Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, February 06, 1902, Image 1

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    A Home Paper
—For tie Bone
The circulation of this paper is in
creasing rapidly. It will pay you
to advertise in the AMERICAN.
Office Hours
9 A. 1 / to 12 M 104 Mill &•>
Ir. AP. M Danville, Pa.
SHI'M'Z. M. I>.
425 Mii.i. ST., I)anvii.l.E, I'A.
diseases of the Stomach ami Intestines
a Specialty
j yt. VV. I'. ASWLK,
01-KICK: 218 Mu.i. STUKKT.
eeth Kxtraoted without. Fnin.
frown ami Bridge Work u Specialty.
Equipped « itli the latest and most improved
Instruments and prepared to execute the
most dilHcuit work.
Office, Opposite Boston Store, Danville, Pa,
Dentistry in all its branches Charges
Moderate and all work Guaranteed.
Established 1892
Twelve days until election day.
An early Easter this year means an
early spring.
Scatter ashes and sawdust on the
The lengthening days shorten gas and
electric light bills.
There are indications of a large num
ber of changes of residence April Ist.
The doors of the ladies' and the gents
waiting room, etc., at the D. L. & W •
station have been very nicely lettered,
giving the depot quite an up-to-date
Perhaps the groundhog didn't see his
shadow Sunday, but at any rate the
sun saw the groundhog.
It would have been a very foolish
ground hog that would have remained
out in such weather, shadow or no
The spirits of the belated ice harvest
?r are very much elevated.
The recent fall of snow has brought ,
money and profit to the livery stable
ceepers and road house proprietors.
Th« wheat crop may be saved after
ill. The ground was pretty well cov- 1
red by snow before the big freeze-np '
tnd the farmers are hopeful. There
vvere grave fears for the crop.
Every member of Beaver Lodge, No.
32. K. of P., is requested to attend to
liglit's meeting.
The excellent condition of the sleigh
ng has been the means of promoting a
lumber of parties for tlje present week.
The out-of-town resorts reap a golden
larvest during the sleighing season, and
it some of the hotels they are unable to
iccommodate half the seekers after
Dehorning of cattle scientifically and
uceessfully done bv Thomas Gething, ,
accessor to Geo B. Kase.
The groundhog bluffed the weather ;
jan into giving us the coldest weather
112 the season this week. <
Some of the trainmen who were on .
uty Sunday and Monday nights report
d that they suffered more from the
old than at any time this winter.
Danville is well located for business '
r manufacturing purposes and every
ffort should be made to secure new
All members of Danville Lodge, No.
so, of the I. O. O. F. are requested to
e present at Friday night's meeting.
Walter Ricketts, of this city, who was
urned about the foot at Curry & Van
an's last week, is able to In* about
The next Jewish holiday will be the
Feast of Purim," which will occur on
undav, March 23. At B'nai Zion syn
<ogue this city there will be special
.Mr. Bovee will retire from the firm of
auipbell & Bovee, millers at Mausdale,
ie coming spring. He will be succeed
-1 in the firm by H. A Argrave, of this
The supper given by the Woman s
uxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. on Thnrs
iv night last achieved a measure of
ccess which surpassed the fondest ex
sctations of those interested. The
nount cleared was $118.30.
April Ist is drawing near and those
ho intend to change their place of res
ence are on the anxious bench. The j
isettled weather at that time of the
ar has always lieen a cause of discoin- '
rt and sickness to people who for j
asons join the "Moving Day" process
l. The seasons are then changing '
d the chances are largely in favor of j
weather, but whether it
ins, blows or snows, or whether there
mud or ice the mover must brave the !
nditions and take possession of the
."elling he has chosen for a home.
For many years there has been talk of
stponing "Moving Day" until a later
te, but thus far the proposed plan has
led in talk. <>f course such a change
mid cause trouble for house owners, '
tit is argued that the trouble would
ly be temporary, and after the first
ir affairs would move along at least
smfiothly as they do now. In some
tes May Ist is the date of the annual
ting, and it has been found satisfac
■y to all concerned. A change to that
te here would certainly be a boon to
•pie who live in rented houses. i
T. r i— ■m —■ inn iin r~
\ Montour 81. Iwpricitn.
VOL. 17—NO
Bad Wreck at Riverside Wednesday Fore
The Pennsylvania railroad below
South Danville yesterday was the scene
of a destructive wreck in which there
were several remarkable escapes from
horrible death. Passenger train No.
1219, Robert Kline conductor, George
Rose engineer and Elmer- Wolf, Fire
man, when near the line dividing River
side borough from Gearhart township
ran into the rear end of freight train
No. 1611, east bound, which occupied
the main track, telescoping the caboose,
and two rear cars. All the conditions
were favorable for a fearful loss of life
but fortunately none occurred. The
engineer bravely stuck to his post while
his locomotive ploughed through the
caboose and the rear car, which was
loaded with lumber. The caboose was
literally split in two, the sides falling
outward, one on each side of the track.
The rear car was ground to pieces, the
lumber loaded, which was consigned to
Hoover Bros., South Danville, being
scattered to the right of the track and
much of it reduced to splinters. The
third car, loaded with iron, which re
mained upon the tracks, was also badly
wrecked, the locomotive crashing into
its rear end.
The crew and passengers were all
severely shaken up and several bad
ly bruised. The most serious injuries
were sustained by Adams Express
Messenger J. M. Teets, of Wilkesbarre
and Baggage Master A. B. Wolverton,
of Sunbnry. Both men stood near the
rear end of the car and when the sud
den stop occurred under the momentum
were hurled to the opposite end of the
car. the baggage mast<~ upon
the express messe* trunks,
valises &c., which t,. .tiling up
on lK>th. Teets was hv oadly about
the left side and leg, while his head
bore a lump as large as a man's fist
where he had struck the safe in his fall.
He was unable to resume his duties and
his place on the train was filled by Ex
pressman Horace Bennett, of this city.
Dr. I. G. Barber, of this city, one of
the railroad physicians, was soon upon
the scene. Among others who needed
his attention was A. M.
boy, of Sunbnry and one or more pass
engers. Among the latter was Miss
Rebecca Evans, of this city. In com
mon with others on the train she was
thrown violently forward upon the seat
111 trout. n«-i liijuilc.-i conui«t of h hazi
ly bruised arm.
The passenger locomotive was unfit
for further service, the entire front,
pilot stack and boiler, being battered
and crushed in. Another engine was
brought up from Sunbnry, by which
the train was hauled to Wilkesbarre,
leaving South Danville about the hour
of noon.
The wreckage of the freight took fire,
presumably from a stove in the ca
boose. Fortunately a work train equip
ped with crane &c. was on the siding at
the spot when the accident occurred.
It was owing to this circumstance that
the track was cleared with such little
The cause of the accident is not clear
although it would seem to be due to a
misunderstanding of some sort. It oc
curred at 10:13 a. m. The freight had
just stopped; the siding iu addition to
the work train was occupied by another
freight. James Carey, flagman of the
train run into, shortly after the accid
ent in explaining the part he had to do
with it, said that he was sent down the
track to flag the passenger train due at
the station at 1017. Looking at his
watch, he said, he found that it was
still three minutes before the train was
due at that point. Walking leisurely
along he saw the steam of the approach
ing train and a moment later it shot
around the curve at a high rate of
speed. He signaled, but under the
high rate of speed attained it was im
possible to stop the passenger train in
the short distance intervening. Engin
eer Rose admits these facts but insists
that he should have had the signal earl
ier and at a point further down the
A Wreck on the P. & R.
A freight wreck occurred on the P. &
R. railway about 2 o'clock yesterday
morning at the very entrance to the sta
tion. Freight train No. 83, North bound,
broke in two a short distance East of
town. The first portion stopped at the
depot when the part broken loose cauie
rolling down grade at a high rate of
speed and crashed into the front part.
The first car struck, which was an
empty one, was completely demolished,
a portion of the wreckage striking the
i base of the bay window at the station,
j breaking some of the timbers. The
second ear was also badly damaged.
This is the third accident on the P. &
R. within a distance of 20 miles during
the week or so past which has been
j caused by the train breaking in two.
Pair Prospects of Recovery.
The friends of Miss Kate Eckman,
who recently sustained a stroke of ap
! oplexy, will be pleased to learn that ao-
I cording to an experts opinion there are
fair prospects for her full recovery, al
; though the process may be slow. She is
; still in Harrisburg and in a few days
will be removed to the hospital for treat
! ment.
Buried on Friday,
The funeral of the late Edward Mor
rison, whose death occurred Tuesday
evening, will take place at I 30 o'clock,
Friday afternoon, from his late home.
Bloom road. Interment in Odd Fel
i lows' cemetery.
'Squire Jolin F. Gnlick died Thursday af
ter a long Illness.
Among the several old residents who
have passed away of late there were
none more nearly identified with the
borough during a long period of years
than "Squire John F. Gnlick. whose
death occurred Thursday morning after
a prolonged illness at the age of • I
years. The deceased served as Justice
of-the-Peace of the Second Ward for a
period of 25 years, until January 1901.
He was twice elected county auditor,
but owing to increasing infirmity he
was obliged to resign a short time ago.
his son. Grant Gnlick, being appointed
by the court to succeed him. He was a
charter member of the O. U. A. M.of
this city.
The deceased was lK>rn iu what is at
present "Gnlick"s Addition." He was
married 53 years ago to Mary L. Lunger
of Buckhorn and took up his residence
in the dwelling in which lie died, at the
corner of Mowery and East Market
streets. He was a good citizen, widely
known, and will be affectionately re
membered by those who were brought
into daily intercourse with him during
his long life.
His wife and four children survive,
the latter being Mrs. Frank Howe, Mrs.
Grant Ridgway, Wilbur and Grant
Gnlick all of this city. Two sisters and
one brother also survive: Mrs. Frank
Sidler, of Valley township, Mrs. Julia
Mourer. of this city, and Samuel Gnlick
of South Danville.
The funeral of the late John F. Gnlick
which took place Saturday afternoon
last, was largely attended. The lodge
of O. (J. A. M., of -which the deceased
was a charter member, turned out in a
body. The pall bearers were: E. E.
Fowler, Jacob Aten and John Swank
representing the lodge and Jacob Sloop.
William Risliel and Charles Baker rep
resenting the Trinity Lutheran church,
to which the deceased belonged. The
services were conducted by Rev. L. I>
Ulrich. Interment was made in the
Lutheran cemetery. The floral offer
ings were very fine.
Among those from out of town who
attended the funeral were: Charles A.
Sidler, Esq., of Sunbnry: Alvin Gnlick,
of Philadelphia: William, John and
Isaac Gnlick, of Northumberland.
Joseph Long, of Kingston: Mrs. John
Shere, of Nanticoke: Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Shannon, Samuel Gulick and W. \V
Gnlick, of South Danville.
Rural Letter Carriers.
A communication from Washington
signed by A. M. Machen, General Sup
erintendent, has been received at tin-
Post Office here which would indicate
that the establishment of three rural
mail routes has been decided upon by
the department. This simply implies
that carriers provided with horse and
vehicle will drive over a prescribed
route in the country, taking in, say. a
township or more, delivering and re
ceiving mail among the farmers, legist
ering letters, &c., after the manner of
the carriers in town.
The postmaster here is informed that
a petition is on file in the Post Office de
partment praying for the establishment
of a rural service from the Danville
Post office. In order to facilitate the
work of the special agent when lie ar
rives the postmaster here is asked to se
cure the applications for the position of
carriers in advance. Mr. Price will com
municate with the petitioners asking
them to suggest the names of three or i
more persons whom they may deem ca
pable and who are willing to act as car
| riers.
The applicants, who must reside dir
eetly on the route or within the terri
tory to be supplied, must take a pre
scribed examination, which, it is assur
ed, will be extremely simple and practi
cal, only sufficient to test the applicant's
ability to read and write.
The Twenty first Anniversary.
The twenty-first anniversary of the
Christian Endeavor, which was celeb
rated all over the wc rid Sunday, was
observed by the several societies of that
organization in this city in the eve by
the rendering of a special program sent \
out by the United Societies. In addi
tion to an address by one of the mem
bers on the "Duty and the Destiny of!
Christian Endeavor" the program pro
vided other subjects for discussion as
follows: "Our Celebration," "A Back
ward Look," "Our Society Today," A
Message from the Moderator of the
General Assembly," "The New Christ
ian Endeavor Crop," "Christian Endeav
or Day a Missionary Occasion." Tin
program was varied with prayers, re
sponsive reading and hymns.
As a general thing the attendance was
quite large, notwithstanding the un
pleasant weather. Much interest was
manifested in the exercises.
Death of Mrs. Jackson.
Mrs. Julia A. Jackson, widow of
j Caleb Jackson. Railroad street, died at
I 7 .80 o'clock Friday eve after a long ill
| ness aged 80 years,3 months and 1 days.
The funeral was held Monday at 1 30
p. m.from the late residence. Inter
| ment took place in Odd Fellows
| cemetery.
The deceased, whose husband preced
j ed her to the grave 23 years ago, is sur-
I vived by four children: George, Mary
! and Samuel who reside at home and
William Jackson, of Riverside. The
deceased was a native of Union county,
removing here with her husband in
I) WVII.LK, PA.. Till l»Sl)AA FKHHUAIIA 0,1902.
Brief Mention of the Doings of Your
Friends and Acquaintances.
Mr> Henry Bernheiiner visited friends
in Bloonisburg last ( veiling.
F. P. Johnson -pent several hours
with friends iu Bloonisburg last even
Miss Sue Fansey, of Berwick, visited
friends in this city, yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. if. Weaver of Montours
ville. Joseph E. Pensyl of Paxinos and
0. Young Millville. were guests at Mrs.
Fanny lledden- hotel at Washington
ville. yesterday.
W. I). Lanmaster returned home last
evening from Elizabeth, N. <l.
Mrs. David Chestnut of this city will
arrive home today after a visit with
friends in Northumberland.
Miss Margaret .lones, of Bloonisburg,
returned home last evening after a
short visit at the residence of Abram
Jones on Railroad street.
Mrs. William Farnsworth, of Shick
shinny returned home last evening after
a short visit with relatives in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slmltz, of Jersey
town spent yesterday at the home of
William Hnllihen on < liurch street.
Mis- Hattie Straub has returned from
Washington.!>.<'. and i- spending a
week with her mother, on Ferry street,
before departing for New York.
Roy Long, of Berwick, spent yester
day in this city, with hi brother Joseph
Long. Mill street.
Piano Tuner. H. B. Neff. of Sunbnry,
was in l >wn yi-sterday.
Mrs. John Tabor and children, Mary
and John, returned home last evening
from a visit with friends in Philadel
Miss Lois Kemp of Wilkesbrrre, ar
rived in this city 1 i-t evening lor a visit
with Mrs. Emma Tlioma- on Church
William Maiers. of Lewistown, is vis
iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
I Maiers, Mill street.
Hamilton Bair. of Northumberland,
visited friends iu this city yesterday.
Mrs. Thad Vincent, of Shamokin, re
turned home yesterday after a visit at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Vincent, Bloom street.
D.J. Rogers transacted business in
('atawi—a yesterday afternoon.
Rev. Adolph Meyers was a Bloonis
burg visitor ye-terday afternoon.
Miss Harriet te R. Woods will give a
recital at the Presbyterian Church of
the Covenant, Williainsport, on Tues
day evening next
William Goldsmith, of Philadelphia,
who has been visiting his mother, Mrs.
Samuel Goldsmith. Lower Mulberry
street, left for Dubois yesterday.
Miss Edith Kramer. lO.i -t Front street
returned last evening from a visit with
Miss Charity Morgan, Milton.
Mrs. Miles Sassaman, of Catawissa,
visited relatives in this city yesterday.
Mrs. <>. 1). Shepperd returned to
Scranton yesterday after a visit at the
home of F W. Howi Ea-t Market
Mrs. W. II Manger and son. Willie,
left yesterday for Ne-copeck, where
they will spend a few da\-with friends.
Mrs. <). B. Leinbach of Lewisbnrg,
visited friends in this city yesterday.
Mrs. Anna Smith, of Pittston, is the
guest of Mrs. Catharine Stangier on
Cherry street.
| Miss Maude Kreiger of Shamokin,re
turned home yesterday after a visit
with Dr. and Mrs. .). R. Kimerer.
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Llewellyn and Mr
and Mrs. ( X MeWilliams, of Shamok
in, took a sleigh ride to this city yester
Mr. and Mr<. W 11 Ford. Cherry
street, left yesterday afternoon for a
several days visit with friends in Mont
• andon.
Miss Mary Rodenhoffer, of Buffalo,N.
Y., is visiting Miss Lizzie Stangier on
Cherry street.
' Mrs. James .lones and three children.
1 left yesterday morning for Chester.
| where they will reside in the future.
Miss Hannah Sechler. Grand street,
i and Miss Cordelia Kramer, Nassau
' street, left yesterday for a visit with
' friends in Harrisburg and Pliiladel
| phia.
Miss Rebecca Evans returned yester
day from Shauiokin where she had been
visiting friends.
Mi- Li/./ ie Baird left yesterday for a
vi-it to Northumberland.
Mrs. Sarah Arbogast, of Shauiokin
! Dam, spent yesterday with friends in
this city.
Ira Deibert Mahoning township, left
1 yesterday morning for a vi-it with
friends in Bloonisburg.
1 Edgar Bickel ol Berwick, returned
home yesterday alter a visit with his
i parents, in this cit \.
Squire < J. Haughawaut. South
Danville, spent yesterday with friends
, iu Sunbnry
Mr- Sarah Jeffries and Mrs. E. D.
Manly, of Philadelphia guests at the
home of.l B Mc(\.\ -pent yesterday
with friends in Milton.
Miss Ib'ttie Eckman. of Roaring
Creek, -pi nt yesterday with friends in
this cit v.
William Bird, of M-iyberry township,
spent, yesterday with friends in Sun
; bury.
Mr and Mr William Reed will re
turn from a pi -traded ta\ in Buffalo,
| this evening
Looking After Spiritual Interest of Deaf
and Dumb.
Rev. F. C. Smielau, of Harrisburg,
who is traveling over the state in the
interest of the spiritual welfare of deaf
mutes paid Danville a visit yesterday.
The Reverend gentleman, who is him
self deaf and dumb, while in this city
was a guest at the Episcopal rectory.
It has probably occurred to but few
persons how much the deaf and dumb
from the very nature of their affliction
are deprived of in the way of spiritual
instruction. They can not participate
in the ordinary church service. The
many eloquent sermons preached, so
edifying to the mass of church goers are
all lost to them. For religious instruc
tion they are restricted to one source
In large cities they —those of them
who are religiously inclined —are num
erous enough to form congregations,
where service is conducted in the sign
language. Ail Souls Episcopal church
on 11th street, Philadelphia, and St.
Ann's Episcopal church, New York city,
are places of worship of this kind.
Throughout the country, however,
where each town has half a dozen deaf
mutes or less the impracticability of reg
ularly conducting worship in the sign
langange is manifest
It is for the purpose of getting in
touch with the spiritual life of deaf
mutes in the smaller towns that Rev.
Smielau is traveling over the state. Up
on reaching a place he obtains the ad
dress of those afflicted and pays them a
social visit. If they desire to converse
on religious subjects the Rev. gentle
man is very glad to meet them half way
Should they not be inclined toward re
ligion the clergyman is just as glad to
meet them, omitting nothing in his visit
that would assist in bringing sun shine
and joy into their monotonous lives. Dan
ville has four deaf mutes. On some of
these at least he called yesterday and
had a very pleasant time.
<>n Tuesday Rev. F. C. Smielau was
in Bloonisburg, where he found two af
flicted like himself who are church
members. In Pottsville, Sunday last,he
conducted service in the deaf and dumb
language with a congregation of twelve
mutes. In Lancaster and Harrisburg
where there is a much larger congrega
tion of deaf and dumb people services
are more frequently held.
Administering spiritually to this
class, which as seen is a work hard to
handle, by common consent among the
Protestant churches is left exclusively
to the Episcopal church, which seems to
have been the first to take up the work.
Death of John R. Lunger.
John R. Lunger, whose critical illness
was noted in these columns, died
Friday eve. about 10 o'clock at his resid
ence, 116 Upper Mulberry street. The
deceased was (>4 years of age in October
last. He was a representative citizen of
our town widely known and esteemed.
For nearly -10 years he was employed at
the plant at present owned by the Read
ing Iron company, filling the positions
of heater and roller, and foreman of the
rail mill. Latterly he was employed as
janitor of the Fourth Ward school
building. He was a public spirited,
practical man, performing his duty
faithfully in what ever sphere he was
placed. He served in the borough coun
cil one term, although he cared little for
public life and did not seek office.
Mr. Lunger came from an old Dan
ville family. Not only himself, but his
father and mother before him were born
in Danville. He is survived by a wife
and six sons: William E., Harry, Clar
ence, Jesse, George and Walter. The
six sous all reside in Danville with the
exception of Harry who lives in San
Francisco. Two brothers, Samuel and
Edward Lunger, both residents of this
city, also survive.
Death was due to liver trouble. The
deceased took ill last June. He was
bedfast for three weeks, although con
fined to his home since last November.
A Missionary Tea.
The ladies of the Grove Presbyterian
church held a missionary tea in the
chapel Tuesday night. Papers relating to
missionary work were read by Mrs. R.
.! Pegg and Mrs. B. R. Gearhart. A
very interesting letter from Miss Jack
son, a colored teacher in the Haines
Memorial school at Augusta, Georgia,
was read by Mrs. W. A. McAtee. Mrs.
W. L. McClure rendered a solo: "Ever
Safe With God."
To Increase His Stock.
A. 11. Grone is erecting a lot of addi- j
tional shelves for his wall paper in the '
northeastern corner of his establish- j
ment formerly devoted to the handling |
of expressage. The new shelves will j
carry at least 20,000 rolls.
Foot Injured.
Alfred G. Mellin, who resides on Sid
ler employe at the Reading Iron
Works, had his right foot bruised by a
bar of iron falling on it Monday night.
He was unable to work yesterday.
Young Townsman to Wed.
Robert Y Gearhart, assistant cashier
of the First National bank, and Miss
I.ida R Forrey, of Philadelphia, will be
married on Wednesday morning next,
February 12. The ceremony will take
place at the bride's home.
Party from Shamokin.
A jolly sled load of young people drove
| from Shamokin to this city last evening.
They took supper at Hotel Oliver.
Held a Meeting in the Library Building
Tuesday Night.
The trustees of the Thomas Beaver
Free Library held a meeting Tuesday eve
for the purpose of reorganization. The
following members of the board were
present: Hon. James Foster, F. C.
Derr, M. G. Youngman, Charles Mur
ray, W. E. Lunger, W. E. Gosh, Dr. J.
Sweisfort, F. M. Herrington and John
M. G. Youngman was elected presid
ent; W. J. Baldy, vice-president and F.
M. Herrington, secretary.
Meetings will be held quarterly, on
the first Mondays of March, June, Sep
tember and December.
Committees were appointed as fol
Finance:—Hon. James Foster, W. E.
Lunger and Frank Herrington.
On Revision of Constitution and By-
Laws: —M. G. Youngman, Hon. James
Foster, F. C. Derr, C. P. Murray, W. E.
Gosh and Dr. J. Sweisfort.
A committee on books on whom will
devolve the purchasing of books and
magazines still remains to be appointed.
At present all the churches in the
borough with the exception of St. John's
German Lutheran and B'ne Zion Syna
gogue are represented in the Board of
Trustees. These churches were origin
ally represented, but vacancies have
been caused by death. It now devolves
upon the official members to recommend
one or more, as may be required, from
among the congregation to the Board of
Library Trustees who will take what
action may be necessary at the next sub
sequent meeting.
Both Legs Out Off.
Albert Longenberger of Tamaqua, a
nephew of Joseph Longenberger. Wal
nut street, and well-known in this city,
met with a terrible accident at Mauch
Chunk about 11 o'clock Tuesday fore
noon. He is a brakeman in the employ
of the P. & R. railway and while in the
discharge of his duty fell under the
cars. Both legs were cut off. A broth
er of the injured man employed on the
P. & R. switcher here received a tele
gram when the accident occurred Tues
day and left immediately for Tama
Such weather as the present when the
track and cars are covered with ice adds
very much to the perils of railroading.
An experienced brakeman yesterday re
marked that nothing but the utmost
caution avails at such times to keep a
man from falling under the cars and a
brakeman literally holds his life in his
hands from morning until night.
The McMaster-Zaner Wedding.
Miss Bessie Zaner, of this city and
Owen T. McMaster. of Philadelphia,
were united in matrimony Tuesday af
noon. The ceremony was performed at
the residence of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles W. Zaner, Church
street, at 3 o'clock, the Rev. M. L.
Shindel officiating. Miss Zaner is a
popular young lady of our town, enjoy
ing the friendship of a wide circle. The
grcom is engaged in the manufacture
of shade goods in Philadelphia. The
newly wedded couple left on the 4:31
Pennsylvania train for a wedding trip
throngh the Southern states, extending
as far south as St. Augustine, Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. McMaster will be "at
home" at No. 1907 North, 32nd street,
Philadelphia, after March Ist.
Those from out of town that attended
the wedding were: Miss Nellie Zaner,
of Allentown and George G. Parker, of
Where Coasting is Dangerous.
The streets are in excellent condition
for coasting at present and the boys
and girls are getting all the fun possi
ble out of it. Children are thoughtless,
however, and forget that they are ex
posed to constant danger from vehicles
likely at any moment to emerge in view
in one of the streets crossing the coast
ing ground.
Lower Mulberry street at the foot of
Ferry and Pine streets is an especially
bad place. At the former point a boy
while coasting came within an ace of
getting under the wheels of Frank
Sechler s cab on Monday evening. Un
able to stop he threw himself off while
the sled dashed under the wheels of the
cab and was smashed to pieces.
Met With an Upset.
Mrs. George B. Strouse and son who
I reside on one of Castle Grove farms
j while on their way in a sled to one of
| Mr. Bennett's farms near Washington
j ville on Saturday, when near Fred
: Moser's hotel met with an upset caused
Iby their horse taking fright. Both were
i thrown out in the snow but escaped in
! jury. William Miller, who was driving
| toward town, assisted them to repair the
damage about the sleigh and harness,
which was slight.
Finger Badly Injured.
L. E. Daniels, 110 Cedar street, a
finisher at the Reading Iron Works, had
the thumb of his left hand very badly
injured about 4 o'clock yesterday morn
ing while assisting to remove a piece of
iron which had "collared" itself on the
rolls. The gash was an ugly one, al
most severing the nail. Dr. Winter
-1 steen inserted four stitches.
To Raise Funds for a New Hose House.
The Washington Hose company will
hold a fair in the building formerly oc
cupied by 11. M. Schoch during the first
and second weeks in March. The ob
ject of the fair will be to raise money
for a new hose house.
HON. It. li. POLK
Will Not be a Candidate for Re-election
as Congressman,
Hon. K. K. Polk Monday afternoon
announced that he will not be a candi
date for re-election. Mr. Polk, whose
two terms embrace the fifty-sixth and
fifty-seventh congress, has represented
the seventeenth district to the; full sat
isfaction of his constituents. He has
been strongly urged by leading Demo
crats in various parts of the district to
stand for re-nomination. His decision,
therefore, not to lie a candidate will be
received with a good deal of surprise
and regret. The Structural Tubing
works and other interests with which
Mr. Polk is identified make heavy de
mands upon his time and energy and he
feels that he can not fully discharge his
duties as congressman without in some
measure neglecting business and it is
for this reason he feels constrained to
decline a re-nomination.
Mr. Polk'was elected congressman in
1898 by a majority of 2:100 over W. H.
Woodin, Republican candidate; he was
re-elected in 1900 by an increased maj
ority of some 1500, although a president
ial year, and this, too, notwithstanding
the fact that Hon. M. H. Kulp, Mr.
Polk's predecessor in office, was elected
by a Republican majority of 1400.
Mr. Polk's declination leaves the dis
trict wholly to the other candidates in
the field. These are understood to be
A. L. Fritz, of Bloomslmrg; C. H. Dick
erman, of Milton, and possibly Harry
G. Davis, of Sunbury. In Montour
county so far as known there will be no
Danville's Oldest Resident.
Michael Powers, Centre street, who
has rounded out ninety-two years, is in
all probability the oldest resident of
Danville. Notwithstanding his advanc
ed years he is hale and hearty and in
full possession of all his faculties, his
memory especially being something re
markable. He is a native of Ireland.
Long before the days of the ocean grey
hounds he made his journey across the
Atlantic in a sailing vessel, occuping
many weeks on the voyage. He came
to Danville when iron manufacture was
in its infancy. He converses most en
tertainingly on his early experiences
imparting much valuable information
relating to the town at that day and the
people who inhabited it.
Mr. Powers has fair prospects of be
coming a centenarian. He is cheerful
and full of hope. Only recently he pur
chased a set of false teeth and with good
appetite and good digestion he looks
forward to many years of life and vigor.
Farmers' County Institute,
The Montour County Farmers' Insti
tute convened at Washingtonville yes
terday afternoon. The institute was
opened by prayer by Rev. J. E. Ott. The
following subjects were discussed:
"Should the Farmer Experiment," by
J. W. Lowrie, Strawberry Ridge.
"Practical Road Making"' by J. A.
Herr, of Cedar Springs.
"Organization" by A. M. Cornell, of
Pennsylvania State College.
"Farm Underdrainage" by Abra
Agge, Jeshire. O.
"What is the Best Education?'' by
Abra Agge.
"Centralization of Township Schools"
by W. D. Steinbach.
Officers Installed.
District Deputy Supreme Archon A.
M. Peters installed the officers for Lotus
Conclave. Independent Order of Hept
asoplis, at the lodge rooms in the City
Hall building last evening. The follow
ing officers were installed: John Kilgus,
Past Archon: Charles Buchhalter, Arch
on: John Richards, Provost: W. K.
Lunger, Prelate; Charles G. Cloud, Sec
retary; W. L. McClure, Financier; E.
W Wetzel, Treasurer: Dennis F. Slat
ten*. Inspector.
Married at Oatawissa.
George Treas, of South Danville and
Miss Mary Hellar, of this city, were
married 7 o'clock, Tuesday evening at
Catawissa by Rev. Peter Altpeter of
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church
that place. The newly wedded couple
returned home yesterday on the 12:15
train and were tendered a reception at
the home of the groom's parents, W. H.
Treas, on Hazleton Avenue.
Rev. Fogleman Installed.
Rev. D. L. Fogleman, formerly of this
city, was installed on Sunday in the
Lutheran church at Denver. Lancaster
county, pastor of the Lincoln parish,
embracing the charges at Lincoln, Den
ver, Swamp and Schoeneck. The in
stallation ceremonies were conducted
by Rev. Dr .1. W, Hassler, of Lancast
Entertained by Elias Maier.
Blias Maier on Saturday assumed
J charge of the restaurant on Mill street
; which he recently purchased from his
| father, Jacob Maier. Sunday Elias
| gave a dinner in honor of the event.
| Those present were Mr. and Mrs Tacob
Maier, Mrs. Lewis Bloch and children,
; Elsie and George. Mrs. Eli Rosenthal
j and two sons, Joseph of this city and
Isadore of Berwick, Mr. and Mrs. Julius
; Heim and daughter Gertrude and Miss
1 Gertrude Gross of Bloomsburg.
Paid His Fine.
Zacliary Thomas, of Bloomsburg, one
of the carpenters employed at the Read
ing Iron Works, was arrested by Chief
Mincemoyer Tuesday afternoon for be
ing drunk. He was taken before Justice
1 Bare where he paid his fine of $4.
The ofHceof the AMERICAN being
furnished with a large assortmen
of job letter and fancy type and job
material generally, the Publisher
announces to the public that he is
prepared at all times to execute in
the neatest manner
Of all Kinds and Descrption.
Ss!f"(*et our prices before place
your orders.
The Water Commissioners Held a Regular
Meeting Monday.
The Water Commissioners held a reg
ular meeting Monday afternoon with
a full board present. Pursuant to ac
tion of council looking to the adoption
of fixed water rates for heavy consum
ers the Commissioners Monday took up
the subject of meter rates ami agreed
upon figures which will raise The price
of water considerably where used for
manufacturing purposes.
Heretofore, it appears, the charges
made for operating motors, fans and the
like have only been nominal and the
borough has been very greatly the loser.
Before fixing a rate, however, several
• neighboring towns maintaining a muni
cipal plant were communicated with.
The rates finally adopted were the low
i est in the territory, those paid at Har
risburg, which does not filter its water
and consequently has an advantage over
Danville in that the water needs to be
pumped but once,
i The meter rates adopted Monday,
which will go into effect on April Ist,
are as follows:
Where a daily average of less than
5,000 gallons is used Scents per 1,000 gal
i lons.
Where the daily average is between
5,000 gallons and 15,000 gallons, 5 cents
i per 1000 gallons.
. Where the average is between 15,000
gallons and 30,000 gallons 4 cents per
1,000 gallons.
The new rates will no doubt meet
i much opposition from manufacturers.
But the Water Commissioners insist
that the advance is wholly justified and
adduce figures to show that it costs the
i borough 5 cents to 0 cents per 1000 gal
i lons for pumping the water. Besides,
' the rates here even as raised are low in
■ comparison to prices paid at Milton,
i Bloomsburg and Berwick which for the
> largest consumers are 5 cents, 7i cents
• and 10 cents per 1000 gallons, respect
The water meters, which cost any
where from S4O to #SO apiece, add very
much to the expenses of equipping the
' water department. At many towns
5 water-takers are charged an annual rent
" for meters, where installed, but in Dan
-1 ville they are furnished free. At some
1 places two meters are necessary under
' the peculiar arrangement of the water
and this very much increases the tax
upon the department. It was the sense
of the commissioners that in all cases
water should be brought into the prem
■ ises under one meter and that where
1 this is not done the water taker himself
should be obliged to pay for one of the
meters employed. Action in the mat
ter, however, was postponed until a sub
sequent meeting.
The Water Commissioners also con
-1 template a change of rates in the matter
of fang installed at the various hotels,
confectioneries, &c. These, heretofore,
have been an inexpensive luxury—the
large ones costing their owners only sll
to sl7 and the small ones used on the
counters, but $1.50 for the entire sum
It was estimated Monday that one of
these large fans consumes 10 gallons of
water a minute. For the day of 12
hours this would bring it in under the 5
cent rate. The cost therefore according
to the above meter rates would be 35
cents per day or $56 for the season.
It is not likely, however, that any
such rates will be adopted for fans. But
that some figure higher than what has
been paid previously will be established
i seems positively decided upon. Due
consideration will be given the matter
between the present and next meetiug,
when it will again come up before the
The Water Commissioners are in fav
or of installing meters wherever large
quantities of water are used. This
would seem to be the only fair measure,
as water with each succeeding year is
put to a greater variety of uses.
Jeweler Henry Rempe, who contem
plates installing a dynamo for the pur
' pose of lighting his store with electric
} ity, appeared before the Water Coin
k missioners to determine the cost of wat
c er power.
Operators Receive Advance,
j A general advance of salary has been
t granted the telegraph operators of the
Pennsylvania system on all divisions
east of Pittsburg and Erie, taking effect
on January ,Ist. Those receiving S7O
per month and upward have been grant
i ed an advance of #lO per month, while
? those whose pay ranged below that
r figure are given a raise of #5 per month.
Messrs. Treas and Yohe, operators at
- South Danville, were officially notified
- yesterday that their salaries are increas
-1 ed from S4O to $45 per month.
A Fine Meeting.
The "promise" meeting at the Y. M.
C. A. Sunday afternoon, which was at
j tended by both ladies and gentlemen,
was a very pleasant affair. Owing to
j the unpleasant weather the attendance
3 was not so large as it otherwise would
have been, but those present showed a
-> keen interest, as a general thing active
ly participating in the proceedings.
1 The meeting was in charge of the Devo
-1 tional committee of the Y. M. C. A.: H.
s H. Furman, Dr. Robbins and Beverly
g Musselman. Miss Ammerman rendered
a solo.
Will Preach to the P. 0. S. of A.
> The Rev. R. J. Allen will preach a
- sermon to the Riverside P. O. S. of A.
112 at St. Peter's M. E. church, on Sunday
- morning, February 23. Washington
E» Camp, No. 364, of this city, will also at
tend in a body.