MONTOUR AMERICAN FRANK C. ANGLE. Proprietor. Danville, I'a., Jan. JI 1904 REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION Republican County Chairman James Foster has received the following com munication from Boies Penrose,Chair man of the Republican State Com mittee,relative to the Republican State Convention, which will be read with general interest: To the Republican Electors of Penn sylvania : 1 am directed by the Republican State Committee to aunounce that the Re publicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly .chosen representatives, will meet in convention at the Opera House in the city of Harrisburg on Wednesday, April C>, 1904. at ten thirty o'clock a. m.,for the purpose of nominating can didates for the following offices, to wit: One person for the office of Judge of the Supreme Court. Thirty-four persons, two at large, for presidential electors, and To elect four delegates and four al ternates at large to the Republican National Convention to be hold in Chicago on June 21, 1904, also For the transaction of such other business as may be presented. In accordance with the rules govern ing the organization the representa tion in the State Conventiou will he based on the vote polled at the last presidential election; Under the rules each legislative district is entitled to oue delegate from every two thousand votes cast for the presidential electors in 1900, and an additional delegate for every fraction of two thousand votes polled in excess of one thousand. By order of the Republican State Committee. BOIES PENROSE, Chairman. W. R. ANDREWS, Secretary. How's This. Weoffer One Hundred Dollars Kew:inl of any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. We the undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and tielleve him perfectly honorable in all business transac lons and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WEST & TKUAX. Wholesale I)rugglsts,Toledo O. WALOINO, KINNAS & MARVIN. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. Ohio. flail's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Decline of Tuberculosis. The National Tuberculosis conven tion is to begin its sessions in Balti more 0:1 January 25, eminent special ists will take part, and the committee in charge promises the most complete collection of sanitary devices and the most interesting pathological exhibit yet presented. There seems to be a general movement in the United States, Germany aud Great Britain to deal systematically with the dread scourge and the New York Academy of Medicine sustains the medical the ory that consumption is on the de crease. Within the last decade, in the state of Massachusetts alone, it was stated iu a recent address before the above named society, that "mortality from tuberculosis had been reduced exactly one-half." Between 1885 and 1902, notwithstanding tho increase of population, amounting to nearly one half, the deaths from consumption in Massachusetts declined from 5,955 to 4,685. In fifty years, since 1853, the death rate per 10,000 inhabitants ot that state has declined from 42.7 to 15.9. This is a strong argument as to the decline of consumption, which in terests almost every family connec tion. An eminent Loudon physician, Dr. Hiller, of the public health board of London, maintains that the change which has been constantly going "on in the lessening death rate from con sumption constitutes one of the mark ed features of the vital statistics of civilized countries. If the present rate of decrease in the mortality from this disease is contineud uniformly, con sumption should wholly disappear from England within the next half century. The same rule applied to Massachusetts would appear to show that the disease will be extinguished in that state within even a shorter period. Since 1893 its (loath rate from consumption declined from 2:5.1 per 10,000 deaths to 15.9. The "white plague" is obviously controllable, and the fact is a great achiev< nt for medi cal science. The same is undoubtedly true in the statement of the deaths from yellow fever in th* .Southern states and the West Indies. It lias been exterminated in places when? it has had its home for centuries Malaria is no longer regarded as tho abiding corse of certain localities. Sanitary engineering and the advance in inedi - cal science are doing a great work in pulmonary and malarial disease. To Measure Tracks. The Pennsylvania Kailro.vl Co., it is reported,has instructed its engineer ing department to make new measure ments of all its lines east of Pittsburg for the'purpose of ascertaining just what changes li ivo been made a~ the result of many cut-otFs tliat have been built and how much the distances on the main line have been ,-liorteued If tlie report of the engineers sh iw- tli tt tlie mileage has beon reduced,the con ductors of passenger trains will ii-> in structed to make the oece-siry ch mges in taking out transportation from mileage books. It is know that the distance between Philadelphia and Pittsburg has been shortened by several miles an I it is expected that ofTin tl measurements will also make a change in the mile age on the New York Division be tween New York aud Philadelphia. Scarlet Fever Abating. Tho epidemic of scarlet fever in Roaring creek and Locust townships, Columbia county, which was viewed with so smuch alarm a week or ten days ago, has abated considerably and the scare has pretty well died out. There are no new cases while many of thoee ill are on the way to recovery. The schools have not as yet reopened. CENTRALIA FREE FROM SMALLPOX The smallpox epidemic at Oentralia is believed to have been effectually stamped out and it is expected to close up the emergency hospital by the end of the present week. Three patients are iii the hospital, and all are con valescent. These patients will he dis charged by Fridav. Dr. D. \V. Blake expects to leave for his home at Gloucester, N. J., and Miss Huplitz will probably leave for her home HI Philadelphia, Saturday morning. The disease first broke out at Oen tralia about the middle of September, aud altogether thero were forty-two cases, ten having been developed be fore the hospital was opened. The hospital was opened November I, and all told there were thirty-one cases treated there. There was one death before the hospital opened and four at the hospital, two of them adults aud two of them children, a total of five deaths in all. This is a remarkable record. Tin cost to the borough of Ceutralia and the township of Couyng ham.the cases from both districts hav ing btiou treated at the hospital, will be a very he»vy one, aud cannot be computed at this time. Thirty-five of the were from the borough of Centralis, and seven from Oonyngham township, Columbia county. Only six of the Couyngham cases were treated at the hospital, the other one not having been taken there. The fact that the disease which has brought so much trouble and distress to the town has bean stamped out, is a matter of congratulation to all con cerned. The fight against the disoa-e has been a hard and bitter one, and the Ceutralia Board ot Health deserves the thanks ot the community for their persistent and unselfish labors to that end. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brouio QuinTabine eets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Groves s signature is on each box. Jury List for February. Following is the list of jurors drawn for the February tenn of Court, 1904. GRAND JURORS. Anthony Township, C. J. Yeagle. Danville, First ward, Amos Valine, and John G. Vastine. Danville, Second Ward, Ezra Haas, William Williams, Peter J. lv'cfei, William Reese and Grant Gulick. Danville, Third Ward.Omer Young. Danville, Fourth Ward. Charles Molters aud Edwaid Purpur. Derry Township, W. A. Degrcen. Liberty Township, Thomas Perry, P. L. Ritter and Gottshall Amnion. Mahoning Township, Clarence Phil lips and William Wertmau. May berry Township, Ira Vonght. Wa-ihiugfonville, B. F. Dieffenbach er. Valley Township, George W. Ben nett and Charles V. Flick. West Hemlock, C. K. Beyer, W. B. Billheim and John H. Tanner. TRAVERSE JURORS. Anthony Township, Charles Klee inaii ami William F. Dildiue. Cooper Township, James Baylor and Charles Kishel. Danville, First Ward, Wesley Hoi lobaugh, John G. Waite,Charles Lim berger,James V. Gillaspy and Stephen Join.sou. Danville, Second Ward, Thomas Bedea, William L. Kishel and David Guest. Danville Third Ward, Clarence Price, James Martin, John Kilgus and James Sherwood. Danville, Fourth Ward, John Gib son and Englebert Albert. Derry Towuship, Clayton T. Mour er, R. M. Sliultz aud Jonathan Mour er. Limestone Township, John D. Ellis, C W. Sliultz aud James S. Watts. Liberty Towuship, W. F. Wiuter steen and Henry Suniugton. Mahoning Township, James C. Kish el. Maybeiry Township, Isaa? Adams aud George Faux. Valley Township, David Winter steen. Washingtonville, J 11. Leidy aud C. W. Derr. West Hemlock, Clarence J. Sliultz, Joseph H. Hutchison, C. F. Sty* rand John (1 Heudershot. Got a Quit Claim. It appears that the Mt. Carmi 1 man who sold his intended bride to a fel low countryman wasn't such a greeny after all, hut a shrewd,foxy chap,who made a good bargain out of a bad one. It appears that he had given the maid en presents valued at about twenty dollars and secured a without getting her consent to become his wife. When he found she was un willing to wed him, be shrewdly brought about the deal by which lie secured the amount he bad expended on her in anticipation of making her his wife. The purchaser only got a <|uir claim de<'r. Kennedy's new niedi' iiie. I had not been able to work at my trade (boiler making) for some time, but after taking one bottle of Calcura Sol vent, I began work and have been working ever sinre. Yours truly, MARTIN FULLER. If your druggist does not have Cal-cura Solvent, write to the Cal-cura Company, Ifondout, N. Y.; but ask your druggist first. SI.OO a bottle. Only one size. Guarantee: Your druggist will return your money if Cal-cura fails to cure, and The Cal-cura Company will pay tho drug gist. Remember, Cal-cura Solvent cures of all cases of Kidney, Bladder and Li ver disorders. 'Biff ME [Original ) "Wha' de charg. ?" a-k> d the nidge. "1 >e prisoner, Lemuel Jinks." -aid the I stealin'." "Stealin' what:" inquired the jinl_t». This \\a- a po>"i - . I'he attorney pulled out a paper, but sis he > mild not read he tailed to get the i quired in formation However, hew s .qua the occasion. "What de pri-Hii I I- thai d with stealin', yo' honah, will l- brought out by de witness - li isn't fo' lue to maU' de clTerdonee I onh conducts per sedition.'" "Wha" yo' been »va;in Lem?" asked the judge. "Notten. I wanted to g.i to de mill do udder day.and I ii-t borryed Ph I Tomkins' mule" "Shut up, niggab!" cried the attorney for the accused. "Don' yo' know ilat dere is a law dat no |» rsou is obliged to crimidate hisself "Yo', l'hil Tomkins," said the judge, "did Lem steal yo' mule?" "Yes, sah." "How d' yo' know,"put in the pris oner's attorney, "dat lie didn't bony It? How do yo' know dat he tuk my everdence." Both the prosecutin-. and il- ! ntlin-- attorneys sprang to their feet. lln Judge looked from one to the other, un certain which took pr.eedt nee; but. be lug a wise Judge, be found an expedl cut to determine the inattt 1 "Yo' gemlemeu set down, and whet I say 'Jumpr yo' git up's quick's yo can. Den 1 gib tie Ho' to de nig.: il wha' git up fir-t." The nimbleness of the attorneys wa tlius tested and r<-ulted in a viet..ry for the prisoner's counsel, who was younger and more act ive than bis < ppo nent. "Vo' honah." be said. "1 brought I witnesser wha' proved dat Phil Tom kins hain't got no mule. Derefo' 1 proved dat Lem .fink- didn' teal it Derefo' Phil Tomkins is wk befo', de biggest liar in de county." The judge scratched his head. Tin question was, "What next?" The pros ecu ting attorney seemed equally be wildered. The conns. I for the deft, si was the only bright man in the lot. Besides, he had once been janitor ol ;i court room and was familiar with tin tricks of the trade. "May it please yo* honah," be began His honah was certainly pleased al being addressed so respectfully am] when one of the jurymen blew 1: nose overloud rapped on the board with his hatchet. "May it please yo' honah, 1 goin' b unraflie dis case w ha' on count ob dt stupidness oh tie pros.-cutin attorney spite yo' honah's try in' to pervent bim hub got into a tangle like tie reins ob :i runaway boss Wha" we goin' to do it: dls county ef ebery niggah wlia' hain't got no mules kin take up tie val'abh time ob de ct>*t 'eusin' hoi st n,. -ale like Lem Jenks?" "Yo' hear dat. Phil Toml.ins, yo' tri flin' niggah?" said the jtul-e <>. rniy "Notferstaniling yo' lionah's know I edge ob de law, noUVrstandii'- de nil in's ob de eo't, our vaTable liui", wha might better be token up sittiu' in d< sun siuokin' de cob, is wasted hyai llsteniu' to de charge ob a man fo bavin' he mule stole wha' hain'« g<> no mule. Now, yo' honah knows tb law well 'nuft' to know dat l'hil I'om kins has been a break in' it, mil yo honah knows dat tie penalty ob bn k in' de law is hangin'." "Hoi' on dar, niggah," tri 1 the pros ecuting attorney, awakening to :b> fa.- that the trial of Lem Jenks by tb« adroitness of the opj .sing cm >e| ha been converted into the tnal ot Phi Tomkins. "I like to ax de eo't who? bein' tried? .ledge, yo' don' I now in mo' 'bout law" The mallet came down with hair, on the board, and the learned prose.-u tor suddenly became a war. llial he-hsn made a mistake "Dere's too much val'able time I wasted by de eo't a'reaily l>e fin i judgment is dat yo*. Tomkins, b< tooken-out from hyar and hanged Tomkins, wbo had k< pt his eye ot the door ever sit: the case I i.l pin against him. her l ' bolted and before hi could be caught disappcai d in a thi. k et near the court room Then the eour adjourned fo smoke the cob in the sun CT.AICEXf'E STOItMS SHAT.KR FLORIDA. Personally-Conducted Tour \ t Pent v vania Railroad. The fi:>t .la -ks in vi! |e ton ot flu season via the Pen isylv.iiii t'l. uln »d allowing tvso \*> ek- in Florid i.l New York, l'hiladelpl. t and A »nl ington by special tiaiu Kehnt • cursion tick' t-, ineluding transjKirtat ion, Pullman ai d t tions ione berth >. and nr ■; r< ■ t > in both dire in ;- « hil 11 ng i the special train, will h - d th following rates New Yuri - o i Buffalo, $54.25 . Ro< h ster, |54 ; E inirti, .fsl !'■ ; Eri. , - 1 A ham sport, .*so.oo;Wilkes! in , ud at proport inuat late points. Pi it ti>ki ;s. :I i tit r i formation apply tot e l t address (»eo W P< v.i < 1 1 engt-r Agent, Broad Htt Philadelphia The Scranfon (P . i •li 1 off the chtireh debt showed what phihinfhr pi illv i I HI: SPUING INSPECTIONS 'IIV sprill (2 inspection- in the Third Krig:a !•■ Willi tin' Eighth uvi j incut. Tli• Tvm 11ti) regiment will lit- in -j!■ <•(' din March,beginning with Cnni< |i:tn\ K". I'lic si-li dule for tlii.- ri jj;i■ j iin-nt is as follow: M u'. li '.. ,<' 'ii| tn v K. March 24, ('ompany D. t Min li < Nun11 ill yl. March Company E. March is, Company I'- Mar I: .".I, Com pan v i!i organized militia ot all tie htati - and Territories, w ill send 1 about twenty i eproseiitat ive office rs ot ; tli«* N. ti I*. to look after the intei e-is e! l'i'inis\ I vani t ind to fotmul ite whitevr r"oo:iimeiidat ions for the, mi'id el the -i rvii ■ in »y ho acted up on. I'iie lull lil of th' officers wlm ! iii" to ■ 'pi'i -i ni Pennsylvania has not i.i II C'<) II { l-t< tl, but ilio-e who liavi -•> 1«: ! n designate I are Adjutant (}••!> ril Stewart, Inspector General Swiin v. I*i »iii :II i- - iry (bwieral I .y HI. I;• ;i :a 1 In-; • lei nl l\ ifle I'l ac! i- i I'alt r. neral Miller. Or iluanci Officer (I the Fir-t Brigud: t'hew ; Colonel !' viiiin, First Infin -1 r\ . Colonel I;. t ledge, Eighteenth In I mtry. Lieutenant Colonel Ui< ka.'ds. Si .t> nth hit intry ; (.Colonel Harnett, Tenth Inlautry ; Hiigadicr (Jcnerui Gobin, Colonel ('lenient, Twelfth In t mtry, and Captain Shannon, Com !iany 'l*ourth Inl sntry. i Olm-tead has introduc i 1 it I ill a;>ji: ' riating >'1)00,0>) tor the | i.rcb i -i- of 21, i"i( iin uf 1 ind n Diuphiu, Ldi non an 1 Lane ts'er counties fort! 1 ication of a nation. I I eani: -i • , as prov i : il by the Military I'n iid K ; riseii' iliVi Cm )| i r has in troiiu ela bill Inciting tie camp sit< it Si mi ii> ! Senator Quay lias in tro< lii • If Senatt a bill l> r Sum ers>-t. Will il I dei'i lelice t 1 St Hill- : Quay and Kepi* entativi Ooopor they liavt a very r ior • nuij - itt* in tl •■ j 1 bills. So in or- i has twice proven : ; >r i'laci' to one amp a brigade an I wonl i I -imply an abomination -;i tr a national tuiip. But out rai'iuad. « lit11»* hor-e.single trad -pur nit ie li.ilnnH'i and Ohio, ram ti r rub tit section of the country. I has utte.'!y 112 lib lin the pa.- t■> liandb . either tin* !r- 'iji- or the crowd tiny a tra-'t and with th- incr a-ed trallii inaiH'iiv -an 1 a : camp would brim the railroad would lie -wamp'd Tin ground i- poOl for i imping and tin w.'f ii- a j <«r a- t!.i ground. Col • i! 'w , who \ »s tie- army oßici dct ii!< d at the Sonier-et camp Li v II • xprc-ist i iiiniseii 11 n«|u:iiitiod 1 j on th subj.'irt and colli in lie I it a- : camp ground. Mt. Gi' tna ha - proved it If an idea ' am] gnu nd. Its water is of the bl - and i'- i i.tcilities are excel lent. It ha- b en comiu* uded over ant o'> r again by ariu- olib • i- a- ofTi tin: about veiyil'iii.' tha f is rei|uirid. It addition to tlii- the s' ite ba- > -tahli.-h mI » rifle r. u that j "Hit w bit h i: i iif h \ ear i" ing s; eit lv improved up iii. I slmr ind mid ranges lire s( ' f:otistreet- I ti nt '.' i t ugi ts of cacl i la-- .ti i - ret I lat ihe huts am t.! »bug r iiiue, whi- li bi- but tbrci targi is would b-- tie- only one whicl would have tn In increased ill uuinbe: in ni 1 rtoni tk M ivai labf for tln National Tropin match. I:i addilii n tn li -- b lis nuted abnvi ( i-ngr s-n ati Escli, id Wisconsin, ha liitrodu la 1 ill in < nigrc-- asking i'ii ill a I 1 'l'll ii ion ( ! -TT, (I O,()l)0 10. tin pureiia-e (ii lour military cam] i grounds, one of which the Cone wago vail' v proper!v. C. t I*. (j., of Berwick, win had : i < 1111 ill ,i < nimty < tinb r« e- lo 3ongr sin l'.'Oj. it i- aiinoii'iced wil a.aiu -eek tho district ikminalion. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ' Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable Almo: ! • erybody who reads the new: paper, ij sure to know of the wonderfi |! . i £ cures made by I3i . ■■r""' ICilmer's S'vamp-Rtoi ? ! the great kidney, live ) . |u,tW -~* } ; and bladder remedy. -1 J 1 ' I'is the great medi V' t. ""~ cal triumph of the nine 1 ' 'CI U ( " teenth century; di= . covered after y;ars c ,«■' • lP I scientific research b; j|T j i j D r - Kilmer, the erni f| _[:J .x ' nent kidney and blad ' der specialist, and i wonderfully successful in promptly curin lame tack, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bit: > and Bright's Disease, which is the wor; form of kidi/ y trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is net rec ommeiiii" if >r everything but if you havekid ney, le. ;• or bladder trouble it will be foun junt the i• m "iy v a need. It has been teste in . a many way.. in hospital work, in privat pr;. tice, among the helpless too poor to put char'- reli- 112 and has proved so successf-. i every i. ■" t ; ,i a special arrangement hr 1 a mad- by v.-h: -h all readers of this pape v. .- i av.- Nt already tried it, may have samy ]■; bottle .sent free by mail, also a tellii - more about Swamp-Root and how t find out if y u have kidney or bladder trouble When writing IT. ■ anon reading this generou off-r in this and f' A' 7V ".. .■ 11 •a: ii to 3C^?ti Dr. Ki •r '• ' p "-'f-: t fty cen' and Homi'-.f fiwamp-Root doiiat .i. - at :..ji .by all good druggists, li-.u t in'i'(6 n > mi-i ike. but reineii ill the li line, Swail{)-R< int. I>r Ki mr - Sw-,i mieliii >t, and tin addre lli II -_rhii J 111« »n N.Y .. onevcrv bi.ttbs I-: I - i'-A-N-S 'la I inks Doctors ii ii:uia Solvent, and win • to tie Cal-cura Company, Hcuid - ut, N. N., for i booklet, and a lice ample bottle. SHERIFF'S SALE Of VAl.l'Alir.K REAL ESTATE. Uy viiti eof certain writs of Fieri . Facias issued out of the Court of Ci m ii on Pleas i I Montour County, and to me directed, will expose to Public i Sale at the Court Couse in the l!or '•ugh of Danville,Montour county and State of Penngylvania, on Wednesday, i?'eb. 17th at 1(> o'clock in the fort noon of the said day, the following described rial e.-tate, viz: All that certain me-suajje, tenement and tract of land situate partly in | Franklin Township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, and partly in May berry Township, Montour county, Pi un svlvania, bounded aud described r I as follows viz: Beginning at a -tone on lauds of Wellington Cleaver aud running thenco by land of said Wellington Cleaver North, twenty-one degrees west twenty perches to a -tone, thence by land of Iho same aid Daniel Krob-t,north thirty six degree wt -t fifteen and three tenth perches to a -tone, theuce by land of the f-aid Wellington Cleaver, north, forty-two degrees west, five perches to a stone, i hence by the same, north, fifty two , and one half degrees west, nine and two tenths perches to ast me, thence . iiy the same, north, seventy-eight de rrci - wast four and three tenths per il' - to a stone, theuce by the same, j -outh, seventy-ouo degrei s west, three and five tenth perches to a stone. ! tin lice by the same.south, twenty-four ' ; degree- v.. -t, thirty three perches to a ■ In-stout tiee, th' nee by the same, •' north, sixty -ix degrt es wa-t, thirty • j nil e and eight tenths ] eiclies lo a i p"St, them -■ by the land ot Mayb-eiry (i irliart, north, sixty degrees east, - ! - v nty six to a pine stump, i bene, by land belonging to the est at*, 112 -I John Meneli (deceased) south, s.'xty . ■ i«ht and one fourth degrees east, ortv three and -ix tenths perches to a -tone, fl ence by laud of Wellington t . Cleav r, south, seventy aud thiee tourth degrees west nineteen and one 1 UMitli j orehe- to the place of begin _( 11 ieg : Containing thirteen acres and - n bundle 1 and foity-sevcn perches. A > : NOTK. On the above described pie ' ii. - ;iit: en cted a two storv frine dwi llmg house,a two -toiy lranie ten ■ .nt hou c, staldc and other out bnild i i_-. There i- also i spring of never H j tailing water close to the house Also ' Three Story Frame Flour and Grist Mill ? with small saw mill and Hydraulic r j Cider Pri ss. Supplied with power fll in a w iter i igbt that b;i- never fail :inil ' -• vert -t drought This wit i i-r riglit is very valuable. I \- i the mtere-t ol brad Bern iugcr in any pers inal, real or mixed prop city, rights, claims and credits in tin parti ership of li-.-o l Ib-minger and llail v S. Mct'low , trading as Herninji r \ Mc( 'low . Sci/ci|, taken into i \icutiou au I to b sdd as the prope:t.\ of brael Hern (i K< >H i; I: MAIKUS, Sheriir, WM. V OGI.KSHN", Attorniv Slieritl's oflioe, Danville, Pa., .lan. ;Joth. 11"'I Eminent Specialist ot'the New 1 York and Philadelphia Ele- , etro Medical Institute will - be at the Montour House i three days, Monday, Tues day and Wednesday, .Jan uary 2~>t,h, 2<»th and 27th. He will make monthly vis its thereafter. | >.i m . io i ' • -a 't: < ■ tii. • tii y | will { ivo to all v.iio ( ill on the above Sat* . .o! nl--»t ' i. e.\-.n 1 -i->n. ad- I 'Me. and ;II niedi'dne nece-.-ary to lo'i ;• • :i permanent OU.RE- FHEK it will lie xp ct. ,1 of all patients | faking adv.mtagi ol thjs offer to -'at' I to tlieir iri. nils the result obtained ihv their new system of treatment. ' They treat ALL KINDS OF CHRONIC . ni-KASKS AND DEFORMITIES, i It is veiy seldom that a couunuuity ! 30 situated as the one in which we live has the privilege of consulting i su h reuow n.-d specialists, who are in constant attendance to wait upon you. ' iliagn- your ' a.-., and ijiv,- yon the benefit of their med.ic,:l knowledge There is no - vperiment ing or guess work. Yea will be told whether you can he cured or not. If your case is curable the\ will treat you: if incura bl • th. y v; ; •• you such advice as to prolong your lire They tr* it deafness by an entirely new method, and hearing is restored to many at once. ?500 forfeit for any case of deafness that they fail to make hoar in from three to six electrical tr. atn eiit- CATARRH .in all its VA RIED FORMS cured so it wiil never' return, by breaking up tin cold eat h iii!> tendency by tin electrical ah.- rp tion of medicine. If you have weak 1' t gs or consumption do not fail to b< examined. The new discovery of absorbing medic ne by el- ; trie-ity in paralysi I h ss of man'y vigor, rheumatism and aii das ast s of the nervous system including EPILEPSY, is a God-send t Buffering humanity. Medical men st:; d amazed a* the marvelous cures that arc being affected wherever thi- sy.- i; being intr.duced Thotisands who have given ti; all hopes of -\- i b"inp cured tu \\ have an opportunitv : i cf ii-,. ti-iie to consult do tor- «■ National reputat on. Remember their kiii.w i gt o! in.dicine combined with ! ej.-cirieify gives them control of dis 'ease:- that others do not possess. II you have WEAK EYES, come and sen ih* ■at -t AMERICAN and EURO PLAN OCei'IJST. Hip with hi; re mark: a!'' !iseovery cures all those at' . fticed with t'ai ing eyesight, cataracts lor t'u:n tiona 1 indne-s The blin ! | n.adf lo " by th ir entirely nvw ' mMi:od No xp- iments. Come and tt st it t r >on .-■ ! Eyes expertly j tes-i ii and tr \t d. ALL THIS IS FREE OF CHARGE. THEY ; STRAIGHT! V CROSS EYES BY ! ELECT Kit' \ i TREATMENTS. NO i KNIFI- >'o PAIN is done by i their i. -w ,-yst in j Don't fail to call on these eminent i ; specialist.- as a visit costs you noth ing and may -av- your life. IT you si p (t 1 Ulney trouble, bring j a t\vo-ei:-ic vial ol your urine for chemi( .d and microscopic analysis. Go early. t "ir offices a lip alwaj crowd'd ft' >i.:i are improving under your family phys.ic:an do not come an 1 tak<- ui> tlieir valuable time. Tin > wish to pive pre !i one pfeuty of tim< i but cannot i -ten to long stories not i to your case The rich and poor alike fteattd. NOTICE Morphine, cocaine, laud- ! 1 antim. opium, tobacco nnd liquor hah- ! : its cured in a short time N it— CANt'ERS, TUMORS, Cf.- : CERS. all ! 100,1. skin and scalp dis- I eases treated by new method. PILES cured in five or ten days with | out th.- kni!". They make a specialty of disease- p '(Miliar to either sex and I cure when- ( there fail j VARTCOC'I i: rCRED permanently ' In a few day- Rt T FTCRE in its different forms positively tired bv their scientific lit ting and treatment. Remember this liberal offer is for i this firs' t' p only and not one c°nt \ will be ci tree- l for all the medicines , required to make a permanent cure to I all those commencing treatment on , this flr.-t visit Also a positive guar ant*>e to cure will he given to all pa tients that they accept*on this, theii advert:sing trip. NOTICE MARRIED LADIES mm be ACCOMPANIL!) BY THEIR lll'.s DANDS. Office hot s S■ "0 a m to 8 p. m. Rrmembt r th» dates and hotel, A Weiril liiciilont. Some years uvo the t'ollnwing strange Incident lemk place in a west enel dub: There lay on the table in one of the rooms a list of members who bad put j down their names for an approaching house dinner. A workman oil a ladder, who w as patting Ihe finishing touches to the decoration of the ceiling, let fall a single tin., splash of red paint, which dropped on the first name on the list and obliterated it as if with the stroke of a pen Some of tl. • members who noticed thi< o T.rrt nee thought it n very bud omen; others, like Hamlet, de fied augury. Peat, curiously enough, the iuemlii i- whose name bad thus been struck out was taken ill the next day and died ir the club on the night before the dinner was to have taken place. Golden Penn;,. \ iiiDiililt- Share*. The sbai sot the New Kivr corpora tion are the most valuable in the world, and only fractions ol them usually come upon the mai k< t. For many years the she*-- were s. Id at li."i ;ipiece, and Indeed Charles I. reassigned bis king's shares to the company in return fot a perpetual timtmii | ayiii.-nt of £.*>l)l' which sum. tin.l- i the - vie of the "king's eh i- Still paid. II \v bad a bargain thai was j- shown ly the dividend for ..'ca; past having aver aged over i'_ - ' oil per share, while a few years ag > < ■ 112 ii. • -'i.iiis w:i« sold for £le- v public : tion The :ie tual fat.• v; ni iii • . ires is lino, London S.,n The Colon- \\ i- >\- tl i-; is iu\ ; hist night at the club I've got to j be a leart'i;! n nac to society, «<>! there's nothing left for me to do but ; go away and be a hermit loi ihe r. -i of my life. The < horn- Why The Ci'lond Itec.-iuse I've livetl here so 1• • 11: t i now ever.', body's family his tory. 'I 1 e (' ! orus What of that? 'I i loin I At l. « 'iinbttd it. I've | got ,bel :■ lit ol thinbaig aloud.— I To Cure a Cold in One Day I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. £ (VLJ/ ey *sy I I Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 months. ThiS Signature, CAHP GROUNDS FOR WESTERN TROOPS SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 20. The Pacific coast will soon have fine mili ary - 1 1111 covering grounds They will im located in Sin Luis Obispo coun v, the choice ol tliiee tracts, each lontaining twenty thousand acre-,now !null •1• • r cousi ler.u ion by the gov rnment. Lite property has boon favoriblv re [ioit»»>I upon by Colon 1 George J.ovell md Map r William Stephenson who were sent out here to look inro the m itti r. Tlk y rlesei i|»t> the lauds as be ing entirely suitable sites fur a perniam nr milit try camp, where all the United States troops ami state mi lit i i could itif > t and be pur through nil sorts of manoeuvers and drills. lor rlii-i camp ''ongress is willing to appropriate #>oo,ooo. There are to be three other camps ol a similar nature in different part s of the country To Examine Kruger. HARRISBCRG.Jan. 20.—The Board of Pardons to lay referred to Dr. Geo. A. McLi o 1 of Philadelphia, secretary of the State Lunacy Commissiou. the case of ('has E. Kruger, the West moreland county muiderer,who is un der sentence of death. Dr. McLeod will examine into 1< rub er's mental condition aud report to Governor Pennypaeker. If declared insane an application for commutation to life imprisonment will follow. EX EC UTOK' S NOTICE. Estate of Jacob Reaser, late of the Township of Mahoning, in llio Coun ty of Montour and State of Penn sylvania, deceased. Notice is lierbey given that letters testamentary on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned. AJI persons indebted to the said estate are required to make payineut, and those having claims or demands against the said estate will make known the same without delay to DR. P. C. NEWKAKEK, Executor of Jacob (teaser, deceased. P, O. Address Danville. Pa. EXECUTORS NOTICE. Estate of M. D. L. Sechler.late of the Borough of Danville in the County of Montour and State of Pennsyl vania, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the above estate have been grauted to the undersigned. All person- indebted to the said estate are required to make ] ayuient, and those having claims or d« mauds against the said estate will make known the same without delay to P. OS A N A H S EC HLE R, W.M. SECHLEK, IDA M. SECHLER Executors of M. D. L. Sechler, dee d. P. O. Address Danville, Pa. EDWARDS. GEARHART, Counsel. ,Y>jii.Mvi it iron's >OTIC K I'- t William N. Siniington, late of 1 iii.-rty township, Montonr county, I'a . deceased. is hereby given that letters of Administration on tbe above estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to make payment, and those having claims or demands against tbe said estate, will make known the same without delay, to R. M. Siniington, Admin. of W. X. Siniington deceased. pi .6 Hone P&per i ! of Danville. 5 1 Of course you read j jj jl | THE neOPLE'S | " kopular I A PER. Everybody Reads !t. i ~~- =r:= ~ I • Publisher! i very Mor-' Except i i bunda> ; : i No. i! E. Macr.; ; ion 6 n .* Week. xm A GOOD THING GIVE IT A PUSH. Li VON A CAMP, PA. APRIL 21, 1002 MOVER BROS. DKAR SIR:— I think that every man that has a team of horses or any stock, ought to haveabottle of Mover 's White Liniment in the stable or his house. I had a horse that stepped in a hole with his front foot, coming down the mountain with a trail of props, and fell forward and strained his shoulder blade. That it swelled so fast that we could hardly get the collar off. and in two hours his neck wa> swollen to all the skin would hold. We used your White Liniment freely,and in a few days he was to work again, and does not show any signs of lameness. It worked like magic. Respectfully Yours, J. A. BARTHAST. r r r —MANUFACTURED lIY- Moyer Bros, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Bloomsburg ~ Pa. £gf°For sale hvall dealers. ATOM'S MITI( K. Estate of Sabina Clatyon, late of the Borough of Danville. Montour county, Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letter* ofjAdministration on the above estate have been granted to tbe undersigned. All persons indebted to tbe said estate are required to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the said estate, will ma! e known tbe same without delay, to M.(i. YCUNGMAN, Administrator, Danville, Pa. AV J. BALDY. Attv. X K( ITttlt'S ,\OTI( K. Estate of Jane sL. Riehl, la; ( tf tbe Borough of L>nij% i 1!e, Montour Count>, dt ceased. Notice is hereby given that 1. iters testamentary fin the estate of .limes L. Riehl, late ot the Boroogli <.f Dan ville, County of Montour and Slate of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the uudeisigned to whom all persons indebted to said e-t.;ti> are requested to make javment and those having claims or demands wi'.l make known t! • same without delay. GEORGE M. GEARHAKT, Executor of the last will of L. Riehl, deceased,Dacviile, i'« nu'a. or to his Att-y. WM. J. HA LDY. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby duly giveu that the partnership heretofore subsisting be tween Arthur M.'Heddeus and Joseph Brei ten bach, Jr., under tie firm aud business name of "Hedd —fiieittn bach Candy Company," - H I this fourteenth day of Noun r, A. D. ]9o:i dissolved by mnti a : < s M ir. All debts owing to said .-hip are receivable by the said Art! nr M Hed dens to whom all clain.s and demands against the said partnership are to I e presented for payment. ARTHUR.M. HEDDENS, JOSEPH C. BREITENBACH. Danville, Pa. November 14th, 1908.