Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, June 11, 1903, Image 4

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FRANK C. ANGLE. Proprietor.
Uaavtli«, Pa., June 11, IOOJ
FOR fliAi" Trsast'KlH.
W L li*lthn«» of Delaware* County
Hcrm. W !' Sny.ler of Ch*»tor
It *. Thouuts A Morrlaouof McKean
Kb J J liaudui>>n of Crawford
ttnwm en in
Uworge K. Sechler.
Curfla Cook.
——T—r. . -- -
Sw S 4»MM, «t Hasleteu, Pa. ,coin
■gHMi tftlcld* »b a rooiu at »he Ht.
lb this aily Tneiday
rftiniMi by driakiotf l« o ouufci of
acid aul au« aud a iiaif
•MMI •( Uadaomm
ia«*ba it tL« hotel betwoau
•a* aul twao olook Tue»day afternoon I
mU »*gla««re4, a*t»iing l« %»<t> pro- |
irtiui. Mr (Jlie*tpr, thai lie did not
waot diuiici lui was tlrsd and would
Eta u la«i a room. Before going up
a tot) r a La all* told Mi Cheater that tic
lit waot t« t>« disturbed for snp-
Ska maa aot b'lutc up by uoon tw-
Mr w»u» to Ln room to
uJi kin; falling to recaivc au answer
Ut- loaam* alarmed about thu mail's
udmW aaJ lacked ever the transom in
Ma kali. ia#oba waa lying on the bed
avltk kit ooal and ah«ea otT, but all Lis
iftu aiaWiiug OD. A clot of blood
aosaad tk" aiauth intimated that the
■taa ka<l evidently ended hl9 life.
Mb. Will L • iilndel was summoned j
«al ayau hia arrival tin# room wan
taaakaa iota It required no exhaus
g*« to la.»rn that tho
jmmi was dead and that it waa a case
a* aatvlda Thajs vldence waa at band,
ftfca kvdy waa «old and atlfl, allowing
kkail at.a aaau did tha rash act saou
aTta; i%»oruing to the room
ML* be It la that contained the aar
kalla acid atool amptv on the wash
afa*3 alang<<ida a' a half-filled ailvei
wLUttr l.Hik Tha rast of the whiskey
aa daabt waa taken *a a bracer. On a
«k«U aear tha bad wan a lot of time
feafcie*. a Lalf*fl!led bottle of land
waina. a tit oallbra revolvar contain
fcig twa goal abella aud a brief note,
viNtn in lnadyeuali, saying," Notify
You M Oroiaer, Nanticoka." In
Mm apper teal pocket was fonud four
aar« gaad ahalia for the revolver,
fraaparalloua, uo duutl. bad been made
M ao»pl--ta tha job In ead- the acid
m 4 laudanum anauld fail. The man
aarrleA a gald watch with a black silk
gaard A dallar aud three cents in
Mia vaa all the inon<»y found. A let
fcat at I Jacobs, Hazieton, from
itaara*y Willtaiua, of Wilkosbarre,
Jfttattva I* tha arttlemeut of au estate
«t wklak Jacaba was administrator,
Mad a'-Teral ather unimportant letters
aa4 lalagrama wata found iu the in
*4i af the coat, which hung
aa Aa teat af tha ke<L A valise which
Ika kraaght wltk him ban not been
■ftua aan ta apparently 45 years of
agfe. aiadiam atatnra and weight and
•Mfs gray ■idohurna Tha right band
fc fta4ljr knrnad by the ajid which he
iu taking. There Is no motive
Laava tar the auiclde Ornteer was
aaMtad and A<'valopmuuts are await
•A Maaaae* Drahar, of tfhamokln,
wMI ka bar* aa tha first train.
A ftatapbana maasago to Llaaleton
Salla4 ta «.raw any light on the mya
a,a Daily Sautlnwl stating that
kkay kid aat knaw T M Jacobs.—
•wfcaif Daily.
kftiaßbarlain's Btoinaoh and Liver
ara Jnst what 70a ne»*l when
J«a kav« ao appetite, feel doll after eat
tb« ■id waka np witb a bad taste in
y«ma uioath They will impsove yonr
appetite aud invigorate yonr
Maiaacb and give you a relish for yonr
%■< Tot uU> f4l Tanlea i Co. Drng
Farmt Probation.
Veiy tew peapla realise what it
anaa aa aba aauotry by tiia wbol> aala
au af its forest lire. In the
aMI ptaa» It baa an Influence upoij the
•Kaaala asad dtmiulsbaa the productiva
a*M td afca aall It loosens tho rivers
aad aiiaws tbaua tu beooma
tarnaa ia ft;e spring months Thfrir
M*»lraaitan luaam a di
Miaaataa af ttia wealth of th« na-
Maa mii a.ak#» tha products of woods
iwit m ab« aarners
J|av afcat relief from tba drought
aa« aaa* aud W.a a#< ■•Hand fires are 111
(taawa at antnction, Iba m-'asores
Aaa>4 a* dlscusae 1 ta prevent sui h
kaaWaaiiaL la tha future The same
a« m. jtn Mau watoli must ba <-Rtahliah
«4 Sa prata- t t'ia woods against tire
aad akkai aganriaa «vill naturally wee
te AM i>!autin|f at I. >H whera they
asa aaaded. so Ihat each •ouutv shall
kava cafValeol {areata to aton- wj snow
aa4 rata again*i the Suminai ■*-I*oll,
aaUag a. aatural reservoirs wlienoe
Ms springs bruoks and strean s draw
Mail waKcs In this way we shall
(■tfaailv approaoh the ondltions that
aaaaaia >■ Biiraja wliaia new forest
arav are aa fa-i aa ol.h« r> are
gaasadafl of »i»3 and a'a i* liken
feat a aabSagiatiac. cannot gain si. h
b«»4*a; aa tu menace lowna and
alisS th« 1 I'mala imrt the fertility of
(ba aall, a*3 ''arlatl thn water auppiv
At present in* government s »e-arva
S«a< aad National fiarks, with a few
terga baldiuga by wcalihy indi vldnals,
aaa tba ooly spots which are pro toot
aA, aud most at thes>- are far from he
teg teaored against tiros during a dry
like the ouu now happily at
The following letter from James W.
Bogart and eon i Elmei W. Bogart),
former attaches of Castle Urove
farms, who now reside near Ashland,
Ya . will be read with interest by
their acquaintances in this locality:
Ashland, Va , June 7, 1908.
Anienican: We have |a
bcaatifal farm here situated six miles
from Ashland on the K. F. route.
Chnrch and school house are only half
a mile distant.
Crops of all kinds this year are very
backward. The ground was literally
soaked with rain during the winter
amt up to about the lath of April.
From that on we did not have a drop
of rain until the 27th of May. Farm
«rs about here have only a portion of
their corn planted. Corn here can he
planted until about the fiist of July.
Early cherries were a failure, but
thero will be plenty of early apples,
although rather small iu el/.f. The
early potatoes nearly all rotted 111 the
ground, but the June crop will he a
big one by the appearance of things
We will plant late potatoes aud
sweet potatoes about the 15th of this
month. Winter oats are a fair crop ;
wheat is nearly ready to cut here.
Hay Is very short and will be high in
price next winter
Corn is 70 cents per bushel, oats M)
cents. Hay brings f'JO per ton.
It is a paradise here for hunters.
Ijuail are as thick as sparrows, with
plenty of rabbits, wild turkeys, foxes,
coons and deer.
Yonrs truly,
James W. Bogart & Sou.
HTATH or OHIO, CITY or Toi.eno 1
FKINK J.OHBNBY makes oatti t*i lie ts
awrilor purtuer of the Una of K. .1 OHENKY .t
1 0., doing business 111 the City or Toledo.
County nnd State aforesaid and that said ttrin
will |>»y the sum of ONF. HI NltRKI' l»»|,
LARS for each and every ease of I'ATARKH
that cannot be cured by the un« of HAI.L'S
sworn to before me aud subscribed In my
r r.-seuee, this tith dav of December, A I>. ISmi.
. —) Notary Public.
Hall a Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and
acts directly on Ihe blood and mucous sur
aces of the system. Send for testimonials free
112 F. J. CHENKY& CO.,Toledo, O
Sold by Druggists, price7sc. per bottle.
Hall s Family t'tlls are the best.
Natioual Guard for Berwick.
It is probable that in thu near future
a company of the Ninth Regiment may
be located 111 Berwick. There is a
movement on foot among the officers
audit is expected that the matter will
soon be taken up with local persons.
Uno of the oompanies 111 Parsons was
recently disbauded and transferred to
Wilkesbarre which is the sixth to be
located there. It is difficult to keep
the rauks tilled because of tho number
ol military organizations iu tho city
apart trom the Ninth Kegimeut Com
panics so that one company from
Wilkesbarre may be disbanded and
transferred to another town. The
colonel and statf officers have been
aonsidcring the matter and on account
of the patriotio spirit iu Berwick have
picked this town as a desirable one in
which to locate a company. This
may not be until after the summer
camping but that it will come is not
doubted by those in close touch with
the question aud with the large uuni
bet of men in Betwick and no military
organizations the forming of a tir?-1
class company could readily he effect
ed.—Bloouisburg Press.
Startling Evidence.
Fresh testimony iu great quantity
is constantly coining in, declaring Di
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion Uoughs and Colds to be unequal
ed. A recent expression from T. J.
McFarlaud Bentorville, Va., serves as
example. He writes : "I had Bion
chitis for three ywars and doctored all
the time without beiiiK benefitted.
Then I began taking Dr. King's New
Discovery, aud a few bottles wholly
cured me." Equally effective 111
curing all Lung and Throat troubles,
Consumption, Pneumonia and Grip.
Guaranteed by Panics & Co., Drug
gists. Trial bottles free,regular sizes
I #Oi), and 11.00.
The Woman's Foreign Missionary
yociety of Bt. Paul's M E. Church
will hold a special meeting in the
loctme room tonight. This meeting
will he held in Ihe Interest of the
yonng people ami will convene at 7 :tfo
o'clock. It will ho addressed by Mrs.
Purdy of Sunbury, Secretary of the
Danville District,and Miss Gallimore,
a returned missionary of India. The
young people especially are requested
to take note of the meeting aud if
possible, to be present.
Kidney Trouble Hakes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers Is sura to know of the wonderful
U jig- cures made by Dr.
I Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
• I £r rea ' kidney, liver
G I— an< * bladder remedy.
"1 Ilr *\~i " ,s P reat medi
, I? cal triumph of the nine
l LjH teenth century; dis
i;g _ y, I# ! covered after years of
./f . scientific research by
r £vpXß Dr. Kilmer, the erni
f| _ JL-V" - ~ nent kidney and blad
der sp>eciallst, and is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Brlght's Disease, which Is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec
ommended for everything but If you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found
Just the remedy you need. It has been tested
In so many ways. In hospital work, in private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and lias proved so successful in
•very case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer In this paper aud
arr.d your address to Jli'sr"T%
Dr. Kilmer h Co.. Bing "j-ivi"
regular fifty cent and Home ot Swunp-Rooa.
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
Don't make no mistake, but reinetn
ber the name, Swaiip-Root. Dr. Kil
trier's Swamp Root, and the address
Bingham ton, N.Y , on every bottle
Despite all efforts to the contrary
the damage by forest tires this year is
gruatsr than ever before.
ST. LOUIS, Jutie 10. The impend
ing break in the Illinois Central dyke
came at l'J::5(l o'clock morning.
It is conservatively estimated that
thirty persons have drowned. Anoth
er estimate places the number of lives
lost at seventy five
In tivo minutes after tie' break a
mighty torrent was tearing through a
large residence section of East St.
One-half of East St. Louis is buried
iu the flood. Ten thousand persons
are homeless and at the mercy of the
raging waters. Families are penned
up prisoners 111 garrets of their homes
or on roofs. They are without food
and are crying for help. Two thous
and people who sought refuge in the
Washington school, the Franklin
school and St. Mary's church and the
plant of the St. Louis Syrup Refining
company, are all prisoners and are
suffering greatly.
The city appealed to St. Louis for
small boats. In the section in tin
eastern part of the city people by the
thousands were sleeping and felt
certain the city was safe. But the\
were warned by the blowing ol the
sand train whistles, by lii of riot
gntis and the cries of those who had
been working on the embankment in
an effort to save it. Tho property
losses cannot he estimated.
Kindly take notice that Ely's Liquid
Cream Balm is of a great benefit to suf
ferers from nasal catarrh who can not
inhale freely through the nose.but must
treat themselves by spraying. Liqnid
Cream Balm differs in form, but not
medicinally from the Creaui Balm that
has stood for years at the head of rem
edies for catarrh. It may lie used in
any nasal atomizer. The price, includ
ing a spraying tube, is 7"i cts. Sold by
druggists and mailed by Ely Brothel's,
56 Warren Street, New York
Murder at Oentralia.
Ceutralia presented the peaceable
citizens of the town with auother
shock 011 Sunday when it was an
nounced that another stabbing affray
had resulted in death of one.
The latest alleged murderer in Col
umbia county is John Set shottz who
was arrested on Sunday hv Constable
Langdou charged with the murder of
John Swatski, both of whom are from
the shanties 011 the road from At isles
to Centralia.
From the story as told by the Justice
and gathered at the hospital,Seeshnltz
aud Swatski, were both at a boarding
house when some altercations arose
and Seesholtz is alleged to have stall
bed Swatski, once over the right kid
ney ami once over the left. Tho latter
wound was not severe being merely a
flesh wound but the former penetrated
the kidney. He was taken to the Min
ers hospital at Ashland where an op
eration was performed by Di Biddlo
who was however unable to save bis
life and ho died at eleven o'clock Fri
day night.
It is stated that before lie died
Swatski made a statement saying that
Seesholtz was his assailant.
Another is said to be implicated
who together with Seesholtz skipped.
The authorities were soon after them,
however, and Constable Langdon marie
the arrest Sunday.
Seesholtz's was taken hofoie Justice
Black at Centralia, and given a ln-ar
ing, three witnesses testifying against
him. None of theni, however, saw
the crime committed, all testifying to
Seesholtz's having been 111 the room
with Swatski and of his having had
the knife.
After hearing the evidence Justice
Black remanded him to jail without
bail, where lie will remain until the
September term of court.
Take Laxative Bromo (Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
112 it fails to cure E \V. Groves s
signature i.son each box. 25.
Enjoyable Party.
James Jones,Sr., entertained a num
ber of friends at his home on Front
street on Tuesday evening in honor of
his 41st birthday. The affair was also
given in honor of Mr. Jones' son
James who recently returned from the
Philippines. An excellent supper was
served. Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Abraham Hite, Mr. and Mrs.
George Rowe, Mrs. John Freeze, Mrs.
Harry Lynn, Mis. llulsizer, Mr. and
Mrs. James Murray and son Charles,
Mrs. George Riley, daughters llattie
and Bertha, Mrs. John English, Mr.
and Mrs. John Jones, Mrs. James
Freeze, Miss Edna Freeze, Percy
Freeze, Mr. and Mrs. George Bedea
and daughter G ll ssie, Misses Mary and
Anna Bedea, Mr. and Mrs Thomas
Evans and daughter Katharine, Mrs.
William Evans, Mr. and Mrs Harry
Prentiss ami children, Mr. and Mrs.
John Hartzell, Miss Olive Lunger,
Frank Geringer, Minnie Ephlin, Miss
Lulu Klase, Edward Klase, Mrs. Frank
Martin and daughter Mamie, Mi-s
Martha English, Mi ami Mr-. Ed
Love ami children. Misses Julia Ger
inger, Mary Nevius, Emma Forney,
Katharine Lloyd, Annie Klase, Ida
Uo-s, Lydia Boss, Mrs. John Forney,
Mr. and Mrs. < >sej»r Riley, Mr. and
Mrs. William Childs, Mi ami Mrs.
Jos. Geringer, Mr and Mrs Charles
Frain, and son Russell, Mrs. liohert
Paugh, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Paugh, and children, Mi and Mrs
Seth Freeze and children, Mr.- II trvey
Livziey, Mr. and Mr- Harry Kaull
man, William < leringor,Thomas Tooev,
John Heiining, Thomas Pritehard,
David Thomas and Daniel Bus Mr
Jones Sr , was presented with a very
complete fishing pole and Ins son wa
remcmbered with a bandsoun ring
Enjoyed the Evening.
A number of friends were pleas »ntl\
entertained h\ Chris Loeh it In-home
on Ohurcli -triei on l'uesda\ 1 veniin.'
During the evening Prot. Kenster
inacher of Scrmiton i> mlnred a mini
her of selections Oil the piatlo
Mr. Lueli lias ju-t pun haseil a new
Sobmer piano of W. S Footo, repre
senting >l. W. Guernsey of Scranton,
Resolutions of Condolence.
At a regular meeting of Washington
Camp, No. SIS, P. O. S. ol A., ol Riv
erside, tin' following resolutions WITH
Whereas, It lias pleased our Heaven
ly Father in his infinite wisdom, to
call from our midst by an untimely
death, Jesse Snyder, a worthy brother
of the P. O. S. of A., therefore be it
Resolved, That wo acknowledge the
Wisdom (if God in all things and await
the final revelation when all that is
mysterious in His dispensation shall
he revealed to us.
Resolved, That in hi-- death the
Order hat- lost an upright, c*.ti enied
and worthy member and the com
munity an holiest and earnest citizen,
and the family a beloved and dutiful
sou and brother.
Resolved, That we sincerely condole
with tin* mother and re lat i ves in t heir
sad affliction, and commend them for
consolation to Him who doeth all
things f<>r the best.
Resolved, That the heartfelt sym
pathy of this (Jamp he extended in his
uiother and lelativos in this their
sorrow and affliction.
Resolved, That the charter of this
Camp lie draped for a period of thirty
days in respect to the memory of our
deceased brother.
Resolved, That these resolutions lie
enteieil on the minutes of this (Jamp, j
also printed in the Morning News,
and a copy he delivered to tie- mother
of our deceased brother.
Fraternally submitted,
Resolutions Adopted.
Whereas, It has pleased Almighty
God, in his infinite wisdom to remove
from oui midst, Hannah Hcddens, the
faithful wife of our esteemed Post
Commander, William M. Heddeiis.
And whereas, while we how in
humble submission to His divine will,
always acquiescing in the wisdom of
his final judgments, yet we cannot re
train from an expression of sympathy
for the bereaved. Therefore be it
Resolved, That Goodrich Post, No.
22, G. A. R., in regular session as
sembled herein express our deep sym
pathy for our worthy brother and his
family in this dark hour of bereave
ment, herein bearing testimony of
the noble traits ot character of his
deceased wife, of her faithful work
in all charitable undertakings, of her
Christian life and kindly bearing in
all avenues of her faithful existence.
That a copy of these resolutons he
spread upon the minutes of this Post
and a copy furnished the newspapers
for publication, also the Adjutant In
directed to furnish a cop, to the fain
ily of the deceased.
N. Y.
Via Pennsylvania Railroad,A( count Meet
ing General Secretaries Y. M. 0. A.
For the benefit of those desiring to at
tend the meeting of the Association of
General Secretaries of the Y M A.,
of Ninth America, at Lakewood N. V.
June into 22. the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell round-trip tickets to
Lakewood and return from all stations
on its lines. June Hi and 17. good to re
turn until June 2:5, inclusive, at rate of
a single fare for the round trip
Lehightou Journal Goes Up.
The Lehightou Evening Journal,
launched about a month ago, the only
daily paper the town has had, is no
more. It died Saturday night and
lii-iii is the editor's sad farewell:
' With this issue the Journal will
cease to exist. We did all we could
to make it a success, sunk our own
money and used up a lot of good en
erg}'. We return hearty thanks to
those who have stood so faithfully by
us and did what they could to keep
alive this little public benefactor.
Rut fate was against the paper and as
we 'never cry over spilled milk' we
drop daily journalism in Lehightou
Our Burying Grounds.
A visit to the cemeteries at present
following the refreshing rains and the
results ot the horticultural efforts pre
vious to May 30th being manifest, is a
sight good for the eyes and provoking a
sense of pleasure and pride iu the
beauty of focal burying grounds. In
terest in cemetery work should not
die with the passing of Memorial
Last Meal Eorty Days Ago,
Edward Mclntyre of Moosic, who
began a fast of forty days to cure
paralysis, completed the allotted time
yesterday. He has lost over thirty
pounds, but is still strong enough to
walk about Ins front porch. He re
sumed the taking of food Wednesday
Three Legged Duck.
John Beyers, Hloom street, has a
curiosity in the form of a duck with
three legs, which was hatched out a
few days ago.
The college aluiuui throughout the
i * gion are recei v ing inv it at ions to the
comnienci ini-nls at the colleges from
which tliey are 'gradual* -
Make King Day an imposing one in
Indigestion Cause#
Catarrh of the
For many years It has been supposed thai
Catarrh of the Stomach caused Indigestion
and dyspepsia, but the truth is exactly thtt
apposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Re
peated attacks of Indigestion Inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
r.xposes the nerves of the stomach, thus caus
'ng the glands to secrete mucin Instead of
the Juices of natural digestion. This Is
railed Catarrh of the Stomach.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
I relieves all Inflammation of the mucous
I membranes lining the stomach, protects the
I nerves, and cures bad breath, aour rtslngs. a
j tense of fullness after eating, Indigestion,
j Jyspepsia and all stomach troubles.
Kodol Digests What You Eat
Make the Stomarh Sweet.
Hott.os only Regular si'®. $1 00. holding 2Vi timet
th« trial sl/rt. which sella for 50 cents
Prepared by E. O. DeWITT A 00., Chicago, Ml.
'HIE SfJll ismilll.
Annual Report for the School Year
ending June 1, 1903.
Whole number of Schools.... 29;
Average number or months
taught 9!
Number of Male Teachers.... -I
Number of Feinale Teachers 25 i
Average Salaries of Males per
month #75.00
Average Salaries of Females
per month #41.18
Number of Male Scholars at
tending all the Schools in
the district <i!f7
Number of Female Scholars
attending all the schools in
the district. .: 686
Whole number in attendance 1383
Average daily attendance of
Scholars in the District.... 1015
Average percentage of attend
ance 92 !
Cost, of each pupil per month #1.33
Number of mills levied for
school purposes 4 A
Amount, levied for school pur
poses #12212.49
State Appropriation for the yr.
ending June, 1903 $ 7192.90
ISal. on hand from last yr 158-1.92
From Tax Collection 11465.83
Tuition fees non-residents . .. 463 75
From all other sources .... 117.M0
Total Receipts 20825.20
Repairs, etc 1247.95
Teachers Wages 13186.92
| Paid Teachers for attending
teacher's institute 272.1:!
i School Text-books 786.29
; School supplies other than text
: books 688.03
I Fuel and contingencies. 1601.34
| Fees of Tax Collector 307.25
| Fees ot Treasurer 202.15
j Fees of Solicitor 75.00
! Salary of Secretary 200.00
I Debt and Interest paid 159.50
: <Hher expenses. 1690.47
| Total Expenditures # 20417.03
i Cash on Irtnd 408.17
< 'ash on hand 408.17
Amount due District from all
I sources 1742.96
I Total Resources . ...# 2151 13
i Amount borrowed, or debt of
district 5000.00
Liabilities iu excess of resonr
| C- S * 2848.87
Estimated value of school
j grounds and buildings slooooo.oo
I Witness our hands this Ist day of June,
W 11. oRTH. Secretary.
p«a»C,a t NT AT EM ENT
State appropiatioii $964.26
Balance from last year . • 354.99
From collector 905.68
#2224 93
Repairing and cleaning $ 44.80
Teachers wages, 1295.00
Teachers attending Institute 46.25
School books 183.02
Supplies ot her t ban text books 50.04
Fees of Treasurer 36.11
Seeretarys salary and postage. 26.00
Auditors 6.00
Printing, ... 5.52
Use of house 2.00
Fuel and contingencies, 128.66
i t >ther expenses 3.00
I Atty. fee 5.00
Truant oflitrer 1.60
I Delegate to State Convention, 8.62
Balance in Treasurer 383.31
S. W. Hf.RK, Sec y.
Notice is hereby given that, an a|
i plication will be made to the Govern
or of Pennsylvania on Mouday the
22nd day of June 1903, by Henry
Rempe, I. X. (trier, F. (5. Angle, F.
t (j. Hartman, J. 11. Cole, John Doster,
. John 11. Goeser and others, under the
Act of Assembly entitled, "An Act to
t provide for the incorporation and re
i gulation of certain corporations" ap
. proved April 19th 1874 and the supple
ments thereto, for a Charter of an in-
I tended Corporation, to be called the
I "Rempe Manufacturing Company;"
the character and object of which is
the making and sidling of self winding
clocks, to be opeiatod and run by
electricity or any other motive power,
and all parts necessary tor the con
struction and running of them; and
for the further purpose of making
electrical or other novelties; and for
these purposes to have, possess anil en
joy all the rights, benefits and privil
eges of .-aid Act ot Assembly anil sup
plements thereto.
I. X. GRIER,, Solicitor.
' Charter Notice.
1 Notice is hereby given that auappli
cation will be made to the Governor
of Pennsylvania on Wednesday the
first day of July 1903, by F. llart
, man, Ed. J. Hartman, William J
Hartman, T. W Cutler and A. C.
Hartman, under the Act of Assembly
( entitled, "An Act to provide for the
incorporation and regulation oft er
- tain corporations," approved April
2'.Uh, 1874, anil the several supple
nients thereto, for the charter of ami
intend.-.I corporation to be called the
" l*ei|uot Silk Mills" ol Danville,
Montour County, Pennsylvania, the
cliartt rand object of liicli is the man
II fact it ring of all kinds of thrown silk,
and oilier textile work, and for these
purpose-- to have, possess ami enjoy
all tin' rights, bent anil privileges of
the saiil act of assembly ami the slip
ph-mont-. thereto.
HARRY M. PEKSING, Solicitor.
June Mb, I'.iot
To Cure a Cold in One Day 1
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. on e \<*y I
Sovrn Million bem sold In paM 12 months. This / POlt. t,sc. J
OHapl r a Unrraw fls^aya,
The Courrier des Etats L'idß say*
thnt on Jun. i t, 1858, the late Frances
co Crispl, the great Italian statesman,
then a political refugee in l'aris, re
celved from an Italian friend connect
ed with the l'aris opera two gallery
tickets for the performance of that
evening, which the emperor and cm
bress were expected to attend, Crispl
end his wife were on the point of stin t
ing for the theater when the latter ex
claimed, "Francesco, where shall we
get a candleV"
They were In such destitution that
they had neither candles nor matches
nor yet the wherewithal to buy them.
Going to the opera would involve grop
ing for their room at midnight and go
ing to bod In total darkness. Too proud
to confess their condition nml to bor
row a few sons, they regretfully denied
themselves the promised treat, remain
ed In their room and retired la-l'ore th«
twilight had failed.
On the following morning they learn
ed of Orsini's attack on the emperor,
the police raids and the arrest of all
Italian revolutionists found in or near
the theater. If t'rispl had been in the
house, he would certainly have been
among the first arrested, for he was
known as an ardent disciple of Maz'/.ini.
Jnvonlle Financier*.
Two Wall street financiers were dls
cussing the importance of early im
pressing upon children the value of
motley. "A penny saved," said the
banker, "is the fundamental principle
In fortune making. I give my young
sters a prize every month for saving
the pin money 1 enable theiu to earn
by various services that my father
would have relegated to the servants.
1 think I am on the right track, for the
other day I found myself short of car
fare, and it was with reluctance that
the youngest of the brood would lend
me five pennies, while the oldest came
to the rescue only whou 1 offered se
"It's well to have children early
trained fo keep account of what they
spend," saitl the banker's companion,
with a twinkle In his shrewd eye. "My
boy is six. On Ills birthday I bought
hint a little desk, a ledger and all the
paraphernalia of bookkeeping, and
showed him how to make entries and
balance accounts. The other nlglit,
when he had gone (o bed. 1 thought I
would see how he was coming on. The
first page read: 'Had 4 cents; spent 4
•ents; haven't a darn cent left!"— New
fork Press.
Public Sale of Real Estate.
Will be sohl at Public Sale on the
premises in the Horough of Riverside,
County of Northumberland, Pa., on
Tuesday, June 30th, 1903, two adjoin
ing vacant lots situated on the corner
of Snnbury street and Avenue "D,"
being lots C and D in Block No. 31 a»
marked and numbered on the general
plan of said Horough. Terms:
Twenty-five per cent, to be paid at
time of sale and the balance within
two months from date of sale. Salt* to
commence at 10 a m.on - »iil day when
conditions will be fully made known
Att'y in Fact.
Riverside, Pa., June 9th, 1903.
An application will be made to the
Court of Quarter Session of Montour
County on Saturday June 20. 1 t»tat
it:3o a. in.for the transfer of the whole
sale license from No. 7 East, Mahoning
street, Danville Pennsylvania to the
Stone Mill on Church Street next to the
Pennsylvania Caual in the Ist. ward
of Danville, Pa.
Clerk of Quarter Session.
The Home Paper
of Danville.
Of course you read
Everybody Reads It.
Published I-very Morning Except
Sunday at
No. ii E. Mahoning St.
Subscript ion (> cents l\r Week.
*; -V
riiKllnh Krre frbi.ul l!ulr», ITT4.
1J n|. r i 111 i I" . What v.i Hoy emu -to
(school |hist 7 o' tli* ( lie I In the Morn
iiijj In Summer tini. Mini jiast s o* th'
clock In ye Wintertime I without Sliew
Ing pood reason] Shall re. , ive ljt»di-
Item, WhosocM'r nbs«'iits himself
from School, Hither by Truantiy. by
trying to Htuy ftt home, or otherwise;
Hhall lncttrr hid Master's highest dlh
lilcasttre, Suffer the htswiiiK and Scoff
Jnp of ye whole School, Tarry behind
the Itest one hour at Night for a week,
nnd besides [a>< n suitable Hcward f■ >r
his ] shall suffer 1- Lushes.
Item, Whatsoever Boy shall at any
time Curse, Swear, <>r take the Lord'n
Name In vain. Shall nssunilly suffer
for such ofl'eiiee, 1." I .as lies.
Item. What It '.v -..e\er nddlct- him
pelt to Obscene Tall.lim or foolish ,r.
lug, shall Snff. r for eai-li SH,-|I 'l'rans
Item, What Hoy soever absents him
self from tile Service of Almighty find
(in the Sabbath day, and spends that
Day in a wicked man', r In playing \
running nhoiit. Shall re. elve L'o I, • ties.
Item, Whosoever stciils from oi <l*
frauds his S.-hool fellow of Ink. I'. ns,
I'aper, iJllill -s, or any Other Thug
Whatsoever. Shall certainly, when
found out and detcefed, receive 0 I«ish
es.- Notes and tjti' ms.
The lte|»orter*»
#, I Hi yr»u t lint ninii
And 1 observed a rather lone-ome
person wandering iiitnlessly about tl.o
Capitol. Regret was stamped upon bis
face, and his whole attitude was that
of a man w ho had tried and failed and
who had no Intention of every trying
"Well, that Is u former representative
who called the correspondent of the
leading paper In his district a liar. The
correspondent did not pursue the <>rdi
nary method of retaliation by attack
ing him lit his articles whenever op
port unit}' offered. He simply refused
for two years to mention lib name in
his correspondence. The people at home
began to wonder what they Rent a
man to congress for anyway and final
ly came to the conclusion that a repre
sentative who could not get his name
In the paper could not be of lunch ac
count In Washington. It took l.loobal
lots to beat him when he came up for
renomlnat/on, but they did It nil right.''
—Washington Cor. New York itersM.
Kntlnx Seal* In Rnalnnd.
The water bally of London brought a
"quick" seal to court, receiving 26
shillings s pel ii.and in the same
year the item "for bringing a eelc' 15
shillings occurs. Seals were eaten,
though they may have been kept as a
curiosity, one wa* presented tot'roui
well, Wolsey's so ii Henry 's fa
vor, though it died before lie could
have derived llltM'h plertHOre from It
Perhaps lie ale it. At Henry XII.'B
wedding 112. -t ia 1 I s *" one of the dish
es was • !• * i:i l'i <iy n, < ntu< ly served
richly ' I \ rich it must have
' been. I » i*roinwell*s accounts for 1...1T
Willi . i Wml. liotnte'S servant I'llngs a
por; <• >1 porpoises we know arc
call ... >. > i Words.
IXnlilUhinK Ills (inilt.
"Olliccr." said the police court Judge,
"what made you think the prisoner .was
"Well, your honor, as he was going
along the sidewalk he ran plump into a
street lamppost. He backed away, re
placed his hat on his head and tirmly
started forward again, but once inorc
ran into the post. Four times he tried
to got by the post, but each time hi»
uncertain steps took him plump into
the Iron pole. After the fourth attempt
and failure to pass the post he backed
off, fell to the pavement and, clutching
his head in his hands, murmured as
one lost to nil hope: 'Lost! Lost in an
impenetrable forest!'"
"Ten days." said the court.—(ireen
Orphan s Conn Sale
Mil H Hit!
nf I hivid \ , 1 it» of tlit?
Borough of ill*-, M on?our I %iun
ty, deceased.
l*y virtue of :ui nrrti'r n( *)• fruitnl
to her hy tli. I irphan t ».«rt of -md
•< HI lit y for -ui-li j.ii r j.«.-. t I(•- aiider-ijrn
(I Will expose |<i |.ultli.' » , 1,. «,)| Uiv*
|ii. iin~.- -ilii,'»i. HI tli. S> i.uii Wont
it the Horough of I>»•»%ill at> re-ti-i
FRI DA V, JULY 3. 1903.
it t' II «I'' I•». k ill the fi,r«ilMlU of III*
- lilt >l l% . til. I [■v\|r _• ,i. • .1 i
-1:»f»* (if the - ki.l »!»■• > dent, f<» wit
All certain lowii lot uf I-,tad
-ituate in the Second Ward of the li<.r
HUgll Of l»:|U\llle 111 tli. f'I.UUtV <f
Montour HIIII Si »t> <>f I uii-vltai.>«
hounded ami .» fiilowt.fii
Front tng on < irtnd -tri I • , 11. V irth
between Klin anil Nau»au -.IRE. I »..IM
llieiu-iug at the rnrni-r of lot formerly
of Agin * Linn after John \ K<ri>>id*
tlii-n in an Fast ward Iv lir lion along
(i; mil -tr« ,t hi un t 112 • .r: - t
lot ot Jacob I' Karn-w ..rl h. tlt*-uce in
a Sou tli wanl |\ direction .ion* -«id
Farn-wortli lot eighty nine t.-*-t HIM! five
inches t.» an ulli>v, thence in a Wmt
wardly direction along -anl alley t«r*-a
ty feet to a corner of lot -aid John A
Keyntdd* th.wv in a Northwardl) «1J
rectii Hl along-aid lot of J>.|m A Rey
nold* eighty nine feet mid thr*** mrhe
to Grand -tr»-»t the place ..i iM-mnuiair
It lieitig in tin- plan of SIM iler - additi>«u
to the Ifcinrairh of iMnrilli' »i I
and njioii which are emti .l a
with Frame Kitchen attfhed and.t her
nsnal out build'tig-
TKHMS lip SALK Twei, v #Vf pel
cent, of the purchase iu.nn-> -hall l»
jiai.l in rash W the striking down I tie
pro|»*rtv any* tin- Otlane. tr» ! -».r*|l
lie paid II|M.II the roiifirinatioii ALMDNTE
ol til. sale Ifc-f.l t.i In d> llVen-d t ■ the
purchaser thereof ii|mn -m-h nitirwa
tion absolute HI. I the c..sis of irritiUK
the -aim- shall In paid In -m*h purcha
Executrix of I>i«\ nl \ an-ickle <!•■ J
ward Sayre • Jearhart«el
| : \ M I Tit H » Mi l II I .
Estate of I la\ l• 1 Vansickie. late "112 the
of I><4ii\ ill. in the < '• iinty ol
Montonr and State of penn«vl
vania. deceased.
Notiiv i- hi-rt hv that letter
teftanieiitarj have i»»n granted t the
lllldi rnitilled tl|H»ll the al».%e e»tate All
jier>ollH illihdited to the -aid >*t*te are
reijnirtHl to make ]iayiiient and tho—•
liavinif rlaiin*! or di-inand- airaiimt the
-aid estate will make known the <aiue
without delay to
M \RY K Mill H1.1.1..
Kxerntiix of l>avid \'an-i.-kle de> d
I'. •» Addre-- '.MI M.iwrex sr.rei-t IMU
ville l'a
Kilwanl Say re < iearhart Cuansel
ADM IN IsTHATt iK - N< »T l« I
Eslute of llarrv Hii<«!«--« late 112 the
Ui>roUtth of I)ai.\llle in the ('oliutv I t
Montour and State of IVniiiylvama
I >ii"eased.
Notiii- is herein irtveii that lrf-tt'-r- •:
Administratioii <.n the aU»ve «-tate
have Ilefii granted to the nnder-nfn
eil. All iHTSoII" indebted are re.jinreii
to make i>ay.i.eiit. and tho-. ba\ii»K
idaiins or demands against the -aid
estate will make known the -aiue
without delay to.
KK\ KRUY M KlHmi s
Administrator of Harry
SP. <». Address N Ninth Street
Imitation, l'a.
F.dwanl Sai r«' • iearhart t '..nn-il
A Headache Rcniedx Iha
After yi*ar- .>f can lul -tndy and • i
|» rimetits wi ha\. t'.'iind » reniedv ttiat
will en re head a.-he in nearly every .iw
with the tir-t dose It i- a Tablet j.u;
nji in handsiiiiie In*xe- .if fifteen tat.i'-t
--for ten rents. »»ne taidet i- a
They contain iinthiiiij harnifnl and n
bad after . ttei-fs ran inuie fri-iii their
u-e. They are endor-i dby -iuit" «if the
leadinir physiciaiw.
Mt: s < "I I'.looui^bnrir
says 1 have tried marh all he i la. he
remedies on tin in irk. t and think there
is none eijnal to yonrs. 1 would not t»»
withont tin in for ti II tiiias their i < -t
"""""" —MAM i\i nit ii tn
Mover Bros,
\\ MOI.FSAI 1 l>kl tiUI>TS.
Bloomsburg - - Pa.
i-JfFor sale i» v all deab rs
Life Firs AccidßDt and Steam Boiler
Oftto*: Montgomery Bulkiln«, Mill STTMt,
Danville, - • Penn'i