RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PKNN'A R R KAHT. WEST. Ml i M 4 Invocation . , Rev. L. B. Twichell Salutatory Oration—"Tho Repub lic of Man" Mr. Watkiu Essay,—"Character as Capital" Miss Williams Oration,- " The Power Behind the Throne," Miss Ranck "Country Fair," Waltz Song .High School Double Quartette Oration, " The Progress ot Inter national Arbitration" Mr. Maiers Declamation—" D.is Eiugemaureto Kuablein" Mr. Schatz Oration, —"South American In stability," Mr. McClure Piano Solo " Poll, t De Concert," Miss Cousart Oration, "History Repeats It self." Mr. Campbell | Class History Miss McNinch I Oration, —"Slav or Teuton" Mr. Jacobs Violin Solo "La IJame Blanche, " Mr. Keuiiuer, 'OS , Class Prophesy Miss Harnian . Mantle Oration Mr Miller ! Acceptance ot Mantle, Miss Miller, 'O4 instrumental Trio, —"Rondo On Gherese" Misses Books 'O4, Cousart'o3, Divel ex 'O4 Presentation, Mr. Diseroad l Censorship, Mr. Hooley Oration with Valedictory,—"Cen tralization Past and Present, " Mr. Lunger ■ Presentation of Diplomas Dr. 1 Grier Barber, Pres. of Board j Song—"Tell Me Flora" High School Double Quartette Nervous Headaches Breeds Insanity. Many a person's whole pleasure in life is ruined by the fear of nervous ; headaches. Any little excitement, no matter what, business or social, briugs them on. The fe£t aud hands grow cold, the head is hot, the eyes are stiff, the temples throb, and only in the quiet of a darkened room is relief obtained. This condition ninst be checked or it means complete mental ruin To those people Dr. A W. Chase's Nerve I'ills comes as a blessing. They do not stop, they cure the headache. They do not blanket, they build up. They put the nervous system in a strong, vigorous sturdy condition—a condition that gives one resistive power and enables them to again enjoy life's pleasure.s Mr. Jacob Mills of Cor. Front & Church streets., Danville, Pa . says: "Last fall I was feeling very badly run down and nervoiisnes. I had frequent | spells of nervous headaches and good deal of trouble with my stomach. See j ing Dr. A. W. (.'base's Nerve Pills re i commended 1 itot alu xat (josh's Drug I Store and used them with the best re i suits. 1 rested well again and feel ! strong and bright digestion is good ; and the headaches a thing of the dast. j They certainly did me good and I can ' highly recommend them. 50 cents a box at dealers or Dr. A. \V. ('hase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. V. Sre that portrait and signature of A. W. Chase, M. D. are on every package. More Dough, Less Berry. "Red, ripe strawbeiries cents a box!" There will Iu: less of this hucksters' delightful musical yelling this season than ever before. according to rumors that come from patches around this section of Pennsylvania nowadays. Those who have complain ed of tho noise made by the vender of the red berry may miss Ins sr.ng to their sorrow this year, and the tooth some morsel,the strawberry shortcake, which ever delights the taste of the epicure, will have to be served on the stingy plan of more dough and less fruit. Out of the many acres of berries that are planted in Montour county there will be about one-fifth ot a crop and then the size of these compared with the crops of former years, when rain was plenty, will be as walnuts are to potatoes. From Snyder county, another large strawberry growing district, comes the same discouraging reports. A statement from a prominent farmer in the heart of the district is to the effect that out of ten acres lie has planted will not yield more than the same crop he secured from a two acre plot last year. The same condition exists all over the strawberry districts. The farmers do not expect to ship at the most more than one-fourth of the crops that they have in former years and the quality of the berry will be much lower. The thrifty housewives of Danville will eye this statement with dismay, as the strawberry is tho acme of per fection as a jellv maker and is eagerly sought for iu preparing the next win ter's supply of good things to eat. But still there is a fighting chance and a more hopeful view mav be taken of the strawberry situation. Mr- Joseph Poininville, of Stillwater, Minn , after having spent over $2,000 with the best doctors for stomach trauble without relief, was advised by his druggist, Mr. Alex. Richard, to try a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets He did so, and is a well man today, If troubled with indigestion, bad taste in the mouth, lack of appetite or constipation, give these Tablets a trial, and you are certain to be more than pleased with the results. For sale at 25 cents per box by Panics >V (V DriiKgists :»12 Mill street Two Fine Sermons. John 1. Woodruff, Dean of the Sus quehanna University, preached two tine sermons at Pine Street Lutheran Church Sunday. There was a good sized congregation present at both the morning and the evening service. The X-Rays. Recent experiments, by practical tests and examination with the aid of the X-Rays, establish it as a fact that Catarrh of the Stomach is not a disease of itself, but that it results from re peated attacks of indigestion. "How Can I ('lire My Indigestion!'" Kodol Dyspepsia ('ure i-- curing thousands. It will cure you of indigestion and dyspepsia,and prevent or cure Catarrh of the Stomach. Kodol digests what you eat —makes /lie stomach sweet. Sold by Gosh & Co.. Paules & Co. FIRST GAME BRINGS VICTORY The b;»s 2 I 0 0 I Ycrrick,2b 0 2 0 0 0 • Hoffman, lb 0 1 10 1 <• ; Matey, p 1 2 :i 1 <» ' Shannon, c. 112. 0 o 1 0 0 i Hummer, c 2 0 "> I 0 : Reuner, 2b . 0 0 O 0 0 12 11 27 !» <> SIINH LI R V. K. H. (). A. E Lawrence, s. s 0 0 0 11 Teufel, c 0 0 t» 1 0 Epler 1. 112 o 0 1 2 0 Grubb, lib I I 7 II 1 Dresher, p. lb Oil 2 2 fiHiifz. 2b 0 0 1 I 2 Beek, lb p. 0 I 1 2 2 Smith, c. 112. 00l 0 0 j Brosius, r. 112. 0 0 0 0 0 1 :i 27 12 8 Earned runs—Danville Two base 1 hits—Gosh. Ba-e on balls—off Dresli er :i; Beck '.i; Maley, 2. Struck out By Dresher, 2; Beck, 1; Malev, •">. ■ Double plays—Epler, I.antz,Lawrence | and Beck. Hit by Pitcher, Ainmer i man. Time of game, 1 hour and ten ( minutes. Umpire—Foulk. PROVE ALL THING. Danville People Look for Better Proof. To win a wager an English Marquis stood on London bridge and offered i British Sovereigns tf.'i) for five shillings ! (SL2-~>.) Ae could not find a customer, j Its not to be wondered at, the public look for askance at any proposition J where the proposer is apparently a fi nancial loser without any direct or in , direct gain. Fraudulent schemers have often been successful, and iu these days skeptics want, better proof tban the word of a stranger. No evidence can be stronger than than the testimony of friends and neighbors of people we know. Here's is a case of it: - Mr. W <'. Richard, Grocer, living Cor Iron and Third Sts , Bloomsburg, says—"l was taken suddenly with stitches in my back which were so ex cruciating that 1 almost fell to the ground. I was confined to my bed for over a week and the pain was so intense I could not rise without assistance. Doau's Kidney Pills came to my at tention and I took a course of th— treat ment. It cure me." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburu Co.. Buffalo, N. Y , sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name Dean's—and take no substitute. Standard Watches for Reading Men. The employes of the Philadelphia treet. Protecting the Birds, By an agreement between tln' Milli nerv Merchants' Protective association of New York and the Audiboii society of that state certain species or' biids are to he withdrawn from tln> milli nery trade. They comprise the gulls, torus, grehes, humming I• i i *I ~ and *oiig birds which the society ami the or nithologists' union have been striving to save from destruction for years. Monthly publication is to be made in the magazine of the trade as to what birds cannot he legally bought. The millinery association further agiees that after January, I'.UU, the plumage of the egret, heron and American peli can shall be added to the prohibited i list. The Auilohon society on it-- part agrees to endeavor to prevent any in terference on the part of game \\ ual eiis with the millinery trade, and to refrain from securing the passage of any legislation restricting the im portationot fancy feathers obtained from domesticated fowls, or of the plumage of foreign birds cither than those already specified. One of the chief difficulties eiicount ered by the society in its effort.-' to protect the birds from the slaughter instigated by the decrees of fashion has been the attitude of opposition t sumed by the dealers in millinery, who have claimed that their trade was be ing injured by the cru-adc against bird ornamentation of bat* In con ! verting the trade IO a humane view of the question the society has made a I distinct gain, much more direct HI it* i immediate effects than the more grad nal process of educating and refining feminine taste to the point w licit (lie eyes of fair women could take more real delight in seeing a gorgeously plumed bird on (lie wing or perched on the swaying branch of a tree than on the nodding crown of her Fall hat If women must bedeck tln-niselves HI borrowed plumes there can be no pos silde objection to the employment of the feathers of domestic fowl- for such purposes. i Now that the millinery trade and ; the Audubon society are at one on the subject of bird protection, there should be au appreciable decrease in the slaughter of the birds. I.et the educational campaign in tie rutal dis triets be continued with unabated vigor, to the end that the farmer may restrain the destrnctiveiios of In young hopeful with a gun -ei the farmers he informed that the decrease of the birds means the increase of orchard |ls. It may In possible to restore to the woods ami field* their feathered population, so badly dt pleted in recent years. A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T G. Meruit, of Meboopaiiv, Pa , made a startling test resulting in a wonderful cure. lie writes "a patient w is attacked with violent hemorrhages,caused bv ulcera tion of the stomach. 1 had often found Electric Bitters excellent for actufe stomach and liver troubles so I pre scribed lln in. The patient gained from the first, and has not had an attai I, m 11 months." Electric Bitteis are positively guaranteed for Dyspe| ia. Indigestion, Const ipat ion and huim v trouble- Try thein «>ul\ .Oc it Pin I* l .- A ('o\- drug .*iore. Teacher Under Arre,-:t. Miss Martha Shields, i teacher in the public se! |. at Sb nautloah. wi II appear before the Sehuvlki I countv court at it- nest session to answer the charge of cruellv beating Patrick Donaghoe, aged It) years, one ot her pll pi Is At a healing before a Justice of the Peace the wounds on the lad s back, inflicted with a heavy trap, were produced as e\idence. t'ho hoy 's inothi r claims that the teacher beat him until In berume ill. TO HOLD WHEAT AT ONE DOLLAR Tin' pmpnsitiuii ti-i I,'iniii i in hold their wheat for one doll n pi lti-hi 1. ad v: kll <-" < I li\ tin' Ain i"i< .11 Rijuit}' i- not lik' !' in ii t much oppn.-it inn from farmer-, i. r taiiily nut frmii tlm-. ;ii M'n.:i'.ir■> ty, if i In' pr - -inn ot l l.ii> it; ii'i i• i . (rriti l ion. Tin' bulletin, arguing that lit- mill iinii in priii o! vi • dollar [• rlm In wtin 11 will t<- • it tni"il lir.i ch-.i-t nvcr tin- cie.iutrv, Ii t iii it In i n ri'i'i iv • I, lint tl" taniii rs Ii uw 11 ■:i l" 11111 :t 11 i!' ill lie in 'V iin in Iri iiii ye-terdav' new |mi»i-i - WitllOllt I'M'. |lMl||l llll' I li' .■ I \* • !'• unpi'i —i ll wit Ii tln jn-l i.- i.. 11 i ill tin' -uj_v ii * 11. whit'Vi int. t.t llii' opinion ol iiinsiiiii'! who ii it ti i 11 Iv dread any ri ie in tin | 11« •• of 100 Is'iiiH'-' Wleat In i.i in_*iiii! al«nit »o cents per I ii-ilii I in I 111 tin farmers claim in vot tin pn t » prosperity and 111 • unpri- I • iit I mam I for cereals, i- oat of il! propor tion to tin pi'iii- thai t inin i must pay for help, machinci v.aiul such sup plies as tlu-v liav>- to lui\ To maintain higher pric. - fur I »rm jiroducc i- tin ohj. ■-t of tin \ n , in Society of K<|llit V,W'llich II I .jl-l 111 .Ii 1 organized with In-»«!■ |u;irt• -1 ■- it Iml ianap.ilis. Inil 11, inirmal it*■:i: out for iiicri a-i d pri'-e- a-l,- a dnllai tor wheal and no more The built tin con clude* as follows : "Wlicii von jjft tin'ei|iiital li price let It Sell nil the liasi- ol olli' dnl lar and no le--. lln not hoi.l t i ati\ mure oi you may run up in unwn hh surplus, which would conip I ln\v* r , price- A Sure 1 Inn?. It is said that notliiiu! i- Mite ■ . ■ t death and tav , hut licit i- nit i t pether trim. lir. Kiny'- New | cry for t'niisiipmtnut i- a -me i un !• i all throat and luiiy tr ■ I !• -. II "ii anils can te-tify t ith.it Mr (' It j V'aiiMt I ri-of Slnphcrdtow n, \\ >i . says"l had a severe i ase ol itrom in lis and for a yi r tried i I heard of, hut not no relief. One bottle of Dr. K ilia's N'W I )i< -• i\i r% tl eii > .i i • i uie absolutely. ' It's infallih! t"i Croup, \Vhoo|iin.r ( < Jr. | . I'inu omnia and Coiisupnition Try it Its ;{uaiantei d l.\ 1' ,u |. A i Hist <. Trial hottl'S fri" 'inc., SI.OO. Must Enforce State Law. Health iiis|N'ctors ami i.tfiiii- i iv received notice from the S retail > i the.St it Hoard of Health, rnpiirin„ a strict mfomiMcnl of that wet mm nt the law relative to | li\ n ian- r-pi r iiig births and di die. Th Stat Hoard siv- there i- nin \eiis. tor on delay in reporting birtlm ami dentin promptly and instruct* the b» al hi spector tu forward tin naim of tin physici ills % lolatinn tl . i ■■ r i■ • Slate Hoard will pin-cut tl -m Froti: a Cat S ratcb. on the arm. In the woi-i -ut of a burn, sore or boll, He\\ ill's Witeh Hazel Salve i- a «|iti< k iin In hn.iii. Witch I la/el Salve, h | aitu •• lir to got DeWitt- this i, tin »lv teat heals wit hunt I. iving a « -tr A speeilie for hllml, bleeding. itching ami protruding pi to*. £st*M In (Mi A. I *<».. I'aules A I 'o. Preparing fur Memorial Day. Nn ila\ - t a-iih b\ ihe pnipl i morn sacred than thai devoted tn the menu it v nf those who -• rved tin- • un tr\ in time nt war anil win I i • ml tin stars and stripes t .i ii. hi- I t-u tie.i Ins trihule tn tin honored d el evi r\ ciiiumuniiv md r i In deep 1111 aie ver \ heart I'll 1..i1l lei brought ah nit aanu ill* an impr-n llH'llt of I hose lial InWeil >| t« ill W ' eh the departed one- -If. p |i eir loMH, last sleep. Memorial da\ hriur n. . its devotion tn the -ohlier il a.I. biit every family lays im the praveit of it* loved one- a lot,, ii from thn.v : mi n iii>: in the home circle. It i uei 11iin-hitivr In vi-it tin I'wm .i hi and .see the labor of lnve in pr p.iriu. hi thin day nt pjktboit, this memotial in tluise pull' In-fore. A Litt; llirly Bi r. now and llieii, at beiilini' w II ii re con-tip.at inn, hi I ion-lie-- and liver trouhh s. I)c Witt % Little Karl) K • are the fainiius lilt h pill that eiir. Iv nrousinj; them i ivii, ns, iicixuij, tl • bowels lieiil l.v, vt • tl. finally, nnl giving Hoeli tone and Htrciigth tn tin }_'I 1 1M11 ot lln* -torn U'h ill I I v. r that thee iti-e ol ti.e ruin i I i Mil i'iitir«T.v. and it iln ii u-e i eon l mied tor te v\ (lav-. Ilul l' Willi', 111 l II II 111 of 11 iiii| 1 aint. Siilil I t. li A t'o.. I'aule- A l'«i Return Tiiaid . Ka'ihi Adnlph Mav i .no .1 . ~ Heim, ■n| ii it in:.' i i>ninllll. . . have hoi ceedeil 111 coll ft IHiT ! >• -ii I i t n humlri J/ tar w V.V I*T l >V ? Jlf L/J nicnt .iv \v > in ail : for v«hii Iwi-in t -» * n New Type, New Presses, Best Paper, Skilled Work. Promptness \ll you can ask A trial w«ii make you our custoinc* Wt ! i">| K'i't full * :i;-k that trial. »«* No ii I . M.'thnniiic Si