\ I'.iuh- iV Co.. and Uosh <S: Co.
Out Again.
William Crabb the employe who
broke hi- leg at the Hospital for the
In-aue by being thrown from a load of
corn fodder on November 11, is now
able to make his appearance on the
street with the aid of crutches. He is
vi-iting his brother-in-law, John
Poetli, Cooper street.
An Early Riser.
A strong, healthy, active constitu
tion depends largely on the condition
of the liver. The famous little pills
known a> DeWitt's Little Early Ris
ir- not '»!ily cleanse the system but
rli'y strengthen the action of the liv
er and rebuild the tissues supporting
! organ. Little Early Risers are
1 easy to act, they never gripe and yet
| they art; absolutely certain to produce
; results that are satisfactory in all
I cases. Sold by Panics & Co., and
j Gosh & Co.
L. B. Haas, formerly editor of the
Shamokin Dispatch but now a mem
ber of Himmelein's Ideals and a fav
orite of the matime girls, is playing
to crowded bouses in Shamokin this
Take cold easily? Throat
lender? Lungs weak? Any
relatives have consumption?
Then a cough means a great
deal to you. Follow your
doctor's advice and take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It
heals, strengthens, prevents.
• F.>r l" voart t Imvp tlt>npnit*il on Av»r'»
CI | * torsi foi coughs »'"! eolds I
kit'-w it L'tfitily strengthens wenk lungs "
2S<- Mr ,?l 00. .1. c. A Vll! CO..
Weak Lungs
IW N'~ 'I~WNWD •mmmwmrm——— M—
Ayer's Pills increase the activity of I
the liver, and thus aid recovery. '
Receipts and Kxpenditures of /V\onlour Count), I'enn'ft
For thu Year January Ith, A, 11. lf)04.
S| '.VIT.MEN'TMIOWISO Till I\ \ \('« «»r V|> «»| Mil -IVIHU *» M ».» « I«»»; I'M Mt TMI
11 '
AnHiom township..,.
I Mil villi- U tMtlpll
I h-rrv TowiiMiip
i,lnit>»tone ° .. t t* Itt'VilH .««»*•
>lmltcrr\ ... • • winti \ 'Wight
Vnllt \ i I' \p|-l. I «.»!>
\\ iitlilniMttuviU lint i
\\ I'M it. ml,it k Ttiwiwhi|i I V \V liltKti t>ii
Totnlta* aeewitil f«»r imi if *« * |. ■ 11 ' * 1 1 •
Tuxt'tt ItTt'Ueti fur prim v ■«»
IHint msirt ■ 11\i I titnti • ' 111 v It • I
tiiitstiittihiu' inxtt in lit\■ it ni intuit> .....
K.ttllinalitl t \ttnt rnlitiie mitt i iiiniiiln" "i'« en MIHV .....
Aetunl ntiintitit iit init«tii!ntiiiit i««' - tnt«\ »<>ft • e iv
SII liixt- r. 'tiiiiliiitic <l'H *n<t iini»'t f.r prior >. tie.a« f»tlt>«» MtriM W I i (■ 112, • tl D
ItnntiiKh f..r lu u l<o k * lux "i*>
DR. TO CASH WEOEIVF.I) Fit* -M IHE F< »1.1.t »\VI N<. stH H<Ks HY I»I -1.1 Ml 'I, , i
HRlai.ce m lit Imi mMJmmm* ..... • «U7IL, mm m r»ali ttii— im llttl ■■ im il
CoUlltj lux received fui 1.tt1.l .. .. 187 M SO HIMMI I MSI MM nCmmhHMVH I * *
('.unity Tax reccivcl In. prt-n VCHIS 12517 Oil Amount ptid (V«IRKN)W*«HiI bt HM» Ml riwt.ll
State T«x received for 1903 SSI? 19 ifrrimmA 9*449 4
Dog lux recci\etl tur 1903 J!Mt '.to | | r ,. r - , ,
Dog Tux receivetl tor prior years 155 25
County Tax receive.l in l!Hi:| on unseatwl Ihihlh ami ('iiHedum r< THEAH! HUH - « iMXIi »N \l/
'" rns 15 Mil, 2} |»-r ifiit. <»n <iiiiliiir*ciiHi.t nl - 94
Reimburaenent of Stele T«x ftw 1908 |m:ii hi C.MII.IV* |*irti>.n <.f If I
Hotel Umum fort 903, CoMtf'i pMtioa -H'j 09 . nril( , ha'vinc l**n nll<mr«l in 1 I
Commonwealth cuote, fines (tad Jury feadi 110415 ImaM
(Joiiiinissioiifr."' «»f Nortliunilierlaiiil Comity l'<»r one-halt ex | k-I.< lit II I«
on Danville Kiver Hri.L'c. .... MM If OmmWmi dftMMt«ft 171♦ t4 i
Keimhursenient «>f State ti>r extinetion of forest tire* 1 !<().'{ !»m iii)
Sale of sliingling lath M 57
Sale of plank 9 Hi
j Sale of cement 1 '25
! Amount paid on orders liv A .1, Steinman out ol private fund 2><7 1)5
82<tH77 li!» - »
To amount of Retail and Wholesale Mercantile Licenser. sl.'{!*7 57 By amount paid Commonwealth
:To anion lit of Billiard And I'""! Licenses 160 <IM By amount pan! for advertising Mercantile li-t and | -■
|To amount of Hotel Licenses 6400 00 By Ireasurtr-COMteWw.. ' *
To amount of Brewers and Distillers Licenses 1 -400 00 By amount Hotel Lifetimes ap|ilie*l t < it it v t I
ITo amount of Wboknk Lk|Uor License- 1 400 (Kl By amount Hotel Li.vnscs |>ttit 1 Danville B >rt>«iyk. .
By amount Hotel Licens»-> pnid \Vashingttiiivill»- B r
By anionnt Hotel Licenses panl Anth -tiv 1 .t*i.-
By amount Hotel Licenw-* paid Derrv T t*rn-»hip. .
By amount Hotel License* paid Lil»ertv T"*n»i ip
By amount Hotel |«aid Vallev Townahip
BH»i97 57
Grand .Jurors 570 00 Co, it met price rer.«fing River Bri.l ? e ; J- : " •
... , u-o o.i l ai<l nirect to contractors l>v t •tmn.«w»>ner« <»t North «t • I
j 1 raverse Jurors 02
! Constables making quarterly returns and tipstaves 197 22 ~
! George J. Vandeislice, Cou'rt Stenographer 313 63 f 'f neral r^ xrs
E. K Hale, Court Crier and Janitor. 272 50 le T? n l
I Ralph Kisner, Diatrict Attorney ISO 00 h K Ha,e '
! Thomas (t. Vincent, Clerk of Courts and Prothonotary 260 27 v u v .u i i ,<• . ri u . ■ -i. »-.i
U. i i n iiu i -,i " >iaa N. B.—Northumlierlan.M ountv Iml.k t r >ne- .alt <4 the
Michael Breckhill, bheritt 34 .. „.
I j ( 47 10 expenditures on River Bridge.
conatebiesV.::::v.v.v.v.v.v'.'.7.l.'"'.'.:::::::: «• si wmmmmmm
Witnesses .'>6s 2D Siali inerv hikl blank lnHik-
Tlios. C. Welsh, Sjiecial District Atty, Lewis Shade's case.. 10 o<> ■ ..ii,ii\ (irintitig and atlverti-in^'
.TaniesC. llwidens, meals fcr Jurors 390 Coal
H. C. Bare, R. R. Ticket for discharged prisoners 125 < ia<
MICHAEL BRECKBILL, SHERIFF. tiem-ral repairs an.l supplies
Lxpressage and j**tage
Boarding prisoners and turnkeys 279 80 Sundry persona, cleaning Court House
Drawing and notifying Jurors 126 20 S. M. "\Vaite, cleauing carpet an.l matting 12
Washing for prisoners 2115 Telephone rent 24 •»>
Conveying prisoners to E. S. Penitentiary 35 59 H. R. Moore, lawn mower
Reports to Board ot t'utilic t narliiea. 30 no \ I'eters, ice ,
492 t4 ts J, Welliver, 6 cuspidors
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. AUDITORS. &C. West Disinfectant Co., Disinfectant*
Henrv Cooper, Commissioner, 110 days at 83.50 385 00 J\IL EXPENDITURES
George M. Leigliow, Commissioner, 7* days at 53.50 273 00 Coal
Charles W. Cook, Commissioner, 107 davs at 83.50 374 50 (j ns 47
Horace ( . Blue. Commissioners ( lerk 540 00 Water rent and water repairs .... tl
William Kase West. County Solicitor 110 97 Clothim.'. Iwldinu. »Vc
County Auditors and Clerk 74 *4 Medical Attendance, .In
jury Commissioners 11l 16 (ieneral re|»airs and supplifs H
Traveling expenses necessarily incurred by Commissioners in J, |J_ Cole, hose
the discharge of official duties 30 00 West Disinfectant Co.. Disinfectant
In addition to the above, Mr. Leighow inatle .'{l days and MISCELLANEOUS
Mr. Cook 18 days at River Bridge, one-half ot which was |;,-d,llll >t umi ot County Bonds
paitl by Northumberland County ami is included in bridge lntere-t on Count*' Bonds
exjietises. Amount paid for *hee,i anil cattle killed l>v
Spring Election ... 461 10 ton t_\ feacliers Institute
General Election 464 31 Sup|»»rt of convicts in E. S Penitentiary
Montour Countv Democrat for olficial and s|ieciiiien ballots .-sup|iort of inmate- in State 11—pita;
for Spring and General election 50 00 Support of convicts in House of Re'tige
Election blanks ami supplies 21 00 Removing prisoner to Pre*ho, X.
Repairing the several Election Booths 162 10 State tai on County indebtedness for 1 >2
- Convention
\SSESSORS PAY Friendship Fire Co., sprinkling at Court II ii*-
Premium and Justice fee, t"Xei scalp
Annual Assessment 2 s *i <>< l Interest on short loans and disenantu
>tute lax Assessment 100 00 Wm. L. Sitller. Berorder, Certifying Murtfips
Registry ol Voters...... 3JI 7" bonds, administering iiatha,
Registry Ol births and deaths >1 24 Wm Ka-»- West. Auditing Acctiimt* of I'rothonolarv. Ilrv
Registry of school children 142 4»; M( . r Kt ..,, r ,|,. r a ,„| sheriff for y«ir 1!H»:;
1 riennial Assessment M 0 00 Thomas <l. Vincent. Prothonotary. certifying jud/v ■ • - A
l it,, 4«> Thomas G. Vincenf, s|«ial work. pref«ring mw it ii.r- •
Road view and surveys. S»3 45
Road da,nacres 145 <»(• Total amount of orders i-siied in IHO3
Lumber and material for bridges 25 Amount of order* re<lccnNd tor prit>r year-
Bridge repairs . . 505 X 2
To amount of bonded indebterlness 11200 00 By
To amount due Coninionwejilth for taxes on County indebte<lne>s fur By outstanding Dnrtaxt -t > l :♦«».»
190J 44 80 By outstanding County taxe» for 1!*«2
To amount due A. J. Steinman, County Treasurer. 2*7 <' •> By outstanding Dog taxes tor l'a'2
To estimated outstanding bills. 300 00 B\ ouMasAsf Stele teat* for 1003
By amount due from Commonwealth !• »r extinfti 1 t t rev *
Bv amount due from of Nortliumherlaiid ( nty
Liabilities in exci-*- of Asset*
11831 *5
Taxes reeeiviNl in llWl Irt »Mir«-r »« .•mini--- -i 112! > |»-i lit Tnwiw» Ia ' -» •
rent .■■■ <am. cr«l IHmrtrts, tnrt». tßr't»bn« 6MW <m
httrt.l fliw "tf.
lIfSTMCTS. r lgl |I f I 1 firiTTTl ' 112 112 ? 1 112 r 7 *
Ant ho '
1 "oopir township .. ...
Danville Hownifli I W 121 I «.» I■■ 1«
berry Township :m 91 .«• 11 • .... *•*• , _ ' , ,
I.ilf-rtv Township. .1 7n s:t •"> SS . I* -
... ..j 19
Muytxnv Towtinhif ... ......
Vu ley l'owiisliip. 4 I"' I , I- .. .
Vest llemlock Township, ... If ?>'! < M "
_J » "
We. the und«iiiKne(l Commissioners of Mnntour Oninty. Pa ,do hereby certify Uwi tkr fmfnini stiitxni ol and t iywrfs— o» county fn» a>]wn«<a> tmrnrnj «h. *. I>.
!► till, itlKl fflrt I ' »t> 1■ U < I 111 I iii .< U.I. . 'C-.1 '(t-t 111 u ,tne«« wlif •ot wt linvf 1. n lite —t l-ie.u ;t'.-t Mil f< S » ll* ' V »'• v ! I
■knry 1 ■ ra - «
i;rt*K<;f M i.KI 11 »*
Alte*l HORACK. Htl 1 IUKi r.l* I'tUlk, I M<«l'l*
TO THE HONORABLE THE J1 DOES OP r Itr It.|in t. t COMMON PtJtAS Of THE COt'NTY t •!- HOSTt H K Wt niiililim 1 \ti.ltt..r» .112 MMM t ounly. 'IMI of MwimK
in« been duly qulifled iccording to the law, reapectftilly report tint we hart sadlted tte «wmm« of the Tuawui 1 ! nut r«amnlwSniii 1 .-ft vwmiT. MM rh«t th» - .
m-nt ot the si.iin', anl find n ' nf t I in- A.l SfVinman. 1 IHIIIO rr.-aaim-i ami « tin 1 " '"I *•t >■ v*,--t »t- 1.
tn wiin. si wlit'i't'iif \M> liav. hereunto *'i our lianH anil seals tlii- iVii .la\ ot .la nrin looi
E V. »LH K >a*!j >
» 1. litrHi .»«« 1 *•
iUtMI Htiim L 1 It,l h • . kith I ultiM '.l'lli I •*»! I