Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, August 27, 1903, Image 2

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"I.NN R R.
7.11 A. M 11 A. M.
10.17 " 12.1f> P.M.
2.21 P M 4.M "
5.50 •• 7.51 '
l«>. 17 A. M 4.JU P. M.
D L A W. R R
fi.57 A. M. fl.Ott A. M.
10 IV " 12 44 P. M.
2.11 p. w 4 :{:« '
5.43 " « "
6.57 A. M «tV44 l M.
5.43 V M S :I7 "
7.53 A.M. 11.24 A. M.
3.56 P. M tin.a p. M.
7.55 A.M. 11.22 A.M.
3.58 P. M. 6.04 P. M.
I i ,i njer County (Join in issi oner (ieorgo
W Miles who attended a meeting of
the Grand Lodge. Knights of Pythias,
it Carltoudale last week has contrib
uted the following interesting a.--
( oUllt oft lie event :
The Grand lodge. Knights of Pvlli -
i»s, convened at Carhondaln on Tues
day. the IMb, ilist , at o'olttok a. 111.
I'll, r -option given the body surpass
ed any similar demonstration occurring
tiivwhoro in the last tweiity-tive years.
Oarboedale is a line inland city of
I 5,000 population— op tti date in every all the streets paved with
vitrified hink it is well lighted and
I t- an t \oelleiit system of water works
ted by pure mountain water. Build
ings, public and private, are commod
ious and well appointed,architectural
ly ■howiog ott to excellent advantage,
rbore I- a beautiful park opposite the
City Building ami Y. M. (J. A. Hall,
in which stamb an imposing soldiers'
monument, surrounded by fountains.
The town has an excellent tiro depart
ue lit including a splendid hook and
ladder tru k.
On the occasion ot the Grand Lodge
meeting the city was beautifully dee
orat, d one very street with bunting,
tr< lies. "Welcome" banners, and
electric devices All this display,
however, was not formal, but the en
tire population entered into the move
ment with true fraternal hospitality
tnd when the Mayor turned the city
over to the visitors ill the name of the
residents the latter proved their sin
cerity in ways which could not he
Then were fully ten thousand visit
or- in the city on the day of the
( trade. There vva- not an arrost or it
drunken jicrson on the sttcot during
the day. The Pyrin ui pitrade was a
grand demons! rat ion, consisting of the
Grand Lodge and uniformed companies
tinn all the in ighboriiig cities and
towns, each one having a band or
drum oerpa. Serantoii, Wilkesbario,
Plymouth, Nantiooke, Providence,
Olyphatil, Duryei, and many other
u<-ijlxiring town- were represented in
tie line of march. The entire tiro do-
I .trfuicnt with visiting companies w:ts
t featur« which added much to the
pal tde
V \ tiidei s band of Wilkesbarro,
Darnell' band of Somerset and tlie Mo/
trt 1 tnd ot i' trbondale joined m play
ing Onward (Christian Soliliers" and
the Portugese Hymn," the effect ho
nig grand and inspiring HI the ex
Dur in: tie- afternoon t'.ooo people
w ni up to Lake Ledore in the mount
ains, where there i- a fine grove or
I irk, with larpe dancing pitvilion,
tiand stands, -t> unbolting. shoot the
-iiute, i ,»nccrts,h ise ball grounds, itnd
dming room- There were baud con
certs at He resort during the iiitire
alt-ri R. turning to Oarboodale
it • veiling tie different bands located
in different parts of the city gave con
- I-. making the entire day one that
a per-"ii i- not likely to forget.
Lake Ledore is not more than live
in,l<s from <'ai bond tie, but the ascend
ing circuit which one has to onfce to
path it raqiirm a journey of nearly
fifteen mib s each wa.v.
Olio thing about, the city which
seemed to -tril,' the visitors is the ah
s.m .• of tin lately arrived foreign ele
iiioiit, il-n the absi lice of colored poo
I'll* <'arbotidale ba- beautiful
churches of tie- different doiiomina
tion-. The ]M'ople :tll seem tfi be Am
I • a large proportion ot Welsh,
English, Scotch or Irish extritction It
i- now a typn al American city. A few
112 tie- pei,pll cling to tip ir national
it >-s in naming their -non-ties, parti
ciilarl.v the \V . 1 -11 Singing Societies.
'lie* cull Villi lull oil the whole wait
gr» it sill II -s alld the older 111 every
r -p. t is in b> tti i condition than ever
Ballot for next Election.
I'ln Si it- Department al Harri-hurg
be foi some time boeli engaged ill the
pri piratiou of a billot in accordance
with tie new law passed by the la-l
Li gislaturo | | M . mat t- rwas | laced
in tie hands of Chief Ch rk Thorn,
tnd after i thorough study of the law
11 has pre) trod a ballot which it, is
thought ■ .inform- to every provision.
lie inw I i!lot contains all tie
party naim sin the lir-t column, in
stead of stt the top ol -op,irate col
U m II- as formerly Tie- offices to be
till I follow in coin.mis. the name of
I*yi iv ■ andid ite tor each otlice to hi
voted tor being iindoi the head of that ;
otlice \ i tiididaie s name ion the
hitlbi! but once, tuit the name of every
P irtv which noiniti ited him is si t op
polite that on- name. The circle is
< limiii.itcd, hut a si|uar- answers tin
MM purpose, and there are no sepa- '
i tt.- columns for each party. It has
tie sane candidate of more than one
party i HI occupy but one place on it
Nub Iv in Phil »de I phi a knows what
h 1- woith. In i iu-1 tie board ol is
*»<ssors won't make public their re|iort
until the lit 11111 • of September
Tlio Hoard ot Health hold a sj>«■<■ iI
lust night to take action re
lilting to the removal ol the slaughter
houses beyond tlui Porough limits.
Dr. P. (1 Nowbakor, President, oo
eu|Hed the chair. .lanes Sliull/ and
W. H. Woods ide, along with I> r. <J.
Shult/., secretary, were present ai the
The following resolution was adopt
Whereas, The resolution adopted at
a previous meeting of till! Hoard of
Health hold June tth, I'.m.i, notifying
the owners of slaughter housi s loeat
ed within Iho Horough limits tore
move the same to a more suitahli
location outside the said limits with
in •'•o days after Juno I, I'.'i'i, has not
boon complied with, therefore:
Resolved, That the secretary lie in
structed to notify the parties concern
ed and the Horough Council, that uu
If.- tlie rei|iiilenient sot the resolution
he complied with immediately legal
proceedings will he instituted to abate
said nuisance.
Danville People are Respectfully Asked
to Answer These Questions.
Is there anything in the evidence of
one's senses?
Is theio anything in the testimony
of one's friends?
Can reliance he placed upon state
ments from people wo know -
Aio the opinions ot local citizens of
any greater moment than those of ut
ter strangers.'
Would you sooner believe people liv
ing in some far-away place than ein
/.ens of your own oily?
We think not ! for home proof can
easily ho investigated.
Mrs. 11. Millard, of 122 East, Front
Street, says:"l was doctored for
Hright's Disease hut ot uld not get per
manent relief. Owing to rheumatism
1 was not aide to walk without a cane,
and, HI addition to this, l was very
much bothered with pain across my
loins and an emliai rasping weakness of
the kidneys I took almost everything
I could hear about without obtaining
success. Doau's Kidney I'ills did me
more good than an\ other remedy I
ever used. They positively relieved
the itching in my hack and the annoy
ance from the kidney secretions. Thov
gave me relief not atl'orded toanv oth
er medicine."
For sale by all dealers. Prion 50
cents per box. Koster-M i Ibiiin (Jo.,
Bnattlo, N. Y. t sole agents for the
United States.
Keiiieinher .lie name Doan's and
take no substitute
Promises to be Well Attended.
The last dance to bo given in the
Thursday night series at Hunter's
Park on the evening of September .'!rd
promises to be a grand success. Every
thing willl bo done to make the atlair
one to be remembered.
All excellent concert will bo giv
en by the celebrated Oppeiilieim
orchestra of Wilkesharre before the
dancing begins. Spectator- will be
charged '.'"i cents admission to tie
park. The hacks will be running
from t! :1a t0'.1:15 p. in. Prof. Oppon
lioim has arranged the following pro
gram for this occasion.
Selection Little Duchess
Paraphrase Mehioy in F
(Join•. from the Prince ot Pilsen
Two Step Guardmoulit
A lexitnder
Waltz Fraudzka
Two Stl*11 Mv Own United States
Kd wards.
Waltz Prayer and Passion
Two Step Mississippi Hubble
I laities
Landers Silver Slipper
Waltz To Thee
Two Stop Anoua
Y ivian (ircy
Waltz Hluo Danube
St laiiss
Two Stop Sun Danco
Waltz In Palmy Nights
Latieieis Wizard of <>/.
Two Steji Hiawatha
Waltz A Dream of Heaven
Two Step Heidolbery Stein Song
Waltz Spiiit of Love
Two Step Howery Huok
I'II rpi u
Waltz Mollio Shitiiiion
Anna Held
Two Step What's the Matter
with the Moon Toniglit
Walt/. I in Tired
Drove to Buck horn,
The follow ing I roin this city drove
to Huekhorn Friday evening where
they weie entertained :it the home of
Mr. tnd Mrs Austin Corn-ll; Misso-
Pei th i (Jrouiw e| I, Pessie Drumheller,
Jane Foulk, Jennie Harris, Sylva
Crumley, Frances Wellivor, Helen
(ieise, Anna Pritohaid, Lettit Puuseli,
Mas Hooks, Maine Smith of Suiihurv .
(Jarrie Pillne-yer, Pessie Druiiihelier
of Pottsville Miwi> Howard Pat ton,
George Clark, I'ert MoClure, Joy
Prader, John Thompson, Paul And
r* w's.Pruco Hiirman, Thomas Penned,
\rt 11 ii r C ainpliell, Charles Lewis, Wil
Lam Maiers, Llewellyn Thoiu a net
William Elh'lihogeii
The Death Penalty.
A little thing somelimi s results in
death. Thus a mere sorateb, 111i^11i
leant cut or puny boils have paid tie
death penalty. It i- wise to havi
Puokh n's A 1111• i Sitlve eyer handy
It's the best Salve on cart hand will
prevent fatality, when Hums, Sores,
IMeers and Pi les threaten. iinlv ' n-,
at I'aiiles A ('o's Drug Store.
Ml. RestjirnJ .
Samuel A. Haugh for some time |M t
Mill Manager of tin Heading Iron
Works Ii I- resigned Ins position and
will return to Ins home in Dotmit,
Mich. Mr Pangli is a gentleman ot
fine social <|iialities and made many
friends while in I >anv ilb
isiwun riiiii
in a game lull ol interest, the "Old
Timers" defeated the Sunhiiri team
at DoWilt's I'aik on S.iturdav alloi
noon. The Danville boys made three
runs in the second inning, I\s o in the
fourth and one in the litih inning,
making a total of si\ to Sunbiiry's
one, which the visitor- made in Iho
third inning.
Heiinor, who la-l season pitched I'm
Danville, was in the box for Sunburv
and the boys wiiil after him in good
stylo making n i lie hi Is off his del iyi iv.
Costly errors were responsible lor sev
eral runs. McCloiul for Danville pilch
ed In- usual good game and was very
sat isfactor v.
The Danville team played gilt edg
ed li;t 11 and demonstrated what tlicy
could do with a little care. They
were determined to heat Suilhury ibis
time and every man was on his guard.
Ross was in good form, making throe
hits and accepting his chances with
groat ease. Shortstop Logan \as
it Iso itt Ins best having two hits, one
put-out and four assists to Ins credit.
Only two ermrs wore made by Dan
ville. The dot tiled score follow:
|{ II o A. E.
Gosh, If 0 I 2 II 0
Ross lib t* e I *- I
Yerrick 2h <1 I 5 <> <>
Holt man lb n 0 ii n
Pitchman c on i n I
Shannon of 'Jo I I "
Logan ss I 2 1 I <!
Strino rf 2 I 0 0 0
McCloiul p 110 2 II
Total «'i !• 27 it 2
R. II O A. E.
Ryan 2b I .5 0 2 I
Ray <• n I T I I
Gruhh :5b <> -.'
Lawrence Ib 0 (• I•> •>
Duffy of n n | 0 o
Wynne rf 0 0 1 I 0
Smith If 0 0 0 0 0
Noiior ss 0 I :S 0 2
Ivonnor p oooio
Total I ; 27 I" <"■
Score by innings
t Danville 0 :: 0 2 I <• 0 on c,
Sunhury 0 0 1 000 00 0 I
Earned runs Danville I. First base
on called halls off McCloiul Hen
in-i Left on bases Danville 1 Sun
bury 10. Wild pitches Rentier. Stiuck
out by McCloiul "i, by lictiiior ti. Pas
oil balls Ray, Paclmiau Hit h.v pitch
or Hoffman, Baohnian. Time of game
I hour. minutes. I'mpiro .lonc-
Nervous Dyspepsia
Its Cause and Cure
Overwork any organ and it give
out the stomach is no i xeoption. Ask
it to digest anything, everj thing, at
any time in half the time required,
and like an over dtiveti hor.-e,it b ilk-.
Nitture intended the stomach -liould
have regular hours. A time to work,
a time to rest and w hen you Im ik up
tin- habit, you upset the whole ir
langetneiil. The stomach nerves be
(Mime exhausted, the glands lefuse to
act, the food does not digest Ii -
heavy, ferments and repeats. There
is pain, gits forms, bloating occur-,
the heart becomes irregular and a
nervous irritabh feeling sets m This
is nervous dyspepsia and Dr. A. W.
('base's Nerve Pill- it- euro
Mrs. M. Fields ot No. I'S Pine
street, Danville, Pa, says : "I bad
been bothered it good deal tor some
time with a nervous indigestion and
wa- feeling generally run down. I
did not rest well and had frequent
nervous headaches. I got some of Di.
A. \\. Chase's Nerve Pills at (Josh's
Drug Store and used tliotii and know
that they are an excellent medicine.
I rest well again feel strong and well
itnd the headaches and indigestion an
gone. The medicine is an i xeolleiit
ono and I am pleased to recommend
ii ' 50c a box at dealers or Dr. A.
W. Chase Medicine Co , Buffalo, N.
Y. See that portrait and signature -■!
A. W. Chase M D. are on every pack
Herbert Hemlricksou.
Herbert Ilendriokson of Valley town
sii i| . who was so badly injured la -1
spring by a bullet which was intended
for a burglar, was in town last Satur
day and got around very nicely with
the aid of a cane. Mr. Ilendricksoii
says that he o.\| eriences no inconveni
ence whatever from the bullet, which
still remains embedded in his body.
The wound in the breast has entiioly
healed and the only ill effect remain
ing is :t stubborn swelling in tie left
limb, which causes lameness.
Puts an End to it All.
A grievous wail of times comes as a
result of unbearable pain from over
taxed organs. Dizziness, Paekaohc,
Liver complaint and Constipation.
Put thanks to Dr. King's Now Life
Pills they pit! an end to it all They
are gentle but thorough Try them.
Only 250. Guaranteed by Pauh-s <V
(Jo's I 'rug Store.
Of Great Benefit.
An older just issued by Post master
General Payne requires railway pos
tal dorks " to keep const mt ly unhand
it supply of one and two cent postage
stamps at the car, and -tich stamps
must not he sold toi' any more ihan
their face value.
This order will piovc a great con
venioucn for persons who mail letters
at t rains.
A great many letters are thus mail
ed on all principal towns along tin
railroad lines every day,being written
after the closing of tin mails at the
post ofliee, there hoing some dlll erelico
between tlt at tunc and the time of the
di pai t ure of the I raills
(Jommorcial men are well pleased
over tlie new older.
Katydids Have Arrived.
The katydids have made their ap
pcaialien and there i- . onsteruation
among the farmers I i iusi ei- have
arrived two vvoi 1 . earlii I than MSII il
It is a pop uI 11 In lii I 111 • I tie Ii i-s|
frost will appear exactly six weeks
after the katydids first vi it. Farly
frost will mean damage to the corn,
buckwheat and other criq and so tin
agriculturists view the e.nlv "oniing
of the katydids with alarm, old n-sid
ellts -av tle-y ueVi ' have known the
insect' to appeal so early 111 the sum
Rev William <'. MeCorniack, hav
ing lelurned from In vacation occupi
ed the |in 11111 at Crnve Pnltvlci'ian
church Sunday lie pleached two
line sermons and was welcomed by a
good sized congregation morning and
Ills theme at morning worship was
"The Ktleel ol Conduct mi Belief."
The text selected was in Jeremiah,
XXII : Hi. To know God -to be very
Mire of God 11> leel linn as we feel
the aii around us. tie life within us
lie spoke very eloquently of ibis
passionate desiic of the human soul
and flu 11 wenl onto ask if there is a
God and how we are to know God.
Dwelling upon several replies which
might h" given from a more or less
worldly point of vi w lie emphasized
the one reply which may be found in
seriptuic: Do not reason, but do. Try
to be good and the Source of all good
will be intelligible to you, for knowl
edge depi nils upon action and conduct.
To he a Christian in your conduct is
to have Christ made intelligible to
you; to yvill (ho will of God is to
know the doctrine. It seems an almost
irrational reply, but religion itself is
a sort of glorious irrationality. It re
verses (he wisdom of man and teaches
us that what is foolishness to the
Greeks and a stone ol stumbling 10
the Romans is the very truth of God.
It breaks the teeth of our poor logic
machines and makes us begin our
spiritual education where children be
gin. The child does not reason out
bis acts; be simply is good, or innoc
ent, or loving and goodness,innocence
and love are thus made intelligible to
11 i 111 and so the pictuie of this passage
1- an upright child-like man a man
trouble I with no doubt about the plain
dutv of life,whose heart instructs him
in Ins conduct to the poor and needy,
who eats and drinks and is grateful,
who reverences justice and judgment
and endeavors to live in accord with
t heir sj.ii it.
In looking at some contrasted pic
ture-, ol ibis passage the speaker dwell
upon covi (ousness as blinding men to
(Jod, illustrating bis points very elf c
l ively from script lire.
Conduct hegets belief and a man's
conduct ileteiluiiics his creed. Begin
to live carelessly and prayerlessly and
you will soon find your religion dis
solving away like a mist. One need
not b" surprised when a man of rapac
ious and evil appetites living only for
tie graticfiation ot bis lower self says
he does not believe in (jod. The great
er surprise would be it he did believe.
DeWitt is the Name.
Wlien you goto buy Witch 11azel Salve
look for the name IK?WITT on every
box. The pure, niiadulteiateil Witch
livel is used 111 making DeWitt's
Witch Ha/el Salve, which is the best
salve 111 the world for cuts, burns,
bruises, boils, eczema anil piles. The
popularity of DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve due to its many cures,has caus
ed numerous worthless counterfeits to
be placed on the market. The genuine
bears the nniucoi E. ('. DeWitt «V Co ,
Chicago. Sold by Paul' s Co.. Go h
& Co.
After the Lard Dealers.
Dealers in lard throughout the state
who purchased this article from the
wholesale houses of the west ale now
receiving the attention of tie Dairy
IIKI Food branch of the Department
of Agriculture. Complaints have
reacle I the Department to the effect
that compounds have been sold all
over lie state. Analyses of these pro
ducts of westein packers showed that
the lards 0 n.sistcd of tallow, stearin
and cotton si ed oil.
Last Friday Seer tai.v Critchfield,
Commissioner Warren and I'. I!. Wit
nicr, nf Sunhury, chic! counsel ol the
Department, were in conference on
the subject, and took up the coin
plaints and have mapped out plans o!
action. These ollicials have also held
conferences with prominent farmeis
throughout thejstateand .have reached
the conclusion that the dealers in the
state who handled the impure lards
will be proceeded against if they at
tempt to dispose of the compounds as
1 lie pure article. As long as tliev lah
-1 I it what it really contains, no act
um will be taken.
Dr. Warren in discussing the mailer
yesterday said that there were fann
ers. as well as manufacturers, in the
state, who make and sell genuine lard
which is composed wholly of the fat
ol pigs. These pure pinducts of the
faruii'i sand niaiiii fact 11 rer-, In said,
were worth Ihousunds anil thousands
of dollars annually, and it was not
right that their interests should he
hauipi red and encroached upon by the
composition sold under the name of
pure lard. These counterfeits, added
Dr. Warren, would he driven out of
tin state and the home producers, who
oiler the real article,protected as well
as the consumers.
End of Bitter I'i^ht,
" Two physicians had a long and
stubborn tight with an abcess on my
right lung," writes ,1 F. Hughes of
Dul'ont, Ga. "and gave me up. Every
body thought my time had come. As
1 list resort I tried Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Tli bene
fit I received was striking and 1 was
on my lent in a lew days. Now I've
entirely regained my health." It eon
ijiieis all Coughs, Colds, and Throat
and Lung troubles. Guaranteed by
Pauley iV <!o's Drug Store. Price Mlc,
anil *I.HO Trial hollies free.
Enjoyable Outing.
Mi and Mrs. Kecly A. Ream,
Misses Lulu, Mae and Liz/.ie Morton,
Liz/ie Fischer, Mary I'egg, Nell Slier
wood, Sarah W'ati is, Kathryn An
drews, Messrs. Arthur Lawrence,Tlieo.
111n 11 m. Edward Fallon and Waller
I'ee ' 1 turned home on Satuidav fioin
Ctmeron where they enjoyed camp
lite for two weeks. Ibe party occupi
ed the Dil/ler cottage known as the
'Summer's Delight " The camp .\ as
named "I • M.S.I'."
W lieii \ou want a physio Ilia 1- mild
and gentle, easy to take and certain
to .act, alwavs us,. I'll am be r lai lis Sto
inacli and Liver Tablets For sale by
Panics iV Co., druggists
Among some papers belonging to
the late < Ilii'ist 1a 11 Liuhacli is an old
letter hearing Hie dale of November
S, ISC,I, which revives some reminis
d uces of the Civil War The letter ■
was wiiflen at Camp Coleman, Leba
non, by our late townsman A. B.
ration, father ol .101111 Pattou, the c\
pressman. lis contents after flic lapse
of PJ years will prove of interest to
the general reader, especially if he
happens to be a veteran of the Civil
War. The letter is as follows:
Dear Friend:—We arrived here
Tuesday morning. Shortly after oui
arrival it began to rain very hard and
continued all day. (>ll my arrival I
found a letter from my brother Jos
eph, which was very interesting. He
gave full particulars of the recent
battle they had. It was too bad that
alter lighting as they did 011 their re
111111 so many should lie drowned. I
hope that if we ever get in battle we
may live to get home and tell the tale
of the bravo who must nece-isarily
Mr. Coleman, the man our camp
was named after, was here Tuesday
and presented 11s with a beautiful
flag. It was received by Col. Mi-Car
ter in a most, eloquent address. The
flag cost over a hundred dollars.
This forenoon the Governor and his
suit were here and presented us with
a beautiful flag,the prettiest one 1 ever
! saw. The Governor made a very nice
j speech, which will he printed 111 the
next week's Danville papers. Tanny
Howe and S. J Gibhs took down the
1 speech as il was delivered. The Col
onel delivered one of the best replies
; 1 ever heard, one perpetual strain of
' eloquence. It was too long to l»< cop
ied. All who heard him could not
listen without shedding tears of pat
-1 riotisiii. The Governor and suit
stood as if enchanted. After the
I speech our band struck up "The Star
Spangled Banner," which was very
appropriate. After the Mag ceremon
ies w» re over and we were being re
viewed a man by the name of Colonel
11.-kin was severely injured. While
' passing the music his horse reared up,
in which position lie pulled too hard
on the lines and the horse In 1 his
equilibrium and fell over on his rider.
Our leggings were distributed this
morning and these add a great deal to
the appearance ot the company.
Messrs. Easton, Ramsey and Brandon
are here today. They will tell you 1
great deal of our camp life,but 1 hope
they will not tell any wrong stories,
for we do nothing we are ashamed of.
1 think I have written about enough
but one thing more 1 must add—that
it went harder (or me (o leave Dan
ville Ibis (ime than ever before. It
seemed I had more friends than I
dreamed of.
Your Sincere Friend,
A. B. Pat ton.
Dysentery Cured Without the Aid of
j "1 am just up from a hard spell of
the flux (dysentery) says Mr. T. A.
Pinner, a well known merchant of
Drummond, Teiin. "1 used one hot
j tie of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy ami was cured
without having a doctor. 1 consider
i( the best cholera medicine in the
world." There is no need of employ
ing a doctor when this remedy is used
for no doctor can prescribe a better
medicine for bowel complaint, in any
foi m either for children or adults. It
never fails and is pleasant to take
For Sale by Panics & Co.
Orders 1500 Men Laid Off.
The Pennsylvania Railroad has
ordered a wholesab reduction of its
working force at Altoona and Pitts
burg, and by the end of Augu-t the
corporation will have laid off about
1500 men. One of the officials at Pitts
burg when asked the reason for Ibis
retrenchment said :
"We are handling as much freight
as ever, but we have been working
under too great an expense. Tie iL.,
charge of so many men will not affect
the system,nor does it mean that busi
ness is decreasing. We have laid off
about 200 111101 in the Altoona shops
because of the enormous expense we
have been under putting in new
machinery. We must, reduce the pay
roll so as to make a financial showing
for all the business the lines arc do
ing. "
Not Over Wise.
There is an old allegorical picture
of a girl scared at a grass hopper, but
in the act of heedlessly treading 011 a
snake. This is paralleled by the man
who spends a large sum ol money
building a cyclone cellar, but neglects
to provide his family with a bottle ot
Chamberlain's ('olic, Cholcia and l>i
arrhoea Remedy as a safeguard agains
bowel complaints, whose victims out
number those of the cyclone a hund
red to one. This remedy is everywhere
ceogni/.cil as the inosl prompt and
reliable medicine iu use for these dis
eases. For sale by I'aules iV Co.
Labor Day 21 Years- Old.
The United Mine Workers' Journal
says:"On Monday, September T,
I'.MKJ, Laboi Day will be twenty-one
years old. How little Mr. Evans, of
Louacouing, Maryland, thought when
lie stood sponsor at that gathering in
New York Cify.twi uty one years ago,
that in this short, space of time the
day would be celebrated from ocean
to ocean and millions would gather on
that day and listen to lite edd story,
old, yet new.
Eat All You Want
Persons troubled with indigestion or
Dyspepsia can eat all (hey want if
lliey will take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
This iciuedy piepares the stomach for
the reception, retention,digc-tion and
,-|ssi in i lal i< n of all of the wholesome
food that mav be eaten, and enables
the digestive organs to transform the
same into the kind of blood that gives
In 11111 and strength. Sold by Panics
A (!0., (Josh iV ('o.
The picnic season is dosing and
those who enjoy outings are making
I lie most of the 112 i me.
Tilings begin to assume it busy and
fact nry • I ike appearance about flu- big
building on Railroad stiei ' which is
being fit 11 11 by the Rompc Maniifactu
ring company tor the making of self
winding clocks.
There a I'M now four hands,employed
regularly iilioiit tliH place, all busy
either ill |>t• i■ fi•«• t lliti machinery or
HI turning out pieces which • 111• • r in
In tin- const ruction of tin- remarkable
clock in vented by Mr. Kcmpe.
The manufacture of cluck.-. is 11 new
industry in these parts mid a (lords an
, interesting study both as pertains t<i
I the ingenious and delicate tools or
machinery employed and the accurate
results aciiieved in the work, much of
which is so line and small in M/.C as
to be barely more than visible to the
unaided eve.
In addition to a largo |»ower press
to he employed in cutting out the
wheels for tilts clocks,the machinery is
all small in size, consisting of lathes,
drillpresses, and the like. All ot
these have been modified hy Mr
Kempo in some way hy attachments
which enable them to turn out the
precise kind of work required. The
hands employed are at present engag
ed HI turning out pinions, and some
other of the smaller paits needed.
While a great many ot the latter are
already on band it may be some
weeks before the factory w ill be ready
to enter upon the manufacture of all
the parts that enter into a self-wind
ing clock.
Mr. Hempc stated yesterday that he
has been disappointed by one firm and
that machinery quite indispensable
which was to have been at the factory
hv August Ist has not as yet arrived.
Until it comes lie cannot set any time
when the clocks may be ou the mark
et. He has been assured, however,
that lie will not have to wait longer
than next week and he has hopes that
he can begin to make clocks in time
tor the tall trade. The lirst install
ment manufactured will not be less
than five hundred.
Boy Cured of Colic Alter Physician's Trea't
nient Lad Tailed
My hoy when four years old was
taken with colic and cramps in his
stomach. I sent for the doctor and lie
injected morphine, but the child kept
getting worse. I then gave him half
a teaspoonful of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and
in half an hour he was sleeping and
soon recovered.— F. L. Wilkins, Shell
Lake, Wis. Mr. Wilkins is hook -
keeper for the Shell Lake Lumber Co.
For sale by Paules & Co., druggists.
Of Benefit to Young Women.
The Philadelphia School for Nurses
in alliance with the American Na
tional Red Cross has undertaken to
train a Milticiciit munlier of young wo
men who shall be subject to the call
ol the Red Cross or the government
for prompt nursing service in the
event of natioual calamities or in case
of war.
Co incident with this plan an effort
will be made to carry nursing skill
and hospital knowledge into mull
towns and rural districts of Pmnsyl
vania, New Jersey, Delaware and
Maryland, hy taking some of their
young women and training them in
this science.
This w ill si cure the requisite num
ber of nurses for Red Cross work.
It will give a means of livelihood to
large numbers of most excellent and
deserving young women who have hut
few opportunities, and at the same
time it will benefit thousands ot homes
by the spread ot this knowledge.
Every village and township in near
by States may ultimately be reached
and helped in this way.
The undertaking involves the ex
penditure of large sums of money, but
wealthy and influential men and wo
men in the four states named stand
rcadv to carry the plan to fruition.
One hundred thousand dollars baa
already been guaranteed >lllll more
funds are assured.
The Special Committee representing
the movement is as follows:
Hon. William N'. Ashman, Judge of
the Orphan's Court of Philadelphia.
Hon. Nathan 0. Schatt'er, Pennsyl
vania State Superintendent of Public
Hon. Henry R. Edmunds, United
States Commissioner and President of
the Philadelphia Board ot Education.
Mrs. Darwin R. Janus of New York
President of t-lie Women's Hoard of
Home Missions of the Presbyterian
Right Rev. Alexander Mackay Smith
Coadjutor Bishop of the Diocese of
Rev. John Timothy Stone, of Balti
more, Maj-yland.
J. R. Miller, D. I)., Editor Presby
terian Publications, Philadelphia.
Francis B. Reeves, President of the
Girard National Bank, Philadelphia.
Any young woman who aspites to
Red Cross membership or to nursing
service in any capacity can get full
information by addressing The Phila
delphia School for Nurses, Wither
spoon Building, Philadelphia, Pa.
The movement is designed especial
ly to benefit young women in small
towns and rural communities.
Suicide Prevented.
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been discov
ered will interest many. A run down
system, or despondt ney invariably
precede suicide and something lias
I found that will prevent that con
• lition which makes suicide likely At
the first thought of self destruction
take Electric Bitters. It being a great
lonic and nervine will strengthen the
neives and build up the system. It's
also a great Stomach, Li ver and Kidney
regulator. Only 50c. Satisfaction
guaranteed by I'tules \ Co., Diug
New Township Bridge.
Supervisor D. K. P. Childs of Yal
ley township, is building ail arch
bridge over a branch ot the Mahoning
creek at Kasevilie. Tile bridge, which
is being built by the township, is a
much needed improvement .ind will
facilitate travel very much at certain I
seasons. I
( /Dili pill I V J', I til lit 1/IIIH lit, N (> |
I 1 , met 111 tin- Armory Saturday «• . 1
for tin- purpose ol i lectin*: a Si mnl |
Lieutenant In MII i'n <1 \\ .1 K> mi,
wim teiidcied his r< i. mii.
Weeks ;»««> There Vi- tin •I ■ Hull,
however, tin- tin mber- lii in,- it n it' l> t«i
unite 111 tlii' choice ill :i until
'l'lii* elect inn was eoudm ted lr. Ma
jor (! I'. (iiailiarl 'Jin- name nl |
Aiiilitnsn M tlii-1 mil Wll linn hi . w i ri' j
placed in imtiiiii it inn Win II tli • lii
t ton lii' Kin there Win II ni' nil» r
pri'-i'iit , lii'luri tin Mitinj/i i-I (I tin• i
others 112 aille ill. Tlieri an* lilt'- mil'
•lllis tII I mi-11 in tin' ctiuipaii - Ii
thereforc required tliirtx voti Ii • **i»i j
stitute a majority.
Six ballots wi■ ri till.i II witlunl in I
election, M 111, rrii 'iv ih_' ri -|i 11 v •
ly votes as follows: I'.' I 11, II 1
Hi, and Fry, i J, Il<!, in, I ,I,
Wli. nit lii-i ,iiin> . villi nt tl it h> iii i
of tin' two nii'ti voti-il tor <! 1.,
elected Major (i. arliait advised tin
coiii|iaii.v lo select another in in Ac
cordinply tin- nail Kalpli IC I -11 • r
Wa- placed in lioiillliat toil, when tin
vot tut; \\ as resumed
Two iiililtt iniial I'll lot s wi-rr taken
without a choice. Tim ln-t I..111 • t
Ravn Miller It'., Fry II ami Ki-mr
tin- M'cotnl liallnt, Miller, I- I" i * li,
anil Kisner .Y
By this tinm it wa- marly '.tn'cli. k
It was evident that the men ciuilil m t
reach a choice that night and M ijnt
Gearharl declined the nice; tug a.I
journed urging the im nil..*rs in p't to
Hi ther before the next eh't ln ll is I all
i d ami ci lit. r ii|niii some min tut'
end that the delay of Saturl.iv
might not he repeated
Save tho Children.
Ninetynine of every mm bundled di*
ease that children have are i!un to dis
orders of the stomach, and tlese di
orders are all caused hy indigestion
Kodol Dyspepsia ('urn )- just a~ good
for children us it is for adult- Cliil
(lien thrive on it. It keeps their little
stomachs sweet and encourages their
growth and development. Mrs Henry
Carter, 705 Central St., Nashville,
Ten., nays: "My little hov is now
three years old and has been sutTering
from indigestion ever since he wa
horn. I have had the best doctors 111
Nashville, but failed to do him am
good. After using one bottle of Kodol
he is a v.ell baby. I recommend it to
all sufferers. " Kodol dige-ts what ymi
eat and makes the stomach -wiet
Sold hy Faules it Co.. (Josh iV ('■>
Railroail Completed.
The first engine will run ov< r the
Susquehanna, Blootusburg ami I'■ • i
wick railroad the latter part i I this
week. The new road -tali- it \V»
town, runs to Millvilh* hram In - oil
at Kyersgrove down Little Fishing
('reek to within one inile ot Blooms
burg, thence passes up back ot Fig
Fishing Creek to Faper Mill 0111 mil.
below Light Street,crossing Bin Fish
ing Creek and the Bloomsburg and
Sullivan Kail road thence eastward b;
Light Street and Briar Cii el, Valley
to Berwick. It is stated that the mail
is really owned by the l'einis> Ivatna
and that it will he c mtinned from
Berwick to Nescopeck and then join
the I'eiinsylvaiua road at that place.
Mrs. Mollie Allen, ot South Fork
Ky., says sin* has ]irevenled attacks
of_cliolera nioibu- liv taking Cham
berliiin's Stomach and Liver tablet
when -lie telt an attack coming on.
Such attacks are usually caused by
indigestion and these tablets are just
what is needed to cleanse the -toin
ach and ward oil the appro aching ai
lack. Attacks of bilious colic m n
be prevented in tin- -aim v\ i\ I'" r
sile by Fault's W Co., druggist
The Parochial School,
The Sisteis nt the Immaculate Heart
of Scranton, have arrived at tlii- city
to take charge ot tin Farochial school
at Bloom and Ferrv streets. They
are prepared to teach all the nsual
branches and in addition typewriting
and book keeping. Music will m
elude instructions on all kinds of in
strume nts.
Potent Pill Plcasur.
The pills that are jioteiit in their .ic
tion and pleasant in effect are IV
Witt's Little Karly Kisers. W S
Fliilpot of Albany, (Ja , -ays I>tirin»
a bilious attack I took one Small i
it was it did me more good than cab
mel, blue tnass or anv otter pills I
ever took and at the - line time it el
fected me pleasantly. Little Farlt
i Risers are certainly an ideal pill
Sold by Faules vV Co.. (tush A. Co
Death of Mrs. Rose.
Mrs. Charlotte l<o-. in old p sub i
died la-t evening at tin hum ol
son, Frank Kose, Sidl. r Hill, it tl"
advanced age of S'l years In el.lit.
to her -nil -lie is suri iv.- I t• \ In r Im
band.w ho is an mm it.of the Soldiei
Home at I lay ton, •>
The funeral will be held Friday at
•J p. in.from I'riuity M I. elun h
1 ntiirtil.■ 111 will lake place ill I >l.l I I
low s' cciuefi ry.
■WW i M MM MHII • 'frniT-irrrT-rn
" I have used Avei's ll»ir Vigor
for mrr rliiirv i ai*. It has kept
my scaip fi.c from dandruff and
has preieniid mv b : from turn
ing niay." Mrs. I . A. '. oulc.
Billings, Mont.
There is tins peculiar
ab'HH A\er'r. Hair
Vi:;or— it i . a ii.iir food,
not ad\ e. onr ii.iir i!ocs
not suddenly turn black,
look tie:.J mid I;fclcss.
But<rradi:.iil> the oldcolor
conies back, a!i the rich,
dark color it used to have.
The hair stops failing, too.
SI 00 a boi.ltf 'II drtiftLU
II your rirupgint can: t»* j ■!> \ i». I
Ifrnl |
*i . I
Bof >OUf IlftArffit P\|l tr*W oft 112 A. I #>► ■
J. C. AV KK CO., Lovtcll, Matt- I
;We want 10 ilo ai;
kmis el Priuiinfi
111 )r
A rv
Ii " I
11111 ft* I
< ii's tel. *
(? 112
AH» p' .\' I'.II! I.
\)/ ter 11. ii'
i)i Ti.kct,
V ■/ Program,
L>J mcnt or •
J) an advtrfi
for your l»:i-»
satisfaction t»» v -i
Set Type,
flaw Presses.
Best Paper.
Silleii Wort,
\ll you can ask
A trial wili
you our customer
\\c rtSpiCt tu 11' :l-k
that trial.
No. ii I Mahoning Si.