Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, July 02, 1903, Image 2
{RAILROAD TIME TAD LI f'KNN A K li SAST. H I -T. 'MI A. M 'MI \ M A.17 " 1" 15 R 8.21 P. M. 5.50 - R.I SUNDAYS. 10. 17 A. M. 4..11 I*. M D. L A W K H EAST. 8.57 A. M. 'MMi v M. o.itt " v: u r. m S.LL P. M. I 5.48 " S SUNDAYS 5.57 A. M. 12 TL L'. M. 5.43 P. M. S FHTLA A- READING k. K NORTH. 7.63 A M. 11 .M \. M KMP. M. t'« 05 p M RL< H >M STREET 7.55 A. M.l L.V.' \. M. a.58 p. M. DANVILLE WOMAN COMMITS ■SUICIDE And (!U*< of suicide occurred .i Cataw l—a Friday m which M• - Sarah Young of tliis city i by jumping info ;» deep well > a'am I luti fifteen fM of water. Tin- unforf una to woman, who i - tin wife of William Young, P L. W Avenue,this city,for a couple ol > >■ »i l a.-! h;t> IHHIO HI pi' ir health \i a year i »{<> tin* family di t ted >vi : •MM of meatal derangement Sli. v - neither violent nor <-pet tally ire.ubt Mow, although it t- -aid tliat on i< or more occasions she hinted at - ! destruction. The family felt thorough ly callable of taking <an < t her, an I Utuc she fujorad coiisid. rahh Is lea haiivards and li rward > . i»ur«* belwtvu Iter two daughlt -. dr- Robert Moody of tins city and Mr- Harry Harm tn oft 'attwissa For aoiue 11nit- past -he i>:i- In • n in Calawissa at the Harmau I om .i Villi titreet itwin: to hi r condition tlioee with whom she w:»- -t.i\ i al ways made it a point to k. •• p In r nn der their eyes. Friday afternoon about one o'clock. liow< ver, -he man aged to elude the vigilance 111 11 eI daughter til l left tl. •li >llv tltlhe v• d She was almost instant Iv misM t-ver, and Mr- liartnan -t ailed unt tn look for le r. Pa-sing the well tie daughter noticed that (wo <•! tin t>nards had been it-moved. Full cd foreboding -he looked down inin the di>uial pit and - tvv enough to nviiii'i her of the awful truth. Stie called her hii-haud and lie taut ily was »KIII joined hy the lion in I neighbor.- Frocuruig a rnpe Mi liar man climbed down the well, win <-h WM forty-five feet deep, and contain ed, at hast, fifteen hit of water. Pin woman, already dead, wa- filiating on the surface, her head being under tin water. It was an dingly dillicult mat ler to recovei the body. Hanging on to the rope, Mr Harm tn hi I in. o port unity to work and it was not un til a ladder was lowete I into tin w- II thar he was able to fa-ten the mpi around the body tn the end that it could be raised to the stirlaei VMieu the body wa- recovered then found to IK; no evident- of 1 IF • Indess Dr. Sharpli -- w a-called, ■uncfd the woman dead In w of resuscitation. lie opinion that -lie was -tick the water. * years of age ii-l<and and Mr-. Moody »*»H of thii xirutally Tortured, j came to light th it for pi i ■ isl . and unmerciful torture ha- |» r hapM never been equaled. Joe ( hick ttf Colusa, Calit, write- I'm If* years 1 endured iiisuftcruldt pain from Rheumatism and nothing n 1 v ed me though I tried everything know u 1 came across Elei trie Hittei ami n\- tbe greatest medicine <>n earth lor that * trouble. A few bottles of it l oiuph t. ly cured me." .lust as good for Liver aud Kidney troubh - and general d bility. Only 50c. Sati-factu u guar anteed bv Faule- A < 'o., Drus^i-i Damage'.Wrouplit I»y Storm. Courtideratile damage wa- wrought by the showers of Tuesday al't« rnoon The barn of Amos John-on at lien , Church, Anthony town-hip, wa- sirm-k by lightning and a hoi->■ killed Tl Htrokn was a cold one, and as i r -ult the harn did not ignite 111 Bloouishurg the lightning struck at several placi sand p rforiir d some curious antics. At the re-id.-no ol Utt M J. Casey it came mar lieing ( attended with fatal eon- .pt n. utiuck the chimney,which it >h:»»i red very badly, pa-sing down to tin li: floor where it shocked Mi-. ' " i--y. rattled the lids on the -tn\. an l pro ceeding to the basement tore tie i n tire top Otl the kitchen ran^ Mrs. Casey wa- ( trried out dn ; - 1 where she ft|>ecdily ri vived. Ind. Illg her seil-at ion.- when slim ked sin naid it felt ju-t as though I been strui k on the head with a ham mer. At tin- F.vker farm just In Inw ("am ! emu on the road hading tn N< rtliuin berlaud twenty seven ol tin henitilul liM'ust trees which 11• •• tin- road on ' either side for nearly in •i. hth ol . mile were blown down, ob-tm •(ing 1 travel for several hours The big tree- formed an ar h m. l the roatl and were a great attraction Fences were also leveled, while WM blown down and injured Juft Aliout Bedtime, take a Littb Earl> Iti-« r it will cm constipation, biliousness, and Li \ • troubles. DeWift'n I.ittb Karly Iti- < are different from other pill I'hev do not gripti and break down th 4 *- mucous membranes of the -toniach, liver ami how'es, but cur- by .• ntl. arousiiiK the secretions and giving •trength to these organs Sold hv Faules & Co.. aud Gosh tV < 'o. Many picnics are living an iiijji 1 for I this mouth. ; iGUHAN GIANTS KIN CLOUS IIASE :1I . : . ' hi itiau!- to win from Danville; \es ! lei da\ aftei'noon and then I lieir v ictorv >. , . . . , i.: Ii " : Itciiijj .' Danville in tile both run - I iii Ihe fii -! inning. \\ hi I•t he \ i-i tors , talln d a pair n llie si\ih 'I he res! The ev iteniciii was kept at fever Hnth i 1 veil IT matcln I that the run wa- eofi'd. Danville i. illy pi \\ etl the h. I h ill, ha« nig iglil hit - |o i—\• ■ii I r th colored confingeiii n- i o ; • 1 , irn on the li Id pi ' i ie.illy every d-i> ill the - 'ason. ami th n they have v an i I||. i 1 ill Ir. >1! ' li till- 111 t lie -I tin-exliiliii inn el luil! playing hy the I Is is ri niarkable. I'll! Jeiijjili nf the i line, the l>;mi wort. \s i• i ■ the '• itui - of tie. . . ■ ■ : . •• e.. .IV [ii tide-, a. t e. einf ■ il. thev were ila led ore till I. -l tie toi .ol how 111 the ! .Still; |:e I ■ lailt s | idv.-inc I men tn eond and tlnl buf II h alei tn : -s of 11. ! ic 11 • pr \ ; ulc.| I lie anxious i aim fi in :t ;u ; e rn-- the ctiv . ind home plat. \ 1111! > i gum- nf \s i- ' i"' IHI the thir I Mini nt; w • it upi. • .hue de the third litseui in II 1 «»■ everal niiiitil- - to,< iin\ inee the \ i-itor? thai I lie ileci-1 nil W ' • just a ' ! I elt I lie u inn- wa- resumed. \\ 11 II the 111 lit 11 lil tl ing elide. IV, 11 II t lie oi> the crowd became gn aily inr •i < ■ < i. 11l e wa- no change in Ihe I 111 : i, 1 leVe't 11,1W I ll'th :nd Daiiv il!e- Isy thi- tune the pi Iyer- w r< weary, tlneie || | sol waiting - ijlp l's cailie to the i• ct dors aid thi (hirteeu " hoo doo" did the re-t. With on man out t. tllowaj" caiuped on eoiid I- lii.gettin,; lln on a mull' d inliehl hit. Th n Waikin- hit the h atlii . mi t»• ■ ev. ,liis !:inu;l ludug for ju ion base -ii far :i In* waseonci rn id. I'ul Cilllnwiy, the galloper, 111 out a cnupli cop.- and home wliil 'Fop Wiis ambling to hist. Thi- ' 'idol the prolonged Ntruggle and :i v the (11 ml - a hard <■ a filed victory. In th I .I'l inning Day came hoiie so fast that when li • e n f ]i i-i the plat" lie fell ill over himself and praiin d an ink He w . eompcilcil to retire and V> ! ll nn- took hi- pn-iiion in lei I eardi :i Thi- afternoon ties, tea MI . wi 11 nice T again and a b-ittb m.-tl is prnnii- d. All who w re there \, : 'rdav will a. Mil ||. Oil hind, with 111 IV more to He' what will In done The score I) W'V'II.LK K. 11. ti A I". (iiMiiniMiger, lb I 0 I I » .-I-.' Yerricl,, 31i Hoffman, I h 0 o I i \! (» ■ - ■ Shannon, c. 112 o o :! o 0 Law i"' nee, l I 0 'i I 0 0 Long, p o o o I 0 Hummer, c II 0 '.I 0 0 :> slit; 15 fl Ii A X < • I ANTS. li H. <» A r. Satferfield, - -• o 1 0 I I Harris, r. t Day. I. 112 I i o o I (inrdnli, :;h 0 0 'i 15 0 (i:illowav. '.'b I I tl ! 0 Wat k in-, lb II 0 li O 0 Kelly, e. t O 0 :• 0 0 Gar a. •• 0 I lo :: 0 Brown, p. 0 0 " ~ 0 William -, I. I 0 0 0 0 0 ; ::'.i is r» < Jarcia ('lit for 1111• 11• i < nee. tine out win"ll winning run wa seored. Danville ' o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 o (> o o < Jiaut- o 0 tl o ti i o II 0 ii II 0 I Two ha e hit, (lallosvay. Double pi iv, ('illow is to Watkins Strue 1. out, by I, int.' by in. I! i-e on ball- off I ,ong ' >i i lien hit , Y• r rick, liontf I'mpire, .Inn - Tim. of game, " hours. 1 miuuti - Wei h Bros. CJin n , The (ireat W.l-h I'ros Uailroad Show -, Mils aim and Traim-d Animal Expn-itmn i hilled to ajipeai at Dan villi- Tin .-how i- I: uispfirted by a -; ecial tram ol gorgeous and costly railway ear- Evert thing about the -how i new thi- sea-on, and I-I. untie-- original novel! Ie- and leaf un liav In .:i add. dto tln vai ious d partiii' 'il Thev should do a 11i;; 1.'.;-i lies- tltirin ■ fin ir -l iv le re, a- the -how ceit 111 Iy il -erv i it. TheSpiing tield "Herald" -aj -: "l ie I i pn|iular-priced slmw we evil' -aw Wa [Il Uliilll i lllolls verdict of the big aiidr 111 - who altemleil W'd-li ri ri i CM'CII- p a lorniance- y. t'-ld t\ I'yerv -II Millie; ill' i-nergi'tii managers conn to Springli'ld, anil! their performances always jg ix • the uttermn-t sat ist.n l ion, hut this year the show i- the I -t Ihi v have i ver ottered u Th. I - atiii. -ire all new, a Inn p i.t .lapiiiu -e performer.- i- om of the pi'inci) il at tract ions; their! woii vv;i- reci ived with -lorrns nf ap ■ plaii-e Harry 'lohn's troupe of cd te ited ileg ,t i iiimther attraclion that -cored a hig hit The clowns are \ei\ much in ■ vnl -nei and ire i> illy ttinn v and up 111 dat "There are al-o -nine sen -atiniial j aerial displav • hioiu seen w ipi pnpii i . ■ ■ ei. VIS Of til H •-> 111 turii'd awav l» fore eight o . lock last : night. *' At Dun ilh , Mond iv, .lulv iiih at and s j, hi Niglit Was Her Terror. I would i "iigli nil l" all night j long 'wa iti - Mi - ' 'hn \| ph gat< "I Ah ainl c i . Ind , and c. uld baldly get air- Sleep I had con uttlptinn sl>| bad that il I walln <1 . block I would j cough frightfully ind -pit blood, but, 1 ■ i ■ i :i■ • • si no liottb of Dr King' New Di eov '< w lie 11. <ii red me aud I mini 5S pound It 's guaranteed to cure j Cough-, ('old-, l.i (iiippe, Mronelut i- I and all Throat and lauig Troubles, j I'r ice 50c aud - I 00 lia a I lint tli s 1 fee j at Faule- <'o 's diug store. TO PREVENT HAILHOAU wm; \n imporlaiit test took place i.n the ; iieading Kailway between Fotlsville .nl S htivlkill llav non SatuidavoJ ;i device which Vv ill >:ivc mailt human liv i ;;nd costly wreck -mi thi'lailrtiail i■: , 1 : u ■ i ' ■ ■ . i • : automatic -aft it stop which will pre ! vent 'II trtins fmai ruuning nit signal lintrd -. when theilanget ignil i i xhibii d II v. ill also prevent ; tr;iin-I rom running iiil<iopen sw itch' - It i in readily I. iniineiv d the al -1(10 I nil Ml 11 li 1 ileum Inline, where uch a devic. il in operation iu the ' past, vvould bavn -aved many !i\e tiid fortun- to . :ulroad companie •in .• x pen- e- an l law -iti; 11' an engineer - cii 1.---, sleep-, or even d- id and iocs lint heed the regie ill' s I glla Is plilC ■ ! Inr In- warning, fie n th. inw device •oni ■ - into play and the train i■ -tup 11ied ptnniptly with nit ;mv' action on 1 i the part of the engineer. The d.-vice hv which Ihi- is aecom jilish ul I- oi the -Miiplest pn-slhle .'liarai ter. There are no pullets and ntpcs, winch have eomplieafed foniier iII vent inn- nl th is cli at actc r V valve with a projecting i<>d i placed on a j hienmi.t iVII lie ir the poiiv vvli 'el a upri lit rod pi e e I mi the sill- nl the 1 j rai 11 o tii come - into con iai j with and 1 i urn- tin 1 ml nl th l.< •nmnt iv ■ The ■ in i ri'l. a- 1 by tin i.ii linn and the 'brake tppl ii ■l, aid th 11 tin, iii mat *ei what its -peed, -lops within a vc -lion distant* and the engineer, be : 1 hire h ■ can I. must jet out '.nd ' ■ Ins." |he valve. I'he tesi Satiirdav made with i i ilgin No I I ii.ii Ii • Seven Stir - I'h 11 ■ i"iee havillg lie >n placed on lii engine, the upright rod wa-i lix.-d on the rails and the engine, w*ilh en. pi ei mer car, vv a tal en dawn tie tracks to get up speed The let tri| j v.i- 111 idn a! the rate ol I . miles an iuiiii The appa: tins wnrked beauli ' fully, I'u' fl\ in • en -iii'- and car being halted xviibin the space of three tel. graph pole and thi without llie ' -light.• t app- -• iahle jar ' Charh'4 Miller.the eiigiin ei of Sii pt- Luther' "Black Diamond," ha- pit eilted thedevico ind will dntihtle-s iu ike a I'm I uue out nl th is product ol his brain and hi. long experience a an engineer. OASC AFTER HASB. Plenty More Like this in Danville, Scores of Danville pcopl" can tell you about liiiiii lxidnev I'ills Manv a happy cili/.en makes a public statement ! nl his e peri nee Hero is aene ot it \Yiiat i" 11< i- fof merit can be had t hnn - neb cndiirst-nn nl Jo- Hooker of 10-.' North Spruce Si says I was for a long lime alllicted with laineii' ; i• i my back and pain oyer my kidney ■ I had a great deal of ' licit Ollsliess. r» sfles- i less, didliot - li-p , well, had bad dream and wa c ailin nalh |o-siug from sule to side striving to get a comfortable position The kidney secretions ware not normal was tir< d all the time, and often had a dull acinic in the back ol ni\ neck. I read accounts id Doan - Kidie v Fills curing people' The tlesci ipt ion ol t heir -v nip tonic tallied almost exactly with mine and induced me to trv the reinedv tin using I hem them a short time the whole trouble dissappean d. For lb hv al I di ale! I'l ice 50 cent per box. esfei - M l l hu iII •'o.. 11U a IV IO, N. V.. Mile ageul.s foi llie I' ii it ed Stalls. Reiiieinher lie- name Dnaii'- and take no sllli-t Itule. About Short "eriuon.'-. Th sumiii'-i ea.-'Ui i- here and (here is the old C y from some dtrectinn I 01 -liort sermons in the churches. The pn tellers should no. be deceived b\ llie-' deinaiuL. tor they invariably eiinii Irom the ■ i.i.-s that nevi r at ' I. lids church . i vit i . If the lll ini-i a ha- a Mie- ige in truth to del iVi a he will not have any tioiiM. MI keeping hi- people inti ic-teil even though In should ti-'-spa-s ov ;■ the liall-luiui II ll a 11V allotted ill the evening ill cour.-i ; and hew II unt have any I run hie in discerning whether or not th congregation i- iiilt-re-ted. Feople who attend church Come j primarily 11 > hear vvhtl the -pi alter ha to -av an 1 while good music will al ways b. an at! ruction, that alone iiev-r | held a congregation in regul II at I» nil nice, for without the attraction ol a gt od address, church worship wall nnl Inlig he supported i veil by llinse W'lin mav have so much to : iv about the li'tiglh of the 11 i st'ou is» * Ihit the vv i . ! pri aclier is he who s t/e-- the iiispira I ion of llie o ea-ion and is alii > i.. inc isure up to the M ipairenien! , cur tailing or ainplilv ing hi- diseourse I lie oee Isioil ili'lll 1 1 1 11 - S'.lhject for Tliougilt. The memhe:- ol ill (i A. 11. in N- vv York slate are i xerting tin ir in fl ii < nee in have the dale nt Meinm day changed to . ilh. r the hist Sunday ] in May or the lir-t Sunday 111 June. The agiiiilion i- nrnmpleil hy :i ih ire I to in ike Mi nim iil day mure sacred than is now the case At present the i day i- not etl more I'm its - j nils than : for ri \ ring the memory ot the lit i lion' defenders, and tin- will eoiiliu < ui lo I the ca-f so long as Menim iil i •l it i- observed oil a Week day Sninc i y. as .ago MI ellort wa- made In hate I I lie le •i -1 aim e pi-- ;i law Ilia I; illg il a \ |in deiiit oior tn . ngagi in sport on t jM« iiion il d iv, but the mr-a-ure w.a t .-o c I ear Iv u iieonsl iIII I ion il that ilfa 11 t ! I'll of p.-l --age. 11l view of lllis llie I utilv thing lliiit can hi- done lo divurce I -port fri>i II Mt inoiill dit is to 10l low ' ; tlie -ug}je-t inn made hy I lie Ni t\ SHi k j -I:it'• 11 -Ilartineiii llatiirrli ef the Stomach. I When th stoma his overloaded when I food i taken into it thai tail to <li 1 dei.av-and mil.tun lln niuenus I ne mbraiit . • spo tng the nerve-, and l ! i iiu-i the glands In secret mucin, in ! : —t' ad ol lie natural juici ol dig. lion. Tli i i-. iii 11> d < 'at art hof tin Stomal h. For v n I with ('atarih I it he stomach, rails' d by iiuligi -1 ion Doctor- and mediiinc failed lo heiielit Ime unt iIIi. i d Knihd Dv -|ei -1 i ('u; i | .1. 11. Kilt a, ("oppell, Tt x Sold lit 1 Faules iK ''o., and (Josh A ("o I'HHUE WILL BEET IE AUGUST 1»<• I• r« • 11i.-it !%»•-, <ll' iln Knights of i' thins "I litis city, w ill attend the (••■inns ill tint (L mil Lodg• ■, which ■ • iniu- iic ■ it annual -cssion Monday, \ llgllst I i . 11l ( ' U'llOlJilalc it w ill I' in -t11<ir.1111«■ in tlm history il l'<nns\ Ivania I'\ ttiiati-, mil the ar ■ 1 "'in Hi lur lln < J i■■inll Lodge ( i HI at i<iii I. iv. In ii ( • niijilett il ' 'li ui HI nl tlm (irand Trustees de ilii>sll ml in hi- li 111' iii y oars' ex per- H'luv-. 11l (' trhniidalo committee is ootid oiiii in havo il- work ae r ■ 111 ii i- 1 uml ami r. purls ready at the rigid time. General Secretary .1. N. < ii, wi itiittr cl tin- progress ot Un well.and ill |T'i-ji"cts of tli" convi'ii ti« HI, will In- iiitcn -t in-; tn tlm many UII IIII" i's nl tin' bulge nl tin- city. Hi savs: From i iiopular (midpoint, perhaps tin' greale i at'ran urn will he tin' :is •l'tiilil in;/ ni I In' I Irani it ic < trder Kniulit ut K linrruss,in. Members ut Mi. w ill ■-i tin. ■ 111 tin ali pails of (In' Siali Tlii' |il i lit' ipa I oasis in tin' ! ; i i.i I'ctiusylvania is located in llf nl 111 jr. t In- headquarters of the older. Ca 11till• ii IVinpln,No. :!7, of tlint city, will make the pilgrimage in a body, in will bring willi tlicin tlinusatiils of • I'll In - wentli of p iraplti'i nal ia tor use in tli ' moon' parade, a fantastic sped ii !<• wliicli i- -aid In excel any thing ni it kind gi ven inthis countrv. i eiiipli's lii tin Si'i'anlon and other pl i i - will also make tin' 11i Igi image in i The caravan will lm in • 'ai li indaln at Ic i>t three da\ - and pro- II «. 111 \ four r ! lie local coinnii t tee real >/.- inn the great popularity of the l>. <). K. K. s deinoiistratioii, are going to I iv, •\p in order to net a lull turn-out nl tin temples in all parts of lie Si ih li i- anticipated, from the iimtiliei nl II ones already received, ; lint on |. ss than liflv will join the iidi r HI ('arhoiidah One ol the feat iin ' nl tin- portion of the convention priK'eedint: - will lie a great banquet, | which will cii ll t iin s mie peculiar de tail- While the deli gal os will he at Car hondale during tin entire week, the liig da> nl tic celehratiou will lie on Weilne-d.iv, \u«ii.~t IH, when there: will hep trade• and other douioust ra t ion Tin committee has decided to li.ivi a parade of suhordinate lodges | mil to give a handsome prize to the ; lodge having I lie largest nnmher ol . ineinhers in line Other prizes will prohahh lie hi nig d for later. \l ready tie lodgi - in ('arhondale and Luzerne County have taken the mat- I froi n: l' md, no Ii - than seven having i '|e ..I d tn attend in a tin Iv. I'lic otfer ni prizes will no donbt stimulate otli I : s to sim; lir act ion. The committee i- also sending out j <-i mi in un nit ion- tot lie diiTereiit com Ipani" composing the I 'eiin-y I van ia liri td< nl the I'uitorm Until.,in order to -lie up tin II illll ri -tin the pro i ceding* 'i l" I iiion liauk celehra tiou w ill taki jilaeeon Wednesday and will include |i irad' - and drills M> rollers ut tie I*. <l. S nl A., who iri preparing fur the annua) sessions of the Si ite Camp nl I'- nnsvlvauia. i'atriolii < irder Sons nl America, tn I ni. »-11 :, mi AUGUST '."r,, and Ji. i' put tli it v ry widespread interest i - i Iri ad \ nriuilcsti rl in tln con vent inn I ill reiliu'lli 111 I all sections of tile State From jir - ut indications it is likely that the at I' ml nice will break all records Local Son- are much interest ed. I'lie gr< it parade will lie held on rioiis lay, \ii<• iist The committee of arrangements lias ottered s?l<»*> in ; eis il pl'iz.CS tn be Clllltesfel for IIV the Camps and Comnianderies part i< ipat in i in tli. parade, ami a rivalry must iiiteii i in it- fraternal bitterness al ie iily exists Some ('amps drill for a vii in order to be m prime condition , Im (be next convention, lluise inn t" tin mu-t wear the regulation nni lorn cnii. tin:.' nl eliapeau, regula t iini coat, regalia, sword and belt, li \. etc Tli. pri/.i - are as follow -: ' <'lin • i hiv i in: I lie largest number of I men in line, >, "i; best nnitormeil ! ■ i up, >io ;<• imp coining the greatest i distance with not less tlmn thirty men II line, - i'l; best marching camp, •■S.'IIT ; eoinmatiiiery having the largest num ber of n "ii in line, fully equipped, coiiimanderv coming the greatest di-i tuce with not le-sthan thirty men in line, -., ii; best drilled coiiimaiidnry in the parade, <io. i ion r rhsrinoNY (OR HOHK PEOPLE When x • ni are a-ked to take the word nl siinieoiie niik'iwii and at a distance,as tn till' value lit the requires a stretch uf faith When you are told that sutneuiie in your own town, some whom vnii know, ur can goto and V' i i) I .tin statement the article is all il is claiun d to he il gives it at once the stamp ol hunes!\ I>r. A. W* Chase's Nerve Pills Ili mie testimony for Home I I'le. Timma Kenr of Nu. (i; 52 Mill street Panvll li ■ Pa..say- Dr. A W Chase's Ni r\i Pills are certainly what they are repri elll ell to he.l got a box last fall at («ush I»rug Sture and fonnd they were just what I needed They invig orated and luind Hie up generally I r t Well a '.nil ami feel the hellffit nl ii; nitcht's re-t My business is of a e. lent i r\ ni tun- and t on the ner \ -it* in mil I have fell finely after their II •• lam very glad to eadorae HO exci llent a reim dj. fiO cents a ho* at d ib i- in l)i \ \\ ('base Medicine • ii , Hull i!o, N. See that jior- II nl and iull.ll II ia of A. \\ i 'base M 11 are im every package. Mmi,in ! vs. Blooinshnrg. I'ln Munan lis nl' this city and the I oiirth \V inl base ba'l team I rum I 111.uIllsb 111 , I-I -Sell bit- nil the Nail Mill ground 'in Saturilav itfternooii tl.e till III' r w 11111111 g le a -cure of II A " 111 1/ d crowd Wll lie-sell t lie I oiliest. N.i man ur wninaii in the state will ; In ital lu -pi ik w II ul ( 'handler I•. i Sitiiiiaeh in 11 I aver Tablet * after urn trvin•ll it • it i They always pro ill.. i |li • mt inn ve im "ii t of the ' I low i Is, improve the appetite and 1 t lengthen the digestion. For sale by I 1 I 'au les A Co j ' BASE BALI, ON SATURDAY The Danville liasi liall A—m ilium Utlerell it- tilst lli'ti at Ot III" sea nil in a game with Milton at Di Wlll 's Park Saturday alternoou I'ln- scoi' was live tut wu Danville wa> beaten by tin- superior 11 i 111 ng ol t In- \ i ill ir - The lie Id ing of I.vnn vva- nf the phenomena! -nil ami lohlu-d Danville of two sure hiP The fielding of hot h teams w as -nan pv. Huffman of Danville st-tinn d the only one that could solve Weavi-i delivery. Tl e visitors ware a gent lonian I > •t < t players ami as usual when on the Dan ville diamond put up •*i It edged ball Galbraith pronounced tin- field at D' Witt's Park the nicest in this section, credit fur wdiich i- acknowledged a duc .laiiifor Samuel M Wtiite, who ha looked atti r the base ball grounds in Danville for at least twenty years Then was a good sized crowd pi• int at Saturday afterß#Mi's game I'ln- score. DANVILLE U. 11. u \. K. Davis, It o I I o o Lewis, S. S «> <» I I Koss, :;b «» (• <» I Ainnierniaii, r. I <> U (> o (I Verrick, 2b I 0 i 0 1 Iloffmaii, lb I 2 in 0 <i Keiiiu-r, p oil ."i o Stiaiinou, el i> 0 2 <• •' Mu miner, c (• <> 7 0 <» 2 I 24 K> :i MILK IN. I: II it. \ iv (iriniingi r, :ih I 2 I I Kohrhaoh, c 112 o 0 I (I 1 Devei-e, I. 112 :t :: i (» n Hertz.2b o I :t t « Putts, 111 0 2 10 0 0 Logan, s. s 0 (i I 2 0 Woltingcr, r. 112 11 <• n I Pitcher, e 0 1 I'l O (i j Weaver, )I II 2 •• I n 5 13 ■' 3 Karned runs Danville, I; Milton, I Two base hits I 101 l man, Devere, j2. Dnubh pla\ Ueiuter to lliilfmaii Struck nut Itcniier.Ci; Weaver,(?. Pase mi balls Otf Weaver, 2. Stolen bases lio-s, (lush, Devere. Sacritice hits i—Hohrhach and Lewis, lilt by pitch er Lewis, Woltingcr. Mutfed tl y Kohrhach, and Woltingcr. Tune of game 1 liniir ami 110 minutes. I in - I pirn -Junes. Paules & do. Will Buy It Kat k. Vnu assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholcia and Diarrhoea Keniedy. Paules A Cu. will rel und your money if yon ate not satisfied after using it. It is every where admitted to be the most sue cessful remedy in use for bowel com plaints and the only one that lievei fails II is pleasant, sale and reliable Won Unique Wager. Prom Shauiokin comes a story to the etl'eet that two young soci.-ty bud- M tli it place made a Dip at night fjoiu tlieic tn Sti 111 in r in a house car ou Ihe loading railroad siinplv to show that they were lint afraid I'ln Shauiokin News vouchsafes for the following : Several piomiiient young women of this city, made an unique wager sev eral days ago and two of their num ber carried out their part of the wager and won. The girls were assembled in the hume of a friend when the topic of conver sation turned to illegal car i id Ing and its dangers. Two of the girls claimed that tliny were nut afraid to ride a freight train if accompanied by a male escort. The others thought otherwise and a wager , was made. The very next night, 'tis said, ac companied by a young man, the two daring girls hied themselves to the I'liiladelphia A Heading yard and were given a "boost" into a house car. After a short wait the train started out and passed through town at a live ly gait for Sunhury. At the latter place the train stopped and the risky girls and their escort alighted. The balance of the evening was spent at the county seat. The happy two re turned tn town ou the I :'ST passenger train and won t lie bet. Working Night ami Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, list lessiicss I into energy, hraiu-fog into mental power. They're wonderful in build ing up the health. Only 2f»c per box. Sold by Panics A Co. Train Load ofGravel Arrives, Thirteen car loads of gravel to be used nil the cunsrructioii of piers tin the new bridge oil the D. L A W. railruadat the Leading Iron Woiks were brought down from Kingston yes torday and unloaded on tin- stmt. The train was accompanied by some tbirty livc laborers, gathered up along the line. The unloading occupied several hours. The gravel is to he used HI the mak ing of concrete, which in the new. structure will form the entire support Over its entire system at present the D. L. A W. railroad company is abandoning the use of stone walls and tor piers and abutments at all its bridges is substituting walls of con erete. Theie are many advantages in the latter. In walls ot masonry there is always danger of undermining ami this is said to lie the condition of affairs at the bridge about to be rebuilt at this place, although tin- walls above the water seem perfectly sound, lu the use nf ciiiicrete a.solid foundation is secured and the mixture of gravel and cement built upon it forming an abutment or pier which rests lighth upon the ground, kee| ing out the water and making undermining im possible. Pes ides being more durable walls of concrete are more easily built and cost considerably less than stone. For a lazy liver try ('hainlierlain's Stomal It ami Liver Tablets. They in vigniate tin liver, aid the dige-tinii regulate the bowel and prevent bil ions attacks For sale by Panics A ( 'o. j PRELIM! FOB I lEEISHTIIIE Arrangements for the minister I'outrh of.l II ly lelebl'at li into bi held at \\ i-li i ngt on villi- :ire tiling complete I and should the weather provi (available that borough will withe "large t time - nice the days nl tin im mm aid I nr. Lands ul mil ic, arti-ii <| curat iiiii-, firework.-, has. ball, • fc .are iiicl'.nli'd in the li-t uf at trad inns and the t liorotiglitics- and tact displayed in (lie arrangement and< up nl tic program be tuw- gnat ertdit on VS a-l i i ngt i n\ iI b audits } it nut it eit i zens. All aihlri • ul weli-nnn will le uiadt by Purge Dr. li. S Patten. All ad . die- will al-n tie made by Iln i II S A mmermaii <it her -peakei - •• cured fnr the licea-mii are |{evs. Kebi r ami Pryner. i At a recent nn i tiug of tin citizens the following Were elected to look after the -ucre-- ut the delliollst lat il lil President, A. L Meitden-. . Si-en t ary, W. i Iviinxan: I rea-nier, I', iijaniin Wise; Marshal, T. P. Yerg; A--i taut Mar-hals, George W. Or imis, Ir . i Klim-r Cutner and ('barb - Deri. Tin cominiltees were appuintcil as ful I lows : i Decoration I'i.igess lleacivk, .1. I! Si idel, (11. Si idel, T, P. Verg and • T. F. Ivors well. i A rein > and Spruce Adam Smith, i W. (■. Kunyaii, .lohn Zaner. Frank • Mart/., T, I!. Verg, Peiijaiuin WI-I , Harry Pillmevi r, Allen Pollock.Civile i lb *d ile lis, Hard M art z, l-aac (iri hand U 111 lam liohiusoii. Music Harry Pillnieyer, Klnn i t'ut I mr and (* I\ de I ledileiis. Arrangement Committei lilnn i i'ut i in r, Mrs. Dora Ituiivan. Mr- .1. P I 11 utl a, Mrs. (ieorge W. ('riimis, Jr., i Mr- R. S Patten, Mrs O. Reher.Mm i Llnyd Crninis, Mi-s, .. |/.<>ra lleibb u-, I Ada Si-idel, Carrie Lukeiis, Vir:rn i ('ooper and Carrie DietL-nbai In i \\ i C. Kuiiv an was appninted tn i . .ive tin- colli rihutiiiiis. The hand will give ; a concert in front of all places n| lui-t lie - from which contribuliniis bavi beiii ri ee i veil. All citiz.-iisnt Wish iiigtunvi I le aie ask. d tn decorate tin ir dwellings and stnre- A Surgical Ojienition. is always dangerous do not submit to the surgeon's kn 11 ■ until \on have tried I). Witt's Witch Hazle Salv. It will cure when evi i\thing els. fails it has dune thi- ill thniisauiL uf i-a-e --llere is nin- lit till 111 : I siilf i * I". d I'lolli bleeding and protruding piles Jor . twenty yeir-. Was treated by ditler- I e|it sp cialisls ami n-■ .1 maliv ia tin In . hut obtained no lelief until I iis.d |< , Witt's Witch Hazel Salve Two bo\. - nt tin - MI Ive cIIi ad me eighteen im •r. t lis ago and 1 have not had a toncli ul the pile- since II A. Tisdalc, Sumiin r ton, S. ('. Fur P.lind, I'.leeding, Itch ing and Prutriuling Piles no remedv equals DcWitt's Witch Hazel Silve Sold by Paules A Co.,and (ioslt A Co Pivparatioiis for a Big Da\. , The various ciiinmittee- uf the Friendship Fire Company's Fourth ut I July picnic to be held at De\\ ill's ! Park, are working hard to make the event a nif niorable one, and wi.alher I ' permitting a must inter* sting day can | lie looked for. The admission tot ie .'park litis been made 10 cents; children under 12 years will he admitted free. The holders of the admission tickets will be ent i tled to a chance on a ladies' or gent 's watch and other valuable l prizes. A barrel race anil bag race wi 11 be interest ing features A pie-eating contest, and a nail driving contest , will also be on the program A hose coupling contest to which all firemen are i ligihlo w ill also be held. Application lur admissimi in tins, affairs should be made to Ju-opli , Kphlin. In the evening a tine ilispla\ . of fireworks will bo made. A band , concert in t lie afternoon,dancing after noon and evening and two base hall I games, "Old Timers'' vs. Springfield will add to the pleasure of the great holiday. No Pity Shown. "For years fate was after me con finously" writes F. A. (iulledge,Ver bena, Ala. "1 had a terrible case ol Piles causing 21 tumors. When all failed Puckli n's Arnica Salve cured me. Fqually good for Purns and till aches and pains. Only 25c at Pilules A Co. 's Drug Store. 6. A. R. Auuual Reunion. The annual reunion of the Susque hanna District Association of tin- (>. A. li., which fur several years past lias taken place at Island Part;, Sun hury, will this year lie held at Kdgc wood Park, Shamnkiii. A decision to this etl'eet was reach ed on Thursday when the Kxecutive Committee held a meeting. Tlm dale selected for the reunion was Tliurs day, August 20. The Susquehanna District embraces a wide area taking in Plootusburg and Calawtssa on the ea.-t and Williams port and Jersey Shore on the West. The annual reunions are events which bring together a large number of \et erans and help to keep alive not only the spirit of patriotism but also the memories of war and the many friend ships furined amid hardship and sutler ing. The Executive Committee i- com posed ot W. (I. Holmes, lilooinsburg, president . .lames V. Miller, ot Lewis burg, vice-president, William II Morgan, nt Nortliuniberlainl, (Quarter inasti'i, and.lacub (' Mill.rot' tliis city, secretary. Show Tent fell. Willie the (tell tl \ ilnj; and pnliN cil ens was exhibiting at Williamsport Tuesday afteriuioti.a violent wind and rain storm struck the tent, causing a portion uf it to collapse Si \a ral thou sands pei'Mins were in the lent, a ma jority ut whom were women and cliil dreii and a panic occurred as the fall ing poles crashed dow II in evcr\ dir<c t lull. Women and children screamed with flight, while crashes id tliiiml rand sharp lii.ditniiig addc I i. rrur It ap pea red tor a time as though -cores would tic injured ni killed, hut so tar as can be learned no one was seriously hurt r 'FIZZLE AND SIZZLE FOR JELL ha If lliek- •:n ■ lit- Im lii vi - that "warmer weather iml inure rainfall will In- tin- ruli' HI •Inly, over LIE ILL ■eel ion- "t 11 it* yrain prndneins; i. tlian in.lulv, I'.ki;, \t the -ami tunc w« ilo mil liMik fur Rein ral or! -I'VITI- llrolllll (If fi»l til ' \ce-» 111 -lliu | nier In at. " I , i . • . ... !.»: in I periods. "J'l*** In-l i- (-< on July i ami Z{. July v. ill II|H-II with cliindv I I vv- aMier and drizzling ram. *in the I"in I and :trd tin i will li prom nun .I j j >torni condition It Mill turn much > wariiii r 'J'IIU M idiiil -fnrtii p.-riod regular extends iruin t7tla to iHh. Tin* fir»t will hriitj.' i-stri tiw h v> >, in j weatlit r, followed bv -t.irm- winchj will n :»«-11 theii i-ii lin i nit injf -i »_■ mi I tin- loth anil 11 fll There will nut. j howcv. r, wider-piead IUIII soakim* ! ; ' ' ■ ! m>nil tliumli li k fur ri-itu lir i I nmetcr, wi-*i< rlv winds mi cooii r, t fl< arinsj weatlni Tin- lltli ami l.">tli arc lit- ct ntral ' days of tin l next st in in period An ! other m- It heat Wave will ariM at tin- tuii' anil in niv li- in »l, t r ,t ! cuili" storm clouds will »ri>»» tin iiuil j 11 >ti<• 11 1 1IJJ1 JJ tin I.lth < 'noltr vv. atin I , will coin" iihnut tin- I.lth to IH||i l li" fnurtli sfnim | •-rin.l will run 11inn tin- istli In -joili. tii-iiii! • nti »l ion tin' Mth A y-iiiTul and pcr»i«tent lii'atiil term will iirt-viiil at this time, 1111 l tilt' lillllllilltV Will lint In' liltfli i Tin' "JIMi, •*•«! li ami v!7fh will the j ecutrill tlav- of H rrai-lloirtrv storm I'trmil. w Inn ilitTt- will lt«* a of siiiinii' r lifiit There will li»> »n ex fi--ivi |\ w trui w;»vr ami alNint fin j'i.'th lli ri will conif a r i(ui| fill of i lli" liantnii fiT. <| un-klv follow-•! !• v wicked wiml ami thunder storm- in I inanv parti n| Mi" t ounfrv N i liHgi tn i-mil.r \\ • itlnr will lolluw tin ■ t inn- for i ft'W i! »v- Vt ry K' MI irk ihle (Jurt- of I>, irrlwa "Alunit -i' Vt t r- ;mo for th fit t turn in inv lilt' I liail a -uilti* II anil ' H 'Viti* iiil ack of diarrhoea," sat» Mr-. Alice MilltT, of Mi r|;iiii, T«-\a "I ! Hot temporary r« lief, luit it came hack . ajiain ami ami for -i\ IOIIK | yenrs I liavi' sulTercil niorf ini*erv iml n_'"iiy than I can till Ir wa wors> t'i in rli- it 11 Mv husband »p»*nl luin drills of dollar*- for phvsiri HI-' pre script inns ami Iteiitnifiit without avail Finally hi iiiovt il to I!. -i)ii <-11 II 111v. our i»ii -"tit lionii'. ami on. • 1 *_v 1 11;ii»j11-111• 11 tn -!•«• an i Ivi rti— , nimit of Cliaml't .lain'- Colic, t'lmli ra ami Diarrhoea It. nn ily with a t.--ti niouial of a man who liatl In*i n ruri-rt l»y it. Tim ra-i wi- so similar to my now that I rom linl Ito lr\ tin- i« iimily. 'l'lii' i -iilt wis womli-iful. I ' i-ouhl harillv r ill/ that I wa- w II ; IIII, o rl>. lifvc it ronlil l»' hi afii-r havinu MIHITIMI mo long, hut tli »T on. iln if 111 •ol in. 1111 inn. costing hut ift w ri<nf-, i nil'll inn.' For sali< lis I'auli - I A ( TI I FRINF^ISTS. A NotU llile (Jnillliili'UC'. tinSahhafli two i Hi. Samplf of N. w Vorl t'ny ami l{i'\ Mr. Still of I'lnnm \ v ilh'.lhi' lorinrr in tin' Mahoning' I'ri-shvifrian I'liurrh, tin' lalti-r in I lit* luimanio-l I1I>ll-1 i liurrh |iii-ti-lu'il from tin* saint' 11-\t. John, rhapfi-r I, vi-rsi- Hi Two or 111 rt ■« • |iti'soiis ht-a ri I hotli ili-i nurstt-. mil' hi'inn in tin- morning, tlm otln-r in tin- i viiiiin. Knv. Mr Still formrr 1\ rwsnli-il in D in \ i I If. (Jhuli-ra liifautum. This has loim In mi a- nn of tlm most ilaup'mus ami fatal ili n i-i's lo wliii-h infants an' siihjfi t It i'hi ho cuii'il, howi'ver, win n ]uo|M rly tri iti'il All that i» m-i-i ss.nry i- to five <'h aiiiht'i lain < 'ulir, I 'lioh-ra ami l>iarrhot a Kniin'ilv ami castor oil, a iliri'i-fcil w itli i-ai'h hoi tin,ami a rum i> ci rtain. For -ain hy I'anli-s \ Co. I Druggist.-. Allies for Berwick. Anions tin- corporation.- cliarfcri'il I at tlm Stain Mnpartuii lit Thursilav wa llM* Hi-rw ick A utomoln In Maiiula' tur I i ('' inpanv Tlm capitalization i» pla lat *IO,(MMIami the men lnt'-N -t --nil arc all piominmit Kcrwickian- Tlu- roumlatiou of Hnltli Noiirisliinmit is tlm fotimlation of health life Koilol l)vs|u psiat'ure i- tlto one nierticinc that I'liahli - the stomach ami digestivc or^'ins to assimilat>« ami trans form all foods into the kiml of hlooil that tioiit i-In - the lu-rves anil fceils the li-siii's Koilol lavs the foumlation for health Nature iloes the rest In digest ton, Oy-pepsia, and all ili>orii ers of the stomach and ilign-tive organs are cured hy the use ol Koilol Sold hy Panics A ('o. .ami (tosh A I'o Appointed Telli-r. At a meeting of the Hoard of Direct ors ot the Danville National l!anl>. held vest rday morning, Frank .Inn. son,of rivniouth, wasappoint. il tellei to succeed Iho late John M (»i isn Mr. Jain.-soil w'.a- bookkeeper-at ("iiiik shank \ Mover's Foundiy, Feriv street, tt.r many years. * Dark " 1 have used Avcr's Hair Vigor for a j>teat many years, and al though I am past eighty years of age, yet I have not a t;ray hail in my head." Geo. Yellott, Towson, Md. ■- - ■ c mean all that rich, dark color your hair used to have. 11 it's yray now, no matter; far Ayer's Hair Vigor always re stores color t.) gray hair. Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and long; and it stops tailing of the hair, too. SI 00 a boftlr. All Jmgf'tft If your Hninnist antiof Hiit'ply you, | of your ueareßt ciitcm orti. e AtldreHN, J. C. A \ KK( (»., Ijivvell, MUNI - II iu We want to do all Willis of Pniitiiii k | nr I „ j (IUD If! I O S H. 111 111 H«. S I IIS MM. I I 1, um 1 A w,ll j.i ta>tv, ilill , W/ tir II»:|il. A)i Ticket, l jt< Program, L/J nient (»i v t ! u) an aih >!i ..i in tor \oiii l.u ii satisfactinn ' - \-u Ne« Type, lei Presses, w fiest Paper, M Stilled Wort. Promptness- Vll you can ask. A trial w«li mnKe you our custtniic' \\ t* ivspcct lull' a- k that trial. No. it R. Mnhoniiit S«