Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, April 09, 1903, Image 4
MONTOUR AMERICAN FRANK C. ANGLE. Proprietor. Danville, I'a., April 9. 1903. CALL FOR STATE CONVENTION TO THE REPUBLICAN 1 BEi'TORS OF PENNSYLVANIA: I am directed I>y the Republican State Conniittce to announce that tb Republicans of Pennsylvania, l>y tlu ir duly chi-sen Repivsoiitativt s will ir et in conventioc at the Opera Fluusi. in the city of Harrisonrg. on Wednesday. May 2?th. ItMKI at lO.ilu o'clock A. M., for the purpo-e of nominating canui dates for the following office- t>> wit One person for the ollice of State Treasurer. One person lor the ol'tict of Auditor General. Two persons tor the • ■ll i<f .fudge ol the Superior ('onrt. In accordance with the rule- govern ing the organization, tin representation in the State Convention will b. based on the vote (Killed at the Inst Pi t sideiitiui election. Under the rules each legisla tive district is entitled t i one delegate for every two thousand vote* east for the Presidential Electors in 1:«H>. and an additional delegate tor every fraction of two thousand votes (tolled in excess of one thousand. Bv order of the Republican State Committee. M. S. gUA"i . ( nairinan. W. R. ANDREWS, Secretary. EMPLOYES 15ACK TO THE MINES The striking anthracite mine labor ers at the Luke Fiddler colliery of tin Mineral Railroad & Mining Company at Sliamokin, controlled by the Penn sylvania Railroad, have a cept d Ihe nltimatum of tho officials of the com pany that they work nine hours a day, as prescribed by the Anthracite Coal Commission, or not atali, and return ed to work Tuesday. Ever since the award ot the t om mission, fixing a nine-hour work day for ten hours' pay at tlie old rate of wages for all company men about the mines whose compensation is r gulat ed bv the day, went into ■ fleet, con siderable dissatisfaction lias existid among this cla-- of employes, an<l those of the Luke Fiildler colliery and several of the Reading's collieries le fused togo to work, tying up the col lieries. The principal c< ntentieii of the mi n was again«t working nine hour- on Saturdav, as against live hours Hereto fore. All sort- of argilm< nts were ad vanced by the repre- Mat Iv. - of the mine laborers in support of tie ir con tention, they claiming, among other things, that under the Stat law Sat urday was i legal half-holiday. While this wa- admitted by the officials, they declared that th i was nothing in that law preventing a man from working as much longeron that day as h nliaseil, and that the law, while prescribing it- a halt-holiday,did not provide for a full days pay. Fur thermore, they were told that the Commission's award pn -eril < 1 a nine liour day for that claas of labor, and that a nine-hour day, including Satur days,it must be or the nun would not be permitted togo to work. Reading officials declined to discuss tho situation so far as it affected that company's collieries, hut if was gen erally believed that President Baer will assume the -anio firm stand as that taken by the Pennsylvania officials. Easter at St. Paul's Church. The following i- the program for the Easter services at Saint Paul -M» tli odi.-t Episcopal church. Early morn ing prayer and class meeting at :.»0 a. iu., Mr. O. R. Schilling, leader. 10:30 A. M. Voluntary Mi-s Moyer. Hymn 20'.» "Processional" Roys' Choir Hymn 2~>~i Boys' choir and congregation "The Apostles Creed" Solo . . Master Reber Moyer Prayer, concluding with Lord'- Prayer Anthi m Boys' Choir Announcements and < )fft ring Solo Mr. Charles S. Lyon Sermon.... By pastor Hymn 230 Boys' Choir and Congregation Apostolic Beni diet ion 2 P. M. Sunday School Exercises 7 :30 P. M. The Sunday School will render the beautiful Literary and musical pro gram entitled "Joyful Tidings. Miss Anna Belle Mac Donald, the "Cornetist" of marked ability will as-ist in the entire musical pre gram of the day. This is a program of rare « xceilenee and ought to be greatly enjoved by all member- and friends of lie church. A cordial w> 1< enie i- • de fended to strangers and all persons to worship af Saint Paul's church. The Servant Question. Would you have an ■ tnploye or - r vant about you who wis continuallv deceiving y n? Tien, whv allow your watch to do - i it'- yur time - rv nit. We have watches adapt-d to suit every need, whim or fancy. Watches for rough !■ ;- i ii< ■ w ir > r for the mo-t dry < asion. All out , watcln - are pi ducts of tin !e skill and correct time i e| ers. Prices from ilO i > nt- to : r.n.00. Bl''l TI:P.WK 'K S JEW KI.R V -I'll! E Cyclone in Alabama. BIRMINGHAM. Ala . April s A cyclone passed over the country a mile north of Hanceville. in Manio count. , five mile- from here it 2 iVlork thi morning. Tvvel-. p. rsons are repi.rterl to have hei u killed and twenty injur ed The names arc not yet obtainable, as the wires art; down. Want Girls For Factorie . Allentown manufacture is have en out agents through thi- parr of th" state to look for girl- to Work in tie ir plants. \I h nt own being no lon M I ihh to furnish ' nongh female labi r owing to the large, number of new plains thit have been i-t iblislnd tie re during the last year. 'THREE GREAT DAYS OP HOLV WEEK Today ill •• first of the three great days of Holy Week -Holy Thursday, romorrnw will be observed a- Good Ei id > v followed the isi\i day by Holy Saturday. These days commemorated by the Catholic chinch, will be de voutly observed in Danville as they w ill he the woi Id over. Each of these days has a character ot life and living acti HI, winch forms tie- \ rv e-sinct of dramatic represen i inn and an atteuiivi oiiserver will i ot fail to notice the progressive and deepening tone of feeling which the -u.'ei --iv( days are calculated to pro duce with such ' ntr. -is and partial alb viat i -lis as at. in • , -sary to give il vigor and reserve iis poetical power. And this i- owing to the fidelity with which the re| -"illation follows the original scene. During tins. days the otli ■> : ill sorrowful,hut without any public dcinonstration of moment until the t •nebrae of Wednesday afternoon ■n v s lie vi il and shows the church iu mourning in the solemn chant of the ollice, the "Lamentations" and the "Miserere " Thursday checks for i moment tie course ot grief, ll is dedicated to the ei mmeinoi at ion of tin institution of the Blessed Euchar i i and the si ndirg of the covenant of love. The sacerdotal vestments are white; the "Gloria in Excelsis" is sung and everything indicates some mitigation of growing sorrow ; for -nil the vein of religious melancholy may be distinctly traced running through all the office. When this tribute ot more joyful gratitude has been paid i very hairier has been brok en down to grief; the altars are strip ped not only of every ornament hut of the daily ordinary coverings and with them every part of the church is hated and uncovered. The purple color worn on Sunday is changed to the deeper hue of black and then the church i- left without her incense or taper, mourning as on the loss of an only-begotten son. Good Friday is -pent in this abandonment of u lis peak ing sorrow The tir.-t dawn of consolation is al lowed to appear on Holy Saturday when the tidings of the Resurrection are communicated. The Alleluia is an nounced and in the Gloria of the mass the organ and bells mingle with hu man voices. Such are the principles that pervade this sacr; d office of Holy Week. Danger ot Colds aud Grip. The greatest danger from cold and griy is th»re resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, aud (ha inh' 111 ins ('oiigh Remedy taken.all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for these diseases we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia,which shows sonclusively t!:at i: is a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. It will cure a cold or an attack of the grip in less time th in any other other treatment. It is plea-ant and safe to take. For sale by Panics iV (\>. A Fit-nil Incarnate. John Marut, of Sliamokin, was tak en to the Northumberland county jail Saturday afternoon to answer at the in .\t term of court to serious charges. Friday evening his wife was taken ill and request! d him togo for a doctor. He refused togo, but left the house to escape the woman's plead ings. During his absence his wife gave birth to a child. When John re turned he dragged the woman from j her bed out to the street and beat her j into a state of insensibility. A crowd of three hundred indignant citizens gathered at the scene and the timely arrival or the police alone prevented them from lynching the brute. This is tie- second time Marut ha- committ ed the same act. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Groves's signature is on each box. 25. Epidemic of Small Pox. At Procter, a small village about twenty-four miles above Williams port, small pox in virulent form is epidemic and the school hoard has been organiz ed into a Board of Health, aud the own has In en cut off from the outside world. There are over twenty cases iu the place and a most deplorable state of affairs exists the disease Iris been raging there since January.' New Store. Tooey and Hcnning will open their new grocery store in the room former ly occupied by Ralph Foulk on Thurs day, April D. A fine line of goods will always be found at this store. Over Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. u„ . . A The kidneys are your HfV&i blood P unf iers, they fil- I '-fef- 1 'jiyliJ >] ,er out 'he waste or ? . ViT ' Vlir'i/ impurities in the blocd. INSV \ ;L U cf order, they fail to do I ' ® 7,'J \ their work. :7 'i, I Pains,achesandrheu / I -I matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the ——— blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. 1 Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney po: oned blood through veins and arteries. I i; "d to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If ou are sic k you can make no mi:.take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its v.'onderf of the most distressing cases agd is sold on its merits IF ' Y*' \ by all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar ■ J, You may have a >ampi°. bottle by mail Home of Swnmp Root, free, ai o pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer St Co.. Binghamton. N. Y. Hon t make no mistake, tn' remem , her the name S\vanp Itoot, Dr. Kil liier s Swamp Boot, and the address. | Binghamton, N. Y, on every bottle j. i v 'AS TO YOUR EYES % ii/ I liev mav need a little assistance w hen reading or sewing in the evening. The pro|H*r assistance is correct glasses but they must lie right otherwise thev may ilo more harm than good. I have had ten years of practical experience wi h over two j v - '' tliousiind of our Danville people,is that a good record? When I **■ say I can give your glasses as good as science, skill and experi- . ence can make I tell you the truth, let me prove my claims. i BYES TESTED FREE. & (IRADUATE OPTICIAN. v > -5? ' • o>* • «Jr •4.f • 4 • *** GREEK ELEMENT CAUSILS TROUBLE LOWELL, Mass., April 8.-The re turn to work yesterday of several Gri ik i mjiloyes of the Lawrence Hosiery Co. caused trouble at the mill gates last night and but for active work of the police might have result ed seriously. As it was, four Greeks were pliiced under arrest, charged with obstructing the streets. A woman figured prominently in the demonstration, leading a great body of men through the street to the point where the police were encountered. The men taken into custody were each held in £2OO bail. LOWELL, Mass., April B.—Noth ing of a disturbing nature transpired v\ lieu the gates at the Lav. r< lice Mills were opened at <"> :•'■<) o'clock this morn ing. A large crowd of Greeks hover ed in the immediate vicinity, but the turbulent spirits were checked by the presence of a large detail of police officers. Trouble is expected today, and the operatives will be carefully guarded while going to and from work. Dissatisfaction because of several of their number are among those who have returned to work is the direct cause of the disorderly sentiment now prevailing among the Greeks. Labor leaders are much concerned at the serious aspect and are exerting every effort to prevent a breach of the law. The State Board of At (titration will start its official investigation of the strike next week. A large number of Poles left the city today, enroute for Pennsylvania. They will endeavor to secure work iu the coal mines. Governor Bates has p> rsonally in terested himself in the strike and it is thought lie will make an effort to effe t an amicable settlement. Last night a body of police in solid front from curb to curb drove a thous and noisy Greek mill workers through the streets of Lowell fnrneirly a mile and prevented what might have de veloped into a riot growing out of the return to work of a number of ring spinners at the Lawrence Hosiery Mill who lefi work a week ago in sympathy with the strike orih r of the Textile Counci I. The Five E's. Th" following excellent program has been arrangi d for the entertainment to be given by the five E's of Blooms burg, for the benefit of the First Bap tist church, at Y. M. O. A. Hall next Tuesday evening:— Chorus—(a) Fairy Song lb) Tick, Took, Tick Selected. The E's. Piano Solo—May Pole Dance Franc Belir Ethel Creasy. Reading—"Little Boy Blue'' Eugene Fields. Gertrude Welsh. Vocal—"Pussy Knows". Selected Katharine Bierman. Piano and Mandolin—"Spanish Student" Waltz Czibulka. Ethel Creasy, Ethel Bierman. Heading—"Keeping School ill. Play" Kate Ulmer. Emeline Eshleman. Vocal—"The Proposal" Bartlett. Eleanor Welsh. Piano—"Curious Story". Stephen Heller Ethel Biermau. Chorus—"The Star's Ball Selected The E's. Reading—"The Children's Hour" Long. Eleanor Welsh. Piano Duet—"Black Hawk" Waltz A. H. Kosewig. Ethel Creasy, Ethel Bierman. Vocal —"Skim, Skim, Skim Cornelia C. Koeske. Iluth Creasy. Mandolin—"Every Race has a Flag but the Coon Helen Helf. Ethel Bierman. Butter-fly Drill ... .The E's. How's This. We offer One II uml red lliilhirs Keward for any case of Catarrh that can not he mired hy Hall's i 'alarrh < nre. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney fur t he laM 15 years, and believe hlrn perfectly honorable In all business transac lons and finan dally able to carry out any obligations made hy their firm. WKST&TIIITAX, Wholesale Driiggisls.Toledo, ?). WAUH NO. I< IN NA N MAitvi N. Wholesale I irilL'L'ist s. Toledo. < >hin. Hall's' alarrh Cure i- taken internally, acting direct ly upon t lie Mood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent j free. Price 4."> cpi i botth s,,| ( | i,y all drug gists. Hall's I'ami Iv Pills are lhe best The Odd Fellows Association of Central Pennsylvania will hold its inniial convention in Milton on Tues day, April ,'s These meetings hav J usually been held on the the an-j ni versa rv oft lie found i nsr oft he order, hut thi- var the jr. falls on Sunday, so if was d i ided to hold the eon veil i i lion on the following Tuesday. The coming lie id ing gi ve- pioim-e of be ing one of the largest ever held by the | I association W wa- held at Milton ! fifteen v ars igo \pnl '!>'<, IssT, and j i•ve rv ! od v I'le ml '-tin <lav as one | of the greatest ill this town' history. It will hi th" ambition of the local coin mi t tees i n cb a •u r ■ if t It. affair t< i ( « make thi- tin >i l eg -u rp i--i ill i ha' j' have jirecedi d it. The town will lie ' haiid-mnelv ib co it' d, and th p' oph j will do everything to make th visitors < enjoy iln ir visit to the tow n The |l Philadelphia and Reading railroad; have made a one fare for the round trip. OUR PIGEON FANCIERS. ! Something entirely new in jiions were tube suen in the window of Len iger Bros. drug store yesterday. This ! was a pair of Dnn Colored English | Flyers, which are somewhat of a de parture in pigeons, in a tew points suggesting altogether another bird. They are perfect models of grace and beauty and combine with'all the iu- Istinct and intelligence of the common I' pigeon, remarkable powers of flight and endurance. I A. J. Leniger in an enthusiastic i pigeon fancier and his loft comprises many very valuable birds. George Stickle, Centre street, also has a loft of homers, several of which have line . records. Both of the fanciers are pre paring for a season of rare sport and may begin to fly their pigeons next , week. Pigeon flying is conducted under an , ideal racing system, the lofts being supplied with a self-locking clock, which registers the arrival of the , j birds. Races as a general thing, take j place under the rules of the National Association to which the competing , lofts belong, and it is to these district races that the most interest attaches. A hundred mile stretch is usually se . lected, as between Jersey City and Wilmington, Del. A competent man is left in the Soutlu rn city to start the birds and as soon as this is accom plished he telegraphs to the race sec retary the time the birds were set free and the direction of the wind at : that time. Each competing loft owner knows about what time to expect his entries 1 and is on the lookout for them in the receiving part of the loft with a pat- I out official metal clock in hand. These : ;clocks are ingenious contrivances. m When the first bird arrives the loft owner as quickly as he possibly can, I >li]is the counter band from the leg of the pigeon into a receptacle at one end lof the clock and closes a slide which | stops the time piece and locks it. The I''counter band" deposited in the clock was placed on tie" bird's leg by the liberator and bears a number or ' letter unknown to the pigeon's owner or any one else but the official. Only ' the race officials can open the clock. I The clocks have two separate coin I partments, each of which keeps time, i the second being so arranged as to ■ enable the loft owner to register the arrival of any birds which may follow j the first one. SEVERE ATTACK OF GRIP. Cured by One Bottle of Chamberlain's Remedy. When I had an attack of grip last | winter (the second one) 1 actually i cured myself with one bottle of Cham iberlain's Cough Remedy," says Frank I W. Perry, Editor of the Enterprise, I Shortsville, N. Y. "This is the honest j truth. lat all times kept from cough j ing myself to pieces by taking a tea ' i spoonful of this remedy and when the coughing spell would come on at night j 1 would take a dose and it seemed i that in the briefest interval the cough would pass off and I would goto I sleep perfectly free from cough and [ its accompanying pains. To say that the remedy acted as a most agreeable surprise is putting it very mildly. I had no idea that it would or could knock out the grip, simply because 1 had never tried it for such a purpose, I hut it did, and it scemt d with the second attack of coughing the remedy i caused it to not only be of less dura -1 tion, but the pains were far less se : vere, and I had not used the contents of one bottle before .Mr. Grip had bid ! me adieu. "For sale by Paules & Co. ' To Avoid Arrest. PHILADELPHIA, April B.—To es | cape a warrant that had been sworn out by his wife who claims he tried | to kill his family by placing poison in ; their coffee, Albert Carlin, aged 50 years, East Clearfield street,drank muriatic acid last night and died this morning in the hospital. The poison i was drank in the back yard of Carlin's : home and lie then staggered to the police station, one square away and said to the sergeant in charge: "Well you've a warrant for me and here I jam, but you won't hold me long for I've taken poison." Then he fell to the floor. His mouth | and throat were terribly burned and |he died in agony. Carlin had been drinking heavily of late. i Frank Hummer of South Danville, one of the trackmen employed on the ; S. 11. iV- W. branch, had his right foot badly bruised by a rail falling upon lit yesterday. Dr. B;<rber give him | surgical attention. Do You Enjoy What You Eat? You can eat whatever and whenever you like if you take Kodol. By the use of this | remedy disordered digestion and diseased stomachs are so completely restored to health, and the full performance of their functions naturally, that such foods as would 1 tie one into a double bow-knot are eaten without even a "rumbling" and with a posi j live pleasure and enjoyment. And what is more these foods are assimilated and transformed into the kind of nutriment that is appropriated by the blood and tissues. Kodol is the only digestant or combination of digestants that will digest all classes of food. In addition to this fact, it contains, in assimilative form, the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia and at| disorders arising therefrom. Kodol Digests What You Eat Makes the Stomach Sweet. Bottles only. Regular size. $ 1.00. holding 2M timfts the trial size, which sells for 50 cents. Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & CO.. Chicago, I Orphan's Court Sale ! <>F VALUABLE— REAL ESTATE. Estate of Burton G. Waples late of the Township of Cooper in the l County of Montour and State of Pennsylvania, Deceased. IN PARTITION. By virtue of an order of the Orph-1 an's Court of Montour County afoer said granted to him for such purpose ! the undersigned Administrator of the said Burton G. Waples, deceased will expose to public sale upon the respec tive premises the following respective interests ot the said decedent in the following described real estate as fol lows : IN MONTOUR COUNTY. Will be sold at public sale upon the j premises situate in the Township of j Cooper, in the County of Montour | a fori said, on Wednesday, May 6th, 1903, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day: LOT NO. 1. The undivided six eleventh interest in and to all that certain massuage or tenement and tract of land situate in the Township of Cooper in the County of Montour ! and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, viz begin ning at the side of the public road leading from Danville to Bloomsburg, at a corner of lot of land owned by Grove Brothers, thence along the line of the said Grove Brothers land South thirteen and three quarters degrees East ten perches to a stone thence along line of other lands of Jackson Blecher South seventy six and three quarters degrees West four perches to a stone and North thirteen and three I quarters degrees West tin perches to ! the said public road leading from Dan ! ville to Bloomsburg,to a stone, thence | along said road North seventy six and I three quarters degrees East four i perches to the stone the place of be j ginning with the appurtenances, and I whereupon are erected a Two Story Frame Dwelling House, a Frame Store Building and other usual out-buildings. IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Will be sold at puhiic sale upon the I preiuisi s situate in the Township of ! Scott, in the County of Columbia and j State of Pennsylvania aforesaid, 011 Friday, May Bth, 1903. I at nine o'clock in the forenoon of the said day: LOT NO. 2. Also the undivided one ' half interest in and to all that certain messuage or tenement or tract of laud situate in the Township of Scott, in ; the County of Columbia and State of ; Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows, viz fronting on the South side of the public road leading from the Town of Espy to the Borough of Berwick, beginning at a stone corner now or lately of Joseph Garrison, thence by said road South fifteen and one half degrees East eleven and seven tenths perches to a stone thence South , eighty one degrees West seven and eight tenths perches to a twenty feet wide road thence by said road North elevi 11 degrees West eleven and three tenths perches to the public road first aforesaid, thence by said road North seventy eight degrees East six and nine tenths perches to the place of be ginning,containing eighty four perches more or less, with tho appurtenances, and whereupon are erected a Two Story Frame Dwelling House, and other usual out buildings. ALSO will be sold at public sale upon the premises situate in the Town ship of Scott, in the County of Col umbia and State of Pennsylvania, aforesaid, on Friday, May <Sth, 1903. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day : LOT NO. :t. Also all that certain piece or parcel of laud situate in the Towonship of Scott in the County of Columbia and State of Pennsylvania, bounded by lands now or formerly of George Hidley, the North Branch Ca nal, and lands of Jesse B. Rice, and others,containing forty square'perches, with the appurtenances. TERMS OF SALE:—Twenty five per cent of the purchase money shall be paid in case at tho striking down of the respective interests and premise and the balance thereof shall be paid upon the confirmation absolute of such respective interests and premises. Deeds to be delivered to the respective purchasers thereof upon such confirma tion absolute, and the costs of writing the same shall be paid by such respec tive purchasers. SAMUEL Y. THOMPSON, Administrator of Burton C. Waples, deceased. EDWARD SAY RE GEARHART. Counsel. Danville, Pa. April 6th, 11HKJ. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Orphan's Court of Montour County. IN RE. THE FIRST AND FINAL AC COUNT OF JEREMIAH CROMLEY AND DAVID FOUST, ADMINIS TRATORS OF JOSEPH B. CROM LEY. LATE OF LIMESTONE i TOWNSHIP. MONTOI'R COUNTY, | DECEASED. The undersigned, appointed Auditor j by the aforesaid Court to distribute the balance in the hands of the said ac- j conntaiits to and among the parties j legally entitled thereto, will attend to j the duties of his appointment at his law office. No. lot; Mill Street, in the J Morongh of Danville. Peiina., on Satur- ! day A| ril 2-'> th. l!>o:{, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day. where and - when all persons having claims against the said fund are required to present and prove the same, or be debarred from any share or portion of the said fund. Danville. Pa. April Is*. UMM. IIAKKY C BARE. Auditor. i To Cure a Cold in One Day 1; Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TaHets. Wf/ every I FINAL DECISION IN WAGE SUIT Attorney W. S. Hammond represent ing the railroaders at Altoona and other towns near by whose wages have been attached for debt has recieved word that the Supreme Court of West Virginia had handed down its deci sion in the appeal of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company from tin judgment of the Circuit Court in proceedings to ! prevent the Rogers Collecting Agency and Justice of the Peace Z. D. Phillips, ot Wheeling, from further prosecuting about eight hundred at tachments against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company employes in Penu , sylvania. The Supremo Court, in its opinion > handed down,decided that the Justice of the Peace had no jurisdiction to at tach the wages of the railroad em ployes outside of West Virginia, therefore had no right to attach claims iu the State of Pennsylvania By this decision it means that next will follow the release of sixty thou sand dollars in wages which is being held by the many attachments, and that this settles the question for all time. Just when the money will be dis bursed by the company to the em ployes,can not be learned at this time, but it is the general opinion that it will be but a short length of time, in order that the matter may be finally completed as soon as is possible. Cigarette Smoking Prohibited. Instructions positively forbidding the use of cigarettes by those employ ed in the passenger service on the New York division of the Reading railroad have been issued by G. B. M. Fullmore, passenger trainmaster. Dis missal from the employ of the road is the penalty for failure to obey the mandate. "Men who smoke cigarettes are apt to have lapses of memory, and it is not safe to trust the lives of passen gers in the hands of persons who have that failing." This was the explana tion given Thursday of the new in structions to the men. An officer of the road said that the antagonism to cigarette smoking on the part of the company is by no means new ; that on the contrary, au order forbidding the practice has long been in force. But Mr. Fullmere's mandate for the first time makes it plain to the men that they will not be retained iu the service if they offend in this matter. The instructions not only forbid the use of cigarettes by the men while on duty, but also when they are off duty. Officers of the road say that the com pany has always refused to employ men known to be cigarette smokers. Generally the question is asked of an applicant for a place whether he lias the cigarette habit. The forefingers of the applicant are scrutinized and if there is found the stain of cigarette he is rejected. To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers in apply liquids into the nassal passages for catarrhal trouble, the proprietors prepare Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid embodies the 1 medicial properties of the solid prepara tion. Cream Balm is quickly absorlied by the membrane and does not dry np J the secretions but changes them to a natural and healthy character. Ely Brothers. sf> Warren St.. N. Y. I | The Home Paper ! of Danville. : Of course you read 11 Mil If MI, i THE HEOPLEiS | KQPULAR I APER. Everybody Reads It. Published Every Morning Except Sunday at i No. ii E. Maho: ngSt. | , i Subscription 6 c..-n - JVr Week. i i __ _■ 1 Mr , EASTER'S SEASIDE PARADE Reading's Additional Train Service. Easter Sunday, April 12th, will, without doubt, find the majority of Fashion's Devotees at Atlantic < it . and the view of "Tli" Pa-inn Crowd on tlif boardwalk Mill tc enhanced by tlm numerous bright and stylish East ••r Cost unit's en evidenr«'. To accommodate its patrons desiring to In- at tin- seaside on tin- on a-ion, the Philadelphia <V Reading Ri<ut> will run additional last trains t- fol lows: Leaving Chestnut rtt. and South St. Ferries, F*l»itad*-l}>liiSaturday, Dth, I :'Hi p. in., and Sunday, lath, H <n» ;» in. Returning, have Atlantic City Sunday, 12th, 5:30 and p m . Monday, 18th, T :00 a. m. This in ad dition to th'' present good servic will make the Easter accommodations v< rv complete. All fast Atlantic City trains have Pullman Parlor Cars at tached. To accommodate New York patrons, special additional Three Hour trains will leave New York on Saturday, I lib, at 1:30 p. in., and Atlantic City, Sun day, 12th, at 5:30 p. m. For those who desire to spend a quieter Easter at the shore, the reg ' ular service to Cape May and Ocean I City offers good accommodations, especially as on and after April 1-t a Pullman Parlor Car will, on week days, be attached to train leaving Philadelphia 4:15 p. m.and Cape May 8:00 a. m. Saturday, 11th, Parlor Car will **lso run to Ocean City at 4 :l5 j I m. train, and on Sunday, 12th, Pull man Parlor Cars for both Ocean City and Cape May will te at'ached to train leaving Philadelphia 8 :45 a. m , and returning leave Ocean City 4 :4h and Cape May 4 :30 p. m. For full Time Tatile, etc., coii-u't any agent, or aflnress EDSON J. WEEKS, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. REDUCED RATES TO NEW ORLEANS Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account Meeting National Manufacturers Association. On account of the meeting of the National Manufacturers' Association at New Orleans. April 1") to 17. the Penn sylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to New ()rleans and return. April 11. 12, and 18, good going l on date of sale, and good returning to reach origiual starting point not later than April 19. from all jsiints on its lines at reduced ntfts. By depositing ticket with Joint Agent at New Orleans I between April 12 and 19. and payment of fee of fifty cents, and extension of | return limit may be obtained to reach starting point not later than April 30. NEW YORK, April s. Two 11v»■ were snuffed out and two others will probably die from the effects of illum inating gas in and about this city this I morning. An unclosed as jet in the house of Charles Moser, in Jersey City, asphy xiated Mrs. Carrie Moser. Her two boys are dying from the effects. The j father and a daughter were revived only after several hours' work by physicians. Thomas Parker, st> years old, the night watchman at Chas. M. Schwab's , new home now being constructed on ,i Riverside drive was found asphyxiat ed by gas in the basement of the huild- I ing today. ll'S Mil Ml. A Headache Remedy Thai Cures. After years of careful study and pen men t- we have found a r**m»"dy thai will care headache in nearly every rw with the first <bme It ia a Tablet put Up IB handsome hose. of fift«-n tabb-t* for ten cent» «>ne tar»b-t i« * dew. They contain nothing harmful ami no had after-effects .-an r.,nr from their use They are endor-e.| by !*.iiie of rbe leading physician*. Mk. S. • K KI.I.KR. of BlxnuslinrK says *J have tri»-d nearly all headache remedie* on the market and think there i» none e<|nal to yonr-. I w nld n«>t »«» without them for ten time- their <i »t ■t « 9. - aAXI"K.«Tt*BEI» HT Moyer Bros, WHOLESALE DPI <i(iISTS. Bloomsburg - - Pa. »i(*For ••ale nv all dealer-* JOHN W. PARNSWOKTH INSURANCE Life Fire Accident ni Sieam Boiler Oftlc*; Henttom»ni Building, Mill SttMt, Danville, • • Penn't NO ||( 112.. Estate of John Utt- of Valley Township. Moutonr I'onnty. Pennsyi van in defeased, WutM IffcmiygH— Mi letter* <>f Ad ministration 11 |c•>! i(» above •tint'- harr bran granted to the undersigned All per miiih [ii(li'lili'<l tu lll*' naid ar* i»sju*«t --••<1 t<> make payment and those hating claims against llw said estate »l!l maki known tht- same without ilriay to Thomas H. Bexkiemi. John C. Benkjei.d. Administrators of the Estate of John Benfield. deed Danville. Pennsylvania Wm. J Baldv. Attorney A IIHIMM I K ATOIt'M \ll l II K. Estate of Martniret Deen !at<- if the Boron eh of Danville, in the C'ottnty of Montonr and state of Pennsylvania Deceased. Xiitii'f Is liml>y rivrn llut It-tier* . 112 Ad ministration on the alwvc estate lia\e l*eri granted to the iindersiactifd. All |*-rson- In dehted tot In* said culHlt are required to mak. payment, and tl»«<e havinic claims or d« mauds against the - uti • state, will make known tin- same without delay. to JONATHAN s DEEN Administrator of Margaret Deen. dee d P. <>. Address. I'anville p* EDWARD S. GEARHART. ConJi-el l I THIX'N MITK K. Estate of Elizabeth < Trove- decease. 1 Late of the Bnrongh of Danville in th- Connty of Montonr and Mate of Pennsylvania. (Mm ti kmto |bw IM Utter* Tenia mentary upon the ahove tutaU havt ti granted to tin- undersigned- All [w-rsor.s In dented to tli«' said Estate, an- retjn. »t«-d to niHkc puyment, and tlios, having ;u - demands against tin sunt estate, will mnki known the saint- without delay to Uriah Groves. Executor, of Elizabeth Grove. deceased. P. O. Address, Danville Pa Edward Savrk (*earhart. Counsel. A I. NTATKMKST OK VALLEY TOWNSHIP. .fin oli Itaup tu arronnf Willi t >lli) Tuniinlil|> «< Mi|'rr% l«n for Hi* \ rmr h iiillun March t'lli. It* 3. Dl< I H. Amount of Duplicate ♦ -vl i Unas* tax •»> Return tax • H Rent for Road Murium I »•' Total 112 SK7 M Work done hy citizens S 2 Bridge material y.' I'osi anil rail hit; .. II tti Tile and hardware ...... Jv It Koad machine repairs...... «< Watering Troughs « Dirt for road - <• Surer visors service* IUI days at fl in per day 1.-l 4 Percentage on money rwlleeted Attorneys fees 2 <> Komi and <>alli J > Making out dtiplleate I i»' Auditors fees. t *' Hooks to I'se of house I i»' Exonerations If Return lax - Hand Ixiards ami nil. •>■ I'ald order of Roberts tC Interest on order I'a Id imlehtriliies sof \\ inter stern * '•' I'rilititijc statement !»• a *•>,» ■ i Balance on hanii - '«i Total ... « »»: s.. vudlted this nth day of March :-(. B \KltlN ' IIENDItU kstiN , .1 AM EH ' I RRI. Auditors O.N EENNTERM .U'HKK, » U llllam At Inlrrxteen in arrota nl nllli t alley T«»«*htp an UnprrtlMt for III* 1 ear Kllillng >lali ll Hill. ItMI.I OK I R. \ mount oi Duplicate .? I>• * 1 teenseTax .... .»7 ■«' Return tax . . • i l Kent of Road machine II i«> Received or.lacoh Roup I IV Total . . . .... ■? SfWi v| W ork done hy citizens * -:i 12 Bridge materials.ete .... n m stone, lime and mason work ?i. " : Road machine repairs Si> *e Hardware and tih Water I roimlis Attorney's fees - ■ Auditors fit*. ... tin Horn! and oath . It Making out duplicate I «i I'se of house I"i Hooks » Printing statements <■" Exoneration* Surer* ls«.r's services :<# days m $1 -ill per day Percentage on co.lections Total i . ; s; Audited this !»t h day of Mart h BARTON t . 11l- NDRH KstiN , JAM KS I I l{R>, ~.m I. .N I KNsTERMAt HER. I