RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENN'A K. R. EAST. WEST 7.11 A. M. 9.14 A. M. 10.17 » 1215 P.M. 2.21 P. M. iHI " 5.50 " 7.51 " SUNDAYS. iO. 17 A. M. 1.81 M. D. 1.. &W. K. . EAST. WEST. 0.57 A. M. *>•(*•> A. M. UI.IM " w *'• M 2.11 P.M. 4.88 " •' " SUNDAYS 6.47 A.M. 12.11 I*. M. 5:43 1' M " Ptlll.A .1 READING R. K. NORTH. SOUTH. B.OS A. M. 11.21 A. M 4,01) P. M. 0.0-5 P. M K1.00.M STRKKT. 805 A.M. 11.22 A. M. 4.02 ! J . M. 0.01 P. M. J. J. BROWN, THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes tested, treated, fitted with ,er ton.Unlike anthracite, this sit uation is not the result of the scarcity of bituminous or Hie inability to mine it, but the failure of tiie railroads to transport it." Returned from Hospital. Edward Wort-man, whose too was amputated at the Williamsport Hos pital about three weeks ago, arrived in this city Monday afternoon on the 2:21 Pennsylvania train. He has very nearly recovered from all effects of the operation. The loss of tho toe will inconvenience him very little and he looks forward to a future of use fulness. He was in most excellent spirits yesterday, as was natural, con sidering that 110 had been laid up with his sore foot since last spring. Fred Hurie,- of this city, who was run over by the cars at South Danville a month or so ago aud a portion of whoso foot was amputated at tho Mary M. Packer Hospital at Sun bury, came home 011 the 2 :21 train Monday. He also has very nearly recovered. Dislocated Her Shoulder- Mrs. Johanna Boderholm, of Fergus Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her shoulder.She had a surgeon get it back in placo as SO.JU as possible,but it was quite sore and pained her very much. Her son mentioned that ho ha l seen Chamberlain's Paiu Balm advertised for sprains and soreness,aud she asked him to buy her a bottle of if, which lie did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep which she had not done for several days. Tho son was so much pleaded with tho relief it gave his mother that he has since recommended it to many others. For ! sale by Panics & Co. Tiirew Him Into Greek. Hat-less and shivering from cold a j strange man, whoso clothes were froz- I 5,(XX), all of which was applied to the support of tho music, and the purchase of del icacies needed by tho veterans con fined in the hospital. Mr. Wallace, who has a fine war record, was nearly a life long resident of Danville. Another circumstance which adds to the interest of his nar rative is the tact that ho is a second cousin of General Lew Wallace, the author of "Ben Ilur." Red Men Enjoy a Banquet. Mahoning Tribe, No. 77, Improved Order of Red Men, held a banquet at their Wigwam 011 Mill street, 011 Sat urday evening at which the following delightful program was rendered : Presiding Officer W. J. Burns. Organist. Miss Julia Strouse. Singing Opening Ode of Tribe. Prayer Brother Ross. Address .. Rev. Dunn. Duet Dorothy and Win. Forney. Recitation Miss Edna Farley. 5010.... Miss Jennio Foulk. Recitation Miss Diehl. Solo Master Win. Forney. Recitation Mi-.s Margaret Kapp. Recitation.. .. Mr. John Detwiler. Solo Miss Dorothy Forney. Recitation Miss Julia Strouso. Singing Aten's Quartette. Recitation Miss Lewis. Solo Miss Chesnut. Recitation .. Mr. Detwiler. Essay . Miss Rank. Singing Aten's Quartette. A special feature of tin program was the pantomimic imitation by John Detwiler. "Attacked by an lu dian"and" A negro stealing watermel ons" were produced most naturally. The Rod Men are noted for their hospitality and in this r< spect they did not fali behind Saturday night as they were very liberal with their refresh ments. New Ceutury Comfort. Millions are daily finding a world of yomfort 111 Buoklen's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Bruises; conquers Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Boils and Felons; removes corns and Warts, Best Pih cure on earth. Only 25c at Panics x at Gush's Drug Store and tried them. They prov ed a splendid remedy giving mo prompt relief in every way. I rested better and do not suffer from those continuous headaches and feel stronger and better and have more vitality than before. I cannot speak to highly of them." Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills are sold at 50 cts a box at dealers or Dr. A W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. See that portrait and signature ot A. W. Chase, M. I). are on every package. A Terrific Explosion. Twelve boxes containing five hundred pounds of daulin.or mining dynamite, exploded near Shamokiu at three o'clock Monday morning. A number of buildings were slightly wrecked and the report was heard for many miles, but no one was killed or* in jured. Tim dynamite was stored in a small shanty at tho roar end of William Fisher's lot at Burnsido colliery. The shanty was heated by steam from the colliery which caused the dynamite to explode. The building was blown to atoms and the houses in the near vi cinity were more or less damaged. Window panes wore broken into frag ments aud peoplo were thrown from their beds. Tho shock of tho explosion was felt throughout Shamokin and as far down the road as Gordon. Several large windows in Shamokin were broken, causing great excitement, tho people thinking that t here was an earthquake. Less than a.hundred yards from the shanty is located the main building of tho colliery in which tho blasting materials are stored in large quanti ties. At tho time -of tho explosion several tons of dynamite Was stored in it, but strange to relate it did not explode. The Secret of Long Life. Consist in keeping all tho main organs of the body in healthy, regular action,and in quickly destroying dead ly disease germs. Electric Bitters ro gulat • Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood, and give a splendid appetite. They work wonders iu cur ing Kidney Troubles, Female Com plaints, Nervous Diseases, Constipa tion, Dyspepsia, and Malaria. Vigor ous health and strength always follow their use. Only T>oc, guaranteed by Paules the penitentiary, is a sample of their u -st efforts. There is scarcely an item re i lating to Danville that does net eon tain a glaring inaccuracy. Danville,of course is out of Blooms burg's jurisdiction but the penny-a liner there gets over the difficulty by unblushingly changing the so no of whatever event he has in ban I. II • either represent■; the affair as taking place at Bloomsburg or he jugtrh s j with the facts in such a way as to de lude the Philadelphia editors into the impression that Danville, Mausdule, Riverside" an 1 otic r local it i>s are more ! suburbs of Bloomsburg and the stories ' as they appear in print often convey this idea. While this may not he very ; creditable to the Philadelphia men, : who at least ought to know tho rudi- j ! nients of local geography, it reflects in I a worye way on the correspond* ut, who | deliberately resorts to lying in order to realize a few cents on news which | belongs to another field. ! Specials of this sort emanating from Bloomsburg generally posse-., tho ad ditional fault of being stale, although j this fact is very cunningly concealed : by the fertile-minded correspondent | who simply changes the date. Thus 'an event which occur.«• I here three or ' four days in the past is aid to loom up at Bloomsburg as taking place "last night." On the whole a few of the Philadel -1 pliia dailies are made at time?, to ap pear little short of ridicul ms through 1 the manipulations of the Bloomsburg correspondent. FAIR EXCHANGE. A Now Hack for an old one—how it is done in Danville. The back aches at times with a dull indescribable feeling.making you weary and restless: shooting pains shoots across the region of the kidneys, and again the loins are so lame to stoop is agony. No use to rub or apply a plaster t> aba-kin this condition. You can not reach the cause. Exchange the bad luck for a new one. Follow th • ex ample of this Danville citizen. Mrs. H. A. Millard of 122 East Front street, says:— "I was doctored for Bright s Diseases but could not got per manent relief. Owing to rheumatism 1 was not able to walk without a cane i and in addition to this 1 was very uinch j bothered with pains across uiy loins and an embarassing weakness of the kid ■ neys. 1 took almost everything I could hear about without obtaining success. ! Doan's Kidney Pills *iiil me more good | than any other remedy I ever used. They positively relieved the aching in my back and the annoyance from the ' kidney secretions. They gave mo re lief not afforded by any other medicine." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cent. Foster-Milbnrn Co., B'iffalo, \ Y., sole agents for the U. S. ! Reniber the name Doan's and take I no substitute. Not a '"Charity." "The appeal which the Young Men's j Christian Association from time to i time makes to businessmen is not,aud ( ought not to be regarded as an appeal ! for charity. It is, instead, the asking of an expenditure,on the part of those to whom the request is addressed, as legitimate to the futherance of their business enterprises as that which is incurred for police or fire insurance or any other layout which has regard for I the protection and preservation of ' their property interests. If is as *s j sentially legitimate, and yields as | much in return, as tho very money paid to the employe himself. In short | it is a sum which ought to be set apart each year as an improvement and betterment fund, and the man who fails to give heed to the call of the j Association, after once being made , acquainted with its merits, makes so j grave an error as to reflect upon the j soundness of his business judgment." —James H. Echols. Inducted Into Office. On Monday next tho now District ' Attorney, Ralph Kisuei*, will he in- I ducted into office together with the | three County Commissioners-elect: ' George Leighow, C. W. Cook aud j Henry Coojier. Tho oath of office will hi adminis tered a*, high noon by Prothouotary Thomas G. Vincent. A great deal of interest now centers | on the selection of a new clerk for the Board of County Commissioners. J. I C. Peifer, who has filled the position iof clerk so acceptably for nineteen j years, is not a candidate for the place j under tho now board, a-i he intends I embarking in business There are ! soiuh half a do/, mi applicants for the I clerkship on either of whom the hoao.' i may fall. I'lu* annual salary attached is SSOO. Delivering Coal cn Sunday. At Lewisburg it was foam! ii«iv»ary to deliver coal on Sunday last. This is the first time in rhe history of that I town that such a thing has boon found necessary. Tho shipments of coal to Lewisburg have been few, and when a carload arrives there is one gran 1 rush of people to got a portion of the coal, "n Saturday a oar load arriv* <1 there for W. B. Smith, and the scene that occurred during the distribution was unusual. Residents of tho town with buckets, baskets, wheelbarrows, wagons, etc., suriound ed the ear,and farmers from tho conn try districts woro on hand with sleds and wagons. A LIBERAL OFFER. The undersigned will give a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to any one wanting a reliable remedy for disorders of the ! stomach, biliousness or constipation This is a new remedy and a good one. Paules & Co BANK OFFICERS ELECTED Tlie lirst meeting of the stock lir>l>i ers of the People's Bank under tin charter, which wan by th. station Wednesday, I2lth, was held at their hanking house in tie Opera House block on Saturday after noon. As soon as the interior is liui«ii ("l and tin fixtures placed in |>ositioii the hank will b ready for !»u-in< s>. An announcement of tie- opening will hi; made in a few days. A nunilier of alterations have bet n made in their rooms. Two large windows ha\ ten added on the Mahoning street side affording excellent Tie- tir proof vault has been < omph-ted and ;t burglar proof safe which recently ar rived will placed inside. The following officers were elected at Saturday's meeting: Directors, 4. K. Smith and <». S. Ferris, of Ber wick, Joseph Ralti, of Bloomshiirg, .lames L Brenii-n, of Kxrh;iU|{e, J. 11. Cole, John Bonlicid, John Duster, •Ir., David Thomas and Samuel M. Trumbowor, oft city. John Beti field was elected Piesideut, J H <'ole. Vice-President, and J. i' Wat son, cashier. Innocently Imprisoned. There was much „ty and happiness at the home of Mrs. Kvan Kerlin, at Shamokin, last week, when Kvan, her son, returned home after an nbstuci; of almost six years. Fivo years of that tint i was spent in the Pottsville jail for a hold robbery committed at Shenandoah. It has always h en ion tended that the Shamokin young man was innocent of tli • crlm •. but efforts to secure his relaese failed. Kvan Iv -rlin was reared tom mhond by oae ot the sweetest christian wom en of Shatnokin, hut boy-like he be came wayward. When a bold Shen andoah burglary took place one night, Kcrtiu and several others were cap tire I near Pottsville anil charged with the crime. The Shatnokin hoy plead ed iuno.'e ie •, but lie WIS coiivictcl with the others and sentenced to serve live years in the S -liuylkill county jail List February a to.igh ch named Campbell, was arrested at j S'ioh in lo i'i and seat t » jai lon i rob bery ciiarg • While tV'iv h • eonfesM e 1 to a fell iw prisoner t!i it K> rlin was inuoe.siit. This infouuitioa was im ; parted to the prison offiet ils.buf when they requested 4' implicit to make a clean breast of the affair, lie refused The in \t t t was then dropped until ! last August when Cinpbell, who hid been released from jail, was shot ! while prowling in the vicinity of Slienandoih. He was taken in a (Condition ro the Miners' hospital. He w.h on the point of making an j other confession regarding the in | nocenee of Kvan Kerlin,when his con dition took a healthy turn and here ; covered without unsealing hi* lips re- J girding the burglary for which the Shamokin young man had probably 1 served almost live years innocently. Overcame Paralysis. For the lirst time in twenty-eight years Miss Deliah Breech, of Cata ; wissa township, (Columbia county get ! out of lied one day last week and i dressed herself, unassisted. I This act is little less than miracu lous for all these years it was thought she was a hopeless paralytic. She has been out of bed a nnmher of times but always with assistance and never has she been able to walk. Her one side was affected, and her condi tion all these years has been critical. When she succeeded in getting up and dressing herself,entirely unassist ed the entire family was amazed. Since then there has beeu no relapse and it is thought her recovery i> now only a matter of time. Officers After Brass Thieves. Special oflh i .-s of the Reading Com pany arrested five boys at Tamaqua. (in Tuesday, changed with stealing brass from the yards at that place. The boys names are Harry Berkert, Harry I.adv. John (.». Rater, K. O. Knlf. Thomas Robinson, and their ages range from thirteen to eighteen years. The boys plead guilty and their cases are now in the hands of the di triet attorney of Schuylkill county. At Reading last week James Seifert. who bought brass stolen from the Reading Company, from bovs, was sent to the Berks county jail for six months and sentenced to pay costs and a fine. The Reading officers are de termined to break up this briss steal ing and will arrest and pros, ute to the end any man or l>oy, whom their detectives secure evidence against, and any junk dealer in whose posses sion the goods are found. To Extend Trolley Road. The approval of the court. Monday, ot tic modified agrcem -nt between the Columbia County Commissioners ami the Columbia & Montour Electric Railroad and M. K. D. Scanlan A; Company, whereby the latter are en abled to cross the Catawis-i liver bridge, removes the last obstacle that blocked the extension of the troll, y tracks into Catawissa. P. 0. S. of A. Officers. At a meeting of Washington «' ini| . Xo. MM, P. <> S. of A.. Mi last evening, the following officers wen elected: President, an : Vice-President, Harry Wert man. M jof F.. D. F. Kyerly; Conductor, Lamar Kelly; F S.. J. V Wilson: U, S, C B. Wil-on; Treasurer, l>r. C. Shut!/.: Inspector. I. Rank; t». ! I.» r death and she was -trieu.-n wltil* milting in a rocking chair. fall;ug to th- Bmr When a |»hy*ici m ;i' iv i| -be was «l n-.wly in then ip or >1 ath. Her husband, who died only » few years ago, at the ..f eighty years, was until within t.vour three year-, of his death, to If found at his anvil every day, and, as a hlftck-mitb, he enjoyed an unique re; atati«i>. He was. (let haps, one ot tier In t known men in this section. The family m • -v-uttally o«e nf blacksmiths. Four -ons -urvive tie mother and all an |.i »• 1.-miths: Jobi,, of Slabtowu; Jw atin na*n| catarrh will g«t tb>* b> 4 r <;il*- fr..ni Hy s IJqnid Cream Uilui Pri«-- incin*!- ing spraying tain I. <-t<. >l>l by tlmir iristsor mailed by Bl* Br>- .V 5 Warren sr ■ v Sew t Orleans S»-pt. |. Mam Messrs. Kt.v IJl£' »S I <• i|d tv* Im* ties of vonr t ream Baim to a nxteiwr Win Lanilwrton. 1415 De'a<*hais.- >r New I>rlemn« he hs- i th- ti■> '- r ties jiving htm w- ti l-rful and r.i -* satisraetory n-ults. «»!-.» VV M |»t ie Phannacist. Men Idle in Hint District. There are -aid to Is 5,000 ni n idb in the Ninth District, and th ot'i rs of the C. M. W. A . in tie vicinity of Pott k'l!|e,hav•• d *ii|-ti to i»-%tii.-r facts and statistic- b- iiiinr •ntl •» t »—•, and then lay the matt rI• 112• >r«- th- Anth racite Strike Commission Hundr d of men are leaving th reitum be.m-- no work can be bad Th n mb'-r- of the Tremont nniou say that tie- con ditions are particularly »-atc in tle-ir vicinity. Every Bo:t!e of CLaniberla.n's Ooaeh Remedy WarraEted. We guarantee ■ v rr I ttl- "t t'li »m --lierlain's Cough Remedy and will re fund the money to anyone wle« t- n«.r it is tied aftT u-i.i_' tw>.-thiols nf t!»». eoutents. This i- th l»-t remedy in the world for la irrip: - . , . i, ( croup and whooping cimgii and i pleasant and safe to take. If ;t-t. it any tondeney of a i
-<«ult in pneumonia. For sab- by Paul - vV «*<> P. 0. S. of A. Offi' <»rs Elected. Tin- follow tag offic rs wre flo-lwl at a reijul ir o- Wa-htngt Camp, No. .V">7, P. «> S of A . ..f Riverside, which wa ! Id on Mondav evening last: P. P., W. J. Nus,; p., William I>-wis; V P.. J. <> - : ioll M.of F . Frank I.' wis. R S. "y, C K. Mill-: F. > y. K !! K»«ler; Treasurer. K. W. Vouu«t: Conductor. Rols-rt Bnw'k-: iriiard. J «» Eb»*rly; Inspector. William Mori - Trust. . A. C. Diuamick. Crup The ]»• *ultar r-iugh v\ !.i ndi-afe cronp. i< usoallv well!;nt»*n to tlo» mothers of eroopv cbildnn No time should be lost in th tr - itui- ir of it. and for flu- | ir] li in- 1 i ruceived mor> uiiiver a' i -o\ »i than Chamlm.-die-. matter how highly »I.v rr »v It. re commended. but give Ibis medicine i dir.ct ..| ai I al' -'in :n- <>f .-nup will <|uickly *ti-a| .r I - k : ! v Panics A" Co. Pools of Crude Oil. Freight car- were I nr_- -tuft I m the Philadelphia ami K«'id ng yar i- »t Newberry Jiinetion Sir » :• ' when a hole was kuockt-.s tti .- mens» t ink car ti' i-d * r er« i roleum. I.VH) gallons ot wtn. ii ran ear, forming a lake m tle» n> * rk ..i th. tracks. Fearful that a sj> : »-k o- hot . .k»: from apas-iag bn oneHiv ■ _ ig-i * the oil and can—' a di-astr.'tts blase in the yard, which I- I : Nil d Wi'l valuable fr* iiillt. tie rail: • r« w are forc.- l to » rk in t yard w in an appr. hensive -rai I i- ri• panic. Finds W,y t. Live Long. The startling wiin>. . m» ntofal>i covery that will-or lenntti . lite is made by • ditor «> II i*>wn.y. 112 Churnbn-t o, Ind "I «i- t -r i» lie write*, "th it l»r Kind's New f»»- covi-ry tor Con-umptiori is tie n*«»»t infallibl rent ly that I have .*er known for Cough-. Colds and «»rtp It'- invaluable to i up!' w i w as 'lungs. Having tin- wonderful nrA j cine no oite n« ■ d dres ' • and fl 1 I »n*l sive i trial t>ottles tree. Whv Caleudar Are D ay Merchant- an I «>tb« r- ] 1 »• cd orders tor 1.-al .feiars aie won d. riiii: why the order- h iv>- ( • n d laved. A letter from ala . »ieo4iti>iw ; tbisyear Ii '• nth wer ; -ve hav ,» T ,. r ,»11 m thee le idar business ilHvinit to the »1 -trik. t'> • )£r»-af r :>art of the consumer- in the mal reg tons teluse It" ptae their orders on I til conditions wer.- - t»l ! Tl«e r>* snlt was that abont f«>u m >f*f ! b.s ii. -- his t> -n pi! I ni'l r<- *i- I ißf > two mouth-' tine,ami th-- *to *s ha*.* tiern entirely cleaned oat. white new i ones bave hail to be manufactured to rtll tli many orders awaiting ship meat." Will M--'t Toe-day, Jan .irt 6th. The Legislature will m». 112 at twelve o'clock, noon, on tlie first Tu» s«lav of January, making their nt. ting time for the corning -s»on mi Tu- --lav 1 Jannarv Hth, IVO-'t