Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, August 27, 1903, Image 4

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FRANK C. ANGLE. Proprietor.
Danville. Pa., Aug. 27, 190.V
mn suit mi.
Foi: Stat r.'ijku,
W 1. Mat times of Delaware County
Fok Auditor Gknkku..
Hun. W P. Snyder of Cluster
FOK Sl'l'UKloK C'Ol UT .ll'lxiKS,
Hon Thomas A. M orrisoii of McKi'.ui
Hun. ,1.1 Hi'inlersoii i>f Crawford
niu mm! nti
I leorge R. Sechler.
rOK KEI • IST Klt ami keoujueh
Curtis Cook
•>i\ —Governor Ode 11 addressed a large
gathering at tin' Hornellsville Kami
ers' club today. The relations between
capital and labor was the chief topic
of the governor's remarks.
"The mere arbitrary exercise of
power leading sometimes to extravag
ant and excessive demands by those
whose capital is their brawn and
muscle," he said, "will not correct
abases, hut only result in friction
which i- as disastrous as those who
labor and those who are at the head
of our industrial affairs. Oppression
ou the other hand, which tends to de
grade or lower mail in the social scale,
is an offense against the laws ot God,
and if permitted, will in time bring
down the government, no matter how
strong it may he or how commanding
its influence. Mutual regard of the
rights and liberty of each is essential.
The man who labors is entitled to
hours and remuneration which will
enable him intelligently to perform
his work and advance intellectually.
Capital which denies these rights is
an otfeu-e against the laws ol human
ity and should be treated with less
consideration than the man who wil
fully destroys his neighbor's property
or deprives him. without due process
of law,of that which is justly his own
and in the enjoyment of which he
should he protected.
"The problems of labor and capital
are easy ol solutiou.if as thedominat
tug and controlling action of both
then- is that same desire to avoid de
mauds that shall transgress the lights
ot either,and that laws enacted by the
majority ot the people shall In- the
controlling force of all our people.
Never hefoie in the history of oui
country has labor been so adequately
recompensed as at present. While if
is true that there are selfish men who
exact more than is their due and that
at times friction is unnecessarily 111-
jaotod into industrial affair-, we can
always depend upon tin' sober minded
people for the correction of abuses
aud for the righting of wrongs wher
ever they may exist.
Gold Fish For Public School.
All the public school childrell ill the
State are to be delighted with the con
stant sjiectade of gold fish spoiling in
every class iooiu if the school authori
ties shall take advantage of an offer
announced Monday by Fish Commis
sioiie William K. Meehan. lie was
in Philadelphia considering offers of
cites for the projKKed Philadelphia
Imtchery but that has nothing to do
with the children'* gold tisli of which
enough will b« forthcoming from the
established hatcherh mainly from
"We propose," said Mr. Meehan,
"to distribute enough gold lisli to put
Sve into every public school class room
in the State. I mean of course that a
school building with '.JO ('lass rooms
will get 1(KI fish. The chief object is
educational, although the aquarium
will ornament the class room. The
ofler is conditional upon the school
authorities bearing the expense til the
aijuai lums.
Although we do not intend to begin
cupplyiiig the until October 15 we
w «h applications to lie made immedi
ately or a- early as possible to the I».
partmineiit of Fisheries at llarrishurg
The principal of ta< h school i- to
make ap| (nation indorsed by the city
or county superintendent. The fish
will ln< delivered at the railroad sta
tiou nearest the »chool and in order of
the application "
Mr Meehan added that blanks were
being printed for applications from all
the counties Other than Philadelphia
for such -ct s ut tisli egg- in their var
inus -l »*_■> s as have alreadv be. 11 sup
plied to the Hoard of Ed ill it 11111 ot
that i it\ tor the -ludv ot li-li eni
Paxaing <»f Canal.
Louis Rosenthal of Hlooiiislmrg, ha
pui' ha-' I ot the Petii|s\ h nil t < 'anal
Company all the iron in the locks,
etc., along the entire l< uirtli of the
North Branch < anal fiom Norl hum
l>erlaud to Nantiioke As the gr< iter
portion of it is wrought iron aud tln r
are immense quantitn of if. it i~
quite valuable and will require lie
lafmr ot a number ot men for a con
-idcr»hle length "t time In get it n ady
for the market He has alreadv com
lueiici'd operation- which will he coil
time I until all the locks in di-m in
Saw the Yacht Race.
T J. Pru returned lioiim yesterday
morning from a vi-it to New \ ork
Ou Saturday he took intln gi it yacht
raen. The contest, lie -alii, \\ i- full
of ex« Itemelit, espeeially illlllllg tin
GOUSld* rithh tune that the two boat
\n rn le-arlv »br« i-l of <;t h other. The
scene pre-miteil ill the hay by the num
erous craft loaded 'low n with spectat
ors. he said, was a very int. re. ting aud
beautiful one
1 fie teachers and children expect
warm weather for tin- opening of the
Lists of Those Drawn for September Term
of Court,
Following will be found the lists- of
Grand and Traverse .lurois drawn for
the September term of Court :
FIUSTWAKI) -William C. Bowyer,
Kdward K. Lunger.
SECOND WAKI) John Mowrer,
Hugh Puisel, Kdward Saitishury. W ill
iam II Mover, David Weidensaul.
THIKI) WAKD—George ltieketts,
Horace Bennett, Theodore Hodman,
J Sr., Peter Welsh.
Jr., Adam Bachinger, George Beyers.
ANTHoNY \lfred Smith.
DKHIiY .lolin F. Cottier. Jacob S.
LIBERTY Peter Baylor, Peter
M intzer, Janus 111 Ikerl.
MAHONING Mar-den Brown.John
VALLEY— .loualhan Fry, Frank
lb mli ickson
FIRST WAKI) Thomas F. Woods,
.lames V. Gillaspy, B. Hush Yerrick,
Charles I). Bryan, Kdward \V. Wei
I /el, .lolin Marshall.
SECOND W'AltD Thomas Crunil ,
William lies, Jacob Herman, William
Heller, Samuel Trumbower.
THIRD WARD—Richard Metherell,
James Sherwood, Theodore ('arodisky,
Charles Lyon, Daniel Jacobs, Patrick
Coleman, William Oliver, John Ale-
FOURTH WAKD—George Kv, land.
John Leffler, Cary Savory, Andrew
Wenigor, John Bruder, Jr., John Fox,
Lewis Kessler, Kapp Foster.
ANTHONY Samuel Klliott, John
Hitter, David McCarty, A. II Litcli
DKKHY—William J. Sehooloy, Will
iam A. Smith, George W. Herr, John
LIBKUTY—Henry Billmeyer, J. 11.
Unistead, John Hobinsoii.
LIMKSTONK J. A. Cromis, W. 11.
K ram in.
MAHONING ,lames J Rudy,Will
iam Quigg.
MAYBfcßßY—Charles \. Sliultz.
V A LLK Y —Elmer Feiisterniachor,
William Churni, ('. W. Mart/..
A. J. Balliett.
IIV local si11 |iliculions, :is lliev cannot reach
I liediseased |>orl ion <if I lie ear. There is onlj
j one wa\ to cure deafness, ami I hat is hy con
| Htitnl ional remedies. Heafness is caused In
j an inthiined condition of Ihe mucous limn:
■ofl he Kusluchian Til he. \V hen I his lul ic yets
> inttnined you have a riinilillm; sound or iin
; |lerfecl heariius and when it i- entirely clo*
eil ill :ifne-- is ihe result, ami unless |,he 111-
llam mat ion can he taken out ami this lulie
' restored lo II- noriiiio condilioii, heariie.: M ill
he desl roved forever: nineen-es oul often are
caused hy i atarrh.w huh is not liini; lull an in
' ttanicil condition of l lie mucous surfaces.
We will -Ueiine Hundred Oollars for :in,\
case ot 1 lea flies- ieau-eil hy catarrh) that can
jot tie<*iired lo Mall's ( al.orh I'um s,ml ,
! or circulars, free.
1 Sold hy lirutoiisls, 7 ■<•.
Hall'- h'ainilv Pills arc the lie*!.
To be Observed Oct. 29.
No action has yet been taken by the
executive board for the celebration of
Mitchell Day October but arrange
i incuts will he made early next mouth
. foi the proper observance of the an-
I niversary of the winning of the first
strike inaugurated by the Mine Work
ers ot the anthracite field, which se
. ' cured for them 10 per cent, increase in
wages and other i-onco-sinns that they
i had not previously enjoyed.
Mitchell Day will be celebrated on
' a bigger scale in every district of the
hard coal belt tlii- year than last ow
• ing to the expected presence of Mitch
r ell in the anthracite region at that
i time.
Seraiiton Mine Workers, through
' President Nichollfi. have invited him
to deliver the Mitchell Day address in
' that city and it is believed that lie
will accept.
After the Press Association,
K Mr. Frank E. Butler, husband of
Annie Oakley, the Well known shoot
er, is after the Scupps-Mcßao Press
( Association for sending broadcast a
story that hi- wife was arrested in
I Chicago A woman crazed hy drug
had been arrested ami gave ln-r name
as Annie Oakley. A representative of
( the pre-- association, without making
any investigation, sent a sensational
story all over the country.
Mrs Butler has not been West, hut
ha- hocii w 1111 her husband, giving ex
i hlhitioiis at the big shooting toiirna
incuts in the East. Ilci hii-hand rep
i re-i ills a largo powder firm and bad
a denial of the stories sent < ut as soon
112 as possible.
Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
All the blood in your body through
your kidneys once every three minutes.
rt Sidneys are your
& Wwh . blood ' ur o c ' ,h, y fll
|L , sgju )] ter oul the wa;.ie or
impuritie:. in thi: bl d.
ty.y 11 \v-Tfn " are sick or cut
ts &ZV* of order, they fail to do
./ ft 7 \ their work.
| I Pains.achesandrheu-
I Lj matism come from ex-
Vr 75 ce:,s ur| c acid in the
——blood, due to neglected
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
h< art t • ats, and makes one feel as though
they heart trouble, because the heart is
■ over v. rking in pumping thick, kidney
p. ; .tied blood thr mgh vein. and arteries.
It us' I lo be considered that only urinary
troubles w-re to be traced to the kidneys,
L it r. -u m idern «u ienc- prove:; that n< ~rly
all c .n litullonal di .eases have their begin
ning in kidney trouble.
If you are sick you can make no mistake
by fir .1 d >ctoring your kidney:. The mild
an I the extraordinary elfe.i t of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp -Root, the i;reat kidney remedy is
I soon realized. It tands the highest for its
I wonderful cures of the mor.t distrer, ing case
and Is sold on its merits (
I-/ all It ;ggi ;f in fifty
centar I n- I .liar
c Y.a may have a ~
sample bottle by mail u„m.. «.f H«».t
free, also pamphlet telling you how lo find
out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
I Mention thi:. paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
fit Co.. Liingharntun, N. Y.
Don't make no mistake but remem
Ist the name Swanp Hoot I> i Kil
• nier s Swamp Root, and the address
l>nii<h.<mUili, N . ,on every Imttle
John (i Waite, of the American
oflice was in the wrick of the Penn
-ylvaiiia pas-enger train No ill),known
a- Seashore lixpre-s.which was due in
Sunbtm at "J :la o'clock, Monday
tnoriiing. The wieck occurred near
Milton from which place Mr. Waite
was returning after spending Sunday
there. He was -ilting in the smoker.
Fortunately there was a mail car,
and two baggage cars ahead ot the
smokt i and all the passengers cscaptul
with a hard shaking up.
The train ran through an open
-witch at the oil racks and crashed
into four cars loaded with cinder.
Fortunately no one was killed or ser
iously injured. Engineer Luther
Diohl, ol llarrishurg,formerly of Sun
bury, noticed the open switch and
bravely -link to his post, applying the
air, reducing the speed to some extent
bill the intervening distance was too
short to prevent a collision. Engineer
Dielil escaped without a scratch, and
went through to llarrishurg with his
train alter a new engine wa- secured,
Iml Fireman George liable, of North
umbel laud, in attempting to escape
was tbrown,sustaining slight injuries.
His right arm was badly sprained and
lie was cut and bruised about the face
and head, lie wa- brought to his home
in Northumberland and will be able
to lie about in a day or two although
it will be some time before ho is able
to return to work. The passengers
were shaken up, In.t none were ju
ju red.
The engine was badly wrecked and
two baggage cars, which were slight
l\ telescoped, were badly damaged, as
w ere t he cinder cars.
After changing engines, which caus
ed a delay of about, two hours, the
train wa- sent on through, arriving at
Suiihury about II :.'io a in.
The early reports of the accident
were that both Engineer Dielil anil
Fireman Gable were killed and that a
number of others were badly injured.
Investigation, however, proved tliein
to he false.
Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat,
ment. by lily's <'ream Balm, which is j
Aaagreeahle aromatic. It. is received j
through the nostrils, cleanses and heals '
the whole sin-lace oyer which it diffuses |
itself. A remedy for Nasal Catarrh (
which is drying or excit ing to the dis- j
eased membrane should in>t hi- nst-d. j
Cream Balm is recognized as a specific.
Price 50 cents at ilrnggists or by mail,
a cold in the head iniiiicdiately dis
appears when Cream Balm is used
Elv Brothers, .Mi Warren Street. New
A Game at the Hospital.
A picked team of al tecdiints played
a game of lia-e ball oil the grounds of |
the Hospital for the Insane Saturday
afternoon. It was a pitcher's battle
all I lie w ay I lirough
The score follows
R. H. <>. A.E.I
I >a\ i- M, I 'apt. -- 1 0 •> 1
I Kvens, p I 0 i 0 '
Bldille. C I 1 I J 0 0
Ash F. If I 0 o
Frit/,, ::ii o 112 o o o
Arnold, lb I o 10 0 0 !
Stimer, rf I 1 ion
Rro<*ious .!» 1* 11 I
Ilud-C. rt 1 10 0 n
_ _ _ - -
i; II <> A E
Kishel.f' iptain, \!h lii I 0
Con rod, p 1 0 •> 0
Robinson, -- 1 'J 0 2 1
Brow n. e Ie li '' I
Ash. lb ; 0 0
Miller, :ih I looi
Barret, rf 0 0 0 1 o
Werhl, ef I 2 0 0 0
Sileoso, It.. I I 0 0 o
;i i."i -,»7 h
Score by innings.
Kisbel 's team 0 0 o 0 I 0 S 0 0-II
Davis' team 'J 1 0 0 n 0 o 0 1--7 j
Strike outs Conrnd 12; Owens 10;
Base oil balls, INmrod 1; Owens II;
Stolen bases, Bohiuson 2; < Kvens 1 ;
I'onroil'J; F. Ash I. Umpire, Dr.
A nicy.
Take Laxative I'nnno
lets All druggists n-fund the money
if it fails to cure. E. W. Groves's
signature is on eacli box. 25.
Will Break Records.
There is every probability that the reg
ular passenger travel next imintli will
be the heaviest in the history of the
railroads ot the eastern section ot the
count r\ The summer traflie ha- In en
I'lHirmous ami judging from the rccotds
of pn vioils years an increase of from
fifteen to twenty five per cent may be
looked for 111 September.
The reasons for this are many. As a
vacation month Scptotnhi-t has grown
to be every bit as popular a month as
August 111:111 \ people preferring to
seek ic-l and recreation in the plea
ant ilays of tin early autumn and the
opening of schools and colleges in all
pails of the country maki<s a heavy
frallic during the entire month.
Lutherans to Get Together.
There is to be held this autumn a
general free conference 4if Lutherans
of all Synods and tongues, to bring
about,if possihle.a geneial alliance of
fch 1 ition The place will lie l liii
ago The 1 \act date cannot yet lie
given, hut it can be stated that favor
able responses have been received by
t lie imivei of 11 nlerprisc fi 0111 prac
tieallv all bodies of Lutherans, even
the most conservative. It is widely
proclaimed lo ho a free conference, in
that it will be tor I'OllSll ltation mere
ly, and will bind nobody.
There are in America nineteen ilif
fi rent Lutheran bodies, small and
large Some are divied on doctrinal
ground , but many of boilies owe
their 1\ 1 ste to 1 ace and language
in IVi:S I nil ran women organ l /eil.
during tin W'or'd - Fair an interna
tional League,ai l limy are now plan
11111U to 1 lelil It' the dee. 1111 ia I, doing
-o on a large 1 I|e
Doctors find
A proscription
For mankind
The .'1 cent packet is enough for usual
1 14*4*11 si<»iis Tlii-fainil> buttle iCiUcentsi
contains a supply for a year. All drug
:nst.s sell them.
SIJNBUKY, Aug. 215. I)ora Owens,
aged about twenty one years, who
says lier home is at Milton, wa> rescu
ed from drowning in tlie river here at
I o'clock this afternoon Her icscue
is due to tin' heroic work of Attorney
(leorge E. Deppin who. while sitting
<ni the stoop of his home, heard cries
coining from the direction of the riv
or, a short distance away. 110 saw
the form ol a woman, partly submerg
ed, floating about forty f< et out from
shore. He rowed to her and drew her
into the hoat. When she had been re
vived the woman exclaimed:
"How did J get into the river."
She gave her name and address as giv
en above. She declared that she had
not attempted suicide. Her sliof - and
bat wire found on the hank near
where she had gone into the river.
Lew-Kate Vacation Trips vin Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania Kail road Com
pany has selected the following dates
tor its popular ton-flay excursions to
Niagara Kails from Washington and
Baltimore: July 21, AIIEUSI 7 and 21
September 4 and IH, and October 2
and Hi. <hi these dates the special
train will leave Washington at S ;00
a. in., Baltimore :Ofi a. in..York 10: i. r »
a. m., Harrishurg 11:40 a. in., Millers
hurg 12:20 p. in., Sunbury 12:85 p.
in., Willianisport 2:;iop. in., Lock
Haven :0S p. m., Henovo I! :f>s p. in.
Emporium Junction 5 :o."> p. ni., arriv
ing at at p. in.
Kxcorsion tickets, good for return
passage on any regular train, exclus
ive of limited express trains, within
ten days, will he sold at SIO.OO from
Washington and Baltimore ;i/i from
York ; SIO.OO from I .itt lestown ; $lO.(Hi
troin Oxford, I'a. ; :i.~i from Columbia
ss.r»o from Harrishurg; SIO.OO from
Winchester, Ya. ; S7.SO from Altoona;!
$7. lo from Tyrone ; *•'>. l.~i from Belle- '
fonte; s">.lo from Ridgway; S»V.H)
from Sunbury and Wilkcsbarre; s."i.7"i
from Williamspor; and at proportion
| ate rates from principal points. A
! stop-over will be allowed at Buffalo
I within limit of ticket returning.
The special trains of Pullman parlor I
cars and day coaches will he run with .
1 each excursion miming through to
| Niagara Palls. An extra charge n\ 11 1
! be made for parlor-car seats.
An experienced tourist agent, and j
chaperon will accompany each excur
| sion.
For ileswiiptive pamphlet, time of!
| connecting trains, and further infor
mation apply to neare.-t ticket agent,
or address (Jeo. W. Boyd, Oeiieral!
Passenger Agent, Broad Sire. I St a
tioii, Philadelphia.
(fluid's Narrow Escape.
Drinking coal oil, tl. two-ycji old
son <it Mr. and Mr>. .lohn Krehs, who
live two inih- below .b rsevlown, had
a narrow escape fiom dcath I'lnirsday.
The mother had drawn some oil from
a can with which to start the tire,
when she was called away ami the lit
lie fellow, espying the oil, which wa
in the cup, drank the contents of the
cop. lie at OIICH became very ill anil
was taken to the olliec ol l)r .1 Iv
For more than au hour lie remained
in an uncoils ions c mlilion, but I)r
Shiini a 11 worked heioii illy with him
and at last succeeded in resuscitating
him. He remained in a critical con
dition for some time but it is no
thought that he i- entirely out of
Do You Enjoy
What You Eat?
You can eat whatever and whenever you
like If you take Kod< I. By the use of this
remedy disordered digestion and diseased
stomachs are so completely restored to
health, and the full performance of their
(unctions naturally, that such foods as would
lie one into a double bow-knot are eaten
without even a "rumbling" and with a posi
tive pleasure and enjoyment. And what Is
more these foods are assimilated and
transformed Into the kind of nutriment that
is appropriated by the blood and tissues.
Kodol Is the only digestant or combination
of digestants that will digest all classes of
food. In addition to this fact, It contains. In
assimilative form, the greatest known tonio
and reconstructive properties.
Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all
disorders arising therefrom.
Kodol Digests What You Eat
Makes the Stomach Sweet.
I Botllas only Refular '-. J 1.00. holdlnf 2% llmaa
th« trial me, which sail! for 50 cents.
Praoarod b* €. O. DaWITT * OO . Ohicago. ffc
Sold bv ' Josh A' Co. Panics <V Co.
A Paying Occupation.
The most profitable employment a
young man or a young woman can fol
low is that of writing advertisement*
The salaries paid range from s•'."> no to
fpHl.od a week .lohn Wnnaniak'T pa\s
hi- advertising manager $lO uoo a year
More young people should i|nalify
themselves to write nils a- there are
openings for all who are properly ipiuli
tiled. You can take an advertising
course by mail. There i- also a book subject containinir Fifty <'oiu
pb'te licssons. It is entitled I heory
and Practice ol Adverli-in ■ i-the first
and only text book on advertisim in the
world and is written h\ a practical ad
vertising man.
Who can profit by having this book
FIKST, tile merchant who SHOULD gel
twice the re-ulfs from his advertising.
SKI I>Nl>. the young man or woman
who wants to prepare lor (msitions pa\
ing from S2"I on to $ 100 on A week
Tlllltll. school teachers clerks, 4eno
graphers and book keepers who wish
to double their illCollle
Theoryand Practice of Advertising
ill flexible Covers will be sent to ail \ lid
dress on receipt of SEVEI.TS Ll\> cents or
111 cloth for ONE dollar Knclosed cur
reilCJ HI sealed lei TCL*
Should \ oil be ill doubt whether you
want to take up the more ■ \hiiis|e.L
course by mail. \ou should order a copy
of the book. It will explain mam things
as it contains all the salient principles
of advertising. After yon have BOUGHT
a liook, yon can il yon \\ I-LI SECURE
contract to sell liook-; in order t<» pa\
for complete correspondence coin-
Oriler a LW>ok tod.T> I>•> I I now
111. 1 W \V,v;nN-I 1.1.1 r A M
250 Sugar Si
Middleburg Pa
Many stories have been told and
written concerning happenings of a
strange nature at the death of persons
Sonic of the tales have seemed too
"spooky" to believe. The narrator
has been given the pitying smile of
incredulity and as he was unable to
prove his story with visible evidence,
lie has been put down on the list of
the town's prevaricators. The truth ol
the following strange story is vouch
ed for by Funeral Director A. J.
Drumheller, of Otto's Station:
Kehuck, Northumberland county, n
farming district,situated about twelve
miles west, of Slutniokin, is wildly ex
cited over a st range phenomena and the
natives believe il i- some omen from
Six years ago the beloved 18-year-
I old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon
Fisher, who reside on a farm near
Kehuck, was stricken ill with a pecu
liar malady. For months site suffered
terribly, but despite this was cheerful
and battled bravely with death. As
her end drew near the grief of the
parents became uncontrollable and
l hey refused to be comforted. One
day while the family were gathered
around the dying girl's bed praying
for her recovery, a strange light filled
the room. There was a pause in the
prayers but the light faded away as
quickly as it appeared.
The mysterious work of (tod impress
ed itself upon all,and to their astonish
ment as they gazed upon the ceiling
there appeared an exact likeness of the
dying one, her brilliant eyes gazing
down with a strange light. They were
terrified and turned to the bedside ex
peeting to find the spirit of their be
loved gone to the great unknown. She
still lived and when asked if she saw
the image on the wall replied m the
The very next day the suffering soul
took it- heavenly flight, but the face
1 still remained upon the bedroom ceil
ing. After the funeral efforts were
made to eradicate the image, but all
were futile. Then the wall paper was
removed, but the saintly face still re
mained, and the family decided to
treat the affair as a supreme revela
| tion of some kiiid.
Three weeks ago a 22 year old
I son became ill and a- the ailment \\;i
uot considered serious, a physician
I was not. summoned. However, one
I week ago Tuesday, while the family
were saying the usual morning prayer
j in the young man's sick room, the
| family was again startled, for on the
| wall near the floor and at the side of
the bed, the bead and shoulder- of the
sjck youth appeared. The same light
accompanied the tip|iearaiicn of the mi
age as upon lie occasion of thedaugh
tor's death sis years before. The young
man failed to see the image of himself
and said that of his dead sistei ii id ared
The stricken youth said he wa go
ing to die and was resigned lo IM-
I ite. Late ill the afternoon he pi s d
peacefully away amid the tear- and
prayers of his devout parents and
brothers and sisters. The funeral was
held last S itui.l iv under the direction
of Cudertaker ,\ .1 I>ruinheller, ol
Otto Station.
The images n | both daughter an I
-on remain upon the ceiling and w ill
rc-pect i vel v. Many persons have
traveled miles lo the Fisher homestead
Io view the strange phenomena, but
no one has been able to explain the
uivstery away. The family has lie
come accu.-tomed to the images in I
say they do not w nit tlieiil to disap
Parks Sentenced.
NKW YOUK,August 2»"> Samuel .1.
j Parks, walking delegate of the llou-e
| -miths' and Biidgemcn's union, wbc
I was convicted last week of extorting
I s.'oo from Josephus Plenty, a New
Jersey contractor, tor the settlement
of a strike, was today sentenced h\
1 Recorder Gotl to a term of not le-r
than two yeais and six mouths, ami
not more than three years nnl -i\
j months in Sing Sing prison.
All application will he at onc»
i made to a justice of the supreme courl
for a certificate of reasonable douhl
pending the filing of an appeal. It
granted this will act as a stay and an
application will he made to have Park:
. admitted to hail pending the decision
of the appeal.
Simmers is Safe.
There need be no feat that Koherl
H. Simmers, the pure food agent who
recently caused the arrest, ol sonii
merchants HI Wilkcsbarre for selling
alleged impure articles, will lie depos
eel hecaused he did not hire a certain
attune V to represent the state 111 lie
prosecutions. It was said that In
Would he deposed lor this lillcgei
failure to obey orders from his sii
periors. It now transpires thai he ban
no instructions a- to whom lie sliouhi
engage and lie was free to use his owi
It seem- to be not generally knowi
that the pedestrian has the light ol
way over the person dining a horse
People crossing our streets think, us
ually, that they are obliged to bull
ind await the pleasure of drivers ol
Veliicb- knowing, to h> sure, thai
tliev will come to griil it they do uol
but not -ii The lavs maintains th>
right ol way fot foot passengers, aim
drivels are obliged lo rein up if pcoph
as.-ert their rights
Cntertained Her ('lass.
Mis, Fmiiia Ivo-leiibauder enlerlain
ed bet Sunday school class coniiecteil
Willi the Fir-t Baptist church \• ix
pleasantly at bet home, We-t Malum
ing street, vcslerday afternoon Thost
forming the class an Klsn Kcefer,
Le ill Hill, Kli/abeih Jones, Kb aunt
t'ormaii, Helen I'hiliip-, Ohattie I.i \
zlev and Florence Join -
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, j* f y/ <>* every I
Seven Million boies sold in post 12 months. This Signature, I
>!■■! I II——HI ■ *
Tin Bulgarian at roc it ics on the (* i < eks
contiuue throughout the distuihed
territory. In the district of Oastoria
thev buried a village priest alive,lea*
ing only his head above giound At
Kailar and other village- the in-tirg
cuts killed the Greek schoolmaster
after subjecting them to borrildi toi -
tures. At Losnitza the collector of
taxes and two geudarun - were killed
and the collector's office robbed. At
Tchakalaroff five (irei !,- and two
Turks lost their lives
Tho sultan is endi avoring to put an
end to the antagonism to the foreign
consuls He ha- ordered that the
troops salute the foreign represent;*
fives, and that all courtesii - lie shown
to tlicm.
Abdul Ifainid has also shown an in ion to invest the troops with
new blood, by putting at their head
men who have merited such honor by
good fighting. I'lie first one so honor
ed is Fetid Pasha, who has been pro
mised the command of tin division of
Monastic, because with fitly men lie
recently defeated a force of 2 N: > Bul
Sofia, August 2f>. All information
relative to theiiiovenn nts of the Maci
(lonian insurgents received here i
, scrappy and conflicting. Il is . videtif,
1 however, that the insurgents an mov I
ing eastward toward the Bulgarian
frontier with the hope of . mhracing a
wider area and thus forcing tie 'l urk
to spread out.
The sultan's troops have made somi
.'progress in the district of Monastir,
but the ravines there are -n numerous
and lent shelter for the insurgent
tiaiids who nre incessantly raiding tic
surrounding country.
Vienna, Aug. 2ti.—Die Zeit's Phili]>
jiopolis correspond"ut wires that the
Turkish consul there recently had an
encounter with some Bulgarian gend
armes. The consul intervened to pre
vent arrest of a friend, and the gen
damn s turned on the official and at
tempted to place him under arrest Tin
consul escaped to his office only att> r
( a brisk race. His clothing was had I y
deranged and bis coat torn.
I Two Shows Uombined.
4 The Bard Bros, citctis which ap
, peared here early in the season, has
3 been enlarged by the addition of the
r . Sipe Dog & Pony Show Tho coin
,■ biuatioii is now touring the southern
. section of the state and meeting with
. good success
I Williamsport
' | Dickinson Seminary «
T si Home and Christian s. hooi. Igl
D carefully as : • ri! triininp. taking a (11 m«al iBMHi i«
| 8 each pupil. Asj ii-n ; ■ M " * CI
I X make bail held and gymnasium d real nlk Single bob, IxmHuv a..ey XI
| 8 arul swimming pool. It : •-.•-ctive studies -r a- .-
„ X selection. Stenography and Business Course t.. ' O
II ft ships ar<- offered. Seventeen skilled teachers. M . X
I 0 Physical Culture, with other ttranches or alone, under teachers with best home O
A .112. !5- *r i * * Q
I B witli discounts to ministers, ministerial candidiases lM ' »nd two turn. X
D same family. Fall term optens September 7lh, Cataiojjue tree. Address 01
g KLV. f.DWAKD I CRAY, D.D., President. Wilhamsport. Pa
The Home Paper j
: : of Danville.
• I
t 4
! Of course you read
s, I ill IK.
Everybody Reads It.
•_ ____________
Published I very Mor*iin\r Incept
<i i
Stnnlax ;tf
No, nl;. Jiff St.
SunM'ription (\ < u l\r WVck
Laying Out Golf Grounds,
William Otiiiii ot New Vor I.i- n i
at <'antli' (Jrovi 11 ■ arrived Thursita\ !
tint will In- occupied v. i«li tin work i
for smile film- to eom» Mr. Dunn i j
tfolf champion himself |- y< ,r
--aj;o In- 11;i111 wi-v. i prominent
When yon cwn r«» flunk of it fit* r J
have not been so many injarion- j
sfrok< - of th- r< mi»rht I •
considering the many electric -t< rm> |
that have visift <1 this ection tin--urn i
i nier. Hut there is no way t«> dist ov. i
the amount of im nt:»l tnpuish that i ■
heel! CHII-'d to those I • ol.|e W'llO '!'• fc"'
lltlder the tahle every time flu ' ]* i *' 11
fluid tlashe- through tie air
Four representative-ot the !"n • !
States rcn-n- bureau of Washington
D. C., are tourinp tin state patheriitf:
-tati-ti< - shnwiin? Tv i ft <if i .
! county, .its (Kipnl i: on mil off* r
- The ( i n-us m> i a!-o mi
itlK inquiries a- to tli tax i t 112 r
what purpose - the moil' vin i
fy is annually s| ent
I.IVON'A ('AMI' l'\. At'KII. -M I'.Hr.'
MoVKIt BK*>s
I think that everv man that hi- t
team of horses or any -t'»-k out-lit t<>
I have a 1* itth" of Mover - White Liniment
in the sfiihle or hi- hon-i I had a
horse tliat stepjied in a hole u th his
front f«»ot. minim; down the mountain
with a trail of pro -. ami fell r rward
anil strained his shoulder lilmlf Tint
it swelled so fast that vve i nld hardly
get the collar off. ami in two hour- hi -
neck was swollen to all the -kin w rild
holil We nseil yonr White Limn* : t
freely.ami in a few days he was tow rk
again. and does not show any -inn* .112
lameness, it worke.l like mairic
Kespectfnily Yonrs.
* * *
MAxrFAf-rneEt* MY
Mover Bros
Bloomsburg - Pa.
For sal.' t«v all dealers
1h« i♦ •;*»» ft! Mi Si xf I sufantrv em*
' t- d\
• ut' I i t ..
»Ut Of a po-lhle ».'■>
i uid hiftliti • nth r jciMi nr. #».r. t». v
It' ate
The warm »r*d humid waller 4 the
! j.a-t few -lin nor .nit >-hnmu
'"'if s, ;ui<l a eoi»f i im**ti> .! th fn**f
lin th< >otn it*-|r is r* »ttv to h* t» -ir
fl. Three w . k .! h»>f ttle r
T*W Uejinrlmeiit l if Fwfe-rte* -
ifselt hn-v noM in vim-mmm
i- i -
vioUfor of the fl-t, .i« . ris :»rr»«g
PhilftHi iphta and K» art tw Mai.wwv
• .
Thii'sHay i.v k •-
Kates from A §£ »
Mllfiitt, l> inutile. Pl'.oiu. try. »ti
Shamokin J»* -o Mt «*armel. ftp
Proportional' raf- fr. tn i«f»^ti»»-
lirkrf sfiMinn- • of? -»!(>•«»mr
t*lit?a>le||4«ia itniiig m<l r>*fu rmtMl
Within tim* limit oft .. t. 112 r ° m
ot train- «n<l turf -r * rmat n -
■ mall flyer- it »li 1" *>(>l)4).t «m»t
H- a<t »i£ ti< ... - < .
■ • l: ■
of th*- ..f i)li** in tiki
i I, r rv*a
■ : • i - - • -
.. I- her ' • I , •••-. •
A<h»>uwtr»n .» .. 0, .. b»%
Wb to tin twh-r m»"t AiJ
imWhtr i th ■ -f*t» *s
re«|nir«s| t.» nia• • a~ iiift. «n.t t» —•
havuiij elaims t*r •kr>M»it»ts %;•»)»-; ttttr
•■ V •
without •irhr r
: ■
H.lwr tr>l Si»\ c• • .~!»rh;»rt • .'inwi
K-tat. ..f U„i* . l*r- 1
th*- Bo •4f v
of M « totir an*t -• 112 lVn.iiKvlir.tti ■ *
Ikev.l .1
N> ; i»**' is h*
fers Tesf:tMi*n
alt |rN ih*i It- «i 4
an- *«1 Uei i,, mai»* i»i
ttmfaili i>-n m* ti iml fh<
I >' -tit..f » hrMhiii I. h I•>-
(:«»«i runs* !<*■ M *
K.<t»tr "if IktVl'i Vst-N'kl" Lite '
liwnvilh tt tbr •
JlofW lirfvlt^
*e»faiiwß»!irv llAt •- >'»*►« ( IWI i 'I t
iwvras ffauM* or
sanl .-.fitf, W! || mate k»>«t h m
Klnlftrtl of Iktv <•! h
I'll Al-lr— *1 J..rvi Dw>
i* dward Unvrv * **>«rtmrt t tn~-
AI ».M IN l-»THAT« « - M> 'th
K.sfafi 112 Hum Hh.«h - ;«?-
IV.r••»!?!» •-f Yhuiviil*' u *r» 1 ant
t P
11» '>' t'«|.
h herein- i!v*n thai t.. 112.
it *b> «h> v. .
AM p—■« » r*. f
t» tiink- put .t#nt tivl 'fco~- -
■ *h** <m
wil? ittmk km*wn *r *;<
I w rflu *fi 112 '§rfalT ?*
tLr.* p.u\*\ M Hh -
t r»»ti % %•»» m •
Willi \vi i B%M*\
Life Fira Went and Steam Boiler
emu*: Mont<om»m ButMln«. Mill ItTMI,
Danville, - • Penn'i