Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, August 07, 1902, Image 1
A Home Papr —.For tie Home Ihe circulation of this papei is in creasing rapidly. It will pay you tn advertise in the Amkkicak. SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER YEAR DK. IRVING n. .IKNKINGS, DENTIST. Office Honrs 9A. 12 M 104 Mill St., Il\ 4 /'. .»/. Danville, /'«. SIH I.T'/., M. I». 425 Mim. Sr., Uanvii.i.k, Pa. Diseases of the Stomach :m«I Intestines a Specialty | y«. W. I». ANCSLB, DENTIST Ok kick: 218 M ii.l Struct. ei-tli Extracted without I'ain. Crown and Uridyl- Work :i 1 ■«»<• i:» 11 fcciiilp|K>il with the hitent and most improved 1 nstruments Mini prepared l«» r\«*cute tbe most dlflloull work. DR. C. H. RKYNOLDS, —DENTIST.— Office, Opposite Roston Store, Danville, Pa. Dentistry in all its branches, Charges Moderate and all work (Guaranteed. Estahlisb"d 1892 coSS MS. The berry season is nearly ended. Fall goods are beginning to arrive. This is a record breaking summer for heavy storms. The benefit of shade trees about town is lieing felt. Druggist W. K. Gosh has placed in his store a Yale wonder clock The wonderful part of the clock is its mechanism, which operates a music disc, flashes electric lights of different colors and is a marvel of automatism. Labor Day will be celebrated in many Pennsylvania towns this year on a scale never before reached. Many peach trees in this section are well loaded with fruit. Golden rod brightens the country road sides. The local political campaign will soon begin to warm up. Ice cream festivals were numerous on Saturday night. August has made a good beginning. It will soon be time to gather gard en seed. A baby boy arrived at the home of Harry T. Hancock, Church street, on Friday evening. Notwithstanding the backward sea son, vacation trips have not been put on the bargain counter. Weeds are growing high along the river hank. Hay fever victims are enjoying their annual visitation. Most of tin" Sunday schools of this city have held their picnics. The military camp at Shenandoah inspires many of the foreigners with awe. Many of our merchants have already placed their orders for fall and winter goods. August will break all records for railroad passenger traffic. This month is the hardest in the year on young children. The greatest, care should he taken that they are not given improper food. The unfortunate thing about all wars between labor and capital is the inevitable result- suffering of the in nocent. Work has been started on the add ition to J. J. Newman's store, on Mill street. It will be t weitty eij. lit feet ill length and one story high and will In built of brick. The contractor is George Reifsnyder. The employes at the sixtccn-inch train of rolls. Heading Iron Works, drove to Milton Sunday in Hunter's four-in-hand hack, where they were entertained at the home of Jerry Lovett. Mr. Lovett was formerly a i fellow workman at the Heading Iron , Works. The backbone of summer requires . frequent wetting to keep it in a ; healthy condition. A large niimher of Danville people will leave for Philadelphiaand Atlan tic City via the I*. & It. Railway on Thursday, August 7th. The Ladies of Golden Link Temple, ; No. 122, will hold a festival on (lurry's I vacant lot, West Mahoning street, ! Thursday, August 7th. Ice cream and | cake will he served. The public pat- | ronage is invited. Lack of funds has caused the Sun- : hnry School Boaid to reduce the school i term from nine months to eight. Miss Louise MeClure, daughter of John MeClure, of this city, who has been in (lie office of a Philadelphia in surance company for some time, has accepted a position at the Pierce I'.usi ness College, in that city. The continued rains are spoiling tin pleasure of camping parties. A hig rally of Methodists was held Tuesday at Mountain Grove, where in former years at this time a camp meet ing took place. This summer the camp meeting was cut out because of lack | of interest. Lieutenant Samuel MeClure, retired, ! U. S. A., who was recently admitted to the bar at Kl Paso, Texas, will en ter Stanford University, California,to take a special law course. He is a son of John McClure, of this city. " The best way to preserve your health j in August is to keep cool. Hiontn ur Jlptj American. "THIS COI NTRY WILL NEVER HP. ENTIRELY FREE UNTIL IT SUPPLIES ALL OF ITS OWN DEMANDS WITH ITS OWN PRODUCTIONS." VOL. 47--NO FOR CONGRESS Hon. Fred A. Godcharles, of Milton, was unanimously nominated as the Republican candidate for Congress in the. Sixteenth district by the confer ence which met Tuesday at the Mor ton House, Berwick. Charles C. Kvans, Esq., of Berwick, withdrew and his eonferrees voted for God charles. The conference was called to order at noon by the chairman, Dr. Will L. Shindel, of Suubury, and in twenty minutes the nomination was made. An address was made by Mr. Evans in which he stated that he withdrew in the interests of Republican harmony. Professor G. E. Wilbur, of Blooms burg, an Evans conferree, then offered the following resolution, which was carried: "Resolved that Hon. Fred A. God charles be the unanimous choice of this conference for the nomination for Congress in the Sixteenth district". Addresses were made by Chairman Shindel and F. (J. Schoch.of this city endorsing the choice ot the conference, j Resolutions were also passed thanking Chairman Shindel and Secretaries Mc- ( Coy and Shoemaker for their work during the sessions. Mr. Godcharles made a brief speech in which he thank ed the eonferrees for the nomination and expressed confidence in his ability to carry the district at the fall elec- ; tion. The tirst session of the conference was held at the Montour House, this city, on Thursday, July 10. The counties were represented as follows: i Montour—S. A. McCoy,F.G. Schoch, [ 11. A. Kneihler, Danville. Columbia—J. H. Catterail, T 11. Doan, Berwick; W. < •. Holmes, G. E. Wilbur, Bloomsburg. Sullivan—M. P. Shoemaker, C. R. ' Funs ton, Laporte. Northumberland —Dr. Will L. Shin del, Charles C. Bowen, Suubury; W. It. Dcppcn, Dalmatia; >l. B. Dcllaas, Milton; William Eddy, Shamokin. Dr. Shindel was elected chairman and the secretaries chosen were S. A. i McCoy, of this city, and M. P. Shoe maker, of Laporte. The candidates plao d in nomination were Hon. James Foster, of Danville; Hon. Fred A. j Godcharles, of Milton,and Charles C. j Evans, Esq., of Berwick. For three ballots Foster received the three votes of Montour county, Evans the four votes of Columbia county, and God- I diaries the seven votes of Sullivan and Northumberland counties. After the third ballot the name of Foster was withdrawn and the Mont- | our eonferrees voted with Columbia for Evans. Seven tie ballots were ta ken. after which the conference ad- i jourued. • in July 17 the conference again met at the Neff House, Sunhury, where j fifty ballots were taken without break- J iiitf the deadlock. The third session ! was at the Hotel Haag, Milton on July 22 at which there were sixty more 1 ballots cast with the vote still tied between Evans and Godcharles. The | final meeting was the one of Tucs- j day, which ended in the choice of God- | diaries. The total number of ballots taken by the conference was 121, of which 117 were tie and the final one unani mous. Frederick A. Godcharles was born in Northumberland on June 15, 1872, and in IS7."> his parents moved to Mil ton, where he has since resided, lie was educated in the public schools there and at Lafayette College, l>eing a graduate of the Milton High School, j class of isss, and of Lafayette in 1893. lie entered the Milton Nail Works i after leaving college, becoming the title member of the lirm of the Frede rick A. Godcharles Company in 18%. He is an active business man and is popular throughout all of the counties comprising the Sixteenth district. In I'.Mio lie was elected a member of the House ot Representatives in the Penn sylvania Legislature, this being the first office he ever sought. When the Spanish-American war broke out Mr. Godcharles gave up his business interests to enlist as a volun teer in the Twelfth Regiment, United States Volunteers. This was on May 12, IS'.ik, and when his company was mustered out of the United States ser vice in October of that year he was a corporal. He was appointed battalion sergeant major of the Twelfth Regi ment, N. (i. P.,and was later promot ed to Inspector of Rifle Practice with the rank of first lieutenant. When Colonel Charles M. Clement, of Sun bury, was elected commander of the regiment hen appointed Lieutenant Godcharles as Inspector of Rifle Pi act ice. Gliild Wandered front Home. Margaret Nciberf, aged two years, wandered from her home, at Mill and Syi unore streets, yesterday morning and was trudging along Mill street, mar Market, when she was picked up by officer John G. Voris. lie started down Mill street in search of the par ents and wa- beyond Mloom street when the mother came binrying after the child and the gallant officer had the pleasure of restoring Margaret to her arms. 01.1 Timers" at Milton. The "Old Timers" will play at Mil ton this afternoon and they intend to begin a winning streak that will offset the misfortunes of the past few weeks. A good game is promised here on Sat nrday, the opposing team being the V. M. (' A from Suubury. Steel will pitch for the visitors. NIIAUSE HOSE At the meeting of Council Friday night Edw. Corman was re-elected as Water Commissioner to serve the ensu ing three years. He was the only can didate for the position and received tho unanimous vote of council. The members present were: Vastine, Dougherty, Montgomery, Patton, Swank, George Sechler, Gibson,Lloyd and Davis. Several important matters relating to the fire department were discussed at length.Chief Engineer Freeze in the course of some remarks stated that he had tested the hose of the borough and | that, he finds much of it worn out and i worthless. He said that among all on hand there is not 1500 feet of good serviceable hose. There is uot a fire ; but a section or so is lost by bursting. It is a fact, he said, that at the pres i ent time the fire department is in need of 1000 feet of new hose. Mr. Davis said that he thought this a matter which should receive serious attention. Fires are occurring very frequently of late and to fail to pro vide proper fire fighting apparatus is a neglect which the borough might have to pay very dearly for. Other mem bers expressed themselves in a similar vein and it was decided that we should have sufficient hose regardless of the state of finances. Mr. Montgomery moved that 1000 feet of new hose be purchased and that the secretary be instructed to open correspondence with dealers, ob taining facts as to prices,pressure &c. The motion carried uuauimouly. Chief Engineer Freeze asked for information as to how far his author ity extended in matters relating to the borough steamer, the lending out of hose, &c. In regard to the explain ed there was some criticism because it was taken to the fire Thursday night ; also that the use of the hose at times is asked for by our various indust ries which may need it in cleaning up after high water. President Vastine said he thought that tin* borough steamer is wholly in the hands of the engineer, John L. Russell. In this view he was sustain ed by Mr. Dougherty. As to the hose the president thought the chief had tho privilege of lending them to re sponsible parties. The matter would be at his discretion. Mr. Lloyd took exception to this. He declared that he has been a mem ber of the fire department for 35 years and fie has never discovered that it has any authority to lend out hose. Mr. Patton asked what becomes of the money earned by the borough steamer when used in pumping out cellars,&c. He knew that handsome sums are earned in this way hut he never heard of any money being turn ed into the borough. At the same time when repairs are needed on the steamer the borough is obliged to pay for them. It was even cited that a bill recently was presented to the bor ough for cleaning the steamer, which was honored. Mr. Patton took the view that the engineer should be paid for his services. On motion of Mr. Dougherty the matter relating to the borough steam er was referred to the Fire Committee. Ou motion Chief of Police Mince inoyer and Street Commissioner Deen were granted their two-weeks' annual vacation. Mr. Dougherty of the Building Committee reported that by next meet ing he will have a report from Trum- Ilower & Werkheiser as to the true condition of the Continental Hose House and what course it will be best to pursue with reference to it. The following bills wore approved for payment; W ATER DEPARTMENT Regular employes, $144.30 P. H. Foust, 23.50 Curry & Vanuaii, 1.00 George W. Lord, 43.20 Standard Gas Co., (>.BO C. J. Callahan, 105.75 Trumbower & Werkheiser, 2(5.7U A. M. Peters, 3. Hi) Freight and drayagc, It#. (Kl Harry B. Patton, 5.00 BOR( )UGH DEPA RTM ENT Regular employes, $82.50 Street labor, 49. It! Hugh Oliver, 2.20 Fred It. Miller,. 5.25 Curry & Vauuan, .. 2.10 Trumbower & Werkheiser, (17.33 Stadard Gas (Jo., 2.20 Standard Electric Light Co., 451.85 Pythian Grand Lodge. The annual Grand Lodge of the Domain of Pennsylvania, Knights of Pythias, will convene at Sunhury on Tuesday, August 19. There will bo a large number of Knights present from all over the state and Beaver Lodge, of this city, expects visits from prominent Pythians during that week. Many of the Sir Knights from Danville will goto Suubury to meet their brethren. Harvesting - Oats. The farmers just now have rightly entered n (ton oats harvest. The wet weather came on about the right time to benefit the oats and the crop is one of the largest ever harvested in this section, the laud regardless of qual ity yielding well. There is scarcely a country store but contains specimens of extraordinary growth brought in by farmers for the admiration of their neighbors. A bunch of oats raised by Levi Beyer is on exhibition at South Danville which measures over five feet in length and is well tilled. DANVILLE, I*A., Til IJHSDAY AICI ST 7. 1!>02. I'HKSONAI. I'IBAUMI'IIS. Grant Swayze, East Front street, spent Sunday with friends at Cat - awissa. Mrs. Max Levy of Berwick, and puest Mrs. 1. Hershey of New York, returned to Berwick Saturday evening after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dreifuss, Nortli Mill street. Samuel A. Yorks of Philadelphia, spent Sunday in this city with his mother, Mrs. S. A. Yorks, West Market street. George Waite, of Parsons, spent Sunday in this city as the guest of his brother, John G. Waite, Ferry street. Miss Matilda Steinbrenner of New York City,is visiting her mother, Mrs. Annie Steinbrenner,East Front street. Misses Emily and Florence Lewis, Mill street, spent Sunday at Roaring Creek. Guy Snyder of Snnhury, spent Sun da}' with Joseph Schick, Honeymoon street. Mrs. James Jordan ami daughter Nellie, Spruce street,and guest Misses Lizaio and Bertha Surles of Shamokiu were Bloomsburg visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Kern of Ber wick, were visitors in this city Satur day. Mrs. A. H. Bloom of Bloomsburg, returned home Saturday after a visit with friends in this city. Mrs. William Curry of Scranton, re turned home Saturday after :t visit with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Curry,Sr., West Mahoning street. Mr. and Mrs. George Keefer of Bloomsburg, returned home Saturday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Augus tus Crtmau, Derry township. Misses Isabel and Edith Blue, Mill street, returned home Saturday after a visit with relatives in Sunhury and Northumberland. Miss Edith Rudy, Church street, spent Saturday evening in Catawissa. Clinton Shellheimer spent Saturday evening in Bloomsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall, Sycamore street, spent Sunday with friends in Bloomsburg. Miss Lizzie Daniels, West Mahoning street, returned home Saturday after a visit with friends in Sunhury and Northumberland. Miss Ella Ritfel of Philadelphia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ritfel, Riverside. Miss Annie Spade left on Saturday for a visit to Philadelphia and Atlan tic City. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgc Poriiwahl of Bloomsburg, spent Sunday in this city. Samuel Mitchell, Enos St rouse and David Pursell s]>eut Saturday evening in Bloomsbutg. Miss Maud Hicks and Mr. Harry Campbell of Catawissa, spent Sunday with Misses Laura and Lulu Swayze, East Front street. George Steinbrenner of Wilkesbarre, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Annie Steinbrenner,East Front street. Lloyd Peifer of Wilkesbarre, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. George W. Peifer, Mill street. Misses Martha and Sarah Clark,East Front street,spent Sunday with friends in Catawissa. Mrs. Mary Mong and daughter Minnie,Sidler Hill,spent Sunday with friends in Catawissa. Mrs. J. W. Gibbs and daughter Louise of Bloomsburg, are visiting at the home of George Belford, River side. Samuel G. Snyder of Philadelphia, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Snyder, Riverside. Dr. F. E. Harpel spent several hours in Sunhury yesterday afternoon. John F. Sowers of Shamokin, spent yesterday afternoon in this eity. Miss Fannie Hollister of Berwick, returned home last evening after a visit with friends in this city. Mr. and Mrs. .1. L. Sitler of Ber wick, were visitors in thiscitv yester day. Mrs. Silas Gray and children of Clayton, N. J., arrived in this city yesterday for a visit with Mrs. Cath erine Wilhelin. Miss Pearl VanScheetz of Orwigs burg, arrived yesterday for a visit with Mrs. 1. C. Lee, West Mahoning street. Mrs. William Zell and son Lncien of Philadelphia, arrived yesterday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Jesse Beav er, Pine street. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gross of Blooms burg, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. | Joseph Heim, Church street. H. A. Deitfenderfer left yesterday for Milton to visit friends. Mrs. Sarah Waldron of Catawissa, was a visitor in this city yesterday. Mrs. William L. Clark, East Front street, spent yesterday in Sunhury. Joseph Lowenstein returned home last evening from a visit at Kant/., Snyder county. Jasper B. Gearhart returned home last evening from Harrishurg. Mrs. James Large,of South Danville, returned home last evening from a visit at Bedford Springs. Mrs. F. E. Harpel and daughter Frances, Ferry street, returned home last evening from a visit at Long Branch, N. J. Thomas V. Gunter, of Bloomsburg, was a visitor to this city yesterday. Philip Watts, of Pine Summit,spent yesterday with friends in this city. Miss Anna Evans,East Front street, \ left yesterday for a visit with friends in Pottsville. C. G. Voris, Esq., of Milton, trans j acted legal business here yesterday. 1 Other Personal Mentions on 4th Page. ONLY THIRTEEN TEACHERS PRESENT A joint meeting of teachers and directors was held Monday night for the purpose of considering the ques tion of text hooks for the ensuing year. There were only thirteen teachers present, all being ladies. Members of the school board were in attendance as follows; Fischer,, Harpel, Green, Redding, Werkheiser, Barber, Black, Burger, Keefer, Barber and Curry. Among the subjects discussed at the joint meeting was that of music. Music in all probability will be added to the course of study of our public schools at the next meeting of the hoard and the directors were anxious to secure an i xpression of opinion from the teachers as to the relative merits of the different text books on the sub ject. The consensus of opinion was in favor of the use of charts in teach ing music along with the Natural Music Primer. New books were adopted as follows: High school—"Smiley «& Stoes' Be ginners' Latin Book,'' "Harkness & Forde'sCaesar's Gallic War," "Fisher & Patterson's Elements of Physics," "Chapin's first Principles of Politic al Economy," "Maynard's Classic Series.'' Grades below High School—'"Reed's Introductory Language Book," "Wright's Seaside and Wayside." Twelve charts and 300 Natural Music primers were adopted,the action not to be binding unless music be added to the course of study at the next meet ing of the board. Officer After Train Riders. A special officer of the Suubury di vision was at South Danville station Tuesday watching for illegal car rid ers. At noon a north-bound freight train from Sunhury, pulled in on the siding to wait until the 12:15 passen ger trai.i went down. The officer got on the freight and in one car found several men. He told them to get off the train, which they promptly did. In another car were two other men, one of whom resisted the officer until threatened with arrest. Then he at tempt* d to escape, but was pulled back in the car by the officer, who tried to handcuff the belligerent. After a lively scuffle the fellow got out of the car and ran down the track toward Riverside, closely pursued by the officer. When lie saw that his prisoner was getting away the officer drew his revolver and fired two shots in the ground. This only seemed to spur the fleeing man to more strenuous efforts and he soon got such a lead that the officer gave up the chase. Democratic Conference. Hon. Charles 11. Dickerniau.of Mil ton, has been endorsed by the Sullivan county Democratic convention for Congress. This gives him three coun ties in the district and insures his nomination. ('olumhia county has en dorsed Hon. A. L. Fritz, of Blooms burg, but he will probably withdraw so that the nomination can be made unanimous. The eonferrees have not been appointed yet nor has the date of the district conference been decided upon. Hon. Fred A. Godcharles, of Mil ton, who has secured the Republican nomination intends making an ener getic campaign and the contest be tween him and Mr. Dickerinan will he waged warmly up to the day of the election. Special Train to Bloomsburg. I). L. Mauger, of Williamsport, traveling passenger agent of the Phila delphia & Reading railway, met a committee of the Danville Fire De partment, last evening, at the Hotel Oliver. All the companies were rep resented and arrangements were made for a special train to and from Bloomsburg on August 251, Firemen's Day at the Bloomsburg centennial. The fare from this city on that day, via the Reading, will be 29 cents for tho round trip. Little Sickness Now. Local physicians say there is little or no sickness in the community.They receive but few calls except to admin ister to infants or the aged, the two extremes of life at which humanity is poorly qualified to resist t he debilitat ing effects of hot weather. This is the season when the doctor can find time to take a vacation anil the druggists turns his attention from the prescrip tion case to the soda fountain. Cleaning Out the Cemetery. George (rething, Cherry street, has taken the contract for cutting down the weeds and hushes ill the ohl ceme tery Bloom street,and cleaning up the ground. The work is very laborious and difficult, yet Mr. Gctliing is get ting along very nicely and has already improved the appearance of things. The work is about one-half complet ed. Attending Camp Meeting. Rev. E. B. Dunn, pastor of the United Evangelical church of this city, accompanied by Rev. N. Voung. of Lewisbnrg, left yesterday for Ring J town to attend the annual camp meet ing of the Lcwisburg district. The meeting, which is held in '/ion's j Grove, will last until August 14. There will be no preaching next Sun day at Rev. Dunn's church. The ice man denies the assertion that the weather i- too hot. AD GOAL IVED The Danville Stove & Manufactur ing company has received from the D. L. & W. railroad company, an invoice of coal consisting of one car load for use under the boilers which constitutes the first shipment of coal made to this city since April last. It is hardly likely that this coal has been mined since the beginning of j the strike,for while several companies have been running coal through their j breakers it seems pretty well establish- I ed that none has been dug since the ' minors went out. Several of the col i lieries in the vicinity of Pittston, it is stated, hpvo kept the pockets at their breakers stocked since the hegin j ning of the strike and are now mak ' ing shipments. In view of these shipments the nat ural presumption might he that the operators see indications of an early settlement with tho miners. This, however,would be purely conjectural. The best that can be said for the shipment in question is that it sup plies coal where needed and helps to inspire confidence,making it manifest that it is still possible to purchase coal, although the supply may be limited. The Hospital for the Insane, the water works and the bulk of our industries for some time longer will have to be content with river coal, immense quantities ot which have been shipped to Danville during the past three months. The Hospital alone, which even at this season consumes some five tons daily, has up to this time received nearly a thousand tons of river coal. It is not at all certain that our townspeople will not have to draw up on the apparently inexhaustible supply of river coal in filling their cellars for the coining winter. Dealers inter ested in the diggings at Sunhury and Hcrndon are in correspondence with our coal dealers, to whom they offer coal suitable for household purposes in unlimited quantities. In this con nection it is interesting to know that river coal while only a make shift is a luxury that will come high, as tho prices quoted range from $4 to $5 per ton. Naturally, local dealers will not place orders for river coal until con vinced that the miner's strike will be prolonged into winter. At present a few of the yards have a limited sup ply of soft coal on hand. Should the strike continue until cold weather a good many families will attempt to burn the bituminous article in their houses. It is not known what mea sure of success will attend the experi ment, but it is feared that the chim neys of the east, built for hard coal, will not prove suitable for soft coal. Several dealers, however, incline to the view that it will be found practic able and are looking forward to quite a trade in soft coal. Brick Plant Waiting on Machinery. The manufacture of vitrified brick in this city will not be begun until next summer. Machinery has been ordered, but the firms that make it are so rushed that they cannot supply what is needed here until too late to begin operations this fall. The tract of land on which the yard will be located is north of this city near the fair ground. The tests made of the clay and of a few bricks that have been made show it to be of the best quality for vitrifi ed paving bricks. The kilns used in burning these bricks have to be con structed differently from those used in making building brick. As soon as the necessary machinery is secured the work will be begun so that the manufacturing can be commenced next spring. This will be an important industry and will be the only yard in this sec tion making paving brick. There is one at Williamsport, Clearfield and Reading, which supply the market of the state. The prediction of The News that the streets of Danville will be paved with Danville brick seems near realization. Granted Permit for Drain. The borough council held a special meeting Monday night and granted tho Holy Family Convent permission to construct a drain to connect the build ings with Mahoning creek. The drain is limited to surface water and eel lar drainage. A report gained currency on Satur day that the sewer was designed to re lieve 'be kitchen and laundry of waste water. This it was held would go a good way toward polluting Mahoning creek and a special meeting was call ed to determine just what kind of water the drain was designed to carry off and to consider the advisability of permitting the completion of the work. Messrs. Vastine, Dougherty, Mont gomery, Patton, Sechler, Brandt, and Gibson, along with Chief Burgess Pursel were present at the meet ing. Joseph Lechner, who has charge of the sewer, assured council that it is intended to carry off nothing but sur face water and cellar drainage. Coun cil being satisfied that it will conduct no dish, wash water or any otliei form of sewage into Mahoning creek voted unanimously in favor of the drain. The motion was mado by Mr. Dough erty and seconded by Mr. Brandt. Salvation Army Picnic. The annual picnic of the Salvation Army w is held yesterday at DeWitt's Park. A number of children were the guests of the corps and every one pre sent had a delightful time. ESTABLISHED IN 1855. INSTALLED AS PASTOR Sunday afternoon Rev. Wesley E. Wenner was installed as pastor of St. John's German Evangelical Lutheran church, East Market street. The ser vices, which were in German, were conducted by Rev. Dr. William Wack eruagel, a member of the faculty of Muhlenburg College, Allentown, and Rev. N. Scheffer, pastor of the Luth eran church at Berwick. There was a large congregation present. Rev. Dr. Wackernagel, who is one of the most, prominent divines in the state, delivered an eloquent sermon on the duties of the pastor to his people and of the duty of the congregation to the pastor. His text was from Acts 2-42: "And they continued steadfast ly in the apostles' doctrine and fellow ship, and in breaking of bread and in prayers." The rite of installation was conducted by Rev. Scheffer, who charged the council, pastor and con gregation. The benediction was pro nounced by Rev. Wenner. The new pastor of St. John's church has been here for several months and this is his first charge. He is a gradu ate of the Mt. Airy Theological Sem inary, Philadelphia, and Muhlenburg College, Allentown. He is also pastor of St. Peter's church, Grovauia; St. James' church, Ridgeville, and Trin ity church, Oak Grove. Harvest Home services were held Sunday morning in the church at Grovauia. Ring Necked or Mongolian Pheasants. Local sportsmen are much interest ed in the rapid propagation of the Eng lish or Ring Neck pheasant introduc ed into this state during several years past. The bird, which is also known as the Mongolian pheasant,is still ex ceedingly rare in these parts. It is very beautiful and much larger than the common pheasant and the mere appearance of one generally excites a good deal of wonder and conjecture among those not up in the subject of game birds. They are given protection at pres ent, and of course are not disturbed by law-respecting sportsmen. Three Mongolian pheasants, seini domesticated instate, reared on Blue Springs farm, Washingtonville. along with several young ones were turned loose into the fields by W. H. DeLong some weeks ago. The pheasants with the exception of one of the hens' were seen at intervals. It was greatly fear ed that some ill fate had befallen the missing hen until Saturday last when she was found sitting upon a nest of eighteen eggs. Game birds, it is said, as a rule hatch out every egg in the nest so that some idea may be formed as to the rapidity with pro pagate when not molested by gunners. The members of the Danville Gun and Rifle Club commend Mr. DeLong very highly for his enterprising efforts to increase our game supply and they regard it as the duty of every sports man to protect the Mongolian pheas ants until they have some chance to multiply. If properly protected it is believed that these choice and beauti ful birds in a few years will become as plentiful in this neighborhood as any other kind of pheasants. Several localities in the state of Oregon where breeding conditions were favorable, were stocked with Mongolian pheasants. They were pro tected by the game law for ten years. At the expiration of that time they had increased and were tame to an ex tent never dreamed of. They fre quented the farms and fed with the chickens around the buildings. In Need of Cleaning Up. There must be a good many places in need of cleaning up about town judging from the very bad odors one is apt to encounter in a short stroll. Atmospheric conditions during the last few days have been favorable for bringing out this fact. The cause of the impurity is not hard to discover. In two many of the back yards, which were no doubt cleaned up in the spring, another lot of refuse now found in various stages of decay has accumulat ed, which ought to be removed. Many ol'Jhe alleys are reeky with disgust ing odors and these find their way not only into the streets but into the dwellings near by. The time of year has arrived when refuse of all sort soon becomes putrid, breeding conditions detrimental to health. Premises should be kept clean and plenty of quick linn* used. Civil War Veteran Passes Away, Amos Campbell,a well known resid ent of this place died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Hughes, near Shickshinny on Monday last. The deceased, who was 72 years of age, was born at Klinesgrove and spent nearly his whole life in this city and vicinity. He was a widower,liis wife preceding him to the grave thirteen years ago. lie is the father of Mrs. Charles It Campbell of this city. Mrs. Robert DeFraneof West Pittston, is another daughter, lb' has one son, Elwood Campbell, who lives in the West. Sinking a Drain. Street Commissioner H. B. Deen has been busy during a couple of days past on a much needed improvement on West Mahoning street. He has sunk 12(5 feet of terra cotta pipe 15 inches in diameter at Joseph Keely's property between Factory and Chestnut streets to conduct tiie water into Mahoning creek which accumulates at that point in the alley coming down from West Market street. JOB PRINTING The oUceof the AMKKICAN furnished with a assoitmen of job letter and fancy type and jot material generally, the Publisher announces to the public that lie is prepared at all times to execute ir. the neatest manner JOB PRINTING Ofall Kinds and Desclrption f^T J Get our prices before you place your orders. HUE IT IIMINC IRON WORKS About 12:30 o'clock last Thursday night our citizen* were aroused from their sleep by an alarm of fire in which the hoarse whistle of the Read ing Iron Works was heard mingled with tl»o sound of fire hells. The Reading Iron Works were on fire and the flames already enveloping a considerable portion of the structur illuminated the heavens and all the lower end ol town. Remembering the fate of the big mill but little more than a year ago when it was nearly destroyed by fire and filled with sol icitude and suspense the people pour ed out of their houses and hurried to the burning mill, many reaching the spot in advance of the firemen. The fire originated in the 16-inch mill. When first discovered it was a very small flame eating its way into the timbers on the side of the mill at the stack between No. 7 and No. 8 heating furnaces, very near the spot whore the fire originated last, year when the mill was so nearly destroy ed. The spread of the lire was remark able. Before the men working could connect the mill hose the flames shot up the side of the structure communi cating to the long ventilator on the roof which in an instant was a seething mass of fire. As soon as the mill hose were connected with the plug a steady stream was poured upon the fire from within the mill. The Continental Hose Company be ing the nearest was the first to arrive at the fire. The end of the l(!-iuch mill and both divisions of the roof then were burning rapidly. It was a mo ment when the entire plant seemed doomed and the crowd, which by this time numbered nearly a thousand per sons, stood by in breathless suspense. The Continentals soon had a stream upon the fire. A few minutes later they were joined by the Goodwill boys. Together the two companies, assisted by the workmen inside the mill, did good execution. There was a fine water pressure and the firemen outside the mill were able to play up on the burning ventilators with ease. In half an hour after the fire started it was well under control. In less than an hour it was practically ex tinguished and the puddle mill resum ed work. Both the Friendship and the Wash ington Hose companies were present at the fire, but not in time to be of much service. The " Washies" would have got a stream upon the mill, but their hose bursted. The Friendship company was present both with the hose carriage and the engine. The latter it will be remembered rendered excellent service at the former fire. Too much credit, it is said, cannot be given the workmen in the mill for the part they played in extinguishing the fire. Their efforts were characterized by alacrity, coolness and co-operation. It is difficult to compute the exact loss which, it is understood, is cover ed by insurance. All will depend up on whether or not the damage in any degree extends to the machinery and equipment. The end of the Ki-ineh mill, both ventilators and a portion of the roof are burned. Apparently this is the extent of the damage, which is hardly enough to cause a suspension of more than a day or so. It is considered safe to predict that the fire will result in very little loss of time to the employes. It is very fortunate for Danville that the night was a quiet one, there being scarcely a breath of air stirring. For tunately, too, the kind of paint used upon the mill, while not actually fire proof was of a kind designed to resist fire. Exactly how the fire originated is not known. Some are of the opinion that it was caused by the furnace stack, which may have become overheated. New Machinery to be Installed. A lot of new machinery, already ordered,will be installed at the Shovel Works in a short time, which will materially increase the product of the plant. Auiong the new pieces is a press for making the largest size of scoop shovels. Other machinery to be installed will merely duplicate what is already in use. The effect will be to increase the product from 150 dozen shovels per day as at present to probab ly 225 dozen per day. General Manager James L. Barber states that his company has now over come every obstacle. The shovels manufactured have been brought up to a standard of perfection that enables them to compete with the product ot the oldest plants and that although "new goods," they are now well upon, the market. Damage Done by Storm. Considerable damage was done in Columbia county Sunday afternoon by the storm. The houses of E. W Welliver and J. 11. Long, in Blooms burg, were struck by lightning and a son of Mr. Welliver was stunned. At Hidlay's church the barn of Elias Hag enbuch was burned down, with all its contents, from a lightning stroke. While fighting the fire Bruce Harrison and an Indian boy fell from a roof. Harrison was injured internally and the boy had a shoulder broken. A barn was also destroyed by fire near Rohrsburg. Death of Dr. J. W. Sheetz. Dr. J. \V. Sheetz, for many years a physician at North died at his home there Sunday morning after an illness of two weeks. He was one of Northumberland's leading cit-iz efls and was well known iii this city