Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, February 13, 1902, Image 2

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Penn*a It. K.
k weir
7.11 A. M. iUI A. M.
10.17 " 12 15 I'. M. I*. M. t :!1 "
5.50 " '.51 "
10.17 A. M. I' M.
I). 1.. A \V. K. K.
TF.YT A. M. 4.09 A. M.
10.ty " 12.471 F. M.
2.11 I*. M. t ;!5 "
, :»i » «.40 "
"• 1
6.57 A.M. 12.17 P. M .
5:51 1» M *lO "
7.52 A. M. 11.21 A. M.
1.00 F. M. 1i.05 P. M.
7.31 A. M. 11.22 A. M.
4.02 P. M. H.OI P. M.
Eyes tested, treated, fitted with glass
es artificial eyes supplied.
Market Street, liloomsburg, I'a.
Hours —10 a. 111. to 5 p. m.
Telephone 14H»i.
Good men for Council will lie assur
ed with (he election of the Republican
Next Tuesday the right story will
he told providing every Republican
does his share.
See to it that the Republican candi
dates tor the School Board are elected.
They are generally good men.
It behooves the Republicans of the
various wards to keep awake to the
importance of the coining spring elec
tion. Next Tuesday election day will
be here. The time between now and
that day should be employed in good
work for the ticket Ihe Democrats
in nearly every instance are at work
early and late making the rounds of
various places in their wards. They
will leave no stone unturned to carry
their ticket to triumph. The Republi
cans must also keep at work, not in a
spirit of over confidence, but with the
knowledge that effort is required and a
determination to win.
Saved Her Child's Life.
"In three weeks onr chubby little boy
was changed by Pneumonia almost to
a skeleton," writes Mrs. W. Watkins.
of Pleasant City, O. "A terrible cough
set in, that, in spite of a good doctor 's
treatment for several weeks,grew worse
every day. We then used Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, and
onr darling was soon sound and well.
We are sure this grand medicine saved
his life." Millions know it's the only
sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all
Lung diseases. Paules & Co. guarantee
satisfaction. 50c. SI.OO. Trial bottles
M Atcrproof SlioehlackinKT.
To make a good waterproof blacking
for shoes or other leather articles mix
one part of borax with eighteen parts
of melted beeswax and stir to a stiff
jelly. Then mix five parts of asphalt
varnish with sixty-six parts of oil of
turpentine, into which stir six parts of
melted spermaceti. After thorough .stir
ring, combine this with the first mix
ture of borax and beeswax, and the re
sult will be a nearly colorless water
proof paste, excellent for use on nat
ural leather.
Leather For Decoration.
Leather is being utilized in a variety
of ways for decorative purposes just
now, and one of the most effective is iu
the form of pillows for the collegian's
room or the bachelor's den. Indians'
beads ornament some of these; others
show college colors and devices. Pipe
racks in leather are satisfactory from
the decorative point of view if nothing
else, and the football inkstand is use
ful as well as ornamental.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best and most famous compound
in the world to conquer aches, and kill
pains. Cures Cuts, heals Burns and
Bruises, subdues inflammation, masters
Piles. Millions of Boxes sold yearly.
Works wonders in Boils, Ulcers, Felons,
Skin Eruptions. It cures or no pay. 25c
at Paules & Co's drug store.
Teieitrfipnic AooreTiauon.
Abbreviations make up one of the
most Important elements in the career
of the telegraph operator. Abbreviated
dispatches are often sent In live min
utes that would require half an hour's
work If transmitted in full. But there
Is an operator In Pittsburg whose origi
nality in Inventing substitutes for good
English surprises even his workmates.
When the death of young James S.
Ayres was lirst sent over the wires and
the name of Mrs. Bonine was first men
tioned, one of the local operators re
ceived a query from the Pittsburg man.
"What sort of a looking woman is Mrs.
Bo 9?" The Washington operators
thought steadily for a moment and
then sent back, "Who do you moan V"
"Mrs. B () !»." When the significance > 112
the phrase burst upon him, the local
operator announced the abbreviation to
his associates, and the name has b«-on
•»ut all over the country as "B-O-O"
ever since. Washington I'ost.
If ovt to Make Kloor Stain.
To make n cheap floor stain take two
ounces of permanganate of potash, put
it Into a gallon of water and mix thor
oughly until dissolved; then with a
large, flat paint brush paint evenly all
over the boards required to be stained.
When quite dry, paint over again, and
they will be a good dark brown Next
day give the floor a good polish with
b lied linseed oil and the day following
with beeswax and turpentine.
To < lean
According 10 an authority, white
trlcli feathers can be cleansed by milk
ing a mixture of white soap shaved in
to small pieces, boiling water and a
little soda Aft- r 111ihas dissolv d
and cooled dip the feathers into it and
then draw them g-ntly through ;!;o
hand, rep* rag the operation e* • !
times. Then rinse thoroughly In clean
water, with a trifle <■( blnin . -J
Shake, dry and cur! Peat her <;. i.'
however, is work that <-; ills 112» - il
training, and amateur, di < !:'<> . . s
direct ion !i i.* t>. ,i .-i! v <
Millions Pat To Work.
The wonderful activity of the new
century is shown by an enormous de
mand for the world's best workers
I)r King's New Life Pills For Con
stipation, Sick Headache Biliousness,
or any trouble of Stomach, Liver or
Kidneys they're unrivaled. Only 25c at
Paules <%■ Co's drug store
I National Vehicle Tnv and a Sj-ntviu
of Kofl«l
State Senator Earle of Michigan is
' an enthusiastic advocate of good roads,
i anil he has induced several counties in
his state to provide funds for a prac
tical demonstration of roadbuilding as
i it should be carried on by elty, county,
j state and federal governments, say
1 the Philadelphia North American, lie
| expects to start out next spring as soon
i as the season will permit with a good
roads train drawn by a traction engine,
i which ill make a tour of the central
1 part of the state, traveling about f.oO
miles. Before the start central poiuts
will be selected where the train will
stop and build a sample mile of good
Senator Earle urges an appropriation
of at least $1,000,000 by congress for
the betterment of highways, and life
' also advocates a national vehicle tax of
I 50 cents a year for that purpose. One
of his schemes is to have the govern
ment make road maps of every county
In the United States, showing bad
roads In red. fairly good ones In blue
and improved roads In black. He
would have these county maps pub
lished In book form and sold at post
offices for f> cents. Senator Earle says:
"If I wanted to buy a farm In a cer
tain locality, my first step for the pur
pose of investigation would be to pur
chase one cf these little maps, and I
would be very sure that I would pur
chase my farm along the route of one
of these good roads, for I have found
out from observation that It costs 17
cents less a mile to transport farm
produce over an improved road than
over a bad one."
There is nothing more important
than good roads to the material wel
fare of a country, and it is to be hoped
that congress may have the wisdom to
take the matter up earnestly and make
liberal appropriations in aid of the
good roads movement even if it is
necessary to reduce the sum customa
rily devoted to the improvement of
waterless creeks.
Ill* Only (bunco.
Wife—What did you mean by daring
to dictate to me before Mrs. Welgliton?
Husband—Well, my dear, you know I
dare not when we are alone.
How to Make White Frnlt Cake.
One cup of butter beaten to a cream,
with two cupfuls of sugar, three cup
fuls of flour in which two rounding
teaspoonfuls of baking powder have
been sifted and the stitlly beaten whites
of six eggs. Bake in jelly cake tins,
and when done put between the layers
the following tilling: ("hop fine one
quarter pound each of figs, seeded
raisins, citron, preserved ginger and
blanched almonds and stir them into
three whites of eggs beaten stiff, a
teacup of powdered sugar and the juice
of one lemon; frost with the white of
an egg beaten with the juice of half a
lemon and a cup of powdered sugar.
Killing TVeetl* With a Cultivator.
The great secret of killing weeds
with a cultivator tbov tmvu pot
a start is to run the cultivator so deep
as to tear them out root and branch,
says S. 11. Todd In National Stock
man. There has so much been said
on shallow cultivation, which is all
right if understood, that the amateur
farmer thinks he must keep on top of
the ground even if he keeps on top of
the weed roots to carry out this end.
Weeds will bid defiance to that kind of
treatment and in a few days will
laugh, "Ila. ha' Come again, our
backs need scratching."
How to Soften Hard Water.
To make hard water soft use an
ounce of lime slaked to a thin cream to
fort} - gallons of water. Stir it In and
allow it to settle for twelve hours. The
lime will absorb the carbon dioxide,
which held the hardening substance,
carbonate of lime, in solution, and if
thus liberated will fall to the bottom,
and the water will be soft.
How to Trent a lte«l Nose.
The damsel with the crimson nose
must beware of strong tea end strong
coffee, all highly spiced, stimulating
dishes and greasy foods. Drink plenty
of mineral water and eat crisp green
Vegetables. When you go to bed. cov
er your nose with a bit of absorbent
Cotton which has be u dipped i; i a cold
solution of boi ie acid liissoive one
half teaspoon fill o! boric acid in a cup
ful of hoi v. at : < ul and apply.
Tlsc* Sf-wor Pipe.
To determine whether the joint of a
sewer pipe leaks or not wrap it with a
piece of white cloth saturated with a
solution of acetate of lead. If it leaks,
the chilli will I conn- lii.icly.
The Prayer of a Nerve for
More Blood.
Neuralgia may attack any part of the body
but most frequently cm curs where the nerves
ate most al umlaut.
In the head,
In the face
Sometime?- the heart nerves seem to twist
Twiujing rheumatic pains of the extremi
.- i-a r p inte:. i e at times
In the intervals dull and heavy.
N<t.: j|g:.t is the lesult of impoverished
bio<d caused by impairment of the nerves—
a lack of nerve force
It is a disease of the nerve centers, and
the pains accompanying it are a prayer for
better nourishment They are the danger
signals which warn you against a total col
lapse of the nervous system.
l iniments and all external applications
can only give temporary relief. Permanent
cure cannot possibly come until the nerve
centers arc thorougly revitalized and reinvig
oratfd by TV A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills.
The beneficial effects of this great nerve re
storative are felt thrilling through the nerve
fibres as week by week and month by month
the nerve force of the body is restored.
Women afflicted with diseases peculiar to
their sex are frequently great sufferers from
neuralgia Dr. Chase's Nerve Pills positively
cures both these disorders by filling the
nervous system with new vigor and life, to
cents a box at all dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. V. The genuino
has portrait and signature ol Dr. A. W
Chase on each package.
bUHAu*- fiUlfc-K ..
\riron h;i-• been found to be con
posed of live otlni - so that lh<
atmosphere is now known to .noiiCr 1
seventy 'i ve elements.
Deirarcay Ikis isolated a new cUeni
leal element and unmet! it europium.
In properties it lie?- between gadolini
|;iu and *:i«anrium Its atomic weight
is about 151
\t. 1. Chatelier, a French scientist,
lias succeeded in making the finest
white marble by heating limestone by
electticitv. The experiment is inter
esting only in the scientific* sense, as
the cost of the artificial marble would
be prohibitive.
Receipts and Expenditures of Montour County, Pennsylvania
For the Year binding January 6th, A, D„ 1902.
■ i i. -.- ('Ol t.KCTORS i abate- , Co'leet-i-| abate- Collect- at.ut. Oollect-1
1»1 -1 1.1« I .... A -In ~m j 1 ,Im.' Tax merit .v ore com amount Balance Tax merits aon com amount Bal.
:u«Btiße'Uj<-xcm\s rcturiTd mission ' ' ' 1 ihscss'd exon's mihlou. paid. Due assessed exon's mission j»aid Due
. , ... , c | v.,,.,•] I 1275 031 63 66| 11 lo 24 63 1175 *291 X,, H'H sii .".11 "In iOO :vj iKi :: .Hi 1 l:v t<; 07 too
Anthony lo\vti»ni| Kruin 471 sr V. " 2's l. is r.i ...» 1U 16 1 in- 175 is 51 j:: nil 4:1 24' 7Hil4 :o
' ""I" I I!. w ivtiirs 7.1 2XI ;t-,l Ml S7l 117 11 0025 SI 756 t'.> I 1(1 :tf> <i7 42 -J 01 10-0 11 70 4 t s 105 50 1 *."> 70 : J .4 45 Cs 10
Danville Borough David c'Johnson • ° 110 '6 481 28 56 J< 7 32 16 ft® 851 33 84 350 OO) 15 94 10 64 823 421 ; 66 001 2 35|| 2 1.7 60 tw
pom Fouil-lnp . Hnii.l.-nmli .... 151 11 07' 273 -15 11 1 .08 Ss 155 (Kl 71 it' 261 21. *1 S| M.. las 7S 25 34 57 00
•»■-«>• I' WW I 1497 2•' 61 :.2 :!5 !»:: l:;sl h5 IS 10 15162 7 > 132 l:w 72 35 50' 100 57 IS
Limestone Nathan Fenstermacher".*923 64 40 5s 275 34 95, 815 26 104 3f. 4 16 ; 3 4t| 96 77 1 59 60 3 77! 109 26 M2B 00
Mahoninn ; ..i/ 275 66 972! i 8 09 ; 227 6l| ro 24 jl2 49 51 l 30 1 957 211 I 19 00 S&|| RM 14 42! 350
Ma>l" "> • ; I ' loos 16 3186 256 36 91 9:3 80 t : 3 5», 275 200 5s 81 51 OH 237 2 06= 49 57
\ n it r ,Y,ii Wlll <' Kuiivilli ' IH9 17 676 521 I V2 l"» 77 "wi 111 - 3'* '1 ... 700 20 10, ICI 200
wStSi<lckT?3s: ':: :::.:r|G«Kse | »«5o »»> «HTS «i| '2077 10. 2250 sll .wj ««
Total tax acooairt for ||»«» « 19|~ Mwl 893 86113869 s?| 1159 ii 2258 68 11 J05 : ~2 97 T2 .V.i ill 50 17 77 10 S2 302 41 20.50
Taxes received for prior years 1 ! • •; ! ' *
Total taxes received (hiring the year A. I). 1901 yzi:" ' 1,1 '' L22-:--i .... 2015 07 ____ l —-
lutstanding taxes in Kvor of county '• ''l 2& 00
Estimated exonerations and eommissmns 011 same |i
\ctual amount of outstanding tax. - in fttvor of county *!?}[ : • • .
v if To-roc r •nviiiiiii" due and unpaid tor prior years as follows: Cyrus K Hardole, Collector of Anthony Township for 1 K9*.»; County tax Slßf> 70: Dox tax 112 18,1*1: Total S2OIBG Edward
\\ PMen collator of Danville Borough lv».»and I'HKH •miiity Tax on Orphanam i«»: ivj-.i County Tax f.»r 1 .•• 0 S 1) k Tax for 19095&4.07 Total 9145 03.
Dr Jo Cash Received from the Following Sources: B> Dishursements as hollows: Cr.
. . . ... & 1099 01 Amount paid on County orders (luring the years 1901 as per the he-
Ilahince <>n hand u as s. t 51 low chissifled account of expenditures $21152 fi9
County tax receiviHl 01 . 1199 82 ! Amount paid Commonwealth for State lax «>f 1901 for which there
County tax received for prior >ear> •*•• - 20]r) 0? was „„ onl( . r issu(l(l £ 2; m
State tax received for 1.l ono 41 i Treasurers commission on same . . 22 36
Dog tax received for 1901 175 24 2236 87
Coui IKMa x° ree'd on unswuVui'land's and' ctdiechiVsrHurns! 15 84 Treasurer's Commission, vi, :
» • 1 , r< I.v fnr I<IOI 88 2J per cent on disbursement of $21152 69
Kiel Licences for 1901--county's ptiriion'Z.'.' 912 00 County's portion of Motel Licenses commission on
CNmimissioners of Northumberland county lor one-lialf of expendi- __ I having been allowed ... hens. License account. 912 00
turcs on v hinds .V'.V.V.'.'.'." 97 87 ! Commission idlowed on 20240 69 50602
Loniinonu#.* ->, J . ]0 0 (, Balance in hands of P. C. Newbaker, Treasurer, January
Jackson Hiilmeyer foi old lumn 1 ••••• •••••• ••• . , . . ( , ' ' -
Reimbursement by Cnmmonw. alth for extinction of forest tires.... 8 ' A - ' 19(, ~ 1215 /2
From is-ue of short term county bond • M " J uu i
$25111 301 $2511130
T mnunl nf Ret ill and Wholesale Mercantile Licenses 1401 <l7 By amount paid Commonwealth 4532 04
!o . E;!"uh1 «»' By »; A K" '*•' >9
10 .uu mill . 6400 00 By Treasure's commission 439 44
loamoun " 1 nV'liiii.rj 1 icense 1400 00 Bv amount Hotel licenses applied toc< untv funo, c >.i!ii\portion 912 00
I . :! ! :: . m ... n-u-. ' • mi £
111 " By itmiiuti. IIIIIH licciist-rf |i;ticl nf Wiisliiiiyiinivil! 0(.
By amount Hotel licenses paid Anthony Town>hip 57 00
By amount Hotel licenses paid Derry Township 114 00
By amount Hotel licenses paid Liberty Tounsiiip 57 00
By amount Hotel licenses paid Valley' Township.. 114 00
Court tixpenses «ind Commonwealth Costs. Llection txpcnscs.
" . . , D «t 7IS 7« Spring election $ 437 73
■ rand Jiii )..- •• 2438 32 (Jeneral ehetiou 401 38
1 ravers J urn is ,''' , 'rii,<i«v.- 339 60 The Record Publishing Co., of Milton for official and spec
-0».5.a..1« m»k.n K Ji»»r. >r," ; » 1 ;; 112„, ««-h«1 70 00
\amli r»lltH*, Cuiul St 1
E. K. Hale, Court Oyer and 11 H* 100 .
Thomas C. Welsh, District Attorney. --- Assessors Pay
J r Miller, Clerk of Courts and I'rothonotary . . , ...
\'i I . mu-ritr 1,0 Annual assessment.. $ 490 00
Michael 15ieckb.ll, Slut 111 s2 59 90 00
; 218 83 j Registry of voters 313 00
'' ' 827 62 j Registry of birlh and death 57 30
Witnesses - ■■ • •**• os it, <U i.i.<v ..f ~fi.<<.i ci.iMi.-u 137 00
E.«. Hoffman Estate, Clerk of Court fee* for »< and 98.. -M ' : H J u
W... t'. William., o,a«| e f..r in"» i-qbu l>- •
J;i». c. Heddens, meals for jurors •' ". Bridge and Road Expenses.
(,'o-ts and damage in case of Washingtonville boro. vs. ( 0.. W. t. ; Road views and surveys # 52 70
Ceor«'e W. West, surveving and diaft in Moser case i" t,,t Lumber and material for bridges 392 65
StMib 27 Q eneril | repairs 563 87
County Commissioners, Auditors, &c. .... New Bridges.
George W. Miles, Commissioner, 133 days ut ?-3..>0 $ 4h» o0 j Curry & Vannan, iron bridge in West Hemlock township 210 00
Wesley I'erry, Cotiiniis-ioner, 1-. days at •_» j Sundry persons for lumber, stone, masonry, labor Ac. for
Hiram C. Sandel, Commissioner, 131 days at ?3.00 -.10 Oo I S!,ni,> 224 23
John C l'eifer, Commissioner's ( jerk. 110 00 Sundry persons for lumber, lime, masonry and labor for
Edward S iyre Gearhart, County Solicitor | bridge in Cooper Township 11151
Comity Auditors and Clerk 9() , $1554 96
i'rtvel i'lig' ex n« ,r,ssarily incurred i,y iV.imiilHsioiiers Danville River Bridge Expenses.
in ttie discharge of their official duties -* 4o General repairs -tl 165 66
1,1 im n $2200 53 Electric light 130 00
Michael Breckblll, Sheriff. Watchman GO 00
Boarding prisoners and turnkey* - '' ( . )^ !! ( ! 111 t rl 1 112 .if r ' < ' t '
Draw in"and notifying jurors 'J"-? N. H.-Northumberland county liable for one-halt of
Wa-hing for prisoners - ] Z J" the expenditures on River Bndu'f.
Conveying prisoners to E. S. Penitentiai.\, A( Miscellaneous.
Reports to Board of - g67 it, M |,. ri ,j,ti.>ti of county bonds S4OOO 00
-i-A.. ... Interest 011 county bonds 735 00
Court House Expenditures. Amount paid for sheep killed by (logs 92 00
Stationery and blank b00k5.... Inquisitions on sundry persons and postmortems 84 95
County printing and advertising ( County Teachers Institute 124 00
Coal I~> 40 Support of convicts at E. S. Penitentiary 182 21
Gas »;•'7O Support of convicts at Huntingdon Reformatory 17 75
Water rent and water repairs Support of inmates in State Hospital 273 75
(Jeneral repairs and supplies... State tax on county indebtedness for 1900 ... 84 00
Expressage and postage *>oo 00 Burial of indigent soldiers 70 00
Insurance on Court House"*> 9 0.") IJ. C. Miller, I'rothonotary, certifying judgments, Ac., to
Sundry persons for cleaning Court House -j 1 Commissioners office 46 80
Telephone rent •••■ 1 7t; Wm. L. Sidler, Recorder, certifying mortgages. to
Papering Grand Jury Room ",9 80 I Commissioners office 13 30
Painting and repairing roof jo | Headstones for indigent soldiers 255 00 5978 76
Jail Expenditures. 195 09 Total amount of orders issued in 1901 s2llOl 19
Coal ■••• 37 60 Amount of orders unredeemed for 19oi 10 on
Water rent and water repairs q () Amount of orders redeemed for 1901 211fil 19
Clothing for prisoners -i (K . Amount of orders redeemed for prior years 1 50
I),• I. Grier Barher, medical attendance for prisoners
General repairs and supplies. 437 541 Total amount of orders redeemed in 1901 $21152 69
,SI7BOO 00 By amount <>f cash iu hands of County Treasurer ... .$ 121"» 72
To amount of bonded indebtedness.. •••* •• • • 10 jj" v outstanding County tax for 1901 1100 00
To amount ot unredeemed orders for l ■">> -•. in a L ,.;, e( i ueH ß'foV li)01«i7 04 By outstanding state tax for 1901 72 59
To amount due Commonwealth tux o . 400 00 By outstanding dog tax for 1901 . 175 50
To estimated outstanding hills By outstanding returned tax for 1901 and prior yeiue .... 149(18
By outstanding County and Dog taxes for 1899 and 1900 .. 349 89
Liabilities in excess of assets ... 15214 26
818277 04 818277 «4
-I ,v..« r,T.-iv.-.l in .'..'l TriaMirer's Commission ot r, per Amount i«i.l by Tr. nsur.-rto tlio Sov Baliin.-c still due the Several I»is
r.. uu.. t-cnt. 011 same. cut 1 »istrlct~. tni-t*, Including balance on
hand from prior years.
Anthony Township -'•j j *'' l j ; ! ®}| !...I|!!!.*!.I11 1 ; j..*••*.! 2MI 1 10;
« .«»!*. 1 lownshii. ;,*; ■ iis ioi"2 is i 7 ""«V M iil ..**" 1 ; 5 ; ;; tSM 217
Danville Borough ;• •;•••[ ~ sl . j2i lf< n| | | i..•••• 235 154 270 :
Derry Township -'' 1 *;r | 12 as! 17; j I •*'"'i •» »? ?5? —*•
I Liberty - ".. '* 1 117' it:! :o! 1 ! ... . : ;•• • 1 B#. 27 06| 14Bill
I Mahoning Township '■ j ' os 06...... 'I 0:t ift2 i:5/l; :
VallevTownrfilj) ;'™ 1 ™ 24 I 02 031 01! • j | 28j 47 8a ■ |
... 1 ™ |
i ~ , hi r. bv .. rtifv that tin- foregoing statement ot" r.. • ipt- and e\p.-iidilurrs ol said eonnty for the year ending January t.tli, A, D., 190.' i
We, the uiideisigtie.l < ommisKion not ontm . anb.n... loh" , Vv. 1.. r. ntit.. v, t ..ut hands and seal «T office this 11 th day of January, A. I)., 1902. . .
1 istrueandcorrcH'tt»thet»wtoforrkiiowk'dg»!andtieller. in witness wnercoi « ~k< > W. MILES, 1 Commissioners
111KAM SANOKI.. of
Attest J.>llN <I'KIKKR, Clerk. WKSI.KV t'KRKV. ) Montour County,
. , .... .... . ~1 I 111 rnl iiTfil COMMON l'l.K AS OF THE COUNTY OK MONTO. K- We Ihe underMKlled Vuditorso. Montour County, Mate of lVnnsvlvania, after Irav-
I 1 ". 1 " 1 H" "I- AM .11 " ■ etftilly report that we have audited the accounts... the Treasurer and Commissioners ol said County, and that the foregoing is a true and e..reet siaie
. lug heen (luly qualitluit according to th( law, 11 l j ana ary, A. D. 1902, by P. C, Newbaker. Treasurer. ..1 Twelve Hundred and Fifteen Dollars and Seventy-Two (ent ($1215.72).
\'i !!'' 1 .-'.'i'-'i ?1' i■. t V.'.' -'■ Hundre<t and Thirty-Nine DollarsimS Forty-Three 6?nts (J 39 tt). In witness whereof we have herewith set onr hand and seals this nth day o( January, 1902
\\ 11.1.1 AM BI.ACK [SEAI.J J-Corsrv Acditohs.
Attest JOHN c I'EIFE, CIERK •' (' It ANT Ut'l.ICK SE\L"I \ j
There art 4 several different ways of
preparing this, ami that which we like
best, says a Boston Globe correspond
ent, Is to lirst make a stock by boiling
salt pork five or six hours, one pound
to three quarts of water; renew from
time to time. I take the salt pork, cut
in strips ami fry a golden brown in
bottom of soup kettle, then cut ati
onion very fine and fry in the fat; now
a<l«l the beau*, whieli have soaked over
siigiit, and the water. Let cook slowly
for tive or six hours; then mash
through a hair sieve, season with salt
and pepper and serve with little cubes
of bread tossed in flour and fried in
deep fat until golden brown Drain
thoroughly before adding to the soup.
This is :i nice fall <>r winter sala<;.
Pull off in narrow strips a pound of
old fashioned salt codfish. Soak over
night. in cold or lukewarm water. In
the morning squeeze out all the water
by putting lisli in ;i thin cloth. Put
into a saucepan and cover with cold
water and let if boil gently for twen
ty minutes Then drain and again
squeeze dry. Toss about with a silver
| fork until pieces are separated, put
into a salad bowl with equal quantity
| of hoiled potatoes, hard boiled eggs
| and, if you like them, a few minced
anchovies and a chopped dill pickle,
i Mix with mayonnaise and garnish the
j dish with shredded lettuce and chop
j ped celery.
It has been calculated that in Indifi i
48 per cent of certain crimes disap- I
pear when hot weather gives place to |
Lobsters often travel in regiments,
j seeking new feeding grounds. Their
j migrating armies are always led by the j
biggest, and strongest ones, while the 1
maimed and weakly struggle along be- 1
I'nrffylnK Water,
Three grains of alum will purify a
gallon of water. Let it stand for a 1
time, and if no filter can be had strain !
it through a piece of calico.
OF I'll 10
Danville and Mahoning Poor Dis- 1
trict for the Year Knding
Jan. I, 1902.
■I. I* li.\ ItK, Treasurer.
In account with the Directors oft lie lian
villeand Mahoning Poor District.
i 1
To balance due Directors at last settle
meat.... J:i
I o cash received from I). Kuckel on
011 duplicate for 18!*; :.()•■ <>G !
To ca-li received from Nathan Ki u
stermactier on duplicate t..r 1900 ~ it. ! j
To cash received from Nathan Fenster
macher on duplicate lor 1901 "d-jOo
To casli received from K. W. Peters on
duplicate for 1898 ]:{(« i
To cash received from K. \V Peters' on
duplicate 1899 -,i CA
To cash received from K \V. i'eters o'n
duplicate for I'.kki 125 00
To cash received from K. \V. i'eters on
duplicate for l!H)i 179H 10
To cash received from J. P. Hare, com
mitteeman of Samson Picking . 100 00
To casli received from (Joiner Thoina?. mi no
ca«h received from Thomas lirislin 10 00
cash received from Montour Lodgc.. 9 i
cash received from Wm.s. Roberts ;r2 2")
casli received from Wm.Kvans 12 00
cash received Irom Etnma Woods :i0 0o
cash received from State for :s cows 70 (KI
cash received from Clias. Hunt... 15 75
cash received from other Districts.. 01 :»0
casli rec. from Gregory Donsey... 28 00
cash rec. from Mary Kennel Kst 2.-7
cash received Mrs. Clirisl Toolev.. Is oo
cash received from Steward lor Pro
duce sold 504 17
* 9020 25
l!y whole amount of orders paid by 1 lie
Treasurer during the year Idol' Gs.">l 82
Hal due Directors at present settlement
32171 i 3
Directors of Danville and Mahoning
Poor District in Account with the
To balance due from Treasurer at last
settlement 1789 1!
To balance due from I). Kuckel at
last settlement on duplicate for 18!tti VI! 1 ::o
To balance due from Nathan Fenste
machor at last settlement on dupli
cate lor lttiW (>s f,:i
To balance due from K. W. Peters at
last settlement on duplicate for
the year 1898 1:574
To balance due from K \V. Peters at
last settlement on duplicate for
the IWHI Kti
To amount of duplicate issued E. W
Peters for the Borough of Danville
for the year 1900 5..K40
To amount of duplicate issued to F. \V.
I'eters for the Borough of Danville
for the year 1901 5719 97
To penalty of 6 per cent on fxM S3 on
duplicate for 1901 25 24
Toamount ot Duplicate issued to Nathan*
Fenstermacher lor the Township of
Mahoning for the year 1901 710-d
To 5 per cent penalty on #157.5*; on dupli
cate tor 1901 7 87
To cash received from.l. P. Bare, com
mitteeman of Samson Pickens lyO <MI
To cash received from (Joiner Thomas.. so oo
cash received from Thomas lirislin iooo
cash received from Montour Lodge.. 9125
cash received from W'm. s. Hoberts :;2 '25
cash received from Win. Kvans 4200
cash received from Emma W 00d5.... 30 00
casli rec. from State for COWS killed 70 00
cash received from ( has Hunt 15 75
cash received from other Districts... r.l ;U)
cash rec. from < iregory Doweny 28 00
cash rec. irom Mary Kennel Kst.. 3 *7
cash rec from Mrs. Chris Tooiey... iH oo
cash received from Steward for pro
duce sold .">O4 17
t 1058111
By commission allowed D. Huckel of
5 per cent on 5315 79 on duplicate
fort lie year IH9O 15 7!»
By balance due irom 1). Kuckel on du
plicate for ltws! 283 51
By commission allowed Nathan Fenst
maclierofs per cent on <t OS S3 on du
licatc for the year 1900 :;4 ;
By abatement allowed Nathan Fenster
macher of 5 per cent on *lO2 80 on du
plicate for 1!K)1 20 14
By commission allowed Nathan Fenster
macher of :: per cent on fc!B2 72 on du
plicate tor the year IgOl 114s
By commission allowed Nathan Fenster
macher of 5 per cent on #15129 on du
plicate lor 1901 7 ")(i
By amount returned by Nathan Fenster
macher on duplicate 190! 2 30
By exonerations allowed Nathan Fens
termacher on duplicate lor the vear
1901 .' 2 47
By balance due from Nathan Fenster
macher on duplicate 1901 ir>"i4:i
By commission allowed E. W. Peters
ot 5 per cent on sl3 71 on duplicate
for 1898 OS
By commission allowed E. W i'eters of
5 percent on 851.35 on duplicate for
year 1899 2 72
Hv exoneration allowed E. W. Peters
uu aupiitnu; no tnc year lsoo rd 50
By commission allowed E. W. Peters
of 5 per cent on «H7 :i»i on duplicate
for year 1900 22 30
By exonerations allowed E. W. Peters
on duplicate for year 19.10 04 20
By amount returned by E. W. Peters
on duplicate for year 1900 8 49
By balance due from E. W. Peters for
190 1935
By abatement allowed E. W. I'eters of
5 per cent on (157000 on duplicate
for year 1901 228 -I
By commission allowed E W. Peters of 2
per cent on ♦43I8.0«» on duplicate for
190 80 90
commission allowed E. W. Peters
of 5 per cent on 8565 01 on duplicate
for the year 1901 28 28
exonerations allowed E. \V. Peters
on duplicate for tbe year 1901 .. .. 05 32
amount returned by E. W. Peters
on duplicate for the year 1901 7 30
By balance due from E. W. Peters dupli
cate 1901 530 80
By orders paid by Treasurer during the
year 1901 6854 82
By balance due Directors at present
settlement 2171
S 10584 11
Statement of Orders issued during the
year 1901. Paid and outstanding and
purposes for tchich the same
were issued.
Directors Salaries $ 300 00
Steward 100 00
Physician 110 00
Attorney 30 00
Treasurer 75 00
Clerk 75 00
AuilitinK and Duplicate 19 00
Transient Paupers
Ex. in settlement ofcases I .2 05
Justices 12 00
Miscellaneous Items 1838
Printers bills ."!(• 00
Kent 2500
Nurse* 53501
*1219 .v;
Outside Relief <>s Follows:
Medicine * 1-155
Coal ami Wood 90 so
Shoes and Clothing 39 ('•">
Undertaker 7 0"
Insane at Hospital 2550 00 I
Paid other Districts 02 5s
(leneral Merchandise .... 553 88
Children's Aid Society 19 Oo I
112 .103 92 '
For Maintenance of Poor House and
Seeding drain and Plants 112 II!*> j
Dime and Manure 145 so I
Shoes and Shoe Kepairing I," \"> j
Blacksmith bills s; 09
House and Farm Hands !51 ;I8
Farm Implements and Hardware 115 90
(Mottling 112 91
Meat bill 11:111
Coal 23673
Improvements and repairs :r2B tl
(leneral Merchandise 2sl 4!»
Tobacco .">•'! 40
Flour and Feed 150 71
Drug Store bills 15 65
Livestock .... 112 45
Sleigh 17 Oil
Veterinary 1650
orders Issued during tlie year I9;H soC,i -2 j
Paid by Treasurer during t he year 19i 1 «OSSI 82
THEo. HOFFMAN, Directors |
We, the Auditorsof the Borough of Danville j
and Township of Mahoning have examined ]
I the above accounts andtind them correct.
I>. It. WI 1.1.l A Ms, 1
EI>W. Pl' KIM" K, Auditors.
li. L. DIEH 1., \
Statements of Heal Estate and Personal
Property on hand at date of
I i
Keal Estate *22225 00
House and Kitchen Furniture 793 .V>
. Hay and Grain lo*} 80
i Vegetables -IT • 7
Meat and Dar.l 121 .VI ,
I Farming I'tensils.... 12"! so
j Clothing and Material 54 40
Fruit. Preserves, &c 7 lo
| Vinegar 35 00
j Flour «> 10
Tobacco 1330
j Coal 108 00
('oftec and Tea 10 50
Molasses. 3601
Sugar 27 50
Separator and Scales 93 so
Lumber 6400
J lilvsStock 1 : >7I 50
f.'SOVi 53 I
i I
Produce of Farm.
• ;l bu.-liels of Wheat $ 373 80
1 oi! bushels Oats 160 80
200 bushel-Potatoes 195 00
21 lo s»u - lie 1-• (,'orn ears 7:!7 50
12 bushels Onions 000
2 bushels Onion sets •> on
I"it bushels Beets ...... 77 00
20 bushels ofTurnips 11 on
.".0 Tons H ay 75000
31.>0 Bundles Corn fodder til 00
isKi Cabbage 1125
820 lbs Butter ;;;;;
290 DO7. Eggs 3220
•2003 55
Stock Raised.
12 Pigs ...,* 3000
100 Chickens 2.">00
lO.Tu rkeys
7(» Ducks r 4)
• con :::::::::::::
♦199 50
Number of Paupers admitted (luring the
year 1901 t
Dclt and discharged 4
Died !!
Total in House Jan. 1, 1901 .... 17
Meals furnished tramps 173
Lodgings 101
le wan! 10 do all
Ms of Prating
l !
ij UUL/
II'! M. 1 .
| II lill Pfc
| It's toiit.
I j ~
A well printed,
tasty, Bill or Let
\f / ter Head, Poster
)l Ticket, Circular,
Program, Strife
ment or Card 3
(y ) an advertisement
for your business, a
satisfaction to you.
lew Type,
low Presses, ,
Best Pajer,
Sitlled Tort ]
-111 you can ask.
A trial will make
you our customer.
We respect full" ask
that trial.
__ «#•
No. ii F;. MahoninK St..