| A FLASH of • I LIGHTNING ? » # • Vy * 0 Edtwin L. Sabin 0 9 * A < "pyviijht, 1902, by Edwin L. Si thin <9 »-».« e « • ••••••-• N (»IJ\IAN PAGE reluctantly rolled from beneath tin* rov ors and with Ins feet groped tin tli« l floor beside the I><*« 1 for his bath slipper- i'li** rain was falling furiously, ami tin* wlml seemed to lie Increasing Annoyed by tin* conscious ness that a parlor window was up, lie had lain as long as ho had dared, hop lug that tin' storm would slacken and relieve him •>f the necessity of rising Even had not this duty of shutting windows devolved upon him by right, hw was unite certain that tonight lie must l>e the one to attend to the mat ter or it \% <>ll lii not be attended to at all. Assuredly his wife would not l> • stir herself after the words of the pre ceding evening. Hardly! While lying awake lie had gone over and ovt the tlnn-s that had been said the assertions, the rejoinders, the reckless threats lie smileil grimly. Yes misunderstandings had aecumn lated and now had culminated. Which e\ T was tin' more to blame and of the two it vas 11-■ t lie it was better that tbcv ceas,. .tss:i. iation, separate for a time at least lb was sensitive and she vv ,is - nsjtive; he was proud and she was proud he vvas stubl>nrn and she •w 1 I '. v lnf|ipearwl insurmountable. Su i.i i 11i come the parting of the w..y- • could g«> on by one path and she would go by another. lli would not utter a word of protest or appeal He co.ilid lt'< Ml, and. lifting his bath robe from the foot of the bed, where he had throw nit upon retiring, he wrap pod it nround 1 im. He began to *ul \ iiu-e • "ttiouslv foi* the blackness w:s murky, and he luulii not see an inch. However, his route was comparatively ; straight and unobstructed, and he had in his mi id a cl":ir pi tuiv of the posi tion nf the articles of furniture in his ru.an ai:d In t lie parlor. He did not catch a sound from his wife's chamber, the other side of the portieres. She night be awake and lis tening t r him to move, but of course she would not indicate it. <>r possibly , she was not awake. With a little tug ■ hi< heartstrings, h ■ recalled 1 that she must have sol lied herself In'o exhaustion and sleep. Hands outstretched to warn him of Immediate obstacles, he proceeded un til he encountered the wall and. -kirt lug It, In an Instant more had reached the door to the hall. He fumble, blindly for the knob. His tinge-- clasped It, and he twisted It carefully. | His Irresistible desire to avoid noise did not spring on account of his wife CT- j actly, but somehow he was seized with an lnexplainable dread of noises amid j that inky a quiet only intensi fied by the rain and the low rumble of i artillery as the 1 tempest legions marched adown the horizon. Covering their withdrawal, uimn the tleld of brit tle behind them ill** Hoods were de scending In torrents. Suddenly burst forth a vivid fhisli of lightning. It sketched Jo Page tin* liir ure of a man, upright. fi few yards on his left. liarkn- *, dense, impenetra ble, ruled again. It wns as If in front of his eye an Instantaneous minora shutter had opened and closed, leaving an linage Indelibly tlxed on the retina. Stunned luto an icy horror, not shift lag a muscle, hi* hand upon the door knob. Page stood and strained his ears. Nothing met th> in save the irregular, gusty beat of the rain. Everything that lie had lately read In the news of thugs and housebreak •rs rushed upon him. The slightest morsel of gossip r 'pealed to hitn by his tlmld wife recurred to him in a gasp. Itecent nights ba'l been extra! rdinarily prolific ol' deeds y highwaymen and burglars. Not a paper but elironieled In esch edition a hocking list of crimes. The city was in tin* throes of its yearly attack of hold 1 ps and assaults and robberies Nobody was exempt Kven in that very block a dwelling had been entered, husband and wife drugged and bound In their beds and the prem ieres thoroughly lansjteked. Good tiod! llad this man already been In Helen's room, and was he now pur-uing his work further? Yes, he must have been in Helen's room and had just made exit through the por tieres between the two cliambera. And that was why Helen had not *poken, moved She was not designed I) uid bitterly still. She was uncon '• ous, dead, or perhaps she was at the ! I of a ruffian, the confederate of the ieilow revealed by tbe lightning. What untold tortures she might have en ilured, might be enduring! Supposing ihe were harmed or or never to rpeak again How coukl he bear It! All those many tilings tbat lie had laid or done and that had hurt her as tailed him as a life record passes be fore a drowning person His impa tience. his fault findings, his selfish (icss, the countless acts that iie had un graciously performed for her and the countless acts that he had apathetic nll v suffered her to perform for hlin— these were the scenes now being brand td on I.is brain with cruel persistency. What 'jould he do without her smile of welcome, her ready sympathy, her loving ji-al-Hi- ai«-h over his belong ing*. i.er i] k. I efjji'ul interest in his aims anil his ambitions. Too late, too lat •! Had she wont'ei d frantically whj lie bad not mnie to tier aid? Was she at the very moment even wondering and waif'ng? Was lie to i,r ig --in cor i ;• re\ erigc iii" n-• \>as awful How I '--t tal stiri s? to en- \ out the 111I s *- on I lit upon liimV He was eager to ex | I.. pr< • ided that It ' !t:tbl- d ItJ lit to att. ill H;» go:: I A great I foi r_r ■" permeated uim, ourtmig into hi* marrow. • »••••• When, incapable longer of bearing her part in the exchange of words, yet disdaining '•> show how the rapier thrusts had wounded, her, Mrs l'age had hotly lied to her room, drawing the portiere* behind her -he had Hung her self on her bed to tind refuge in pas siouate tear- then, fearing lest her husband muJit approach and hear her, abruptly she had stilled her sobs and had begun to undress All her womanhood was in revolt. Her husband had been detestable; lie had been brutal; lie had uttered things that she never Would have believed h« could, anil she had been led into as sections now keenly repugnant to her. (>h. he was s,, irritating su nia-: se were not nn.n tears, but tears from the depths of a desolate heart. Thus at last her married life had gone the wa\ of so man.v other manic.l |j\< . of which she had r.-ad and heard. ll' propheeios of cynical and;- ittercd uaintanc> s had come true that si.- would discover silo had loved the ideal and had married the nal. The dr»anis of her girlhood had been beaten to death. Well, as an end to the b i». I in. - wel come the separation. She would prove to hnn that site was not dependent upon him. ma in the slightest She would answ • r deli-moo w it h deliine-'. Worn out bv her turmoil of resent ment and urief. she sank asleep She awakened with a start, sitting up in bed. every nerve on the a!• -rt A thun derstorm was over thee.;; How long it had b en In progress she did not know, hut wind and rain combined were lashing ro -t and pany. The at mosphere was surcharged vvi;h elec tricity She wis ipiiv ering; a weight seemed to be upon her. As she endeavored to collect her scat tered s MIS. - her thoughts flow to the parlor win.'ovv She must and shut It, for the r. in was from that direction. Norman would not do it.and she would die rather than ask l.im. much as she shrank at the trip through the bris tling darkness. I (rawing on her fleecy house slipp TS, she threw about her the first wrap upon which she laid her hands- a raglan coat and desperately set forth. Not a movement in Norman's room. Surely lie was aw ike; he never slept through a thumb- torm. How cruel in him to stay still and permit her to make the journey she, such a coward! How silent the house was in the midst of sough of wind and rain and growl of thunder! Almost she was forced into speaking to Norman to as certain if roallv he was awake. Hut. no; siie never, never would acknowl edge a need for him. ■ • ' "*»>; ' /tgt-W-O - "|f 1 ; - | THE LIGHTNING SKKK IIKU i 111 llUll'.B l"i [i she felt for the jjortieres and passed through in order to reach the hall by the door from his room She had taken only one or two steps when, instant as a saber stroke, came u flare of lightning whii-li i'm- the frac tion of a second tipped everything with lire and was swallowed up i'.rief as it was, it gave to her da//.!-d • yes the glimpse of a man ja-t en her lift, mo tionless. arrested like herself. A burglar! A desperado! In Nor man's room; What had been happen lng there in the nightV Why was Nor man so still V And this. then. Was the subtle dread whieh had awakened lier an intuition of H tragedy Ah. could she but ha ', known! Could she but have las' o veni n-_ r !>.e k again! Could she hul havi the lust \ .ir again! How was s;i(i to i'vi without Mirmitn her knight. In husband, her Norman". What were ti >si peity different • be sidi the -omul of his tender voice ud the i lasp ui his st ~I," arm? Suddenly a wae oi wild wrath up rose in hi r like a cousum ni.' I'ame Luckily -I hUI lll *t i R:I •• I out I'l rhaps the in in i! io| n ib • nil 1 that she i d nel • •11 I i The iillie revolver wliieji \o': ..i'i 1 ! taught h* r to use wis in 1!.■• lop i! >A■ 1 r (i j' her ehifl on ief Sili tit 1 > s|,e bi-.Mii a pur posei'ul t, ir at, he. 1a • > tuiiei! toward her unseen enemy her ■ i- wary I* was ti" ret i.,; ol a t i that ks let a .ril.-i-- point lot a ftlrllllls le.ip. \ itiei l.ot s I*l* v as her «'tiil Although v hile I in 'i I'aiie had Inert listeitinsr, li-tenin.: to apprehend the I' ■;! st imlii a i ion of tin where a bouts of his \ lellotls nj piilie; t hi ll III! ileard iee I ii■ save the tinsh of the drops. Tlie sl|i*:i' e was liriuin jug with possihilities He must not open the (b or. for this would betray him. The Ii IKbt • overt d him like a velvet pall, and. shrouded in his red robe, he was as'invisible an was his antagonist Doubtless the other also wan listen inu peerintr, planning. Was he steal ing nearer and nearer until he might grapple, or was hi t • ui• 11i11_• prepared to shoot as soon as hi senses should guitlt him > ver so little'- \mid the storm a pistol shot would plead >ad no alarm. Page fancied thai lie could <1«-1 o<-t the gradual approach «>f his ruthless foe. 111 faculties won* concentrated until li seemed that his head must crack lioni tin* -tr s, 'l'he eifort was futile. <>li, )'< r a i i iin-c input himself upon jiu equal footing! uiilj gi\e him some tiling v\ • tti w liich t<> kill. kill, kill! His heavy can • was in the opposite corner. A fierce longing to clutch it possc-s"d him. lie started to withdraw ins tinkers from the krioh. Auotlc r lightning Hash s, ( brilliant and unexpected that it blinded him as with a while hot iron. t'rash the thunder peal close following and jar ring, echoing, fading away until sub merged by the pelting spears! "Norman!" Page's heart was jumping, and his i ears thumped painfully "Norman, is that you?" Helen's voice! Helen was alive, un j harmed! The shackles of fear that i bound him were shattered Instantly ! "Yes. pet; I'm coining." he answered. Recklessly bold, he strode resolutely in the direction of the dresser, hastily ■ swept his hands over the top, seized a i match and applied it to the gas. The j broad Jet leaped into life, and ciutch ing the smoldering match. Page stared with all his eyes at the spot win re he had descried the man. lie saw only the pale face of his wife above her raglan coat. "Oh. Nerman. I was so frightened! 1 got up to shut the window, and the "L'OOK SWKKTHKAKT!" lightning showed me y■■ i.and I thought it was a burglar until the next flash!" she wailed, reaching out her arms and whimp* rim: like a lonesome child. "Poor sweetheart!" he s ; ud, spring ing to In rand gathering her in his grasp to kiss In-r am! stroke her hair Her fof-head w;.s d imp and her cheeks were wet. A surge of compas sion. regret and self reproach welled in lils throat ( liiiic- r- >C IIHIMI Ui-rrhants. In China there i- a profession for ladies, strange because openly and handsomely remunerated In the cur rent coin of the realm. It is carried on by elderly ladies, who go from house to house of rich people, announc Ing their coming by beating a drum and offering their services to amuse the lady of the house. This offer ac cepted, they sit down and tell her the latest scandal and the newest stories ■Hid on ilits and are rewarded at tin rate of half a crown an hour, besides a handsome present should some portion of tin ir gossip have proved particular ly acceptable. London Tit-Itlt" 'llif Kln«l of Kiir Unit h llnre, The ear that I»arwln illustrates in his "Descent of Man" as being allied to the pointed type belonging to our sim ian relatives is not as uncommon as many ma.v imagine. It is my observa tion that this peculiarity of the fold in question is oftener to be observed in women, and in many of these cases the persistence of the wisdom teeth is also a characteristic. I have In mind two cases of this sort, one of a man, the other of a woman, both resi dents of one of our leading cities and among their social and Intellectual forces. The latter is a remarkable reversion to an earlier type in ear, in teeth, In length of arm, in painless childbirth, in flexibility of hand joints and In other marked characteristics. It ap pears to me that the ear, like the ver miform appendix, the suspension of the viscera, the position of the orifice of the bladder and the unprotected condition of certain main arteries. Is yet In a transitional state and not fully adapted to the newer human conditions imposed by the erect position and the artificialities of civilization. -Science. A Mortified Hllc. The liev. John Mathews, who was a pioneer Methodist preacher of Ala bama. has been remembered for his strict views and many peculiarities, ac cording to I.lppincott's. ills wife, who was more liberal in her ideas, was fond of dress and once sold n bureau and with the money bought a new hat. The following Sunday Brother Mathews, being disturbed at the beginning of his discourse by several of the congrega tion turning to see the late arrivals, said "Hrethren and sisters, don't bother to look around any more; I'll tell you who comes in" This he did, (•ailing each one by name, much to the mortification of the tardy members. His wife was among the last, and when she walked down the aisle he "Make way there for Sister .Mathews She is coming with a bureau on her head." It -II unusual to hear a Bedouin upon reaching a camp where water is offered him refuse it with the re mark "I drank only yesterday " <>n the F.edott H' long man lies across dry coil lit ri> s til s'/e ..f the w a lei skins is nicely tin r«« . 11 i > - it< >i* in qui re-; for h nil' i - <'l hei mem hers. if tin \ -re itini. ■ ..ii ihoir Corners 11 H in low ton. sorgo fu the siiiokint r.ioii: nr . if' \- ry few new in 'HiIMT- a"' adinittei to llif dub. liiit those \\ in. :i'V fortun I "in. to }^«-t in or tit so who bring ' tor- nr.' re | minded of this cnston i A physician who belongs to tin- dub explained tli" i son iii' i! "If ■* wrong under anv i ireumst ••>." he said, "to II v. K • i i a nia n w' o al -n I into a natural sleep. ll' do i'i know hut it Is tli.- ti'-t ii .e ! i.as been able to sleep for hour* or evi'B days? This plien'.niellou of sleep i~ a ver.x 1111 >1 i<-a I■' I one lliere are many grades nf >ieep. Hid tin > affect differ ent men in d.'i'erent ways. luvauis are the result of defective or partial sleep, ami their eomilloii o currenee in the lighter varieties of the state show- that the re-.t tsiken hy most per sons is not profound "i" continuous even while it lusts, "I»on't win know that -■ ..;. sof per sons )n New Y' a k Ink' a long trolley ride in the craning siniplj to produce a feeling of sleepiness? If a man looks straight ahead of him or reads a news paper his ride will do liini little good. He niight as well remain at home on his fr'int stoop. Hut if he looks about him, constantly shifting his gaze from one scene to another, lie gets into a state of rtrow-liiess v i, as i- brought about by . rtilic-ul means when it is called hypnotism. That Is why so many men fee! like dozing in the club after the\ come in from a ride or n drive in the park, ■ Sleep indued b\ overeating is nut natural That brought about by stimu lants is Hi- hi but blood poisoning mill st 11, i' ■!'. 11 n. ay b desirab':' a 'id even lien's arj a some i;si - to pro dii.e this -t'i| i Hut the state into which the brain - thro'., i - no| sleep. If natural -leep folio', It i- a "'ll tingeticy n«l • the ' t < 1 the - you a -tor> not •i• 1i■ er a nied; I 1 ••• ture | mils not m >ii nan . ■ hut in.-!'* old <■; : ii i , \. w \ ork will rem.-tuber t!. t: -oil;. -I : re u .-■> -1 i an ..vis, Ti:. prominent. 1..,; hin a ! and > cial v .y. in th" , !'• . >y A dteiidfn'l ! in;.,' n . • :it on in.soi! :iia I i on.d -Ma go lorn ei„'|t : o - v, • ■ ' !;i •; aft'-: .| • i!,•: ■v. ll- . 112 tl- - ■••so: • i"i I . n tog Ve W >\ I' V - s ' i I!-- usual na ms ot o i*j , ng th- di.ii «• n 11\. but lii 1 ■ -'I II •v as presi-rib ,J gerons to c 'liinue l! • ion .er. " I I|' !I I w- a' '•) : - ipe. taking H • 'Oil I p'*t en t Voting |'h\~ 'II of 111., ftc 'Piaiur.anee - «•••: ip.i - • Sp< eialtsts ahro ,ii ; -i v .'. n" and moun tain • limbih_. bt" ti •■;. il - overed that there i- no'hji _ to he lineil b> ill' cr. isin- t ; ;*U' ■ ' r bod\ when won of mind will not allow the re pus.. to wh h the Uiu'.s are entitled. The mail .ame home liltle the better for h;» tr p. 11.. i" tired from bushies*. His strength wasteil nwaj "I'inally by one of t!io-«' curious freaks ot nature « o..asionallv camrht him d'.vi'i:: : ' 11.■ «-hiS All who knew his misfortune sympathised with liiit W mov.-d i.h..ut is thongh in a siek ehamber until In- a\\"k< . lie seldom slept more than Iweniy min utes and told us that hi • e in did not realize where he was.in a fn n/.v he leaped from the window N w York Times. Consiipr-'t'on Does your head Pain hack of your e\v taste in your nv - .l - your liver! A, err liver pills. They c* " c k ,ons: pation, headach V. tut .* BUCKINGHAM'j DYE judge i ■'» will think the lire \ is of !neendiar\ origin'/ Witness i wouldn't like to say that, your hotio: To tell you th' truth 1 be lieve th' building was set on tire. Ohio State .loiirual I Abernethj declared il'.at tin best | time to eat w a«. f< r . > h man, when h?» could g( : appi '• am!, for a i>oor milll. WheJl he eoil'd ! food, Nasal CATARRH f --^,7 Klj'h Cream Halm the diseaft'il n. • J b V It < • ir< - • ,'l'arrli at: I .lt ••> M I .jinckly. t riMin Balm -; 1 Into the norti . i ov. r Hie metaliraiH- ti ! -» i. ■■ '. I »'* iefig i ni.'iliati' and n i ure 112" '■'■ ■ lii *t ilr} ! *■* I n«t produce mi"-/l.av- e,cents at l)rn j K i«t«»rhy ma I; Trial>l." . l icint-l>y mail. ' KLY UKOIUBHS, • • ir<. wV• U. J. J. BROWN. THE EVE A SPECIALTY !• se.« tested treated id ted will, . iss es "id arlinenii eyes supplied .Market St i eel. Illoi n -but,, I'a HOIII'n 1" a m to ip ni i'li I'.i.uHi :i I I I \. ; \ j ni *ic sight on I 'orbes Ptl'eet. s d th • ol erving young \voiil Mil I'l I • • ■ V I fo i ii..in i 1 . .nit .i you his n itional t.v ood on the corner surrounded IJJ a b _ | lie of lUUgaue He smiled to an approaching car. but I' • ■ passed right on. Motorman an l condin lor jiy -ibly obiected to the lo d of ft. :_dit No s.ionei had the .ar l»a-s>ed than the young man burst out crying, and the tears rolled down his cheek s It i m< d st range to 5,.,. a man act sn. It wa . HI i> of lliose stories which have no beginn ng and no ending It may l> • tit h I his dcsii nation. 1 onl\ know that h ■ v .as a stri'' ar i a tringe ' . i and that he t,. 11 1 . ■ '•' 1 that I : tot grown man in tears for no si!n;d I hi iv. I i Nothing lias ever equalled it. fi Nothing ran ever surpass it. 112 Or. King's I New Discovery Fo -C—, 0 A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. c Money bnck if it fails. Trial Bottles free. 03 errs m 22 ' S E 112 "i-j Si C CTZJ iO A K CIZ3 - lL > OO i CC W "r~ —< 5 i /O £ T 2? CC3 H < H—' W tL c zl CLJO 0 . 2 % c > r * CX=D ■■ % .S=s I=s H § c 0 ° K » 1 | PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ! TIME TABLE In Efleet May 24th, A. Al Si r:illr u: it.vil ; \ 9 ii I 12 4 -■ > i .its ii - ' t : I". J> 2in "> 02 A. M P. M P M Wilki -1.-irre,. I \ in .. !"• 1 no Plvui'th Krrr\ I 1" 42 I . >2 te "7 \ al.tifokC • l I ri IT Mi ana.iu i .... • il »: ' -ii i? Wapwaliopen.. II I 8 Hi # 47 N"'«. opcek ir 11 »; •! 42 7u» v M I'M PotlsriMc Iv ill V. ■ . i' in i icken •• • • 3 o."> •{ U» Pen (Hen 1 1H • I > K ek (I i«*ii ... .\t'sc«j)cck . ar • I- - .... , I :»\\ ISSJt ... 4 ♦ > VI i. M P. M PM \. pp. i. .. iv 1-1 »■ .i- •: K-pv K< rrv... •11 1 4 11 40 t4 02 7»• t. Blooiusburt ill 51) 4in 785 i :iv* i » 1\ S 6 i i 4: • 73 j - nth liativille ■ » '4 U I 431 7 .j Sunbury ar 3 . 1. 41 4 •">.» s I*. A.M. IV M. P. M |'.M. | Snnbury Iv 'J 4-: JU IH !r> 18 •. 4, Lewlsburg.... :ir in 13 1 4". ■ ► 4- s Al jlton •• l» os 139 541 lii «i u ,ii ,1,1-j. ri •• Il IXI 111 I. 11l IK 1.-.k M .veil.. " II ■ - 'J) 7 17 |; in. • \ M "0 - »» Kim. * _ I'. M. I*. M. I.'fll II;iv II„I\ I- I" •I ' li. Il< tonte ... at I 'l' I 1 - rone " 'i. 1; on .... I'hilipsi.iirs •• 1 •-• ?- "V 11 :1 rti> ..1.... " 6 J-■ ;s 4 > rutximru I. ... 10 I A.M. P. M P.M.iPM Sunbury 1\ 60 i 1 : I" -31 llarrixburg ar II 80 $3 15 (i I ■< JO 10 I*. M. I", ftl. P. M. \ M lli : : Iplphla.. .ir t3 17 «23 10 211 4 2-'. Baltimore i4 .s 311 0 i'o '.l 4*. 230 Washington... " ii 1 i" , 7 lb .0 55 1 05 _ A. M P. M. •sunbury Iv iin i« 1i 2 I 1,. «:*t.'Wii .Ip. ar II 1 1 I o.'i Pittsburg " •' A.M. P, M P. M. p \I llurrisl.urir Ii 1 1 45 >inll 7l > iuj P. M. A M. A. M. \ M Httsburg ar «i.">■"• i 16" I .10 r» J*. Al.! P M A M A .M Pitt:-bur# Iv 71 11 yOO 00 .... IA.IA. M A M P M llartk-liurg.... ar 200 4" 1 !• :m, 3in A M A M I'lttPliUXK iv * " uewistuwn t)v\ " " ••• Sunhury ar y • « r,n • ••• i P. M. A M'A > )' Washington... 1\ 1" 4u " < ' ' Kitltlttlore • 11 (In 4 It' 4H Hl' ... Philadelphia... •• 11 'J" 4 S * 10 :l 10 ! A. M AMA. M. p M llarriHhurg h 3 :• 7 11 I Sunhury in .0" ' ,1> •' 1 ! P.M. \ M \ M Pittsburg I\ ;12 4i ■ | i l. artit'Ul " ; 1 - - ■ PbillpHburg.. •• IHi iO ii I yrinii" " 7ii s l'i 1 I lit Ili-foiilf.. " s II I ' ' 1.0.-l, llav. it ai !l 1 10 - 10r.... | p. M. A M!A mr mI —! Krie Iv ■ Kane " 845 i'oi ' ... Kenovo " II 50 . 6 4-n 10 DO I 1,~-k II iven ' IJ > 7 II 3in A.M P M I Willlamsport.. "I 229 830 -12 in 4 mi' I Milton 2XI :i l< I 44n '*... 1.. \\. -' » urn .... " »I) ' I 1 ' 4IJ Suiiliury hi S'J4 4» li. 1 t.' 51. ... I A. M. AMP M P Mi" Stmlmr) Iv ;I. I. | y '.ri on 6 -■"> l I>. uth I Hkliville " 7 II iU 17 'JI ■ >0 I i Viiii W •• 7 :;_'j in 2 a. « ii.m h Kl--.itiifl.iiru.. •• 7 7 10 43 4 : 6 I •'[*]' i i !>y Ferry 7 42 fio 47 112 ® IWt .... I <'ri'Hsy 7 •*»- I'' 5t5 'J » . .'tti Xi'x.'J|n.,'k 44 802 U Ofij ;0 - 640 ' j A AI A Al lp. M. P M I :ila«bsi l\ 7 i'.' 11l I* - •• j Ne-.opcpk Iv S 5 > If. 7 or. K.«-k illcti .. a r .... II 22 7:> .... | I Fern Olen " B>l li - s 5 .'Ri 734 . romblclcen ..." s SB li T4J i n, ./!.-i..n •• 'a I'.i li sOS . ■ ■ AM AMP M P M I Negcopeck Iv ? 8 02 U o& \ 305 ? • »o • ••• I n|iwnllnpeti..ar h I'. II 2n .1 20 0 \ Mi i anai|ii:i ....•• •< ;l 11 32 111 7in •• • ] iv.i iii • t. .. ii 54 : m 7 r.i P A 1 I ■ 'in th Kerry lno i-l > 2 : •• li> i W l«.l .Iff t* I" 1-1" 4".. 7 A Al P Alp M P M l' • i in; liA-ll) ar v u 12 i i 4v, nl •••• •' 1U ll* I -I ■il : -'W W'tkilnvH. Italy I Klag station. Pullman Pari"! a I Sleeping ' ar" run "ti i hi--null trains Im'lwppii 'airy, w 111 i n 111 -j■■ ■r t ami Erie, between Sunbory ai, ! cblladelphla , .iii Waibington and between Hurlibk.*; Pitts : I uru ami the West. I i lurtlii r lnl..riiiHtinn ii i-ply to Tii ket Auent- W Nil F.HIH KV I K. Wool', <■' nl Munaui I Pax- |'rriitli<' Myi ; .. 1 i \\ 11 I\ 11 i.ii I'.i - iii \ -nl r Al\ . . A « b . J AY. Ihe \\ I > i i :i(i:i i » ' tl If ll is •widen led to la n. d •'.> j- sent ! to tin eve who ha- the privl ; lege Of ' re, ling •• . iM wherever jhe plea- - - aI! a' -1 •th nevt ■ morning he ! h - voik. Aceotii panted by s who guard ; the Cilia! ' tied i>. I carfV intlterilll , for the seaf -id h to some prouil i in nt j>l >.. in ;. • ij t o! i - . ,;e dwelling find ih- .- jeo.-i ds to ei. ■t a si aftold A few lei 111 • • r tie owner of the large ilv.. il -- n. -s out and implores i him togo s mi '-> IM re els" "1 don't v. :t to I v. a man hanged in fro- .112 njj ioi ■" he explains. "All • lit -ays ils hangman. "I'm j willing i : ' '■! ". hoi" prov ded yon : paj n • or mi net' l ( > in coming here i and ' he time which I have spent l lion th.- - in which he nanii s is ' pretty ' rge, tli" owner of the large ' ''v 'Hit i ays it without a word, !w. !'• ir n tin' h 'iguian goes to an other h a* dwell where JI -indlar scene i • n.acti d In tl w i . s. eral hours are spent by the i \eeiii oner In extorting money from .all tie I li -1 ites in the neighbor hood When l-i- pni'-e is at last well tilled In erects t! • tToid in some dark wood, and eon the unfortunate man. win has h n tramping after him all day. is at r -t N w York Herald. I'll i I i i!■ d Pennsylvania to have been found) -I by "Lord I'enn." The couin-il di- a-o\ .] such a high sound: g till" "n 1 directed the author timl print"!' (\S!liiani liradford) to •forthwith and •a t • -i-s; ial Iv blott out ye words 'l.ord I'enn.'" Tiiis laid the ef fect of 1 111 ill g the vh'-le edition illld the .abolition of tin- obnoxious words. I'll ro win fx c lii:p«*r :il ;. WctliliisK. The throwing of the slipper after the bride comes apnar' < ! . from barbarous tim s, when i!n» rei.ii ens of man and wife were \ ch akin to those of M •!' ai■ I . 1..r It -i rin.-i tliiit t lit' sill. • ..;<»lll of atithor it jr. :mil t itii A:: j , \ • «ri i ,-irri ••• a shoe \\:is 'jiven y tin fall •r to her hus! nul in t• , of ti:uisfi';-..nre of ji'iv.-.-r i> .-r 1 il;- l: mm tisii;illy indii-.i: int.- lii- :i|i;i|i>i .11 j -:i of that fait l»y ia|>|iiiiL. r his nr.... w i.L'inly mi the hcail wiili it llilll (lllllrssnl. Magistrate llow iln you know this Gorman fioiitl.'inaii Ins bt-on uniliy of passing tlio spurious ten oont pieoen? I»otoi tiv.' ' as!;.-. 1 liim if lie over o:un«' i'T" - ; I.;! i i lOii.-y. anil he ill "siinie ili:i' - ' .lilt! ASSIGNEES SALE OF VAU'ABLE REAL ESTATE ! Pursuant to tn oklit of tlio Court of ''llllllllllll Pleas of Moutoar County, the undersigned, as-ipnoe for the ti.-n --etit of creditors of -Tames Martin, will expo-' to [lultlie -tli. on the premises No. :»2S Kasi Market stre» t, on Saturday Dceemher 12, 1903 at ten 'uclock A. M , ot said day, the following fle.i'rih.d leal estate: Tract No 1 All that certain town hit ot hind -ltuuti 111 tlie Fourth Ward of the borough ot Danville, county of Montour,st ite of Pennsylvania,hound ed and f!e- rihed as follows: Situate on the Western sitle of Railroad street coiiiiiii tiring at a listance of three hundnd and forty feet Northwardly from "(V siriet. thence extending along Railroad street Northwardly al.out forty two let t to line of laml formerly ot Dr. William il Magill now or forini rlv of Jacob S]ierriug, thence along line of Miid Speiring West wardly U'»4 1 feet to an alley, thence along said alley Southwardly about 104 feet to line of land former ly of Edward H. Haldy, tl. nee along said Baldy's land at right angle- with said alley and jiaralell with "C" street 1 .">0 feet to the plac. (it In ginning on Uailroad st I.t. Tract No. All that certain town lot of laud situ ite in the Fourth Ward of the borough, county and state afore said, hounded and described ;i- fol lows: Commencing on the Northwest sitle or corner ol Spring street and an alloy at the distance of feet East ward l.v t roii) "C" street, thence Ea.-t --wardly along Spring street North T9 . degrees East feet to anoile r al ley, thence along <:ii«l other alley North lis 1 . degrees East (U» feet to line of land now or formerly of William 11. Magill, toeiice aloiifi line of said land Noith JlO degrees West ahoul 111 feet to another alley, thence along the litift of slid oiler alley Wcstwardly ahout li fiet to the lirst mentioned al ley, tlienee along the >;iid first lltell tioued alle.v South 10' . degrees East 1.10 foot to the pi a eot beginning at the oornei' of -aid alley and Spring -tie t. Tract No '■'< All that certain one half put ol i town lot nl land situ it in the First Wa d of s:iiii borough, co inty and state, bounded and de scribed a- follows: Heginning at ii dis tunco of:!<' feet West of Elm street at tin- corner of Marki t and Elm streets, thence along other lauds ot grantor South :W'- a degree- Wist 27 feet,thence North .17 . tlegrei - West 4.-1 feet, thence South 11'.. dognWest s I, < teet to the land of Mahoning Holling Mill Company, tbeiieo along -aiu. North 14degree- West I s foot to other land of Mahoning Uolliuu Mill ('ompiiiiy, thence North II , depict - East 104.5 feet t" Market street,tlieuce aloiii; Market stieel ii . . - I. i-t 20 feet to the plaee ot beginning ; whereon i- erected a TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLINCf with large and coniinodius store room fronting on l!:i-t Market street The same being nuniber. d .12 s Ka-t Market -t ret shall he raid at the striking down of the i speeiive proiH>rtii>s The balance thereol upon confirm it ion ot -aid -ah m• to public sale upon tin i'i-tier! ivi | : mi-en si t ur»t - cd in tin I'llii Beginning at a point on I). L. & W. Avenue fifty-three feet and nine inches West from a certain sixteen foot alley leading from Mul berry street to the 1). L. & \V. R. R. Paist nger Station, thence extending West thirty four feet three inches to lot formerly ol 1. W. Salmon now owned by Andrew Cromo,thence North along saioper cent shall be paid one year from tho dato of the confirmation of sale, to lie secured by bond and mortgage on the premises with interest from that date. Posses- | sion to be given April 1, l'.'ol. All writing to be paid for by the pur- ; chaser. C \ROiJXi: RIECK, Kxecutrix «it Friedericka P. Kieck, j deceased. WM. J. KAI.DY, Atty. 1 J : \ K.< I Tlllfs Mli l< I . Kstat eof Ja mi s L. Kii hi, late ol the) Korongb of Hanville, Montour 1 County, deceased. Notice 1 hereby given that letters |i st nut ntary on the i slate of James 1.. Kii hi, late ot the Koiough of Dan ville, Conntv nt' Montour anil State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the undeisigned to whom ill ]u 1 sons indebted to said estate are ' requested to make payment and those [ laving claims or demands will make 1 known the same without delay. GEORGE M. GEAKHART, I'Aoeutor of the last will of James L Kielil, deceased, Danville, Penn'a. ir to his \ttv. WM J BALDY. | OII'OK'S ,\OTI« I-. In re estate of Charlotte Caldwell, late dt Anthony township Mon tour county, Pa . dee d The undersigned, appointed Auditor ; by the Court to distribute the balance in the hands of the adminstrator to ind among the parties legally entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of -appointment .it his law ofiice, No. 10, Mill Street,in the Borough of Dan vtlle, Penua., on Friday, December istb. 1 . at ten o'clock in the tore 110011 of said day, where and when all pi ! sons ha\ ing claims against the -aid \ bet dent are required to present and prove the same, or be debarred from , uiv share 01 portion ot the said fund. | U S. \MMERMAN. Auditor, j | ACKAWANNA RAILROAD. ! U BLOOMSBURG DIVISION I W KMT. A. M. A M. A. M. I'. M Nt « VorK .. Iv .... 10UO ... I' M , Hcriintmi sir »> 17 1 5U I*. M. lanr e.» Is 11 HO 245 M. •scranton ..... i\ >3 1U0& .... Scranton. Iv 1010 156 old A. M. A.M. P. M. 112. M Scranton iv n> «:> 'ioio Hsfi •# if Kellevue b 3H Taylor. «« in 17 i iu l.arkawamm MH 10 24 tlO ft it! liuryea . ... i> i , J0 2h 118 bSt ; Pitts ton 657 1088 217 (1 31' s-iiK<|t!ehaniia A ve.. 7on lli H7 219 6 3'* j West FltUton 7113 1041 238 Bit i Wyoming 7uts Ir'l 227 ««( Korty Fort 281 .... Dennett 715 1052 284 61; Kingston ai 721 10 56 240 65* VVilkes-Hnrre ar 710 1110 2.50 7 111 \\ likes llarre iv 7ln Hi 40 230 641 Kingston 1\ 721 10 ib 24U 66H i Plymouth June , Plymouth 7.(0 1105 24H 7Ui A VOIHIHIc 7 .15 254 .... I Nantlcoke 73W 11 18 25K 714 ! HIIII lock K 7 4*i II l!l 3(H) 721 -liieksluiiuj 755 ll.il 820 73J ! Hicks Kerry 807 111 48 830 n4 J i Beach Haven 818 II 48 387 7 258 687 B<-fch Haven 75* fll 12 303 64M II irks herry 807 fll 17 309 644 Bblckshlnny 817 11 81 320 fesi Hun look's 827 331 f7'l# Nanticoke -34 11 44 338 714 Avondale 8 37 t4 Plymouth Ml 1152 347 7to Plymouth June..,.. . 817 852 .. . Kingston ar 8 .'ij 1159 400 Wilkes-Barre ar 910 12 14 410 7 Wilkes Harre Iv «40 11 40 850 7 Kingston iv 856 11 59 400 7 Bennett .. !i:ili 403 7 Forty Fort flint' .. . 407 Wyoming 905 12 08 412 748 West PittHton 910 417 7 511 Siisijuehanna Ave 913 12 14 420 75f Pittston 919 12 17 424 806 Duryea 923 429 801 Lackawanna 926 432 817 Taylor 9 32 4«) 8 It 1 Believue .9 87 ... 445 .... Hcranton .. .ar 942 12 35 450 826 A M. P.M. A M i Scranton Iv 10.10 12.40 .... 1 51' P. M. New } ork ar 835 s(>' .... 6 P. M i scranton Iv 155 .... 1111 A. M j Buffalo ar .... 755 ♦liaily, 112 Daily except Sunday. I fStops on signal or 011 notice to conduct'' • ! T. E. CLAKKK T. W. LEE, lifii. Suiieri ndent. Uen. Pass. Shoes Shoes StylisH I Oiieap ! ZESeliaole l Bicycle, Gymnasium and Tennis Shoes. THE CELEBRATED Carlisle Shoes AND THE Snag Proof |{libber Roots A SPECIALTY. A.. SCHATZ, MM NEW I A. Reliable TO SHOP Tor all kind of Tin Roofing, Spoutlne and Ceneral Job Work. Stoves, Heaters, Range*, Furnaces, etc- PRICES THE LOU EST! QIILITY Till; BEST! JOHN HIXSOiV NO. 116 E. FRONT ST. PEGG The Coal Dealer SELLS WOOD —AND - COAL —AT -344 Ferry Street