Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, June 25, 1903, Image 2

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Ml A. !i. 9 14 A.M.
il7 " 12.15 P.M.
2.21 P M. 4.31 "
5.50 " 7.51 '
to. 17 A. M. 4.31 P. M.
D. L & W R R
#.57 A. M. 9.06 A. M.
.0.19 " 12.44 P. M.
8.11 P. M 433 '
5.48 " 8.37 "
6.57 A. M 12.44 P. M.
5.43 P. M 8.37 "
7.53 A M 11.24 A.M.
8.56 PM. 6.05 P.M.
7.55 A M. 11.22 A.M.
3.59 P.M. 6.04 P.M.
A very pretty rom&uce ended with
the happy wedding of Miss Jennie
Kemp of Suubury.and Walter C. Nagle
of Herndon, which oceurred at the
home of Mr and Mr- William Straus
ser, Sunbury, on Tuesday evening;
and with the uniting of these happy
hearts an interesting story comes to a
happy aud pleasing conclusion
As the story goes, during the mouth
of November, past, Miss Kemp, now
Mrs. Nagle. with two girl acquaint
ances, walked out to the third pier of
tlie Reading railway bridge, at Sun
bury. aud, with much laughter aud
amusement, each young lady consign
ed to the waters a bottle containing a
uote and their name. The ceremony
over, the young ladies returned to
their homes and soon the incident was
almost forgotten.
The scene changes and the second
chapter of the story comes from Hern
don While out rowing on the river
at that place, Walter Nagle noticed a
bottle floating in the water near hy,
and securing it. took therefrom the
following missive: "Miss Jennie
Kemp, Sunbury, Pa. Finder will
please write " Returning home,Nagle
penned an answer to the sender. An
exchange of letters followed which re
sulted in an introduction. Pleasant
visits grew more frequent and ripened
into love, culminating in the happy
nuptial event, and Cupid added
the name- of another happy couple to
his already long list of romantic con
Monster Tree Cut Down.
The large maple tree at the manse
of the Grove Presbyterian Church, a
landmark there for many years, was
cut down Saturday to make room for
some improvement:- at. the rear of the
The tree was a monster, in height
seventy-four feet; across the stump
the longest diameter was five feet and
its shortest four feet.
To fell a tree of such proportions iu
a built-up portion of town is no trifl
ing job It was undertaken, however,
and successfully accomplished by John
and E mcr Mow rev. The bin tree was
thrown back over the lot toward the
rear of the church. Although some
limbs here and there were broken on
the trees standing, yet no damage of
any uote was done. In felling the tree
it was at tirst decided to saw it down,
but this was found too slow and axes
were brought into requisition anil the
big trunk was laboriously chopped
through. A crowd of people had as
sembled to see the tree fall and they
were treated to quite a spectacle as
the monster went crashing down upon
the lawn.
The tree was solid to the very core,
which is remarkable considering its
immense size as well as its age, which
is estimated as upwards of eighty years.
Pive Special Games of Ball,
The Danville Base Ball Association
advertise five special games to take
place between the present and July 4.
The first game will be between Mil
ton and Danville on Saturday, June
27th. There is a great deal ot rivalry
between Danville and Milton on base
ball matters and the game Saturday
will no doubt be close and exciting.
Ihe Cuban Giants will be with us
next week and will play two games,
one on Tuesday, June 30, and the other
on Thursday, July 2. The admission to
each of thes.- games will be 25 cents
with 10 cents extra for the grand
Htniid. The Danville Association has
not crossed bats with anything like
the Cuban Giants yet this season and
the contest in store is one to which no
small amount ot interest attaches.
On July 4th there will be two games
at the Park—one at 10 a in.and the
other at 2:30 p. m —with Danville on
one side and Springfield on the other.
Both teams are evenly matched and
the game will no doubt size up as a
suitable attraction for the Glorious
Eighth Annual Conference.
Tlie eighth annual Bible Conference
of the Pennsylvania Y. M O. A will
occur at Eagles Mere July 2 1(1, inclu
sive. Plans aro making to insure a
noccessful gathering A program of
interest and profit is being arranged
aud a large attemlanre is looked for.
The speakers will he men of promi
nenoe, among them the following :
Rev C. 1 Schofield, D D, of Dal
las. Tex., Rev. Joseph Kyle, D. 1).,
of Xenia, Ohio; Rev E. Erdmau, of
Philadelphia, and J. H. MoConkey,
Esq. Special conferences will he held
for consideration of different branches
of Y M C. A work.
In addition to the profitable nature
of the conference the outing will be
an enjoyable one. The local Associa
tion will he represented.
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly relieve you, if yould
used Dr. King's New Life Fills. Thou
sands of sufferers have proved their
matchless merit for Sick aud Nervous
Headaches. They make pure blood
aud build up your health. Only 25
cents, money back if not cured. Sold
by Paules & Co., Drugigsts.
Some very interesting information
can he gleaned t>y looking over the re
turns made hy the assessor* at the
Court* House.
Tlie value of real aud personal es
tate subject to taxation in tlie bor
ough is set down as follows: First
Ward,sMS,s2o; Second Ward. £361,450
Third Ward, $841,605; Fourth Ward,
$340,075; total, $2,411,650.
Tlie borough tax,at 5'.. mills,figures
up to $ 13,264.07'"a- The water tax, at
i mill,is $3,617.47',;.
Last year the valuation was $2,412,-
340. The borough tax —at 4 mills—
was $9,649.36; the water tax —at 2
mills—was $ 1,824.68.
The total number of dogs assessed
in the Borough are only 177. Of these
the First Ward has 57; the Second
Ward, 43; the Third Ward, 49, and
the Fourth Ward, 28. Of the dogs as
sessed in the Fourth Waril 17 belong
to Castle Grove, leaviug but ! I for
the rust of the ward. Dogs generally
are plentiful enough in that part of
town aud that such a few of them are
on the assesor's books has caused a
great deal of good-natured comment.
The school tax, which this year re
presents I'o mill increase,w ill amount
to $15,609.64. The valuation is $2,272,-
440 The rate is 1 mill for building
and 5 mills for school purposes.
The County tax—at 3 mills—is ST,-
The higher rate in the Borough and
School tax this year is rendered neces
sary to meet the cost of hnilding the
sewer aud of the annex with the es
tablishment of a new department at
the High School.
Parochial Report Presented.
Sunday morning at the services of
Shiloh Reformed Church, the pastor,
Rev. George E. lieu of I In
usual sermon,read the parochial report
of the congregation,as he had present
ed it at the annual meeting of Wyoin
mg Classis, at its rceent meeting at
This report covered the year ending
May Ist, aud contained sonio interest
ing information as to the work of the
congregation, as well as its spiritual
condition as seeu through the eyes of
the pastor.
The additions daring the year were
45; members dismissed by removals,
death and otherwise, 27 ; present mem
bership, 340; amount raised for be
uevoleuces (missions, &c. ) $562.0(1;
amount raised for congregational pur
poses, $1619.00.
Seventy-four members were added to
to the Sunday School —the school now
having the largest enrollment in its
history. Eighty-live pei cent, of the
members communed; 54*2 pastoral vis
its were made. Total additions during
the three years' pastorate ol Rev.
I-imbert, 113. The congregation has
never been in a more prosperous con
While reading the report the pastor
made comments on the same, com
mending the congregation in tlios'
things in which they had done well,
hut that they might not be overmuch
elated called their attention to those
things that could have been done but
were left undone, admonishing them
of their shortcomings, and exhorting
them to greater things tor the Master
in the new year.
Welsh Brothers' Oircus.
The performances given yesterday
afternoon and evening by the corps of
artists traveling with Welsh Brothers
was all that could he desired and very
much more than was expected by the
thousands who tnrned out to see and
to hear. The performances were in
almost every instant above the aver
age in the traveling summer shows.
Welsh Brothers have always been fav
orites in our city and the high class
of entertainments given yesteiday
will add to the laurels won in prev
ious years. The quartette of Japs
was an especially pleasing feature of
the show. Last evening one of the
small Japs fell and narrowly escaped
serious injury.— Shaniokiu Daily
News, June 20th.
Welsh Bros', circus will appear in
Danville on Monday, July 6th.
Startling Evidence.
Fresh testimony in great quantity
is constantly coming in, declaring Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
htion Ooughs aud Colds to be unequal
ed. A recent expression from T. J.
McFarland Bentorville, Va., serves as
example. He writes: "1 had Bron
cliitis for three years and doctored all
the time without being benefitted.
Then 1 began taking Dr. King's New
Discovery, and a few bottles wholly
cured me." Equally effective in
curing all Lung and fhroat troubles,
Consumption, Pneumonia and Grip.
Guaranteed by Paules & Co., Drug
gists. Trial bottles free,regular size
50c. and SI.OO.
Surprise Party.
A surprise party was tendered Mrs.
E. G. Wert man at her home, Bloom
road, Friday evening, in h mor of her
birthday. Those present were: Mr.
and Mrs. George Leighow, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Risliel, Mr. and Mrs. B
L. Diehl, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Arter,
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Acor, son and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Utter
miller,Mrs. William Wertnan, Misses
Julia Krum, Klla Mauser, Lizzie
Mauser, Bertha Arter, Wellintgou
Wertman, Oliver Angle, Walter Arter
and E. G. Wertuian. I<• • tr« shminl
were served.
Beneficial Trust Company.
The Knights of the Maccabe* s are
giving hearty cooperation to the
Beneficial Trust Company, alfording
an unprecedented opportunity for
subordinates to invest safely and prof
itably some of the general fund, which
in most tents is now productive.
Organized under the laws of Penn
sylvauia anil subject to the discipline
aud control ot the Banking department
with headquarters a! Pittsburg and
having a capital of $1,200,000 he.-idt >
being supported by half a million
Maccabees it is bound to meet with
success. It is recognized by promt
ueut hanking authorities as one of tin
greatest movements ever put on foot
by a fraternal organization.
The Iron Moulders' Picnic held in
DeWitt's Park on Saturday was not
an all-around success. The weather
conditions were wholly unfavorable
keeping away the crowd and making
it impossible to carry out the program
ot sports.
The moulders with a number of
other emploves of the Stove Works,
some one hundred and litis' in number
and aeconipauied by the Mechanics
vilie baud, left the Stove Works at 9
a. in.and marched to the park.
By this time, however, it began to
rain slowly and the sky was dark with
clouds, so that although the band dis
coursed some of its most enlivening
music as they marched through town
the spirits of the picnickers began
to droop perceptibly. The rain con
tinuing at noon the committee held a
consultation to consider the advisabil
ity of calling oIT the whole affair. It
was decided, however, togo on with
the picnic reiving upon the abundant
shelter afforded by the paviliou and
the dining tent in ease the rain con
The lain did continue and the after
noon was as disagreeable and dispirit
ing as it was possible for a rainy day
to IK*. The moulders and some others
with their families took dinner at the
pari;. During the afternoon quite a
number of people were driven to the
grounds in hacks, but at no time was
the crowd any thing like what was ex
pected or what was necessary to make
the affair the grand success that was
contemplated. There was dancing
during the afternoon and evening, hut
all the of her sports,including the game
of base bail, between the "Moor" and
"bench" moulders in the forenoon and
the game between the ''Old Timers"
and Mt. Carniel in the afternoon had
to he declared oIT.
The picnic was a failure in so many
ways that it was decided to hold an
other outing sometime in July. The
disposal of the stove presented by the
Danville Stove aud Manufacturing
Company which was down as a feature
for Saturday evening was postponed
until tin* next picnic when it is hoped
the wont her will be fair aud nothing
interfere with the general success of
the even!
Lots of Claims Like Tina But so Different
Local Proof is what Danville People want
There are a great many of them.
Every paper has its share.
Statements hard to believe, harde
to prove.
Statements troni fai away places.
What people say in Florida.
Public expression from California.
Oft times good indorsement there.
But of little service here at homo.
Danville people want local prof.
The savings of neighbors, friend- and
cif i/.etis.
Home indorsi inent counts.
It disarms the skeptic ; is beyoudjdis
This is the hackings that stand be
hind ever}* box ot Doan - Kidney fills.
Here is a case of it :
Mr John Lewis of Mill street,says:
•*l was not well for a long time.
When working my back became so
lanie and pained me and after getting
home at nights I could hardly straight
en. Headaches and weariness dis
inclined uie for everything, and iu ad
dition I was troubled with indiges
tion 1 read about Doan's Kidney
Pills and us my doctor's medicines did
me so little good, I got them and
found the most satisfactory results
from their use. They are the only
renicdv which ever gave me permanent
For sale by all dialers. Price 50
cents per box Fosfer-Milbuin Co.,
Buafflo, N. \ , sole agents for the
United States
Hememher the name Doan's—and
take no substltute.
Birthday Surprise Party.
Mrs. Win. Farusworth was tendered
a very pb asant surprise party at her
home at M iusdale on Friday in honor
of her fifty-second birthday A sumptu
ous dinner was served. Those in at
tendant were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack
son (iutlv of Milton, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Diehl and children, Harold,
Herbert and Margaret of Cameron,
Mr and Mrs. Robert Farusworth and
children Laura and Robert, Mrs. G.
C. Jenkins, Mrs. 11., Mrs. J.
Roup, Mrs. Win. Lawrence, Mrs. B.
Yeagcr,Mis. Greiner, Mrs. W. Young,
Mrs. F P. Appleman, Mrs. Alfred
Bog art, Mrs. Adam Beyer, Mrs.
David Wise, Mrs ('has. Frehafer aud
son Charles. Mrs. Clifton Kindt and
son Clinton, Mrs. S W. Heir arid sou
Charles, Mrs. Albinos Snyder, Mrs.
Thornton Bennett, Mrs. Win. Cope,
Mrs. liarvev Fea-ter, Mrs. Abe Lewis
and the Misses Lizzie Farusworth,
Theresa, Lulu, Daisy and Mamie Yea
gcr, Lettie aud Mary Merrill, Lizzie
Flick, Emily Lewis, .letiuie Kindt,
Hannah Fry, Edna Flick, Annie Mur
ray, Lizzi-* and Ida Snyder.Nora Coop
er, L' rth i ('auipbell aud (<hai les Flick,
Ret-e Mi rrell, Win. Ilollohaugh. Win.
and Clyde Rohcits, I'eter Sandel, Beit
Kase, Peter and Eugene Fry, Arthur
Lewis, James aud Charles Lewis,
Herbert Ihndricks, Charles Snyder,
Win. Murray, Edward Delsite, Joe
James, James Shade, John McCaffrey,
Thomas Daily, James Snyder and
Arthur, Edward and llarry Farus
I)o You Enjoy What You Pat.
If yon don't your food doesn't do you
much good. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is
the remedy that every one should take
when there is any thing wrong with
the stomach. There is no way to
maintain the health ami strength of
mind and body except by nourishment
There is no way to nourish except
through the -tomach The stomach
must be kept healthy, pure and sweet
or the strength will let down and dis
i use w ill set up. No appetite, loss
of stiength, nervousness, headache,
constipation, bad breath, sour risings,
rifting, indigestion, dv-p.-psia and all
stomach troubles are quickly cured
by the use of Ivodol Dyspepsia Cure.
Sold by Gosh Co., Paules & Co
Visiting Her Former Home.
Mis. II u*r\ Ourtiii llarman and son
I'aul .acciim pan it d hy Miss Hazel llar
man left Tin silay evening for Ne
braska City, Nehra-ka,Mrs. Barman's
birthplace and former home. They
will remain in the West for some two
months. i
111 certain parts ot the Borough it
seems cattle may be found grazing upon
the streets. They may be tethered,
that is confined to one spot by a rope
or chain fastened to a stake driven
into the ground; they may be accom
panied by a boy to watch tlieiu or they
may tie wholly alone. In each in
stance they cause annoyance and are
much complained about.
Many persons who have not access
to the Borough ordinance seem to he
iu doubt as to just what it- provisions
are in the matter of live stock. Sev
eral persons have applied to the Morn
ing News for information on the sub
ject. For the enlightenment of all
such we print a section or two from
the Borough Ordinance under the
head of "Live stock." Section first
Be it ordained and enacted by the
Town Council of the Borough of Dan
ville, in the County of Montour and
Statu ot Pennsylvania, in Council as
sembled, and it is hereby ordained
and enacted by t'ie authority of the
same: That it shall not he lawful for
any owner or owners of any horse or
horses, mulo or mules, goat or goats,
cattle, sheep, swine or other animal
whatsoever excepting dogs in accord
ance with the ordinance in such spec
ified behalf provided togo or he at
large within the limits of the Bor
ough of Danville. Any person or per
sons who shall violate any of the pro
visions ot this section shall forfeit
or pay a fine of three dollars for each
and every such offense.
It is true, the above section if taki n
according to its construction is to say
the least ambiguous and might leave
doubt as to whether it is lawtul for
the "owner or owners" of horses, cat
tie, goats, ito., "togo or he at large '
or the animals specified themselves."
The next section, however, cleats
up the matter, by setting forth the
duty of the High Constable HI the
If shall he the duty of th • High
Constable of the Borough of Danville
to take up and confine in some suit
able pen or enclosure any horse, mule
cattle, sheep, swine, goat or other an
im.'kl, going at large within the said
Borough of Danville and within twelve
hours after so doing to allix a notice
Oil three of the most public places of
the Borough, stating win n and wln-re
such horse mule, cattle, sheep, swine
or goat were t ikcii up and unb-s an
owner applies to s iid High Cons! ild >
for such horse, mule, cattle, sleep,
swine, goat, or other animal within
three days thereafter and tender the
fees aud expenses said animal shall
ho forfcited and the High t 'oust ihle af
ter giving two days' notice shall pro
ceeil to Sell the same, the pro re
alized to he paid into tin* Borough
Treasury, after deducting for the use
of the High Constable tiftv cent- tor
taking up and confining each horse,
mule, goat, cattle, .-beep, -wine or
other animal, fifteen cents a dav lor
keeping each one and fifty cent- for
the selling of each one.
Such is the ordinance which our
Borough Fathers at their la-t meeting
decided must be enforced A- inter
prMed by them it means that all cattle
must be kept off the streets.
"I have been troubled for some tiui
with indigestion and sour stomach,
says Mrs. Sarah W. CurtHof |,ee Mass..
"and have been taking Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets which have
helped me very much sn that now I can
eat many things that before I could
not?" If you have any trouble with
yonrstoinach why not take these Tablets
and get well For sale by Paules A: Co.
To Prevent Rice Throwing.
Railroad companies intend doing all
within their power to prevent rice
throwing at weddings and on many of
the different railroads oil. tub rs will
lie prosecuted under the ,-tatut against
Superintendent William B David
son of the Hartford /livision of the
Nesv Vork, New Haven and Hartford
Railroad, has decided to put an im
mediate end to the rice throwing in
the station directly under his supervi
sion, that at Hartford, Connecticut.
He mentions several instances in tin
last week where trains have been de
layed, passengers annoyed and em
ployes kept busy for hours sweeping
up flio rice thrown at bridal couples.
Station masters on many roads hive
received orders to warn wedding part
ies not to commit the rice throwing
nuisance and if the warning i- not
heeded aud the parties persist iu con
tinuing the practice they are to he
placed under arrest and examples made
of them and by this means it is hoped
will put au end to the rice throwing.
Kodo! Gives Strength,
by enabling the digestive organs to di
gest, assimilate anil transform ALL
of the wholesome food that may he
eaten into the kind of blood that nou
rishi s the nerves, feeds the tissues,
hardens the muscles and recuperates
the organs of tln> entire body. Ivodol
Dyspep.' ia Cur» Indigestion, Dyspep
sia, Catarrh of the Stomach and all
stomach disorders. Sold by (josh «fc
Co., Paules it ('o.
The Crisis Passed.
Kight-yeai old Paul Rank, who was
gored by a cow la-t week. has now
passed the critical point and no com
plications have arisen. From the first,
notwithstanding the terrible nature of
the injury, lie trot along \e; v nicely.
Drs. F. K. Ilarpel and P. ('. N'cwhak
er ate the attending physicians and
they foresee no obstacle to pit vent full
Bids For New School House.
Bids are invited for a new Balloon
Frame School House to l.e erected at
Mexico, Liberty township, Montour
county. Ihe bids will be opened .it
one o'clock, -harp, Saturdav, .lain
Jith at Mexico School llou-e. The
builder is to lenioye tin old stru
cture, using as much of the old lum
ber as is lit in eroding the new build
ing. The building will lie feet
wide, 34 lent long and I J feet high to
tin' square.
J. (J. BOGART,Secretary
Tim Chulaskev Iron and Cement
Company has placed in (lie County
Commissioners' office, this eitv, sum
plus of cinder as prepared at its plant
t' jr -I net paving and road making.
The <Miulaskey Company with th«>
11« tip to draw upon is prepared to
rnrnish cinder in unlimited quantities
and is looking for contracts It is
claimed for the cinder that it is pe
culiarly adapted to road making. The
samples at the Commissioners' office
are enclosed iii a hos wiili a glass
front showing how the different sizes
are arranged to pioduce the desired re
suit In the bottom is a laver of eoarse
cinder; on this is a live: small r in
size whieh is cov< led by a coating ot
cinder crushed fine Tim theory ad
vanced is that under travel tin' fine
particles work down among the coars
er cinder, tilling all the int> r.itices,
while the whole grows into i compact
and -olid in i-s al.nod as dm aide i»s
The < Milllaskey plant has heeti in
opeiation for some weeks and a COll
sideruhle quantify ol . ind r ha- been
No Life, No Rnergy,
No Ambition.
These are "ommou expressions now
adays and the linger posts that point
,villi unfailing accuracy to a nervous
system rohhed of its vitality by over
exertion, overstrain or excess of some
kind. That anyone should allow this
condition togo onto complete mental,
physical or sexual ruin as it surely
must il neglected, is a positive (Time
when the cure is at hand in Dr. A. W.
('base's Nerve I'ills a medicine de
signed expressly lor this condition a
medicine that cures to stay cured by
lvsupplying the very essential of life
Nerve Force.
Grant A ten of IK! Church St , Dan
ville, Pa., says:"l have suffered a
great deal fiom rheumatic neuralgia
affecting my whole nervous system
and seeing l)r A W < 'base's Nerve
I'ills recommended I got a box at
(Jo di's Drug Store and tried them.
They proved a splendid remedy giving
iin' prompt relief in every way. 1 rest
well again anil no longer suffer those
continuous headache- 1 feel strong
and bright and have more life and am
hition than before. I cannot speak
too highly of them, fit I cents a box at
dialer or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine
Co.. Buffalo, N. V. See that por
trait and signature of \ W. Chase
M. I>. are on every package.
Preaching iu Welsh Language.
Services were held in the Welsh
liaptist Church, Spruce street, morn
ing and afternoon Sunday. Kev. D.
<!. Edwards of Taylor, officiating
I'liese services, in the Welsh lan
guage, occur iu Danville only at long
intervals now a lay- anil prove a great
treat to the older class ot Welsh people
who feel attached tot lie nrither tougue
whose familiar -mm I can not fail to
awaken memories of their n itivc 1 tinl
and bring up before them scenes and
incidents of their earls life
Thi- suggests the tut th it at one
time preaching iu the Welsh languag
was no raritv in Danville. Of the
town's population at least one thous
and were Welsh and spoke the Welsh
language, many of them < niploying it
exclusively. There were three Welsh
churches and each one vva- well -up
I'lie tirst Welsh Church was built
about IM7. It was a frame structure
on Chambers street,oil the very site oc
cupied at present hv the brick (Con
gregational) church The second
church, a ("a!vanistie Methodist, ii no
longer in existence, having been de
-troved hv tire a goo I in inv year- ago.
The third church huill was the Welsh
Baptist church on Spruce stit el,where
services were held in Welsh yesterday
A remnant of the old congregation
j still exists aud these together with
others familiar with the Welsh langu
age are generally sullicient to form a
good sized congregation when pn aeh
ing is announced
Worst of all Expert' noes.
('an anything be worse than to feel
that every minute will be your last?
Such the experience of Mrs. S.
H. Newson, Decatur, Ala "For three
years" she write , "1 endured in ull
erable pain from indigestion, ton,ach
arid bowel trouble. Deaili seemed iu
cvitahle when doctors aud all lenie
dies failed. At h nglb I vva- induced
to try Electric 1:111• rs and the result
was miraculous 1 unproved at once
and now I'm completely recovered."
for Liver, Kidnav, Stomach and How
el troubles Electric Bitters is the only
medicine. Only 50c. It's guaranteed
by Panics it Co., Druggists.
Appeal Elopements.
The elopement epidemic in thecoun
ties of Pennsylvania wbi h border on
New Vork state has grown to such
proportion- that in nlf defens the
ministers in that section have taken
up the mattei, and will appe'tl to the
legislature for a ly. To the aver
age country minister weddings mean
a suhstanti tl addition to a meagre in
come. Within the past two years the
number ol marriages ot people that
eloped from Pennsylvania to Bingham
ton alone has run into the hundreds
Probably a thousand have had the
knot tied iu Klniira during that time
This mean- severe financial distre-s
for the country parson, and at a miii
isterial meeting in Susquehanna coun
ty Tuesday the matter was discussed,
and it was proposed to circulate a
petition asking the legislature at its
next ses-ion to remedy the difficulty
A removal of the marriage license is
among the rimcdits suggested.
Driven to Desperation.
Living at an out of the way place,
remote trom civilization, a family is
often driven to despeiation in ca.-e ot
accident, re-tilting in Burns, t'uts.
Wound , I leer-, et Lav 'n a supplv
of I'.oei li ii Arnica Salvt It's the
be-t on earth. 25e. at Paules & Co.,
I bug;' I ■ t -
Deatli of au old Residt nt.
Mr- Hebecca Hrittaiu, one ot the
oldest residents oi Derrv township,
died at liur plac. ot residence, mar
Kendrickson's church, at 12 o'clock
Saturday, aged i»0 year , 'J month, and
| > dav- I'lie ibce i eil wai the widow
of Nathaniel Britt nil. who departed
thi" life twelve wars ago t here are
no surviving children.
A drive throughout tin- country H
veals the fact that there is -till a
good deal of corn to plant, which i
certainly exceptional so late in June i
It is only when seasons have an ahund
ance of rain and escape carlv fro-t
--tliat corn planted later than the lir-t
of .lulie can mature l ie- corn nop
generally this year is very ha kward,
as a great deal which was placed in
the ground at tin propel time bad to
be replanted owing to the dry weatli
er, which prevented the giains from
sprouting. The ground, which was
too hard and dry foi ploughing during
the drought since tic rains -«t in h»-
much of the time been too wet for
Working, and it is this circumstance
that is responsible for tin- fact that
tin* corn is not yet alt planted
The prospects of fruit this year are
not bright. But very few people ex
peet more than half a crop of apples.
Cherries, although the season i- at ii
lieight, are conspicuous bv their
absence The farm ot M.l Willi.tills
on rural free delivery route. No. I,
however, forms a remarkable excep
tion. While ou all the neighboring
farms there are practically no cherrii s
and it would he difficult to pick a
single quart from any one tree on Mi
Williams' farm there are five trees
which are loaded with cherries, the
fruit being well developed and lus
Mr. Williams is puz/led as mu< h as
anybody to understand why In- should
have such an abundance of cherries
wbll e the crop elsewhere is a failure
Harvest time i- approaching and the
fields of wheat and rye are already
taking on their lirst golden tinge which
contrasts very beautifully with the
general hues of green that decorate
the land-cape. The wheat notwith
standing the adverse conditions will
not he so much of a failure :e predict
ed a month or six weeks ago. Al
though short iu straw the heads seem
pretty well tilled.
Extravaganza at Mt. Gretna.
The Harrisburg Star lieb pendent
contained the following which is of
uiueb interest in this section:
V isi tors to M t. Gretna on C inventor's
day during the encampment of the Na
tional Guard of Pennsylvania in July
will witness a treat by the Kepasz
band, of W I llianispoi t, iu its presenta
tion of the historical musical ex
travaganza. entitled, "The Spanish
War." In this production the band.a
large vocal chorus, a piojectoscope,
participants HI a iniamic battle scene
and a |iowerful searchlight an used.
This extavagauza eot the descrip
live variety, aud is in four parts
' I'lie Mofferings id Strife" i- the tir-t
part, ending with the destruction of
the Maine and the cali lor volunteers
Part show- the aruiv at the front,
quickly followed with the battle of
San Juan and the destruction of t'er
vera's fleet in part I!. '1 lie pioduction
concludes with the return home.
Nothing but words of praise have
been heard for this synipbnonic en
tei'taiumcnt. Added to the descriptive
music are the moving picture ami in
this connection the Repasz band has
recently secured views of the closing
scenes of President Mckinley's 11f•
The Repasz band is over tin years old
and is the pride of
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Is everywhere recognized as the one
remedy that can always be depended
upon and that is pleasant to take. It i
(specially valuable f.>r summer diar
rli.aea iu children and is undoiihtly the
means of saving the lives of a great
many children each year. For sale bv
Paules iV ('o
In True Light.
The true disposition ot murdeter
Jacob Gearbardf, awaiting removal
t'roui Sunbury prison to tin- Kastern
Penitentiary, has been tevi al"d now
that he knows he escaped I l.e gallow-
Wheu the word was given him that lie
was destined for tin* penitentiary lie
became very abusive and swore that
be would never be taken there alive
He believed that h" should have been
pardoned and kept the jail iu an up
roar with his caustic remarks. Final
Iv be endeavored to organize a strike
of the hall runners. Warden Hancock
becoming tired of the fellow's actions
1 threatened to lock him up in the dun -
I geon and it had the desired effect.
' G( arhardt said that Sheriff Deitrick
would have to carry him to the pen
itentiary and the sheriff's r. j< irider
' VV :|s, " Well, he'll go along W bell I get
the papers for his transit r; aud with
out much ceremony, either " Bloom
lung Daily.
A Serious Mi; take.
F. C. DeW itt it Co. is the name of
tin firm who maki the genuine Witch
Hazel Salve. DeWitt's i~ the Witch
Hazel Salve that heals without leav
ing a scar. It is a serious mistake to
use any other. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve cures blind, bleeding, itching
and | rotruding piles, burns, h;ui i-.
eczema and all skill di-a-i- Sold
bv Gosh A (\i . Paul. - A ( o
Farewell Party.
Miss Catherine Llovd. who will -ail
for Kugland on the S S (k'eauic, Julv
Ist, was tend' red a pb a-ant farewell
partv at tin home of Thomas R Lvau-.
Iron street, on Saturday evening The
event, which was HI the nature of a
surprise, was attended bv the follow
ing persons: Mr and Mr- FIMIII>
Kellar.Mr and Mrs \lu on Hite, Mr.
ami Mrs. Frank liant', Mi ami Mi-
Harry Prentiss, Mr and Mi- Mih -
Mottern.Mr anil Mrs P. nj UIHU Sum
mons, Mr and Mrs W titer Mi ttern.
Mr and Mi- Thomas R Kv »11 -, Mi
and Mrs William I! I vans, Mi--. -
f.illie Fleckell-t 1 lie, .I.lllll' I low
bridge, Kiiiina Prentiss, Klla Mo /ui.
Grace and Anna Ivellar. F-tlier Kv .n.
Theodosia Marshall, Bertha Meiti n,
May Lewis, Hannah Kiar, Manaietia
ami filiilhnth Prentiss, Miles and Elva I
Mot tern, Harvey and Harry SI nil
Charles and Fdward M ir- >al I,Clinton
She (hammer, Willi ou Summons, Am
brose P rent is .Charles I wis. 110 , v
Harvey, ot this eitv . Mis- R. b i. a
Evans and Ma t r llorsworth i i aui
I'lie eh* ventli annual .
<>f tin* I ruining School tor attendant*j
»112 the State 110-1>it:»I for lit- Insane
, Will he lit'let on t'hui'sdav eveuiuif,
July iith, in tlf amusement hall
tin' hospital Tlie-i rtiiuiu>'iimufutn
are alwav- vc r \ intcr» sting mil an ex
cellent | - In en prepared ,
for tlic oil" of 1111r- % t at.
The order of eiwrcises wi II he as fol
-1 lows :
Invocation K.v H «' liarriitn
J Overture **4 Franks"
i Irdiest rt*
Addre - to Ihe < Mas-
Mini K S. Annie rmaii
Hi »iiii Solo "Spring Song
Mi--, Br nth v
• 'oiifci 11 lit! I)iplum i-
The Sup. rintenili lit
Walt/ I he <iohleli S<-ep(ri
Awarding Fri/i-
Dr I AnlinuliUMt
Benediction Ke\ II t' Human
March—"Underline Flaw
... ... i trchesti l
KeceptKin to tli« i,'l ih and Alumni
h\ Dr anil Mr.-, Meredith from 'J to
10:30 p. in
, The ela-- ol ItKKi hll t<illrtei'll metu
hers, Mary Alice Urej, t'am. S. ■ i I
| lie im, W ilhurne Teufel KIeIMIOI SlciV
I Moorelu ul, Blanche L, Shade, t'»th
j eriue McChiughali, t'oia M Mill r,
j Frank A Miller, Sterling M A-h,
I'm 1 t'lapp, Clovd S Arnold, li. ~rife
Owi-ih, Alice li. Mov. rand Katharine
! Marie Jacobs.
His Last Hope Realized.
; [h'lniH t/n Stutinrl, ■ 1/ ,t J
111 tile first i'l»*lilllir lif Oklahoma t I
settlers in 1 ssy the editor of tin- p i|»-r
; was anions tin- many -alters alter for
tune who made the lii_r raceote- line day
in April. (hiring hi- traveling abont
ami afterwards hi- camping up n hi
clailll. lie encountered liiuclt I tad u it, i
which togetlli r with the severe lie it
gave hi ill a very severe diarrhoet which
jit seemed almost iin |m•-tilde t. . u.-.-k
and along in June the imm I>e.*nue •».,
• had lie expected to die I Uli' dI V one ..f
his tieighlior* brought liiiu tnie -mall
bottle of ('hamlierlain s I' die Cholera
antl Diarrhoea an a la-t hope
A big dose was ijivell fa I 111 while hew 11
rolling about, on the ground in are*r
nifoiiY, and in a few minutes the
was re|teated The Lfood effects t the
medicine was so«»n noticed and within
an hour the patient wa- takni ' hi- tir-t
sound sleep for a fortnight That n
little li.'ttle Worked a iHlllpMe cure ami
he cannot hut feel grateful The -e*-*.u
for liowel disorders l>ein > *t han 1 -in*
gests this item For sale l>v Faale
(Jhtirches M.t> Consolidate.
The \S ilham-ptirl »<i/ctie unl Bul
letin -ays a suggestion of . u-olnltt
I llig 1 1 1 lie Street and Mu!l. Su-et
M. K. i hurclies i- arousing tin in
, ti-rest lit local Methixlists ri.e Mill
herrv Street church huildliii.' ha- for
v. ,ir> I»'»■ ii in l»ail coiidil ion. and there
seems to he little chance, iicoriting to
the view- of luanv of th ■ iniiih,-, I
, it beiug again putin prn| - r tonditi<>ii
„ 1 At the .same lime tie Fine Street ii hi
• gr,gatiou i- layiiiit plan- tor » n> v\
chilli h building. The -ugii> -fioti «i-
I | made th it the congrexitfions r 11-• ■! ■ it flu- Mulh, rr\ , Inn (■ pro}»*rtv
he -old, ami th »t u tine new -fructuri
' • be huilt oil lie -lie of th I r s-llt Fill,
I street church. rile matter ni »* til
" Voted 1)11 bv the church. -
1 :
Laities ami Children Invitni.
All lailies and children who <■ uni<>i
■ ' -land tin shock'ng -tram ot Imitiii
t svrups, c ttbaraiics, etc , hi* inviteil
i in try the faiuou- Little Karlv Kiser-
Tliey ale different Ir.iin all other jiill*
They do lint |iurge te -\«r*ni Kv> u
a double dose will in t «ri|e, w ik.-n
r or sicken ; many |ien|de rail tin m th>
I Ka-y Fill. W H. Mow. 11, lb u-t.>n.
1 | lev., »j|J s liollllllg In tier ian •» u-eil
, for cnii-tipaliiiu, -ick h a«la hi, >tc
i Boh Mm,re, I,»favett •■, In,l . -•♦»» ill
' others g t 11* and si. k. n, wbib !»•
Witt's Little l.iriy Kl-ei■> ,!t» tltvir
1 «ork well and easy Sold bv litifli A
i'o . Faules < *n
Colli)III tol Must Give Record,
Fiisseiiger roinliictor- of il,« t' i
ile I phi aA. K'ldinu i i». re
|c. ived order- to till out blank- setimtr
I forth the iiumher of \,:ir- tt.ev havi
heeii hi tim employ of the company,
and the varimi« capacities hi wt i- h
, tliev have 111 •II elllploVed It I- -a. I
| that till- I- llolif tot-< ct t 1111 11 Ii d
ill the men for illicit ucv unl -er*: ••
audll it i l\ hi ■ un-iit In r. ifl,
i tie liasi'd on th. >e re|Hirts.
Outs, Krui:;e» ami Hurus i kly Heal-l,
I'haiuliei lain s I'tui Bilin i in iiit,--
1 ptic liniment, ami when ipple I to at
brnise.-i and burns c m-e-. :h- ni I .
without uiatnratiou and much umri
ipiicklv than In n-nial Ir> itineiit t r
sal, b\ Fault - »Vi
All iiii r- .>t Stiauli - i.ui li is,*
inv 111* 1t i att, ml aii i eptl. u tor the
|{, v Mr Warner and tamilv , u hi
di\ i \einng, .lull, '.' at Buckhi.rn
Gray ?
•My ha, was 112 illing out anJ I
turning k 1 ,v vcf v f»-r. Bit your
Hair Vigor • ;u; i\ J tnc fal ng anJ
restored the natuial color " Mrs.
E. Z. Benomme, 1 nhots, N Y.
It's impossih! - for y<su
not to lo >k t;U!. unil ihe
color ol severity >cars in
your hair! I'oiiaps you
arc seventy, ariti you like
your gray hair! It not,
use Ayer's Hair \ u»or.
In less t!ian a month your
gray hnu v ill hive c!l the I
dark, rich color ol >outh. I
51 09 *b. I'lf '.,1 4Mf «
If your ill •■-. t f-iiii «n| \ von. I
•end us i>T.e o< u ■■ i >• wil ■ ti'im I
you a liottli H> I i..en., .n.e I
I ut yuui M I
.1 I iVKK I 11., Lnvill Mm ■
iii m a
'.Ve want :o oo all
kinds of fruition
| An''' "j "
II ' I
\|| UUL
:! it's m
!! it wi M
j lls
a w,:
tasty, r' li
)) / ttr
in Tkket, •
I L)\ IK 111 I ! t
lilt vtHII l.jj .
!>« It. >'l ■"i
; New Type.
New Presses
Best Paper.
Skilled Worlc. '
\ll von ran j
A trial hm, , j e
von ottr Ohio it* ••
\\rK s|m •
that trial.
1 II li IS
"t «
T~ i, 1 *