M HTTOUR AMERICAN FRANK C. ANGLE. Proprietor. Danville. Pa., sept If Delaware County FOR AFIHTOR tiKNBRAr.. H>>n W I' Snyder of dieter FOK SFFKRIOR <>»FRT .IFIKJKS, H..n Thorn »- A Morrison of M. K. itn Hon J .1 Henderson of Crawford Hi HUM Mill nil FOR SIIKRIFF tJeorge R S*vliler. POK RKLJISTKR and KHXWDRK F* »K ITJRY OOWMBKMRR Curtis Cook THKV WANT RIHKE\*ELI Republicans Rallying Roun< the President's Banner. KEYSTONE STATE IS POREMOSI Clubmen «112 Pennsylvania Regard thi State Canvass This Pall As th< Shlrrrlsh of Next Year's Presiden tial Battle. (Special Correspondence] Harrisburc, Sept 1 As IVnnsylva DU was foremost for McKlnley. wher tfc«- movement for hln nomination foi tte presidency wa* inaugurated, so th< Keystone state in ilrst in the election of delegates to Insure the nomlnatior of Roosevelt to sue- eed himself in th» White House. Luzerne county, of this state, lias thf cri-iiit of electing the tirst delegate) chosen to the next Republican natlona convention, and they are both pledgee to K. os,-v.-it. Herks came next urn did likewise. This is in a-cord with the action oi the last two state conventions of thf Republl. an party, and the declared pur pos« of the party leaders to haver solid delegation in the next naiiona convention, not only to vote for the nomination of Roosevelt, but to co-op erate with the friends of his admlnis nation in all matters deemed desira blb« to insure success In the coming national campaign. Pennsylvania being distinctively 112 BHMMH stat-. it is important thai the victory of the Republican party lr the canvas* this fall shall be pronounc ed and decisive. The party manager.' feel that the returns from Pennsylva nia ahiiuld demonstrate that the peo ple of the country are back of the pres ident. are in accord with his adminis tration and demand his election for an other term. They, therefore, propose to roll up a rousing majority for the entire Republican ticket in November next. NOT AN OFF YEAR. While some contend that this is what is known as an "off year," and thai the election returns can have no sig nificance outside of the state, the in fluential leaders hold that if Pennsyl vania shall not make a Rood showing for the Republl< an candidates this fall the political opponents of the national administration will be given an oppor tunity to argue that the voters are not favorable to a continuance of Repub lican direction of the government, or that the people are not in sympathy with the attitude of the Republican or ganization of this state in its unquali fied indorsement of Roosevelt to suc ceed himself While the Democrats are studiously avoiding a discussion nf national Is sues, the Republicans will not hesitate to tou' h upon such matters whenever the o< anion shall be presented durinu the con.ins canvass. The aggressive young Republicans who i'institute the Republican State league of Pennsylvania have arranged to meet in Wilkesbarre on the 2i!d, 2:id aud 24th of this month, and they have already announced that they Intend to pt&<« their organization emphatically on re«oid in favor of the nomination of Roosevelt. TO SOf'ND KEYNOTES. The keynotes of the campaign in this state will be sounded at this gather ing aid the banner of stalwart Repub licanism be unfurled triumphantly tor a vigorous and determined canvass for the state ti< ket The Republican < lubmen will from that time press their work of recruit ing for the coming national campaign, and they will properly regard the c< n test this fall aii the skirmish of the great battle for the presidency next year The Republican leaders in Pennsyl vania rely upon the popularity of Roonevelt among the great mass of the people, especially the voters In the great industrial and mining regions, to aid the Republican cause in the com ing campaign. Frequently the Democrats have been strong in these sections, but the fact tfcat the present national administra tion has from the outset demonstrated Its earnest and sincere interest in the cause <*t the wage earners has greatly strengthened the Republican party. The Democrats an no longer claim that they have the "labor vote" with them In any of the counties of the stall ID which they once held forth It Is in these counties that greatest gain* are expected at the coming elec tion. and there is reason to believe that the returns will bear out the pre dictions of the party bailers While the Democrat;- of Ohio a few days ago, through their t fate mnren tlon. saw fit to reaffirm the Rryanlt* platforms lioth of Chicago and Kansas City the Republicans of Pennsylvania proudly proclaim that they stand loy ally by the principles of the party u t Roosevelt, and they are ready to fcav« the returns of the coming elec tion Slie ik fol themselves u■ |> !«• I«» t» «• of ll«*r Aunt. "Mamma," said little Marguerite wbw the family and the visitors from the country had sat down to breakfast, "Is it true that people who snore have had cunacteiweH? I i•ad In one of my books that they dm" M 1 don't know, dear Perhaps they hare What makes y>u ask Mich a fun ny question?" "I was Just thinking, If It's true, Aunt BUSHD must at least have kilbd Somebody once." « hlcago Record Her aid Pennsylvania Republicans to Make An Aggressive Canvass. PRELIMINARY WORK IS DONE Party Organization, Which Is the Greatest In the Country, Is Pre paring to Roll Up An Immense Majority. | Special Correspondence. ] Philadelphia. Sept 1 With the be ginning of thin week the Republican campaign In Pennsylvania ran fairly he said to In' already under way While the formal opening of the stale com inill « > 's headquarters iti this •'ity will not take place for a few days, there han h« en a vast amount of preliminary work done since the candidates were pla< cd in thi' Held. The > hairmen of the several county committees are in a |M>sition to get down to practical campaigning at once Senator lioies Penrose, who suc ceeded Senator Quay as chairman of th- lb puhlii-an state committee. Is ex pected home front the wilds of Mritish Columbia in a few days, and Colonel Wesley It Andrews, secretary of the state committee for many years, will he here on Monday next. Colonel An drews has hcen at work practically all summer, with temporary headquarters in Meadville. where he has had a corps of clerks, stenographers and typewrit ers engaged on correspondence cov ering every county, horough and vot ing precinct in the commonwealth. Poll hooks have hi n distributed, lists of county committees and vigilantes throughout tho state have been com plied, and i verythlng has been gotten into shape to begin operations at the headquarters here without delay. A OHEAT ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Republican party In Pennsylvania is a marvelous institution There is nothing like it in the conn try No political organization in tho world it is believed, can compare with it. It has a wonderful system and it is always in touch with the voters. Tho name and address of every voter in the commonwealth, with precise Infor mation regarding his politics and en vironment, can be found at the head quarters of the Republican state com mittee and at the outset of each cam paign these lists are revised and brought up to date for use both prior to and at the election. Like the successful newspaper ad vertisers, the managers of the Re publican organization of Pennsylvania attribute their success to "keeping everlastingly at it." They do not let their interest in the county organizations lag after a cam paign has been fought, but they goto work at once to prepare for the next contest. The rank and file of the party workers appreciate this, and they join heartily in the efforts to have their respective county organi zations constantly in touch with their voters and ready at all times to re spond to requests from the chairman of the state committee for informa tion desired for the welfare of the party. | Republicans in other sections of the Union have come to look upon Penn i sylvania as the best organized state ' in the country. The fact that the Republican ma jorities are invariably greater than thoso given in any other state can he trace«d to the system which keeps the county organizations in constant and direct touch with the state committee. It Is proposed in the present eam f paign that there shall be nothing left undone to make the result of the elec- I tlon in November eminently satisfac tory to the party leaders, both in the state and the nation. Republican committeemen through out the state have been at work look j ins up Republican voters and getting J them registered so as to qualify them to vote at the election, which falls this year on November 3. After getting their voters registered, the Republican workers will see to it that they are qualified to vote. Saturday, October 3, will be the last day for the payment of taxes to qual ify voters for the November election. In the vast amount of literature which has already been sent out by Secre tary Andrews, tho importance of regis tering and having the voters pay their taxes has been duly impressed upon tho committeemen. WILL UK AGGRESSIVE CAMPAIGN. The plans for the state campaign have not been fully determined upon, but It la known that the canvass, while it will be a short one, will be made upon the most aggressive lines and that a determined effort will be made to poll a large Republican vote in every county in the state. Meetings will bo held whenever requested by the chairmen of the county commit tees, and every assistance will be given by the Republican state com mittee to the local organizations to rouse enthusiasm among the voters and in other ways to insure the best possible results for the ticket. The candidates named in the Re publican state convention are all men DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news paper; Is sure to know of the wonderful jL i, cures made by Dr. 7 » Kilmer's Swamp-Root, 8 p I '' le kidney, liver L r* J [* an d bladder remedy. " H(/ \ / 112 it is the great medi » cat triumph of the nine ivl \ j " teenth century; dis 'g .- 1 covered after years oi I'IU '' scientific research by 'J |F~~* fi E)r. Kilmer, the erni fl. nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou hies and ft right's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmrr's Swamp-Woof Is not rec ommendrdiirevrythingbut if you havekid ney. liver or bladder trouble It will be found just the remedy you need. 11 has been tested In so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in evry case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it. may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous off'-r in this paper and 112 V"" srnd your add.- to rr. Kilmer ( .., fling hamton, N. Y. The ~ regular fifty cent and rtomenf Swamp-Knot, dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. 1 tout make no mistake, but remcm bertiie name. Kwatip-Koot. Dr Kil iner'* Swamp Root, and the address liiiighHiiitoii, N.Y , onevcry bottle of unimpeachable character. The] have ull been before the people, am their records are above reproach. Tin nominees lor the superior court. Judge John J Henderson, of Crawford coun ty, and Judge Thomas A Morrison, o MoKenn county, have both served 01 the hench, and each has won an en viable reputation unions the member: of the bar and the judiciary of th< commonwealth. Senator William P. Snyder, of Ches for county, the nominee for audito ; neral, and William L. Mathuea, 01 Delaware county, the candidate fo state treasurer, are both aKgresstvi and sturdy representatives of thn »t»l wart Republicanism of Pennsylvania and they have merited by their publii services and their devotion to the In terests of the people the honors con ferred upon them by their party. The; have been In the searchlight of publli opinion for years, and not a single dis honorable or discreditable act can b< traced to either of them. In the communities In which the; are best known it Is predicted the; will each be given unprecedented ma Jorities at the coining election. How's This. We otter One Hundred Dollars Reward o any case of < 'atarrh t ti:i t can in it be cu red I>3 Hall's 1 'atarrh t'tire. We tin- undersigned, have known K. J Cheney 112» »r I lie la si 1> years, and believe hln perfectly honorable in a|| business Iransac lons and fi 11 an dally able to carry out ail] obllgal lons made by I heir firm. West it Tui'ax. Wholesale lirugglsts,Toledo t). Wai.immj, l\ innan .V Makvin, Wholesali Druggist s, Toledo, < )hlo. Hall'st'atarrh Cure Is taken Internally act lug direct ly upon the blood and inucou: surfaces of the system Testimonials sen free. Price T.'m' per bottle. Sold by alI drug gists. Hall's family I'llls are the best. Officers and Oonimittess. At the regular September meeting of the Directors of the Young Meii'i Christian Association held Tuesday evening all the old ollieers were re elected to serve for the ensuing veai a> follows: President, Howard H. Scliultz; Vice President, S. A. Me Coy ; Treasurer, W V. Oglcshy ; Sec retary, Beverly Mussclman. Presi dent Scliultz lihs appointed Mic follow ing committees for the year: Finance Committee- 11 li. Scliultz S. A. McCoy, Samuel Werk lieiser Amos Vastine.W. V. Oglcshy, Beverh Musselmaii. O. R. Schilling. Executive Committee. W. H. Am merman,JesseJShannon, J. W. Swarts, .James Poster, David Reese. Lectin e Committee.— Alex. (Irone, Dr. ,1. K. Rohbins, \V. V. ''ghshy. Membership Committee. Waltei liovett, Heverly MusM'lman, (foorgi Stillwell. (icoige llunlock, Walkil Kvans, Prank A. P.rown, W. L. Mc Coy. Walter Tiunihower, Thomas W. Mills, Pert McClure, P (». Stdioch. Reception Committee Howard Pat ton, C. P. Deri, Hay llcrrington, ,lo< Divel, Carlton Mellenrv, Charier Hartt, Edwin Moore, liobcit Jacob-, Kdward S. Maloy. Invitation ('ommittee. Frank Ele ling, Thomas Ree-e, Thomas J Kvans, Charles Hartt. Devotional Committee. - Beverly Miis-elmaii, Dr. .1. K. Rohliin , (J. V. A iiiinci man. (ivmii i iuio Commit W. K. (josh. W. L. McCiere, \\ .1 Rogers, W. V. Oglesby, Prof. 11. 1., (iorily. Music t 'ommil lee. .!• -»e Shannon, Walter Rll -- • • 11, Thos. .1 F\ ms, W. (J. Maiers, niuTabine lets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure P. \V. Groves V signature is on each box. A Snrpriee Party. Mr. and Mrs. Mont Knorr were pleasantly surprised by a number ol friends at their home on Upper Mul berry street, Tuesday evening. The occasion was a " house warming," Mr. and Mrs. Knorr having just recently gone to housekeeping. Those present were: Mt. and Mrs. .J. Knorr, Mrs. D. Snyder, Mr. and Mis John Sny der, Mrs. Hell'ord, Mi's. Rucher, Mrs. Dimmick and Mrs. WiM.-mith of Riv erside; Mis. llrosius, Mr. and Mrs. John Vastine, Mt. and Mrs. John Lormer, Mrs. Joseph Snydei, Mr. and Mrs. David Haring, Mrs. William Roniboy, Mrs. IJ. Van Gilder and son Rov, Mrs. Hums, Mrs. Philip Foust, Mrs. George Rowe, Missos Cornelia Prout, Hannah Front, Jennie Knorr, Anna Woodside, Reulali Mills, Goldie Johnson. Lizzie J'uclier, Mae Foust, Mattie Snyder, Bertha Jones, Minnie Rowe, Ethel Haring, Nellie Burns, Bertha Wolverton, Claire .Tones, Messrs. Frank Montague, Hat ry Camp. Clyde Snyder, Ralph Rowe, Leon Moyer, P. J. Deeiier, Fred Lewis, E ugene Snyiler,Raymond Johns, William Robinson, Ben Diseroad, Frank Sny dor and Clinton Willef. Sunday School Workers. The thirty-ninth annual convention of the Pennsylvaia Sabbath School Association will he held in the Elm Park Church, Seranton, from Oct. 1;i to lath inclusive. This is the lirst time that the covcntion has ever been held ill Seranton. It is expected that :s()0 delegates will lie present. Hon. John Wanamakcr, of Philadel phia, and other prominent Sunday school workers of Pennsylvania and neighboring states will he present. Mr. Wanamakcr, who is president of the association, will preside at several meetings. Ashland Wants Purer Water. The borough authorities ol Ashland have decided to employ A. R Cochran and Sou, practical engineers and wat er system experts,and have them make a thorough study of Ashland's water system. Ashland people believe that the drainage from Frackville has been very injurious to their water, atid if 1- their intention to have the engineer ing (inil take up the question of what can best he done to insure a pure wat or supply and then submit a ropoit to t 'onlieil eovi ring plans, cost and all cssoutial.s to tie work that may be ro ll I P A N S Ta!»ules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind j The cent packet is enough for usual occasions The family bottle din cents) contains a supply lot a veai All drug gists sell them. THE PRESIDENT IN DANGER OYSTKIt HAV, N. V.. Sept. 2. What flic secret service nun charac terize :m attempt oil the life of Presi dent Roosevelt was made last night 115- Ktank Weilhronncr, of Syossct, 1, I , a small | Luce seven miles from Oyster Hay, the President's summer home. The secret service man who is detail ed to guard the front ot the house was standing in the roadway about Hi o'clock last night when an unknown man drove up in a carriage. lie was held up one hundred feet from the house and announced that he had an engagement to meet the President. He gave Ins name as Frank Weilhronncr and stated that the President had tele graphed tor him to come to Sagamore Hill at once. The guard examined his list and found no such name on it. He told Weilhronncr this and ordered hill! to drivt on. The latter objected hut finally lett after lie had been threatened with arrest. He returned halt an lioni later and again insisted that the President was very anxious to see hi 111 on a matter of important busi ness. He was again refused entrance to Sagamore Hill and again departed apparently much chagrined at his fail ure to see the chief executive. At a few minutes after II o'clock Woilhronner drove up in front of the house for the third time. He said that it was absolutely necessary that he should see th • President tonight, and started to get out of the rig, when the guard at the front of the house grab bed him and called for help. The secret service in the rear of the house hurried to his aid and the two togeth er forced the man hack into the rig. Weilhronncr did not get excited, hut made several remarks in a queer way which increased the suspicion of tin guards, and they ordered him to get out of the carriage. He did so and the guards found a J!",' calibre revolver with all the chamber.l - 011 the carriage seat He had heen concealing it and had dropped it as hi' got out of the rig. The man was seized then and hurried to the stable in the rear of the house He was sill leu and refused to say anything except that the President had telegraphed for him. No other weapons were found on him. The coaehman and tlie Presi dent's hostlers were awakened and slood guard over the man w Ith re volvers, while the secret service men took a look around the house. 1 They discovered men's trucks in tie ' mud along tin' driveway where tie carriage had stopped a id concluded at i once that Weilhronncr had at least two other with him in hi- attempt t< " get at the President. At IO:l."i o'elock this morning Weil s broniier \\ is arraigned bt foie .In-net • ( 112 ranklin here and during bis stas 11 1 the court loom, ii became clearly evident that hi' 1- cr.r/v. lie wa • brought up from tie' In lie basement ! cell, in which lie bad been cnnlinoil P and was guarded by Constable Me and several secret service met while the cross examination proceed ed. lie i- a stockilv built, dark com » plexioued German, with a three days growth of beard on his cheeks and 112 ■ close croppetl moustache. He kept lii• • hands folded acto- his vc : -t ami hi: eyes upon the ground while lie ans wered the questions tired at him in : low monotone. The town authorities will have Wei! )' hrouner examined by 1 physician tin s afternoon. Dr. Pallor, a local prac titionor, will probably be the experi employed. Weilbionner's brother Wil liam was present at the hearing, am 0 said that when Henry left the lioust ' last night lie gave the family no in timation of his purpose, lie owned ;i l ' pearl handled live-chamber H'.'-ealihn • revolver, William said, hut had never y attempted to injure any one with it ' On one occasion, several years ago Ins brother, Henry, had been sick am ever since had heen erratic, hut nol enough to cause his family apprehen ' sions and it had not even been deemec • necessary to place a watch over bin 1 or confine him in any institution ' Weilhronncr is the son of a snial J truck farmer, who lives at Syosset. 1 ' Nasal Oatarrh quickly yields to treat 1 uient by Ely's Cream Halm, which i ■ Aaagreeable aromatic. It, is received • through the nostrils, cleanses and heal • the whole surface over which it diffuse.* 3 itself. A remedy for Nasal Catarrl > which is drying or exciting to the dis > eased membrane should not be used. ■ Cream Halm is recognized as a specific. 1 Price 50 cents at druggists or by mail a cold in the head immediately dis -1 appears when Cream Palm is used lily Profilers, Mi Warren Street, New York. Y. M. (J. A. Membership Tickets. It may not he known by many young ' men that a membership ticket in our 1 local V. M. <'. A. wiII he acknovv(edg ed by city, town and college associa tions throughout the entire country. This is a very helpful plan, and will he appreciated by young men who have left home for city or college. At this time ot year, when so many of our boys and young men are entering Seminaries, colleges and commercial schools, it would help them greatly to possess a V. M. C. A. membership ticket. To have aY.M. C. A ticket is a helpful thing at home and abroad, and parents whose hoys are leaving home, could not do a better thing than to take out a membership ticket for t hem. The following letter of advice con cerning one of our own Y. M. C. A. boys, will explain itselt : Dear Sir: The holder of the enclos ed ticket of membership in your As sociation has transferred bis cotimif t Kin to this department. Kindly in form us if any HKKT. j Reception In Pastor, The congregation of Mahoning Pies byterian church will tender a recej tiun to their new pastor, Kev. .1, Iv Hutchinson,in the lecture room of the church on Thursday evening next. Kev. Hutchinson will enter upon h s pastoral duties next Sunday MAY BUILD LAROE COLLIERY Scranton capitalists under the escort of Attorney .lames McDevitt of Sim bury are (in flit' Drumheller coal tract in West Cameron Township thisattcr noon making an inspection that may result in their acquisition of the prop erty. I he tract is one of N!) acres and sit uated aliout two and one half miles hack of liurnsido owned by (). R. Drumheller of Danville a former Slia mokinite. It was formerly leased to j William Llewellyn who operated it i until he became part owner of tin ! Royal Oak Colliery. Since then the j property has not been worked. There is a large body of coal oil the tract and if the Scranton party take hold a breaker will be built and an operation of considerable importance begun. Resides the Drumheller tract coal is to he found in adjoining lands which will likely he leased.— Sliamo kin Herald. An Important Publication. For the past day or two Mr. A. K. Sholcs of Rcthlehcni, accompanied by his business manager, Mr. Charles C. Courtney, has been in Danville, ar ranging for the publication of a Triple! Directory,to embmci' Danville,Hloonis burg and Rerwick. Mr. Sholcs has! been a life long Directory publisher j having originated many of the im ! proveinents found in modern diiectoi ies. For years he published all the Directories of the Middle South, cov ering the cities from Georgia and South Carolina across country to Ar- I kansas. lie is an earnest comrade of the | Grand Armv and organized the De | partinciit of Georgia ot which he is post, commander, though now a*«ocia -1 ted with I'ost at I'ethleheni. He proposes to make a Directory here far superior to any heretofore published, I and there is no question that such a work will be heartily encouraged by our people since a really good Direc tory is of extreme value. One of the advance bill posters for i the Wallace circus, who gave his name as F. Morgan, fell against the large plate window at Sclioll Brothers' printing establishment, Willianisport, on West Fourth street Tuesday morn inn while putting up posters, and broke the };lass. The ladder on which he was standing slipped and the man and all fell directly against the plate gla-s. The accident will cost the un fortunate fellow at least s4(l. The com pany, however, agreed to settle the atTair without any argument. William I!. Gross who has managed "Shore Acres" during the past ten veil- i> i Imi look itii* after the interests of "Sag llu'hor," and "Hearts of <)ak" lor Mis, Heine. Mr. Gross was formerly Mr. Heme's personal repre si ntatiw and since his il< ai hha man aged all the Heme play-. Anions i literary tolk Mr. Gross is known as the author of "An Economical I'iip i through Europe" and "111 New ! Epigrams." Mr Gross is a cousin of ! Henry L. Gross, West Mahoning si reet. ! Frank Deshoii, the clever little , comedian, who pos-cs.ses gi>Miilii Inn making abilities, i- this year plus lllg the part of * * Hilly Van Million"in j Nixon iV Zimmerman's new and j spectacular version of "Mi.-s Hob! White." Mr. Fred G. Nixon Nirdl- | i ingei, under whose personal direction I the tour is being made, has named Mr . Derhon "the champion lou;- distance I opera comedian" because this player has appeared in a repertoire of lt)('> comic operas during the last lf> years, the list ranging from "Pinafore" to "King Dodo" and "Miss Hob White." Labor Day Excursion. Monday September Tth special train will leave Reading Railway station Danville at Ba. m.for Shamokin ac count excursion to Edgewood Park I and returning will leave Shamokin at i it a. m. Excursion Faro SI.OO. j In accordance with orders issued last week four collieries of tluj Union Coal Company, near Shamokin, em ploying H,OOO men and boys, were clos , ed down for an indefinite period yes- I terday, on account of the overstocked , coal market. Louis Rosenthal, of Rloombsurg, who recently purchased the locks,etc., along the Pennsylvania canal, has a gang ot men at work demolishing them. The locks at Rloomsburg anil Danville have been dismantled ami I they are now at work on the one at Reach Haven. Beaver Heater Installed. The Danville Stove and Manufact uring Company yesterday installed a " No. SO Regal Reaver Heater in the Baldy Rnilding, Mill street, which has just been remodeled. All departments of Rucknell llni- I versify will open Thursday, Sept em - ) berl 7. From present indications the attendance will lie very large and will equal if not surpass, that of last year. Indigestion Cause* Catarrh of the Stomach. , For many years It has been supposed that | Catarrh of the Stomach caused Indlgoaltoo I and dyspepsia, but the truth Is eaactly tha i opposite. Indigestion cause* catarrh. Ra ; seated attacks of Indigestion Inflame* tha 1 mucous membrane* lining the stomaoh and ; ;*poses the nerves of the stomach, thus oaus- I "(J the glands to secrete mucin Inatead of J ihe Juices of natural digestion. Thl* la | jailed Catarrh of the Stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure | relieves all Inflammation of tha mucouc I 1 membranes lining the stomach, protects tha -.cirves. and cures bad breath, sour rtaliiga, a i sense of fullness after eating, Indigestion, ' iyspepsla and all stomach troublea. Kodol Digests What You Eat Make the Stomach Sweat. Bottia# only Nreutsr stie $ 1.00. holding 2H time* the trial sti* which sells tor SO cents •'•oared by E. O. DaWITT * 00.. Ohtaa*a. 111, Sold bv ' tosh Ar Co. Panles Ar Co. Q : To Cure a Cold in One Day zrJZ.. 1 Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, on evpry I Seven Million boies sold in past 12 months. This signature, box. 23c. I XmmmmrnKmmmmtmfmmm* DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET HAKKISBUKG, Sept. 2. -in a st'ikingly harmonious and husiie like c(involition tlii' Democrats of the stalf met today in tlio liall fit' the i hoard nf trade and adopti d a plat form, outlining state issues, doiiounc ill ft the press muzzier and otln>r vi« ions legisilation. Tin* ciindiilatrfl WITH nominated as tollows: For state treasurer. Henati i Joel G. Hill, of Wayni' county For Auditor (>encral,Senator Arthur G. Dcwalt, of 1 ehigh county. For judges of tin- superior court, John A. Ward, ot Philadelphia, and Calvin Kayhurn.of Armstrong county Kepresentativc H Scott AininiTtnaii of Montour county, wan oiigimtlly proposed by the Democratic manager-* ; for nomination for the Superior < 'ourt At the last moment however, Ward's nomination was agreed upon as the most expedient and Mr. Anitiierman gracefully yielded to the leaders The | permanent Chairmanship of the eon | vention was offered to Mr. Ainmer atilll, which lie declined. Entertained Friends. ( County Commissioner ami Mrs I George Lcighow entertained a nuniher ■of friends at their home on Bloom : road on Tuesday. In the party were Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Kislicl and cliil ! (Iron ot Utica. N. Y., Mrs Jane Kess ler ot Baltimore, Mil., Mrs. ltishcl of Kidgevillo, Mrs. Harry Schick, Mrs. Holier t Williams, Mrs. William Hoyer, Mrs. J. Kphlin, Mrs. William Brent. Mrs.H. Aton and Mis Charles Askins of this city. REDUCED RATES TO BELI.ErONTE. Account Knights of the Golden Eagle Meet ing. The Pennsylvania Kail road Com pany on account of tiie meeting of the Susquehanna District Association, Knights of tho Golden Eagle, on Sept ember 7, at Bellofonte, Pa., will sell special reduced rate tickets, nood on this day only, from Clearfield, Em porium, Elmira, Mt. Carmel, East Bloomsburg, and all intermediate points, to Pellefonto and return. A Pretty Sight. Passengers on the Lackawanna trains between Danville and Ploomshurg are loud in their praises of the beautiful stretches of Golden Hod in full bloom vhat lines both hanks ot the old canal. For nearly the full twelve miles there is a continuous Hood of this beautiful golden tinted wild flower. OOCH3Q&CteQCB^CB3BDOCHX>OCffItOPCBCKB3CHX>OOPOOCHXK3OOOodoOO | Williamsport j Dickinson Seminary | g is a Home and Christian school. It provides lor health an 1 social culture as £ jS carefully as for mental and moral training, taking a {wrsonal interest in K X each pupil. A splendid field, wilh athletics directed by a trained athlete, g r make ball field and gymnasium of real value. Single t>eds. bowling alley £ 0 and swimming pool. Ten regular courses, with elective studies, offer wide Q 2| selection. Stenography and Business Course Eight competitive scholar- X x ships are offered. Seventeen skilled teachers. Music, Art, Expression and 8 Q Physical Culture, with other branches or alone, under ieachers with best h< :ne Q n and European training. Home, with tuition in regular studies $250 i year, n 8 with discounts to ministers, ministerial candidates, teachers, anil two from S ; 8 same family. Fall term opens September 7th, 1903. Catalogue tree. Address O RLV. F.DWARI) J. QRAY, D.D., President, Williamsport, Fa. oooo'oooooOOOOOOO OOQOOOOO OOOOQOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO t —~ 1 1 The Home Paper j of Danville. Of course you read ,1 liil a 5 1 THE nEOPLE'S KQPULAR I APER. Everybody kV;ids It. Published Lverv Morning l:\cept Sunday ti No. ii EMails; njrSt. Subscription (> u A- ,?• rons of Husbandry Exhibition To aceommodat' visitor- t ft « n r*;tin|niii-iit ami • shihition of tie I'll , runs (it lliishaiidrv.fn heln »t C utrt Hall, l J a , Seplt nil" r l'i hi I , ti IVniisyl vania Kttilroad <'omj ui\ w ill «< •11 round-trip tickets from > , ti«hi -in Pennsylvania tn I'-nti II el I'a , at special icdin • i| rat« - These ticket- will lie (in »|. mi) j good from Sept. ml < r II to l>, nn -In j sivc, and good for return pa-sup until I September lit. 1 , Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania Rulrotel | to Alloona Pa. Account of M'-etti: <. f American War Veterans. < From Septetiilier '.i to I.', inclusive, the l'eiin«vl vania Kailtuail Company will Hell,from all -t ition- hi I'- nnsvl vania, special redu<-ell ■ it. , r. n i trip tickets to A Itoona. u>.<•<] t< r. tutn until Septemlier lon tec.tint of the IIM otillj* of the Slu |e|| ~112 \i eriean Veterans .if tin I'll i 11pf in.m l China War- to he held at Altoon i I September l team uf hurst-- or any stork <»n_'ht t<< have a I Kittle of Mover - Whit.- Liniment in the stable or hi- lions. I hel i horse that stepped in a li That it swelled so fast that we conld hai llv f?et tlie (dollar off, ami ill two hours h - neck was swollen to all the skin would hold. We used your White Liniment freely,and in a few lays he was to work and does not show any si«jn* of ' lameness. It work.-.l like uiairic Respectfully Vonrs, J. A. HART 11 AST Kit it ( —MANVFACrrKKI) ItY ; Moyer Bros, WHOLESALE DKIKjOISTS, Bloomsburg - Pa. For sale tiy all dealers (ikANI) AM) TIMVIIHSf: JI'MOItS i • ii'iwiiii. * ii found i» . »>r • t SKCu\|) A \ HIl John Uo«r,r Hugl 1',,.-. I K'l* .r«l Mmum>).u v \ |.i ■ , - ..... §i• •»•«• * r Sr I'. t. • W.-l --•1 I K Jr., Adam Rarh t«»org». If- t**t* II; . Mn- r liIXKK'i i I » • '■ "■ . i • ' 1 ■ • I<»» ill in ) ■ t i ' • . . 111 l I K . Il \ ; • \ >. i : ■ ! '! • i I i , A .• /. I. •Infill M .r-1,r.1! 1 '■ V M.I . ■ t| I i VV ill I Hill lb*>, .111-11 l )l<-r iiihii William If#•!I«*r, Sawn. I Trniulrtivk• r TIIIHI) WAlill -Hi, i,!»r.l \|. th.r.-li "" • ' I. H • 1 ( ;-. „-. ' • I Coleman, U ilham (I||vi r . John M 1 Cloud. - John l.iffh-r. i v .Sumy. Amtir« .1, ' | * r J ,| 112 - - - . ■ I I Hitter, David ,M< ( i,n \ nt ■ . ard. DKKKY Willi i.kin A Smith, 11 r.. v II Asln nfelter. LIBERTY 11. in . i iilitii . J n | Uuisti'itil, .! 'ii I «.>, iii LIMEMuNi \ , A i 4 K rMiiim. MAIHiMM. MM - -I Ku.i. ttit, lam Qaigi; MAYBKUKV Charto* \ .-}, u |r/ J \ ALLEY Lin • r fi n-i. nM I \ William Churm, (' \V Mart/ WEST HKMI.uiK \\ B Mu.,r. A. J. Balliett. JTlm* Department i.ft 'iiiiiii a report of internal riiiiiiiicrn fur is past seven month*, «I lowing a stantial incri ii-i- in trad' ■ii • . , lakes and p.iin- in r • ipi grain and tnhano. Notice of Appln ttion for AnicmiaMßl >: Uharter, Notice i- hereby duly giv»a that a application will l>. mailt to th C i of Common Plea- ol Montour t'. onfv on Monday tin- twenty iuhtli day < September A !» I'.m:s at two n 1« iu the afternoon of the -ml lav t the approval ami grant i' g of <. n » amendments tot!••• hart-r Second Methodist Ki i- ; all u Dan.'i Hi', Pennsyh una. in the petition tliei.for til* >1 t t -aid Court agr.. ahly tit 112 •, u> of the "Corporation Ait of is JI . its supplement.-.. EDWARDS GEAHHARt Solicitc: KUIKT».K •• MM II I » !' - • rMUMMW IXTCMMTKI*- Ni.l i. . i.i v . w t h:il t lit* f«»i l<»\% t ttu t»U ! . I >, i , . * of Ilit'ir a•»»» toll* H •:* : ■ ; ■ • I- - i • i 1 I , ■ V-, -.. r i-. \ I » ■ . ' ' I i 1 1■ rll M »» t » j; • " ■ ; WIIIH ami u'r.itif i._- ..f I. •- , r \ : i. i; !■ i i > . • . , .-in.. . , - » Court of Miid f»»r > • aUouanti. «it f|» 9 f*||i ,| M% i |»'l \ U., I'.Nl.t, I 'ourt ill tlir afl« rutH»i wm. .luiu- 4. Kir>t and Final an unt tho Union Tru-t <'oni];»! Guardian of tin .-tit William (' llart/.. It, It' . minor. Aug. Fir-t ami Final :» .nr John Alth-rt, (inardian • W i J auhne Taylor,a nn child of William I' T»j late of Montour fount H.-nnsy Ivama.dn-. a^tt.»» Ward haviU|{ attain, d tl age of 21 year- and In ih»{ married to Lin khimf Aot; l-'i.-t ami Final ■ unt The I'ii ion Trmut Caßi|-aß> ot I'lii latl.'l|ili ia, IVnns* I vania, (inartlian of tl> l> n I'. Kanis.'V.a minor ctiild i t William T Kauimey, tat. of the Borough of I'anvillt Pennsytviuita,td#reased, >aid Ward havuii; attained the ait'* of years. Anf Fiist and Fin il a nnt Stephen K tJray. Ki ntoi of Chariot Caldwell, late ot Anthony town-hij M>uti...r Connty, d't-eaiwd. WM L SIIH.KK. K> t*i-i r Register's Ottiee, IVlliVllh. I < Aug. S'.'th, I -JOIIISr W. PARNSWOIITH INSURANCE Life Firs Accident and Sieain Boiler cmio*; NoAttomtrv BuUdln* Mill 9tr««t. Danville, - - Penn'a