Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, July 17, 1902, Image 3

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Then that grayish brown man fired.
It is astonishing how much damage
can be done by the buckshot which can
be put into an old horse pistol 1 aft
erward learned that ail the horses in
the tirst set of fours, as well as two of
the men. were hit. though none was
seriously injured, by that grayish
brown man's double shot.
In half a minute some of our men
were on the bridge, but so were some
df the enemy. Ten seconds later tho
bridge was jammed with horsemen.
Fire fast! Fire fast!" screamed
#ur major.
The major meant well, but how much
firing could be done on a bridge only
wide enough for about four men
abreast after the men In front had
emptied their revolvers? How were
any but the surest shots and those near
est the front to tire without hitting their
own comrades, who already were using
their revolvers as hammers or hitting
the Johnnies with bare fists? There
was little firing on the other side, for
nearly all the Confederates carried
shotguns or muzzle loading muskets,
which they could not reload in haste,
BO after firing once they used their
guns as lances, punching our men in
breast or face and being horribly curs-
Hi in return.
Meanwhile each horse was looking
out for No. 1. The horse is a wedge
shaped animal, and each of our four
footed wedges pushed liis head and
shoulders between those of horses in
front of him. This gave the animals
absolute rest as well as safety while
their riders were fighting.
The major turned to the rear, first
cautioning liis captains to maintain
tiie pressure, and soon we heard liiin
"Two rear companies dismount!
Third company deploy on the right;
fourth ou the left! l'epper their rear
with carbines as long as there's a man
of them In the saddle! Aim carefully!
Be careful not to hit our own men!"
This promised sickening slaughter,
for our men with their carbines could
get within 100 yards of the most dis
tant Johnny and do a great deal of
harm before the enemy could dismount
and fire more than a single shot. Prob
ably the enemy would follow our ex
ample as soon as they saw what we
were up to, if any of them were left
after we had given them a volley or
two. This is not a joke. Our Sharp
carbines were as true as sporting rifles.
For several months we hail been
taught, when fighting dismounted with
carbines or revolvers, to shoot from a
rest whenever possible, and our prac
tice shooting showed that anywhere
within point blank range we could
shoot well.
At the major's orders three men of
every set of fours in the last two com
panies dismounted and hurried to trees,
logs and fences near the creek.
"Now, men," said the major to us,
"as soon as they begin to fire nnd clear
away the rear you press upon the ad
vance with all your might. If we
drive them off the bridge, divide, right
and left, as soon as you get across and
ride down their flanks, and we'll cap
ture every mother's son of them who's
This seemed practicable, and I hoped
it might begin at once. Had there been
no other reason, It would be vastly
pleasanter to take a lot of prisoners
Into camp than to bury an equal num
ber of Confederate dead, for burial
party duty stays in one's mind.
"Why don't those skirmishers begin
firing?" shouted the major, though it
was not easy to hear him above the
horrid din on the bridge.
"Crack!" went one of our carbines. I
reined my horse toward the edge of the
road to see when the enemy's rear
should become weak enough for the
pressure to begin.
"Crack, crack, crack!" sounded in
rapid succession, but the sounds were
not like the report of revolver or car
bine. Something new was occurring
on the bridge, for all the men, both
gray and blue, seemed to press to one
side. A second or two later that entire
bridge, containing 40 or 50 Union troop
ers and as many Confederates, went
down with a crash and a splash into
the creek below.
Here was the unexpected again, and
a great deal of It, too, so I looked anx
iously at the major to see what he was
going to do about It. He didn't seem a
bit puzzled. On the contrary, the bridge
had scarcely fallen when he roared:
"Skirmishers cover the road on the
other side of the bridge! Don't let a
reb get away! Second company dis
mount; lie down along the edge of the
bank! Cover every reb trying to get
out of the water and order him to come
ashore here!"
Out of their saddles dropped Nos. 1,
2 and 3 of each set of fours in our
troop, and in less than half a minute
each had picked out for himself a gray
target in the great gully below. The
skirmishers had already begun to
blaze away at the gray targets on the
other side of the bridge, but the John
nies, like sensible soldiers, broke right
and left Into the woods, left their
horses pretty well sheltered from fire
by the standing timber and then took
cover themselves behind the trees near
est the creek and began to operate ex
actly according to our tactics, firing on
our skirmishers and trying to secure
prisoners from the struggling mass
below. We were the stronger In num
bers and weapons, but nature gave the
enemy one immense advantage. As
members of the Potomac army will re
member, creeks on the Virginia coast
almost invariably have one bank high
and steep and one which is low and
shelving, and where we were fighting
the steep bank was on our side.
Our fellows could not easily get out,
much less drag out prisoners, but the
Johnnies had scp.mpercd up their own
side before all of lis were in position to
fire. Some, too, whose horses had been
hit or who had dropped their guns dur
ing the tumble had the presence of
mind to take Yankee carbines or horses
with them. One had the impudence to
lead away two of our horses, including
the forage, blankets and overcoats
strapped upon the saddles, and he shel
tered himself so skillfully with one of
the animals that none of the bullets
aimed at him seemed to hit. On the
other hand, when one of our fellows
tried to climb the bank on our side,
perhaps with revolver In hand, try
ing to drive an unarmed prisoner in
front of him. he was a capital mark
for the other side to shoot at, and if
was hit his prisoner would general
ly change his own mind and hurry
back to his friends, faking with him
the wounded man's revolver and car
bine as a memento. Such a dash re
quired him to wade the creek, but the
water was not very deep, and a man
who had once been wet did not seem
to mind a little additional soaking.
Suddenly the major, who had been
closely eying all that had occurred,
passed the word from man toman
along the irregular line of kneeling,
crouching or flat lying skirmishers
that at the word of command all
should drop over the bank, ford the
creek, press the enemy as closely as
possible and try to drive them to the
left of the road. Two miles away on
that side was another road by which
we rightly imagined they would hurry
for home should they think us too
many for them. Men without carbines
were warned to have their revolvers
fully loaded before crossing.
It took two or three minutes for cap
tains, lieutenants and sergeants to pass
"Ftiruar d!"
this word along, but when the major
roared "Forward!" over we went. The
excitement of the jump was Intensified
by our sabers. Many of us had made
long jumps from barn roofs or brick
piles or builders' scaffoldings when we
were young, but our sabers hadn't.
There's nothing adaptive about a saber
anyway, so these weapons mixed them
selves with our legs in a most alarm
ing manner. We found the water quite
as wet as any I had ever stepped into,
and the bottom was not as hard and
smooth as we would have liked. It
made our legs feel overheavy, too, as
we went up the opposite bank with
our boots full of water, but it was no
time and place to call for towels and
dry trousers.
"Forward!" again shouted the major,
who had waded the stream with us as
unconcernedly as if he were not wear
ing his S2O trousers. "Forward!" he
continued to repeat about once a sec
ond, and"Forward!" shouted each cap
tain after him.
The Johnnies were brave fellows, but
they weren't fools. They began to see
that we could fire several shots to their
one, and the fighting was at such close
quarters that the instant one of them
fired his muzzle loader a Yank was up
on him demanding his surrender before
he could reload. Soon they allowed us
to chase them through the forest, an 1,
as they were better woodsmen than
we, they got away quite rapidly, taking
with them, besides the prisoners they
had already sent to their rear, one or
two of our men who were a trifle too
expert in the chase. When their firing
slackened to scattering shots and final
ly ceased, our bugle sounded the recall,
and we were sent back to cross the
stream for our horses, which were led
one by one down a path hastily broken
and dug in the steep bank with frag
ments of the broken bridge and then up
the opposite slope.
I*l T lfst we were on our
l> iv v ' *1 mvn side °' t^e l,rid^
VfaM/r*; —those who were left
'fcrm.- • of us. Roll call show-
°d thirty men missing
from the first compa
r' JM ny, which had carried
3/ °" ly meu into ac *
'-~ J tion, besides several
from each of the other companies.
•Some of the missing we found dead or
wounded in the creek and woods, with
a larger number of the enemy in the
same condition, but after a careful
count we found the Johnnies had se
cured about twice as many prisoners
as we.
The proceedings of the next hour or
two would not have interested any ci
vilian spectator in search of the glory
of war. Several mounted men who
had been hurried away to a farmhouse
known to be about a mile down the
road came back with all the farmer's
wagons, carts, colored men, spades and
picks. Into the wagons and carts on
a lot of [tine tufts hastily picked were
placed the wounded and our own dead.
The colored men, under the direction of
the farmer, who had kindly volun
teered to help, buried the Confederate
dead near the roadside. Some of the
wounded groaned terribly, and one
poor fellow almost broke my heart by
faintly screaming "Father!" every mo
ment. 1 didn't feel any better when
we learned that the wounded boy
whom we were about to cart away
was a son of the old man who was
preparing the dead Confederates for
their last home. Then we knew why
the old man had offered to assist the
burial party and why he had looked so
quickly and intently through the gath
ering dusk into the faces of the dead.
The boy had been brought in later
from the woods, and the father would
never have known of his presence had
it not been for his cries.
The next scene was equally painful—
♦lie old man begging, with tears in his
eyes, to be allowed to take his wound
ed child to liis own house and the ma
jor insisting on his duty to carry all
the wounded captives to our own camp.
Several minutes before the old farmer
had been to us only a stay at home reb
el. Now there wasn't a man of us who
would not have added our entreaties
to liis had we dared. It was a great
relief to all of us when our assistant
surgeon, who had been rapidly examin
ing the wounded, assured the old man
that the boy would need frequent sur
gical attention instead of home nurs
iug if his life were to be saved, so he
would be better off in onr hospital.
Then the surgeoh offered the farmer
his hand, and after a shake the old
man sighed:
"I'll take your word for it."
I couldn't understand why a mere
handshake was so convincing until one
of our middle aged chaps told me that
both men were Freemasons. But the .ag
ony for us was resumed after we start
ed for camp, for the major, though
true to the letter of-his duty, was a
Freemason himself, so he halted us in
front of the old man's farm long enough
to let the family come out and bid the
boy good by, perhaps for the last time.
They came down with a lantern, for it
was now quite dark, and the mother
sobbed and wailed as she leaned over
the cart and did all her thinking aloud
and told how handsome niul cheery her
boy had looked when he took dinner at
home a few hours before for the first
time in months. Ilis pretty sister,
whom all of us had adored from time
to time as she stood at the farm gate
with her father to see the soldiers pass
by, prayed aloud for heaven's curse to
fall on the man whose bullet had pierc
ed her brother's lungs, and 1 am sure
each of us trembled at the thought that
the bullet might have been his own.
Near them stood a little brother and
sister crying in ttie pitiful, hopeless
way that my brother Ned did when he
first heard that I was going to the war.
Yet this was not the only family that
suffered by that engagement. Besides
the men killed outright, some of our
own comrades died afterward of their
wounds without father, mother, sisters
or brothers to say goodby to them. Not
all the missing were taken prisoners
by the enemy, and nearly half a year
of awful uncertainty and of frantic
letter writing passed before we learned
this through our captured men who re
turned when exchanged. One of our
men, whose log was broken by a bullet
anil who then was knocked senseless
by a glancing shot on his head, floated
down the shallow stream some dis
tance before he came to his senses and
got ashore. Stanching his wound by
tying a strip of his shirt tightly around
his leg, he bound the broken limb in
twigs and then spent two whole days
and nights in crawling on his hands
and one knee to our nearest picket sta
tion, several miles distant. In the ear
ly spring a colored man who went to
the creek to lisli found the remains of
one of our men beside a tree, a mile
below the scene of the tight, and
scratched on the bark of the tree were
a few words telling how the poor fel
low had died a lingering death from
wounds, exposure and starvation.
Yet the entire engagement, in which
a full third of the men on the
bridge were either killed, wounded or
captured within 15 minutes, was in
military parlance "merely a little
brush." Mention of it never got into
the newspapers. There were thou
sands like it, except for the falling
bridge, during the war, the results be
ing too small or gradual to be part of
the history which was being made by
some great engagements which pro
portionately were not so bloody. Per
haps the story of this one will explain
to some people why old soldiers when
chatting together about the war talk
much of the march and camp, but very
little about fighting.
The fight at the bridge was these j
verest engagement in which our com- I
pauy had ever participated, so I ought j
to have been so absorbed by It as
to be insensible to anything but my I
duty as a soldier. I am glad to say ,
that I loaded, aimed and fired as care
fully as if—oh, as if it were the first
day of the "open season" for quail ID
the woods and fields near Summerton.
Nevertheless I frequently detected my
self in the act of looking about me tc
see what other men were doing. 1 saw
Cloyne loading and firing as placidly
and smilingly as if ho were merely
making out bills at the Summerton
lumber yard. .Mick McTwyny was
handling his carbine as energetically
as If it were it coffee mill, y«.*t lu his
excitement he was discharging it in
the direction of the sun, the tree tops
and his own toes, as if the enemy were
atoms of the surrounding air and could
be easily hit by a man with his eyes
shut. Meanwhile he was volubly curs
ing his platoon In English and Irish,
with some assistance from the verbi
age of the holy Scriptures and the vo
cabulary of the Bowery, for not firing
more rapidly and carefully.
"Look at that little dhlvil Brainard!"
he shouted. "lie's puttin' rebs into pur
gatory as fast as if he wns walkin' to
Sunday school in Summerton."
Brainard i The sound of his name
startled me and caused a guilty pang
as my having been concerned only for
my own lif Impressed me. I looked
quickly abv. <„ for him and just in time
to see him roll sldewise from behind a
fallen log, his face as white as the pa
per on which I am writing. Killed?
No, he moved. I hurried to his side
and asked him where he was hit.
"In the heart. Jack, but 'twas not the
enemy that hit me. 'Twas Mick Mc-
Twyuy's tongue. Great heaven I I've
vowed my life a hundred times to the
saving of men—you know I was study
ing for the ministry. But now I'm try
ing to kill men! It's all—but why
aren't you firing? See that red beard
ed face sticking out from behind a tree
on the other side of the creek? No, no!
Don't you fire at him! Ilere goes!"
Bralnard's lips closed so tight that
I could not see their dividing line, so I
looked toward the Confederate with a
red beard, and a second after Brainard
fired I saw the red bearded man clap
a hand to his shoulder. Then the
angles of his elbows and knees indicat
ed that he had gone out of action and
sat down behind his tree.
At that instant Brainard himself had
a strip of skin and a bit of flesh taken
from his cheek by a shot from the
other side, but he did not know of it
till the fight was over. I was recalled
to a sense of duty by Cloyne, who
"What are you lounging for, Jack?
This isn't a Sunday school picnic."
Quickly I covered my confusion by
regaining the cover I had left, but I
was still curious to know what other
men were doing. The Balaklava vet
erans were side by side on the ground
and as flat as the head of u snake
about to coil, thqugh they did not seem
intent on striking. Not far to my right
stood Phil Hamilton, handsome and
composed as usual, but in apparent
trouble with his pistol. He looked BO
superb, with his clear cut face, erect
figure and broad shoulders, that for a
moment 1 wished my cousin May !
might see him. Then I was glad she !
could not, for did not Brainard lovw j
May, and was not Brainard my dear- J
est friend?
Still, pistols nre made only to shoot I
wilh, and the moment of battle is the i
time to use them, so I hurried over to j
Hamilton and said:
"Take my pistol and give me yours, j
Mine is in perfect order, and, as I
helped father when lie was inventing a
revolver, I know something of a pis
tol's works."
"Thank you, Jack," said he as coldly
as If he had been born and brought up
in an icehouse, "but I think 111 con
quer it in the course of time."
I was somewhat offended by ills
manner, but I reminded myself that j
there Is a time for everything and that
PWhy can't we come
ovh to your hOuse and
play anv more?
I Because papa gets so
man when we make a
little bit of noise.
What makes him that
way ?
>1 , Mftmma says it's dys
) pepjia makes him act
if. *• so crazy.
V, r Tilat s about the way
/- it strikes the email boy.
' A Vs< Thp dyspeptic has no
> ;mSidaa of his own unrea
sonaßleuess or liarsh
! ness. Little things are
magnified and seem to
jtistyy his quick anger.
There's health for the
' JB' '''' and happiness
•■/MB, ' or the family by the
Sv üße Doctor Pierce's
Golden Medical Discov
ery. It cur«s diseases of the stom
ach anS other organs of digestion
and nutrition, ana restores perfect
health and strength, by enabling
tha perfect digestion and assimila
tion of fobd.
"I ha«£ taken oue bfttle of Dr Pierre's
QqWvP Medical UWaJPery for indigestion
dnd livir SJmplalnt." fcVites Mr. C. M
wftlofl. TO viajtih Coll«e«. Davidson Co,.
N C "Have 068 no bad spells since I
corttafcitig njedicine in
fact. not Wit lit* the same man. Be
for* I took «h0 'Qplijtn Discov
ery ' I costo not oaTHijy thing without nw
ftu dfifrew, Cut O<JW lean &6t anything I
Wish without hating OBpleasant reelings."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
cleanse ana ffeguldte the bowels.
In the thick of battle was not the time
to expect a polite reply, even from the
Chesterfield of Sunimerton. When
again I chanced to look toward Hamil
ton, 1 saw that his face was very white
and he was looking at. a card photo
graph. I could not doubt who the orig
inal was. On our homeward ride big
I'at Callahan snarled:
"Did ye's see our swell commissary
sergeant behind the thickest tree there
was? I'm thinkin' he was afeard o'
gittin' his beauty spots scratched!"
"G'wan to blazes!" snarled Mick Mc-
Twyny In reply. "Commissary sar-
Jints don't nade to fight if they don't
want to. Besides, it's better that
we'd lose the captain—yes, or the colo
nel—than the man that kapes us in the
best of grub that can be made of ra
«s£ %' / vtA
I - , -\rVc.|
"Don't you fire at him!"
"I'm not sarin' ye lie." Pat replied,
"but if I had as little stomach for grub
ns he has for figlitin' I'd goto the hos
pital and stay there."
After unsaddling 1 was greatly de
layed in reaching the quarters, for I
"went over" my horse very carefully
to learn whether he had been wound
ed. Horses have their own reasons
for not reporting "a mere scratch"
that might In time disable them.
Climbing our bunk Brainard's and
mine—which was at the top of a tier,
I saw my elrum lying down, with a
pocket mirror in one hand, my cousin
May's portrait In the other and with
tears in his eyes.
"Brace up, old chap!" said I.
He quickly turned his hands to hide
their contents, but his face was too
honest to hide anything that was be
hind it. Besides, he said in fragments
between sobs:
"I was homely enough before. Now
I'm disfigured for life. The surgeon
wouldn't deny it, anil Hamilton —he
always was handsome. Heaven made
him so. Therefore I've no right to
complain, but—but"—
"But you fought, and he didn't."
"He didu't, 1 say. I was watching
Brainard mopped his eyes with his
hands and looked proud an instant.
Then he groaned:
" 'Tis a hard world, Jack."
The cruelest thing about It was that
Brainard was the only member of our
company that got a scratch, though
fully half of Us, not being handsome,
like Hamilton, coveted the scar which
Brainard wore after his wound healed.
Among the half that did not covet that
"red badge of courage" was Hamilton.
He never spoke of it, but many times
afterward did I see our handsome com
missary sergeant look at Brainard's
cheek with an expression that indicat
ed extreme satisfaction and triumph,
with a dash of contemptuous pity that
made me hate the man, though lie had
always been so considerate of my ab
normal appetite that he had slyly given
me double rations of hard tack when
we went out scouting.
Good n*nrt«'«l nu»> I>o«1 !•>■.
There are thousands of good people
In this world who, having very little
trouble in managing their own affairs,
spend their leisure hours In making
plans for their neighbors and consti
tute themselves self appointed general
managers of other men's lives.
Anything more positively aggravat
ing than the disclosures of these
schemes can hardly be conceived when
they are made to reticent, thinking
persons who are using every effort to
control the circumstances which sur
round them to the best advantage. To
have concentrated every energy to tlio
amendment of adverse influences and
then have some eager, energetic friend
como upon you suddenly and ask you,
Inuch as if waking you front a lethar
gy, "Why don't you do thus and so?"
Is a severe test of your temper find
your affection for the speaker.
But, after all, it was kindly meant,
and these good hearted busybodies,
whose "fad" is the regulating of their
friends' families, meant to lend you o
helping hand. Wo are taking away
what stands to them in the place of a
full purse and the use of an uplifting
lever when we refuse to listen.—New,
York Post
early muskmelons.
eslci-ii Coin]>e(ition Is Shaking Up
i In* Kiistern Industry.
Eastern markets have been success
fully invaded if not captured by re
fourceful western melon growers, abet
ted by the favorable soil and climatic
conditions of the irrigated regions of
the Arkansas river. Realizing appar
ently that it behooves the eastern
grower to get a very decided "move
on" himself in order to m> % this com
petition successfully, the Cornell (N.
Y.i station offers the following infor
mation and advice:
The early muskmelon crop is obtain
ed by growing the plants in hotbed or
greenhouse. In one region west of
Rochester glass houses have been spe
cially erected for the purpose of grow
ing (lie plants designed for early crop.
These houses are of the simplest type.
They are usually even span, twelve
feet wide, and provided with a center
bench and two side benches. Conical
boilers are ordinarily employed to fur
nish heat. The houses also aid mate
rially in growing early tomatoes. The
usual method of raising the plants is
us follows:
Specially constructed bottomless ve
neer boxes approximately 3 Inches
square and 1 inches deep are made by
the growers. The boxes are placed on
the bench, and into the bottom of each
is pressed a wad of rotted barnyard
manure, after which they are filled
with light garden loam. The soil Is
then packed down with a "tamper,"
when they are ready for the seed.
About five seeds are planted in each
box and covered by sifting soil over
them. The usual care is given in wa
tering. The plants should have a tem
perature of about 85 degrees In the
daytime and 00 to 70 degrees at night.
One of the most serious difficulties
is caused by the "damping off" fun
gus. When afflicted with this trouble,
the plants wilt down during periods of
cloudy weather soon after the seed
leaves develop. Occasionally the trou
ble appears before that time. The
fungus is promoted by lack of ventila
tion and sunshine and by overwater
ing. By watering carefully, ventilat
ing freely and keeping up the heat
during cloudy periods it is checked.
The disease may also be appreciably
prevented by spraying the plants and
soli with potassium sulphide, using
one ounce dissolved in three gallons of
water. Soil rich in vegetable matter
may be expected to encourage the dis
Melons grown under glass are started
late in April or early in May. Care
must be exercised if the seed is sown
earlier to keep the plants from becom
ing drawn and "leggy." The house
grown plants are set on the warmest
site possible for the first crop. The site
should be chosen with due regard to
immunity from late frosts.
Ordinarily In Niagara county the
plants are set out during the third or
fourth week of May. The house grown
plants are set very expeditiously. The
boxes containing the plants are distrib
uted by a man or boy and the plant set
by another. In mellow soil a hole is
made with the hand, the box quickly
torn apart and the cube of earth with
plants pressed into the prepared hill.
It is important that the soil should have
been thoroughly tilled so that the nat
ural moisture shall have been con
served. When good surface tillage has
been given, watering will be unneces
Teacher—What do you mean by a
Pupil—A blow in the solar plexus.—
Then your liver isn't acting
well. You suffer from bilious
ness, constipation. Ayer's
Pills act directly on the liver.
For 60 years they have been
the Standard Family Pill.
Small doses cure. All druggists.
j Want your tnoustarh** or Inward a beautiful
i brown or rich black " Then ua©
hi . is. or DHU(.C.«M«. OR H P HAH a Co.. NASHUA, w H. _
The Home Paper
of Danville.
Of course you read
JI Mil B. (
1 A PER.
Everybody Reads It.
Published Every Morning Except
No ii E. Mahor /igSt.
Subscription Oca. Kr Week.
An Attractive IN»**l bllity For flie
A \ erage I'uriiit'r.
The mule is not raised for his beauty,
but is intended for hard service, and
this object should be kept in view in
selecting sire and dam. The block} -
mules, as the trader designates them,
are the most salable, whether they be
fourteen, fifteen or sixteen hand mules.
Some markets call for large mules,
while others want the smaller ones.
So they are all salable, especially if
| they are of the blocky type—that Is,
i squarely built, heavy bodied animals.
The great advantage to the farmer
in raising mules is in this: They are
hardy, healthy, easily raised and come
to maturity early. In fact, they are
salable from ten days old and as long
as they live. You can raise a mule as
cheaply ns you can a calf. The mule
will be ready for market nearly as soon
as your calf and will bring twice as
much. In tiiis and like counties where
our farms are adapted to grass and
where but little grain is grown we can
finish the mule ready for market while
we can only get our cattle ready for
the feeder. One can readily see the ad
vantage to the farmer in growing
mules instead of cattle, especially in
this part of the country.
I refer, of course, to the average
farmer, who does not have a great
deal of pasture lands and who finds it
necessary to make his pastures as well
as his feed bring the greatest possible
returns. My experience is that a given
amount of pasture will carry ns many
mules as it will sheep or cattle, and
j the profit is much more on the mules
| than it Is on either the sheep or cattle.
There has been more money made by
farmers in this county raising mules
than by handling any other class of
stock, concludes a Missouri correspond
ent of the American Agriculturist.
Voting mules are bought from neigh-
I boring farmers in the fall, when they
i are old enough to be weaned. They are
kept until ready for market.
Swept Corn In Sncceniilon.
For a suicession during the season
White Cory, Champion and Sheffield
are desirable early sorts. Evergreen,
Hickox and Country Gentleman are
rrnong the best for midseason, Stowell
*nd Mammoth for late.
Taking No Chances.
"No, thank you," said the fox to the
sick lion, "I don't think I'll come in. I
observe that all the footprints about
the entrance to your cave point in
"That is easily explained," replied
the lion. "As lam king of beasts, it is
quite natural that my subjects should
walk backward when leaving my pres
The explanation seemed plausible
I enough, but the fox had his doubts.—
j Judge.
Ely's Cream
B'tsy ami pleasant
jto use. Contains
sorbed. (lives Re
jef at once. HAY FEVER
It opens and cleanses the Nasal Pas
sages. Allays Inttamation.
Heals and Protects the Membrane,
j Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell
Large Size, 50 cents; Trial Size, 10 cents
at Druggists or by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street,
New York.
MORKLIVES aresaved
...BY USING...
Dr. King's New Discovery,
Consumption, Coughs and Colds
Than By All Other Throat And
Lung Remedies Combined.
This wonderful medicine positively
cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay
Fever, Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness,
Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping
Price 50c. & sl. Trial Eottle Free.
Corrected to May i, 1901.
A M *
Barclay ST Lv.L 2 OO 10 OO
( liristopher St.. 200 ! LOI6 ;
Hoboken 2 .'MI . I 52 I
seranton \i 032 I'M
Bttllalo Lvc 11 '■*' 2 JR>
Scranton. AR 545 10 oo
,\M+ AM' I'M)
ScitAHTOK <1 1") 10 0-"> I 55
liellcvue »> ."»•> J I
Tayiorville 055 IN 15 aOS !
Lackawanna 7HI 1U 23 2 I<l '
Duryea TO3 lu 20 213 !
Pittston 7 T>T 1(1 .11 2I"
Susquehanna Ave... 7I" LO :F3 A lit I
West Pittston 7la 10:15 22;
Wyoming ~'' '0 10 227
Forty Fort "..... i
Bennett 721 111 49 231 0 !X)
Kingston ar. 1 7 .'ML 10 51 2 40! 0.15
Wilkes-Barre....Ar 710 II 10 250 048
Wilkes-Barre 720 11! JH) A3U ! 020
Kingston I\ 730 10 51 2 -10 I ti 35
Plymouth .lunc... . ;
Plymouth 7 !»8 11 03 2411 0 4.'i
Avondale 7 42 .. 2 :>4 J
Nanticoke 745 11 II aSB 1 (I 51
Hun lock'S 751 11 17 3 Oti I ti 57
Shickshinny S Ol II 2!L 320! 710
Hick's Ferry *'2 FLL 4a 330!f 721
Heach Haven K IK 11 48 337 728
Berwick 82! U54 344 7ID
Briar Creek ft* 28 F 3 50 |
Willow Grove »M 112 3 54
Lime Uldge *•" FL2 Of 358 I
Espy J *»• 12 15 400 752
Bloomsburg " " 12 22 412 | 757
Kupert. .... | 9 12 27 4 17' 801
Catawissa ' 12 32 4 '22 ' SOS
Danville j 12 47 435 H2O
Chulasky ••• ■ 4 42
Cameron 1 12 57 448
Nltw VOW 335 PMF
Barclay ST, AR it 30 500
Christopher St... 315 465 ,
Hoboken 10 05 448
Kcranton AM* 12 55
Buffalo AT! 800 12 45 700
Scranton LV 155 548 II .35
j M* PMT PM+ I PM*
Scranton j 42 12 35 460 845
Hellevue i 9 RF7 445
Tayiorville I 932 440 835
Lackawanna ..... 9 2ti : 432 827
Duryea I it 23 ! 429 825
PlttSton. . . 9 L'J 12 17 424 821 .40 1 910 12 14 ! 420 818
West P • 'I 913 417 810
Wyotn " 909 12 08' 112 812
Forty T " ! 904 I 407
1ie. 1.1 J " I «C I 403 801
Kui i," I 868 lion! 400 802
WIL K es-Barre * i.v' * "50 I 350 750
W IC s- Italic AT 11 9 S 1- 1" '4 10 Bin
Ston, ....j » 1159 400 802
ymouth junction *
iy mouth... **' 11 61 1 34< <«3
Avondale s 3 42
Nanticoke S !1K 1' 43 338 . 7 4ti
Hunlock S K 3 31 1 17 41
Shlcksliinny *22 U29 320 <3l
Hick's Ferry ...... I** ...... 3 U'.L 17 21
Heaeh Haven 02 3 03 12
Berwick '... ' :Y> 11 05 F2 58 * 0-J
Briar Creek..*. .'.'..' If 2 53 0158
Willow TIROVE 1 L FA s{! •
Lime Kidge L 2 4ti | lb •>€
Espy 'J 5 ? 10 48 240 ; <> 41
BloomsburK Lri 34 !! li' v
Kupert I i]' 10 3" a 29 | J> &
Catawissa ' I' - 10 34 224 021
Danville 0 :>S 10 19 All <i 15
Chulasky i J- "nV,"
Cameron IJ' *' 12 01 «0 (V
NOBTHUMBBBL'D...; 110 00 + 1 50 »»
Connections at Kupert with Philadelphia &
Heading Kail road lor Tamanend, Tamaqua
Williamsport, Sunbury, Pottsville, etc. A
Northumberland witli P and E. Div. P. 14. K. lo
Ilarrisburg, Lock Haven, Emporium, W arret
Corry, and lirie.
* Daily, t Daily except unday. fStop oi
In Effect May, 25, 1902-
A M | A.M. . P.ML
Scranton( D4IH)!v I 6 38 ?» 38 142P1 87
Pittston " " 705 R 1000 §a 10 4 52R....
A. M. A. M. P. M, P.M
Wilkesbarre,.. I v JJ 725 §lO :I5 j2451T 00
Plym'th Ferry " 1 7 32 110 42 112 2 52 L' 607 '
Nanticoke " 742 10 50 301 617 \[\\\
Wocanaqua .... " 801 11 07 320 037
Wapwallopen.. " 8 10 11 10 331 047
Ncseopeck ar 818 11 at; 342 700 **"*
A.M. A.M. P.M.
Pottsville lv § 5 50 'SLL 55:
llazleton ■' 705 jl2 52 1-2 45 ""
Tomhicken " 722 ! 11l 305 ""]
Fern Glen " 7 2!I 1 18 315
Kock tilen " 7 3.". ! 322 .....
Nescopeck ar 800 j 1 45, * .
GatawissH 4 oo
A. M A.M 'P.M. P M
Nescopeck lv § 8 18 §ll at; a42>7 oo
Creasy » ' 8 30 11 3t;| 352 7 09 '....
Espy Ferry.... " I 8 42 11 401 ( 4 02. 7 20
E. BlootnsburK. " 847 II 50j 400; 7A 5
Catawissa lv 855 11.571 4 13; 32
South Danville " » 14 12 15 4 31, 751
Sunbury ar 9 3.J la 401 4 55| 815
;A, M. P. M.;P. M'IUI.~ N
Sunbury lv || 9 42 §l2 18;§ 5 I0j;I» 40
Lewisburg.... ar 10 13 145 5 40,
Milton " lu 08 139 53510 07
Williamsport.. " 11 Oti 141 ti 30 10 55
Lock Haven... " 11 59 220 7 31'
Kenovo "A.M. 300 8 30!
Kane " 8 25
_ P.M. P.M.
Lock Haven. .lv 10 II 3 45'
Bellefonte 10511 4 44:
Tyrone " a2OII 0 011
PUilipNbttrg " 435? 802
Clearfield.... '• 525S 845
Pittsburg.... " 055 HlO 45
A.M. P.M. P. M. P M
Sunbury lv 960§1 59 1 520 118 31
llarrlsburg.... ar II 3o § 3 15 II 0 50|L0 10
P. M. P. M. P. M A M
Philadelphia., ar § 3 17'|| 6 23 ||lo 20 4 35
Baltimore "§3ll || 0 00 J 9 45j 2 30
Washington... " § 4 LO |, 7 15 10 55 4 05|
' ATM? P, M.| j I
Sunbury lv §lO OOijj a 15
Ijcwintown .lc. ar 111 45 4 05; (
Pittsburg -'J 0 55|§10 451 j
I A.M.'P.M. P. M. P M
llarrisburK.... lv II 45:11 5 00I|| 7 15 §1025]
P. M. A M. A. M. A Ml
Pittsburg ar 9 ti 55J|| IsoJ|| 1 50] 5 30j
P. M. P M A M I A M
Pittsburg lv I 7 111 J 9 00 J 3 00 ( 8 00 ....
llarrisburg.... ar i 2 00 3 4 20 1 9 30 I 3 10
Plttsbuig lv 1 8 00 ....
l.owistown Jo. " i 7 30 J 3 t*) ....
Sunbury ar I 9 20 '■ 4 60 ....
P. M. A M A M A M
Washington... lv ,10 40 II 7 50 ilO 50 ....
Baltimore " all 00 | 440 840 IJLL 45 .....
Philadelphia... " 811 20 ]425: 830 I|1 1 40J
A. M. A M A. M. P M
llarrisburg.... lv |335 | 7 sT>| ill 40 j> 320
Sunbury ar | 500 |J TF 3tij 108 \ 6 05||" T^
P.M. A MA Ml
Pittsburg lv jia 45 8 3 00 5 8 tNi
Clearfield.... " *3 50 0 28'...
Philipsburg.. " 440 10 la "
Tyrone " 700 #8 10 12 25
Bellefonte.. " 8 Iti 932 105
Lock Haven ar 915 10 30 210 '
Krie, lv J 5 35 1
Kane " 845 IS ti 00
Kenovo " 11 50 J 0 4.">j 10 3T)
Lock Haven.... " 12 88 ' 7 IF) U25 300
A.M. P M
Williamsport.." 229 8 30I?ia 40 400
Milton •' 2 a3j 917 125 440
Lewisburg " »o.">| 1 15 442
Sunbury ar 324 940 1 55* 615 "J"
A. ML A M P M ■ p 1W
Sunbury 1 V|S t> 15 »55;2 00 ; S.»*,
South Danville") 7 ILL IO 17 221 SJJ
Catawissa " 7 32J lo 35 2.R, ; 1 Y (W •••■•
K Bloomsburg.. " 737 10 43 "j.,! JJ-
Kspy Ferry " 742 110 47 s "' ( g jy' ••- - •
Creasy. "J 752 10 •«,
NESCOIWCK 802 N O6 ... o: , 6 40;
® A M l'. M. P M I
t atawissa I\ m 230 <>oß
Nescopeck lv 8 23.. .. S 5 0.5 j7 05 •''''*
Kock (ilen jy # jj
Fern (Hen.... N 2HL"5*32 73!
Tomhicken.,.. U s 11 )I8 5 38 : T42
jla/.leton •> N & 5 5 ,,1 GOI; ""
Pottsv;| le 10 15 | ti 55
. AM AMP M P M *
Nescopeck lv ; 8 02 ijll 05 ;J3 05 i 0 40
Wapwallopen. .ar 8 lv« 11 20, 3 20! 0 62
Mocanauua .... "| 831 11 32 330 701
Nanticoke " 853 II 64 319 719
P Ml j
Plym'th Ferry' F 903 I 2 02 3 5'J 17 28
Wiiksbarro ... 910 12 10 1 4 051 735
PlttSton(DA'H) ar F 9 S9 Ilia 55 j: 4 60 , 8 36
Scranton " " 10 08J 124 5
I Weekdays. B Daily. t Flag station.
Pullman Parlor and Sleeping Cars run on
through trains between Sunbury, Williamsport
ami Krle. between Sunbury AOD Philadelphia
and Washington and between llarrisburg, Pitts
burg and the West.
For further information apply to Ticket Agents
(Jen'l Manager, Gen'l I'ass'n'r Ay
Shoes, Shoe? j
Clieap I
lESella/ole I
Bicycle, Cymnasium and
Tennis Shoot..
Carlisle Shoes
Snag Proof'
Rubber Hoofs
A Roliam©
Tor all kind of Tin Roofing
Spouting and Ceneral
Job Work,
Stoves, Heaters, Ranges,
Furnaces, etc.
NO. 116 E, FRONT ST.
11l 111
Issues the most liberal con
tracts and at lower rates than
any other first class company:
Send me your age before
applying for insurance else
where. I will send you sam
ple policy.
Danville, Pa
IN EFFECT .11'NK 27th, 1902
For Philadelphia 11:24 a. m.
For New York 11:24 a. m.
For Catawissa 11:24 a. m, and C:0I p. m.
For Bloomsburg 11:24 a. m,
For Milton 8:03 a m., and 4:00 p. m.
For Williamsport 8:03 a. m, anil 4:00 p. m.
Trains for Baltimore, Washington, the South and
West via li. A: O. K. H. leave Heading Terminal,
Philadelphia at 7:55,11:20 a. ni , 3:46, 7'27 p. m.
Sundays 3:20 a m, 7:55, 11:26, 3:46,7:27 p.m.
Additional trains from 24th and Chestnut street
station, week days, 1:35, 5:41, 8:23 p m., Sunday
1:35, 8:23 p. m
Leave Philadelphia 10:21 a m
Leave Williamsport 10:00 a. in., 4:30 p. m.
Leave Milton 11:00 a. m , 5:20 pin.
Leave Bloomsburg 7:10 a. m , 3:30 p m.
Leave Catawissa7:lfi a. m , 3:36 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street Wharl and
South street Wharf.
For ATLANTIC ClTY—Week-days—Express, 9.00
10:45 a. m. (1.00 Saturdays only,) 2:00, 1:00, 4:30
5.00,15:40, 7:15 p. m. Local 6:00 a. m., 15.40 p.
m. Sundays Express, 7:3J, S:3O, 10:00 a. m.
7:15 p. m, Loeal 6:00 a. m., 5:00 p. ni.
LEAVE ATLANTIC ClTY—Week-days—Express,
7:00, 7:15, 8:20, 9:00,10:15, a, in., 2 hi. 5:30, 7:30
p, in. Local 6:25 a. in., 3.50 p. m, Sundays Ex
press 10.15 a. m., 1.30, 5.30, 7,30 p. in. Local
7.15 a. m„ 4.051). m.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
ForOAPE MAY—Weekdays—B.3o, s 45 a.m. (Sal
urdays only ?1.40), *4.10, J5.10 p. m. Sundays—
-8,45, 9.15 a. m., 5.00 p. in.
For OCEAN ClTY—Weekdays—B,4s a- m.. (Sat
urdays only §140), f1.20, 15.40 p. m. Sundays
8.45, 9.15 a. 111 . 5 00 p. 111.
For SKA ISLE ClTY—Weekdays 8.45 a. m. (Sat
urdays only £1.40) 112 1.20, Jb.4o p. m, Sundays
8 45, a. in., 5,00 p. in., fSouth St , 4.15 p. m.,
JSoutli St., 5.30 p. in., J Sou th St,, 1.30 p. m,
♦South St., 4.00 p. in-
Leaves NEW YORK (Liberty Street) 3:40 a.m.
Leaves ATLANTIC CITY, -8:30 a. in.,
Detailed time tables at ticket offices.
Gen'l Supt.. Gen'l Pass'r Agt
Reading Terminal. Philadelphia.
The Coal Dealer
Prepared for Stoves
-344 Ferry Street