MONTOUR AMERIUAN FRANK C. ANGLE, Proprietor. Danville, Pa., June 25, 1903. ran SHI. For State Treasirkr, W L Matthues of Delaware County For Auditor General, Hon. W. P. Snyder of Chester. For Superior Court J> ik;ks, Hon Thomas A Morrison of McKean Hvm J J Henderson of Crawford. mm con urn FOR SHERIFF. George R. Seehler. »OR REGISTER and RECORDER FOR JURY.t'OM MISSION KK. Cnrtis Cook WARREN AFTER MILK DEALERS The Philadelphia Press yesterday contained the " following dispatch from Harrisburg : HARRISBURG, June 23 Dairy and Food Commissioner Warren today ordered suits against a dozen milk dealers lu Moutour and Washington Counties, where samples of milk have been secured by agents. Additional ■aits will also be started in Northamp ton County, where samples have re cently been collected. About three-fourths of the milk samples upon which prosecutions have been ordered are reported by the Slate chemists who made the analysis to have bad added to them formaldehyde and boric acid, both of which are special ly prohibited by law Formaldehyde is used by the medical profession as a disinfectant, and it is one of the chemicals commouly em ployed by undertakers to embalm hu man bodies. Commissioner Warren anys that he is determined that the use of this embalming fluid and other preservatives in milk must cease and that every effort will be made to de tect aud prosecute to the full exeiit ot the law all individuals who follow •uch practices. Six suits were also ordered today in Pittsburg and vicin ity for the sale of renovated butter, oleomargarine and preserves. OIiTK UFOHIO.CITV or Tol.ltno I LI'CAS t'nrsn, Kka*k J. CHC\e\ makes oath tal lie I" ssulor partner of the tlrin of F. .1 • ■•ik.nkv .t Co., doing business in the City of Toledo. County niul st«te aforesaid «ner, \ I>. Is-t,. A. W. OEF.ASON, t *—i Notary I'uhlic. t " 1 Hall s Catarrh < ure ts taken internally, and acts directly on lhe blood and mucous sur aces of the system. Mend for test iiiionlitis free F. J. CHENEY& CO.,Toleest 4.' » * Buried m the MuJ. Pawnee Rill was swamped in the mud at Milton, Tuesday. He attempt vd to give an afternoon performance, but the horses and men soon became so plastered with mud that they were almost unrecognizable. The perform ance was cut short and the work of loading the ah >w was at once begun The show people estimated that it would take from 12 to 14 hours to get out of the mud aud loaded on the cars again. The heavy wagons were sunk in the mud to their hubs. It was a most bedraggled and forlorn lookiug outfit that left Milton for Bhamokin after daylight yesterday Quardiug Wouuded Robber. The robber who was wounded while resisting arrest ou Saturday, and gave the nauie ot Showalter, was taken to Bellefonte Monday and placed in the hospital under guard Up to this time there has been no further identification of the gang, save the names they gave when arrest ®d, except a rumor that two of the man were trom H&rtleton, Union county. The Federal authorities have been notified of the arrest and an inspector will trace up this prisoner's connec tion with the robbery of a post office. Knights of P)thias Home. Local Knights of Pythias are deeply interested in the project for the estab iiahment by the order of a home for aged members. The matter has been taken up with enthnuslasm. particular ly in the western portion of the do main and an organization has been formed, composed of over 100 lodges, pledged to undertake the enterprise. A meeting of representatives of these lodges is to be held shortly when it is expected that a feasible plan will be presented for securing tie- nee -- iry funds to build the proposed institution and provide for its maintenance. New School Laws Out. Acts passed by the last legislature relating to the educatou ot the chil dren in Pennsylvania have all been compiled and the pamphlet on Satur day made its appearance. There are twenty acts which affect the education laws of the statu and are of vital in terest to the trustees and t> achets of schools Among the new laws is Rep resentative Snyder's bill making the minimum salary paid to any teacher by any district receiving state aid - per mouth Ice (Jreaiu Festival. An Ice Cream Festival for the bene tit of the Immanuel Baptist church will tie field Saturday evening, June .'7, on the lawn, corner of Mahoning and Church streets. If the weather is un favorable tlie festival will be held HI the church on Walnut street People Laying in Supply. The coal famine last fall has almost effected a revolution in the coal trade in this city A large number of peo ple seem determined not to be caught with empty coal bins nest winter and ar« laying in ttieir supplies early. LYNCHERS TO I*E PUNISHED WILMINGTON, Del., June 21 —lf the state officials have their way, the ring-leaders of the mob which took the law into its own hands, stormed the workhouse and dragged George White,the negro slayer of pretty Helen Bishop, to the stake, will face a trial tor murder. Public sentiment here remains with the mob, but the better class of citizens is beginning to realize that Mondav uight's outrage has left a blot 011 the fair name of the state that it will be difficult to remove. Attorney General Ward is in this 'city and he is determind that the men responsible for the lynching shall be puuished. It was on his order that Arthur Crowell,the actor, who claims Baltimore as his home, was arrested iast night on the charge of murder. Crowell is said to have boasted that In* was one ot the leaders of the mob. The authorities declare that they have evidence implicating twelve men and they will soon he under arrest. All offers of hail for Crowell have been refused. Rev. Robert A. Kllwood, whose set moil Sunday was primarily responsi ble for the outburst of mob violence, denies that he favored the people tak iug the law into their own hands. He said today :: "lam sorry the lynch ing took place. In my sermon 1 urged the people to do no violence but warn ed the judges to give the accused a speedy trial in the view of the pre ponderance of evidence indicating White's guilt. "I am persuaded that if the judges had even granted the request for a speedy trial the law would have brought about what was accomplished by the mob. I trust the lesson will impress men of similar passions, warn ing them of the dangers of sin, and also impress upon our courts the need for speedy justice in such crimes." The grand jury which will consider th<- eases ot tlie leaders of the mob will not meet until September. It is doubt ful if it will return indictments against any who will be accused. Bine Island. 111.. Jan. 14, 1901. Measrs Ely Bros. —I have used your Cream Balm in my family for nine years and it has become my family doctor for colds in the head. 1 use it freely on my children. It is a Godsend to children. Yours respectly, J. Kimhall. Messrs Ely Bros —I suffered great ly with catarrh and tried different remedies without effect. After using one bottle of your Cream Balm I found relief and 1 cannot praise to highly such a remedy. Miss Cora Willard, Albany, N V A Newspaper's Value. Here is the estimate which United States Senator David Davis,of Illinois, places upon the local newspaper: Every year every local paper gives from five hundred to five thousand free lines for the benefit of tin- community in which it is located. No other agency can or will do this. The editor in proportion to his means does more for his town than any other man, and in all fairness, man with man, he ought to be supported—not because you happen to like him or adniiie his writing, but because a local paper is the best investment a community can make, li may not be crowded with great thought, hut financially it is of more benefit than both preacher and teacher. Today's editors do more for less pay than any men on earth. Patronize your home paper, not as a charity, but as an investment A progressive newspaper is a valu able asset to any community. A pro gressive community is quick to realize tht! importance ot supporting such a paper. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are just what yon need when yon have lio appetite, feel dull after eat iug and wake up with a bad taste in your month. They will improve your appetite, cleanse and invigorate your stomaeh and give yon a reli>h for your food. For sale by Paules &Co Drug Birthday Surprise Party. Mrs. Eva Mayer was pleasantly sur prised by a number ot friends at her home on Lower Mulberry street last evening in honor of her birthday. A most enjoyable evening was spent. Those present were : Mrs. Rachel Wert lieinier, Mrs. Henrietta Bloch, Mrs. Gus sie Meyers, Mrs. Hannah Wyle, Mrs. Samuel Bloch, Mrs. Herman Oppeu heiuier, Mrs. Joseph Heini,Mrs. Julius Heini, Mrs. Louisa Bloch, Mrs. Harry Ellenhogeti. Mrs. Eli Rosenthal, Mrs. Harry Goldman. Mrs. Herbert Wyle, Mrs. Simon Dreifuss, Mrs. S. Gold smith, Mrs. Max Gross, Mrs. Elias Maier, Miss Mann and H. L. Gross. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Oat. Fill a fcottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a . , sediment or set- Inill thng indicates an yWn unhealthy condi niM \ V ,ion of ,he kld " ly :' ' !-( -If ' \ V neys; If It stains * ) your linen it is i I tVw I\J evidence of kid .alU. H( P i ne y trouble; too fIW /, frequent desire to pass It or pain in ' "" the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root. the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled togo often during the day.and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp>Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. andsl. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery f' K r '_ and a book that more about it, both sentpffrTfoftiß! absolutely free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Home of Swunp-Root Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make no mistake, but reineni her the name, Swanp-Root, l)v. Kil nier's Swamp-Root, and the address Binghamton. N.Y ~ on every bottle. 37th NATIONAL ENCAHPHENT ALII RAILROADS LEAD TO SAN FRANCISCO IN AUGUST, IVKW, and to the Vi7lll National Encampment, G. A. R.,which promises to he the great est- event in the annals of that patri otic organization and in the history of California as well. The people of San Francisco are prepared to ac commodate the vast throng that is ex pected to sojourn within their gates during the Encampment. To see the BRILLIANT ILLUMINATION of the city, coupled with other unusual at tractions, will he worth the trip. The principal feature of the electrical dis play will he the courts of honor, of which there are to he quite a number, spanned across the intersections of the principal streets. Each consists of a canopy ot dazzling lights sus pended in mid air l'ar above the ground, from which will extend blaz ing streamers in graceful loops, reach ing to the ornamental pillars on the sidewalk. Between these courts ot honor and extending for many squares beyond tlieui in every direction, gar lands with myriads of incandescent* will span the streets, making night brighter even than day, and revealing the wonderful sights of San Francisco in which the of the PACIF IC abounds. The Veterans of the Mexican War, of whom <585 live in California, and SHU, ou the Pacific Coast, more than can he mustered in any other section of the Union, will take a prominent part in the parade aud other demon strations. The Veterans of the Spanish-Ameri can War v.ill be largely represented, because San Francisco, the gateway to the Philippines,has, more than any other city in the United States, bade Godspeed to a greater number of our troops leaving tor these scenes of conflict and conquest, and again wel comed them on their return, crowned with victory and glory. The Naval Parade upon the beautiful laud-locked Bay of Sail Francisco, large enough to accommodate the fleets of all nations, and which reflects up oil its placid, inirroi like surface the cloudless, azure sky, typical of Cali fornia, will be a pietuio long to be remembered. The display of < 'alifornia's agri cultural and miueial wealth, coming from the fertile valleys, hillsides and from the bowels of the mountains, will certainly he a valuable object lesson. ENCAMPMENT WEEK will he one round of festivities for San Francisco and all her guests. \ pari of the pro gramme for the wei k has been de cided upon and includes the follow ing, subject, ot course, to many ad ditions ami, perhap-, io some minor changes. MONDAY, August 17th, will l>e de voted to receiving ami locating Vet erans and their friends; reception aud "open house" at all headquarters. TUESDAY, August IS Parade of United States Troops st tnoned at the Presidio, Marine Corps, Sailors of the United States War Ships, Apprentices from Naval Station, Marines from Navy Yard, National Guard of Cali fornia, Naval Veterans, ex-Prisoners of War, Military, Semi Military and other patriotic organizations. Native Sous of the Golden West. WEDNESDAY, August I'.' Parade of G. A. R. In the evening th• •r • w ill be reunions of the Civil War Associa tions and camp-fires. THURSDAY, August '.MI Opening of the Encampment in the Grand Opera House. Two sessions will proba bly he held. More reeept ions, reunions and camp-fires in the evening. FRIDAY, August 21st Closing the work of the Encampment and general rejoicing for the rest of the day and evening, with interchange ot visits from Departments, receptions and camp-fires. EXCURSIONS—During the entire week there will be excursions each day to points of interest in the vicinity of San Francisco,commencing ou Tues day morning with short trips in the immediate neighborhood,such as Mare Island Navy Yard, Naval Training Station on Yerha Bueiia Island, Gold en Gate Paik, Clitt House and Seal Rocks, University of Califoru*«- at Berkeley; a trip to the top of Mount Tamalpais, over the crookedest rail road in the world, stopping far above the clouds, and searching the vast ex panse of the broad Pacific for a dis tance ot sixty miles ceeauward, for an approaching sail ; aud return to the famous flower beds of San Rafael and Sausalito,at the foot of the mountain ; a trip through Santa Olaia and San Jose, the garden spot of California, to Mount Hamilton, (lie LICK OBSER VATORY', where the visitors may scan the sky through the most power ful telescope and e heavenly bodies never beheld by the naked eve; also a visit to Palo Alto and the Stanford University, the Military Reservation, harbor and coast defenses. Saturday morning t xcursions to more distant points will commence,including Sacra mento, the Capital of California, and points in the Upper Sacramento Val ley, Veterans' Home at Yountville, Napa Valley, Pacific Grove, Monterey and Santa Cruz; the Yoseiuite Valley, Calaveias Big 'l'rei s, the Fresno vine yards,the famous mines of the Mother Lode, the oil fields of Kern County, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Diego, Mount Shasta, and many points of world-wide fame in which Cali fornia is richer than any other coun try on the face of the globe. FOR HOTEL ACCOMMODATION the rates are lower than those of any other large city in the United States. Lodging may he had from "io cents n i night, and three good, Mib-lantial meals for <•"> cent- a day. The com mittee is securing ample accommoda tion in hotels, lodging-houses and dwellings for all that may come lu order to obtain the best aecommoda tion at the lowest tab s il is absolute ly in e ssary for paitii who contem plate coining to the Lin anipmeut to communic'it> with the lloli I Commit tee at onci , Hating what kind of ac omnioilatiou the< tie-ire. the late they wish t i pay, for bow many per sons, and dale of tie ir arriv i! and probable dep irture RATES OK FARE to points of in terest near tli»; city J*r»*: Presidio Military Reservation, Golden Gate Park. Clitt' House, Union lion Works, i or any spot on the San Francisco Pen insula, 5 cents. Oakland, Alaineda, Berkeley, University of California, or any place on the Alanioda shore, 10 cents. Holders of tickets tor the G. A. R. Encampment for San Francisco and return, or for Los Angeles and re turn, sold at points beyond Ogden, El I'aso, Portland and Albuquerque, at the reduced rates agreed upon, can ob tain tickets for H round trip to any point within the State ot California for one and one-third of a single fare, at the lowest first-class rate. The ioimd trip rate not to be less than .">o cents. The Hale of these round trip tickets to commence August KJ.and to continue until October 10, and will he available within :i<> davs from date ol sale,with all stop over privilege-, and remain in force not later than October 10. THESE REDUCED KATES AND SPECIAL PRIVILEGES will be available for FRIENDS accompanying the holders of the special privilege tickets going to the (1. A. R. Encamp ment froiu points beyond Ogden, El Paso and Portland. THE RAILROAD RATES ARE THE LOWEST KNOWN IN THE 11ISTOR V of Transcontinental Travel The following are the rates for the round trip from all the principal points and all stations near them, commenc ing August 1 and good for the return trip to the starting point until Oct ober 15th: Chicago, St. Paul, Min neapolis, Peoria, Superior, Duluth, £SO; Sioux City, Council Blufl's.Oinaha, St. .Tosepl , Kansas City. Atchiiison, Leavenworth, Columbus, Kan., San Antonio, Houston, Mineola, £45; New Orleans, Hannibal, St. Louis, Cairo, Shreveport, Memphis, $45.00; Mil waukee, $52.55; Cheyenne, Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Trinidad, $10; Ogden, El Paso, Albuquerque, s;is ; Salt Lake City, s:!<>.so For fur ther particulars inquire of local rail road ticket agent. TO CURE A GOLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo (Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money 112 it fails to cure. E. W. G roves's signature is on each box. 25. Welsh Bros'. New Century Circus. Good, clean comedy is the prevail ing rage of the day. The Welsh Bros, shows having this knowledge in view have arranged many fun features in terspersed in their big aivnic perform ance this season. The clowns and .jes ters are much in evidence at all times and keep the audience in a constant state of laughter. The famous clown, Mr. Billy one of the prom incut fun actors in this contingent and will positively appear here Mon day, July Otli. The massive street parade will leave the show grounds at 10:00 in the morning. It is a brill iant review of glittering vehicle-, chariots, tableaux cars, fine bred horses. Five kinds of music will also appear in the line ot march A Paying Occupation. The most profitable employment a young man or a young woman can fol low is that of writing advertisements The salaries paid range fr<>in $-5 SIOO.OO a week John Wanamaker pays his advertising manager fin,null a year More young people should quality themselves to write ads as there are openings for all who are properly quali fied. You can take an advertising course by mail. There is also a book on the subject containing Fifty Com plete Lessons. It is entitled "Theory and Practice of Advertising is the first and only text book on advertising in the world and is written by a practical ad vertising man. Who can profit by having this book'.' FIRST, the merchant who should get twice the results from his advertising SECOND, the young man or woman who wants to prepare for positions pay ing from $25.0(1 to SIOO.OO a week THIRD, school teachers clerks, steno graphers and book keepers, who wi-h to double their income. "Theory and Practice of Advertising," in flexible covers will be sent to any ad dress on receipt of seventy-five cents or in cloth for one dollar. Enclosed cur rency ill sealed letter. Should you be in doubt whether yon want to take up the more exhausted course by mail, yon should order a copy of the book. It will explain many things as it contains all the salient principles of advertising. After you have bought a book, yon can, if yon wish, secure contract to sell books in order to pay for complete correspondence course < >rder a book today. Do it now. GEO. W WACONSKI.I.KR, A M., Author, 250 Sugar St. Middleburg, Pa. River Still Rising. The river last evening was still ris ing. There is now quite a freshet caused by the nearly continuous rains, which would seem to be quite general in their nature. There is hut little hope of the river falling in tune to permit a resumption of work on the sewer this week. Funeral of Leroy Sechler. Leroy Sechler, who died in Phila delphia on Tuesday, will be consign ed to the grave at Goshen, Lancaster county, tomorrow. Services will he bebl at the family residence this even ing at H o'clock. Indigestion Cause* Catarrh of the Stomach, For many years It has been supposed th»t Catarrh of the Stomach caused Indigestion irid dyspepsia, but the truth is exactly tha apposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Ro peated attacks of Indigestion Inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and sxposes the nerves of the stomach, thus caus ng the glands to secrete mucin Instead of the Juices of natural digestion. This Is called Catarrh of the Stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach, protects the nerves, and cures bad breath, sour risings, a sense of fullness after eating, Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Kodol Digests What You Eat Make the Stomach Sweet. Bottles only ktguiar size. SIOO. holdinf 2H times the trial sire, which sells for 50 cents Spared b* E. O. DeWITT A 00., Chicago, HI. DANVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT. Annual Report for the School Year ending June 1. I'ao.: Whole iituulter of Schools 20 Average number <>r months taught 0 Number of Male Teachers.. . 4 Number of Female Teacher* 25 Average Salaries of Males per mouth F, I INI Average Salaries of Females per month ... *tl is Number of Male Scholars at tending til the Schools in the district H'.C Number of Female Scholars attending all the schools in the district list! Whole munlier in attendance l-1s:i : Average daily attendance of Scholars in the district I'M.) I Average percentage of Ht.telid auce 02 Cost of each pupil |»-r month ?l :>:« T \.\ AMI K'A'l'K t'KK « KN'T j Number of mills levied for school purjKises .... 44 Amount levied for school pur puses 112111# KKI'KI I'TS. State Appropriation for the yr. ending June, l'.io:! $ 7102.00 Hal. on hand from last yr .. 1584.02 From Tax Collection 1 14t>5 s:; J : Tnition fees non-residents . . . -ttfct 75 I From all other sources 117 so ' Total Receipts 20N25.20 KXI'KNIMTrKKS. | Repairs, etc 1247.05 Teachers Wages i:ilsi».o2 I'aid Teachers for attending teacher's institute 27-.LI School Text-liooks .... 7s«; .20 School supplies other than text books. tWS.OiI Fuel anil contingencies .. IHIM.H4 Fees of Tax Collector !1117.'25 Fees of Treasurer 202.15 Fees of Solicitor 75.n0 Salary of Secretary 200.00 Debt, and Interest paid ... 150.511 Other exjienses 11500.47 Total Expenditures $ 20417.0;! Cash on hand Ins. 17 KKS< >1"I{I KS. < .'asli i >n hand 4ns 17 Amount line District from all sources 17 42. '.Mi Total Resources . $ 2151. IS 1.1 AHII.ITIKS. Amount borrowed, or debt of district 5000.1H1 Liabilities in exce-s of resour ces.. $ 2sfs.s7 Estimated value of school grounds and buildings.... floiMioo.oo Witness our hand- tlii- Nt day of June 190:!. I GRIER ISARHER. President, W II i)RTII, Secretary I | n \ \ \« 111. M VI I- t|IM OK VALLEY TWP. SCHOOL DISTRICT. State appropiation t'.Mi-l.2ti Halauce from last year 1554.0H From collector. OUS.WM 12224 Oil 1 :.\ 1 'r. N 1 >rn" KKS. Repairing and cleaning 112 11 so Teachers wages, 1205.n0 Teachers attending Institute, 4»1.2"> School books .. Is:!. 02 Supplies other than text lxmks 5004 Fees of Treasurer :it>. 11 Secivtarys salary and postage. 2ii 00 Auditors ... <• . Aaron 0. Mou.ser 111. Aaron t' Mouser, a well known farmer of Cooper township is lying very ill of heart I rouble. Yesterday morning lie was not expected to sur vive dm ing the dav. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. «» e X e /?' I Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■J REDUCED RATES TO ASHVILLF. N C. Via Pennsylvania Railroad, M• • 111..• Nat ional Music Teachers' Association. For tb< benefit of those «b siring t<> attend the lueellllg of the National Music Teacher-' A--oeiatloll, to IM held at A-.liev.lle, N C., Jute ;« to July :j, the Pciitisvlvauia Railroad Company will sell round trip ticket to Asheville from all stations on tt- Iities, June 21! to .-JO, inclusive, good to return until July 10, inclusive, at re dtieed rat< - H> depo-ituig in ket with Sjiecinl Agent, at Asbevilb not I iter than July 10 toil payne tit of f> • of fifty 0 lit-, ill extell-ioil of final l turn limit may be obtained to rea< b original starting |«> lit not later 'bin October 10. Monarchs vs.>ure. The Monarcb- ot till- < 11v will pi i\ the Fourth Ward t>aiu of I'loom-lurg oil the Danville Nail Mill ground- on Saturday. The Monarchs will lite up as follows Catcher,T. Kvan-. |< tell ei, D. Thouia- ; fir-t hase.G M> link second base, S. Rei 11y ; short -top, W Deuinger; third base, J Morgan; left field, t • I leller . ceil tre field. ( ' Wool I idge ; right tlcbl, A II ite. Charter Notice. Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will be made to the Governor |of Pennsylvania on Wednesday the tirst day of July liio.s, by F. (y Mart man, E*l. ,1. llarluiau, William J llartman, T W t'ulb-r ami A. C. Hartman, under tie Act of Assembly entitled, "An Act to provide for the iucorporai ion and regulation of or tain cor)Mtratioiis," approved April 20th, IS7I, and the several supple ments thereto, for the charter ot and intended corporation to be called the "Pequot Silk Mills" of Danville, Montour County, Pt nusylvania, the charter and object of v\ liich 1- the man ufacturing ot all kinds of thrown -ilk. and other textile work, and for tbe-e purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefit-and privilege - ot the said act of assembly and the -tip plcnieuts thereto. HARRY M. I'ERSING, Solicitor. June Sfli, ISHKI . I TIIICS Ml'lll K. Estate of Joseph Hunter, late of the Horough of Danville. Pennsylvania Deceased Notice i-i hereby given that letter- te tauieutary have lieen granted to the un dt rsigned U|MIII the alwive estate. All (wrsons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the said estate, will make known the -sine without delay to WILLIAM J HALDY C P HARDER, Executors of the la-t will of Joseph Hunter, deceased Danville. Peniia III l lllt'o M» I'M »■.. Estate of Hnrton G Waple->. IK-c'd. The Auditor ap|N>inted by the '>r plian - Court of M- ntonr County t.> make ilisttibutioii of the funds in the hands of s Y. Thompson. Administra tor of said decedent, will meet the pur ties interested for tie; pttrposes of his appointment. >ll Tuesday, the 4th dav of August ion:;, at PI o'clock a m at his office N>> :tsn Mill Street. Damille Pa . when and where all parties inter ested are reipiired to make and prove their claiiusor l»- debarred from c.miing in on said fund WM K ASK WEST Anditor. June 15, 10181. ; Tiie Home Paper of Danville. i Of course you read J lift h ; Ji ftii I i| TraE Heople-S J 1 APER. i Everybody Reads It. ~ I I i Pufc!isht»! I very Morning l:xccpt Sunday ;»f No. ii II Main. HR'St. j>< ion <> »vn !\ r Week. WAITING ON THH OOVhtfNOI* On at'i'OfWt of ri>»*;titir of igimlvrf i- m-« --ary to fln- re<|ui-n paper- tio* JVu uypacker - -ignatur* waa »>'«r I l»«t w • t*k Mr. I'lutolM-r, of frevortou, who wa-ottc of Van < *il(l«*r"?4 houdsim-u telephoned t tin a-king win liwr he would r-tuin without rn|ui>itii« j »| er- ami In- refused to do flu- Mr i'luiuhi-;a'< li. Will Ed fortce Law. A K. Housewortli, iui appointee nf Win. K Mif hail, jir* -ideut of tin Staff Hoani of Fi-h t 'ommi--iom r«, ic in tli;- locality for tin- (ur|«»-• of pro-ecuting all offender* again-t tin ti*h law- He inforni«i u- that -• ine fishing i- prohibited *r aII tines Ki-hing with fyke nets, on which i- m tag In tring tin- name ami r»— • 112 tin' ownor. if |*ertnitfcd «in-|it during tlm months of June, July. Augu-t ami September. Any on*- fouml setting nets dunnt' th»— month* will IK* fi ll> • I tWfiity five dollars fur each Itimm ami all nets forfeited <>ikCXintc i ru tly prohibited, fin !„»*• out line* may In- u— il when it* ail or ■ ut tiait onlv i- nscil ami hook- lav on bottom of flit- river,ami a tag with lhe name ami addresa of the owner i- at ta< died. All ha.-> caught in any way umh r seven niche- or -almoti under mm inches must be n lurnul to the water at onee. Fishing in creeks with set linns l- prohibited. A vigorous effort will In* ma r con iiutttil. Ir wa.- a dreadful punishment tor a dreadful crime. Every m*-tit her of the IUIIII that roaated White to ih-ath must fi-t-l in In- heart that I *■ i a murderer, no matter how much In may try to ju-tify the deed. And vet there may he some ot them wtio will glory in the deed iievertheh-s. The lynching wa- no douht inspired tiv th* court's refusal to ha-ten th* trial of th* accused in an Leaving all - n timent aside, the only h—-on to drawn from the affair is tl. it puldi. opinion in no community will tolerate del »v in punishment for such « horii hie crime as the murder of Helen Bishop. .Schuylkill county oßinala that Weak-ill imled jier-ons. whose condition borders on insanity, are |.- ihi; .sent to Ani' rna in 1 »rjc< aumti-r* by Italy, ~a and Ku«sia. The idims-iolls to tin- t'ounty lii-aii- Asy lum -how- a Istfe pro|oitioii of ft• ■ - class of jieojile, and ai. int"*iij|:i! -hows that the -ame comlliioii «tf affairs prevails in other counti - in th.- anthracite region. Scranton should purify it —lf of couiicilmanic corruption For «>-veral years that city has been noforiou- f«>r real ami alleged hriberv of nam-.I ui**u. The present inve-tigat ion of al li'lfi'd criMiketlmss should l>«- full ami complete and the guiltv pnni-li- I without f*ar or favor. Ked and Idack raspliern.s are th. latest rivals of the strawU-rrv Orphaps Court Sale HI! H Kllll' Estate of liavid Van-okS*. late >*f ti.— Borough < 112 fhoivtlte. Montour < •»«»» ty, • as* d By virtu* «if anord**r of •»)* iraiiM to h» r t.y tie- ' frj.har "# i 'tturl of -wa t ''Ollllty for s«< h ptarfifMM .fh* etl will * xpo-. la. fahli* pr*mi-t - ituaf*- iu th- -.a J I of tie- Itorougrh of IhtnviHe mt r*-sa t m FRIDAy. JULY 3. 1903 at ten o'chx kin Ihe for. im<»o of th# said il»i. the follow uiy • ■ -<• ritwit ' m. t-nlate id the -aid dei e»t«*nt. t< wii All tliat certain town Sot of l»nt situate in tlMHeriiMl (fcardfd th** Bio ougtl of lNM)Vtll« in th* I oOlll* t Montour and State of b »n.-» •»»»i * lM>umlewrih»«t v futhMN.iu Front mt* on I >rau H Farn-worth. th* u* *- in a Southwardly due tioii along -»i t ' kit eighty mm* f*-»-t ami In* in.-he- t<> an aliev tbrrnv m a W—.r wardly dnv»tit»n at*mi; ■mm*! alh»y twen ty frr-t t»- a nimn «*f M of suit J-4a % Key Hold- theuce IttM N« »H««I lilt Jl mstK* saitt I*4 *»f J.Miii>>a to the Borongh of [lanvjlle %112 an«l npon which are erected a 2 STOftY FRAME DVELLIRG tiUUi, with Frame Kitchen atfa-he.l annt tmikhngs TKKMsnF SALE Twentv t -e j»-t cent of the pnr -hase ntunei ifcall h» {wti.l in cash at the striking l>»wa 112 th. pnnierty and the ittiaitce ther* *f -ha., la- paid up .tithe eotihruiat .n » »•* i»e of the Slit la*e*i to he deliv re.l i, * pnrch.ieer thereof upoti sii.-h mr.ruia thai nlMilnW iml the m-N nf wriiiti the -ame -ball tie paid fn -m-ti piin-h-t --mr MARY E MIT« HI.IX Kvemtriittf lAtvid VaMMrfcle de- I E;i • TNit-« vari« i F.-tafe ..f l»a\ >>f>*nghof liaaviile tathe • nn' v M -iitonr and State if |*en»-« t v tnta «li iMan* d Ji'*tH*»- is hereby mven that te"- -■* te-tt.imeiirary have h»ni» graat* It> 'm* undersigned dp*•« the at»>Ve -slate A ■ }«ef« *ns lll*tebte*l t»» the extat» are re.|t!ir*-d to mail* lai'Menr att.l rb ■* having ' laiins .»r d* ?nau.!- agau -t •h --*»it| estate will make kn> .«n tlie -i witb'-nt *lelay t»» Makv E. WIT. HI ijl Kveentrit of lAavid Van-t.-fcte | t I' ♦» A'ltlrese ;il M- Wfe% -*4rm- ■ l« , . I ville l*a K«lw art >ayre irharr t nn- AI»MINHTHAT'-H- 3B«»TI* »: Estate • 112 Harry Ht: »|es tat, 112 *he Bofongh of iHfiulle m!t e ♦ . unt if M.*nt.*ur ami "fate >f i**t a lb ivaMiiil. Xotbl- IS bereitv given tl it letters -f Admin*»tration «m the »t.<» e«tat • have been i;rante«| t*. the ttnt|er-*ttfa etl AII labMwi ar* r«.|oire*t to make pavment and tn -e having •-lame* of demand- aaai»«t the ail estate will make ki>. wii the aa.- withoat tl>*lay t*» Kr\ KKin V KMi'io- Adiiunisirat r *f Harrv Nit n»e fr -ita th*ir nw Thev are *-nd»*rs»-l lw «*ine of tb* leatling physicians. Mi{ St' Ki i.i.i it td lit staff rt s«vs • I have trie« wilbont th« in for ten tin •* t|, u., t ■t * * - MAXfFAITt'RKIi MV Moyer Bros, \\ MOI I SAI I l»kl titil>lS Bloomsburg - Pa. For s;ite tn all d. iter- JOHN" W. PARNSWOHTH INSURANCE Life Fire Accident ail Steam Boiler Oftlc*; Ho«ttom*ry Building, Mill StTMt, Danville, - - Penn'a